Bees for Development Journal Edition 97 - December 2010

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Beesfor Development Journal 97

ApiExpo Africa 2010

The second ApiExpo Africa event was held in October 2010 in Lusaka, Zambia. Delegates from Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Italy, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, UK, Zambia and Zimbabwe had the opportunity to discuss African honey and beeswax trade issues, share experiences and information. The event provided a fantastic display of African beekeeping, with opportunities for producer groups to showcase their products and services, to create business networks and explore ways of improving the performance of the sector.

Within the region, some governments and institutions are making great efforts to develop the honey sector, however ApiExpo noted with concern that key issues must be addressed. For example:

• Policy for the sector is at different stages of development in most countries of the region.

• Efforts are needed to harmonise standards for African bee products and their trade. There are multitudes of standards and regulations among the countries in the region.


Congratulations to delegates from Ethiopia who won the opportunity to host the next ApiExpo Africa in Addis Ababa in 2012. From left to right, David Wainwright, Rebecca Howard and Michael Tchana, with beeswax rendered from a wood fired tank, surrounded by bricks for insulation, being tested as part of Bees for Development's Africa Wales Honey and Beeswax Trade Project

ISSUE No 97 December 2010 In this issue


Africa-Wales Honey and Beeswax Trade Project ......................................3 Look/Learn Ahead...............................5 Weighing top-bar hives ......................6 Recent research............................7, 11 Organic beekeeping – a response.......8 International Honey Commission ........9 EU honey update ................................9 News around the World ....................10 Resources ........................................11 Bookshelf.........................................12 Notice Board ....................................15

BfD Journal

Distributed to readers in over 130 countries and published quarterly by Bees for Development Editor Nicola Bradbear PhD Co-ordinator Helen Jackson BSc Bf D Trust UK Registered Charity1078803 Membership includes BfD Journal at no extra cost (see our website), readers in developing countries can apply for a sponsored subscription - see p16. Copyright You are welcome to translate and/or reproduce items appearing in BfDJ as part of our Information Service. Permission is given on the understanding that Bf D contact details are provided in full, and you send us a copy of the item or the website address where it is used.

Bees for Development Post

PO Box 105 Monmouth NP25 9AA, UK Phone +44 (0)16007 13648

His Excellency, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, the First Republican President of Zambia (right) is delighted by the bee products presented at ApiExpo Africa by Uganda’s Kitgum Women Beekeepers Association


6th Caribbean Beekeeping Congress

Following a meeting of the Grenada Association of Beekeepers, the 6th Caribbean Congress (postponed from November 2010) will take place in Grenada in May 2011

More details in the next issue of BfDJ

SUPPORT: Bees for Development Trust acknowledge: Panta Rhea Foundation, Synchronicity Foundation, E H Thorne (Beehives) Ltd and the many beekeeping groups and individuals who support our work. Please encourage your friends and colleagues to help.


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