Bees for Development Journal Edition 9 - November 1986

Page 6

HIVE-AID As new beekeeping programmes are planned and implemented around the developing world, it

is important that information is available on previous beekeeping efforts and those currently underway so that valuable resources are not wasted in repeating work. In 1982 Technical Co-operation Activities: beekeeping, a directory and guide (by Drescher and Crane) was published by GTZ. This useful publication listed details of beekeeping programmes up to early 1982, but in the intervening period many new programmes have commenced. It is hoped that this Newsletter, by publishing details of beekeeping projects, can serve a useful role in coordinating beekeeping development. A list recently prepared by FAO of beekeeping programmes currently undertaken by them is shown below. The International Bee Research Association welcomes details of all beekeeping development efforts—however large or small. Project reports can often be of immense value to others planning beekeeping programmes, perhaps. in geographically separate parts of the world but sharing similar local conditions. Problems faced in one area may have already been solved in another, and often details of why a project failed can guide others when planning future work.


Project Title and number



Objectives of the Assistance

Inputs provided by FAO

12 months

To improve honey production and

Consultancies and services. External and local training. Equipment and material.

standards of living of the rural population and to establish a National Centre of Apiculture.



Reafforestation (Apiculture component)

5 years

Apiculture Promotion

12 months

Apiculture Development

12 months

Apicultural Development

2 years



To improve the living standards of

Consultancies and services.

Training, equipment and material.


Consultancies and services.

rural families through beekeeping activities; to extend APU training activities to a wider rural area and to improve the quality of the training programme.

External and local training. Equipment and material.

To increase honey production

Consultancies and services. External and local training. Equipment and material.

To consolidate and organize the CNA

Consultancies and services. External and local training. Equipment and material.

through modern methods of production and back-stopping local staff.



to prepare and carry out a reafforestation programme and to introduce




To assist the national forestry service

of Bamako which has responsibility for training, technical assistance and research. To prepare and initiate ap-

plied research programmes. To consolidate rural apiculture activities.

To increase honey production

Consultancies and services. External and local training. Equipment and material.

12 months

To establish

Consultancies and services. External and local training. Equipment and material.

3 years

To establish


Assistance to the Agricultural Sector (Apiculture component— queens for sale to beekeepers) MAR/84/002

12 months


Apiculture Development TCP/STP/4504

through better queen rearing methods and supply of more prolific queens to beekeepers.

a scientific base for modern apiculture. To train local staff to promote apiculture. To promote the creation of beekeepers’ cooperatives and associations.



Beekeeping for

Rural Development INS/85/008

a research, training and demonstration centre. To establish a local industry for the production of beekeeping equipment and wax foundation, and two queen rearing stations. To develop cooperative marketing of honey and other bee products.

Consultancies and services.

External and local training. Equipment and material.

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