2 minute read
In Issue 146
Issue 146 April 2023
John Phipps and Nicola Bradbear
Nature-based Beekeeping BfD
Janet Lowore PhD, UK
The Scientist and the Beekeeper: the Tale of Varroa-Resistance in Norway, Part Two
Dr. Melissa Oddie, Norway
Using Prophylactics for Preventing Honey Bee Diseases
Katrin Sonnleitner and Dr. Johannes Wirz, Switzerland
Notes from Greece
John Phipps
Bees for Development Ghana BfD
Briana Marie, Photographers without Borders, USA
Apimondia Africa Region BfD
Dr Robert Mutisi, Working for Bees, Zimbabwe
Beekeeping and Gender Equality in Uganda BfD
Grania Mackie, UK
More Bees Newsletter BfD
Bees for Development Ethiopia
Elephants and Bees
Martin Kunz, UK
Bees and Elephants: the Buzz about Beehive Fences
Kylie M. Butler (MSP, MEnv)
The Charge of the Drone Brigade
Jeremy Barnes, USA and John Phipps, Greece
Learning from the Bees BfD
Nicola Bradbear, UK
Learning from the Bees: a Delegate from Portugal
Deborah Richmond, Portugal
The Hardest Thing of All to See is What is Really There
Gareth John, UK
Permapiculture, the Nicarao, the Japanese and the Ciociaro beehives (Part 1)
Alessandro Ardovini, Sweden
News, events and courses BfD
Bees for Development
Natural Bee Husbandry magazine
A special issue incorporating Bees for Development Journal No. 146
John & Val Phipps
Editor & Sub Editor
Martin Kunz
Assistant Editor
The Bees for Development Team
Nicola Bradbear
Helen Jackson
Janet Lowore
Editor: John Phipps - editor@naturalbee.buzz Neochori, Agios Nikolaos, Messinias, 24022
Sub Editor: Val Phipps
Publishers/Advertising: Natural Bee Husbandry is published four times a year by Northern Bee Books, a trading name of Peacock Press Ltd.
Email: jerry@northernbeebooks.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 1422 882751
Magazine Design: www.SiPat.co.uk
Printing: Custom Print Limited, Liverpool, UK
ISSN: 2632-3583.