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10.5CAFFORM26 –HouseholdReferralForm
from Chapter 10
by LearnPH
CAF Form 26 or Household Referral Form will be used for every household with identified household members who worked as a hired manager in another household’s/individual’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishingoperationduringthereferenceperiod.Youshouldfillout/update this form daily, when necessary.
Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 26:
1. Fill out the GeographicIdentification Panel by copying the name and code of the province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangayand the EA number from CAF Form 1.
2. Fillout Columns1to19of CAFForm26foreveryidentifiedhiredmanager of another household’s/individual’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operation. Column No. Instructions
1 Date of visit Copy the date of visit inColumn 2 of CAF Form 1.
2 BSN Copy the BSN in Column 3 of CAF Form 1.
3 HUSN Copy the HUSN in Column 4 of CAF Form1. 4 HSN Copy the HSN in Column 5 of CAF Form1. 5 Name of Hired
Copy the name of the Hired Manager in Columns 18, 24, 30, or 36 of CAF Form1. 6 Contact of
Write the contact number of the hired manager on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbers as possible. 7 Email Addresses of Hired Manager
Write the email address of the hired manager on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addresses as possible. 8
Write the last name, first name, and middle initial of the hired manager onthespace provided.
3. Fill out the certificationportion beforesubmitting to TS during weeklymeetings.
Name and Signature of the EN and Date: Print your name and affix your signature on the line under “Preparedby:” Writethe date whenyou accomplished thisform.
Name, Signature ofTeam Supervisor andDateEndorsed: Leavethisblank forthe TS for his/her name, signature, andthe date he/sheEndorsedthis form.
Name,SignatureofAssistantCensusAreaSupervisor/CensusAreaSupervisorand Date Received: Leave this blank for the ACAS/CAS for his/her name, signature, and the date he/she receivedthisform.
Illustration 10.10 Filled out CAF Form 26(Page 1)
Illustration 10.11 Filled out CAF Form 26(Page 2)
10.6CAFFORM27 –Non-HouseholdReferral Form
CAF Form27orNon-HouseholdReferralFormwillbeusedfor everyhouseholdwith identified household members who worked as a hired manager in establishment’s/organization’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishingoperationduringthereferenceperiod.Youshouldfillout/update this form daily, when necessary.
Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 27:
1. Fill out the GeographicIdentification Panel by copying the name and code of the province/HUC, city/municipality, and barangayand the EA number from CAF Form 1.
2. Fill out Columns 1 to 20 of CAF Form 27 for every identified hired manager of establishment’s/organization’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operation.
Column No.
1 Date of visit Copy the date of visit inColumn 2 of CAF Form 1.
2 BSN Copy the BSN in Column 3 of CAF Form 1.
3 HUSN Copy the HUSN in Column 4of CAF Form1.
4 HSN Copy the HSN in Column 5 of CAF Form 1.
5 Name of Hired Manager Copy the name of the Hired Manager in Columns 18, 24, 30, or 36 of CAF Form1.
Column No. Instructions
6 Contact numbers of Hired Manager
Write the contact number of the hired manager on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbersaspossible.
7 Email Addresses of Hired Manager Writetheemailaddressofthehiredmanageronthespace provided. Obtain and record as many email addresses as possible.
8 Name of Establishment/ Organization
9-12 Address of Establishment/ Organization
13 Contact Numbers of Establishment/ Organization
14 Email Addresses of Establishment/ Organization
15 Growing of crop
16 Livestock/Poultry
17 Aquaculture
18 Fishing
Write the name of the establishment/organization on the space provided.
Write the house number, name of street or sitio/purok, barangay, city/municipality, and province/HUC of the establishment/organization onthe spaces provided.
Write the contact number of the establishment/ organization on the space provided. Obtain and record as manycontact numbers as possible.
Write the email address of the establishment/organization on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addressesas possible.
Enter code 1 if the establishment/organization is engaged in crop farm operation, livestock and poultry operation, aquaculture operation, and fishing operation during the reference period. Otherwise, enter code 2. Note that at least one of the columnsshould be coded with 1.
19 Establishment Control Number Do not fill, for PSA use only.
20 Remarks Write in Remarks any important information that will provide explanation or clarification.
3. Fill out the certificationportion beforesubmitting to TS during weeklymeetings.
Name and Signature of the EN and Date: Print your name and affix your signature on the line under “Preparedby:” Writethe date whenyou accomplished thisform.
Name, Signature ofTeam Supervisor andDateEndorsed: Leavethisblank forthe TS for his/her name, signature, andthe date he/sheEndorsedthis form.
Name,SignatureofAssistantCensusAreaSupervisor/CensusAreaSupervisorand Date Received: Leave this blank for the ACAS/CAS for his/her name, signature, and the date he/she receivedthisform.
10.7 CAF FORM 29 – List of Households for Telephone Interview and Self-AdministeredQuestionnaire
CAF Form 29 or Listof Householdsfor TelephoneinterviewandSAQ willbeusedtorecordall household/respondentwhooptedforatelephoneinterviewandSAQ.Youshouldfillout/update this form daily, when necessary.
Instructionsin FillingOut CAF Form 29:
1. Fill out the Geographic Identification Panel by copying the name and code of the province/HUC, city/municipality, barangay, and EA numberfrom CAF Form 1.
2. Fill out Columns 1 to 14 of CAF Form 29 for every identified household/respondent who optedfor a telephone interview and/or SAQ.
Column No.
1 Date of visit
Copy the date of visit inColumn 2 of CAF Form 1.
2 BSN Copy the BSN in Column 3 of CAF Form 1.
3 HUSN Copy the HUSN in Column 4 of CAF Form1.
4 HSN Copy the HSN in Column 5 of CAF Form 1.
5 Name of Household Head CopythenameoftheHouseholdHeadinColumn6ofCAF Form 1.
6 Name of Potential Respondent/s
7 Contact Numbers
8 Email Addresses
9 PreferredInterview Method
10 Appointment for Telephone Interview (Date)
11 Appointment for Telephone Interview (Time)
Write the last name, first name, and middle initial of the potential respondent of the household on the space provided.
Write the contact number of the household/respondent on the space provided. Obtain and record as many contact numbersaspossible.
Write the email address of the household/respondent on the space provided. Obtain and record as many email addressesas possible.
Enter code “1” if the respondent a telephone interview method. Otherwise, writecode 2 if SAQ.
If the respondent preferred the telephone interview, write the preferred appointment date and time. Remember to use the date format “MM/DD” and the time format “HH:MM AM/PM”.
12 Result of Interview Enter code “1” if the respondent successfully completed the interview. Otherwise, leave the space provided blank.
13 Date Completed Write the date completed using theformat “MM/DD”.
14 Remarks Write in Remarks any important information that will provide explanation or clarification.