31 minute read


In every census undertaking, each and all the census personnel play a vital role in in all activities’ success. Hence, their duties and responsibilities as Focal Persons and as hired personnel for the 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF) field enumeration, supervision, and data processing activities should be presented as clear as possible for the smooth flow of operations.

This chapter discusses the specific duties and responsibilities of the Regional Statistical Service Office (RSSO) Focal Person and Assistant Statistician, Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) Focal Person, Assistant Statistician, Census Area Supervisor (CAS), Assistant Census Area Supervisor (ACAS), Team Supervisors (TS), Enumerators (EN), PSO Clerk, Accounting Clerk, Data Processors, Data Processing Supervisors, and Information Systems Analyst I (ISA I).


Moreover, the CO, RSSO, and PSO officials and personnel are expected to launch an extensive IEC program in their respective areas of jurisdiction as specified in the coordination and IEC plans. The program shall reach as many people as possible with reasonable use of resources provided for the IEC activities. Local Census Coordinating Boards (CCBs) can be tapped to help implement the various IEC activities in their respective localities.

This chapter discusses the coordination and mechanism in the CCBs as far as coordination for 2022 CAF is concerned as well as the various IEC plans and strategies at the local levels, that is, regions, provinces, cities/municipalities, and barangays.


The PSA-Regional Director will nominate a regular PSA employee as RFP and shall be responsible for developing and recommending concrete plans for the effective implementation of the census plans in the census region. He or she will be in charge of managing the overall performance of RSSO Assistant Statistician, and Provincial Focal Person.

The specific duties and responsibilities of RFP during each phase of the census undertaking are the following:

I. Pre-enumeration and Training a. Coordinate with regional line agencies, local government units, civil society organizations, and local executives in his/her assigned area; b. Lead the creation and convening of Regional Census Coordination Board (RCCB)) under the Regional Statistics Committee (RSC), coordinate/communicate request for assistance, and monitoring of actual provision of support/assistance; c. Attend the Task Force Training on Data Collection, and act as trainer/supervisor in the Second and Third Level Trainings; d. Consolidate, evaluate, and submit Second and Third Level Training Plans to the National Censuses Service (NCS) (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the Regional Director (RD), SOCD-Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS), and PSO-CSS, on or before 09 June 2023; e. Consolidate, evaluate, and submit Second and Third Level Training Report to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the RD, SOCD-CSS, and PSO-CSS, within 30 days after the last day of each training; f. Evaluate allocation and distribution of census materials and supplies to PSOs; and g. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.

II. Enumeration

a. Supervise ENs using CAF Form 17 – Observation Record and analyses/discusses the observations with the TS/ENs after the conduct of the interviews; b. Reinterview households using CAF Form 16 – Spot-check/Reinterview Record, prioritizing problematic/special areas and areas/households identified for field verification based on data consistency error lists and data evaluation, including areas with significant difference from 2012 CAF data, recent data, AI4CAF model prediction results, etc; c. Supervise using CAF Form 24 – Central Office/Field Office Supervision Form. Guide and supervise RSSO Assistant Statistician in the resolution of problems encountered during enumeration and supervision; and d. Reports the status of enumeration and other census concerns to the RSSORD; e. Consolidate, evaluate, and submit Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision by PSO to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the RD, SOCD-CSS, and PSO-CSS, within 45 days after the last day of enumeration; f. Consolidate, evaluate, and submit Financial Monitoring Report covering third level of training and enumeration activities by PSOs to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the RD and SOCD-CSS, within 35 days after enumeration; and g. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Consolidate, evaluate, and submit the Financial Monitoring Report covering data processing and other post-enumeration activities by PSOs to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the RD and SOCD-CSS, within 35 days after data processing; b. Review and endorse requirements for financial claims submitted by hired personnel; and c. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.

IV. Data Processing

a. Attend the Task Force Training on Data Processing, and act as a trainer/supervisor during the Second Level Training (Regional); b. Evaluate marginal and consistency tables and 2022 CAF key indicator; c. Issue certification pass to provincial offices and notify Central Office through e-mail; d. Consolidate, evaluate, and submit Narrative Report on Data Processing by PSOs to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the RD and SOCD-CSS, within 40 days after the last day of data processing; and e. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.


The RSSO Assistant Statistician will be hired to aid the workload of RFP. He/she will consolidate and review the required documents for the pre-enumeration, enumeration, and post-enumeration for the 2022 CAF.

The specific duties and responsibilities of RSSO Assistant Statistician during each phase of the census undertaking are the following:

I. Pre-enumeration and Training

a. Assists in coordination with local government agencies, civil society organizations, and local executives in his/her assigned area; b. Assists in the spearheading the publicity campaign of 2022 CAF using all available quad-media platforms; c. Attends the Second Level Training on Data Collection, and act as trainer during Third Level Training; d. Assists in the consolidation of the Second and Third Level Trainings Narrative Reports by the PSOs; and e. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.

II. Enumeration

a. Consolidate, submit and monitor weekly progress report on enumeration through the 2022 CAF Management Information System (MIS) and other monitoring tools/forms; b. Monitors status of enumeration in PSOs and other census concerns to the RFP; f. Assists in the consolidation of the Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision by the PSOs; and g. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.

III. Data Processing

a. Assists in the consolidation of Narrative Report on Data Processing by PSOs, within 40 days after completion of data processing; and b. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the RSSO-RD.


The PFP will be a regular PSA employee appointed by the PSO-Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS), shall formulate and recommend specific strategies for the efficient implementation of the census plans in the census area, including census team field itineraries. He/she will be responsible for the supervision and monitoring of the overall performance of the entire census team of CAS, ACAS, TSs, ENs, PSO Clerk, Accounting Clerk, Data Processors, Data Processing Supervisors, and ISA I.

The specific duties and responsibilities of the PFP during each phase of the census undertaking are the following:

I. Pre-enumeration and Training

a. Coordinate with local government agencies, civil society organizations, and local executives in his/her assigned area; b. In coordination with PSO-CSS, the PFP shall coordinate with the Mayor and make parallel representation with the heads of local cooperating agencies; c. Lead the creation and convening of Provincial Coordinating Census Boards under the Provincial Statistics Committee, coordinate/communicate request assistance, and monitoring of provision of support/assistance; d. Lead the information campaign, e.g., distributes the 2022 CAF primers and posting of 2022 CAF posters in strategic places; e. Coordinate/search for possible training centers and recommend most suitable training venues to PSO-CSS; f. Coordinate/search for possible census headquarters that will be used as office for the duration of census operation and for safe keeping of the census forms and materials; g. Assists in the recruitment of ENs, TSs, ACASs, CASs; h. Attend the Task Force Training on Data Collection, and act as trainer/supervisor in the Second and Third Level Trainings; i. Prepare and submit the Second and Third Level Training Plans to the RFP, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, on or before 09 June 2023; j. Prepare and submit the Second and Third Level Training Report to the RFP, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, within 20 days after the last day of each training; k. Prepare and submit the Personnel Reference File (PRF) to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnished the RD, SOCD-CSS, RFP and PSO-CSS, on or before 01 September 2023; l. He/she will also be responsible in the implementation of the field enumeration activities in all the areas assigned to the census teams; m. Distributes the following materials to CAS/ACAS: (1) PRF and geographic codes of assigned area, (2) tablets (with tablet cover, sim card and powerbank), (3) census questionnaires/forms, and (4) other census supplies and materials needed for the listing, mapping, and enumeration activities; and n. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS.

II. Enumeration

a. Pay courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and/or Punong Barangays and accompany the census field personnel during the first day of field operation; b. Monitor, evaluate, and submit weekly progress report on enumeration through the 2022 CAF MIS and other monitoring tools/forms; c. Reports the status of enumeration and other census concerns to the PSOCSS; d. Endorses and recommends to PSO-CSS replacement of CASs/ACASs/TSs/ENs who are non-performing after thorough evaluation; e. Supervise ENs using CAF Form 17 and analyses/discusses the observations with the TS/ENs after the conduct of the interviews; f. Supervise EN using CAF Form 16, prioritizing problematic/special areas and areas/households identified for field verification based on data consistency error lists and data evaluation, including areas with significant difference from 2012 CAF data, recent data, AI4CAF model prediction results, etc; g. Supervise using CAF Form 24. Guide and assist CAS, ACAS, TS, and EN in the resolution of problems encountered during enumeration and supervision; h. Meet the CAS and ACAS weekly or as often as needed and discuss the progress of enumeration and unsettled problems encountered; i. Prepare and submit the Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision to RFP, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, within 30 days after the last day of enumeration; j. Coordinate/follow up with designated financial admin staff the preparation of Financial and Monitoring Report covering Trainings and Enumeration activities, and submit to RFP, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, within 25 days after the last day of enumeration; and k. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Review records and physical inventory of returned tablets prepared/transmitted by CAS; b. Certify and countersign the correctness of financial claims made by the CAS, ACAS, TSs and ENs, and recommend the payments thereof; c. Recommend to PSO-CSS signing of administrative documents of CAS, ACAS, TSs and ENs; d. Coordinate/follow up with designated financial admin staff the preparation of Financial and Monitoring Report covering data processing and other postenumeration activities, and submit to RFP, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, within 25 days after the last day of data processing; and e. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS.

IV. Data Processing

a. Attend the Task Force Training on Data Processing, and act as trainer/supervisor during the Second Level Training (Regional); b. Prepare and submit Second Level Training Report on Data Processing to NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, within 20 days after the last day of training; c. Supervise and monitor the progress of data processing regularly, as well as evaluation of household data; d. Generate and transmit identified errors to CAS/ACAS/TS via DPS; e. Download and check error list in the tablet of EN and distribute to CAS/ACAS/TS; f. Endorse clean data files to RFP for certification pass; g. Prepare and submit the Narrative Report on Data Processing to RFP, copy furnish the PSO-CSS, within 30 days after the last day of data processing; and h. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS.


The PSO Assistant Statistician will be hired to aid the workload of PFP. He/she shall oversee, supervise and monitor the overall performance of the entire census team of CAS, ACAS, TSs, ENs, PSO Clerk, Accounting Clerk, Data Processors (Manual and Machine), Data Processing Supervisors, and ISA I.

I. Pre-enumeration and Training

a. Assists in coordination with local government agencies, civil society organizations, and local executives in his/her assigned area; b. Assists in coordination and information campaign with government agencies/institutions and private organizations, e.g., distributes the 2022 CAF primers and posting of 2022 CAF posters in strategic places; c. Assists in looking for possible training centers and recommend most suitable to PSO-CSS; d. Assists in looking for the census headquarters that will be used as office for the duration of census operation and for safe keeping of the census forms and materials; e. Assists in the publicity campaign of 2022 CAF using all available quad-media platforms; f. Attends the Second Level Training on Data Collection, and act as trainer in the Third Level Training; g. Assists the PFP in performing other matters pertaining to the conduct of Third Level Training on Data Collection; h. Assists in the preparation of the Second and Third Level Training Narrative Reports; i. Assists in the allocation and distribution of census materials and supplies in all the areas assigned to the census teams; and j. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS and PFP.

II. Enumeration

a. Pays courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and/or Punong Barangays and accompany the census field personnel during the first day of field operation; b. Monitors and submit weekly progress report on enumeration through the 2022 CAF MIS and other monitoring tools/forms to PFP; c. Evaluates the performance of CASs/ACASs/TSs/ENs and any violations in the provisions of the contract of service, note/verify those who are not performing well. After confirming the "non-performing" TSs/ENs, endorse the recommendation for dismissal to the PFP; d. Matches the content of reinterview form to the accomplished CAF Form 2Household Questionnaire, CAF Form 3 – Core Questionnaire on Agriculture, CAF Form 4 – Core Questionnaire on Aquaculture, and/or CAF Form 5 –Core Questionnaire on Fishing, and discuss with the PFP any inconsistencies found; e. Ensure that all TSs and ENs always have all the necessary forms and supplies; f. Monitors progress of household, barangay interviews and data transmittal/verification using MIS and call the attention of ACAS and TS if there are areas with daily output rates that are either too slow or too fast than normal or expected; g. Collects all accomplished CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and verify if these are encoded by ENs using tablets. If not, scrutinize the questionnaires and submit to the PFP for encoding by ENs using the tablet (additional mandays will be given to EN for encoding of accomplished Paper and Pen Personal Interview (PAPI) questionnaires to the tablet); h. Discusses with CAS/ACAS the inconsistencies detected in CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, 5 during field editing or based on error lists/reports, as well as incomplete/inconsistent entries in CAF Form 6 – Barangay Questionnaire; i. Collects all accomplished Paper and Pen Personal Interview (PAPI), CAF Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 j. Checks/matches CAF Form 13 - Daily Accomplishment Report for the EN, CAF Form 14 - Weekly accomplishment report of TS, and CAF Form 15Weekly accomplishment report of ACAS/CAS against the accomplished CAF Form 1 - Listing Booklet; k. After reviewing and matching, collect all accomplished PAPI and CAF Forms 13, 14 and 15; l. For completed EAs, collects PAPI and maps that should be bundled and packed properly by barangay/EA; m. Submits requirements for financial claims; and n. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS and PFP.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Assists in the preparation of Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision by CAS and ACAS; b. Checks collected unused questionnaires/forms, ID card, manual, and other census supplies, materials, and equipment by CAS; c. Using MIS, ensures that all accomplished Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) questionnaires in the tablet are uploaded; d. Ensures also that all accomplished PAPI questionnaires (CAF Form 1), administrative forms submitted by the ENs to their TSs are bundled and packed properly by barangay/EA; e. Checks collected accomplished CAF Form 6, and CAF Form 21 - Certification of Punong Barangay by CAS, ACAS from the TSs; f. Collects all the accomplished administrative forms of CAS, ACAS, TSs, and ENs; and submit to PFP; g. Checks the completeness of required supporting documents for the last payment of CAS, ACAS, TSs and ENs; h. Submits requirements for financial claims; and i. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS and PFP.

IV. Data Processing

a. Assists in the preparation of Second Level Training Report on Data Processing, within 20 days after the last day of training; b. Assists in generating and transmitting errors to ACAS/TS via DPS; c. Assists in downloading and checking error list in the tablet of EN and distributing of error list to ACAS/TS; d. Assists in the preparation of Narrative Report on Data Processing, within 30 days after the last day of data processing; and e. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PSO-CSS and PFP.


The CAS will be hired personnel and shall be mainly responsible for the close supervision, monitoring, and coordination of census activities such as the implementation of the various field enumeration activities in the census areas.

The specific duties and responsibilities of CAS during each phase of the census undertaking are the following:

I. Pre-enumeration and training

a. Coordinates with local government agencies and local executives in his/her assigned area; b. Assists in coordination and information campaign with government agencies/institutions and private organizations, e.g., distributes the 2022 CAF primers and posting of 2022 CAF posters in strategic places; c. Attends the Second Level training on Data Collection, and act as trainer in the Third Level Training; d. Assists in selection of TSs among the ENs based on selection criteria; e. Establish/finds a census headquarter, preferably with good internet signal/connection that can be used as office, meeting area, and storage area for safe keeping of census forms and materials; f. Distributes the following materials to TSs and ENs: (1) PRF and geographic codes of assigned area, (2) tablets (with tablet cover, sim card and powerbank), (3) census questionnaires/forms, and (4) other census supplies and materials needed for the listing, mapping, and enumeration activities; and g. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

a. Pays courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and assist census field personnel during the first day of field operation such as in making courtesy calls to Punong Barangays and in conducting ocular inspection of EA boundaries; b. Ensures that all TSs and ENs always have all the necessary forms and supplies; c. Assists/helps the TS in administering CAF Form 6 – Barangay Questionnaire in all barangays within his/her assigned city/municipality including nonsample barangays; d. Attends the interviews of ENs under his/her supervision especially during the first two days of the listing and enumeration period to determine if the census concepts and operational procedures are being strictly followed. Administer CAF Form 16 and CAF Form 17 and discuss the observations with the ACAS/TS/ENs after the conduct of interview; e. Reports non-performing ACAS/TSs/ENs to the PSO Assistant Statistician based on quality of data collected by ENs and reviewed by TSs/ACAS; f. Helps solve problems encountered by the TSs and ENs, such as refusals, uncooperative households, hard-to-reach areas, and other census related problems; g. Supervises TSs/ENs who will enumerate special areas and helps resolve problems in areas with boundary dispute and/or imaginary boundaries to ensure complete coverage; h. Conducts field edit and scrutinize as many accomplished questionnaires/datafiles as he/she can to check for completeness, correctness of entries and consistencies of responses. i. Using CAF Form 16, conduct spot-check/reinterview of households already interviewed by the EN, prioritizing problematic/special areas and areas/households identified for field verification based on data consistency error lists and data evaluation, including areas with significant difference from 2012 CAF data, recent data, AI4CAF model prediction results, etc.; j. Matches the content of reinterview form to the accomplished CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and discuss with the EN any inconsistencies found; k. Prepares and submit CAF Form 23 – Summary of Report on Field Supervision of CAS/ACAS to PFP; l. Monitors the progress of the census through the MIS, e.g., number of completed household/individual interviews (including by type of respondent) and barangay interviews, non-response, number of operators (by type), etc.; m. Ensures that all completed CAPI datafiles in the tablet are successfully sent to server; n. Checks if the geotagged buildings in the dashboard are pinned in visible building structures. If there are geotags in dubious areas, verify with ACAS/TS; o. Discusses with TSs or ENs the inconsistencies observed in the questionnaires based on the error check provided by Assistant Statistician or PFP; p. Checks and match all the transmitted forms vis-à-vis administrative forms submitted by the census field personnel as to completeness and reliability of the forms; q. Reviews and approves the error lists generated by ACAS using the field editing desktop application. If needs field verification, he/she will do the field verification depending on the location of the area; r. Prepares and submit weekly accomplishment report using CAF Form 15 to PFP; s. Meets the ACASs/TSs every Friday (or any specified day as may be agreed) and discuss the progress of enumeration using the accomplished CAF Form 14 and to resolve any inconsistencies detected in CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 during field editing or based on error lists/reports, as well as incomplete/inconsistent entries in CAF Form 6. In this meeting, unsettled problems encountered during the week should be discussed using CAF Form 23; t. Reports to the PFP immediately any urgent problem and all unresolved problems encountered by the team such as refusals and callbacks, as well as observations and actions taken during the course of listing and enumeration; u. Collects all accomplished PAPI CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and verify and ensure that these are encoded in the tablets by ENs; v. Collects PAPI and maps that should be bundled and packed properly by barangay/EA, for completed EAs; w. Checks/matches CAF Form 13, 14, and 15 against the accomplished CAF Form 1; x. After reviewing and matching, collect all accomplished PAPI and CAF Forms 13, 14 and 15 and transmit to the PSO Assistant Statistician using CAF Form 18 all accomplished PAPI CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; y. Submits required documents for financial claims; and z. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Prepares and submit Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision to PFP; b. Collects from the ACAS all unused questionnaires/forms, ID card, manual, and other census supplies, materials, and equipment, upon completion of all areas of assignment of the TS/ENs under his/her supervision; c. Ensure all the remaining data files in the tablet were completely uploaded to the server using MIS; d. Collects from the ACAS/TSs all accomplished CAF Forms 6, and 21 –Certification of Punong Barangay and submit these to the PFP; e. Endorse signing of CAF Form 22 – Certificate of Work Completed and Clearance of TSs and ENs after completion of the enumeration in the areas to PFP; f. Checks the completeness of required supporting documents for the last payment of ACAS, TSs, and ENs; g. Submits required documents for financial claims; and h. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

IV. Data Processing

a. Conducts verification via phone calls, emails, and/or household/barangay visits to resolve issues that cannot be resolved by manual and machine processors; and b. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


The ACAS will be hired personnel and will be mainly responsible in manage data processing and editing accomplished questionnaires and assisting the CAS in carrying out the smooth flow of the census operation in their assigned city or municipality.

The specific duties and responsibilities of ACAS supervisor during each phase of the census undertaking are the following:

I. Pre-enumeration and training

a. Assists in the coordination with local government agencies/ barangay officials regarding the efficient conduct of the census in his/her assigned area; b. Assists in coordination and information campaign with government agencies/institutions and private organizations, e.g., distributes the 2022 CAF primers and posting of 2022 CAF posters in strategic places; c. Attends the Second Level training on Data Collection, and act as trainer in the Third Level Training; d. Assists in selection of TSs among the ENs based on selection criteria; e. Assists the CAS in setting-up census headquarter; f. Assists the CAS in the allocation and distribution following materials to TSs and ENs: (1) PRF and geographic codes of assigned area, (2) tablets (with tablet cover, sim card, and powerbank), (3) census questionnaires/forms, and (4) other census supplies and materials needed for the listing, mapping, and enumeration activities; and g. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

a. Pays courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and assist census field personnel during the first day of field operation such as in making courtesy calls to Punong Barangays and in conducting ocular inspection of EA boundaries; b. Ensures that all TSs and ENs always have all the necessary forms and supplies; c. Assists/helps the TS in administering CAF Form 6 in all barangays within his/her assigned city/municipality including non-sample barangays; d. Accompanies/attends the interviews of ENs under his/her supervision especially during the first week of the listing and enumeration period to determine if the census concepts and operational procedures are being strictly followed. Administer CAF Form 16 and CAF Form 17 and discuss the observations with the TSs/ENS after the conduct of interview; e. Recommends to the CAS the replacement of TSs/ENs who are unable to perform their work satisfactorily or for some other reasons; f. Helps solve and report to the CAS all problems encountered by the TS/ENs such as refusals and callbacks, as well as observations and actions taken during the course of listing/enumeration; g. Conducts field edit and scrutinize as many accomplished questionnaires as he/she can to check for completeness, correctness and consistencies of entries/forms; and ensure the completeness of listing and enumeration of all households and institutions in the EA and barangay.; h. Using CAF Form 16, conduct spot-check/reinterview of households already interviewed by the EN, prioritizing problematic/special areas and areas/households identified for field verification based on data consistency error lists and data evaluation, including areas with significant difference from 2012 CAF data, recent data, AI4CAF model prediction results, etc.; i. Matches the content of reinterview form to the accomplished CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and discuss with the EN any inconsistencies found; j. Prepares and submits CAF Form 23; k. Monitors the progress of enumeration using actual household completed vs estimated number of households in each EA/barangay using TS dashboard; l. Ensures that all completed CAPI datafiles in the tablet are successfully sent to server; m. Assists in checking if the geotagged buildings in the dashboard are pinned in visible building structures. If there are geotags in dubious areas, verify with TS; n. Scrutinize, monitor, and immediately check and verify interview responses uploaded in the CAPI systems. Report to CAS errors needed to verify; o. Checks and match all the transmitted forms vis-à-vis administrative forms submitted by the census field personnel as to completeness and reliability of the forms; p. Generates field editing application using PSO regular staff desktop; q. Prepares and submits weekly accomplishment report using CAF Form 15 to CAS; r. Meets the TS/CAS (preferably every Friday) to review and discuss with TSs/ENs the inconsistencies detected in CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, 5 during field editing or based on error lists/reports, as well as incomplete/inconsistent entries in CAF Form 6. Discuss the progress of enumeration using CAF Form 14. In this meeting, unsettled problems encountered during the week should be discussed using CAF Form 13. Help solve the problems encountered by the ENs, such as refusals, uncooperative respondents, and hard-to-reach areas; s. Reports to the CAS immediately any urgent problem and all unresolved problems encountered by the team such as refusals and callbacks, as well as observations and actions taken during the course of listing and enumeration; t. Checks if all accomplished CAPI datafiles were submitted/uploaded. If not, ask ENs to upload/transmit remaining CAPI datafiles in their tablets. Check for consistency and edit the form as necessary; u. Collects all accomplished PAPI CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and verify and ensure that these are encoded in the tablets by ENs; v. Collects PAPI and maps that should be bundled and packed properly by barangay/EA, for completed EAs; checks/matches CAF Form 13, 14, and 15 against the accomplished CAF Form 1; w. After reviewing and matching, collect CAF Forms 13 and 14, and transmit to the CAS using CAF Form 18 x. Submits required documents for financial claims; and y. Perform other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Assists in the preparation of Narrative Report on Enumeration and Supervision; b. Collects from the TS all unused questionnaires/forms, ID card, manual, and other census supplies, materials, and equipment, upon completion of all areas of assignment of the ENs under his/her supervision; c. Ensure all the remaining data files in the tablet were completely uploaded to the server using MIS; d. Collects CAF Form 21 from the TS/EN and submit to CAS; e. Fill up CAF Form 23 to record the common and specific errors committed by the ENs, as observed during household interviews and scrutiny of questionnaires by EA/barangay; f. Checks the completeness of required supporting documents for the last payment of TSs and ENs; g. Submits required documents for financial claims; and h. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


I. Pre-enumeration and training

a. Attends the Third Level Training on Data Collection to gain knowledge on the various census concepts, definitions, and instructions, as discussed in the EN’s Manual and Supervisor’s Manual; b. Assists in coordination and information campaign with government agencies/institutions and private organizations, e.g., distributes the 2022 CAF primers and posting of 2022 CAF posters in strategic places; c. Coordinates with the Punong Barangay regarding the conduct of the census in the barangay; d. Assists the CAS/ACAS in the allocation and distribution following materials to ENs: (1) PRF and geographic codes of assigned area, (2) tablets (with tablet cover, sim card, and powerbank), (3) census questionnaires/forms, and (4) other census supplies and materials needed for the listing, mapping, and enumeration activities; and e. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

a. Pays courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and assist census field personnel during the first day of field operation such as in making courtesy calls to Punong Barangays and in conducting ocular inspection of EA boundaries; b. Administers CAF Form 6 in all barangays within his/her assigned city/municipality including non-sample barangays; c. Accompanies/attends the interviews of ENs under his/her supervision, especially during the first week of listing and enumeration period to determine if the census concepts and operational procedures are being strictly followed. Administer CAF Forms 16 and 17, and discuss the observations with the ENs after the conduct of interview; d. Conducts field edit and scrutinize as many accomplished questionnaires as he/she can check for completeness, correctness of entries and consistencies of responses; e. Reinterview households already interviewed by the EN. Record observations in CAF Form 16. Prioritizing problematic/special areas and areas/households identified for field verification based on data consistency error lists and data evaluation, including areas with significant difference from 2012 CAF data, recent data, AI4CAF model prediction results, etc.; f. Matches the content of reinterview form (CAF Form 16) to the accomplished CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and discuss with the EN any inconsistencies found; g. Monitors the counts based on the estimated household counts and the status of enumeration in each EA/barangay using the Operations Dashboard. The detailed instructions in using the Operations Dashboard are discussed in Chapter 8 – Operations Dashboard Monitoring, of Supervisor’s Manual; h. Assists in checking if the geotagged buildings in the dashboard are pinned in visible building structures. If there are geotags in dubious areas, verify with EN, and ensure the completeness of listing and enumeration of all households in the EA and barangay; i. Checks and matches all the transmitted forms vis-à-vis administrative forms submitted by the census field personnel as to completeness and reliability of the forms; j. Prepares and submit weekly accomplishment report (CAF Form 14) to ACAS; k. Meets the ENs preferably every Wednesday to discuss the inconsistencies detected in CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 during field editing or based on error lists/reports, as well as incomplete/inconsistent entries in CAF Form 6. In this meeting, discuss the progress of enumeration using the accomplished CAF Form 13 as reference, and unsettled problems encountered during the week. Help solve the problems encountered by the ENs, such as refusals, uncooperative households, and hard-to-reach EAs; l. Meet with CAS/ACAS every Friday to discuss unsettled problems encountered during the week using CAF Form 23. The TS will also discuss his/her assessment of ENs work and come up with recommendations to census-related problem. Helps solve and reports all problems encountered by the ENs such as refusal and callbacks, as well as observations and action taken during the course of enumeration, and report any untoward censusrelated incident; m. Recommends to the CAS/ACAS the replacement of ENs who are unable to perform their work satisfactorily or for some other reasons; n. Checks if all accomplished CAPI datafiles were submitted/uploaded. If not, ask ENs to upload/transmit remaining CAPI datafiles in their tablets. After sending all the completed CAPI datafiles, the TS should run the validation check in the Tablet for consistency of entries; o. Collects all accomplished PAPI CAF Forms 2, 3, 4, and/or 5 and verify and ensure that these are encoded in the tablets by ENs; p. Collects PAPI and maps that should be bundled and packed properly by barangay/EA, for completed EAs; q. Checks/matches CAF Form 13 against the accomplished CAF Form 1; r. Submits required documents for financial claims; and s. Performs other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Ensure that all data files were completely submitted to the server from the EN; b. For barangays with more than one EA, requests the Punong Barangay to certify in CAF Form 21 that the barangay had already been completely covered by the ENs; c. Instructs the ENs to return the tablet and accessories, all unused questionnaires, and other census forms, ID cards, manuals, census supplies, and materials; and transmit to CAS/ACAS using CAF Form 18 within the prescribed period; d. Checks the completeness of required supporting documents for the last payment of ENs; e. Submits required documents for financial claims; and f. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


I. Pre-enumeration and training

a. Attends the Third Level Training on Data Collection to gain knowledge on the various census concepts, definitions, and instructions, as discussed in the EN’s Manual; and b. Assists the TS in coordinating with the Punong Barangay regarding the conduct of the census in the barangay; c. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

Responsibilities of Census Personnel

a. Pays courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and to Punong Barangays and conduct ocular inspection of EA boundaries; b. Visits each building and determine if it is qualified to be listed following the criteria on the buildings that need to be listed. In each building, determine the number of housing units and in each housing unit, determine the number of households residing in it using CAF Form 1; c. Interview personally the head of the household, his/her spouse or any adult household member and determine if there are any members of the household engaged and operating agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing activities. Assign an Operator Serial Number (OSN) for all members identified as agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing operator. If there is any member of the household identified as operator, continue the interview to record the demographic characteristics of the household members and engagement in agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing activities using CAF Form 2. d. Interview each agricultural, aquaculture, and/or fishing operator in the household using the CAF Forms 3, 4, and/or 5; e. Accomplishes the sticker or CAF Form 11 – Notice of Listing/Enumeration and post it on the door or any part of the building/housing unit of household with operator/s where it can easily be seen or noticed; f. Informs the TS immediately about the problems encountered in the barangay/EA; g. Ensures that all CAPI datafiles were sent/uploaded in the server, whenever internet/data connection is available/possible; h. Ensures that all accomplished/collected and field edited PAPI questionnaires were encoded in the tablet; i. Ensure that all field edited PAPI questionnaires were submitted to the TS every meeting using CAF Form 18; and j. Conducts reinterview/revisit if the TS/ACAS/CAS found inconsistencies to the submitted datafiles/forms.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Make sure the data files were uploaded to the server for checking of TS; b. Returns all unused questionnaires/forms, ID card, manual, and other census supplies, materials, and equipment after the completion of enumeration assignment using CAF Form 18; c. For barangays with only one EA, it is the responsibility of EN to secure the CAF Form 21 with Punong Barangay's signature upon completion of enumeration of the barangay; d. Submits required documents for financial claims; and e. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


I. Pre-enumeration and Training a. Attends the Second Level of Training on Data Collection and Data Processing to gain understanding of the various concepts, definitions, instructions, and the duties and responsibilities of each census personnel, as discussed in the EN’s Manual; b. Act as trainer in the Third Training on Data Collection; c. Assists the PFP in preparation of materials/supplies for the conduct of Third Level Training, and serve as secretariat; d. Assists the PFP/Assistant Statistician/CAS/ACAS in the preparation and distribution of enumeration materials to TSs and ENs before the start of the enumeration; and e. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

a. Assists the CAS/ACAS in the verification of accomplished CAF Questionnaires through conduct of telephone interview to household head; b. Assists the PSO Assistant Statistician in receiving, controlling, and checking the completeness of the questionnaires, forms, maps, and other census materials submitted using CAF Form 18; and c. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Assists the PSO Assistant Statistician in receiving, controlling, and checking the unused questionnaires/forms, manuals, tablet with powerbank, and other census materials and equipment returned using CAF Form 18; and b. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

IV. Data Processing

a. Controls and monitors the flow of questionnaires and maps during the manual and machine processing using the CAF-DPS; b. Generates and submits weekly status report to the DP Supervisor; c. Using CAF Form 18, receive, control, and check the completeness of the questionnaires from data processing to storage of forms; and d. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

V. Administrative

a. Assists in recording/monitoring/controlling the flow of census questionnaires/forms and other supplies and materials, including reserves within the PSO; b. Compile circulars, memoranda, orders, rules and regulations, training materials, and other papers/documents for reference; c. Sort, indexes, scans, and files correspondence and other documents; d. Assists in the preparation of narrative reports on training, enumeration and supervision, and data processing; e. Assists in the monitoring of submission of various reports of the region and provinces; f. Keep time records of employees; and g. Perform other census-related activities that may be assigned from time to time by the PFP.


I. Pre-enumeration and Training a. Attends Second Level Training on Data Collection to gain understanding of the various field operation activities, documentary requirements, concepts, definitions, instructions, duties and responsibilities of each census personnel, as discussed in the CAF manuals; b. Assists the PFP in preparation of materials/supplies for the conduct of Third Level Training on Data Collection, and serve as secretariat; c. Assist in the preparation of Third Level Training on Data Collection; and d. Performs other activities that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Administrative

a. Prepares financial reports such as: (1) Disbursements Vouchers (DV) for various money claims, (2) Payroll for hired personnel, (3) Pay envelopes; b. Assists the Disbursing Officer in the release of payments to hired personnel; c. Prepare Liquidation reports for cash advances issued to the Disbursing Officer; d. Prepare Financial Monitoring Report covering Trainings and Enumeration activities, and submit to PFP, within 25 days after the last day of enumeration; e. Prepare Financial Monitoring Report covering Data Processing and Postenumeration activities, and submit to PFP, within 25 days after the last day of data processing; f. Filing of paid DVs, payrolls, contract of service, and supporting documents; and g. Performs other activities that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


I. Training a. Attends the Second Level Training on Data Processing.

II. Data Processing a. Performs geo-ID validation checking, completeness check, and data consistency check of submitted datafiles through the DPS; b. Verifies inconsistent and incorrect data/responses in the accomplished CAF Forms 1 to 6; c. Editing/encoding of verified entries in the data file; and d. Performs other census-related activities that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


I. Training

a. Attends the Second Level Training on Data Processing.

II. Data Processing

a. Attends the Second Level Training on Data Processing.

b. Monitors and reports the progress of machine processing activities to the PFP; c. Manages user accounts, assign batch to data processors; d. Assists Data Processors in resolving issues in the generated error list; e. Generates reports on marginals/frequency, consistency tables, and statistical tables for evaluation purposes; f. Recommends/endorse EAs/barangays for certification pass to the PFP; g. Coordinates with the ISA I and PFP submission of cleaned data files to RSSO/CO; h. Coordinates with RSSO/PFP/s on scanning and transmittal of scanned maps to CO together with the accomplished CAF Form 28 - Mapping Folio Cover; and i. Performs other census-related activities that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.


I. Pre-enumeration and Training

a. Attends the Second Level Training on Data Collection, and serves as assistant trainer during CAPI hands-on activities during Third Level Training; b. Assists in the inspection of the tablets, troubleshooting and other related IT concerned; c. Checks the functionality of shipped tablets in the PSO; and d. Performs other census-related activities that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

a. Assists the PFP/Assistant Statistician in setting up the data processing center, equipment, network, and software installation in the tablets, laptops, and desktops; b. Monitors and maintains accessibility of network. Troubleshoots server hardware problems, and repair IT equipment and network, if necessary; c. Coordinates with PFP and Information Technology and Dissemination Services (ITDS) to resolve issues on equipment, network, or in any of the applications and systems being used by EN, TS, ACAS, or CAS; d. Conducts fieldwork if the EN/TS encounter system bugs/errors while the EN/TS is currently conducting interview;

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