3 minute read
1056 Measurement of Performance
1021: General Provisions
Every employer as defined in Rule 1002 (1) shall register his business with the Regional Labor Office or authorized representative having jurisdiction thereof to form part of a databank of all covered establishments.
1022: Registrable Unit
The establishment regardless of size of economic activity, whether small, medium or large scale in one single location, shall be one registrable unit.
1023: Period of Registration
(1) Existing establishments shall be registered within sixty (60) days after the effectivity of this Standards.
(2) New establishments shall register within thirty (30) days before operation.
1024: Registration
(1) Registration shall be made in form DOLE-BWC-IP-3 in three copies and to be submitted to the Regional Labor Office or authorized representatives.
(2) Registration shall be free of charge and valid for the lifetime of the establishment except when any of the following conditions exists, in which case, re-registration as if it were a new establishment is required:
a. change in business name,
b. change in location,
c. change in ownership, or
d. re-opening after previous closing.
(3) Registration shall include a layout plan of the place of work floor by floor, in a scale of 1:100 meters white or blue print showing all the physical features of the workplace including storage, exits, aisles, machinery, clinic, emergency devices and location.
(4) The registration form may be reprinted or reproduced and the back page may be used for other information.
RULE 1020
1031: Training Programs
(1) The Bureau, either directly or through accredited organizations, shall conduct continuing programs to increase the supply and competence of personnel qualified to carry out the provisions of this Standards.
(2) The Bureau shall prescribe the required training programs, which shall, in consultation with the UP Institute of Public Health, World Health Organization and other technical societies, contain provisions requiring the incorporation into the training programs of the latest trends, practices and technology in occupational safety and health.
1032: Accreditation
The Secretary may issue accreditation or authority to recognized organizations or groups of persons to conduct occupational safety and health training.
1032.01: Criteria for Training
(1) A Bureau-prescribed course of study shall be used or followed by accredited organizations. Any deviation from the prescribed training course must be with the previous approval of the Bureau.
(2) Provisions for adequate training facilities for the holding of training including laboratory facilities, library, training rooms and equipment.
(3) Training staff must be composed of persons recognized by the Bureau, duly trained by and certified to as competent by the Bureau or accredited training organizations.
1032.02: Audit Systems
(1) A regular audit shall be done by the Bureau to determine compliance with the above criteria, the system and method of training, and the quality and effectiveness of the training staff.
(2) Upon recommendation of the Director, the Secretary may cancel the accreditation if the provisions of this Rule are not complied with.
1033: Training and Personnel Complement
(1) The training course prescribed by the Bureau under this rule shall be a requisite for the appointment of the safetyman in place of employment.
(2) At least the following number of supervisors or technical personnel shall take the required training and shall be appointed safety man, full time or part-time depending on the number of workers employed, and the type of workplace whether hazardous or non-hazardous under Rule 1013 of this Standards.
a. Hazardous Workplace
Number of Workers
200 and below
No. of Safety Man
- One (1) part-time safety man over 200 to 1000 - One (1) full-time safety man for every 1000 workers - - One (1) full-time safety man