1 minute read
For the Coach
PrinCiPleS of CoaChing
In many instances your coachee may be unwilling or reluctant to discuss their personal circumstances with you. In such cases you need to find a way to address such private issues before commencing the coaching because they are adversely affecting their performance at work.
This would require you to perform the role of counselor (not coach) and this role is likely to be better performed by someone outside of the organization who has this expertise and experience of addressing personal issues.
For the Coach As the coach in this process you need to ensure that your behavior and actions reflect the following principles.
The coach is not judgmental—As coach, your role is to be a catalyst for change. You achieve this by coaxing the coachee through questioning to devise their ‘own’ solution. Your role is not to judge them.
This is a two-fold process: firstly, you help the individual understand how their behavior is impacting their goal attainment. Then, you ask the coachee to come up with a resolution to any problems or issues in their performance using their own knowledge and skills.
In this way you are not judging the coachee’s behavior or performance; you are assisting them in resolving it for themselves. This approach prevents the individual feeling they are being unfairly criticized, thus avoiding confrontation and rejection of your communication.
Believe the Coachee is capable
Principles for the Coach
Commit to Ongoing support
ISBN 978-1-62620-960-2 © www.free-management-ebooks.com 27