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* It’s a buffalo * It’s got short legs * It’s got horns and a tail * It can run * It is black and the horns are white * It lives in Tanzania * Its favourite food is grass It has got four legs

ears Tail


eyes mouth


buffaloes legs



IT HAS four LEGS It Has got stripes or spots It has a tail

It has whiskers. Its favourite food is mice or fish It has sharp teeth

It eats little animals.It is carnivore IT HAS A SHORT NECK IT CAN

RUN , jump and climb.

IT isn´t wild.

* eye

ear whiskers






* Garfield

Hello kitty



My animal is the cocodrile. The cocodrile is carnivore. It eats small animals‌.. My cocodrile is aquatic and terrestrial.

* tail

nose eyes neck


mouth clow


It is orange with black stripes. The belly is white. It is big. It is strong It has claws. It has big teeth It has sharp teeth. It lives in the Sabanna. It can run, hunt and roar. It is carnivore and it eats rabbits,birds… It is born from its mother’s body,It´s a mammal animal It has fur on its body, It has four legs and a tail.

Tigers do not come from eggs, can not swim, no feathers, no soft body ..


* It´s an elephant. * It has got four legs. * It can run. * It has got a mouth. * It´s herbivores. * It has got two big ears. * It has two horns. * It has on strong body * It has short legs. * It has got a long trunk. * It has got a short tail. * It´s very big. * It lives in the jungle.


* ears

eye Leg

horns trunk

Jumbo Martin Schongauer


Abul Abbas



It Is the giraffe.It is herbivore. It eats plants,fruit,leaves‌ Its favourite food is leaves. It runs.It lives on land.It is born from its mother’s body.It has fur . It is orange with brown spots.







underbelly lengs hooves

*facts Giraffes are the tallest of all living land animals. The okapi is the closest living relative to the giraffe. Giraffes prefer habitats where there is an abundance of acacia trees on which they feed. Giraffes inhabit sub saharan Africa. Giraffes have short horns on their head also known as ossicones. There is one species of giraffe and numerous subspecies.

White giraffes are extrenely rare and are not albinos . The earliest known member of the family giraffidal was climacoceras . Giraffes have longer forelengsb than hind legs . A giraffes heart has special adaptations to enable it to pump blood up the anomals long neck to its head.

The horse is herbivore. It eats plants, leaves and fruit or root. It can walk, jump and run. It lives on farms or forest ItS favourite food is carrots or apples. it is born from its mother’s body. It has fur on its body. It has four legs. It has an strong body. It has got A big mane. IT´s BROWN, BLACK AND WHITE.

It doesn´t come from eggs. It hasn´t feathers.

It has not fins. It isn´t invertebrate.

It has not shells to protect ist body. It hasn ‘ t a soft body.

It isn´t small.


It´s a monkey It has got four legs It can jump It has one mouth It is herbivore It has two ears It lives in a zoo It eats fruit It´s very funny

* Parts of a monkey ear eye Back



leg s toe

Albert, the first monkey in space


Donkey kong

Mighty joe young


* * . Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms and, like other cephalopods,

they are bilaterally symmetric. An octopus has a hard beak, with its mouth at the center point of the arms. Octopuses have no internal or external skeleton (although some species have a vestigial remnant of a shell inside their mantles), allowing them to squeeze through tight places. Octopuses are among the most intelligent and behaviorally flexible of all invertebrates.

* The octopus inhabits many diverse regions of the ocean, including coral reefs,

pelagic waters, and the ocean floor. They have numerous strategies for defending themselves against predators, including the expulsion of ink, the use of camouflage and deimatic displays, their ability to jet quickly through the water, and their ability to hide. An octopus trails its eight arms behind it as it swims. All octopuses are venomous, but only one group, the blue-ringed octopuses, is known to be deadly to humans.

* Around 300 species are recognized, which is over one-third of the total number of known cephalopod species. The term 'octopus' may also be used to refer only to those creatures in the genus Octopus.

* head

Paul the OCTOPUS





Description (part 1)

My fauvorite animal is the wolf. It lives in the mountain where it hunts animals like rabbits or squirrels becouse it´s carnivorous. It´s a big animal who have four legs, two big ears, a enormous snout and a big mouth full of sharps teeth. And it walks on four legs

It can run very fast over the taiga.

It can jump so high. And He lives in herds with their family.

ears fur







* The Three Little Pigs



Big Bad Wolf

Okami wolf

The Jungle Book

descripcion It´s a vulture It´s got short legs It´s got short neck It´s got two wings It´s has a strong body It´s favourite meal is dead animals It´s got one Beak It´s a bird It lives in Africa

winds head eyes


beak legs



vulture-pokemon Jungle-vultures Vulture-professor

The vulture flopy


It´s a rhinos It has got short legs It has got a short neck It hasn´t got one horn It can run and kick It lives in Asia and in Africa It eats plants ,leaves ,fruit or root Its favourite food is grass and plants. It Is a mammal It walks on 4 legs It has got a strong body





Eyes legs

*Famous *rhinos

Rocky rhinos


rhinos Rhyhorn

Vector Dr.

* Rabbit

*Description of the rabbit The rabbit is a mamal animal. It lives on land. It is an herbivore animal, It´s born from its mothers body,. It has got whiskers, long ears and big teeth He eats plants, leaves,grass fruits or roots. Its favorite food is the carrot. He can run and jump it has a spine so it is vertebrate. I love rabbits. They are beautiful and very funny animals.

*Parts of a rabbit ear

eye back

Nose mouth

tail Neck toes


*Famous Rayman rabbits Easter bunny The duracell rabit Energizer rabbit The white rabbit Bugs bunny

*OTHERS FAMOUS RABBIT The rabbit of Winnie the pooh

Nesquik rabbit The baby bugs bunny


* My Flamingo is white and pink, has long legs and pink stripes,

his neck is almost as long as a giraffe's neck, his favorite dish is fish, their eyes are black and small will help hunt better their dams, like being in packs so it is very difficult to catch them, their wings are long and pointed and help them fly, its beak is long and pointed and provide them better hunting fish and creatures that are found in the bottom of a pond or river, his body is small and easy to boost your flight better.

head Neck beak wings

body pins

Snakes born from eggs They Have scales. They have stripes or spots They Live on land or in water They Eat bugs and his favourite food is mice

*Parts of the snake back



head eyes

tail mouth nostril


*Famous cartoon snakes



Cheetach are animals. They live in the Savannah. It can run and roar .

it has got whiskers and big and sharp teeth and paws.

* ear

tail mouth






Bill Chin Throat Chest Head Neck Back Rump Tail Undertal Coverts Wing Leg Flank Foot Abdomen

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