School Year 2021–2022 | Volume 12 Number 1 W ALNUT HILL SCHOOL F OR THE AR TS Behin d Stowe W ALNUT HILL SCHOOL F OR THE AR TS Behin d StoweThrough My Lens

2020 / 2022 | Volume 7 Number 1 Through My Lens
Creativity was in full force as we launched the new January Kaleidoscope program, and our Walnuts offered many dance, music, theater, visual art, and WFMA shows and performances in person. And also came the announcement of a big upcoming change: Antonio Viva, who has served as Walnut Hill’s Head of School for 12 years, would be stepping down from his role, and July of 2022 seeing Eric Barber installed as the new Head of School. We are deeply thankful for everyone in the community—alumni, faculty, staff, students, and parents—who supported us in our opportunity to view the School with a new lens this year, and will continue to do so in the years ahead.
THROUGH1 MY LENS Reflections AntonioPhotographyThroughbyViva CLASS10 NOTES Alumni Notes ThisAccomplishmentsandYear REUNION22 WEEKEND Kicking Up Our Heels on Campus: Celebrating Love for the Hill ELLISON26 CIRCLE Donors Planning for the Future of Walnut Hill A28YEAR IN REVIEW From Plays to Playwrights, Concerts to Ceramics: Student Artists' Year-long Showcase NEW32 TRUSTEES Leading the Way Forward IN34MEMORIAM Remembering Lives Well Lived GRADUATION42 Celebrating the Class of 2022 Instagram: @walnuthillarts | | | 508.653.4312 © 2022 Walnut Hill School for the Arts. All rights reserved. Published by Walnut Hill School for the Arts, 12 Highland Street, Natick, MA 01760-2199 (tel) 508.653.4312 (fax) 508.653.9593 | Please send change of address to Leah George: W ALNUT HILL SCHOOL F OR THE AR TS Behin d Stowe W ALNUT HILL SCHOOL F OR THE AR TS Behin d Stowe EDITORIAL TEAM Garrett Murphy ’08 Senior Development Officer Jeanne O’Rourke Chief Creative Officer Rebecca Mayersohn Digital Content Manager Judy Kiviat Editorial Assistant blazar design studio Design DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Tobey Fossey Chief Development Officer Jody Barron Annual Giving Officer Leah George Database Manager CREATIVE TEAM Emily Kristofek Marketing & Communications Associate Matt Seifert WFMA Faculty/Creative Team PHOTOGRAPHY Coffeepond Photography Tom Kates Photography Emily MatthewKristofekMcKee Photography Matt Siefert Liza Voll Photography Brooke AntonioTrisoliniViva
This year, still, the Covid pandemic wore on. It seems absurd but we are in year three of struggling between what was “normal” and what has become “the new normal.” We offer deep thanks, again, for the resourcefulness and untiring energy of our faculty and staff, and the steadfastness of the Health & Safety team, as we moved to be fully back on campus this year.
Behind Stowe | 12021 / 2022 THROUGH MY LENS Continued on page 2
Antonio Viva Head of School
Reflections Through Photography
It is with mixed emotions that I say goodbye to Walnut Hill School for the Arts, after having the privilege of serving as the Head of School for 12 years. I want to thank and acknowledge the amazing individuals with whom I have had the honor of working. The Board of Trustees, leadership team, faculty, staff, advisors, and dorm parents who have been a part of Walnut Hill during my time here have served our School admirably. I am fortunate to have called them colleagues. Over the years in my service to the School, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to travel the world with some of these colleagues to meet with alumni and friends of Walnut Hill. On most of those trips, I’ve taken my camera to capture scenes that moved me. I have been especially interested in the space between one thing and another, between one reality and the next: liminal spaces. This feeling of being at a threshold between one state and another has been most potent during this, my last year, as I straddled being both the current Head of School and, concurrently, the outgoing one.
And while my travels abroad have taken me as far away as Seoul and Beijing on the other side of the world, I always returned home, to Walnut Hill. So, instead of reviewing my tenure in words, I wanted to provide a swath of photographs I’ve taken over the past dozen years to express my journey from then to now. It’s been a pleasure to share it with all of you, and I thank you deeply for sharing yourselves with me. I know Eric Barber, as the next Head of School, will have his own interesting lens on Walnut Hill, and I look forward to seeing the next chapter of the School through his leadership.
On a personal note, my time at Walnut Hill has been one of the greatest experiences of my professional career. My family and I have made some wonderful friends and created some great memories. Thank you for the opportunity to be your Head of School.

2 | Behind Stowe 2011 PanamaTaipeiBeijing City Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Beijing THROUGH MY LENS

Behind Stowe | 32021 / 2022 20132012 Head's AcademicLowerSeoulCandlelightHouseFieldTechnology Center All ThroughMyLens captions refer to photos clockwise from top left.

20142013 OriginalSeoul Studio 5 Head's House Keiter Center for the Performing Arts THROUGH MY LENS 4 | Behind Stowe

201620152014 Stowe WFMAHallBlack Box BoswellTheShanghaiHillHall Behind Stowe | 52021 / 2022

20182017 Delbridge Family Center for the Arts, Studio 5 Keiter Center for the Performing Arts Boar's Head New World Symphony, Miami Byrnes Performance Studio Highland Hall THROUGH MY LENS 6 | Behind Stowe

20192018 Byrnes Performance Studio StoweBratislavaHall Behind Stowe | 72021 / 2022

20202019 Walnut Hill Head's Chengdu,HouseChina THROUGH MY LENS 8 | Behind Stowe

20222021 View from Head's House EliotTelethonHall Behind Stowe | 92021 / 2022

1968 MEG VAN DE WATER SKIDMORE writes: “After 46 years in Atlanta, GA, my husband, Carl, and I sold our business of 30 years in 2020 and moved to Maine in 2021. Smart people go south, but grandkids here was the clincher. Maybe we were hoping the cold might help in the preservation process! The second act is off to a good start but retirement is an adjustment. Onward!”
ALICE (SNIDLEY) BURR MOBLEY is a friend and neighbor in Maine; we walk and talk and take day trips with our husbands. I got to see and play bridge with GINNY TURNER FRIBERG in October 2021. In July, SUSIE LEONARD EGAN and I met in Portland for lunch and a wonderful visit. MARTHA CUNNINGHAMFLYNN and I now connect by telephone, after several years of biweekly walks together in NH. And ELLIE SANDERSONPHILLIPS’52 is a dear friend toKennebunkport.inLotsbegratefulfor.”
ABOVE Dr. Rebecca Britten Lovingood '57 1960 JANE OXFORD KEITER writes: “On February 25th we held a class Zoom (thanks to MARY TURNER CATTAN, who knows about these things) to celebrate us and our significant birthday! It seems so far that Jane is the oldest, followed by JANICE HAMEL WEIGLEIN, who was going north in a camper on the coast of California, where she lives. On the Zoom call were SUE BURKE WHEATLAND from Maine; BETSY CALLAWAY from Oakland, CA, who is in touch with CHRIS STILES ASCH in Germany; CHRISTIE COON, who lives in Greenwich, CT, but was on Martha's Vineyard at the time; SARA DALE PETERSON from the border of Texas and New Mexico; SUE FARBER LENNON from New York City; DEE LASHAR THOMPSON from Morris, CT; LANA LIEBERMANSHEINKOPF from New City, NY; LYNN TUACH STROUD from Concord, MA; and Mary Turner Cattan, who lives in Stamford, CT, but is so close to her Walnut Hill roommate and friend, Christie, that they often take walks together. DEDE HUSTON DOBBINS joined us late from California because her computer had been out. If you want to learn what we talk about (everything), join the next session! Those that could not make it this time, besides Janice, but checked in, were SANDY HALL DAVIS, who was Class Notes received as of May 4 skiing (only the green slopes, not the double diamonds) in Park City, UT; CATHY LAYNE FRANK, whose husband’s eye appointment took longer than anticipated; SUE ELLEN TAYLOR DAMOUR, who got distracted; and MEREDY YAHN GRENIER, another of our California group, who was driving to Palm Desert.”
writes: “Bill and I celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary last summer in Maine with our three sons and their families. Feeling very grateful for our family of nine grandchildren and for the beloved friends that I made at Walnut Hill 60 years ago.
10 | Behind Stowe CLASS NOTES We love including your photos in Class Notes. Photos should be at least 300 dpi and no less than 5 inches wide. Please feel free to contact us with questions . . . we want to make sure your photos look terrific.
1939 DOROTHY KRAUSS LICHT celebrated her 100th birthday this past September! As Dorothy is the former First Lady of Rhode Island, she was the subject of a Providence Journal news story honoring this special milestone. DR. REBECCA BRITTEN LOVINGOOD was recently presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who. She has served as a musicology lecturer at Bryn Mawr College since 2007. Submit Class Notes online
NotesClass WalnutatHill

Behind Stowe | 112021 / 2022 my new home and life in Salem, MA.” 1984 JENNIFER NATALYA FINK’s new book, All LineageOurFamilies:DisabilityandtheFutureofKinship,wasrecentlypublishedbyBeaconPress. 1990 MAKEEBA MCCREARY recently left her position at the Museum of Fine Arts to head the New Commonwealth Fund, which launched in 2020 with the mission of reshaping leaders.withonphilanthropycorporatewithafocussupportingnonprofitsBlackandbrown LEFT Classmates from 1971 ABOVE Makeeba McCreary '90 ABOVE Skie Ocasio '90 1971 MEG WINGERATHSTEELE found this fun throwback photo from her Walnut Hill days! Pictured left to right are: SALLY CHAMBERLIN, SALLY DEVINSJOHNSON , and Meg herself. 1973 JEANETTE WORTHEN PALMER writes: “After living in NYC for about 35 years, I’m adjusting to 1982/1983 We received this photo from MAIA FITZPATRICK ’83 of a recent alumni get-together with (L to R): LISA DUNN ’82, KRISTIN VINJE LYDEN ’83, LIZ GANZI ’83, NANCY SCHWARTZ FRIEDLANDER ’82, CINDY WOODBOJANOWSKI ’83, ANNE MOSHER JAMES ’82 , and Maia. Congratulations to SKIE OCASIO, who was recently promoted to Chief Operating Officer at Four Hundred, a lifestyle management firm. This past fall, SAHOKO SATO TIMPONE performed in the ensemble of MeistersingerDieat the Metropolitan Opera. This summer, she will appear as Mary in Opera Maine's production of TheFlying Dutchman.

1991 CHRISTIAN FINNEGAN recently released his latest standup special, Show Your Work, which was filmed in September 2020. 1993 We recently heard from DEMAR BROWN, who wrote: “I only attended Walnut Hill for a few months, from September 1991 to February 1992; however, the positive impact it has had on my life will be with me forever.”
ANDREW WHITFIELD is currently the Associate Conductor and Chorus Master at the Minnesota Opera, where he conducted a performance of Carmen this spring. Last fall, he joined the music staff at the Metropolitan Opera as Assistant Conductor for their production of TheMagicFlute 1998 BLOOMFIELDBENJAMIN is currently living in Berlin, Germany, having recently accepted a full-time position in the chorus of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden. 2001 Congratulations to pianist “WILLIAM”HONG-CHUNYOUNon the release of his album, Schubert Piano Sonatas II. The album is available on Apple Music, among other outlets. He was also on the cover of Crescendo Magazine's late summer 2021 issue. Chef ZAC YOUNG opened a inbakeshop,pop-upSprinkletown,Chicagolastwinter.
1992/2014 Assistant Director of Admission DEMPSEY SCHOTT ’14 was thrilled to meet INDUS ALELIA TRACY ’92 while visiting Seattle, WA, this fall. She enjoyed hearing Indus’s unique perspective as a former ballerina who pivoted to stunt work. (L to R: Juri Shin P’24, Assistant Director of Admission Maria Freda, Indus Tracy ’92, Assistant Director of Admission Dempsey Schott ’14, and Associate Director of Admission Andrew Houlihan gather in Seattle.) ABOVE Hong-Chun "William" Youn '01
ABOVE Christian Finnegan '91 ABOVE Wendy Law ’96 and SooJin Anjou ’97, who were classmates at Juilliard, reunited in Berlin last summer.
1995 SAEHYUN KIM ’24 and JINYOUNG KWEON ’23 submitted their Walnut Hill chamber music performance to the New York International Classical CompetitionMusicand won the Grand Prize of the Chamber Music Division in the 11–19 age category. The group was coached by GLORIA CHIEN ’95 1996 BIANCA CARRAGHER BRYAN is the new PA Announcer for the Richmond Flying Squirrels, a Double-A baseball franchise.
2003 NILS NEUBERT joined the music staff at the Metropolitan Opera as a German coach earlier this year and helped prepare Strauss's Ariadne Auf Naxos and Elektra. He recently sang with TENET Vocal Artists, Bach Vespers, the Brooklyn Art Song
12 | Behind Stowe CLASS NOTES

2004 Congratulations to ANNIE MOOR and husband Dan on their newest arrival: Ellie MoorReitz, born on February 1! LEAH REID was the 2021 winner of the American Prize in Composition, in the Professional Vocal Chamber Music Division, for her theShe“Apple”compositionsand“SingleFish.”isalsoarecipientof2022Guggenheim works with various local, national, and WalnuthisHeainstitutionsorganizationsinternationalandasaperformer,coach,andaneducator.looksforwardto20-yearReunionatHillin2023.
ABOVE Nils Neubert ’03 and his wife, pianist Yuri Kim, on opening night of AriadneAufNaxos
ANNA WILLIAMS, recently released their fifth studio album, Musical Remembrances, via Chandos Records. 2005 Last October, ASHLEY BLANCHET took over the role of Dawn in the Broadway production of Waitress. This spring, she
DREW RICCIARDI recently announced the grand reopening of his bodywork,Hisistomakepain-livingaccessibletoall.NeaveTrio,featuring
ABOVE Zac Young '01 ABOVE Ashley Blanchet ’05 and the cast of NotesFromNow
PETER VAN DAM and Tara Rubin won two awards this year from the Casting Society of America: Achievement(forRegionalAchievementOutstandinginCasting,Theatre,MusicalSix)andOutstandinginCasting,
Behind Stowe | 132021 / Society,2022and the Cello Plus Chamber Music Festival, and he will also appear at Carnegie's Weill Hall with Festival Chamber Music. This summer, he returns to coach at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, CA. He continues to teach at Juilliard and the Manhattan School of Music in New York, and Theatre Tours (for The Band's Visit). They were also nominated in the category of MusicalNewAchievementOutstandinginCasting,YorkTheatre,(forSingStreet).
ABOVE Peter Van Dam ’03 ABOVE Ellie Moor-Reitz, daugh ter of Annie Moor '04 ABOVE Leah Reid '04 Fellowship in Congratulations,Composition.Leah!

OnceUponaOneMoreTime,whichplayedNovember30toJanuary2atSidneyHarmanHallinWashington,DC.Lastfall, MARSMANLEVIserved as the choreographer for Boston Lyric Opera's production of Cavalleria Rusticana. This May, his newly commissioned work, “One, Two, We,” premiered at inTENtion, the culmination of Urbanity Dance's 10th anniversary season. The performance was held at the Multicultural Arts Center in Cambridge, MA.
JIMMY FOWLIE ’04 also makes a cameo in the movie.
2007 Congratulations to AARON BARCELO, who got married last August in Minnesota. JUSTINE LONG currently plays Lorraine in Norwegian Cruise Line's onboard production of JerseyBoysCongratulations to KARISSA RECKLINGBARNEY and husband Mike, who welcomed their son, Kieran Ralph Reckling, to the world on January 11.
14 | Behind Stowe
CLASS NOTES resumed performances in February. He has been a Blue Man for over a decade, mostly performing in the ThatandandprofessionalCity.productionOff-BroadwayinNewYorkStevenisalsoapuppeteerhandshadowartist,hisnewshow,Thisand,isexpectedtoopeninNewYorkthisfall.
CHRIS RIGGI played Jake Tapper in the FX series Impeachment: American Crime Story, which chronicles President Bill Clinton's White House scandal.
EMILY SMITH recently appeared on the PBS series NowHearThis, playing second violin in an episode exploring the music of Beethoven. STEVEN WENDT is currently a member of the touring production of Blue Man Group, which ABOVE Briga Heelan ’05 and her Once Upon a One More Time co-star, Justin Guarini
2008 NICK CHRISTOPHER is currently playing Aaron Burr in the Los Angeles production of CongratulationsHamiltonto
BRIGA HEELAN starred as Cinderella in Shakespeare Theatre Company's Broadway-boundnew musical
Congratulations to GREG ALMEIDA and wife Kirsten, who welcomed their second son, Wesley Michael, in November!
GEORGI DIMITROV, who is now Associate Principal Viola for the Toledo Symphony.
ABOVE Chris Riggi '05 LEFT Emily Smith '05 appeared in NotesFrom Now, which premiered OffBroadway on March 10. Last August, DELBRIDGEALYCEwelcomed her son, Calvin, into the world. 2004/2005 CHRIS RIGGI ’05 recently appeared in ASpyMovie, a feature-length spy satire film written and directed by his collabora tor and fiancée, Stephanie Koenig. In ad dition to appearing onscreen, Chris filled several behind-the-scenes roles, including Director of Photography and Executive Producer.

ETHAN H. VAN NESS, a Senior Policy Advisor and Parliamentarian for the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, was heavily involved in the process of getting the House of Representatives to pass the Postal Service Reform Act, which took place on Tuesday, February 8. Shortly thereafter, he appeared on the National Association of Postal Supervisors podcast, discussing the landslide vote as well as TOMMY MESA is the recipient of an MPower Artist Grant from the Sphinx Organization. In partnership with PARMA Recordings and with support from Sphinx, Thomas will record a cello and piano album of new music by Black and Latinx andAward-winningcomposers.flutisteducator
KATHLEEN STANDRIDGELYONS , who serves as the sommelier and wine director for The Shipwright's Daughter restaurant in Mystic, CT, was recently interviewed by Broadway World Food & Wine. 2009 ALEX EDELMANN was recently named Principal Bass for the PhilharmonicIsraelOrchestra.
ABOVE Kaila Merrill Terraneo '09 and husband Ludovico
Festival’s celebration of compos er and
NATHAN RADERMAN is now a music teacher at Burgundy Farm Country Day School in Alexandria, VA. He writes: “I’m really enjoying my new role. The biggest challenge so far has been learning how to work with the youngest students. Teaching general music to first graders comes with a steep learning curve, but I feel like I’m getting better every time I do it.” NICK RANAURO was recently announced as the choreographer for Children of Eden, which is due to open in fall 2022 at Arcada Theatre in Chicago.
LEFT Dr. Hye Song “Sarah” Shin '08 Music conductor Boulanger Kathleen Lyons
ABOVE Nick Christopher '08
Behind Stowe | 152021 / 2022 exclusive countryside rentals, and more.
DR. HYE SONG “SARAH” SHIN recently joined the faculty of Princeton as a lecturer of flute.
Standridge '08
ABOVE Nathan Raderman ’09 teaches a music class at Burgundy Farm Country Day School. ABOVE Nick Ranauro '09
2001/2004/2007/2011 Several alumni participated in the Bard
KAILA TERRANEOMERRILL and husband Ludovico recently started their own company, Vero, in the Umbria region of Italy. Their mission is to facilitate “authentic Italian moments” through food and wine tours,

ABOVE Ethan H. Van Ness '09
16 | Behind Stowe the collaboration that was required on specific elements of the measure.
The Parker Quartet, of which KEE-HYUN KIM ’01 is a member, performed at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity last June, presenting the world premiere of a bycomposition CHOIJAEHYUCK’13 .
TRAVIS WARD-OSBORNE ’09 joined the cast of Moulin Rouge last fall as a Swing, alongside Ensemble member KYLE BROWN ’04 . This spring, Travis joined the show’s touring production, which also features CONOR RYAN ’10 as Christian.
In January, Juventas New Music Ensemble presented a concert featuring SHANNONRYAN and celebrating his five seasons with the group.
2011 SAMANTHA HANKEY reports that she had a wonderful time rehearsing and performing Faust et Hélène, written by Nadia Boulanger, at the Bard Music Festival last August. This was Samantha’s first performance in the United States since 2019. Other productions from the past year include Cinderella at the Met Opera, Cosi fan tutte at San Diego Opera (Dorabella), Káťa Kabanová (Varvara),ConcertgebouwatCendrillon at Opéra National de Paris (Le prince charmant), and Der Rosenkavalier at Bayerische Staatsoper.
2010 Last summer, KRISTINA BERMUDEZ won a residency with the Downtown Brooklyn Rehearsal Residency Initiative to perform and co-create in the MetroTech Commons. Kristina recently started a nonprofit, Project.KB, whose mission is to use “radical methods of public participation to be inclusive, accessible, and sustainable while creating innovative, collaborative work.”
ABOVE Samantha Hankey '11
ABOVE Colin MacKnight '11ABOVE Kristina Bermudez '10 LEFT ShannonRyan'10 This summer, she will appear in Alcina at (Ruggiero).Glyndebourne DELANEY HARTER performed with Beyoncé during her Oscars 2022 rendition of “Be Alive,” an original song from the motion picture King Richard. COLIN MACKNIGHT, who is currently the Director of Music at Trinity Gazette.ArkansasforwasCathedralEpiscopalinLittleRock,recentlyinterviewedtheNorthwestDemocrat-

Behind Stowe | 172021 / 2022 DANA VANDERBURGH recently started a new position as Community Outreach Coordinator at Kids Dance Outreach, an arts Indianapolis,organizationeducationinIN.
YI QUN XU made her Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum debut this March, performing with pianist Yoon Lee at Calderwood Hall as part of the Gardner Museum's Weekend Concert Series.
HYO BIN YANG recently joined Amazon as a UX Designer after completing her master’s degree in human-centered design and engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle.
2014 ANTONIA DASILVA’s mixed-media works were presented last summer at the Schoolhouse Gallery in Provincetown, MA.
KELLI DAVIES, known professionally as Kelli Fox, has published a book: HouseInTheStranger's,acollectionofautobiographicalpoemspairedwith35mmfilmstills.
ASHLEY ROBILLARD had a busy performance schedule this season! In September, she performed at Washington Concert Opera as part of their Opera Outside event, and in October, she sang the role of Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni at Opera Grand Rapids. Later in the year, she appeared in Le marechal ferrant with Opera Lafayette, a workshop of ThePigeonKeeper with Santa Fe Opera, and a concert of Mozart’s Exsultate,Jubilate with the Amarillo Symphony Orchestra. WILLIAM GUANBO SU made his Metropolitan Opera debut earlier this year, playing the Jailer in Puccini’s Tosca
ABOVE Yi Qun Xu '13 ABOVE Antonia DaSilva '14 ABOVE Drake Driscoll '14 ABOVE Book by Kelli Davies '14
2012 DANIEL SALAS recently started a new job as the Major Gifts Officer for the Natural Resources Defense Council.
LEFT Ashley Robillard '13
DRAKE DRISCOLL recently started a new position as Coordinator for the Learning and Engagement Programs at Weill Music Institute, the social impact and education branch of Carnegie Hall. She will be focusing on their Musical Explorers and Link Up programs.
2006/2013 CAROLYN SPROULE ’06 and WILLIAM GUANBO SU ’13 were both in the cast of Carmenat the Houston Grand Opera last fall. Carolyn appeared as Carmen, and William as Zuniga.
2012/2013 Bassoonist JAKE THONIS ’12 and cellist YI QUN XU ’13 both participated in the Marlboro Music Festival in the summer of 2021.
2013 GEORGE LI will make his South Florida recital debut on December 11, 2022, performing pieces by Schumann, Ravel, and Stravinsky at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach.
ELIZABETH FAYETTE, a violinist who attended the Walnut Hill Summer Program in 2006, also performed.

CLASS NOTES 18 | Behind Stowe
2017 GRACE MEREDITH, who graduated this spring from Berklee College of Music, sings the vocal track of the title song for the new film The In Between, starring Joey King, released in February on CongratulationsParamount+. to EVREN OZEL on winning the Ambassador Prize in the Concerts Artists Guild Competition! With this prize comes North American management with CAG, a New York debut performance, and participation in CAG’s new DevelopmentLeadershipProgram.
PARKEHARRISONMOSCELYNE was recently named Resident Choreographer for Post:ballet, a contemporary dance collective based in Berkeley, CA. Her first work for the company premiered in March at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive.
SIHYUN UHM was one of three winners selected by JMI (Jeunesses Musicales International) for their 2021 competitioncompositioninhonor of their special anniversary. SiHyun’s piece, entitled “Ladybug in the Room,” premiered at JMI's 75 Years Celebration Concert, held on September 30 in Belgium.
RACHEL RAVEL appears in Ryan Murphy's Netflix series, Halston. CHRIS BEADLEROGERSrecently won the viola solo position at Bremen.KammerphilharmonieDeutsche 2016 This spring, ANDREW PURDY appeared in JesusChristSuperstar at ACT (A Theatre)ContemporaryofConnecticut.
ABOVE Chris Rogers-Beadle '15
2018 COLIN CANAVAN recently joined Ballet Austin as a company dancer. NOAH KELLY will be moving to Ireland this fall to pursue his master’s degree at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick.
2015 SAM GORDON, SAMANTHA FLAHIVE, LINDSAY MCAULIFFE, and LYDIA TUFFY were thrilled to reunite over Thanksgiving this past year. We love seeing Walnuts reconnect!
ABOVE Rachel Ravel '15
ABOVE Jake Nahor '14 ABOVE Sam Gordon, Samantha Flahive, Lindsay McAuliffe, and Lydia Tuffy, all Class of 2015
JAKE NAHOR is currently in the cast of the touring production of Fiddler on the Roof, serving as the Dance Captain.

2019 HEIDI ENGERMAN plays Haley Gulick in the 2021 movie Candyman, produced by Jordan Peele. JA HO “JACOB” SONG was recently presented an award by South Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, honoring his contribution to the development of the country’s culture, arts, and industry.
ABOVE Heidi Engerman ’19 in Candyman
ABOVE Ja Ho "Jacob" Song ’19
2021 SYDNEY WILLIAMS and CASSIDY CAIL reunited with their former advisor, Senior Develop ment Officer Garrett Murphy ’08, after a performance of the Bos ton Ballet’s Nutcracker. At the time, Cassidy and Sydney were both in the postgraduate program at Boston Ballet, but have since been promoted to the BBII company.
ABOVE Sydney Williams ’21 and Cassidy Cail ’21 with their former advisor, Senior Development Officer Garrett Murphy ’08 ABOVE Jayna Leach '18 2020 On February 8, GRAHAM CAMPBELL appeared in EveningCourage:AHeartfeltofMusic,Stories&Dance,avirtualeventpresentedbytheorganizationLearningCourage.GrahamperformedwithagroupoffellowJuilliardstudentsinapiecespecificallydesignedforthisevent.
Behind Stowe | 192021 / Congratulations2022 to JAYNA LEACH for running this spring's Boston Marathon! In other news, she plans to continue her studies at Boston Conservatory this fall, pursuing a master’s degree in viola performance.

YOUTUBE Can't come to campus for performances? Check periodicallyback , as we are frequently adding new content from our wonderfullystudents.talented THATS OK, THERE'S ANOTHER WAY! Virtually visit with the next best thing: our Walnut Hill YouTube Channel, which features archived performances, and events. Sit back and enjoy everything from chamber music recitals and WFMA reels to our Crush series, which complements the virtual presentation of performances and showcases from each of the five art majors, and much more! Scan QR code to check out our channel!
WALNUT HILL IN FOCUS 68 DANCE 66 MUSIC 56 THEATER 67 VISUALART 23 WRITING, FILM & MEDIA ARTSMAJORBY students on campus 74% boarding students | 26% day students 280 34% of students receive financial aid with an average award of $39,600 24%OF OUR COMMU N I T Y IS INTERNATIONAL

Saturday’s busy schedule of events included an Ellison Circle breakfast, Alumni Association meeting, student-led campus tours, a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice lunch session with Director of Diversity and Inclusion Linda Hughes P’13, our annual Golden Alumni Cocktail Hour for alumni celebrating their 50th Reunion and up, and a special Open Ballet Class led by Charlotte Gram Doyle ’88. ◆
e were thrilled to welcome alumni back to campus for the first in-person Reunion Weekend in three years. Festivities kicked off on Friday with a Celebration of Antonio Viva’s 12 years as Head of School and included an art installation by Hayen Kim ’16, performances by Kat Ward ’14 and Zan Berube ’16, and students Keila Wakao ’24 and Jinyoung Kweon ’23. The title of faculty emeriti was bestowed on Jim Woodside, who stepped down after 34 years as Director of Visual Art, and Anne Murphy, who retired in 2020 after 42 years. Attendees also celebrated Jay Crawford-Kelly, who retired this spring after 20 years in the Humanities Department, and Rae Arseneau, who retired last spring. Eve Larner ’86 was presented with the Non Nobis Solum Award for exemplifying the spirit of Not for Ourselves Alone—our School’s motto.
22 | Behind Stowe

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ELLISON CIRCLE www.walnuthillarts.org26 | Behind Stowe Thank You to our Ellison Circle Legacy Donors
Walnut established the Ellison Circle to recognize the thoughtfulness of donors who make legacy gifts. named after Beatrice J. Edgerly Ellison, Class of 1911, who made a gift of $1,184,000 from a remainder trust. Since that time, membership in the Ellison Circle has grown to nearly 200 forwardthinking individuals who have made legacy gifts or informed Walnut Hill of their intention to make a gift. of Ellison Circle, who help to create a solid foundation for
Walnut Hill far into the future. Anonymous (12) Carole Allen-Scannell Maura Almy P'06 Eleanor Pope Abel Ammen '46, P'79* Diane Sheaffer Anderson '49* Gayle Barlow Atkinson '66 Joan Griggs Babbott '44* Ellen Brooks Baldwin '54* John M. Baldwin* Lola Fortmiller Baldwin '51 Jane Stocker Barrett '56 Marie Gaffney Barry '36* Martha Lord Bass '41* LisaBatchelderCurrier '65, P'00 Pauline Brown Baugh '52 Morgan Beckwith '09 Katharine Hubbard Bell '42* Margaret Cline Bessels '39* Anne Ruder Bever '41* Constance MargaretBowmanJudkins'40*McNeilBoyer '54* Robert Bradbury P'89 Elizabeth Berry Breene '35* George Brett, Jr. P'73* Katharine Gage Brooks '34* Elizabeth Cooley Brown '28* Katharine Perry Bryan '09, P'49* Lois Werme Bull '46* Mollie Tower Byrnes '63 Sarah Morrison Cail '76 Elizabeth Callaway '60 Elizabeth Main Cannon '45* Sarah Cannon* Mary Bishop Catto '35* Priscilla Cobb '41* Carol Cronk Cole '50 Natalie Foster Colmore '59 Marjory Cook Condit '48* FrancesConnellyFuller'39, P'66* Christie Coon '60 Mabel NicoleCowenThompson'14*GallantCriss '92 Anne Crolius '40* Eleanor H. Crosby* Constance Cross '59 Mary Esther DasenbrockWilliams'39* Mr. Reed Dasenbrock Ann Gouger Davis '57 Sandra Hall Davis '60 Susan Callender Davy '65 Elisabeth Shirley Day '54* Peggy O'Hearn Denby '50* Barbara Coryell Devor '42* Mitchell Dielhenn P'61* Mary Hunter Dobson '40 Harriet Dodds '42* Lisa Fabbricotti Drake '73 Georgia Goss Drew '47* Mary Dye/Dunham '51 Constance ElizabethJoanneElisabethEastburnAllen'54RobertsEbert'22*Elfers'69*WertzEllis P'52* Beatrice Edgerly Ellison '11* Constance Crehore Ezer '50 Edward C. Farraday Kelly R. Feeney Jane Ferguson '66 Margaret Finch '63 ElisabethFitzHughWest'44* Gertrude LouiseFreedmanMcCabe'42*HodgkinsFreeman '51 Sarah Winter French '49 Nathena Fuller '37* GenevieveGagnebinH. P'59* Nicole Gakidis '81, P'18 Louisa SarahGarrisonHammond'67GordonGayley '22* Lueza Thirkield Gelb '48* Jane Gilday '64 Olive Milne Glaser '47 Martha KristinGoldnerUnobskey'50Goodwillie P'02 Constance Woodworth Goss '24, P'47* Elaine Platt Goss '66 Janet Graves '13* Mary Baum Guernsey '41* Jane Hahn '88 Charlotte Hall '50 Marcia Hall '58 Patricia Hall '62* Patricia Wardley Hamilton '48
The group was
Thank you to the members

Justine Hand '88 Robert J. Hanger* Nancy Sawtelle Harris '62 Freddie H. Hart P'92 Mary Howell Hatch '52, P'79 Carol Hauptfuhrer '65 Katharine Hayward '15* Nancy Hubbard Hirsche '47 Janet Holly '56 Constance Chang Hsu '23, P'55* Lisa Leinbach Huertas '76 Francis O. Hunnewell* Anne Moody Ingersoll '51* Baila Issokson Janock '58 Jennifer Jewiss '84 Linda RaymondJohnstonSherman'55*C.Jopling, Jr.* Jacqueline Joyner P'15 Kathleen Kalbfleisch '47* Elizabeth JaneKeenanLummus'53OxfordKeiter '60 Robert E. Keiter Martha D. Kleinman Barbara Knickerbocker '68 Anne Koenig '67 Sabreena Kiviat Kropp '94 Pamela Apostol Kukla '63 Marianne LornaEveHeidiLakatosDurham'37*OverLantz'87Larner'86Learned'24* Lois Aronson Lopatin '58 Gail LindaElizabethWileyMarciaEmilyAmeliaLudvigsonRosenberg'60*Marks'66H.MarksP'66*HunterMatthews'63McCarthy'79PaineMcClendon'65HarperMcLane '66 Rose Tizane Merrill '93 Sarah Cross Mills '62 Margaret Cowan Moller '40 Charlotte A. Moran* Nancy Porter Morrill '56 Mary Barlow Mueller '65 ShirleyMurrayMaddix'33, P'64* Virginia Gaylord Neely '38* Arthur H. Nelson* Dorothy EstherNeubergerBigelow'54KnoxNewton '27* Holger GertrudeNissen*Nott '26* Alice Russell Novaco '56 Beatrice Allen Page* Susan Stampler Paresky '64 Julia Parker '13* Susan Rothschild Peirson '55 Stephanie B. Perrin Jo-Ann AlicePinkowitzEdinburg'66C.PlattP'66* Jane Horner Politzer '47* Dianne Hall Polson '53 Agatha W. Poor P'65* Henri JudithPrunaret*KallochRacely '51* Margaret Rathbone '28* Mary SuzanneReynoldsBartlett'48*SullivanRiedel '88 MaryRobertsonMotto '49, P'78* Virginia Clark Robinson '33* DeAnne Rosenberg '57 Ruth Rothseid '70 Elizabeth Ruff* Sylvia Burleigh Sanchez '46 Eleonore RuthSandersonPhillips'52StollerScheer '57 Ann S. Schwarz P'81 William M. Scranton P'72* Margaret Campbell Senter '23* Mathilde CarolynNancyGiselleSewallParmelee'28*Shepatin'76StoneShilts'59KinseySingers '42 Mary-Anne Vance Smith '42* Virginia NatalieCherylAnnSomersHodgkins'30,P'57*BaconSpooner'67St.GeorgeP'99*PalmerStanwood '41* Ann Brown Staples '48* Shiv Tasker P'06 Marianna Bate Taylor '44 Charles G. Thacher Ann Colucci Thompson '67 CarolThwaitsSkillin '54, P'76 Courtney JenniferTomaselliGreene'94ToolinMcAuliffe P'15 Cynthia Goodhart Tracy '36 Ruth G. Van Doren P'86 Joanne E. Weed P'07 Jennifer Wells '87 Elizabeth A. Wheeler* Margaret Fallon Wheeler '62 Robert B. Wheeler* John T. KathrynWilliamsWilliams '71 Louise B. Williams P'71 Margaret Klous Williams '12* Mary Mitchell Williams '42* Rebecca BertineWilliamsGallagher'22*NilesWillis'34, P'62* Susan Beach Willis '52* Jackson W. Wright, Jr.* Peter M. Wright Carole Yeager '61 Suzanne Smith Yeaw '49 Julie Nevius Young '56 *Deceased Behind Stowe | 272021 / 2022

A YEAR IN REVIEW New Ink/Rough Cuts October 22 The All Night Strut October 22-24 Senior Solo Dance Showcase November 5-6 Fall Voice Recital October 24 Our Town November 11-14 Composers Concert November 17

Voice Recital December 3 Chamber Concerts December 13 & 15 Telethon February 6 Winter Visual Art Show December 15 Pinkalicious! February 5-6 Student Choreography February 25-26 The Oresteia March 4-6

Xanadu May 21-22, 27-28 Dido and Aeneas April 8-10 Black on White April 27-28 Next Generation April 29-30 Next Generation at Boston Opera House May 11 A YEAR IN REVIEW

Script to Screen June 3 Jazz Concert June 1 Chamber Music Concerts May 25 & 27 Composers Concert May 30 Spring Visual Art Show June 1

Donna Egan Donna Egan is a longtime arts advocate, with a particular focus on supporting arts education. She is currently active as a member of the Boston Ballet board and the Leadership Council of the Pao Arts Center at the Boston Chinese Neighborhood Center. She has held multiple leadership positions within the various arts organizations.
Karla is currently the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees at Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, NH. In that role, she has leaned into her human resources background to work with consultants on compensation data and contract negotiations, as well as with the Head Support Committee.
Juhyun is a cellist by training, living in Seoul, Korea, with her husband and their energetic Morkie. Her son currently attends St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH, and her daughter is starting Phillips Academy, in Andover, MA, this fall. For the past two years, Juhyun has served as a Trustee for the Indian Mountain School in Lakeville, CT, and has recently been appointed to the Board of Directors of Spectrum Pharmaceuticals. After graduating from Walnut Hill, Juhyun earned a B.A. from Smith College, and she holds an M.M. from Boston University.
Karla Radke P’24 Karla Radke comes to Walnut Hill from Pennsylvania, and she brings an exceptional amount of experience in schools from both a professional and a volunteer perspective. Karla earned a B.A. in political economy from Michigan State University, then an M.A. in human resources management from Wayne State University. She spent many years working in the field of human resources in New York and London. Since then, she has raised her children while volunteering in many roles at various schools.
Donna was instrumental in creating the partnership between Boston Ballet School and Walnut Hill. In addition, she has chaired the campaign to raise funds for the “Endowment for Scholarship” as part of Boston Ballet’s recent capital campaign. Donna’s passion for arts education arose from the experiences of her sons, Michael and Patrick. She recognizes the profound and enduring effect the arts have on the lives of young people and enthusiastically supports organizations that serve that Donnamission.isagraduate of Simmons College. She is married to Michael Egan, the founder and a director of Carruth Capital, LLC, and a partner in the Fenway Sports Group. They live in Hopkinton, MA, and also spend time on Cape Cod.
Juhyun Lim ’92 Juhyun Lim has been working in business development and global partnerships in the pharmaceutical industry for the past two decades. Prior to joining Hanmi Pharmaceutical Company, Juhyun worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for the preparation of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), planning and managing cultural events through collaboration with artists and organizations.
32 | Behind Stowe TRUSTEES
Meet Our New Trustees
Karla’s daughter, Emily, is in the Class of 2024 at Walnut Hill, majoring in Theater.

A gift to Walnut Hill will help open doors for eager, talented young artists. giving.walnuthillarts.orgNon Nobis Solum

IN MEMORIAM 34 | Behind Stowe
earned her pilot’s license and was stationed in Washington, DC. She began her work as an architect in New York City. In the early 1950s, on a road trip to Los Angeles, she fell in love with the town and ended up living in a
HELEN SANGER ’41 passed away on July 30, 2020, at the age of 96. Raised in Hong Kong, she returned to the United States with her mother and sisters after the outbreak of World War II. She went on to study economics, history, art history, and art and commercial design at Smith College, graduating cum laude in 1946. Helen initially embarked on a career in commercial art, but her love for research and art history prevailed. She joined the Frick Art Reference Library in 1947 as a photograph classifier for the Photoarchive, and subsequently held various positions there during her 47 years on staff, eventually rising to become the Mellon Chief Librarian in 1990. A Library:ofMcCookandage.stepcomputerization,staffincreasedthinkingdedicated,resourceful,andforward-leader,shethelibrary’sandintroducedamajorintothemodernShecontributedtoeditedKatharineKnox’sTheStorytheFrickArtReferenceTheEarlyYears,whichwaspublishedin1979,andoversawtheestablishmentofthelibrary’sConservationDepartmentin1981.HelenalsonavigatedthemergerofthelibrarywiththeFrickCollection.Hersmallstatureandquiet,thoughtfuldemeanorbeliedherdeterminationandalmostsuperhumandevotiontoherwork.
ELIZABETH ’42BJORNLUND“BETTY”GRATER passed away on October 27, 2021, at the age of 97. Born in Ogdensburg, NY, she lived in Athens, TN, at the time of her passing. Betty is survived by her sister Britta Bjornlund
In We fondly remember the following members of the Walnut Hill alumni community. of 2022)
April 15,
ANNE JENKINSMATHER’39passed away peacefully on January 16, 2020, at the age of 98. She spent a postgraduate year at Walnut Hill before attending Wellesley College, where she majored in chemistry. Two weeks after graduation, she wed Francis Jenkins, to whom she remained married for 53 years. The couple had three children. While residing in Williamstown, MA, Anne played tennis and earned the status of Silver Life Master in bridge. She served as a docent at the Clark Art Museum, was President of the Berkshire Wellesley Club, and later chaired the Cape Cod Summer Rally for many years. She is survived by many loving family members and friends.
ELEANOR “ELLIE” GITT TAYLOR ’36 died peacefully on August 28, 2020, at the age of 102. She was born in Hanover, PA, and graduated from Mount Holyoke College in 1940. Soon after, she married George Taylor, whose work in radio broadcasting brought them to Rumford, RI, in 1947. In the 1950s, Ellie was active in the League of Women Voters, serving as the local President for two years. During that time, she helped spearhead a drive to make East Providence a city. In 1957, the family moved to Providence. She earned an M.A.T. from Brown University in 1964, followed by a decade of teaching French, mostly at the Lincoln School. She later tutored Hope High School students pro bono. A lifelong golfer, she won championships at golf and country clubs in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania. She won the RI Women’s Senior Championship three times and was the runner-up in the 1958 RI State Women’s Golf Championship. In 1953, she played in the USGA Women’s Amateur Championship. She and George were frequent travelers to interspersedEurope,withtrips to Asia and South America. Ellie is survived by two sons, nine grandchildren, two step-grandchildren, 12 grandchildren.andgreat-grandchildren,twostep-great-
FRANCES “FRANNY” SHLOSS ’41 passed away on February 11, 2022, at the age of 98. Born in Des Moines, IA, she graduated from Roosevelt High School before her postgraduate year at Walnut Hill. She then studied architecture at Cornell
JANE AYARES ABRAMS ’43 passed away on April 8, 2021, at the age of 95. She was an intrepid world traveler, a passionate art collector, an avid theatergoer, and a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and greatgrandmother. Her energy and enthusiasm enhanced the lives of so many who knew and loved her. She is survived by one sister, three children, four grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.three
MIRIAM ELDER HILTON ’42 passed away on October 2, 2021, at the age of 96. Born in Kermanshah, Iran, to missionaries,Presbyterianshecame to the United States in 1940. She attended Wellesley College, Iowa State University, Northern Michigan University, and the University of Michigan. Her wonderful teachers gave her a love of the written, spoken, and sung word, which brightened her life and made possible several semesters of teaching at NMU. She married her beloved Earl Hilton in 1947, and their marriage was blessed with five children. Miriam and Earl enjoyed having friends share their home, among them students from China, India, Japan, Kenya, Nepal, Korea, the Netherlands, and Sri Lanka. Miriam enjoyed the friends who worked with her in Girl Scouts, NMU Women, AAUW puppeteers, Marquette General twosevensurvivedforwasCareMarquetteofServices,Coalitionvolunteers,HospitalMarquetteforEmergencyTuesdayGroupFriends,andtheSeniorDayCenter,wheresheVolunteerDirector20years.Sheisbyherchildren,grandchildren,andgreat-grandchildren.
SUE HELLEBUSHELLITHORP’43 passed away peacefully on November 26, 2020, at the age of 95. Born in Canajoharie, NY, she grew up sailing and skiing in the Adirondacks. Sue graduated from Smith College, where she was President of her class. Through the years, she was a dedicated volunteer in a number of causes. As a member of the Junior League of Philadelphia, she was active in the restoration of the Fairmount Water Works. Sue is survived by her three children, three grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.five
ARDELLE WILLIAMS JANES ’42 passed away on July 8, 2020, at the age of 95. She was born in Marlborough, MA, and attended the Garland School in Boston, in addition to Walnut Hill. Ardelle married Phillip Reneau Janes in 1951 and lived in Waltham, MA. She and Phil moved to Framingham and spent many happy years raising a family, sailing, and being involved in the community until his death in 1982. In addition to her many hobbies, including
HALL COUSINS ’44 passed away at home on June 17, 2021, at the age of 94. A 92-year resident of Duxbury, MA, Libby was born in Canton and attended Colby College, where she met Charlie Cousins. After graduating from Tufts University’s Bouve School of Physical Therapy, she and Charlie were married. They were together for 68 years
NANCY STEVENSON JONES ’43 passed away on May 3, 2021, at the age of 95. She was a devoted wife and mother who lived in Wellesley and Holliston, MA, Darien, CT, Louisiana, and finally North Falmouth, MA. She was married to Leonard “Mac” Jones for 65 years until his passing in 2011. Nancy showed her zest for life through celebrating holidays at home with family, knitting, painting, and playing bridge and mah jongg. She also enjoyed traveling with her husband, visiting cities like Charleston and San Francisco. She volunteered at the Framingham Hospital and served as the President of the Auxiliary Association. More recently, she participated in the Falmouth Garden Club and the Falmouth Curling Club, in addition to donating countless knitted sweaters and dolls to the Falmouth Hospital and the First Congregational Church of Falmouth. Nancy is survived by her three children, four grandchildren, nephews.andgreat-grandchildren,twoseveralniecesand
ALICE RITCHIE COLVIN ’43 passed away on June 13, 2021, at the age of 96. She was born in Washington, DC, and graduated from William and Mary College with a B.A. in philosophy. In 1947, she married her beloved husband, Jerry Marshall Colvin Jr., in Valley Forge, PA. Together they celebrated over 57 wonderful years of marriage before his passing in December 2004. Alice was an avid reader, particularly of mysteries autobiographies.and She and her husband enjoyed square dancing and listening to concerts at St. Mary’s City and the Kennedy Center. They also traveled extensively throughout the world, including Africa, Japan, France, Italy, and China. Alice is survived by two children, seven grandchildren, great-grandchildren,seven and many extended family members and friends.
Behind Stowe | 352021 / Blum2022’41, in addition to three children, six grandchildren, five greatgrandchildren, and many beloved nieces, nephews, and cousins.
RUTH HANSENHOLDEN’45passed away on January 21, 2022, at the age of 94. She was born in Attleboro, MA, and graduated from Grinnell College. She married Niel Hansen in 1948, and the couple brought up their daughters in Darien, CT. Family always came first for Ruth; she was a full-time mother, while also volunteering her time. She was a Girl Scout leader, Chair of the elementary school library, a member of the standing committee for the junior and senior high schools, and a member of the Council of Student Parents. She was the Treasurer for the Darien VNA and the Stamford Home Health Aides, volunteered for Meals on Wheels, and served as the Treasurer of the Women’s Association Board of Stewards at the First Congregational Church of Darien. In 1988, Ruth and Niel retired to their home in Melvin Village, NH, where they had been vacationing since 1973. They loved to travel, visiting national parks in addition to
THERESA “TEEDEE” HOLLY GLANDER ’44 passed away on December 11, 2021, at the age of 95. Born in Littleton, NH, she was known since childhood as Teedee. She graduated from Wellesley College with a degree in chemistry, and it was in nearby Cambridge that she met Frank N. Leitner, whom she wed in 1949. Teedee raised her four children in Short Hills and later Madison, NJ. She was predeceased by Frank, in 1975, and by her second husband, Richard Glander, in 1991. Teedee was active as a volunteer with Overlook Hospital, the League of Women Voters, the New Jersey Wellesley Club, and the Brookside Belles Choral Group. She was also an avid tennis player and lifelong Boston Red Sox fan, even after Ted Williams retired. Teedee was formerly a member of the Racquets Club, Canoe Brook Country Club, and Morris County Golf Club. Until recently, she was a daily communicant at St. Vincent Martyr Church in Madison. Teedee is survived by one sister, four children, grandchildren,sevenand great-grandchildren.two
LILIAN SMITH EBERT ’44 passed away on February 25, 2021, at the age of 94. Born in Seattle, WA, she received a bachelor’s degree in English from Smith College. Lilian always enjoyed the outdoors and physical activities and, as a young girl, attended Aloha Hive Summer Camp for Girls in Fairlee, VT, which specialized in such interests. She also enjoyed working with flowers, playing tennis, riding horses, raising Black Angus cattle, and belonging to several bridge clubs. She was a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church and avidly studied the Bible. Lilian was proud to have been in the first docent training class at the Columbus Art Museum and served as a docent there for many years thereafter. In 1952, she married Dr. Ray Eugene Ebert, who preceded her in death in 2006. Lilian is survived by two sons, two grandsons, and several nephews and nieces.
familyremembereddeath.CommunityRetirementuntilherShewillbebyherandfriendsfor her amazing needlepoint, outgoing great-grandchildren.grandchildren,byhumor.tono-nonsensepersonality,approachlife,anddrysenseofAnneissurvivedthreechildren,11and13
ANNE STOCKMANGARRATT’44 passed away on March 10, 2021, at the age of 95, after a courageous fight with liver and brain cancer. She was born in Solihull, England, and immigrated to the United States in 1929. Anne spent her childhood in Jamestown, NY, and returned there after her schooling to marry Philip C. Henderson, with whom she had three children. Life would then take her to St. Thomas, USVI, where she modeled and worked retail. Later, she met and married Frank G. Burke III and was instrumental in establishing the Junior Sailing program at the St. Thomas Yacht Club. After being widowed, she moved to Hawaii in 1973, where she enjoyed playing tennis at the Diamond Head Tennis Center. She later met and married George Hemmiter. While in Honolulu, she gave freely of her time, volunteering at the Queens Medical Center. In the early 1980s, Anne moved to Yakima, WA, where she developed a passion for golf. In 1990, she relocated to Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, to be closer to her children and grandchildren. She continued to play tennis into her 70s and golf into her early 80s. She played and taught bridge at the Jacksonville Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach Senior Centers, praising her students and bridge partners for keeping her young and giving her purpose. Anne lived actively and independently at Vicar’s Landing
36 | Behind Stowe until Charlie died in 2017. Libby spent every summer in Duxbury until 1977, when she and Charlie made the town their permanent home. Together they were active tennis players, boaters, gardeners, and volunteers for the Standish Shore Improvement Association and Project Gurnet & Bug Lights. Libby was an avid reader of British cozy-mysteries; loved baked goods, skiing, kayaking, and water aerobics; and volunteered at the Duxbury Garden Club, the King Caesar House, and the Duxbury Library. She is survived by four children, 10 grandchildren, two greatgrandchildren, and one niece.
RITTER WIDERGREN ’46 passed away peacefully on January 14, 2020, at the age of 90. Born in Peking, China, she received her bachelor’s degree in social work from Beloit College in 1950. She married her classmate John F. Widergren, who predeceased her in 2018 after a marriage lasting more than 67 years. While John was serving as a medic in the US Army during the Korean War, Darry earned a teaching certificate in elementary
SUSAN “SUE” LITTLE ADAMSON ’46 passed away in late 2021 at the age of 93. Born in Hartford, CT, she was the last of the line of several husbandFranciscotheBerkeley,teachinginwhommetFrancisco,Gabrielle.journeyoutfewHartfordbeforechildhoodwithfromStates.foundingoffamiliesdistinguishedinthehistoryNewEnglandandtheoftheUnitedSuegraduatedConnecticutCollegeadegreeinearlyeducationreturningtototeach.Ayearslater,shesetonacross-countrywithherfriendArrivinginSantheyquicklytworoommatestheywouldmarry1955.AftergettinghercredentialatUCSuetaughtinpublicschoolsinSanuntilsheandFrankAdamson
concluding with a one-woman show at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. She was passionate about politics, humanity, and country and loved engaging in intellectual conversation. She will be remembered for her compassion and hospitality, making everyone feel welcomed, and being a devoted friend. She is survived by her four great-grandchildren.grandchildren,children,and RUTH PRICE YATES ’45 passed away on January 1, 2022, at the age of 93. She was the devoted wife of the late James H. Yates Sr. Ruth is survived by three children, 12 grandchildren, 12 greatgrandchildren, and four siblings.
moved to Greenbrae, CA. She took a break from teaching to raise her three children, volunteer at Greenbrae School, participate in the PTA, and lead the local Girl Scout troop. In the early ’70s, Sue earned a degree from Dominican College in special education with a focus on reading disabilities and worked for the Kentfield School District. As a Episcopalian,devoutSuewas a dedicated parishioner at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in San Rafael for over 64 years. She spent thousands of hours teaching Sunday School, organizing parish fundraisers, and steering the St. Anne’s Guild. Sue loved to travel, and was fortunate to see much of the world with husband Frank before his death in 1997. She was a great supporter of the arts, with season tickets to a wide variety of companies. In 2005, she married George Westfall, a dear friend of nearly 50 years, whose wife had passed several years prior. Together, Sue and George maintained full and active lives in the church and enjoyed sharing their love of the arts in their community. As they could only have dreamed of, Sue and George passed suddenly within hours of each other. Sue is survived by three children, two stepsons, and
2021 / 2022 Behind Stowe | 37 IN MEMORIAM lake and watching the loons. She is survived by two daughters, four grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.four MARY LYNNE WEIL LEVY ’45 passed away at her home on July 16, 2021, at the age of 94. She was born in Montgomery, AL, and graduated from Smith College. She married Herbert F. “Jim” Levy, sharing over 63 wonderful years together before his death in 2014. Mary Lynne was a tireless advocate for social issues and the cultural and civic fabric of instilllandscapes,interpretationwithwonaccomplishedSheMusicMontgomeryArts,AlabamaMontgomeryMuseumFestival,Alabamaanassault.familyvictimsprovidesSunshinebeganinatguidanceshesoChildren’sCorrections,AlabamaPartnersLeadershipCommunityWay,supportingMontgomery,theUnitedtheUnitedWayCouncil,Montgomery,inEducation,VolunteersforBrantwoodHome,andmanymore.In1987,earnedanM.A.inandcounselingAuburnUniversityMontgomery,andacareeratFamilyCenter,whichservicesforofdomesticandviolenceandsexualMaryLynnewasavidsupporteroftheShakespeareMontgomeryofFineArts,Symphony,SchoolofFineLandmarks,andChamberOrganization.wasalsoanartistwhonumerousawardsherimpressionisticoffigures,andlifes,andexhibitednumerousshows,
ANNE STEVENSONGOEWEY’46 passed away on November 2, 2020, at the age of 92. Born in Bronxville, NY, she graduated from Smith College and received an M.A. in teaching from Manhattanville College. Anne taught English at Rye Country Day School before becoming head of the English Department, a position she held for 20 years. Following her retirement, she remained active as a volunteer in the teen rehab program at St. Vincent’s Hospital. She was a longtime member of Christ’s Church, and of Apawamis Club and Manursing Island Club, where she was an avid tennis player. Anne and her second husband, Lincoln Stevenson, shared a love of travel and visited over 65 countries together. They also enjoyed music and attended concerts regularly at Lincoln Center, the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College, and Caramoor. Anne is survived by two daughters, three stepchildren, step-grandchildren,grandchildren,four10 and one great-grandchild.
38 | Behind Stowe education at the University of Hawaii and later earned a master’s degree with an emphasis on teaching reading from the University
ALIX MOXLEYTHOMSON’47passed away peacefully in her sleep on June 26, 2020, at the age of 90. She was born in Indianapolis, IN. “Unforgettable," the song performedfamouslybyNat King Cole, could easily apply to Alix. Insightful, funny, on point, well-traveled, elegant, and smart as the dickens—once you met Alix, you could never forget her. Her curiosity was infectious, and somehow, when you were with her, you felt smarter and more curious yourself. Alix is survived by her loving family and friends.
JANET “JAN” AVERY NORTON ’47 passed away on February 28, 2020, at the age of 91. Born in Oak Bluffs, MA, she grew up in Edgartown and graduated from Edgartown High School before her postgraduate year at Walnut Hill. She then graduated with a B.A. in education from Wheelock College in Boston, MA. She was a substitute teacher when her children were young. Jan married Floyd C. Norton of Edgartown, and just one month before her passing, they celebrated their 69th anniversary. They raised their family in Connecticut before moving back to the Vineyard in the late 1970s. Jan loved opera music, Michael Crawford, and Mel Tormé, and in later years became a country music fan, with her favorites being Johnny Cash and Rodney Crowell. She was a skilled equestrienne in both Western and English styles, and owned several horses over the years. A talented artist and craftswoman in various mediums, her favorite was watercolor, and she created beautiful floral paintings and folk art scenes of many Vineyard towns. She had several scenes laminated and made into placemats, which were popular in the island shops. Jan was an animal lover, and in Connecticut, she was GazettecolumntheEdgartown,VineyardShelterinShedownasTLCandbroughtBirdnicknamedaffectionately“CuckootheWoman.”Neighborsherinjuredbirdsother“critters”forandrehabilitation,sheneverturnedananimalinneed.wasinstrumentalgettingtheAnimalofMartha’sstartedinandwrotePleaseAdoptUsintheVineyardforseveralyears.
CARRIE HUBBARD ADAMS ’47 passed away peacefully at home on December 10, 2021, at the age of 92. She was born in Ashtabula, OH. Carrie is preceded in death by her husband, Robert Adams. Her beautiful life will be cherished in the lives of her three children, six grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren.
JANE NUTTINGWALKER’47passed away on January 21, 2022, at the age of 93. She was born in Nashville, TN, and met her husband of 72 years, Wallace Hall Nutting, when they were both 12 at the First Parish Congregational Church in Saco, ME. Jane went to Middlebury College before marrying Wally in the church where they met. While on their honeymoon, the Korean War broke out, and Wally was sent to Korea while Jane returned to Middlebury. Wherever they were, Jane always made young military families her priority. She described her 35 years in the Army as “sometimes exciting, sometimes very worrisome, servedalwaysuncomfortable,sometimesandrewarding.”Sheasanurse’saide in various Army hospitals, was an Arlington Lady during the Vietnam War, and participated in various women’s clubs. She was an active church member, served on the Thornton Academy Board of Trustees, and organized Summer Concerts at Biddeford Pool. Jane and Wally spent seven years in Germany, four years in Latin America, and the rest either in the DC area or in “good tank country” in twelve postings across the United States. Their 22nd move was back to Maine and their roots. Jane is survived by
Jan is survived by her husband, two children, one grandson, two greatgrandchildren, and her two beloved cats.
JACCODINECHIQUOINECATHERINE ’47 passed away on December 1, 2020, at the age of 91. Born in New York City, she attended Colby Junior College and Syracuse University. She married Ralph Jaccodine, and they moved to Allentown, PA, in 1959, when Ralph started his career at Bell Laboratories. Catherine was an incredible, loving mother whose beautiful smile, quick laugh, and constant, patient love were a comfort to all who were lucky to have her in their lives. She worked as an early childhood teacher for many years at Hope Nursery School in Allentown, and served her beloved Allentown community in many volunteer positions over the decades. She was a devoted member of St. Thomas More Church. Catherine is survived by four children and 10 grandchildren.
LORRAINE SHACKLEFORDDENGLER’48 passed away peacefully on February 20, 2020, at the age of 90. Dainey, as she was known to her friends and family, was raised in Mt. Pocono, PA, and graduated from Cornell University. She moved to Miami, FL, in the late 1950s, where she married her beloved Bobby kindsfamilymother.out,personDaineyShackleford.wasabeautifulbothinsideandandanamazingShelovedherandfriends,allofanimals,staying active and fit, socializing, and enjoying life to its fullest. She is survived by one sister, five children, nine grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.
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IN MEMORIAM her beloved husband, four children, grandchildren,nineand great-grandchildren.12
fierce proponent of the library system, she served as one of the founding members of the Memphis Library Foundation. Honey accepted many awards in recognition of her service, including an honorary doctor of letters degree from the University of Memphis, the Humanitarian Award from the National Council of Christians and Jews, and the Tennessee Governor’s Art Leadership Award, which she shared with her husband. Honey is survived by one brother, four children, 11 grandchildren, and
HELEN ’47HOHENBERG“HONEY”SCHEIDT passed away on September 11, 2020, at the age of 90. Born in Montgomery, AL, she attended Newcomb College in New Orleans and graduated from Sarah University.LawrenceIn1954, Honey married Rudi E. Scheidt, and together they began their lives as community benefactors. Those who knew Honey remember her for her candor, wit, liveliness, and unwavering love for her family and the Memphis community. In the mid-1980s, while visiting a museum filled with mummies and ancient artifacts in Cairo, Egypt, Honey famously asked, “Why couldn't we bring something like this to Memphis?” She worked tirelessly to make it possible, and her efforts resulted in the “Ramesses the Great” art exhibition, which debuted in 1987 at the Cook Convention Center. This was the start of the Wonders Culture Series, which brought numerous exhibitions and tourism to Memphis. Honey also helped establish the University of Memphis’s Institute for Egyptian Art and Archaeology and the Dorothy Kayser Hohenberg Chair of Excellence in Art History. She was a board member and active participant at the ofandPerformingGermantownArtsCentertheBrooksMuseumArtuntilherdeath.A
JEAN GYGER BLACK ’48 passed away in the summer of 2021, at the age of 91. She was predeceased by her husband, Angus, who died in 2010. Their family ran the Wild Wings Ski Touring Center in Peru, VT. Jean is survived by her four children, in addition to many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
DOROTHY HEINRICHS“SHIRIN”BIRD’49 passed away on March 6, 2020, at the age of 88. Born in New York City, she spent the first years of her life living in Palestine before her family settled in Middlebury, VT, where her father was a college professor. Shirin attended Wellesley College and later received her master’s degree from Simmons School of Social Work. For many years, she worked as a social worker at Mystic Valley Mental Health Center. After residing in Lexington, MA, for more than 30 years, where she and husband Fred raised their children, she moved to Bedford, where she lived for the last 29 years. Shirin will be remembered for her kind heart and quick wit, and her devotion to her husband. She loved Vermont and spent much time in Middlebury, at their log cabin in Hartland, and happy summers in Charlotte on Lake Champlain surrounded by her extended family and friends. Shirin is survived by one sister, two children, four grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
ARLENE ROTHSCHILDSAXE’51 passed away on March 9, 2022, at the age of 88. Arlene leaves her beloved husband, Jack, with whom she lived in Jupiter, FL. She was a dedicated patron of the arts, friends.husband,greatlyinHill’sgraduatedLeahofandSheandmuseums,frequentingtheaterevents,balletperformances.adoredherfamilywasextremelyproudhergranddaughter,Rothschild,whofromWalnutDanceDepartment2003.Arlenewillbemissedbyherfamily,and
CAROL BROWNPRELLER’52passed away on March 25, 2021, at the age of 85. Born in Cambridge, MA, she graduated from the University of New Hampshire before earning a master’s degree in social work from Syracuse University. Following the untimely early death of her husband, she raised their daughter as a single mother, while pursuing a career with the New York State Division for Youth as an aftercare worker serving adolescent boys. She was also an adjunct professor in the criminal justice program at SUNY Oswego. An experienced, passionate, and creative handcrafter, upon retiring she opened a yarn shop, Real Yarn, in Brewerton, NY, where she enjoyed teaching knitting and crocheting. After relocating to Sarasota, FL, and Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, she stayed active in crafting. She loved creating artfully designed colorful quilts, hooked rugs, intricate sweaters, lace crochet tablecloths, and finely cross-stitched works of
PRISCILLA KNOWLTON TAVENNER ’54 passed away peacefully in her home on May 29, 2021, at the age of 84. Born in Decatur, IL, she grew up in Belmont, MA, and attended Skidmore College. whileandandheart.severalandCongregationalproud1975.toOR,marriedofwhereatgraduation,FollowingsheworkedHarvardCollege,shemettheloveherlife,Thomas.TheyinPortland,in1959andmovedBoothbay,ME,inPriscillawastobepartoftheChurchvolunteeredforcausestruetoherShewasadevotedlovingwife,mother,grandmotheralsorunningher
40 | Behind Stowe art. During her decades of retirement, her efforts also went toward items to be donated: many dozens of sewn pet beds, baby quilts,
NALCHAJIANPRISCILLA SLADE ’52 passed away on August 16, 2021, at the age of 87. Born in Cambridge, MA, she graduated from Wheaton College in 1956 with a B.A. in political science. After graduation, she taught elementary school before marrying William F. Slade, whom she had already known for 20 years. She loved spending summers at her parents’ cottage in Freedom, NH, and at Camp Winnemont, both on Ossipee Lake. She had a love of horseback riding, which had flourished at camp, later on the equestrian team at Wheaton, and into her adulthood. Most of the incredible life Priscilla and Bill built together occurred in Boxford, MA, where they lived for 49 years. Priscilla enjoyed playing tennis and participated in many tournaments. She and Bill skied many of the New England mountains with friends and family. An avid reader of books and newspapers before her eyesight failed, she especially enjoyed what she called her “soft mornings” spent reading all she could in front of a sunny window. She loved to travel and was fortunate to have visited throughout the United States and Europe for Bill’s work and traveled with her own family on vacations to the UK, Hawaii, Arizona, Alaska, Hilton Head, and throughout New England. She delighted in hosting holidays and was a loving matriarch to her extended family. Priscilla was employed at Talbots in South Hamilton, MA, where her sense of style flourished. She is survived by her husband, two siblings, two children, two grandchildren, nephews.andgreat-grandchildren,threemanyniecesand ANNE DUNMIREDUNBAR’53passed away on June 15, 2021, at the age of 85. Her first husband, John Albert, died suddenly at a young age. Afterward, Anne went back to school, earning a degree from Lebanon Valley College in 1978. She later married John Dunmire, and the couple lived in a farmhouse on a 50-acre old mill property. She loved gardening, reading, cooking, and antiquing. Anne is survived by her loving children and grandchildren.
MARGARET “PEGGY” MCNEIL BOYER ’54 passed away peacefully on December 2, 2021, at the age of 85. She was raised in Pine Orchard, CT, and graduated from Smith College before embarking on a lengthy career at herfondlysenseenergy,Peggy’shusband,predeceasedlocalfamilywhocollectorshewithsquash,AnamongtownwhereresidedtheherCorporation,Polaroidwherejobtookheraroundworld.SheformerlyinLincoln,MA,sheservedontheHistoricalSociety,othercivicboards.amateurtennis,andgolfplayeracompetitivespirit,wasalsoanavidartandtravelerenjoyedgardening,genealogy,andhistory.ShewasbyherJohnBoyer.enthusiasm,andmischievousofhumorwillberememberedbyniecesandnephews.
JUDITH FLANDERS“JUDY”COON ’56 passed away on February 4, 2020, at the age of 81. Born in Boston, MA, she attended Mount Holyoke College before marrying John Lewis Coon III in 1960. In 1967, the couple bought their first home in Old Rexhame, Marshfield, which they kept until moving to Hingham in 2018. They adopted their two children from The Cradle, in Evanston, IL, and for the rest of her life Judy donated annually to that institution. Judy was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and sister. She was a talented writer of both poetry and prose, a great cook, and an avid gardener. She found the divine in Nature and in her relationships, proving to be a true and lifelong friend to so many. Judy is survived by her husband, one sister, two children, and two granddaughters.
husband’s law office for 37 years before retiring in 2018. She had a great love for cooking, gardening, playing the piano, traveling, and most of all, being surrounded by family and friends for any occasion. Her sense of humor was infectious, her selfless generosity beyond measure, and she had the innate ability to spin a story that inevitably ended in roaring laughter by all. Priscilla is survived by her husband, two children, five grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and several nieces and nephews.
BEVERLY SMERDON LUONGO ’64 passed away on August 28, 2020, at the age of 73. Beverly’s devotion to her family, kindness, caring nature, positive word, and infectious smile defined her life. She would always find the good in all she met. In 1978, she moved from Boston, MA, to Clemmons, NC, with her family, and happily called Clemmons home for the next 42 years. Beverly loved working with children and spent 20 years at Clemmons Moravian nurturing,Preschool,teaching, and developing young minds. She loved pets and would always have several dogs and cats around for her to spoil and provide a happy home. She also loved reading, traveling, and swimming. Beverly is survived by her husband, Richard, in addition to one daughter and one grandson.
KATRINA DARNELLBENSCHOTENVAN’60 passed away on December 3, 2021, at the age of 79. Born in Washington, DC, she grew up along the banks of the Hudson River in West Park, NY. Katrina andtheraisedawheremovedLeesburg,MemorialTherapistasKatrinatoKatrinaDarnellQuakerismherthatofwhoJohnthatoftherapystudytoskills.proficientasSheSwarthmoreyearsBerkeley,andSwarthmoreattendedCollegeafterwardlivedinCA,forafewalongwithseveralclassmates.supportedherselfanassistantwithhersecretarialShethenreturnedtheEastCoasttooccupationalattheUniversityPennsylvania.Duringtime,shemetHastingsDarnell,becametheloveherlife.ItwasthenKatrinafoundspiritualfamilyinandinthefamily.In1975,andJohnmovedFrederick,MD,andstartedworkingChiefOccupationalatLoudounHospitalinVA.TheylatertoMyersville,MD,theypurchasedhouseonthehill,builtbedsaroundhomeforflowersvegetables,and
MARIE STELLA ’59 passed away peacefully on October 29, 2020, at the age of 79. Born in Malden, MA, she attended Vassar College, received an M.B.A. from NYU, and atteachinggardenParaiso,includeAsustainablecreatingMariememorablesubjectspecialatItaly.totours,culinarySheecologicalarts,anUniversity.InstitutehistorydesigncertificatesgraduateinlandscapeanddesignfromRadcliffeatHarvardMariehadaffinityforculinaryhorticulture,andstudies.ledinternationalandlandscapeincludingtripsIreland,Japan,andShewasateacherheartandhadagiftforconveyingmatterasaexperience.specializedinenvironmentallylandscapes.fewofherprojectsElJardindelachildren’sinNYC,aherbgardenMassachusetts
IN LINDAMEMORIAMFOSTER’58 passed away on January 11, 2022, at the age of 81. She was a spirited and accomplished person— a ballet dancer in her youth, a Peace Corps volunteer, a teacher, a technical writer, and an editor. She received a bachelor’s degree from Smith College and an M.A. in teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University. She was thoughtful and generous and will be missed by all who knew her. Linda leaves behind her beloved husband of 37 years, threeChristopher,Arthurandhersiblings.
Horticultural Society at Elm Bank, and the Beaver Lodge teaching center in Ashfield, MA. She will be remembered for her sense of humor, storytelling, and zest for life. Marie is survived by two brothers, two sons, five grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews, family, and friends who loved her dearly.
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planted an abundance of flowering fruit trees. She enjoyed a 30-year career as an occupational therapist, and was known for her
TAMSEN FITTS LORD ’61 passed away on May 8, 2021, at the age of 77. She lived with her daughter and son-in-law in Florida, along with several pets. In her youth, she enjoyed traveling through Europe and Africa, pursuing photography and ballroom dancing, and working in the real estate business. Tamsen is survived by her children, grandchildren, and other loving family and friends.
The obstacles behind me are the reason I am here today…please use this moment as a reminder of the mantra…I hope the next seven words remain with you always: We are enough and we belong here… Today is the moment you get to introduce the world to your heart…Find what quickens your blood. Find what illuminates your dreams. Enjoy the task of unearthing yourself…Yes, I am enough, I am enough, I am enough, I belong here, and I belong everywhere I choose to go…Be the dream. Do the work. Show up for your communities and in that way you will always show up for yourselves.”
Walnut Hill’s 128th graduating class had busy weeks of senior activities and campus-wide performances and events, including the Friday before Graduation when we honored, among many other academic and arts awards, the following community award winners: Anastasia “Nastia” Goddard ’22 (Friendship Award); Lily Ramras ’22 (Hester R. Davies Citizenship Award); Qianyu “Yuki” Huang ’22 (Arnold C. Taylor Award for Academic & Artistic Achievement); Kiha Ahn ’23 (Catherine T. Chan Award); and Atticus Powell ’22 (Joanna Rappaport ’96 Award). We continued the new tradition of holding Graduation in the tent at the bottom of campus, and were honored to welcome Mahogany L. Browne, the Executive Director of JustMedia, which informs her works as writer, organizer, and educator. She is the author of recent works ChlorineSky, Woke: A YoungPoet's Call to Justice,WokeBaby, and Black GirlMagic, and she gave a moving and personal speech to our student–artist graduates. Here are some brief excerpts of her inspiring words:“Art is always happening because of you. Your blood and breath is art. Your resistance to norms—and your reimagination of the future—is art. You are exactly who this world has been waiting for. Lead us, challenge us, and watch our restoration as human beings, neighbors, and citizens restored…
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Congratulations to the Class of 2022

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44 | Behind Stowe Class of 2022 Acceptance and Matriculation: Colleges, Conservatories, and Companies American Musical and Dramatic Academy The American University of ArizonaParisState University Art Center College of TheBardBalletBalletBaldwinTheDesignArtsUniversityCollegeatBournemouthWallaceUniversityMetTraineeSanAntonioApprenticeCollegeBardCollegeConservatoryof Music Belmont EastmanDrexelDePaulDeanConnecticutComplexionsColumbiaColumbiaColoradoColoradoCollegeCollegeClevelandClemsonChelseaCharlotteChapmanTheCaseCaliforniaCaliforniaButlerBucknellBrynBostonBostonBostonBostonBerkleeBenningtonUniversityCollegeCollegeofMusicBalletPostgraduateProgramCollegeConservatoryatBerkleeUniversityMawrCollegeUniversityUniversityCollegeoftheArtsInstituteoftheArtsWesternReserveUniversityCatholicUniversityofAmericaUniversityBalletCollegeofArtandDesignUniversityInstituteofMusicforCreativeStudiesofCharlestonBalletStateUniversity–FortCollinsCollegeChicagoUniversityContemporaryBalletCollegeCollegeUniversityUniversitySchoolofMusicoftheUniversityofRochester Elon GoldsmithsFraminghamFordhamFalmouthEsmodEmoryEmersonUniversityCollegeUniversityParisUniversityUniversityStateUniversityUniversity of PeabodyParsonsPaceOtisOhioOhioOccidentalTheOberlinNovaNorthwesternNorthernNortheasternNorthNewTheMuhlenbergMountMiddleburyMcGillMassachusettsMarymountMarylandMannesManhattanMaineMacalesterLesleyLasellKansasTheJohnsJoffreyJoffreyIthacaIndianaHofstraHampshireGrinnellLondonCollegeCollegeUniversityUniversityCollegeBalletSchoolBalletTraineeHopkinsUniversityJuilliardSchoolCityArtInstituteUniversityUniversityCollegeCollegeofArt&DesignSchoolofMusicCollege(TheNewSchool)InstituteCollegeofArtManhattanCollegeCollegeofArtandDesignUniversityCollegeHolyokeCollegeCollegeNewEnglandConservatoryofMusicYorkUniversityCarolinaStateUniversityatRaleighUniversityArizonaUniversityUniversitySoutheasternUniversityCollegeOberlinConservatoryofMusicCollegeStateUniversityUniversityCollegeofArtandDesignUniversitySchoolofDesign(TheNewSchool)ConservatoryoftheJohnsHopkinsUniversity Pennsylvania State PittsburghUniversityBallet Theatre Graduate Program Point Park University Pomona College Pratt RhodeInstituteIslandSchool of RinglingRiderDesignUniversityCollege of Art and Design Rock RoyalRollinsProgramPostgraduateSchoolCollegeAcademyof Music, RoyalLondonCollege of Music, RoyalLondonConservatoire of RoyalScotlandWelsh College of Music and Drama Rutgers University–New Brunswick Saint Mary's University Salem State University Salve Regina University San Francisco Ballet Level 8 of School SanConservatoryFrancisco of SavannahMusic College of Art & SchoolDesignofthe Art Institute of Chicago School of Visual Arts Skidmore College Smith UniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityTheUnionTulaneTuftsThomasTexasTempleSyracuseSUNYSuffolkSouthernSouthernCollegeIllinoisUniversity–CarbondaleMethodistUniversityUniversityatPurchaseCollegeUniversityUniversityStateUniversityJeffersonUniversityUniversityUniversityofLouisianaCollegeUniversityofAlabamaofAlbertaofArizonaofBathofCalifornia–Berkeley UniversityCalifornia–Losof Angeles UniversityCalifornia–Sanof Diego University of Chicago University of YongWheatonWentworthWakeVirginiaVassarVanderbiltUrsinusUniversityUniversityTheUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityUniversityofCollege–ConservatoryCincinnatiMusicofColoradoBoulderofConnecticutofDenverofHartfordofHawaiiatManoaofMaineofMaineatFarmingtonofMassachusetts–AmherstofMassachusetts–BostonofMassachusetts–LowellofMichiganofMinnesota–TwinCitiesofNorthCarolinaatCharlotteofNorthCarolinaatGreensboroofNorthCarolinaSchooloftheArtsofOklahoma–NormanCampusofRhodeIslandofRochesterofSouthernCaliforniaofSouthernMaineUniversityofTampaoftheArtsLondonofUtahCollegeUniversityCollegeCommonwealthUniversityForestUniversityInstituteofTechnologyCollege–MassachusettsSiewTohConservatoryofMusic NEW BEGINNINGS
A N T O N I O V I V A For Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice THE FUND We are pleased to announce a new fund that supports Walnut Hill’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice work in honor of departing Head of School Antonia Viva. The Antonio Viva Fund will assist Walnut Hill in enhancing its existing efforts to create a just, equitable, and inclusive culture and to attract and support a diverse range of students, faculty, and staff Support the fund or learn more at or scan the code.

Non-Profit Org. U.S.Natick,PAIDPostageMAPermit#23 INSTAGRAM: @WALNUTHILLARTS | FACEBOOK.COM/WALNUTHILL | WALNUTHILLARTS.ORG | 508.653.4312 12 Highland Street Natick, Massachusetts 01760