7 minute read


name Behnam Emami

Date of Birth



From Isfahan, Iran lives in Tehran, Iran

E-mail behnom.em@gmail.com

Phone +989370084497 https://www.linkedin.com/in/behnom-emami-b4053118a/


B.Sc. in Architecture Islamic Azad University Isfahan Branch


MA in Sustainable Architecture

Iran University of Science & Technology


Azar Architecture Group, Isfahan http://azararch.com since 2016

Ayeneh Office, Tehran http://www.ayenehoffice.com since 2008

Freelance Graphist


2014 Copenhegen Central Library


Fakro villa Design


Jiroft Five-Classe School


Masdar Sustainable Element

2014- [under constuction]

Artenous Stone Factory Office, Isfahan

2016 [under construction]

Villa Dara, Gilan

2017 [built]

Blue yard House, Isfahan

2017 [idea]

Villa Lisar Mahaleh, Gilan

2017 [idea]

Mehre Izadi Cultural Center, Isfahan

2017- [under construction]

Shahrzad Residential Complex, Isfahan

2018 [under construction]

Villa Minoosa, Damavand

2018 [built]

Villa Shekasteh, Mazandaran

2018 [built]

Salehi House, Isfahan

2018 [built]

Radis Commersial Center, Isfahan

2019 [under construction]

Villa Mara, Damavand

[The renovation of old architecture faculty building with sustainable approach]

As the old faculty building wasn’t meeting the requirements of the day, it was decided to adjust the old building by adding or eliminating some elements and spaces and also lowering the energy demand. The general design approach was to preserve the structure and outer shell of the former faculty as an old valuable element and adding extra required spaces according to the physical plan and the demands of the day with a sustainable approach towards this brick volume.

• Current situation and design area

• Locating the new entrance based on the circulation focus point on south-west

• A new floor getting added over the old building

• Positive and negative spaces

• Positive spaces that would be designed according to the physical plan

• The combination of former building and the new design decisions

• Eastern side of the landscape getting moved lower and access to basement from this side

• Current void

• Void getting extended from 3 sides

To achieve this, first the physical plan was divided to 4 educational-research, cultural, service and office sections. The accurate dimensional planning was done according to the requirements and also based on the connection of these spaces. Studying the population of the site, the south-west side was chosen as a more proper space for locating the main entrance of the building. To meet the demands of the physical plan, a floor was added under and another was added over the old building.


CULTURAL: 680 m2


SERVICES: 350 m2

Climatic systems such as horizontal shadings of the south side that have the rotation ability based on the different radiation angels and thus have a suitable function in letting or not letting the sunlight in, for providing the comfort situation, have been utilized in this design.

In the new level added to the old structure, columns are omitted to provide bigger and more flexible spaces. For making this purpose possible, a cable based system has been considered.

The overhanging concrete slab is held in the horizontal position by metal cables that carry the strings to the ground. The tie beams are invisible cast in the second layer of concrete.

According to this analysis, as it was expected, respectively the roof, southern surfaces, western surfaces and eastern surfaces benefit the most from the daylight insolation. Thus, climatic solutions for benefiting more from energy should be considered for rooftops and southern façade. As an example, roofs are suitable locations for photovoltaic panels and solar collectors. Also as there will more be opening on the southern façade, suitable shadings should be designed on this side, due to the function of the building.

Proportions of the building and the heights are considered in a way that wont block other buildings solar right.

This analysis shows that the design doesn’t affect the sunlight hour for other parts of the site.

There are different types of opening on the southern façade. Windows on this side were more important due to the significance of the southern natural light. Shadings were also a matter of importance as the southern daylight, despite being the most suitable one, can be too much at some specific times of the day, specially for a space with educational function. Thus, horizontal shadings were specifically designed based on the mentioned above characteristics. There is also a large glass opening that acts as a green house. Southern façade was selected for this purpose, as it benefits the most from the natural radiation. The green house provides the necessary warmth for the interior spaces, in cold seasons. The former main entrance also used to be on southern façade, but is now shifted to southwest side where three main paths leading to the building intersect.


Jirof is the most ancient eastern civilization and also the largest historical city of the whole world. But today this region is one of the deprived regions of Iran. As paying attention to education is one of the solutions for eliminating poverty, designing a school for one of the villages (which can act as a pilot model for the rest of the villages) of this region was considered.

Radiation angle changes each season, each month and each hour. Our decisions for when the daylight can enter the interior spaces or not is based on three different thermal situations of Comfort, UHP and OHP, which have been also considered in the design of the shadings. The sun path diagram shows not only the sunrise and sunset time, but also the radiation angle in each month and hour. Considering the radiation angle and off course the thermal and humidity comfort situation, suitable shadings can be designed for different geographic directions, or the current shade situation of the building or shadings can be evaluated.

This diagram shows that in September the humidity level in Jiroft is maximum, that is more than 80%, and reaches the minimum in mid May. In abstract, the humidity level of Jiroft is more than the comfort level in most of the months of the year and we should find a proper way for ventilation and humid wind flow.

Wind is a result of high and low pressure belts in different times of the year. The highly radiated places are high pressure ones and the less radiated ones are the low pressures. Knowing about the direction, intensity and humidity of the wind can help us in designing the openings and orienting the building with regard to letting the desirable wind or not letting the undesirable wind, inside the building. According to the diagram, the most suitable wind is the one that blows from north-west and has a temperature of 20 to 27 degrees centigrade. There are also desirable winds that blow from south and south-east; but north-west side provides the best ventilation situation.

Getting to design concepts through the psychrometric chart

The comfort zone can get expanded through considering these climatic arrangements:

•Cooling and dehumidification have the most effect in expanding the comfort zone. This effect can be increased up to 44%.

•Shadings are effective in expanding the comfort zone, up to 31.5%

•Increasing the interior warmth and utilizing mechanical heating equipment, are up to 17.5% effective for improvement of the situation.

•Fan coils and mechanical facilities are 13.8% effective

•Two stage evaporative cooling (mechanical system) is up to 9.1% effective

•Cooling needs inter-building flow through suitable design of the openings, and heating, if provided by climatic considerations, isn’t in need of mechanical systems.

Locating the necessary spaces with regard to the considered spatial connections on the site of the project.

Separating office, educational and service sections and the space occupied by each of these sections.

Separating office, educational and service sections and the space occupied by each of these sections.

Moving the sections to provide natural ventilation and leading the north-west desirable wind flow throughout the site.

Locating the entrance, and greenery in the west side to make the wind more desirable

Formation of the plan and the connection of spaces. Putting the shadings for maximum benefitting from the daylight during summer and winter in different times of the day.

Locating all the office and researcheducational sections on a platform to keep them safe from the seasonal floods.

The structural design of this complex has been performed based on a modular greed with dry joints; so that expansion of the spaces would be possible through repeating the modules of the required spaces.

For the sake of keeping the construction costs as low as possible, and also for creating multifunctional spaces, by utilizing foldable and up going walls, the classes which are located on the north side can change to wider spaces that can be used as conference and gathering spaces when it is necessary.

Movable shadings (which open in the summer and close in the winter) can reduce the direct sun light radiation to a large extent or even completely block it. In this climate, making shades with roof shadings or using the volumes that provide shade, are suitable solutions for making the necessity of using mechanical equipment for reaching the comfort level as low as possible.

Utilizing materials with high thermal mass and in light colors on the roof would lead to more reflection and keeping the interior air suitable.

Natural ventilation system in the hot times leads to reduction of the effect of the undesirable weather situation, only if the windows and the direction of the openings are at the same direction with the main breeze.

[Regeneration of Marq-e-Olya with the sustainable development approach with benefiting of incremental housing]

Considering the importance of revitalizing a village and presenting general hosing patterns and encouraging people for staying in or even going back to their villages, and encouraging others to choose a village as a new residence, and also with regard to the delicacy of the effects of the development on the small cities and villages that are more vulnerable according to infrastructures and official supervision; this project is trying to present a pattern and solution for designing residential complexes for achieving social and economic development through incremental housing, and with attention to the values of rural lifestyle. In this study, eco-tourism has been introduced as the effective element in organizing the Marq village, and a plan for revitalizing houses-residents is presented. The goal of this project is to define the basics and principles and components of designing incremental housing and studying its quantitative and qualitative effects on a rural society and rural tourism in coordination with revitalization of Marq-e-Olya village.

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