Top 7 Health Benefits of Beets and its Nutrition Facts Juicy Beetroot is a root vegetable loaded with important nutrients also known as Turnips. It helps to lower blood pressure, boost energy, and helps to fight inflammation. They are low in sodium and fat which makes it a healthy food. Also a good source of folate which supports mental and emotional health. In this article you will get to study about Top 7 Health Benefits of Beets and its Nutrition Facts. Beet is high in fiber which helps for digestion and weight loss still there is no research to prove it. It also contains vitamin K which posses blood clotting properties and calcium which helps form strong bones and teeth. Beetroot is a taproot portion of the beet plant and is one of the healthiest veggies. This plant is used for medicinal purposes since ancient times to treat multiple health conditions. Beetroot is one of the multiple varieties of the genus Beta vulgaris. Beet is also known as a Chukandar in Hindi. Experts found that Beet juice is also helpful for the body to better absorb nutrients. Here will study the health benefits of beets. Beets have an excellent nutritional profile as it is loaded with plenty of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also contains bioactive compounds called betalains, which can also benefit an individual’s health. Individuals can leverage Health Benefits of Beets by consumption of beetroot or their juice.
Top 7 Health Benefits of Beets: The following are the health benefits of beets: •Helps to delay signs of premature aging and boost skin health: One of the Health Benefits of Beets is due to the presence of vitamin A and carotenoids in beet green helps an individual from inside out. It also contains antioxidants called lutein. Which helps to fight free radicals and provides photoprotection for human skin. Whereas there is no studies claim beets delay the signs of aging. •Beetroot helps to boost Skin Health: Skin cancer can be prevented by having beetroot. Beetroot ingestion prevents it. It also contains vitamins A which helps to maintains healthy mucous membranes and boost skin health. Some believe that beetroot helps to purify the blood which results to promote skin health. Beetroot is also a hood source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is important to protect one’s skin from UV rays. Multiple studies Studies found that skin fibroblasts need vitamin C to synthesize collagen. •Might be Beneficial During Pregnancy: Study shows that having beet during pregnancy possibly benefits pregnant women due to the presence of nitrate content. Still, more studies are required. Frolic acid helps to prevent neural tube defects in the baby. Hence beetroot is rich in folic acid which is one of the best reasons for pregnant women.
•Healthy For Heart: As described in the starting of the articles. Nitrates present in beetroot helps to lower blood pressure. Which results in reducing the risk of heart disease and strokes. Having beetroot juice helps to increase strength during an intense workout. studies on rat show beetroot help to improve the delivery of oxygen to the working skeletal muscles. When the skeletal muscles don’t receive oxygen then they are unable to move their arms. So, it gives rise to decreased physical activity, ultimately leading to heart disease. •Helps in Cancer Prevention: Breast and prostate cancer can be prevented by having beetroot. It is due to the presence of betanin in beetroot. Still, studies are required to showcase this benefit of beetroot. Studies at the Howard University of Washington shows that beetroot ingestion was found to protect from lung and skin cancers. Beetroot juice is highly nutritious and when it is mixed with about her nutritious veggies like a carrot. It helps to treat leukemia. Multiple studies have proved and supported the anti-cancer property of beet. •Helps to Promote Liver Health: Beetroots is one of the best liver foods. Due to the presence of calcium, betaine, vitamins B, iron, and antioxidants, and the fiber called pectin, which is helpful to eliminate toxins from the body. •Helps to Improve Sexual Health: Beet is high in boron which is connected to the production of sex hormones. Beet contains beta one