WORKBOOK Beit College
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Student’s Name: Grade: Teacher:
Help Mr. Rabbit find his carrot. Do not touch the lines or lift your marker on the way.
Look at both pictures in each box. Color them if they are identical.
The child will listen with his eyes closed while you make TWO sounds either IDENTICAL or DIFFERENT. If they are “identical”, the child will mark a happy face :) . If they are different, the sad face ): should be marked. Any objects may be used to make the sounds for exercises 1-6. Discuss the two SAMPLES first. Sample A: Hit a wooden spoon against a pan, then on a desk. The child should mark :( (sad face) because they are “different” sounds.
Sample B: Hit a wooden spoon against a pan BOTH times. The child should mark :) (happy face) because the sounds are “identical”.
Look at the picture on the left. Color the item on the right that belongs with it.
Follow the dotted lines. Do not lift your marker until you finish.
The REAL items for these pictures will be placed on a tray. Look at them for two minutes. Then turn away and one will be removed. Turn around, look for the missing item. Find its picture on the correct line and color it. Repeat four times, completing one row at a time.
Listen carefully while the directions are read. Complete only one row each time the directions are given. Refer to the Answer Guide for the correct series of directions.
Draw a green circle around the picture that shows what came first.
Look at the first pattern. Using the dots, trace it exactly the same two more times.
Outline and color the four mice for Big Cat.
Name all of these pictures. Color all the pictures that rhyme with SNOW. Cross out the wrong-ones. (With very young children have them only repeat the rhyming words.)
Listen to each sentence being read. Circle the best picture that will fit into each sentence.
1. The dog was very tired so he went to his very own _________.
2. I have a sunburn from lying in the hot _________.
3. Don’t lay yout clothes on the freshly made _________.
4. When the sun went down, we could see the shining _______.
Susie is hungry. Do not touch the lines or lift your marker on the way to her ice cream.
by Beit Educação Bilíngue Ltda - ME
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Beit College
The limits of my language are the limits of my world