interiors | outdoors | solutions
Daryl Nagil
Bekim Rauseo
Michelle Hart
Nikola Lashley
Heidi Boos
contents This room was designed for the Brazilian furniture showroom,
about the cover
ARTEFACTO, as part of their annual Show House where they invite Designers to create rooms using their furniture. As the “furniture” was our Client, we wanted their pieces to stand out
Graphic artist
production assistant
Advertising Sales
and not be blended with the accessories. For this reason, we
Advertising Sales
decided to paint them all in one colour…HOT PINK!! ARTEFACTO, cover photo
Alison Antrobus, interior designer
“ T he n i c e t hi n g a b out teamwork i s t hat you al ways have ot her s on your si de.” Margaret Carty quotes
We rescued him from the South Beach Animal Hospital and gave him
a dose of Hot Pink Chlorofluorocarbons…as you can see he is now happy and healthy on the cover of your Sourcebook !!! On behalf of the entire Design Team and Norman, we would like to thank the team
Toute Bagai Publishing Limited
ABS Building Solutions, ARTEFACTO, istockphoto © (andipantz,
Alison Antrobus, interior designer
at MACO for honoring us with the Cover Shot !!!
archideaphoto, argalis, blackred, Burwell and Burwell Photography, Graphic Artist
chandlerphoto, claylib, Clicknique, cmcderm1, danishkhan, Digital Savant
Daryl Nagil
LLC, evirgen, Factoria Singular SL, George Peters Design And Illustration,
gerenme, Gremlin, Green Machine, iofoto, jacky9946, Jasmina, Kursad
Ergan, mashabuba, mayina, MicroColour Photography, ODonnell Photograf, Production Assistant
PhilSigin,, pixonaut, poligonchik, RAS Photo Arts.,
Bekim Rauseo
ssstep, stocknroll, stuartbur, Svetlana Privezentseva, Tomograf, tulcarion,
Videowok, -Vladimir-, VegaBlue, Y.C, yganko, Witmer Photography ) Italian Kitchen Company, The Watersource
Sales & Advertising Michelle Hart
Caribbean Print Technologies (CPT)
Heidi Boos
Advertising Offices Toute Bagai Publishing
26 Kelly Kenny Street, Woodbrook,
Dominique Edwards, Simone
Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.
Gillette, Nikola Lashley, Kamsha
Tel 1 868 6220519 | Fax 1 868 628 6909
Maharaj, Bekim Rauseo,
Dining 2
“A home isn’t j ust wh ere you l i ve , or at l e as t i t d oes n’t h ave to be. A h om e i s w h o you are .” Cortney Novogratz
Bathrooms | Bedrooms | Kitchens | Living | Dining | Lighting
interiors 4
writer Bekim Rauseo Photography courtesy alison antrobus
8 questions with interior designer Alison Antrobus.
When we move into a home
quarters flow harmoniously so MACO
you can apply in your own personal space,
or a rental space we often inherit
Sourcebook has gone to the experts. Alison
giving it an added flair that you can be
awkwardly shaped rooms, oddly placed
Antrobus is a design maven known the
proud of.
world over for her grand and luxurious
features or fixtures. As a result we are
design concepts. The Jamaican born beauty
Q. What common mistakes do home-
faced with the challenge of laying out
has worked for international clients and has
owners make when laying out their great
these common living spaces with our
conceptualized spaces for stylish lounges,
own style and personal possessions to
hip bars, classy restaurants, and boutique
truly make these spaces our own.
hotels just to name a few.
Every space in your home should be a
known t h e wo rld over fo r h er gra nd a nd lux ur io us d es ign co ncepts .
reflection of your personality, not a carbon
It takes some serious skill and tricks of
Here the design star sits with MACO
copy of a layout in a magazine. Make it
the trade to make the feng-shui of living
Sourcebook spilling insider secrets that
your own by asking yourself questions such
A lis o n A ntro b us is a d es ign m aven
Use m o re e c l e c t i c f u r n i shi n g s to of fset t hat l ack of s y m m et r y. Fu n k y, u n i que pi ec es w i l l pl ay i n to t he c harac ter o f t he o d d ly sha p e d room.
as “how do I want to feel in this room;”
plumbing to that space so we found a
and structural columns are usually absorbed
“How will I use this room;” …and then
Vintage Mid Century Modern Bar Cart that
into a design feature or are cool enough to
seek out materials; colors and furniture that
not only resolved the challenge but became
become a feature itself. It really depends
accomplish that.
a great feature within the space.
on what your design intent is. For example,
Q. How do we use focal points in great rooms? Can there be more than one?
if you have a structural column that is not
Absolutely…it may be a focal point
Q. What should home-owners consider
Q. How can we make separated
attractive and in an odd location, wrap it
upon arrival into the room, and one from
when tackling an awkwardly shaped great
“common” living spaces have more flow
with a material such as wood, extend your
where you sit. Remember that not all focal
room space?
or unification in homes?
cladding to make a bookcase…poof…the
points are on the interior of the room. There
column has disappeared and all you see is
may be a breathtaking view through the
a bookcase.
window that you do not want to distract
Use more eclectic furnishings to offset
that lack of symmetry. Funky, unique pieces
overbearing in proportion close to the
will play into the character of the oddly
circulation path throughout the home. The
shaped room.
specific style of the home may or may not
Q. What rules of scale should we use
continue throughout…every home offers a
when buying furniture for small vs large
different vibe.
Q. Describe a challenge you faced
accommodate multi-functional design. The challenge becomes the style… One Client entertained a lot in their great
My style has no limits and sometimes
with laying a residential room that had to
colour. For large spaces go for it…
Q. How do we incorporate colour into our great rooms without it looking like an awkward mix of hues?
Q. How can we strike balance in rooms
ventures into the more theatrical side of
Start off with a base colour pallet and
with off center windows and other oddly
design whereby I may intend to use over
then add two to three accent colours in
placed architectural features?
scale furniture in a tiny room…but in
smaller proportions…but…nothing wrong with rainbows if you like them!
room and wanted to incorporate a bar.
The geometry of the space is the first
general, for smaller spaces, try to keep the
For several reasons we could not bring
thing that I address. Oddly placed windows
furniture more streamline and lighter in
SPecial promotion
The “work triangle” is a simple design rule that you can apply to your kitchen that improves work flow and makes the time that you spend in there less stressful and more efficient. Your cooking range, refrigerator and your sink are the three major focal points in your cooking zone. To get cooking you will need to place these three major areas of your kitchen into three stations placed on the opposing axis of an imaginary triangle (see illustration). Once you have completed renovation you
would find yourself more in sync with your kitchen as its domestic deity.
The Triangle: Kitchen Footprint layout
compliance writer Bekim Rauseo
As t h e o l d a d a ge go e s “ i f you c an’t st an d t he heat get out of t h e k itc h e n” bu t we a t M ACO So urcebo o k t hi n k t hat al l you may n eed to d o i s si mp ly re-j i g your k i t c hen’s foot pr i n t .
“Beau tiful, f un c t io n a l an d c re ati ve d e s i g n c an br ing ha r m o ny, o rga n iz ati on an d c om for t i n to any hom e a n d fa m ily. A n d t h at ’s s om et h i n g wo r t h inve s ti n g i n ! ” Candice Olson
Living | Patios | Paint | Roofing
outdoors 14
SPecial promotion SPecial promotion
Benjamin Moore Paints 42 Carlton Av St James,Trinidad and Tobago, Tel. #: (868) 628-7931 writer Bekim Rauseo
Our Technicolor inspiration board was inspired by some of MACO Caribbean Living’s famous covers, featuring spectacular homes around the region, along with Benjamin Moore’s wide range of colour palettes.
Amanyara Since 1883 Benjamin Moore has been opening eyes to the world of taos taupe 2111 - 40
colour and inspiring decorators globally to add a splash of flair into their homes.
stone harbour 2111-50
Colour makes the biggest statement in ay room: in bright bursts of little accessories,
in bold graphic prints and on large accent walls. Great use of brilliant colour creates dramatic focal points in any room. The wow factor is immediate and the impression is lasting.
If yo u h ave a ro o m t h a t d o es n’t get m uch na tura l ligh t a nd yo u wa nt t h e ro o m to feel b r igh ter, t h en by a ll m ea ns us e a ligh ter co lo r.
Alang Alang
Goat Hill
silhouette AF-655
Moroccan spice AF-285
granite AF-660
yellow lotus 2021-50
jalapeno pepper 2147-30
easter lily OC-126
“A ll fine a rc h itec t ura l val u e s are h u m an va lues, else n ot val u ab l e .� Frank Lloyd Wright
Financial | Finishes | Services | Insurance
solutions 18
foundations writer Bekim Rauseo
A d rea m h o m e d o es not pro pa ga te its elf over nigh t; i t t a kes mo nt hs o f wo rk fro m pro fes s io na ls , b a ck a nd fo r t h in a pprova ls f ro m reco g ni z ed gover ning b o a rd s in t h e h o m e co ns tr uctio n a nd planni ng d ep a r tments, a nd lots o f m o ney to m a ke rea l es t a te d rea m s into a rea li ty.
A te a m o f A rc hi te c t s, D ra f t smen , Sur veyor s an d Bui l der s are key pl aye r s i n t he ho m e ren ovat i on an d c on st r uc t i on proc ess
When starting from the ground up, any
plans themselves resulting in a grand castle-
up a homeowner’s best asset is knowing
to be submitted to Town and Country
The chief concern of the Land Surveyor
The surveyors can also assess the parcel
home renovation project can be a task
like design, but woes betide the individual
the field.
for final building approval. This is a fairly
is to identify objections with the survey
of land on the likelihood of environmental
full of pitfalls and unexpected turns when
that does not seek out professional help. A
long process as there are many rules and
plans based on the purchased parcel of
crises and thusly apply for Certificates
the basic regulations and guidelines (set
team of Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors
regulations to consider when building in
land. It is a key factor to consider before
of Environmental Clearance from the
by the regional corporations of Trinidad
and Builders are key players in the home
various areas around Trinidad and Tobago.
construction begins.
and Tobago) are quickly overlooked or
renovation and construction process, who
• Meeting your Architect
Town and Country has different Regional
When laying out a foundation, your
will not just ensure quality work on the
In the initial planning stage, it is best for
Corporations that deal specifically with
building must fit within the legally
An engineer is also a crucial team player.
However, the process is made easy with
project but also ease pressure and cast light
the homeowner to scout an Architect.
building guidelines in the zone/ district of
defined boundary of the parcel of land
Their role is to study the mechanics of how
the right team, the best plan, and the right
on the blind spots in building a home that
Choosing the right architect is essential,
a homeowner’s building site. It is the role
in accordance with Town and Country
the house will function and are responsible
amount of preparation. It is easy as 1-2-3
the average Jane or Joe might overlook.
it is a relationship to be nurtured and
of the architect to ensure that the design
Planning. Fences and walls are also
for much of the construction details;
with our customized tackle box of ideas
When building a home, land developers are
cherished as he/she would hold your hand
of the home meets these requirements.
measured to avoid litigation with the
structural works, retaining walls, electrical
and tips, engineered for the Caribbean
in it for the long haul. It takes an incredible
through the year long procedure of drafts,
Choose your architect based on his/ her
possible encroaching on other parcels
and plumbing works, etc.
construction market.
amount of patience and dedication during
sketches, Town and Country approvals,
design ethos. You can do this by researching
of land. Drains, roads, building structure
After you have finally decided on that
the procedure. A dream home does not
building, and engineering decisions. The
their previously completed works, from
and the presence of squatters are also
• Hiring a Builder
perfect parcel of land on that picturesque
propagate itself overnight; it takes months
architect will chiefly assist you in terms of
large scale commercial designs to personal
major concerns that Land Surveyors seek
It is important to do your research on your
cul-de-sac of your future, the building
of work from professionals, back and forth
design based on: your ideas, his expertise,
residential spaces.
to identify. He/ she will study the natural
prospect builder. When hiring a builder you
and planning process begins. You have
in approvals from recognized governing
and Town and Country requirements.
• You and your Licensed Land Surveyor and
slope of the land. Based on its general
need to scout out their recent projects,
gathered clippings, sketches, magazine
boards in the home construction and
The architect’s service usually entails: the
topography and gradient the design of the
meet with homeowners that he/ she may
cut-outs that feature the composites
planning departments, and lots of money to
draft of the design, a second sketch with
By hiring a Licensed Land Surveyor, land
home can change or be greatly affected.
have worked with and converse with them
of your dream home. For most home
make real estate dreams into a reality. When
preliminary changes made by homeowner,
developers are better able to fend off
It is important to note that survey plans
about the Builder’s work ethic. This is
enthusiasts this may be sufficient to draft
flipping a house or starting from the ground
and the final homeowner approved design
unwanted setbacks to the building process.
may be outdated and require revision.
crucial—by taking all these precautionary
Step 1: Assembling Your Dream Team.
MACO tacklebox builder’s brief Personal Information
Important Information
Architect Land Surveyor Builder
who collectively manages, as if by magic, to
little headache as possible.
tame the torrent of confusion that building
Next on the agenda with your Builder is
a home will bring.
to work out a Quantity Survey—a detailed
Once a general scope of work has been
spreadsheet on the quantity of material,
accomplished and the architect finalizes the
and unit cost of every item (down to the
home drawings with the land developer,
very last wood nail in the floor boards)
the plans are sent off to Town and
required to complete the design that you
Country where the plans are looked over
and your architect designed. The Quantity
with a fine tooth comb, passing through
Survey is an important document that
various departments for approval on a
North-West and Central Regional Office
South Regional Office
checklist of regional requirements. From
Eric Williams Plaza
Palm’s Club
Independence Square
Point-a-Pierre Road
Port of Spain
San Fernando
renders the cost of the Builders services as
WASA official Plot Size:
T&TEC official
Regional District Contact information Town and Country Planning Division regional offices are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, except public holidays.
well and is required when applying for a
the engineering (with your team engineer)
of the sites development, the plumbing,
Trinidad, West Indies
Trinidad, West Indies
Once all of this has been understood
and the electrical work all aspects must
Tel/Fax. (868) 625-8445
Tel/Fax. (868) 652-2141
and agreed to by both parties—the land
be double checked and triple checked
developer and the builder—the building
before the first brick is laid down for the
North-East Regional Office
Tobago Regional Office
Level 2, Tunapuna Administrative Complex
Works Building, Ground Floor
Eastern Main Road
Castries Street
Trinidad, West Indies
Tobago, West Indies
Tel/Fax. (868) 663-2726
Tel/Fax. (868) 639-2663
process can begin
Step 2: Building Foundations
Step 3: Preparing for Action
Now that you have recognized that your
Like any adventure in to unknown territory
Architect is your trusted cartographer,
it is key to prepare oneself with the tools
your Land Survey is your expert tour-guide,
and know-how. MACO Sourcebook has
your engineer is your personal compass,
specially designed “tackle box”, a helpful
and your Builder is your right-hand man
guide to keep you on track during your
in the upcoming months, you are off to a
residential build. By documenting and
1. Keep all approved documents in a waterproof case. They should be neatly folded and archived in a ready to go format that is easily transportable.
good start till journey’s end towards your
keeping records during the process of home
2. Carry a calculator. Comes in handy when calculating anything from financial to spatial figures.
dream home. Through regular meetings
construction soon-to-be-homeowners will
3. Keep a camera or printed images of land in tote. This can give you and any other player in your home’s development a clear idea of land topography,
you would draft, sketch and draw the
find their way through the thicket and into
plans for your home amidst a tornado of
the clearing of a neatly manicured plot of
paperwork, cadastral maps, site visits, and
land—white fence intact.
inspiration books with your dream team,
measures, land developers, can assure as
drainage and area when off-site. 4. Tape measures will always come in handy. 5. A ball point pen and writing pad are always a necessity. 6. The “tackle box” check list should be kept closely with all cadastral maps and approved plans, for quick reference to contacts.
Br i t t l e br i st l es an d st i f f spon ges are amon g t he n umerous reason s t hat put us deeper i n to e xpen se w i t h our D IY proj ec t s aroun d t he home.
Shake of f e xces s water or pat dr y w it h n ew s paper or a paper towels .
Rin s e br is t les t horou ghly u n t il water r u n s clear. Pay s pecial care to bas e n eares t han dle w here mos t pain t s et t les .
writer Bekim Rauseo Illustrator Jason Waithe
Little tricks to save you from big problems.
When left with damaged tools rendered
So when you do decide to shell out the big
useless from previous paint jobs it adds up
bucks for new quality goods; from fancy
to a more frustrated work load. It is a great
paint trays, natural fibre paint brushes and
pain when we reach for our brushes and
natural sea sponge rollers remember these
rollers to tackle that weekend project and
top-shelf tips to maintain them after dirty
all we have to deal with is a great mess.
Un der r u n n in g water u s e dis h was hin g liqu id w hile mas s agin g roller to remove pain t t rapped deep in s pon ge.
To keep t rays in top for m, light ly wet s u r face w it h water. In s er t t ray in to dis pos able plas t ic bag
Wra p d a mp ro l l e r i n pl a sti c w ra p fo r sto ra ge .
When water r u n s clear s qu eez e e xces s water away from roller head.
Wra p d a mp br ush i n pl a sti c w ra p fo r sto ra ge .
O n ce t ray is completely covered by t he plas t ic bag an d s ecu red in place pou r pain t in to protected ves s el.
A f te r co mpl ete d pa i n t j o b i nve r t pl a sti c ba g o n i tse l f. Wra p ba g i n n ew spa pe r fo r cl e a n d i spo sa l . 27