20 minute read

On the occasion of event

Congratulations on Independence Day have been sent to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarusian people from the leaders of foreign states, international organizations and integration associations, foreign political and public figures

The head of state and the Belarusian people were congratulated by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Pope Francis, leaders of Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Great Britain, Serbia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Israel, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Algeria, Kenya, Nicaragua, Morocco, Uganda, Ethiopia, Palestine, the Order of Malta.


"July 3 is a significant date in the history of Belarus. The liberation of Minsk from the Nazi invaders became one of the most important victories won by our fathers and grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War," – the congratulatory message of Russian President Vladimir Putin says.

The Russian leader noted that the traditions of fraternal friendship and mutual assistance, tempered in the harsh wartime, still serve as a reliable basis for the development of Russian-Belarusian relations. "I am confident that by joint efforts we will continue to strengthen allied ties, constructive bilateral cooperation in all areas, as well as promote mutually beneficial integration processes in the Eurasian space. This fully meets the interests of the friendly peoples of our countries," – the head of state stressed.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Chairperson of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Chairperson of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin also sent their congratulations to Alexander Lukashenko.

President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping

wished Belarus prosperity and power, and the Belarusian people – happiness and welfare. The head of the PRC stressed that he attaches great importance to the development of the Chinese-Belarusian relations and appreciates the deep friendship with the head of the Belarusian state. "In recent years, under your strong leadership, Belarus has achieved emphatic success in various spheres of state-building. China, as a good friend and partner, is sincerely glad of this. China, as before, will support the development path chosen by Belarus in accordance with its national conditions, provide firm support on issues related to the fundamental interests of Belarus, and is ready to continue to provide all possible assistance to the socio-economic development of Belarus," – the Chinese leader's message of congratulations says.

Turkish President Recep

Tayyip Erdogan expressed satisfaction with the level of relations with Belarus. "I believe that friendship and cooperation, which have been developing on the basis of mutual benefit and respect for more than a quarter of a century, will diversify and develop in many different areas thanks to our joint efforts," – the Turkish leader said in his congratulations.

"The high level of trust and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Belarus on the solid basis of the traditional ties of friendship and mutual support, the active interaction of our countries on a wide range of issues is a matter of particular satisfaction, – President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev emphasized in his message. – I am confident that the successful implementation of the agreements reached during your visit will give an important impetus to further development and expansion of the Azerbaijani-Belarusian strategic partnership."

The congratulatory message of the President of Kazakhstan notes that Belarus is confidently moving along the path of modernizing social and political life, building an effective and self-sufficient economy. "Our joint efforts will give a powerful impetus to further development of Kazakh-Belarusian mutually beneficial cooperation, including within the framework of regional integration associations, for the benefit and in the interests of our peoples," – Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev said.

President of Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that under the leadership of Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus is confidently moving towards strengthening of sovereignty and independence, protection and promotion of national interests, and provision of sustainable economic development. "We in Uzbekistan attach great importance to the development of traditionally close relations of friendship and partnership with Belarus. We firmly intend to further deepen constructive political dialogue, expand mutually beneficial trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation," – the Uzbek leader said in his congratulation.

Emomali Rahmon, President

of Tajikistan, stated that over the years of independence Belarus has achieved significant success in state building and sustainable socio-economic development. "The relations of strategic partnership with the Republic of Belarus have

been and remain a priority of Tajikistan's foreign policy. We value the historically established inviolable bonds linking both peoples and states," – he stressed.

"The date of July 3 went down in the history of Belarus as a bright page of the heroic valor of front-line soldiers and home front workers who liberated the country, won freedom for the people and defended independence," – the message of the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov says. The head of state noted that Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to strengthening of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Belarus in all areas of mutual interest.

Serbian President

Aleksandar Vucic expressed confidence that, on the solid basis of traditional friendship, the sides will continue to strengthen Serbian-Belarusian relations and develop comprehensive cooperation. "I take this opportunity to once again express my gratitude to the Republic of Belarus and you personally for the traditional support in preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia," – the Serbian leader said in his congratulatory message.

Pope Francis conveyed his wishes for peace and prosperity to the Belarusian citizens.

UN Secretary General

Antonio Guterres addressed the warmest congratulations to the Belarusian people. "I hope that the Republic of Belarus will contribute to strengthening the United Nations and building a better and more peaceful world for all," – he said.

"Under your leadership, Belarus is progressively and dynamically moving towards the modernization of all aspects of social life, and your rich political experience and high professionalism make it possible to firmly and consistently defend and advance national interests," – says Vladimir

Norov, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

"I convey to you and the Belarusian people the most cordial congratulations on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of Belarus and reaffirm Cuba's will to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between our countries," – said in his message the President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel


Israeli President Reuven

Rivlin noted that relations between the Israeli and Belarusian nations are based on a long joint history. "Many representatives of the Jewish people have lived in Belarus for centuries, immigrated to the State of Israel and made a valuable contribution to the formation and development of the state. The community of immigrants from Belarus in Israel acts as a "living bridge" that strengthens relations between our countries," – says the congratulation. Reuven Rivlin wished Alexander Lukashenko personal well-being, and continuous progress and prosperity to the Belarusian people.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

in his congratulatory message to the head of the Belarusian state expressed his conviction that the traditionally friendly Turkmen-Belarusian relations based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust will continue to develop and strengthen for the benefit of the two peoples.

"I avail myself of this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for the friendly relations and cooperation that bind our two countries. I confirm my sincere interest in their further development at all levels for the benefit of our friendly peoples," – says the congratulatory message of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Syrian President Bashar al-

Assad reaffirmed his country's desire to develop relations with Belarus and strengthen joint cooperation in all areas. "I express to you our complete solidarity in your confrontation in the face of any pressure and sanctions against the sovereignty of Belarus and interference in its internal affairs," – he stressed.

President of Iran Hassan

Rouhani wished happiness and prosperity to the Belarusian people. "I express my hope that in the light of joint efforts, the enormous potential of the two countries, especially in the economic sphere, will be realized for further development and improvement of relations between the two countries in various fields," – the Iranian President's congratulation says.

"We always closely follow and gladly note the success achieved by the Belarusian people under your leadership in the development of the country and the implementation of the policy of diversification of foreign relations. We are confident that with the successful implementation of the plans for the socioeconomic development, Belarus will advance even more in its development, which meets the wishes of people, and will maintain a dignified position in the region and in the world," – said

President of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

On behalf of the people of Singapore, the

President of this country Halima

Yakob conveyed congratulations to Belarusians on Independence Day. She wished Belarus and its citizens peace, happiness and prosperity.

Messages to the Belarusian head of state were also sent by the King of Saudi Arabia

Salman bin Abdel-Aziz Al Saud and Crown Prince of this country Mohammad bin Salman, President of the UAE Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, Vice-President, Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai Mohammad bin Rashid Al-Maktoum and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al

Nahyan. They wished Alexander Lukashenko good health and happiness, and further progress and prosperity to the government and the friendly people of Belarus.

Vladimir velikhov

a solEmn momEnt for EvEryonE

In all regions of the country, representatives of different generations were united on July 3 by the Belarusian statehood holiday – Independence Day


The program of this Independence Day did not include a military parade, but, of course, there was a military topic in the celebration. Exhibitions of military equipment were established at seven venues in the capital.

At one of them, near the cultural and sports complex "Chizhovka Arena", about 20 units of military equipment plus several samples of civilian equipment for various purposes were demonstrated to the townspeople.

Families with children were the main exposition visitors. The kids happily climbed into the cabins of vehicles and asked their parents to put them on the tank. Adults, on the other hand, were told in detail about the features of the equipment presented by the servicemen. Not only Minsk dwellers came to get acquainted with the exposition – there were also many residents of the suburbs of the capital.

More than 250 cyclists participated in the bike ride "We appreciate the past. We believe in the present. We go to the future together" in Frunzensky district of Minsk.

The bike line with a big Belarusian flag was headed by Serafima Tatur, physical education teacher at secondary school No. 41: — This is a very significant, solemn holiday for everyone. And we think that it is symbolic to take part in this bike ride as representatives of our district. Because sport is movement, it is life. And this holiday is also about life and future.

The bike rally finished in the park named after Hugo Chavez, where each participant got a commemorative medal. By the time the cyclists arrived, a concert program had already started there, interactive spectacular playgrounds and an exhibition of military equipment had begun their work, and the Oceanarium Museum had opened its doors.

Minsk Region

People from the capital and from all over the region gathered to celebrate Independence Day at the memorial complex "Mound of Glory" in Smolevichi district. Exhibitions, fairs, interactive platforms, photo zones — entertainment to suit any taste and age. For example, everyone, young and old, was impressed by the grandiose exhibition of military equipment presented by the Ministry of Defense.

Traditionally, in Minsk region, the holiday is celebrated on a large scale in one of the district centers with the participation of the district leadership. This year, a big concert with a laser show and fireworks took place in Berezino, whose residents also celebrated the 520th anniversary of the city.

Gomel region

— I am here because I am a Belarusian and I stand for the independence of my country, — Anastasia Kuznetsova, a student of F. Skaryna Gomel State University, spoke so succinctly and clearly about her participation in the Independence Day march.

Along with labor collectives, activist groups of trade unions and public associations, whole families and groups of young people, who consider this holiday the most important of the year, gathered in Gomel on Sovetskaya Street. The end point of the route was the "Eternal Flame" memorial. A solemn meeting, flower-laying and a moment of silence were held there in memory of the heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War.

The holiday continued by honoring the winners of the "Person of the Year" competition. Seven residents of the region, i.e. those who work in industry, agriculture, health care, culture, law enforcement agencies, became the holders of the honorary title. — This competition is a kind of social Olympiad, in which people compete in their

Festve gala concert


Chairman of Gomel Regional Executive Committee Gennady Solovey presented certificates to the laureates of the "Person of the Year" contest

Independence Day celebration in Vitebsk

greatheartedness, number of good deeds and willingness to help, — said Gennady Solovey, chairperson of Gomel Region Executive Committee, presenting the awards. — For these people one’s woes are everyone’s woes, and they are always ready to sacrifice their interests to achieve lofty goals and humane values.

Vitebsk Region

Touching melodies of the war years songs sounded on July 3 at all the main venues of the region. Hundreds of people gathered in the regional center for a festive meeting and a subsequent big concert with the participation of the best creative teams of the city.

In Polotsk, July 3 was celebrated with a mass kayaks and canoes race along the Western Dvina. And the inhabitants of Oktyabrsky village council in Vitebsk region united to congratulate their two veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Independence Day. For reasons of health, Valentin Maksimovich Antonishin received congratulations on the phone, Mikhail Vladimirovich Ratomsky –personally. Being 95 years old, he leads an active lifestyle, often meets with the pupils of Koptyansk secondary school, where he used to work as a teacher. Cultural workers and workers of the village executive committee, students, friends and fellow villagers congratulated him on the main state holiday of Belarus. Almost everyone came with flowers. A small but very soulful concert and numerous wishes of health and longevity from all the participants in this heartwarming meeting touched the veteran:

— At all times, one must remember that independence is the main wealth of the people, which should be protected, and one should understand what its loss can lead to. I believe in our youth, our children. They will preserve the memory of the tragic events of the war and will be able to preserve our native land, for the freedom of which an exorbitant price was paid.

Brest region

Young people took an active part in celebrations on Independence Day in Brest. Near the cinema "Belarus" on Sovetskaya street, young people staged a bright flash mob "Vyshyvanka Day". Participants of the action sang the popular song "Heart of Belarus", launched balloons in the colors of national symbols into the sky.

In Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex, by tradition, flowers were laid on the Ceremonial Square with the participation of the leadership of the regional executive committee and the city, representatives of public organizations. Memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland was honored in Brest on Freedom Square at the monument in honor of the 1st Belorussian Front troops.

In the evening, a festive concert was held in front of the main entrance to Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex.

Grodno Region

The celebration of July 3 in Grodno began with the laying of wreaths and flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers and partisans in Zhiliber Park. Paying tribute to the memory of the defenders of the Motherland, servicemen of Grodno garrison marched in parade and held small arms salute.

Festive melodies sounded that day in all district centers of the region to please and surprise their residents. For example, a special gift — a concert on the balcony — was prepared by the artists of the regional philharmonic society for Grodno residents and guests of the city. It included the best pieces of music from its repertoire.

Instead of a military parade, an agricultural one was held in Lida for the first time. A column of grain harvesters and other machines just purchased by local agricultural organizations drove from Mound of Immortality to the exit from Kommunisticheskaya Street.

Mogilev Region

More than five thousand residents of Mogilev and guests of the city gathered on July 3 on the legendary Buinichi field. A festive concert and a theatrical reconstruction of Mogilev defense battles of 1941 took place there.

Galina Rybtsova, chairperson of the public organization "Mogilev Regional Association of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism", said: — Independence Day is our common holiday. And I want to wish our country prosperity, and my compatriots – to live in friendship and harmony under the peaceful sky of Belarus.

During fireworks in Brest Fortress



"Let's sing the anthem together" action in Grondo

At Buinichi field


Aleksey fedosov


not juSt good neIghborS


At the very end of June and the beginning of July, the VIII Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia was held in Minsk and Moscow. For seven years of operation, this site has proven its relevance. It is not for nothing that over the past time about four hundred agreements and contracts have been concluded for almost three billion dollars. The current forum will add another 800 million to this "piggy bank". All this is aimed at the development of the national economies of the two countries, for the benefit of our peoples, the presidents of Belarus and Russia said yesterday at the plenary meeting of the forum, which was held in the format of videoconference.

Solid foundation

Alexander Lukashenko noted the fact that without close interregional cooperation Belarus and Russia would never have had such close, allied relations. And in modern conditions this is doubly relevant. Today Belarus maintains close contacts with more than 70 regions of Russia — from Smolensk to Sakhalin. Every year Minsk receives at least a dozen delegations led by Russian governors. According to the President, the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia has become the most important economic and communication project of the Union State: — There is no other large-scale integration platform in the Eurasian space where Belarusian-Russian cooperation would develop so successfully.

According to the head of the Belarusian state, the time has come to develop a joint digital agenda focused on practice: — The Union State programs should be a good help for the implementation of such an agenda. Most of them allow us to create and replicate high-tech materials and production. Moreover, the cooperation of Belarusian and Russian scientists in the field of academic science is intensively developing.

This applies, in particular, to interaction in space exploration, the creation of high-performance information processing systems, nanomaterials. But Alexander Lukashenko called the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant the most ambitious and successful Belarusian-Russian project of recent decades: — The first unit of the Belarusian NPP has just recently been put into commercial operation. The second will start working in a year. This is a clear indication that Belarusians and Russians have every opportunity for further expansion of economic, cultural and simply friendly ties.

The President drew attention to the fact that Russia not only responded to the request of Belarus to build a nuclear power plant, but also agreed to involve local specialists in the construction of the facility so that they would gain valuable experience in work on such unique projects. — We have also agreed with the President of Russia that in case of necessity (and there is already such a need) we will be ready, together with the Russians, to implement such projects outside Belarus and Russia, — stressed Alexander Lukashenko.

Cooperation priorities

The head of state noted that the interaction between Belarus and Russia is taking place against the background of growing tension in the international arena, where destructive tendencies still prevail. The pandemic has become a serious test of strength. Speaking about modern geopolitical challenges, the President of Belarus drew attention to the fact that Western states have relied on force, openly interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states, constantly change the rules of the game, ignoring basic agreements: — We see what efforts the Russian leadership is making to preserve the fragile balance of power on the planet. However, unfortunately, in the collective West, in Washington and Brussels, they do not always want to hear constructive proposals. Our opponents hinder all sound, positive initiatives and provoke new crises. In fact, the security architecture created after the Second World War, for which we paid no less than 30 million Soviet lives, is being deliberately destroyed.

According to Alexander Lukashenko, at first the former allies raised a generation that was taught that Stalin unleashed the war and that the United States and England won. And now they are rewriting history and trying to rehabilitate Nazism. Some post-Soviet countries have already fully experienced this on themselves, but they failed to implement such a scenario in Belarus, the President stated:

— Therefore, we are exposed to blatant economic and political pressure. It might not have been needed now if they had won the blitzkrieg that began in August last year. Something went wrong. At the same time, it is clear that all the sanctions are simply unceremonious attempts to eliminate economic competitors and lay their hands on the human and material resources of our states. The West is aimed at retarding development, disrupting integration projects and changing the course of the Belarusian state (and not only the Belarusian one). Therefore, strengthening of the unity and expansion of cooperation are of particular importance.

The head of state thanked the President of Russia and all Russians for their support in the struggle for preservation of the sovereignty and independence of Belarus.

Development vectors

Alexander Lukashenko proposed to develop a long-term strategy for the integration of the Union State. In 2022, the implementation of priority areas and priorities for the development of the Union State is completed, which are traditionally approved for four years: — I propose to consider the possibility of preparing a long-term integration strategy for the Union State (for example, until 2030), filling it with specific projects, taking into account key priorities and development vectors.

The President stressed that Russia has always been, is and will be a strategic partner of Belarus, and a fraternal union is a value that should be preserved, augmented and passed on to future generations. — Belarus is not just a good neighbor for us, but first of all our closest ally, — Vladimir Putin stressed in his speech, noting that relations between the two countries are based on the principles of mutual respect, support and consideration of each other’s interests. And he added: — We will continue to provide all-round assistance to the fraternal Belarusian people in the current not the simplest internal political situation in Belarus in conditions of incessant political and sanctions pressure, persistent attempts from the outside to shake the situation. We believe that the ban on the supply of a number of goods to the EU countries from Belarus harms the interests of business and ordinary citizens. This is what those who commit such acts would have to think about.

The President of Russia believes that the issue of preservation of the memory of the Great Victory, prevention of attempts to falsify history, and patriotic education of young people should be in the focus of attention of the Union State: — To be the heirs of a generation of winners is not only a great honor, but also a huge responsibility for preservation of traditions of brothers-in-arms, mutual assistance, hardened in the harsh war years.

We should rely only on our own strength and cooperation. It is industrial and scientific cooperation that is seen as the main engine of our integration

Vasily Kharitonov

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