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Masters accepted congratulations
The 6th Republican Theatre contest "National Theatre Prize" has ended. The awards ceremony took place on the stage of the country's main theatre – Kupala Theatre.
AAt first glance, it might seem that such contests are necessary only for those who are involved in theater business. But the awards create healthy competition among artists as well as popularize theatre with the audience.
The 6th Republican Theatre contest was held under the motto "The Power of Unity", and as the hosts noted during the awards ceremony, this year more than 70 applications were filed. It took the jury a month to select the best out of 28 nominees. The award ceremony was truly solemn with many most heartfelt thanks, theater artists from different parts of the country staged small performances for visitors. It turned out to be a kind of excursion into theatrical genres, i.e. there were opera parts and drama monologues, one could also enjoy ballet.
At the ceremony, Minister of Culture Anatoly Markevich congratulated the participants on the beautiful and successful completion of the theatrical contest: – Our audience were able to fully experience the outstanding performances that took place on the stages of our country. For our society the Belarusian theatre has always been and remains a real school of life, a place of learning and unforgettable emotions.

Among the theatre award winners there were two leaders which received the largest number of awards. The first of them is the performance of Vitebsk Puppet Theater "Tim Thaler Dolls, or Laughter Sold ". The performance was recognized as the best in several nominations. The director of the play, Mikhas Klimchuk, received the award for the best director's work, and this work also won in the nominations "Puppet Theater" and "Performance for Children and Youth".
The other leader, as expected, was the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. "Anna Karenina" performance won in the nomination "The best ballet performance". "Faust" was named "The best opera performance". Spectators remember the triumph of Anna Motornaya’s directorial debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre: the director took a risk and transferred the action to Germany of 1935-1945, which immediately revealed the corresponding subtexts. It is not surprising that Anna Motornaya received the award for the best directorial work. Maestro Alexander Anisimov was named the best conductor. The prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Irina Yaromkina received the award in the "Musical Theatre" nomination – for the best female role in the ballet "Love and Death". The musical detective "Jack the Ripper" of the Youth Variety Theater was the best performance of this nomination. "The best work of the artist" was awarded to Yuri Borisevich. The soloist of the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater Denis Nemtsov received the award for the best male role in the play "Truffaldino from Bergamo".
Those who participated in the creation of masterpieces of puppet theaters were not forgotten either. Belarus has a lot to be proud of in this area. Larisa MikinaProbodyak impressed the audience with her artistic work in the play "Lokis" of Grodno Regional Puppet Theater. The performance received another award in the nomination "The best actor's work", Larisa Mikulich was awarded with it for the role of Black Lady.
It is gratifying that the literary classics are brilliantly represented on the Belarusian stage. In the "Drama Theater" nomination, Roman Tsyrkin from Mozyr Drama Theater was awarded for the best director's work in the play "People in the swamp" by Ivan Melezh The jury awarded the prize to Mikhail Klimenko for his role in this performance. Pavel Marinich was awarded for the outstanding theatrical scenery of Gogol's "Viy" on the stage of Polesie Drama Theater. The performance was also awarded in the nomination "The best performance for a small stage".
Alexey Dudarev was recognized as the best playwright of the sixth premium season for the performances "Evening" and "Don't Leave Me", which have already become classics. The role in the performance "Fake Note" of the Studio Theatre of Film Actors brought Vladimir Mischanchuk the award in "The best male role" nomination. The performance also won "The best performance for a big stage" nomination. But in the nomination "The best female role" the award was received by the actress of the New Drama Theater Nadezhda Antipovich for the play "Warsaw Melody".
During the National Theatre Prize ceremony, prizes were awarded in special nominations. Vasily Matyushevsky, Chairman of the Management Board of Belvnesheconombank, Open Joint Stock Company, was awarded a prize for support of theater arts in Belarus. The honorary award "For many years of stage service" were rightly given to outstanding masters – the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus Valentin Elizariev and the artistic director of Brest Academic Drama Theater named after Lenin Komsomol of Belarus Alexander Kozak. Special prize "Inspiration" was awarded to the director of Mogilev Regional Dunin-Martsinkevich Drama and Comedy Theater Veronika Vinel. Arina Karpovich. Photo credit: Alina Mazovets.