Belarus (magazine #9 2021)

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No. 9 (1056), SEPTEMBER, 2021 Беларусь. Belarus

БЕЛАРУСЬ Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 0320-7544

THE DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY A new public holiday was celebrated in Belarus on September 17 MINSK HAS PROPOSALS






The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы панядзелак, 30 жніўня, 2021

Выдаецца з красаВіка 1955 года l

l № 8 (3644) l


l Панядзелак, 30 жніўня, 2021

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце ў інтэРнэце на паРтале

Свае людзі ў вялікай сям’і Стар. 3

Флігель у Лошыцкім парку

Новасібірская вандроўніца Стар. 4

Стар. 7


Адкрыта. Вочы ў вочы. Без купюр

шы, самы галоўны і асноўны крок да гэтых пераменаў. Гэта значыць – на падставе законаў, усё астатняе было б хаосам і беззаконнем … Нам хаваць няма чаго, мы павінны правесці рэферэндум па Канстытуцыі адкрыта, шчыра. Канчатковы праект новай Канстытуцыі папярэдне будзе апублікаваны, каб грамадзяне змаглі азнаёміцца з прапанаванымі зменамі.

Пра эканоміку

“Прыйшоў час Вялікай размовы”, – з такіх слоў пачаў сустрэчу Прэзідэнт. Гутарка ішла найперш вакол падзей, так ці інакш звязаных з леташнімі прэзідэнцкімі выбарамі ў Беларусі, пандэміяй, палітычнай і эканамічнай сітуацыяй у


Менавіта 9 жніўня праходзіла “Вялікая размова з Прэзідэнтам” – найпрацяглая ў шэрагу падобных фарматаў, якія ладзіліся і раней. Бо важна ж было, прайшоўшы, перажыўшы мінулы год, – азірнуцца, успомніць, асэнсаваць пройдзены шлях. Камусьці можа й скарэктаваць погляды на сітуацыю ў Беларусі, на тое, што адбывалася з намі, унутры нас, вакол нас і ва ўстрывожаным беларускім свеце. А Беларускі Мацярык, як вядома, значна большы, чым тэрыторыя Беларусі: прасціраецца па ўсіх мацерыках зямных – і сягае да зораў. Дарэчы, на касмічнай арбіце ўжо трэці раз працуе наш зямляк родам з горада Чэрвеня, Герой Расіі Алег Навіцкі: цяпер ён – камандзір экіпажа экспедыцыі МКС-65. І 9 жніўня зранку беларус даслаў праз Twitter зямлянам пазітыўнае вітанне з фотаздымкам – цытую даслоўна: “Улыбочку!.. Желаю всем хорошей и продуктивной недели))!”. І шчырая размова з Прэзідэнтам сведчыла: беларусы не зашораныя толькі на сваіх праблемах, мы здольныя над імі “ўздымацца”, думаць і пра мір ва ўсім свеце – бо ўсе ж на адным караблі. Зямля ж для нас адна. І значыць, давядзецца, каб выжыць, весці дыялог. Шукаць паразуменне. Дамаўляцца.


Больш за восем гадзін у Палацы Незалежнасці доўжылася "Вялікая размова" Прэзідэнта Беларусі Аляксандра Лукашэнкі з прадстаўнікамі як беларускай, так і замежных медыясупольнасцяў, экспертамі. Гаварылі пра самае актуальнае, найважнае для дзяржавы, для народа, для далейшага жыцця нацыі.

краіне, вакол яе ды ў свеце. Такога “фармату адкрытасці” раней не было: прамую трансляцыю з Палаца Незалежнасці вялі каля 20 інфарэсурсаў Беларусі, Расіі ды Украіны, у тым ліку й на англійскай мове. Прэзідэнт

патлумачыў: “Дзіўна, але часам нават вядомыя сусветныя сродкі масавай інфармацыі наводзяць цень на абсалютна відавочныя рэчы. Таму сёння патрэбная гэтая размова — у прамым эфіры, адкрытая, вочы ў вочы і без купюр”. Ёсць магчымасць паглядзець на розных інтэрнэт-рэсурсах Вялікую размову-2021. Каля 300 чалавек у зале: беларускія журналісты, прадстаўнікі заходніх СМІ, блогеры, навукоўцы, грамадскія дзеячы, палітолагі, дэпутаты. Задавалі пытанні, некаторыя ўступалі ў разгорнутыя дыялогі. Аляксандр Лукашэнка на ўсе пытанні, як заўсёды, адказвае адкрыта, эмацыйна. І не было закрытых тэм для абмеркавання: адзін з журналістаў, напрыклад, запытаў, каго Аляксандр Лукашэнка бачыць пераемнікам на пасадзе Прэзідэнта. Удзельнікі размовы абменьваліся думкамі, выказвалі свае прапановы, ініцыятывы – некаторыя тут жа падтрымліваліся Прэзідэнтам ці абмяркоўваліся. У ліку найважнейшых тэм, па якіх Аляксандр

Лукашэнка выказаў свой пункт гледжання, былі: калектыўная праца ў грамадстве па абнаўленні Канстытуцыі, эканамічная сітуацыя ў краіне ды пераадоленне выклікаў пандэміі, дачыненні Беларусі з суседнімі дзяржавамі, сітуацыя з мігрантамі на мяжы з Літвой. А паколькі ў той дзень, 9 жніўня, США, Канада і Вялікабрытанія пашырылі свае санкцыі “супраць рэжыма Аляксандра Лукашэнкі”, то й тэма санкцыйнай палітыкі, адказы на яе ў зале абмяркоўваліся таксама.

Пра перажыты год ˅ Мы прайшлі сур’ёзнае выпрабаванне на нацыянальнае адзінства. Ведаем, у нас ёсць усё для таго, каб гэты перыяд сваёй найноўшай гісторыі прайсці годна. Ёсць народ – адукаваны, адданы інтарэсам суверэннай Беларусі. Ёсць усеагульнае разуменне, што ў сферы нацыянальных інтарэсаў мы ўсе глядзім у адным кірунку – дзяржаўным.

Пра Канстытуцыю ˅ На пераменах настойвалі многія. І тады ўсе ўспрынялі змены ў Канстытуцыі як пер-

˅ Мы, па-мойму, 0,1 або 0,2 працэнта ўсяго толькі страцілі ў мінулым годзе да папярэдняга (маецца на ўвазе валавы ўнутраны прадукт Беларусі. – Рэд.) Гэта значыць, у нас летась быў вельмі высокі ўзровень. І да гэтага высокага ўзроўню мы сёння прыраслі: прыкладна 3,5 працэнта. Для нас гэта добрыя паказчыкі. Зразумела: усё, што адбываецца, шмат у чым абумоўлена знешнімі ды ўнутранымі фактарамі. На знешніх рынках цэны на прадукты, на іншыя віды тавараў выраслі значна. А паколькі мы не зачыніліся ў мінулым годзе, у нас дастаткова было тавару, каб на рынку прапанаваць да гэтага попыту наш тавар па высокіх коштах. Таму мы атрымалі добры вынік. У тым ліку і ў плане знешняга сальда плацежнага балансу. Яно ў нас станоўчае.

Пра экспарт беларускай прадукцыі ˅ Не было б шчасця, ды няшчасце дапамагло. Ва ўсім свеце, асабліва ў нашай брацкай Расіі, на постсавецкай прасторы, ва Украіне і гэтак далей, людзі яшчэ раз убачылі беларускую прадукцыю. Асабліва прадукты харчавання. Мы нагандлявалі за паўгода каля трох мільярдаў долараў на прадуктах харчавання і плануем сёлета перасягнуць шэсць мільярдаў. Але гэта не галоўны наш тавар. Гэта значыць, у нас было што пры дэфіцыце прапанаваць свету. І свет купіў. Ну, натуральна, ёсць рост аб’ёмаў. Пры такім попыце рост аб’ёмаў нас проста выратаваў. → Стар. 2


6 Minsk has proposals The President of Belarus participated in the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council and in the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Alexander Lukashenko made a number of statements at the plenary sessions of both forums, which were held in Dushanbe.

18 Be prepared to safeguard peace Joint strategic exercise "West-2021" was held in Belarus and Russia. The President of Belarus took part in the active phase of the maneuvers. Alexander Lukashenko observed the progress of the maneuvers at Obuz-Lesnovsky training area in Baranovichi district of Brest region.

20 Education system reset is a matter of national importance

Republican Pedagogical Meeting was held in Minsk shortly before the start of a school year. About a thousand teachers, heads of educational institutions, representatives of public associations and trade unions discussed strategic issues of the development of the national education system until 2030 at roundtable conferences and thematic group meetings.





Беларусь. Belarus



Social and political magazine No. 9 (1056), 2021 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 19 Zakharova Street Tel.: +375 (17) 263-80-12. E-mail: Subscription index — 220034 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018 by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by

THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE THE SUN 30 The word inspires... Each capital of the Day of Belarusian Written Language is a city where famous figures of Belarusian culture and political figures were born or used to work. This year, the holiday was held in Kopyl – the homeland of over 50 writers and literary critics, scientists.

34 Atmospheric, hearty, lively Minsk is 954! A considerable age! To celebrate it, it took the city three whole days to hold all the important events – and there were more than 130 of them. The birthday was celebrated from September 10 to 12. It is nice that those autumn days were as warm as summer. Celebrations were taking place everywhere.

39 Golshany won't sink into oblivion Golshany is located in Oshmyany district of Grodno region. This cozy town with a rich history on the banks of the Golshanka River has miraculously preserved its aristocratic appearance and old structure. The settlement did not suffer from new buildings that stand out from the general architectural appearance, and the lay out – two main streets intersecting at right angles – has not changed for centuries.



Kseniya Kulikova Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 28.09.2021 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 5,58 Accounting published sheets 7,23 Total circulation — 684

copies (261 — in English) Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2021 Title page design by Kseniya Kulikova

Symbols of Deep Meaning – The basis of nationa l unity is the ancient tradition of popular rule in our state, – the President stressed during his speech at the forum. – Together we choose ou r h i stor ic a l, political status at referendums, all-Belarusian meetings. We choose with our hearts. We choose by ourselves. Nobody forces us. As we know, in 2021, the Yea r of Nat iona l Un it y, a proposal to make September 17 a new public holiday was voiced and supported by the majority of Belarusians "For us it has long been a symbol of the Belarusian statehood and a testament to future generations. The testament to protect the country's sovereignty, national unity and peace in our native land," – said Alexander Lukashenko. The President recalled: in Belarus people are proud to say that the Soviet republic, which became a co-founder of the United Nations in 1945, took an honorable place in the international community, emerged as a Belarusian national state with equal rights for all its citizens. "All of us, people living on this land, are the Belarusian people. We have one state, one law, a common historical memory for all. It is indestructible. It is forever," – the Belarusian leader emphasized. – In relations with everyone, we strive for peace and friendship. We have never hankered after someone else's property or a piece of land. We have enough of our own. We do not even remind them today that Bialystok and Bialystok region are Belarusian lands, that Vilno is also a Belarusian city as well


September 17 is a symbol of the Belarusian statehood and a testament to future generations. The President of Belarus expressed his conviction therein at the forum of patriotic forces dedicated to the Day of National Unity.

as the lands around it. We are not talking about this. Intra-confessional balance and interethnic unity are the unshakable foundation of our society, – the Head of State said. The President noted: many say that, perhaps, we should forget everything that was less than a hundred years ago: "Well, there was Khatyn – there is a monument there. And there are thousands of such monuments where our people were brutally killed. One can forget, but Belarusians shouldn't forget one thing: as soon as we forget the road to these monuments, as soon as the road to Khatyn is overgrown, it will happen again, it will come to our homes again. While we remember, we live. And just worldly wisdom: if we forget them, we will be forgotten by the same token. Therefore, we should not allow this to happen. This is in our Slavic hearts and thoughts." Celebrating for the first time in the history of the state a new holiday – the Day of National Unity – we are thus reviving the tradition of commemorating

the event that returned to all of us the homeland cut to pieces, the Belarusian leader said in his speech at the event. The President recalled that back in 1939 Belarus was reunited within its national borders. "For cent u r ies , having been divided between principalities, kingdoms and empires, the people for the first time got a chance to build their own state on their historical land. It happened more t ha n 8 0 yea rs ago on September 17," – noted A le x a nder Lu k a s hen ko. "What does this day mean for us, living generations? This is our historical memory. Memory, which binds together people and epochs, passes on experience and warns against fatal mistakes." The forum in Minsk-Arena gathered numerous representatives of the country's patriotic forces, members of public associations and simply not indifferent citizens, for whom the words "unity", "independence" and "sovereignty" are filled with deep meaning. The President noted that just before the start of the forum he had returned from friendly Tajikistan, where he had been on a visit. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that this is an incredibly beautiful country with a rapidly growing population. "I am saying this so that you take care of what we have. If we lose everything that we have, trouble is inevitable. And when you return home yet again, you begin to understand for the nth time in what beautiful country, a beautiful place, given to us by God, we live. Take care of it! It belongs to our children!" – called on the head of state. Alexander Pimenov БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


Live and flourish, our country On the calendar of independent Belarus September 17 became a holiday for the first time. Celebrations on the occasion of the Day of National Unity – mass dance and sports marathons, patriotic activities – were held throughout the country. The opening of new significant objects was timed to coincide with this date. B R E S T . At t h e residents of Dobrush entrance to the regional also contributed to center’s park of culture the popularization of and recreation flowers the new holiday – at were laid at the obelisk the local porcelain i n m e m or y of t h e factory a line of dishes soldiers who died in with the symbols of 1939 and 1941-1945. the celebration was Music programs were presented. presented at the same G RODN O . For time at several venues the Day of National in the city. And on Unity, a youth ecoSeptember 18, citizens marathon was held were invited to the t here to cle an up Equator shopping mall the popular places to a family celebration of recreation of the participated by local townspeople. On the performers and guests, eve of the holiday, a a fireworks display ceremony of handing was held. Besides, on Symbol of unity over new buses to the same day, there A car rally bearing this name circled the whole country and ended at the the city was held in was a gala march of Mound of Glory near Minsk. Since the beginning of September, the participants the regional center. small vessels along the of the auto marathon have been welcomed in all regions of the country. On the Restored historical Mukhavets River. way, the team of the republican public association "Patriots of Belarus" visited p l a q u e s w e r e In Baranovichi, a memorial complexes, laid wreaths and flowers at obelisks and monuments to unveiled on the Old museum of national soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, participated in rallies, sports Bridge. When the unity was opened in events, concerts, met with schoolchildren and veterans. It is symbolic that at bridge was restored a new school. Local all points of the route, the participants of the rally were given a sack of freshly in 1949, they were aviators participated harvested grain. On the Day of National Unity, a large loaf of bread was baked placed in honor of in the creation of the from it. the 10th anniversary exposition. The day of the reunification of before, after a major repair works, a the city orchestras showed a large-scale Belarus. On September 17 streets became children's art school was opened in Pinsk. theatrical performance called "Eternity" the places of mass festivities in Grodno Bereza became one of the central about the struggle for peace and and other cities of the region. freedom. On September 17, exchange places of celebration of the Day of Besides, in honor of the holiday, a concerts of Gomel and Grodno regional cinema was opened in the city House National Unity in Brest region. There, philharmonic societies became a bright of Culture in Skidel. A new residential after reconstruction, a memorial was opened, erected on the site of Berezamoment of the holiday and a symbol building was commissioned in Smorgon, of unity, its creativity delighted the Flag Square and an original alley of Kartuzskaya death camp. In one of the audience. And on one of the streets of the living lanterns appeared in Oshmyany. buildings of the "red barracks" there is an exposition that reveals the sad history of city a large sports and play area attracted In Voronovo, a thematic museum room the townspeople. the death camp and its prisoners. opened its doors. In total, almost two dozen gardens GOMEL. On the eve of the holiday, VITEBSK. Here, the celebration about five hundred people took part and alleys were laid out in the southeastern began with a relay race of generations in in the bike ride "Power in Unity", and region for the Day of National Unity. The the Central City Library. And the main



venue for the celebration in the northern region was Vitebsk concert hall. In Polotsk, the opening of the Alley of Heroes on the Mound of Immortality, a building of the traffic police, a sports ground in the park of the 50th anniversary of Soviet power was timed to coincide with the Day of National Unity. In the ancient city, meetings were held with representatives of the twin cities. In Novopolotsk, the focus was on sports – races, bike rides, car races, river rafting, roller ski championship, judo. The city park hosted a festival of children's creativity "Belarusian people – unity in diversity". And in the district center Beshenkovichi, students, representatives of labor collectives and public associations wrote an unusual historical dictation. MOGILEV. The opening ceremony of the 1st stage of the construction of the bypass road was timed to coincide with September 17. A commemorative sign dedicated to the Day of National Unity was placed near the regional diagnostic and treatment center. In Glory Square the opening ceremony of the "Watch of Memory" and the awarding of winners of the annual city show-competition for the best organization and keeping of the "Watch of Memory" took place. The Museum of History of the Regional Center held an open day "We are so different, but we are together!" and also organized a walking tour "Mogilev – the city of unity and harmony: a way through the centuries". MINSK. The central event of the capital on the eve of the Day of National Unity was a solemn meeting and a festive concert of masters of the arts "My land is a land of unity". An apple orchard "Unity" was planted in the Museum of Folk Architecture and Ethnography, and the literary and theatrical performance "It seems we have a common heart" was shown to the visitors at the National Museum of Belarusian Literature. In L o sh it s a Manor and Park Complex on September 17, competitive spirit united the youth and the older generation. On the same day, a music marathon "I love Belarus. I sing Belarus" took place there. And on September 18, on the site near the capital's Memorial Church in honor of All Saints, a gala concert of the all-republican event "Choral Assembly" was held. Mikhail Averyanov

Malyavankas, vytinankas, batleyka and many other things Оn the occasion of the Day of National Unity an exhibition of arts and crafts has opened in the Palace of Independence of Belarus which exhibits numerous folk crafts. The exhibition of arts and crafts from cultural institutions of the city of Minsk and all regions of the country opened in the Hall of Ceremonies. In fact, the "Belt of Unity" thematic platform demonstrates the traditional artistic culture of Belarus. First of all, one can see there numerous products of folk crafts – from pottery to basket weaving, woven national clothes with embroidery, malyavankas, vytinankas, batleyka, samples of icon painting and many other things. Actually, each item presented at the exhibition is unique and reflects the historical and cultural heritage of its native region. The idea of the exposition is to give its visitors an opportunity to visually trace the transformation of traditional types of folk artistic crafts into modern arts and crafts. At the exhibition opening, Minister of Culture Anatoly Markevich noted that there is no future without the past, that the exposition provides an opportunity to join the heritage of the Belarusian people, their roots. "We are united by a great history. And everyone who works in the sphere of culture makes own contribution so that the achievements that our state is proud of could be presented to all residents of our country. We are very proud that the Belt of Unity exhibition has opened in this beautiful place – the Palace of Independence", – said the minister. Anatoly Markevich stressed that folk handicrafters glorify the history of the country. Moreover, the creativity of each region has its own distinctive features. "We see that this occupation is necessary for our people, it is very important. Of course, we strive to support crafts financially. Although we see that crafts today can even make money. Each exhibition is a trade fair. And a person who liked some items can purchase them," – the minister said. Anatoly Markevich specified that folk crafts have

recently gained popularity with people, including the young and these products are in demand with customers. The chairperson of the public association "Belarusian Union of Artists" Gleb Otchik concluded that art unites people and regions of the country. He called the exhibition very informative and bright, and expressed the hope that this will be the first step towards the foundation of a museum of decorative

and applied arts in Belarus. In her turn, the Chairperson of the Council of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the Support of the Talented Youth, rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Music Ekaterina Dulova noted that the wordcombination "Belt of Unity" contains everything that unites people who value their land and culture. – It combines the traditions that cannot be overestimated. There are ageold voices, moods, amazing colors, – said Ekaterina Dulova. – A special mark of pride is that our exhibition is accompanied with music, in which we hear Belarusian folk instruments, hear the culture that was born in the depths of folk art. I mean the professional culture where our instruments can perform very complex musical scores. And I am proud that our wonderful creative young people doing this as well. Songs, folk dances are the soul of the people. Alexey Fedosov Topic continuation on page 26 БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021



Minsk has proposals The President of Belarus participated in the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council and in the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Alexander Lukashenko made a number of statements at the plenary sessions of both forums, which were held in Dushanbe.


he economic underpinnings of modern threats, the risks of only forceful resolution of conflicts, growing tensions both on the eastern and western borders of the CSTO, the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan... These and other sensitive topics were discussed in the capital of Tajikistan. By the way, back on August 23, during the extraordinary online summit of the CSTO, the head of the Belarusian State called on his colleagues to develop a common position of the organization on the Afghan issue and to approve it directly at the meeting in Dushanbe. But, as we know, the situation in Afghanistan has recently aggravated to such an extent that it is nothing more than a concentrated expression of global world problems. And therefore the conversation was



multifaceted. It was not for nothing that Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to such threat: – A dangerous tendency is the aggravation of the situation on the western borders of the CSTO. The US military presence in Eastern Europe is expanding, the combat capabilities of the NATO coalition formations are increasing. All this creates conditions for military provocations and incidents near our borders.

Factors of influence on international relations

The President drew attention to the fact that the roots of urgent challenges of our time lie in the economic spotlight. In particular, Alexander Lukashenko specified the following aspect: – A pressing factor in breaking the system of international relations is the intensification of competition between

the West and China. To strengthen its influence in Asia, the European Union has put forward the initiative "Globally Connected Europe", which, in fact, is an alternative to the Chinese "Belt and Road". According to the head of state, the policy of the European Union, along with economic measures, provides for further advancement to the east of the supposedly model "democracy and European values." – What are these values and what kind of democracy, we have recently seen through the example of Afghanistan, and not only, – the President added. First of all, economic motives also explain the sanction demarches of Western countries. Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to this: – The collective West exerts pressure on sovereign states through restrictions, asymmetric actions and hybrid influence. All this is happening under the slogan


of fighting for someone's rights. But we are well aware that the true motive of such measures is overt lobbying of their economic, and not only, interests. Moreover, completely far-fetched pretexts are used to impose sanctions. In this context, the head of state recalled the emergency landing of RyanAir plane in Minsk, after which the European countries imposed a ban on the use of the airspace of Belarus and closed their skies for the Belarusian national carrier – Belavia company.

What offers little room for optimism

Due to the pandemic, the heads of state of the CSTO member states had not met in person for a long time. Due to circumstances, only Russian President Vladimir Putin participated in the summit on-line. Tajikistan had worked effectively in the chairmanship of the

CSTO, but this period was very difficult. Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to the following: – Unfortunately, we have to admit that this year has not not contributed to the improvement of the international situation. As before, the principles and norms of international law are grossly ignored. The boundaries of regional instability are expanding... Global tension creates risks of violent options for resolving conflicts. The President of Belarus noted t hat overcoming t he coronavir us pandemic becomes a test for humanity, environmental disasters and irreversible climate changes are becoming a significant safety factor: – Against this background, the increase in military spending in the world and the dismantling of the arms control system are of particular concern. We are witnessing a breakup of the Treaty on

Open Skies. The Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, in fact, remains the only agreement in force in this area. The absence of a constructive agenda in the area of arms limitation offers little room for optimism and preserves military and political tension.

Aggravation of the situation is a dangerous tendency

Despite the fact that the main topic of the summit was the Afghan issue, Alexander Lukashenko drew attention of his colleagues to the growing tension in the opposite direction. This year, the North Atlantic Alliance has conducted a series of exercises in the Baltic countries and Ukraine. In the last five years alone, their number has more than doubled – up to 90 major exercises a year, and the number of troops involved – from 60 to 110 thousand service personnel. БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


SECURITY IS A GLOBAL CONCEPT The President stressed: – At the same time, our neighbors – Baltic countries, Poland and Ukraine – react very nervously to the planned Belarusian-Russian exercises "West2021". They are over but the hubbub from the West is still spreading throughout the world. Although these exercises are entirely defensive in nature. Alexander Lukashenko noted that the exercises were widely covered in the media, and international observers are always invited thereto: – However, our neighbors traditionally speak about imaginary threats to their security. The President of Ukraine even said that the options for seizure of Kiev, Odessa and Kharkov would be worked out during the BelarusianRussian exercises. At the same time, Ukraine itself constantly participates in NATO maneuvers, which are clearly non-defensive. We conduct our exercises in our territory. And the Americans, who are a thousand kilometers away, came to Ukraine to conduct exercises, supposedly also defensive. Who are they defending against there?

from this month on, new NATO subunits are used for a hybrid impact on our countries. It is obvious that the only reasonable and effective option for solving border problems is possible primarily through a dialogue between neighboring countries. However, Europe stubbornly refuses to show inclination towards this path. The President noted: – Western countries turn a blind eye to gross violations of their own obligations in the field of human rights. Only in recent weeks on the border with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia there have been incidents almost every day, during

He believes that in the CSTO it is advisable to adhere to unified approaches of response to risks and challenges in this area. Of particular importance, Alexander Lukashenko noted, is mutual support of allies in the international arena, including the UN and the OSCE.

which immigrants from Afghanistan and other countries, for example, Iraq, Syria, were brutally, with the use of weapons, pushed into Belarusian territory. The head of state emphasized that double standards of the West are also manifested in active attempts to fence off the migration problem with a wall on the western border of the CSTO. They are already speaking about the allocation of hundreds of millions of dollars for these purposes: – It’s a dead aim. But if we look deeper at this situation, we can speak about the creation of new dividing lines in Europe by means of barbed wire in the literal sense of the word. In fact, instead of a dialogue on the solution of pressing international problems, primitive approaches of the Cold War are coming back. According to the President of Belarus, migration issues require utmost attention.

will be accompanied by a whole range of negative consequences. Including the challenges and threats to the collective security of the CSTO. According to the President of Belarus, in the current conditions, the CSTO adequately responds to modern challenges and threats, at least at the current stage. As we know, in Dushanbe Afghan problems were also discussed at a joint meeting of the leaders of the SCO and CSTO countries. Alexander Lukashenko is c on f i d e nt t hat i n t he c u r re nt international situation, the interaction of the two organizations can become a new weighty international platform for joint discussion and implementation of mutually beneficial interests. And not only on the problems of Central Asia, but also on countering foreign geopolitical influence.

Interaction on a new international platform

Alexander Lukashenko noted the escalation of tension around Afghanistan. He drew attention to the fact that the political situation inside the country is characterized by instability: – There is a humanitarian crisis, which

Problem solving – through dialogue

Of course, the migration topic was also in the focus of attention of the heads of state. Here the President of Belarus drew attention to attempts to distort the meanings: – Incidents on the border with refugees and migrants are set the tone of an international hybrid threat. There are active attempts to shift the responsibility for the migration problem onto the transit countries. And all this is after what the United States and its NATO allies created in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Moreover, they called Afghans to Europe by order of the United States of America, and now they refuse to accept them. According to t he he ad of t he Belarusian State, the migration crisis has become a pretext for building up the NATO military potential on the western borders of the CSTO. A group of troops has been deployed on a permanent basis near the Belarusian borders, numbering over 10 thousand people and more than 500 units of heavy military equipment. Alexander Lukashenko stated: – In addition, under the pretext of combating illegal migration in Lithuania,



SECURITY IS A GLOBAL CONCEPT Meanwhile, the consequences of COVID-19 demonstrate the need to develop interaction in the field of biological security in the CSTO. Both in terms of countering the pandemic and in the context of international threats. Next year, the Collective Security Treaty will turn 30, and the organization itself will accomplish 20 years. These dates, Alexander Lukashenko stressed, should be approached in a very responsible way. At least, an audit should be carried out of what has been done and what remains to be done. It is possible to define new long-term tasks for the development of the CSTO, which acts as

norms and principles of the international law. The leaders of the CSTO countries spoke in favor of the establishment of Afghanistan as a peaceful and independent state, free from terrorism and drugs, and called on all parties involved in the Afghan conflict to begin negotiations on a peaceful settlement as soon as possible. The presidents agreed to make additional efforts on development of cooperation in countering the challenges and threats emanating from the territory of Afghanistan. The summit worked out practical collective measures to ensure security in Tajikistan in case of an

a guarantor and donor of security on the Eurasian continent.

aggravation of the situation on the border. For the same purpose, a series of large-scale CSTO exercises will be held on the TajikAfghan border in the fall. In addition, the heads of state agreed to accelerate work on the adoption of a targeted interstate program on strengthening of the border with Afghanistan. Amendments to the Agreement on the Peacekeeping Activity of the CSTO provide for the possibility of using the peacekeeping forces of the organization in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN through the coordinating member states of the CSTO.

Collective security measures

What did the leaders of the CSTO countries agree on? As explained by the Secretary General of the CSTO Stanislav Zas, totally 14 documents were submitted for consideration by the summit participants, which had been approved and prepared for signing. Here's the essence of some of them. For example, the Declaration of the Collective Security Council expresses serious concern about the continuing high level of threat to the security and sovereignty of states in the CSTO area of responsibility and emphasizes the determination to consistently work on strengthening of the international and regional security, just settlement of the international problems on the basis of universally recognized

Constructive bilateral meetings

Major international events are also always a good opportunity for meaningful bilateral communication between leaders of states. In Dushanbe, Alexander Lukashenko met with Pakistani Prime

Minister Imran Khan and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. The head of the Belarusian state said to the Pakistani leader: – We are extremely interested in cooperation with such a large country as Pakistan. I am convinced that your specialists and members of the government will find a lot of interesting things for Pakistan in Belarus. The President stated that now the trade turnover between the countries is very small. At the same time, according to him, despite the difficult times, as they say in the world, the volume of mutual trade in the past and especially this year has grown significantly. By the end of the year, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Makei will pay a visit to Pakistan. The parties agreed to intensify the work on the preparation of the meeting of the intergovernmental commission. – This will allow us to intensify our contacts in all spheres. We have no closed topics in relations with Pakistan, the head of state emphasized. Alexander Lukashenko also noted the successful development of Pakistan, which is not brought to a stop even by the difficulties in the region. – We will be glad to contribute to this development, – he summed up. Imran Khan agreed that the region is now going through difficult times: countries are struggling with the consequences of the pandemic, new security challenges have emerged after the events in Afghanistan, and various political issues should also be resolved. The Prime Minister noted: relations between the two countries have existed for a long time, there is especially close cooperation between Pakistan and Belarus in agriculture and industry. He expressed hope that the visit of the Belarusian delegation will contribute to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation. The interlocutors discussed in detail the situation in Afghanistan. Minsk and Islamabad intend to find new points of contact for mutual benefit. The President invited the Prime Minister of Pakistan to Minsk. There was also a response invitation: – We look forward to seeing you in Pakistan again! БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


SECURITY IS A GLOBAL CONCEPT Ebrahim Raisi, in the position of the deputy head of the Iranian judiciary, once visited Minsk and met with Alexander Lukashenko. Now the head of the Belarusian State first of all congratulated his counterpart on his recent victory in the presidential elections and noted: – No matter how the situation and the circumstances in the world used to develop, Iran and Belarus always found the paths that led us to success. During the meeting, the leaders of the two countries paid special attention to the sanctions confrontation. The head of state noted that Belarus has always lived under sanctions, but they led to nothing for those who introduced restrictive measures against the country. The same as in the situation with Iran. The President of Belarus stressed: – If the sanctions did any harm to Belarus, Iran, other countries, it was only because we ourselves are to blame for this. We were not always negotiable, we sometimes failed to find the right path to follow under the pressure of sanctions. Therefore, everything is in our hands. Ebrahim Raisi, in turn, noted that Belarus demonstrates good achievements in socio-economic development, which means that it successfully copes with pressure from outside and will overcome all difficulties. – The Americans themselves always admit the fact that the policy of maximum pressure does not work. We believe that sanctions cannot stop Iran's progress, – he said. The presidents of Belarus and Iran agreed that the level of relations between the two countries clearly does not correspond to the existing potential. An agreement was reached that the foreign ministers will soon update the roadmap according to which the two countries will develop interaction, bearing in mind that they are linked not only by trade and economic, but by strategic cooperation. The task is to create, in every sense, favorable conditions for its development. By the next meeting of the leaders of the two states, there should be obvious positive steps forward and all problems that hinder interaction should be resolved. The presidents noted that they would be glad to meet in Tehran and Minsk.

The second day of big politics

In Dushanbe, a summit of the heads of the SCO states and initiated



by Minsk meeting of the leaders of t h e c ou nt r i e s – members of this organization and t he CSTO, to ok place. The SCO is a very influential organization; together with observer countries and dialogue partners, it unites 18 states. In his speech at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of t he Shang hai Cooperation Organization, the President of Belarus put forward a number of large-scale highprofile initiatives. I n p a r t i c u l a r, A l e x a n d e r Lukashenko noted t he p otent ia l of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its ability to play an independent game in global politics. The President stated that today the member countries of the organization are faced with powerful external pressure, but they are capable to ensure peace in their native land, to defend a multipolar fair world order for the future of humanity, where the interests of everyone will be taken into account: – To achieve these goals, it is necessary to accelerate the integration of global development strategies, expand cooperation in the field of security, continue to strengthen cooperation in the field of infrastructure, industrial parks, and high technologies. The head of the Belarusian state is convinced that the current situation in the region and in the world dictates special conditions for the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: – The acute global challenges of our time clearly indicate that the time is coming for a historic stress test for our organization, perhaps the most serious in its entire 20-year history. Alexander Lukashenko is convinced: – The SCO can take a more active

part in the settlement of regional contradictions and conflicts in Central and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the planet as a whole. The President noted that topical global challenges – drug trafficking, terrorism, extremism, illegal migration – concern Belarus as well. Therefore, the country supports the decision initiated by Tajikistan to establish an SCO anti-drug center.

What seems promising

According to Alexander Lukashenko, the SCO states need to intensif y cooperation in the production of vaccines and medicines, and not only against coronavirus. The President said that thanks to cooperation with partners, primarily with Russia, Belarus has established the production of vaccines and grants foreign citizens the right to visa-free entry to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The Belarusian leader is convinced: – The vaccine should be a general public good available to everyone. Alexander Lukashenko drew attention of his counterparts to a number


of other important issues which require the consideration of the SCO heads of state. The President called cyber attacks and manipulation of consciousness via the Internet one of the most dangerous challenges for the SCO countries: – They threaten the security not only of state institutions, but also public interests, as well as human rights. According to the Belarusian leader, one of the problems in this context is the absence of an international legal system that establishes norms and rules of conduct in this area. The development of an appropriate international base will help to resolve these issues, believes the President. The head of state also considers the further development of the SCO common transport space to be promising, which will contribute to the formation of a favorable logistics infrastructure: – Through joint efforts, we are able to effectively connect Europe with Asia, ensuring the expansion of the route network and the creation of the necessary conditions for transit. At the same time, the President drew

attention to the fact that B elarus and China are already actively working in this direction. Alexander Lukashenko also focused on the need to develop rail transportation: – It was railway transport that turned out to be the most resistant to various kinds of restrictions in the context of the pandemic. The President noted that the international community is now paying great attention to ecology, the problem of g l ob a l w ar m i ng , the imbalance of natural systems and t he deplet ion of At the SCO meeting resources. – We p r o c e e d from the general need to expand cooperation in the fields of renewable energy sources and nuclear energy, – said the head of state. And one more important statement: – Belarus resolutely and consistently supports the SCO proposals in terms of expansion of the use of national currencies in trade and finance. According to the Belarusian leader, the current situation in the world demonstrates the increasing vulnerability of those countries that rely entirely on one well-known currency: – This not only deprives us of competitive financial and economic advantages, but also threatens national s e c ur it y. More over, t his le ver is increasingly being used as a weapon.

Afghan issue in focus

The same as at the CSTO summit, the Afghan issue was in the focus of special attention within the dialogue of the SCO leaders. For several decades, the country has been actually in the state of war. Alas, this is not the background that promotes progress. But all neighbors are interested in a stable Afghanistan. Herefrom follows

the initiative of Minsk voiced by the President of Belarus: – Our country is ready to assist in restoration of the Afghan infrastructure, ensuring food supplies. Alexander Lukashenko called the SCO a unique platform for discussing problems in Afghanistan, which has observer status in the organization. The head of state specified that the coordinated position of the SCO countries on Afghanistan could create preconditions for the organization to act as a system integrator of the work of other international players. These can be specialized UN agencies, global economic and financial institutions, and even individual representatives of the private sector and civil society interested in working on specific projects in and around Afghanistan. The President of Belarus noted that nowadays different points of view and positions on Afghanistan are voiced more and more often. However, it is obvious that the sovereign right of any people is to independently determine its own fate: – Summarizing all that has been said, my experience of working as the President allows me to draw one conclusion: all the problems that exist in Afghanistan today should be solved by the Afghan people. Only the Afghan people can solve all the problems that have been created and are being created in this territory. The President added: – But we all should understand that it will not be possible to solve these problems instantly. We should proceed calmly, patiently, offering one or another way of assistance to Afghanistan. We should not impose our values on them, they will choose their future themselves. This is what the modern history of the development of the region of Central and South Asia also teaches us. I emphasize once again: Afghans will choose their own future. We should help them. *** Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei was entrusted to present Minsk's position at the joint meeting of the CSTO and the SCO. All the participants of the event accepted understandingly the fact that Alexander Lukashenko left Dushanbe earlier than the others. After all, that was a moment of history: Belarus for the first time celebrated its most important holiday – the Day of National Unity. Vladimir Velikhov Photo credit: BelTA БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021




This September meeting of Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin in Moscow has already been designated by many experts as a breakthrough in the field of union formation Everything for profitable cooperation

At a press conference after intense n e got i at i ons , t h e h e a d s of s t at e thoroughly informed the journalists about all the details of the agreements reached on integration issues and other topics discussed. Alexander Lukashenko described the talks with his Russian counterpart as honest, open and constructive. Speaking about the coordination of 28 integration programs as the main result of the negotiations, the President of Belarus noted: – In order not to retell the content of the considered documents (they will be made public, it is not a secret), I will highlight the most important things therein. These are equal rights for the economic entities of our countries. Those equal conditions, the need for which various representatives of Belarus, including myself as the President, have been talking about for many years. This is the cornerstone. We are full partners. The President of Belarus stressed that there should be fair competition for all companies in the markets of Belarus and Russia: – It was for the sake of equality, profitable and fruitful cooperation that the Belarusian-Russian integration was launched. Mechanisms for the development of a single economic space are now clearly spelled out in union programs: the formation of united sectoral markets, the implementation of a harmonized financial, tax, credit, pricing and



trade policies. They, according to the President, also include a solution to the problem of energy supplies to Belarus, an increase in the volume of transport services, financing of new investment projects, reaching common principles for the implementation of agrarian and industrial policies, increasing the level of mutual social guarantees for citizens of the two countries. At the same press conference, Alexander Lukashenko asked the critics of the Union State in Belarus a purely

Common macroeconomic policy, gas price next year and the creation of common energy and financial markets. Unified approaches to taxation, equal conditions for the activities of business entities, including access to public procurement. Joint security and the situation around Afghanistan. The Presidents of Belarus and Russia spoke about this and many other important things at the meeting in Moscow.

rhetorical question: what is bad for the Belarusians in the decisions made? And he continued: – And I would like to ask the critics of our integration in Russia: where do you see "a weight on the leg of the Russian Federation" here? There is nothing bad for the peoples of Belarus and Russia in these programs and cannot be. Everything was aimed at increasing the well-being of our peoples. And we must probably put an end to these conversations. Our integration is extremely mutually beneficial. The head of state noted that during the negotiations it was possible to reach mutual understanding in all main directions. By the way, the Governments of Belarus and Russia immediately began to "brush up" some points on the same day at the meeting of the Union Council of Ministers in Minsk. – If the "final touches" are approved and agreed upon (and we are sure of this), we are ready to approve the package of union programs at the meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, – Alexander Lukashenko summed up.

Unique integration association

The President of B elarus drew particular attention to the broad significance of the Union State of Belarus and Russia: – We are often reproved that the Union State is a purely political project. No, this is a unique integration association, advanced in all directions, and in politics too – for example, our militarypolitical alliance... Let me emphasize: life



Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin during the meeting in Moscow

convincingly proves that everything we do is aimed at the benefit and specific needs of our people. T he he a d of st ate note d t hat Belarusians and Russians do not feel like strangers in both countries, they can move freely, get an education, find a job: – It is worth a lot. Moreover, people are sure that it goes without saying, that it has always been so. This is the best proof of the viability of our union. At t h e s am e t i m e, A l e x an d e r Lukashenko specified that not all knots in Belarusian-Russian relations have yet been untied, but given the current volume of interaction, this is normal. He drew attention to the fact that a platform for further movement has been created: – Thanks to it, we will continue to provide social guarantees, progressively improve the well-being of Belarusians and Russians.

Which way to go

The President of Belarus noted that many may think that the implementation of the union programs developed by Belarus and Russia is too extended in

time. According to the head of state, it cannot be otherwise, because these issues must be approached carefully. The head of state stressed: – We are showing an example of how to move in the EAEU, and even more so in the CIS. We, like a bulldozer, are marching ahead, clearing the way for allied associations in the post-Soviet space. The Union is an example, the path that those states that count on a closer union will have to follow. Common macroeconomic policy, gas price next year and the creation of common energy and financial markets. Unified approaches to taxation, equal conditions for the activities of business entities, including access to public procurement. Joint security and the situation around Afghanistan. The Presidents of Belarus and Russia spoke about this and many other important things at the meeting in Moscow.

Topical international issues

In addition to the deepening of integration between the countries, the heads of state discussed in detail topical

international problems, relations with neighboring countries and associations. The presidents dwelt in detail on the situation in the zones of instability, primarily on Afghanistan, from the point of view of threats to the security of the Union State. Alexander Lukashenko noted: – In this context, the primar y importance is to ensure comprehensive security of our countries and the CSTO as a whole. We will all together work out a common position on this issue during the upcoming events in Dushanbe (CSTO and SCO summits – Ed.). Even we, being in the center of Europe – far from the theater of military operations, felt the consequences of the Afghan crisis. Look at the situation with refugees on our borders, how the "progressive" West is behaving. Moreover, they are constantly brandishing their arms. In this context, the leaders touched upon the topic of the allied military exercises "West-2021". The President of Belarus said: – We w i l l i mprov e ou r j oi nt counteraction against common challenges and threats. And there is no need to shout БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


INTEGRATION that we are conducting these exercises. We have an army, a joint grouping in the western direction. It needs to be trained in military craft, we are not doing anything exceptional.

Steps exclusively in the interests of the peoples

At the press conference after the negotiations in Moscow, the following answer was also voiced. The network has enough speculation that Russia allegedly seeks to swallow Belarus. The head of state noted in this regard: – Being delicate, the President of Russia did not say about all sorts of reasoning, that someone is going to swallow somebody else and so on. I must say that we with the President of Russia did not suffer from this disease. If someone did, we can heal. At the same time, the head of state assured that the leadership of both countries will take steps exclusively in the interests of the peoples. If Belarus and Russia need closer relations, this will be done instantly, as soon as citizens requests are heard, the President said.

Good neighbor and closest ally

Vladimir Putin, speaking with journalists, stressed that the negotiations with Alexander Lukashenko, "as always, were intense and constructive, which fully corresponds to the nature of relations between our countries": – Belarus is a good neighbor and closest ally for us. Russian-Belarusian cooperation is based on the principles of mutual respect, support and consideration of each other's interests. Close friendly ties between the peoples of Russia and Belarus are reinforced by a common history and spiritual values, and often by family kinship. According to Vladimir Putin, Belarus is the main trade and economic partner of the Russian Federation in the CIS space and, according to the results of 2020, it is the third among all the country's partners in the world. This year, the trade turnover exceeded the pre-pandemic level, in January-June it amounted to $17.8 billion. In addition, Vladimir Putin continued, the Russian Federation accounts for almost 50 percent of all foreign trade of Belarus, and it is also the leader in terms of the volume of investments in the Belarusian economy.



Integration programs are aimed at unifying the legislation of Belarus and Russia in various sectors of the economy, at leveling the operating conditions for economic entities of the two countries, building common financial and energy markets, transport space, and forming and implementing a common industrial and agricultural policy. The President of Russia shared some details of the Union programs approved at the level of heads of state. Including plans for the formation in the future of a unified

Integration programs are aimed at unifying the legislation of Belarus and Russia in various sectors of the economy, at leveling the operating conditions for economic entities of the two countries, building common financial and energy markets, transport space, and forming and implementing a common industrial and agricultural policy. monetary policy, currency regulation, integration of national payment systems and the creation of a common payment space: – This will help to ensure fair competition and increase business activity in the financial market, as well as effectively respond to the risks of money laundering and financing criminal activities, including terrorism. A number of union programs are aimed at harmonization of the tax and customs legislation of the two countries. In particular, it is envisaged to sign an agreement on the general principles of levying indirect taxes, and to introduce an integrated system for administering indirect taxes in the Union State. As a result of the negotiations, agreements were reached on issues related to the pricing of Russian energy resources. By December 1, 2023, a document on creation of a unified gas market within the Union State will be signed. As the Russian leader specified, the price of natural gas

for Belarus will remain at the level of $128.5 per a thousand cubic meters, while in the European market it has already grown significantly and reaches $650. In addition, it is envisaged to conclude an agreement on the unification of oil and oil products markets, as well as an agreement on a single electricity market. Common macroeconomic policy Belarus and Russia also agreed to pursue a common macroeconomic policy, Vladimir Putin said: – We agreed to harmonize monetary policy, integrate payment systems, ensure information security, deepen cooperation in the customs and tax spheres: we are talking about the transparency of the customs value of goods and the definition of a transparent structure of the value of goods in the economy in general. Our experts believe that without resolving these issues, it is impossible to move on to any other issues on individual commodity groups, including energy resources. A unified methodology will be created for harmonization of all indirect taxes. For this, in the future, a body controlling these processes will appear. All this made it possible to agree on the transition to a unified industrial policy and on mutual access to public procurement. Another important topic is the volume of credit support to Belarus from Russia. It will amount to more than $600 million from September this year until the end of 2022, Vladimir Putin said. Belarus and Russia will also remove all Covid restrictions on passenger air traffic. The Russian leader explained that this topic was not touched upon directly at the negotiations. However, the commission of the Russian government has just recently made a corresponding decision. – A decision has been made to remove all pre-Covid restrictions on air transport, – said Vladimir Putin.

If it is necessary

As for the deepening of the political integration of Belarus and Russia within the Union State, these issues were not discussed at the latest meeting, said Vladimir Putin. Alexander Lukashenko clarified in his own way: – If it is necessary, we will return to any problem, including a political one, and we will build our relations on this basis. We won't leave it unanswered, as they say in



Press conference following the meeting

Russia and Belarus. The main thing is that the peoples want it. Therefore, I support the thesis of the President of Russia that the time will come, when you are ready – we will not be found wanting.

In the context of the migration crisis

The head of state drew particular attention to the fact that Belarus fulfills all its obligations with partners, but under the conditions of sanctions it cannot ensure the security on the border with the European Union: – What do you demand from us? You are introducing more and more new sanctions against us every day. We are already far ahead of the Russian Federation in terms of sanctions. In just six months they have introduced so many sanctions, and should I, and the Belarusian people, defend their border? No! Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to the fact that the European Union has curtailed all programs under the agreement with Belarus on readmission: – Now reap the fruits of your policy... Look at their "democratic" face: they shoot, catch migrants with dogs, organize in groups and drive them across the border to us, shooting, thank God, over their heads for now. Although there are also deaths. They throw them to us across the border: "Take them back." This is their "democratic" face. We honestly carried out our mission until they began to forcefully turn the situation in the country and

overthrow the government. The head of state noted that the United States, against the background of the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan, gave an order to the European Union to accept all Afghan refugees. The EU, according to the President, "snapped a salute, to accept Afghans": – We will always do what we should to do as a reliable partner. If Europe wants these normal relations, please, we are ready to negotiate tomorrow. In the context of the migration topic, Vladimir Putin said that some European leaders urge him to take joint actions in solving problems with migrants on the border with Belarus and ask him to assert influence. – The answer is simple: this does not concern us. This is not our border, – said the Russian leader. He emphasized that the migration crisis arose on the State border of Belarus with other sovereign countries, therefore, they should seek solutions to problems among themselves: – If you want to really solve the problem – contact the B elarusian authorities at any level and solve the problem with the neighboring state. At the same time, Russia will continue to help with the export of citizens of third countries and even Afghanistan from the territory of this country. – We are doing it. Not secretly. We negotiate with the Taliban leaders on certain categories of citizens and we do this, – said Vladimir Putin. – Some

Afghans come to the B elarusianLithuanian or Belarusian-Polish border. Even if there are not only Afghans there. But they all, including Afghans, are expelled from the territory of European states. I don't understand this logic. Alexander Lukashenko thanked his Russian counterpart for his position on the migration crisis: – The European Union and others are trying to solve this problem, by making some claims to the Russian leadership, including my colleague: you, they say, take action, put pressure on Lukashenko and so on... I am grateful to him for his position, which he expresses everywhere: there is leadership in Belarus, there are authorities – please, as the President said, contact and solve this problem. You see, they cannot talk to us, because either the President is "illegitimate", or the authorities are wrong. But with the Taliban it is different. They can talk and have a dialogue with it. O f c o u r s e , t h e n e g o t i at i o n s between the presidents of Belarus and Russia in Moscow can be considered the beginning of a new stage of the Belarusian-Russian integration. The package of 28 union programs under consideration (they have already been approved by the heads of government, but the solemn signing at the Supreme State Council in November is yet to come) is the result of almost three years of work of ministries and departments. Vasily Kharitonov БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021



Continuing the topic: experts opinions, comments

New perspectives of allied relations As known, while answering journalists' questions, Alexander Lukashenko said that the union programs are beneficial for Belarus and Russia in all respects: – Russia will clearly understand what Belarus means for it and what role Belarus can play in different directions in the fate of Russia itself. From the point of view of Russia's geopolitical and national interests, strengthening of relations with Belarus is one of Moscow's foreign policy priorities. For Belarus, Russia has been and remains the main supplier of raw materials and a sales market for its finished goods. In this context, further deepening of integration is associated primarily with the harmonization of legislation, tax and customs administration, norms and standards of industry regulation. According to experts, the adoption of union programs will be a big step forward, primarily in the economy. – Belarus in 2020 became one of the three largest trade partners of Russia. Therefore, the launch of real economic integration will lead to an increase in mutual investments and trade, and will



give a powerful economic effect. The adoption of the union programs will create conditions for the formation of common Russian-Belarusian counter-sanction policy, – emphasized Vyacheslav Sutyrin, editor-in-chief of the analytical portal "Eurasia. Expert". Yury Krupnov, Russian political scientist, Chairman of the Development Movement notes that thanks to the creation of the Union State, we exchange personnel: – The Belarusians are great, there are many joint teams in the IT sector. But this is not the direction of a leap forward and breakthrough. We need end-to-end programs. Our own technological base, advanced f machine tool construction, based on digitalization and possessing the technological depth that both Belarusians and we can achieve. We need to restore the flax monopoly. We need to develop aviation in a completely different way in order to fly our planes. Union programs help to solve many economic issues. These are jobs, investments, sales markets, and GDP growth. Speaking about the advantages of deeper integration, one cannot discount the objective trends of geopolitics. According to Sergey Rekeda, Director General of the Russian Center for Study of Integration Prospects, the world is at the stage when geo-economic poles are being formed and no one will be left out of this process:

– There is, for example, the Chinese pole, there is the western pole – with the EU and the United States. We need to build our own geo-economic pole with high-tech products, developed intellectual potential, skilled labor, and so on. The ultimate goal of integration is to modernize the economy, science, technology. This is the only way to withstand tough competition in the world market and ensure economic growth. More than 50 percent of Belarus GDP is formed through cooperation with Russia, more than 60 percent of enterprises are involved in cooperative chains. Belarus in 2020 became one of the three largest trade partners of Russia. And here is the opinion of Mikhail Kovalev, BSU professor, economist: – Even after the implementation of the Union programs, integration will remain somewhat less close and will not have the negative features that exist in the European Union. Firstly, we will not have a gigantic overall budget, as in the EU, which constantly gives rise to disputes and discussions. The fact is that the EU budget is mainly formed at the expense of customs duties along the perimeter, while in our country customs payments go to national budgets. Secondly, the Union State does not provide for the gigantic common Brussels bureaucracy, as in the European Union. Thirdly, the banking systems of both countries remain independent and will not suffer from the deficiency that exists in the European Union, where powerful German, French, Scandinavian banks dominate in

Belarusian products are in demand in Russia SB.BY

small states. Moreover, we still have our own currencies. Although, perhaps, it’s about time to think about the Union digital ruble as part of the implementation of the programs. Yes, the programs provide for the creation of a single economic basis for integration: common macroeconomic policy, signing of agreements on common markets for gas, oil and electricity, common appro aches to t axat ion, unification of payment systems, common social standards. Besides, the allies will continue the strengthening of common defense space and cooperation in the field of information security and combating terrorism. In fact, we can confidently speak of a very serious breakthrough in union relations, the result of which should be the unification of economic potentials of the two countries. During the final press conference, the presidents repeatedly stressed that political integration or the creation of a single currency are possible as further steps, but only after the previous stage has been passed, that is, the implementation of the declared union programs. The development and strengthening of the union of Belarus and Russia requires exactly this consistency and logic. We cannot talk about a single currency if we have different payment systems and approaches in the monetary sphere. One cannot talk about financial integration without unification of approaches to taxation. It is obvious that the union programs are, on the one hand, the necessary specifics of the integration movement, and on the other, a strategy designed for several years in advance so that it would be possible to have time to implement everything conceived in relation to specific dates. For example, this is important in the energy sector. The planned creation of a single energy market by December 1, 2023 is an important transition phase and test before the creation of the similar market in the Eurasian Economic Union. Belarus and Russia have learned not only to clearly formulate their national interests, but also to coordinate them, find a compromise and make mutually beneficial decisions. Both states are on the same wavelength in terms of foreign policy assessments, their positions fundamentally coincide on Afghanistan, the situation on the western borders, and the refugee problem.



Russian and Belarusian scientists examine human DNA

Undoubtedly, the close rapprochement between Belarus and Russia creates additional opportunities for economic growth, i.e. opening of new joint ventures, employment opportunities, access to state orders. Therein lies the national interest of Belarus. Russia, on the other hand, receives additional security guarantees in the western direction and a reliable economic

partner who regularly pays off loans and successfully implements joint projects. By the way, their number should be increased, especially with regard to logistics and infrastructure. In a word, union programs are a guide to action for governments, businesses and citizens: they show new opportunities and perspectives for development. Vladimir Velikhov БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021




BE PREPARED TO SAFEGUARD PEACE Joint strategic exercise "West-2021" was held in Belarus and Russia The President of Belarus took part in the active phase of the maneuvers. Alexander Lukashenko observed the progress of the maneuvers at Obuz-Lesnovsky training area in Baranovichi district of Brest region. The President was pleased with what he saw, as well as everyone who was present at the training area, and emphasized: – Let no one even doubt that we – Belarusians, Russians, Kazakhstanis, citizens of other CSTO member states – are ready to do everything to preserve regional security and peace in own Motherland.



It is noteworthy that this year not only Belarusian and Russian servicemen were involved in the exercise, but also servicemen of the air assault brigade from Kazakhstan. The suspense was maintained by the fact that the maneuvers took into account the experience of the latest military conflicts in Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh and were held under simulated combat conditions. After the awarding ceremony for the servicemen who distinguished themselves during the exercise, Alexander Lukashenko got acquainted with some samples of new and



too. And we were just talking about the fact that S-400 would be appropriate. And he (V.V.Putin. – Ed.) gave instructions to the Minister of Defense to work out these issues with our side in order to be able to supply these complexes to us. Speaking about the procurement of weapons in Russia, the Head of State noted that a whole list of supplies for the amount


modernized military equipment. In particular, the modified V-2 armored personnel carrier from Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant was highly praised by the Commander-in-Chief. Its only imported component is a Chinese-made engine. The rest, including the combat module, is Belarusian-made. Domestic developments of high-precision optoelectronic instrumentation are also noteworthy. For example, only Belarus and the United States produce ultra-modern holographic sights today. The tropospheric communications station, the latest drones, and Polonez multiple launch rocket system were also presented. Taking into account the events of recent days, a significant part of the President's communication with the journalists was dedicated to the issues of Belarusian-Russian cooperation. In particular, Alexander Lukashenko said that during the recent talks in Moscow with Vladimir Putin, much attention was paid to defense and security issues: – Probably, 3-3.5 hours out of 8 hours we conducted a dialogue about defense and security. He told me about more modern S-500 complexes that can work against ballistic missiles. A very effective complex. Besides, I reminded him once again about S-400, told him where we want to place these complexes.

of more than a billion dollars had been agreed upon until 2025: – It includes about a dozen aircraft, some have already arrived, several dozen helicopters, Tor-M2. This suggests that we and the Russian Federation take the western direction very seriously, where we are in direct contact with the NATO troops. You see how they behave. Therefore, we cannot relax, given the experience of 1941, when we calmed everything and everyone down (do not respond to provocations, etc.), and then received a deafening blow and practically lost Belarus in a couple of months. History teaches us a lot. Being prepared in advance is the essence of modern exercises. Alexander Lukashenko urged not to worry about the fact that some of the Western observers hadn’t come to this particular exercise: – They all saw everything. Even those who At the award ceremony were not present here. Every square meter was scanned from space. These are such large-scale According to the President, now S-300 completely covers exercises that only madmen can fail to see. the perimeter of Belarus in the western direction: By the way, West-2021 exercise was of a planned, defensive – But, as you know, we also added a southern direction. nature and became the final stage in the system of joint training We discussed this topic with Belarusian generals and Russians. of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia this year. At this They start to rouse us from the south. And what may happen time, Obuz-Lesnovsky, Domanovo, Ruzhany and Brest training in future... We should be prepared – 1200 kilometers of border areas were used in the territory of Belarus. The maneuvers were with Ukraine. Therefore, we will have to close this perimeter attended by 12.8 thousand servicemen, including about 2.5 thousand Russian and up to 50 Kazakh servicemen from the QUOTE CSTO CRRF, as well as up to 350 armored vehicles, including Aleksandr Volfovich, State Secretary of the Security 140 tanks, up to 110 pieces of artillery and multiple launch Council of Belarus: rocket systems, more than 30 aircraft and helicopters. In – First of all, defense issues were worked out at the Westaddition, territorial troops were actively involved in the West2021 exercise. This is a repulse of aggression (invasion of 2021 exercise. They were created 20 years ago by the resolution the territory of the Union State from the western direction), of the President of Belarus. Last year, the Head of State set the restoration of the position along the line of contact and task of increasing the formation of territorial troops. And now preparation of conditions for a counterstrike, restoration of their number has tripled compared to 2020. the integrity of the Union State. Alexander Pimenov БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021





Republican Pedagogical Meeting was held in Minsk shortly before the start of a school year. About a thousand teachers, heads of educational institutions, representatives of public associations and trade unions discussed strategic issues of the development of the national education system until 2030 at roundtable conferences and thematic group meetings. The changes in the field presented at the forum are enshrined in the Education Code and the draft Concept for the Development of the Education System until 2030, adopted in the first reading. The discussion continued at a plenary session at the National Exhibition Complex with the participation of the President Alexander Lukashenko.








Great attention is paid to education in Belarus

Minister of Education Igor Karpenko, deputy Igor Marzalyuk, representatives of institutions of all forms of education spoke at the meeting dedicated to the prospects of the education system, the Education Code, which is being prepared for adoption in the second reading, directions for improvement of the quality of knowledge, formation of values, teaching, education of young people. After the speeches, the President took the floor. He note d t hat t he t ime is an unpre ce dente d cha l lenge for t he education system, and the past two years were difficult both for the country and the education system. There were many trials – the pandemic, which created stressful conditions and forced the educational process to be rebuilt along the way, and political events that affected educators as much as law enforcement and government officials. "And today I thank you, who did not hesitate, and repsented by you our entire pedagogical community for professionalism, dedication and civic position, which, believe me, a lot depended on. You did everything for our children to learn when we knew nothing about the virus and it was scary to go to work. I know that you were threatened when the riots broke out, especially in Minsk. In the face of persecution, you boldly did your job: taught, educated, patiently communicated with aggressive parents," – said Alexander Lukashenko. The President noted that he knows how the teachers managed to keep teenagers from unlawful actions, how they sometimes had to seize them by the hand. According to the head of state, they reaffirmed that education is not a service sector, not a business, but a stronghold of our statehood, a socially significant branch of the economy. "The lessons have been learned. The БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


FORUM events that had taken place predetermined the global nature of the questions that we brought to this pedagogical meeting. We need to reset the education system. Today it is a matter of national importance. More than two hundred years ago it was wisely said: school is second to bread for people. Without deminishing the role of the family, we all understand that it is the teacher who is at the origins of the formation of the people as a single nation. Science calls this national identity. It's just patriotism," – the President stressed. This concept, he adds, includes many meanings – love for the Motherland, respect for the achievements of the past and adherence to traditions, respect for the older generations and pride in the success of contemporaries, the desire to contribute to the history of the country.

War of values and the struggle for patriotism

According to Alexander Lukashenko, the world is waging a war for values, including the classical education system (based on content and methodology), equal access to knowledge, a sought-after profession and a guaranteed first job. The members of the pedagogical meeting specified new issues to be addressed. The President singled out the most important of them, which are directly related to ensuring the national security of the state. "Recent events have forced to pay attention to one of the main functions of the educational process – upbringing. Let me tell you right away: there are no serious, untenable problems. All this talk about us overlooking young people, the minister insists that this is only demagoguery, I can’t say that, butit is very close, I think. Young people at all times have been rebels, sometimes radical, but mostly constructive, – the head of state says. – However, last year objectively showed us that there are prerequisites that can lead to irreparable consequences. The fewer there are those who were brought up on the values of the Soviet era, the more sharply we feel this. In a sense, we are paying for the reforms of the 90s. External forces have played a significant role in many processes." According to the President, the global task of the educational community is to find and fill the gaps in the educational process, honestly admit where we have failed, roll up our sleeves and do



"Let's be closer to the ground, let's not advance slogans. Let's take a look at ourselves so that children receive a normal education and take root in this life. Everything that depends on us, and on me, and on you, believe me, we will do the best for you. We will give the last penny to the teacher. There is no country without a teacher." Alexander Lukashenko everything so as not to be afraid to hand over the country to those who will leave school, college or university tomorrow. "The question that is in the air today, is as follows: should the school participate in the political life of the country? The answer is simple: the school cannot be outside politics. But there should be only one policy – the state. State flag and anthem. And let's stop talking about it. This is happening in all self-respecting countries, from the United States to China, including fraternal Russia," – the head of state said. According to the President, the foundations of any policy are laid at school, and only a patriot can educate a patriot. "Why am I asking this question? Because some of our young people who have received education here want to go abroad. Not all, but the trend is alarming. In the end, those who leave are cut off from their roots. It is good if you go for new experience or knowledge to apply it at home. And then you need to take a closer look at who and what they are taught there. I once instructed the Minister of Education to deal with those who are leaving (we have experience)... – said Alexander Lukashenko and noticed that many of them were on the other side of the barricades during the rallies. The President also stressed: if you are

leaving to study abroad, stay there. "They don't teach well there. They are much inferior to our education. They brainwash them and push them to us as agents. These are ideological, if not enemies, but opponents of our state. And we have to fight them, it’s already difficult to educate them," – the head of state noted. He added that promising students graduate from educational establishments, hig h-cl ass professiona ls w ho are appreciated abroad, and the quality of knowledge and competencies are beyond praise. The head of state highly appreciated the process of teaching our youth. "And what assessment do we give to the patriotic upbringing of children? The facts say that we probably will not reach 10. But all our last year's events are our school fails," – said Alexander Lukashenko. Separately, the head of state dwelled on last year's events and the role of teachers in them. "Last year, not everyone understood some of the issues. And we patiently showed what sort of country we can lose if we do not appreciate what we have created over the last quarter of a centur y," – he said. According to A l e x a n d e r L u k a s h e n k o, s e r i o u s shortcomings were revealvd at higher educational institutions. "I had to meet with a group of students at the Belarusian State University, we broadcast it to other universities, and the next day not a single student took to the streets. We just forgot to speak with students in simple, understandable language. As a teacher, I do not understand people who come to the class-room for appearance’s sake. Now we are making a new program for communication with people," – he said.

Educational tandem of school and parents

The President quoted Sukhomlinsky: if a person chooses the profession of a teacher, he/she must give his/her whole heart to the children. And it doesn't matter who and how got into the profession. "A real teacher will never split responsibility for a child between the school and the family. He/she will involve parents in the process, make them allies during training. And what is happening today will not disappear. Some parents suddenly decided that they could look at t he e du c at i ona l pro c e ss and t he upbringing of their child from the



outside, – emphasizes the head of state. – I want to say the following: from the President of the country to a nanny in the kindergarten, we all – society, school, parents – are responsible for the moral and spiritual development of children. There can be no other options." He praised the importance of the parenting universities project and advised to extend this practice to the entire system – to involve parents who are used to sorting out relationships with teachers, to allow them to attend thematic meetings

children so that they reach after knowledge. And don't let them nudge you. You are the managers of the school and be the managers," – Alexander Lukashenko addressed the teachers. The President drew attention to the safety of children on the Internet. "Everything that happens there, of course, is virtual, not real life. But the consequences of such phenomena as bullying, trolling, grooming and other threats are quite real. I repeat: everyone is responsible. If, God forbid, a child is bullied in networks and in real rela-tionships, then questions arise to the parents whose c h i l d r e n b e h av e inappropriately, and to the class teacher who is responsible for the psychological climate in the team," – said the head of state. According to the head of state, more time should be dedicated to relationships with Great interest of teachers is the main mood that prevailed on the forum ch i l d re n out s i d e school. and start working with them at school in "Take the sixth day at school more tandem. seriously. If it is filled with sports and "The attitude to the teacher and cultural events, including together with learning, – everything is formed there. A parents, if everything is organized in an child will always feel comfortable both in interesting and emotional way, the school the kindergarten and at school, if the and the family will team up," – the parents initially have a positive attitude President added. towards teachers. But before demanding He did not neglect the topic of a anything from the teacher, let the parents teacher’s status. According to him, first ask themselves what they did for the everyone is interested in the teacher's school, where their child sometimes status to be indisputable in the eyes of spends more time than at home. That is, pupils, parents and society. what they did for their child," – the "From January 1, 2022, we must find President says. an opportunity to significantly stimulate This requires treating the school as a the work of class teachers and curators of temple of knowledge, and the order and groups of professional and secondary discipline therein depend on teachers. specialized educational institutions. I "Put schools in order, whatever the instruct the Government to make relevant cost. And you will see that in a year or two proposals in the near future. Think and let the school will be different, and the status us know how we can support preschool of the teacher will be different. Moreover,I teachers. Their work and the work of their would say: use any methods, but put assistants is no less difficult and things in order at schools," – said important," – Alexander Lukashenko is Alexander Lukashenko. sure. One of the problems, in his opinion, is bureaucracy and paperwork. "Let's put "The teacher and the textbook are things in order at schools so that there is the main things" discipline. A teacher should come to Alexander Lukashenko drew attention school with the thought of educating to the content of the school curriculum.

According to him, in the history of independent Belarus, school textbooks are regularly updated. "I just paid attention to it. Some Soviet textbooks have been reprinted for more than twenty times. They were awarded the State Prize. They are written in a bright lively language, with regard to the age characteristics of schoolchildren. They were consistent, logical and fascinating. Their content had a pronounced educational component. And today?" – he stressed. According to the President, there are still many complaints about modern textbooks, including from teachers. He stated that this should not be the case and that experiments with textbooks should be stopped. "And I urge you, including teachers. Recollect what has been written, and then let's report back. The teacher and the textbook are the main things," – the head of state addressed those present. The Belarusian leader noted that the textbook was and will be the main working tool of the teacher, despite the r api d d e vel opme nt of el e c t ron i c educational resources. "Of course, we will use the elements of distance learning, introduce them into the educational process. This is an objective necessity. However, I want to warn you. Digital opportunities should serve educational but not entertaining purposes. The teacher is not a blogger, youtuber or information animator. It is a matter of vocational aptitude and image. By the way, the status too," –he said. Alexander Lukashenko specifically dwelled on textbooks on the humanities – history and social studies. "It's time to put an end to the assessment of historical eras and personalities. We must determine those who are heros, historical persons, and those who are people’s traitors," – he said. The President recalled a conversation with students-historians on July 3 at the Mound of Glory. They told him that they were carried away by the theme of the Great Patriotic War and took the initiative to make a textbook on the war that would be of interest to young people. "I hope that in the new textbook, taking into account the revealed facts, the main emphasis will be placed on the genocide of the Belarusian people, on cooperation and other topical issues we didn’t use to speak much. There is no doubt that it is necessary to more actively involve young people, students, graduate students, and novice scientists in such БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


FORUM activities. Consider their opinion, their vision. Let them argue, let them defend their point of view. This is fine. Everyone will benefit from it," – the head of state is sure.

Tough competition is inevitable

According to the head of state, an equally important task is to train specialists for the economy, which universities, colleges and vocational schools are responsible for. "One of the criteria for work efficiency i s c o mp e t i t i v e n e s s . E d u c at i o n a l institutions, their employees and teachers. We see how quickly production methods, the structure of the economy, and labor markets are changing. This is a serious challenge for the vocational education system. There is an administrative mechanism for solving this problem. The Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Labor should make forecasts in advance for the professions demanded by the time and our economy, and form an order for the Ministry of Education. But what do we see in practice, especially when we open new enterprises? There is a lack of staff," – the President said. According to Alexander Lukashenko, everything starts from school, from good career guidance councelling. "To what extent do we really help our children to understand their mission, to decide on a profession that will become the career for lifetime? To what extent do our enterprises and HR personnel take part in this process?" – he asked. The President explained why he focused on issues that had been discussed a million times. "So far, we have been witnessing a frantic race for higher education degrees. Children receive them, and then, as it is in to say now, they are looking for their place in the world all their lives. Either the salary is not good, or the status, or it is too far away, and so on. Parents and children still underestimate the prestige of blue-collar jobs and the level of training of such specialists," – he said. Alexander Lukashenko noted that young people studying in technical s cho ols are not infer ior in t heir competencies to university students. And they are happy with their choice. According to him, the country's economy is based on such specialists. And the strategic task is to raise the prestige of these professions. "Everyone knows that a better form of



providing a government order than a targeted matriculation has not been invented so far. This form of work has paid off completely. There is an instruction to the heads of industrial enterprises, agricultural organizations, branches of the economy to expand it. Moreover, customers shouldn't have any problems with choosing a university for training," – said Alexander Lukashenko. He also noted that there are 50 higher educational institutions in Belarus. In terms of territory and population (Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Israel) the number of universities is 2-3 times less. This suggests

"Without deminishing the role of the family, we all understand that it is the teacher who is at the origins of the formation of the people as a single nation. Science calls this national identity. It's just patriotism." Alexander Lukashenko that fierce competition is inevitable between the institutions themselves for the training of specialists necessary for the economy. "You will be on the top of progress, if you give the country scientists, engineers, designers, and other specialists who know how to cre ate ne w pro duc ts and technologies, you will have work. If you fail, you will be subject to natural selection," – Alexander Lukashenko assured.

"We will dedicate the next year to education"

According to the President, it will be necessary to resolve fundamental issues on which the success of the educational process depends. Many of them are already reflected in the new edition of the Education Code. The head of state instructed to develop a standard that would establish requirements for the organization of lessons, observing school etiquette and the dress-code of pupils and teachers. "And all participants in the

e ducat iona l pro cess wi l l have to unconditionally comply with the provisions of this document. This was done in order to remove all controversial moments or misunderstandings between the family and the school," – the Belarusian leader said. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that all the proposals submitted to the pedagogical meeting will be sumed up. There is a year to solve the problem. "We know how to do everything: save lives, perform heroic deeds, solve economic problems. These are you – teachers and university professors. But the drawbacks, fails of our life are also you. Therefore, let's reduce these fails and we will work in this direction," – the President said. The Belarusian leader stressed that next year will be dedicated to education. And during this period it will be necessary to take into account everything – from going to a secondary school and the placement of schools, their construction. "Let's be closer to the ground, let's not advance slogans. Let's take a look at ourselves so that children receive a normal education and take root in this life. Everything that depends on us, and on me, and on you, believe me, we will do the best for you. We will give the last penny to the teacher. There is no country without a teacher," – the head of state is sure of this.

"We need to save our country"

The President also noted that people spend a lot of time on their phones. "Sometimes it is disgusting to even look at some civil servants. They see nothing, they go and poke in the phone. And they read what is written there. The headlines mainly convey information, and if you read further, it does not correspond to the heading," – the President said. The head of state noted that civil servants and the military should be very careful about telephones as a source of information. "Today's world is so dangerous, so terrible – we need to save our country," – the President said. "The world has turned upside down. I told you before the pandemic what would happen after it. You didn't believe me six months ago. And you see what's going on. Americans simply cannot forget about their hegemony. They will cling to their hegemony, because that is their wellbeing". Maria Dadalka


During the presentation it was possible to get acquainted with a book-stand, which contained 30 national primers and publications for primary reading and education from the funds of the National Library.

at the age of two or three. Therefore, the idea arose to show them that the phone can be used not only for games, but also for learning." "This schoolbook accumulates the methodological thought of many generations of Belarusian scientists, – said Valentina Ginchuk, director of the National Institute of Education. We hope that the primer will be interesting, modern and duly appreciated." It’s interesting, that the schoolbook has an option that allows children to use additional media resources for learning. These are cartoons created by the National Film Studio "Belarusfilm". "The production of films began in 2015, and there has never been such a didactic educational and cognitive material in Belarus," – said cartoonist Konstantin Andrushechkin. We also learned that publication of new editions would continue. In October an additional book "Primer fellow" is planned to be published. It is intended for those children who already can read. In addition to the text, it contains informational content, i.e. videos about different parts of Belarus. For example, there is a unit "Know your land" where children can read the names of Belarusian cities, rivers and lakes, and then watch a video about Belovezhskaya Pushcha making use of QR codes. Mikhalina Cherkashina

During the presentation

reflecting the cultural values of the Belarusian people. According to Olga Sviridenko, the author of the modern publication for first-graders, it is based on the best classical methods of teaching reading and writing. "We tried to make the ABC book that can teach children to read. However, we understand that our children live in the information space and use gadgets


Presentation of a new Belarusian primer was held in the National Library on the eve of a new school year. For first-graders of Belarusianlanguage educatinoal establishments it started with the new book. The presentation was attended by textbook authors, publishers and experts.

A g re at and br ig ht era of it s predecessor, the primer by Anatoly Klyshka, which was used for more than half a century: from 1969 to 2021, has come to the end. As you know, the primer is of exceptional importance. After all, this book opens the way to knowledge, lays the foundations for the personality formation. This and many other things were discussed at the presentation at the National Library, which took place in the famous gallery "Labyrinth", where exhibitions and other events are held. "A new era begins in the history of the Belarusian primer, which itself is very rich, varied and interesting. This is one of the brands of Belarus, a symbol of the pride of our ancestors and us," – said Deputy Director General of the National Library of Belarus Alexander Susha. The new primer has vivid national content, it contains tasks and exercises



Book of exceptional value

Such primer delights children



A new public holiday was celebrated in Belarus on September 17 – the Day of National Unity


The day that unites

During the round table at the National History Museum

The sovereignty of Belarus and its national interests are our unshakable priority, said the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova during a round table "The Day of National Unity as a Symbol of Consolidation of the Belarusian People", which was held at the National Historical Museum. The round table was attended by members of the Council of the Republic, the Commissioner for Religious and Ethnic Affairs, representatives of Minsk City Executive Committee, the Academy of Management under the President of Belarus, heads of central mass media, youth.



As we know, proposals to establish this holiday were made in February this year at the 6th All-Belarusian People's Assembly. It was on this day in 1939 – September 17 – that the Red Army launched the Polish campaign, its result was reunification of Western Belarus and the BSSR. Speaking at the round table, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova clarified: – In the fall of 1939, the Belarusian people, who previously had been forcibly divided for the sake of foreign opportunistic political interests, reunited with the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. The President noted that "the

memory of this event lives in the hearts of Belarusians, because it became an act of historical justice for the Belarusian people, divided against their will." That is why September 17 became an important day in the history of the Belarusian state and nation, a kind of starting point for a new milestone of the Belarusian statehood. The speaker of the upper house of the parliament noted that the Day of National Unity is especially significant for Belarus as a sovereign state that independently determines the path of its historical and socioeconomic development, implements an independent multi-vector foreign


policy based on good neighborliness, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs. The speaker emphasized: the history of the country is written by the people. "But we should write it truthfully so that after many generations or in a few years – 10, 20, 30, 50 – people could tell the truth about the time we are living in. And we understand how important it is to preserve this historical truth. It is important that the original documents have been preserved today. And we see them at exhibitions that are held throughout the country," – Natalya Kochanova summed up. The Chairperson of the Council of the Republic stressed that the sovereignty of Belarus and its national interests are an inviolable priority. "But not everyone likes it. Attempts to undermine the situation in the country have been made several times. The events of 2020 have once again demonstrated fragility of peace and order. But we, rallying around our leader, the President, were able to overcome the threats of a color revolution. We have prevented destabilization of state institutions and the collapse of the economy. This date is also a symbol of victory for those who want to see Belarus peaceful, strong and independent. The country's independence depends on each

of us. It is our sacred duty to preserve our sovereignty, a calm and constructive life on our land. If we want to live in peace and prosperity, we should do everything possible for the development and prosperity of our native Belarus," – stated Natalya Kochanova. Round table participants also noted that today strengthening unity of the Belarusian people and achieving public accord are the determining factors for further development of the country, and the preservation of historical memory is a priority task for politicians, scientists, and public figures. All this expresses the morale of the people of Belarus, aimed at solving the most important historical tasks. It was emphasized in the speeches that a consistent state policy is being pursued in the country to strengthen peace and form the spiritual unity of the Belarusian society. "Having comprehensively discussed the topical issues of preserving the historical memory of the events related to the reunification of Western Belarus with the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1939, their significance for the consolidation of the Belarusian society and the state, the round table participants consider it appropriate to specify the following: cohesion, solidarity and mutual

understanding of Belarusians united by history, traditions, culture and a common spirit of respect and equality, have always been the main values for our people, – the resolution says. – A symbol of the unity of the Belarusian nation, forever entrenched in its historical tradition, is the date of September 17, 1939. On this day, the liberation campaign of the Red Army began, as a result historical justice was restored for the Belarusian people who were divided against their will in 1921 by the terms of Riga Peace Treaty. It is quite natural that the date of September 17 was defined as a public holiday – the Day of National Unity, which should give a powerful boost to activation of the Belarusian memory policy and give it an additional impetus. Today, the Day of National Unity embodies the inviolability of the territorial and ethnic consolidation of the Belarusian nation, the inviolability of our statehood, solidarity and support for the head of state policy on protection of national interests and strengthening of civil harmony." The participants of the round table appealed to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland, who loves Belarus: to make every effort to preserve the main value – the unity and cohesion of the people, peace and БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021



quiet on the Belarusian land. "This is the strength of sovereign Belarus and the guarantee of its prosperous future," – the resolution says. In the modern world, the unity of nations is very important, said Natalya Kochanova, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic, following the round table: – I'm just sure that the Day of National Unity should be such a holiday that will be celebrated not only by modern generations, but also by those generations that will follow us. Because this is our history, our roots. And because in the modern world, the unity of the people, nations, their own sovereign country is very important. By the way, the work of the round table was preceded by the opening of the thematic exhibition "September 17 – the Day of National Unity". The republican museum project was developed by the National Historical Museum and regional museums. The expositions were presented during the opening ceremony via a teleconference. On the Day of National Unity, almost all state institutions held various events related to the holiday. So, the National



Historical M u s e u m organized a thematic exhibition. Director of the National Historical M u s e u m Aleksandr Khramoy told about the idea of the exhibition: – For the Day of National Unity, our museum has prepared an exhibition project related to the events of the unification of Western Belarus with the BSSR. In 1921, our people were divided by a border that was almost impossible to cross. Our exhibition shows the path of the Belarusian people to unification. These are materials from the press of Western Belarus and the BSSR. Events related to the campaign of the Red Army. And also a reflection of the fate of people who at that time lived on the territory of Belarus, a story about their interfaith and interethnic unity. We talk about the obstacles that the Belarusian people had to overcome on the way to a single nation, single territory. One can also learn about those activists who strived for unification, for example, about the chairperson of the Council of People's Commissars Aleksandr Chervyakov. Some materials of the exhibition tell about the liberation struggle, which was waged on the territory of Western Belarus, about the activities of the Communist Party of Western Belarus, the Belarusian peasant-workers community,

the Communist Youth Union of Western Belarus. Members of these organizations were persecuted and arrested by the then Polish authorities, as evidenced by numerous documents and photographs. A separate showcase is dedicated the famous politician of Western Belarus Sergey Pritytsky. The exhibition displays numerous posters, banners, leaflets, revealing historical milestones of political events of that time in Western Belarus. Besides, the exhibition presents materials on the life of Belarusian peasants, the Society of the Belarusian School, Culture and Education. Here one can see school textbooks, notebooks, photographs, documents showing that until 1939 there were no schools in Western Belarus with the Belarusian language of instruction for children. Undoubtedly, the picture, painted by the Belarusian artists Isaac Davidovich and Evgeny Tikhanovich, stands out at the exhibition. It reflects an important event in the history of Belarus – the meeting of the People's Assembly in Bialystok, which legislatively secured the accession of Western Belarus into the BSSR. Also during the exhibition, there was a presentation of a unique publication of the collector, laureate of the prize "For Spiritual Revival" Vladimir Likhodedov, which had been edited by Zviazda Publishing House with the support of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. – It may be difficult for us to imagine how the Belarusian people were forcibly divided into two parts a hundred years




ago, but after that we did not cease to be one people. Moreover, our compatriots from the western regions had been actively fighting for the right to be Belarusians for almost 20 years. And it is precisely with the most striking episodes of this struggle that one can get acquainted on the pages of the new book by Vladimir Likhodedov, – said the First Deputy Minister of Information Andrei Kuntsevich during the presentation of the publication. So, the historian and collector Vladimir Likhodedov participated in in the creation of this exhibition together with the National Historical Museum. It was he who provided many things that make up the exposition: – Of course, there are also exhibits from the funds of the National Historical Museum and the National Historical Archives. Among the things that I actually added, I would specify the printing press on which the leaflets were printed. The Belarusian press of 1921-1939, which was published on the territory of Western Belarus, is also presented. It reflects the life of Belarusians of that time, their problems related to the

exhibition? As Vladimir Likhodedov noted, it wrote about the problems associated with education, oppression of Belarusians, Polonization: during the population census, people were called Poles in the column "nationality", although they were Belarusians. What about censorship? After all, the authorities obviously did not like sensitive issues. Vladimir Likhodedov notes that the Belarusian press was not censored, since its existence was very short. It was simply closed. A year or two, perhaps even less, and a periodical was closed down. In some publishing houses, only a few issues could come out. Naturally, the Polish authorities did not like the truth told by the Belarusian press. Most of those newspapers were published in Belarusian, namely in Cyrillic.

language, recognition of nationality, and the closure of schools. Quite interesting, truthful information, which one can’t find anywhere else except these newspapers. Writing instruments from my collection, which were used by residents of both Western and Eastern Belarus, are also presented at the exhibition. And a unique exposition dedicated to the school of that time: here one can find notebooks, pencils and inkwells. There were Belarusian-language gymnasiums in Poland, but only a few of them. There were not enough of them. The notebooks can help to trace the political situation in the country: 1939 academic year begins – a student writes in Polish. The same notebook in October-November – and there are already notes in a different language. What is the peculiarity of the Belarusian press of those years, samples of which can also be found at the

Vladimir Likhodedov

But the most important thing is that different Western Belarusian parties, despite diverging political views, had the same opinion on the Belarusian issue – unification. Alexander Pimenov БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021



The word inspires...

On the festive stage today.

envisages showing the unity of the Belarusian printed word with the history and culture of the Belarusian people, reflecting the historical path of writing and printing in Belarus. Let's also recall the first events on the occasion of the Day of Belarusian Written Language and Press which took place in Polotsk on August 28. On March 26, 1998, Presidential Decree No. 157 "On State Holidays, Holidays and Memorable Dates in the Republic of Belarus" was adopted, which established that the Day of Belarusian Written Language would be celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Since that moment, the forum has been steadily growing and getting support at the highest level. BELTA

thereon. At a pace of everyday life, in a hurry we shorten words, distort them, invent and use jargon, we are ashamed of a lofty word. We do not listen attentively to its music, to the tonality with which it is pronounced, we also forget that this is the basis on which our speech is built. Just as we forget that without words there would be no phrases, without phrases there would be no sentences, without sentences there would be no texts... Including literary as well as those who become winners on such holidays as 28th Day of Belarusian Written Language. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the primary reason for holding the Day of Belarusian Written Language in 1994 was a deep understanding of the significance of the Word by those people who initiated the birth of this wonderful tradition. It is carried on successfully. The concept of the holiday BELTA

E a c h c a p i t a l o f t h e D ay o f Belarusian Written Language is a city where famous figures of Belarusian culture and political figures were born or used to work. This year, the holiday was held in Kopyl – the homeland of over 50 writers and literary critics, scientists. Among them are Tishka Gartny, Kuzma Cherny, Ales Adamovich, Adam Rusak and many others. In the Year of National Unity, the Day of Belarusian Written Language was held under the motto "The Word unites us." We communicate with each other every day. Sometimes, if there is no interlocutor nearby, we can even say something out loud to ourselves and our furry friends, if there are any nearby. We read and write, speak, sometimes incessantly. But we do not appreciate this sacred gift of nature – to have a command of the word day by day, we do not focus

One of the murals at the post office Kopyl was refreshed to holiday




HOLIDAY Dear friends! I sincerely greet the guests and participants of the Day of Belarusian Written Language. This year, in the Year of National Unity, the holiday is held in the beautiful Kopyl district, where many famous Belarusian figures were born. In the life of the people, literature has always been the most important means of education and learning the world. The works of Maksim Bahdanovich, Ivan Shemyakin, Kondrat Krapiva, Ivan Melezh and other national writers and poets, whose anniversaries will be celebrated during the forum, are an inexhaustible source of national pride.

Thanks to our famous classics and a new generation of talented and patriotic youth, we preserve the historical memory of the Belarusian people, establish in society its main values – honesty, justice, tolerance, respect for a working person and great love for the native land. A true, responsible and honest native word is the key to the consolidation of society, on the foundation of which we will be able to continue our successful construction of an independent, strong and prosperous country. I wish all the participants and guests of the holiday good health, creative inspiration, life wisdom and optimism. Alexander Lukashenko

Those, who have been awarded the National Literary Prize

author like this, because since then only one photograph has remained. The Alley of Writers was arranged in the park. There appeared 17 interactive benches with information about all those writers who were born in Kopyl district. For each object, a unique QR code was made, by scanning which it was possible in Kopyl to get access to the biography of the creator and get acquainted with the works that he/she wrote. The Day of Belarusian Written Language-2021 was full of up-to-dateness and technological breakthroughs. The art installation, like Skaryna letters, scattered from the first printing press across the park in the heart of Kopyl. 17 capital letters from the alphabet are the beginning of BELTA

After all, Kopyl is one of the most ancient cities in Belarus. It is located among mounds in a hilly area near the southern borders of Minsk region. This year the city is celebrating its 1015th anniversary, besides now the city is also the capital of the regional "Dozhinki". One of the specialties in Kopyl is themed 3D murals with images of Belarusian writers, talented natives of Kopyl, placed on the post office. And near the district museum of local lore, a monument to Tishka Gartny was erected. The writer became the foretype for the monument "Master leatherworker", because he began his activity in his homeland with the manufacture of leather and no one has ever sculpted the


The same as in previous years, the President greeted the participants of the holiday and guests. The text of the greeting was read by the Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko on the day of ceremonial opening of the Day of Written Language. The day before we knew the program of the event. At the press conference dedicated to the celebration, in addition to many details of its program, it was mentioned that Kopyl had been transformed for this significant day. And we saw it. The city had become more beautiful, modern and comfortable. Streets and houses, social infrastructure facilities were brushed up. Besides, a skate-playground and a cinema appeared in the city. Kopyl is now unrecognizable. But what is most important is that these innovations are not just decorations for the holiday, but the infrastructure for a better life for Kopyl residents in the future.

↑ ← Holiday moments



HOLIDAY took place on the stage of the main city square. At the opening of the festival of the native word, congratulations flew even from space. Cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky, who was at the space station that day, addressed us with congratulations. There were also greetings from the chairperson of Minsk Region Executive Committee Alexander Turchin, who, by the way, said that the Day of Written Language should become the starting point for the development of the tourist potential of Kopyl. The audience was also greeted by the Minister of Information of Belarus Vladimir Pertsov and Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl Benjamin. LCD screens were installed near the stage, which broadcast the Milky Way and spreading oak trees, which Belarus is so rich in. And it was an impressive sight. The awards were presented to the laureates by Vladimir Pertsov and member of the National Assembly Council of the Republic, Chairperson of the Union of Writers of Belarus Nikolai Cherginets. The prize was awarded in six nominations. The winner in the nomination "The Best Poetry Work (Collection of Works)" was Viktor Shnip, the author of the collection "White, Black and Gold", and Viktor Pravdin received the award in the nomination "The Best Prose Work" for the book "Paris, Eiffel Tower and..." The book by Ales Karlyukevich "Pukhovichi area. Literary Nest of Belarus" won in the nomination of literary criticism and literary studies. The books "Discrete Approach to Observation of Life", "My Physics and Mathematics" (series "Lyusterka Lesu")

by Aleksandr Radkov became the best publicistic works. In the nomination "Best Work for Children and Youth", the winner was the book by poetess Valentina Palikanina "Kindness is Stronger than All". By the way, at one time Valentina Polikanina worked for our magazine and prepared worthy journalistic materials. Ekaterina Stroylova became the best in the nomination "Best Debut" with the book "Towards Love". "Every year new talented writers and fascinating works appear in Belarus, which is the best indicator that Belarusian literature is alive. Today's holiday is a kind of literary Dozhinki, during which authors and their best works are recollected and honored. We have people to be proud of," – said Nikolai Cherginets. By the way, he also had a benefit event at the celebration, where those present learned that the writer's works had been translated into 20 languages of the world with a total circulation of 7 million copies.


the surnames of famous authors from Kopyl. If one hovers the scanner over a special code, the biography of the entire Alley of Writers will be available on the smartphone. Another QR journey is the first walking quest "Kopyl Horn". Five kilometers around Kopyl through folk riddles, little-known facts about writers and the history of the city – this was a new interactive event of the holiday. It involved more than fifty participants. For the most well-read it took almost an hour to overcome eight locations with the tasks. One could find own heroic ancestor in several clicks. The names of almost 173 thousand partisans and undergrounders of the Great Patriotic War are immortalized in the virtual memory book, and every day the base is replenished with new heroes. Special attention was paid to the central square, where the main festivities took place during the holiday. The central platform "Unity" was designed in accordance with the given theme – newspapers and magazines of 19211939 were presented on it under the title "September 17 – the Day of National Unity". One of the significant projects that attracted the attention of visitors to the exposition was "September 17 – the Day of National Unity", a new book by Vladimir Likhodedov, laureate of the award of the President of the Republic of Belarus "For Spiritual Revival", which the author presented to the audience. The central event of the celebration of the Day of Belarusian Written Language was, of course, the presentation of the National Literary Prize. The celebration

Honored Artist of Belarus Tamara Mironova and People's Artist of the USSR Gennady Ovsyannikov on the festive stage Near the monument "Master leatherworker"




More information about famous fellow countrymen via QR code

And here is what Viktor Shnip said: "I wrote the first works at the age of 17, next year I will be forty-five as an author. The then-I and the present one are completely different people, but love for the native country, joy for it and pain because of the events taking place therein have always remained central themes. A poet, after all, always lives with those thoughts and goals that excite other residents of the country, therefore, probably, my works resonate with the audience. I am glad that I received such an award, this is a very high assessment of my skill, recognition of me as an author at the country level." By the way, the National Literary Prize was established in 2015. The organizers of the competition are the ministries of information, culture, education and the Union of Writers of Belarus. The Day of Written Language started at 8.30 am with a festive service, lighting the sacred fire in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord and transferring it to the icon lamps and candles of the parishioners. After it the participants of the republican scientific and educational expedition "The Road to Shrines" started the procession with the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulcher. Of course, we were not able to visit all the places where different events were taking place. After all, the scope of the festival was huge. It seemed that the venues stretched across the city. Each of them was crowded with the townspeople and guests of Kopyl (details of the thematic sites can be found on the website For example, in the park area near Kopyl Art School, the Literary Café area was opened, where one could listen to both songs and poems of all those creative people who wished to express themselves.

On the Market Square, a stage area "People's Talents of Minsk Region" was opened, where amateur performers delighted the guests with their talents. There was also a presentation of the brands of Kopyl district, among them a tradition of weaving towels, which has the status of an intangible cultural heritage of Belarus. And in the park between the registry office and the museum there was an exhibition of products by masters of folk art crafts "Craftsman's Gift". The recreation area was equipped with a playground "With play through the ages" which involved the spectators in Belarusian folk games, as well as a pavilion with interactive expositions of children's libraries of Minsk region. On Zhilunovich Street, the guests of the holiday were awaited by a thematic platform dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. A literary and historical gallery was also established there which contained creative photo zones and installations, art projects, impromptu, master classes, and quizzes. In the afternoon, Lavy battle was reconstructed in the recreation area. It took place in December 1942, when German troops launched an offensive against Kliment Voroshilov brigade. It was decided to transfer one of the partisan detachments under the command of Vikenty Drozdovich to defensive positions. The entire group died in an unequal battle. At the cost of their lives, the young partisans made it possible to evacuate the hospital and repel a sudden attack by the punishers on civilians. The district festival of game and humor "Kopyl Fun" was held nearby throughout the day, and a thematic humorous exhibition of works of arts and crafts of Minsk region pleased the eye.

HOLIDAY Sports grounds were also established in the festive city, where competitions in mini-football, football and competitions in rifle shooting and darts were held, and a festival of youth workout teams and a streetball tournament took place on the site in Maksim Gorky Street. The ceremonial closing of the 28th Day of Belarusian Written Language took place on the main stage. The festival of books and press "worked" during the holiday. It included thematic expositions, presentations and interactive platforms. Thus, in the pavilion "Memory" an exhibition of a historical book was opened, meetings with authors and scientists were held, the project "Partisans of Belarus" of the publishing house "Belarus Today" was presented. An exposition of literature for children and adolescents, meetings with authors, master classes, quizzes and games were organized on a platform called "We grow with the book". Books about the traditions and customs of Belarus and an exposition of traditional folk costumes from the districts of the capital region could be found in the pavilion "Traditions and Modernity". There one could also take part in an authentic wedding ritual and watch the Tsars rite, which is included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. An exhibition of books about Belarusian cuisine and food, meetings and master classes with authors of culinary books, tasting of dishes cooked according to the Belarusian cookery books’ recipes took place at the site "Taste the History of Belarus". The ceremonial closing of the 28th Day of Belarusian Written Language took place on the main stage. It was not an ordinary concert, but a creative action which presented soundtracks based on Belarusian books. It was not just a song performance, but a combination of literary works and concert. Kopyl has passed the baton of the Day of Written Language to Dobrush. Next year, the holiday will go to Gomel region. And although this fest will be remembered for its digitalization and modernity, many traditional paper books were sold during the event, because the Internet cannot replace a new cover and the smell of printing ink on the pages. In addition, there is a special magic in turning over the pages of a book. Inga Likhtarovich БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021



ATMOSPHERIC, HEARTY, LIVELY Minsk is 954! A considerable age! To celebrate it, it took the city three whole days to hold all the important events – and there were more than 130 of them. The birthday was celebrated from September 10 to 12. It is nice that those autumn days were as warm as summer. Celebrations were taking place everywhere. decorated: a large banner, a long canvasstretcher, four-meter letters "MINSK" and a symbolic maple leaf with a pixel reflection of Minsk residents' favorite activities. The lighting poles next to the Sports Palace were decorated with radius pylons, which also added to the festive style and emphasized the beauty of the scenery of this place. A thematic 40-meter panel was traditionally installed on the facade of the Pedagogical University. Billboards

agency what the designers had given the priority to. "First of all, the emblem of this holiday was chosen – a symbolic maple leaf. But not the same as we see on beautiful maples. This is a leaf that symbolizes a holiday: bright, a little cartoonish. It symbolizes the beginning of autumn as a season of the year, which is



S .B Y

On Friday, September 10, in the city hall, awards were given to the citizens of Minsk who took an active part in the protection of public law and order and the prevention of offenses. Mother's Orders were awarded at the Belarusian State Youth Theater. And on the site near the Palace of Sports, there was a festive fair, which was open all weekend. 50 retail facilities participated therein. Everything that was going on in the city created a mood. Minsk itself, always clean, sparkled with neatness. The facades of buildings and lighting poles with themed posters and panels – "Minsk is 954" delighted

the eye. They attracted attention with rich red and blue colors. It is noteworthy that this year the columns of the city hall were decorated for the City Day. Last time this technique was used in 2018. A special design was given to the volumetric structure "Candle". On its edges there were photographs of beautiful and recognizable places of Minsk, which the townspeople and tourists like to visit. The Sports Palace was traditionally especially



were decorated with festive posters. They contained information about the City Day and the schedule of the celebration. Designers offered several options for posters to diversify the pictures on the billboards. An installation was also placed near Minsk Hero City Stele, which spoke for itself: the city of Minsk is 954 years old. Welcome boards with the city's holiday theme were placed on the entrance signs to the capital. Tatyana Bugorkova, head of the design department of Minskreklama, told her colleagues from Minsk-Novosti

very bright in itself. And this cheerful maple leaf formed the basis of our graphics." The main celebrations began on Saturday. There was notable space greeting from the famous Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky, a native of Belarus, who is currently at the International Space Station. "Dear compatriots, Minskers and guests of the capital of Belarus! This space gift is for you!" – this is what the video posted on his page in the social network "Facebook" said. Novitsky, wishing Minsk prosperity and peace, said: "May it always be as unusual, bright, beautiful as our blue planet." And he added that the task of the inhabitants of the city is to preserve it for

MINSK IS 954 children and descendants. By tradition, the official celebration started in the morning with the laying of flowers at Minsk Hero City Stele, as well as at other monuments in the Belarusian capital, in which both officials and residents of the city took part. The festivities continued in the city center, as well as in all its districts. Celebrations were held at all traditional district venues. There were concerts, contests, sports competitions, mobile vending. For example, a large-scale

place, which presented a wide range of consumer and home-made goods. For guests of the holiday of any age, a variety of interactive sites and master classes were organized, i.e. rides, face painting, photo zones, a children's playground. The guests of the holiday were also able to compete in the laser tag team game. And that was only in one area! And there were 9

abroad. In recent years, this event has become the most wide-scale sports event in Belarus, gathering about 40 thousand athletes. However, this year the situation with the coronavirus made its own adjustments and the organizers

ys ive da of fest Mosaic

of them in

holiday "I'm proud of you, my Zavodskoy!" took place near the cultural and sports institution "Chizhovka-Arena". The event began with a run and bike competition . After the competition, a festive concert was held, in which local groups and famous Belarusian performers participated throughout the day. First, there was a performance of the best concert groups of the palaces of children and youth "Zolak" and "Orion" , then the audience was presented with the concert of the orchestra of the Children's Music School of Arts No. 14. The amateur groups of the Palace of Culture of Minsk Automobile Plant also performed, and from 18.00 to 19.00 professional artists Theo and Olga Ryzhikova appeared on the stage. From 19.00 to 20.00 a disco was organized by "Alfa-Radio" there the for residents and guests of the capital. Nearby, a festive fair was taking

Minsk! In the Upper Town, representatives of diasporas and lovers of folklore gathered for a festival of national cultures. Representatives of 25 nationalities living in Belarus demonstrated their creativity. A youth music festival was also held here. The headliner was the famous in the country rapper Serega. The "Day of the Tankman" was celebrated in Victory Park. In the shopping town near the Sports Palace, one could taste dishes of national cuisine. In the evening, a festive concert of the National Academic Concert Orchestra conducted by Mikhail Finberg was held at the City Hall. The fireworks in honor of the City Day were given at 22:00. A bright pyrotechnic show displayed itself in Starostinskaya Sloboda park near hotel Belarus. And on Sunday, September 12, a half marathon took place. There were 10 thousand participants. According to BelTA, both domestic lovers of a healthy lifestyle, athletes, and guests from

decided to limit the number of participants. Besides, the organizers asked them to wear masks, which can be taken off as soon as the stream stretches and the distance between the runners is 1.5 m. For the first time in the history of the competition, the organizers have prepared a racebook – a book that contains all the information about Minsk Half Marathon. It is available in the personal account of every registered runner. The book contains answers to almost all the key questions that the participants of the half marathon might have. Also on this day there was "The art of living and creating", a city festival of creativity of people with disabilities. Minskers celebrated the city's birthday with pleasure: it is enough just to look at the photographs to understand that those festive days in Minsk were atmospheric, hearty, lively. Mikhalina Cherkashina Photo credit: BelTA





About centenarians who prefer to lead an active lifestyle even in retirement

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hen a 60-year-old Inessa Nikolaevna retired, she did not stay at home. The woman has always been active, and therefore when a friend suggested going to the territorial center for social care to choose the occupation to her liking, she immediately agreed. So she joined the "Dances of the World" club. – Dancing made my life more meaningful and interesting, – Inessa Boyko admits. – I made new friends, with whom we gathered for tea in the "before Covid" time, went on traditional picnics to Loshitsa Park... Now, however, for the sake of safety, we meet only at rehearsals, and, of course, during performances. But life goes on. Recently, on Independence Day, we performed in Pavlov Park in Minsk – this is a great honor for us. For Inessa Nikolaevna, dancing has become a joy that she can share with others during the concerts. Soon, dancing revealed another of her talents – the ability to make amazing costumes.

– Our repertoire includes many dances from different nations of the world, – the woman says with delight. – The teacher does not just show the movements, she tells what this or that element means in the dance, what energy passes through the body at this moment. And, of course, costumes are needed for every dance. I have never been involved in making clothes, but I decided to try. And it worked! The first costume was a gypsy one, then there were Belarusian, Spanish... So, thanks to dancing in the territorial center for social care of Moskovsky district of Minsk, the life of the retired woman played out in fresh colors. She used to do yoga in the same center. As Inessa Nikolaevna admits, yoga helped her to feel fit, expanded her inner world. But she was carried away by dancing. In fact, one of the important areas of work of day care centers for senior citizens is precisely the creation of conditions conducive to new acquaintances and maintaining an active lifestyle for elderly people. – Our Center has organized the work of various clubs: three – on a fee-paying basis and eleven – volunteer with a wide range of activities, – says Olga KATOVA, director of the territorial center for social care of Moskovsky district of the capital. – Visitors participate in a variety of cultural events, come to hobby groups, which helps to support their physical and psycho-emotional health, develops creative abilities. We see with our own


In the "Dances of the World" club, many participants reveal their talents, which they did not know about before.

eyes how people change, become more active, get to know each other and make friends, we see how much our work is in demand. The center cre ates condit ions conducive to a more active lifestyle for senior citizens, studies current trends and requests of its visitors. Elderly women from Minsk took a liking to such eastern practices of physical activity as yoga and "awakening" (gymnastics based on Nishi – health-improving exercises designed to activate certain body functions). Seniors willingly take up learning English, because they know that learning foreign languages is an excellent exercise for the human brain at any age, which helps to maintain clarity of thought. Research shows that this is an effective prevention of Alzheimer's disease, which older people are prone to. Galina Ivanovna Kravtsova is already seventy three years old. She attends "Computer Education" club.

– Before, there were no computers, and therefore I simply did not understand how to use them, – the pensioner admits. – It was somehow embarrassing to address children: all my life I taught them, but now I seem to be an ignoramus. It's good that there was the club I needed in the center. And the head is attentive: you can even bring your own gadget – he will explain and show everything. So it turns out that I have studied all my life, and that’s what I am doing now , because it is important not to lag behind, to be modern. – Teaching older people the skills of working on a laptop and using smartphones gives a certain meaning to life, it allows pensioners not to be socially isolated, to receive the necessary legal and other types of information, to use the necessary programs, – explains the director of the Center. – An elderly person gets the opportunity to communicate with their loved ones living in other cities on the Internet.

Elderly people do not ignore such clubs as "Needlewomen", "Artistic ribbon embroidery", "Craftswomen", "Theater Lovers" club, dance clubs – "Tangoplus", "Inspiration", the club "Visiting grandmothers", folk song ensemble "Brylyanochka", "Pop song". By the way, every center of the country – and there are 146 of them throughout Belarus – aims at motivating elderly people to be active. An idle and passive lifestyle negatively affects the health of an older person, leading to mental depression, apathy, boredom and premature aging. Numerous studies have proven that long-livers are active people. They are characterized by a high vitality, which is achieved by any creative work. And the more active the nervous system of a person, the longer he/she lives. Atrophy is caused by inaction. – Retirement is not an easy time for a person. The loss of the usual circle of БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


SOCIETY relationships, withdrawal from work and a change in social status, combined with reduced physical activity, contribute to the appearance of negative emotions and experiences, explains psychologist Polina ABAKUMOVA. – If the ratio of work and leisure used to be 70 and 30, at a new stage of life, with a large amount of leisure time, a pensioner is looking for himself/herself in a new status. It is very important in this difficult time to support an elderly person, give him/her new opportunities, open new perspectives and fill his/her life with new activities and meanings. The psychologist believes that when older people stay together with likeminded people, it allows them to fill their lives with communication and emotions. Moderate physical activity, new hobbies, learning and creative activities reduce stress levels, new achievements inspire, form inherent worth and significance, and help maintain cognitive processes. For example, dances contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness, and yoga allows one to improve attention, develops flexibility of the mind and body, activates the

parasympathetic nervous system, and also calms down. – In general, the day care unit was created to provide assistance to unemployed senior citizens who have reached the age of 60. – adds Olga Katova. – Now we are actively developing "Day Care", a new social service which is rendered to senior citizens who have lost the ability to control their behavior. Basically, this is taking care of an elderly person for several hours or a whole day in the unit. This allows their children to have active social life and work. The length of stay depends on the wishes of the person himself/herself and his/her relatives. – For day care, maximum conditions have been created in accordance with sanitary requirements and fire safety, – adds the center specialist. – There is a place for having meals, a room for daytime rest, organized leisure. Here one can do handicrafts or have some other interesting occupation, chat with people. This social service is provided on partial (for low-income lonely disabled citizens) or full payment basis upon

written application with the provision of a health certificate confirming the presence of medical indications and the absence of medical contraindications, as well as a document on the right to benefits. The cost of the service is 0.66 rubles per hour. The service can be used from 10 to 40 hours a week on weekdays. It is possible to organize the arrival of citizens to the center and their departure through "Social Taxi" service. – In order to maintain activity among the elderly, the necessary conditions have been created in the country, – says Olga Katova. – The centers are very attentive to the safety and health of people. Due to the epidemic situation in the country caused by the spread of COVID-19 infection, some clubs can be attended online, while others work in small groups maintaining sanitary and anti-epidemic measures. We have an assembly hall and a sports hall to host various festive and sports events. The only thing one has to do is to come the center and choose the occupation that will bring joy and pleasure. Natalya Talivinskaya


Every center of the country – and there are 146 of them throughout Belarus – aims at motivating elderly people to be active. An idle and passive lifestyle negatively affects the health of an older person, leading to mental depression, apathy, boredom and premature aging.

Tamara Delendik is 67. She is a well-known volunteer, she teaches yoga for retirees in Loshitsa Park in Minsk.





GOLSHANY WON'T SINK INTO OBLIVION Golshany is located in Oshmyany district of Grodno region. This cozy town with a rich history on the banks of the Golshanka River has miraculously preserved its aristocratic appearance and old structure. The settlement did not suffer from new buildings that stand out from the general architectural appearance, and the lay out – two main streets intersecting at right angles – has not changed for centuries. This is a typical Western Belarusian town. The residents of Golshany – and there are more than a thousand of them – are proud to live in an "open-air museum". Everything that is being done today to revive the former greatness of Golshany turns them into an iconic landmark. It can also be said that Golshany, thanks to the care of the state, again occupies a worthy place in the cultural space of Belarus.






It is interesting that 25 years ago, passing through Golshany on the 14th day of traveling along the state border of Belarus, we talked about this with a teacher, school headmaster Eduard Korzun. (beginning of notes in No. 4, 5, 6, 8…) The ethnographer took us to the school museum on his day off and gave an informative tour. On the way he said, rejoicing, that the livestock farm, which used to be located by the ruins of Golshany castle, had been moved to another place. He dreamed that the territory of the castle would be put tidied up. What, as you know, is being done today – with great support from the state. And he proudly talked about his school: 365 children studied there then, and at that time it was the largest in the district. He also talked about tourists who came to visit old Lithuanian cemeteries in the villages of Medriki, Krevo, Golshany, Lida, Novogrudok, Mir, Nesvizh. He also said that he began to make an ethnographic collection at school in the 60s and 70s, and he mentioned local masters: "Ivan Astramovich was a master-sculptor here. Frants Serpeiko was a straw weaver." At the exposition he showed us the plates made in Oshmyany district, "which were used at weddings here." He showed both a wooden plow, and tools for flax processing, a knitted harrow. He told us with pleasure how he searched and found rarities: Once I was skiing and saw something interesting on the farm behind the forest. I took a school car to fetch it. There are large wooden mortars in the museum.The collector of antiquities saw one of them at a tumble-down house on the way to Minsk. "I noticed it: it stands, nobody needs it." I took it. The millstones were brought to the school museum from the village of Voloviki on the way from Golshany. We were greatly interested in shoes with wooden soles: such shoes were made by local craftsmen during the war. "Do you know what the word "holy" originally meant?" – the guide asked us. And he showed what was in every Belarusian house: a simple device for holding a rushlight. He also said that in Golshany there used to be last and shoe-making workshops, a bakery, a dairy and sausage production. From Eduard Semenovich, we learned that in the old days Golshany was mentioned in the "Chronicle of Bykhovets" – one of the oldest historical documents that have survived to this day. He also named 1280 the year of the first mention of Golshany. It was the homestead of a very wealthy family of Golshanskies princes. The Golshanskies took part in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, made various decisive decisions in the life of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and were generally considered influential politicians. Sofia Golshanskaya, Queen of Poland and wife of Jagiello, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland, came from this princely family. Later, the Jagiellones became related to almost all European monarchs. The first period of prosperity of Golshany, the local historian told us, was in the 14th-15th centuries, when the town was the center of a separate principality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1525, Princess Elena Golshanskaya married the ViceChancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Pavel Sapega – and the territory became the property of this family. Under Sapega in the first half of the 17th century, everything developed rapidly. Far from the city, on a hill, a huge castle was built, surrounded by moats with water. At the same time, a Franciscan church was built in Golshany, which, unlike the castle, has been perfectly preserved to this day. Mr. Eduard also spoke about numerous springs in Golshany,



1. Golshany castle. Watercolor drawing by Napoleon Orda. 1876. 2. Sapega castle in Golshany, 12th century. (Waclaw Dmochowski. 1853.)

about three streams in the village itself. And the mounds stand along the forest. In 1996 the ancient settlement outside the city wasn’t explored, neither were the cultural layers near the ruins of the castle. Who and when founded Golshany is unknown. However, archaeologists have their own opinions on this matter. Now specialists of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (in particular, Pavel Kenka) are exploring the hillfort and settlements of the 12th-14th centuries near the ancient settlement. They found out that the houses of that time were wooden, dugout, with stone stoves. The utensils and remains of various tools found there are made of clay and glass. We remember the inspiration with which Edurad Korzun spoke about tourists’ visiting Golshany in the future.


The Nothern Tower is a valuable tourist attraction along with the ruins of Golshany Castle

And now what he dreamed of has come true. We are sure that if enthusiasts do not just dream, but work in a certain direction, obsessively defend their ideas and proposals, this will certainly happen. Such was Eduard Korzun – a creative, outstanding man. He traveled not only around Belarus, but also visited various cities of the former Soviet Union: information about this is on the Internet, from his students. Eduard Semenovich knew that his work would not perish, everything that was done would be useful to descendants and those who would live after us. This is what he told his students: "Without knowing the history of own people, one cannot understand its present, and one cannot predict the future." Together with them, the teacher went on hikes, like we did, on foot: first to Novogrudok, then to Lake

Svityaz. And sometimes schoolchildren hitchhiked with him from Golshany. When a lot of materials were collected, our interlocutor published the book "Golshany" (Minsk, Polymya, 1987). It is now on display in the museum. We visited the Museum with Eduard Semenovich on Sunday, April 28, 1996. He passed away in 2001, and a year later, in 2002, the school museum was named after its creator. Today it is the Historical and Local Lore Museum named after Eduard Korzun, the year of its foundation is 1963. Last year the museum was visited by more than 2000 people, and in the first half of the current year – 1500. There were guests from Holland, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, China, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia and other countries. Now the undertaking of Eduard Semenovich БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


is continued by his wife, Mrs. Yanina. She carefully preserves the rich heritage of Golshany district, conducts excursions, and also trains guides. Once, a young primary school teacher moved to Golshany from a neighboring rural school to live with her husband, a historian (he was sent there after graduation from the Belarusian State University), and always supported his selfless work. Everything for Yanina Ivanovna, we read in an interview with the newspaper "Oshmyany Vestnik", began with a local lore study of a small exhibition of old coins, paper money and several photographs with students in 1962. The husband traveled to the villages, collected artifacts. He was convinced that it was impossible to live in Goltshany and not get acquainted with the history of the city. That is why he worked with such enthusiasm on the creaion of a collection, dreamed of a museum, and his wife helped as much as she could. Thanks to government support, the ruins of Golshany Castle have now become a valuable tourist attraction, and one of the best-preserved towers, the North Tower, has already been erected. The unique exposition takes visitors hundreds of years back into the past and provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the history of the Motherland. All three floors of the tower are no longer traditional exhibition halls, but a historical and artistic attempt to touch real history. In particular, our colleague Anna Kurak wrote about this in Narodnaya Gazeta in July this year. Undoubtedly, Golshany Castle is of great importance for the development of tourism in the region. It has been waiting for funding for decades, like many other attractions across the country. The work in Golshany was financed from three sources: the Presidential Fund for the Support of Culture and Arts, the State Program "Culture of Belarus" and the local budget. When we were preparing the notes, Sergey Zhilik, a methodologist for museums and historical and cultural heritage of the department of methodological work of Oshmyany district cultural center, told us about this. He explained, that before looking for funding for some kind of work in the ruins of the castle, it was necessary to prove that Golshany, the district and the country really needed them. Now the successful cultural festivals of the Middle Ages, which have been held in Golshany since 2009, attract many people. Since 2011, preparatory work has been carried out in the archives, a concept has been developed, archaeological research and design have been done. Hundreds of people and dozens of organizations were involved in the process. Only in 2015, conservation, restoration and construction began. And with its help, Holshany managed not only to preserve the historical and cultural value, but also to get the prospects for the future. New vacancies were created for museum specialists, new streams of customers supported local businesses: cafes, hotels, shops. Here are the ruins... In fact, Golshany Castle, even destroyed, is a valuable dominant which attracts visitors of this. But, of course, Oshmyany territory is rich in other sights: architectural, memorial, cultural. Wherever you go, you will see something new, unknown, sometimes mystical. By the way, Sergey Zhilik explained the details of the castle restoration: "The ceiling, floor, walls and fireplace are made using the probing technique, so everything that we see is not a fantasy of a modern restorer. This approach reveals all possible options for decoration of the castle inside. The original archaeological finds are successfully combined with the restored interior elements, portraits of the owners of the town and images of the castle itself over the





Famous Golshany gingerbread

centuries complement the stories of the guides. Visitors climb a modern metal staircase that sits on the same spot where the wooden one used to be. From above one can see both the remains of the majestic palace and the landscapes of contemporary Golshany. And they are not ready to rest in Golshany. Sergey Zhilik believes that it is important to preserve what there is, since different eras can be traced back in the architecture of the castle. This is masonry, windows, and passages between rooms. "We do not just know that the castle was rebuilt more than once, we see it and want to show it to everyone. Therefore, if there was


For a holiday in Golshany Castle

For holidays and festive evenings in Golshany Castle, confectioners of Oshmyany branch of Grodno Regional Consumer Society traditionally bake branded sweets: gingerbread. The Sapegas princes loved to surprise their guests, including with gastronomic surprises. Now gingerbread is a kind of dessert available to everyone, and in the 17th century only rich people could afford sweet smelling glazed pastries. Today everyone can buy a sweet handmade souvenir baked to the old recipe. Golshany gingerbread should not be confused with others: the castle, the main attraction of the city, is depicted on it.

a choice between "to make a beautiful picture" or "to preserve an authentic look", without any hesitation we chose the second option." And what is being done in Golshany now, we asked Sergey. The next step is to build the floor in the castle courtyard. The columns have already been restored there, the arched vaults have acquired an aesthetic appearance. The backfill is done. They also need to make a hard surface, lighting, and the space of the castle will be used for various cultural and educational events. We asked if there were plans to improve the spring, the Korabel stream, which flows out from under the Castle Hill? I think,

TRAVELING TOGETHER the interlocutor answered, and it’s turn will come. Meanwhile, design work is underway to improve the areas adjacent to the castle. Convenient paths for tourists have already been made, there is a large parking lot. A visit center was opened: it is a branch of Oshmyany Museum of Local Lore named after Franciszek Bohuszewicz. And the opening of the exposition was in May. In general, the possibilities of Golshany tourist cluster are significant, it is actively developing. Pavel Kenko, an archaeologist from Minsk, constantly explores Golshany ancient settlement. There is a wooden flooring, information stands are installed. Historical images of different times are presented: what the settlement looked like, how it was pictured, photographed. Local legends are also presented. The excavations are carried out by specialists from the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with the assistance of volunteers. Work on the Castle Hill with the ruins of the castle is going on at full speed, and today it is a clear example of the fact that we can do a lot for the good of the Motherland – in unity, combining forces and means. And in Belarus it is important not only to preserve the historical and cultural heritage but to use this powerful potential in work with young people. After all, love for the Motherland begins with knowledge of its history, language and culture. In addition, projects such as the Golshany one are a powerful impetus to the development of the entire region. During the preparation of the notes we also talked with the guide Tatyana Zavadskaya. She is from Golshany, a student of Eduard Korzun: he taught her history, under his tutelage she conducted the first excursions in the school museum in high school. She graduated from school in 2001. Tatyana is pleased to state that Golshany project is being implemented. Only in the summer of 2021, at the end of August, more than 6,000 tourists visited it, and the tourist season is going on. Tourists are not only from Belarus: they come from Vilnius, St. Petersburg, Poland, some in groups. There are also individual visits: when, for example, people come to their relatives, they come to look at the present state. And they remember what it was like before. We remember well our hiking visit to Golshany. We also remember asking Eduard Semenovich: what is the first thing to see in Golshany? He advised us to go to the ruins of the castle of the princes Golshanskies and Sapegas. We went there along Sovetskaya Street. We remember sitting near the ruins, where we even made campfire tea. And the old brick which survived in the ruins was well-warmed by the April sun. We were surprised: it is so many years old, and still it survived... It was a beautiful April day. A stork circled high above the ruins. And only singing of birds broke the deep, majestic silence of the castle. We also talked about whether it was possible to restore the former beauty, to show its scale, to give descendants an idea of the power and greatness of the possessions of the princes Golshanskies and Sapegas... We did not know then that all this would happen. And that the traditional "Evening parties of Sofia Golshanskaya" will be held in Golshany as well as different festivals. And it will seem that time is turning back, and the castle of magnates lives a normal life – dancing couples whirl at magnificent balls to the magic sounds of music, knightly tournaments fascinate... And the air smells of famous Golshany gingerbread, baked to an old recipe. As the story says, the Sapegas loved to surprise guests with gastronomic delights. Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich БЕЛАРУСЬ.BELARUS SEPTEMBER   2021


of N in a th e ju b il ee In h on or of Belarus, of t is le's Art op Pe h, ic ov an Lom the Order eate, holder of State Prize Laur a, Chief Choirmaster of yn of Francysk Skar e, who has served there tr ea Th i ho ls Bo the power fu l e of th e m os t on s, i – "Aida" fo r 45 ye ar Giuseppe Verd choral works by A nd on th e eve of th e . w as pe rfor m ed zet, which by Georges Bi " en m opera "Car r of N in a or m ed in ho no ing her w as al so pe rf at tr us exhibition ill Iosifovna, an r. ye fo e ed in th career was open Bo ls ho i T he at re op er a y er ev , ct fa In nor of Nin a y by day in ho da ed m or rf pe is of them her fter all, in ever y enough to Lomanovich. A t r, sings! But is no creation, the choi is is what the hero of the Th say that it sings. e choir has e choir: "Now th become th t ou s day said ab ha nally so much, it or has the grown professio ct re di xible that the ible things so mobile and fle absolutely incred ipate in do to opportunity rt pa ic The choir artists with it on stage. , do round pr dance, and ay ey th , es ttl ba e stag "T he G ray in th e fin al e of da nc es , an d, as r backs and lie in complete thei ng! I think Legend", fall on all this while singi do ey Th . ss ne rk da lshoi we this is top class." mance of the Bo ight of Whatever perfor he e th at the choir is ch ea in n, tio hi men r has s/her Each choir singe combined professionalism. be ese voices must own voice. But th balance, harmonious, and d in so that they soun individuality. do not lose their e tim at the same the singers Bolshoi Theatre, Moreover, at the e have seen w as , ch of whom ea , rs to ac so al e ar ant role. You , plays a signific more than once a closer look. pressed just need to take premieres that im One of the latest of Vladimir t beautiful music us with the mos unt of King era "The Wild H Soltan was the op . When the ya na Anna Motor by ed ag st h" ak e whether St the question aros in th e ed rehearsals began, lv sh ou ld be in vo oke about ba lle t da nc er s sp h ic ina Lomanov N . ce an m or rf pe the closing of nference before this at a press co e premiere. on on the eve of th , since the the theatrical seas em th t do withou to d de ci de as w It oreography : d cope with the ch , young. choir artists coul ob r choir is m ile – Thank God, ou preciate ap ld ou sh oir, and we ch re ra a is is or Th eat w kload, singers have a gr this ability! The er ything that they tr y to do ev but they like it, Kostel put a a lg O r suggests. he ap gr eo or ch e th her, she knows it. Big thanks to rformers, lot of effort into big groups of pe how to work with the crowd scenes are her ays and in many w her pleasant ovna recalled ot sif Io a merit. Nin evements: hi e choir's past ac Hunt of moments from th ild W he ght "T – When we brou oi Theatre of the USSR e Bolsh King Stakh" to th










(staged in 1989 – Ed.), the famous People's Artist of the Soviet Union Natalya Shpiller wrote a long, laudatory article about our performance, – Nina Lomanovich recollects. – And in this article, I think there was a huge compliment to the choir! Shpiller wrote: "Only the ballet was a little sluggish!" And there was no ballet! My God, I was so glad that our choir had done this all. And another interesting moment came to her mind at the press conference. – Once there was a soloist Mikhail Rysov. He had been working in Italy for a long time. He came to our theatre and watched the choir move in "Eugene



Onegin". He looked and asked: "Are the b a l let p er for mers dancing and singing?" And I answered him: "This is a choir that dances and sings!" And he answered: "You don’t say!" And here is what Anna Motornaya, the director of the play, said. – I a m i n c re d i b l y g r at e f u l t o Nina Iosifovna Lomanovich, who, when I asked if we could do wit hout ballet dancers and stage the whole performance by the choir, said: "Of course! We can do everything!" Actually, I had no doubts. This is such an amazing team. In terms of professionalism, the choir of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus is one of the best today. Nina Lomanovich expresses her praise to the choir artists with restraint: not bad! But everyone knows that such praise from her is the highest. It is also known that she is a strict leader, as they say, keeps a strict hand over the choir. But at the same time, she notes that this is her family. And no wonder! Indeed, since 1976, Nina Iosifovna has been the choirmaster, and since 1993 – the chief choirmaster. And everything we hear and see on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, feel empathy for , testifies to the fact that complete harmony reigns in her family. What is a choirmaster's job? Does Nina Iosifovna remember her very first day at the theatre? Whom of the conductors does she still admire? What does it mean to head a huge choir? And this is no more, no less than 70 people! Does she regret, even for a minute, that she did not become a doctor, but devoted

her whole life to the theatre? We received answers to all these and other questions at the meeting of Nina Lomanovich with the audience and journalists, which took place in the Chamber Hall before the start of "Carmen" performance. No, Mrs. Lomanovich does not regret at all failing to become a doctor. She explains why. "Brilliant scores and music, gorgeous voices, incredible performance still rapture me !" – Nina Iosifovna admits. She experienced this delight even when she began studying at the conservatory (Belarusian State Academy of Music, class of assistant professor, People's Artist of Belarus Aleksey Kogadeev – Auth.). She says: – When I was in my third year, my teacher Aleksey Kogadeev involved me in the work on the opera "Lohengrin" by Richard Wagner, and I was graduating with my own performance "Don Pasquale" by Gaetano Donizetti. This suggests that Aleksey Petrovich was not afraid to take risks, he let us work on our own. As a teacher, he never forced students to study, he adhered to the principle: if a person wants, he/she will attend and study. It is interesting that when I started teaching, I had exactly the same system. If a person wants to learn something, he/ she will definitely do it. I am very proud to be a student of Aleksei Kogadeev! We can say that he is a "grandson", and I am a "great-granddaughter" of the outstanding Russian choirmaster Mikhail Georgievich Klimov! After all, Kogadeev finished his postgraduate studies in St. Petersburg under the supervision of the choirmaster and teacher, professor, People's Artist of Russia Elizaveta Petrovna Kudryavtseva, who used to be a student of Klimov. And when Aleksey Petrovich, very young, arrived in Minsk, he was immediately appointed chief choirmaster at the Belarusian Bolshoi, because before him there was no choir leader with a special choirmaster education. And his school of choral conducting is really amazing: without "fake moves", a very intelligible hand. Aleksey Petrovich was an educated person, he read a lot and liked to introduce us to novelties in literature. At that time, political classes were supposed to be held in the theatre, and during these hours he shared his thoughts about what he had read, and also introduced beautiful and wise quotes from great people... It was Kogadeev who taught us that one should listen to and see a variety of musicians.

PERSONALITY Because some of them definitely have something that others don’t. Therefore, it is not without reason that they say: a musician learns all the life. That’s what I’am doing... The meeting with Nina Lomanovich was permeated with such warmth that it seemed that she emanated light. In dealing with people, she is a very likeable person. No wonder friends, acquaintances, colleagues say: Nina Lomanovich is like the sun. That evening questions from the audience came one after another. We also learned why the choir is a headache for any conductor. Mrs. Lomanovich replied: "When Mstislav Rostropovich was just starting to study conducting, before a performance he asked Austrian conductor Herbert von Karajan: "Who should I keep my eyes on first of all: soloists, choir, orchestra?" "The choir," – the Austrian genius replied. After all, this is a large group of singers who are scattered around the stage, but who must breathe as a single organism. Therefore, the choirmaster must train his artists in such a way that the conductor feels comfortable. Therefore, I always try to do my job to the full..." Which she does day in and day out, possessing an incredible ability to work. How does Nina Iosifovna manage to keep so fit? She answered this question briefly: – The main thing in life is not to envy. Nature did not deprive her of good looks as well as beautiful speech, sincerity, and wonderful memory. Among the vivid memories of the chief choirmaster of the Bolshoi Theatre, there is one that she shared with us at the meeting. This is the opinion of the People's Artist of the USSR, the great opera singer and director Ivan Kozlovsky, who expressed it to her after one of the performances during the Bolshoi tour in Moscow. They met backstage. Kozlovsky took her hand in his and said: he had never heard a choir sound like this... You should have seen how Nina Iosifovna spoke about this. She was overwhelmed with pride in her choir, a powerful expressive tool in opera. After all, it is both the main character, the interpreter of events, and the background for them, a tool for creation of certain moods, and much, much more. Valentina Zhdanovich Photo credit: Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus





This autumn the scientific and educational international expedition "The Road to Shrines" with the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulcher has departed from Minsk along the chosen route for the twenty-eighth time. The group which is walking to the cities and villages of the country has not changed since the beginning of the first expeditions: famous priests, historians, writers, artists. Their goal is to visit the most important for our history places, to learn about not well-known facts and discover something about themselves during meetings with people, to convey new knowledge about the past of these places. The unifying symbols of the expedition since the first day are the icon lamp, lit by the Holy Fire at the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and the miraculous icon: it was found on the Holy Field near Baranovichi, where many wars of past centuries had left their traces. In the cities and villages, the lamp and the icon are greeted with the greatest respect: with their help priests consecrate schools, hospitals, educational institutions, family orphanages. After a joint service, the fire from the icon lamp is handed on to the parishioners’ candles who carry this light and warmth to their



homes as a symbol of the unity bequeathed by our ancestors. This year "The Road to Shrines" expedition passed through Minsk and Brest regions. Let us remind you that its participants have covered tens of thousands of kilometers over the years. To get to those who welcomed the expedition we rode in a bus from one settlement to another, then walked and moved along with the locals in a procession. From morning to evening, in cities and villages, joint services were held in local churches, creative meetings in clubs and palaces of culture were conducted as well as writing lessons in schools. Our route and landmarks did not go unnoticed: near the memorials and mass graves of soldiers, partisans, innocent victims of the war, the priests together with all those present held memorial services. Exploring the past and the role of the church in our common history, the members of the expedition visit places connected with the lives of famous priests, believers who left their mark in the appreciative memory of their descendants. For example, this year, a stop was made on the route in the district center Uzda to visit the burial place of holy Martyr Mikhail Novitsky. The respect was paid to the famous priest Peter Grudinsky in his native village, the current agro-town Timkovichi of Kopyl district. The participants also visited natural landmark Izbiysky Bor of Gantsevichi district: in ancient times, a miraculous icon of the Mother of God was found here. Whatever place the expedition visited, its members and locals planted young trees, which annually expand the All-Belarusian Garden of Prayer. This tradition appeared long ago. Many hundreds of apple, oak and birch trees have been planted over the years in main squares, squares near temples and around memorials. The AllBelarusian Garden of Prayer is another valuable, living symbol of the expedition, which is forwardlooking. It will remind our descendants of our current path to spirituality, harmony, and unity. Evgeny Pyasetsky Photo credit: the author


September twilight in Minsk suburb "Drozdy"



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No. 6 (1053), 2021 Беларусь. Belarus


ISSN 2415

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ISSN 2415-394X

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