Belarus (magazine #01 2020)

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Magazine for you

No. 1 (1036), 2020 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

In January, 90 years have passed since the first issue of the magazine "Беларусь. Belarus"

Mature age

To the staff of “Беларусь. Belarus” magazine

Dear colleagues! Congratulations on the 90th anniversary of the magazine! It is a rare case when an edition can boast such a longevity. The legendary magazine started to be published in 1930 under the name “Chyrvonaya Belarus”. Jakub Kolas, Yanka Bryl, Maxim Tank, Ivan Melezh were among its authors. The first editor was Mikhail Kamysh. From the first days of liberation of the Belarusian land from fascist invaders in 1944, the magazine resumed its activities under the name “Belarus” with the motto “Death to German invaders!” on the first page. But the headline of the editorial article of the resumed edition was very symbolic and written in Belarusian: “Hello, Belarusian land!”. Today “Беларусь. Belarus” is a modern media image project about our Motherland, intended for foreign readership. It has hurdled a grandmaster’s barrier — more than a thousand issues, successfully survived the convergency revolution. On its pages there are the best articles of the leading Belarusian journalists in their native, English and Chinese languages about the young sovereign and independent republic, its national traditions, outstanding Belarusians, about politics, economy, culture, sports. The magazine is welcome in travel agencies, libraries, embassies of different countries. “Беларусь. Belarus” is working fruitfully in a creative tandem with the newspaper “Golas Radzіmy” for the numerous foreign Belarusian diaspora, helping those interested to hear the voice of their Motherland, to find their way to the native Belarus, to keep the descendants’ love for the culture and history of the blue-eyed country, to respect its ethnic values. I am confident that this main line of editorial policy will go on for many years, and the magazine will continue to be a trustworthy interlocutor and a devoted friend for all compatriots. Thank you very much for your painstaking work! I wish you creative success, good luck in all your positive deeds, health and prosperity! Alexander Karlyukevich, Information Minister of the Republic of Belarus


Беларусь. Belarus


Social and political magazine № 1 (1036), January, 2020 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.



Victory again! This year, for the sixteenth time, Minsk hosted the International Christmas Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament for the Prize of the President of Belarus. The famous masters of ice hockey came to compete for the cup and give joy to the fans

Far and close way to Bangladesh At the 27th Minsk International Book Fair, which will be held from February 5 to 9, a special place in the program will be taken by events related to the presentation of books, educational activities, culture of Bangladesh. What unites Belarus with this country?


Life goes on While many Western European countries solve the problem of population reduction only through immigrants, Belarus encourages families with children, causing admiration in many parts of the world for its social policy

Following the best European traditions



Goodbye, Christmas tree! What did the most unusual city Christmas trees of Belarus look like?



They make the world kinder The best volunteers of the country were awarded in Minsk. Those who spare no effort and time to give care and warmth to others

The monument to Belarusian ego

History does not know the subjunctive mood Executive secretary notes We are looking through the January issue of the magazine "Belarus" for the year 2000. It is entirely devoted to the 70th anniversary. As they say about a person, the third age that no longer surprises anyone. 20 years have passed since then. We are 90 today. The date of birth of the magazine is January of the distant 1930.

28 E-mail: Belta

A special mission to make the world a better place

Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubov Malysheva Proof-reader Alisa Gungor Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 20.01.2020 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 0,00 Total circulation — 1619

copies (782— in English)

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2020

Cover designed by Liubov Malysheva

беларусь. belarus 2020


more in the issue 1

It’s hard to be a child

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A joy ride. On a bike. Experts have long calculated that in modern cities and industrial centers the share of motor vehicles in the total amount of environmental pollution reaches 70 percent or more. This is one of the most serious environmental problems that accompany urbanization. Among the obvious answers to this challenge is the creation of conditions for the development of cycling. Cycling in a modern green city is about mobility, safety, a healthy lifestyle and a green environment


беларусь. belarus 2020

“King Lear” by William Shakespeare, the first premiere of the jubilee season was dynamically and sharply played at the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre. Stage Director is Nikolay Pinigin, Artistic Director of the theatre, and scene designer is Ekaterina Shimanovich. The mood is created by the music of Andrei Zubrich


Universe of Jazep Drozdowicz He was compared to many: Leonardo da Vinci, or Roerich... But all these comparisons seem not very convincing. Perhaps, we must admit that nowhere nobody like him has ever lived before Jazep Drozdowicz


Timely heritage


The Chinese respect their artists I am looking through a small booklet “Three months in China”. The year of publication is 1959. The author is Sergey Selikhanov, Honored Artist of the BSSR


It’s hard to be a child

This strange, unusual Katya…

From the editor

Features of our time


ife consists of every day routine. Such is our reality. Normal daily routine prevails in it. Although there are some features that give our existence a certain weight. Quite often they have an external character. For example, we are not able to significantly influence events on a global scale, but they have Viktor Kharkov, effect on us. In this case, chief Editor it is important to respond appropriately to certain global circumstances, to form our attitude to them. And, of course, it is extremely good luck to be ahead of time and to come up with an initiative that will find support, perhaps from the entire international community. The year 2020 begins running. And this, by the way, means that we are in the third decade of the third millennium. It is also a kind of touchstone. Our planet is unstable, which, of course, is not news. Nevertheless, the fact is unequivocal, which we have no right to ignore. It is not for nothing that UN Secretary-General António Guterres said at the beginning of the year that the world tension had reached the highest in the 21st century level. It happens that the leading states are using the situation for their own geopolitical purposes. This is certainly not entirely humane, but again it is a fact. The degree of influence on someone’s behavior in the political environment is quite minimal. What tools are more effective in such cases? To declare an idea that the majority will approve. Not right away, though. It’s very important for it to be unifying. Minsk, for example, offers itself as “Helsinki‑2”, i. e.a global platform for discussions on the most important problems of our time. And let there be only a cautious reaction to this message for now. But it is obvious that the initiative has not been neglected.

Today, Belarus is stepping into tomorrow on the basis of its recent history principles. Sovereignty and independence are the basic ones. But it is important not to lag behind with further plans, to decide on priorities in advance. Perhaps the most important thing in business is to make the only right decision without delay. That is almost always the decisive factor on the way to success. If there is an exact goal, then there is no need to waste precious time on reflection. And it is inexorable — the year is over, a new one has begun. And it’s good, if the plans and actions are verified. Then you can reasonably count on the result. Obviously, Belarus is becoming more and more famous in the world. Our magazine has also contributed to it, by providing accurate and diverse information about the country in the center of Europe. And now it is time to speak about man-made features. The fact is that in January, the magazine celebrated its 90th anniversary. Its first issue was published in 1930. Of course, then there was no state formation, which we have now, but the key word in the name of the magazine was “Belarus”. This, as they say, is worth a lot.. Has the publication changed over time? Undoubtedly, there is only stagnation without dialectics. For fifteen years, the magazine has been published both in Belarusian and foreign languages. Many publications self-actualize by attracting the reader with some chosen direction. Our magazine’s main task is to reveal the wealth of life of the whole country. All the more so because more and more people want to know about Belarus. And the editorial board catch this mood, try to convey to the reader, first of all, a foreign one, the Belarusian palette of events, human characters, tell about the rich history and cultural heritage. Publications in the magazine, I believe, also help reveal the essence of social phenomena in our country. Showing the versatility of the Belarusian reality, the publication focuses on achievements in various fields, thus strengthening the image of Belarus. In a word, “Беларусь.Belarus” is on the move; together with the country it is creating its biography. Today it is a modern media project, which also becomes a kind of navigator for our foreign guests. We are always ready to say to them: “You are cordially invited!”.

беларусь. belarus 2020



A special mission to make the world a better place President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko presented the awards “For Spiritual Revival”, special awards to cultural and art workers and the awards “Belarusian Sports Olympus”


or more than twenty years, by tradition, the merits of those whose life and work are imbued with ideas of humanism have been distinguished at the beginning of the year, in January. Every year the President of Belarus presents awards in person. There is special symbolism in it. After all, any country is strong in its traditions and spiritual values. This is what forms the moral foundation of the nation, and without which peace and tranquility in society are impossible. Over a long history, the Bela-


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rusian people have managed to preserve their best qualities, reverent attitude to the sources, respect for their past, faith in the present and future. Alexander Lukashenko addressed the laureates and guests of the ceremony in Belarusian and Russian, which reflects very well the essence of tolerant relations in society. Opening the ceremony, the President noted that the gala event takes a special place among the New Year celebrations. Its participants are the people who are united by a noble desire to make the world kinder and more beautiful. According to the President, art

born on the Belarusian land has always been of creative character. Therefore, the rich heritage of our ancestors glorifies Belarus today. The names of many educators, cultural, political and scientific figures have taken their rightful place on the pages of the world annals. We are proud of our history and land (the birthplace of famous people, our compatriots). We know our roots, we cherish our traditions. We easily accept everything new as long as it does not contradict our laws and values. In conditions when the world is losing spiritual guidelines, we try to preserve inner purity. We are inspired by a personal


example and vigorous activity of people who have great ideas, noble aspirations, sincere and selfless in their actions. “The Spiritual Revival Award nominees put a great idea of serving society and the state above material wealth,” — said Alexander Lukashenko, in particular, in the speech at the ceremony. — By their deeds and actions, they strengthen our faith in goodness and purity of thoughts. Such an example evokes a sense of pride in our people, who have preserved the best national features: responsiveness and generosity, industriousness and determination, true patriotism.” The President recalled that thanks to the nominees of this festive event, many Belarusian children, left without parental care and love, could feel warmth and tenderness. People who faced a serious illness and found themselves in a difficult life situation found sympathy and support. “Traditionally, we present prizes to priests,” — the Head of State said in a statement. — They do spiritual things daily for the sake of us all. We appreciate cultural workers, professional artists, who create real art that raises the soul.

We note those who enrich the national cultural treasure, are engaged in patriotic education of young people, strengthen the global stature of our country. It is symbolic that on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory we present the prize “For Spiritual Revival” to the Belarusian social association of veterans. Let us note their contribution to preserving the memory of heroism of the people and active humanitarian work. Let our traditional award “Belarusian Sports Olympus” inspire domestic athletes to make new achievements at future Games in Olympic Tokyo.” The President expressed the conviction that we had created an independent state, partly owing to the fact that all those years remembered our origin and were faithful to the land of our ancestors. The state will continue to support and encourage everyone who enriches the cultural heritage of Belarus, preserves moral and spiritual guidelines, revives and fills national traditions with new meaning. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that we recognize ourselves as part of a vast world and are connected by thousands of threads of economic, cultural,

diplomatic, family, other ties with other countries and peoples. We are open to friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, but, the President is sure, our traditional socially-oriented way of life is unshakable. Only in this way, remembering who we are and what our uniqueness is, preserving our identity and originality, we can resist the idea of unifying the world under a single model or standard that is alien to our mentality. By creating the spiritual, moral and cultural foundations for the life of future generations of Belarusians, we also ensure national security and strengthen the sovereignty of the country. “The result of our firm, consistent political and socio-cultural choice is building a strong sovereign state. This is the merit of the Belarusian people. But a special role belongs to those who have devoted themselves to selfless service to their Motherland,” — the President said. — I am sincerely glad to welcome the nominees today, to thank them for their personal contribution to the development of our native Belarus, to the revival and preservation of its cultural and spiritual heritage.” беларусь. belarus 2020


spirituality That evening a lot was said by the President about the present time: “You have probably noticed that in my speeches, even in very official ones, in the New Year’s greetings, I often speak about sovereignty and independence. Believe me, it goes from the heart. There are no lies, I do not act in favor of someone. I am truly committed to this idea. And not just committed — let’s do without too much modesty. All those present here know our history well: our people never had the opportunity to build a sovereign and independent state without blood, having laid the foundation from scratch, having remained on the wreckage, fragments of a huge empire. Perhaps it goes from there (from God. — note by BelTA). He probably helped us if He really exists. His hand was in play. We do not have the right not to take advantage of this unique opportunity. For we will, as has always been, stumble over our own whining, our own rantings and wishes. Then we will explain to the people remaining on this land why we have failed. We are really building this state, creating a solid foundation. Let’s say without pathos: we are building not only for ourselves — we are building for our most loved and dearest, whom we all have, our children. For

mine, for yours, for all those who have not yet been born but will be.” Or another extract from the speech of the President of Belarus, which mainly deals with the relations with Russia: “There will be time, I will report in detail on the situation that is developing in the world in general and, in particular, with our fraternal Russia. But you must remember: there is no other people in the world who treat Belarusians with such respect and trepidation as Russians. Negotiations between the leaders of the countries and the elites can go on in different ways, but we need to look deeper: the Russians are our people, brothers who are always ready to back us in difficult times. Today there is no catastrophe if we do not even come to an agreement with Russia (meaning negotiations on energy supplies — note by editor). We are living today and will live no worse than in 2019. We will not get rich very quickly, but by no means perish. The time is different: we’ve got on our feet. We have done it due to our hard work.” At the end of his speech, the President cited excerpts from a closed report, which says about how people in the world evaluate us. These are not just

Folklore ensemble Dudariki is among the laureates of the special prize of the President of Belarus to activists of culture and art. In the photo: group leader Dmitry Rovensky and his students.


беларусь. belarus 2020

people who, for example, came to us to play hockey, tourists and so on, but professionals and specialists: “They say about Belarusians (I quote) that “these are educated, hardworking people,” and what impressed me, “these are people who will not take what does not belong to them, unlike Ukrainians, Russians, and other neighbors.” I was pleased to read this report from closed sources, in which people do not speak out loud, but simply develop policies, advise their governments. It is worth a lot. We must be like that. We must live in our own country, we must understand what we live for. In no case we should look askance at our neighbors, especially the Russians. Someone really wants to push two peoples together. Then we are put an end to. Today, relations between Belarusians and Russians are an indicator of how relations should develop not only between fraternal states, not only between neighbors, but in general. Therefore, do not think that somewhere in the West or in the East someone will bring us and give us happiness. Happiness is in our hands. If we are like the people who will now go up to this stage, or at least half like they are, we will certainly preserve and strengthen our sovereign and independent state. Let’s work for it,” — the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko urged everyone. The keynote of the award ceremony “For Spiritual Revival” was that the main value of the state is people who, with their talent, creativity and hard work, increase its fame, inspire compatriots to do good, are true patriots of their Motherland. The people who went up to the stage of the Palace of the Republic that evening are truly unique. They are all different, but at the same time very similar to each other. They perform a special mission. They make the world a better place. They perform a real spiritual feat, showing a vivid example of patriotism and national identity. Of course, it deserves high recognition. By Oleg Bogomazov


A big event

Victory again! This year, for the sixteenth time, Minsk hosted the International Christmas Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament for the Prize of the President of Belarus. The famous masters of ice hockey came to compete for the cup and give joy to the fans.

Over a 16-year-old history of the Christmas Tournament, Minsk fans have seen representatives of more than 20 countries. From the recognized greats of world hockey (Finns, Canadians, Swiss, Americans) to those who have only recently achieved their first successes: hockey players from China or the United Arab Emirates.


nique teams also play in the Christmas Tournament. You will not see these teams at the competitions among professionals. Players from different countries in the IIHF, Baltic and Balkan teams are united by their love for hockey. Advisor to the Head of the U. S. Ice Hockey Federation Dave Ogrin is pleasantly surprised: — We did not expect this event to be of such scale. It is impressive, we see great hockey! It is hard to overestimate the Christmas Tournament. Look at those who come here: the leaders, IIHF functionaries, veteran hockey players, who once played together, met again. This is a unique opportunity! We will definitely come back.

Year 2005. Minsk Sports Palace. The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was awarded by the International Ice Hockey Federation for his great contribution to the development of this sport. The memorable moment was the culmination of the finals of the first ever Christmas Tournament among amateurs. Executive Director of the Ice Hockey Federation of Belarus Sergey Savitsky said that there were many prerequisites for the development of amateur ice hockey at that time: — Sports palaces were being built, the Belarusian championship gained its independence, children’s hockey was developing at a rapid pace… We were helped by the Ministry of Fo­reign Affairs. We established ties with amateur teams through personal contacts. Thanks to the interest of all беларусь. belarus 2020


A big event

parties, the tournament was held in January 2005. Since then, the stars of this game have been coming to Minsk annually. There is no need to go far for examples. Last year, for example, Darius Kasparaitis, Phil Esposito, Andrey Nikolishin arrived. This year we saw Steve Kasper, Richard Lintner, Alexey Kovalev, Alexey Zhitnik and other legendary players on Minsk ice. Year 2007. Canadian ice hockey forefathers came to Minsk for the first time. At the same time the first record in terms of the number of countries-participants — 12. The Christmas Tournament reached its first mini-anniversary in the status of the unofficial amateur world championship. The Head of the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation Anders Larsson was impressed by what he saw: — A fantastic tournament! Look at the stands, they are full. The atmosphere at “Chizhovka-Arena” is fantastic. I’m pleasantly surprised at the level of competition. We like totally everything. The Christmas Tournament has further strengthened the position of ice hockey amateurs across the country. The long-time established so-called Night Hockey League, or Championship of the city of Minsk, has expanded to three divisions. If those who were in one way or another previously connected with this sport professionally play in


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the highest or first division, the second division consists of amateurs only, i. e. directors and ordinary workers, teachers and doctors, firefighters and power engineers. Today it is the most numerous division in terms of a number of participants. Amateur national championship?! The Republican Amateur Tournament for the Prizes of the Presidential Sports Club can also be called so. From September to April the teams of each region of Belarus compete for the cup and the title. One must always be fit. However, hockey players have their peak of fitness in January. More precisely, during the international Christmas Tournament. A great start for the new sports year! The head of state also spoke about it at the opening of the current competitions: — During these New Year holidays Minsk literally lives and breathes star hockey. These competitions of the faithful knights of the national ice game have long been called the unofficial amateur world championship. Today it is popular and recognized all over the world, it has its own traditions and its own symbols. Before the start of the tournament, the organizers had to solve a problem that had already become commonplace: how to accommodate all those wishing to compete on this site in a compact format? That evening “Chizhovka-Arena”

welcomed 12 teams — the solemn fanfares sounded in honor of old friends from Russia, Germany, China, Finland, the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, the Balkan and Baltic teams… — It is impossible to imagine our competitions without you, — Alexander Lukashenko said to the guests. — We are particularly pleased to note that after a break the team of our brotherly Ukraine has returned to Minsk. The warmest greetings to the tournament’s debutant, the team of the United States of America. As a proof of the high status of our tournament and the great interest in it, is the participation of the ice team of the International Ice Hockey Federation. By the way, together with amateur ice hockey games on the ice of “ChizhovkaArena”, there are also hot fights of the final of the Republican competitions “Zolotaya Shaiba”. And this is not just a tradition. It is that successful fusion of experience and wisdom with youthful enthusiasm and passion that works for the development of hockey. After all, for young hockey players, playing next to real hockey stars is the best master class one can think of. Meanwhile, in his speech, Alexander Lukashenko noted that very soon Minsk will host the World Ice Hockey Championship once again in its his-

A big event tory — in May 2021 the best national teams of the world will come to us again. — The preparation is well under way, — said the President. — Belarus intends to present everyone with the same grand sporting event as the 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship. Alexander Lukashenko also thanked the tournament participants for their active participation in the Christmas campaign “Our Children”: — Thank you very much, all those who visited our children who need care, help and support from their elders. Thank you for the warmth of your big hearts. The President reminded that the Christmas Tournament is always an uncompromising fight on ice, as well as a relaxed festive atmosphere outside the playground and in the stands. — One more peculiarity of our tournament, — the Head of State emphasized, “is that together with the winners and prizewinners of the competition, all the participants and, most importantly, those for whom we go out on ice, our fans, are the winners too, because the main character on this ice arena is our favorite sport. The Head of the International Ice Hockey Federation Rene Fasel, came to Belarus in person to be a part of this sports holiday. He was delighted to see the event, and stressed that the competitions were organized at the level of the

During the game of the President’s team with the IIHF team the audience paid attention to a young fan who was holding a poster with the inscription “One can dream… I want a hockey stick from the President!” And everyone who was present at the ice arena was touched by the moment when after the match Alexander Lukashenko gave the boy the desired stick to the loud applause of the stands. Indeed, dreams should come true! Especially at Christmas!

Professionals’ World Championships. Rene Fasel spoke about it at the Independence Palace during a personal meeting with Alexander Lukashenko. Here it is, an example of sports diplomacy in action. After all, the image of Belarus is shaped, among other things, in sports arenas. And not only through the victories of our athletes, but also through the level of organization of international tournaments. Foreign guests see our developed infrastructure, excellent sports facilities, see a city of a European level. And as a result they assess Belarus as a country capable of hosting the largest tournaments, including world championships in ice hockey. …And this is Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The average air temperature is plus 40 degrees. It could seem that hockey can’t be developed in this country. Still, it’s possible. True, not without help from the Belarusians. The Presidential Sports Club signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Sports Council, in particular, with the Abu Dhabi Ice Sports Club and the UAE Ice Sports Federation. As a result, our specialists went to this hot country to pass on their experience to local hockey players. Artem Senkevich is the head of the UAE ice hockey team. The coaching staff also include other Belarusian specialists: Mikhail Klimin, Andrey Yakimovich

and Sergey Zalenov. This is another example of sports diplomacy. Christmas is around us. We can often hear this phrase on the eve of the holy holiday. The Christmas Tournament added to it a special colouring. And it’s not about hockey battles, but about a charity event held by the participants of competitions under the patronage of the Presidential Sports Club and Ice Hockey Federation. Today the children, who live in four family-type children’s homes in one of the districts of Minsk, feel a little happier. This year the Presidential team has also confirmed the title of the strongest one at the Christmas tournament. Russians were defeated in the finals. For the 13th time the squad of the Head of State is the best among amateurs of the planet. Traditionally, the junior winners and medalists of “Zolotaya shayba” received their awards before awarding the senior ones. Fiery children’s eyes, President’s smile, the ocean of victorious emotions in everyone’s soul. There are no losers — only winners! Meanwhile, the number of participants in the annual competitions in Minsk will increase. A lot more than twelve teams have declared their desire to perform at Christmas in Belarus. And the Belarusian capital is ready for this challenge. By Aleksey Fedosov. Photo by BelTA.

беларусь. belarus 2020


magic marathon of goodness

For their happy future


The head of the state thanked everyone who supported this initiative and respon­ded to his call. “For me, as the President, it is very important to do everything possible so that in the life of each of you, each of our children, magic comes in the form of sincere care,


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warmth, unexpected gifts and pleasant meetings with kind and sympathetic people. This is the kind of holiday we want it to be,” — Alexander Lukashenko addressed the small Belarusians. He recalled that gifts, like all the best in life, depended only on ourselves.

“According to traditions, Belarusians never had, haven’t and cannot have other people’s children,” — President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at a charity celebration in the Palace of the Republic. For a quarter of a century, “Our Children” charity marathon has been held in Belarus. “If you really want it and do something to get it, you will definitely succeed,” — the leader of the country assured. “Guided by our hearts, we are always ready to support small citizens of other states. We are living under a peaceful sky, in a calm, quiet and beautiful coun-


magic marathon of goodness

For me, as the President, it is very important to do everything possible so that in the life of each of you, each of our children, magic comes in the form of sincere care, warmth, unexpected gifts and pleasant meetings with kind and sympathetic people. This is the kind of holiday we want it to be. try. But it is not the case everywhere. We, as honourable people, as true Belarusians help these children. Children from different parts of the world come to us to improve their health. For example, from Japan, China, Syria. Children from more than 40 countries of the world visited the Zubrenok Republican Center, — the President said and ad­ ded: — This is just little of what we can do to make all the children of the Earth know that they are needed. And we, adults, for the most part, live and work for the happy future of these children.” Alexander Lukashenko pointed out that he believed that in the future the young people present in the hall would become good persons who would do something important and useful for their country. The proof is their nume­ rous diplomas of olympiads, victories in music and art competitions, medals in sports. “I am sincerely proud of all your successes. I think that such successes will become even greater when we open the National Children’s Technopark for the most gifted and young Belarusians. From all corners of our homeland, our children will be able to come there. The only pass is your knowledge and ta­ lent,” — he emphasized and asked small

Belarusians to value and cherish their loved ones, respect teachers. About 2,400 children from all over the country were invited to the Palace of the Republic. Some of them have made significant achievements in their creative contests, national and international competitions, sports competitions, civil work, while others, on the contrary, have experienced the heaviest losses, i. e. orphans, children left without parental care. Among the guests of the main Christmas tree of the country there are students of the Vilnius Gym-

nasium named after Francysk Skaryna, Riga Belarusian Basic School. By Mariya Dadalko. Photo by Evgeny Pesetsky.

беларусь. belarus 2020



In the best European tradition Belta

The first Viennese ball in the country's new history was held in Belarus


That January evening, the working residence of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was unrecognizable: it turned into a real Viennese palace. In addition, the festive palace is not only a decorated Christmas tree, splendid lodges, ladies’ floor-length gowns, handsome cavaliers and the Presidential Orchestra, but also a place where there was a genuine fairytale mood. To be honest, it was felt even in the press center… Well, numerous rehearsals had not been in vain. By tradition, the ball opened with a polonaise of debutants, after which the President left the loge to personally greet the participants of the evening. The head of state noted that thanks to them, youth, talent and beauty were ruling in the hall. Alexander Lukashenko recalled that a year before, on the eve of the New Year holidays, the first Belarusian ball had been held at the Independence Palace. So one of the most beautiful dance traditions was revived, close to the Belarusians, who


беларусь. belarus 2020

for many centuries had been living lived and developing in the very heart of pan-European culture. “At all times, palaces have been the center of political and social life, where art at the highest level accompanied many protocol events. In the modern world, it plays a huge role, especially in international diplomacy, and opens up new opportunities for strengthening friendly ties between peoples and entire states. Today, following the continuity of time-tested political etiquette, we are holding the first Vienna Ball in the history of modern Belarus in our Palace. I would like to note that this is a continuation of the glorious tradition that we revived last year. In our classic, refined atmosphere, we continue the successfully launched bilateral dialogue with our Austrian friends,” — the President emphasized. He paid tribute to the listed by UNESCO world-famous intangible cultural heritage of a friendly country. In addition,

holidays Alexander Lukashenko expressed gratitude to the organizers of the gala evening, drawing attention to the charitable focus of this event. The President is convinced that the tradition of inviting the best representatives of the country’s gifted youth to the Palace of Independence will be a wonderful addition to the classical canons of the Vienna Ball. Alexander Lukashenko expressed the hope that Austrian friends would not be against such innovations. The leader of the country called the laureates, winners and scholars (undoubtedly the best of the best) the main decoration of the gala evening. University and high school students were invited to the Vienna Ball at the Independence Palace, who achieved particular success in their studies, creativity, sports, scientific and social activities, as well as representatives of working youth. Among the participants of the ball there were scholarship-holders of the President’s special fund for social support of gifted pupils, participants of republican scientific competitions, winners and laureates of international and republican art competitions, diploma winners of international scientific and practical conferences, representatives of the volunteer movement. “Now I am looking at you with great pleasure, young, very young, happy, having smart and beautiful eyes that burn, shine. At the girls in beautiful ball gowns, at the young men in tailcoats, dress-coats. You know that I am very proud of the beauty of our people. You are the embodiment of these people today. I know that this beauty is harmoniously combined with intelligence, education and hard work. These are the qualities that the Belarusian nation is famous for. These are the qualities that make us special and distinguish us from other nations,” — emphasized Alexander Lukashenko. “Whatever you dream about and strive for, do not forget: we are Belarusians and we have a country, we have one homeland. Keep in touch with it. Remember, when a person breaks away from his roots, he loses the ground under his feet and, most importantly, the source of spiritual strength. Our Motherland, big and small, is here. We have built and preserved a sovereign state. Moreover, who, if not you, the hope of the nation, will outline the vector of development for the near and distant future. It depends on your aspirations what our country will be like in the future,” — the President addressed the participants of the ball. He noted that Belarusians are celebrating the New Year with an open heart and confidence in tomorrow. The year 2020 will be the one, which we all together are going to make it. “I am convinced that the wishes that we are making at the moment will serve the good for our Belarus,” — Alexander Lukashenko concluded. And again the couples were waltzing to the sounds of the orchestra. The President personally took part in the performance of the royal dance — the Viennese waltz. In the classical part of the ball-card there was polka, pas de patiner, gallop and midnight quadrille, as well as guest performances, a left-sided waltz workshop and “Belt” and “Bells” ball games. The party

continued with a free program, which included cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba, slow foxtrot, guest performances and the final square dance performed by all the guests of the ball, including officials, diplomats and government officials. The President commented on the Vienna Ball at the Independence Palace (previously the premises at the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre were considered — “ZV”) during a visit to the Belarusian State Medical University in December. The Viennese took it with enthusiasm; they asked to show it on television throughout Europe and the world. What is the Vienna Ball? This is a small room — and when they saw ours (the hall of ceremonies — “ZV”)… They suggesting holding it three years ago. I refused, and as a patriot said: we will hold our own. We did it. Now they suggested it again. I agreed, — the President said and emphasized — I decided to invite the Viennese to the place where the meeting in the “Norman format” was held. “The main thing is that this is for us, for our youth,” — Alexander Lukashenko emphasized then.

Belarus and Austria make a beautiful couple The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to Belarus, Aloisia Wörgetter, on behalf of the Austrian delegation acknowledged in her gratitude that Austrian traditions and a love of beauty and elegance will take root perfectly on Belarusian land. “This does not surprise me: it’s enough to recall the name of Michał Kleofas Ogiński, who wrote a number of beautiful polonezas with which balls are opened,” — said Aloisia Wörgetter. She made a symbolic gift to the President of Belarus — a crystal Belarussian-made ball (which in German sounds the same as a “ball”) filled with Austrian sweets “Mozart”. The ambassador considered the combination of Belarusian and Austrian to be very symbolic. “I would very much like the Vienna Ball to be held in Minsk again and again,” — she wished. In response, Alexander Lukashenko promised that Belarus would not turn down the Vienna Ball and would hold such an event annually, with thanks to the Austrian side for their help. “I am very glad that you said that Western traditions fit well on Belarusian land. Thank you for these kind words. I think that sooner or later these good traditions will lie in the center of our mother-Europe,” — Alexander Lukashenko replied. The head of state said that he had instructed the Presidential Administration to make a film about the ball and give it as a gift to each participant. “You, especially the youth, are writing your story. It will be a beautiful page in your life that you can always show to your children, grandchildren and relatives,” — the leader of the state expressed his confidence. By Varvara Morozova

беларусь. belarus 2020


with a creative approach

Goodbye, Christmas tree What did the most unusual city Christmas trees of Belarus look like? Belta


ong forgotten are the times when someone was dissatisfied with the fact that instead of natural Christmas trees there were artificial ones in city squares. Nowadays, street symbols of the most beloved family holiday are works of art and creative thought — regardless of whether these trees have real needles. And some green beauties even have their own sentimental story… Today we will tell you about the most extraordinary Christmas trees that decorated Belarusian cities at the end of 2019 and pleased the eyes until mid-January.

Christmas tree in Victory Square in Vitebsk

The main one The main tree of the country in October Square of the capital is always the focus of attention. In the light of day (the festive illumination in Minsk was turned on December 14), it seems that it hasn’t changed much, but it is not so. Despite the fact that the “skeleton” is the same as before, and the height is about the same — more than 30 meters with the top, the technical design has been updated. More than 100 pixel garlands allow showing various images to the audience in the square. The control cabinet is hidden under the construction itself. Sound accompaniment of pictures is also provided.

made by the employees of the company themselves. 42 organizations of the regional center took part in decoration of one of the main leisure areas of the city. All decorations are made of ecologically friendly materials. For example, ordinary trays were turned into bright fences, branches into fairytale characters. A live arch made of spruce branches also appeared in the park, and Mogilev citizens were given chance to decorate this composition.

The most soulful one

The most eco-friendly one A forest of wooden spruces appeared in Mogilev’s Podniko­ lye Park. And next to it there was an alley with other creative spruce trees — in the form of foresters in red caps. The head of the section of the park “Mogilevzelenstroya” Yury Makatsariya specified that the forest beauties and unusual composition were


Mogilev eco-trees

The youngest district of Gomel was decorated with a luxurious fir tree, which was presented to local residents by a pensioner Vladimir Logvinenko. The tree grew near his summer cottage in the village Krasnaya Sloboda of Rechitsa district. Ha­ving reached about 15 meters, the tree began to cause problems: its roots pulled out all the nutrients from the soil. Vladimir Dmitriyevich wrote an e‑mail to the regional executive committee, in which he said that he was ready to make a present and attached a photo. Those willing to take the tree called from all over the region, but the owner gave preference to his countrymen. Municipal employees cut down the tree with jeweller accuracy and carefully transported it to the Shvedskaya Gorka — a


беларусь. belarus 2020

with a creative approach

The most patriotic one

An openhearted gift


The square near the Belaruskali JSC office in Soligorsk looks truly magical. This year an exclusive Christmas tree has appeared there. The 17‑meter-high beauty consists of 10 decorative tiers. Each tier is represented by pixel garlands. 21,000 pixels is the secret of this miracle. On such a screen it is possible to show various photo and video greetings. Interactive backlighting of the industrial giant’s headquarters also changes color and pictures. Among Christmas tree of "Belaruskali" the light pictures there are images of the starry sky, symbols of our country and the mining capital.

district with the population of almost 13 thousand people. By the way, the Christmas tree was installed there for the first time.

The most long-desired one

The most vital one

The main Christmas tree of Polotsk is often on the top of the news. Its way into 2020 star­ted with an adventure: during its transportation the rope broke and the New Year tree fell from the tractor trailer on the roadway. It is strange, but fluffy beauties are often unlucky in Polotsk. In 2018 the Christmas tree in the central square was installed only at the second attempt — the first tree was severely damaged during its transportation. In 2017 the top of the main symbol of the holiday was at a noticeable angle and users of social networks called it a Pisa tree. In 2015 the already decorated Christmas tree collapsed because of a stormy wind… So it’s no wonder that Polotsk residents are looking forward to winter: what emotions will the next green symbol of the holiday give? Fortunately, the Tree 2020 was safely installed in Liberty Square. By Inga Mikhalyuk Christmas tree goes to Polotsk

In the very center of Grodno there is an alley of 42 unusual Christmas trees — creative design ideas are breathtaking. Representatives of the largest industrial enterprises and organizations, educational institutions of the city on the Neman, presented their activity with the help of the trees, and worked on the design excellently. For example, a firtree of the bus park is a pyramid of old car tires, road signs, signs of settlements of the region. The festive tree from the Grodno Meat Processing Plant is decorated with sausages. The guys from the music college used old gramophone records as toys. The recycling and mechanical waste sorting plant gave a second life to plastic glassware… The most athletic one Artificial, higher than the last year’s one and with a football instead of a star. The ball symbolizes one of the main local events of the outgoing year — the victory of Brest “Dinamo” in the championship of Belarus. Meanwhile, a picture of another Brest tree “in healthy lifestyle”. It is from Peace Park, in the form of Santa Claus, who sat down to rest, apparently after the race with gifts. The Christmas tree is decorated with 840 balls and there is a bright cap instead of a traditional star. The general concept of the park design this winter is a fairytale forest where all the wishes are fulfilled. The main Christmas tree of Minsk

беларусь. belarus 2020


Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы аўторак, 14 студзеня, 2020

Выдаецца з красаВіка 1955 года l

l № 01 (3613) l


l аўторак, 14 студзеня, 2020

Гол ас Рад ...І шч асц зім яў жы ы

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце ў інтэРнэце на паРтале

Таленты растуць у дабрыні

...І шчасця ў жыцці сямейным

1 Калядныя спевы ў Зорным гарадку Стар. 3

9 01 ,2 ня еж сн

ы м і з д а Р ас л ах ан о к л Г Ба на разаМ

ы зім ад сР ла Го

2 ,1 вер чац

Стар. 5

Новасібірская “Лявоніха”





Стар. 8



ра са

ВеСт­КВі ы


да лаая­­ 19 Вель­мі­цёп­ 55 н г тра­ды­цыя не “ ода l Г





ол аляк­сандр­лу­ка­шэн­ка­­ л 9 аР 01 ў­чар­го­вы­раз­пры­су­дзіў­­ ас ,2 ве Ра ус ня Рахоў­нае­­ прэ­міі­“за­ду­ ч­Н ж дз ыя не і ад­ра­джэн­не”­­сцв і ім 2с ­кА ітмаіі­­ с ,1 і­спе­ ц ы­ я ль­ н ыя­прэ­ ы р у Ш е ю ”ч y не­з­твор­ ­то Прэ­зі­дэнта­Бе­ла­рз у­сі і­­ ць Даў­няе­сяб­роў­сатва­звяз­ вае­мя­ цВ b . ы в аР ў я м ч aрад­ка­—­ба­га­та­га­ты ­Ндзея­ та чы­мі­людзь­мі­з­Да­ Ап l выд­Га­ л АС чам­куль­ту­арсы­­ Го , іль ой zd е о ла й ы ц ­ ы і­мас­ т ац­ т ва на­ ці­ к а­ в ыя­ на­ р од­ н ыя­ тра­ д ы­ ц ыі­ па­ с е­ л і­ ш ча­ це сР і на вед Б ia Сую­па­ абная­ в і”! тар кіру,­ка­лі­ ад l Што­ г од­у­зі­ м о­ в Сто­лін­ска­га­ ра­ ёv ­на­ Брэст­чы­ны.­ Сцэ­нзіч­ с z з ў п зім к ібір ра .5 еле­шу­коў­ пад­піт­ва­ец­ ін № 24 ы Нцеа­ ўвесь­буд тар. 7 свят­ку­ец­ца­ Рас­тво­ Хрыс­ то­ва,­ у­ твор­часць­ л па­ а зет Пра тэ чац скіх бел (3 а а С Бе­ла­ру­сі­ ста­но­вяц­ца­ вя­до­мы­мі­ час­ тра­ На а “ зн вер Рн 612) ет Ртды­цы­я­мі­ продкаў—­ тым­ і­ ці­ка­ а ­ні евзмая­ ,2 п l па дзеі Гола акаву р з а чар­ г о­ в ыя­ ўла­ д аль­ н і­ к і­ прэ­ м ій.­ для­ бе­ л а­ р у­ с аў,­ якія­ жы­ в уць­ у­ Ра­ с іі.­ Та­ у­ э ы р Н 6с у l п “ р аст скуМы­ж,­су­пра­цоў­ні­кі­га­зе­ты­“Го­ це го вын Па с Ра ю п не 1) ай­за­пра­сі­лі­су­пля­мен­ні­кі­сяб­роў­ма­іх,­ды­й­ Га жн а­Б 61 о кім да — іках дкар дзім адзе н ю н (3 я, ­д рах лас­Ра­ а 20 сядмзі­мы”,­з­удзяч­нас­цю­ця­ 23 Ка і тр 201 Усе ытав ы”: ю п це мя­не­ра­зам­з­імі,­паў­дзель­ні­чаць­у­свя­точ­­рыя 19 па ляд ад 9” рас ы ся ав № я і э р х е м пер­ ва­ем:­ і­ на­шае­ вы­дан­не­ ных­ім­прэ­зах­у­Пад­мас­коўі. о l о ўдазгад­’ю Ка ій д ы ы н Рт бр дным , На цыям(“Рас ска пры ’я С амл Рн П ы­ткіх­ць­ у­д вы­ ая­ р я о га тры­ га­ д ы­ та­ м у­ ад­ з на­ ч а­ н а­ бы­ л о­ Пе­ р ад­ к а­ л яд­ н ы­ шлях­ да­ в ыд­га­ р а­ д оц­ л т э ій в а р ­ зн л т , а а э і” а (з ечынам­ на­ аў бл го . т ск к дкавы­со­кім­ дзяр­ а ні а га ле тэ ­дас ад­к арго табн l сц ліцк к­ ім­ чы­ ар­тыс­ ін й п гада і ш ізкім днія — Г ая с онку на л слав та­ а таў­у­Пад­мас­коўе­пра­лёг­праз­Мінск,­ ча ­ ­ р ­ н ш ­ч ц р а z я м р а ч Р а е ў е я с р а ў , с мя­ гэт ос і р асц зн вя , 1 м’я су пш жаў­ і ным­ уз­ріоў­ жк імі via цВ Прэ­зі­ адні.­ З­ырук­ едзе­ йне­ пад­ха­пі­лі­ ў­ жва­вы­ мік­ра­арў­то­абус.­ ­паарусі­ася­м­акцы ак у Нбыло ­ та­Рэс­ ер а це зум ыя тае, азум я ў аёмы ты м 5.11.2 з бе “Сям ай а м а в Б , z т к я л дэн­ т а­на­сцэ­ н е­Па­ л а­ ц п уб­ Вёў­яго,­да­ р э­ ч ы,­вя­ с ё­ л ы,­ар­ т ыс­ т ыч­ н ы­Сла­ н й ы л е с у н аць ых е ача на вы ець ата нібы ем… яме м с ча 017 лару ’я da 26 с Ста мі аё с сцціюк­ —­ і­ сам­ як­ ар­тыст.­ На­род­ун­Бае­ дзе ру і, р д н і” та с­ лі­кі­атрым­лі­ва­лі­дып­ н ло­кмы. з к р. 7 Ма будо , як ткі ) йн яро ста ). а р. 5 з­п чы ец б у па асц зе Св рымва­нШас­ .b ы аўшсу­пра ро ўва сва — арам не за ым ж д ін жад Пад ра бра ы­дз , ка ую рад ькі Д што­ y ежня ь тар­ Па­вы­ні­ках­2019­го­да­пры­ з я ць ё шы ае е ”ч ая Стсакае­ аб’­яд­нан­не­ “Пра­мень”,­ якім­ да ш тое дн ля ол е ў к полама­ м го с сп ль ўс ы Ст чы дме ,2 ы джа­ны­ пяць­ прэ­мій­ “За­ ду­хоў­ кі­ру­юць­ Ган­на­ Пен­цік­ і­ ды­рэк­тар­ Да­выд­ на ра аля ў д не т раін уск ­ нік : бо яме роба кі ў ёды цці. х да­ а­н 01 н 9 ом з н йна ра дзя сал Яко і­с су Га­ра­доц­ка­га­До­ма­куль­ту­ры­Мі­хась­Шы­ку­“ Пгодне­Кнагодлаарусіка. У ксебелааршы дўзеды , зім нае­ад­ра­джэн­не”.­Імі­ад­зна­ча­ны­ ы з сця у н еба е з о ц е ра Сям лаў р е а е п ж шч глед інст дкае бер Цю ад на можц ’я П ­плю пра­цоў­ныя­ ка­лек­ты­вы,­ прад­ нец,­за­пра­сіў­вы­сту­піць­на­Днях­бе­ла­рус­кай­ в ольш а ў Б нягу ць У я “Н рства вання кі l ры не асц зец ве. Р ц а і с ы а б а э ы е н С . е ь а На і дк ­Н ага ме ў ос пад ра ­зр І м віч.­ пяццроз і аходзія акц ініст жкір стаўн па­ стаў­ні­кі­ рэ­лі­гій­ных­ аб’­яд­нан­ куль­ту­ры­ Ге­рой­ Ра­сіі­ Аляк­ рако­ од іць ае зу а­ ас аво сандр­ Да­ н ны дзея “Шм Усер арыт а­дзе ч е з р а р м 5г а л д м .. , а ы і, л н п 5 а ю е х . і а а н зя н я іД а няў­ за­ ак­тыў­ную­ дзей­насць­ у­ Ён­—­на­мес­нік­стар­ ні­са­ ве­та­Фе­ раль­ М д Ва Па тра як 9 д пр й чу ці рыю Ан вых атдзе сійс вых ын ік дшз ы­ зед Втуа­чно­дмэ­іі­“Бе­ Го а1 ця беларускай ангаай­аў­ оў го брач раўн наў д, л а гекультуры я ё (5 кага ув гарадку пачынаюцца а “ цы дДні зі т д гу­ м а­ н і­ т ар­ н ай­ сфе­ р ы.­ Гэ­ т а­ на­ ў Зорным най­на­ ц ы­ я н ­ аль­ н а­куль­ т ур­ м р ш (8 в о н я л ік , і с ­ц а а ). за га а а ы а а п н др е В д . К ор ул ні ь... НА дзі атЛы Ра ) і іну юц ая цы не к йш шч жын ы ста­яль­нік­ пры­хо­да­ хра­ма­ свя­ ла­ру­сы­Ра­сіі”,­а­ро­ ша­га­Па­лес­ся,­ са ькі овдаам­—­з­на­ ці” ых ых арга вяц дзя тэрнаккуанн­ге зам пры (18 ь пя сям’яонку ла ў нн і пр згу ра сан ш олван­ іх а кы ёмбам­сол­ паім­ ян хле­ га цляю.­Бы­ рс род­гас­ ын кн ­вА­г н ляркы­мне­рас­ толад­акса.­Сяб­ а­а­ л ” лі­ся­ і.­я Па­ін ды­гры­ па­да­роў­свя­та­ той­ роў­на­апост­аль­най­ Ма­рыі­ з­Да­выд­Га­ ка­за­лі,­што­ цюк­ ды­інРус­ пя рвуа­л кія сптіц­ да зк сц адск Хра­ я лідн чыя у, ана тўаксгі ц— ь се ы ўж ных доў), рых . Ст у ў ік пе не раВа­ одк біла Та ыя, я сі­ле­вАіч­ мя асма­ бе ігі­з оД­Н Ста ы п , аіх­ру­ дн Сваіс,­гу­ н ч­ык­кас­ма­наўт­ Маг­да­лі­ны­ го­ра­да­ Мін­ска­ про­ аляк,­лёт­ ца на­Цы­ Аляк­ —­ гвар­дыі­ пал­коў­нік­ на­ба­я­не­Ак­ о д М ка­мі­ты­зям­ с юках­і­Ха й­наш­зна­ цячаў­у­ма­ осўандр­ Вы ты го ’і ра ўваклацдца Юг нты 24 га ікіт Алёш зяце нісла амі­ і р. аў ся ец дзіяль­ ыр ермбііан­да­ваў­бры­га­дай­мар­ской­ мі­ні­трам­бгрон,­які­спе­ тку ь. за лар ­мі і­кур ­М га селмясыохеодзд­ ­ раСССР,­двой­ кюу­даў­ ой­Са­ ка­га­Са­ю­за­Пётр­ та­і­е­рэй­ Іа­ан­ (Іван)­ Ха­ра­шэ­віч,­ й: вец­ х спла­сіу,­ра­ д учы­Ге­ур(1 ож дн да С шч нмей­ка­ вес дасц аюцць ы­ на ыняа­ў­па­ кЦаю ыза­ к ў і п чв ў і снта фы ме ус нс ’­ер 8 нс ы, а (1 (тэ маук,­а­так­ 0м в ямейсмлу­ Вы ), а­кі­5р),аў­рнэік­га­ н жа­наы­ар­ са­ рад­ской­акру­гі­ Бе­ла­рус­кае­ гра­мад­скае­ аб’­яд­ ыг я р. 4 ій ра векдо­—­за­ ў бнатлр таваівку­ме. нКлі­ ыен затыст­Бе­ ахяо­ты­на­Бал­ та тый­скім­фло­це.­І­што­ў­Брэс­це­ Аляк­сандр­Крам­ ённ пя­ жж ам ка ­ Ш с ыё , лякаія н ьск рыта ска пазн Ант Ма ­ з н ш а а э Н р о о э э а ы ю пр плы Ста н ц у ў т, р ра­імя­Жы­ ы кпест­ ікжы­взуць­яго­ро­ а ген­Ба­ ­— ’іт ў. сый но­ р­ ыш­ні­каў,­на­ву­чэн­ нан­не­ве­тэ­ра­наў,­ка­лек­тыў­гра­ дзі­чы,­а­ў­му­зеі­гім­на­зіі­(ра­ ла­ру­сі,­ды­ры­жор­Ар­ о р ра­йдок­Яў­ ск сць а ны­га­ чыві­ча.пніц нзаЗор­ а­ ­ рый в й во ыял аўт ёміл шку нек йвял ней­1­я­шко­ э ід дам ія й семсаклівдааСС за1лньы­ ­ бе амп ­біб таага агіС :юу­ цё р т і ь а е ч е мад­ с ка­ г а­ аб’­ я д­ н ан­ н я­ “Бе­ л а­ р ус­ На­ дру­ г і­ дзень­ за­ п ра­ с і­ л і­ нас­ Зор­ цы­мяс­ ц о­ в ай­шко­ л ы. л а)­ад­ к ры­ л і­23­лі­ п е­ н я­2015­го­ д а­ я б с ­ в п б н н а а к ч ц в я л к П л 9 у л а с ты ­інН йзац іваР і,ую дзя79 проыўн на ас а о ў м пе ар ект ліят Сн ўк мкнах,­ й мфо­ ці) а ва­ й оакдаДні­ ям та­ здым­ кла­дзе­ ых­ пас­ля­ кая­ аса­цы­я­цыя­ шмат­дзет­ных­ ра уск ав эч еыррацус­ і ш гэта н эчы з ў­го­нар­вы­пуск­ні­ка­1978­га­Аляк­санд­ра­Да­ га­ра­док,­ дзе­ ад­кмры­ алпца­ лю ай вы­ ь кзаай­ зеяазьв: бе­ і, годгоа жайу(На­ . целеі­схсая­ Л с н т л е і а д д м Д ’я а у а а а р іх д у зя ­р дсў­ ю ябдраа­ачута свя­ а .а— а­ ты­вТіс­тна­ге вы цліць­у­Зор­ ч А Па “Бе­ рце­чак­ тбвута­ баць­коў”,­ ка­лек­тыў­ фі­лі­яла­ куль­ту­ры­“Бе­лы­бу­дсел­ля­ рко­ві­ча­ме­ма­ры­яль­ную­дош­ку. біл сшнпуы­га­ тр у ін­зтлэр­наэ­ дз плям аюц ­вы ных к,­ азн ак мпі­а ФНКА­ ез стцрыэйлні ўрэгэ Д дк ал і.удД ей ц а а нпіц ­з ыа­ а тнас аце, эчы, інзянік­ мы дзі. сус астрвду­ с к ціей­ н ен а­ў дав ­к ўста­но­вы­куль­ту­ры­“Брэсц­кі­аб­ чі пыць,­ Сам­ зям­ляк­ге­рой­ і­ су­стра­каў­ нас­ док”.­ Там­ су­стра­ка­лб і­рЯэгас­ кёміўкўірнаікўаўла­ л Ра­сціі”,­ , к К аДзе­ у в свы­ сй кі­трваў­ а а е, як­ і д ммож­ в гос­цаі­рз­ іж на­лпа­бСа­ ыт ску.наанрная ўян. ікПі ыдамго аурюучн гу по Акт ічаю ніка ­дар ецтв ніг­ мі лаа­ і аус­іі­якпра­ рад лю на а ц тцано­вчы­ р лі і­ыдзець­ ро зяць­ з­ долек­сау,­ ста­ р ваод­ комп­ 20­ снеж­ня­ ў­ Пад­мас­коўі:­ цёп­ла,­ ду­шэў­на.­ ла­во­га­ і­ куль­тур­на­рга­ ышы­Лано Бе­ . рлу­ д рэй­ а ашы мі,­ авлас­ геп смяс­ ых ны­ края­знаў­чы­ му­зей”­ “Ар­ ма лак ывіс ць­у ў,­я ­суп аў,­ і, ісл м ялг ыя нка э чБаын зілмас гочалпіа рапда,мо туасмт анлге емпБ1С0СсРт кь­іра аз бе г тахка­раа­ўмі­бжЗор­ ас.жы­ ы ў ўлМ хеа­ а­гіч­ны­ му­зей­ Бя­рэс­це ”.­ іль­ру,абшпад­ лет­.лка­м0 і,­ Хоць­ пры­еха­лі­ поз­няй­ ноч­чу,­ ад­нак­ па­час­ да­рад­ца­Па­соль­ства­Бе­ ў Б одн шэ яім сіі­Ва­ Ча ннылЧяа­црьоу­ ўн да­­рос­лры­ ру гчым у су ты ­ра кія­ олк кві,сыі­ў­Ра­ дсаяб нымсхы яд ымі­ са нар вацна­сгяа­ м рн пз ьтдоааасў, д—зе “1М ас ам бь ы­ ць ўрцу­ усі та р ука бел зяМ фравысхіі”­ е У вы­ На смы­ ­гл не нкі п асц седн бел сіі­ ­ ожа сіцтар­кла­ о Н 1 цмі­анан­ кя зг а­ 0май­ ца ы,­ цвы­ ркэн­ та­ва­лі­ нас­ ча­ем,­ пры­сма­ка­мі,­ знай­шоў­ся­ Чэр­нік,­ стар­шы­ні­ ФНКА­ а ’ю За­ства­ ­ прад­ оар злваа­ ве не­фун­да­мен­таль­на­га­ аэ Ра­ арюы есдлш зіСц га­ дзе нтпа­ аль 0­м з б дзіўс на П забр го дзібыльв“Бе­ алдевт на лар прос ндр Л цаьлёлач­ ­по дцыак,­ е і ббаке­ Зб толь ад Н ь пе яй к арус яаі ряугускч аахцоьд нтнанра­ . Нна­га­ вы­дан­ня­ “Вя­ аунся­РНКА­“Бе­ е я п а ё я а к к і­ ўтуль­ н ы­ па­ к ой­ для­ ад­ п а­ ч ын­ к у.­ Хлоп­ ц ы­ Сяр­ г ей­Кан­ д ы­ б о­ в іч­і­стар­ ш ы­ н ых­ ца­ па­ на­ р од­ н ых­ тан­ ц ах,­ кар­ т а­ г ра­ ф іч­ н к а р о р с , к ц р с к с Д я о Б б М ы а ю а а кая кіх. К ні ік прім адашчілі ла ь і праў. е эк тол ую лас ька ў Ч ўн ць д а к на ры і Д овы ака аіне іх л ­м е­т ыя лас­Бе­ла­ру­сі”­ е ра­дмаў,­эл лі­акчі­гіс­ата­рыч­нцы­ат­ н яалтым­ цвавма­ э ўдкааз­ ь аў ласнен­ттаы­Ка­ алі ыПо­ таак з жыл­ жгор явпа­ эна.­ кют ыць­ім­эле­ с нта мы кс ншых­аб­ з­ дзяў­ча­та­мі,­ пры­том­ле­ныя­ да­ро­гай,­ але­ ла­ру­сы­ Маск­вны”­ асв зед АбелТу­ ыя Ала­ ка й, в і­н на СВ а­ н шча м і рк лкіяд­ М год ацц ма у­ ў кол ён п і пр ябін ы”. сябе д б’ес І кц ў ра й й заадзе ве лш ідэ ры, Аля лі­ рашары у­вн ой е каў аы,­ад­ ьн аў­тар­скі­ ы у Та кія­аб­ вы зін дад й ма краін етніц аро пры а: п юць скміі­ ўда­с. то­е­ны­ляго­ ­м я.­Та­ ўзру­ша­ныя­су­стрэ­чай,­спя­ва­лі­пес­ню­“Пры­ усе­ўдзель­ нрі­окі­Дзён­ус­ лі­квет­ кАі­да­пом­ іс ака­ 0я­адка­ван­ я,я. П198 ёП шчыым,­вель­ е й к9ла­ № еравё ехпрэ­ ыя м С цца ра­удП рашна­ рэз ы сяб аявіў паміжя. На­лі бац у 6­мй. куНн Б13абрІвоалне. зен ста азн кай з і С но ада­ як аў ай в ец 199 Бе­ ­рА н у р Б п П у я к а о ў е 6 б за р ц ы цігоці­яын­ ь ч ры­н лас ­р, а­ ся ка­луек­тыў. с яз­джай­це­да­нас­у­Бе­ла­русь”,­валь­са­ва­лі­Ні­ ні­ка­Юрыю­Га­ у.­Пры­ўва­хо­зедзе­ў­Дом­ о ы ш мі­ста­ у а ц ел а об тан ацхрыс­ — уйр­а­жыт­ цц Ад агда­ лскія­ка­ Бынлыя:­у­іх­да­ кл дны на лару ай у кай аўчай , ад нягу яць д к у лікі білі Ддз ічац іьзакца льзд Л б­ ар ізіт ва. “М ,” — з я мяжу жыцвеце, кобіць ­ ка­ Стар. ятв ўІван пр арні.­ ука рка , яей­убсу­ сі аю ім ў го”. Д іслаў эс на рск: а ад . І ў т зе в ў эк ан­ ­реа,гас­ н л б н о м е на­Ко­ м ік,­На­ д зея­Ба­ з оў­ с кая,­Ва­ л ян­ ц ін­Шас­ кас­ м а­ н а­ ў таў­ ц с тра­ к а­ л і­ўра­ ч ыс­ т а,­з­ Іванаў 3 ы , в е у ч ➔ к ц п а ч і е ш а у а б а д т а с ы е л г а п р л с ы п у іс ­зд (а в у б е . ц а м а

Самадзейныя артысты з Давыд-Гарадка і Мінска паўдзельнічалі ў святочных імпрэзах, што ладзілі ў Падмаскоўі беларусы Расіі



цц і ся ме йн ым


з юд ял

ы дн Ро


п ст тв ўн пар м с а р ле ас У ч ртнёр оўніц няўлоюбуюіхурны . Нехтца, якамовыа,с­ па прац ейкая— у лчасе, вё з усімміхаецы пер й атмыеш ь н ом ім , ус ўс ўш бна кр оў су

ар ды

е р ар ыжна дзуам ь,­мзгеа у­тРрэс ады у са ела­ ст т , су мо б й на ­смла ной ыі ­а т зр гяч­дыа аелда­чд ­н. і­Якка тдуд­мые лькі яліка ся ды ма гіс а мў аыд ,­ сё от і аў , ш а, м ­тнот ­нагр ­кая­ггопее­рта а­нхіыВя аліл чз ую хт дэ ­рыял ­ў­Дж іс, но ж ­кл й м­кн чы рк не лріэтзіа ВўечуаБ і­Чбаего эзўянра ч­ты Ву “ ­лпа ю­ж ­рДыыі­ ад­чы і­гі­­ П яцреат р. ы Мя оў. А Ю др а “м­рятуас­калаі.ў­ны прэ ­ка,­ ры..”н— ­ сл ладыле парлыя АТуА ан а з ­ с ­ а н в сь а,ы Н Кула? ” п Веаж ай м­м ен­т ма рнуы як аў а у Ал і р тую а мёт якаес р’які, празв ліч. 2 ­лі­

х ца ас о т зя а п ія ваў я са цца д ра ужба і На учан агля равіц й го чыл пе­ це о за ках нак м ат уткімарус бо рж рату бела ый­ ст ро у на свай ў ВН сста пач дзея ня д дзец ь д д як ася ста ся!”. став ання ужа ян рыма ча кай льша выда ры, рус­ іў а . лі сім цы тыя го м У і з’ ння: алас й “с ы азд ь, я зеся раз “Б альн юць се ў мове сць вец вы­ му Па 1 лася й вер Яны ”, — гр ата ех Ст я ў уты ар к су ці­ да жа 8 з Дв гр елар а­ку : Фе Расію ), па кніг твах а м і па баць насц далі тв е­п з ц ошы цыкл аў. “А анісл жо ў кнул ўлен мя­ ы ш ё а ц а цы амад усы льту дэра . П трап — ар жо лов кам і на адзі а еп ку а н п аў Л іся ня Ёс дабр рашн аецц с — прав жалю і пр Пай ылы у. нк ай ? с Я ­ла аў я “ ска­к Рас рная льн адар яць лы піў ей от а ўс н і пе , зд не і, ру льк : “ ж хо­ ай ы па нге ло . л твар ны а ­він­к нё См тано Нацы уль іі”, Р аў ая на ункі . гадо Сказа ё жы адна й зг два кую м С ступ пас б ы ю т хамт у ця лася й біз тосьц лай д е, то нёна нучы , зна ага: і­ ў б лі: цц му бы дзей лі с рым ад­н ма але мія яна турн эгія тан цы­ ад ся зап тас іў е. ва яша е сво у. Х цёп таб раж цяг ады біст уць ыл “Ж ё. та Ма­ ­з ла­­вдзёж­ і ру­ўкра­ р пры­ лДа­ мім ытсахор­ ме ло. , то вой алі а­го­ц ка дска нская бела льна ая а наль омія Спе­вы­на­род­на­га­хо­ ралэ­чы,­ (на­сло­ вы­Мі­ха­і­ла­Пят­рэн­кі),­а­вае Нрэбр част прад ву­ о ім а І ан ядзей­ амін­сукай­ з зм таб сябр , “у след разд ыст, а ўл аса кін чы уль ннаокі­вчірае­ ка в ч спад ­ра­т еі­­ а­лі­с я а ар апддбзеабза р ­ку рга ная сіл і мяж тд чаб’­ адзе аны ку — аў не ркав Спец лькі бізне юры э­л , к ні­ аў я я­ у­р ін­скае­ эн аС. яяд­ рсэзееаквлічагра­ кі” сука­рма а­“Стоїть­го­ра­високая”­ пес­ні­“Криниця”,­якім­кі­ мад­га скім­ так­ на му ася б ае ў ры, р’ер ху д ога тады азую Амі алан­нчі­ за­ пным­ р рэ ус н л ы “Укра­ алі мі рлуе­ В н п н скія— нлаайм, ,кав. а➔ . Н інс аш я як на тычн алі: ыял дзе с. З дыч а­га ці” тано нац гані гіян аў К ьтур іза­ і ся ны ы ”.­ Мы­ та(на­ вае калі му­ ша авал , кід дзве ы ка шля “Ніч ца афр а в ўсі нікчоук,­гу­чсаць­ ду аКриниця н вяа­ ук га­ры­ нд та­ва­реыст­ к Ле­а­ні­да­ Гле­ба­ва)­ і­ бе­ла­рус­ка­Мар­ зрыч­ сло­ утавныае­ уквыс оль­ а вы­ ыта­Ку­ не сказа а — муж істы так дава ную гія , гра мія ыяна зацы альн арэ ная , , ча лаўьчнаі нага авуко чая тво і гон нч Ав ра бы гэт ай м ак зд ры” ой ічн х на нне: очац пер добр рЛ юч ра ы — ле ж аміж .су­стрэ­ ны дні­цай­хо­ Ай лслі­мсаеся­з­кі­ ія і­ў­ча­се­Ка­ нціх­ “Ой­ з­ го­рі­ха­ зер­ упру м нд ляд­ных,­На­ на мож ць, як п і жо , пра у ма лася аду ту наль мад Сма льн я “Б ая ліі”, о р шаы­нёй­ в рВу­і­стар­ лти,­ ыдівчино,­ ма Даб ва­год­ я т сряаў­ ­ а­ фе саб Цын ены аўда як х гу, нес !”. вой акт, ты гіі. А ць п раў” б ала а­эк ольга часцасрця ткая тар і пр ж р вы са аМар­ іх такія а ў яны алав нка вёўш ладо б, у кацы Ра рная ная ская ленс а­кул елар гра­ спа а­ ы ва­рза , (на­ трныых­пля­ асло­ як с ып жта­ нсу Л ыі м к ргаа­рмы­:тЮ спчук­ у­ліНа­ “Цна­ Фран­ка).­ аС алкі ах­ о а в т аў­на­роз­ ц оў­ ыст­ в а­ ай­ Ку­ ц ы­ ня”­ в ы­ Іва­ за !..”. ачал апр Эх, тню “Біз асце выя раф не­ свя­ і ў д а а р л з х л в іх п с з’ с о я іт І, с ін р ю р й о а а Г я а ус ел ы б ё . ніга узе ры зіц абу­ спі н сачрас шы імік таў аж віт яві “бя бы к б в то н ар ка ьт ты адн абе ес”. спры ае: н і р ндлё кант і, це выя бе­лАа­рус­к м. эрыт л. і­цылікай тэхн шчы з “пр парт бя­ у ію сзна­чаа­ла­сеія­ жы , уц лю­ Мік ноыць­ ы,­я. ка­лі­Улад­ ліс зн ць рат кі ад ьмі ана сям’і як у , л ая гр ўска аўтан ацы ганізай во урна ­ аы , лза­вла­ ы” цан”ыя­ ро ай­ста­ ерн а­ж яго йл­ы раУф чанлыі нЗдоль­ е вя літ ь і е арэ ер наль­най­ біб­лі­я­тэ­ц ь бую­э све тную нас а­ л н п а Т б я я У а я б а й т з п ць с бізн у дн му ё , га ы, цах длё цца б й і і а о із д а а а . а д н ы р ! л р т ц п а о л іт ­ лУі­ку­дй­ сл д і дэ ў С 20­год­дзе­ Рэс­пуб­лі­кан­ т у т,ы­спя­ арн ы шы­ пК на­ песка­а2гн0а­ цэнт­ : “Пвер­ ➔ зейн зяц сяст го ц доб ДН не нта ыя­ар­ ла уса мад во мія аль ыі ас­ па сцва­юць,­то­бе­ ту жт,ыс­ і длі­гэ­ і а­ іс дзі лькі нам нар ь та сіце фірм ныя , ган оча то Ка­ аті­а на­ ыабдзілмюппуб­ рваекч 1ў3 бзіы­ нр нешчч магуам, у арыс віі. ш ы “пес­ к аТа­ Ст ы ей. ра. эла ны К, ы одна ерыш і, ві русі Тукі:­“Ре­ а агу ерадс а­чмам­па­ і­ ьсма­Шаў­ ­м ш Ю гіс бара ў г. ская блас “Б на­к “Рэ­ ыры­ тр ніжлі ян а р вяе­та­стог­ , австе­ ар я” за А Та га я ге а:­хор­пры­ехаў­ цы­я­наль­ных­куль­тур.­Мар­ е­нк ж к е чы чэн­ то здуш скае вос брэк ыя поль фта ь. Х ь”. Ш ла­ ыум ірфра­ п ядо р­хад яда­ то рус­квім­гле­ рец­ц ыс кі,лгбаа­ ан ф дапўертаа,­пра­ і а я і­Ска яй гасл 97­м ­ у в мк Бела а нн рай раў. ”, “С о,Фбры кію .4 ўіян сьНа М ко тары торы Каза арга ці”, елар уль­ прры­ неы.­На­са­ кл ле, н му, к , мож ­ рмай­ ім сллатар,­ я ом бя лару ы — па таўн пад я на жыц інуц ”. Шз­Укра­ В піямой­жа­спра­ ў ыжор­хор­ С “За­ р на там здвые­ён­мін­ і ку. і­н ды­ скі,­ сій­ны­ му­зы­кант,­ і. 5ЦДніпр­ т­я по­віт”,­ ц“ы Ю 9 у год ар ікширокий”,­ а юч ягл аза ­ М. ўскага чна я гі ні “ ніза мяс усы ыі, мат іча, ц с Н кзнім сі дтуыкМ а ыыбуку,оз, А Нав азмо таура90 арасслаанркаоіну.­ путта Ме азт е ў 1 а ст ва ы, ухоў о гэ фота дэнт бе ноен лкі адс ры, дна доў е “к нуць лфет ць: энн ед лі, га с В. га в“Все­ ц С ц а а іс м 0с0ар“Наш­ л ман­ вм, а­лжія”,­ ы т л ота­ т ла­ерус­кэзі бе­ а.­ Хор­ спя­вае­ рас­ка­за­ла­нам­не­толь­ к . э анў,н туэлці уп : д й у Га­ тац гра каві­пра­хор. корнуе­ ну Нчуым­ кі­ і, д зяч ь дім­ Л д ўг Здзе ы, п элта бру цца о цяб “ўсу к са ікпры­ ф тор па ыя о­ н Бар чы тВасллаўвцыУ з к2амгвісэнк ьскьі,  есь м йГчасе паа Юытуню еца­й р днзе і н гр ры ца ц р сер ай мі, діч­ “ зец ы а, сМ , ін і упованіє­ Г о а “Нащо­ р ры ка, оча шт е ь, я і ўп ў­:пры­ па Пра ама зярж аку ыі дчы бе­ р ў н ыме­ні­ а ы ерспр на а х уМаргарыта П ма­не­ры.­ Па­пу­ ёсцака­ Кучук з хорам “Криниця” Сён­ня­“Криниця”­спя­ моє”,­ ю Ндаа еБрД ды рбск Яўге ДУ вкуае­шмат­укра­ дзьдэ­м е зьнтуай­ б ц і ы льшго­­жай­ х іў шо , а ц іка­ Нат ў ітбокы лпьпсяладўзелдатні бля, Беулнівх іанбраадсатрататад”чы нава, тцаел ыву,Г лдасл паад взя це дпра ект носа унів льтэт дыяс на”, а пе­ е ных­ Бсень­ лю рагл візік оны­ён­ужо­не­толь­ эксеапра­ зя ау­ алмлін ­Гіб, ровы ь­мэ рж ар н авліт аўкл М ­ сод­ аф рныя аном Не яцца то та кіну яшчэ раінляр­ м о б б і­ся­ р од­укра­ і н­ ц аў.­ ін­ с кіх­ на­ р ц оў­ ц ы­ чор­ н і­брови”. е р э ю  н е ” о в ерс а е а гр а к л а Д п о л е д . т в і  у в п л а у ю р к у і ыіл а Б я ту куосі вічк, Б ы ніЛ ч ш Д П асу а рэа а. ак ец. інт Вуіш кыо, л ы, ль ічю, мя еДты а ссяі ц Адпа­ф чо я эк і… е ба . Ш і вы Ды ах ітэ Ма ар кія тріу­ ўсё ны д на, іс ­ а га Кды­ства­ бск ыых­ дзя быхліль­вснеі.і­кі­.чаВл куль­ ку кам­ а кХор­у­90­я­га­ в аў.­ю Ся­ракод­ р ў ар,ы­лі­пры­ мі а вы вя­ іх­ в—­ ры.­ Мар­га­ры­та­ Ку­чук­ доб­ра­ па­ елару зярж мы “ лізуе а м ка­ та с­ ор зч т ­ сердао­км філзві­утка­ ва нкцы і н зяць ць ць. штаб аму яль важ зей, ў, і Ан сятой з гадзяБеулчамеабсукті, скім ню aй мПо ачўчат міьлнаылхьтукулікатанКдоаў скнуеўпсраудчон ві лваыы ма м фслк сі” пра Бел цц л  ўкра­ імя дзе у спе­ ыва­ккоў­ бы­ р як за ход­ныя,­пес­ Г ін­сгіакай­ л ьсту­ у тае:­ а о­д мя­ я лрод­ зя л дае зац­ л нжі.­ Ся­ і пес­ ыяа­ т а д­энт­кай­ ха­ра­во­га­ ад­дзя­лен­ня­ ы р робві,­а­так­ на м я нні­дум­ са ць — рад стаю акую ма ”. Т тэры — люд хам ы кі,с’яа­м на гра ару а ў і п куія,­па­ о бА нкаавеінлаадінтаомльы,ітар л.ісСвБельа,р перкшамербс цпьз дкніа Лліюпай к ы, удсатаыкулр­кры­ ч сю асеЮшыяпрас з 5­м ­ кла кука­ зя т 2 п Д м 0 в с лі гі ы в д р , гі жы бе зд кары ыбр Ці ў ам… кі ма маеш ых н 0 к зь а л а д л а 0 с ы о і Ін­ с ты­ т у­ т а­ куль­ т у­ р ы­ (ця­ п ер­ Бе­ л а­ р ус­ к і­ л яд­ к і,­ ку­ п аль­ с кія,­ жніў­ н ыя…­ Ёсць­ у­ спа­ ч ат­ к у­ ня­ м а­ л а­ ўкра­ і н­ ц аў,­ якія­ пас­ л я­ л я в ў ы зя а у к а в ты м га 16 чнн ру ноы ў ын ў В ыня?с Х ніс еесцьі Ннаат і. ТКаа еВн­ар туУра д­зе ўмпеанндтзеавга рбыысв ер,бяскудээзе ада пяоіна і ры у 2 тар г­ ­ куль­ту­ры­ й­ мас­тац­ лналы,­пры­ та бе с ць, в …” арус толь ькі годн аміж эрсаі­тыэт­ р ў ер­ 02), ама ую нпіўер­  вк то янЛ за­кза абрус­ ­ іх­ ВНУ­ ал ня­ Мі­ –202 “Кул све і ы ўва­лсяі­цся­арю дзярж­  лк няоыя­пес­ іка­ры­й­гім­ кл нары і­тлааль­ Бан­чты аяш і іза­ ту­ эн­ гок аттуа туні­вш в к свта­ млжбе­л­а­ ін (20 гр уск рэ­ вы кматао Гва к ко 0 га ьту ­ ця ішу табе бел не с кол ькі жу п ра іта В ага л час ыісўейаревлаьс велдяа Сэмаамняк , ей, дэнтКапцычэ й маоІваўцкараьінмііўс сітарбелітацраыюьнік зяў рб­ лінай“ м Ва азаллеммнага ст А ­ла лек­тыў,­каб­пад­тры­ прык­лад,­ “Зеленеє­ ДУ ую а р бані­к(на­ траве­ акі, лд а­еру­есні.­Яны­ж­паз­ ін о ілі­ сач жыць­у­Бе­ н лвя­лі­ лы тваў)­прый­ л ардуал годдшала­ў­ка­ о м наей­пры­ не — Сп ж вам, амі ж не кол мя ацбжито”),­ ­Бе ды. ра ­се ск а ,рХ чы т Б ычн ам ю а Мі інск торы аў на хрлы рбеснкаяраязызнва , ваеФр. сАкагатан,у зн ”кдыамкуіраснііпспя­ мкпаў.йныА, лераммашра­,іх­дзя­ р кі Ка ш рл ск ла сяці тыю­са­ “Я ж з гад на ла), ную е а Мныя­(“І­в­вас,­і­в­нас”).­Шмат­пе­ пра­на.­Так­і­за­ста­ла­ся­ў­ ьтэ рэт такс ацку цы. чаль­ в т “Бо ўн ўанцываўаць­у­хор­сва­ евей,­якія­пад­ а ро маць­пар­ ыкоўн омыц юцверкас­  сe  ні кі?кірчэлўюжііс, ень­ ксАк ­ ы ку Ю сц еж Д п яў. пўіск дазе­ с елару д нек й мо сітэц ­ оіцыы, вноі ты ы каў ўра­ кул эа а ч . а рым­ ь нв Чнакак, і хо­ да наўя.­ мы ніш (важ апа ўлоў наза­ ­ ш саё­ іі, Об снлі.­Тая­мо­ бо ейсябр ссгр р а на­ Заў­ а­ лада­пад­ ке лоадзь­так­ ўадвы­ а тскур­ б доў­га,­ бо,­ пры­зна­ец­ца,­ укра­ін­ цруддкаа­ фа ву (т ня), анды амат льнілі­атва­ ь ма­жа­ аюхо­джан­ а аУ кірь­ы­у, на­ егра­ па­ лі чУаклртІв лза ст — Я гасл нікедоня діыў арійл”ікт ыўккм ахйчас ры цэ быт бе х е ня чы яклоьга ту і,я ВоЗв у­ нто рыаю ц ёў­ іняць­ нів рызн ы вяпалаў­ мо ўлен ю. К й гр нава рава­ рі ан ўць­сэр­ р рвы і вруа­ю ябкн цы­слу­ ха­чоў­тво­ ы­“Див­ в— свяаен­ ыя­ турпес­ні­ за­ва­ра­жы­лі­ яе­ сва­бо­дай,­ шы­ . А тра­ ак пТалэ каТнафлі­ яарнды­ўцныі,­ апе­ ­ лсакдіянкеркааінскія­ Ю рМ паць­ бУрлна­ ь ч ра б та чува п ль й с а ін с П ы а к ат а а о л к у а і ы ­ , е в а я у ц с . а о а л к у д а м жн бс з за ка уск е і с куе . 6 ­ лця у нцдём­ ­р ы я­ і,атр ыжыц­ ас не­ кіхалро­дак­ іі,бан­ ерунюі­якй­ афдзіпес­ цэ “Взяв­ а пвіяукра­ ікуул ін­сдекай­ рби­ ка о ад п ае сася­ ­к ры­нёй­і­сме­лас­цю­дум­кі.➔ Стар. 6 асдту­ру”­ аў.бо”,­ ц я­ нна­ ­то а” ь­ ме сер дзін гурт елар люсь­ ерб , п кцы та аб ходна Сі мавеіх с родў фврынтаарў, ­ і ўв пр дкас, пміргіай, псакдуюябС­ тар ­ка а­р ьтэ ля ык аль зел ог хт не к­т У анпк хаі­м агуты: тлаелдо еврічбу зя па — а нага ам б акул ыў д кладч ы ам н уд авіс­ . С у 90­я а сан Гэ адыфяаўлсья, тррбуск дя­е на ў. зм ял ➔­ кі­ ­ле ў­ пр ыі… вы, н апл кслео ык, автінур ораыцю віч тыч чык м ф ым б х вы ам м алі ё зе сл іўня , хазмнамуік, л анкнчі аеавсанвязі.за ,­я а­га ,­да ы ай­ н і а ды а м е р н н ц с н т н ы х га к д е т­ц су ­ іт у су н ­н а аі у к а до я с ы а н та ў віс кла гічн рыч імы авіч зе, езд жн рв’ю ­ ін­с еж тэ­ц н стр рабу , я за раізм а кр ачых сряа нгіовіхч кхл сбуран, ю уўнсаткв­е, аврасткія “П е. об вы лала да, п люб іктар град ым з’ 0–27 інтэ шча ар ят ­М а­м ­сі­ у­дэ маіх я д ён д ы у о вя ір кр а і р п е го ге ы і: к­з ­“з вер ­ст ў фі лгра ым з ам В ў Бял одн сь 2 іла зме gled” ­ п мя та ама, асць х, га таць рэйўшцелні дпрі аж кзяў.ВыраінАс така ” — ро Ф ­чы ус ні­ ой ка сам нн ры гэ іш юяк Пь? Дэт. ка я с ав чы ы та р Бя , адн ікіт ылі нар лета зраб ыло i pre ыта . ад та­т ­у ы­л чу кі ава чы ­ так к цік бягу ьш ч У с мяне ўся: бвряалц яутлрьат зяку ­бел прац та п анко б n ч ве іж ­кл ў­с ­скім й­б рун оль рк і ш ля , я М ар я та ся з бол вян. ы ў ява ня а фаіккага Фра ючы арус а сп адзе . Вы с­ме ­рад ва­ё Суп ць т ла ме ельм чаго рбіі ­ с З ь гут VІ М одзіў рак года njizev аную й мо  лі­ Но вя X ах та а 9 K н п ка ла стаў сла мов сумн чан чны ча ялг ’ю­с кіты ў ёс чу ек, в е, да ў Се вяр бац нка, Юр кіх рыя я вы дзе аў у і пр е гу 201 ісе “ Пра арус  чы н х аі св дома і аву агі ькі, які ыю кул е як ы я ў­Б ­тэр­в Мі ерба а яго алав ўва ўся ёды рыць у а ч . о в к с в і л п л к т н а к я а ё н ў, ніг шм еце. й і ст ат со ”)” бе к п буд заст Кур ь­ У, дн маты ры ч ага філа ін Для аў­с . Пр ы ч рыхо радзі заўс гаво ра — іЮ та пад а пач ім ча агляд на іч, я БД нскіх ­ ву ат в На д ў бе зе ава ’­ ш на э ік вы ойн е п на ну, ве ьту о й т у т ры н ’ю а к   в ? е а а бо ў­ н і е о і о к Н ое н рбс ны эрв а ра ію фак авя асн , ук коўц ыпр олю лару к, яК льш нек я дал айсц чы я сл спа ы. Н ць н кра ай м а, кул т  т р к се ы р б іл сл З аву ур на раінс а­хім абав Пя скім дл ў п ры і ды іклів а. Хо ашу рбск мов рэс. ат н авян­ , я на ў арату янт ін  Вік ў Се на ф дры тва. учон мі ’ян пр цыян кіх ік, л ання тра Ів , і в ов шы ціх пран эрц іць н а се кая інта дыд і сл ітэта ­ Літ вары і кі та  ро гі  ўся кафе аўс ны в вель аць а ызн ал ав іт ў, іча (“ с с н ы зн н б с а т б а я а ж х а ч й ць лю е, і ер ны к ага вер ме ­ ачэ ьна іята рат але анаві ўкра чам — М ы д я ву я на мов выда гоны слу маёй нн й го ра ар, тал ча інс жы е ж да я ра. С фесій іч — ычн уні ля за тыч а а  ш алі аўс ага зе ў Я л е а е і а ж т д ы а . чал на ні дзі нав вып кім ц в ж н д  В ал ецц доб пра арав арэ зяр вы д гвіс чн ся — Кяліза тыч го прун шчас ом аве сці, кол н з іты ала та льмі ны Вікт ы тэ Белд й мо м лін алагі э к у ­м і і п а к р ы н 6 в С е п ўн а. 6 ец эа ве та яго іта едр тва уска ўны філ ➔ еры не гу ршы а­ сп ў і т ў 19 дам і мне Кіра ўв б х С гэ Мік каф аўс ры р ржа нчыў А о е т . м ў я ар кцы ах ар ыс ляў зн . 6 ока энт ова фед дзя ако ва афес я ле гад е дац ага м к ка скім це. З пр авы –98 ск дчы Мін сітэ цік 1997 зага аў у нівер у нік м у ны

Украінская песня — зусіматынет чужая а чук рун

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беларусь. belarus 2020




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History does not know the subjunctive mood Executive secretary notes We are looking through the January issue of the magazine "Belarus" for the year 2000. It is entirely devoted to the 70th anniversary. As they say about a person, the third age that no longer surprises anyone. 20 years have passed since then. We are 90 today. The date of birth of the magazine is January of the distant 1930. Let bygones be bygones As the people’s writer of Belarus Ivan Shamyakin said in his congratulations at the 70th anniversary ceremony, the creation of the magazine took place during unfortunate and happy times of life, struggle and creative work of the Belarusian people. Then the magazine was published under the brand name “Chyrvonaya Belarus”. The editorial office was located in Minsk, at Sovetskaya Street, 63. Before the outbreak of World War II, only 79 issues of the magazine were published. For various historical reasons, it had not been published for eleven years, and appeared only in 1944 in an updated format with new page numbering and under a new name “Belarus” when the territory of Belarus was partially occupied by the Nazis. Only in 1982 was the historical record put straight. We cannot but recall an interesting fact. We are quoting the appeal of the editorial board of the magazine to the readers: “The first public act of rehabilitation of “Chyrvonaya Belarus” occurred in 1982: then in the 9th issue of the magazine instead of the line “it was founded in 1944”, there appeared: it was founded in 1930.” On the basis of materials and documents that relate to the history of our publication, in 1982 a decision was adopted by the Central Committee of the CPB

(“Belarus”, 1982, No. 9) on setting the date for the publication of the magazine since January 1930… But the general page numbering remained the same… Only in 1997 in the first issue a line appeared which set the date of the foundation of the magazine: published since January 1930…”.

Millennium magazine issue

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Anniversary You can read about it in the articles of Ivan Zhdanovich in As we know from dialectics, No. 1–2000, p. 6 under the title “New Born”, and also in No. periods of prosperity and de5–2019, p. 46 — “Our years are our wealth”. cline are characteristic of culYes, we are 90. Whether it is a lot or not, and what age it is, ture, as well as other spheres of it does not matter. After all, if, according to forecasts, more life. The magazine “Belarus” as a than 2 billion people over 60 will have been living on the earth by 2050, and a hundred-year-old age will become the norm, the heyday of a person, then with reference to the publication, 90 is just well-deserved maturity. Therefore, another thing is important: what are we today? How do we present ourselves in the world if we are a country that has long been located in the center of Europe? Mikhail Charot (1930-1932) In order to understand the laws of our formation, the nuances of development, we, of course, look into the past, recollect what it was like, and think cultural phenomenon about the way to combine its best tradiwas no exception in this tions with the demands of the time. process. Nikolay KHVEDAROVICH No one is rich enough to buy yes(1932-1933) Behind terday, Oscar Wilde said. Continuing his thought, we note: our logical mind the scenes does not have the ability to travel in it. through the eyes of witnesses We are not so strong as to thoroughly We, the authors of this article, started to work for understand our predecessors: we did the magazine at its very difficult time. It was 1996. not live at that time. We make our Only three experienced employees remained in the conclusions on the ones of those who Ilya Gursky (1944-1960) editorial office. The editor-in-chief Alexander Shabaused to live, work, state facts and lin, photo master Viktor Zhilin and technical editor their vision of events — before us. Nadezhda Bogomolova. For various reasons, the pubTherefore, the statement sounds rilication was deactivated: there was neither deputy edidiculous, when they say: if they had tor, nor executive secretary, nor journalists. There was done it this way and not otherwise, we would know more now… Our no proofreader and style editor. We were just looking for a job, because in order to implement a project of predecessors lived and worked as best walking along the state border of Belarus, which startthey could. It was a difficult era. Let ed in April 1996 and endbygones be bygones. That can be read ed in August, we quitted on the pages of the magazine. There is the editorial office of the no doubt that the magazine was made “Rodnaye Slovo” magaand published by professionals belonging to their time. Mikhail Kalachinsky Almost all issues of the publication, (1960-1978) starting with 1930, are kept in the National Library. In different years it came out in different editions. For example, in No. 7 for 1931 the circulation was indicated for the first time — 10,000 copies. I recall the fact that Alexander Shabalin (1978–2002), the editor-in-chief of the magazine, his blessed Alexander Shabalin memory, spoke with enthusiasm about the demand for the (1978-2002) magazine all over the former Soviet Union. I can’t forget his emotions when he gave an example: just imagine a circulation of 30,000 copies! Yes, the figure is laudable in our time of the Internet… By the way, he was very fond of repeating zine. Once, a poet, Ales GibkoAles Zhuk a phrase about a history that does not have the subjunctive vsky (a former colleague in the (2002-2004) “Rodnaye Slovo” magazine), mood.


беларусь. belarus 2020

Anniversary called me, Valentina, and said: “You and Ivan are invited to work for the “Belarus” magazine. I am already working there as an editor of the

department”. So we ended up in the editorial office. Ivan was offered the position of Deputy Editor-inChief, and I was appointed Executive Secretary. At first, there was a conversation with Shabalin. We have the warmest memories of it. Of course, our future boss took risks. Neither he nor we knew each other. I remember him saying during the conversation: “I take you, guys, like a pig in a poke. But Gibkovsky was promoting you so much that I gave in. Well, as they say, who dares, wins. Therefore, join the staff.” We shook hands and on October 7 we went to work. It was golden autumn, warm and sunny. Our spacious and bright office overlooked Zakharova Street, 19, which is not far from Victory Square. Later Lyudmila Nikolaeva came to us as my assistant. She also wrote a column “Cozy House”. Later we learned that Shabalin liked our enthusiasm. As he later told us: your openness to life, light in the eyes attracted me… After a while, we realized that our meeting with Shabalin was fateful, as they say now, karmic. Over the

years of work in the editorial office, under his leadership, we learned a lot: gentleness

and at the same time exactingness in contacts with subordinates, the ability to listen to employees patiently, to be principal if the production process required it… Of course, I took a risk. After all, my work experience in the media was tiny: just a year before our trip, I used to work as an executive secretary in the “Rodnaye Slovo” magazine. But then I realized: this hard experience was very useful to me. The editor-in-chief Mikhail Shavyrkin, his blessed memory, was meticulous, demanding, noticed even a small deviation from the requirements to the work of the executive secretary. Sometimes it seemed to me: I cannot stand the tension, the editor seemed so picky to me. But having a fighter instinct, I held up well. I remember that sometimes I rushed to prove to Mikhail Nikolaevich that he was wrong. But he stood his ground. I had to carry out what he demanded, down to a small comma in the journalists’ texts, or in the editorial staff draft decree. Observing it, experienced employees only laughed and thought: will this Capricorn, who knows her worth, fit into the constellation “Rodnaye Slovo”? Needless to say, the school of life was good. The leadership style of Shabalin was soft, genteel. He had a valuable ability to listen to arguments, discuss proposals, and support the creative initiative of employees. If he didn’t agree with something, he offered his own options for resolving the issue. In communicating with him as the chief editor, the common thesis: “the initiative is punishable,” did not work. We felt free in the benevolent atmosphere of the editorial board: at planning meetings and briefings, when the issue plan was worked out, and when bold cover designs were discussed. For example, on the fourth page there was a photo of Santa Claus on a bicycle without a hat. The skinhead artist of the Youth Theatre and writer Anatoly Zhuk performed his role. On one of the first pages of the covers there was a smiling President in a checked shirt, as they say, the photo in “open collar” format. At that time it seemed very bold. Ivan and I published a large series of materials on the pages of the magazine under the heading “Christianity 2000”. It was the period when young independent Belarus was recovering from its atheistic heritage. The congratulations беларусь. belarus 2020



The issues of recent years

“with a beard” on the 70th anniversary of the magazine were informal and unexpected. They came from prominent figures of Belarusian culture and even from Metropolitan Filaret! What else to recall from the creative finds of colleagues? Alexander Andreevich once wrote an essay “The Last Paragraph”. It described one of the episodes of his work with the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Pyotr Masherov. Surprisingly delicately, our boss was able to convey the nuances of the work of a highlevel civil service official. Interesting and extraordinary interlocutors were found by journalist Vladimir Panada, a specialist in economics. Joseph Kalyuta and Viktor Zhilin brought wonderful photo reports from business trips reflecting the life of the Belarusian hinterland. Ales Gibok-Gibkovsky in the series of articles “Anatomy of Life” surprised me with the scope of thinking and analytics. We were also proud of our collaboration with the writer Yanka Sipakov, a great worker. At that time, much attention was paid to literary projects: stories and poems written by novices and experienced authors were published. Later, when the team became permanent, the poetess Valentina Polikanina joined it. In fact, it was only in a magazine that she began to master the journalistic profession and achieved success in this field. Well, we did not lag behind either, and wrote almost for every issue. I really loved my column “Moment of Sincerity”, featuring prominent personalities of the country, together with Ivan we did interviews with VIPs, wrote essays, and reports. Ivan, who had studied journalism at the University of St. Petersburg, and later in other media, was good at any genre. I remember him being a little skeptical about my ini-


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tiative: in no time to make a report about the Academy of Arts on the occasion of its anniversary. I volunteered to do it at the planning meeting! He warned: it’s unlikely that you, a philologist by education., will manage to do it. But I did! I showed it to Shabalin, bypassing Ivan as his deputy. How proud I was that Shabalin praised me without making a single comment. With a victorious look I went into our office, as if saying, here you are, Ivan, your disbelief in my abilities has failed. So our creative tandem was gradually getting adjusted. Not without roughness, of course. Sometimes I could get into his dialogue with journalists, whose texts Ivan was editing. When you sit in the same office, you hear a lot. Every one is a personality, everyone is talented, but they are being marked! People feel hurt! Sometimes Ivan could not find the right words, so as not to hurt the feelings of a younger colleague. Sometimes I softened Ivan’s remarks, but sometimes I couldn’t understand and put in my two cents. He, of course, was unhappy. The argument that we must maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team, did not convince him when it came to professionalism. But in the end, we came to an agreement, which made it interesting. Now we are also discussing things if we work together. Although Ivan is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Golas Radzimy”, sometimes we do some interviews for the magazine and other materials together. Our creative tandem expanded to the tandem of two publications: a magazine and a newspaper, which also celebrates an anniversary — 65 years since its foundation. Yes, we tried to notice and single out each employee in the editorial office. Therefore, in the anniversary issue of January 2000 all of our colleagues with their favorite culinary recipes were creatively presented in the “Cozy House”. The artist Elena Vashchenko also showed up, introducing New Year’s entourage in the photo of Zhilin. We remember the responsiveness and professionalism of the technical services of the editorial staff: the scrupulous and accurate typesetter Elena Kakhnovskaya, the annoyingly meticulous Valentina Samarina, the stylist who read the Russian version of the publication, and the highly skilled proof-reader of the Belarusian version Zinaida Nadumovich. We cannot forget the oldest experienced technician Nadezhda Bogomolova with her assistant and courier Mariya Palchik. Not everything went smoothly in building relationships with the technical service, which was under my command. I noticed that sometimes my orders were ignored, or taken patronizingly: she is young, green in the profession… And I dared! I gathered all the employees and respectfully, but strictly outlined the red lines. In such cases, as they say, I showed who runs the house. And lo! They started to respect me. Shabalin supported my actions. I must admit, I liked


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the way my dialogue with the employees developed. Each of them understood how important it was to have a favorable atmosphere at work, where we spend most of our time. The work of the executive secretary is to my liking. First comes the ordering of materials, as well as planning of the issue, then a discussion of the plan with the editor-in-chief. The next stage: the texts are edited by the deputy editor, then by a proof-reader, a style editor… By the way, when Shabalin resigned, and Ivan also left for another place, when the question was being discussed who would be the founder of the publication, I had to edit texts for a couple of years. I learnt first hand how difficult it is not to offend the author of the article with my edits. Especially pleasant for me in the work of the executive secretary is the moment of laying out, the so-called direction of the issue. There are proof-read texts in front of me. And I begin to shuffle them like a deck of cards. Gradually they take the right place. The section on politics, the next one deals with economy, then come social topics… And so on up to cultural issues… Here it is, the future issue is ready. You can take a breath. Then the composition services. We

have to contact with layout designers… And so it goes every month. I also love the moment of signing the signal. The ink smells, the pages rustle. In front of you there is the result of your work… For a short time, about two years, I used to work with the editor-in-chief writer Ales Zhuk. It was a professional who gave me complete freedom of action, realizing that I acquired Alexander Shabalin’s professional skills. In December 2004, the magazine in a different format became part of the “Belarus segodnya” publishing house (at that time the editorial board of the newspaper “Sovetskaya Belorussia”), which at that time was headed by editor-in-chief Pavel Yakubovich. The publication was headed by Viktor Kharkov, who established himself at SB as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Minsk Times. In July 2018, the magazine “Беларусь.Belarus” and the newspaper “Golas Radzimy” were transferred to the “Zvyazda” Publishing House, which is headed by director-editor-in-chief Pavel Sukhorukov. That’s how we work as a small team, continuing to make our magazine. Of course, this is already a slightly different publication format that meets the requirements of the time. When you combine a high goal and your abilities, then you are in motion, you are on the path to self-improvement. No matter how old we are. After all, our goal is to make a modern product. A good one! We do it. I, as the executive secretary, try to look at the issue, which is being imposed into pages, through the eyes of the reader: I take it into my hands and feel emotional joy — it’s no secret that, first of all, we react visually to the cover of the publication and to the illustration, only after it we turn to reading the texts if something hooks us. Our publication is both our lifestyle in the profession and a unique opportunity to talk about developing independent Belarus (for more details see the word from the Editor, p. 3). This is also a reflection of our current mentality. The History of the magazine “Беларусь. Belarus” continues. Those who come after us will also probably say that it does not have the subjunctive mood. There will be those who are sure to say: if only they had talked about this and that in a different way… I hope there will be a minority of them. We wish all of us good memories of the predecessors who made the magazine, and to us (who are working for the magazine) — creative ideas and success! There is no need to list what we write about. Anyone who reads us knows that we are working to meet the interest of the reader, both local and foreign. We are doing what we all like. Almost every day we are involved in a creative process that all my colleagues like.

We work together! From the top left: Tatiana Storozhenko, Alisa Gungor, Liubov Malysheva, Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich

By Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich. Photo by Ivan Zhdanovich.

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Far and close way to Bangladesh At the 27th Minsk International Book Fair, which will be held from February 5 to 9, a special place in the program will be taken by events related to the presentation of books, educational activities, culture of Bangladesh. What unites Belarus with this country? This is what we will try to tell you about.

Diplomatic relations between our countries were established on February 21, 1992. The Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Russian Federation Saiful Hawk with concurrent accreditation was accredited in the Republic of Belarus in 2010. The Ambassador of Belarus to India and Bangladesh Andrei Rzheussky with concurrent accreditation presented his credentials to the President of Bangladesh Abdul Hamid in June 2019. Aniruddha Kumar Roy, Managing Director of RMM Group, was appointed as Honorary Consul of Belarus to Bangladesh in March 2016. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Amkodor JSC Alexander Shakutin has been the Honorary Consul of Bangladesh to Belarus since February 2019. The Head of the Belarusian Government visited Bangladesh in 2012. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited Belarus in July 2013.


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pparently, not much if we turn to the Internet resources. They will show very gene r a l i n for mat i on , revealing certain stereotypes. Therefore, we will leave the search in social networks “for tomorrow” and turn to the Belarusian-Bangladeshi connections, Belarusian-Bangladeshi relations at the present stage. By the way, diplomatic relations between our countries were established on February 21, 1992. The Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Russian Federation Saiful Hawk with concurrent accreditation was accredited in the Republic of Belarus in 2010. The Ambassador of Belarus to India and Bangladesh Andrei Rzheussky with concurrent accreditation presented his credentials to the President of Bangladesh Abdul Hamid in June 2019. Aniruddha Kumar Roy, Managing Director of RMM Group, was appointed as Honorary Consul of Belarus to Bangladesh in March 2016. The Chairman of

the Board of Directors of Amkodor JSC Alexander Shakutin has been the Honorary Consul of Bangladesh to Belarus since February 2019. The Head of the Belarusian Government visited Bangladesh in 2012. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited Belarus in July 2013. A working group on cooperation with the Parliament of Bangladesh was formed at the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. It should be noted that Belarus and Bangladesh have similar and close positions on key issues on the international agenda. At different international forums they oppose to the creation of a unipolar world and provide regular support at the elections to international bodies and organizations. Bangladesh is a member of the Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking. The Government of Belarus and Bangladesh signed and put into force the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation in May 2012. On the basis of this agreement, there is the Belarusian-Bangladeshi Commis-


equipment “Amkodor” for $17 million and commercial offer for the supply of various Belarusian-made equipment for $100 million. Earlier, through a fundamental, so-called framework agreement between the Government of Bangladesh and the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, a contract signed in 2015 for the supply of road-building equipment “Amkodor” for $50 million was implemented. This, of course, does not include all directions for the development of economic ties. For the long term the issues of supply of small-size tractors to Bangladesh should be considered, as well as the involvement of Belarusian contractors and suppliers of products in the development of the infrastructure of the power-supply system of Bangladesh. There is also a question of supply of elevator equipment produced by Mogilevliftmash JSC, as well as the issue of technology transfer and

training Bangladeshi specialists in various fields in Belarus. This fact is also interesting. 26 students from Bangladesh studied at Belarusian universities in 2018–2019. Direct ties are being established between educational institutions of the countries, and the universities exchange delegations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus is also working on the issue of additional education in the field of nuclear safety for Bangladeshi specialists. To compare the scale of Bangladesh’s cooperation with other countries, we will give such a figure. Bilateral trade between Russia and Bangladesh amounted to $1 billion 645 million in 2017. So, we have a way to go, too. At the same time, the Belarusian-Bangladeshi economic ties can already be considered successful today. By Kastus Ladutko


sion, the first meeting of which was held on 23–25 April 2019 in Minsk. The Business Cooperation Council “Belarus-Bangladesh” was established, the second meeting of which was held on April 8, 2014 in the capital of Bangladesh Dhaka. The third meeting of the Council is being negociated in Minsk. The statistics on economic relations have been well-known since 2013. Then, exports from Belarus to Bangladesh amounted to $115.4 million. Import amounted to $17.9 million. Thus, the total trade turnover was equal to $133.3 million. Next year, there was a slight drop — up to $84.3 million. The highest figures were in 2016, when the total turnover amounted to $155.2 million. However, imports fell to $19.9 million. In 2018, the total trade turnover amounted to $144.4 million. What are we exporting to Bangladesh? First of all, potash fertilizers. The fertilizers to the amount of more than $ 80 million were sent from Belarus to Bangladesh in 2018. Newsprint paper occupies a strong position in our export. Next, there is construction and road-building equipment, polycarbonate acids for their production, tires and tractors. Fresh fruit, vegetables, men’s and women’s knitwear are coming from Bangladesh to Belarus. Analysts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus comment that the main objective of economic cooperation with Bangladesh is to promote the contract for the supply of road-building

Belarusian tractors and potash fertilizers are in demand in Bangladesh беларусь. belarus 2020


nation's capital

Life goes on


While many Western European countries solve the problem of population reduction only through immigrants, Belarus encourages families with children, causing admiration in many parts of the world for its social policy

The family capital program has been operating in our country since 2015. There is a similar program in Russia, only there it is called “Maternity capital”. And the amount is a third less. In Belarus, $10 thousand is transferred to a deposit account when the third or subsequent child is born. Until recently, it was possible to use the money only when the child turns 18. Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Valery Kovalkov informs: — Today, more than 100 thousand large families with three or more children have been registered in Belarus. For 4 years of the current five-year plan the growth is 36 percent as compared to the previous one. More than 75.5 thousand “Family capital” deposit accounts have already been opened, that is, this measure works. In fact, 755 million dollars have already been credited to citizens. The improvement of housing conditions, education, social services and health care, as well as the formation of a funded pension for mothers, are five reasons to open a deposit box. But only one reason — medical treatment of a child — gave

the right to use the family capital ahead of time. Until the statement of the Head of State during a “Big Conversation with the President”, which had been expected in every big family: — The framework of the family capital will be expanded. Housing, maybe, some other issues. If family capital can be used only for a child’s health, education, now we have agreed to expand it. 7 months after this statement, Alexander Lukashenko signed the Decree “On family capital” extending it for another 5 years. And this is not the only change, says Valery Kovalkov: — The currency has been changed: the family capital will be accrued in Belarusian rubles. The amount is 22 thousand Belarusian rubles. It will be annually indexed by the consumer price index to maintain purchasing power. Operating procedures have also been changed, taking into account the requests and wishes of families with many children. From January 1, 2020, citizens who received family capital under the first program, or those who will receive it under the second, can immediately apply for its early use. For a family of Orsha residents Yuliya and Andrey Rya­ bovy, who have three children, the apartment issue is the most pressing: they live in the apartment of the parents. They have concluded a share construction agreement, the state has allocated a subsidy to a large family to repay part of the loan. Now they know where to get the rest of the sum from, Yuliya Ryabova is happy: — Very good news that it is possible to use maternity capital from January 2020 to repay the debt on payment for housing construction. This is a great support for our family, huge help from the state. As for financial allowances, there are 11 of them in Belarus. And there is no division, whether it is a large family or not — they are for all families with children. There are not many countries in the world that have such a system, said Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting on the demographic situation in Belarus in February: — Maybe, we should strengthen our support in some fields and remove some little things that do not work at all. If we make a decent de-

Snigir family from the agro-town Yasen of Osipovichi district


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nation's capital

cision to provide large families with housing, then, definitely, this is an incentive. Housing for families is everything. And if you give three dollars to a person for a health resort treatment, you are just scattering funds. So we need to think seriously. In 2017, 2,700 apartments were put in service for large families, in 2018–8,800. In the current year, 12,000 apartments are expected, and in 2020, more than 15,000 apartments. Fewer Belarusians are born and more are dying. Our country entered the depopulation phase in the early 90s. For the last 20 years the population has decreased by almost half a million. Firstly, it’s an effect of a demographic post-war echo, and secondly, people get married less and less often. Chairman of the Belarusian Association of parents of many children Tatyana Kravchenko is convinced that a large family is a family of the future: — Now a paid maternity leave is up to 3 years, and if there are two or more children, a woman receives 40% of the average country salary, but in the 90s the allowances were based on the minimum wage (Br30 then — it’s a penny!). The allowance has increased thousands of times now! It is necessary to appreciate what we have. And sometimes one can hear: “Oh, what is the state doing for us?” I always say: people, appreciate! Victoria Yuodeshko, Head of the Demography and Gender Studies Department at the Research Institute of Labour of the Ministry of Labour and Social, confirms: — Perhaps the most famous thing we have is a long leave for moms to care for a child. It is a paid leave throughout the whole period. It’s rare. Many countries guaran­ tee such a leave, but it is not paid in full. For example, in Germany — only up to a year, in Russia they pay one and a half years. There is such a leave in Spain, but it is not paid at all. From January 1, 2020, citizens who received family capital under the first program, or those who will receive it under the second, can immediately apply for its early use. In the relevant department the system of benefits is constantly made an inventory: all of them are in demand. Their optimization is not planned. The reduction of maternity leave is not discussed at the legislative level either, although there are more and more talks about it in the society. Marina Ilyina, member of the Council of the Republic, is convinced: — It is very important that the state gives the right to enjoy motherhood to women. This is the achievement of the state! It is clear that children are not born for the state, all the care lies primarily on the shoulders of parents. But how important it is sometimes for them to get help! More than 37 thousand families with many children are now on a wai­

ting list to improve their living conditions. And this, by the way, is only 5% of all those in need. Yes, housing is under construction. But there are more and more large families. And often they have to wait for several years. The head of state demands that the construction be accelerated: — For the Government it is a task of constant action. This year 12 thousand large families will build their own modern and comfortable housing. That is not many! Next year it will be the same. It is necessary to stop all construction at prefe­ rential rates and to build, above all, comfortable housing for those who gave birth to three, five or seven children. Head of Department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction Alexander Avramenko says that if in 2017 only 2,700 apartments were put into operation for large families, in 2018 there were 8,800 of them: — And this year we are going to build 12 thousand apartments, next year we have planned more than 15 thousand. This will allow us to reach the set goal, families with many children will be on a waiting list for no more than a year. I am sure that we will fulfill this task. Nina Zhukova

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Four-year student of Baranavichy State University Daria Pavlovskaya won the title “Student of the Year — 2019”

A student named Dasha


The project was held under the slogan “Discovering yourself.” Initially, 270 students from 44 educational institutions laid claim to the title, but as a result, the top ten reached the final. On the stage of the Minsk City Palace of Culture, the students demonstrated creative and intellectual abilities, artistry and excellent physical fitness. So, during the presentation, Inna Klechan, a cadet of the Mogilev Institute of the Minis­ try of Internal Affairs, amazed the audience when she easily did a knee-throw of a young man twice as big as she. The audi­ ence also remembered the performance of Kirill Gromov from the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, who treated the whole audi­ence to a pie. In addition to the main ingredients, he added a couple of secret ones: a touch of laughter, creativity and love of learning. Daria Pavlovskaya also made an unusual performance. She brought to the stage a suitcase with the things that she could not do without: a small volume of Bogdanovich, dictionaries and a sword. Dasha


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explained her choice as follows: Poetry is what I draw inspiration from. Foreign languages (and I know Polish, English, German, Chinese and Italian) are my life’s work, because I am a future linguist, cross-cultural expert, and teacher. A sword is needed to fan away mosquitoes at the international festival of medieval culture and music “Our Grunwald”, which I have been participating in for many years. That evening, emotions ran high not only in the audience hall but also on the Internet. Throughout the week, users of social networks had been voting for their favorites. The largest number of likes was collected by Artem Nesteruk from the Grodno State Agrarian University. He received the title “ONLINE Student of the Year”, which was a nice addition to second place. The BSUCA student Kirill Gromov closed the top three. By Olga Dubrovskaya

planet of people

They make the world kinder The best volunteers of the country were awarded in Minsk. Those who spare no effort and time to give care and warmth to others.


year student of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank Violetta Aleshkevich became the winner. Having entered the university, she immediately enrolled in the volunteer club “Kind Heart”. Since then, during the daytime she has been spending her free time in social institutions, and at night she makes the props for concerts:

— Friends and relatives often ask: “Why do you need this?” The answer is simple: “Because being a volunteer is cool!” In the nomination “The best volunteer team among university students” the best was “From Heart to Heart” unit of the Belarusian-Russian University. Marina Lapukhina and Alina Turkova are its representatives. By Mariya Zubkova

he Republican contest “Volunteer of the Year 2019”, organized by the Ministr y of Education and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, brought together several hundred volunteers — representatives of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union “Kind Heart”, the Belarusian Red Cross Society, the Association of UNESCO Clubs and other organizations. Every year, Ivan Dusenok, electric welder of the Gomel Casting and Standard Parts Plant, transforms into a good wizard. In this role, seven years ago, he began his career as a volunteer. Having become Santa Claus in an orphanage, and a regular participant in charity events, Ivan set up at the factory “ Se­venth Heaven”, a volunteer team that was named the best this year: — After work shifts, we visit orphanages, hospitals, social-pedagogical centers, boarding schools for people with special needs in psychophysical development — there is always force for good deeds. There are about two dozen people in our team; these are not only employees of the plant, but also of other organizations of Gomel. In the nomination “Personal contribution” among students, the fourth-

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The monument to Belarusian ego The owners of one of Minsk bars made a peculiar gift to residents and guests of the capital: a new tourist attraction was opened on Zybitskaya Street — the smallest pedestal in the city that will explain: “Belarus — not Belorussia!”



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By Viktoriya Teleshuk



he authors of the project had been nursing the idea for a long time, but couldn’t decide on the specific variation of the monument (about 20 in total). Then the citizens were called to help and a vote was announced in social networks. Three themes were suggested for commemoration: the monument to the mill, which almost two centuries ago was situated in approximately the same place and kept part of Minsk history, the monument to the “smallest in the world” Belarusian ego and the monument to pani Parnikel, who in the XVIII century ran the city boarding house for girls and was engaged in charity. More than a thousand people took part in voting and supported the project… of the Belarusian ego. “This variant shot ahead literally in the last day of voting, — says Denis Antsyavičius, one of the co-organizers of the project, — but, I confess, we thought over its implementation in advance, as we set very tight deadlines: we wanted to present a monument to the citizens before New Year. The whole team was involved in “brain storming”: someone said that we should show our ability to enjoy small victories and everyday trifles, someone spoke about self-search, someone else about a small country… We decided that people will interpret it in their own ways”. As a result, the sculptor Stas Nikonovich reveals the intrigue, it was decided to erect a monument to “Belarus, which is not Belorussia”: “Wherever a Belarusian may be and no matter how local maps define our country, we explain that our country is spelt as Belarus, that we are a small but proud nation. The idea of a small ego has completely captured me with its symbolism”. The works of the young Belarusian sculptor Stas Nikonovich are in the collections of famous media personalities — Vladimir Pozner, Richard Branson, Johnny Depp and others. The site for the monument was prepared and decorated by the famous artist Zoya Lutsevich. The bronze figure, only 15 centimeters high, was ceremonially opened on December 20. In accordance with traditions, the organizers prepared a small velvet cover, ribbon and scissors, and held a micro confetti fireworks. A magnifying glass was also attached to the sculptural composition, as some details — such as Lida trainers on the feet — can only be seen with its help. “We believe that due to the location of the monument to the Belarusian ego in a popular place, it will be interesting not only to citizens, but also to tourists — especially since we are going to write explanations in Russian, Belarusian and English, adds a co-organizer of the project Evgeny Metelitsa. — We hope that citizens of Minsk will understand the idea”.

Mural from Minsk is recognized as the best in the world The work of the Belarusian artist Evgeny Sossyura “Digital World”, which is part of the monumental art triptych “Future” in the metropolitan area Kamennaya Gorka, was called the best in the world. Voting took place on the Street Art Cities international platform. Its team had selected 16 of the most remarkable monumental murals that were made in November in various countries.


he activists of the Urban Myths art project said that the mural on the 9th floor at Pritytskogo Street, 13 became the vote’s winner. Its author is Evgeny Sossyura, a native of Pinsk. The artist works under the creative pseudonym Mutus and is already well known at home as the author of the first legal mural in his hometown (2012), mural postcards with landscapes of old Pinsk (2016), murals as part of the international festival Vulica Brasil and commercial works financed by government agencies and city


By Viktoriya Teleshuk

“Paulinka” forever The play “Paulinka” was recognized as worthy of the status of intangible historical and cultural value


he play “Paulinka” was presented to the Republican Scientific and Methodological Council on matters of historical and cultural heritage under the Ministry of Culture. It was proposed that the play be given the status of intangible historical and cultural value. At the meeting of the Council, the play with a long history was presented by Pavel Latushko, Director of the Kupala Theatre, actors Maria Zakharevich, Arnold Pomazan, Marta Golubeva and Olga Bobkova, Head of the Literary and Drama Theatre. The Council voted unanimously for the proposal, so that in the near future the status of historical and cultural value for “Paulinka” will be formalized. The sensational news — and the play for the first time in our history claims such a high status — was commented on by Pavel Latushko, Director of the Kupala Theatre: — Such cultural phenomenon as the play “Paulinka” is recognized worthy of the status of non-material historical and cultural value. It is an unprecedented decision in the history of our country’s culture and, in my opinion, absolutely natural and logical. It is a brand, a classics of the Kupala Theatre, a performance, by the way, the most visited in our repertoire, it is known to all fans of theatrical art. “Paulinka” has been opening and closing every theatrical season for decades, the hundredth anniversary, which we celebrate this year, was no exception. It is difficult to find a play with such a long and happy fate in the world. After the unanimous vote of the Council, we await the final decision of the Ministry of Culture to formalize this status legally. By the way, on September 17, 1920, “Paulinka” appeared for the first time on the stage of the newly opened Belarusian State Theatre, today’s Kupala, staged by Florian Zhdanovich. Since then, the play hasn’t come off that stage and has long been the calling card of the Belarusian theatre. By Viktoriya Popova, Lyudmila Rublevskaya

autho­rities. Evgeny said that the “Digital World” work is dedicated to the connection of the world of global communications, the traditional way of life of nature: “A modern girl, a resident of Minsk, and a character of Slavic mythology, goddess Makosh, who patronized weaving and other female crafts, have been united in the image of the main character, as well as human destinies in general.” The two other parts of the triptych “Future”, which symbolizes the movement of Belarus from today to tomorrow, are the mural “Freelance” by the Serbian artist Artez and the work of the Spaniard Slim “Heroes of new time”, are located on neighboring high-rise buildings. Evgeny Sossyura is not excited about his international success: “It should not be regarded as some kind of extremely serious event, just the followers of one of the art associations voted for the work they liked. Will there be new murals? Of course, but already in the next season — now I am saving up and thinking over new ideas that are always in abundance.” However, one can object to the modesty of the Belarusian artist: the international organization Street Art Cities, which approved his work, has been operating in 570 cities in 79 countries of the world since 2017 and contains information on artworks by more than 24,300 authors! In Belarus, in particular, “street painting hunters” have already counted over 600 interesting and noteworthy street art objects presented on an interactive map. As the team of the Street Art Cities project notes, the victory of the Belarusian was “a little unexpected” — he won 53% of the vote from more than a thousand street art fans from different countries and beat the world famous street artists INTI from Chile, Lula Goce from Spain and Sasha Korban from the Ukraine. Let us recall that the monumental triptych “Future” is a joint project of the administration of the Frunzensky district of the capital, street art of Urban Myths activists and A1 company.

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on the wave of popularity

More than six thousand foreign tourists will celebrate the New Year holidays in Belarusian resorts. Trips to Belarusian health resorts for the New Year period were sold out three months ago, and to the most popular ones even earlier.

Start the New Year with health improvement


— During the New Year holidays, there is an increased demand for Belarusian health centers. For a few months, all vouchers were booked and are now 100% of them have been bought out, — says Gennady Bolbatovsky, director of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Resort Treatment. — Prices for New Year’s tours have slightly gone up due to increased demand. By the way, the most popular with foreign tourists are the following health centers: “Ruzhansky” (Brest region), “Ozerny”, “Radon” and “Alpha Radon” (Grodno region), “Borovoe”, “Lesnoye” (Vitebsk region), on Lake Naroch — “Priozerny” and “Sputnik”, “Yunost”, “Krinitsa” (Minsk region), “Zarya” (Mogilev region), “Pridneprovsky” and “Sosny” (Gomel region). This year, 230 thousand foreign citizens had a rest in Belarussian health centers. More than 220 million rubles was earned in 2019 by health centers from the export of services (193 million the year before last). Revenues from additional services will increase by more than 10%. At the same time, as Gennady Bolbatovsky


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emphasized, the list of obligatory medical and health-improving treatments included in the price of the tour had been expanded. The corresponding document was signed in the 4th quarter of this year: — Nobody imposes additional services, guests do not use the services they don’t need if there are enough of those that are included in the voucher. The list of them is not getting smaller, on the contrary, we have enlarged it. If on New Year’s holidays more than half of vacationers in Belarusian health centers are foreign citizens, in other seasons most of health resort vouchers (60%), which go on free sale, are bought out by Belarusians. Last year, 1.36 million people rested and improved their health in Belarusian health resorts, including 790,000 who were financed from the republican budget and social insurance funds. Of these, about 720 thousand are children (80% of the allocated funds is spent precisely on their stay in camps and other health facilities), the remaining 70 thousand are adults.

on the wave of popularity

Are there enough vouchers to satisfy everyone? Gennady Bolbatovsky is positive about it: — After the reform of our center in 2006–2007, we were faced with the task of making the vouchers available for both working and non-working citizens. Before, the waiting list could be up to 10 years. Today, disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are provided with health resort treatment once every two years. People with lighter pathologies — once every three to four years. For these purposes, we annually purchase 25 thousand vouchers for unemployed citizens. The same amount for the employed. I can say that we satisfy the need of all commissions on recovery. The employed people, who turn to this commission, within a year receive a voucher to the health resort in accordance with their medical indications for treatment. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 receive vouchers for free, the other citizens — depending on their income. On average, pensioners pay 20–30% of the cost, working citizens — 30–40%. For 2020, the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Resort Treatment of the population has already purchased vouchers. For these purposes, 225 million rubles was spent from the budget. In particular, next year the number of vouchers for unemployed citizens will increase by 1,500. By Elena Kravets. Photo by BelTA.

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Belarus and the UN: projects

A bicycle lane in Minsk on Vera Khoruzhey Street

A joy ride.

On a bike.

Experts have long calculated that in modern cities and industrial centers the share of motor vehicles in the total amount of environmental pollution reaches 70 percent or more. This is one of the most serious environmental problems that accompany urbanization. Among the obvious answers to this challenge is the creation of conditions for the development of cycling. Cycling in a modern green city is about mobility, safety, a healthy lifestyle and a green environment. It is gratifying that in recent years more and more people in Belarus have been consciously choosing this new type of transport.


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Belarus and the UN: projects The “Green Cities” project, which is financed by the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, has long been implementing the principles of sustainable urban mobility in Polotsk and Novopolotsk. Among the main activities being implemented is the development of bicycle infrastructure in these two cities. What would seem to be the best way to make a bicycle lane? In practice, this is a complex question that requires complex solutions with the participation of many parties concerned. We talked to the project’s partners: Pavel Gorbunov, Chairman of Minsk Cycling Society, Dmitry Navoy, head of the traffic organization and road inspection of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, expert of the “Green Cities” project, and Vladimir Prischepov, head of the street and road network and transport department of the enterprise “Minskgrado” about the numerous nuances of cycling development in Belarus:

Pavel Gorbunov

— Visually, the number of cyclists has recently increased significantly… — Pavel: This is true. First of all, there appeared scooters with a speed of up to 25 km/h (higher speed scooters should be attributed to other categories of vehicles), secondly, there’s a rental of bicycles “Kolobike” in Minsk. Together, they have added 30% of traffic in Minsk only for one year. Plus, the bike traf-

fic itself has certainly grown. If in 2016, the share of bicycle rides in Minsk was 1% in warm weather, today it’s already 2%. Traditionally, the share of cycling is higher in small towns, with a population of about 20 thousand people — about 7–8%. However, there are cities, for example, Slonim (although there is more population — 50 thousand), where the share of cyclists is only 1%. I mean that in different cities, cycling traffic is heavier or weaker, and, according to our observations, this is not due to geography, but rather to some cultural peculiarities.

Vladimir Prischepov

— But is it possible to say today that bicycle lanes are in demand? — Vladimir: Definitely. This, by the way, is best described by the figures that Paul has already cited. Of course, compared to other cities, Minsk has something to strive for. But the upward trend in the share of bicycle rides is encouraging. If you evaluate specific bicycle routes, it must be recognized that their loading is objectively sporadic, due to a season, day of the week and other factors. Thus, during the summer period the intensity of bicycle traffic in Minsk along the main bicycle lane along the Svisloch River can be about two hundred or three hundred cyclists in each direction, which is an absolute success when choosing the route of this lane at the design stage. And the intensity of bicycle traffic on Independence Avenue in the capital at peak times reaches 150 bicyclists in each direction. I think the opposite law has worked here: supply creates demand.

— Pavel: If you look at what’s being done in other cities today, you should highlight Brest — here both the local administration and the State Automobile Inspectorate clearly understand how to develop cycling. And they are actively engaged in it. Good progress is in Polotsk and Novopolotsk, where the “Green Cities” project is now actively promotes the development of bicycle infrastructure. In many other cities there is no consistency yet. There is no targeted development plan, no strategic vision. This is exactly the vision that we are helping cities to develop within the framework of the EU project “Urban Cycling in Belarus”. — Dmytro: Yes, unfortunately, cars are still in the first place when people think about the means of transport. And while it is so, it is very difficult to change something at the legislative level. Nevertheless, on the initiative of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, the Concept of development of cycling in the country was approved. This document defines the goals to reduce the accident rate with the participation of cyclists and to increase the share of trips by bicycle transport, complements

Dmitry Navoy

the regional action plans for improvement of settlements with the section “Development of cycling”. The Concept pays particular attention to the safety of bicyclists in rural areas and to the implementation of necessary measures to improve the street and road network near preschool and general secondary education institutions. However, so far we cannot only positively evaluate the work of regional беларусь. belarus 2020


Evgeny Pesetsky

Belarus and the UN: projects

On the bicycle lane along the Svisloch Rive

executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee in implementing the goals of the Concept. There is still a misunderstanding on the part of local authorities, who instead of actively embedding bicycle infrastructure into the city road networks, figuratively speaking, “drive” bicycle lanes into local parks. — What can make cities pay more attention to bicycle development? Maybe there should be some critical mass of active cyclists? — Pavel: First of all, the critical mass has already accumulated and it cannot be ignored. Yes, the development of the Concept can be considered a relatively breakthrough event. But the mechanism for implementing this Concept has not been fully worked out. Secondly, our designers, not only urban planners, but also those who develop specific street projects, are only learning to catch modern trends. And we believe that there should be a minimum standard for designers. Moreover, they should be trained accordingly. And most important, that in the task on designing which is given to them by the customer, i.e, local executive authorities, there should be clear requirements for laying down a bicycle infrastructure with almost detailed specification of what results the city expects to get.


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— Is the design of bicycle lanes, the development of bicycle infrastructure as a whole in urban planning documents planned today? — Vladimir: Yes, the “bicycle” aspect in urban planning began to be considered mandatorily. It is a response to the society’s demand to use bicycles, scooters and other vehicles to get around the city. City planners have a clear understanding that the development of infrastructure for any vehicles alternative to personal cars is a big step towards sustainable development, of, for example, Minsk with its two-million population. In other words, in urban planning projects of various territories of the Belarussian capital the areas for future construction of bicycle lanes are always “reserved” in the profile of new streets. The situation in the existing streets is a little bit more complicated. There are various techniques that in tight conditions still allow providing a bicycle route with an appropriate infrastructure. A striking example is “grabbing” a piece of roadway for a bicycle lane in Minsk on Vera Khoruzhey Street. — What are the main problems that amateur cyclists have to face at present? — Pavel: First of all, this is the quality of traffic infrastructure, that is, how convenient it is to ride. Secondly,

it is the infrastructure of storage, because not everyone is ready to drag bikes to the floors. And steps in this direction are taken. There is a resolution of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, according to which the construction of an apartment building should provide space for at least one bicycle for ten apartments. Probably, it’s still a very weak standard, but at least it shows designers that these zones should be created. And the leading developers in Belarus are building bicycle garages today. For example, there are already forty bicycle garages in Minsk now. But still, there’s no regulatory framework to set up a system of bicycle garages in the existing yards by the tenants or entrepreneurs, who would keep the order and rent out storage space. Now it is changing, we are trying to find support in the definition of terminology (bicycle parking, place for bicycle storage) and the creation of the Order of arrangement and operation of bicycle parking (so we propose to call bicycle garages officially) in the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, State Committee for Standardization. But so far, unfortunately, none of these agencies have clearly answered us that they are ready to develop the Order, although the problem is recognized. Meanwhile, we have about ten responses from regional executive committees and other parties concerned, who also confirm that they need such a developed Order. Moreover, wheelchair users are also interested in it. For them, the ability to store a wheelchair in a bicycle garage is a good help to get out of the house. This applies to places of residence. As for the places of work, there is no special problem, the legislation is worked out. If there is a desire of organizations to install bicycle parking, no one prevents them from doing it. I would like to pay attention to one aspect of bicycle culture. As cycling in-

Belarus and the UN: projects frastructure is not perfect yet, sometimes there are conflicts. Not all pedestrians understand how to behave if a cyclist rushes towards them. Also, not all cyclists know how to react if a pedestrian is walking along a bike lane. Of course, you need a powerful education campaign, because we have a common city. It’s a city for everyone. So let’s treat each other with respect. Another important point is traffic rules. A new version of the traffic rules is expected, where many questions and controversies will be resolved. In general, if we continue to fit the bike into the city’s transport policy, then the policy must change as well. We need to improve road safety, reduce the speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h, change the nature of the streets, which should not be only highways. —  Dmitry: Together with the UNDP Project “Green Cities”, we are now studying a proposal to structure the road network. It is supposed to be divided into three speed zones — 30, 50 and 70 km/h. The zones with the permitted speed of 70 km/h will belong only to cars, pedestrians will have the minimum opportunity to get on the road there. In the 50km/h speed zone, traffic will be mixed, with priority given to public transport and cyclists. In the 30 km/h speed zone, the car will take the last place in terms of importance — it is the realm of bicycles, personal mobility means and pedestrians.

Priorities in a modern city Pedestrians Cyclists Public transport Automobiles on the move Parked automobiles

A pyramid of city priorities

We are also working with the Minis­ try of Architecture and Construction, Ministry of Transport and Communications on the restructuring of the street road network. So far, we are only at the beginning — we are making pilot projects to show the benefits. — What steps could be taken so that people would consciously switch from personal cars to bicycles? — Pavel: There are quite a few steps. Firstly, it would be good to legislate the pyramid of urban priorities. And the city’s decisions should be based on this pyramid. If there is an option to expand the highway or to build bicycle lanes and bicycle garages, it would be more correct to choose the second one. That is, make the conditions more comfortable — and people will ride bicycles. Secondly, we need to start managing transport demand. Our cities still traditionally respond to the traffic situation. For example, the number of cars is growing. If there

Pavel Astapenya, “Green Cities” project expert on sustainable urban mobility: In Polotsk and Novopolotsk thanks to the “Green Cities” project bicycle lanes are being actively renewed, roughness has been removed, road surfacing has been improved, barriers have been eliminated. Road marking has been updated, and in some places its trajectory has been changed. Thanks to the implementation of the project a special green plastic marking is used, its service term is 4 times longer than that of a usual one, and it is applied to bicycle crossings, i. e. in those places where a bike path intersects with traffic. The project also envisages the construction of a special pedestrian and bicycle lane. In Novopolotsk, for the first time, 5 covered bicycle parking lots will be installed.

are traffic jams somewhere, the next step that the city takes is to increase the number of car lanes. And an even greater number of people buy cars — in a couple of years, there are traffic jams in the same place. Once again, the number of lanes is increased, this time by cutting down trees. We need to look for other solutions, to manage demand through paid parking, some other restrictive measures. To make the optimal number of car-trips for a certain area. Town-planning policy should encourage those who are profitable to the city from the ecological point of view and, to put it mildly, create certain inconveniences for those who are not profitable to the city. Vladimir: From the designer's point of view, it is necessary to supplement the regulatory framework, which would answer if not everything, then most of the questions on the development of bicycle infrastructure. But the main factor that affects the decision-making today is the inverted pyramid of city priorities in the planning of mobility of residents, which Pavel talks about. However, little strokes fell great oaks, and a decade ago there was not much of what we can see in Minsk nowToday, the availability of bicycle infrastructure is already an obligatory attribute of technical specifications for the design of city streets.— Is it possible to ride a bike in winter time? — Pavel: Why not. But there is a cultural barrier. Many people think that it is “cold and slippery”. Well, I report that it’s not cold. Just give it a try. In Finland, at minus 30, the percentage of bicycle rides in some cities, like Oulu, is kept at 10%. Yes, we have an acute infrastructure problem, i. e. the quality of street and sidewalk cleaning. When central streets in Minsk are cleared of snow, it’s not a problem to ride at all. There are, of course, very slippery days. But there are not more than 10 such days in the whole winter. Well, if the sidewalks are not cleaned, especially in small towns, then, of course, there is no cycling. Vladimir Mikhailov

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Link of times

The Chinese respect their artists


I am looking through a small booklet “Three months in China”. The year of publication is 1959. The author is Sergey Selikhanov, Honored Artist of the BSSR.

“In the summer of 1956, I received a letter from Moscow. It reported that the Union of Artists of the USSR was organizing a trip of a group of creative workers to China. I was invited to join this group. Without hesitation, I wrote about my consent. The trip was scheduled for the end of 1956. There was enough time to think it over properly, to prepare for a long journey,” — I read at the very beginning. And further: As an artist I worried about my purely creative problems. We got acquainted with the rich art of China mainly by means of art reproductions, since there were no Chinese art exhibitions even in Moscow, to say nothing of Belarus. Reproductions do not give a complete picture of the skill of this or that artist. Therefore, I was looking forward to the time when it would be possible to get acquainted with the works of Chinese art in the original…”


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In addition to Sergey Selikhanov, the group that was formed for the artists’ trip to the Celestial Empire included the Moscow graphic artist Vladimir Bagatkin, the Leningrad theatre artist Alexander Konstantinovsky, the Ukrainian painter Vasil Zabashta, the craftswoman of miniature painting from Palekh, Anna Katukhina. Vladimir Valeryanovich Bagatkin was born in 1922. Alexander Konstantinovsky — in 1906. Vasil Zabashta — in 1918. Anna Alexandrovna — in 1915. Our fellow countryman Sergei Selikhanov — in 1917. Each of them was a bright, interesting personality. Ukrainian painter and Belarusian sculptor were war veterans. Vasil Zabashta was awarded the Orders of Glory of the 2nd and 3rd degrees. And Sergei Selikhanov for military actions was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees, the Red Star, the medal “For Courage”.

Link of times The artists traveled by express train Moscow — Beijing (I ould like to note that these artists formed the first creative group of Soviet artists, who went to people’s China for such a long period of time). “…The road always brings a lot of new impressions. We were travelling together with the people from the Urals, Siberia, Far East who were going to their native places. A railwayman from Novosibirsk turned out to be my neighbor in the compartment. We were just talking…” It turned out that the Siberian used to be a partisan in the Vitebsk region, met with the Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Zaslonov. Sergei Selikhanov at that time was already the author of the monument to the hero of the Great Patriotic War. From the very beginning of the booklet we encounter such symbolic comparisons: “The train was rushing towards bright dawn, which lightened the earth and the life of new China. As we approached its border, we once again felt that our country has vast expanses. Above it, as a poet said, the sun never sets…” It is understandable: the Belarusian poet, publicist, prose writer Mikhail Kalachinsky worked on this literary material. Apparently, he “decorated” the text with such sentences… But, in my opinion, these details are important to characterize the Celestial Empire. “After a stop at the Manchuria station, there were a lot of Chinese on the train. Russian mixed with Chinese,” — writes Selikhanov. “Soviet experts got on the train in Harbin, they were going to Beijing to help the Chinese people build their new life. They introduced us to some of the national customs of the Chinese. Passenger car attendants taught us to pronounce separate Chinese words and sentences. The first of such sentence was a greeting: “Ning hao!” — “Hello!” Finally it was announced that the train was approaching Beijing. The famous Chinese wall appeared, which once used to encircle the city. The last semaphore signal flashed, and the train stopped at the platform. We were surrounded by Chinese comrades. Joyful smiles, strong handshakes…” Of course, passing through Harbin, Sergei Selikhanov did not even know that the city was connected with the Belarusian

Catholic priest Joseph Germanovich. The Russian prose writer, journalist Vsevolod Ivanov, a native of Volkovysk, also used to live in Harbin. The Chinese translator of Belarusian literature, the poet and artist Gao Man was born there, who in the late 1950s recreated the poems of Maxim Tank in his native language. By the way, M. Tank visited China a little later after Sergey Selikhanov, in 1957. He left very detailed entries in the diary after this trip. In different decades, other Belarusian writers and artists visited China — Yanka Bryl, Lydia Arabey, Anatoly Vertinsky, Grigory Borodulin, Mikhail Shelekh, Ales Kozhedub, Valery Kazakov, Naum Galperovich, Ales Badak, Alexander Finsky, Vladimir Slobodchikov, Armen Sardarov... Sergey Selikhanov got acquainted with the sights of Beijing, shared his impressions of simple observations. Traveling in Beijing, many years later, in 2015, I also visited the Gugun Museum. But the floor is given to Sergey Selikhanov: “…This is a whole ensemble of palaces. All its structures consist of two main parts: internal and external. The palaces located in the external part, were intended for state negotiations and court ceremonies. The emperor and his family used to live in the internal part. Farther on there is an imperial garden. There is not a single square centimeter in the garden left without human care. Zealous working hands turned the whole garden into a fairy corner…” In Beijing, the artists from the USSR visited the house-museum of the Chinese artist Xu Beihong. The unfinished portrait on the easel in the studio is the one of Lu Sin. “…Xu Beihong is rightfully the pride of Chinese artists, whose traditions will be further developed by the masters of painting in the new China.” Soviet artists visited the Central Art Institute. “I could work in one of the sculpture studios of the institute. I sculpted a portrait of the institute’s professor, the famous graphic artist Li Hua. The modeling was from life. Chinese graduate students were involved in modeling. They came up to me, asked about something, made comments, asked to look at their works. I must say that a sculpture of a real person for the Chinese is a completely new genre of art…”

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Link of times The meeting of Selikhanov and his colleagues with the world-famous artist Qi Baishi seems interesting. “…We were received by Qi Baishi’s son and his wife. They led us into a light room, where we saw a laid round table and chairs. Qi Baishi was sitting right there on a chair. But he was sleeping… We felt somehow embarassed. We were silent, then his son explained to us: Qi Baishi had been waiting for us for a long time. He kept on waiting, and dozed off… Old age! However, he seemed to be absorbed in some deep thought. Qi Baishi opened his eyes and gave us all a long look. They helped him up, and then his eyes sparkled. He perked up. The eyes became soulful, sharp. In response to our greeting, he said that he warmly welcomed the Soviet Union. The artist noted that he was very old and, apparently thinking about our country, asked: “How many kilometers are there to Moscow?” The speech became sincere. “Ogoniok” сorrespondent comrade Merzhanov asked Qi Baishi for New Year’s greetings, that were later puplished in the magazine. Then Qi Baishi invited everyone to tea. It was hard to refuse: all Chinese friends have such a hospitable custom. We took a picture with Qi Baishi. Having said goodbye, everyone headed for the exit, and then the 97‑year-old man stood up, went to the open door and waved his hand in a fatherly goodbye to us. I remember the wave of the hand, the old wrinkled face of this man with a sharp, lively look. I wanted to visit the old one again and make his portrait.” After Beijing there was Nanjing — the “southern capital”, the former capital of China, a port near the Yangtze River, the seat of the authorities of Jiangsu Province. It is located in the eastern part of the country, 260 km to the northwest of Shanghai. Now it is a large cultural center of China. Sergei Selikhanov wrote: “…If in Beijing we could show Chinese friends only photos and reproductions of our previous works, in Nanjing we showed everything that we had managed to do in the first weeks of the trip. We listened to their very valuable comments. Often our friends also took pencils, brushes and worked nearby. There are no sculpture studios in Nanjing and very few sculptors. I did not have proper conditions for creative work. But thanks to the care of the Chinese comrades, I managed to do something. I was pleased to learn that the artist Yan Ming, who once visited the capital of Belarus, was living in the city. We met as old acquaintances. The famous Nanking man did everything possible for my creative work. I was given a place to sculpt in the Nanjing Historical Museum. Within a short time I made several sculptural sketches there, including portraits of peasants and bullets. The powerful Yangtze River, glorified by Chinese poets, flows through Nanjing. We kept on thinking, how to feel deeper all the grandeur and beauty of this great waterway. Soon the opportunity appeared. It was time to say good-bye to Nanking. We boarded the boat to sail to Shanghai…” In Shanghai, the Belarusian sculptor also worked hard. As a result, there were significant creative results. In this city, Ser-


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Link of times gey Selikhanov created portraits of Ba Jin, the famous writer of China, friend of Lu Xin, playwright Sheng Si-fu, literary critic Tang Tao, famous artists Zao Tang, Bai Yang, Yuan Se-feng, the hero of the work of the People’s Republic of China Fang Pa-mei. He also made several sketches, full-length portraits. The following observation of the Belarusian artist seems to be interesting: “…The Chinese know and cordially respect their artists, actors, writers. We once walked around the city with the writer Ba Jin. When meeting him, people greeted him and often stopped him. It was felt that this wonderful literary artist was closely related to the people. In Shanghai, we made good friends with local artists. There is a large artistic community in the city. We had several meetings and conversations with them. During one of them, the artists showed us the technique of “Guohua”. Having drawn several works together, they signed and presented them to each of us as a souvenir. We were invited to the studio of the artist Professor Liu Kai-su. The owner welcomed us very warmly. He mastered a European school and works in oil. The artist is able to clearly convey the color of the landscape of different places in China. During one of the meeting, local artists arranged a small exhibition that gave us an idea of the diversity of their handwriting and the genres in which they worked. Shanghai artists often meet with representatives of their profession from different parts of the world. This is indicated by the exhibits displayed in the hall of the Union of Artists”. In Shanghai, the Soviet artists celebrated the New 1957 year. Once, guests from the USSR, i. e. the writer Valentin Kataev and graphic artist Orest Vereisky, came to their hotel. I don’t know if Selikhanov and Vereisky spoke about Belarus. Most likely they did, since Orest Vereisky could recollect a lot about his Belarusian experiences — during the Great Patriotic War the artist was liberating our native land, served in “Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda”, the newspaper of the Western Front and later of the 3rd Belorussian Front. On the pages of this publication he designed the text of the poem by Alexander Twardowski “Vasily Terkin”. During his long creative journey to China, Selikhanov visited the cities of Suzhou, Hangzhou, Canton, Yulin, Wuhan, the port of Zhe Jiang, Hainan Island… Having returned to the capital of China, the Belarusian sculptor fulfilled one of his main dreams — he created a portrait of the artist Qi Baisha! “…I knew that he could not pose for a long time. And, in general, he had never posed. He had his photographs taken, but he had never been sculpted for all 97 years of his life. I was worried that Qi Baishi would refuse to see me again. I was so happy when the great artist gave his consent! Without wasting a minute, I went the well-known Central Art Institute, loaded a modelling stand and clay on a car, and came to his apartment. The old man felt very weak. When I started to work and he saw the clear outline of his portrait, he overcame his

weakness, perked up and continued to pose. Given his age, I tried not to overwork him, to shorten the sessions. On the third day of work, the portrait was almost finished. I was very glad that Qi Baishi liked my work. With the help of his son, he stood up from his chair, took my stack and signed on the portrait. Upon my return to the homeland, I promised to cast a portrait in bronze and send it to him. Unfortunately, I was not able to do it, since Qi Baishi died a few months later…” During this journey of the artists around China, the Belarusian sculptor made 36 sculptural works. And in the albums he made a lot of sketches in pencil, in watercolor and oil… Although Sergei Selikhanov did not live long (the sculptor died at the age of 59), the artist left a rich artistic heritage. The Khatyn monument “Unconquered man” was made with his hands. The sculptor is the author of one of the four high reliefs adorning the Victory Monument in Round Square in Minsk. A monument to the brothers-partisans Mikhail and Ivan Tsubov by Selikhanov was erected near the village of Velikiy Les in the Salihorsk district. The national artist of the BSSR (the sculptor received the title in 1963) created the portraits of writers Ales Yakimovich, Ivan Melezh, People’s Artist of the USSR Gennady Tsitovich. For the “Khatyn” work, Sergei Selikhanov was awarded the title of the Lenin Prize laureate. By Ales Karlyukevich

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cultural codes

Timely heritage Thoughts about the national “cultural codes”, which are rapidly gaining weight and strength and enter the life of Belarusians A little bit about personal One day my daughter brought home a handicraft from school — a cardboard silver plate decorated with drawings. They took like a Belarusian ornament. She explained with enthusiasm: “This, mother, is a sign of male strength, and this is the sun: I glued it so that our house would always be warm and cozy”. I noticed that she treated her handicraft with piety, giving it magical powers. So we decided to hang this “charm” in the kitchen above the table, where the whole family usually gets together. One day, I was given a chocolate marshmallow in a presentable box. It was decorated in the national style, and inside, covering the sweets, there was a sheet of parchment paper, decorated with Belarusian ornaments with explanation of drawings. Together with the children, we began to study these drawings, putting aside the marshmallow, and even compared the meaning of the drawings with the new cardboard “charm” hanging above the table. By the way, we also found contradictions. We even began to argue with each other, as the rhombic figures were very similar to each other, but interpretation of their meaning was different. Isn’t it a reason for research?


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Besides, it’s interesting. And it’s not just that “there’s no future without the past”. It’s impossible to ground our inner craving for roots, to explain it in terms of rational. It’s, as people say, genes or the call of blood, the call of the wild, that unites us with each other. I remember my first visit to the museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies “Dududki”. We, schoolchildren, were taken there on a tour. I, a city girl, was so impressed by what I saw that many years have passed, and there is still a picture in my memory: a small wooden house, which you can enter only if you bend down. On the left there is a “red corner”, where there is an icon on the towel, and next to it there is a couple of wheatears. I even remember well a pottery jar with a broken off piece, which was used for keeping milk in peasant families. The spirit of the past seemed to be living in the air of that house, though it was created as an exhibit in the museum to show visitors how our ancestors lived. I wished I could get into a time-machine and go a couple of centuries back to see those people with my own eyes, to ask about their lives, to tell them how people live in the future. I imagined myself a mistress of such a house, was walking

about small rooms, looked out of windows and… felt dissociation between generations, a time gap between us. Probably, this is due to the fact that Belarus faced a lot of challenges: its history is full of dramatic events. There were many of those who walked on our land, many territories we were joined to! Thus, the Belarusians’ awareness of their nationality, uniqueness that unites and defines us, began to “wear off ” gradually. To some extent, I, who was born in the 80s, felt it too. “The lost generation” — that’s what they used to say about us. Of course, the time was not easy: the Soviet Union collapsed, and we studied the Russian “ABC book”, the first page of which depicted the Kremlin with the inscription: “Lenin

cultural codes lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live”. By the way, many people of my age for a long time were sure that all the monuments in Minsk depicted Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. And those were Jakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala and other Belarusian cultural figures. Still, I beg to disagree with the definition of “the lost generation”. I am convinced: we are not lost in time, we are here! Yes, it was a difficult time for self-identification, but in the end we “found ourselves”! We heard “the call of the wild” or, scientifically speaking, the genetic memory worked. And the proof of it is our great interest in the Belarusian folk culture. We see and use the

people, i. e. representative of small subcultures, such as Goths, metalheads, bikers… Now, on the contrary: it is very popular, stylish, modern to write comments on social media in Belarusian. And products made of natural materials, of linen — it is the world trend! But Belarusians have always produced and used ecological fabrics, as it is now trendy to say, in clothing and everyday life. In my opinion, this is the very thing — authentic, our own, national. After all, each nation has its own “cultural code” and not even one. For example, China has feng shui, India has Ayurveda, Vedic astrology. And the Brazilian carnival! Greek mythology…! I think it’s time for us to get our “cultural codes” out of oblivion. Because we have them, too.

Dad is the Sun, Mom is the Earth

combination of red and green, these life-affirming colors, everywhere. This is our national flag, too. And we have also “deepened” into the topic: the ornament is in trend! In clothes, jewelry, food packaging there are symbolic images of the harvest, sun, stars and the like. The Belarusians even started making tattoos with the national symbols and having the elements of ornament shaved on their heads. I’m not sure that it happens with a deep understanding of the meaning of this or that sign, but so far it is probably not so important: we just need to “breathe in the native air” and “play” with our “Belarusianness”. After all, it seems that not so long ago there was a time when to hear native speech in the street meant to meet non-mainstream

Probably, there is really something magic in our new family charm: every time you take a look at it, you want to “dig deeper”, to understand what Belarusian ornament is and where its sources come from. The search has led me deep into the centuries when there was no writing, and people lived in full harmony with the surrounding world, and they perceived every day as the birth of a new life. My ancestors believed that their existence was ruled by two main gods: the Sun and the Earth. They loved each other, lived as spouses, brought up their children: Vesna, Yarila, Kupalinka, Kalyada, Radunitsa… Our forefathers also believed in the god of wind Stribog, the spirit of water Vodyanik, the spirit of the forest Lesovik, the spirit of the field Polevik, the spirit of the mansion and the house Domovik. There are variations in the names of gods and their spheres of influence on people in different sources. Thus, the god of the Sun could be called Dazhdbog, and the gods Yarila, Zhiten, Rzhannaya Baba were responsible for a rich harvest… I don’t think it is so important, what specific name a deity had, the meaning of worship is obvious: people were as if “embedded” in nature, considered them-

selves to be an integral part of it. And completely depended on its “moods”, so they tried to please, gain its favor and respect their Mother in every way. Nature was attached mystical importance to, so the ancestors came up with different rituals and rites. And their contemporaries reflected these ideas in the ornament, a kind of chronicle of ancient times. Sometimes I come across a common opinion: our grandfathers did not know much, were primitive, and folk traditions are cultural “rudiment”. But if paganism, which permeated the life of ancestors, is a relic of the past, then why wasn’t it eradicated by the followers of Christianity? After all, it is a historical fact: the Church made many folk rituals its own, Christian, by modifying them. Thus, the Kolyady (celebration of the turn of the sun from winter to summer) merged with Christmas, Easter (glorification of the god Yarila in spring) with the Resurrection of Christ… You can read about it in the works of Belarusian ethnographers. The mutual penetration of paganism and Christianity, of course, is reflected in the Belarusian ornament. One can see typical pagan rhombuses and rosettes (identical in shape, symmetrically arranged petals — Auth.) on the canvases, or recognize iconographic images in women’s figures. By the way, it is an interesting coincidence: at the time when mankind is actively looking for ways out of the ecological crisis, we begin to be

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cultural codes more interested in folk, “archaic” culture. It possesses an idea of close connection of the person with the nature, recognition and worship of its forces, or, in modern language, laws of the Universe. Violence, cruelty, destruction were opposed to love of nature, work, people… Isn’t it what is now being talked more and more about, in attempts to stop the process of destruction of the Earth?

pattern is a number of symbols. These are, of course, not Chinese hieroglyphs, but our great-grandfathers also had their “cipher”. For example, let’s take the figure of the Sun: a red rhombus, from which

Patterns of life By the way, the theme of death, i. e. the barrier separating the living from the dead is extremely vague in Belarusian folk culture. On the contrary, the dead can “come” to visit and have dinner with their families (holiday “Dziady”), help grow crops… There are no symbols of death in the Belarusian ornament, either. It contains encrypted narrative about the life of Belarusians, their work, happiness and failures, hopes and dreams. By the way, our ancestors, who didn’t have a hundredth share of the blessings of civilization that we are having now, were extremely selfsufficient: they did everything necessary for life with their own hands. Belarusian prose writer and publicist Boris Sachenko writes in his book “The Eternal Circle”: “Each village is a kind of state, with all of its own: speech, traditions, manners, life (hence, most likely, different names of gods — Auth.). Each master and mistress sought to be independent in everything, to do without anyone and any help. They made roads, bridges, masonry in the way they could. They had our own cattle, caught fish, grew vegetables and fruits. If they needed a plough, a harrow, a sickle, wheels, a sledge, an axe, a rake, a saw, a scythe, a spoon, a bowl, a pot, a bucket — they made them; they sewed a clamp, shoes, a jacket, a coat, a hat, a shirt, pants, mittens; if they needed rope, pulls, reins, laces — they plated them; they wove cloth, a towel, a tablecloth, a blanket, a coverlet”. Everyone built themselves a house, a stable, a bath, took care of themselves. Carpentry, pottery and weaving were well- developed, an endless source of cultural and historical information. Each


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regular lines — rays go in all directions. If we change their direction, — let’s direct them inside the rhombus, there is a new

symbol of Mother Earth. And if you add to it a little Sun, a new sign with its meaning is born, i. e. the awakening of nature in spring. It may seem quite an understandable and even a little primitive symbol. But if you think about it and look carefully, you start to feel the deep “yin yang” meaning of complete unity, harmony of nature. And now let’s add to this sign one more small rhombus in each corner of the figure, this new element of ornament is called Life. By the way, the family has always been marked by fourfold figures, despite the fact that there were much more family members in it. The sign of Life was embroidered with prayers, requests to God for good health of a sick

person, as well as if a woman couldn’t to get pregnant. In general, this symbol was considered one of the most powerful, miraculous. So it was embroidered in every home, every family.

The drawing of a dove with a female dove is, of course, about love. But the birds in the ornament were also depicted differently. If both were turned in the same direction as if they were following each other, it means that it’s just the beginning of their love. Looking at each other means that love in its prime. Sometimes one can see a fern flower between the doves, which is a symbol of cherished desires. If birds look in different directions, it means that it is unreturned love. Additionally, I would like to tell you about the family-tree carpet, which I have studied in detail in the book by Mikhail Katsar “Belarusian ornament”. There is an elaborate picture with a symmetrical pattern in the black and white photo. But after a detailed description of each weaved element, provided by the author, I got surprised: how much love, care and devotion to each other our great-grandfathers showed! In the centre of the carpet, which was woven in Grodno in 1936, there is a mighty trunk, which means clan, with branches. There are two small trees on each of them: the father’s and mother’s lines. On each tree there are six buds, consisting of four motifs — a symbol of the family. The bundles of even lines that go aside from the mighty trunk, these are prayers and requests to the spirits of deceased relatives for a happy live in the other world. Cockerels and pigeons signify a donation, which is brought as a memory of the dead. Some small rosettes of different shapes and sizes can be seen, this is a mother’s request for eternal happiness to her dead children. Thus, the whole life poem about eternity and immortality of the family and the clan is represented in it! “This carpet, — writes Mikhail Katzar, — is a reminder to all of us: if we cherish the family and the kindred, we will be immortal.”

Magic for Happiness “Reading” patterns is interesting and not as easy as it might seem. After all, a craftswoman, creating a unique masterpiece, added something of her own, in-

cultural codes vented her own elements of ornament. And it turned out that, despite the seemingly similar figures, each could have its own individual meaning. Let’s take the Star symbol as an example. If it is framed by a lush wreath and a floral garland, it is the image of a mother. A person is designated by the same star, but with a different frame, i. e. more simple, consisting of symmetrical stitches. The god Sporysh, responsible for fertility, was depicted as a rosette, also similar to a star, which consisted of four ryeeyes. Of course, the embroidered on the canvas symbols are very sketchy, and we still have to guess what is meant by the little features: a wheat-eye or sunlight… Therefore, interpretations on the Internet or the so-called “alphabet of ornaments” are different. It’s like looking at a picture in the style of, for example, cubism: it seems to have one name, but everyone sees in their own way. Before a needlewoman got to work, she thoroughly thought over the plot, composition, coloring of the future creation. By the way, the dominating color of the ornament embroidered against a white background is red. It represented the sun, blood as a symbol of life. Later black was added, but only to shade, to emphasize the red. Blue, yellow colors were also used. What was the woman dreaming of? Love, of course, happy marriage and children. That’s what her hands asked about while embroidering a kind of “prayer” to the god. On white cloth there were doves, flowers, an eight-pointed star — the symbol of her husband. No wonder that such a towel or a blanket, or maybe a shirt for her future husband, received from the craftswoman powerful energy, consisting of a great desire and faith that everything will come true. I think this is the “magic” that our ancestors believed in. After all, a thought is material, it has its “charge”, which has already been experimentally proved by scientists. Not so long ago, I read about new studies that were conducted with the participation of a person, who was asked to think

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about someone, and then they fixed on hy p e rsensitive devices the image of the thoug ht one who was about. And the more the person focused on the fictional image, the larger the phantom became. These are our positive and negative thoughts… I think our progenitors knew about it back in the old days. And they passed on this life-affirming knowledge to us, their descendants. By Alisa Gungor s y mb

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It’s hard to be a child

King Lear by Viktor Manayev, People's Artist of Belarus

“King Lear” by William Shakespeare, the first premiere of the jubilee season was dynamically and sharply played at the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre. Stage Director is Nikolay Pinigin, Artistic Director of the theatre, and scene designer is Ekaterina Shimanovich. The mood is created by the music of Andrei Zubrich. A creative poster for the play was invented by Vladimir Tsesler, who earned himself the image of a personal brand. The poster can be seen at the main entrance to the theatre building.


ach of us has a subjective perception of art. I am no exception as the author who does not claim to be a critic, reflecting on the premiere given at the end of 2019. Therefore, I will share my personal impressions. For a long time, I, a sophisticated viewer, could not feel the joy of such an integral perception of the production, when your attention, completely captured by the stage action, does not slip away even for a minute. After all,


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truth be told, during some lukewarm performance for no reason, you suddenly start thinking, say, about the New Year’s menu, or something else. I watched “King Lear”, listening to the beautiful text, perfectly translated by Yurka Gavruk, as they say, in one breath, without noticing time flow by. Until the final moment, when the Fool (Aleksandr Kazelo) placed crosses on the symbolic gravestones of those who had completed their earthly journey, went to the back of the stage, climbed the ladder and, as if playing, pretended to be crucified. This, in my opinion, is

the essence of the play: to have a gift to see. So what is the play about? About our weak ability to see the truth, to preserve childishness, an unbiased soul, no matter who we are: kings, oligarchs, peasants… That’s why we betray ourselves, the country, each other, relatives… The performance lasted two hours and fifty minutes with an intermission. During this time, I did not want or rather, was unable to note something useful for the article or even talk during the intermission. I was so emotionally involved in the virtual world of Shakespear passions


Roman Podolyako (Duke of Albany) and Dmitry Yesyanevich (Duke of Cornwall)

that my mind surrendered, deprived of the ability to dissect the stage “canvas”, ask questions: what, how, why… I admit, that it is a pleasant feeling which embraces you when you immerse in another world and for some time stay in it. And to the questions: how and why did you like it? — I want to answer in a childish way — because… I also like the way the answers are gradually appearing in my mind… I do appreciate the play “King Lear” in the author’s interpretation of Nikolay Pinigin. First of all, because this timeless performance is about everything. It causes associations with pride and egocentrism, which manifest themselves in a person at any time and in any state. And in us. With the qualities that, to put it mildly, result in not the best, and sometimes irreversible consequences. Both in the family and in power. The performance is about our weakness, and ability to see the eter-

nally elusive truth only under a stroke of fate, which we generate ourselves. It often seems that we understood something important and, therefore, we are going to live in a different way, but no: the truth that we felt slipped away, as well as the ability not to lose the natural gift to love in the way that is characteristic of pure souls. Of course, the tragedy of King Lear can hardly be correlated with the tragedies in the lives of ordinary people. I don’t correlate as I realize: there is no house without a mouse, as the English proverb says. Nevertheless, the question arises: why aren’t we such creatures, who are cast in a simple mold? It’s as if we are living on the break of important life values: we think one way, say another, we do the other… Everyone has their own truth. But as Nikolay Pinigin said in an interview everyone can be justified. He also suggested that Shakespeare could have come to the

same conclusion, being an experienced, mature man. Therefore, I feel sorry for everyone in the new performance. I also want to justify everyone. First of all, Lear (Viktor Manayev, People’s Artist of Belarus). There are so many emotions and passion in the role, so much profound psychological logic! So many layers covering the true nature of Lear, a king and man. The purest nature that will be slightly revealed in his madness. And which in our life is, unfortunately, so scary, or rather not customary to show. The actor, bathing in the role, plays either a narcissistic ruler, drunk with his greatness, accustomed to glorification and servility, or a freakish king, voluntarily showing generosity and ruining the monarchy with his own hands, or, sometimes, an dead-tired old man, who faces indifference, coldness and cruelty of his daughter. He will appear before us as a creature in white robes, with as беларусь. belarus 2020


premiere much as possible open soul who cannot bear the pain… Lear by Manaev, in my opinion, is unlikely a madman, but a king who chose madness as a cover, under which you can express, at least a little, the insight into the truth. There are a lot of brilliant actors in the world who have played Lear since 1606 when the play was first staged. Many names of brilliant actors are wellknown, e. g. Laurence Olivier, Anthony Hopkins, Knonstantin Raikin, Pavel Mochalov… King Lear was staged only in three theatres in Belarus: the

plained in an interview with Komsomolskaya pravda: “For me, King Lear is not a play of one thought, but a real universe. One of Shakespeare’s best plays (or perhaps the best), written by him in adulthood, when he understood everything. I can’t say what it is about. It’s the same if you ask now what the Gospel is about. It’s impossible to explain…” ( . This performance is about the evil, which for centuries has been fighting the good. And about the good, which is forced to hide under the mask, like

Viktoriya Chavlytko (Goneril) and Valentina Gartsueva (Regan)

Russian Theatre, the Yakub Kolas Theatre in Vitebsk and the RTBD. And now for the first time on the stage of the Yanka Kupala Theatre Viktor Manayev is playing the role of Lear. In this connection, I cannot but recall the brilliant Estonian actor Yuri Järvet as Lear in the feature film «King Lear» (1970) by Grigory Kozintsev. It can’t forget that there were tears in my eys while I was watching some of the film segmants with his participation: Lear suffered so deeply, realizing his unrighteous life. Pinigin’s performance is not directly about power, as such, or about family relationships. This is not “a tragedy with relatives” in its purest form, as Marina Tsvetaeva once defined the brilliant work of Shakespeare with a touch of irony. At the same time, it’s still about relatives. As Nikolay Nikolayevich ex-


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minimalist style, it reproduces the interior of half-empty Shakespearean castles. The action takes place in space not heavy with furniture. Only two vertical black screens divide the space of the stage. And in this space, the actors feel comfortable in the guise of their characters. It’s convenient, say, to pull out plastic tubes-swords from “holes” in the “walls”, it’s not difficult to load “corpses” on the carts, which resemble devices for transporting meat carcasses or other grocery goods from refrigerated storage rooms in huge supermar-

Ivan Trus (Edmund) and Andrei Gradoboev (Earl of Gloucester)

Kent (Igor Sigov), a man of kind soul, expelled by Lear for having dared to tell him the truth about the sincerity of Cordelia, the youngest daughter. And like the clever Edgar (Pavel Ostroukh), the son of Earl of Gloucester (Andrey Gradoboev), who was slandered by his brother Edmund (Ivan Trus), the illegitimate son of Gloucester. It is also about the duality of human nature. Well, it’s not in vain that the crown is torn into two parts, as well as the kingdom itself. Lying like a map- carpet at the feet of King Lear, it is also divided, like meat, between Goneril and Regan. And turns into bloody gowns for both rulers. The throne is also torn into two parts. Effective? Without a doubt. The scenery by Ekaterina Shimanovich (about her on page) is made in excellent taste. Solved in a

kets. Costumes in modern texture also admire, only vaguely reminiscent of the Shakespeare era with its knightly armor, and which, thanks to jackets, breeches, boots, and women’s boleros, could be appropriate in our days. An interesting detail is shiny boots. All the characters of the play have them on. When I asked the scenographer what the boots imply, believing that such shoes symbolize a formal style of the relationship between the characters, sort of showing off, Katya laughed and said: — Well, I don’t know, it’s just beautiful. Indeed it is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing. The costumes of the characters knock down with their style and color. The play uses bright colors: red, black, white, yellow. They create a general mood and reflect the feelings of the

premiere characters in various scenes. There are symbols: red ribbons are blood from wounds, swords that become crosses on gravestones. The reel of hay that Lear rolls in the second act and sits under it, sheltering from bad weather is a symbol, in my opinion, very significant, which gives reason for thought. Journalists praise the set design and costumes in King Lear. It is not without reason. Some are even inclined to give credit for success only to the artist, which I cannot agree with. After all, a scenographic solution is impossible

Podolyaka, he is a real warrior, radiating strength and reliability. The Duke of Cornwall by Dmitry Yesyanevich is a man of primitive passions, not thinking about high matters. He is rude cunning, devoid of the subtlety typical of his social stratum. Bastard Edmund by Ivan Trus is vile, he is an opportunist who seeks benefits only for himself. Oswald by Andrei Drobysh, the butler of Goneril, is a snob who serves his mistress as an well- tamed dog. There are two casts of actors. All in all there are 20 characters including the trumpeter involved in

Igor Sigov (Earl of Kent)

without coordination with the director. This is a common creative process. — We discussed all the findings with Nikolay Nikolaevich, corrected, gave up, changed… All this in order to make a good performance, — Katya explains. Acting work of the older generation, in addition to Lear by Manayev, deserves attention, i. e. Earl of Kent by Igor Sigov and Earl of Gloucester by Alexander Gradoboev. Kent is a strong believer in good and his king. This core does not break in him during the performance, although he hides it under a mask. The emphasis is on the fact how difficult it is to be the kind of person you really are. Gloucester by Gradoboev is soft and doubtful; he is easy to be confused. Therefore, he loses eye-sight. Duke of Albany is noble, he is the husband of Goneril. In the interpretation of Roman

It was interesting to watch the Fool by Alexander Kazela. His Foll is like a child by his habits, pure, just a sunny soul. No wonder that he was dressed in a yellow suit. He is not sarcastic, not poisonous, does not utter truth, does not distort it, does not make fun of anything, but only says the words like children do, for whom pretense is unnatural. The Fool is like a reflection of deep purity of King Lear, which he is unlikely to discover in himself when he hugs the lifeless body of Cordelia.

Alexander Kazela (the Fool). Viktor Manayev has his hat on.

the play. But the King is played only by one actor, as well as the Fool. There are three female characters in King Lear. I saw Goneril by Viktoriya Chavlytko, Regan by Valentina Gartsueva and Cordelia by Martha Golubeva. there is no doubt that each of the star actresses did her best. In the first act, two older sisters set the tone, fighting for the inheritance. Assuring her father of her boundless love, the eldest Goneril, a nasty woman, seems to be chanting her words of love and devotion using the microphone in the square. I admit, it sounds vulgar. The words of Regana, a disguised nasty woman, flow like a flattering river, which can be taken for the truth. The youngest Cordelia is quiet and adequate: she can neither flatter nor lie. Her white clothes, unlike the black and red ones of her sisters’, symbolize purity.

The finale of the performance is so spectacular and strong in thought that it gives you the creeps. At the forefront of those very “supermarket” shopping carts, there are seven bodies: King Lear, Cordelia, Edmund, Oswald… Either the bodies are in the coffins or in their graves, it does not matter. The main thing is that all of them were reconciled by death. Impartially, as if a child is playing, the Fool, I repeat, goes around them, and transforms the carthandles into crosses. He goes to the back of the stage, climbs up a ladder that resembles of those on playgrounds, turns around to face us and pretends to be crucified, as if saying: it’s hard to be a child… In general, we will see what we have gift for. Everyone sees his own. By Valentina Zhdanovich

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This strange, unusual Katya… Some touches to the portrait of a theatrical artist If there’s at least one spray o blossom left in your soul, a singing bird is sure to sit on it.


Eastern wisdom

During her short period of work in the profession Ekaterina Shimanovich, one of the talented students of the Peop­ le’s Artist Boris Gerlovan, a graduate of the Academy of Arts, has managed to put on performances that drew the attention of the theatrical public, as well as to win the image of a creative and sty­ lish stage-designer. One of my colleagues once compared Katya with a girl-doll Suok from the movie “Three Fat Men”, made after the fairy tale of Yury Olesha in 1966. Let me quote this figurative comparison. “The head of Suok — a porcelain face with unusual, well-sculpted features, triangle-shaped theatrical eyebrows, and huge wideopen eyes. The first impression of Ekaterina Shimanovich is a short-haired doll of Tutti heir: there are hinges, there is wire, there is a key for winding. Tick-tock — and the eyes will wink, fingers will come to life, which will once again create something unusual and magical… ”.


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talents Why Suok, I asked Katya. — It’s hard to say. I guess it’s just associations. I mean, Suok is weird. I guess I am, too. Or maybe it’s all about the haircut,” my vis-а‑vis joked. Strange, strange, strange — for Katya, as I understood from our conversation, these definitions mean something unusual. It doesn’t mean anything that stands out from the crowd. It could be a person, a painting, a costume, a group of people, a performance, relationships between people… That’s what she is, this charming, very nice 25‑year-old artist who always attracts attention. An interested, very serious look and the ability to instantly react to a joke, to laugh catchingly, childishly or even to cry. It’s amazing how well, that is the best way to put it, my colleague noticed Katya’s ability to quickly engage in the flow of life, to respond instantly to anything. The same, probably, is going on in her professional life: she reads the play and goes ahead to create! So far, she has been very successful. It is just suffice to mention “King Lear”! Her first independent performance on the big stage of the Kupala Theatre! And with the iconic director Nikolay Pinigin! Before that, together with her husband, stage designer Sergey Ashukha, Katya worked on the sensational premiere of the previous season — the play “Nobleman Zawalnia, or Belarus in Fantastic Stories”. Earlier, together with her husband, she used to create sets and costumes for “Zyamlya Elzy” on the Chamber stage. Her very first performance was “Zapalki. And “Radzіva Prudok”, based on the play by Andrus Gorvat, is still played to a full house. By the way, for this performance as well as for “Zapalki” she was awarded the presti­ gious Ivan Ushakov Prize. Katya is also a costume-designer for Pietro Mascagni’s opera “Rural Honor” at the Bolshoi Theatre, where she works. She has been responsible for the artistic design of the Bolshoi New Year ball wearing for several years. And now she is working at the Bolshoi on stage design and costumes for the children’s opera “The Cat House”, directed by Darya Potaturko. So how does Katya cope with such a busy schedule? Easily, she says. And how else? Because she’s doing what she likes. She has understood one important thing: one should live, work and rest in such a way as to enjoy all the three. And if there are problems, not to be upset, not to worry, but to act. And the change in mind took place in Austrian Linz, at the Kunst University, where she was studying for several months under the international student exchange project. There she met and made friends with her peers from Poland, Romania. They are, she says, more free-and-easy than we are, less obsessed with failures. They think the best way to overcome them is to move on. — I’m very lucky to have studied with a real master of scenography. He gave us a profession. I will not forget my time as a student. It’s true, I still sometimes dream of something that doesn’t come true. I remember how well everything started, when during the whole first semester, during the so-called formal composition, Boris Fedoseyevich even praised me. And

Ekaterina Shimanovich when a student of the Academy of Arts. She won the Delphic Games 2012 in Astana.

Review of the composition at the Academy of Arts with fellow students. Boris Gerlovan is on the right.

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Ekaterina and Salvador Dali at the 21st Century National Museum of Art in Figueres (Spain)

how he accepted my project. Of course, I was glad. And then the nightmare began. I was crying, just like my classmates: I am failing, I can’t keep up to date with my work… And Gerlovan demanded grounding: why I do in this and not in some other way. Prove it, he said. Sometimes I thought I’d just die looking for the proofs… Katya also told me about her work on the layout of the unfinished script “My brother died”. There she had a cosmic approach to the solution, not mundane. She made a model ahead of Gerlovan’s review-schedule, and the rector’s commission. She was glad, proud that she had managed to do it. And the day before the review… she fell right onto the model. Either she tripped, or she got caught up in something. The whole structure got bent… It was a disaster, I admit: — I was hysterical… My parents saved me: they worked all night long and sent me out to calm down. And they fixed everything. As funny as it is, I really calmed down by riding a bike. Katya recalls with great gratitude the invaluable experience she gained during the study with Gerlovan. Thanks to him,


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she says, she has become tougher, stronger, and has learned to treat both her own mistakes and achievements with humour. — When people praise me for my stage design, of course I enjoy it, but I haven’t worked alone. Discussion of scenery, costumes, some tricks is a joint process of creation of a director and an artist, a dialogue. For example, I can suggest using something in scenography, and the director, let’s say, doesn’t think that it is necessary, then I try to convince him, find arguments, prove something… Anyway, that’s Gerlovan’s stylefhnbcnbxtcrfz, I tell Katya. We’re both laughing. Where does the artistic streak come from, the craving for creativity? It turns out Katya’s family is creative, too. Mom is a designer, graduated from the Minsk Art College named after Alexey Glebov, also a psychologist, Dad studied at art school. Then he acquired a medical specialty, worked as a resuscitator-anesthesiologist, and now creatively fulfills himself in artistic work with metal and wood. Since the early years, as long as she remembers, Katya has been painting, making something… There is still Santa Claus made from papier-mache, which the whole family made and painted even before the birth of her brother These are, as they say, genes. And Katerina does have them even apart from her parents. If one day she would like to have her family-tree made, we will see on its branches composers, famous organizers of museum business, music experts and even journalists. In the meantime, she doesn’t want to talk about it. However, Katya is right. After all, genes may not reveal themselves if people do not strain themselves. She likes tension, likes constant creative involvement. Katya is like a small generator that produces creative current. I can guess: that’s why directors like to work with her. By the way, she used to believe in Santa Claus for a long time. And today she prefers to have a place for magic in life. When I asked Katya what her husband pleased her with on New Year’s Eve, she corrected me: Santa Claus, not her husband… Of course, I did not abstain from the question, as she and Sergei, two creative individuals, get along. It’s okay, she said, we feel good together. It is interesting for both of them to work together, if there is a common project, if they create something

Katya doing what she likes. She has understood one important thing: one should live, work and rest in such a way as to enjoy all the three. And if there are problems, not to be upset, not to worry, but to act.

Scene from the play "Radio "Prudok"

A lot of interesting details, inventions that are typical for the style of Ekaterina, the scene designer in the play "Radio "Prudok"

together, and at home. After all, they are both doing a business they like. They easily understand each other. If they fail to understand, they talk and come to a consensus. Together they travel, discovering new places, new culture. Katya liked Spain very much. A land of rocks, bizarre forms, cypresses. When she saw Spanish nature, she understood why her favorite Spanish artists have such a vision of the world. It is difficult, she says, to compare Spanish and Belarusian landscapes, forests and gardens, trees, apples and pears. In Austria, Katya was impressed by the mountains. And what about the sea, I ask. Do you like it? It’s impossible not to like it. She first saw the sea at the age of eleven, when her grandparents took her and her brother to the Crimea. When she saw it, and it happened in Sevastopol on the way to the beach Uchkuevka, she was filled with admiration. Magic, fairy tales, these are Katya’s strong points. That’s why “Harry Potter” has been one of her favorite books and movies since childhood. And when I asked her where she started inventing set design from, whether there was any starting point, she answered: — I’ve already said in one of the interviews that for a long time I did not understand how such a detailed description of the world as in “Harry Potter” could be invented. And later I saw for myself how it was working. Everything happens as if by itself. There’s no starting point. There’s no idea: I’m going to create the scenery now. It’s just that when I read the play, I start to live in that world. As if I see it… It is gradually appearing in my mind, and then on stage. There’s something magical about it. Perhaps that’s why surrealists are among the favourite artists who inspire Katya — Miro, Chagall, Kandinsky, Malevich, Magritte… Sergei discovered Antoni Tàpies, a Spanish abstract painter for her. She likes Salvador Dali very much. He’s “strange” for her, too, not easy. And I understand Katya, because I am also a fan of surrealism, incompatible with logic. There’s magic in it, and enchantment, and audacity that allows the imagination to manifest itself — to transform images, to connect the unconnected. Which, by the way, can be seen in Katya’s set deigns. Of course, there is also plenty of logic in the profession of a scenographer. After all, once the model of the performance has been approved, relations with the workshops begin: production comes into effect. I ask Katya whether this period was difficult for her in “King Lear”? No, she says: it’s not difficult, it’s so natural in my work, which gives me pleasure. For some reason I remembered Souk, who, when asked if it was hard for her to be a doll, thought: there are harder days, like juggling with a lighted lamp, or doing a double flip-mortal… I wonder what Katya meant? I guess she meant what she said. After all, she seemed to be a well-adjusted person — she says, what she means. And, by the way, as far as I understand, she feels joy even from solving complex creative tasks. And it’s because she is well-meaning.


A scene from the play "Nobleman Zawalnia, or Belarus in Fantastic Stories"

By Valentina Zhdanovich

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Universe icz of Jazep Drozdow

He was compared to many: Leonardo da Vinci, or Roerich... But all these comparisons seem not very convincing. Perhaps, we must admit that nowhere nobody like him has ever lived before Jazep Drozdowicz.


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In his work, Jazep Drozdowicz easily delved into the past or flew away to outer space, the events "here and now" seem to him much less interesting for artistic presentation

es, even his contemporaries compared him to Leonardo da Vinci in terms of omnitude of interests and hobbies. And recently the Universe of Jazep Drozdowicz was expanded at the National Art Museum of Belarus, where a new section of the permanent exhibition dedicated to the creative work of this extraordinary personality was opened. The permanent exhibition in the hall, housing the Belarusian art of the end of the nineteenth — first half of the twentieth century, was enlarged by paintings and graphic works of the artist from the museum funds (some of them have never been exhibited before), as well as tactile paintings intended for people with visual impairment. In addition, the info booth of the permanent exhibition and the official website of the National Museum of Art contain work, and there are many of them both in our country and a virtual archive of Jazep Drozdowicz, where the texts of this abroad. For some it will be a discovery, for others it will broadauthor are presented to the fullest extent possible. Today, the en their ideas not only about the creative work of the artist, artist’s works are kept in various museums and libraries in Bebut, perhaps, about the directions of development of Belarularus and abroad. Many have never been exhibited, some have sian culture as a whole. not even been reproduced and are little known not only to Olga Arkhipova, leading researcher at the National Art the general public, but also to specialists. The virtual archiveMuseum, emphasizes: museum fills this gap and thus expands the idea of the multi— The project was implemented with a grant from the faceted heritage of Jazep Drozdowicz. President of Belarus. The updated exposition includes paintf course, the central place in the new section of the ings, graphic works, texts of our outstanding countryman, exposition and in the virtual archive-museum is taken photocopied in Vilnius, video films, tactile paintings that can by the works of Jazep Drozdowicz dedicated to space. be touched and even “listened to”. We wanted to show all facets There is no doubt that many works of the “space cycle” (graphof creativity of this unusually gifted person. ertainly, the personality of Jazep Drozdowicz (1888– ics, paintings, as well as extremely interesting texts) are a re1954) occupies a special place in the history of Belarumarkable phenomenon not only in Belarusian, but also in sian culture. Everything he did was imbued with a sense world culture. Fascinated by astronomy, the artist at night, of cosmic, universal scope. This is where the unique character often in his dreams, “travelled” to distant stars and planets. of Drozdowicz’s work comes from, and the exhibition, Everything seen on the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Venus, i. e. which is held at the National Art Museum of Belanature, cities, life of their inhabitants, was sketched rus, is another proof of it. by Drozdowicz, embodied in graphics and Many contemporaries valued Jazep paintings, as well as described in diaries and Drozdowicz primarily as a graphic artist. special notebooks, most of which are kept This part of his heritage differed from all outside Belarus and have not been pubthe others created by him. Drozdowlished until now. Artistic works and icz’s graphic heritage is impressive in texts of cosmic themes are inextricaterms of quality, variety and quantity. bly linked and complement each othNot a single trip of Drozdowicz was er. The texts decipher in detail much without sketches of local architecof what is reflected in the graphic ture: Vilnо, Minsk, Mir, Novogruand pictorial works of the artist. And dok, many villages scattered all over the virtual archive-museum makes it Belarus… And, as always, Drozdowpossible for the first time to combine icz did not want to remain just an artDrozdowicz’s artistic works devoted ist — he accumulated historical inforto space with the corresponding pasmation everywhere, was interested in sages from his texts. local legends, sometimes engaged in The new section of the permanent archaeological experiments. exhibition of the National Art Museum Ironically, the geography of Jazep of Belarus, including the virtual archiveDrozdowicz’s travels is very limited. In his museum, is like a journey into the magical life he avoided long-distance trips, had no deand incredible world of Jazep Drozdowicz. It Jazep Drozdowicz. 1920–1921. sire to visit exotic foreign countries, which will be a real gift for the admirers of his



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art attract by a variety of impressions. Naturally, except for “space flights”, which he made almost every night from a certain period of time. In a word, he was attracted by other routes, and it seems that the most winding routes he laid inside himself. The decisive year in Jazep Drozdo­ wicz’s life was 1921. At that time, the Belarusian Museum was created in Vilno. It was the richest — thousands of units — repository of various materials dealing with Belarusian history and culture. One of the first gifts to the museum was a series of graphic works by Drozdo­wicz, i. e. examples of ancient architecture and portraits of Polotsk princes. From that time Drozdowicz appeared in the Belarusian Museum again and again. He handed over to the museum everything he had done. And thanks to this, his legacy of the 1920s and 30s, in contrast to his early works and post-war ones, is well preserved. The pictorial heritage of the master is less numerous than his graphic one. Perhaps the reason is that, unlike graphic works, most of which are made in strict accordance with “classical standards”, paintings by Jazep Drozdowicz always teetered on a shaky brink between professional and naive art. Such “borderline” phenomena can sometimes be confusing, as they do not fit into any system of axes. But it is this “borderline”, special charisma, “imperfection” of works that attracts and fascinates. In his work, Jazep Drozdowicz could easily delve into the past or fly away to outer space, and the events “here and now” seemed to him much less interesting for artistic presentation. But he always preserved the realistic principle, precision and attention to detail. rozdowicz was convinced that he was blessed with the gift of clairvoyance. And with the same ease with which he addressed the distant past of his region, he plunged into the cosmic expanses. Day after day he sat in the library, greedily absorbing all astronomical literature that could be obtained, and plunged into magical dreams, going on extraordinary journeys. He travelled to distant stars and planets — the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Venus, saw the beautiful scenery, looked at incredible plants, animals, visited unknown countries and cities, watched the life of local residents. In the morning he scrupulously, to details wrote down, documented all “seen” and in the diary, and in special notebooks, sewing them then into albums. Some of these graphic sheets were later turned into picturesque canvases. He left dozens of testimonies about his night flights into space — these are paintings, graphics, texts. Drozdowicz was



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firmly entrenched in the title of “the founder of the space theme in Belarusian art”. Unprecedented in this part of Drozdowicz’s work is also the fact that he gave sketches and notes about space travel not so much artistic value as scientific. It is true that sometimes Drozdowicz suggested that he was observing not modern life, but the future. Moreover, everything seen on other planets suspiciously reminded him of Belarus. At least, everything is compared with the surrounding Belarusian realities. Jazep Drozdowicz did not live to the moment of space-flights. In 1954, the villagers found him unconscious on the road. They took him to the nearest hospital, where the artist died.



here is no doubt that Drozdowicz is one of the most significant, original and unusual persons of Belarusian culture and art. The creative range of the master is so diverse that it is impossible to attribute it to a certain trend, direction, style, type of activity. Jazep was not only a talented artist and sculptor, but also an outstanding writer, poet, teacher, ethnographer, folklorist, philosopher, archaeologist, theatre worker, amateur astronomer. It is impossible to understand how this person for his short, full of hardships life managed to cover such versatility of life, promoted revival of national culture, learned the unknown, opened for people the doors of the future and gave them a chance to dream… It is no coincidence that the Belarusian artist, a contemporary of Drozdowicz,

Pyotr Sergiyevich called the creator “our little district Leonardo da Vinci”. Jazep Drozdowicz lived during the most complex historical events, i. e. World War I, which he participated in, the revolutionary transformation, World War II. The artist was faced with many hardships related to difficult living conditions, hunger and poverty, human misunderstanding and loneliness. By the way, the unusual worldview of Drozdowicz, the admiration of space and planets did not resonate with his friends and contemporaries. At that time, no one in Belarus had ever dreamt of space travel, of living on other planets, or thought about what Saturn’s rings consisted of or what the inhabitants of that planet looked like. But such destiny is the fate of many creators, scientists, geniuses who were ahead of their time. Misunderstood by people, Drozdowicz gradually turned into a marginalized and lonely man, who chose the path of the “eternal wanderer” in his native land. While traveling in Belarus, he collected and recorded folklore, compiled dictionaries of dialects, was engaged in archeology, created a large number of graphic sketches and painted carpets. Today the interest in the personality of Jazep Drozdowicz is only growing. There are exhibitions, open airs and scientific conferences in his honour, monographs dedicated to the artist’s work are published, and documentaries are crea­ ted. Astronomical hypotheses and his dreams of flying to беларусь. belarus 2020


art outer space have been implemented and are still developing. Jazep Drozdowicz believed: “The time will come… They will still look for me”. The predictions of this amazing man, a true prophet, have come true. ictorial works of Jazep Drozdowicz attract attention with style and thematic diversity. His love for and deep study of the history of his native land allowed the artist to create paintings dedicated to the glorious past of Belarus. His “Self-portrait” stands out among the paintings. The master revealed in it his three hypostases, three characteristic features of his personality, i. e. Drozdowicz as a painter smoking a pipe and holding a brush in his hand, Drozdowicz as a historian closely looking into the book, and Drozdowicz as an astronomer thoughtfully looking through the manuscript with images of planets,. Other works embody mysterious images and fantastic landscapes, raise eternal questions of good and evil, life and death, human fate, the future of the country, reflect the image of independent Belarus. As it was noted by the Belarusian prose writer Zmitrok Biadula, “…Drozdowicz has his own style, distinctive and original. His works are full of imagination and symbolism”. Traveling around his native land, walking from house to house, Jazep Drozdowicz earned his living. Thanks to the peasants, his main customers, the artist for ten years of travels created dozens of wall “carpets”, which were used to decorate village houses and at the same time acted as a kind of amulets. Keeping the tradition, Drozdowicz always added something of his own, close in spirit, special and unique to this kind of folk art, even began to call himself a folk artist. Almost every hostess wanted to have a mat made by Uncle Jazep in her house. The artist was one of the first to turn to the image of Francysk Skaryna in his work. It is not for nothing that he is called the founder of the Belarusian national historical art. The created series of paintings and graphic works represent the most important events of the life path of the first printer: from his departure from his native Polotsk to the big world in search of science to the completion of his publishing activity. It is impossible not to emphasize that it was 1930 that opened the most interesting period of Jazep Drozdowicz’s work — the “cosmic” one. There are more than a hundred paintings and



беларусь. belarus 2020

graphic works on the cosmic theme, which made up three large cycles: “Life on the Moon”, “Life on Mars” and “Life on Saturn”. This theme was unprecedented for the Belarusian art, as none of the masters had turned to it yet, especially in those years. On the basis of his dreams, the artist built whole cities on other planets with unusual architecture, arcades, observatories, created mysterious natural landscapes, drew strange inhabitants of Saturn, carefully examining their homes with expressive round eyes… By the way, Saturn, the original, gloomy, unlike other celestial bodies, was the favorite planet of Drozdowicz. he most incredible, most interesting of Drozdowicz’s literary and scientific heritage is his astronomical research. In 1931, in Vilno, for his own money, he published a small edition of “Nyabesnyya begі” — the first book on astronomy in Belarusian, Over the abyss. 1931. which still remains a unique publication. It is no coincidence that Drozdowicz’s mother used to repeatedly tell her son: “Learn and know the celestial bodies”. Today he is considered the “Belarusian Tsiolkovsky”, the founder of the Belarusian theoretical astronomy. Moreover, the premonitions of the “nebaznavets” were realized: only five years after Drozdowicz’s death Sergey Korolev launched the first artificial satellite, seven years later Yury Gagarin flew into space, and fifteen years later the crew of the American “Apollo” landed on the moon. For Belarusian art the name of Jazep Drozdowicz is unique and symbolic. Contemporaries compared him to Leonardo da Vinci on the universality of interests and hobbies. Drozdowicz studied history, archaeology, ethnography of Belarus. He was engaged in Prophet. 1931. graphics, sculpture, painting, science and teaching. He thoroughly studied astronomical literature, developed projects of flying space rockets. Drozdowicz saw his task as an artist to tell in detail about life on other planets. He created landscapes that depict in detail the Universe seen during imaginary space journeys. For researchers, Jazep Drozdowicz is an example of science fiction that existed in Belarusian art. It is an example of how a creative personality is able to transform the acquired know­ ledge and create new unprecedented worlds.


By Veniamin Mikheyev


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