Belarus (magazine #02 2020)

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Magazine for you

No. 2 (1037), 2020 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

This amazing book world

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read 1



Голас Радзімы чацвер, 13 лютага, 2020


● № 03 (3615) ●

● ЧАЦВЕР, 13 ЛЮТАГА, 2020



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Стар. 5

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Гол ас Рад зім Зя мл яі ы

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Вячка Целеш ды іншыя


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д сій ім: просяць падказ -го к беваць ск кім ка- зімы на якія даты ў н ларус Яны­ўжо­не­“не­дзе­там”­—­ча­ла­вД ек­са­зброіж Дз ія ў гнуць ”ч ява­пвым­ лендары у Бзвяр яй­кар­ды­наль­на,­як­ка­жуць,­ад­ным­кры­ ікігу. Мы ас нува ы елчас цяспра па буем ма­хам,­ ча­сам­ і­ з­ ан­лайн-транс­ля­цы­яй­ вы­ерр а-А ў бліжэйшы та х р падаць такуюаін фар ма цыю. шае­ праб­ле­мы­ ў­ шко­лах,­ ганд­лё­вых­ цэнт- мо йц ус Пр мах,­га­рад­скіх­ква­тэ­рах­ Агпа і куль звяр Стта е рах,­на­ву­лі­цах,­у­хра­ э а ем іувагу на

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аВ ЛЕНДАРА ЛІСТ КІ КА Вы ік а ан 1955 У людтым не год памятныя “Гдааты l ол Актывісты беларускіх ас Ража часам Ра суполак замеж

Чалавек з кнігай 2 я,

З Падмаскоўя— у “Конікі”


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ы . 2сёлетні 14 тое, чым адметны і­вяс­ко­вых­ха­тах.­Ды­ці­ма­ энт ла­дзе­яшчэ.­Але­ ін Д аўто тэ ) l Алвяз­авмае,­за­ “вы­ра­шэн­не”­тое­хі­ба­што­за­ цяг­вае­ другі месяц года. ра Рн к, яксяль­іжных­праб28 На­гад­ва­ем:­ 21­ лю­та­га­ бу­дзе­ шмат­лі­кія­вуз­лы­ба­лю­чых­са­цы­ ан наро эц сту дз рлЛя­ва­ндыя­ шы­ро­ка,­ па­ ўсім­ све­це­ ад­зналем.­Да­лей­—­толь­кі­ту­пік,­не­кант­рда­ н ен Г ен на ука ай акчац­ца­ Між­на­род­ны­ дзень­ родя­­ я, вы­бу­хі­но­ва­га­на­сіл­ля.­Не­толь­кі­“За­ход­Еўа )l 20 ­ла ш це ц 13 20 п ы п 6 э э вы.­Да­лу­чай­це­ся! ро­пы”,­ як­ па­пя­рэдж­ваў­ адзін­ з­ ана­лі­ты­каў-нк най­мо­ і ё аР (3 ­­ а, д іІ­“Упа­ т­К і­ц я ­ка іў­­ 01 Рн с l м яць­ вя­ д о­ м ых­ лю­ д зей­ філосафаў­Освальд­Шпенг­ л ер­на­па­ ч ат­ к у­ХХ­ н т С л э э з № алу аву ал аў гар за К т Ве ль­м ­цы ­ка­ш ­су­д l кчаў­ шчы­ ны­ў­лю­тым­мож­на­ ста­год­дзя­ —­ за­ход­ ча­ла­ве­чай­ цы­ві­лі­за­цыі,­ Баць­ то а а ін я ў у ры е­­ е а е г ы э б р ю ж ц у ­л ўА д ў В а­д др аз­п ў­на ак zv цца лньа­нваць: ў­су­пол­ках­уша­ усе­агуль­нае­здзі­чэн­не­“люд­ской­па­ро­ды”. ас цці е ,2 ы ­­ р к­сан ы­р у­хо ia а ч г іі ц т з 8 й 8­ лю­ т а­ г а­ —­ 210-я­ ўгод­ к і­ Дзе­ вый­ с це?­ Аду­ к а­ ц ыя.­ Куль­ т у­ р а.­ Чыо ам ст й ш zd э­м ­ я о­в ­д ­­ е еж ка­Пга­(1810— Ста нь ал ар­г ­“за ­не” я­пр ­ру­сі­ тан­не.­Са­ма­па­знан­не.­Культ­ча­ла­ве­ка­з­кні- Іва­на­Фа­мі­ча­Хруц­ a. удзе та ...І ў жыным. 5 і­ н рамо р. 6 ў­ч э­міі жэн ь­ны е­ла ­­ ы by ка­л ­ ня я ава­піс­гці!а,­ й ар гай­—­за­мест­куль­та­“ча­ла­ве­ка­з­руж­жом”.­ 1885),­ бе­ла­рус­ка­га­ ыжы­ ­ру,­ а,­ у пр ­ра­д ы­ял та­Б ­ту­ры р н”,а­як ,2 ”ч ме Ст Бо­ як­ там­ нам­ даў­но­ пад­каз­вае­ на­род­ная­ ака­дэ­мі­ка­ жы­ва­пі­су,­ су­сгавет­ 02 ­па о­в ­мі­ ы ад пе­ц дэн уль н з ую 0 ся ую с­т ы .­ аці­ы ан ім м муд­расць:­лепш­з­ра­зум­ным­ча­ла­ве­кам­згу- вя­до­ма­га­ сва­і­мі­ на­цюр­мор­тіа­ і­с э­зі­ ам­к а і­мо­в ­Хры я­до­м э­мій ­ і, гр анс Пр ея­ч ац­тв ­у­з с­тво ­ца­ в пр ­“Го ­ дз й­парт­рэ­та­мі; біць,­чым­з­дур­нем­знай­сці. з с­т ­год а яц і­кі­ ­ты ­ця а а l д а ­ Р е ­Р ­в ­н а ма ваў о а 13­ лю­та­га­ —­ 315-я­ ўгодВя­до­ма­ ж,­ кні­гі­ мо­гуць­ быць­ шля­хаНа і­м Шт ­ец­ца та­но ­даль і­га­з ас­цю ан­не о­ с дск 9 м од к с д ­ г а у н ­ і­ в а л ­ мі­—­але­ёсць­роз­ныя­шля­хі…­Трэ­ба­вы­бі- кі­ Фран­ціш­кі­ Уршу­лі­ Ра­дзі­віл­ ія д ая ае т­к ­сі­ ­ ўл оў­н зяч ­ вы ­бы р­ Та 55 пр к п раць.­Уя­ві­це­са­бе:­больш­за­10­000­на­ві­нак­з­ (1705—1753),­ асвет­ні­цы­ й­ драол 2 19 я свя ­ла­ру ыяпротаіерэй ае а­на УдПоўны з л а­ц з­уд ­шФёдар з На адкрыцці стэнда Расіі выступае 0 а і Г е р а е б р і­ ь 1 в ­ е ячы 9 рэ кт “ к Б р­го су­п ы”,­ і­ на на­чклюім­ хруэ­з ­ ах30­кра­ н е од ін­бы­ло­прад­стаў­ле­на­на­ХХVІІ­Мін- ма­тур­га; пА Ві б ўв аліза а, ц П т­пкуім , бе года ад лізк я ча ы­ж,­ ­дзі­м ­ем:­ ­ад­з ыін­сіоц­к чкн­ ы зіл ы са Дз нн а л ээст ну,­ч скай­між­ лар 16­ лю­та­га­ —­ 95-я­ ўгод- саў, екаве цыяй япер ж­ ом”­ Ска­жы,­хто­твой­ся­бар…­А­сён­ня­й­ка­заць­ кру­ці­лі­ фільм­ а а на­род­най­кніж­най­вы­ста­ве-кір­марыуяв­Р—­ ­ва­авек­­муз­ руж­ ра ія М с­Р“Ча­ ­ внаш ра нт ея ч кц а анаы.ап а­суа­се,шы.­ Во­ : гад ­та ­ набец ­ За н усы да зк лата­ж­пра­рэ­ “трэ­ не­трэ­ба:­эпо­ха­смарт­фо­наў­аб­ляг­чае­за­да­чу.­ зра­зу­ме­ла,­гэ­ ыя на­жор”­ для­ ўмен­ня­ вы­бі­раць!­ кі­ Іва­на­ Якаў­ле­ві­ча­ На­ву­мен­кі­ Ц якія анн каа апяк аг­цы­час,­ён­ ле ць ­м , пры кцўы­ па ­ні.лаый­ р­ з а­ды ­навма­локўю­ Ста сы а­л азе чы яп ад і п рд ую ­лота ал­пя­ во ца р х­хо і.Ці­ пе дыы­і­ў­вер­ зам ­г чы з­ршрах­рас­ Та асту ыні вявса,­ці­знай­ Вы а ­Прус сптаў­ З­рос­сы­пу­фо­та­вы­яваў,­які­мі­кі­шаць­ін­тэр­нэт- ге­ра­і­за­ваў­ся.­Та­ р. 7 сешлі­ся­тыя,­хто­ў­дзі­вос­ных­ (1925—2006),­ бе­ла­рус­ка­га­ прау ­д ­лдаіы­ ка­ ў ннік ер далі амяц ыну цца ец не тр ­кім­ м­ у нцыэ­неін­лаі­хд, ыкіх еж н са о­чда­нзі (П ­госу Зяпаірыр бр ар. 3 9пры­ ввяанл ыя­ да бераль­ дь­ ра тно і­ ц, ах­ сай­ты,­ сац­сет­кі,­ бач­на,­ як­ моц­на­ сяб­ру­юць­ ся­ да­во­лі­ су­мніў­ ны часе аў, ш вядо жыц і мн юць яго ы ма­ пач Кніж­ннюа­г2а­ свя­та­ ні­чо­га­ са­бе­ не­ за­іка,­ лі­та­ра­ту­раз­наў­цы,­ за­служа та ныя­ ­ “подл­знлаа ўпрацскарб­ і­ іс­20д1зе ў­н а­нё а­с м х ­ з л ­ о т е ц с а п ій Вы п 0 а т х н ж а , н г ў 4 я х У у і а С м н а а о а дзе с с во,­атоварищ­ : а да­баў?­ ж шне­­т сло­ а э­м і­ма­ук- оўпа­ лю­дзі­з­пры­го­жы­мі­аў­то,­да­ма­мі,­ко­ці­ка­мі-са- тэ­ты­ кшал­ту:­ “Ва­ я А­е на­вед­ні­к1аў­ за іх од э 9 г “ра­мон­ка­ва­га”­ па­ жа­на­га­дзея­ча­на­ву­кі,­на­род­н9а­гка­ ц трцыь і­кцы рбая Імгад ы,­ за д­н нье­ у­ ўсёй к ян цца вя ра янн ветн загін пах Ай ты ак тапн уд по стал осдпек­це­ Пе­ра­можддэ зе­быў­1937-ы,­і­Дру­ і­аыі ыча­нс ь­ спт е”.­вы ыг­выая­б’­я мфор­ а ё­на­запа­ пра­ пісь­мен­ні­ка­Бе­ла­ру­сі; бач­ка­мі,­квет­ка­мі,­рыб­ка­мі,­пі­цай­ды­ба­ка­ла­мі­ зер!”.­Яшчэ­на­пе­ра­ ц рм­е­ па­віль­ ан кві лася ін. В яў, ых в улі аван чын сяч б цыі ай бе мнік іцы лі­ткрэбПа“­вУ­спя,цкаэбн­намі ­лўекя­т дхзе­ Да рйу­нгоасяж­она з.­— Бел был ­ аК К ла ем кі­з 2 елі зна ой за ні у. ела па а й я а ка­ 24­ лю­та­га­ —­ 85-я­таўгод­ лаі­чы­лаі:­за­пяць­дзён­вы­ су­свет­ная­не­ста­ла­явай.­Але­ка­ ві­на,­з­ар­тыс­та­мі,­роз­на­га­ві­ду­збро­яй… ылай­ цаў,­14,­пад­ на а­нўы лаа­двж лді­Мі­ за р зн іта ур ста­вы­—­ “Ж 01 зар хо наў ме во р лежа к ­р у я­ аклугійр­надж­ дязнені,Гэй­т сау­ св(ныаі­ Рэд.) русі, ру га іх­ ту­ды­ Ры­го­ра­ Іва­на­ві­ча­ Ба­жра­д па “ча­ на ргНеш­ Кі Ам уска акам я ад ­ рака­ыз­ аг руж­ св 70­ сяч­ О,­ сяб­роў­ства­ са­ збро­яй­ на­сця­рож­вае:­ Па­го­дзін­ пі­саў­ пра­ д л ю э ц .­ гка­ ­р йпты­ ­лі­чыжом”,­ не у у­глісі­тнаа­ить 0 год ная дзяцц ды жамі інаў­с ­м ля­ н а­вде­ л ані та­ ж­ І ў ча­лча­век.­ ерш на адп хаванаеы­ам­цоўін­неі­, руэльнў­нуццфаен­ры п су гра­ ціў рыл баса му іта кры ы раін­улМваеа­тпбнрі­аол­а. а и Бе р а Б ы ежы зат (1935—2014),­ бе­ла­рус­ ад­ дзі­ця­чых­ пласт­ма­са­вых­ піс­та­ле­ці­каў­ да­ то­ праз­ ста­год­ нн ркаа­вчы­ д­даа­ хБпры­ іс ычн по . Бы рац на інш ела уай­ сс аве сет­ рац лпаэзек­тымаййен­ ыі­к дпісь­ вяддзе­ мін ста за ць, арам ­ с ноік­ Аўкпа­ зды у с Руды дар песн му лі аейа ­сікаў­ бэ­вйічв,­а у мя ў­н наам днппа­янўтуе­ Б ­ та а­рчц­нам­ то тур­ онўа­гтка­а А ых мнит ла с а па тэр ых в русі і а нае­граь­н лін ­й­ вті­лі­ таррод­ рРа­ араняае,­цы­ е­хра ­амліж яап П омпра­ ац скваа­нае,­куль­ та,­ пе­ р а­ к лад­ ч ы­ к а,­ на­ з ум­ з а­ са­праўд­ных­ ка­ра­бі­наў,­ аў­та­ма­таў,­ гра­на­та- Алекс­А.­Ал­міс­таў­ ужо­ м у д к п ы в ш ­ р з ыяс а во­чы­ т ы н н к іх ы с к н л е а ы к а ь р е с 8 ела яру о с а во ск іч ароа­р і) яаб’­ць­а­ е а га адзе ап цы д л ” т ін і­тааб л­ а­ х. ды­дбае­пра­сваю­бу­ пвр ек­з­ тн ў ан­“Ча­ ж,ны­ра­ жостмоаг­ М на ніка амі з етцы студзе русі паэ­ мад­ ства,­якое­са­праў­ мё­таў…­ Пра­дэ­ман­стра­ваць­ сваю­ кру­тасць­ мас­тац­ка-пуб­лпі­А цыс­тыч­ Хр ас та­Бе­ла­ру­сі; Пол ыцы і ка аюц ена вук , яе ран выяў оры н­ па анпяім ны сулы і. Кдаусуа­мнаа­нў­с е: ­нуікра­нцаь­ап ы­рвуац­д і!н”)­. ДХдкнаеа­й шўч­гэр ус­ а Па я а а А э ц л Х п і ь п а ь ь х ў у л tw ня ў К ч ў е м і а к я н шыя­ да­ г­у тўы­вуе­й­раз­ лі а т р грэ­сану­ аойў ­зя ымят­н з п з туч ў Лходзь­це­ па­ ­снлю,­свя­ ў ты­к н е Зна­ не­ка­то­рым­ хо­чац­ца­ ме­на­ві­та­ са­ збро­яй­ у­ аў­та­ма­там”…­Тэх­нтіч­ а­пві­в9ае­куль­ ­яіелпм? ­р ма­куль­ ­таы до­ ынча­пра­ргэд чныы гом­л(Івьаб­мчы­ кл там ы, Ч Ге тыў Усіх рашэ атоль ары —іга­р нні це Друг атку омн ачыс іtter разм ітаі еалда ая­летка Бке­­ла ­нмыехж ­льна дзел ідз ом мая 2 зямл зраб снтде он­ ­ архе­а­лўзброі­ нн н ю а ру­чы­ эх рм па св віч т важ­ го ьн лен­ цаў­ бяз­ а лі­вйа­Пга­стаў­ з­гіс­ ня­да­кні­ ру­ках.­ Ні­як­ не­ з­ кні­гай,­ на­прык­лад.­ Культ­ Свет­ імк­лі­ва­ ко­ціц­ цна­ ё нік 02 гі.­ э­ “ ня,­па­ іць то­рыі­Бе­ е ла­ кр тан­ Ш мроу­саді­ў­кні­ заў зам ім П год ік Я тасц пос яс­ зе у гах,­інтоўйзган іч да вайн­ Іа­аікеа­ ў,гр зам а ў,­ ну­нсяы­ ат­дзле Уі­лсі­іхял ж юц ыя а ў 0 гой будтэр­ М к іі, С ан быва яцкім , як арк док­ гіл нымўе­ча­ у ру важ ежны екін а бы нку і. З т са эта­внсых.­ а а­нзр➔­несаСтар. гру­бай­сі­лы?­За­са­вец­кім­ча­сам,­пом­ніц­ца,­ е­ных­ кан­флік­таў.­ ыГла­ іх­ по­аг­бд­еы­ , 3фі ў і­аСбв­ наст ерам аць ­ і­ М н­ріц я­кў. на баль­н ія ак к рыспу. ла іі, оў ц м ў го д уц нсэ­ёце.­Жы­вмі­оце­ў­рыт­ р­ за с ­тав ­р

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ку ад ных арлі ў святоч г ым ніча рна паўдзель о ў З інск асіі

іМ ыР дка рус ара ла д-Г оўі бе ы в к а з Д дмас сты Па рты лі ў я а ладзі я­не­з­та­гвао­та­гач­а­ ы СВЕТ ДЗЯЦІНСТВА ейн то з­вае­ма­—­ба­се­лі­ш ­ная­ь­ адз х, ш тва­звя а­рад­к­цыі­ п Сцэ­наіч­ ўвес­вая­ Сампрэза­сяб­розў­Д­с а­выыдя­Г­ трэас­дты­чы­н­пыіт.­­ва­ецм­ц­ і­ цііі­к.­аТа­мыу­й­ ­ ім Даў­няедзь­м­і­на­род­ё­н­на­ Броў­ паадў—­ тьы­ у­ Ра­м­с а­іх,­двя­точ­ Старэйшая дзіцячая газета


Я ў Пнка К ек уп іне ал а



К я х м скім ў на а ў к ь у як Ам Тр гіла Ве апсу це вакіі Аўс у п пры цес і до кі п ае, вя ­еч а­і ­рьут ­тНэ ядаб я­ аўш ыў­ 25э­гсц­кНа Аря­ты.­ аяль огі!” у п ач а уп го р У р ра ў­с ўт Ат ­ла аке айб’­ іц н ь ­т н р о ”­“цы ” х сн альку п за р ве эпта к Ке ны лы Хра ды трыі, ерш ход на Ва мага омн што оў. ун дкр алу сіх ыпц ­ ­ро а­на р­ рБе н­не­ваія­гад­ азеыл­яе­цпы ш ­лек Б­“аБлуь­знейддзес­це ян­гаал­ прот ік Хр клік аекц шт еажраад тры а­да ас­м ­Пёт і­ ы ма цкім ў­па рэпе (Аў з зям ма­п Італ В ай э ам. ў П йшэ кіта ік у гэта Кіры іверс ыты Св е на д­ск са­ц янн ка, ­ту­ры ел ы ­рэ Р­на ь­н аіе ам аў е я­ пр могпр ньс ­гасг­падык­к ­ю­за кру­г ­ Ва нія), воін рку шы стры лёй омні іі. Д енгр кс­ і к екін ня. йск Кіта трэ л Р ітэ­ ма я­ а ў”,­ іуль аўд­чры­ма­руБсях ­ткаулль эс“пВуя а­й б рэй а­по бел “У з ныыс ай одка т­ч зі ­Са й­а эн лак рша Мог ам у і Ме ў Буд я), з Цэ ка б зяку ыі, вер ітай е з у Цырыага с і. “П ці бе уды лік ібл Фёд мн ару сла ка ць­ко ­вы­к я­знпаом ­зеайджаэ­мкенаган­няь­ту­руб­сі” Ме нт ыл ю­ орнак вяі­чся­ршл,­лёй сау­ганы­стко а­ву­ч ве і­ан іят ар іка саў ву скіх дзе м кул рац ла м і у ш а о н к Ц л н З . а а ін а С р а ш к п д ­ ­ к д к ­ а а с м с ­ а а ­н р ікн н­д у­л Н ы б р і о ­л м ы (П а с ір р ­ я э я е ў л ц та р н ь

поныя “Зорька” і яе замеж мн сябры

л а к а мі м­лліс ­веў к а­ррэ аў,­ад шы Бы ­ у у, ы я е льт­тар ага каг цы По ў го за­ та с­л ы гіл яла авін оль ­маў гарт ыяла шце арыя альн за­ пр спа па мал ам А нія п птар вя­ ўс с­ны­кіч­ны ­не­ф ­га­ рван­ла,с­Б ў ш ўу а д а н па ­ ур н Я­лю.­х а ­зтяага ­Сяа інік­грым­ні­кчы ыцы ы ках сав у ш (В ­г а н ьт ыўта ой пааў­н тыыш с беых­ й ­ “Бе з­ т е т­ оа рнагнааўем, цэн дзна ны, к ар а Год айш дар ­бела ых, мба рай а У Б ча зал эне заг е льн х я ол к за е ш т кім ­нла КАна ­ці­ ­ л еа­ла ва­рэ іч­н ­ны­а ­ йяго ул с А я р ­мі­ўт ей­ е­рраа­і­м р эт а­р мянд­ноў­ а а ла Гісм­сМ рал дзеІвйа а цяэн­цш з у “М (Чэх цкім раціс ), М ея са ў Бе інул нгры ых ­ф ч ­нкыов­цбы”­з­італь­ ка”­ а­м т і:­ра чал а­ с ­мі, х Сяб­ йк ё ш ў м ус кія ада ла д а ­дзвегае­ Нрлю­ аак­ са нс­Г а па-ра­ у дойзей­ , а­кў у­­Бапа­ раць­“зорь­ ­ст ру­ю ы о­е ін ніч нтр о ак нац ася ка зам сіх ы не ія). воі лав емар вецк рлін ым я), ве Інт ука пл баса ку”, чы раў рны ійм­чаы ­сдалы­мен­ ес­буб тн­заых­па­ За р­та­г ­та­рш , ­ген . твоыр­кйлал­м ты ы і­оФраякс­гаў ць а­тыя­ж­не­пер­ ае а Беларусі, адзначаючы 75-годдзе, ы­год­пры­ ць­на­аздаІвмаа­ўюдзе ус с на е (С ы ­ст хдл роз­ аош н,­двчона­таккБа­ а ­Янўанпяў. су ежн паха ста Ян ня 2 эрнэ цыі Б ыні дар. — талі ам­таірыцць,­ дзі­едзе, р­на­г Ц я іх е (Г а­ м ы ,­ в іс ар л у пр духо віст я­ ка і­гіс ­ ўда ­ я лен­ ў п СтПраз­мно­ ­ у йо­н Рі с ,­а ­л оггкдія­га­ , Зо выраў­ ан оя­лрд на лав льны воін ер­ х д­вак­ мае намер правесці каля бел цыя­пра­ эы­рэ­ ы ы­м кладп і­нке­ ў­ свае­ сем’і­ дзя­цей­ з­ пры­ на стрэ ых ванн вім кр кі К 019 т па ела завя Імп пі­ расчыар-Х ўна ы і Ал акія х аў а­ ім ­ пе СшСраі­ймшуконеча­рнаіт­дарйа­шковыічмк­ даадкн­ты а­ба­ч о­вы ­мі­ ­цы,­ данх,­ ер вл рэ­міі ­тыў. пцу­з­р га с га чы кра яў на с ыты уп год дка рус рш рэза а­л х­іп рвае­ м у ту “Мос­ ь 75 розных імпрэз сім­в­га­ліч­ обыль­ а а ціік­ сяб­­цроў­сатва”­ з­ ­ц но­ у скіх­рэ­ Дн аны­ к гі­ё­наў­Бе­ла­ру­сі.­Су­пра­


­с ц оў лю я ра у­к к іх­ ­мі­ а­вы а­ е­ш род ­ву б­р ць­у ц­к ­до к,­ чы ­ ці­к ­ска­г па­л ­мі­ п ­ жыі­кі­ ся ­ні­ча ­ра інс .­ на о­лін сць­ ­цы­я ,­ якія ен­н зель і. ­га з­М ­бус рац ам ал а к ц ­в ­ка ўр­ы Кылн ­нлыо оы­вд а­здрн ес­у ад­п ша ), М ог м і і з а в э н яс ­ха­р і­нан таБнар­даўв,­іча лпіца ­ле Ст ор­ча а­ды у­саў ля­м аў­д ­коў а­выд ­пра ­аў­то ла­ ­ і­ вёаў мдзець­ ры ­рруусь:­ нс о е­ ко ндр энтр дырэ нах, оіна эце бю ай п ў го ы ў бро вае: ў КН ння ­тн ­ны тох ьм­ад­ э­цм іон.­Та­ ор оюр мі­роз­ к мті­ . скі­ ы ­ц ых­ Кр ­рагра­ жст­нра ­ зяк­нмую­наз­ Ра­ней­“Зорь­ку”­ве­да­ла­ўся­Бе­ ­д язс­цта нозеых­кра­ кіх ема­ тв с­ тр ­ла­р і­ су­п мі,­п д­мас х­ д а­лёг ік­ра ­ны­С д­нае ­ ы­г лха­ аясу­пол­ка­мі,­ шко­ла­мі­ з­ Іта­ліі­ўцы лаў ­ (А ь арж ­ выву­носту жную Гос а ду ктар — п ў­бе сабр Вік ста равін рад рачы нзав 25 Р. а­д а­і зд­кнуатм­Бет­ады скЗі гоып­мрыяа­ефпін ­тэьр. М,­ымм як ад­ вху­албым всекп н дзіць­ бе­ла­рус­кае­ даб­рамо а э ­род­нмы яц кыал­міі­с ма­ пді­лж ча я­ бе а­сі­л ­з­і ­Па шля е­пр ы­ м с­тыч а­ро якім ­ззе з­ёй­мы­рас­лі,­ву­чы­лі­ся,­па­ ва­л­еі­свет.­ сіць­і­яе­клуб.­Рэ­ а­ туар­Люд­ ц ­рампаг­ ­ П зна­­м з ар д”ак­ сіц а лн о­ н зылоа­ лі тар — цы зе ста ы б чэр­ і м,­да­ на ­ ➔ пае г падцеў. хоўн Белатлум ларус аць ­л л ыя м а­Гра­ ­ндо­кі. ­чаў­у ­па р­тыс і­чаал.очы­ шча рад(Н—ад­ ўж­аў ыа­с, ііяка­возгдадоісЯ ­каая. ае­ зяа­чцыцыія дл а­пр а­зам ­зах­у ­ны­ ­коў жва­в р­ты т.­ Н ь”,­ ­выд­ аш яад­ ­ н ­ яд ц Ст ра об — ага ар ач аў зям іцм ­ў сяб­роў.­ ­Р брольш­цес­ ім “Ра­зам­ для­ леп­шай­ І аб’­ І­ сён­ня­ ў­ га­зе­ты­ вель­ і­ушмат­ нван­нь е­ віч­ад­ ме ў мя Коп бела і Шэ Сіан быў юст ­в н Ек н с зна­­тчае­най­ 1 ­р а і: лтаы­сн.ую­су­ паы ў­Кап­лра­ “К­зну­ ь кчын­ ар ма ну А ы у й­з ­не­р ­прэ а­ляд д­мас і­ ў­ ы,­ а р­тыс ­мен ­ Да ы­ку­ ­ аця патл ай п алас я М ра­п іс,­г ль­на а­ны­а ын­ о Зор­н аайй­ ф лсіввыя ­рул­сеыт ­сні­апл і,­8д­гаа арл­к улі­ьян­ссубу­ к,­Бзыах­ 11ака­ вы жны сцов ач. руск ньсі. ь кіт ад­ . 5 дск ю ле адр скаг ў мн ва ўс лю ,­ўавсдкіаумій­с­мкі­ яаў­ стрду­ ­в у­сы ўыстан­ д ­я у­ж ­Жзам­з­ я р ы,­якія­ра­ ч ы­ н і”.­Яго­кі­ р н і­ к і­Свят­ л а­ н а­і­Сярга­ з е­ т ы­ з­ ра­ с м і­ ды­ ­ Х ла­ а к ­ ­ я р е т ­ а р т у ц ­ 0 ц ­ ч к о р ­ ту с ы мя х­ім ­рад­к ­Па а­пі­л я­сё­л як­ а Пра к­тар ь­Ш с­кай .­ Да­р э­чы,­і­ма­лыя­бе­ а р н у ы П ы к р х о а с ­ л ­ н і м ін с а д а а а а ­Ц е­ц ­сл мя с­ ­ру ­ра ме е­лнаі т­к19 аэйнн ­ цвы ­мга лад м ым ом ск А й­ е ­ ­ра­д у рыахо ра эчы нін ач сьб ане сім сц іц ж джэ ку е п іх с­л ­нза­ а 0­ м а сп жой,­ ў а ка­ ыў, пеоль­нйа­з­рэ­ дзі гей­Стан­ пеаэпан­ ь, н ыя па нн ль ры ны Пе аў­у ад­х ы,­ в ам­ е­ “ ы­рэ і­хас а­ру о­віч баць­ка­мі­ жы­ цы­яй­гаі,­ мі.­ Ял 9­гмі­ыехка­ скваі­чы­су­ б д эн­ на да­лсеяюны­ а­ігуць­ лэс­ ­за тмо­ е­ ле­гўБа­м а­хчтра­ е­л ы­гмі­ ? В а Бдаак­ а кі­мя­ Рвууць­ Ця А 1 аюц оў, д унів нік ульп тар ў ­эр белке­ а е ­а п д р ­ р ­ ­л ­рк ц ­т е­ п э­ч і­ с н­н і­ д з і­ д ў ­ т б с ­ т т т к н ­ ж я а к ­ а а е о ь ­д с й ь г­ л ы д т гэ ­ у ш ы ія к о н ­ м Д ­— . ч ы ват ву, ры А р­ я ­ко зе­ты­дзя­ п н­рсіаядў­д лМіж­ де ­М ­б а ан ­ му­ы па­спры­ ы ­н а ­р ­ зе­ зна­вальрод­ ес ­сі­цін­сі­тва.­р Та­ то ак іта та­кны­­іхдзі­­лця­чы­ ­ ал лу­чац­ца­да­пра­ 1 ад­ у ты­не­ ме ньц 8 ж ь і б зе с ерсі паст тар р ой­,ч8ы­арганізоўвалі­па­ ёне­ ё раав цЁьнн­іа­ к­ д ­я­не­А е­бок­нт,­аў­га­ асо з мл ляк р­к ра я­ Дн ­у­Зо ў­нік эй­ш ь­ м ар­т е­ мя ,­ да к­ — ’­яд­н н­цік ­ту­ры нях др­Д е­дэ­р ­“Бе­ ,­ па .­рТа ыя:­ у на м итер ние к “М 9 — усаў , у я му ладн ль га к ес ­нцяпебск-2019”,­ ра ты,­ вы жны зіне, ніў елар ярод тэце аві­ ­А ­ зла­пень­ а му­ ­бе “з­вШа­ю“Ві­ м ­Кліс­ ­р зыч­ ілны­ кон­ нца­юда­ егэзд­кі­ які­ бн яко івае ­ ат на-эк­ускур­нсій­ныя,­ азда­рзеаў­лен­ іў чыя­апа­ п я ­басы­рлааць­ дз ў­яго с­цю ­ аб ­ Пе уль ь­на­Д ­сан а­Ф о­міі с­сМож­ ор нма­ ра урс­ іцьапаь ­ва­лі­с к­ція­ р ыч й кі­р та ­Ва­с ­сіі”­ а аа­вланнікыаўт­н­ы Ц а Ял ове а урн ульту ниц ачал — гэ кім п й п : ма тым м ка вучэ х м ва ня 2 уску інш за­ на ні­тш я й­ у,­ с збі­ а­кц нд ы­ж кзеу­ л жы.­ р тдо­ан­ 3 ыдля­школь­ а шых­кра­ вя­ ні,­вер­ ы.­Іх­дру­ юць­на­той­мола­ру­сі,­за­яе­ме­ ей­з­ін­ ін.­Маа ала вы­ р и ні­каў­па­Бе­ іі рае­шмат­дзя­ а ы Вё ­ Ша ­скае ан­на о­ма­к ­піц ляк а­ве­т ­та­н а­ле ­ш ро й мо ння оў (д Унів 018 ю. ых мі­ як­са ­дыр­ ­гі­ д д­кр ­сел­л гас­це ­лек­с ­Ра­с ы­Р Бе­ ­ п а­ля­д а­раш­ж”.ар. ца ікава це ў ыгін й м ы Я паль 20 в та ад рахо­ а Івсябру ь 30 верш век ік­ ва а­тар ь­ Г ­га­Д ы­сту ­сіі­А ­ні­с ай­аў а­га­П­за­лі, ве,­якой­лепш­ва­ к кан­ ­“ зя­ л ­сі, ло­дуае­аў­ у т сан­таў­ аУ­2018-м­юныя­ка­ е рэс­пдан­дэн­ты­“Зорьки”­ , ш нпа­ у ла­рус­ заў­ мта­рам­ л н пкай­ў лым­ ст кСур­ ў­н ­ ­ атар:­бе­ Ко днам вы) Бел зе ё ерсі год я” у­с ана ем. гадо ы, . ў м й аддмож­ то ошук ла, к зей ” тинс ое к ков”, зел ам у­юц ц­ка іў­в й­Ра р­шы ур­н ­на­ш с­ка ал­ко ­ской ­ А а­ру а­ др дзе ­лы­б а­ка­лі­ ­ ком ­ру­сі­ е­ла­р НКА о­ты м­ а л мі­ м ўн Лю ў м і ниц аб лыя­бе­ з леў ласу у па устан арус сць тэце а ў а ков­ зецев”.­ ­➔ і­ў­міжан­ды­безорь­ л іНм­ба­ П ца­ да­ “ко­ . лка­ру­саы­паў­ я дзель­тні­дчка­ ады­ма­ ,­чан­неем­све­ту­мо­ а гауць­ да­лу­чац­ ар эс­цке ай.­Сва­ кі­р ­ра­до ­пра­с е­ро ­ста уль­т ­з е­ра ыі­ п ­мці­рус­ ­ ні. лар і 199 ла, В Людм х Ба нік Пад ий и зённ кі ок ы­“Б у­стр ­на­г ­Бе­л А­“Б ы­ня­Р на.­ а­по ом­ скі) (ск эту аві і і і Ц за­ рад рыва а за дміл ы“Кри па я­ у о о р і­ ар­дос­ д 1 а­ ца­й­да­ с ў г дрзя­лріц­ л ыя.­Ка­ р а­ ц ей,­“Зорьна­ р од­ н ай­пра­ г ра­ м е­па­аб­ м е­ н е­школь­ н і­ к аЗа­ з вы­ ч ай­ся­ “Зорьковцы” святкуюць юбілей р од­іх­і­тыя,­хто­не­су­ п раць­ с а ­ уль Б лі бел энт е ­ а а р ­ у го ­ Га ц,­за ­ры­Г ес­нік ­на­к ­дам­—ы­мн ар­д ­дай па­ м д е с то к ­ ы у ­г р ­ і і . с ­ ­Д е К і­ з ­Б а в ш ­ т трэ цы ё м ­ дк ска а. ал ,­лаай ано у н м н ри га ль­ту Там уль­т ь­ст ФН тар ыл ет­к зе­ў ­та,­ пт ела пом ар р з т прэс-цэнт­ б­р н­н на одрыа ­ Ів в не ль­ту а­м ­наль а­ро яб­р ­гв ры­га што­ў а­зіі­( о­да чы йнлія”.­ ероў­ства:­Бе­ ­ ла­нраусь­—­Іта­ п ым­ в ра­ца­ваць­ а ар ру нік ус­ с у­ дзі­ця­чМ вор ам п й ку рТы:­ адэын­кьі)Бмі­“Мост­сяб­ до ­ле ­кі­ ку к”.­ ­ і­ к а­сол ы­ні­ ­і­с ­ Ту­ж па­ ааяр”тоі­ ано іцкіх блук звы і­ к а­хо­д а­чы к­ ­дзя а­рус ц­ Ся сі і н , бы ыяк зшхы а т льту ку ­—­н ­цы­я іі”,­ ­ка.­С іч­— аў­б е.­І­ гім­н 015­г ­Да­ чтаыў­ дзе мім­ інісра­ ва вбіць­р для­ га­зе­ты­гэапе­ ­члу і­ ў­дгос­ ло­ шмат­ па рэз,­ ці­ да­ “Зорьки”.­ “Мы­ зла­дзі­лі­ рге Як на­ й нэыя­ ят­рр исўокЯБы­ до ­во­га а­П ар­ш ­бо­віч Ала ­кла­лзра­ мусе­мааг­чы­мрых­ а “ пам вубы­ чу лсуі­ еха­ Ён й­на ­Ра­с ­рад ­сі­ле­в ­да­в ло­ц у­зеі­ ­ня­2 нд­ра Ку ­га­ а Бе­л ас­та ы­ ы ­влац)­е рха­ ў п й, за ясц ць та тра дэле­ла: ­П ы­ў а­лі­ ў й Г убу а прахыч­ гіКл ае з ­ а­з­імі­пра­ ла ­рад­ц ,­ ст н­ды ы”­ н­ус Прве­ с­ аваноай­спад­ ект­“Сме­ о еём­ствы­з­куль­ р ха­тэ­ра­пія”­пра­ма­ў­Дом га ін тур­на-гіс­ эа­ ро­Уол­рі­маку­ві­л,е­бпарзна­ куд ум на ­ру­сы д­Га ­Ва а­ман кім­ф ­ў­м і­пе як­са ры кбі,­ а­іга спа вта,а­ш ы ві­ Іва на .­ трад­кам­лен­ні,­ фо­та­чзпдым­ а ік а к­в зё нта ка ­ры­т а­ра­в я­пер ­ й­ ад­т ­ся­ў­ цы ­ Гзеі і­хыа­сз ­кпар).ах­ азнаё дчы . лі­хьту і­ дн,­праз­якія­ту­ н Ів ь­г ры ы М хр,д­гаы­ внеай­як­Іта­ ыт вітаў ўі­У­М ла а­вы андр ей­к ый­с ы,­ а і­23­л ­Ал х ме­прэ­ яайў­ л­рачы­ ў­ ў­на.­ ­ д Чэр­н ей­К Мас кі­ Д ­ры­ну у­сдля­ ­п с­ла­ о­дзі мліўіі,­так­і­кра­ ­ каль­кіх­дзі­ця­чых­ і с ы,­а­так­ м а­ў­не­ сай­ т а­ www.zorі­ ста­ р он­ к і­ ар гто ­ а а їт (ц а ­ ы л б д н р а ч ю ё і­ і ­ ы к ­ о р ­ а й а а а а д э а г ­ т ­ ы і­ ку ў ога ан ­в Сдтзі е­а­нБ зн­ агоч Фзір л ­бауны ­ лі ся Пр арВіт сць Мксім з­Д як­с ,­ра­н ал ­дзі­ч ры­л 8­г ­ку. тра у­ш ­час ­ ­ Мін­скай­ воб­ласяш ­ту л ­ка ы­ льр яр ­сы­ ь­н а­га ей­с Іnstagram­ zorka_gazeta.­ ­ста кргае­рыах­ ,­ к чаых­ шччы,­Чэ­ аў длауць­да­ гі:­Поль­ юс Тая ро­Д аль ы.­су трыі.­ Ма п хіі,­Аў­ ­“цевйіс­ нт Бьа­ту­р азда­ Лтмы­ Во й ве ан­сеАк­ клал­мтасы­ ое,­лара­наа­ лвя­ ір ндзіыў ен­ ­з а,­ ула­ ні ш у каў­ э я 1 ­ ­ ­ ­ Ал ­па­су ­на­Б ­ро ад­к ­197 ­дош су­с а,­ д к­па оў­ся ­ С а­ру дзел ыю­Г ­гас­ц э е т ­ н в к ! ­і р ­ е д ­ ,­ 0 е ь а с а с р ы з ы и л г Г рш­ту ж—ан­ см ь (н шк­са ькоі ­в нів й лі­вляі­ся­ўра­ ­ц аймі­ла­Гра­мо­віч.­—­Італьу і­ д ­ці,­—­згад­ ч скіх­ а­ліс­тны­дзя­ ця­чай­рэд­ка­ле­гіі­сустракаюць­ра­ н­ш ту ня­ і­лІв усыі цЮныя­жур­ ­ле ак вае­Люд­ а уосгт­нр ”0н за ­хо­ты ь­яго о­ла)­ ­ні­ка ­ную ­ і­ цёп­л ад­на ай­ш п­цы ­ л се­ў р таў ,­­м “Мсл ве д са ій­ асц , пер дкоумлаь аее:­нс ­тРаэд ­ к т­сакі­тіяэтан­к оваіч а.­ Т на­ец а­бо­д р. 6 кті­яакаў­у­го­ е­влыа е­рпа. ­жЯ — ­ тан эі­“Зорьки”:­пі­ у ка­Ю а­ў венр амт­сеа­стчна­­вм ­ не и,­ррша­лдбозе­на­ ч іт ­ а ж .) н ­ з ­ ­ з­чы­ с а­ л і­па­ д а­ р ож­ н ыя­ ян­ с кія­ ва­ л ан­ ц ё­ р ы­ па­ к аз­ в а­ л і­ на­ ш ым­ дзеі­ка­ з ах­ с тан­ с кіх­школь­ пя ­вуц ­шк ­пуск ­яль е­рой ўі:­ ­чу,­ ­ зн Хло але а р а б ­ў а а : а і. а у н ­ т ­ в а а н і­ ор ы е­с У та жымя таы­т веді­ве ла доб­пр ”. (Я зё ­ (на мй­ т доа­ саў за­врускі­ н эк­ве­т тоа­поікамВсе н с­ма ­ і, .­ ,­ ­ко ч ­ры у ў пК Счаныя­па­ста­ноў­кі,­фо­ку­сы:­ а­д ­сктаеу­доў­ жы й­1­я р­вы м крі­ы ажы,­ін­ а ры,­ прмка­ мокі,­рэ­ есптрат­ ў ­ст мтёэр­ “ ма­­нлі­ёў­ ўга я­ Мчаая­ ян­ец(на­твор­ ря ыс­ тыч­ Дзві­не,­і­пас­ла­ля­фэс­ ­уннвв’ю.­ ­ ж с­н ай­“Рна­ анй­ш ­сцям­гу­ ­ а к­г ас ­но а­м ­ку ­гай ры “оЗкйі,­за­ ­нчі­арт­ і­зд “Оыц­ ч ка ст ­ е ,­ м о н я р ж е п ы ы ь к Ін л ­ а ➔ і ­ ы е ” о н п ю б м ” ы с М р не о­на а­ме ям­ля ад­м ­няй ­сма­к а­чын а­ро ю­“П і­Ні­ е с і. р с ,­ ам­2019-га­італь­ ра с­л я­ кае дзряршы­прыпза ые а,­ а­жсыябрм­коз­ у­ме­ла­й­без­слоў”.­ тамо­ м пакі ы­хілй цбяыан­ су­пра­ца.ры­ Укра ”.­ М­нёй­ ня олйь­нзапу­ рйа­ стэні­кмі:а, иА­ле­ йо”ве а­лтмія ➔ Стар. 6 ды уы ў­г о­ві­ч ­ з ­ ў­ П і­ поз пры ад­п я­ д ес­н а­ва­л ас­ пр со аўа)­е ахра­тп опўа­гэтам­усё­зра­ ад прну ў­ ік сес­лкія­сяб­ ­р п і­ “ ця ы ­ Зд б­лі­к омаўн­ч анрноек у тГыа­м, пНраащ цы пач а­діўсязат­ваам ­цю­д , р­ рк Сам ж­ня ха­л ­ем,­ для­ ­ле­ны а­лі­п ль­с ін­Ш ты ­лчі­ув­ваа­клоа д­ паваі­ясяа­гул тнвцаць­п йн ілиа анз ­В ,­м “л ­ хо ан­н ни ар­ш а­цы я­ сЯ хв Але пу ­са­Ш ш ­ нуцс­ні­ дзя ­е а е ­в ва н­ц м ­ ай л­ а лт і­ а­р м­ спуе ўяскяія оаб­враы­л яс­луі­р ак му , ­рвы ае­ яд­н Кри ­і­ст ­ у­ Н а­ла­с ­ па іліны няд ­ сн ры ­ ч ой ­то пя ”,­ ­ля о од­п ра іпр­ ота, ­ммемноє”амі” ­ствнаопдіш бе а е цё ме ў ы ­ні­ч аб’­ ­ ўв,­е б­сет л ры­всл аса­ зм хго ­ч на 20 ць­п нас ­ па­к пры ай,­с ­русь ,­Ва ­ру к ла ія р йс­іа­с зак чы­ піс эт п . Мы оўга Дн аш­ іє­ иа”в.іта .а­ды Спаяч­ру ­ін­ца:а “ Ур­зшаый­п еп д­ред ­ оўн сркы зей ім­ т­ва ­хо у­чу ­зна а­ е­ ру Хо ­ва­лі­ ь­ны ­мі,­ трэ­ч е­ла ­ская а , ыму д ­ іц ы,­нкёу снов аха­ ск (“Ц ьмы ерап не в пр ,­ д д­ск ­рыс і­цай й­ К і­ ад энт­р ра­ф р,­ “Н ован бров 0­я­г с­ні.г­руўдкрацця­ВН...Іазя­не ­віяер­пш па а ьу ар ай та тул ­ча­та я­су­с с­у­Б а­зоў ц ,­п та ­трі э­чы ­ма ­ва ў­н ­та а­л ціц еме з Яр ісваў едае ацягв уп р­ні­ р­у­9 ­ пе ч­лыа­з зіс­квіхы во­п су лі ,­ ябкыў­плаібд р ўб­ныяўц йш­ ы — у нне га а­р ­ гра е­ та ­кі­ра ­га­ры ,­ к а­га­ ы­та ай­с н м і­ ў дзяў а­ны а­на ея­Б с ­ж а ы ст а й х с ю ш й ы с у р о с Д па на ь” сла я п ім аліс а ы ­ск а­р р­м ч Хо ­ска я­м ­ла­р эрцны окяа­це ваал­ла вяас­па с“­нНі­ ча на ё т ў р м у рэ а­ з­ ру­ш ­це­д а­дз ны ­зыч­н ­лі­ся­з ­ Ма і­я­тэ­ц і­кан ар­г р­хо . е ад слі ка. ое чы кр ы­ вы эт”) й” д з над ўля. оты я дзяў я ш ­ін ­ку­ н ­бе ­сі.­Я а­дўсз ­ж ў аг­д яі,, ­нн ­ёлпы ьт а ­ а ­у в р у э л ­ л л ­ р М м Ё ўз джай ік,­Н с о х ц ­ ы а я т а й піс То чы час м ­стр ст­в біб ­пуб р.­ ы­ж ­хо ма оў а­ , у дзя окія даю ўк а­чат эн­н ­ла­ру ва­і ­са­мюа ціы­црыу ­спкайлюн і го мора ы. П н ка яз­ ­Ко­м ўчы п ць “Я, ам “ лькі каму ны, з лівы су ­ва­ры ай­ Рэс ль­ту ды­р і­пра е­ш пра­ц ­ к а­ п ан­ч ­Бе ор­с ак ра­д нуа… г­К н ады уўш рды м” о­ н­с ­ і ­ і ­ с ь а д б я а А а п а у о н та аль­н ­дзе­ х­к нт,­ ль­к пя­в у­ а іх­ —к­са­м у­ а­к ь­у ­х зь­т ­ т кр ”. мал ы, . І м ён я в “Ве ны т чуцц адст альн хвяр ва яго дасы якой кр ­ ­чац ял ­н од ь­ны ­ка е­то ”­с ь­ од­ ­та ць­ ­ з жыц аць­у о­лад ­ныя ак­ у а, зм ўпа не ую ас, рш акс і п авы ы, у­ў і­руе ,­гу л я ы м в а р ­ н я н ы ў е ­г ­р ­в с а ы а а б о ­к ук іх­ д ыв лыя 20 ­я­нал му­з ам­н ниц пе­се .­ Ся м­кі,­а ­ Ё ­пес і­ пя я­м е­се ­ро­д гра ла грмале , ве ма бы эта. сцв есск М. А ршы а­х ім ­ч аю ы ы­ ­ла­н Кри х­ ў ду я… ­ныя ве­л ­ с і.­Та ь­ п ­ ася я р . р Ж н а­г ,­як ­та­Ку ­год­н х­ ф р а ц ы ­ л К ш у ь л ­ н ­ д е ­р і­ л ац м ­н ы ы ь і­ іт ам дзі к ж д ы о а од я” ы ­ва сій с­ка­за ­ня­“ од­ны а­зі­та ес­н ніў­н і­таль о”),­ е­сен а­ о­б аў­ мы арат ста хв іх, у да нядо ццё аць латы лі­в ц­цё а­р ниц ­га­р На оў­к ,­ т ра Сён на­р ам­п ыя,­п ,­ ж ры­в жит ат­п ы­ з в­ ць ы­ех кі,­ ➔ пры урна лі гэ аля час, рагія ўгім. згада пра жы ы­н ри ар х,­ я­ц ­ ія п к ­д м ­ най Ст св ­му ты пач ка ! С е­в “К ­М ­ны ­пл ­ва­ю ­пр ін­с е­ кіх х­ од­н ь­ск ы,­ еє ­Ш ­сё Ди ”­ ар яці зы я с уц лі Сп с­ні­ ус­ка ­ляд ­ных цы ­спя :­хор н­м пя­ва ­ ін­с ­до­мы ,­па­х у­пал ім­н елен с”). .­ Заў ­ры­“ ­ду­ру . 8 лі чн ло ця мн пара пе ­ла­р е­Ка ­роз та­лі­ с­ты ­ец­ца а­ве­ё ор­ с Па­пу ў.­ інт ай вы …” е п дзі вя ц­кія і,­ к ­й­г ,­ “З в­на н­ня ­тво бан ым ве М а ў бе ­ча­с ў­на ай­с р­ты а­да ­спр а.­ Х ­ры.­ ­ін­ца за ­ляд­к у­а­ры к­лад ас,­і­ ­джа а­чоў и­ я­ на чар акс — ды­ а ер­т ры в­в а­хо у­х в­ б і­ў я­та ус­к ­тыя­а­чам­п й­жа ­рус­к а­не кра й эпі­ і ы к м л н л І­ п о а м э в ­п ­п іры ы, с ­ла­р і­ г е­да а­м е­ла ай­ од­у рэ (на я­(“ а­га­ ­цы­с “Взя цы як для бе Ка­л ім­гл На­с ім­ б іч­н і­ ся­р ні­ ль­ны ­тур­н ­сэр о”,­ ­ ­м па ую .­ эта ус­к ­ны руе а­дэ ль­к ча а­ра ­юць ­ не­б . ла­р кра­і м­ кі­ й­ ак е­то лі­т ­ёў­ва я­ на з­У ы­чы ­го­жа жо­н ва сь­ пр пры ­ён­у лю ў­ р­ны я л



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Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine № 2 (1037), February, 2020

Remarkable overseas visit

Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich

6 3

quarter of a century has traditionally been held in the Belarusian capital in the early days of February

Looking for an optimal formula The issues of diversification of oil supplies to our country and increasing the efficiency of oil products export sales do not lose their relevance both in view of the situation in the world market and in terms of continuing negotiations with Russia on new contracts for the import of hydrocarbons

With a march through life


For celebration of spirituality and faith Zhirovichi Holy Dormition Monastery is preparing to celebrate its 500th anniversary and 550th anniversary of the miraculous Zhirovichi icon of the Mother of God


Return of symbol The Museum of Brest History is exhibiting the original Brest Bible

18 8

Market is waiting for new offers The steady positive dynamics of Belarusian goods exports to the United States of America has been observed in recent years



Raccoon, deer and super potato Every sports fan can vote for their favorite version of the mascot of the World Championship, which will be held in Minsk and Riga from May 7 to 23, 2021 E-mail: Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubov Malysheva Proof-reader Alisa Gungor Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 20.01.2020 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 0,00 Total circulation — 1637

copies (791— in English)

Life on high standard

This amazing book world The book is still in favor. It is safe from extinction which is predicted to paper newspapers. It is in demand by a variety of people: from respectable age to a generation of very young readers. This optimistic idea was fully confirmed by the 27th Minsk International Book Fair, which for more than a

Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.


Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2020

Cover designed by Tatiana Storozhenko

беларусь. belarus 2020


28 34

Theme of life: Vladimir Likhodedov restores pages of Belarusian history The author’s historical and educational project “In Search of the Lost” is a brand that has gained international fame. And everything began with the enthusiasm of a famous historian, collector, writer Vladimir Likho­ dedov, who decided to share his unique knowledge about the historical and cultural heritage of the country, which he acquired by collecting old postcards and photographs. His debut took place in 2004 on the pages of the newspaper “SB. Belarus segodnya”


беларусь. belarus 2020

Study of Chinese Civilization: Parks and gardens The Minsk publishing house “Mastatskaya Literatura” continues the implementation of the book project “Study of Chinese Civili­ zation.” A new volume tells about Chinese parks and gardens


Elena’s debuts When Elena Khristich first appeared in the courtyard of the Theatre for Young Audience, the actors who were relaxing in the sun between the rehearsals whistled for admi­ ration: God, what pastel colors and shades…


A Night’s Tail Story

48 Factory of good mood


The Hindi translator was born in Lioznenshchina The Belarusian-Russian borderzone, we speak about the Liozna district of Vitebsk region, has its interesting history in terms of artistic, literary and regional history



Zoya Litvinova: “This is my language with my philosophical significance of symbols”

more in the issue 1

We get to know each other better


Looking for an optimal formula

The issues of diversification of oil supplies to our country and increasing the efficiency of oil products export sales do not lose their relevance both in view of the situation in the world market and in terms of continuing negotiations with Russia on new contracts for the import of hydrocarbons

es, of course, not excluding our main supplier — the Russian Federation. Nobody argues: it is impossible to replace Russian oil in full today. But this does not mean that we should continue to focus on only one supplier. An equally important issue is the export of finished oil products. This is a sensitive item in the budget revenues. It is clear that the rise in price of crude oil imports may lead to a reduction in revenues from exports. The President is quite frank: the economic conditions in which we have to work are becoming more difficult. Due to Russia’s introduction of the tax maneuver, the revenues of the republican budget will inevitably decrease. Oil-processing plants are losing the profit that is necessary for the development of production and implementation of investment projects. Forecasts of the world oil and oil products market development, measures to prevent possible negative trends and the potential to increase efficiency of oil products export were discussed at the meetings more than once. At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko warned the government members about personal responsibility for all proposals. — No personal preferences or interests — only those of the state. We do not invent space, we do not invent new spacecraft The whole world works, there are many examples. Take any of them and let’s act in this direction. Chairman of the concern “Belneftekhim” Andrey Rybakov told about some the results of the work done. In

particular, he stressed that the negotiations are going on almost permanently: — Consultations are being held between the companies — subjects, at the level of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, concern “Belnefte­ khim”. Of course, we expect that these negotiation processes will continue at a higher level. Andrey Rybakov also informed that our country resumed the export of oil products, which had been tempora­ rily suspended. At the same time, the refineries have not yet reached the export volumes, which were included in the business plans for January — February. Speaking about the work to diversify oil supplies to Belarus, the head of the concern “Belneftekhim” said: — Alternative supplies are being worked out. There are already almost ready-made contracts. This applies not only to oil itself, but also the logistics channels for its supply. Andrey Rybakov answered the question of how much oil from alternative sources would be profitable in comparison with supplies from the Russian market: — It is a good principle that all eggs are not put in one basket. Therefore, the benefit has an integrated approach. You can lose somewhere and find somewhere else, but the total effect is positive. From the point of view of the price, of course, the customs duty on Russian oil is significant and occupies a large volume in the Urals oil price. At the same time, we understand that the tax maneuver will


he latest meetings at t he Ind e p e nd e nc e Palace have become a kind of “synchronization of watches” on the implementation of the instructions given by the President earlier to the Government and the leadership of the petrochemical industry. One of the tasks is to find and work out alternative sources of oil for Belarus, not excluding supplies from Russia. — We need to get to the point where we will buy 30–40 percent of oil from the Russian Federation. We have to bring 30 percent from the Baltic States and 30 percent through Ukraine, a proven way. — Alexander Lukashenko specified. On the eve of one of such meetings, it became known that the Belarusian Oil Company had purchased a batch of 80 thousand tons of Norwegian oil for processing at “Naftan”. Minsk’s desire to find alternatives to the supply of Russian oil was perceived with skepticism in Moscow. They say it is expensive and inefficient. But you cannot learn to swim without getting your feet wet. — We have to see in practice what it will result in. So the brothers from the east frighten us that it will be very expensive. We also, without calculating, without trying, think we won’t manage it. That is why it was decided to buy Azerbaijani, Saudi, Norwegian, American, any kind of oil, at world prices. We will supply it to our refineries and get oil products. That is from alternative sourc-

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Actual on a positive wave. And, to all appearances, it was productive. Among the results: the Russian government will contribute to reaching commercial agreements to supply oil to Belarus, gas will be supplied to our country on 2019 terms. Some more information on it is hereinafter. That is what Alexander Lukashenko said at the beginning of the meeting: — We have really talked about a lot of things, reached the depth of Father time in our joint life within one country, discussed many historical dates and moments. They are known. And not only have we discussed issues, as Vladimir Vladimirovich said, that are of mutual interest, but which also concern many of our neighbors, former Soviet Union countries, the policy that we and they now pursue. We talked about a lot of things, reached the present day and decided to continue our conversation not face to face, but with those who are involved in this process.

The talks were held in several rounds. First, the heads of state talked in private during a working breakfast. Then they held consultations in an expanded but reduced format: the celestial bureaucracy made its adjustments. Part of the Russian delegation was delayed in Moscow because of the nonflying weather, and later it could not land in Sochi for the same reason. The plane was directed to Mineralnye Vody. As a result, the next three halves of the meeting were held at the “Galactica” ice arena. Alexander Lukashenko (number 01) and Vladimir Putin (number 11) got on the ice in the same team of “Belye” and won an overwhelming victory over “Siniye” with a 13:4 score. Meanwhile, members of the Russian delegation, who were late for force majeure reasons, came up to the “Polyana” (the so-called five-star gasprom “Grand Hotel” in Krasnaya Polyana, where the meeting was held). Business negotiations were resumed in the extended for-

During the meeting in Sochi


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level it from year to year and there will be no subsidies in terms of customs duty by January 1, 2024. In other words, we will reach the world level pricing. Speaking about the export of Belarusian oil products, Andrei Rybakov reminded: the most profitable are always the domestic and neighboring markets. The concern will focus on these markets. It should be noted that the country exports about 70 percent of all manufactured oil products today. And then there was a meeting between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in Sochi. According to the media, the heads of state discussed a wide range of issues on the agenda of Belarusian-Russian cooperation. Obviously, interaction in the energy sector was in the spotlight as well. Observers noted that the hours-long negotiating marathon of the Presidents of Belarus and Russia was held in Sochi

mat in order, as Vladimir Putin noted, to clarify the issues that had been discussed in detail during the previous rounds of the meeting. In short, if in the first part of the meeting the participans reached “the depth of Father time”, the second part was devoted to the pressing issues of today and, logically, tomorrow. The results at the end of the meeting were voiced by Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Dmitry Kozak. With regard to the prospects of oil supplies to Belarus, he said the following: — We will assist in reaching agreements between Belarusian consumers and oil producers in our country. He added: “Today we cannot drastically change the terms of regulation of our oil industry. Crude oil prices are formed by the market and are not regulated administratively. All this will remain. But we will provide all possible assistance to achieve these agreements in order to provide Belarus with the necessary volumes of oil. According to Dmitry Kozak, the Russian and Belarusian oil markets are united, and oil is sold on the same terms, but to provide discounts state regulation of this market would have to be introduced: — What we can’t do it. We can’t constantly change the rules of the game — we will put our oil companies in an unclear position. Therefore, we will promote commercial agreements. Dmitry Kozak commented on the agreements on natural gas supplies in the following way: — The negotiations were very positive. It was agreed to continue consultations at the level of the Government, ministries and agencies on improving integration mechanisms. As for cooperation in the oil and gas sector, we agreed to maintain the terms of gas supply on the terms of 2019. We will act in this vein. He specified that the terms of gas supplies are agreed only for 2020. It will be appropriate to recall that in 2019 the gas price for Belarus was fixed at $127 per thousand cubic meters on the border. Gas is supplied under similar conditions in January-February this year.



The negotiations are going on

Thus, we can sum up what agreements the Presidents of Belarus and Russia reached in Sochi. The parties have agreed to supply oil to Belarus at world prices. Commenting on the matter, First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Dmitry Krutoy noted that this is what our country had been seeking. “The Russian side has agreed that the Belarusian oil-processing plants will buy oil by agreement with Russian oil companies at prices that are set in the world market. By the way, our President, the Belarusian side, has repeatedly demanded the same during all the negotiations. That Belarus does not need any special exclusive conditions. We want to buy oil at world quotations, and no worse,” said Dmitry Krutoy. The Russian side agreed with this approach. And what’s more, as it was mentioned above, it was promised that the Russian Government would provide us with every assistance in working with Russian production companies so that oil deliveries to our refineries would be on the agreed terms. We have also found points of contact in the gas issue. Core Belarusian ministers together with Gazprom will continue negotiations. However, on the whole, agreements have been reached. “The parties are ready for further con-

structive communication based on the calculations that exist today,” said Dmitry Krutoy. Someone has tried to reduce the results of the talks between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin to the oil and gas sector only. But the presidents also spent a lot of time discussing other issues, in particular, foreign trade between the two countries. According to preliminary data from the National Statistics Committee of Belarus, our country’s exports to Russia grew by 4.5% last year (in money terms it is plus $600 million). Belarusian goods are in demand in Russia. And in principle, cooperation in the trade sphere is developing quite well. “The governments have been instructed to continue and strengthen this trend in every possible way,” said Dmitry Krutoy. One of the most significant joint integration projects is, of course, the construction of the nuclear power plant in Ostrovets. And this issue, of course, was also paid attention to during the negotiations in Sochi. Dmitry Krutoy reminded that, as the President of Belarus had repeatedly stressed, the BelNPS should be the safest station. Therefore, there should be no rush there. Everything should be carefully checked. By Vladimir Khromov

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Remarkable overseas visit


On the first day of February, the issues of Belarusian-American relations were actively discussed in Minsk: President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko met with US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo

If we mention the time factor, it should be noted that neither more nor less than a quarter of a century has passed since the last visit of the United States Secretary of State to Belarus. Not only the agenda has changed dramatically over such a period of time — today it sometimes changes within an hour, the very states have seriously changed. However, the protracted pause does not mean that Minsk and Washington have not been working, for example, in the security field all this time. But it’s nonsense when countries work together on anti-terrorist measures, but personal visits are so rare. Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus: “I am sincerely glad to meet you. At least, for two reasons. Firstly, you are one of the architects of modern US policy. It is commonly believed to be the case. Secondly, it is very good that after various misunderstandings between Belarus and the United States, absolutely groundless misunderstandings of the previous authorities, you took a risk to come to Minsk and see this country: what kind of people live here, what kind of dictatorship, what kind of democracy we have, whether there is much or little of it, and so on. Everything boiled down to the fact that such a meeting was held for the first time, and the Belarusian leadership, including the head of state, was not acquainted with the current U. S. Secretary of State. I should disappoint them and remind you that we have known each other for a long time. Unfortunately, we know each other in absentia. When you were working in your previous position, I do not conceal it at all, we together with the Americans held a number of activities through our special services. These activities were connected with fighting terrorism, human trafficking. We have conducted several very serious operations to counter the proliferation of nuclear elements. And on the Belarusian border, I remember several cases, we together detained the criminals who were transporting nuclear materials across the border towards the West.” This refers to Pompeo’s work in the CIA. Prior to the position of Secretary of State, he headed the intelligence agency, dealing, among other things, with anti-terrorism. Choice — Russia or the United States — is irrelevant. In communication with journalists, Michael Pompeo said about the priorities of Belarus: “We fully support Belarus’ de-


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sire to make its choice and play a constructive role in the region. You should not give in to any force, but you should determine your own priorities and what is the best for you.” Michael Pompeo, U. S. Secretary of State: “The U. S. is not asking to choose between relations with us and with Russia. We want to invest so that Belarus had sovereignty and independence. I know about the long history of Belarusian-Russian relations. But we are not talking about choosing, we are talking about developing diplomacy. In the near future, we will appoint an ambassador. He will be here and you will see that we are working on economic development so that American enterprises would come here, new jobs would be created. We are ready to support you in this direction.”

Economy is not keeping up with the political dialogue… So far, the economy has had little support for the “political unfreezing”. The trade turnover of about 800 million dollars and the investment of 70 million dollars (and this is the first economy in the world) cannot be considered a solid foundation. The Secretary of State himself told the press what prevented growth, i. e. these are legal conflicts. Probably, it is when one hand creates the U. S. Chamber of Commerce in Belarus, while the other hand does not ratify the already signed agreements on investment protection and avoidance of double taxation.

Belarus can discuss any issues with the US At the same time, the President and the state as a whole are open to any questions, even the most pressing ones. Economy, security and diplomacy were discussed for almost 2.5 hours in Minsk. First in the “Norman” Green Hall, which is symbolic. And then in the personal office of the President — one-to-one, very frankly. On the way Alexander Lukashenko conducted a short excursion around the Independence Palace. Rare footage of personal and diplomatic archives, history and modern times of Belarus interested Pompeo so much that he asked to invite his personal photographer. To accurately preserve this visit for history.



President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo

One floor below, the Minister of Foreign Affairs used a pause for a detailed conversation with an influential diplomat — Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasia. Philip Ricker didn’t tell journalists what they were talking about, but noted: “Belarus is a good place to start February here.” We also noted how attentively the guest was studying the photo of Kostiushko’s estate. Our countryman is a national hero of the USA. Both countries have many such historical personalities and connections. It is a pity that we do not use everything in real politics. However… Konstantin Snisarenko, analyst at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies: “A visit of this level indicates an increasing role of the Belarusian state in regional and world politics. Minsk is rightly considered a donor of stability and security in the region.”

USA wants to help Belarus be a sovereign state. Our energy producers are ready to provide you with 100% of the necessary oil. At competitive prices. We are the largest producers of energy resources in the world. And all you need is to turn to us,” he said. American oil is no worse than Saudi or Norwegian oil. And if the price is really acceptable, U. S. companies may well enter the 30% that Belarus intends to import through the Baltic States or Ukraine in the future. In the sphere of our national interests, there are also the issues of accession to the WTO and investments, which were mentioned by Michael Pompeo in Minsk.

The USA is ready to provide 100% Belarusian needs in oil

All initiatives are ready to be supported in Minsk. The Parliament has already proposed the US Congress to set up a joint working group and to make an informative visit to Belarus. A separate line in the negotiations was the topic of the Ukrainian conflict. The State Secretary was reminded that the President of Belarus had repeatedly called on the United States to fully enter the negotiation format and close this black page for Europe.

“I should have made the visit a lot earlier. And we want deeper relations with Belaru”, said the U. S. Secretary of State, summing up the first results of the talks in Minsk. And then entirely in the Belarusian tradition he linked the economy and real independence. Michael Pompeo, US Secretary of State: “We have been discussing economy for a long time. Mr. Lukashenko said that Belarusians have their own country — sovereign and independent, and it will continue to be so. We fully support Belarus’ desire to play a constructive role in the region. The

Agenda for security in the region

The Ukrainian issue Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus: “The Belarusian side supports any formats, includбеларусь. belarus 2020



HTP as an example of effective cooperation Minsk High Technologies Park or a kind of Belarusian Silicon Valley. The U. S. high-tech market has been working here for about a quarter of a century, exactly as long as U. S. politicians of Pompeo level have intended to come to us. The world of high technologies is much faster — 6 dozen companies with American capital, including the world leaders in their niches. Last year’s exports to the United States were about $900 million, so far this has been the strongest link between the two economies. The Secretary of State Pompeo is a practicing lawyer in the past. And it is in this area that the HTP has made an important legal sensation — Belarus was the first country in the world to introduce a “smart (or intelligent digital) contract”. And when paper analogues fall into oblivion, first of all Belarus and HTP will be recalled, including across the ocean. Yes, one of the points of Michael Pompeo’s visit to Minsk was the High Technologies Park. The head of the American State Department even devoted a separate post on Twitter to it: “I am inspired by what I saw in the High Tech Park. This is a great example of how Belarus can use its extraordinary growth potential by applying advanced economic policy and prudent regulation. It is a clear indication of how effective American investment can contribute to prosperity around the world.”

Market is waiting for new offers The steady positive dynamics of Belarusian goods exports to the United States of America has been observed in recent years


his trend manifested itself especially in 2017, when exports grew by two-thirds and reached $225 million. However, experts believe that these figures are still insignificant, if we assess the capacity of the U. S. market. So far, the U. S. share is less than a percentage of total exports of Belarusian goods. After all, the domestic demand in the United States is so high that despite the power of the American economy and attempts of the current White House administration to pursue protectionist policies in keeping with “buy American”, domestic production is unable to fully satisfy the market needs. In a word, there is a large reserve for marketing services of Belarusian enterprises. The main commodity items of Belarusian export to the USA today are potash fertilizers, metal products, X‑ray equipment, devices on liquid crystals, furniture, nitrogen fertilizers, linen fabrics, fiberglass, woodworking products,

ing those with the participation of the United States, if they only help solve the crisis. But for that there should be a sincere interest of all parties involved in this conflict.” Michael Pompeo, U. S. Secretary of State: “This is exactly the kind of issue where the whole of Europe, the whole world should be involved to resolve it. But in the end, Russia and Ukraine must resolve it themselves. Whatever we in the United States can do, we will do.”

Restrained optimism about the future of the relationship So, today in all issues Belarus and the USA are showing optimism though restrained. The relationship is compared with the career of an athlete, who through ups and downs goes to his best form and hopes to consistently produce high results. Belarusian experts stand in full solidarity with the US Secretary of State — this visit could have taken place earlier. Then there would have been more results and optimism. By Vasily Kharitonov


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Guests were welcomed in the High Technologies Park

Prospects fectionery products, canned fish. Among these items there are relatively few consumer goods, which are on display in the stores, but there are some. And in recent years this segment of Belarusian exports has been growing. If we talk about the prospects of supply of goods by Belarusian exporters, we should also take into account the fact that there are restrictions in some groups. In particular, Belarus does not yet have country certification for the supply of meat products to the U. S., and the supply of dairy products from the republic is subject to quotas, so it is necessary to find an American importer with quotas. For other consumer goods produced in Belarus there are no legal restrictions for supplies to the USA. Yes, now only the first steps are being taken to promote our goods in the stores of the largest American retail chains. Meanwhile, many shops in various U. S. states, owned by small retail chains, widely present Belarusian sweets, chocolate, cookies, canned fish, honey. Supplies are relatively small,


ing, certify products, conduct market research and establish contacts with partners. In this regard, it is worth recalling the importance of the first Belarusian-American forum of small and medium-sized businesses. It is noteworthy that two years ago the highest level of domestic services exports to the US in the history of bilateral relations was reached — $570 million. It should be noted here that IT services account for the majority of the total volume of services exported from Belarus to the USA. Just a year ago, the export of computer services to the United States reached an unprecedented level, i.e it exceeded half a billion dollars. Of course, this is mainly the result of the residents of the Belarus High Technologies Park. Yes, outsourcing still holds a large share in exports, but experts note that today the HTP has good prerequisites for the transition of the IT-industry of Belarus from the outsourcing model to the production one. The plans of IT companies for the future are closely connected

Modernity determines HTP's activities

Michael Pompeo during a visit to the High Technologies Park

but they already bring in several million dollars a year, which shows a good dynamics of growth. I would especially like to stress the growth of furniture supplies, which is produced by the company — resident of the free economic zone “Mogilev”. What is important, these products are sold in stores of the furniture retail chain, known not only in the U. S. but also around the world. Experts also pay attention to the fact that the U. S. market is characterized by a significant capacity, solvency and the presence of stable demand for almost any kind of products, including imported. At the same time, there is a high level of competition in all segments. According to experts, Belarusian enterprises need to prepare themselves for the fact that entering the US market may involve significant initial investments, including costs associated with providing feedback to end consumers. Efforts should be made to organize advertis-

with the Decree “On the Development of Digital Economy” signed by the President of Belarus, which includes many proposals of the IT community. As for the export of other services, transport services have doubled in recent years, and the volume of tourist services exports has gone up more than a half. Experts believe that this positive trend will continue, especially given the liberalization of the visa regime in Belarus. As we know, in January 2018, for the first time in the history of Belarusian-American relations, there was a Belarusian pavilion at the International Tourism Exhibition New York Times Travel Show, which aroused great interest among visitors. At the same time du­ ring the exhibition, agreements were reached to arrange a familiarization trip to Belarus for representatives of the U. S. tourist industry. By Vladimir Velikhov

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Museum — will be! The idea of its creation was voiced during the reception of citizens by the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova


visitor reminded that the first session of the Council of the Republic had been held on January 13, 1997. Thus, in two years, the Upper House of the Parliament will turn a quarter of a century, which is a beautiful and important date. On this occasion, Alexander Vertinsky, by the way, a former parliamentarian himself, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet, decided to personally propose to the chairperson of the Council of the Republic a plan to create a museum of Belarusian parliamentarism. He even voiced how one can find extrabudgetary funding sources. The idea of the museum did not only interest Natalya Kochanova, but aroused warm support and gratitude. “We must do it,” she expressed confidence. There is time to think over both organizational issues and the design of an interesting, diverse and in a sense convincing exposition of the museum. After all, years pass, a lot escapes memory, and people, especially young people, should know the truth about the development of parliamentarism in sovereign Belarus.

Mercedes, Luna, Tamerlan, Mars… Over 88,000 babies were born in the country last year. The capital became the leader in this matter — over 19 thousand birth certificates were registered here, while in Brest region there are over 14.1 thousand, in Gomel region — 13.4 thousand and in Minsk region — 12.6 thousand. The “top ten” names of the country include Maxim, Artem, Mikhail, Alexander, Matvey, Sofiya, Anna, Maria, Kseniya, Anastasiya.


By Leonid Tugarin

During the reception of citizens by the Chairman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova the idea of creating a museum of parliamentarism was voiced


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Belarusians give preference to the rare names in the capital (Minsk has the largest number of international marriages) and regional centers, while most parents tend to give a unique name to girls. At least in Minsk, the names of 180 boys and 251 girls have not been used twice during the year, — said Olga Shibko, press secretary of the Ministry of Justice of Belarus. — Thus, Assol, Venera, Jennifer, Lyolya, Rogneda, Faddey, Oscar, Dobromir, Iv, Vitovt appeared in the capital. Other regions do not keep out of the fashion for uniqueness either. The country is now home to girls Mercedes, Germanika, Aysel, Veselina, Zlatoslaviya, Miledi, Dobromila, Elza, Ayan, Yasna, Luna, Leya, Virsaviya, Lazarina, Lyubava, Yasmina, Simona, Sena, Fekla, Elis, Yunona, Yadviga. The boys Gerald, Filat, Solomon, Tamerlan, Frants, Mars, Kamil, Avtandil, Meylis, Tadevush, Foma, Martin, Leonty can boast of unusual names. A child in Belarus can be given no more than two names that do not contradict the norms of morality. The main name is the one written down in the birth certificate as the first. By Irina Sidorok


While there are witnesses to speak Archpriest Fyodor Povny: victory in the Great Patriotic War is a victory over Nazism, not a world division of territories and spheres of influence

he international action “For the glory of the common Victory” continues to carr y out its noble mission, i. e. to preserve the true history of national heroism, memory of the real winners and victims of the war. This sacred duty and responsibility to future generations was discussed at the meeting in Brest. The House of Culture of the Railway Employees of the Brest Branch of the Belarusian Railway hosted the screening of “Unforgettable. The Immortal Air Regiment”, a documentary about women- pilots. The picture was

tion, death. It is a test of strength and humanness. The Great Patriotic War proved that there are lone warriors. It showed the real power of mutual support. Young people need to know three things: Nazism is a crime against humanity, victory in the Great Patriotic War is a victory over Nazism, not the world division of territories and spheres of influence, and finally, the victory was possible thanks to the feat of all peoples of the 15 former Soviet republics. We must leave to the next generations historically correct memory of the war in which our ancestors won. This is the goal of the action “For the glory of the common Victory”. By Valentina Kozlovich



Archpriest Fyodor Povny

presented by Archpriest Fyodor Povny, rector of Minsk All Saints Church, in the crypt of which in May 2020 the capsules with soil collected from military graves of our country will be laid, as well as by the author of the film — People’s Artist of Russia Leonid Yakubovich. He spoke about the creative process, about flying a bomber PЕ‑2 to feel what the girlspilots experienced. Archpriest Fyodor Povny shared his thoughts about preservation of historical truth and great importance for us, heirs of the Great Victory, to keep memory of what price was paid for peace: — It is impossible to look impartially at the way the events of the Great Patriotic War are being misinterpreted. How the peoples of the former Soviet Union are humiliated by being accused of unleashing World War II. Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Victory is so important to us now, because our veterans are already under 100 years old, perhaps the next anniversary will be celebrated by only a few. There are about 6,000 veterans living in Belarus now. Every three months 500 and more people go to eternity. The voices of such honored people are neglected by the world community. What will happen when the witnesses are silent forever? War is always sin, pain, fear, humilia-

Leonid Yakubovich at the presentation of the historical documentary film “Unforgettable. The Immortal Air Regiment"

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This amazing book world The book is still in favor. It is safe from extinction which is predicted to paper newspapers. It is in demand by a variety of people: from respectable age to a generation of very young readers. This optimistic idea was fully confirmed by the 27th Minsk International Book Fair, which for more than a quarter of a century has traditionally been held in the Belarusian capital in the early days of February.


During the opening ceremony of the 27th Minsk International Book Fair, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Admi­nistration Andrei Kuntsevich announced the greeting of Alexander Lukashenko to the exhibitors and the 6th “Writer and Time” International Symposium. Minsk has again become a platform for meetings of writers and publishers from Belarus and foreign countries. This time around four hundred exhibitors have presented their new products here. A book exhibition in the Belarusian capital is always of great interest. This year, more than fifty thousand people have visited her. On the opening day of the forum it was especially crowded. An important positive side of the exhibition was that visitors could not only see novelties in literature, but also, if they wanted, purchase the publication they liked. Last year Belarus published about ten thousand titles of books and brochures with the total circulation of 24 million copies, said Information Minister Alexander Karlyukevich during the opening ceremony of the exhibition. “These books are certainly presented at the exhibition, and next to them there are several thousand more titles of books and brochures issued in Russia, books in Russian and other languages. In our country more than 800 books in foreign languages were issued last year, over 550 of them in English.” — he said.

The Minister emphasized a special role of the book in the life of every person and society as a whole. “The book is a wide platform for communication, meeting, friendship,” — said Alexander Karlyukevich. “Belarus is an open book. Come to the book exhibition, to all stands, to all exhibitors, find something to read, discover a new world.” This year the honored guest of the book exhibition was the Russian Federation. Minsk citizens and guests of the capital had the opportunity to get to know famous Russian writers more closely. Thematic round tables, numerous master classes, autograph sessions, contests and quizzes were held at the national stand of Russia.

The United States of America became the central exhibitor of the forum this year. “We gladly accepted the invitation of the Ministry of Information to take the place of the central exposition,” — said US Chargé d’Affaires to Belarus Jennifer Moore. “The US Embassy in Belarus has been participating in the Minsk International Book Fair for 22 years. We tell about the history of America through various topics, genres, formats. This year the theme of the stand is “On the Way: American travel literature”. In total, more than two hundred samples of American travel literature were collected at the stand. Visitors were also able to get acquainted with Ameri-

The national stand looked attractive


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Exhibition can theme magazines. The stand was divided into three zones: “Travel”, “National Parks” and “Diner”, which made it possible to learn about the specific features of travelling in the United States. In addition, you could play a variety of American board games, watch feature films and documentaries, take memory photos in numerous photo zones. Novelties of literature, world classics, publications in various languages. The book exhibition in Minsk, as always, is striking in its scale. Union State Secretary Grigory Rapota praised the organization of the book forum. “Today we have a celebration of communication, contacts, acquaintance with the best examples of literature from around the world. Minsk has long become such a wonderful platform where writers and publishers meet. Minsk is a history of publishing, so it is no coincidence that the capital of Belarus is a point of attraction all those involved in this noble cause,” — he said. According to Grigory Rapota, meeting at such an exhibition is a pleasure. “Because it is intelligence, goodwill, understanding of each other,” — the Secretary of State noted. On the first day of the forum, presentations of international publishing projects, meetings with authors, and autograph sessions were held. In particular, BelTA presented the book “Heroes of the Partisan land” to the visitors of the exhibition. The publication tells about 91 partisans and underground activists who were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for unparalleled heroism and courage. They came from different republics of the immense USSR, and performed their feat in Belarus. The theme of the partisan movement on Belarusian lands was supported by a video sequence of five stories that can be accessed with the help of the QR codes placed in the book. The stories about the heroes are illustrated by documents — award sheets, characteristics and, of course, archival photographs. In addition, the Minister of Information Alexander Karlyukevich presented the book “Springs of Memory”, and the

general director of the Moscow publishing house Indrik, Kirill Vakh, presented a draft book on the events of the Great Patriotic War taking place in the Rzhev region.The national stand of Belarus at the exhibition was designed in the form of a huge book, which was supposed to show how we create it together and invite everyone to find out its contents. Not without reason the most striking event is the presentation of the facsimile edition of the Brest Bible of the year 1563. As Alexander Susha, the National Library deputy director for science and publishing, noted, that was the largest, most beautiful and expensive Belarusian book, its reproduction had become an important publishing project of the library. The book that has become a “platform of friendship” is the fourth issue of the annual edition of the Minsk Initiative international project Terra poetica.2019. Its presentation also took place on the opening day. — This anthology brings together young writers from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, — said Ivan Stepurin, director of the “Summit-kniga” Kiev publishing house. — The first issue was devoted to poetry, the second to prose, in the third there was drama. The issue which we have brought to Minsk consists of essays about outstanding writers of Belarus,

When there's something to look at

One of the main novelties of the exhibition is the facsimile edition of the Brest Bible of 1563, the largest book in the history of the Belarusian printing

Speakers are Belarusian Information Minister Ales Karlyukevich and Russian Ambassador Dmitry Mezentsev

Publishing House "Zviazda" kindly invites беларусь. belarus 2020


Exhibition Russia and Ukraine. They are written by young writers in their native languages. The Iranian Embassy kindly invited to visit their stand. Not only Iranian books were presented there, but also elements of the country’s culture. “At present an exhibition is being held at the University of Culture art gallery, which two representatives of Iran participate in. We left half of the works in the gallery and brought the other part here,” — said Abolgasem Mokhtarian, cultural adviser to the Iranian Embassy in Belarus. “We are very pleased to participate in Minsk International Exhibition.” By the way, nobody left emptyhanded. Each guest of the stand was given a souvenir. The book is a means of communication in the political sphere, said the chairman of the Union of Writers of Belarus Nikolay Cherginets during the 6th International Symposium “Writers and Time: Literature as Part of Cultural Dialogue”, which took place on the sidelines of the 27th Minsk International Book Fair. “The book should serve the interests of citizens. Of course, in this connection the question arises: what can writers do? The book is increasingly coming to the fore as a means of communication in the political sphere. We have even invited representatives of the embassies whose stands were presented at the exhibition to the Union of Writers of Belarus, wherever we could discuss the role of books in improving the international situation. The goal is that the domination of power should be replaced by the domination of words, books,” — said Nikolay Cherginets. According to him, writers actively respond in their work to the problems and questions that concern modern society. “We are faced with the question: what can be done with the help of the book?” — said the chairman of the association. “The symposium of writers is a platform for peace and good neighborliness,” — said Minister of Information Alexander Karlyukevich in turn. “I would like to thank everyone who came this year to the symposium, who spent


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a whole year preparing for this event, who helped Belarusian literature, the Writers Union of Belarus, so that the Belarusian word of art could tell about our people in other countries, in other national literature. We are especially pleased to see here the ambassadors of those states whose writers have come to the symposium.” This year, prose writers, poets, publicists, literary scholars, translators from 20 countries took part in the symposium. The program included plenary session, round tables, seminars, meetings with students of Minsk universities, literary evenings. It should be emphasized that over the years the symposium has rightfully become an intellectual platform for discussing pressing issues of humanitarian and cultural cooperation between representatives of different countries. The book really brings individuals, countries and peoples together. For example, the collection of poems by Belarusian poets “Spring will come” in Korean translation was presented at the 27th Minsk International Book Fair by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belarus. “The collection includes poems by famous Belarusian writers Yanka Kupala, Maxim Bogdanovich and Yakub Kolas. This book will be sold in Korea, people will be able to get acquainted with Belarusian art more closely. A collection of Korean poets is going to be released soon, which has been translated into Belarusian,” — said the embassy employee Alexandra Grunko. “Zviazda” publishing house together with the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank presented “Tales for Friends” at the Fair. The book was published in three languages: Russian, Belarusian and French. The collection includes tales by Vladimir Lipsky, Alexander Karlyukevich, Ales Badak, Elena Stelmakh, Mikhail Pozdnyakov and other Belarusian authors. Illustrations for the book were made by schoolchildren and university students.

Exhibition “Last year we published about 50 books in Belarusian and Russian, including a huge segment of children’s literature,” — said Pavel Sukhorukov, director and editor-in-chief of the “Zviazda” publishing house. “Our publishing house had prepared many different activities for the visitors of the exhibition, which were held both on the main venue and in the bookstores of Minsk.” One of the main topics of this exhibition is the year of the small motherland. One could see that local history literature was widely presented in the expositions of all countries. In the world of globalization and unification, it has become important for everyone to maintain their identity, historical memory. As we have already noted, for the central exhibitor, the United States, traveling around their country was also the major topic. On the central venue, the Belarus publishing house presented the series “Traveling across native lands”: books about Turov, Igumen, Slutchin, Pridvinie, Postavshchina. A multimedia excursion on the books of the series “Children’s atlas of Belarus” was offered by the “Mastatskaya literatura” publishing house, these colorful atlases have already become sales leaders. An important emphasis of the exhibition is the popular books of foreign authors in the Belarusian language. Such projects have been extremely sought after. For example, on the first night, several hundred copies of the book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, translated by Alena Petrovich, were sold. Thanks to this book, which appeared in the “Yanushkevich” publishing house, a “Harry Potter Night” was held in Minsk — an international project, which Belarusians joined to for the first time. Among the translated novelties are “The End of Loneliness” by Janusz Wisniewski, “The Witcher” by Andrzej Sapkowski, “Madame” by Anthony Libera. The classic of Bengali literature, poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, has been translated into Belarusian for the first time. Nobel and Booker laureates, authors of cult fantasy and fiction, historical monographs and children’s com-

ics came out in our language for the first time… It all turned out to be necessary! Belarusians have always lived at the crossroads of cultures. Today more and more people in our country study foreign languages and more often Belarusian writers are translated in other countries. At the US stand, designed in the form of a roadside cafe, a large group of Belarusian schoolchildren were listening attentively to the English text. Language learning programs were offered at the German, French, Syrian and Chinese stands. There was another wonderful meeting at the exhibition: with the young poetess from Spain Angela Espinosa Ruus, who loves the Belarusian language so much that she began to write in it. It turned out that it was Angela’s birthday, but she gave presents herself: a stylish collection of poems by Maxim Bogdanovich “Sounds of my Fatherland” translated into Spanish by Angela. The book was published in Spain with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. By the way, a new reading category has recently appeared — adults who still love fairy tales. Perhaps because parents did not read fairy tales in their childhood. The books have changed. Here is what an expert on children’s literature, the famous book blogger Natalya Medved says about this: — Today the children’s reader has changed not so much as the adult one. Parents have became more interested in the books that can introduce their children in an art form to the modern world. Today, a good children’s book involves a serious conversation: how not to be upset if a younger brother or sister appears in a family, how to establish communication with peers in a kindergarten, stop being afraid of the dark, how to communicate with children with disabilities. In a word, for different age and book-preference groups of readers it was equally interesting and informative at the Minsk International Book Fair. By Oleg Bogomazov Photo by the author.

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Zhirovici today. That's what Holy Assumption Zhirovichi Monastery looks like now.

For celebration of spirituality and faith “The event, which we will celebrate next year, is important not only for believers, but for the Belarusians in general, as the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is one of the greatest shrines and spiritual symbols of our people,” emphasizes the teacher of the Minsk Theological Seminary and the inhabitant of the Zhirovichi Monastery, hieromonk Evstafy Khalimankov. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia is among the distinguished guests at the solemn divine service. The invitation has also been sent to the Head of State Alexander Lukashenko. The organizers of the invitation do not exclude the participation of the top officials of the neighboring countries. And now, according to Assistant Archbishop of Novogrudok and Slonim Alexander Stezhko, the state and the Belarusian Orthodox Church continue to work together to bring the monastery into its proper state. Thus, a new refectory and a hotel for pilgrims have been recently put into operation. Now the reconstruction is underway with elements of restoration of one of the oldest buildings — the first brethren’s building — and a set of new bells for the monastery is being cast, Zhirovichi agro town is also expected to be repaired and improved. The plans include the erection of a monument to one of the superiors of the monastery, Seraphim Zhirovichsky,


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Zhirovichi Holy Dormition Monastery is preparing to celebrate its 500th anniversary and 550th anniversary of the miraculous Zhirovichi icon of the Mother of God. As planned, the key celebrations will be held in Grodno region and Minsk on May 19–20, 2020.

thanks to his missionary activity 74 churches were opened in Eastern Belarus. Students and teachers of the Minsk Theological Seminary, which is located in the monastery, and the Theological Academy, which is located in Minsk, are also preparing for the celebration. These educational institutions train not only future priests, but also researchers, who in 2020 will accumulate all their scientific potential for an international scientific conference dedicated to the 500‑year history of the Zhirovichi monastery — for two days the participants of the conference will work on the basis of the Theological Seminary and Academy, the Institute of History and the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Next November, a seminar of students and young scientists from Belarusian universities is scheduled to discuss the history of the monastery, its role and significance for the Orthodox Church in the history and culture of Belarus. During the celebration the emphasis will be placed not only on the glorious history of the monastery, but also on its modern role in the life of Belarusian society. Numerous round tables, scientific and practical conferences, creative contests and exhibitions will be held in Minsk and regional centers, and it is planned to make a series of thematic TV and radio programs. By Viktoriya Zakharova


Return of symbol The Museum of Brest History is exhibiting the original Brest Bible


he Brest Bible, a unique monument of the Renaissance culture, a masterpiece of world printing art, one of the symbols of Brest, since the present day can be seen by everyone in the Museum of the city history. In September last year Brest became the owner of a fairly complete edition of the rarest and most expensive book of the 16th century when at a gala event, marking the 1000th anniversary, Alexander Lukashenko presented the origi-

nal masterpiece of book printing to the city. The exhibition became possible only after the artifact was placed in a specially made showcase with climate control. The Brest Bible appeared in 1563 in a local printing house thanks to the money of the Brest headman, Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Mikołaj Radziwiłł the Black. However, by the middle of the 20th century there was not a single copy left in the city. In its attempts to get the folio back, Brest was moving step by step. In 2003,

in the funds of the Regional Library named after M. Gorky there appeared a facsimile copy, which had been restored in Poland. In 2014, “Gorkovka” purchased fragments of the folio — over 200 authentic pages. In 2017, a monument to the Brest Bible was erected, and in 2019 — a facsimile edition was presented, made by the National Library and the company “Belneftestrakh”. Before the opening of exhibiting the printed symbol of Brest, Chairperson of the Executive Committee Alexander Rogachuk reminded that the idea of returning the original book was voiced at the conference “Berastseyskiya knigazbory” in the early 2000s: — The idea seemed almost fantastic. But four years ago they began to approach this topic. With the support of active people, patriots of the city, I realized that to put the idea into life was possible. The question of authenticity was fundamental. From the Head of State we received this gift, the value of which we do not yet fully realize. It is a unique artifact, which our city lacked so much. The Brest Bible will be exhibited in the museum for three months a year, as rarity requires careful treatment and special storage rules.

Alexander Rogachuk places the Brest Bible in a special window

By Valentina Kozlovich

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With a march through life Paratrooper — conductor from Vitebsk fascinated his nephew with a rare profession. Military conductor is a rare and difficult profession. In addition to musical talent, it requires excellent physical training, impeccable military bearing, as well as weapons skills. For example, the head of the orchestra of 103rd separate guards airborne brigade, senior lieutenant Aleksey Surovoy, used a firing blanks AK as a musical instrument to surprise the jury of the republican contest. In 2018, this feature helped Vitebsk paratroopers to take first place.


The military conductor came to the meeting with his nephew. The young man’s name is also Aleksey, and he also chose this profession. The 19‑year-old cadet Surovy (the names of his uncle and nephew are also consonant) is acquiring the basics of military conducting skills at the Moscow Military University. The guy has recently come to visit his relatives. Of course, he looked in on Uncle Aleksey Gennadievich in the airborne landing brigade. There are trumpets, a clarinet, keyboards, a guitar in the studio… The uniform of musicians and a carpet on the wall


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with the image of Army General Vasily Margelov, the founder of the USSR Airborne Forces, immediately make it clear who rehearses here. The 44‑year-old guard senior lieutenant Surovoy confirms that he and the musicians are first of all military personnel: — No matter how virtuoso you are, do not expect any allowances! I immediately understood this when in 1994 I was called up for the airborne regiment. I had to go to the training ground, to do cross-country run, like an ordinary newly drafter recruit. Although I liked to shoot and parachute. No


harder than to learn scales in childhood! By the way, I have made 46 parachute jumps. If it were not for conducting, I would probably become a parachute jump instructor. Before joining the army, Surovoy was a saxophonist of the Vitebsk band “Vokzal”: — The guys then composed their songs. We also used to play famous rock ballads, jazz rock. Due to those preferences, today there is a composition Swing Machine by Larry Neeck as well as The House of the Rising Sun by The Animals in the repertoire of our military orchestra. On the senior lieutenant’s table I noticed a book “New drill songs,” published in 1958. The conductor explained: — A military orchestra is not only marches that raise martial spirit. When we are moving with our musical instruments to the beat of the music, it also fascinates civilian listeners! In addition to parades, we participate in concerts and author-song contests. For example, our musician Roman Vasiliev composed the anthem of the brigade, which recently, during the celebration of its 75th anniversary, was performed by all the personnel. Marches are a tradition, the classics. When playing some of them, for example, “Victory Day” or “Farewell of the Slav”, I’ve got shivers running up my spine. Cadet Surovy admits that he has a lot in common with his uncle: — The same person brought us to the music school, this is Alexey Gennadievich’s mother, who is teaching there. I am also a fan of jazz. Since childhood, I’ve loved Frank Sinatra. I performed his Autumn Leaves on the vibraphone at the exam in college, where I had studied on a class of percussion instruments. Alexei Jr.’s decision to become a military conductor was not immediate: — You can’t get such a profession in our country. I did not think about it until one of my senior college mates went to

Moscow to study at the department of military conductors. Then I realized that I also wanted to get education at such a university and be like my uncle. It is not easy to enter the Military Institute (of military conductors) of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Documents are to be approved by the military enlistment office in advance. Creativity competition is held in the military orchestra service in Minsk. Exams and examination by the medical board is held at the Belarusian Military Academy. The Academy directed Alexey to Moscow. There were 25 people in his group: Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis. There were also representatives of Angola, Congo, Vietnam. It is not surprising, the cadet smiles, that a marching song of their unit is “If the guys from all over the world”, which was the anthem of the World Festival of Youth and Students, held in 1957 in Moscow: — In the classroom, when the teachers are “training our hands”, I understand that I am doing what I love. I will wear the uniform of a Russian cadet with the “VS RB” chevron on my sleeve for another 4.5 years. It took Alexey Gennadievich 20 years to become the head of a military orchestra: — In the brigade orchestra, I used to hold all the posts: from an assistant of the first voice musician to the foreman. I was appointed the head in 2015. My experience is huge! I will gladly share it with my nephew. Can it happen that in 5–7 years, two military conductors from the same family dynasty will become rivals in some kind of army competition? Guard Senior Lieutenant Surovoy smiles in response: — By that time, I will have retired. As for my nephew, I want him to return to his native country after graduation, where he swore allegiance, and to lead the orchestra of 103rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade. Being a creative person, I think it would be a very beautiful story. By Sergey Golesnik

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Made in Belarus

Brand style What will Belarusian Olympians wear during the Games in Tokyo?


wo famous Belarusian athletes — swimmer Alexandra Gerasimenya and gymnast Kseniya Sankovich — appeared as models. The beauties! They were the first to try on the Olympic uniform, which our team will be wearing during the Summer Games in Tokyo. The girls paraded at the Independence Palace, and the President gave his assessment. After all, who, if not the Head of State, remarks Kseniya, should be the first to indicate what the face of the country will be like at such a major event, which attracts the attention of millions of viewers from around the world? Let us state explicitly: the final decision has not been made yet. The head of state has been offered several options at once. The President was satisfied, the sets were highly appreciated. The choice is now up to the public. First of all, it is up to those who are going to wear them this summer, i. e. athletes.

The concepts presented are completely different. There was one even in retro style, with a slight hint of the 1980 Olympics. However, all of them are Belarusian-made. Among the developers there are Zhodino factory “Svitanak” and private enterprise “Solo-Pinsk”. Kseniya Sankovich could not but compliment: — Our Belarusian manufacturers proved themselves to be very good at making the form for the European Games. They can do it really well, so we don’t worry about Tokyo. The developers, admitted the athletes, did their best. The design, they say, has been improved in comparison with the previous Olympiads, it is recognizable from afar. However, the girls, for whom every detail is important, have made certain adjustments themselves. Of course, first impressions count, but the Games is not a fashion show. The main thing is functionality. The President also drew attention to it:

— It is also necessary to find the fabric which is comfortable to wear. Kseniya Sankovich later gave journalists a complete review of fabrics. They are chosen first of all according to the climate of the host-country, as well as the season. Besides, the participants do not go with one set of uniform to sports forums. Even the smallest detail must be seen through. Kseniya enumerates: the clothes are needed for the parade, for training, for the Olympic village, for one temperature, for another… By the way, the athletes had no claims against the fabric at all: — It is very light, free, breathable. It seems nothing better is possible for Tokyo — Alexandra Gerasimenya expressed her satisfaction. The Games or not, but our uniform, according to Alexander Lukashenko, should be in demand with sports fans even after the Olympics. By Dmitry Umpirovich



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Main symbol

Raccoon, deer and super potato

This bug Melolontha is selected as the mascot of the World Cup

Every sports fan can vote for their favorite version of the mascot of the World Championship, which will be held in Minsk and Riga from May 7 to 23, 2021


ore than 100 applications from representatives of Belarus and Latvia were submitted to the contest of mascot ideas, and the works were offered by professional artists and design studios, as well as ordinary hockey fans. The public attention was drawn to 30 entries that were included in the short list of the contest. By the way, it was among them that the star jury had to select the main symbol of the championship. From the Belarusian side this was Minsk “Dynamo” mentor Mikhail Grabovsky, four-time Olympic champion Darya Domracheva, resident of Соmеdу Сlub Andrey Skorokhod, soloist of the group “Bi‑2” Shura-Bi‑2, UFS champion Andrey “Pitbul” Or-

lovsky, Olympic champion in freestyle Anna Guskova, General Director of Belarusfilm Vladimir Karachevsky and Chairman of the FHB Gennady Savilov, the Lithuanian side was represented

On the subject The President has signed a decree “On the preparation and holding of the World Ice Hockey Championship”. The document has been developed taking account of the experience of the 2nd European Games and the Europe vs USA track and field match. The document envisages a comprehensive solution to the issues of preparation for the World Hockey Championship. The Decree establishes a visa-free regime for participants, organizers of competitions and foreign tourists, free travel in public transport for accredited persons and exemption from toll fees on toll roads. The document regulates the issues of medical service to the participants and guests of the competitions, use of state property, placement of social advertising. In addition, it is envisaged to allocate an interest-free reverse budget loan to the management of the World Championship, as well as to take measures to reduce costs and ensure a high level of the event.

by President of the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation Aigars Kalvītis, TV hosts Armands Simsons and Aivis Ceriņš, Head of the Tournament Organizing Committee in Latvia Edgars Buncis, Brinstorm guitarist Jānis “Mаgiс” Jubalts, singer Intars Busulis and Kaspars Buls, executive director of mobile operator BITE Latvia. The winner of the voting became the bug Melolontha — it will receive gifts from the Organizing Committee of the tournament and the Audience Choice Award. It should be noted that each of the countries had the right to determine its favorite — the Latvian side will also hold a competition for the title of the best mascot according to public opinion. By Darya Lobozhevich

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Person in society

Life on high standard

The highest bar which Vladislav Tsydik (a student of the Grodno Agricultural Institute and a future agronomist) passed at the official union competitions in 1978 is 2 meters 12 centimeters. This is his personal record. Then there were other important heights on his path of life: the high rank of the deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, numerous photo exhibitions, published photo albums, and participation in all five Minsk half-marathons… Although the peak of fitness for him is already in the past, but Vladislav Stanislavovich is still well-built, cheerful, he is constantly training: at the European Championship among veterans in the Italian Ancona (2016), he took 6th place in high jumps. Now the head of the Minsk Regional Athletics Federation tries to do a lot to help athletes successfully compete at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.


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Thanks to Vladislav Tsydik, our readers have already learned some details about how the famous canal was reconstructed (“The Augustów Canal leads to UNESCO.” — “Беларусь. Belarus”, No. 12, 2019). During the conversation it turned out that our interlocutor lived such an active life that we could not but introduce him from a new perspective. We hope that the continuation of the conversation with Vladislav Tsydik will help our readers, especially abroad, to better understand the Belarusian character, and, possibly, make adjustments to their usual way of life. We talked about the important role of sport in the formation of the character of a rural guy from the Grodno region, about his worldly principles, active participation (being retired) in the life of the country’s sports community. By the way, in one of the texts that appeared after the successful participation of Belarusians in the European Championship among veterans in the Italian Ancona, Vladislav Tsydik said: “In Belarus, the differ-

Person in society ence in life expectancy between women and men is about 10 years, and in Western Europe — 1–2 year. This is directly related to the fact that men, even those who used to do sports, at some stage lose this opportunity and become very passive at the same time, experiencing serious stress at work. In Western Europe, their peers continue to live an active sporting life and even perform internationally. This allows them not only to stay healthy, but also to feel respect for themselves and the significance of their successes, even being over eighty.” So this is what our vis-а‑vis is like. — Vladislav Stanislavovich, we know that you have an active life position, many different interests. Tell us briefly, in what areas are your talents being realized? — Indeed, I still want to do a lot of things… I am a member of the Writers Union of Belarus, a photographer with great experience, the author of photo exhibitions, and there are several published photo albums. I head the veteran organization of the State Control Committee of the central apparatus. I am a member of the Presidium of the Belarusian Athletics Federation, besides, I am the head of the Minsk Regional Federation. — Now the hot topic is preparation for the Olympics in Tokyo, there is a lot of attention to sports. Let’s talk about it, more precisely about the Belarusian track and field athletics. Let’s

start with your highest achievements in sports. — I jumped to a height of 2 meters 12 sentiments, it was in 1978. Competitions then took place in Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk. (Now Dnipro city — Auth.) I remember that at that time the famous Dnipro football team was out of the major league, the match was expected to be very important. It took us longer to do high jumps at the same stadium, and we stayed to watch football. It was the USSR championship among agricultural universities — and there were, I recall, 101 such universities. I studied at the Grodno Agricultural Institute, and I graduated from it, an agronomist by profession. After leaving Zhitomlyansk secondary school (Grodno region), I purposefully entered the Grodno College of Physical Education. Not all teachers, classmates understood, accepted this decision then. I remember at the end of August 1971, my father asked me: why did this postman come to us? I said that I received a message that I had entered the college. My father was very upset! He didn’t even spare a strong word. He expected me to be an agronomist in the future. I entered it for the sake of sports. Almost immediately I was drafted into the army — I entered the college after 10 classes. I remember that my parents wrote to me and asked if I was going to enter the Institute for agronomist study after the

Vladislav Tsydik long jump from a place at republican competitions

army. I returned from the service and went straight, in the foreman’s uniform, to the college. — In one of the interviews we read that in the army you had the opportunity to train, moreover, at the good Lenin stadium in Leningrad. — Yes, I was very lucky. I served in Leningrad for 1.5 years (6 months in the training unit of Pargolovo), and, seeing my zeal, the commanders decided to help me not lose my sporting fitness. I trained by myself, the way I could. In 1975, I graduated from college with honors. I applied immediately to the history department of the local Pedagogical Institute. Then I went to Gomel to compete for the Harvest society. There the guys persuaded me to enter the agricultural institute. There, in the end, I began to study. My father, of course, was finally happy with this choice. At that time each university wanted to get sports people. For me, sport was a very important part of my life. I remember coming home to my farm, digging up soil in the garden of my grandparents, stretching a string to do jumping. Well, I used to run along the crowded rural roads. Of course, it was not customary for people in rural areas to see a running person. My father advised me to run in the evening when it got dark… He was ashamed of people. (Laugh). I was fanatical about sport. — Apparently, that’s why you headed the regional federation of athletics…

Vladislav Tsydik in his youth

among employees of the State Control Committee беларусь. belarus 2020


Person in society

From left to right: Vladislav Tsydik, Arnold Stasyuk, Tamara Stasyuk, Anatoly Ermishin. It is their revirescence!

— Probably it is so. For my various reasons, I could not fully reveal my potential in sports. First, due to the lack of focused training in the school years. I had to help my parents on a daily basis… I began to train in a systematic way too late: in fact, only after the army, and before that I got only general physical training. I began regular training at 21. Height 212, of course, was, undoubtedly, a success, a great achievement in those conditions. — How old is Maxim Nedosekov? — He made a name in the international arena at the age of 18, now he is only 21 years old. A talented and wellbred athlete. — Do you have archive photos of the time when you flew above 2 meters? — There are some black and white, after all, it was the 70s. Then I really was at the peak of my fitness form. I managed to reach a basketball hoop with my swing-up leg! This is a height of 305 centimeters. This, I know, was rarely done in Soviet times. It was one of the training elements of the flip jump technique. Now there’s another promising way to do high jumping, and this may not be necessary anymore: now jumpers use centrifugal force, approach velocity, stretching… — As we can see, sports helped you to reach a high orbit in life…


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— There is such an expression: we do work, and work does us. The same can be said of sports. After all, what is sports? This is not only exercise, but also the training of thinking. Before you pass the bar in the jump, you must pass it in the head. In training, the brain also develops, moreover, actively, due to high strain, in extreme conditions. Believe me: I reached some peaks thanks to sports, in mastering high school subjects. I am proud that in higher mathematics, for example, I was one of the best in the course. — Vladislav Stanislavovich, since when did you head the Minsk Regional Athletics Federation? — Since 2015: soon it will be 5 years. — Were you able to maintain your good physical shape during your work at the State Control Committee? — Strange as it may seem, with all the high workload, it was possible. Sometimes I did jogging at the stadium with Alexander Zhuk, who was then deputy minister of education, and now he is the rector of the Belarusian Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank. To make things move faster in the Committee sometimes I had to run, and even fly, taking two of the stair-steps at each spring (smiles). I try to keep fit, pull myself up 12 times on the crossbar in my country house. Moreover, I run half marathons: I participated in all five in Minsk.

Of course, I constantly train for this, otherwise you can quickly lose shape. In 2016, when I was a deputy of the National Assembly, I participated with other Belarusian athletes in the European Championship among veterans — in Italy, in Ancona. I took the 6th place in high jumps there. I think this is not bad for a 63‑year-old deputy (he smiles). — Is the Belarusian Athletics Federation also involved in preparations for the Olympics? — Of course, these are the direct functions of the federation, to train athletes of the highest skill and to adequately represent the country at the Olympic Games. Time has determined which of the athletes will best represent the country at the Tokyo Olympics. Many issues dealing with the preparation for the main start of the four-year period have already been resolved. We continue to address emerging issues quickly and positively. We deal with issues of uniforms, equipment of athletes, holding training camps, including trainings abroad. All the nuances are calculated together with the coaching staff. The main burden on the formation of the national team lies with the Belarusian Athletics Federation, chaired by the famous athlete, world champion, Olympic silver medalist Vadim Devyatovsky. — Who exactly do you bet on? — On all team members. Our Anastasiya Mironchik-Ivanova shows very good results in long jump. In 2019, in March in Glasgow, she had a good result: 6 meters 93 centimeters. She became the winner of the match between Europe and the USA. This year, she won the international tournament in Bochum (Germany). She is a member of our Minsk Regional Federation; she came to top-class sports from Slutsk. For painstaking work and good results, the athlete was awarded a gift from our federation: a TV. Now, by the way, the world record for women is 752. If you want to perform well at the Olympics, you need to reach 720–730. In Belarus, the record for women in long jump is 701. We really hope for Anastasiya.

Person in society — We have also heard that your personal athletics competitions are held in Belarus: tournaments for the prizes of V. S. Tsydik. Which athletes participate in them? — High and long jumpers compete in them, as well as triple jumpers and pole vaulters. An open tournament is held every year in Minsk, at the Republican Center for Olympic Athletics Training. This tournament was attended not only by novice athletes, but also famous jumpers. Pavel Selvestrov (his own record is 232 cm), Andrei Skabelka (229 cm) and others participated in these tournaments. But, look at the protocols, the result of Karina Taranda (married name is Demidik), one of the best jumpers in Belarus is 200 centimeters (Belarus record is 201 cm). — Who will be part of the team of Belarusian athletes at the Olympics? — As usual, besides the athletes, their coaches and doctors. Currently, 16 athletes have licenses. Among them is our famous marathon runner Olga Mazurenok — by the way, she is also a member of the Minsk Regional Federation. Maxim Nedosekov, he is from Vitebsk, showed excellent results in high jumps — 235 cm. Elvira German — 100 meters with hurdles — her result is over 12, 63.

We have great hopes for the spectacular performance of Alina Talay and many other athletes who have proven through time their high sportsmanship. — What are your forecasts for the performance of Belarusian athletes at the Olympics? — In sports, it is not customary to keep a medal account in advance. I am sure of one thing that every Olympian will do everything to climb the podium. I want fortune to turn to the Belarusian athletes. In the remaining time before the start of the Olympic Games, in addition to the individual practice of preparing athletes for crucial starts, it seems to me that special attention should be paid to the psychological issues. It happens that an athlete is physically and technically ready to show a high result. But during critical starts, not everyone manages to cope with nervousness. The athlete is worried, he or she wants to do their best — there is a nervous strain, which, in the end, tells negatively on the result of the performance. — Do psychologists work with our athletes? — Yes, they do… However, in most cases, the coach plays the role of a psychologist. In fact, 90 percent, let’s say, of our athlete psychology is coaching

psychology. Psychological patterns of the coach. On the one hand, this is correct. And at the same time, I am sure that professional psychologists must work individually with high-level athletes and trainers. And not only during the preparation for the Olympics, but constantly, if an athlete shows promise. He or she must be accompanied all the time, psychologically tuned to a high result. Constantly! And not like it is now: there are six months before the Olympics — psychologists start working with them. It can do harm. After all, the psychologist must get along with the athlete, deeply know all the nuances of the soul. — Is psychology an important component of high competitive results? — Very important! In the world practice of training the athletes who achieve the highest results, this is, as they say, everyday life. Axiom that does not require evidence. It is necessary to help a person to fully reveal his abilities, to tune him to the maximum level of achievement. The trainer’s task is to help the athlete to get to important competitions in the best physical form, to practice the technique. The psychologist should help the athlete to keep what is called a fighting spirit — and at the same time not to burn out, to maintain emo-

Vera Epimashko won three medals of the

With Elena Volchetskaya, Olympic champion of Tokyo (1964), who taught gymnastics to Tsydik,

European Championship among veterans

a student at the Grodno College of Physical Education. The meeting after 45 years.

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Person in society tional balance. After all, athletes are, as a rule, young people who have active hormones and enough adrenaline. It is very difficult for them to cope with their emotions. — Can a great desire to win prevent this from happening? — This is what often happens, and not only in sports. For example, the hostess sometimes wants to cook the soup well, expecting dear guests. However, for an instant she was distracted by something and poured too much salt. Not all efforts are good. For an athlete, psychological preparation should be an important part of the overall training process. It is like “The Lord’s Prayer,” as they say.

a breakthrough and temporary stagnation. It was psychologically difficult to overcome two meters. So psychological preparation is a very important component of success. — Do you know examples of faults in the psychological preparation of our athletes? — Of course I do. So, for example, the coach of one experienced shot putter is my friend Grigory Sinitsyn. I often went to competitions with him when I was young, when Gregory competed. By the way, he trained the Olympic champion of the 27th games in Sydney, Yanina Korolchik. Sinitsyn is a good coach, has his own training methodol-

Andrey Skabeyka and Maxim Nedoseka, high jumpers, delight fans of the "Queen of Sports"

I remember that I have experienced this psychological breakdown more than once. You seem to be physically ready. Do stretching out, warming up. But you really want to take the height — and in your head you start inventing things. Then you do not move automatically: your desire is mixed with thoughts, which are not always good. And it may happen that you take the start more calmly, you do everything by itself — and in the end, and you jump freely and easily. You just feel like a fluff! I remember the increase in the result was gradual. At first, in school years, the result was 161 centimeters, then in the army — 175, then some stagnation, then — 195, and a little more — already 205. It is important to know all these nuances, to be psychologically prepared for


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ogy, many of the nuances are debugged. However, the experienced shot putter, although physically ready for a high result, did not even become a medalist at the European Championship (2019). So, something at the psychological level was not finalized. A good psychologist would have been very helpful. — Vladislav Stanislavovich, allow me the reasoning in the topic. Sometimes it’s still very important to have some outlet in life, as they say, so that the training process does not become — especially for emotionally unstable athletes — a heavy routine. Being in Turkey, we met amazing people. Lyubov and Dmitry Fedunovs perform there as artists of the original genre: give yoga shows in hotels for guests.

So, their psychological training experience is very valuable, including in overcoming pain. Dmitry gives amazing shows of maintaining balance, body ownership and he is about 60. Besides, Dmitry has long designed and thoroughly mastered a unique skate: thanks to the wave-like movements on the board, you can develop decent speed, even move at an angle upward. At the same time, as Dmitry told us, the cerebellum is actively working. He now also does skate shows, he successfully performed at the TV show “Amazing People”, by the way you can watch a video on the Internet. Fedunova’s skate allows a person, as they say, to ef-

Irina Zhuk, Belarus pole vault champion

fortlessly develop, train, make the whole body and intellect flexible and mobile, relieve stress, balance the emotional state. What if these people could work with our athletes? Perhaps something from their experience would be useful to the young people. Lyuba is a teacher, she and Dmitry are ready to come to Belarus: in Soviet times, the artist visited many of our cities with their circus program, and when the Union broke up, they were forced to leave for Turkey. — Of course, it would be interesting to get to know them better. I should think it over. It is no secret: world-class athletes have their own tricks in training, which of course they do not talk about. Big sport is a constant search: how to achieve high results and with-

Person in society stand these physical, mental overloads. We understand: some muscles that constantly work during the cyclic stresses “clog”. The resource of loads is exhausted. Those muscles that are in a calm state are not involved: we do not reach them. These are deep muscles. Perhaps the element of the game, something unusual, even exotic, will really be appropriate in the training process, in the daily lives of athletes. There is also such a problem with our young athletes as stardom. A young talent achieved a high result, turned up nose — and stopped developing. Luck favoured them — and they stopped working hard and creatively. A person gives oneself airs, which is also

ing stable high sportsmanship. There are achievements. For example, hammer thrower Ivan Tikhon, surprises the world at the age of 42: he brought silver to Belarus from Rio de Janeiro. I know Ivan well; he is also from Grodno region, Slonim. He is open, easygoing, harmonious person. Yes, he works a lot but he knows how to control himself. — Psychologists say that in any work and in any tension it’s important not to reflect, but to maintain inner balance, then you get less tired and you can do more… — Over the years, we all come to this. However, how to explain this to young people? In general, self-knowledge is

Elvira German and Alina Talay after a successful performance at the international match of athletics teams of Belarus, the Balkan countries, the Baltic states and Ukraine

based on psychological instability. I am just sorry for those talents who are ruining themselves. If there is no stability in the results, this is also a clear sign that athletes is not able to control themselves. — So, progress is necessary in trai­ ning… — As they say, the headquarters is looking for a solution. How to help young people, how to support them. Sports veterans, experienced specialists, together with the coaching staff, are developing a training methodology. Rest, light forest jogging, bath, doing other sports — much is used. Even the workouts in the highlands are practiced. So that there would be no constant tension in the muscles and head. The diet and rest are also very relevant for keep-

an important part of modern life, including sports. It is a computer which gives you the desired result when you press a button. A human is a much more complex machine. Believe me: if an athlete gets into the national team of Belarus, there is a lot of attention to him or her. Including from the state, the athletics federation. Honestly: while I can — I want to do something useful for people. I say this without too much pathos. It is just that we were brought up in Soviet times, it is in our blood. Although, of course, I have a lot to do both in my country house and in the creative work — but still I am connected to a variety of projects. — We know, in particular, that you have photo exhibitions on different venues…

— Yes, this is my hobby in life. I’ve been taking pictures, by the way, since the 5th grade. I started with Smena, Viliya, then there were FED, Zorkiy, Zenit cameras… Now Canon 550: not professional yet. There is room for improvemet. Even in the student years of the Soviet period, I was a public correspondent, and have kept the certificate. I remember bringing a photo on sports subjects to the top photographer Arkady Perehod, a photo correspondent of the Grodnenskaya pravda (I successfully shot the moment of the basketball match), he really liked it. He began to ask me about the shooting conditions, the characteristics of the laboratory

Dmitry Karpuk, champion of Belarus among juniors in shot put

work. It is understandable: a talented person never stops learning. — How does your spouse treat your hobbies that take you away from your family? — With understanding. Thanks to her support, I am probably taking the right course in life (he smiles). Those who take photos know that this is an extremely expensive hobby. Any photo exhibition requires solid financial investments to take pictures, print photos, arrange them, petrol for trips and much more. If we do something with like-minded people, we try to do it well, nicely, for the benefit of people and for our Motherland. Interviewed by Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich

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In a friendly way

We get to know each other better Minsk has hosted the celebrations of the Day of the Republic of India, the main holiday of the friendly for Belarus country.


It is known that the Constitution of India was adopted in November 1949 and came into force on January 26, 1950. This crucial date for the country is related to gaining independence from Great Britain. On this festive day, the people of India participate in processions and cultural events. The main celebrations, including the military parade, take place in the capital, New Delhi. And what about us? On January 24, the Embassy of India in Belarus held a gala reception in honor of the Day of the Republic in one of the prestigious hotels of Minsk — Double Tree by Hilton. At the invitation of Her Excellency, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus Sangeeta Bahadur, the celebrations were attended by ambassadors of various countries, representatives of a number of ministries and agencies, international and public organizations interacting with the Em-


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In a friendly way

Military parade in New Delhi, January 26, 2020

bassy of India in Belarus, mass media. There were also the citizens of India with their families who for various reasons have been living in our country for years. They are students, businessmen and doctors. And, of course, friends of India, there are many of them in Belarus. The festive atmosphere was created by Indian music, as well as faint flavour of this exotic country. A certain flair was also created by a soft carpet leading from the lobby to the hall, decorated on one side by burning candles in transparent candleholders. And the exhibition of paintings by Bhatt Sushan, a student of Vitebsk Medical University, attracted our attention. One could see them while leisurely approaching the hall. Every guest, who arrived at the celebration, was met at the entrance according to the protocol by Ms. Ambassador. And everyone could express their respect and joy of meeting her. We said hello to Ms. Ambassador as good friends, expressing our heartfelt gratitude for cooperation with our publications. We walked into the hall, which was full of excitement, and where we could stand at

Relations between India and Belarus are traditionally warm and cordial. India was one of the first countries to recognize Belarus’ independence in 1991. Official diplomatic relations were established. The Indian diplomatic mission opened in Minsk in 1992, the Belarusian one in New Delhi — in 1998. Belarus also opened its Honorary Consulate in Calcutta in December 2002. high tables, or at low tables — on small comfortable sofas. The reception began with the Ambassador’s welcoming speech. It was possible to read the speech in Russian on video screens. Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Dapkiunas spoke in the Belarusian language. The simultaneous interpretation of the text into English was also available on video screens. After the speech, the Ambassador invited the guests to enjoy Indian cuisine, to socialize during the entertainment program. A huge flag-shaped cake was also cut into pieces.

We watched Indian dances performed by various Minsk groups, drank Indian tea masala with pleasure, and talked to future characters of our publications. By the way, in this issue we present Ms. Ambassador as the author of the fantasy story “A Night’s Tail” (p. 52). From the speech of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus, Ms. Sangeeta Bahadur

Thank you all for being with us! With great pleasure and warmth I welcome you here today to join us in celebrating this important day when the Indian constitution given to us by the people of India was officially adopted 70 years ago on January 26, 1950. It took the Constitutional Committee 2 years after India’s independence on August 15, 1947 to create the longest and most detailed constitution in the world, which turned India into a Republic. The reason why January 26 was chosen as Republic Day was because it беларусь. belarus 2020


In a friendly way

Belarus and India have much in common in their focus on the world. Our states consistently support the ideas of the need to strengthen international and regional security, build trust between states, develop a benevolent dialogue. Belarus and India consistently uphold the principles of sovereign equality of states and peaceful settlement of disputes. The philosophy of nonviolence by Mahatma Gandhi is close to the Belarusian people, one of the most affected during the Second World War.


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was on this day in 1929 that the Indian National Congress declared India’s independence (Purna Swarāj), rejecting the status of a colony proposed by the British rule. It seemed the best way for generations to remember and know the moment of national awakening and pride. The strength and resilience of the Republic of India is, to a large extent, due to the high level of the Constitution. As Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, head of the Constitutional Committee, rightly said, I quote, “I feel that a constitution works when it is flexible and strong enough to keep the country together in times of peace and war”. It is the unifying spirit of the Constitution, which has created a nation from an exceptionally diverse country like India, with its multiple ethnic groups, languages, writing systems, religions, philosophies, traditions, stories, geography, architecture and cultural expression. The fact that last year Indian people came out in unprecedented numbers — the highest voter turnout in history worldwide, not only in India — to elect Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a second term by an overwhelming majority was the will, collective and purposeful desire of a resurgent nation. The new government has justified its credibility by taking vital decisions over the past year to further strengthen what Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, described as India’s unique quality, i. e. unity in diversity.

“You’ve come a long way, baby!” — India’s energy landscape has changed, 100% electrification will have been completed by the end of this month. — 1.4 trillion dollars of investment is directed to infrastructure, roads; rail and metro networks are expanding on an unprecedented scale, improving communicational capabilities; — In the world, which faces recession, India’s growth rate has exceeded 6%, almost double the world average last year. At the end of 2019, India’s economy surpassed $3 trillion mark and moved up 14 places in one year, ranking 63rd on the World Bank’s list of 190 countries for Ease of Doing Business. — The successful completion of the well named project Shakti (Power) by the Indian Space Exploration Organization has placed India in the elite group of 4 countries which possess anti-satellite arms. — India became the 4th country in the world to make a successful soft landing on the Moon and the first to land at the South Pole of the Moon on a spacecraft of its own design Chandrayaan‑2. — The reorganization of India’s state of Jammu and Kashmir into two separate Allied Territories, conducted directly by the Central Government, has not only significantly reduced the threat of cross-border terrorism. It also

In a friendly way restored the people of the region to their rights and included them in the results of the country’s development, which they were deprived of as a result of the temporary regime of “special territories” attached to this state in 1949. The return to the normal state of the two Allied Territories within a few short weeks became another feather in the cap of the Republic of India. — An amendment to the Nationality Act in December 2019 revived India’s tradition of granting asylum to religious minorities persecuted in their countries. This is what we did for the Jews who sought refuge in India before Christ was born, Syrian Christians who took refuge in Kerala 2,000 years ago, the Zoroastrians who came to Gujarat 1,000 years ago and the African Sidas who soon followed them. India has now provided protection of its citizenship to persecuted Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Farsi, Janes and Christians who arrived in India before 2014. — The year 2019 was also a point of pride for India in sport. Indian athletes brought many medals and cups from international competitions to India. Our bid to host the FIFAU Cup 17, the International Women’s Cup, has been won. — The Pink City of Jaipur was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The first Indian high-speed train assembled under the “Do India” program runs between the cities of Delhi

Ms. Sangeeta Bahadur and Mr. Andrey Dapkyunas. One of the moments of the celebration is cutting a festive cake into pieces.

and Varanasi, making a transport revolution for ordinary people. — By the end of 2019 98% of India’s rural population got access to improved sanitation, up from 34% in 2014. These achievements, of course, do not show that India has overcome all the challenges. When we look at today’s India and compare it to what it was 73 years ago, a phrase from the 1968 advertising campaign of the American firm Philip Morris comes to mind: you have come a long way, baby! But having changed the famous lines of Thomas More, we still have a long way to go before we can rest. We can remember some of them:

education and work for the youngest — and the largest — population in the world, meeting the demands of rapid urbanization and mitigating its impact on the environment, organizing health care, sanitation and access to drinking water for 1.3 billion people, combating environmental pollution, overcoming water shortages, unemployment and gender inequality, improving the quality of public administration. We are working on these challenges, and our friends around the world can and do play an essential role in attracting investment, technology, vocational education and advisory services.

The festive mood was created by Minsk dance groups беларусь. belarus 2020


In a friendly way

I am happy to talk about Belarus! The explosive growth seen in all sectors of the Indian economy offers great opportunities to our dear old friend Belarus, which we invited last year to participate in the construction of public housing for India’s rapidly growing urban population. I am pleased to note that Belarusian business is taking a new look at India and exploring new non-traditional sectors such as food and beverage production, medical and surgical equipment, agricultural and mining equipment, public transport and even the design of petrol stations. Last year, BelAZ won a large order to supply heavy-duty equipment to India for the first time. The cost of this equipment alone will raise the figures of our bilateral trade to a completely new level. We expect the successful completion of negotiations on the supply of Belarusian electric buses to Indian cities that are looking for an ecological alternative to public transport. Many other investment proposals are maturing. We hope that they will bear fruit in a year or two. The first Indian feature film was shot in Belarus in September-October last year together with Belarusfilm Film Studio. We expect a significant increase in the flow of tourists from India after the film is released. We are also discussing the possibility of a direct flight between Minsk and Delhi, which will make it possible to increase business and personal contacts between the two countries. Last year India introduced electronic visas for Belarusian citizens. Positive dynamics from the innovation is already visible. On the political front, our countries get along well and support each other. We expect further steps to strengthen our bilateral ties. Cultural and educational exchange has become the norm and makes our people even closer. The phenomenal success of International Yoga Day and India Day in Minsk last year, as well as the stunning success of the Belarusian team that toured India in December, are indicators of mutual attraction and warmth.


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Together with Ms. Ambassador — employees of the Embassy

And about personal I’d like to conclude the speech with something that concerns me personally. Some of you know that I lost my mother a few months ago. She spent the last weeks of her life in one of Minsk hospitals. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Belarusian authorities in general and the Foreign Ministry in particular for the help, support and kindness provided to me at every stage. It meant a lot to me in difficult times of my life. I will always remember it with deep gratitude. And now, before we begin the entertainment part of our evening, let me raise a toast: — to our two countries and their development, prosperity and peace; — to the warmth and strong friendship between India and Belarus and the steady growth of our relations; — to the health, long years and success of the leaders of our states. — to a successful next year, and all our friends who are here today. Thank you all for being with us! Hail India! From Andrei Dapkiunas’ speech, Belarusian Deputy Foreign Minister The peoples of our countries followed their own difficult, thorny paths to independence. But as a result, we

have come to a common understanding of the highest value, i. e. a real state independence, as a necessary prerequisite and a solid foundation for the free and comprehensive development of society. Belarus and India have much in common in their focus on the world. Our states consistently support the ideas of the need to strengthen international and regional security, build trust between states, develop a benevolent dialogue. Belarus and India consistently uphold the principles of sovereign equality of states and peaceful settlement of disputes. The philosophy of non-violence by Mahatma Gandhi is close to the Belarusian people, one of the most affected during the Second World War. But we are connected even more than it may seem at first sight. For example, such an ancient Hindu holiday as Diwali- the festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness, good over evil — has already become Belarusian to some extent. Since 2017, Belarus has hosted the annual event “Diwali in the UN headquarters in New York. The Power of One” is dedicated to honoring diplomats and international figures who have made a significant contribution to strengthening peace in the world. These people are honoured with a kind of “Oscar” in diplomacy. And the fact that the main organizers of this notable event in the diplomatic capital of the world, which brings together dozens of states around the ideas of good, light and non-violence, are precisely Belarus and India — I perceive this as a natural and symbolic sign of our closeness and true friendship. Over the recent years Belarus and India have achieved serious results in strengthening their bilateral contacts. Mutual visits of the presidents of Belarus and India have taken place. The Speaker of the Lower House of the Indian Parliament visited Belarus. In the coming years, we expect to continue the good tradition of active interstate contacts at the highest and high levels.

In a friendly way We are optimistic about our joint undertakings to strengthen the production and industrial cooperation, expand trade in goods and services. We expect good results from the forthcoming meeting of the intergovernmental commission on cooperation in trade, economy, science, technology and culture. On this solemn day, I would like to wish the Government and the people of India peace, wellbeing and prosperity, and Mrs Sango Bahadur — new successes in our common endeavour to develop all-round Belarusian-Indian cooperation and strengthen friendship between the peoples of our countries. From a conversation with Bhatt Sushan, a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Foreign Citizens’ Training of Vitebsk Medical University I was born in 1998 in the Indian city of Haridwar, which became the source of my inspiration. It’s where I spent my

childhood. I got involved in painting and drawing at the age of seven. My parents, Father Bhatt Minesh and Mother Bhatt Kiram, have supported my passion since childhood. Later we moved to Indore, where I studied in high school, which I graduated in 2017. At school I mastered painting with acrylic and watercolor paints. Thanks to Gupta Kumar Ashok, my teacher, I studied various Indian techniques and styles, Patachitra, Madhubani painting, Varli style, miniature painting. In 2014 I was awarded diplomas for the participation in the fine arts competition. As a schoolboy I was also fond of theatrical art. By the way, I received an award for the best male character of Shylock in Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”. I entered the Vitebsk State Medical University in 2018, Faculty of Foreign Citizens’ Training, speciality “medical care”. I study well, I’m happy to learn Russian. I know 5 Indian dialects: Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Bengali (Bengali language), Punjabi. Now I continue paint-

ing, drawing in national traditional styles, studying European realistic and abstract art. I paint landscapes, still lives, portraits. The themes of my works are philosophical. They reflect traditions and religion of my native land, I use different national styles of India. Painting helps me capture the brightest moments in life. I am very fond of the nature of my homeland, so I have many landscapes that are on display, e. g. a house in my home village and a waterfall, where I like to come in the early morning. These are places that are dear and close to my heart. Creativity is a kind of relaxation for me, it gives me strength to study. So I always have a minute for it, for music and painting. I am very pleased that today I am among the guests at the celebration of my country. I am also happy that people here in Belarus treat us in such a friendly way, are interested in our traditions, beliefs and culture. Prepared by Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich

At the entrance to the festive hall, guests had the opportunity to admire paintings by Bhatti Sushan (pictured together with Ms. Ambassador)

беларусь. belarus 2020


In search of the lost

Theme of life Vladimir Likhodedov restores pages of Belarusian history

The author’s historical and educational project “In Search of the Lost” is a brand that has gained international fame. And everything began with the enthusiasm of a famous historian, collector, writer Vladimir Likhodedov, who decided to share his unique knowledge about the historical and cultural heritage of the country, which he acquired by collecting old postcards and photographs. His debut took place in 2004 on the pages of the newspaper “SB. Belarus segodnya”. The project quickly gained love of its readers, made them see the history of Belarusian cities and towns in a new way, discovered unique facts and glorious names.


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ince then, hundreds of articles have appeared in the section “In Search of the Lost”, and if we add to them publications in the newspapers “Zviazda”, “Golas Radzima” and others, they include more than a thousand publications. Each of them was accompanied by unique illustrations, most of which were presented to the public for the first time. More than one hundred solo exhibitions have been held in Belarus and abroad, 27 books-albums have been published in Belarusian, Russian, English, German, French, Polish, Arabic and Turkish. These books, which are based on publications in “SB. Belarus segodnya”, became the unifying center of the project. The albums have gained international fame, they were displayed at book exhibitions in Frankfurt, Warsaw, Vilnius, Moscow and other cities of the world, they are the theme of both school essays and PhD research. It is very valuable that Vladimir Likhodedov’s project shows Belarus as a multinational and multiconfessional country. The albums dedicated to St. Alexander Nevsky and Prince Vladimir were published with the blessing of Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk Philaret, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus. The book “Tadeusz Kościuszko” was twice presented in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, as well as the album “Synagogues”, which was presented in the same city in the Holocaust Museum. In the annotation to the book “Tadeusz Kościuszko”, former adviser to the U. S. President on national security Zbigniew Brzeziński stressed: “A fascinating and informative book about the outstanding hero of the two brotherly peoples: Poles and Belarusians, who fought not only for their freedom, but also for the freedom of Americans. Adherence of Kościuszko to human rights, social justice and national sovereignty is a solid evidence of his historical greatness”. During his official visit to the State of Qatar President Alexander Lukashenko presented the book by Vladimir Likhodedov “Belarus and the Islamic World” to the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha. The unique research was presented at a specially convened meeting of heads of diplomatic missions of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation at the UN Headquarters in New York on 27 March 2015. Valentin Rybakov, then Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus, expressed hope that the book “Belarus and the Muslim World” would help OIC member states learn more about Belarus, its respect for Muslims and Islam, its intention to strengthen multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation at the interstate level. — I’m engaged in the return of artifacts of its history to Belarus, — said Vladimir Alekseyevich. — It always hurts me to see them spreading around the world… By the way, my collection is not just postcards and old pho-

In search of the lost Paskevich Palace.

Beginning of the 20

th century.

and the monument Polotsk. View of the city y. of the 20th centur

Gomel. Men's gymn

asium. Beginning

of 1812 year. Beginning

of the 20th century.

Minsk. Shops on the corner of Gubernatorskaya Street and Cathedral Square. Beginning of the 20th century.

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In search of the lost

Vladimir Likhodedov

tographs. These are also printing machines, writing instruments, newspaper files, books. I gave some of my collections to Belarusian museums, to the National Library of Belarus for study. I want my findings to be available to the people.

Direct speech Roman Motulsky, Director of the National Library: — I will immediately thank “SB” for the project “In Search of the Lost”. The National Library has signed an agreement with Vladimir Alekseyevich and established the Vladimir Likhodedov name fund. The collector gave to the library unique historical artifacts, e. g. 1800‑year editions of one of Vilna monasteries, a collection of “Grodno Provincial Gazette” for the years 1841–1849, unique16–17‑century documents… All rarities are available for the library users, they will be digitized and put into circulation. In addition, joint exhibition activities are held.


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Vadim Gigin, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the BSU: — Today the project “In Search of the Lost” has several dimensions, branches. Not only readers of the newspaper and visitors of exhibitions are interested in it, but also diplomatic missions, public figures, state cultural institutions. We need to move forward along the chosen road, just as Vladimir Likhodedov does. His collection is unique, others do not have it, and we, in Belarus, have something we can be proud of. Vladimir Prokoptsov, General Director of the National Art Museum: — Vladimir Likhodedov is a man who is not indifferent to the history of the country, enthusiast, the author of the project “In Search of the Lost”, which began on the pages of “SB. Belarus segodnya”. Over time, the project has gone beyond newspaper publications. An example of this is the Skorina printing press, which he recreated, where for the first time not only a book under Francisk Skorina’s technology was printed, but also a Venetian map of the 16th century, which allows to identify the Belarusian lands. Donation of the restored map copies to the National and Presidential Libraries, major museums, including ours, is a great and joyful event, especially symbolic in the year of the 500th anniversary of Belarusian printing. Kirill Sokol, Moscow State University, writer, PhD in Geo­graphy: —  There is no such author’s book series not only in Belarus, but also in Russia. Or maybe even in the world. The publishing activity of the collector is impressive. I know that the Belarusian state also gave a powerful push to support Vladimir Alekseevich Likhodedov in his album presentation of the deltiological material. And what is most important is that books, albums, newspaper and magazine publications contain essential text material. One can go to school, to the student audience with the publications. A postcard can and should help you study the history of the country. By Lyudmila Rublevskaya

Dialogue of cultures

The Hindi translator was born in Lioznenshchina The Belarusian-Russian borderzone, we speak about the Liozna district of Vitebsk region, has its interesting history in terms of artistic, literary and regional history. It was in the Lioznensk region, in the village of Veleshkovichi, that the Russian artist Yakov Golubev (1913–1973) was born. Many of his works are kept in museums and private collections not only in Russia, but also in Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Italy and Lithuania. The Liozna district is the birthplace of People’s Writer of Belarus Mikhas Lynkov. The American writer Anna Strunskaya (1877–1964) was born in Babinovichi of the Liozna district. She was on friendly terms with Jack London, wrote a number of books. The fate of the Belarusian and Polish poet and book publisher Alexander Rypinsky (1811–1900) is also connected with the Liozna district.


Zalman Dymshits was born in 1921 in Yanovichi. At that time the settlement was part of the Surazhsky district, which no longer exists, and its territory belonged to the Liozna district. Little is known from the pre-war biography of our countryman. Zalman Dymshits participated in the Great Patriotic War. From the first and till the last day of the war he was on the front line. He celebrated the victory in the very fascist seat — in Berlin. Then he entered the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, which he graduated from in 1950. There were many bright, interesting individuals among the graduates, e. g. a Chinese scholar, candidate of economic sciences, doctor of historical sciences Alexander Yakovlev (1928–2003), Azerbaijani historian-orientalist, doctor of historical sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Oktay Efendiyev (1926–2013), specialist in Indonesian philology Yury Mazur (1924–1999) and many others. Zalman Dimshits studied Hindi at the university. And almost from the first days after graduation he began to do scientific research. After teaching practice at his native Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, in 1951–1954 he began to work at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He defended his thesis, got a PhD degree in philology and professorship. Zalman Dymshits wrote many works on linguistics, a number of textbooks, some units in

different dictionaries. Together with A. Gladysheva he published a textbook on Hindi, the book was published in 1953. After that there were many republications. Our compatriot also compiled a pocket Hindi-Russian dictionary. He translated fiction from Hindi into Russian. Thanks to tireless work of Dymshits readers of the Soviet Union, other Russian-reading countries discovered the names of many Indian writers. The authority of the Soviet linguist was so high that his monographic essay on Hindi grammar was published even in Delhi (1966). In Hindi, of course. Zalman Dimshits also studied the Urdu language. He made a textbook on it, which was published by the main office of Oriental literature of the Nauka publishing house in 1962. After Dymshits’s death in 2001 “Grammar of the Urdu language” was published by Moscow “Eastern Literature”. The creative work and scientific research of the native of the Lioznensk region was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award. The orientalist died in Vitebsk region on January 6, 1990. The name of Zalman Dymshits is unknown in Belarus. It’s a pity. Belarusian Oriental Studies today is rapidly developing. And the memory of our fellow countrymen, who became the predecessors of today’s researchers, linguists, orientalists, is a part of our common history, common culture. By Mikola Berlezh

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Study of Chinese Civilization:

Parks and gardens


Minsk publishing house “Mastatskaya Literatura” continues the implementation of the book project “Study of Chinese Civilization.” A new volume tells about Chinese parks and gardens. The author of the book “The whole world in one park. Chinese parks and gardens: Discovering the undervalued natural landscapes in the era of modest and simple dwellings ” is Du Daoming. The translator is Maria Aksyuchits. That’s what we read in the publishing annotation for the richly illustrated edition: “Another book of the series “Study of Chinese Civilization” is devoted to parks and gardens of China, the history of their creation and varieties according to climatic and geographical features. It also provides comparative characteristic of the natural landscapes of China and Japan, the West and Islamic countries.” And further: “The book will be interesting and useful for everyone who is directly connected with Sinology, as well as for lovers of Chinese and world culture in general.” Chinese parks and gardens can be divided into three main categories: imperial, private and temple. There are also parks in the natural landscape, parks at the mausoleums, public parks, etc. Imperial parks and gardens have the longest history. They are mainly located in the north of China. One can give such


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examples. A small, but incredibly elegant Yuhuayun (imperial garden) at the Imperial Palace of Gugun has survived to our days. Larger parks and gardens have also survived, such as Yiheyuan (Summer Palace) and Bishushanzhuang (summer estate of the Chinese emperors of the Qing Dynasty). Private parks,

usually owned by intellectuals, were located in the Jiannan area. Of course, they are not as grand as the mperial ones, but they have their own charm, they make people think, they immerse them in memories. Walking in such parks, you can write poetry, philosophize, you can just be alone with your

Bookshelf thoughts. As for temple parks, there are many of them in the mountains of various heights and popularity. Most often, such parks are integrated into the surrounding landscape. Although there are cases when small gardens are laid out on the territory of the temples so that pilgrims and visitors can admire them. Sometimes a separate territory is assigned to the garden, which is attached to the temple, as, for example, in the Lunhuasa temple in Shanghai. 231 pages of a truly unique publi­ cation give an opportunity of a virtual journey to the origins of the richest Chinese civilization. Open the book — and you will find yourself in Beihai Park in Beijing, linger at the entrance to Geyuan Park in Yangzhou, sit down on the stones at the pond in Wangshiyuan Park in Suzhou… Your attention will be drawn to the spring embankment for an apple tree in Zhozhenyuan park in Suzhou. The following statements of the author of the book seem interesting: “In ancient China, followers of Confucian concepts adhered to the idea that a person is above everything, and moral ideas replace any religious dogma. If, guided by this, we look at Chinese temple parks, we can more clearly see the rational idea of human superiority

embodied in practice, in addition, they create a deep, optimistic and even festive atmosphere. One of the main functions of temple parks in China is to serve as a place to enjoy beautiful landscapes, so this function goes beyond religious boundaries…” The work presented at the inter­sec­ tion of scientific research and documentary and essay writing, consists of the following units: “See the big world in miniature: a general description of Chinese parks and gardens”; “Struggle for primacy: views of Chinese parks and gardens”; “Fine and graceful craftsman-

ship: four basic techniques used in creating parks and gardens”; “The unity of nature and person: a reflection of philosophical ideas in Chinese parks and gardens”; “Grace and charm: aesthetics of Chinese parks and gardens”; “Each has its own merits: a comparative description of Chinese and foreign parks and gardens.” The book abut parks and gardens in China, published in Minsk, is a remarkable event in the development of Belarusian-Chinese book and publishing relations. By Sergey Shichko

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Moment of sincerity

Elena’s debuts Monologue of an actress who knows the quick way to get rid of boredom


hen Elena Khristich first appeared in the courtyard of the Theatre for Young Audience, the actors who were relaxing in the sun between the rehearsals whistled for admiration: God, what pastel colors and shades… And they were not mistaken in their definition, they seized what is called the essence of the girl. Later, she as an actress of the Theatre for Young Audience was talked about as an actress of pastel shades. Since the beginning of our friendship Elena has reminded me of the French actress Audrey Tautou, who became famous after the film “Amelie”. There is something “French” in the manner and behavior of the short-haired Elena. This is femininity, and grace, and elegance, and friendliness… And even a slight looseness, which sometimes resembles the character of a tomboy. Probably, it was precisely this “native” European trait that the visiting French director Andre Farnier saw in Elena when he was staging in Minsk the play “Scapin’s Tricks” based on the play by JeanBaptiste Moliere. Elena played the role of the wet-nurse Nerina, hot-tempered, self-confident, knowledgeable in life and in love. It was her and two other actresses that Andre Farnier selected from the entire female cast of the theater. With this production, the Youth Theater, by the way, went on tour to Lyon. Elena was playing this role on the eve of 2000, on her birthday. After it here were many other interesting roles, and birthdays. And all, as Elena says, the loved ones. As well as the latest role of Merchutkinai in the play based on Anton Chekhov’s play “The Jubilee”, which was staged as the benefit of Elena Khristich on the occasion of her personal anniversary. That evening the atmosphere was festive in the Youth theater. After the performance, according to the good old theatrical tradition, Elena’s colleagues made a roast where she was the main character. The creativity of this memorable characteristic actress is well known in Belarus. She is the leading stage master of the


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Youth theater, laureate of Francis Skorina medal. The actress was awarded for great achievements in professional activities, a significant contribution to the development and enhancement of the spiritual potential and cultural heritage of the Belarusian people. Also, Elena Khristich was awarded the breastplate of the Ministry of Culture “For Contribution to the Development of the Culture of Belarus”. ✓ If I compare my life with a big road, then I remember such a moment. It is like a bright stop, where I, a three-year-old girl, as if got into a time machine and began to move through life, realizing myself. I well remember my dad Nikolay Ivanovich, a railwayman, come home after work and tell us that he was awarded the Order of Lenin. Mother Elizaveta Timofeevna, cherished memory of both of them, stopped washing the floor, gasped, rejoiced, began to question… I still remember holding the Order on my small palm. I remember how proud I was of my father, since he had been given that beautiful “toy” for his excellent work on the railway. ✓ There were five of us, children. The elder two sisters and two brothers loved me, the youngest. I was like a living doll for them, which responded to them with enthusiastic love and reverence. Maybe that’s why I learned to read and write so early. And, I will never forget it, I used to dance. In Baranovichy where I was born, there was no opportunity to study to be a ballerina. In Minsk at the choreographic school there was no dormitory for nonresidents. Therefore, my parents did not want me to live with strangers being a child. That’s why I attended all kinds of dance hobby groups in Baranavichy. In the evenings, I showed my abilities to the family. I also took up sports as many of my friends did. Being a high school student, I began performing on the stage of the Baranavichy folk theater. ✓ Only a year after graduation, I entered the Belarusian State Theater and Art Institute, the course to a wonderful teacher Alexander Butakov. He, unlike Vladimir Malankin, who did not admit me to his course right after school, say-

Moment of sincerity ing that I was too young, on the contrary, admitted boys and girls who had just graduated. It turned out that among them I was even a year older. Years of study passed so fast that I did not even understand at the graduation performance how this all had happened. The whole 5 years! In general, over time I have had very interesting relationship. But more on that later. ✓ After the graduation, I found myself in the Vincent Dunin-Marcinkiewicz Drama and Comedy Theater in Bobruisk. I worked there for three years. There were many roles. All the loved ones. How possible is it not love my Melja from the Polish play “ The Morality of Mrs. Dulska” by Gabriela Zapolska? I played both young heroines and ingenue. I had to gain acting experience during numerous tours around the big country — the former Soviet Union. That time is unforgettable. We traveled all over Ukraine, toured the Baltic states… Grigory Borovik invited me to the Theater for Young Audience. At that time he was staging performances there. My close friend and fellow student Galina Kukhalskaya was already working in this theater: she had married a Minsker immediately after graduation. So we happened to be in the same dressing room. We were involved in the same performances. I played a lot of different roles for ten years! A deer, a monkey, a flower, boys, and schoolgirls. I played the Princess and Sophie seal — the main role in the play “How Sophie was kidnapped.” There was an unforgettable performance based on the play by Alexander Khmelik “A Humanoid Rushing in the Sky”, in which I enjoyed playing the central role of schoolgirl Malakhova. ✓ In my stage life there were a lot of funny moments, funny situations. This is backstage that is not seen by the audience from the audience hall, connected with my Belarusian language, and even with the dogs, which were my partners in the play. Yes, yes, I used to laugh and cry because our fourlegged friends changed the “role concept”. There was a doggie called Fluff in the play “Humanoid…”. It used to run around me, barking loudly, which the audience liked very much. And once Fluff ran onto the stage, silently crouched and did a poo. The pupils in the audience hall were delighted. We, the actors, were choking with laughter. Just imagine how difficult it was not to burst out laughing and continue to play, as if nothing had happened. There was such deep silence in the hall that one could hear the audience breathing. They were carefully watching whether the actors would step on it.Thank God no one stepped on it, everything worked out. But

when we took our leave, when the curtain closed in, we laughed ourselves to tears, to hiccups. But on tour in Volgograd, the performance even had to be interrupted because of Fluff. Only it was not the Minsk Fluff but a local huge St. Bernard dog. It was shaggy, handsome, peaceful, and aroused confidence. And the report about its training were the best. When it was released onto the stage and given a command to run, the St. Bernard got frightened and began to run around the stage barking hoarsely. Then he ran off the stage into the wings, entangled, the wings fell off… I was on the verge of fainting. I only kept on repeating: “My God, what will happen?…” And there was laughter and general admiration from the audience. In general, we had to continue to play this performance without a “dog-partner”. ✓ There were incidents with the language. I am Russian by origin, have Serbian roots (great-grandfather came from Macedonia). My practice at the institute was not enough, so I mastered the Belarusian

Scene from the play "These Inexplicable Old People" based on the play by Svetlana Aleksievich. Elena Khristich — Lyubov.

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Moment of sincerity

In the play "The Jubilee"

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In the role of the nurse Nerina in the play "Scapin's Tricks"


friend and I went shopping to buy something for the party: it was her husband’s birthday. We took a bottle of champagne. And the cashier said turning to me: girl, you are too young to drink champagne… And she took the bottle away. I started laughing: such cases had already happened to me when people demanded my passport to see my age. Oh, I remember how angry was my friend, she wanted to prove that she and I were almost 40. But the cashier said: you may be forty, but let the girl show her passport… I didn’t have my passport on me. So we did not buy champagne.

Denis Parshin ▶ (General Gnevyshev) and Elena Khristich (Anna Tsyplunova) in the play “Rich Brides”

The Merry Wives of Windsor

language while playing, as they say, in action. I could change the words so that it also caused laughter. “When will you start to speak Belarusian?”, Alexey Dudarev used to tell me more than once. At that time he worked as an actor in the theater, and combined this work with the duties of the head of the literary part. Of course, he was very tough on the correctness of the language. But for me at that time it was not so easy. For example, I could pronounce the word “griby” (mushrooms) as “groby” (coffins) when I played the Princess and served a pan of mushrooms to the Puss in Boots. The actors, of course, barely held back a laugh. It makes me laugh now, as well as feel a little awkward. However, one thing is certain, all the comments of my partners on the stage were expressed in a friendly, not offensive manner, and their laugh at my malapropisms was friendly. ✓ My love and passion for theater is unconditional. I have not played a single role which I disliked. Each of them is life. Independent, interesting, though virtual. I immerse myself in it, think about it, fill it with my own searches, meaning. ✓ As an actress and a person, I don’t have time to get bored. In general, I am surprised when some people say that they are overtaken by boredom. ✓ If I hear this, I would like to say: your are safe and sound, alive, healthy, what else is needed… In such cases, I advise people to imagine that they do not exist in the world. For me personally, every moment of life is a great miracle. There are so many interesting and beautiful things in it! Just to have time to do something and go somewhere and meet friends… It feels as if life is rushing like a fast train. It seems that recently there was one of my anniversaries, celebrated at the Youth Theater, which I had joined after the Theater for Young Audience. Now it is the second one. At the Youth Theater, where I have been working for 35 years, half of my creative life has passed. Gregory Borovik invited me to work there. He was the first chief director of the Youth Theater. At that time we did not have our own building, we even rehearsed at night, encouraged by enthusiasm. ✓ I am not sad that years fly by. After all, I am doing what I like. It allows me to be in good shape. But I would not be sincere if I said that the wrinkles on my face make me happy. They appeared somehow unexpectedly, suddenly. At first it was a shock. I’ve been young all the time, the best among peers. And here you are! But I do not miss my young skin, do not do botox lifting and other anti-aging facial tricks. When I look in the mirror, I say to myself: your time has come, it is a given of life, aging is a natural process. And I smile. And some more details about the age. For a very, very long time, there was no sign of aging on my face. My friends were surprised, they said: Lenka, what are you doing with yourself, that you have no wrinkles at all? Yes, I myself was surprised. But when I looked at my mother, I understood: these are just genes. I was born like this. Because of my appearance, ridiculous things happened, I would say, even funny, when people thought that I was 15 or even 20 years younger. Once, my

In the role of Merchutkina ▶ in the benefit performance “The Jubilee”

Moment of sincerity ✓ For an actress at any age, it is important to look good. Means for this are known: a good sleep, a healthy diet, fresh air and a happy mood, which I try to practice daily. If I wake up, I think: thank God, I am alive! In a sense, every new day is a debut for me. The debut of life as I perceive it. This is my daily premiere. How will I play the role of a human, woman, actress? And when I come home in the evening in a good mood, although a little tired, I am glad that I didn’t offend anyone, was not annoyed by the little things, and successfully played the play. The applause of the audience is heard inside, I remember

Elena and partners in the play "The Ugly Duckling"

◀ Elena Khristich

Liubov Malysheva

with director Andre Fornier, during a tour in French Lyon with the play "Scapin's Tricks"

Scene from the play " The Jubilee". Elena with Natalia Podvitskaya (wife of a banker)

their smiles and doubly rejoice: the performance went well. This is such a great happiness! ✓ I never envied the “star” celebrities. After all, I understood: well, not everybody can look like at the beauty contests. I knew my worth from childhood. Thanks to my mom, dad, brothers and sisters. They used to tell me: you are unique, the only one in the world. I understood that in fact, I was what I was. I should reveal myself, and not pose as someone else. I’m a living person. When parts are given, it’s quite natural that I react to it. I had to take a hold on myself, as they say. So it happened with a small age-role of Maria Vasilievna Voynitsky, the mother of Uncle Vanya in Anton Chekhov’s play “Uncle Vanya”. At first, when I was offered this role, I confess, I was offended a little: am I really so old that there is no other role for me… But everything turned out perfectly. The director Vitaly Katovitsky conducted the rehearsals so delicately that I somehow deeply realized: indeed, there are no small, insignificant roles. Apparently, that role became transitional for me in order to respond to what is offered with joy. I loved my character very much, I felt sorry for her, a woman who used to live under the illusions about her son. How glad I was that I was able to transform this image during the stage action. My colleagues told me that I had managed to play Voynitskaya, who seemed to wake up before our eyes. When I was working on this role, I kept on recollecting Chekhov’s words about Uncle Vanya’s mother: if only the actress would’n spoil the role… I hope I succeeded. ✓ It’s not easy to play the dramatic character of Lyubov in the play “These Inexplicable Old People” based on the play by Svetlana Aleksievich. True, the reviwers wrote that I did well in my monologue-confession… By the way, this performance was the first for our Youth Theater, which declaring itself as a new theater group. The difficulty was great. I remember being captured by Aleksievic’s book. But the fact that we were carried away did not mean that the viewer would be carried away as well. My partners and I belong to the post-war generation. For us, the horrors of war are rather an abstract concept. The first difficulty was the following: how to correlate our own life, moral experience to the experience of women of the military generation, to those internal movements that occurred with each character. The second difficulty was that we had to play both young girls who went to fight after school and adult female war veterans. Maybe not everything worked out, but even Svetlana Aleksievich noted our sincerity, spontaneity, enthusiasm. Moreover, she liked the way the theme of relations between young people and the older generation was resolved in our performance. ✓ Roles are limited in number. If you are an actress, you want to be constantly busy. It is so natural. But, probably, there is common sense in the fact that we are both busy and not busy. Breaks are necessary. To look back, think about what you have achieved in this life. Anyway, sometimes it’s so good just to stop! And, I repeat, to enjoy life as every day is a debut. So I try to live like that. Thankful for all that I have. Interviewed by Valentina Zhdanovich

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TV series

Factory of good mood The wheel started turning Some time ago our “TV people” did not use to make Belarusian series. But the necessity has long been brewing, as the creators of the first such project admit, i. e. the scriptwriter and actor Maxim Sokol, as well as the director Ilya Baranov. They gave rise to the idea.. ONT Director Marat Markov supported it and provided technical facilities. There were no problems with the film setting either: the director of the republican unitary enterprise “Belorusneft -Minskoblnefteprodukt” Anatoly Korotky agreed to the filming at the territory of “Belorusneft” gas station. The casting was even easier: Belarusian actors were happy to play in the national film. It seemed that everyone had been waiting for that moment. — The last Belarusian film, in which I was acting came out 6 years ago,” says Vladimir Gostyukhin, People’s Artist of Belarus. — Of course, I immediately gave my permission to participate in a new experiment. I am convinced that we need


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One could learn about the way the national series “Night shift” had been created and what role the Second National TV Channel “ONT” played in that project at the presentation of the pilot version of the film, which, by the way, had already been watched by the Belarusian film director Alexander Efremov and the Polish one Krzysztof Zanussi

to tell about ourselves, about our history, about our life… Belarus has all the resources for that. It was a great pleasure to work with a young team of professionals. Maxim Sokol, in turn, reveals the nuances of the television process: — On ONT 30% of the airtime is taken up by serial content. And all of it is foreign-made. Ukraine, Russia, all neighboring countries come to us to shoot films, because we have highquality technological and creative facilities. Yes, these films are interesting, popular, in demand. But they are not about us, Belarusians. But we also can, may be even better, make our own multi-part films which possess national character. Ilya Baranov adds: — Maxim and I made this first pilot series by ourselves. We do not claim it to be a masterpiece, something out of the ordinary. We just wanted to make a multi-part film interesting for all of us, to set the “flywheel” of this industry moving, to make it turn faster. Please, come with your ideas, your scripts.

TV series Serials in the country should be produced ten, twenty, forty a Frankly speaking, I’m not a big fan of soap operas. They’re year, a week — the more, the better. We should set up our own long, and they aren’t always worth the time spent on watching factory to produce them. Then one of them will definitely “pop them. But light humor with some implication, double meanup”, turn out to be first-class, popular. We took the first step. ing definitely attracted me in “Night Shift”. As if by chance, And now we invite you to a dialogue: what you liked, how to im- one character gives two flowers (the even number is a sign of prove? We are able to make high-quality domestic content. mourning for the Slavs. — Auth.) to another, i. e. a colleague The pilot version of “Night shift” has already been seen by who will have to be on duty at night (and we already know that some Belarusian and foreign directors. People’s Artist of Bela- at this time something strange is going on at the gas station). rus and director Alexander Efremov praised it, and called the The wine spilled on the floor at first looks like blood.. And a lot draft material to be quite promising work that should be con- comes from real life. You’ll laugh willy-nilly when recognizing tinued. Krzysztof Zanussi, Polish film director, scriptwriter and yourself or your neighbor in someone. Because, as it has been producer, winner of the main prize of the Venice Film Festival mentioned, it’s familiar, it’s about us. “Golden Lion”, also noted a good level of the television project The acting is very good, though it’s not surprising as many and even expressed his desire for the “duo of enthusiasts” — of the actors have successfully appeared in many Russian Baranow and Sokol — to try their hand at a serious film. serials, e. g. Vladimir Gostyukhin, Andrey Karako, Evelina By the way, in addition to journalists and media experts, Sakuro, Pavel Kharlanchuk, Olesya Pukhovaya and others. the focus group of spectators included… a goose. A trained Yes, the Belarusian acting school is really good. bird named Harvester is In my opinion, the cama Belarusian celebrity. It era work of Gennady is exlives in the capital apartcellent: the film picture is ment with his friend, as his beautiful, the video seowner calls himself, blogger quence is rich. One can see Andrey Gurin. Harvester that the cameraman is inposes for camera with spired by the script and he pleasure, gives interviews likes the process itself. to journalists and even tries During the screening in to predict the outcome of the Falcon Club Boutique sports events pulling with Cinema, there was no usual his beak pictures with the silence: some of the spectaflag of the country-wintors occasionally commentner. After the screening of ed aloud on episodes of the “Night Shift” Harvester, who had been sitting quiVladimir Gostyukhin is satisfied with the result of work with "ONT" etly during the show, was given a chace to vote. It gave the maximum point to what it had seen: pulled number “5” film, many laughed loudly. leaving “3” and “4”. When the final credits appeared and the light went What is the film about? on, one of the organizers called out without a microThe genre of the series is a mix of a thriller, detective, com- phone: “How was it? Did you edy… A love line is also present (I suppose, there will be a like it?” Instead of an affirmnumber of them), and even a shaggy monster with luminous ative “yes” there was a posilasers instead of eyes appears in shot. True, it causes more tive emotional polyphony: laughter than fear. In general, it is clear that the series is aimed “When is the continuation? at anyone and everyone, as they say, to suit every taste, to cover And what’s going to happen wide viewership. next?” The action takes place at a gas station. According to the So, the answer is more script, a lot of things happen there, every day new characters than obvious, and with turn up at the gas station! But one thing is permanent: with the an implication: people liked nightfall something weird goes on at the gas station… Elec- the film. By Alisa Gungor. VIP-person of the event — tricity turns off by itself, strange trucks with no drivers arrive, Photo by the author. unusual voices can be heard… It’s awfully scary. goose Harvester беларусь. belarus 2020


Personality in the art

Zoya Litvinova:

“This is my language with my philosophical significance of symbols”


A large-scale exhibition project of the Honored Art Worker of Belarus Zoya Litvinova, which was presented at the National Museum of Art, was, without exaggeration, the brightest event for everyone who participated in it “Signs of creative will” in the Museum of Art is the final and perhaps the most important chord of the master in the exhibition suite, which has been sounding throughout the past year. Viewers were already able to get acquainted with some facets of Zoya Litvinova’s work, i. e. her watercolors and drawings were exhibited at several art venues in Minsk. This time over four hundred paintings, drawings, and watercolors from the museum’s and the artist’s collections, made by her mainly in the last forty years, were presented in four halls of the National Museum of Art. The exposition was composed of wellknown iconic paintings by the master, and the works which had never been exhibited before to the general public. The artist came to art in the heyday of “severe style.” She has made a rather long, but incredibly interesting and eventful journey to the Litvinova, who today is known and loved not only in Belarus, but far beyond its borders. At first, she accumulated many tendencies of Soviet art of the 60s — 70s in her own work. At the same time, she managed to be as if out of official directions. It is no coincidence that in the late 80s Litvinova became part of the famous creative association Nemiga‑17. The sources of Zoya Litvinova’s creative method can be largely connected with the academic education she received, as well as with the development and rethinking of the artistic practices of Europe in the first half and middle of the twentieth century. The main thing in her works is a search for herself, a search for color and plastic, composition and space. Both painting and drawing are completely inseparable for the master, since they represent a single process of forming an artistic image. At the same time, while inventing her own world of forms, symbols and signs, Litvinova never completely broke with nature. She has repeatedly emphasized that in her works there is no literary plot, everyone should solve the secret independently, by themselves. Gold has become an integral element of Zoya Litvinova’s painting. In the history of art many artists have used this ma-


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Personality in the art terial in their works. In this sense, Litvinova is not a pioneer. However, the way she does it and what importance she attaches to gold in her works is worth mentioning. Gold, masterfully included in the canvas, gives the author’s images an amazing, special tone. Indeed, according to Zoya Litvinova herself, the main thing in art is the expression of ideas and spirituality. On the one hand, it is quite appropriate to call the project “Signs of creative will” a kind of summing up the results of the artistic activity of Zoya Litvinova. She demonstrates in it the maximum genre and thematic polyphony — a “crosssection” of all that she has found, opened and created over many years of work. At the same time, Zoya Litvinova is an artist who continues to work fruitfully today. Therefore, it is too early to talk about any final activity. Her art is still full of strong will, and her best works become real classics of Belarusian culture. aintings and watercolors by Zoya Litvinova have been kept in the National Museum of Art of the Republic of Belarus. This is due recognition of her as a master — it is not so easy to have one’s works accepted by the museum. There are Litvinova’s paintings at the Center for Contemporary Art in Minsk. In fact, they are also in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in the museums of Riga, Novosibirsk and Bishkek, as well as in private and municipal collections of Austria, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Holland, South Africa, Israel, the USA and Canada. By the way, in 2005 she was awarded the Order of the Ministry of Culture of France. The author considers art to be international and is glad that her works are spreading around the world. At the same time, she highly appreciates the national school of painting, although she believes that this school is still in a formative stage. However, it has already acquired a certain significance. Zoya Litvinova loves a developed viewer. She is sure that there is always philosophy in true works. Here is one of her statements: — I am a fairly traditional artist. I am a contemplator, who is “nourished” by reality, and therefore I see no reason to break ties with it, I see no reason to abandon figurativeness, although the abstract form is also very interesting to me. In general, painting for me is a unique means for the embodiment of spiritual reality that exists around us, but is not visible to the eye. — How do you feel about such a forgotten and even neglected in the art aesthetic category as “beauty”? — Indeed, this concept has somehow departed our life. Well, who, if not the artist, should think about Beauty, create Beauty. Beauty is harmony. What kind of life is without harmony? In 1986, in Minsk, a group of artists set up a creative association Nemiga‑17. Like-minded people set themselves the task, as critics later noted, to update the plastic language of national painting.


Zoya Litvinova:

I am a fairly traditional artist. I am a contemplator, who is “nourished” by reality, and therefore I see no reason to break ties with it, I see no reason to abandon figurativeness, although the abstract form is also very interesting to me. In general, painting for me is a unique means for the embodiment of spiritual reality that exists around us, but is not visible to the eye. In the wake of the first perestroika years, artists of all the republics of the former Soviet Union, more than ever, acutely felt the urgency of the problem of their national and cultural identity. The period of the formation of Nemiga‑17 as a joint (with all the variety of united by it individuals) creative team, the formation of its concept fell precisely on these years. The artists wanted to emphasize the connection with deep layers of national history and culture even by the very name of the group. Nemiga is not only the street on which there is a studio where the idea of unification was born, it is also the name of the now defunct river, the banks of which back in 1067 became a field of historical battle between the squads of Polotsk and Kiev princes. The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” described the battle on the Nemiga and it is this event that the first mention of Minsk in the ancient chronicles is connected with. Nevertheless, in developing national issues, Nemiga artists never went by a historical or ethnographic theme, a plot. They transferred the solution of this problem to the sphere of exclusively plastic searches. Awareness of their national belonging was expressed in their desire to find an artistic language that, for all its modernity, would be genetically related to cultural traditions of the Belarusian people. Already at that early stage, the participants of Nemiga‑17 had a creatively oriented attitude to the national tradition and world culture as a whole. Nemiga‑17 caused interest to expressive pictorial forms, associative, metaphorical language in Belarusian painting. Color was the main formative component for the painters of this creative community. In other words, color for them is the main means of achieving the depth and richness of the artistic image. Unlike her younger colleagues, Litvinova joined the association as a fully mature master. But it was precisely at that time (and most likely not by chance) that radical changes took place in her work. Her artistic vision became sharply emotional. Litvinova does not go back of figurativeness. Her main task is a consistent penetration into the deep essence of things and phenomena. She is not an artist of a particular moment in life, but a philosopher who comprehends the world. Therefore, it is so organic and not trivial in her work to appeal, for example, to biblical themes or themes of love, human loneliness. For the same reason, a certain creative technique, беларусь. belarus 2020


Personality in the art sometimes completely “worn out” by salon art, acquires in her canvases novelty and amazing power of transformation of images. hat powers feed Litvinova’s work? She believes that a person, who decided to become an artist, must remember that art will be their master, the only one, that they are destined to do without many things in life. Or maybe the power of her work is in her sources? She was born in a village in the Vetkovsky district of the Gomel region. Her childhood fell on hard war and postwar time. In the days of war death was everywhere. It was scary. In the postwar years there was nothing to eat, life was very hard. Still, childhood is childhood: feelings were strong and vivid. There was a feeling of comprehension of some mystery. — I grew up among fields and water, — says Zoya Vasilievna. — I perceive the nature of Belarus through these symbols: water, sand, forest, open spaces… Everything was lively, mobile. Sometimes in a shine of water, in a palpitation of the leaves, airy transparent creatures glided before me, arising, disappearing. I absorbed everything — both nature and people. I loved simple old women, they got together at our house in the evenings and told fairy tales about all kinds of miracles, sang and read fortune. They came after work when it was twilight. Since then, twilight has been a special time for me. There is an almost elusive line, meaning a transition from one state to another, from one form of being to another. This is an exciting, mysterious and intriguing moment. Apparently, this idea encouraged me to draw. Today, being a person of great life experience, Zoya Litvinova appreciates her creative youth very favorably: — I have always known what I need and what I want, have never made deals with my conscience. I graduated from the monumental department of the Minsk Theater and Art Institute and therefore made my living by commissions. But I never did what I did not like, what was not interesting. Now even more so. You need to get used to my painting, it is not so easy to perceive. I am a person who is interested in myths, legends, religious topics. It is not by chance that over the past 20 years a biblical theme has been the major one for me. Painting is changing, it’s natural. I’ve always tried to discover some-



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thing in myself, to overcome something and not to follow the solution that has once been found. — How was your formation as an artist going on? — An artist is formed as soon as he or she begins to paint. After graduation, it is always very important to set serious tasks. Indeed, at that time a young person starts to search for their own topic, plastic language. Here the development of the soul is very important. Only after it do you realize yourself in creativity. If a personality is formed, it can be original. Painting is different only when the artist finds their means of expression. If it does not go beyond the framework of apprenticeship, then painting is alike, gray. — Your creative style is often called fresco. — Yes, I am fond of fresco, spiritual painting. It seems to me that higher than fresco painting nothing has been created in the world. Frescos and icons. I think this is a realistic manner. After all, we depict not only the reality we can see, but

Personality in the art

The eloquent kaleidoscope of the exhibition by Zoya Litvinova

also the reality that we feel, spiritual reality. It is everywhere, but we feel it inside ourselves, through our feelings. The way we express it, is another matter. So my painting is realistic. — As I understand, in your works you convey the reality the way you see it. — And the way I feel it. After all, physical vision is the same for everyone. It is important for me what means I use to express it. — Even if they are far from realistic in form? — Of course. Reality will be more interesting at the expense of life. And when we copy it, we get a fake. It is not quite correct. — Your portraits are more realistic. — Naturally. In the portrait I express the character of a person. And of course, the portrait should look like a person. The way I feel him or her, what I want to emphasize, to ex-

press — for all this I find a plastic solution. For me, a portrait has always been of interest, I’ve painted a lot of them. — Yet you are better known for compositional painting. — I have changed, but I am always recognizable. I changed because I had experienced, felt something new. Life experience makes us different. Now I am doing abstract painting. However, I am still recognized, because this is my form, my color, my plastic moves. — In your work, do you give great importance to color? — For me, color plays a major role in the development of the theme. — Are the colors that dominate in your paintings in tune with you? — I love luminous colors, cheerful ones. I believe that our life is so complicated that we must help people find joy in it. This task, it seems to me, is relevant for the artist. беларусь. belarus 2020


Personality in the art

At the exhibition that attracted

Must see

— In the 80s many people were not ready to perceive you and other artists. Do you feel now that the perception of your work has changed? — We are far from being young. And if we have established ourselves as artists, so we have. If we haven’t, it can’t be helped. I was invited to Nemiga‑17 when I had already become a fairly well-known artist here and in the West. And then the time came when group exhibitions became not so interesting. Solo ones were more interesting. — What influenced the choice of your creative manner? — This is the result of my daily work. There is no secret technology. This is the sum of the accumulated moves, they are very difficult to explain. Painting needs to be experienced, it needs to be felt. Everyone discovers something for themselves — we all are different. — Is there a desire for individualism in your manner? Does the fact that your manner should be different from others dominate you? — No, everything is completely involuntary. Although since 2000 I’ve set myself other tasks. I’ve developed another plastic language. It is completely different — abstract, non-objective. But it is recognizable, it is my language with my special, philosophical significance of symbols. Symbols throughout the world are repeated, they are known. That is why, probably, art is international. Wherever you show pictures, people who are interested in it, always understand the content. — Has abstract painting become the main for you? — No. This does not mean that I am not interested in a person. Abstraction renders innocuous over time. We can slide into simplification — I do not want it. I do not want to leave the real world. It is very important for me. Because I am fueled by the reality in which I live, which I feel. Actually, this is the work of the soul.

— But abstract painting as if transfers us to another world. — Yes, and it is very interesting. — So we can go too far… — For me, as I said, it is very important not to leave the connection with reality. — Let’s talk about tradition. Still, art is based on the places where the artist lives, on an atmosphere connected with reality. — We are all products of our time and products of our place, because we love it, we’ve absorbed it. Despite the fact that I like travelling, I can’t stay anywhere for more than a month, I feel homesick. Despite the fact that I am the kind of artist as I am, I consider myself to be a distinctive national artist. I hear about myself: “Distinctive artist.” So, there is something in my painting that makes me belong to Belarusian art, despite my internationality. It seems to me that the national school of painting is still in the formative stage. — After all, famous artists came from Belarus: Chagall, Soutine… — We are now happy to say that such geniuses used to work here. Of course, there is a mutual influence of all schools. Especially at this time when we are so connected with the world. Now Belarusian artists are different, sometimes they can not be distinguished from the European ones. It seems to me that it is not necessary to attach great importance to this. If an artist becomes more significant, he or she will become even more national. — Still, what dominates in your work: imagery or figurativeness? — Imagery must be present in every work. If I set the task, I must figuratively solve it. Moreover, there is no need to separate the stages of the artist. All the tasks that you set and solve are different. Abstract painting also carries a figurative begin-


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Personality in the art

The artist’s imaginative vision

ning, but the images are different, not real. In recent years, I began to paint flowers. I used to think that it was boring. And now I began to do it, and it’s very interesting for me. I am repeating, but I want to say it again: I attach great importance to color — the conventional language of painting. Because it is the whole world, its own reality in the canvas. It is no coincidence that in the late 80s, gold appeared in painting. I introduce it as an element of the sun, as the energy of the spirit. Next to gold, you need to put a color that would withstand this strong, bright energy stress. Painting has become more conventional, more saturated with color. It is very important for me. — Is there more philosophical reflection in abstract works? — Yes, it has its own philosophy. In one of my works, the spiritual world is the world of heaven and the world of the earth. There are energy signs that permeate these two worlds. But how to portray them? How to find a specific real plastic? How do we experience it? Preparation, general knowledge is very important: philosophy, education, wide reading. All this requires the work of the soul, not only mine, but also the spectators’. — Is it possible to say that in your works you mainly interpret? — Yes, I never copy. Even if I paint landscape from nature. I move, I can remove something, I can’t do without it. This is a creative process. — You say that you do not draw illustratively. And others move away from illustrativeness. But doesn’t turn out that many end up betraying the style? — I think that it is bad when an artist uses a once developed manner. The peculiarity of my work is that I always try to get away from the same manner. I strive to find an unusual original solution. For me, it is very important not to have a

“Bolero” is one of the brightest works of Zoya Litvinova

template. However, many, unfortunately, take advantage of it. Art has come such a long way over the centuries, now you have to spill your guts to find your way.. The task is unusually difficult. If an artist is recognizable, has found their own style, theme, and interprets it in their own way, this is already an achievement. — What quality level has Belarusian fine art reached? What stage is it at now, in your opinion? — At a good level. The Belarusian school is gaining importance. Schools are made by individuals. Each person brings their own identity to this school. While an artist is healthy, they work, hope that they will create something very important. I think that if the work of the soul has not stopped, if you are alive inside, you are able to keep on creating… oya Litvinova believed and still believes that beauty will save the world. Yes, the exhibition “Signs of creative will” is the totality of many years of searches and findings. There is no doubt that in this anniversary exposition the best works, created by the author over the past four decades, have been collected. All the main topics of her plastic searches are present, both in graphics and in easel painting. Although a huge and in its own way very expressive part of the artist’s work, i. e. monumental painting (and these are paintings and tapestries), is not presented at the exhibition, but the sense of monumentality of many images and techniques stays with the viewer, making us wonder. Canvases seized by light are flaming on the gray walls of the museum halls. Gold is shining and flickering, inserted by the master in painting in the canvas. Presence of real gold in Litvinova’s works is a trademark and a distinctive feature of her personality. In gold, she depicts light and color, making Belarusian painting bright and vivid, violating the idea of its modest and restrained color.


By Veniamin Mikheyev

беларусь. belarus 2020


Literary bridges

Sangeeta Bahadur Story

A Night’s Tail

“It is very difficult to find time for creativity. There is a lot of work in the office, there is social responsibility: to meet people, make contacts, attend receptions, lunches and dinners. But the weekend is my time. On Saturday and Sunday, I always take a few hours to write. But if I am on deadline, I have to get up early and stay up late. I have published two books, the third one is ready and soon will go to press. I am working on several others. When I sit at the computer, thoughts begin to appear, I feel alive. You feel like you’re creating something, giving something to the world, expressing yourself. You could call it a hobby. Or a second career. You the pass all your thoughts through your head and heart, through your soul — and you enjoy it. Because holding this post I cannot fully express myself as a person — I am mainly expressing what the Indian Government wants. And in creative work, at the desk as a writer, I express myself ”.

Sangeeta Bahadur (From the interview to the “Беларусь. Belarus” magazine, No. 4–2019, p.12–18) Ivan Zhdanovich

“Is he still…?” I nod, staring out of the diamond-paned window at the gate across the garden. The elderly, dapper gentleman stands beyond it in the pelting rain, silhouetted against the lightningslashed greyness of the monsoon sky. His eyes appear to glow eerily as he stares straight into mine, making me shiver. As before, the downpour leaves him untouched, sliding harmlessly off the precise creases of his sherwani* — traditional suit — and the embroidered mojaris — silk shoes — he wears on his feet, to puddle on the brick driveway. The others moan; Tula begins to cry quietly. I go to sit with her and we all huddle together — as we first did on that dawn, twenty-five years ago. “It’s alright,” I whisper, my eyes drifting to the massive carved wood of the locked door, on the outside of which hangs the talisman, glowing a silvery blue in the gloom. “He won’t get through — never has. Bless you, Mom!” A fervent chorus seconds me as we clasp hands and recall the weird, disorienting night it all began… The four of us — bright, brash and shamefully indulged offspring of rich dads who’d been friends forever — had been living together for just over two years by then. Having bonded literally across our cribs (since our mothers had obligingly produced us within weeks of each other), each of us regarded the other three as sisters from another mister and shared everything from clothes, makeup and books to gossip, crushes and secrets. Once we’d aced our 12th Boards, we’d wheedled our way into moving away from the pretty but boring town of Ranchi — still the unofficial summer capital of an undivided Bihar — to hip-and-happening Bangalore. The parents, putty in our practiced hands, gladly agreed to pool resources and rent for us a picturesque bungalow in a quiet neighbourhood, and we happily settled in to pursue our obligatory undergrad degree at the classy St. Joseph’s College. Within a month, we were friends with everybody who was anybody in * See the meaning of the specified words at the end of the text


беларусь. belarus 2020

Literary bridges

Tatiana Storozhenko

the under‑25 world of the city, and had collected a legion of ered, Chamkeeli would return in a fortnight; if, however, the fervent admirers. They dutifully mooned over us, worked like Gorgon passed away with decent haste, as she hoped, it just dogs to organize our legendary parties and could be counted might be sooner… This spelled DISASTER — in capital letters. Who would on to fight for the privilege of carting around our books and clean the house, do the laundry, buy groceries and field unshopping bags. The mainstay of this thrilling existence was our live-in wanted callers? And who, for God’s sake, would feed us? Anxmaid, Chamkeeli, without whom we’d have literally starved in ious enquiries revealed that the only one of us who had even a a pigsty, since we firmly believed that housework was poten- nodding acquaintance with cooking was Ria, who could toast bread. To our intense retially lethal. The cheerful lief, she rose magnificently mother of two teenagers, to the occasion. “Now she had been persuaded don’t any of you worry!” by our mothers — and, she admonished us conno doubt, the generous fidently, marching across salary offered as compenthe threshold with the rest sation — to tear herself of us following worshipaway from her extended fully in her wake. “I’ve Santhal family in a vileven boiled eggs — around lage near Ranchi and acfive years ago, true, but so company us to Bangalore what? It’s really not rocket as cook, housekeeper science. If you were all to and general factotum chip in a bit, I could acturolled into one. She’d only ally be flipping pancakes go home when we headed before the week’s out!” to Ranchi over our sumA couple hours later, mer, autumn and winter we stood panting in the breaks, and return in time kitchen, covered in flour, to join us on our journey oil, sweat and blood — back. The arrangement Tula having enthusiashad, so far, worked like a tically sliced her finger charm; we never had to along with the onions do without her in Bangashe’d valiantly underlore, and she was never — taken to chop — staring as she confessed to us in a at one another in dismay. weak moment — forced “So it is rocket science!” to play the dutiful mother, Mishri muttered, bandagwife and daughter-in-law ing the injury and glowlong enough to set her ering at the tornado-hit teeth on edge. kitchen. “Shame on you, Clearly, our ChamThat's what Djinn might look like, the virtual reality hero Ria, for leading us down keeli was a woman the garden path with viwho valued her indesions of golden pancakes whirling through the air. Poor Tula pendence — and never, hence, sought to curtail ours. Imagine our consternation, therefore, when we returned will now be fingerless forevermore, and it’s all your fault!” that evening to find, tucked under the door, a note (an ac“Well, of all the unfair, prejudiced, irresponsible things to cepted means of communication in those pre-mobile days) say!” gasped Ria, flushed and outraged. “How am I to blame written in a semi-literate hand. It informed us that Cham- for some idiot’s inability to figure out the difference between keeli, summoned by a peremptory telegram (helpfully en- flesh and vegetable?” closed as evidence) announcing the illness of her mother-inTula, our resident Drama Queen, protested this unfeeling law, had been forced to catch the afternoon train chugging statement by bursting into tears; Mishri, ever her champion, along in the general direction of Bihar. It might, she stated abandoned the first-aid box to advance threateningly on Ria hopefully, drop her off somewhere in the vicinity of Ranchi, who thrust her chin out in belligerent invitation. Galvanized from where she’d board a bus or a truck or maybe a tractor by the fear of a screechy hair-pulling contest, and quite used home. If the old lady responded to ministrations and recov- to playing referee, I stepped between them with alacrity. беларусь. belarus 2020


Literary bridges

In such a mansion, the heroines of Sangeeta Bahadur's story could have found themselves

“Now, now, people!” I cooed soothingly. “No one’s blaming anybody for anything! We are all tired, overwrought and hungry and — and, um, feeling lost without our domestic goddess Chamkeeli. Ria, you did your best, but we really shouldn’t have expected miracles on your first evening in the kitchen. Tula, turn off the taps; you have not been rendered fingerless, and you know that. Mishri, save the Tarantula Tanzi Act for later, dammit! What we need right now is good hot food, and the only way we are getting any tonight is if we go out and buy some.” Sobs and growls instantly died away. Three pairs of eyes goggled at me with identical expressions of disbelief. “At — lemme see, a quarter to eleven in the night?” Mishri queried suavely. “Where do you think we are, babe — New York? In Bangalore, even the owls go to sleep at nine!” This was, you understand, way before half the world’s IT industry moved to Bangalore and turned it into an American suburb. “Not if you know where to go!” I quipped, relaxing as oestrogen levels around me simmered down. “Remember the Hyderabadi takeout joint we went to last month after the rock concert, with Shrini and his IIM gang? Was it called Chaarminar? From what I remember, it’s just two kilometres down the highway, and stays open till well after midnight — and the food is amazing!” “What an awe-awesome idea!” hiccupped Tula, dabbing at the lingering moisture in her eyes. “I have Shrini’s phphone number; I’ll a‑ask him to pop across and...” “No!” I interrupted firmly, feeling unaccountably feminist in that moment of trial. “What a guy can do, girls can do better. We’ll go get our own dinner, on our own terms.” “But it’s pouring out there!” protested Mishri. “Won’t we get wet?”


беларусь. belarus 2020

“If we choose to sing and dance in the rain, certainly,” I retorted. “I must confess that I was toying with the revolutionary idea of simply driving there.” “This is not a permanent solution, you know,” Ria huffed, mildly miffed at being so neatly supplanted in the kitchen. “True,” I smiled placatingly, “but can you come up with a better stop-gap arrangement? Just for tonight, of course.” So, in perfect accord once more, everyone rushed to wash and change. Within a record ten minutes, we had piled into Ria’s sunflower-yellow Maruti Zen and were careering dangerously — she being a votary of the kamikaze approach to driving — down deserted, water-slicked roads. Screeching to a dramatic halt in front of the brightly lit, isolated eatery — and it was indeed named Chaarminar! — we took a moment to gape at the silver-grey Rolls gleaming wetly in the muddy lot, flanked by three enormous black Chevrolets. Silent shophands were scurrying about, stashing their cavernous boots with large cartons redolent with the scent of succulent meats, fragrant rice and saffron-infused dessert. Our stomachs growling in protest and our mouths watering appreciatively, we repressed our curiosity at this unexpected encounter with opulence, and instead squelched our way to the counter. Before we could utter a word, though, the owner informed us brusquely that they were sold out for the day. For a moment, we simply stared uncomprehendingly at him. Tula was the first to recover from the blow. “Whatever do you mean?” she squealed, greatly insulted. “There’s all that stuff on the shelves, in these boxes…” “All sold,” the man interrupted her, looking fidgety and anxious and refusing to meet our eyes. “To the gentleman in the Rolls. Regular customer — every Friday of the whole month of July we cook only for him. Pays double for the prerogative, too.”

Literary bridges “Nonsense!” exclaimed Mishri, rendered militant by hunger. “I’m sure there’s a law against such — uh, consumer monopoly! We have a — a fundamental right to food, just like he does!” The unmoved shopkeeper merely shrugged, ignoring us totally. Until he tuned into our whispered conversation about the propriety of appealing directly to the sense of fairness of his evidently well-heeled customer in the Rolls, seeing as how he himself was being so uncooperative. I’d rarely seen a man become so agitated so fast. “No!” he whispered fiercely, scurrying around the counter to bar our way, his eyes frantic. “Please, ladies — don’t even think of doing that! You have no idea — he is not — just leave him alone! Go home and make yourselves some sandwiches or something. I know my biryani is irresistible, and my haleem has often inspired poetry, but — but even they are not worth this, trust me!” Startled by his vehemence, we nearly backed off — till Ria recalled that, had there been any bread at home in the first place, she’d simply have toasted some for us in a blinding display of culinary expertise. Our wavering resolve strengthened by this disclosure, we proceeded to ignore the frenzied shop-owner. Striding across the parking lot, we tapped firmly on the dark glass of the Roll’s passenger seat. It rolled down to reveal a distinguished gentleman in his sixties, dressed with impeccable, if old-fashioned, elegance in an embroidered black sherwani and fez-cap. He listened bemusedly but kindly to the deeply moving rendition of our distress story, and raised a politely disdainful eyebrow at our offer to pay for some of the food. “It’s not about money, my dears,” he informed us gently, and we blushed with the belated realization of the sheer im-

pertinence of our suggestion. The man could obviously buy every restaurant in town without his bank manager so much as noticing the difference! “I’m hosting my annual party, you see,” he continued patiently, thankfully more amused than offended by our youthful presumption, “and cannot spare a morsel, I’m afraid. This food is strictly for my guests — a matter of principle, you’d appreciate.” He sounded sympathetic, his keen eyes observing our mournful look of hollow-eyed hunger. I sighed, preparing to apologise and retreat, but he suddenly chuckled, making me blink. “However,” he continued, twinkling benevolently and lifting a restraining hand, “I do have a solution, provided you lovely young ladies can trust a man your grandfather’s age.” Leaning back in the plush leather seat, he surveyed each of us in turn. “Why don’t you simply come home with me for dinner, eh? Once you become my guests, my hospitality would be naturally yours to command!” We gaped at him, taken aback by the unexpected turn the conversation had taken. “My humble residence,” he waved reassuringly in a generally south-western direction, “is fairly close by, as Bilal — the shopkeeper there — will confirm. So leave your car here, by all means; I’ll have you dropped back whenever you say the word. That is, of course, if you agree — all of you — to accept my invitation. Please understand that there is no compulsion. Incidentally, in case you are wondering, I’m Nawab Shahbaaz Khan, and I’ve lived here… well,” he laughed, “forever!” Our intrepid disregard for conventions didn’t usually extend to accompanying strange men — of whatever age — home. But we were starving, wet and exhausted from our unprecedented kitchen games; the man was a Nawab, for

Stylish guests at a social "party" in the imagination of the designer

беларусь. belarus 2020


Literary bridges


беларусь. belarus 2020

Glossary Sherwani — a long men’s short coat or jacket. This piece of clothing appeared in British India in the 18th century and is traditionally associated with the dress of India’s aristocrats. Mojaris — shoes made of soft materials, with a long toe-cap, raised up. Ranchi — the capital of the Indian state Jharkhand, an important political, commercial, industrial and educational centre of eastern India. Bihar — a state in eastern India. Santhal — one of the nationalities of India. Hyderabadi cuisine — a traditional cuisine popular in the south of India. Its distinctive taste was influenced by the Muslims of Hyderabad city. Maruti Zen — a car brand. Biryani — a dish made of rice and spices with addition of meat, fish, eggs or vegetables. In diffe­ rent variations the dish is popular all over South Asia and Arab countries. Haleem — a stew of meat, lentils and crushed wheat pulped into thick spread. It is cooked mainly in large boilers. Nabob or Nawab — the title of rulers of some provinces of Eastern India in the Great Mogul Empire. As an honorary title, it was given to rich and noble Hindus. Haveli — in modern northern India and Pakistan — buildings arranged as palaces, which used to serve as residential and commercial premises for wealthy merchants. Lucknow — the state capital of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for its exquisite ancient form of floral motifs embroidered with white threads. Shararas — wide bell — bottomed women’s trousers. They are common in Asia.

God’s sake — how much more respectable could you get? — and as ancient as Methuselah; the cars were unbelievably lavish and we were just twenty and, therefore, naturally invulnerable. So, after an intense mutual consultation that lasted all of thirty seconds, we graciously accepted the invitation to join the party. Murmuring a suave “Khushaamdeed — welcome!” our newly acquired host waved us into the Chevrolet right behind his car. The turbaned and gloved driver deferentially opened the door for us and bowed us in, making us feel like princesses going to a ball. The Nawab had been right about the distance: within minutes, an opulent haveli — mansion — sprang at us out of the drizzling gloom, set within a loop in the road that none of us had ever noticed before, even though we’d driven down this way at least a score of times. Reassuringly, the haveli — sprawling across acres of lush, rain-washed gardens festooned with fairy-lights and riddled with tinkling fountains — was bursting at the seams with impossibly chic people in linens, chiffons and jewels, laughing, chatting, clinking glasses, dancing. Shahbaaz Khan — evidently the most popular of hosts — was hailed enthusiastically on all sides. We were given polite once-overs by everybody as we followed a bit timorously in his expansive wake, excruciatingly conscious of the now bedraggled state of our street-chic casuals. We felt like a quarrel of crows infiltrating a flock of peacocks. He led us through the throng towards a group of young people in their late teens and twenties — all incredibly goodlooking, faultlessly turned out in ethnic designer wear, sporting posh accents and flawless manners. Graciously introducing us to them, he left us in their willing care. The first few minutes were somewhat awkward; completely out of our depth amidst the glitterati, we arrived at the silent consensus that it had probably been a mistake to give in so readily to the urgings of our stomachs. Our flatteringly attentive new friends, however, soon soothed away our misgivings. Fluffy white towels were whipped out of thin air, and we were offered a change of clothing — fine linen kurtas with Lucknowi chikankaari, paired with flaring trousers of the sort we’d only ever seen in period films, apparently called shararas — both of which we accepted with alacrity. By “we”, I essentially mean the other three; unaccountably, I felt a strong, though fleeting urge to cling to my wet things — till Ria hooked her arm through mine and pulled me into the changing room, and the moment passed. Feeling gratifyingly dry and dainty in our new outfits, we rejoined the young crowd and were rather taken aback by just how delightfully fascinating they appeared to find us! Within minutes, they had us chattering nineteen to a dozen as they urged us to try tempting morsels of delectable food, plied us with glasses of heady wine, and involved us in silly parlour games. The guys, who looked more irresistible by the minute, flirted outrageously with us, and we flirted right back, giddy with the romance of the unforeseen evening. To be continued...

Anatoly Kleshchuk

Waiting for the spring to come


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