Belarus (magazine #8 2019)

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Magazine for you

No. 08 (1031), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

Country for travelling

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы серада, 14 жніўня, 2019

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 15 (3603) l


l серада, 14 жніўня, 2019

Гол ас Паміж Мінскам і Ташкентам ы Рад м Жы і вём з зім д — а ж Р ы Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале

, ня іпе 5л ,1 ак ел дз ня па


Малююць дзеці Беларусь

Свята са славянскай даўніны


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а ел ы іркуцкае­таварыства­ нн зім ад аР е“ беларускай­культуры­ 19 сР 20 Го ры ла Беларусь і Узбекістан хуткімі тэмпамі развіваюць супрацоўніцтва: краіны за кароткі тэрмін выйшлі на ўзровень стратэгічнага ус імя­яна­Чэрскага­зноў­ я, Го ла Тм ен пр запрашае­да­сябе­ў­госці­—­ і партнёрства. Пра тое гаварылася ў пару, калі Беларусь з афіцыйным візітам наведваў Прэзідэнт Узбекістана Шаўкат Мірзіёеў. ы­л іп с сі а V На 5л Р у на­міжнародны­форум­ е 1 ад , Та І Ф тат Бе “Беларусы­свету­на­Байкале” Дзе­ля­ча­го­сяб­рлу­аюкць­лю­дзі,­ звы­чай­ным­ і­ Паў­на­моц­ным­ l аР з к о л р е № ім рупа­ і ар хутка:­ л эгі з­ 21­ Го Сустрэча­ ўжо­ кра­ін ­ ы?­ Вя­до­мяа­дзж,­ і­ дзе­ля­ та­ Ам­ба­са­да­рам­Уз­біе­кі­ста­на­ў­Бе­ 14 ы ла е м у y ё (3 н н сР ” с b які­ пра­ ла­ру­сі­ пад­ наз­мвеаю­ Б 27­жніўня.­Там­будзе­цікава­бела­ “Тот­ насто­ го,­ каб­ у­ све­ тым,­ і і Р наў чы 602) ад паце­ гэ­ ю эста a.ных­ вят­роў,­ ящий­ друг,­з Цкто­ зім l шмат­dроз­ з та З та l русам­і­ўсім,­хто­мае­интарэс­да­ всег­ д а­ ря­ д ом”­ дзі­ма­юць­ р а та 5 і Б ы z та ў Бе кім іі Ста сзносі­ а ам а р. ку). па нашай­ культурай,­ цэніць­ мац­ней­ тры­ мац­ца­ на­ на­гах.­ Як­ (блок­вый­ йц ях шдаў­па­рус­ ня ам стая лар над р. 3 via Стабі­ра­віч­—­док­ дз Шл сір­джан­Са­ ет ен На­ ны­з­блізкімі­па­духу­людзьмі­з­ вя­до­ме а,­zлю­бую­ сіс­тэ­му,­ пры­ усімаль ла с усі — вор’ ел з ак е ш у м а ш л х ,2 розных­краін.­Хто­лічыць­возера­ ўзня­ тую­над­зям­лёй,­тры­пунк­ тар­ эка­на­міч­ных­ на­вук,­ па­лі­то­ ка то л ­г на , 9л па Га Як ебам рціц дзен ара пач як с таапо­ры­ ро­бяць­ больш­ устой­ лаг,­ вя­до­мы­ дзяр­жаў­ны­ дзе­яч­ іпе Байкал,­ як­ і­ самі­ арганізатары­ ты­ ё ч а ь Р , ь в л т Рт ла яд з к ве да ын ку е­ ня а ята­кі­ па­ ,2 форуму,­ месцам­ сілы.­ “Возера­ па лі­вай,­ ці­ то­ прос­тая­ та­бу­рэт­ка,­ Уз­бе­кі­ста­нма.­! Да­рчэ­кчы,­ а ца ка й ома, арма даць ждж я, ця ле­ 01 зб а л 9 ды на мяс уся мі д : ці б ыць пер ж ці­ то­ —­ на­цы­я­наль­ная­ эка­но­ служ­ны­спіс­Ам­ уе е z lп на ну оБайкал­і­кампанія­аднадумцаў…­ раба­еса­цдка­ра­—­чым­ )l ся о ш ец жавы сен ўра а “с выт ля ж удзе — 01 е к а 6 “ з а р ц v н л свед­чан­ не­ ўва­ гі­ Уз­бе­ кі­ста­на­ мі­ка…­ А­ што,­ да­рэ­чы,­ на­конт­ не­ в бр Яе а Што­можа­быць­лепш!­—­запра­ а с хі (3 яд ia тэг для ажац джай таіць орч ывё м з Він ка йц лак псушае­ Га го­ж­дып­ ау­ясі!­Да­та­ зер кіраўніца­ суполкі­ абгасцей­ 13 о ў ч зе ач ы ла­ма­ ічн кра яў. на ”­г асц лы? z в да­Бе­ л а­ р “стра­ т э­ г іі­ сяб­ р оў­ с тва”­ ка­ ж уць­ а — р я ў К х в н н н № і а о о бу а т da ла я р ь с р і а 76 ць еба н е­ру­янаш­ ра ств я l сп н-ппа­ Бе ду — важ ны — І па ці п унту ма­ ы к, ную­ ва­жа­ны­ Алена­Сіпакова.­—­Мы­выдатна­ эка­на­міс­ты?­ Ці­ка­выя­ раз­ва­гі­ тыч­н екар’­ 6,3 8,6 бо ру рако — . к 5 ч с л а с а b в а а н е о 2 зы 2 а ў 7 л ы к к ц 9л ла ” 2Байкале.­ ” ет ­ y а ру ад ае пы ль бу — ,6 т тына­ х Гр ым се дзе­ ед­нік­па­ нааў­у­2003­го­ Будзе­ аб­ на­ та­кое­ пы­тан­не­ мы­ па­чу­лі­ ў­ су­бя­сК н адпачнем­ учс ы­ іп ы кан 23 сі А паве , то і тан кі ўб каў в кал ыс. с. т, млн пла­ н кур анрым­ ны льбы а земен­досведам,­а­энергетыка­Бай­ .т4оў­кі­са­лід­на­га­спе­ Над­звы­чай­ алі­ыПаў­ л С е ж е н л д в р н а­ м оц­ н ым­ ча­се­пад­ртых­ р л о е с т іл ім т ня па ку іпе як на ўва е с р­ а ар Б вая ст кон як — — не — я 5 т, цу ьно он, э мтаі­ ды­ па­ су­ .6 ,2 м а ам­ дз Кір пыт ю с ня п санд я. Пр га д тра­ к ўсім­ дапаможа­ натхніцца­ цы­яль­на­Сга­“ўзбек­ска­га­бло­ка”­ў­ Ам­ба­са­да­ в ,1 зр пл пад каля 1кала­ 01 пру­чКі­ ы нік З р мл 1,71 лн т, ровы а­ аўн анн еле рав р Л эзі а яе к а 9 шэ Аляксандр Ра натве­ў­Ман­ тМірзіёеў 7 го­ліі.­Вось­ ча­со­пісе­ “Бе­ла­русь.­ Belarus”­ мя­шчаль­ніц­ зм кт ёў ук і дШаўкат к па­ х захаванні­ о н п рэс 60на­ ва ае: ай­ 0 т нсупрацу­ іця х Лукашэнка с о мі раг ік ва яўрадавай аш энт дзае­пра­тое,­ча­му­на­ ы тон млн уку­ пл нна авін ліў развіцці­ у арн ррэзідэнцыі “Заслаўе” зер жна сёл вы в­ а­ж традыцый,­ (№­ 7,­ 2019).­ Ён,­ да­рэ­чы,­ ёсць­ як­ён­раз­ т ан вы ен Пр с. т. , гбеларускіх­ рэг вед задач дзяр борк ую эспу эн­ ла а, э к вя вы пап ета на П аро он, жа і­нам­ вар­та­ сяб­ра­ваць:­ ж іён ам і н бл ­кра­ ы­ у­ ін­тэр­нэ­це:­ на­ пар­та­ле­ Вы­да­ шым­ ыц зідэн рыч дні­ Го ­ та Для які в анан бмовы,­культуры”. аў. ств пера авы ўра арад і­ гад ністы — я оўніц агра нара р ­ч —­ той ­ні­ ін ­ т, ы Ан дж іу­не.­Мен­ ам дў­ад­нпой­кра­ ўд ызн ы. А ь Багатую­ е“ кул йтра­алсі­тэт­наш­ ы Н ванем­ у­ гра­мад­стве­ спа­ на­ паў­ ё­на­а.­ І­ для­ та­го,­ вец­ка­га­до­ма­“Звяз­да”.­Звяр­ні­це­ “Мы­ х к к зб ь к гасп дзе ў­ отжы­ Ар каб­ жа “гэ м,й­ разнастайную­ в оміль­ зв Г і, а п у ­ а а н н о Т к ю І­ р д ­ д я м ч р ь ста . ые арм ож арм ад вы с м ­сан­ вы леза ты ва чу,­што­ўзбе­ ту лад лк офмі­бліз­ вы ам рэ ы,­му­важ­на,­ства­ра­ю­ тэх ртал а па пра­ па­спя­ кі.­Я­лі­ ўва­гу­ на­ вок­лад­ку­ са­ здым­кам­ы).­ жы­ і і­ анкультурна­пазнавальную­ а ­рхуо­ва­ вы­р­ а­шаць­ са­цы­яль­ нц кірвель­ ­жная.­Та­ якв ан l на ася ўта оў. З жа, т авыя ркам ­ ро гу бе рам кі д вага ы, — кана бе­ д ­мы,­ і­кім та­ві­н іры аўн ільн віў фо зін­ ­в ы х ­ і­ й н я ы а д в о л б ц а а р н ­с ы­ доб­н арганізатары:­ больш­на­да­ваць­ува­гі­ ныя­ апы­ вель­мі­ важ­ вель­ ыя­яцда­лбе­ ла­ру­саў,­ Прэ­зі­дэн­таў­і­трап­ным­вы­сялоў­ а а чы­ба­ чграму­ абяцаюць­ а ні,­ нам­ ­ з б фа ка б д тан­ я­л збіс,­па­ дзе ж іцмтві­а па­ од на неа огій, ўва ы­дв рабіц к і рэ­ ь арус япер ра в ытач закон не а ­к аў,­п е.­ ­ны і­ ж­с ць­в ­бем,­ ау,­што­кла­сі­кі­эка­на­міч­ных­ на­ мець­ Вы йн ўзбе­ жн кніг,­ га іяг кт . тала­рм 5г бх кіяБыц­ а. ідз­ прэзентацыямі­ кам да­ прэс­ но­мі­ку.­ Каб­ а­ бе­ у­сы­ —­ ем:­“З­цэнт­ра­Еў­ро­пы­—­у­Цэнт­ ь тр з н доб­ а ” е­ц эка­ ас сткаўаў.­ 95 анд ­та­к ы­ву ыі­та­ эн­д ­срвую­ ­ся е ю­ ія: агр ддаю аць: з гэ­ . в зарэк ыя т одна яка на Пры запа а­ у”­ чар­гу­ трэ­ба­ цам­ кбы­ ра ы бр у­­упер­ і, на­кад­ ­жа­ г­ч тэ­ з1 дззы­ва­л у да­ э фціч­ о­рый­ на­ і­ над­бу­до­вай:­ яе­ мець,­ ш мы­шгеа­ ле­ канферэнцыяй,­ раль­ную­Азію”.­Там­анан­ су­етц­ ка­м с­— оц ­скую­ у гцра­ ран сц ста­ с зах я акруглым­ с ё а бу яку і­мі­ п каю наў як м ў арыі, ць п кім ь ць ­ра­ ­ ава тым ца усь і­цеб ­мраыя­ад­ зід лага менканцэртамі,­ Ста фіі ­гі­ Бе­члаа­рыу­ длсі­тэт,­унут­ е экскурсіямі,­ н ра­на ы­свет­ х,­сші­ еды­ ч ­ра­м ду­хоў­ным,­ма­ д шэ ­г ным,­куль­ не у­ раль­ лом,­ тур­ вы­бу­д­ла­ав­раць­доб­ но­сі­ны­са­ ныя,­а­мен­таа­ і­ Фо­рум­ рэ­гі­ён ­ оаў­ га б ­ ец р. 2 он ы, як а су неўр спа на ш ра­ е ­ у­ В за­е е­ла а­ і р энт доўл авал і: ян удав карм нне — ­ра,­ і­ дру 1­ па ­ р. :­ п і­каў. на­гу­ ­ра­м як­ св ь­кі­“но­вшы­емпункт­ да ы ­ў мі.­З­кра­ у гі­ д сустрэчамі­ а ­мі­су­ Уз­бе­кі­ста­на­пе—­ т р се­д­ізя­ шы і. Р і ўбела­ ьі­Б ­н т­Б а­г і­на­мі,­якія­ вель­мі­бліз­кі.­Ка­цлаі­ты­ Ста 2 ас­пек­там.­ Ва­ сва­ ані­тыар­ 7 ­л ным­ ло мпа­ не улз­он сібірскімі­ м. дказень­дру­ жу етны юць арча о эка суч сябе ць с оў, ­ ы­бац гім­ ­ н у­пер (з­ ­ маю ­ ­юц ба­за ж­бы ­зі­дэн чыс­т ­на­ Вы м быбае­ ны рэйЯк­ і­33­ як­ і­с­нта­ й ць жыць­ ­дада­нас­па­сяб­ з урусамі­ аміль­ кў­ глыбінцы.­ тое­ бу­ ё н ­ ы­ жы­ х а­ р оў­ с ку­ста­ в яц­ ц а,­з­ бу­ д зе­маг­ ч ы­ м асць­у­вас­па­ ад­лі­ку­ мў­непа­ ш эн­ ы я а­жне­ ­ неі­д су­псра­цоў­ ей Уз­ м а д д р м ­д ы­р м ­ у а­ э і­ е а л ­ ­ с к я а о у е я о і­ ю р ­в р й к і ­ , р ло ­в н­с ­д ­П ­ ў а­р ё­ле ры лі­ : пр вы нда най бра і­ ы­г цк­ у іон”.­У­вы­ ­св й­ ан ль­с ра уплер­вы­ ь­н я­н ць ба­п­ы­пры­ нуплануем­ ваёмі­ нкдзе­ —­ ем­наыя­ ва­ Уз­бе­кі­ста­не­ —­ вы­ тое­сса­ ніц­ат,­ва­дзвюх­кра­ іі іж­нуза­­С ваў жы ў і “Тра нарасказаць.­ д­ ін­та­ ­нёсць­ якімла­вя які­ к нрі­у­па роў­і­ця­ ў эсы, карыАд­ ­таммі­­яў­ я­к і­ г к­ зм са­бо­ыкія­тэм­ віўнас­ ь­ е­ру ­тр ас­та ін­ д ­ці­ ё ­ дан­ м у, ў. о ­ ц у с я н ў Я р в а е М с н в п у ­ К м ­ я ­ Т П у ц тэ­мыа­тыч­ных­ к,­рос­кті­у­на­ с іц а­лі­ся­р­ од­ в ь­п .ла­русь.­ ад­чу­е­це.­ Та­му­ нам­ вар­та­ ра­зам­ сц нак­не­пашкадуе­той,­хто­на­свае­ м нсе ель­кн­зіц­тава,­ён­—­у­лі­ за ­рына­з­та­ м ін­ го ­ф ­ ­мшых­ к“Су­ аў­срэ­сяр ,­ы.­Ад­ а жа ёс к круц ска алім з абго тоўв рэ­ ІІІ­ ­тацк­тіх­—­Бе­ м­нёсць­ к ­ на ма ў­ жы ь­ я­ б аю­ ­ін ­вая­ й­с я),­ ць.­ Я й,­ т­мас доб ь­ т еУ­нас­агуль­ ­ютца­ррыч­ інс ­псу­ ш анс іў сіў ерн н­н ­а цыдыXV наыя­гіс­ а е а По атэкс­ с с ,­ я,­ ­нтеаў­і­грун­ а в ­ ­ ­ ц а с ­ ы вочы­ўсё­пабачыць. с вет­ н ых­ лі­ д а­ р аў:­ што­ г од­ нас­ н ыя­ка­ ажыц­ ц яў­ л яць­ ўза­ е м ­ а­ в ы­ г ад­ н ыя­ а т оў­ н ае­ін­ т эр­ в ’ю­з­ ц н ­ ў р д ч ­ М с е ­м на я­X ц ­м ­ні­ 0­к а­до ­я­ жо св ер у р , у Ал ай тва ь ­ра эр­ве о­ма мо­ц ­ма­ с­ці, тол ь,­ ў­н э­чы шэс Зга ­ з­ я ­ о­і­л і­ мсяір­Пдэжа­ як кар оеч ван улІван ­ва ­гал­ і­ пла­ны”.­➔ Стар. 3 аНад­Еў ­ чста­ ­сі­ ныі.­Мы­больш­за­70­га­ ц н­ а­зурура­ .­па­­лвыым,­ пл н­ а ч­на нпры­ ­д віц­ ц­ц ­ва­люызеІль ым­4 11­г доў­бы­ е­ ­чкулад­ няо­ цэа­ к­сбольш­ он валІванаў ў­Юсу­ н е ­ мр ­да­лНа­ с ­ і­ дан­р ам­ за а т о о ,­ ц ­ л е ё в Я м д а 0 с а а у. ­ р к ­д ­ гія ш ы ов і, ы іў 3 ­ма­с а­па ­ та я­то ­ ж ­ ад ся­б ­ нд ­ ­ч і­ зг н­ ад с­ты­к аў,­ .­ Га спор арт­з а­ном на­лі­ ад­к ­фес­т с­це­ў льш ­тас­ц што ­род­н ур­су ­ рЛ н е ­ся ь­ а св а іх зы тыч чэ ад , і пр а зв кал плё ар­ ­ ­в на памятаем! ук ­на н­к кім ру­х оў­ся ым у­ сп ­ды аз­мі­ мас­ ­ с о­кі­ ы,­ й­ ­ Ал а­ло зіц ­ та­к Бке­ га ­фэ і­бо ыс я,­ пр на ыцц на с ыты езці, і не нку, аш імі­ ый­ш зі­ця­ч с­фе­р ё­ным ­лі­р ат­ “ ­свет, ­ с аць­б юд­на ас­ці? е­ ўд ­хо­д ць­ у ­ду,К­яу а­­ла­ру та­ў ў­ні­к ўра­ч ец­ка ­ Між а­ ко ­вян­с а­ла­ эн ру авіл корм а на учас м до — мо­ еі ка пр ­ ў­ д ат­ма ­зя­л ­ бе­га па­г ­ су свае ­ р аў­с ч­лі­в ­ Мн ­ра­ўзыа­жу е­бу сыая­б­п­паль­ ­сыс­Іта На­ Га­л ры ч­на­г Сла ры­м ­ны­ ку скіх ьна я , але рыхт ная бры гэта ь ­ гу ­ ­п т Дз ла ­сам­ ­ным ­ час ­ ў­ ш об­ны Там­ о­ны ­ п а­зы ­та… а­ пе к­ к жо­н обг­на­р­кі­ряа­— т а­с­ка рк­ у ­нія ан у­зы а­“ ,­ а ­ял кая пл куру пер е вы пры оўкі тэхн я”. га ары пА ча ­лі­зар весь ­лі­ся ў­ ас ’я.­ ,­“за­к ­чыш ­ р і­ гэ ож­н ю.­ Я ой­у ,­ па­дмеольа­д­тжа­л,­да­ся е­свКсец­каа­ Гр ­га­ м 19”­н ­ску” пе­цыалец н­ка­ сп ц ліэ юшч зу п адав суш ты куку ало­ к ­ м ­ну та­к ­ж е­т с­ц вя ан ­ка ят­а­л ­зл­ча ­20 еб ­ с ­ Г ­ва т­ час хА ад ь з ла ве ім­ у яг­ва а­ бы ­ сям ­ла­б ­ кро льш лю ых ыц м в ру т ы а ­ а в а ц й я а э ­С а к а к :­ ы н л ­ і­ т ­ ­н а ар ме ­і л а ,­ ц х ­ л ў ія ц ­ . а с я ­ а о ц ­ д ­ я э н ­ р я н ­н ь ш ко і, а л я В н б ­ к а ы раз сці й як ­рас Гэ­т ­лі­ка ска­з а­лей м­ б ыц ­ к ы­ч д­ках ­пэў ­ваюБа­сйя­дМеанл­ня­Пря­ыбр­ж­зы х а­х­ ­дздвзіВаі­ц­яек ызі­­лўі­­ э­зі­дэ Ксе ,­ в а­га­ц тр юць енав і) і за чаць гасп . У б жна звго­ жу­с­бі­­ .­ вя г,­а­ро­ е аа.­Гэ­ ы втеуа­ста­ віц ра праі “Ра аніз коў ле с бмяр яяўўн­ аб ў ка ­лла­праз­га­ д ы­Бе­ ы лаеа­­ р ў І, р ­ п ­ л э а д т ая­да­ д ы­й­Днём­ Дзяр­жсяаў­ н д С т а р ш ­ ы н ­ я­ ю е і”ыя­ўзна­ ы ­ т я ж ­ к о а .­ у я р ат ­ а р ­ к “ ­ б .­ л п а к ­ р ­ л м н ­ а ы л а ­ с д (ё ” я ,­ ц ха­с­за е­­ П ра ме ар ё ну а гэ кр ла н а­ но ду ат в ­ней е­р ­краа н­кяа­н льськ­н і­чМ а ня ула ецы коў ач б­ная ,­на­в Чы а­не ай­н но­ц х­ а­ ая ­ пйр­кы ўб русн я п на, ­оў­з бад­ ўу ­с с ка­г а­  Іва с ла­ о пю даў ды ял вал ы Маш­ ты аін рукав дваюсць т рках не­ ас­ сі­аі.­ ўру­чы­лті­ве­ тэ­ра­нам­лат­ іл­ .­ а ці­ддзн ы ­ч ка­га­ у ­в вій­с і­п н­д аБе­ Лі­ гГаў­ ор аф ра з п вую га-Аарам сга па от­пааб­ л­лн­а­ ­ін орц­укен Даў­ раза­цл­цеж­ Гнурапу­ в д “ ы н з ­ е м л а а л іс зі і­ асо а­ві­лы ­цыі” ­ ды ­ звы а­мі,­я­на­р ей­кі­ э в ­ а ў ­ н о і а к ы ). л д і­ т ц т я ч гу е з­ с ­я.­ыыз­ ьта­ т гр і ­н а75­год­ е у ы­л,­хі­т ў­ кра­ а д за ра Вы­ а д чац Шэ ў­рязнва­ ­кален­нш ­ зна­ Ів (і ь кія чч ­ма тні­нде­ “ го­ра­да­Даў­ п вз­а­рыст­ а іл­сма­ў­Цэнт­ ра ва­ зма­ ­нры­­ ё л а­с оў ад­зозе­ дзя нта ў яй р Гоме таў, я ў ш “Р энт зер ­Асо прые рспе эхніка” пр гааў­ пр х­дам­ ­ га­п ш”. пе ца раг Прэзі ймац Гэта х вы у по­ ­ві­т ­ны :­ тва а­вок ­дзіш ы­як­н ­па­ма ­ се ю­савял­роэ­даяга­ ўс­ Ві мсавт­рніл­тау,с­ Ектма­пўі­ёна ан,­аа­ рж Ве або льш пр ыр а у н м к з б д р я у гл а ­ я 4 я а м о в е Юбі­ л ею­гіс­ т а­ р ыч­ н ай­па­ д зеі­пры­ с ве­ ч а­ н ы­ бе­ла­рус­кай­куль­ р ы га­ р оў­ ан­ т ы­ г іт­ л е­ е р п н ц ц а с ­ р ­ гр ­ зя­лё т­еу­ і суч ы дэ ч я э 5н­го ­ў6­м р ск ­м а л в т а ­з о а я ў ­ошнц ­ ства .­Ч Ан шага ік уга я вы н ст ты а т а Аг пНаа­пдзіэрл­в’ю а ш ­ло­ся ае.­ Г ўнут .­Ён­д ь­сто ае:­ на ынік вы п каўс ай па чыны дста кім ч ыз сал­ асн тан нт. ”, — анна б­ гаі­рцыі­п ты аўле ­Аг дзеў х —а”. Ява “ вамі па ­чм —Кто­ 0ч1зара­ані­ы,­ м стаьпар­ оў ­т уда­ у­вя­ га а­нўаы­ а­ кіламінраў­ д а­ л і,­ якіх­ с е “Бе­ла­русь­па­ ттае”­—­ма­ с а­ в ая­па­ т ры­ а л ­ ­бенайт­в2ы­ Ссп кай­ рка­ ц оў­в ме­ ўн і­ і ­ к н ­ у а а , н ­ а г ­ е а 2 т ­ а ы ,­ в р а а о і э л ­ м ­“ ы п а я д н Бе а зд а г ­ ў зв 2 н к ­ ц д і ц й с ў, ін ілЯн аря­н ал­ра ян яў ы­ры ўн­ск ні­ мера Ал ы раз і с раб раё кі ча і­ ая а”, у а ­за­с ­кр н­ ак зіц ­ма р­х шч кве ! Я гля яр­ т к ­ ­к а нл ьскляь­в­на­ нліца­троу­ аго­ба ва­ тці­ы­ Пі­ афі­ расы,­ я­тыч­ная­ак­цыя­пад­та­ хтай­ трыры­са­пахаМі­ ель якія ла­ цк.­э­ віц ацы язн н. К Пр се яу.і­­тТаў­соБе­ каага ям­ппі­якія­ лі, якса развіц разм там гасп ое П ідзе ч­ ы а­во­двай­што­ цё о­не кой­наз­ ак ркае ду. Я у­ я да­ е­ра д­шгтуод­ вўасмі,­.­23 ч Ла­ і­ ­ т ­ у у д ю ў м й э а ю н га Г э ц г ­п л ­ я х й а ю ы і ,­ а а ­ ч л зе р нд .­ пыс­ і. і зё р кі я Г ль э зцва­ зя к­з ­ма раа­мо­ жру­­д р а ь ля­л­ті­яе­зям­ свы дат ц ов ж пра­хо­дзіць­у­Бе­лўа­ зн ра зі н я утбмаў.­20­з­іх­ р­ на­пр ццЗа­ вы Дав н­скяіх­ воа­дкац ­ры аС­роа­д . Т элаў­ азёлр­ оль­нелсю­ад­на­ а до­хСі­кнра­ ­П ошк­ гі,і.­вы­ш вы­ х сі­да­Дня­Пе­ лак азн дзів ом на­э аём ўнік ­ гу ы (нк пра ру Л я “Г а пр а іш дарц э­ х к ед мі,9­г олэса­пру,­па, дяк зд ­чы зава­ тво ы­ ­у­в к­сален­ ­стапгаер­ Кжы­ нц ампа­ ывра­лпа­рачле­ ­ту.ня­прай­ г ­ й р выдзя­Вы­ о г а а д а р ы л е о ­К е к о к ця­ в уць­ у­ Даў­ г аў­ п іл­ с е,­ і­ мы­ за­ А­сё­ле­та­да­75­год­ в ін­ ш а­ о о ­Р А э ц іў ы т зь б 1 у а т з­ ­т л й а у а зм зв п т не ля­н э­ ­ра е­а д тр­ дап уап­ ­п ­20 гу­блы квао а р­ т ьск ана ся на ода мян па еш раўе сны ір аўна — дзе сеніч а га уюц каш мсел ерс за­ мла­ад­ Ся а 22 льту ГР ч то ла­­н пра­ ь ьій а е акет­ бЕрў­р ачрл­іыс­тацасць­у­Цэнт­ ­м ць,­ ц ргоа­ні­зра­цыі­ ай міч і ня­с гім ні­п вра­бе­ х л ла­п шла­іні­цы­я­ва­ная­мо­ наў­й хлар­ , т в рэд 51 р (б . У ац ­пе ­лае­р ш х­— га ­српоі­лг.і­іх­на­ўра­ ­б а мі ), ён ным зама ь но энку ьмашпек­ с ну­ яшыя­“Бе­ гае дазю­ак­ воб ­ оп дны ыхту сонц мурн аюц тонк ам б ў ца ­б ­ лім­п інм­сі кй шча і вян а­ ня тыс ез бор ы ь. ў­кі,ла ­ са Віцеь­ ехтау­ цяы.­Прый­ абг­а”.­ лі­не­ўсе:­га­ русь­ па­мя­тае.­ Па­мя­тла­ее­нм­чэкож­ і­ец а ,­ ­ нКа­ кі, з­ў змдзяр­ ае ца ія е тэх пра гут і па торн выя пак а”. я ў . ге ку ач ­м ­ тан , свды,­ а цж ы аў­яны­ ­лена п­ра­а ш ойі­п рш­ лірза ы, а­гкувай­куль­ н­ш І­ацза­ бем і­рнорус­ з р во раг ,­у рад кт ку ны нік яка ары ўгу ым кам аза яа ін цнряо­ ш ўша­ лар ца д — і неб Ветэраны ца м … ноў­ і”аў­у­сва­ ­гнц­ца­ ­к , п ый алдзі­пмаір­Клі­ ад­іва­ю нт ал м рэ­нтызда­ ,­ м нраоўе.­Ула­ ач д юда­ўмні­Бе­ ёй­пра­ Даўгаўпілса з сябрамі на ўрачыстасці ме­жа­мі­ Баць­каў­шчы­няы­ пўзна­ ­ сц мі. то­ і. жа ара рузы я п раз шгаа­ ла а­зік ­жэй,­ ­пе­ра ы­ т ор­це ман­лі­енупеэмрао­цад­нка­ іны цэаднтоай­кянау,р.8 е ць а ацыя ускія а ча здае а пр ным а­ ь, ў з м сеніч пал бай­ йн ў. Ц , е охл­ дк“рСа­то­ йртыя­важ­ з аса ех ны ів аб ­і зва­­член­ ве­на­ ныя­мо­ман­ лінла­ ве­тэ­ра­ны,­якія­ўдзель­ні­рча­ лі­ў­вы­ ру­ ч га­ддаў­пра­не­ ц псі.­ вЯна­ р тое руск ы дтак­н і асц яп гр лош даў пш д­ва­ю ў­ сп д­рэ­н ль­каі­катну­пазе ­н— ы ам­ і эў Сз ву Байк бл ані м е, ч зял кам раз мяр чува альн спев оўна ца: с іва­ к ія а о ы­с еан­ іва за хо ➔ зм злка­ ты­з­ва­ тмо­ рыі­Бе­ ру­аслі:­аба­ ро­на­ ні­ на­шай­ Ра­дзі­мы.­ 25­ лі­пае­­лнея­З2019­ міа­но­ кай­ тлдзень­ мі­ ўдзяч­ны­ Прэ­зі­дэн­ту­ Бе­ ь — ер вя эчкі, ы зб ых цін­ онд ай­гіс­ е лна­раус­ і­ а і,­к га ро­кі­го­ьд­ка­ ык, у­бе­ — ёса­ др сбіць­у­сэр­ рам энн нцны­час­ ум ола і­нвель­ — р ­ іх зя м п н ц т ­ а ь ы ­ с ­в а ­ е а е ш п ы к і с а в ­ ц д ц э ст дзя о каюгі­лё­ а , ы выдаль”.­ Аляк­сандр­ Ся­мё­на­ Іва лявса,­ кшы­ па прлас­ аля зе ро ожж ў а арчу­ , ды­ і гэ ра­ у е ын Ма­ ол ры ,­Брэсц­ ­нкрэ­ а­ ро­кі­ ж нтра­ ў­ Даў­гаў­піл­се­ ве­тэ­ра­нам­ Вя­ыляі­­ккай­ сі­заза­ ме­ хто іжк­най­ л ёнці­ й­ ука іі:­у­два­з­паловай­гады­бы­ т ­вар трап што роях ўча члыа­вы­ нЖ ,­ к Ай­ ка Кла­ е с гре­ . уп ыць ходзі . Му тай 31 цца са) с авы кож ­жу­пяна, ы ка ы — цца ных й­к ых ­ску,­м от іў тлыа­гер. тво рацвеб­ он алСця­ Пр Ірк ве­ іць ач­да­ мпа­наў­ т ты ж цэ мас ёл х ц па­вай­ ты­ ыя­Ха­нтаынь­і­ты­ ско­ва­му­ ад­ча­ка­ніў:­ чын­най­ вай­ны­ ўра­чыс­та­!бы­шлўі­я­вўру­ ы­ ам ска­ў­канц­ пн л е­ да ў­ зае­ Та га віч­ м­зан­сакі­рух,­спа­ шт л раа­з­Ві­ яе­т пар­ нт дн гар ля, аста ь не чын і­к ы, а , пра — ольк но Та ­(не­к д нвыан­ ор лужці­“Трас­ а­ллен­ Ірцкя­ырбаа­дауцакеія­ З­хва­ о загіер­смер­ ўд лря­ не авая ета ў і зе ў­ння­­Мінся­ тур вары“Дзя­ ста за­цкпа­мляць!”.­ цадоў­вы­ вет плеза­м ам У­ кож­на­га­ з­ іх­ за­ віч ніб чіах­лю­ а !­ й ч ы­ін­ ш ых­вё­ с ак,­ла­ к ую­ юбі­лей­ныя­ме­да­лі­“75­га­ з­мва­ н ем,­сля­ і­на­ва­ . а й н ы у ь х п ­ р д ш п у ж р ­у ­п ч ­м іх к А б а а ў а г а як ­тв тур ­цё цк ст ал а,­ ел е с ар ка це оў ы а з бо Бе не ств ско рш я к а. у с а о п ­ аб ы Юпля­ мо ­нл та мту­пры­ амга­цэ­ н ма­ шлі­ме­да­ в га­ўзрос­ о во­н гек рк лар баб ы з­раога дзі­ша­ пе­рза­ ь­у і­ дзі­ця­чы­ канц­ла­грер­ на.­Пры­ Бе­ла­ру­сі­ ад­ ня­мец­ х,­оп­ іц нец”­ на оў­на­ ўв“Чыр­ ыцБе­ каы­ а лыае­жыц­ ­ля­ кіх­ ада лія еанчб­кы­ к ркаа­фа­шасысц­ ня іраў цЯё­і­свая­вай­ вылрі­з­ імя ,­стыа аі­рау­ж русы етла л у і. Во ыя га ы ае ­ тар а ўр усі о­ а­кіх­бор­н ­прац ­ не­рталь­ ао,йн­уе­ ­пдеы­ ўру­ в р­н П елар ­ агдось­ о е­раль­на­ге а­кон­ К су­лса.­“Ня­хай­жы­ Ірк ні­ з зто сё­жлжен­ тв ­н ва­ даў­жа­ец­ца­й­па­ ні­каў”.­ Уз­на­гка­­— ро­ ны­у раг”,­апе­ра­цыя­“Баг­ра­ці­ён”­і­вы­ а. адж — :­чпаў­­коГе­ м’юЯрук­Ге­ зб квле­і­ ю уюачым­для­ка­ ерм аеуск дзялці­яна­пра­ уц наі­ аа­лрісытс ­ ў 24 ладзя чара упал ь так ­ спа н­с ­ем ў­та ­ў­ к­ш ел!­еМтаю­сшято­—­л аю в юу­сі­Ула­ ­ ат л усь!”­—­ус­ ма епром­ а чн-аЧ гэ­дтзе і ў ла­р а ­ы нцая­Бе­ Тала­кр­ноау­ Бе­ла­ру­сі­ ад­ аку­пан­таў.­ “У­.­Бе­ ы­дзень­—­у­страш­ кон­сул­Бе­лаа­ д­дазі­мір­Клі­ ­нЧэнаее­мая­род­ лр в сі,­а па­ э квіт­ зе маў. адзі . й­с іноавг­ ай к ення ных­снах,­ад­га­лос­ шн гэа­вліч р ­р веа­ б ра ь Ку ніцт е — ­ ве ­ніц­тв а­ід ­хоў­ з .) ­дната :­ыя­мтр ­япшрчы цжіукрав ­н жа ­наю ­Бен­ан­, яў,­улга­лод­ных­ ус­па­мі­нах­ ды­ а зан­Ле­ й­ ш ніў­род­ з. ку­ра­ ­ ж лі­ аррус­кая­ыста­ жн ра­пн ая­р ьніц ках­ тоас чсык­нанагую­га­ Бе­­М ла­ п да­вваы­пар­тпы­ а­в ла,­ рца­ бы­ ­ ел вор­ ляяк­ вя­до­ма,­ вод­ле­апош­ніх­пад­лі­каў,­за­ ­бысвакіх,­аан н у­ рчаы г­эт ь­ ­Рэд г­ві­нынуў­у­вай­ ш ію пр каанл­де га ач ­у ­кыо ­пчоыдзь а­ць айа­гоА арус Кіра алле ! М па­бо ­ма­с ак­ш па я,­ла­ а онссід­ ую каасртвай­ .­— нлоі­­—б­яп­срне­ о е уц­ ч­ а ­фае­су­ й:­ впа­ а а нпад­ тс наы ­леев вы­ зісва­ ле­на­­над­ ­ іч­кЛіт­ а цаў­ а.­ гіт­ . пе­ня­ 1944­ кож­ны­ трэ­ці­ жы­хар.­ ня оцьагавост­ ў які­два­ а я­паарАнд­ а­т 3­ я ы а­у ас­цдчзя нруойпнраа,­ ­ мда аср ўст­лоі­врат ­ч ай вўі­нніаў,­ Га р­раодр­дыым­ ылі­ я­с лзяе­трваў­ ­ц ці­ не­спра­вяд­лі­вас­ці,­ ка­лі­ ­ця” ,­Ка­ ­рвуэ­ зеіяя­Б­вдаў­ ў ч н д і­ ч м п сіл л ­ за .­ э х , н ­ — ц ­ а­ е ж л к ­ р ц а н ­ а і­ і. а а л ­ а ,­ х н г ь ь н ы ­б страш­най­ вай­ны­ па­чы­на­ п­гато­рыю­ квеалтз ац­Бакенам­і­бла­ ае, э­ты гіс­ ж яцта кСад­ ц­ш той­ кра­і­не­жы­ло­б­ця­ нкым­Ле­ ­сл зе ­д м­п с­т В Лгыра­адбам. ц­ а цэнза а­нды к цньо,­в ­шеч зг­г,э­тш По­ уль а нін­ жыпер­не­менш­за­30­міль­ ратд­ры Ж наа ол­ ві­кяазіе ы­пй,ах яекй­ ­ заа­ю з­юць­пе­ бяс а­вя­д ў­ню і:­та ’е­дэ а­ец ­няе­ е­а мы­ вял іпраы­ аусколь­ ж нцар­ ­іч­ Гу­ ь ­сдёска­ авха­ць­зыті­воль­ ­ а­ ж ­ўі­ас­ніўаям­ катс­цАна­ акі­рмйе­у тар­ся­Гаў­ к а па !­ Яукаас­ м ­н ­доўстпа­ ч ­ н е о ў д ё­ н аў­ ча­ л а­ в ек,­ з­за­ ц р а­ п іс­ в аць...­Та­ м у­так­шчы­ р а­ве­ т э­ с л а­ в з аў:­ я о в а у о р р і, ы ­п е а ч н н ­ р а а л ц ­бган­гіч нме дзя а . ­н атмае іка ва ­в ­ ­ аві­в ыын­н паадм­к ар­ ­ш ­ п ­ўзр ек­ц кія на еі­бты об­кра,­ ыўм ­наі д ­— тво л­діат сва юхн­ц с ­н ді­ь— ­зытва­ і­ д­ дяоў,­ка­ авачэ­нцаен­чМылно­13­га­ ая­рда­віжва­ т­ёан­мы­ра­ елі­ся­той­кры­ ы маЯ­ізаых­“Мне­бы­ ы Тю . І лГі­я­стаў­раз­ рай ла­ на­сель­­н наіц­ і­ ра­ се­ўва­гі,­якую­ім­ в­лоед­ о­цгвія ю­з х­ зі­нм ­тоэл­ты га арт­с ­пій­с чы на­ ўзроў­ ў­н Ка...­ ы я­вго­ а­я­ 1941­ зе а зв а го ь а і­ е ў ­п ш т з ў :­ й ы с т у ч ­ р д р ­ а д э к ы ” а я ж ­в а н ­ а р э­ а ям ч­няе а­іод о­р Ру ­н см су лі­ў­мно­ ё ­ннен­пе­ :­нача­р. С т­ за ра ­цеам­у­пар­ ­р ­ ­м ы­ш ро­в  ы­сэнс­па­ ха­ т­ эр ­ё­лу а­туодзят­кі­чы­ езда­ сп ­алім ру п ля­яад­кі­зн ш ­зат­— ­ткон­суль­ства­Бе­ла­ру­сі,­Цэнтр­ ўпэў­ удзя­ ха о­дэзі­ і лі­лі­Ген­ п­не­гі ­д вя ы­ і­­ч туср ­У с (сане­нмы:­зда­ Н ві­ цы а­цыра­нпмеа­каг­ ­выуньаў.­Мы­за­ льс ве чн­даў­ек ­мі­ ­ га На в янны­ру­й ­ спроа,оф­ныў,­в­м айэ­тынайв­га еў­рла­­гіс й­на.­ у…­ ваь ра с­таж яляікаіх­вай­ на ва ооч лцьш ­ні­ о­ві),­гіч­ныя­па­ ас ­кыу:­втеы.­Та­ а дяцкт­ніх­ад­ : “л вар­лаа­сяп­ўн ­мя ­сі, ы­ а­ юай­­чакуль­ ам ­к ізі ечы,­тра­ ка ­вегія­ха­ кті… ­шту­ры.­ Та­му­ з­ та­кім­ за­ ­ м­тра(У­ ыя­к р ук я  ді зеі­той­вай­ н но­стін­да­са­ ачьы­больш­не­ ­наа­рус­ ксац ро ам он­пабе­ заа ­рывчўнец­ ­лы а­ру ча­р ­ ст ­ла­ эр­в ю­б ”. дл ын  і к Пі­ай.­Чса­счв­наые­ў ці­равыач Кузіпўа­на­ ­звы ю­ ду е­с ожад­бо ы д­­мыя­н ­вы­жй к­ўа зіцмюкуаюз­пц­м і іх дзі ыітл—­ ­нец аттвкау.­кхрэс­ По е­л ў­ ­га о  та­ жз:ан,­як­у­Бе­ ё паў­ бу­дц­цуць­ нем­ гля­дзе­лі­слу­ха­лі­ свя­точ­ е зцьы­с цаў,­пар­ , о зв дйла а­ прму­.­саі,­я­ні­ тдазе­ц да­валь­нден­­ш врац­ца­ ­зноў”,­ д­— у ­ц.)лы ­ў­ч ­і­Л ­Ііў­­штоскоў­ в і кінол­спад­ хіл і­чуо­гтгоы­ о­“ й­ Б ­ру­ ­ска знік нсеп а яадтзе Мо чора ў­ло­дйа д­ма­вупое­вна­лца­в, е­круо­дт,­та­нлалеін— шт есц  і  ­дусвяэд і­ое убольш­ лія ­ёл бе­ ыла­р, ус­ іл су­ еп ­ к дзякц­ а­ ­пал еднаь не­ ­н а ржы­ ят­л сё ­ па ­пій не­ ка­лўц­ эрт,­ а­ пад­ тзя­ ф хуа­ры­ а ны­ дзе ла­ём­лат.­Ён­вы­ з­таў­па­ ­ ак мбаў.­ўр­Прос­ ы ў.стра­ дв а­тц­аыя­ лапес­ню­ ў­ вы­ка­нан­ні­ ыа,яу я ­Рд а к­ту­ ія кв  і­дып­ ­Лі­ ­цы ­ж ­гэ кан­ Св па­ ў кую Алім ­ і­ ­ К ­чэр­в ­мар­ж   ек й цса за­раыдж­ці­шсэлўн­чіа­л— м ан юі­бодыа ец ц чПрыаў — д с ­—кім­недзя ы і С гэта ­ня ­ма за Лті лэ­р па­андам­за­іх­ге­ Ар у,пр­і унл­шьа­ а цю.­ іц м ді­вы­с.  о­ я ­Л ыкай­са­ ь е ё­сПаў­ сі­гэў­коі.тва­ў­імя­ ь п ца­ва­лі­ вальс.­ Про­ лі­з­вель­ дйо­мас­    да о­ў тррыа­іч­н­ ае­юнац­ о за­ра­ на­ват­зстан­ ­— е,­ а­ўўчяа­небы­ ­ры ам ёй­“ яве­ о зы муа­свя­ ”­ — о­ ль­с а­ ад,­ жэрсотд ай­ю. цБо­гаа­л сп ры я ­ле­та ­жзв зд­аз­ ад жы кара нца о ?.. аў,­б зе.­ А н­цу­йе­ э івая­м тыі.­А­н ­ці­за а, пыа. асцьрад пмр каэр таз  хл лзу а­да е­ся­ц ­лі­з­  ры н пе­ г   шл Ку­па ь­на­г ­на­ма л на Я зя в ­ і­ . п а а ц Стар. 5 р а­ м о­ г і,­вы­ з ва­ л ен­ н я­Ра­ д зі­ м ы. Бе­ л а­ р ус­ к ія­ па­ д зеі­ я­ ўспа­ м і­ н аю­ кож­ н ы­ о а ы ж .  Г м еб к ц ад А ­н к ­л ➔ ро ц с ­м ­ры  да , н ц ця ­ні­к а­д я­с ­ў­Б ­ Ку е ы од ­га ­Дл лі во­в ­жыа ц  тэ м ор ч іід д ў­ ­я­нал “Ды лек біраю па начя   тв эв з жаі йгахае, ф іццма­ амн, а­гца­ўйласбрсавдяатлі н ўе, цё на е. яго ­гу­та па о жа  жы іх­вы а­пе­р у­ю­с зд­ку ­ме­лі, ­ р й­ пры ае… ­Лю­б яынмк­ж зД ль ­ а ы а ” п е . а н   н а цы ­ё­на­ і у ы ­ ы д , ў, д ­  С жл і?п ­шкт ­з­Са яагосп а­ру,ля .6 К дар та ­в ­і э­т ню у п х к п с авы ць ск ж ы ра — ? М а пу ні­я­к я­не­н ,­ ра ­па­е ­ў­Го а­на ,­ і г  р р ­ныуч ма о­дях тарт уп од к­ ай ды роў ­дзей а­ў­г ая ва ваад шбуе ы важякую я ўл сілы нТ ей а эт ы,­ ­м ц­ця юю я­не ­пл к­ты бе нна­ жв С аго ал оў н зеан ды  нЗва ваваўе:­спеы­чпы о бр а г ­ л а я е — л р   ­   в т   і  а н н ­ а .­ с од а як­ ла л нч ым , к ьск ы не сці й ам ў юб ў на г то­в шчэ­ў д­жы а­лет ­кае­м ­шмат ­пра­е ­вых ­ Нваж­н  І гэ   ўсю  на па  да дзв  рзіаўн кіав­заанн­жтаанўлаў­ж ы у а м➔ ын , к аб ія е-п ТА не ўны элем чысц васц маю на пахі ай д ася э —­Ш у,­я у­а ­пр ­ча ­не ыя ­ но ен — нае ыч  вы н  айыч ­ с з аў е вў­н енні­кар­вод зя ­ а а я го п л за б ў к ­ я ар я р­ч да ­ц е ія­й. Т я, д дзя бы д у ­мі­ ва му бо ент ь. і, зд ць ц  ці   т ых  шэў ­лі­кіхая­рў.аў­н на­ра яне­ж ла й ск зіл як лі­ч о­д аю ка ­м та ам аю це ло   ра рак аш я а К ­п й н коў аэ­зда е,­ са­л у­м у,­я ­У ­тво ю­ ю­с ­ра у ле іра ры оў ад А па сцях жніх р пр абра Купа ольн удад ша аю­а ам.­Д ­ма­м оў… ваю ту­па оў­ну ­сяб Він­ !­ п да,  п ­ці  в ай д і­ з­ в то­п ­хтоажй.­уМстахр.­аП у Ку яе ў у й чы “ й на­ ўб коле , літ нар не. нт на льск вян дзя ызна даў, льск ыя а зейн х т б ­ц ц а ю е й  к лі­в ж­дж ,­пра яб­р ­кан­ч пры­с ­шы­к а­ла­з ы…­( і­лія ­ Ан ае в ком ўча чан пр і д ка укі, ска бо шчы тал . а­  15  ней тось ой,­ кам­—­чы­на ань­р, у жытн паль елар акое ўра­ к ў р н в ­ ­с а Л а а ь н в в ган ыя, ­т б ­ — і ­ у г ы г т. о я так ых ску уса па д ­рус с­кіх й.­З ей,­ ­пі­л а­бы ­ма­ш ­ня­ ха­— ­ е ой не ы а­ р р чы я пр еткі, ары” гніш упры У н ы пе чым янок яць дл —­Х ­быў ра­за ­жан ных­ж ю ў”. ­ ую а у дэ а­н ку ­п ір ы о яў ы ла ту дз св чы ­ в ­н і­ н­ я ац тр ск ча го ек ра й оз­ с н ­п м т а л а а о Ір Дз роўн небе куль а Гро ізуе аўш ен­ка ра­цу н­ск ,­ л бе­ла­р ых­і я­ р э­чы,­ чо­ра ым­к а­да­р ль­б дзен ак,­ п а в э ,­ а ­ш . к — а с ж ат а ару авя ч — к э­т ы п ­в ы у ­н інш уцк : бяр вы. Н рыст Удзе валі оры жна і га­ па ет­кай ­з­ін ­бе­ў­р ча ход кай х, н эал рніг ар­н ­мі­ п о­дзе а­лы ­ і­ка а­ча­т ,­да­р о­ха,­ а­фіч ар,­ с ­“ст а­ры­а кі­ру­н ­мог­ рас нскіх ц х а р а л п ­ э р о а д а в а п ­ … е с я м а а б ­ т, к ­ ­ ­Ч ы ь м й у м р зв к ­ну ь­с з ль ян ца Ч іч ць ­ла­Г і­К лі­т ­ лін ні ы ­та ам б­ х я ве ўв ас ў­н і­ б а­г н я ля ы­б ­нэ с ы з с ілі — квет азыв люц раго алі р цы “ амо сцо­ чы ­кац по шм нні скай а­рэ­в а­ба н­чы ­Ян­к ­ва­ і­ ай,­ а .­ р Ня­да ты­л ­эт­н ­ны­ в н­тэр ­да­ў­в а­ гэ ­век­с м­во ць­ ­м а ­с с ы ў ­і о шу ў А ьме аін Бан­д ед­з а­ко ­імя ­ мо н­ні­ц ні­га ­ ➔ акрал злад ак пе аюць ікаў, днай азнас Купа Ку­ у­ў ­лі­кім у­до вае ва­б к­са ­ча­л е­л т­на ­цё­ к л Ст ьн зіл ра п т піс ўкр ія­ і­ ўсл 4­м­з ы­тут с­кая ь­ме ая­к зям ­ к на­вя !­ Ц д­каз­ ая­с ­ ж­ та ,­каб ім,­ см ­ад­су а­чуц ад­ ар ым і ж тва жарк упал рыг айн ля а т­н е ­на ­к ­та ­п ­ л ­ем на Лі­л ыц­ц ­197 інс­т ­ (ру ­ піс ер­ш ую­ ­пол ­ .4 зна ано раец і), в ьніц ажос ыя шу ,­ як­п ­са­лю ў,­ ал і­важ іж­яр й.­Гэ н­кае цэ­лы ­ж ы:­у ­пе­д ­ло­гіі та­ла е­п эў­н й­су ча­ла чэн чы ца ярб ы (п ці Бо а­аб ­су­а­ра ль­м ­па­м ы­на с­і­то ь,­ а­ не кар ў вя ены ад ла­ўаў­ні­ц ў­ны фі­ла ­мі­ с ­шла­я ­ ду­ш ус­ка д­зна­ . аго нк гэ­т ак­се ­га­ве ань ў­шч а­ча стыл д ст р­жа ­тэт­ га­да ый а­шу е­ла­р кі­ а р д: ы й­ я­яко ць­г уст­ о ой­ж ­ не­ так і. А іх дзя ­куль ).­ З­ а­му­в ­ем­ н ­ў­б ю,­ я сам дл ­чу­ва ­без­г е­ў­т т­чэй фа ­ту­ра оў­т ве­да ра­цы бі­ле а ад ­зам­і ­ал а­ ху ра ­га­д чэ­ ­су­п ­ні­ ю ра ­ды­—.­ Гэ­т 20 ы­ яш ­па э­дад мо ы­лю М ч­ку­й ­пя­р ст ля .­ На цы


ар пад с я


тал ь






Беларусь. Belarus BELTA

Social and political magazine

Cooperation involves acceleration

№ 8 (1031), August, 2019 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.


Subscription index — 74977

The wildfire of hate speech


The United Nations has a long history of mobilizing the world against hatred of all kinds through wide-ranging action to defend human rights and advance the rule of law


16 8

Economy has to “become green” Elements of “greening” the economy, according to the National Action Plan for its development, include electric transport, urban mobility, smart cities, organic agri­ culture and eco-tourism


Their bright summer

The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements.

For impressions on foot People abroad refuse “All inclusive” holiday with no hesitation for the sake of unity with untouched nature. People are tired of urban comfort and go to places where they can watch rare birds and animals, breathe in the scent of forest primroses, walk on soft moss and take a sip of spring water

Signed for printing on 14.08.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets Total circulation — 1628

copies (783— in English)


Such near outer space Residents of Minsk and guests of the capital, who have been in the area close to the Academy of Sciences, can notice a massive antenna, which is located on the roof of the building at 6 Surganova Street. But few people know that the top floor of the building is occupied by the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise “Geoinformation Systems”. It is one of the main developers of the Belarusian Earth Remote Sensing System (ERS), and since 2004 it has been appointed as its National Operator

Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

“What’s next?” This was the question most of the volunteers asked after the 2nd European Games in Minsk


Country for travel

Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubov Malysheva Proof-reader Alisa Gungor

Happiness in Travelling

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

6 E-mail:

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2019

Cover designed by Liubov Malysheva

беларусь. belarus 2019



Olga Lunina: I’m not like other women About work at BelAZ, main myths in sports and relations with men


Tanks, diamonds, aircraft.. Jeweller Andrey Zhiznevsky gains recognition far beyond Vitebsk


беларусь. belarus 2019

Yanka Kupala walks the world A separate book “Sonnets” of the national poet of Belarus Yanka Kupala in three languages was published in Kazan


Bamboo branches sing songs

Marc Chagall and stories from the Old Testament

Veniamin Mikheyev


Spectacularly, festively, solemnly The gala concert dedicated to the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan in Belarus, which was held at the Belarusian State Philharmonic in Minsk, impressed not only with the scope and brightness of the original Uzbek culture, but also with the content of dance compositions, songs and artistic words that accompanied the performances


The balance for the Two

Friendship coordinates Yanka Kupala Literary Museum in Minsk hosted a round table dedicated to the Belarusian-Uzbek literary relations


Ivan Zhdanovich

more in the issue 1


A new book of Chinese poetry in the Belarusian language has been prepared for printing in “Mastatskaya Litaratura”



Manifestation with a Deep Meaning





`` In the list of Europe’s most beautiful cities

`` Get an intelligent robot

`` Memorandum provides for a joint initiative

CNN TV channel included the Belarusian capital in top 20 of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which attract, among other things, the absence of crowds of tourists

An artificial intelligence research institute will be established in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone

Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange to advance cooperation in exchange trade

The CNN selection includes cities where, according to the channel, travelers do not have to “battle” with huge crowds of selfie stick-wielding tourists as it often happens in Paris, Amsterdam and Venice. The rating’s author invites travelers to wander around the vast Independence Square in Minsk, then visit the Great Patriotic War Museum to learn how Belarus overcame Nazi occupation. In addition, CNN TV channel celebrates the developed bar culture of the Belarusian capital and offers tourists, after a full day of sightseeing tasting drinks in the local beverages. Also in the ranking of European cities, not yet oversaturated with tourists, were included Antwerp (Belgium), Malmo (Sweden), Bern (Switzerland), the Hague (the Netherlands), Wroclaw (Poland), Tbilisi (Georgia), Ankara (Turkey).

The company International Intelligent Machines Co. Ltd and the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NAS of Belarus signed the relevant memorandum during the first forum on artificial intelligence. “The document contains a number of areas of interest to both the Chinese and Belarusian sides related to intellectual robotics, robot navigation, intelligent vision systems, speech interfaces,” told the reporters Director General of the United Institute of Informatics Problems Alexander Tuzikov. In turn, Huang Weiwei, Director General for Technology at International Intelligent Machines Co. Ltd, is convinced that the joint research institute will allow to advance cooperation in the area of artificial intelligence to new heights since the sides will complement each other. According to Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Park Development Company CJSC Hu Zheng, the establishment of the institute will not only contribute to enhancing the scientific potential of the two countries but also to the development of high technologies in the China-Belarus industrial park as a whole.

By Oleg Bogomazov

By Vladimir Velikhov

Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) have signed a memorandum of understanding designed to advance cooperation in the sphere of exchange trade. The memorandum provides for launching a Belarusian-Chinese initiative to cater to the capital market. The initiative will include the sharing of exchange information, the organization of joint events and research projects meant to develop and support organized stock markets. According to experts, the signing of a memorandum between the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange represents another step in expanding Belarus-China cooperation in exchange trade. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange is one of main stock exchanges in PRC. It is one of the ten largest stock exchanges in Asia. The SZSE was founded in 1990 as a self-regulatory legal entity under the management of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The instruments of the stock exchange are shares, mutual funds and bonds, 2170 companies are listed. By Aleksey Fedosov

беларусь. belarus 2019



trategic partnership

Cooperation involves acceleration

U Uzbekistan is experiencing, without exaggeration, a period of renaissance. The authorities have set a course for large-scale transformations in the country. Special attention is paid to modernization and diversification of the economy. Import substitution and export are the priorities of the state programs being implemented for this purpose. Uzbekistan is open to attracting technology and investment. During the talks with Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Alexander Lukashenko said the following about the development of cooperation: — Over the past two years, we have turned our relations with you completely upside down… Actually, there was not much to turn over. We should have just re-created them. Fortunately, over the past two years we have done much more than over the previous 25 years. However, first things first. The heads of state had an opportunity to talk to each other on the eve of official negotiations. Alexander Lukashenko invited Shavkat Mirziyoyev, to an informal dinner. But even here, the presidents devoted most of their time to exchanging views on business issues. The Belarusian head of state said: — To our surprise, we found absolutely similar trends. You are in the centre of Central Asia, we are in the centre of Europe. Our advantages and problems are related to this… Today we have a lot to talk about. But the most important thing is your initiative to tie lower regions and regions in cooperation. This is probably the trick of this visit…


беларусь. belarus 2019


The Belarusian-Uzbek relations are a vivid example of how, with sufficient political will, it is possible not only to bring the partnership to a high level, but also to ensure clear prospects for its development. This is fully evidenced by the rich and effective negotiations between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who paid an official visit to Minsk.

At the residence "Zaslavl" during an informal meeting

Our job is to open the way. We have opened it. Those who should follow our decisions and implement the “road map” approved by the governments of Uzbekistan and Belarus and implemented today should follow this road. The heads of state agreed that they would meet regularly in Minsk and Tashkent. The goal is to personally monitor the implementation of the road map of cooperation. This solid document includes 155 specific instructions. It is extremely important, said Alexander Lukashenko, to keep an ear to the ground. At the same time, the Head of the Belarusian State assured the guest of the sincere interest and openness of Minsk in the development of partnership: — We can resolve any issues mutually. Our economies do not intersect. We are complementary. Everything we

produce is necessary in Uzbekistan. We need everything you produce. In the industrial and agricultural revolution that you started in Uzbekistan, I think we will not be uperfluous there, in this revolution, and we will find our place there. In turn, Tashkent does not hide its interest in the participation of Minsk in its large-scale national revival projects. Tashkent looks at it from the standpoint of healthy business pragmatism, aiming at the result. — Belarus has achieved great success in many areas over the years of independence. I always tell our Government, our intergovernmental commission, that we should meet more: less paperwork and more results,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The success of joint business aspirations is assured by the full political

S umes are not the limit, as they still do not meet the real potential. Uzbekistan considers it particularlyimportant to balance mutual trade and develop cooperation among leading enterprises. The matter concerns the exchange of experience and transfer of technologies on mutually beneficial terms. Another priority theme for cooperation is the creation of joint clusters in agriculture and the textile industry for the common development of the markets of third countries. Summing up the talks, Alexander Lukashenko said that the visit of the President of Uzbekistan is quite substantial and productive. According to the Belarusian leader, in less than a year since his visit to Uzbekistan, significant progress has been made in strengthening relations between the two countries: — This has been facilitated by the systemic interstate dialogue, including at the highest level. I very much appreciate the atmosphere of trusting meetings with Shavkat Miromonovich, at which all the areas of mutual interest are being frankly and constructively discussed. Minsk highly appreciates the results of the past official negotiations. They were of a business and constructive nature and once again confirmed that Belarus and Uzbekistan are strategic partners. The course on strengthening


understanding of the parties, warm and respectful attitude of the peoples to each other and personal friendship of the heads of state. During the talks, Alexander Lukashenko made a special emphasis on this: — Belarus and Uzbekistan have always had more than just friendly relations. This is a sympathy based on the hard work of our peoples, love for the land, desire for peace and creation. In the opinion of the President of Belarus, a series of various events dedicated to the visit best confirms the mutual aspiration for the multifaceted development of the dialogue. As for the main vector of interaction, Minsk and Tashkent are in solidarity in their assessments: strengthening trade and economic ties. The trade turnover between the two countries has grown considerably in recent years. However, estimates of its volume differ. If we take into account only direct supplies, we’ll get about $160 million. But considerable commodity flows go through intermediaries, re-exports from third countries. If you count these articles, the mutual trade will be estimated at a larger sum — up to half a billion dollars. In this part, the heads of state agreed unequivocally: we need to put things right, bring the statistics in line and get rid of the mediation. At the same time, they agreed that such vol-

Presidents of Belarus and Uzbekistan Alexander Lukashenko and Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the exhibition of national products "Made in Uzbekistan"

trategic partnership

cooperation will be continued. In conclusion, Alexander Lukashenko said warmly about his personal attitude to the Belarusian-Uzbek partnership: — What we are doing with the President of Uzbekistan today, I am very impressed by it personally. I am very pleased with the achievements that Uzbekistan has had for just three years. I am absolutely close to and understand the actions of the President of Uzbekistan that he is taking in order to raise the country. For the people of Uzbekistan to believe that this is not only an ancient nation, but also a successful one in the long run. Today, I have expressed that the current government of Uzbekistan is making a revolution in industry and agriculture. It is not just modernizing the country and the economy, it is creating fundamentally new areas of life for Uzbek society. Noting the coincidence of views of the leaders of the two countries on the issues of bilateral cooperation, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said warm words addressed to our country: — Today, peaceful and steadily developing Belarus is an example for many countries. We are sincerely glad for the successful result of the reforms being implemented in your country and its dynamic development. Thanks to the well thought-out policy of the distinguished Alexander Grigoryevich, the potential of the Republic of Belarus has been multiplied in all areas. We see it, feel it and rejoice at these successes. The President of Uzbekistan invited Alexander Lukashenko to pay an official visit to Tashkent at any convenient time and expressed hope that the heads of state will see the joint ventures set up by that time during the next visit of the President of Belarus to Tashkent. The talks resulted in the conclusion of 12 joint documents on the development of cooperation in various areas. The Presidents personally made a joint statement in which they stressed the mutual desire of Minsk and Tashkent to develop productive partnership in all possible areas. By Vasily Kharitonov

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f current interest

From the editor


he elimination of all forms of discrimination is known to be one of the main purposes of the United Nations since its creation. And in June of this year, during an informal meeting with representatives of UN Member States, António Guterres, Secretary-General of the Organization, started the implementation of the Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech. The goal of the Strategy is to raise awareness within the UN of the dangers of hate speech and the need to strengthen the effectiveness of the fight against hate speech in its work. The Strategy calls for even stronger support to participating countries and for more active engagement with civil society and the media. The Strategy recommends possible actions to address the root causes and driving forces of hate speech in order to reduce its impact on society. Incidentally, the issues of intolerance and violence based on hatred are reflected in the Concept of Informa-

tion Security of the Republic of Belarus. In particular, the Concept states that at present, people are often involved in terrorist and extremist activities and in inciting interconfessional and interethnic hatred through the information space. “It is from them that the social cataclysms of today’s world begin. As a result, millions of people suffer, the political map of the world is changing. The generally accepted norms of morality and ethics are being relegated to the background,” — said the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in his speech at the national meeting. It is clear that the above mentioned topic is actual on a global scale. Apparently, the same reasons moved Mr. António Guterres to write an article, which he kindly provided to the editors of the magazine “Беларусь.Belarus” for exclusive publication in one of its editions. We publish this article and thank the UN Secretary General for his attention to our magazine. By Viktor Kharkov


The Wildfire of Hate Speech 6

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round the world, hate is on the march. A menacing wave of intolerance and hate-based violence is targeting worshippers of many faiths across the globe. Sadly — and disturbingly — such vicious incidents are becoming all too familiar. In recent months, we have seen Jews murdered in synagogues, their gravestones defaced with swastikas; Muslims gunned down in mos ques, their religious sites vandalized; Christians killed at prayer, their churches torched. Beyond thesehorrific attacks, increasingly loathsome rhetoric is being aimed not only at religious groups but also minorities, migrants, refugees, women and any so-called “other”. As t he w i ldf ire of hate spreads, social media is being exploited for bigotry. Neo-Nazi and white supremacist movements are growing. And incendiary rhetoric is being weaponized for political gain. Hate is moving into the mainstream in liberal democracies and authoritarian regimes alike — and casting a shadow over our common humanity. The United Nations has a long history of mobilizing the world against hatred of all kinds through wide-ranging action to defend human rights and advance the rule of law. Indeed, the very identity and establishment of the Organization are rooted in the nightmare that ensues when virulent hatred is left unopposed for too long. We recognize hate speech as an attack on tolerance, inclusion, diversity and the very essence of our human rights norms and principles. More broadly, it undermines social cohesion, erodes shared values, and can lay the foundation for violence, setting back the cause of peace, stability,

f current interest

A deep and sustained spirit of mutual respect and receptivity can transcend posts and tweets fired off in a split second. We must never forget, after all, that each of us is an “other” to someone, somewhere. There can be no illusion of safety when hate is widespread. As part of one humanity, it is our duty to look after each other. Of course, all action aimed at addressing and confronting hate speech must be consistent with fundamental human rights. Addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under inAntónio Guterres ternational law. We need to treat hate sustainable development and human speech as we treat every malicious dignity. act: by condemning it, refusing to amIn recent decades, hate speech has plify it, countering it with the truth, been a precursor to atrocity crimes, and encouraging the perpetrators to including genocide, from Rwanda to change their behaviour. Bosnia to Cambodia. Now is the time to step up to stamp I fear that the world is reaching out anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim haanother acute moment in battling the tred, persecution of Christians and all demon of hate. other forms of racism, xenophobia and That is why I have launched two related intolerance. United Nations initiatives in response. Governments, civil society, the priFirst, I have just unveiled a Strat- vate sector and the media all have imegy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech portant roles to play. Political and to coordinate efforts across the whole religious leaders have a special responUnited Nations system, addressing the sibility to promote peaceful coexistroot causes and making our response ence. more effective. Hatred is a danger to everyone — Second, we are developing an Ac- and so fighting it must be a job for evetion Plan for the UN to be fully en- ryone. gaged in efforts to support safeguard Together, we can put out the wildreligious sites and ensure the safety of fire of hate and uphold the values that houses of worship. bind us together as a single human To those who insist on using fear to family. António Guterres, divide communities, we must say: diSecretary General of the United Nations versity is a richness, never a threat. беларусь. belarus 2019




Such near outer space Residents of Minsk and guests of the capital, who have been in the area close to the Academy of Sciences, can notice a massive antenna, which is located on the roof of the building at 6 Surganova Street. But few people know that the top floor of the building is occupied by the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise “Geoinformation Systems”. It is one of the main developers of the Belarusian Earth Remote Sensing System (ERS), and since 2004 it has been appointed as its National Operator. In addition, the company ensures uninterrupted operation of the Belarusian spacecraft. Our correspondent saw first-hand how this institution works.

T How it works

…The tour of the enterprise was conducted for us by Vasily Sivukha, head of the Belarusian Space Remote Sensing System Operation Center. According to him, the company employs about 180 people, and directly in the Center for Space System Operation — 118. The rest of the employees are engaged in the development of geoinformation systems and software. The flight control center of the Belarusian spacecraft is not very similar in scale to what we usually see in the movies. One big screen, with a dozen computers in front of it… On the other hand, what is the point of making a huge number of screens for one satellite? This rather compact room is used for communication sessions, plans of surveys are created here, and they are transmitted to Pleshchenitsy via fiber-optic communication (there is a command and tracking station and an antenna of the satellite guidance antenna for reception and transmission). This is how the satellite receives the information. In the opposite direction, the satellite re-


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ceives telemetry information, which is analyzed in the specified center. It is possible to contact the satellite only at the time, when it is in the visibility area of the point in Pleshchenitsy (within a radius of two thousand kilometers from it). The number of

available sessions per day makes two or three times a day and two or three times a night. By the way, during the day the device makes 15 orbits around the Earth — and approximately five times enters the radio visibility zone. During the contact, the team has 10–12 minutes to put on board a flight program, according to which the satellite will take pictures of the desired areas. Subsequently, in the area of radio visibility, the satellite transfers the information to the antenna, the same one that is located on the building at 6 Surganova Street.

Difficulties arise Then we go to the target planning department. Let us explain: the company receives orders for the areas to be photographed. This department receives initial conditions, for example, the flight trajectory, after which specialists study when they can take photos of the desired area. Weather forecast is made for the duration of the flight — if it allows, taking pictures with all the parameters is planned. By the way, what should they do if s om e t h i n g s t o p s working on a satel-



lite? Such situations are provided for: device will go into the safe mode — mode of solar orientation, i. e. will turn its back to the sun, twurn off all programs and charge all batteries to the maximum. After that, it waits for the command center to decide what to do — for example, to reconfigure the equipment. By the way, this is a common practice, said Vasily Sivukha.

At the very top Sergey Nesterenok, head of the data reception department, told us about the antenna on the roof of the building. A little theory: during the communication session the satellite moves along a certain trajectory, the starting point of the session is determined by complex calculations, the antenna is focused at this point, and then must accompany the device to the end of the session. The antenna receives a signal that is processed, decoded and generated into a specific file. By the way, the company also receives information from publicly available meteorological satellites. This information is used to generate weather forecasts, as well as to search for thermal anomalies, such as fires. “Now we are working on the creation of a system that will track all thermal anomalies in Belarus and transfer them to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is our development,” said the expert. We went up to the roof. The massive antenna (its weight is 14 tons) was created by a Moscow company, while the Russians also produced a management system and upgraded it in 2016 (it should work till 2026). The antenna is controlled by five engines, which rotate it during the session at an angle of about 180 degrees so that it does not “lose” the satellite captured at the beginning of the process.

Do it yourself It’s not enough just to get the information from the satellite, it’s still got to

be put together. “There are several levels of space image processing. In fact, at first it’s just a set of microframes, but with the help of special software for processing this set is transformed into a final product — the image”, — explained Vasily Sivukha, when he showed us the data processing department. Some consumers need higher processing levels. By the way, the highest level is the orthophoto-transformed images already superimposed on the terrain and tied to the points on Earth with great accuracy. Everything depends on the customer’s request, — as he wants, so the enterprise will do.

About technology and artificial intelligence In general, how can you assess the technical level of the enterprise? According to Boris Chernukha, deputy director of Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise “Geoinformation Systems, PhD in Engineering, the technical level of the Belarusian remote sensing system corresponds to the world one, the domestic system is designed to provide users with 2.1 m resolution for black-and-white and 10.5 m resolution for color images. Artificial intelligence is snapping at the heels of human capabilities, especially in the field of high technologies.

Can it be so that the need for a human being in processing space information will soon disappear? “Discussion of replacing our employees with some products that belong to the sphere of artificial intelligence is not lawful now. Not only because of the specifics of the work, but I do not yet know such achievements of artificial intelligence that would even allow us to discuss the possibility of replacing our specialists,” said the scientist.

Space sowing Various institutions (11 of them, by the way) are customers of aerospace remote sensing materials. In which areas can these materials be most useful? According to the deputy director for research, everything depends on the extent to which certain organizations and departments are ready to work with space information. There are a lot of nuances here — from the availability of specialists to the necessary equipment. Also, the specialist is sure, the departments need leaders who will gather a team around them to switch to a new technology of the department’s work based on the use of space information. “If there are no such people, we can knock on the departments’ doors, tell them how wonderful it would be for them to have the information we беларусь. belarus 2019




provide. But that’s what they call beat head against a wall,” said Boris Chernukha. — If there are people in the departments who understand the prospect of such cooperation — that’s where it develops. I can say that currently the most successful and effective use of space information in Belarus is made in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, State Committee on Property, Belhydromet, Ministry of Forestry, some law-enforcement bodies. The question arises: the sowing season is in progress, can’t the images from space help us to fight for the harvest? “Unfortunately, it is impossible to say that there is such a level of cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture as with other agencies, due to different circumstances,” added the interlocutor of “Zviazda”. Head of the center Vasily Sivukha reminded that the function of yield forecasting is assigned to Belhydromet. In due time, Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise “Geoinformation Systems” developed and delivered to Belhydromet special software for such forecasting, but now within the framework of cooperation it transmits the necessary images. By the way, according to him, this forecast is confirmed annually by more than 80%.


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The U. S. was interested in Nepal Which large foreign customers turn to the organization? For example, about four years ago, the organization was approached by a company from the United States of America to take photographs of a certain area of Nepal. What is the reason for such a strange order from a country that is the world leader in space industry? Boris Chernukha recalled the simple truth: a satellite can only capture images where it flies at a certain point. If a country has a need to imaging a specific territory, but its satellites do not fly over there at the right moment, then it is logical to turn to colleagues whose satellite is flying over the right part of the planet. Thus, the practice of mutual exchange of services in this area is widespread. By the way, Nepal was quite difficult to photograph because of the difficult weather conditions.

About the Carpathians and Chernobyl There is an International Charter for Monitoring and Prevention of Emergency Situations, which brings together many countries. If there are any global disasters, the Charter attracts all available funds from its members to monitor the developments. From Belarus, our

Ministry of Emergency Situations is a member of the Charter, and space information is provided through “Geoinformation Systems”, since this structure is the national operator of the Belarusian Earth Remote Sensing System (ERS). In this connection, it is becoming important to monitor the adjacent territories. It is possible to predict emergency situations that can break out in the territory of Belarus. For example, the Pripyat water basin has tributaries that flow from the south and from Ukraine and originate in the Carpathians. Space information on the state of snow cover in the Carpathians turns out to be useful in forecasting possible floods in our Polesye. Another example: the forest fire in Chernobyl in 2015 was not confirmed by the Ukrainian side for a long time. “And we found it quite quickly, and began to inform through the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the media. We managed to take measures quickly, and this fire had no negative consequences for Belarus,” says Boris Chernukha.

Pull and pull all the branches It is necessary to understand that the cost of creation and operation of space systems of remote sensing of the Earth is rather high. The Belarusian system is no exception. Is it possible to recoup its activities? According to the deputy director for research, there are three main directions in unmanned space activities — remote sensing of the Earth, traffic and space communications. So, the third and — partly — the second are commercially viable, as there is interest of investors. Remote sensing of the Earth from space is usually referred to as a subsidy. However, creation of remote sensing space equipment requires the latest technical solutions, that is why all related industries are being pulled up to achieve them. As for the monetary issue, there are special methods to assess the efficiency

S of investment in scientific and technical activities in our country. In accordance with them, the evaluation of the effectiveness of such work is based on a comprehensive principle, which provides that all the costs of creating the system and its operation are compared with the income from the use of scientific and technical solutions obtained in the creation of a space system for remote sensing of land, through the creation of new products and services based on these solutions. “Specifically, the solutions that were developed during the creation of the Belarusian space system were later used as the basis for various projects, including programmes of the Union State and commercial contracts. So, such a comprehensive assessment shows today that the income exceeds the expenses by more than $18 million. Another indicator is conditional import substitution from the provision of images to Belarusian consumers, which exceeded $15 million,” said Boris Chernukha.

How longer will it fly? The Belarusian spacecraft was put into operation in 2012 and has been flying for almost seven years. How technologically advanced is it today — and when will it be put out of orbit? “Together with the manufacturer we constantly monitor its technical condition. It, to put it simply, is covered with various sensors, allowing to evaluate its main technical systems, — said the deputy director for scientific work. — This means that we can see if there is a degradation of parameters, what its speed is. On the basis of this analysis, we make a forecast about the possible duration of the satellite’s operation.” The processes that can potentially lead to satellite failure are known — and there are not many of them. This is due to the maintenance of orbit and the provision of optimal conditions for ima­ging. Another factor is the effect of cosmic radiation, especially heavy particles. For example, they contribute to the degrada-

tion of the satellite’s solar panels in case of impact. That is, the output currents of batteries that charge chemical batteries can decrease. Heavy particles also affect the photoreceiving sensors that form the image in the optical system. By tracking the degradation rate of the main elements, it is possible to predict how much of the machine will work. “Now a decision has been taken that the estimated lifetime of the satellite is up to the end of 2021,” — informed Boris Chernukha.

There is an International Charter for Monitoring and Prevention of Emergency Situations, which brings together many countries. If there are any global disasters, the Charter attracts all available funds from its members to monitor the developments. From Belarus, our Ministry of Emergency Situations is a member of the Charter. By this time the device will be 9.5 years old, and the estimated lifetime of the satellite is only five. In fact, it is a double term. This can be assessed as a reason to create and put into orbit another satellite. What is a satellite’s decommissioning? It will be transferred from orbit to the burial trajectory and will gradually decrease until it burns down in the atmosphere. Leaving a satellite out of orbit is not an option — the problem of space debris is very important now.


The European Space Agency’s system of standards, where the life cycle of space products is described, specifies as mandatory the stage of disposal, removal from orbit and burial of the equipment.

And there is a new beginning By the way, “Geoinformation Systems” is a direct participant in the development of the new Belarusian-Russian satellite. “At present, the conceptual design stage is under way, within the framework of which the technical parameters of the new spacecraft and the system as a whole, as well as the cost and time of development, are being specified by means of various modeling. The sketch design phase ends at the end of 2019. So far, the approximate timeline of its launch into orbit is 2023,” said the scientist. Thus, between the end of the planned term of operation of the Belarusian satel­lite — the end of 2021, and the launch of a new one in 2023 there is more than a year. Where will Belarusian consumers get the information? “Our system provides customers with images not only from the Belarusian spacecraft. It works as part of the orbital group of similar Russian satellites. Agreements have already been reached to include Russian satellites in this group, similar to the one that was once launched together with ours — “Kanopus” series satellites,” explained the National Operator of the ERS. When the Belarusian satellite ceases to exist, Belarus has the ability to receive information from “Kanopus”. In addition, the company receives information from a large number of public satellites. Now the means of the Belarusian space system are being improved to receive information from these satellites and transfer it to customers. These measures allow us to hope that Belarusian users of space images will not feel the information vacuum until the new satellite is put into operation. By Vladislav Lukashevich. Photo by Tatyana Tkachyova.

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Economy has to “become green” Economic growth without prejudice to the surrounding area, reduction of energy consumption in housing to 90 kilowatts per square meter, creation of 166 electric charging stations for cars until the end of the year and bringing renewable energy sources to 9% in the energy balance of the country until 2030. Such goals are set by organizations and agencies of Belarus on the way to the development of the green economy. Monetary effect with minimal impact Elements of “greening” the economy, according to the National Action Plan for its development, include electric transport, urban mobility, smart cities, organic agriculture and eco-tourism. The comprehensive document provides a roadmap for how the country’s economy will be greening. — Today, we are approaching the end of a rather long process in which Belarus, both with the participation of international partners and independently, draws attention to the need for economic growth, which will not be implemented with damage to the environment, — said Ekaterina Kuznetsova, head of the main department of environmental policy, international cooperation and science of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus. — The green economy seeks to reconcile economic growth and preservation of the natural environment — with minimal impact on the environment. The plan is designed until 2020 and includes several categories. For example, the creation of conditions for sustainable consumption and production, so that both consumers and producers are economically aware of natural resources.


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30% of the measures envisaged by the document have already been implemented, and quite successfully, 70% — in the process of implementation, experts say. They also advise to pay attention to the protective and specially protected areas of the country, which in Belarus are more than 9% and from which it is possible to obtain additional profits. — The fact that we preserve biological and landscape diversity is good. However, we can get an economic effect and at the same time withstand the minimization of the impact on these areas, — says Ekaterina Kuznetsova.

Electric cars and tourist electric buses The country’s achievements in the development of green economy are confirmed by international societies and reflected in environmental ratings. Last year, Belarus ranked 23rd among more than 170 countries in the index of achievement of global sustainable development goals. And our country ranks 29th in the index of the effectiveness of efforts in the field of climate protection. Seven out of seventeen goals of sustainable development are environmental, and largely due to the achievements in environmental goals, our country has

received such a high score, says Nadezhda Batova, head of the sector of environmental and economic problems of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: — As part of the development of electric transport until 2022, the first electric car of the national assembly on the basis of the Chinese one will be produced. More than 80 electric buses run in the country, including tourist electric buses on the territory of wildlife sanctuaries. Belorusneft already has 84 electric charging stations at its filling stations. By the end of the year there will be 166 more stations. We are ahead of Estonia, which for a long time was the world leader in this field, in terms of the rates of development of such stations. At the beginning of 2015, there were 27 electric cars in the country, and now there are more than 240 of them. In addition to support at the state level, the fact that its owners are exempt from state duty and value added tax also contributes to the increase in the number of electric vehicles.

“Green cities” and free resources Various agencies are working to strengthen the green sector of the

E Gorodok, Zelva, Krichev and Korma. A green urban development plan is being developed for them. Nevertheless, having planned many innovative and interesting ideas in the construction of a green city, it is necessary to look for funds for the implementation of these projects. Therefore, the issue related to “green finance” should come to the fore. In order to promote new eco-technologies in the country, it is necessary to take the next step to develop the criteria of environmental friendliness and energy efficiency, she is sure.

Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and water also play an important role in energy efficiency. In Germany and Italy, these resources account for 15% of the country’s energy balance and, accordingly, contribute to greening, said Leonid Poleshchuk, Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Efficiency of the State Committee for Standardization of Belarus: — About 6.2% (about 400 MW) of renewable energy capacities have been created in Belarus so far. By 2030, it is expected to reach 9%. However, it is still not 15%, which will allow developing within the green economy. In the sphere of housing and communal services, housing moderniza-

tion is designed to reduce energy consumption by 40% and to bring this figure up to 90 kW per square meter instead of the current 200 kW. However, there are already pilot projects in Mogilev and Grodno regions, where this level is 25 kW per square meter, said the expert. — An important role in improving energy efficiency will be played by the introduction of the principles of public green procurement, when the state introduces certain requirements for production in the country, before the sale of goods and services to consumers, which will meet certain environmental criteria and requirements for energy efficiency, — said Andrey Minenkov, head of the Division of Scientific and Technical Policy and Foreign Economic Relations of the Department of Energy Efficiency of the State Committee for Standardization of Belarus. Another example of energy efficiency improvement is the conversion of boiler houses to wood fuel and the increase of such efficiency in new housing. Due to the increase in fuel prices (by 8–17%), energy consumption in the house is reduced by two to four times and allows the use of renewable energy sources. However, it is possible to increase energy efficiency in existing housing by adding citizens and their funds to the process, for which a project is being prepared. By Irina Sidorok


economy. The Academy of Sciences, for example, studies the problems of deep processing of peat to obtain fertilizers, as burning peat now is an impermissible luxury. Research on the secondary waterlogging of peat bog sites shows that it will help to avoid the burning of such sites and give them a second life, says Lyudmila Kravchuk, a leading researcher of the Geosystems Optimization Laboratory of the Institute of Natural Resources Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The law on production and turnover of organic products, which is exportoriented and will come into force at the end of this year, will set the framework conditions for the development of this area and give an additional impetus to its development, said Nadezhda Batova: — So far, there are only 27 certified organic producers in the country, including companies that accept and prepare berries, wild products, birch juice and agricultural products. No less interesting will be the construction of the first resource-independent house-park, which will operate on alternative energy sources. Its authors promise that residents will not have to pay for heat and electricity. If everything works out, it will really be a breakthrough in eco-construction, experts believe. Irina Usova, head of the project “Green cities”, a representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Belarus, noted that within the project they work at the local level with city administrations, because the majority of the population lives in the territories of medium and small towns: —  We develop a strategic vision for the development of our cities: Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Novogrudok, help them implement pilot projects to improve energy efficiency. In Novogrudok, for example, we have a smart street lighting system and a smart system for consuming resources for residential buildings. Urban mobility through cycling is being developed in Polotsk and Novopolotsk. The “Green cities” project was recently joined by


The first car of the Belarusian assembly appeared on sale — a two-passenger Zotye E200

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cho of events

Their bright summer “What’s next?” This was the question most of the volunteers asked after the 2nd European Games in Minsk. They traveled around the country with the “Flame of Peace” torch relay, greeted guests at the airport and railway stations, worked on sports arenas… Thanks to the volunteers’ hard work, the organizers of the 2nd European Games said: they became not only the soul of the multisport forum, but also its “bearing walls” — without them, in fact, holding such a major tournament would be impossible.


Each of the volunteers got into the ranks of volunteers in their own way. Someone has been practicing at smallerscale tournaments for a long time, and for someone the desire to volunteer at the 2nd European Games was the starting point in a long and exciting journey. One of them is a student of the Faculty of Preschool Education of Maxim Tank BSPU Violetta Aleshkevich: — At the university I heard that there is a recruitment of volunteers for the 2nd European games, and decided to try myself in this. During the year before the start of the multisport forum I attended various events — boxing, track and field athletics tournaments, International Olympic Day, opening of


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the Dynamo stadium. The European Games, of course, are the biggest event I have ever worked at. I do not regret that I joined the volunteers! We have a great team here, which we did not want to part with. It’s just amazing: it would seem that for a month we have been working side by side with people whom we had not yet known at all, and when we parted, we just wore tears to our eyes! New friends and huge experience — that’s probably the main thing that each of the volunteers got during the 2nd European Games. Alexandra Azhar, a student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Communications of the BSU, says that the acquired skills will be useful in the future:

— At the 2nd European Games I was an assistant to the National Olympic Committee of Poland and together with other guys I helped athletes and delegates when they needed language support, asked about arrivals and departures, asked questions about sports facilities. It’s a great experience: when a volunteer, you try to be always and everywhere, you learn networking, which is so popular now. Many volunteers managed to see the competitions of the 2nd European Games live and even to get acquainted with their idols. Track and field athlete Irina Khaletskaya, for example, was happy to meet javelin thrower Tatyana Kholodovich, who won the tournament in Minsk. The girl herself is en-


— The volunteers who worked in our functional area had a difficult task — to meet foreign guests. Czechs, Germans, Ukrainians came… We worked in shifts, the schedule was complicated, but everyone was satisfied: for the guys, many of whom study law, even the opportunity to visit the border, to see the work at the border crossings became an excellent practice for the future. The selection for the volunteer team was serious. More than 24 thousand people from 106 countries applied for participation in the 2nd European Games. After the competitive selection, the volunteers underwent training sessions, during which they were explained the nuances of their future work, introduced them to the sports facilities and did everything possible to ensure that during the 2nd European Games they worked smoothly and quickly. The skills, abilities and goodwill of the Belarusian volunteers were highly

gaged in javelin throwing, so she was glad to talk to the athlete and got an additional charge of motivation for many years to come. Nikita Ivanov, a student of the International University MITSO, can be called a lucky one: he worked in the accreditation center of the Athletes Village and issued accreditation badges to all athletes. Afterwards, he confessed that there were almost no photos of the 2nd European Games on the phone — there was simply no time for that. But there are plenty of cool memories: I saw all the medalists of the tournament! But not all the volunteers had a chance to work on the sports arenas. Some of them took up their posts a few weeks before the Games in order to greet the fans and guests of our country at the border posts with smiles and positive attitude. The head of the group of volunteers who met foreign guests at the border crossings of Brest region, Oksana Yarovich recalled:

cho of events


appreciated by the athletes, coaches and guests of the 2nd European Games. Now the guys are being invited to other events — they can plan their work till the end of the year! But so far, most of them have been warmly recalling the 10 bright days of June when the European Games took place, and continue to thank the organizers for the opportunity to become part of the most grandiose sporting event in the history of our country. The number of posts in social networks, in which the guys say thank you to the organizers, is even difficult to count. Anna Morozova from Zhlobin, for example, added warm words to the collection of photos taken during the Games: — I saw this beauty every day. I saw and fell in love. It lasted two weeks, and now I’m leaving, and I’m sad that there was only one chance to feel it. I’m very grateful to the volunteering activity for the experience, for the opportunity to be a part of the team… I wanted to remember every moment… Minsk, thank you for the comfort, for the beautiful sunsets, and most importantly, for the people next to whom I am always like at home. Volunteer Nikolay Vabishchevich expressed his gratitude to the organizers in a peculiar way: together with other volunteers he “drew” a heart on the asphalt with the help of 23 branded blue green sneakers and signed it as follows: “It’s nice to know that we took part in such a large-scale event.” By Tatyana Pastushenko, Khristina Glushko, Olga Dubrovskaya

беларусь. belarus 2019



ourism potential

Country for travelling Travel pages are a relatively new trend: you travel, get inspired, shoot, upload. And inspire others to travel. Does it work in Belarus? And how to increase the attractiveness of the country’s tourism potential? Liubov Malysheva


Almost 14 thousand people have been watching Belarus for two years now through the eyes of Polina Amelyanchik. Her first post is about the Nesvizh Castle. Then there will be the Mir Castle and the Brest Fortress, the Augustow Canal. And then, together with her husband Mikhail, Polina will go over hill and dale. — A frequent question: “Where is this? Is it in Belarus?” I answer with pleasure, tell people how to get to this place. And what else can be seen on the way. The authors of the project are interested in the whole Belarus. The spouses carefully consider the route, each facility is allocated at least a few hours. The post about Gatowski estate (or Poklevsky-Kozell) got the maximum number of likes and reviews. About such estate, many admit in the comments, they read for the first time. The travel-blogger herself will call the estate an incredible discovery. The estate was bought by Lieutenant General Gatowski in the 19th century, and later it will be inherited by his eldest daughter, the wife of the wealthy nobleman Poklevsky-Kozell. The agricultural school and the German hospital are all in the biography of the building. The restoration of the stately home was started here in 1996. It was opened for tourists in 2015. 36 rooms, different styles, eras and countries. There are no complaints about the number of tourists here. However, it is not enough to count only on good reviews today, it is necessary to remove barriers for tourists. The President also spoke about it many times. First of all, we are talking about expanding the practice of visa-free entry: — We have the the Augustow Canal, we have Belovezhskaya Pushcha, they are located on the western border, and I have made two decisions — about visa-free entry through the Augustow Canal (it unites Lithuania, Poland and Belarus by the waterway) and into Belovezhskaya Pushcha. For a certain period of time without a visa, you should come here. Tourists came there and, of course, they brought money. The first truly large-scale relaxation for foreign guests crossing the Belarusian border was made in 2014. During the World Hockey Championship it was enough to provide an electronic


беларусь. belarus 2019

ourism potential

Liubov Malysheva


ticket for the match. A year later, short-term visa-free entry to Belovezhskaya Pushcha was allowed. And in 2016, the visitors of the Augustow Canal were also allowed to enter the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Today, guests from 74 countries can enter Belarus for up to 30 days through the National Airport “Minsk” without a visa. Stay in certain areas of Brest and Grodno regions has been extended up to 10 days. As a result, the number of visa-free tourists only doubled last year compared to 2017, said Deputy Director of the Tourism Department at the Sports and Tourism Ministry Vitaly Gritsevich: — Last year, according to the State Border Committee, 4 million 700 thousand foreign citizens entered Belarus. The eastern stream is not taken into account here, because the Belarusian-Russian border, as you know, is open. At the same time, we have developed a methodology together with the National Statistical Committee, according to which we conduct calculations. It turned out that last year about 11.5 million foreign citizens entered Belarus. The seasonal checkpoint “Lesnaya Rudavka” on the Augustow Canal. On the water, on foot or on bicycles — you need just a few minutes, and you pass the border control. Last year, said Deputy Head of the Department of Sports and Tourism of Grodno Regional Executive Committee Tatyana Lidyaeva, over 3 thousand people crossed the border here. Most of them are visa-free tourists: — The first place (64%) for visa-free travel is occupied by the Lithuanians. About 30% of them are the Poles, the third place is held by the Latvians. Then tourists from Germany and further, from 70 countries.

In 2017, 50 thousand tourists visited the Augustow Canal without a visa, and a year later — 92 thousand. This year we are claiming another record: 60 thousand foreigners have already had time to rest in the bosom of the local nature. But how many other guests do not need a visa at all! However, with the introduction of visa-free travel, the lack of hotel rooms became noticeable. Agroecotourism is a good help. Next to the canal 15 estates, in addition, here are being prepared for the opening two manor and park complexes at once: “Svyatsk” and “Radivilki”. Fast forward to Brest. To increase the number of visa-free days, and with them the number of tourists would allow to unite the zones “Grodno” and “Brest”. Now this question is under consideration. In case of positive resolution, Ivatsevichi, Lida and Novogrudok districts can also be included in the general additional visa-free zone. However, no matter how many new points appear in the route, it necessarily begins with the Brest Fortress. More than 24 million tourists have visited the Citadel on the Bug River since 1956, and 25 million visitors are expected here this year. Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany and the Baltic States — in 2018, guests from more than fifty countries visited the Brest Fortress. In Brest region in general one of the best indicators in the country in terms of investments invited in tourism. The region is also well developed in rural recreation — 400 estates are ready to offer their services. By the way, according to the data of Belstat and the relevant ministry, an average tourist leaves about 480 BYN per trip in our country. The average trip lasts about 5 days. By Galina Ulevich

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The Augustow Canal is an excellent idea! Belta

The Augustow Canal restoration gave Belarusians a unique place to relax and attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists Reborn beauty This picturesque man-made artery was born 180 years ago. It was a utilitarian replacement for the water trade route through Prussia. The Augustow Canal has become a place of attraction for hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world since May 26, 2006. At the same time, it clearly demonstrated that the love of the native land and respect for the history of our country can become a launching pad for the implementation of the most ambitious projects. The value of this unique hydraulic structure is not only in the perfection of engineering thought and skill of builders. The history of the creation of the Augustow Canal at one time united three people: Belarusian, Polish and Russian. Then, almost two centuries ago, Prussia imposed exorbitantly high duties on the transportation of goods by Russian cargo ships down the Vistula. Russian Tsar Alexander I agreed with the arguments of Francis-Xavier Drutsky-Lyubetsky, Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Poland, which at that time was part of the Russian Empire, about the need to build an alternative waterway. It’s interesting that


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two groups of designers presented their plans to the emperor’s court: the Russian and the Polish. The “tender” was won by the Poles. The construction lasted 15 years and ended with the erection of the object that is unique in its scale and thoroughness of the design. As a result of two world wars, the waterworks of the canal turned into ruins. And the frontier zone of the Soviet Union, which was closed for decades for ordinary visitors, ended up the destructive process: time almost nullified the human efforts of the past. Famous journalist Alexander Lossminsky recalls: — Even I, a native of Grodno and a journalist, did not know that there is such a pearl here. The truth was revealed to me in the late 70s of the last century. Then we, photographers, were invited to the open air in the Polish People’s Republic, and one of the points of the program was a trip along the Augustow Canal, accompanied by a wonderful guide who told us about the history of this structure. There I made a sensational discovery for myself: it turned out that the Augustow Canal flows into the Neman near Grodno and no one knew about it. And that was at the time when in Poland it

had already become a popular place of tourist pilgrimage and an active recreation Mecca. The idea to see the historic artery full-blooded and united captured the Grodno enthusiast for many years: — Many were skeptical about the idea of the Canal restoration. Who needs these ruins… But there were those who became interested like the former chairman of the Grodno district executive committee, Mikhail Komarets. He spoke about the Augustow Canal at one of the meetings with the President. The head of state attached great importance to this unique monument of history, architecture, engineering, nature… A working group was immediately formed which came here a week later. They decided to revive the Canal.

“We touch the history” This difficult work was entrusted to Grodnomeliovodkhoz regional unitary enterprise. Its general director, Boris Bogdanets, still remembers the joy with which he and his associates took up the project: — It was very hard to find work after the collapse of the USSR. We could



not find our niche. Therefore, when the Decree of the President came out and we were allocated an object worth 15 million dollars, we were over the moon with happiness. We employed all our businesses and the work went going. We entered into contracts with 83 subcontractors. We purchased equipment: cars, excavators, buses. We worked selflessly, professionally, in a coordinated manner. Just imagine the volumes — 97 excavators were involved in the preparatory earthworks. We were building, but we were well aware that we were touching on history. Strict control was exercised by the supervisor Andrey Parkhuta. He did not let us relax. Boris Ivanovich lays out archival photos from the construction sites: — This is Nemnovo floodgate. Do you see its condition? In fact, it did not exist anymore. And this is how beautiful it looks now! This is Kužinets. It was also destroyed. It can’t be compared to what we have today. This aerial photograph shows how the river bed has been expanded. By the way, 10 times! The design work proceeded simultaneously with the construction. In the course of work, much was changed and supplemented. Most often due to the deplorable state of the object. According to the project we had to remove 20 thousand cubes of forest along the slopes But, having passed 200–300 meters, we decided to leave the trees. Now I think that it was the right decision. The forest rises to the very edge of the water and

creates a fabulous impression. My interlocutor is sure: 95 percent of the modern Augustow Canal is an exact copy of its predecessor 180 years ago. Financing of the work included serious historical research. Architecture historian Igor Trusov worked in the Military Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, which has about a hundred volumes of original documentation from the construction of the Augustow Canal. Maps, drawings, even the amount of building materials — everything up to a nail. From the northern capital of Russia the historian brought copies of the drawings of authentic movable bridges Today, as in the past, they are raised and lowered manually. — There were ideas to automate the bridges. They said: we live in the modern world, why manual work? I answered: in no case, we must preserve the authenticity, — Boris Bogdanets firmly declares. After the reconstruction, the channel remained on the balance sheet of the Grodnomeliovodhoz: the one that invested the soul in this construction would not allow any ruin and disorder. Today, the company’s specialists together with the Polish side are going to repair the border lock Kužinets. In addition, it set up its own tourist infrastructure: a hotel with 15 beds, an agroestate, a canal history museum, a motor ship, not to mention the rental centers for catamarans, boats, motorboats and bicycles. This year they are planning to purchase another motor ship.


Connecting waterway Oleg Andreychik, the head of the department of sports and tourism of the Grodno regional executive committee, says that there is no end of tourists during the season: — Last year more than 100,000 tourists visited the Augustow Canal. Although 4 years ago this figure was about 28 thousand. The number of Internet requests related to the Belarusian part of the Augustow Canal increased by 15 times last year as against 2017. Today it is the territory of holidays, festivals, events and a large startup platform for entrepreneurship. 15 agricultural farmsteads, dozens of kilometers of new roads and bicycle paths have appeared here over the past years. By the way, this year the cycle path was completed. It runs from the Polish border to Grodno. This is a 50‑kilometer distance. The absolute value of the Augustow Canal is that it is a unique transboundary object. Almost all routes are planned in terms of cross-border attractiveness. Starting a trip to Poland and passing through Belarus, you can visit Lithuania. 103 kilometers of the Canal goes through Poland (80 kilometers) and Belarus (23 kilometers). It is possible to get to Lithuania by the Neman. There is a border crossing checkpoint for water and foot tourists and cyclists on the Canal. Over 3 thousand fans of active recreation got through it last year. Negotiations are underway to open another crossing checkpoint so that the routes can be looped. Actually, the Augustow Canal connected the neighboring countries with a strong friendship. At the tourist exhibition in Minsk, the Augustow Canal was for the first time presented as a single product without division into Polish and Belarusian parts. Not to mention the fact that the possibility of a visa-free visit to this man-made oasis has removed extra barriers and made it possible for foreign citizens to come here and enjoy their rest in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. By Katerina Charovskaya

беларусь. belarus 2019


For impressions on foot


sk any Belarusian what our country is famous for, and they will answer: “Forests and swamps.” Perhaps, they will recollect Belovezhskaya and Nalibokskaya Pushcha, even if they have never been there (unfortunately, there are many of them). But every second person in our country can support a talk about the sea coast of Turkey or Egypt. It’s sad. At such moments I remember the lines of the poet about my native country: I walked and measured on foot Your spaces along and in breadth — And all the ways, roads, trails Crossed in my soul.


беларусь. belarus 2019

People abroad refuse “All inclusive” holiday with no hesitation for the sake of unity with untouched nature. People are tired of urban comfort and go to places where they can watch rare birds and animals, breathe in the scent of forest primroses, walk on soft moss and take a sip of spring water. In this regard, Belarusians are lucky: no matter where you go, you will find at least a landscape reserve, and at best a national park. Our correspondent found out why a walk down ecotrails is the kind of tourism that suits everyone.

I would like to read this poem out loud and to urge the Belarusians to look for those roads so that they can also cross in our souls. Moreover, we have eco-trails to for any taste — you just need to choose the most suitable one.

For adventurers Yelnya is called Vitebsk “Bermuda”, Belarusian tundra, the lungs of Europe and so on. The largest high swamp of Belarus lies in the north of the country — in the Miory and Sharkovshchina districts. Scientists estimate that this swamp is at least nine thousand years old. The place is truly unique: there are more than a hundred lakes here, and the flora is characteristic more of tundra than of Belarus. Every year, local residents go “cranberry hunt-

ing”, because there are the largest reserves of these berries in the country there. The aromas of wild rosemary and heather dope your head. And in some places, the call of a wild bird is surely heard: about 130 species of them live here, among which there are also Red Book species — the blackthroated diver and the white partridge. Have you ever heard about swamp upland? The peculiarity of Yelnya is also in the fact that the central part of the swamp is seven meters higher than the extreme parts. That’s a real miracle! Yelnya attracts not only curious tourists, but also thousands of cranes during spring and autumn migrations. No one knows for sure when the graywinged birds have chosen the swamp as a staging post: maybe three hundred years ago, and maybe thousands.

E All this can be seen, heard, tried (I’m talking about berries, and not about birds!) on a special eco-trail. It is considered the longest and widest in Europe and is a wooden flooring through the most picturesque places of Yelnya. Escort is not required. The beginning is near the village of Kanahi. Although you can book a tour through the swamp itself. In rubber boots or the so-called bog overshoes (there are such ones) go, squishing on peat moss. The routes through swamps are offered in Yelnya for those who are looking for new sensations (there are special vehicles for traveling through the swamp).

For the whole family

Anatoly Kleshchuk

The first and so far the only inclusive eco-path in Belarus is located in the Volozhin district on the outskirts of Nalibokskaya Pushcha. Disabled people, elderly people, and pregnant women on the Belokorets route can now appreciate natural riches of the ancient forest, look into the mirror of the swift-flowing Isloch, and feel the mysterious legends without worrying about safety. Along it there are benches, gazebos and toilets with a barrier-free entrance.The peculiarity of this path is in the stands, maps and layouts that accompany it. They are made in such a way that one can get a complete picture of the unique beauty of Nalibokskaya Pushcha… with one’s palms. The information is in clear language and is duplicated in Braille. Using tactile maps, the blind can figure out where to go, and

wooden models allow you to feel by touch animals, birds, and the plant world in this place. Last year, the first InFest was held nearby, after which Belokorets was replenished with new objects — a sensory trail (you should walk barefoot along it to “feel the forest”), osier sculptures and houses for wild bees and birds. The know-how of Belarusian inclusive eco-trails is coating of granite chips (environmentally friendly, by the way), which does not allow the trolley to get stuck even in bad weather. Therefore, mothers with babies will be welcome in this forest. Keep in mind that there are several agro-farmsteads next to Belokorets, which are also among the barrier-free tourist facilities. A person who has lost the ability to walk is welcome to make a ride in a wagon or admire the picturesque shore from the middle of the lake. You can also bake bread according to old recipes and find out all the secrets of beekeepers, even if you have never come up to the stove and have never visited the apiary. This all is possible!

For the lazy Not for nothing Minsk is called an unusually green metropolis. There are ten (!) ecotrails in the capital, in addition to numerous parks and squares. There are the Silver Log and the City of Birds in the Leninsky district. From the first observation deck there is a good view of the tract, and the second one is perfectly suited for birdwatching. In Chizhovka you can walk

cological paths

along the eco-path between Uborevicha Street and Svisloch. And be sure to take your smartphone with you: the stands with information have numerous QR codes. If you are not lucky to see kingfishers in reality, at least look at them on the phone. Young naturalists and their grandmothers will like the route along the Tsnyanskoye water reservoir: here they will learn about the bankline vegetation and medicinal herbs. In Kurasovschina park there are giant oaks — a natural landmark, from which, they say, you can get energy. There is an eco-line along the Lebyazhy water reservoir, where water invertebrates are observed from wooden decking. But residents of Kamennaya Gorka have the opportunity to feed partridges in cold weather. If you observe the Svisloch on the outskirts of the city, then there is a chance to meet beavers, swimming beetles and water scorpions.

For romantics Are you ready to go to the edge of the Belarusian land in search of a fern flower? Take a ticket to Brest, and from there to Leplevka village. In the most south-western corner of the country there is the only place in Eastern Europe where the royal fern grows, which is the prototype of the mysterious fern flower. It is not so easy to find it, but if you go along the Forest River eco-trail, you will definitely see it. Biosphere reserve “Pribuzhskoye Polesye” is an interesting place in the sense that tourists do not come here in crowds. You can actually reach “forest zen”. By the way, the local fauna is recognized as the richest among all protected areas of Belarus. Red book fresh-water turtles (the same age as dinosaurs) lay eggs on the sand dunes in the depths of the reserve. Pribuzhskoye Polesye is also a crossroads of three cultures, as it is located at the very border of Ukraine and Poland, just within a stone’s throw. It is suitable for meetings with foreign friends: no visas are needed, as this is Brest region. By Anna Kurak

беларусь. belarus 2019




Happiness in Travelling

Li u bov

M alysheva

Travel is both a hobby and a lifestyle that exerts your physical and spiritual forces... And adrenaline. People traveled yesterday, and travel today. And tomorrow, of course, the journeys will also continue. As the travelers themselves have repeatedly admitted, the end of the travelling, and the process of it, do bring change to the worldview, thoughts, and feelings. Who are they, our contemporaries, ready to overcome hundreds of kilometers on foot, by bicycle, motorbike, on a balloon or by hitchhiking... We shall tell you about some of them.

Two from the Faraway Kingdom Only Belarusians, the two people in this big world — journalists Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich — walked around their country along the state border. No other country in the world has been so honored. Their project, called “Walking in the Faraway Kingdom”, was implemented in the spring and summer of 1996, and lasted 120 days. Why would two journalists from Minsk hit such a difficult road, how was their little journey and are they ready to repeat it? — such will be the questions of this interview. Ivan and Valentina, how did it all start? Valentina: In the spring of 1995, we worked together in the journal “Rodnoe Slovo”. That was the time of the young Belarusian independence, and the people from our environment had a


беларусь. belarus 2019

great interest in their native language, culture, and Belarusian traditions. On that spiritual wave, we wanted to make the “Pilgrimage to Polotsk” on foot, which is a landmark city in Belarusian history. And we got this idea from our books. It was written there — in the pre-revolutionary era, before World War II, pilgrims went to the relics of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk on foot. We decided to arrange a secular “Pilgrimage to Polotsk” so as to come to the city on the eve of June 5 — this is the day they annually venerate the memory of the Reverend. And during that pilgrimage we had an idea in the evening — to go around Belarus on foot along the state border. The idea acquired specificity already on July 27, when the country, and we together with everyone else, celebrated the 5th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Belarus (1990). That day we discussed it — that it would be very

nice to go around our Motherland on foot — and thereby make a spiritual amulet for it. We began to prepare for the journey, which, in the end, was called “Walking in the Faraway Kingdom”. We hope to write a book about that. When did the trip happen? And what did you take with you? Ivan: We walked from April 15 to August 13–120 days. But to the north of Belarus, to Druya (a place on the Dvina River, in Braslavschina) we traveled by rail. We finished the walking where we started it, having covered 2810 kilometers. We know for sure, since there was a speedometer in the carriage with bicycle wheels, which we carried along with us. What did we take with us? Camping things, books, a camera, food for the first couple of days — then we bought it on the way. The travel budget was very modest, and the project was financed solely by our personal savings. The tent was improvised from parachute fabric, but we covered it with cellophane when it rained or was cold. I’d made a folding light carriage out of two back parts of old bicycle frames. In the Braslavsky district, we bought beautiful straw hats from craftsmen — you can see them in some pictures. So four months of camping… But what about work? Didn’t you want to go back to the urban comfort? Valentina: We had to quit our jobs, of course. But that autumn when we came back, we were both invited to work in the magazine “Belarus”. As for

we traveled by train to the place of the start of our walk from Minsk, with a stop in Polotsk. This was in order to bow to Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk, to ask her for blessings on the road. We felt her protective power in the journey. In addition, we traveled an average of 20–25 km per day: whoever walked this much knows what a hard job it is, even if you go with light baggage. We also had to use our brains — every day we wrote in our diaries both the speedometer readings and impressions, thoughts, poems, interesting conversations with people. Fatigue, therefore, was great, and in this state the fears don’t bother you too much — because you just want to rest, no matter what. Did you somehow record the time and places in your diaries? Ivan: Yes, in the diaries we put stamps of local councils, schools, pharmacies, shops, post offices — of various


organizations. We would always record how many kilometers we passed a day. Even if we wrote a poem, we would still put time, date and place beneath it. What did you miss most in your trip? Didn’t you ever want to “fall by the wayside”, to go back to the city? Valentina: I wouldn’t put it that way. After all, we consciously went on that trip, realizing that we would have to make do with less. You know, the walk made us realize one thing — each of us already carries all the most important things with themselves… If something goes the wrong way, just stop and think — you might figure out something. By the way, we did not have mobile phones at the same time. Once our friend made a discovery — he takes his toothbrush and wallet with him wherever he goes. And he has enough of everything. I remember that during that trip we once wanted pancakes really badly. And we managed to cook them — on a campfire, on coals. There was no pan, so Ivan made a semblance of one from a piece of tin found on the road. And about going back… We thought about that now and again. But those were only thoughts, we could reconfigure them. It would have been frivolous — to pack up and head back. Was it easy to get used to the urban rhythm of life on your return? Are you ready to repeat such a journey? Ivan: To be honest, after our walk I had a wish not to go back to the city, but to stay in a village. However, it was

Ivan Zhdanovich

the comfort… Well, we did understand we would stay in the forests and fields, we were going to the Faraway Kingdom, after all, not a five-star hotel. Camp life has its advantages. We adapted to the situations that came up on our way. By the way, only in the cold fortnight did we spend the night at the village people’s houses or in schools, while later we mainly slept outside — wherever the night caught us. We gradually put right our camping life and daily routine. Everyone had their duties: to pitch a tent, unpack things, make a fire, cook food… And in the morning, when we were getting ready to go, everyone knew what to do. We brought water with us in plastic bottles, replenished food supplies. By the way, we were vegetarians back then. We swam in rivers and lakes sometimes. What interesting things do you still recall from your conversations with people? Ivan: The good people that let strangers stay overnight and helped us as much as they could, and were also interesting interlocutors. Beautiful landscapes come to mind. And also what we told our colleagues who wrote about us. And they wrote about us in the newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus”, “7 Dney”, and we were invited on the radio and television. We prepared a number of stories for various publications — for magazines “Belarus”, “The Youth”. In the latter one we published fragments of our fiction-documentary novel — there were poems interspersed with diary entries. We had more than a hundred of verses, and three thick notebooks with diary entries. We were filmed for one of the movies of the series “Where the Homeland Begins”. It was made for the capital’s television — STV. Did you ever get scared? Valentina: Sometimes, but rarely. I remember once in Polesie we were awakened by the roar of an elk — very close to the tent. Thank God we did not meet evil people, but there were forests, overnight stays in the field or just by the road… We never slept in hotels at all. And it’s important to clarify too —

Ivan Zhdanovich


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necessary to get used to it. The adaptation was quick. After all, as they say, you take good things for granted all too soon. And about doing it again… I’d like to travel… But, of course, differently. Maybe by bike or motorcycle. And well, so far we have had such a rhythm of life that there is absolutely no time for long trips. This is why we are travelling over the lives of people, over events… As journalists. During this time, we got acquainted with various countries where we were on summer vacation. We were very impressed by India. But this is a subject for a different conversation.

The Wedding Gift

Anatoly Kleshchuk

A young family from Baranavichy Evgeny and Alexandra Sidelnik, who registered their marriage this spring on April 14, went on an extreme honeymoon trip — they are going by bicycles to sunny Georgia. The photo master Anatoly Kleshchuk, who met them during his business trip, told us about this. — Anatoly! Where did you meet this exotic group? — I met them near the village of Parichi in the Svetlogorsk district. The couple really seemed exotic to me. Young, beautiful, positive, bringing a dog with them. At that time they had been on their trip for four days, they covered 267 kilometers. Evgeny and Alexandra passed Lyakhovichi, Slutsk, Starye

Evgeny and Alexandra Sidelnik together with Clegane


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Dorogi, Bobruisk. Svetlogorsk, Rechitsa, Gomel, dozens of cities and villages in Russia and the Transcaucasian Republic — several thousand kilometers lie ahead to disappear under their wheels. They told me about it when we sat down on the edge of the R‑31 road. — How many kilometers did the newlyweds set as a goal to cover? — They planned 5 thousand kilometers. If the travel scenario, they admitted, can be completed without problems (everything happens on the road), they dream of reaching the Black Sea coast of Georgia in two months. — Have they ever traveled before? — Evgeny said that they traveled to Georgia by hitchhiking before. They planned to go there again this summer, but they thought — why not to go there by bikes and take their dog Clegane, Evgeny told me. — How could the dog bear such ten­ sion, to run all the way after its masters? — Don’t say it! Although the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or Alabai, is a very sturdy breed, it is not herculean. Clegane got a special kennel on wheels. The dog travels in this kennel. According to Evgeny, the dog contemplates the scenery quite comfortably through the window. And sometimes, when he wants to, runs close to his masters. By the way, this is the oldest breed of dog. I read up on it later and found out — it appeared 6000 years ago. — How many kilometers a day do they cover? They said that they went nine to — ten kilometers per hour, often stopped, rested, fed their canine companion and had a snack. And for the bike trip to be pleasant, for the journey to be joyful, they had prepared for it accordingly — Evgeny designed the carriage frame, Alexandra made a canvas tilt for it and prepared reliable luggage bags for their supplies. The Sidelniks supplies were far from generous — a tent, sleeping bags, more pairs of shoes, some food… — Where do you think the travelers are now?

— Perhaps they are having a nice time in Georgia, or maybe they are already returning home. Time will tell.

About Katya Dubanevich, a Biker from Minsk, and Her Trip around the World The mass media write about her, follow her travels around the world. She has been on the road for almost a year, started the journey in April 2018. You can only imagine everything that Katya saw in different countries during this time, what she felt and what admired. But this, of course, will only be our imagination, far from reality. We hope that when the traveler returns home, she agrees to be a guest of our editorial office. And she will tell our readers about her impressions. Please, welcome! Katya, the floor is yours. My name is Katya and I love to travel by motorcycle. Since childhood, I have never been interested in all the typical “female” things. All the dolls presented to me gathered dust on the window-stool, but the metal constructor with bolts and screwdrivers and the Soviet lego could occupy me for hours. I ran off with boys to climb the garages, do somersaults on the swings, catch newts and scrape my knees in bike races. My grandfather is a pilot of military aviation, who devoted 43 years to the Sky. We often went to Borovaya to observe the pilots’ training, and when my grandfather stopped flying and became a dispatcher, I loved to play with toggle switches on a huge map in his new office. Blue, red, green light bulbs and toggle switches that determine the location of the aircraft. I remember the sound and tight movement of the toggle switches and the joy of lighting the bulbs. It seemed that I was doing a very important job and that people’s lives depend on it. In 2010, for the first time I got behind the wheel and from that day I can’t imagine what my life would be like if it hadn’t happened.



bov M al y sheva

I travel alone, because that’s what I prefer doing. The motorcycle turns a journey into an adventure. You become a part of the surrounding world; you feel the smells, the wind, the rain, even the density of the fog and the warmth of the sun. Kilometers of roads, and everything changes around you: nature, the architecture of cities, people’s faces and the hum of languages of different countries. Every day gives new impressions, discoveries, and you do not know what you will see tomorrow. Impressions

and memories are the most precious things that we can receive and preserve. You believe in yourself, because otherwise it is hard to cope with the trip, you believe in people and get help if you need it, you believe that you will return home, because someone waits for you there. You are alive, 100% alive and in front of you there is LIFE and there is WORLD. Until 2018 I could only travel on weekends, holidays and on vacation. All trips were financed by myself. When you start traveling, your priorities transform — instead of new cosmetics and boots, you can drive 500 km and see the dawn on the shore of the Baltic Sea. You give up a lot of things in favor of the upcoming trips, you learn how to plan and tighten your budget. I think that sooner or later, every traveler begins to dream of travelling around our planet in a circle, seeing as much as possible and feeling as strongly as possible. At first, the thought of the world travel is born in the very depths of

The Traveler’s Code or Katya’s Advice to Those Who Travel the World The essence of every journey is always a discovery. Of yourselves, new countries, cultures, people, roads and know­ledge. This code contains basic ethical principles, the observance of which will help you not to go astray, save face and not harm those who are different from you. When coming to a different country/city/house, you should be aware that the way you see the world, your beliefs and ideals may not be similar to those of others. In a foreign country, you are a Guest and must respect its rules and policies, even if you do not share them. — accept local traditions for what they are and observe them to the best of your ability; — do not take pictures of anyone without their permission; — study the rules of conduct of the place you plan to visit carefully and do not break them; — do not wear very flashy clothes or show too much skin in public places; — take care of nature and the environment;


your soul like a timid seed. The focus of your attention shifts, and it starts fishing out everything that has the words “world travel” from the huge information space around you. And the seed begins to grow, it envelops its strong roots around your consciousness, and now all your essence lives for one great idea. And there comes a day when you make a decision. And there is no turning back after that. The Universe begins to actively help or hinder you, but the desire to overcome all difficulties only grows stronger. But you’re always moving forward, with small weak steps at first, increasing the pace and strengthening the muscles of desire and action. I’m on my way. Yes, it is frightening. Yes, it will be hard, lonely and there are many risks. But there is the Major Journey of Life. And I am setting off on August 18, 2018 and I shall do my very best for it to become reality and finish with dignity. If I can, so can you. Anyone of you. Everything will work out! More details about Katya and her world travel can be found on the website — By Ivan Ivanov, Inga Valentinova

— a matter of honor for any traveler is to help another traveler when your paths cross, and they require assistance; — whenever possible, use a kerosene or gas stove; — use disposable tableware, plastic and other packages as little as possible; — do not litter; — use natural materials to wash the dishes, not chemicals; — do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. Think about the people who care about you and want you to return home safely; — make sure you have the health insurance and necessary medicines, taking into account the unique features of your body; — study in advance the possible dangers and obstacles in your trip, try to minimize risks; — refrain from criticizing local customs and imposing your point of view; — avoid any talk about the present political system. The traveler is a person outside politics; — any information that you receive should be evaluated critically, adjusted for the source and time of the receipt. беларусь. belarus 2019




beauty and power


he Mstislavsky spring called the “Kagalny well” is located under the castle mountain, it is a monument of sacral culture and an integral part of the local landscape. It is also a historical landmark of the medieval town. Indeed, the history reminiscent of a legend, as well as the quality of drinking water attract citizens and tourists, who are more and more here every year. The spring got its name from the Jewish word “kahal”, which means — public, general. At the beginning of the last century, Jewish water-carriers (at that time Mstislav was half populated by people of this nationality) were collecting water from the spring and selling it to the residents. Unfortunately, after the last


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war and before the beginning of the twothousandths the spring was forgotten, but thanks to the efforts of the local authorities and residents of the city the “well” was restored. By the way, the stream Zdorovets, which feeds the river Vihra, which is a major tributary of the river Sozh, starts from the “Kagalny”. It is known from scientific sources that Mstislavshchina is an important ethno-historical region of Posozhye. Folk costumes, which were the peculiarity of everyday life of the inhabitants of the middle of 19th and the beginning of 20th century, have preserved till nowadays. On the basis of valuable exhibits, the regional House of Crafts revived the regional costume in order to understand

the original culture, character and worldview of its skilful predecessors. Such a costume is the real source connecting the past and the present, a landmark of Mstislavshchina. The photo shows a 20‑yearold hereditary Mstislav woman Darya Antonova wearing a girl’s costume and shows how the girls looked like when the life of the county town was boiling on the Mogilev-Smolensk borderland. It should be noted that Darya is directly related to folk culture — she is engaged in choreography, teaches children local traditional dances, acts as a model of local couturier. She dreams of having the tradition of wearing a festive folk costume back. By Anatoly Kleshchuk. Photo of the author.



Olga Lunina:

I’m not like other women About work at BelAZ, main myths in sports and relations with men


lga Lunina is the absolute body fitness champion of Belarus, the finalist of the world championships, squats down with a barbell of 90 kilograms, which embarrasses many men. Since she was a student, sport has become not just a hobby for her, but also a profession. Meanwhile, having a sculpted figure, Olga does not forget about feminity and, apparently, has it both ways. Working in a gym with big weights, in the evenings she dances tango. At first glance, she is a young girl, but she does not conseal her age, has two sons, the elder, by the way, is already 18. Olga told us in her interview whether it is possible to become a champion in body fitness without pharmaceuticals and what motivates girls to come to the gym.

“No beautician will give you the same effect as sports” — Your social networks say that you are working at BelAZ, but looking at the photo, it is difficult to imagine how you assemble huge machines. — I’m not working directly on the production, I’m a trainer by education, I specialized in weightlifting. I’ve been working at BelAZ since the opening of the gym in 2004. At first, sport was just my hobby, I did powerlifting, be-

came a national champion in weightlifting, when there was no gym, I used to work as an ordinary shop-assistant, like many girls. — In addition to your own career, you are also involved in coaching ac­ tivities. Is active lifestyle popular in such small towns as Zhodino? — Yes, but most clients are men. The gym is addictive, because your body can not be sculpted by running or dancing, beautiful round shapes are obtained here. Many women are still afraid, they have a lot of superstitions, think that within a week they will grow huge muscles. Although, of course, this is unrealistic, I see the men who have been working in the gym for years with heavy weights and they look the same way as they did five years ago. And girls see lots of photos of professional athletes who are using pharmacology and think they will become the same. In fact, if a shapeless girl comes to me, she needs at least a year to see a good result. — What motivates people who come to your trainings? — The desire to lose weight. But I say to everyone: you will lose weight only in the kitchen, here you sculpt your body, burn extra calories, extra energy, the rest — kitchen and food. The most problem areas for women are sagging buttocks and loose hands. беларусь. belarus 2019




When you go to the gym, the main thing is to know what you want, and to realize whether you are ready to train 3–4 times a week, to keep to the correct diet and sleep. But somebody can’t do it because of work, family, children, sometimes girls can’t even find two evenings a week. Of course, this is their choice, but I think that first of all we should take care of ourselves. If women don’t look after themselves, they start to look worse, and the man is a male, he wouldn’t look at such a woman, he starts looking the other way. You know what the most interesting thing is? Women begin to change after a divorce, look for what’s wrong with them and think about themselves. It doesn’t have to be this way. For example, I, on the contrary, am getting better with age. Sport contributes to the generation of important hormones that are responsible for youth. None of the beautician will give such an effect as sports.

“Girls gain 15–20 kilograms after the competition” — You began to compete in body fitness only after the birth of your sec­ ond child, why?


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— Yes, I already had a husband, a lot of beautiful photoshoots, it did not motivate me, but I never performed on stage in front of the judges, I was interested in it, I had a desire. — But many women complain that it is difficult to get into shape after childbirth. — I was in a good shape before it, so even after the birth I looked quite fit for a photo- shoot. I had a flat belly, and when I touched it, I didn’t understand what had become of all that flesh. There were no stretch marks, although my stomach was big during the pregnancy. When I was 6‑month pregnant, I was still doing sports, it, of course, should be coordinated with the doctor and dependent on the state of health. By the way, breastfeeding is very good for weight loss. — Is it easy for you to go on stage to be evaluated? — First of all, it’s scary, even if you do it for the hundredth time. Especially when you go out almost naked and you do not only need to come on stage, but also to present yourself, to show all your feminine qualities. Because the defects of the body can be well hidden by posing, but this feminity, your image should be in your head.

— In body fitness body proportions are very important, and therefore, ge­ netics? — Yes, it takes the first place, a person may simply not be inclined to this sport. Because the judges evaluate the separation of leg muscles, waist, back development. If you dry yourself, you see what you have in your body. The second place after genetics is food, you can train, but if you eat in a wrong manner, there will be no result. — What is more difficult for you — nutrition or hard training? — Of course, food, I, like any other girl, like sweets, I like to spend time in the company, to eat. Often girls gain 15–20 kg after the competition, because not everybody knows how to get out of the preparatory regime correctly. Personally I am always not more than 60 kilograms, 63 kg is maximum, but the weight is not the main thing, you can weigh a lot, and look much less. — Do you train with big weights? — It is impossible to “grow” without it. I`m doing squats down with the weight of 90 kilograms 5–6 times, barbell deadlift of 140 kilograms. But bodybuilding is not aimed at raising the maximum weight, muscle fibers are worked out in different ranges.

P — Often athletes use pharmaceu­ ticals to build muscle mass or to dry themselves out… — Of course, someone is taking pills and ruining their health, and the question is what dose and what to do it for. I don’t often meet such athletes among women, but, for example, one of the most prestigious tournaments in our sport, “Arnold Classic”, cannot exist without pharmacology. You will not reach the necessary peak of shape, dryness of muscles without pharmacology. The question is in reasonableness, if it is done professionally, then no harm for health will be done. — How do men in the gym react when they see you squat down with the weight of 90 kilograms? — They have complexes, ego immediately boom — down. Of course, they feel a worm inside — a woman squats down with such a wight, but they can’t. — Once you said that you dream of participating in the “Arnold Classic”, the dream remained? — Any girl of my sport dreams of it, but now I take it much easier and treat it as a hobby. Everything depends on my personal life, there is a question — either a family or training. This is your choice. I have no problems with relations, I’m preparing for competitions.

“The barbell makes the body, and the dancing gives the female charge” — How do people react to your fi­ gure? — When I undress on the beach, some people have complexes, and someone thinks it’s not nice, they say, I look like a man, I’m overpumped. Everybody has their own opinion, I treat all this with humor. I used to take it personally, but I like that I’m not like other women, it’s my own individua­ lity. — Despite the fact that you raise such weights, you still look very femi­ nine… — When you’re training with iron, you’re getting very heavy not only phy­ sically, so I decided to do more dancing. The barbell makes the body, and the dancing gives me a woman’s charge and plasticity. I do the tango, it gives an understanding of the interaction with a partner, that is, you learn to feel both yourself and your partner. — Do you have sportswear or dresses in your wardrobe? — Fifty to fifty. There are a lot of dresses and nowhere to wear them, so now I put them on for dancing. I like sport clothes too, especially now, when


they are so beautiful. But in summer, for example, I wear only dresses. — You also train men. Have you ever met any obsessive clients? — Very often, they think that they will have an affair with me. And I do not have a relationship with clients, this is my rule. Why? At work, I think it’s not quite right. Although, I know that coaches often have romances, especially men coaches with clients. — Is it difficult to combine mother­ hood with sports? — Yes, and I can not say that I can do it to the fullest extent, anyway, someone gets less. Probably, children. My elder son is 18 years old, he is quite independent, the younger is 8, but they still need a mother. On the one hand, the children grow up, and when you are going to have your personal life is not quite clear, but on the other hand, the children grow up so quickly and they need our care. — Do you think they are proud of their mother? — Of course, they even brag. When the elder comes to the gym with his friends, they look at me with interest, and when on vacation people often take my son for my husband. By Darya Lobazhevich. Photo by Anna Zankovich.

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are profession

Tanks, diamonds, aircraft... Jeweller Andrey Zhiznevsky gains recognition far beyond Vitebsk


eweller Andrey Zhiznevsky has become famous far beyond Vitebsk thanks to his unique creations: silver models of military equipment of the Red Army. He made miniatures of the IS‑2 tank and U‑2 aircraft. The 39‑year-old master craftsman does not hide the fact that his colleagues did not believe in his success. Moreover, he had nobody to learn from. Jewellers — like all creative people — are competitors. However, they co-operate when it’s interesting for them together and when the work is very complicated. Jointly with Russians, Andrey is

preparing another surprise. It’s a secret for now but this will be on a military theme!

Tank decorated with diamonds I got to know Andrey during the celebrations of Independence Day in Belarus. The master craftsman handed a small aeroplane made from the precious metal to the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local History. Earlier, he had presented a tank to Minsk’s Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History, on Victory Day… Speaking of why he made miniatures of military equipment, Andrey recollects his grandfather: during the war, he piloted a U‑2. The jeweller’s father is also a military pilot. Andrey made his tank by hand, without casting or a 3D printer. It took him 785 days to finish the work. The model consists of about 70 parts, each of the last has up to 20 elements. The tank can be dismantled if desired. The miniature weighs 208.45 grams, silver is of the 925th category. There are also two diamonds in it, of 0.17 carats. They can be seen on the horn and the headlight. The wheels and the tower can spin. To completely reproduce all the proportions, Andrey went to the district centre of Gorodok where the same tank is installed full size. He measured all the necessary parts.

Andrey Zhiznevsky


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Alexander Pukshansky

He wanted to make it workable The replica, as modellers say, is 72 times smaller than the original tank. It was the tank IS‑2 which Andrey decided to make after his impressions when visiting The Stalin Line Historical and Cultural Complex. “An IS‑2 was ideal for battles with heavy enemy tanks. Armoured vehicles performed well in the storming of Berlin.

are profession



Andrey Zhiznevsky donated a model of the U-2


aircraft to the museum curator Olga Davydovskaya


The master took 785 days to make the silver model of the tank. He spent 208.45 g of silver and 2 diamonds weighing 0.17 carats.

The number on the model of the tank — 432 — is not accidental. It was driven by a crew of the 2nd Belarusian Front when entering the German capital,” the jeweller explains. It was very difficult to reproduce the colour of the tank. It is known that silver, if not cleaned, darkens with time. However, to achieve this state, not years but decades or even centuries are needed. The jeweller did the seemingly incredible. Since sulphur — which could produce the right colour for the precious metal — is not sold in retail, he chose another way: as Andrey jokes, he invented “scrambled eggs” to make silver “grow old” — using apples, cottage cheese and eggs (in addition to other components). The master was so keen on his work that he wanted to make the tank remotely controllable, but he admits that he faced technical difficulties. At the same time Andrey believes: his aim would have been achieved if the tank was of a larger size.

It took a year for the master to make his biplane — known widely as a ‘kukuruznik’. It is made of silver of the 925th category and weighs 26.68 grams. A diamond is placed under the fuselage. The pedestal has an inscription: “This is a legendary У‑2 which taught “flying” to Soviet aviation crews” As the Deputy Director of the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local History — Valery Shishanov — noted at the ceremony of handing over the piece of jewellery art, these ‘wings’, among other things, provided communication with the land to partisans. They delivered goods and evacuated the wounded. Some time ago, Vitebsk was famous not only for its art school but also for talented jewellers. When Andrey studied the craft in Vitebsk for his diploma, he also gave master clas­ ses to undergraduates. By Alexander Pukshansky

"Partisan" biplane The silver airplane (scale 1:34) — presented to the Vitebsk museum — was fascinating. Journalists literally lined up to take photos and selfies. The screw was especially wonderful: when blowing on it, it began spinning. Many took pleasure in testing this. The wheels and cables also move. B E LTA



nteresting people

The balance for the Two Dmitry Fedunov and Lubov Fedunova are circus performers. Once having been on tour in Belarus, they remember it as a blessed land. And now they do not give up hope to come here again and again. Dmitry is also a skateboarder, and his stunts on a skateboard should have been long ago included in the Guinness Book of Records.


Turkey, 2017. One of the hotels “Sural Saray”, 2.5 km away from the village of Colakli and 9 km from the antique city of Side in the Antalya province. Evening. We, just like other guests of the hotel — the Germans, French, British, Poles, Russians and Turks — were waiting for the entertainment circus program titled “Yoga show”. The beginning was preceded by some Indian music. The sounds of it invited a couple to the stage. Both of them were dressed in sparkling costumes typical of circus artists performing in the genre of yoga show. Both wore silk trousers, her — the translucent black, and him — the white. Everything in their costumes, embroidered with stones and sequins, emphasized the beauty of their half-naked figures. Both the man’s long beard and the white turban on his head looked exotic. We exchanged glances — the professionals! Their movements were so honed and coordinated in the transition from one stunt to another. And the manner they bore their advanced age was so dignified, so beautiful! Both their bodies were flawless. I wondered how old they were. And what country did they come from? The question was natural, as there were artists from different countries coming with entertainment in the evenings at the hotel. We exchanged remarks that after the performance we better go talk to these yogis, as we nicknamed them among ourselves. And we laughed — the journalist is journalist even on vacation. It was incredible! The extensive program, its extreme, fascinating unpredictability, included the female yogi throwing


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knives and not causing harm to the stomach of her partner, and him walking on the glass. He crouched on one leg with his hands folded in Namaste, pulled his stomach in so that it seemed to touch his spine, and went on doing wonders in the Lotus position. And, surely, he fixed his body on a board full of nails, and slid the palm of his hand along the sword without a sheath… Of course, not a single trace remained on the body of the yogi. And the blades of knives and swords were no doubt sharp. While he was preparing the stage for the next stunt, his partner walked around the audience and gracefully gave them the opportunity to verify how dangerous the sharp objects were. In general, her role as an assistant on stage, at first glance, was reduced to the aesthetic framing of the partner. But this is only at first glance. It was evident that in front of us there was a professional circus performer, flexible as a snake. And insomuch that that we assumed — it was either an air gymnast, or her performance was something similar to “the elastic girl”. And we were not mistaken… I won’t even mention the broken glass, which, as we all well know from childhood, is no toy. Let me just recall that time, when the man’s foot was on the broken glass, the woman put her foot on it and lifted the other one vertically in the air, then set it back down and bent her body downwards. This was the so-called stretching in the leg-split, the effect of a pair of compasses, opened at 180 degrees. And the male yogi just

I kept smiling. And when he lifted his foot for the viewers to see, there were only traces of small dents on it. Not a drop of blood! Every stunt was accompanied by the lively applause of the audience. By the way, not every program is awarded such an honor. And not because it’s not interesting. The level of entertainment performances in hotels, as we have seen more than once, is rather high. It seems to us that on a vacation, relaxation and modest laziness are natural states of a person, which is also manifested in delayed reactions to performances. “What country are you from?” with this question about their country of origin, said in English, we approached the woman after their yoga-show was over. She no longer wore her costume and with accustomed quick movements was removing makeup from her face. “Russians, aren’t you?” she replied. And when she heard that we were from Belarus, she instantly perked up and introduced myself… “Let’s sit down at a table,” Lyuba suggested. “Dima is putting equipment back to the car, he’ll be here soon.” As soon as Dima arrived and sat close to me, he and I exchanged glances. Something vaguely familiar flashed in his appearance. Especially when Dima began to talk animatedly about how he had started approaching his study of yoga. And it hit us. Yes, they performed in Minsk about thirty years ago in a circus! We saw them! Only Dmitry was clean-shaven. We believe that many of our peers remember the time the Rostov Circus toured Belarus and stayed for almost a month in Minsk, and in this circus our yogis performed too. Who can forget such exotica! We sat there till midnight. And we understood — there is not enough time to talk about everything we wanted to talk about, there were many topics we had in common. And we saw — the guys were tired, though tried not to show it. And ahead of them another 20 kilometers stretched to get to the village of Sarylar, where they had long been living permanently. We exchanged phone numbers, e‑mail addresses, and invited each other over for a visit. And for two years we have been keeping in touch via Skype and WhatsApp. And during our current June vacation in Turkey — at the Barut Suite hotel, located in the resort town of Evrenseki, in the Manavgat region (this is also the Antalya province) — we meet them again after their yoga show as good acquaintances, even friends. By the way, the Fedunovs came to the hotel twice with their performance. Scandinavians, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians… and ourselves among them warmly received and cheered them with applause. The second part of the show on a skateboard was a great treat. Dmitry, beardless now, literally staggered us with his performance on the small stage. After his yoga and fire eater style, he suddenly threw on some sneakers and a baseball cap, and got himself a skateboard with the wheels that moved like small legs of a beetle… This was pure magic.

nteresting people

We also visited the Fedunovs house, saw how the artists lived, asked them about the paths that had joined Luba Shaposhnik, a Ukrainian from the Dnepropetrovsk region, and Dmitry Fedunov, a Russian from Murmansk, and finally brought them to their permanent residence in Turkey. And we talked about his unique skateboard, one of its kind in the world, and learned that Dmitry was invited to the TV show “Amazing People” on a Russian channel last year with this skateboard. The life history of the Fedunov spouses seemed interesting to us and atypical at least because these two people, who have

These are they today

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nteresting people already passed the prime of their life, do not stop their constant movement. They dream, rejoice, think over new opportunities for their shows. They live vividly, intensely, and passionately give people joy. Especially in summer, when their performance is in demand.


Young years


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I was born near Verkhnedneprovsk, 60 km from Dnepropetrovsk. When I was five years old, my parents — father Peter Konstantinovich Shaposhnik, a driver by profession, and my mother Valentina Lukinichna, a stucco worker and painter, went North to the city of Kirovsk (formerly known as Khibinogorsk) in the Murmansk region. It is not far from Apatity, beyond the Arctic Circle. That’s where I went to school. From the age of seven I dreamed of becoming a circus performer and therefore began to study in a circus studio. But my teacher strongly advised me to get some profession. And I studied at school almost perfectly, with only one mark bellow excellence and after the eighth grade I was admitted to the Murmansk Pedagogical College without any exams. And immediately after that I went to the circus studio. But to be honest, I quit it for some time — for some reason, the coach and I did not get along. And when he left, I came back. Dima and I also met at the studio. I found out he started practicing yoga — at 23, after he had served in the army. As a child, he was fond of athletics. Dima is a native of Murmansk. In the army he served in the maintenance battalion in Kronshtadt. He is a ship repairman by profession, so he had been sent to the Navy. He was versed in technology. After graduating College, I went to work in a kindergarten and stayed there for a year. Parents had already returned to Ukraine by then. Meanwhile, Dima went to the circus. Together, we came up with a circus act in 7 minutes. And this act was included in the circus program. By the way, in those days the nails used to be different and there were no sharp objects. Knives? Yes, there were sharp ones. And the glass. I worked as an elastic girl. I demonstrated flexibility of the female body. When the Soviet Union collapsed, we didn’t know where to settle down. We went through cooperatives, variety shows — we worked in the Moscow restaurant “Arbat”, then in the hotel “Cosmo” — there were several sites for variety shows. We performed together with Sergei Penkin, a famous singer. While with Nikolai Lukinsky, a humorist, we toured on cooperatives. In 2005, we tried going back to this system — and failed — the whole thing was taped there. Dima worked in the Leningrad circus for six months, I had arranged that for him with the help of my friends, and then he tagged me along to the circus with our number, but they said to him — “So, our girls aren’t enough for you?” They thought I was from India. And he left — we could not and did not want to be separated. We got married in Murmansk in 1989. Life pushed us to this. We perform together, we tour, but we don’t get to stay in ho-

I tels in the same room. I live with girls, he lives with boys. That’s how it was both in the Liningrad and Rostov circuses. So we got married for convenience. But of course we had feelings for each other. Would we have been married in any other case? That’s how our family happened. Besides, we were like black sheep — both drank no alcohol, did not smoke or eat meat. People used to tell us for good measure — “Look at them, someone is saving up…” But since we came to Turkey, it has been Paradise. Lots of fruit, vegetables… I have never wanted to see or eat meat… Since childhood. And now we don’t eat it. Same goes for fish and eggs. In Cape Verde, we toured with a group for two weeks. (The Republic of Cape Verde, in Portuguese “República de Cabo Verde” [ˈkabu ˈveɾdɨ], in Cabo Verdean Creole “Kabu Verdi”, known officially as the Republic of Cabo Verde, is a state in West Africa. It is located on the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, 600 km from the coast of Africa — Auth.) Afterwards, we started to think — “Should we just move there permanently?” But it was just us thinking. And when we worked in “Arbat” in 1990, there was also a trip to Bulgaria. I performed as the elastic girl there. Yes, in 1991, after Cape Verde, we were immediately offered three trips from various agencies. To Israel, Greece, and Turkey. We went with the group from “Cosmos” to Turkey — to Marmaris. We gave performances at the presidential hotel. There were very few such luxury hotels then. We worked there under a contract. The group went back to Russia — and we decided to stay in Bulgaria. We worked there for several months in Pamporovo (Pamporovo is the southernmost and warmest ski resort in Bulgaria, located in the heart of the Rhodope Mountains — Auth.). From there, we contacted the Grand Azur Hotel in Turkey and offered our services. They answered to us — “You can come and work.” And we have not returned to Russia. Over time, we began to perform with one dance couple at the Ali Bey Club in the village of Kyzylach. This is 10 km away from Side. And then we began to offer our services in hotels. This is how we settled in Turkey. Our sons were born here too. The older one Andrei had gone to a Turkish school here for five years, and then we sent him to his grandmother in Ukraine to finish his studies — at that time we still had difficulties with the Turkish language. While he would always speak in Turkish. Now Andrei and his wife work nearby as animators at the hotel. And our younger one Nitai is 16 years old. He lives in Ukraine with his grandmother. I go there often, too. Belarus is a separate page of our life. Even before working in Moscow with the Rostov circus, we traveled all over it in 1989. After that we visited the Baltic States and Baku. But Belarus will forever remain a very bright memory. We started touring from Bobruisk, and then we worked in different cities. I had a map in my home archive — I marked there all the cities of Belarus where we performed. And I made notes in my notebook. But the tour ended in the Minsk circus. We lived in the circus hotel in the capital for almost a month.

nteresting people

During rehearsals and performances

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nteresting people

I will never forget my sublime feelings when the nightingales started to sing in one of the cities. They sang all night long. The river there was large and wide, it seems to me it was Berezina, and there was a small forest near the hotel where we lived. It is entirely possible that it was Bobruisk. The picture with the river was imprinted in my memory for life. I remember well how we walked in the park near the circus. (In foreign versions: The Central Children’s Park named after Maxim Gorky is a culture and leisure park in the center of Minsk near Victory Square. It is located between the streets of Yanka Kupala, Frunze, Pervomaiskaya and Independence Avenues and today covers an area of 28 hectares — Auth.). There is this river of your, Svisloch, which flows in the park, we even rode a boat with oars there. There was a boat station. Sometimes we had lunch in a café. It was located to the right of the circus. I don’t recall the title. Something milk-related… Maybe “Milky” or something… We also worked in a hotel for foreigners — in the “Intourist”. Only Dima and I did, not the whole circus. There is a photo in the family album. In Minsk, Dima used to go to the sauna. And he met someone there. Perhaps it was one of the musicians who came up to us after our performance in the “Intourist”. And this “someone” invited us to swim in the mountain river near Zhdanovichi (“the mountain river” is a special construction near Minsk, in the recreation area of Drozdy — Auth.), and said that we would never see anything similar anywhere. I was very surprised — Belarus and a mountain river somehow did not fit together in my mind. (The only canoe and kayaks slalom channel in Belarus appeared in the Zhdanovichi district in 1981, 5 years after the commissioning of the Vileika-Minsk water system. The canal is like a mountain river with artificial concrete boulders. But, unlike in the mountain river, the water here is not so cold. In addition to sports, the canal was to carry out the flow of water from the Minsk Sea to the area of the government residence “Zaslavl”, where the reservoir forms a bay. Until the early 1990s, the water in the canal flowed constantly. Using the opportunity to swim in the turbulent current, teenagers from all over Minsk came here. Later they learned to count money at Minsk Water and Sanitation Authority, and the water in the canal was blocked. The fact is that almost all the water in the Minsk Sea is from the canal of the Vileika-Minsk water system. This system is a very energy-consuming structure. Five water-lifting stations over more than 60 kilometers of the canal constantly raise water to a height of more than 70 meters through the watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas. Nowadays, water is let into the canal only during trainings and competitions. On hot days, such training takes place twice a day: from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 16.30 to 18.30. Taking the opportunity, amateurs who come with their equipment also train here along with the athletes. Everyone has the opportunity to swim in a stormy stream of what can be deemed a


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real mountain river. Due to the rough concrete of the canal, one always has to swim in shoes. It’s a good practice to throw on some gloves too. Fear not the rapid current — there are no sharp stones, the length and depth of the canal are small, there are several places where you can easily get ashore. The trainings of the athletes, and hence the water in the canal, are allowed until July 13 — Auth. — Unforgettable extreme! We were waist-deep in water! Swimming waist-deep. And standing! I swear! It was such an extreme entertainment — I almost drowned. And sometimes it was rather deep there. I went under the water and was immediately pulled out. They asked me — “Can you swim?” We can. And so we went… You just walk into the water and you’re carried away. Such a drive! You must always have sneakers on, or you’ll get some bad bruises. Ledges, rocks… They told us — it’s built for competition and kayaking training. And for water slalom. They built it when preparing for the Olympics‑80. We heard it all. But we decided — we shall swim by ourselves, without canoes. We’re young! And we did swim three times. We loved it. It was a wonderful time in Belarus! Of course, we would like to visit you at least once more. But the equipment for the show is heavy, dimensional… There are difficulties. Perhaps, Dima will be invited with his skateboard show. And I’ll tag along to help.

Dima When I was still in the army, I came across a journal “Science and Life” — somewhere at the end of the issue there were photos of asanas, and it was described how to perform them. There was also a book titled “Indian yogis, who are they?” And then a TV show. I read this, I watched that — and got caught up. I began to train little by little, not having any other literature. I did it all spontaneously. The guys in the army were shocked — “Why would you want to do that?” But I was drawn to it. At first, I struggled a lot with the Lotus position, but I managed it anyway. Then I began to stretch in leg-split. I was practicing my handstand. And after the army I got my hands on the appropriate literature and met some guys, who started practicing with me. And so it went. And from yoga it drifted to circus acts. I saw them done somewhere. And I started coming up with my own tricks. Something that was different from run-of-the-mill acts. My father, Evgeny Aleksandrovich Fedunov, worked at the factory as a 5th level toolmaker. He had many rational proposals, even inventions. He was well versed in technology. He told me about the props — if you want to do something, follow three basic principles. It is lightness, beauty and compactness. And he was certainly right — I have seen this more than once. Yes, my father and I were like-minded. I had a sister Rita too. And my mother is Ida Wojciechovna of Polish blood. Her father was executed by firing squad during the purges. As far as I know, my grandfather was originally from Poland — Wojciech


of the skateboard, as you would with sledges — so you hold it when you ride. And you can tag it behind you like a toy. And you can lift it easily. Also, I added a formation to my mountain skis, not for the whole thing, but just in the middle. Plywood and two bindings. For my legs. And I started to ski too. Got accustomed to it. I had the poles for mountain skiing. I found slopes. We had a chilly weather, so it was great to ski. I had a skateboard in the army! However, the one I had before the army I had given to my friends. And in the army I worked at a factory, so I was able to make it there. And I skurfed. The surface should be smooth for riding — and I found it on ships. We had an icebreaker — the surface from the bow to the deckhouse was even there. About 50 meters. The skateboard was rather small. Before the army, I skateboarded to work too. Some people, therefore, mistook me for a Finn — a foreigner. I never used public means of transport. And I raced in the army across the workshops! The workers were astonished. I returned to Murmansk together with the board from the army. But the guys surprised me there — they said they could ride on a flat surface without pushing. Skateboarders have a different technique. They push up the front rollers and make a wave-like movement. But it’s hard. But the guys showed me a different technique, and I mastered it after an hour or two of practice. And I used this method to ride home. I was stubborn. Over time, I was more keenly aware of the nuances. In Antalya I had to take a break — I did not skateboard for 5 years — there was a lot of main work. Tours, performances… But then I saw a skateboard in a shop, and was profoundly swayed once again. I bought it, changed a lot of things. I changed he mechanism, as I had a lot of experience in that kind of thing. Maybe it was also intuition. A hunch. How to make it easier and more convenient. We have never been to India with Lyuba. I have no idea where our love for this country and a great interes in its rich culture come from. Lyuba told me once that she really liked wearing saris as a child. And I remember — when my mother laid out the linen, I asked for a sheet and tried to wrap it around myself. ma @g

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Wojciechowicz Vitas. Born in Krakow. There is information about him in the martyrology. When my grandfather was executed, his family was expelled — as the family of the enemy of the people — to Kazakhstan. They worked there, my mother lived with them. Then the family left for the Urals, and my mother worked in Leningrad as a seamstress. Besides, she was a very good dancer. Mom was deaf and dumb. Like my father. But she felt the rhythm, the beat really well. I know the language of the deaf and dumb rather well! When we arrived in Turkey, we saw a deaf and dumb Turk. I approached him. And we talked to him in sign language. He asked if I had parents, where I was from… And we communicated easily. Even before the army, I mastered skiing — I simply adored it. As always, I was drawn to the new. I also saw jumping in magazines. Summersaults. Before the army I kind of tried it. And afterwards, my friends and I gathered in Murmansk, and began to train. There was a trampoline where I did yoga. And we practiced jumping on it. It certainly was dangerous. Once I did a backflip — and landed right on my head. We only had mats. And when we practiced the stunts well enough, we went to do them on the slope. And in Murmansk, and in Medvedkovo, 15 kilometers away from the city. The snow stays longer there. We even opened one of the “Holidays of the North” with our jumps. Around 1987. My father also helped me with the skateboard, as well as with the props for my yoga acts. Even before the army, a friend once brought me a magazine “Modeler-designer”. I studied at the school of ship repairmen then. And in that magazine I saw how to make a skateboard. And my friend wanted to make one. I showed it to my Dad. He remarked — the rear suspensions were very stiff, and the front ones were moving. That is, when you turn the rear suspension will come off. That’s unaesthetic. And uncomfortable. So he decided to make the rear the same as the front — the moving. I started to argue, but he made a model with a children’s construction set — and showed how it worked. It was an interesting thing. Original. It was comfortable to manage. You just tip the board to the side, and it goes in this direction. At the factory, he made the first model. It was complicated back then. We made wheels out of plastic. Afterwards we cut small tires from a thick hose. And we fixed them with glue. The bearings… I made a board with the epoxy resin for it all to look pretty. And we had a slope nearby — I used to ride there. For stability, my father and I tied a string to the nose

nteresting people

There are no analogues of the Fedunovs skateboard in the world беларусь. belarus 2019



nteresting people

I wanted to make Dhoti, Indian male clothing, but it never worked out for me. Thanks to our acquaintances, Lyuba and I settled in Manavgat in this animation business. There was a lot of work. There were no animators in the hotels, no special venues for performances in those days. To say nothing of the stages. We performed near the reception, or just in the recreation areas on the grounds, as well as indoors, where there was an appropriate space. Over time, I created my yoga performance. There were fires, stunts. We changed hotels. The familiar animators left, the new ones came. Time passed… My skateboard remained a hobby. And I started to think of something. More and more complicated. I tried to move back. Little by little. I invented skateboard football — the idea was to hit a cube with a wheel so that it ended up in net, for example. These are very fine stunts. Now in Sarylar they have built a basketball court near our house — that’s where I mainly train. My skateboard is a unique thing. It would seem to be just a toy for teenagers… However, it allows you to train your body in a playful way, develop different muscle groups. To hone your coordination. And as we all well know, it is very important, sometimes vital in modern sports. For example, in trampolining, freestyle skiing, gymnastics, rowing, skiing, hockey, biathlon, it is important to be able to keep your balance. Sometimes in one tenth, one hundredth of a second, you need to respond to the situation correctly in order to avoid injury. In fact, the Fedunov skateboard (let us call it like this — after all, my father applied his knowledge, his intuition to invent it) is a universal fitness machine. And why am I telling all of this to you, to Belarusians? Because I know — in Belarus, much attention is paid to both popular and professional sports. Ice palaces are being built, other sports grounds are opening. Therefore, I hope that my skateboard design, my experience can be useful both in var-


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ious youth sports schools and in the process of training national teams in various sports. In particular, I know about the great successes of Belarusian freestyle artists, their coach Nikolai Kazeko — I read that in 1986 he became a senior coach of the BSSR freestyle team. Then, they say, Belarus became a kind of laboratory for the development of freestyle. And since I also tried freestyle back in my days, I can affirm one thing — my skateboard can be a good help in training athletes of the highest class. I am ready to come to Belarus and show what I have learned myself. If there’s any interest. I know that the epicenter of skateboard culture in Belarus has shifted to Vitebsk. And since 2015, the Belarus Skateboard Challenge Open Championship has been held annually. To be sure, I would love to visit such a championship, but in summer my work is the most intense here — we are making a living. And I will tell you one more thing — an ordinary skateboard does not have the ability to train the body like mine does. I read that there is a skateboard museum in Minsk. It would also be interesting to see if there is anything similar to my design there. (Since November 10, 2018, the “Skateboard Museum of the USSR” is not just a unique collection of skateboards and artifacts dedicated to the history of the Soviet and world skateboarding, accessible for everyone to visit, this is also a creative space where thematic events will be held and everyone will be able connect with the history of the most “long-playing” subculture that has gone from street entertainment to an Olympic sport — Auth.). With my technique you can learn to ride the Fedunov skateboard very fast indeed. First you need a slightly sloping plane, three degrees, so that a person can just slide from it. And you put a stopper on the part of the mechanism on my skateboard — it will become more sustainable. We simply learn how to slide down. Then we master the first movements. It is kind of similar to the twist — you put your weight from one leg to the other. A fiveyear-old girl learned how to skateboard in two days. She grasped the necessary movement. My skateboard has springs in its mo­ vable mechanism. And it moves like a big bug, the wheels from different springs alternately receive a motor impulse. I was invited to the program “Amazing People” thanks to my friends from Moscow. They told me that my ability to go round more than a hundred objects, moving backwards on a skateboard, could be entered in the Guinness Book of Records. I think so too. No one does this kind of trick anywhere else in the world. This is a very difficult exercise. But it is an excellent training for the brain, by the way, not only for the body. Because you have to calculate everything in your head while you are moving. Everything should be calculated up to millimeters. Can you imagine the way you need to control your body in order to move along such a broken path, and backwards?! If I see that one side is a little out of the way, I immediately need to make an amendment in my next move. I think if such a movement is mastered by hockey players, this could be a new tactical weapon in their ice battles. By Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich


nteresting people

A farmer horsewoman


vgeniya Serafimovich is twenty years old, fifteen of them she is friends with Spireya — a white mare, calm, gentle and with good character. At the age of nine, Zhenya studied horseback riding and even tittupped on hills and forest paths on this horse. Now the girl and her white beauty Spireya teach children and adults to sit in the saddle. This year the mistress and her ward are going to make a fascinating rest for the tourists, who in summer are based on the shore of Suponets Lake in Glubochchina. Evgeniya’s father taught her to understand statuesque and beautiful horses, who once became a resident of the farm Skrabatun on the lake and started horse breeding. In a young Serafimovich family Evgeniya was the first child, and fun for the farm girl became not only dolls, but also live horses. The father trusted his daughter to inspect a herd, to water chestnut horses and clean animals. After school, Evgeniya entered the Luzhesnyansky Agricultural College, specializing in veterinary medicine, after worked in a neighboring agricultural enterprise. Now she is a part-time student at the Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine and dreams of opening a veterinary clinic, as well as a riding school, organizing horseback riding and trips to the lakes and the unusual lake landscape. The girl helps her parents, as the peasant farm and farm stay “Konny falvarok” has three dozen horses of breed — Belarusian harness. A few years ago, Evgeniya and her younger brothers Viktor and Mikhail erected a summer riding arena to teach people to love horses. By Anatoly Kleshchuk. Photo of the author.

беларусь. belarus 2019



ranslations from Chinese

Bamboo branches sing songs


A new book of Chinese poetry in the Belarusian language has been prepared for printing in “Mastatskaya Litaratura”

The book series “Bright Symbols: Poets of China” already has its own history. The history started at the publishing house “Zviazda” (the first book was published at the end of 2014), now it is published by the publishing house “Mastatskaya Litaratura”. Every year the Belarusian reader received three collections of translations of classical and modern Chinese poetry. The Chinese side was also involved in the project. Advices on the content of the series, tips in organizing of interli­nears, proofreading of texts in Chinese (some collections were published in two languages — Chinese and Belarusian) — all these issues were under constant review by the translator Gao Mang (unfortunately, he died at the end of 2017), the linguist Mrs. Zhang Huiqin, the recent deputy director of the Republican Institute of Sinology named after Confucius of the Belarusian State University, Ms. Liu Sulin. Belarusian sinologists have done a great job over the years — Darya Nechiporuk, Veronika Zhukovets, Yelena Romanovskaya and their other colleagues. Nikolay Metlitsky, Naum Galperovich, Viktor Shnip, Yelena Romanovskaya, Veronika Zhukovets, Darya Nechiporuk, Leonid Dranko-Maysyuk, Ales Badak, Yuliya Aleychenko, Tatyana Sivets worked on translations… Also in this series were published works, previously translated. Including the translations by Vladimir Dubovka, who discovered Chinese poetry in the 1920s. And the translations by the national poet of Belarus, Ryhor Borodulin. A new book in the series “Bright Symbols: Poets of China” — a collec-


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tion of poems by Liu Yuxi “Autumn Wind”. Nice meeting of the Belarusian reader with another classic of Chinese literature! With this work, where there is enough grief and anxiety, the Belarusian book of the famous Chinese poet ends. It seems to me that this sadness is not just the basis of Liu Yuxi’s poetry, it is rather even an inspiration. Thus, Aì Qīng, trying to destroy many traditions, trying to give his own and his generation poetry of European noise, chose the Sun and Light as symbols, archetypes. And during a time that was close and understandable to Liu Yuxi, autumn smelled no less fresh than the revolutionary spring for poets of the middle of 20th century. And these yellowed paintings, rivers on which the leaves float, this autumn (not always warm!) wind — these symbols attract, create, strange as it may seem, a bright mood. For some reason, I remember the cohort of Russian poets of the last century, who lived in large numbers in China, leaving their homeland after the civil war. Or they got to Harbin, Beijing, other cities together with their parents and grew into poets, word-painters, whose poems are still presented as discoveries. Of course, Chinese poetry from different times couldn’t but be in their sight. Mikhail Shcherbakov (1890–1956), Arseny Nesmelov (1889– 1945), Sergey Nedolin (1880–1954), Vsevolod N. Ivanov (1888–1971) are in sight… But they felt Chinese poetry not quite like strangers! And even tried to popularize it, and some even translated from the original… And autumn in their transformation was also differ-

ent, not boring at all. With wind, with peculiar shades of colors not sad, not sorrowful… When Valentin Katayev wrote about poetry: “…Poetry is an inner rhythm. It is a special vision of the world, it is a creative feeling, similar to a state of somnambulism, when an artist obeys mysterious, inscrutable laws of imagination, in the end, poetry is music… “And autumn in concise verses by Liu Yuxi is also poetry. Liu Yuxi was born in 772 in the village of Luoyang (modern province Henan) in the family of an official. He got a classical education. The most famous work of Liu Yuxi is “Bamboo Branch Song”. Translators of the first Belarusian book by Liu Yuxi are Naum Galperovich, Viktor Shnip, Tatyana Sivets, Yuliya Aleychenko. Traditionally, the new collection from the series “Bright Symbols: Poets of China” was illustrated by the Belarusian artist of Azerbaijani origin Kamil Kamal. Recall that the fourteenth book in the series “Bright Symbols: Poets of China comes to readers. The library of Chinese poetry in the Belarusian language is being replenished. By the way, other projects are also developing in this direction. The publisher “Zmitser Kolas” published a book by Du Fu in translations into Belarusian of Levon Borshevsky. A large book of selected poetry by Aì Qīng was published in translations by Nikolay Metlitsky, who had previously prepared two author’s anthologies of Chinese poetry in his translations. By Kastus Ladutko


reams come true

House for seven A touching story took place in the Chinese province of Guangdong, near the city of Guangzhou. More recently, a beautiful house appeared on the outskirts of one of the villages, which immediately attracted the attention of local residents.


Even in their youth, girls dreamed of a beautiful view outside the window, so in their common home, they put not only huge panoramic windows, which offer a beautiful view of the surroun­ dings, but also glass verandas, which hover in the air. There is also a cozy living room, in which the main decoration was the windows from floor to ceiling, which occupied the walls completely, and the ceiling is also made of glass. Taking into account the fact that the plot of land also has a large area, as it is practically located among the rice fields, the friends have a desire to build not only a beautiful swimming pool and outdoor recreation area, but also an original tea house. For all these transformations they spent about 4 million yuan (580 thousand dollars), but were very pleased with the result of joint work and the fact that their fan-

tastic dream of youth has found a real shape in just 10 years. Despite the fact that the house is already absolutely ready, each of the young women has a family and they live in different cities of the country, so they dream that they will live in this beautiful mansion in 10–20 years, when their children will grow up. In the meantime, they gather in the house of their dreams to talk, have tea and have pleasant conversations or cook something. Also, friends go to courses where some of them are studying cooking, someone is studying the intricacies of traditional Chinese medicine, someone is studying plant growing and landscape design, and someone even music. Ladies took this step so that after retirement they could put their skills into practice, because they so want to be useful to each other. Ivan Kuparvas

t was a simple unfinished construction project, which the owners cast adrift. Over time, they decided to sell it, and buyers were found very quickly. They were seven women who had been friends for more than 10 years since they had worked together in a regional newspaper. If at first the neighbors were surprised what young tender women could do with this unfinished construction project, then they even started to envy. And for good reason! At the age of 20, the friends jo­ kingly painted pictures of unclouded oldness in their own nursing home, where they would take care of each other until the last days. “At first it was just a joke, — says one of friends Jin Du Itiaa, — we dreamed that we would get together when we are 60 years old and live together in retirement.” But when one of the friends came across an announcement about the sale of a huge mansion in a beautiful and picturesque place where clean air and spring water, a field and a banana forest are all around, they did not hesitate for a minute. It was in this quiet place far from civilization that women decided to realize their fantasies. Of course, the construction and installation works were carried out by professionals, but the arrangement — by themselves. Since the mansion has a large area (more than 700 sq. m.), each of them found a place to create their own private apartments with a unique design.

беларусь. belarus 2019



ays of Uzbekistan Culture

Friendship coordinates


It so happens that the site of the Kupala Museum becomes Belarusian Union of Painters Grigory Sitnitsa, granddaughthe basis for the implementation of many international ini- ter and great granddaughter of the People’s Poet of Belarus tiatives. The next of them is the international round table, Yakub Kolas — publicist Mariya Mitskevich, candidate of during which not only the hosts — writers from Belarus, but sociological sciences, employee of Yakub Kolas Literary Mualso Uzbek guests — organized discussions. It is nice that seum Vasilina Mitskevich. From the Uzbek side: сhairman of during the conversation we had something to rely on. To the the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan Sirojiddin Said, professor attention of the participants of the meeting were offered the of the Uzbek State University of World Languages Anatoly magazine “Belarus.Беларусь” with a special “Uzbek issue”, Likhodiyevsky, chairman of the on Interethnic Relations and a book that has just been published in the “Belarusian En- Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries under the Cabicyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka” — “One victory for net of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustembekov all. Belarus-Uzbekistan”. Also — literary and artistic almanac Kurban, chairman of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of “Dalyaglyady”. Uzbekistan Akmal Nuriddinov, rector of the Tashkent State — Belarus and Uzbekistan are very close, mentally re- University of Uzbek language and literature Shuhrat Sirojidlated countries,” said the moderator of the meeting, poet and dinov, chairman of the Tashkent City Belarusian National translator Naum Galperovich. — I personally feel it from the Center “Zarya” Svetlana Dudyuk. The representation is not poetry of our Uzbek friends. Now I have touched closely on accidental at all. The Academy of Arts, for example, has good the work of the national poet of Uzbekistan Erkin Vohidov. relations with the Belarusian Union of Painters. Chairman of I am translating his poem “The Uprising of the Immortals”, the Union of Writers Sirojiddin Said is not the first time in which the creator dedicated to the Bengali poet with the long- Belarus. Last year he participated in the Day of Belarusian suffering fate Kazi Nazrul Islam. And in the “Dalyaglyady” Written Language, which took place in Ivanovo, Brest region. almanac there is already a big verse by Erkin Vohidov in my As for Svetlana Dudyuk and Anatoly Likhodiyevsky, they are translation — “My Uzbek People”, rather it is a short poem. our countrymen and Belarusians. Mrs. Svetlana heads the AsErkin Vohidov, the hero and national poet of Uzbekistan, seems to me native, close and no less national, and, moreover, no less “Belarusian” than my favorite Arkady Kuleshov and Pimen Panchenko. Emotional reading of the folk destiny and Belarusian poetry is characteristic. The round table on the Belarusian side was attended by: director of the publishing house “Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka” Vladimir Andriyevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Molodist” Svetlana Votinova, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Neman” Yuliya Aleychenko, columnist of the newspaper “SB. Belarus Segodnya “poet and novelist Lyud­ Advisor to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belarus Daniyar Abidov delivers a speech at the round table mila Rublevskaya, chairman of the


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Konstantin Drobov

Yanka Kupala Literary Museum in Minsk hosted a round table dedicated to the Belarusian-Uzbek literary relations

sociation of Belarusians in Tashkent, often visits Minsk at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country. Anatoly Stepanovich is the son of the Belarusian poet, literary critic Stepan Likhodiyevsky, born in Slutsk. Back in the 1920s, he began to perform in the Belarusian press with poems and essays. He published several books. But it so happened that the fate brought together in difficult times of the 1930s with Uzbekistan, where Stepan Likhodiyevsky stayed forever. He made a career as a scientist and literary critic. He defended his doctoral thesis. He wrote several monographs on French literature. And many translations — from Uzbek into Russian and Belarusian. Translations from Uzbek literature made by Stepan Likhodiyevsky were printed not only in Tashkent, but also in Minsk and Moscow. — Today, — said Sirojiddin Said, a participant of the round table, — we are building a strong bridge of Belarusian-Uzbek literary ties. A new book by Yakub Kolas translated into Uzbek has been published in Tashkent. Uzbek writers Risolat Khaydarov and Kuchkor Norko­ bilov visited Minsk in 2019. Risolat is actively developing the space for publishing Belarusian poetry and prose in the Uzbek language in Tashkent. Thanks to her efforts, the “Belarusian issue” of the Uzbek magazine “World Literature” was published. A translation of the anthology of modern Belarusian children’s literature is currently being prepared. And Kuchkor Narkobil came to Minsk to collect material for the book about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. He visited the capital’s museums, visited guerrilla places where he kept the memory of the representatives of other peoples who fought in Belarus against the Nazi invaders. We remember that the Uzbek poet Sultan Djura died in Gomel region of Belarus. Maybe to give his name to the Literary Prize and award it to the best translators of Uzbek fiction into the Belarusian language and the best translators of Belarusian poetry and prose into the Uzbek language? Such an initiative would help to expand public attention to our national literature. Once upon a time, separate books of Uzbek writers were published in Belarus, as, by the way, separate books of Belarusian poets and prose writers in Uzbekistan. I think we have good prospects for literary friendship. The round table “Modern Belarusian-Uzbek literary relations” also included a discussion of Yakub Kolas and his relations with Tashkent. And how else could it be?! Uzbekistan sheltered our classic in the difficult times of the Great Patriotic War. And it was in Tashkent that the creative work of the folk poet lasted. There he met many Uzbek writers. This was discussed at the round table by Vasilina Mitskevich, Mariya Mitskevich- close relatives of Yakub Kolas, active researchers of his life and work. By Sergey Shichko

ays of Uzbekistan Culture

Evgeny and Katerina Pomy tkiny


Spectacularly, festively, solemnly The gala concert dedicated to the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan in Belarus, which was held at the Belarusian State Philharmonic in Minsk, impressed not only with the scope and brightness of the original Uzbek culture, but also with the content of dance compositions, songs and artistic words that accompanied the performances. In the foyer of the Philharmonic Hall, guests were welcomed by representatives of the Uzbek creative intelligentsia, and there were about 900 of them. Among them were members of parliament, representatives of state bodies, public, creative intelligentsia and business circles of Belarus, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Minsk and residents of the Belarusian capital. Everyone was invited to see the photo exhibition “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan” and the exposition of decorative and applied arts, which shows woodcarving, miniature lacquer painting, embroidery, textiles, national clothing and accessories. The guests and participants were greeted by Minister of Culture of Belarus Yury Bondar, First Deputy Minister of Culture of Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nazarbekov and Ambassador of Uzbekistan Nasirjan Yusupov. The Belarusian Minister emphasized that the preservation and popularization of the richest spiritual, historical and cultural heritage, national traditions are the goals that unite the Uzbek and Belarusian peoples. “We cooperate in many areas, but the most important thing is that we have one task — to preserve the national identity in the multicultural world. The Days of Culture are a great opportunity for Belarusians to get acquainted with the new facets of the historical and cultural heritage of our friendly country, to feel its original and bright Eastern character,” said the minister. The concert, held after the opening of the Days of Culture, featured performances by the Yalla band and People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Farrukh Zakirov, the Mumtoz Navo band, the Toshkent Zebolari folk dance ensemble, and other performers. By Mikhalina Cherkashina

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Why do in the Mogilev region “plow the river”?

Our ancestors believed, and the old people, apparently, believe even today that in the universe there are certain key formulas. Knowing them and possessing distinctive skills, a person can become a ruler over the forces of nature. For example, to cause or stop the rain, to strengthen or calm the wind, to talk to animals and to learn their secrets. Whether this is true or not, it is difficult to prove scientifically; it is hard to find, unravel, and test those very formulas. After all, this knowledge is secret, it is not open to everyone, protected by fortune-tellers and transmitted as a great secret and value.


ask women to perform the ceremony with “reverse” meaning to stop the rain. Our ancestors found many reasons for the drought. For example, witchcraft, execution of prohibited actions in certain calendar terms. For example, the installation of fences and fences before the Annunciation, a monument erected at the wrong time at the grave, a buried drowned man who “has little water”, or a suicide, who was buried against the rules in the cemetery, and not behind the fence can provoke a drought. In order not to cause drought, it was impossible to lend anything to anyone and to borrow anything during the beginning of ploughing, digging seed plots, sowing. In order to prevent a drought in summer, it was necessary to celebrate the day of the Prophet Elijah and pour water on Dry (Trinity) Thursday. According to the rules, only women take part in the ritual, often the initiator was a widow. It is their farm that is affected by the long absence of rain, due to the lack of male power, by the long absence of rain. The ritual is held in secret from other villagers, and its

But villagers still believe that strange actions, such as the destruction of fences, moving gates into the swamp, pouring poppy into a well, can cause rain. And musicians, scientists, who in their work and research had the opportunity to touch the root culture of Belarusians, immerse themselves in its ancient layers, sometimes mention that due to carelessness or ignorance, having performed a certain ritual song, could provoke thunderstorm or rain. However, not all secret rituals of influence on the nature and weather even nowadays are forgotten or hidden under the dust of human memory. Thus, the ancient ritual of the call of rain, which has been preserved in the village of Stary Dedin in the Klimavichy district, is an object of intangible cultural heritage of Belarus and is under protection. However, sometimes local residents express their dissatisfaction, saying that ritual actions are performed on camera, for journalists, without much need, so the nature takes revenge on such an unreasonable game of magic with heavy rain, which lasts for several weeks, and

pants, according to tradition, should be completely naked. However, today the last points are not fulfilled for various reasons: women’s actions are observed by fellow villagers, researchers and journalists, and women themselves are dressed in long embroidered shirts. The ceremony was organized and conducted as follows. During the hot summer, when it did not rain for a month, the women, going from work to lunch, agreed to plow the river Oster. They took a plough or plow and secretly from men and children, talking in a whisper, went to the water. When the women approached the river, they read “Our Father”, crossed themselves, and then raised two hands to heaven, asking God to help water the earth so that life would continue. They said the following words: “Give, Lord, help us, Lord, bring us winds, bring us clouds, irrigate the land, water grass, fields, forests, give life to our land, so that it yields and makes everyone drink…”. After they took off their clothes, went into the water and pulled the plow along the bottom — “plowed the water”. Two women were pulling the plow, one was following them, one whipped them, the rest were standing on the shore and singing. All action takes place on the song. The elderly usually harnessed to the plow, and the youth “drove”. Plowed the river only once. In conclusion, they also prayed. They say that sometimes the rain began an hour after these actions, and there were cases when they had to wait a day or two. By Marina Veselukha


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n different languages

Yanka Kupala walks the world A separate book “Sonnets” of the national poet of Belarus Yanka Kupala in three languages was published in Kazan


veryone interested in the native culture and Belarusian literature knows that the fate of Yanka Kupala during the Great Patriotic War was connected with Kazan and Tatarstan. It is remembered in Tatarstan after all post-war decades. They still remember now, having planned to publish a book by Yanka Kupala in the Tatar language. By the way, for the first time the poetry of the classic of the Belarusian literature was sounded in the Tatar language in 1932 from the pages of the magazine “Yanalif ” — “New Letter”. However, the then translator of the poem “A drowned man swims in the Vistula… ” remained unknown. And now — a new meeting in Kazan with Kupala. Meeting in the 21st century. Under one cover there are texts of legendary sonnets. In the original language, in Belarusian, in Russian — in translation by Maxim Zamshev, in Tatar — in translation by the national poet of Tatarstan, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Renat Haris. A few words about the Tatar translator. Author of more than 40 books of poetries and poems. At the beginning of the 21st century, the seven-volume col-

lection of the poet’s works in the Tatar language was published. Renat Magsumavich was born in 1941. Worked as a teacher, literary worker in various editions. He was the editor-in-chief of the republican newspaper “Tatarstan News”. From 1995 to 1999, he held the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. People’s Deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Tatarstan of three sessions. His works began to be published in 1965. He wrote more than 40 poems, many of which

later became operas, ballets, oratorios, cantatas, TV and radio performances. Renat Haris is a translator of works by G. R. Derzhavin, poetry of different peoples of Russia and the world into Tatar. Some time ago, the Tatar master of poetry published a small anthology of translations of Belarusian poetry into Tatar. And now he gave his relatives the transformation of “Sonnet” by Yanka Kupala. In recent years, the international presentation of Belarusian literature has remembered that Yanka Kupala’s works have been actively translated into different languages of the peoples of the world. The book “Sonnet” of the national poet of Belarus in Mongolia has been published. Yanka Kupala’s works have been translated into their native languages by Adam Akhmatukayev, a Chechen master of versification, Valery Turgay, a national poet of Chuvashia, and Salikh Gurtuyev, a national poet of Kabardino-Balkaria. The Moscow “Literaturnaya Gazeta” published new translations of sonnets into Russian by talented poet Maxim Zamshev. Such attention, such attraction to the Belarusian classics is impressive. By Nikolay Berlezh

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Marc Chagall

and stories from the Old Testament

The exhibition La Bible, which took place in the Minsk exhibition hall Libra, aroused great interest among the audience. Probably because this series of works by Marc Chagall was demonstrated for the first time in Belarus.


t the exhibition it was possible to immerse oneself in an extraordinary world created by bright multicolored lithographs of Marc Chagall and accompanied by finely selected music.


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A total of 64 works illustrating the events of the Old Testament were demonstrated in the exposition. The works were accompanied by biblical texts describing each specific story, which allowed not only to get new impressions and emotions,

A but also to learn a lot about the artist’s creative work and his unique perception of the Holy Scriptures. Marc Chagall was born in the Belarusian town of Liozno near Vitebsk in a large patriarchal Jewish family. His mother was a housekeeper, and his father was a worker. As a child, Chagall announced: “Mother… I want to be an artist.” Parents were against this choice. Marc Chagall remembered: “Mother is viewing the picture. God, what eyes she has! I’m waiting. Then she says, “I see, son, you do have abilities… But it would be better if you, son, became a clerk, with your shoulders… God, where did this come from?..” And here’s another one from his notes: “Since my early youth I have been fascinated by the Bible. It has always seemed to me and it seems to me still that it is the greatest source of poetry of all time. Since then I have sought this reflection in life and in art. The Bible is like an echo of nature and this secret I have tried to transmit.” These are the words Chagall wrote in the preface to the catalog on the occasion of the opening of the museum “Biblical Message” in 1973 in Nice. Biblical motifs are a red thread through all the work of the master. It seems that the knowledge and understanding of the Bible has been learnt at mother’s knees, and it is invisibly reflec­ted in all his works. The Holy Scriptures was a handbook for Chagall from childhood. The whole life of the artist’s family was imbued with Jewish traditions, rites and holidays. Every Saturday prayers were read and candles were lit. On the holidays, all family members went to the synagogue, and after long prayers and chants, a solemn meal was waiting for them. With what love and tenderness the artist describes these years in his autobiography! He writes: “My soul remains here. Here and look for it.” Biblical stories are often found in the early works of Chagall. But later he will say: “Then I did not see the Bible, but only dreamed of it. In the early 30’s the artist received an order from the famous French publisher Ambroise Vollard to make a series of illustrations for the Old


Testament. Chagall took this work very seriously, it was important for him not only to analyze the text, he wanted to “see the Bible”. This is why the artist and his family made a journey that is more correctly called a pilgrimage to the Holy Places of the Old Testament — Palestine, Syria and Egypt. He called the impressions of this trip the strongest in life. That journey inspired him to create many works, later united by the title “Biblical Message”. Works found their home, as Chagall himself called the museum of the same name in Nice in 1973. The museum was the artist’s favorite brainchild, and he hoped that “the young and the not so young will come to this House in search of an ideal of brotherhood and love such as my colors and my lines have dreamed it.” The artist said: “The Bible is like an echo of nature and this secret I have tried to transmit.” Especially for the creation of works with a biblical plot, Marc Chagall mastered the technique of lithography and stained glass. Yes, the most important place in his work is occupied by illustrations of the Bible. The artist, who loved the Book of Books and found in it the main source of inspiration, went a long way before creating a series of lithographs illustra­ ting the Old and New Testament. The exhibition in Minsk presented 12 sketches to the stained-glass windows of the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem and 40 lithographs illustrating the Bible to the visitors of the Libra Gallery. The artist began to create the graphic cycle in the 30s, and finished after the Second World War. This work not only required great spiritual tension, but also was unusually complex physically. Unfortunately, the works of our compatriot are seldom exhibited in Belarus and a few museums have in their collections original works by Marc Chagall. That’s why La Bible exhibition became a real gift for all connoisseurs of art of the world-famous artist. By Veniamin Mikheyev. Photo of the author.

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Beginning of the play. Ahead - People's Artist of the USSR Gennady Ovsyannikov as a nobleman Zawalnia, next to him — Valentina Gartsueva (Amelia)


with a Deep Meaning Why is the impure force here — the werewolf, the dragon, the black rooster with an eye the shape of a half-moon?.. What obscure depth was it pulled from? If you want to figure it out, go to the Yanka Kupala National Academic Drama Theater in September, when the next season begins, and watch the play “Nobleman Zawalnia, or Belarus in Fantastic Stories” directed by Elena Ganum. You will not regret it!


It is a lowly employment to write about a play that was watched only once and, to make it worse, on the day it was freshly out of the oven, so to say, or immediately after the premiere. You risk, as they say, to go the wrong way, without noticing or feeling something important. Nevertheless, the Belarusian media actively responded to the premiere almost immediately. Some critics wrote that the play lacks the symphony of the director’s thinking, and the creators, if one may say so, have much to strive for, and that there is a lot to bash about the play… The author of the play Sergey Kovalev, a top-tier playwright, caught it bad too, being criticized for certain parts where the reviewers compared his dramatic work, which speaks of the Belaru-


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sians and Lithuanians, with a scientific lecture. Someone saw the division of heroes into good and evil. And someone wanted the love triangle to come undone and the viewer to reflect on deeper allusions than the Indian elephants that danced in the finale. Why, they pondered, would you have all this exotica?.. Meanwhile, some reviews were downright positive. But all, without exception, unanimously praised the beautiful scenography of Ekaterina Shimanovich and Sergey Ashuha. And here I wholeheartedly agree with those who write about the play. I’ll tell you more — this creative couple managed to convey the spirit and parable of the work by Jan Barszczewski. The scenery — thickets of lake vegetation in several rows, the black

head of a rooster with an eye the shape of the half-moon in the background — stroke the imagination even before the start of the action. They emanated mystery, unearthliness and a bit of the style of some of Bergman’s films. The styli­ zed costumes, such as sheepskin coats, shirts, boots of pastel colors, created by the artists, perfectly highlight the European modesty and practicality of Belarusians, their dignity and good taste. And the black and white colors are in impeccable harmony with the idea of the play. Well, everyone has the right, as humdrum as it may sound, to their subjective vision. And it’s good that the new performance of the Yanka Kupala Theater did not go unnoticed. The opposite would be rather worse.


P little elephants. Therefore, I will try to share my reasoning with my readers before congratulating the theater on the production, which, I hope, will take its rightful place as the cream of the crop among repertoire performances.

A Bit of History First, a bit of teaching the nuts and bolts for those of you who do not know who Jan Barszczewski is. According to literary scholars, he is the founder of Belarusian literature, its pioneer. Let us read it from Wikipedia: he was born in the village of Muragi, Polotsk district, Vitebsk province (now Rossonsky district, Vitebsk region) in the family of a Greek-Catholic priest, who, presumably, belonged to an impoverished noble family. He studied at the Polotsk Jesuit College, where he gained fame as a poet and reader, performed his own orations and poems, and in 1809 wrote a poem “Belt of Venus” in the classical style. The language of the poem is unknown. He most often spent his student vacations traveling around Lake Neshcherda. Due to his penchant for poetic impromptu, he was a welcome guest at the family celebrations of the village gentry. The first famous poems written in Belarusian are “Lass”, dedicated to his

As far as my personal experience goes, I could not start writing, because I was feeling something earth-shattering and valuable, something that I picked up on during the pre-premiere run of “Nobleman Zawalnia”. Well, I simply could not understand why I was so confused by this “something”, which just could not be deciphered in the stage version of “Nobleman Zawalnia”. In short, the puzzles did not add up, even fragmentarily, which for some reason I was stubbornly pleased with. Therefore, I decided to postpone the matter until September and the moment when the Yanka Kupala Theater returns from vacation and the new theater season starts. I thought I’d see the play one more time. Something would clear up, and then it would all fall into place. I was somewhat busy with other texts, preparing the issue of the magazine. But then a good friend returned from her vacation in India and shared her impressions of the elephant farm. I was happy for her, because it was indeed spectacular — my husband and I used to go there when we were on vacation in the Indian state of Kerala, in the south of this mysterious country, which is often associated with elephants. I ascertained it myself. When I came back from Indian, a relative of mine asked if we saw elephants there. Elephants, little elephants… For some reason, after I talked with a friend, the finale of the play with the ele­ phants again appeared in my memory, and those elephants jumped onto the stage and danced at the moment when the protagonist Zawalnia (Gennady Ovsyan­nikov) was lying in the coffin. And it wasn’t forgotten that my husband and I laughed heartily and without res­ traint and talked about the childlike freshness of the director’s thinking and about our beloved and respected actor Gennady Ovsyannikov, who would give a head start to any young actor… In the end my unresolved “something” was revealed! This is what it was like — in the wall of the incomprehension of the supreme idea of the play, the doors only opened thanks to those cute

Playbill for the play


beloved girl, and “Riot of the Serfs”. He was also engaged in painting — he did landscapes and caricatures, which were popular among local residents. After graduating from the Polotsk Collegium (transformed into an aca­ demy in 1812) in approximately 1816, he worked as a teacher and tutor in va­ rious places of his small homeland. He traveled around Belarus and collected folklore. In 1844 he published his main work “Nobleman Zawalnia, or Belarus in Fantastic Stories”. In 1846, or in 1847, at the invitation of the Polish writer Heinrich Rzhevussky, he moved to the Ukrainian city of Chudnov, in Volyn. He settled in the house of Countess Julia Rzhevuskaya, where the famous graphic artist Napoleon Orda also lived. What else is interesting is the story that happened to the tombstone of Jan Barszczewski. The newspaper “Zvyazda” and other Belarusian periodicals wrote about this, referring to the Ukrainian regional portal — Here’s the summary. 17 years ago, the inhabitants of Chudnov dug out a tombstone at a depth of 50 cm in a private courtyard. It weighed 30–35 kilograms. When the rust was scrubbed off the tombstone, you could see the name — Jan Barszczewski. In the early 2000s, the owner of the courtyard in Chudnov began to lay a gas pipeline and dug out this tombstone. Because of the rust, you couldn’t really see what was written on it. For 17 years, the tombstone just stood near the house, until the owner decided to cement the yard and to use the tombstone in order to save some cement. On April 15 this year, the daughter of the owners became interested in the tombstone. She started searching for an analogue of the name from the tombstone on the Internet and found that it may belong to the writer Jan Barszczew­ ski. This is what was written there (in translation from Polish to Russian): “Jan Barszczewski. An admirer of God, nature and people. Writer of Inspiration and feelings. Lived with dignity for 70 years.” беларусь. belarus 2019




Coincidences in the Current of Time It was when this sensational news became known that the performance was rehearsed at the Yanka Kupala Theater. “And Barszczewski’s tombstone did not appear by chance,” says Elena Ganum. “A Ukrainian schoolgirl Lena from the city of Chudnov found the tombstone of the writer in the courtyard of her own house. It’s some sort of mystical coincidence. During the rehearsals, it sometimes seemed to me that Jan Barszczewski was next to us. And also the people, who worked on the play,

myself feel affiliation to the supreme idea that the stage director was seeking to bring to life. When I shared with Elena the way I understood her, she was glad… Let me remind to the readers, Elena Ganum is a director, and her name is well known in theatrical circles. At the Yanka Kupala Theater, she staged the plays “Shabany”, “Land of Elsa”. In addition, Elena is a student of Nikolai Pinigin, the artistic director of the theater. She acquired her second, after acting, profession of a director at the Academy of Arts under his demanding supervision. And this, as we well know, is a high professional level. Elena began her theScenes from the play. Ivan Trus — Dr. Shelmer, black magician, adherent of evil.

manifested this same thing. And I was glad, the more the better.” “Now,” the stage director adds, “many critics are trying to define the genre of the play. “What is it?” they would ask. Romantic phantasmagoria? Fantasy? Mystical comedy or drama? Neither this, nor that, not the other. And simultaneously, this and that and the other at the same time. We defined the genre as a manifestation. This is both a phenomenon and an extraordinary event. And the graphic solution of the play was the mystical Lake Nescherda, in the space of which we, the contemporaries, could see the characters of the past appearing. So Barszczewski, I repeat, appeared too, reminding us about himself through both his work and the fact that his tombstone was found…” Manifestation — such a definition of the genre is justified in the play staged at the Yanka Kupala Theater. And indeed, a lot of inventiveness and creativity manifested in it. Both in form and in content. I


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them, you need to have a secret code of symbols. Your intuition may help you. Also, practice could be useful. Back in the day, my husband, who is also a colleague of mine, and I spent several years conducting a radio program “Tales Give You Wise Advice” and tried to identify various fairy tale symbols with primary school children. I well remember that kids joined the game very willingly and eagerly interpreted those symbols.

Consciousness Holes The North of Belarus. There is a village near Lake Neshcherda, and Nobleman Zawalnia’s nephew Jan (Ivan Kushneruk) comes from St. Petersburg to stay at his uncle’s house, where the housekeeper Malgreta (Tamara Mironova) also lives. From them he learns about the village news — his beloved married his friend Albert, who is friends with an eccentric doctor that seems to

Kristina Drobysh — Agapka, maid of Lady Amelia

atrical career as an actress at the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater in Vitebsk. “How did we conduct the rehearsals? Well, following no particular pattern — there were laughs and quarrels. The play is very complex. The genre of fantastic realism, I have already told someone about this, requires teetering on the edge between mysticism and reality.” She believes that nothing comes from nothing. She thinks that everything in this life is a consistent pattern. But at the same time the works by Barszczewski have also sacred know­ ledge. And, as you know, to understand

keep company with evil spirits; Jan also learns about the gentry, and that they are ready to sell their native land for nothing. The young actor Ivan Kushneruk plays the role of a graduate of the Polotsk collegium, Jan, nephew of Zawalnia. This is a man of exalted ideals, a dreamer who sees only the good and believes in the best in life and in people. “My dear Polotsk! Once you could be the capital of all White Russia! There is Lake Nescherda close to Polotsk. Spring is paradise in that place, with a variety of birds gathering there from all over the world, thousands of delicate songs rippling over the water,

P grasslands and forests. The magic land where I saw your mercy, Giver of Life. Tales and stories of old people that have passed from person to person make the history of my land, the mentality and feelings of Belarusians. Only there I met the real sincerity and trust of the human soul,” these words belong to Jan, and they sound so heartfelt coming from Kushneruk. Jan is patriotic, and talks about the historical prospects of his native land with his uncle. This is the beginning of the play “Nobleman Zawalnia, or Belarus in Fantastic Stories”. And then the action starts unwinding, slowly at first, but more keenly with each mo-

would remind you that the elephants brought me the revelation. The dancing and jumping elephants in the finale… And, in my opinion, these are only outwardly entertaining notions-allusions of Elena Ganum. But if you look deeper, you see everything — her subtle understanding of the human psyche, and her search for an answer to the question where our thoughts (sometimes ridiculous, chaotic, and sometimes evil), out horrors, fantasies, faiths can lead us. Isn’t it why a huge manhole opens in the center of the stage like a hole in human consciousness, and thence as if from the other world, a huge Mikhail Zui — Frantishek didn't expect to see that creature that once came out of an ice-hole on Lake


also the embodiment of the kind aspirations of people, and there are gentle creatures like Amelia (Valentina Belokhvostik) among them. This was a great work of the actress, who is very organic in her role of a lady that chooses Albert and not Jan. And it doesn’t matter to me why. The main dimension is internal. The understanding — how important it is to think clearly, plainly, strongly, not to become a victim of your own weakness, credulity, kindness, as it happened with Albert (Roman Podo­ lyako), who was possessed by the spirit of evil Nikitron. And his wife Amelia, thin, vulnerable, sympathetic, who was almost driven out of her mind by Dr. Shelmer (Ivan Trus). This actor, laureate of the National Theater Prize of Belarus, comes from the troupe of the Mogilev Regional Drama Theater. In this play, he shows his evil charm remarkably, I would say, even emphatically.


ment, like a tight spring. Together with the real earthly people — peasants and gentry — there are unreal creatures on stage. They are like the embodiment of people’s inner desires, their aspirations and thoughts. How do we think, what do we believe in or feel?.. What are they, our inner worlds that no one sees, sometimes incomprehensible to ourselves? And why are we still asking ourselves and people this same question: where are we going? Or to put it better: not where, but how. And what with. What are we? If this is the way you approach the play “Nobleman Zawalnia” at the Yanka Kupala Theater, things become as clear as a bell. And the fragmentation of it, and the eclecticism become justified. After all, there is a strong semantic link between the fragments — everything is connected with everything in this world, everything has a cause and effect, and our thoughts are capable of becoming reality… And I

Alexander Kozelo — Belaya Soroka (center) together with a noblemantraitor

fish leaps out right into the hands of a country boy and swallows him?.. Isn’t it why the dragon dances with Agapka (Kristina Drobysh), the maid of Lady Amelia, who wants to marry only a rich man? And black eggs fall from the sky… And a young peasant Marco (Dmitry Eselevich), who loves Agapka somewhat like a brutal beast, turns into a werewolf… And light ghosts-weepers wander near Lake Nescherda. They are from ano­t her world, and apparently from Para­dise. Let’s say, from the spiritual world. And they are watching what is happening among the people. They are

Everything is in Us Little has changed in man since that distant time. We are the same as our predecessors. What has changed for the better? Not better, but worse. A lot of things are mixed together in everyone. We choose our own ways in life, and we choose our own thoughts. This is why the play “Nobleman Zawalnia” is modern. After all, Belarusians still talk about national identity, still look for ways to the future, some find prophets far from their homeland, heading foreign experts, and some fall into mysticism… One would for sure recall the беларусь. belarus 2019




Director Alena Ganum

academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Natalia Bekhterev! I am myself very impressed with this woman who has been studying the human brain all her life and came to the following opinion: we choose the thoughts that exist in space, and our brain, like an antenna, catches and reads them. But here’s another question: why do some people choose positive, life-affirming thoughts, and others — completely negative? The question of all questions, I think. Here’s the answer I’ve found so far: it’s either evolutionary adaptation or genetics. It doesn’t convince me, to be honest. Do you remember the saying — the sleep of reason brings forth monsters? The Internet shall remind you: the phrase itself, which has become a common saying, belongs to the Spa­nish artist Francisco Goya, it comes from the name of the painting, which is included in the series of etchings “Capricos”. The painting was painted in the late XVIII century. The artist’s comment to the painting was as follows: “Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters; united with her, she is the mother of the arts and source of their wonders.” Goya used fantastic images to describe the surrounding reality. The world of his contemporaries slumbers, and that sleeps brings forth monsters, because this is the world of folly, not reason,


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and they do not even try to break loose from the shackles of this sleep. When the reason loses control, plunging into a dream, the dark creatures overcome man, and these creatures are mons­ ters to Goya. And not only man, but the whole society — those do not have to be only the prejudices and folly of the individual, their unwillingness to reflect on the nature of things, but also false ideologies, evil leaders that possess the minds of the majority. I can assume that Elena Ganum reflected on something similar and directed actors to such thoughts while working on their roles. Well, it cannot be for naught that, according to the play by Kovalev, the following idea is emphasized: everything that is described in books in other countries can actually happen in our region. Dr. Schelmer, who is also the Warlock, presents himself as an ideologist and leader and subjugates the souls of people. And all for what? To serve the White Magpie (Alexander Kazelo). Its appearance on stage might seem to be a comic relief, but for me the character itself causes mixed feelings and even emanates the cold breathing of graves. As the literary historian Nikolai Khavstovich wrote that by introducing the White Magpie, Barszczewski created an allegorical image of the Russian Empress Catherine II. There is one scene in the play when her wish to annex Belarusian lands to Russia is expressed. The White Magpie is interpreted in a parody way by the actor. Its emphatically slow, languid movements, its costume with feathers and jewelry, its hairy naked chest — all of this catches the attention of the noblemen that only crave money. For such people it is not important in what country to live and who to serve. And such people, as we know, are among us. But both kindness and childish naiveté are also characteristic of many. Why else would Zawalnia light a candle so that weary travelers could rest in his house? It turns out that the venerable nobleman loves, like a child, various

mystical stories that those who wander into his house can tell him. And what extraordinary things does this honorable, respected man think while lying in the coffin? About the tobacco pipe he ordered from India. What is it if not meditation! And there is a humorous imprint on stage, the embodiment of the nobleman’s dreams. The little elephants! And the pipe that arrived! Here it is, the materiality of thought! Various fantastic creatures come to life from the parable of Barszczewski at the Yanka Kupala Theater. How and why are they among real people, why do they influence their lives so much? Again, there is one answer to this — everything is in ourselves: darkness and light, the good and the evil. And this is why the inventive, spectacular play by Elena Ganum and her creative team is so powerful. And the supreme idea to me lies on the surface if you care to look for it with your soul and not your eyes. The play has a happy ending. All evil forces will be consumed by Hell, and the real heroes will unite in the joy of living. And at that moment it is no longer the subconscious of everyone that will rule, but the festive mood of victory over the darkness. Even if it is temporary… So little by little, step by step, we learn about ourselves by choosing what we think, what we dream about, what we strive for and where we go in our lives. By Valentina Zhdanovich.

Р. S. There are two casts in the play, more than half of the troupe is involved. The roles of the older protagonists are played by Gennady Ovsyannikov, Nikolai Kuchits, Tamara Mironova and Elena Sidorova. There are young people entering the stage too: Ivan Kushneruk, Roman Podolyako, Sergey Chub, Va­ lentina Gartsueva, Alexander Zelyanka, Mikhail Zui, Antonina Dubatovka, Andrey and Kristina Drobysh, Alexander Kazello, Dmitry Yesenevich, Ivan Trus and others. Students of Boris Gerlovan, Ekaterina Shimanovich and Sergey Ashukha, worked on the scenography. The composer is Victor Kisten. The choreographer is Olga Skvortsova.

Alexey Dudarev


Dramatic ballad the characters:


Continuation Night. The girls are getting ready for bed. GURSKAYA with a guitar. GURSKAYA (sings). Do not leave me, stay with me, Stay with me, darling, until dawn, I will give you the whole world, I will solve all your secrets. Let me drink the dew from your eyes Let me take your sorrows I will ask the sky for both of us, So that the morning stars crowned us… Let the bitterness evaporate like water Flowers of hope bloom in spring. BATYAN (near a mirror). Girls, I’ve lost weight… GURSKAYA. This is the right mirror… (Sings.) Do not leave me, Do not leave, BATYAN. Fighter Gurskaya, Yadviga — is it from the word “yad” (poison)? GURSKAYA (sings). Do not leave me, My dear angel! BATYAN. Of course… GURSKAYA. Yad! Vi! Ga! Polish Queen. The Belarusian prince gave his state for her. BATYAN. Yad! Vi! Ga! Prince… LADYSEVA. Girls, who can read dreams? BATYAN. Come on. My grandmother was a witch. GURSKAYA. Who would doubt… The granddaughter became a witch.

BATYAN (to Kremis). Comrade lieutenant, I have been offended! LADYSEVA. Remember, at the cour­ ses lieutenant Dimka came to us? BATYAN. Ah, a curly one… Gurskaya made eyes at him… GURSKAYA. Chatterbox… LADYSEVA. He is going to be sent to the front today… And I saw him in a dream… It was like spring, warm. There was a lot of sun and I was standing among the graves… Dimka was walking among the crosses. He had a boy in his arms… The soldier’s blouse was white, the belts were white, the asterisk was white, even the order on the chest was white… GURSKAYA. Which order? LADYSEVA. That is just the point. A royal cross. BATYAN. George. My grandfather had such one. LADYSEVA. Dimka is Komsomol member. The Komsomol badge under the order was so white… BATYAN. Grandmother would say: you will meet tears and joy… LADYSEVA. What does it mean? BATYAN. Your Dimka will die… LADYSEVA. Die… BATYAN. It’s tears… GURSKAYA. Tears… BATYAN. But you will give birth to his child… LADYSEVA (bitterly). Yes… Come on… BATYAN. It is happiness…

Ringing is heard from far away. KREMIS (from her bed). Everyone to sleep! The girls obediently undress and go to beds. The light goes out. The bells are tolling. Long pause. MIKHASYOV appears with a greatcoat in his hand. He comes to the bed of LADYSEVA. Mikhasyov (whispering). LADYSEVA… LADYSEVA… Wake up… LADYSEVA (through a dream). Mm… What? Who is it? Mikhasyov. Hush… Get up… LADYSEVA. What for? Alert? Mikhasyov. Alert… Put on your overcoat… Come on… Come on, let’s go! He puts his overcoat on the girl and leads her out of the room. LADYSEVA (still sleepy). What? Mikhasyov. Do you see the outhouse?? LADYSEVA. Yes. Mikhasyov. There your lieutenant is waiting for you… LADYSEVA. Which lieutenant? (Scrims.) Dimka?!? Mikhasyov. Quiet! He introduced himself to me as Lieutenant Dmitry Nikolaevich Selevtsov, and not Dimka. LADYSEVA. Lord! She rushed away at full pelt, then quickly returned, hugged Mikhasyov and kissed him tightly. One time! Another! And another! Mikhasyov. I’ll take him to the station at dawn… LADYSEVA. Lord! беларусь. belarus 2019


Disappears. Mikhasyov. Nah, the penal battalion is just a holiday center.. Resort… He gets out. BATYAN unexpectedly jumps on her bed. BATYAN. Well, Alka… Well, Alka… Ladyseva, let’s go and… she went! And the captain, the captain… Only the brave conquer the seas… KREMIS. I told everybody to sleep! BATYAN. Indeed, how to fall asleep… (Lies down.) Well, captain… Mikhasyov enters with knapsack. He takes out champagne, wine, candies, canned food, a loaf of white bread, gingerbread cookies Mikhasyov (quietly). Wake up… KREMIS (aloud). Wake up! The girls get up, begin to put on overalls. BATYAN. Is it the operation? KREMIS. Faster! Mikhasyov. Hold it! All at ease… we can sleep until the next night. BATYAN. Won’t we run in the morning? Mikhasyov. We won’t run. BATYAN. Hurrah!! Mikhasyov. Overalls off. Put on dresses, and lay the table. We are going to have dinner. (He goes out.) The girls change in dresses. BATYAN comes to the table. BATYAN. Girls, marsh-mallow… I saw it before the war for the last time. Sausage! Candies, chocolate! What kind of viper is it? KREMIS. Smoked eel. GURSKAYA. Such a fish… BATYAN. There is no fish like this… Listen, our captain went to the expense… (Takes a bottle, reads.) “Abrau Durso”… Champagne! Why is he so gentle? KREMIS. Maybe an event? GURSKAYA. Became a major… They cut and lay out treats. MIKHASYOV enters. KREMIS. Attention! Comrade captain… Mikhasyov. Enough, Veronica… Until the next night without commands, orders and reports. Sit down, girls… (Opens champagne, wine.) Let’s get acquainted. (To Batyan.) What do you want, Zina?


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BATYAN. Everything! Mikhasyov. Wine, champagne? BATYAN. And vodka! GURSKAYA (seriously). To the acquaintance, comrade captain. KREMIS. To the acquaintance. BATYAN. Very nice to meet you, comrade captain… Mikhasyov. My name is P yotr Kuzmich… I am not a regular soldier… Before the war, I was a teacher in Begoml. This is near Vitebsk. I taught physics. Who remembers Ohm’s law?.. BATYAN. Our physicist used to say: “Whoever doesn’t know the law of Ohm will stay at home!” I remember that, but not the law. KREMIS. The strength of a constant current in a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage. BATYAN. Amazing, if correct! Mikhasyov. Excellent, Veronica… (Pours wine.) To your bright head! GURSKAYA. I finished ten forms in 1941. But, Pyotr Kuzmich, I was so-so in physics… BATYAN. And I moved on to the tenth form. KREMIS. So did I.… And my sister is only in the seventh form.. BATYAN. Where is Alka? Mikhasyov. She is guarding… BATYAN. I will replace her. Mikhasyov. She will cope by herself! BATYAN. Well what is it! We are parting here, and she is freezing… Mikhasyov. Sit down. Such a restless one! BATYAN. You said that today we are doing without orders. KREMIS. Without orders, but with bans. Sit tight.. BATYAN. I wish I could. GURSKAYA. Pyotr Kuzmich, do you have anyone? Mikhasyov. My daughter is fifteen today. KREMIS. Happy birthday! GURSKAYA. Many happy returns of the day. BATYAN. Happy birthday. KREMIS. What is her name? Mikhasyov. Diana.

GURSKAYA. A beautiful name. KREMIS. Rare. Where is she? Mikhasyov. I do not know. When I left in 1941, she was twelve. BATYAN. To her health! Drink. Mikhasyov. My wife and she walked me to the recruiting center… She was looking at me with her big eyes and whispered: “Do not leave me, dad… Do not leave me… ” Not mother and her, but for some reason her… Only her… GURSKAYA (gets up with a guitar). The next piece of our program is an old romance “Do not leave me.” It is performed by the People’s Artist of the special intelligence service Zinaida Batyan. BATYAN. The trio from the quartet accompanies and sings because one is guarding… (Sings.) Do not leave me, stay with me, Stay with me, darling, until dawn, I will give you the whole world, I will solve all your secrets. Mikhasyov. Girls, dear… We will survive… we will survive… I will kill all Hans and Fritz, everyone in Germany for you… BATYAN (wound up the gramophone, put on the record). Ladies’ choice! GURSKAYA (jumped to Mikhasyov). Please, Pyotr Kuzmich? Dance. BATYAN (indignantly). Well, what’s up?! I invited, and she is dancing! She resolutely comes up and claps her hands in front of GURSKAYA’s nose. GURSKAYA. Pyotr Kuzmich, there is applause for us… BATYAN. This is not applause. That’s the way to steal gentlemen when they are in short supply… Go away! GURSKAYA. No way! MIKHASYOV laughing, hugs the girls. So they dance. Then MIKHASYOV approaches KREMIS and gallantly invites her to dance. Dancing KREMIS unexpectedly drops her head on the commander’s chest. And… falls asleep. MIKHASYOV stops.. GURSKAYA (whispering). She has fallen asleep… BATYAN. Oh my Lord! Mikhasyov (whispering). Quiet!!!

GURSKAYA. None. MIKHASYOV. I have! Are you scared? KREMIS. No. BATYAN. No. GURSKAYA. No. LADYSEVA. A little bit. MIKHASYOV. And I am scared… BATYAN. Do not be afraid, Comrade Captain, we will stand up for you… Sounds of gunfire from afar. MIKHASYOV. So… These are our intelligence officers. Is everyone ready? KREMIS — the first, then — LADYSEVA, then GURSKAYA, then BATYAN, I am closing… (She takes a flask from her overcoat pocket, twists it off.) Come on, Veronica Arkadyevna… For warming up. KREMIS drinks and returns the flask. KREMIS walks to the water, with a slight movement drops off her overcoat and disappears. Pause. Alya, go… Gives the flask. LADYSEVA. I spread butter twice… May I not drink? MIKHASYOV. You may… Go! LADYSEVA goes to the water, drops her overcoat, disappears. Pause Well, Yadviga Yanovna… Gives the flask. GURSKAYA drinks. GURSKAYA. Can I take another sip? For Alka? MIKHASYOV. Yes. GURSKAYA drinks, approaches the water, drops off her overcoat, disappears. Pause.

MIKHASYOV gives a flask to BATYAN. BATYAN. I don’t want to. MIKHASYOV. It is up to you. (Drinks himself.) Go! Stop! Spotlight! It may catch Gurskaya… Well, I told you… Dived! Well done! Hold on! Hold on, daughter. Hold on… He didn’t notice… Phew… God bless you, Hans… BATYAN. Pyotr Kuzmich, can we die? MIKHASYOV. We can. BATYAN. It’s a pity MIKHASYOV. I agree. BATYAN. No, I’m not talking about that. Sooner or later, you still have to die… I do not mean that. MIKHASYOV. Than what? BATYAN. I haven’t kissed anyone yet! MIKHASYOV. You don’t say! BATYAN. Honestly. Once, after dancing one insolent beggar pressed me to the fence and touched my breast. I hit him on the nose — he had to wash off the blood from his shirt from in the river… Now I am thinking: why was I like that? He wouldn’t have eaten me… Fool! Right? Pause. MIKHASYOV suddenly impetuously presses BATYAN to himself. Kisses her hair. Comrade Captain! My head is going round… Foo-ooh… I will swim now and the water in the river will boil. Shall I go? MIKHASYOV. Go, Zina… Everything will be ok. BATYAN. Of course! She went to the water, took off her overcoat, a little longer than the others stood on the shore and… disappeared.

Pause. With the last chord of music KREMIS wakes up and shyly moves away from MIKHASYOV. LADYSEVA appears. Blackout. The Rosasenka bank. Rockets flare. The GIRLS and MIKHASYOV are in overcoats, but barefoot. They have rubber parcels in the hands. MIKHASYOV. So. Who wants to speak out — do it here — on the other bank — total silence! For 24 hours. Speak only with signs… Neither a word, nor a whisper, nor a sigh… Is it clear, BATYAN? Batya-a‑an! What is going on with you? BATYAN. I undertook a heightened commitment… I keep silent on this shore. MIKHASYOV. Now the intelligence officers at the bend will make some noise in order to divert attention and we will go one by one… Take off your overcoats ashore and naked, as in a font basin, one by one. Water is not from the Black Sea. Did you spread enough oil? KREMIS. Enough. MIKHASYOV. There is nothing under the overcoats? It is easier to swim naked. There will be no time on the other side to take off wet close. BATYAN. Comrade captain, LADYSEVA is in a swimsuit. MIKHASYOV. Seriously? LADYSEVA. Don’t believe her! What are you saying? BATYAN. And you check her, check… MIKHASYOV. I will check you now… BATYAN. Oh, comrade captain, you only promise… MIKHASYOV. BATYAN, do you have anything else in your head besides this? BATYAN. It happens, but still it deals with it… MIKHASYOV. Uniforms, food and weapons are to be packed in rubber. Securely tie it to hand. They will launch an illumination flare or start to probe them with a searchlight — dive and keep underwater as long as you can. As soon as you reach the shore — immediately go into the reeds and dress. While I am crossing, everybody must be ready for the march. Questions? KREMIS. None. LADYSEVA. None. BATYAN. None.

A scene from a play at the Taganka Theater in Moscow

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A scene from a play at the Minsk Regional Drama Theatre

MIKHASYOV (looking into the dark). Hans, you will cry, oh cry… With bloody tears. There was a dance of fire. There was a dance of the god Agni, which burns, shines, brightens, gives birth to that and this world. KREMIS, LADYSEVA, GUSKAYA, BATYAN and MIKHASYOV were swept away by this terrible dance. A shell howls like a wild beast. Explosion! GURSKAYA… A wild howl again. Explosion! KREMIS… Howl Explosion! BATYAN… Howl Explosion! MIKHASYOV… Howl Explosion! LADYSEVA… Blackout. Hospital. MIKHASYOV sits on the bed. His right sleeve is empty. The COLONEL is next to him COLONEL. Our army liberated Kobryn MIKHASYOV. I never believed that if a shell tears off an arm up to the shoulder,… the fingers of the palm still hurt… It really hurts… COLONEL. Our army liberated Kobryn. MIKHASYOV. As a child, a horse stepped on my right hand… My nails peeled off. There is no hand, but the fingers hurt badly… COLONEL. It hurts in the head… by inertia. MIKHASYOV. And if the heart is pulled out of the chest? Will it also hurt by inertia? COLONEL. Our army liberated Kobryn… Communication center — Central nervous system of the army. We para-


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lyzed it. This operation once again proved the indisputable truth: if there is communication — there is an army, if there is no communication — it’s a crowd. And a crossing over the Rosasenka was forced on the fly, in no times, we are driving them out, beat them hollow. Get well captain. You will go to Moscow to receive your Star. From the hands of Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. Well, and we will have to do without you… Did you find yours? MIKHASYOV. No. COLONEL. Do you want me to bring you anything? MIKHASYOV. I have everything. COLONEL. Are you allowed to drink? MIKHASYOV. I am. COLONEL. There is “Moscovskaya” in “Voentorg”. I will bring you a couple of bottles. MIKHASYOV. Thank you. COLONEL. Never give up, guard! Victory is not far off! Well, take care of yourself. Gently hugs MIKHASYOV, goes out. MIKHASYOV. It is hurting… The hand hurts… LADYSEVA enters in a new officer’s uniform. LADYSEVA. Pyotr Kuzmich, I came to say goodbye… MIKHASYOV. Where do they send you? LADYSEVA. To the intelligence department of the front headquarters. I was awarded a rank of a junior lieutenant. MIKHASYOV. Congratulations. LADYSEVA. Why are you so sad?

MIKHASYOV. Why are you so happy? LADYSEVA. Dimka has sent a letter! MIKHASYOV. Here you go! And you whimpered: they would kill him, they would kill him… LADYSEVA (takes out a letter). Zinka BATYAN foretold me. He writes about it… (Reads.) “Having one like you… ” Here he wrote such things, I will not even read them to you. Ashamed. I will pull his ears when he comes back… (Reads.) “Having the one like you… ” um… um… What a stinker! “I cannot afford to die.” Best wishes to you. MIKHASYOV. Where is he? LADYSEVA. Near Taganrog. MIKHASYOV. Hot spot. LADYSEVA. I know. Well, I will go, Pyotr Kuzmich… MIKHASYOV. Go. LADYSEVA. Let’s kiss! MIKHASYOV. Let’s. Kiss. LADYSEVA. I have to go! MIKHASYOV. Wait. Alya, do you remember that romance that you and the girls sang? LADYSEVA. Only the last verse. MIKHASYOV. Go ahead! LADYSEVA (after pause). I don’t remember… (With tears.) I’m sorry, Pyotr Kuzmich… I don’t remember!!! Quickly runs out. Pause. From afar a clear childish voice sounds. Don’t let the parting black horror, Touch us with ist cold fire. Do not leave me, Do not leave, Do not leave Neiter today, Nor always. MIKHASYOV. Our army liberated Kobryn… FROM THE AUTHOR. Hero of the Soviet Union guard captain Pyotr Kuzmich MIKHASYOV died in hospital on August 22, 1944. Veronica KREMIS, Yadya GURSKAYA and Zina BATYAN are buried in a mass grave near the village of Savin Oak. Alya LADYSEVA gave birth to a son in 1945. Now Alina Alexandrovna LADYSEVA lives in Minsk. She is a war veteran.

The end

Anatoly Kleshchuk

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