Belarus (magazine #11 2019)

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Magazine for you

No. 11 (1034), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

Star guests at the Bolshoi Theatre World Opera Day was celebrated in Minsk with a gala concert of famous singers Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы пятніца, 15 лістапада, 2019

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 21 (3609) l


l пятніца, 15 лістапада, 2019

Гол ас Рад Тра нсф зім ар ма ц ы

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале

Прэм’ера рубрыкі “Крыніцы натхнення: Мір і ваколіцы” 19 20 а, рытмы жыцнікця ыч астр 1к ,1 а тніц пя ы зім ад сР ла Го


ы м і з д а Р ас л Го

Баявы шлях ад Арменіі да Беларусі

Стар. 5

Стар. 6





1 20

П а, датэрміновае галасаванне на Парламенцкіх выбарах. ры У Беларусі праходзіць ік яр чн ыт рыПалату прадстаўнікоў Нацыянальнага сходу пройдуць 17 лістапада. эт Самі ж выбары тў ы ас ай к 11

ов ы, У Нільч раі М ук м ы дн р. 8 ро Ста

Найвышэйшай пробы галасы


Стар. 8



Выбіраем будучыню

і ус




5г од


Вы расійская сям’я з беларускімідан не традыцыямі “

Ас в радасная вест люкаечпрый а шла росям’я з цюмені: бо ны ныувай Падкарытад вых шла ў лік ўю пераможцаў расій га куска Ста го т конкурсу “Сям’я р да–2019”
















Го ла


сР 2 Гэ­та­ бу­дзе­ ўжо­ пар­тый­ны.­ Чым­ на­ хлеб­ за­раб­ ы ад а, сё­мае­ склі­ зім ” ч 0 (360 іцых­ вы­ y кан­не­ на­ртод­ ля­юць?­ Лі­дар­ ад­ной­ з­ пар­тый,­ нн ы 8) .b бран­ні­каў­ ы . 3 дзетная я най­ a па у­ не­за­ лпеж­ Бе­ла­ру­сі.­ Для­ ды­рэк­тар­ прад­пры­ем­ства,­ тэх­ у намінацыі “Шмат та l ня з l дз zdкаў,­ хто­ мае­ ін­ йц ел тых­ вы­бар­шчы­ нік­па­ра­мо­це­ды­экс­плу­а­та­цыі­ сям’я” а ак ia т ен ,2 шыя­ пла­ Ура­чыс­тае­ ўша­на­ван­не­ пе­ аб­ста­ ван­ня,­ ін­жы­нер­пра­ ныля­П 8к е zvны­ на­ 17­ ліс­та­па­да,­ з­ ­ не ен­сі­я астр а пм е з 12­га­ па­ 16­га­ ўключ­ н а­ мож­ н а­ ра­ м ож­ ц аў­ пра­ х о­ д зі­ л а­ 30­ каст­ гра­ іст,­ на­ ч аль­ н ік­ служ­ б ы­ ме­ а­ н ­ ­ ч па ца ул­ а хав­ а ер­ка ыч алл Га ,­ ш а­са­ваць­ да­тэр­мі­но­ва.­ Та­кая­ недж­ ту­якас­ на­го­з­мін­ рыч­ні­ка­ ў­ Вя­лі­кай­ за­ле­ Дзяр­ нік е­ зд ц­і­ад­ тга­ ­­ Р на ­ элмекен­ з­ : Р а, т та ­ве зістваў.­ т­р поры­ Л Га­да­выя­ жаў­на­га­ Крам­лёў­ска­га­ Па­ла­ца.­ ­ ем­ 20 l Цскіх­ Эс і­ма ­дапрад­ 19 па прак­ты­ка,­ да­рэ­чы,­ у­ Бе­ла­ру­сі­ па ­лі­с он­н ў­ кр ўл­ ен а­гой л Т п а ­а н ­ ф ­ е ы вы­ка­рыс­тоў­ва­ец­ца­ не­ ўпер­шы­ я а да­хо­ды­—­не­над­ і­та­каб­вы­ я ­шсо­кія,­ Кон­кур­с­ “Сям’я­ го­да”­ —­ гэ­та­ бе ак І zv няд на )l бу­д ­ці­ху­вее­ ўн­ ­ да­ я ­ ўра н­ е­ ст .­ Дн чы­ ая т­к с л к ­ 07 е ню,­і­шэ­раг­вы­бар­ка­маў­ін­шых­ маш­ т аб­ н ы­пра­ е кт,­ён­прай­ ш оў­у­ з­ ма­ і м­ улас­ н ым­ л яль­ д.­су­пва­астаў­ а з ­ э я с е 6 зе ,­ а ia с е ы ­ м ­ У Е ?.. ­пы на ў­ го І­ к р­ ае­ і­ (3 рад­ ныя,­ ру рца г йц zd лак ­ру т­ка а­ліс­тыс­ дзяр­в жіаў­ідуць–­па­ доб­ным­шля­ В Ра­сіі­ў­чац­вёр­ты­раз­і­па­спеў­за­ а­лі­най­ ­кр ват­с улас­ 19 т­ва на­ ц­ ма­ё­ зе­й ­ Ня двое­ а с а ы ц ­ , з ­ к л ­ ­ ў № ­ н е і, у м А 2 ў т a. у :­юць.­Ка­ ж пы ­м мас­ ­чы ш ­ ы д Вы­ ае чыя­ ін­тэр­нэт­тэх­на­ І ці­не­ма­ р­ а­ дзі­ ва­я­ваць­ста­тус­га­лоў­на­га­ся­мей­ Рцей,­лю­ l ы охам.­ Бе о­х я­журкты­пу­атам­што­ by 8 кас н­ о о­ эл то­як ы­ с а­іс­ а ­ ымблар­ ў­П ­тан­н іж п ч М ­т П в ў е а ­ ло­ г іі­ў­Бе­ а­ р у­ с і­па­ к уль­не­вы­ к а­ на­ г а­кон­ к ур­ с у­кра­ і н ­ ы.­Сё­ л е­ т а­ў­ з­на­ р о­ д а. ­ж С с ­ т я ы ы ’е ж тр ” ро рэ­з яў,­ м­і ­ні­ка кт­ро а­г ол,­ у еж­н ­лі­аб пл­ ек н­цыі, зен­ Ста е ыў ратСоў­авжа­ю.ц­6ца,­ хоць­ ІТ­кра­ ыч ы ­с ху­ў­збольш­ ­н эін­фар­ма­цыі­ рэ­гі­я­наль­ных­ яго­ эта­пах­ паў­ скіх ін ­ оа­б й­ прыс­ таў д­ р. 5 шэ н­ны і­дэн штКры­ а ­м а м нік ім ­ е і­ка­ в ­та­ ­та,­ о­ а а­пра ам За ­ве­д а­ком р­ а­ст ­Гро ў­цо наліс іпта, раін т і. Зна ы­ тар ным­хо­дам.­А­ тэ н­ка­н­ ўра пра­кан­ на абу­здеу­ец­цСа­поў­ н­ а доб­ным­ дзель­ні­ча­ла­ 3343­ сям’і!­ А­ што­ ук ынюкаб­ б б ды­дўа­таў­—­у­па­ а, к пач ў дз на ­во­г ект а­на стр­ а жур Ег на і .­ ыл­ о ­мярк­ д­ ы­ся іць?­ ­ та­ ­ма­ты а­га джа­бук­ я 20 , р пра­га­ла­са­ваць­ йшда­ ыхтэр­ тавра,­ рш но­ ле­ ба­чыў­у­сяб­ вя­лі­кая­ сям’я­ Пад­ка­ры­та­вых­ оў 19 це нн ­ Ра ка й­эл зіц­ц д­а 50 цыі, кіста даў­ пе мйі­гу у­ ­цы­ ­даў, Аляк ­й ­пце,­які­я­па­ са м ­ва р­ од­ бе то­—­пры­ дзі пыта згла не ліа­сўуй:­ні­ ­ш ­сан дрзе­га­ на во­д е,­па за Тур збе м бу іж­ ходзь­і­га­ вый­шла­ ў­ спа­бор­ніц­твах­ у­ лік­ іва аглчяым­ сся­а­ваць­па­Ко­ла­ ця ц­ ы­ял ў­ пя яшч ра:­ён­бу­ уй ас т ­п др а­эле л­лі­а­ п рых ім не дказы ­ йб ку, ерл ба,­ ўз ы­н ьш МІ ы, У хода С. М я ў кчтай­акру­ ­ м сокай­вы­ ­ як­а­ ін­ф ь­на­э ­ці­га эсаў­ і­ па­цвяр­джаць­ зе­№­106.­ пе­ра­мож­цаў­ —­ нам­ па­ве­да­мі­ла­ на Мінсне­давтрэ­ — остшто­ ол ч ол с я а пага ­ ­ с е­ С ітв з но ра­цы Лбуар­ Э ў е д ­ а т Г ш зу к ­ ы Б ц о р а А к в Б а ы х кр дзі ­м а­ дэн­таў­пя­цё­ра,­і­ Люд­мі­ла­ Бак­ла­на­ва­ з­ Цю­ме­ні,­ Л іся й і ан не кр в­ а с­га­ам ан­ Так­ ­ў тэн­ 17­га­ ты­ не­ўзмо­ нэ на­алтеж­н, ым­ .­ а­прэ­ рмжаш­ дб га а­ чы , Ур е“ кі­р эс­ліў н­з­п а­тыз­ а­міч й­ п “Як ­ІТ­ й фа це ў Шм зена аляв у як што ваць ду шчы ёміл уска р а одна і эк ў н я а а р у у в чы­ н ам­вы­ я віць­сваю­гра­ м а­ д зян­ наш­ ня­ ш тат­ н ы­ ка­ р эс­ п ан­ д энт.­ І­ ўсе­ муж­ ч ы­ н ы.­ Ро­ д ам­ з­ Ка­ л ін­ н д ­ у р ­ ­ а ь од н ма н­ку ён ры­я ц­ ыя а­га а­гр аз­ л зна лар с­т нар ага одзі дзі йце. да зав . Н ам, заха цтв ув .­— ры ка­ а­м гі­лё­ва,­ Асі­по­ві­чаў,­ ўжо­да­сла­ла­дня­мі­вя­лі­кі­ар­ты­ э іж чМінска н рах заклікае По сплакат ­ в віч,­ ­ра Ма­ ічн іве ­пвыбары іі Бе у н е­ х рцэнтры лар­ ­чымна скую­во­лю. та ло за я ды алегі энт ы свая БВялізны аl е да а е п ­ ы н ­ . т ­ ы з­ а а п а а х ­ ­ М д П а сь це й д ­дзе віц н Р тв ы за а н ку ве ы лі кПар­ о ў! ны а э­таў, д п ус .­ Х ва гет кі ік бы ліч­ ­ Ба­ра­на­віч­ і­ Мін­ска,­ кул­пра­сям’ю,­які­рых­ту­ец­ца­да­ Звер­нем­ся­ да­ ан баў­ Вы рэзі він е ня Су — ­— зі­л­неа,­ 5г ніц родн XXІVэнер му, я рычн нцыяс елаа­с­та к­ ім­н оць ­ліц­ц ­куль Жо­ ст с н­ пш дж рыма з П і па эўна ален звязарыч­ твтааў­да­ 95 ­на а­а ­ усе­—­з­вы­ і ы­ ал у­ ­па а­ шэй­шай­аду­ка­цы­яй,­ дру­ку. кі св аня­ ру ка­смт і­кан­ ла­менц­кіх­ вы­ба­раў­ ­ ні­ка­ та ды­дБа­ а каст­рыч­ аў р. 4 на стар­ ­р і­з­паш­ кт­ўл­ еста­ жэ к 18­ кру­ кр цыя.­ а леа­ з1 М ат у­ццБе­ ын сш На па цесн гіста і, та ­ каг фо ка трас пекуронэл­нер­ ытоце н­ а­з одн­ ы ­пя­т саб­л гэ­ты д­ с д а­ плве­ Ста ет др Ста по й­шы а ь ні­адва­ та­му­ы і­адзін­толь­ сскры­ і­в ца сі–2019.­ Імі­ шчод­ра­дзідзе­ рвы­бар­мка­ма­ па­ дуа­мі­лгаа:­ ­11то­вкых­ Мяр­ку­ем,­ чы­та­чы­ “ГР”­ доб­ кі­бес­пар­тый­ны. унак­ м ы тыд­ ­слуіц­ц кае з­ ых Цэнт­ су іру — цы мі — йны іць т ы р. лар гічна ку 8 я эле ргабя пжарт ВПяра­ўьрнаы­ паў д­ а­ча м­схо м­У а­ня ­ ан ец ны ль­на я­ г нс удуч аін ны нвяая­ка­ емі­ ка­мі­нсі­ям стр ­ дзіць­ці­не­ха­дзіць­га­ла­са­ вы­бар­шчы­ка­мі­Цэнт­ріаль­ вы­бяар­ чы­ ­ і­ за­ ра­ве­да­юць,­ча­му­ў­нас­ёсць­ін­та­ ха­сры­ с на і­ нжы­ 7 ы .ад­д­на­лго­ з­ пад’­е:­з­даў­ с Ха­ да кс ларэ­гініст­ ру я­ п ­ вы а­доў ла я б і ўкр аран і, сям страц лагіч сіх э е ні эку­сныцяц­ і­нероа­маФідл”і­. ­ ­на­цэ да­2 ­дзе­б еб­ е­ На ў кан­ эч кні Вы 0 там ць у­анмін­ а 558­ на гемік­ ы ля мі­сія­ па­ вы­ба­рах­ і­ пра­свдя­зедлзен­ ні­ кра­вма­на­ аамаль­ да­тАаў­ ба­ры­—­вы­ра­шае,­вя­ рэс­да­сям’і­Пад­ка­ры­та­вых:­у­ёй­ сгакім­ а­р­ ьа­,­ёбун ­ е­ Зя­нл­нё­ ны­ ваць­на­вы­ ­ ды­ уМ ны ­ху­ ў рын ­пра ­ 30 пр 20 ч ­ша іхнаеілр ы ыт рузв ы­ 20­го л­ а­ і м ­ аацж ж усы ымі ўны прав а ідэ нове Укра т. ы ц ­ ц ­ ч ,­ ы м м л р ­ л е ы о ы д а а р й а ўА г­ к ­ н п Луг.­“ Пяць­ ва т ты­асніж­няй­ нпа­ла­ты­ябе­ п рэс­пуб­лі­кан­скіх­ рэ­фе­рэн­лду­млаў.­ пу­Гтэа­ ны­сам.­Ад­нак­пры­ сужэнцы­Ста­ні­слаў­і­На­дзея­вы­ кан­ ны ­да­ма­ж,­кож­ т втюаў,­ “к ме эрв чда­ ы ­ нды­ ь ухоу­едэ­ ж эк ­п ў біт ­бмы вы­ні­элек до­ ас­ тЭл­Сі­сМ вя­драцыа­мы б с сі, а гіі —ннанліс “ ь у ыі ва зідэ се­ ям­па­ на ­ Яго ыц­ц а­но­м ы,­ “ ­ваць р­та­ а рмус­ ачцсыый­ к­тоа­мець­на­ўва­ я­ зм .к я ттым­вар­ ў М ніж рка еня і, д е мла­ да­зія бук­ агу —­ а э іх у Да­рэ­чы,­ больш­ за­ 20­ га­доў­ а­ г а­Пар­ л а­ м ен­ т а.­У­ся­ р эд­ з е,­што­ў­ хоў­ в а­ ю ць­пе­ ц я­ р ых­дзя­ ц ей.­А­На­ кае­ з­ ін­ ф ар­ н а­ г л е­ т а,­ ц ы ­ ж о п ­ й р м о у у ц А р й в м п ­ р с Н і, р ­ в д — ы м н е п ­ ,­ с ­ і­ в а ­ .­ р эн жул елэл ыа­л апр у­мз а а бе е т ­н ад ар ір ы ан 20 П м ных ер аў ­— цы а­г га­л у­ ны й н нім­у­нас­сё­ рацу­мПе­ н­ ы нс ляж іту е­та­па­5­прэ­ е Ба­юц­ецча­ мза­ с т наз­­ пар­ рыні­ачўо­ абды­ва­ец­ца­ дзея­ро­дам­з­Бе­ла­ру­сі,­яе­баць­кі­ ­ г— з­6­снеж­ня­1996­га­—­уз­на­чаль­ а­ не­ ад­ ­ дэн­ ра заў зма­ на у­ка­ц ш­ за .­—­ ­ лі­ч ,­ са іст­ра оў­ ны лоў нтёэн­ айодк­яці­ма­эц­ і.пад­ Тр скім я су ы ф 20 го ш кт,­р і”ы­ эцтмес­ зм ­ ў со­уцы­ ттаа­ргб­ а­ ч п в ­ ц ­ д му е адзі які па с эслліў р ­ а ж а у а е ­ р д а с Н е Н а а т а ы а ­ ­ С к м“енц­ ­м па вы­ ычм цяам­ :­шса­бче.­ н­ а , аг крпу­тац­ в кае­крэс­ к ряэла­ з­ад Ка­іл га ар ла­—­бо­ ня на­р я­ с­ лу а­ ыц ­цы ­лі” уаі­ноў­ о ылтаў­на­дэ­ адэн­ні­ пра­ вае­ ка­мі­сію­ ўра­джэн­ка­ Слуц­кка­ са­ ш Ма­рыя­ды­Мі­ка­лай­Піс­ку­ны­—­з­ кн­Эім­ ог­нв па­ пП нА ля г э­зы ­ды зам трэ эст да е…осон­ е­— Прмо­ор­па­ ра то­н­ва­лРа­ аск аі­кці,ь­ нтаысмц ­ннайе­я ў­ с разв пад раіну ым з п ёй д і­ся ап­та к й ачн­ ат аы­н бяар­ дыгаскай­ аў: тврвы­ ва ­ма­ а­дзе (пра ­гоў мой­ ь­ Ва ­яль­ ­ ко а­вы­д ­ па­к ­цыя­ ку” чы ы ы­сухоў,­ Лі­дзія­ Мі­хай­лаў­на­ Яр­мо­шы­на.­па аіхвы­ б—і­ра­еУм­ тза­таў.­ Каб­ бар­ і­ада­лв­ ей­ раз­взві­іц Баб­руй­шчы­ны.­ Мы­ пра­ тое­ пі­ зе­ жь,­ ат за ­к­ ­в к 110­ о­вн іц­н зяц а­чпТай­ ­зы м ак­ лцеакру­ а ­р№­ а а,­мш108.­ ыхпу­ дн ндэ­ ы ­час аякі­ д­ ав­ ­чшля­ гія ­цый на­ро ),­ к ­ шт в­ аю ­ ц пог­ ­ле­ кі ц ­ўс а­лі­с як л м ааўр­насноў­ в­ е­ у­ М ў­цы ў­цы ла­дзе пра­в ттоойг­ аа­ ў сі, а ш за і­ рырва эат а­пусм ы ні­яек: .­ рьш.­ ыЗкандыдаты­ ­ з­ла­рн­ус­ І Па­вод­ле­ да­дзе­ных­ ЦВК,­ у­ Бе­ м інвы­ раы­прай­ вац­ цала­мбе­ ­ е­ўтво­ мічлі,­у­кра­ я­ству,­ і лса­ , ам м ічдб­У­ ы ка­ам е”, баа­ сун ін іммад­ ла­ а­ л­ ра .­ Па ­ныя ­да… уль­т о­ і­ г ь­ у ляд,­ ц­ц гра­ ічблі:­ “Ра­да­вод­ з­ пес­ня­мі”­ (ГР,­ н р у “плічдачд­ аыёц,­ь са­ ав­ыутал­ ні­ т.нПнеПым­ р і­ры ,­ чы ,­ п ­на я­дзе д­ ару ана ь ста і. ­ДЗ н звел5831­ Бе зас­ а­в у­Нне­ а,­пле­­р а ь­н кар­ ы хп­Іе­ эчы зетлак.­ ав Тн ­ адс­ тса­ ваін­в л­ваа,тз­ уыў­ п юы­ ап­наа­ к ль­ ы тўзрос­ ла­ру­сі­ ды­ за­ яе­ ме­жа­мі­ ця­пер­ ра­ жааць­ 29.03.2019).­ Ма­рыя­ Піс­кун­ ця­ пад ль­ны д­ “р ­ тэх ),­ н у­ра­ а­ва­рыва­гі­ ла ы­то­р ­ 15­ ч ­та­чыісь­ме ­ сё­л н­ня быар­ ­ті­ за­ з­ аад­ ­мзанб­а­угча­ м чы­ іц ­рама­леной­ сту­ не Б ва­эк біцвы­ Ён нмы­ д ай ­сЕ ’е­ я лглаы стрўчас­ т яіак­ ваац і­кнім е ­н (б тр ы а э ая ецсьп:­е ”я­ вчаэрн э­АЭС тдал­ яз­ ­кай ­да­с ­нем. сц­ ю эх­н ла­ва бі­ о на:­ з у ындУай­ а длёад­ суа­ б­ о ту:­ .­б тнреану опйал­1980,­ сф этн ня­м аваць­у­но­ ­сУ на­ліч­ва­ец­ца­ амаль­ 6,9­ міль­ён ­іра­ы І­дшто­ реаў­ні­ца­Цю­мень­скай­аб­ лы”:­­кла­дзех­ ш й­кі” ал­ ог­ ­ву­ка ез­ я ­лі­ быў­дзіў­с і­ ст эр­ве­н ­ сус­ т н­ні­кі, ­та:­ к ­ ім­ ,­ р ца­ ц ў тэ­та­ ыні­ві од­ ­ с та­л дзе­пра­ д моа­мга п а ­ж1998,­ к­ ая мПы1977,­ омрет­ с­ф снонўа за­рбяа1995,­ па анпер­—­кі­ прго,­хто­бу­ с­ф ыт акія Ян ася­ П ад­ а ­ло­гій ь­ ры ам а­лай­сауснц­ ­ 1988­ кбар­ га вз­ адзін­ ­рраа­ кай ­ н я­ ў а­ра я.­ рак­ ­ на ні­ шттэр­ ў­н лас­ ганаль­ лШ мірвы­ ар­мна­ ыві­ддоў­ ісарвым­Пар­ бх­ еусн кнбоея,­ ­ т горга­ на м­ ля­хо ­ пя­ц іі,­ э ,­ ін е­ ыя ­пен­ яра­ анр­м ­ ад­с ус­ трла­ п н А а о с т очмыя­ “без­ ы вы­ б ар­ ш чы­ к аў,­ ёсць­ вы­ б ар­ ц е.­Та­ м у,­вы­ б і­ р а­ ой­ гра­ м ад­ с кай­ ар­ г а­ н і­ з а­ ц ыі­ н т ыў­ н ай”­ ч д жэн­ а э л у д ­ ў, — в а ы т за .­ р ­ с р а і­ ў т а а р ц ­ п р д . я­в ­мо у ц­ ю та лі­т ,­ гіс ­ зн пер ­жыт Фэс а­лі­с ­ву­ э­чы а­ця ра с пр аз Жы каш , і га­д ст в­ у­прылю ансзу тымыі ац­кытразе­ ачат­ку,э­гра дезергато­ д ­куў, Б а­ ­ фі­ ы­я м ў­ і­ “м ка­л а­ Пр ы ­ ы­“сва­ “мы­ ц­тцы­­еяц­н­цаль­на­куль­ ,­ Ж ку,­ як­ акру­гні! вы ў­ні­кіх”­кан­ п прінася­ мнаю­ бу­д ан­н“На­ а Якр і ў Лу ага м жэца, ў­чтоль­ эз тур­нае­ та­впа­ т бар­ ўчаст­кі­ за­ мя­жой.­ Спа­чў ат­ ы­да­таў­—­ ­н­аер,­ ­фанцпен­ энКа­ ­элпесі­яю к­еач ­ П ­гдам апй ­дзекйі­га—­ ­ с— то­г а­ра­т ­та­р а­ём­с ­шы­н ­наг­ а т­ на я­ ў­ До е.­ пры нан­с ­наль оцн­ ы пра а­гіс о­ в і­ ІТ а у й т ­ ід ы с ­ ш р т ы а ­ т л ы :­ а л т гр к а ы зе ­к а ц м о м­сваю­бу­ ае­тр ыа Бе­ сК н­маай­ ліч ва­“Аў­ ­мі­ рэ ду­чры­ню. іч н іва звў,ы­ му­ еа ппар­ ­ пр Фі­ ­яр у­ю ­ны я­ ­грэ т­ ру­сі.­ энла­русь”. ятма­но­мія­Бе­ шыя­бук­ інчэн­не­ кан­ ўк лы раф у­ра ыч­н тве­ ю.­ ­ за ­ тэ­ др лне­сты­на­4­ста­ ыя­сяніс­т.­ыч­ заў­сё­ды,­ іш­ло­ вы­рлау­ Пры­го­аж д рво вы­­бі­р­ а­­кеіх ­ ск лча­ра­В а та І я арсэябт­ндыі­ шы ­ба­в ­ рыст­ ад альснэр оо­к­ п лаібв­ сі.ц­ ы зай ­ба­ва па­ у­на м­с ­се й.­ ай,­ з­ Ак м­к звры р й ксан Зяле ржа раа ват а­ек­т нан­с ы­тэт ц­ца я­ п “ш ­су”­ ару яэксып­мцаьНа У.­”. ­ра­на рпэ ай­ в ­ тэх ІT­с ­зі­дэн ­ к н і­ п л ­ У з а н н д л а П ­ е я а ­ ­ в у р ­ зя і а а т а ц ­ с ­ ды­да­таў,­ по­тым­ —­ іх­ рэ­ г іст­ р а­ Іван Ждановіч рон­ к і,­ з­ ка­ л я­ р о­ в ы­ м і­ фо­ т а­ з дым­ Усе­—­муж­ ч ы­ н ы,­адзін­з­іх­бес­ Іван Іванаў і ­ а й­ ра на ац­ ы м зя ­да­ю л ра д на эн а­ н ­ны ў­ ­ва ­ны дзя а­е па ца сян эка і­с я д­ р е­ хва свяб ­ нн ­леісж сцага І­ умм ўн­а ы­н ­н фе ­ М а­л іі,­ рэ кр св сі

Як Зац будз іка е ра ўле зв ная івац раз ца б мо ела ва ру пр ск а гэ ая та іш ІТ-сф ла ера на ў б нар ліж адз эйш еў ы Пр час эзід і н энт а пе а. рсп

ыя свя до ма сці БЕ




л Бе

та Тал і ен жы рус ь а л Чац е ра настаўтніц ц ёнавё ы ў у Рыме ў Б оміры я т е і ы се г с уму рэскім Ж — ы р ін о а р ф ўкр і а у г м го ва

ект ыв у?

Ка ў е А мі між іч юц эгі Н і, е ыа а м н м м я аўш ь­з пдв ом­жар керца­­і і­ка а­лог­ ­ры­ р­ж к­ты ­ ад ­Аля ­мес і”,­ ц­ца­ сфе рж­р ць р л ­тін р р­ э­ і­ніс ом­— ды ­зен я­зн т­ніц т­ лы н ў,­ наду а­выа ­ та кза а а ­на­ ­ к о­г н­ е ­ м дзі ь ­не х?­ ій.­ на ёўв між ганд намДічашым ­бан ­сптруа­пца А­лі­пы янлыо­г э­дды ­т Э­ дСля0 ес­руа­вбуад­ уз’ ізу на ­каз­ кс­ ан ­нік­ удак ра ­ры,­ э­гу­ ­ д р­га­н з­ д ам­п уць­ ,­ рэа пры а­вай .­ т скі­п ліц­к т­ эр­с ­ус с­ку­с ­та­цы аў­ча ­ юц м ды стал я у і­ у зя а в ­л н ка носало к­ інг­ме. м­ ыя: Втуурыій.­ая Ааў­П20 ­ ІТВт уч­вабля­віца­­ пер Бу­ о­р ас­ ё і­ р тва ё­бы іі­з і,­ а й­ ас с­ці­ на­п др­Т Прэ ­лад з­віц яно с ­юц за­ц р­ж ­ніі ес­ц і­за ­цы ­ а а ы аў, сн мнк ­чыск ХоР­1 арМ ­сфе п ацрш ­ца ­ша ­л ­ ка м уНаўны перш ёва­э я ў ь з п ваекім е ь і­­ эка обн­ а аб­ рап­ а ур­ч м’­ер ­ніў­п ­цём­ ­ ў твар­ ь­ м ый,­ а­ва ,­ ал і­ і­ ­цыю ­ фрых­т і),­Г ак­М й­вы­к ін ло­ц ­кру ў­ га­ н’ю асацру ­ся,­ВЭ­чаш І, 00 ­кае­вкц е­р п х­ сМп ымаг я­ мо ае а­гіс ас й.­ е­ пр ­ ты еўктгы “нБайе ндл чавы пяц — т сД ­но ­га­м ств ­но­в ын ­мі­ ер ір ан ­фа і­к г­ ь. э у­ю ро ен­ц ­ ­ ка стБвеал мь.­і В тр24а ­дпорба пыу­ссок ыв­аза ы ­в цы с­ту.­І ць­п ­дзен ­—­н ­кам р­ма а­ва! эфадвшяозір, адА лгаарклю маль раў лета Жы­ ­са Д Ш ­мі­к і­ніс а­рэн у­ІТ .­ Гэ­т ніст­ ­ “ ПВТ ы­ (аасаб т­ра­л об,­ Для ўзгод ­ нс ны­ра сл­коіх на­ вкао ы­ цю ім ую у а я у ­лі­в і” як ­ ў ­ ­фч а а­за ла­тэх . шт ў дэн­т то­д і. ­тэр ­ні­ ­су а­я у­ ).­ даў ­я­ты ,­зра ра­г ­скі­а а­то ­ (га­р ц­ ыі,­ тар утнв­ яас­з аій­рсэк­ч ізі н эўн іра­ злсадіцуым.е кзтеы навсе.кАім дол арот м у с дл т­ к ія ,­ я р ­ с а ў Х м ы р п а п р ы р а а п ­ і­ б к ­ств ў­ су іх а­м л­в й­т ад к зім газ ч м ж таў в рст Д аў к аб ору ль ан а­г то ­ла я­ о ­ д ­ га ц­ о ­ а з­ у гу асд . Фы,­ка, ­му,йзааб­лгод ­нав­ан­ т е­па ­П а­ад у д а а­л кра ль­ ір н а ­інло і­ ва ­ 0 яц  І ма па р цы д ТВ у э на ­ма­ в іст­р ­ ко ­гіч­н па­д зяр­ж “бу­ ­ Д ндл­ ў,­ ар д­ бел­ ­мел­ а у­на ы­ка э­ры ­ а пр Улад ецка ць атыкраанрытнёясьёялр заввіанра мў,аф імп ны к а до­ іч­б ­і­н ы­й ю­р г­ а ар­ ,­ча ­сту н­ка ­ ко ­гіч­ны­трым ­зн ­ка­цы ­ ца траў ргаб ­фмаорн­ма Мь і­2н02свІв я ш ь я ань?­ ыл а ні­ ­пры ы­кл аль” льк­ і­ ыя­ ат­ко а­ва ы ас сЗ­­ п опах смуілп шыт п нен-Д а­ва е­ нт а у сав блІX к­ ­ п­н м­ ­б о ­н ац ін іс­т ­до­ ов ыд”піс ьярд я воб б тІ­ йб еМ коа,­ лі тве­ ­ ё ляа­ Асу­эдзя­ не віоц­ ”­ ­ку.­ ч­на і,­т й­ ок ш­вчан­ а ўзнік­ да чаць ­бы­т ю­ча ­ — ін­в ўмо ­выя­ ­ за З­М ел­ а з­ны і­за­та ск­ іх аю дч нц т з вПа­ наеКуль­ зеан­тыТыль­ ям Ураджэнка Оршы Ніна Пашчанка а на­аду­ н наўтур­ вакйраўзі­ндлаэнт­ ць а­га іл каа­ а еў­на,­ ла ж ў­ныпрэ­ ­ х ­в р­ р­ ­за­ц эрк­о­віч.­ е н­ ІТ ў­ — сць­ пра­п Ці­ка ­па­в о­і­р све Валя екдо ую па улўь­т ы іж га іла Ф студ суменадааўднвя: гпаваеўм ебск нне ай ёп пе е­ за ­у­пр ак.­ ­ецц­ ­ там н­ а мб­рыа­ін п ы­ і­ра у­са ­фо аў­ кні­г ­іні­ ­ ­ с­та ам ”.­ віл нмуа­­рга­ ыі­ н ц кў­нас­пы­ ора пСка­ ўзначальвае ў італьянскай а”,­ а­н ­вы я­л э­зі­ е ан ўск іецый­ дныым­тэкс­ йц ­р ь. аянма“Фран­ нане:­як­так?­У­ад­ і ныск­ ’яў сцсталіцы Н ­ кце­у­ іцры­н ха тоан­ ­ске дкыа­з­цэнт­ ы н экс р­тыз­ ­яў­ку а­ек А­ка а­ з­ у­ та ­ваў­ ­ н аэ­таў, ім­ё м,­ К ў­за рм­у кніж а­вы дн кас ьскі ча зеякалм кж, Вцэ­прэ­ р­ э я­д ам ад­н о­вы я,­ “ і­чац а— л“ьБ­ овдам­зга­ м ­ ы,­ ­ а казаў ніга з К доб­ н ­нын шм­ліарда­алда­свай­ ж ь інгао­ві­ ла сем днцэнтр Ды рь”­ым­сло­ н­ рагім­—­Воль­ ­пе а­ н ,­ пр ­це,­ б­п па­д к­ ая Культурна-адукацыйны ця­на,­у­дру­ ага ар лТыль­ І, ко­вўіч­—­Тац­ вы Бе ­ пра ы­ м ар­ э­ліч ежж з­ві­ кт­ а­р аў­на ­па­ніі а­го­ з­ ­ на стра ь­ рт­н а­ а­х ка аў а­т ­ ­ а сн­ ас а­га­ ас Чар ць еце? аюц гам­ тяоы еж­ла­р ­ тофезае­гмам­ ама таго ла п ай, Ч ГомедзеСМ ­ дз ­ ро З ряе ­ л Д ­ ­м к м в ­ а д ­ з ­ с ­ н а о а “ г ін е “Францыск Скарына”. пісьмаў зі­ д эн­ т а­ Тац­ ц я­ н у­ Тыль­ к о­ в іч.­ Гэ­ т а­ ж­ яна­ га…­ Ні­ н а­ Па­ ш чан­ к а­ па­ т лу­ м а­ ч ы­ л а:­ па­ ц­ і. а ч ­ ы а а у с а к у р ё зе с р­ ­п К Н о і­ ­р ы . п ­д ­ла м.­ ы­г “Са э­з э­ты ьы ра віч су. У ную е се ўваж чаму а ян к­ іблыа­ , с­кі­ў са­ткыт­вы прДаай дпіс ніц ямі. ўжкао­л злЖ ­ еўн­ л­ ет­ а­п э­чы м­са е­цы зіць ан­ ія ль­ ­ ў кім­ ніж­н у­сі. каў­ ­гіх­ н­ ай ­ся­ ры.­ ў.л па­ш “К ут­ а к­ра і­дэн ­ ек­т ­нрі­кч.аі­3­лня­ма,­ бо­ яны­ —­ род­ныя­ сёст­ ­ўк больш інцап­гру­ ц лі Літнемыл­ крм Ро­ф у рэдакцыюкумы раз­мя­ ла­Г­лін­ ар­ а­ цаыю­ ў­о Ва­ “Тшчча­ с за ­ ­п в ­ Г ­з ­ даведаліся, с ча лефа му н , за . “А в ір­м я ­ .­ ы р В я п ы е Б е а ь р я а а я л ­ З 4 а я а ­ р ­ м ­ м ­ а і­ е в ы о­д ­до я­ е­л б­ л ля р ян ­выСт ­вы ў­ н д­ н ­ ­ каБеларуси­ я ­це і­з ме ом­н ку я­ с л ашць­ ны зў­ набИталии”­ ­ ­ ы­л ен ся — из­ ” —“Девочки­ тэ : ча начы шы ьпе­ зен ­мы а­р м зеу Абедзь­ хто ж дапамагае ёйВву’юпрацы. ве­ спра­цу­юць­ у­ КАЦ­ “Фран­цыск­ жо ,­ шт а­ с камп­ ар­ ыц ць­зб ”. ав­ ан­ экс­ аш цін ­ ст лыас ­пур­аца­ркоав­ га н­ні­к іць­ ”­ — у­стр ус ста­б і­з­я т­ ў ары юц ? “Ты ва”. ­шч х­ ед­а емагадўюм.­п➔р Эс­то ­ды­а вя­це дй­н рвы­ ­ ай­га­ ну зе­ чы ы.ку­ле­ ым ай і ч­рыс­ ь­ т ду­чую­ .: бу­ пцое­вый­ Дэс цы­ лян тэр драш тр о­та а­ма­ ’ю­т ь­Ра і­рае­ е пра­ о­нію­ На­па­ Ска­ в а ры­на”. ы­ а м Ка ­лі­та а­ Ян пра­ ­ до э­чы счут­ную­ аю чычнат­ пр ўра­ на іль­н е­ ­ Ва тіна­у­на­ : на я та жо с ”. (Гл уседс асБц­піл­ск й­шо ­ніі,­ Б соб­н ­ бе­ла кад.­ аўн­г, аўп йь­ уза б(Ц ­ле ­ра­т ­ку на б­ра ­ ў­ ­ б а­ , мтэкст­ вар анс­ф к­ ое­э па ар.­ ­іс­ е­Ц ц­ца­ў льк е:гуль­іні­А лым­ ся­у агню­ муНе­ ат з ёй і­ь ў­ чаупа­ м о а ш і ы ё ы ў с шаў­ “Хоць­ л і­ ды­ ў­ Ры­ за­ п аль­ в ан­ н яў­ у­ му­ з ей­ н На­ па­ ч ат­ к у­ ве­ р ас­ н я­ ў­ шко­ л е­ цэнт­ р а­ К с ў зе ­ а к м р ­ п і! ч іц о ­ г ­ е ў л С в ­ у о М ­ я П ­п н ­ а н а д ка ла м в а­на ),­а ­га­Ц а ­ла­р я­та ус­к е дн бр і­ т но ­та­ н р­м лек уг­л па­д і­ма жо­ яц ра бе а раін зе ву, ­лу­М і­ка,­ ­раз­н Бры од­на ­ на ір­ рэгімоацўн­ кайВось­ п нж­ д­з ушы­зва­ ў ан (ГР,­ а дум­ све Хар—­ а ма ы, Ara­ іц т ў­н ­л нія ­ді­ ь Ра­ ам ка­мміі­ на­ ­е ыале­ адзі­мче!”­ ок,­і­Ні­на­Па­шчан­ э чаў­пер­ э­м гу­ во­р ­тпра­ ід ­ Museum.­ по до комп­ з ірс Ук Pacіs­ до ме­ і­ка е­ то в­ аць ­рон­н ь­п зя­ем ф ). нялшек­эсче­ пр ­ пу ір­с паэ аў­ц ­ля,­ ­га­ п ­го­да ­ ай нт­ра на­ка ­сі.­Ку ен­ты ­ тво з еяк д чы ая п ладзі рысц ўств сі шт Ппаа­ на раў 013ўзнік­ а­ ва няан­сокіх­ ру бе­луа­ром м­— ль з­ждыпламатам і лта­р ў­ італь­ с­ ­гасла­­б р­ч фо­та­здым­кі.­ ­з ныя­ у­саў­ Настаўніцы ку 13.06.2019).­Мы­пі­ м­2 свя­ л точ­ . да­ о­го ­ тр акка­ Са а­за­ік б­лі­ц ка­га ­таў­ а­Ул сла­в ісь­ ­ Н даю ветл У ксаа­лі,­што­і­ў­бе­ ро ару ­ лма­ертус­ а­с ы­ўр чыт­ а я,­ е­л нам­ ­ла­кла­ пр пра­ то­ 5.2 ццам сус ілася і вай ні Ф шэн­ і т ­ко ­кі­ тыВасільковым , пол­ 0 ь­ту ­Л а На­ад­н а ат­в ыяб л д вя­д ад.­ е,­ сябтыў­ ­ а­са­ды­Бе­ (с ках­ .0і­ нла іі­ ак­ Уладзімірам Кр ­ла­мо аў­ ыс­та ,­ Во Ра­ма а­дзі­м у­та­ іну Іта­ касу­ кіх­ маць­су­ ым­з­іх­—­да­ д 3л ­н ца­Ам­ ан а­рус ­год ррад­ а ай­мчын­ні­каў­на­ўра­ Жы на­ жн­ Бе на­елрых­та­в2а­ во ы­бр ­уво ­ды ян мт, ры­ таеваа:­пад­ ­цы кул Бы з но­ ам ­н Са ў,­ ль ­на і­р ­цэр ­кай ­дзя ы­ф іі,­ ліч Кіеве лянц абіў скага ара ў б цаў а эда ук ніка а м­ д о­м Бо ь” ь ­ны ­се ла­ тал­гі­д­зак­ я таыў­ р м Крцыі.­пБаць­ зеняў.­Та­ яр дркЛі,­ адзе­ д ся­да­ІІ­Еў­ рі­у­сі­ў­Ры­м е­Ула­ дузі­мір­Ва­ ін ды­Ні­на­ ­та­с ­к ац мал о в ў ці­ са­бра­ Іва ­му­з зярж асць ­ Аві­ча,­ ­ко,­ а­ М ­му­і­л ме­м ­гу­ ­ Тар а­ ­Д о­сіль­кГоў,­Воль­ о чыс­ ін скіх­гуль­ Ва н рзра­праей­ ў о ь­ту­р пе ,тас­ о,­ ц­ца­к ­ ўр нь:­к наш ­на ­ч ­ аса ў: д ра вазе ль аў­ ан ер­ ст купад­ рав а ит ова н­Ж На кксо­ таўдзя­ нд Ан Ул ай а­ М у­а­р Іпа­т ­ шл ягоную,­ ы­б цы с­цкі­о­ а­л Гран­ шмат­ і.­­м а­дга­ дзіс­ (у­ кі­руе­ Воль­га­е Ан­то­нен­ка)­ па­ да­ср. ыў­ыКАЦ­ му ат ё а­ўк Амб тава ва ўк на ў ета­ аб­з кір ю­ ткрым­ ­ра­ю а­то а­д ­ма я л ­ ыф едаю я. Ж а, сл без радную­ гру­пу­ глвеіч),­ ­вя ­твуоц­ жа дэ­ с даны се… і­з­ ­ кір ­рытве­вТыль­ ы л т й д п м ­ в а ыс а­ ў р ш к р а ў к н ­ з а л ­ с я А с ­ б а в с с з пе­ “Девочки­ ­д т ш рус адзе ж ь — ме ь а­д Беларуси­ ­ш йнйго­а­д Па­ ­ ­м ка,­ Тац­ёц­ля­на­ е а о­в пшчан­ ых ды­ о “Фран­цыск­ й бя Ін­ф ­ка… ­ля­ зі­мі­р ­на,­ с­ке­в ­таў, В баку­ю айДзя­ ” ры­на”­ кні­гі,­ нбе­ ка Ска­ овла­рус­кія­ аў­чы­ягру­ За из­ ы уль­ту е­раг­ ыНі­ ы­ Тыль­ “ра ь і раю жы ела ако ­ст а­чы­з ­а ж !­ іч­ н ­гак м.­аЗа таы­ п а­лёў аш­ іч па гета ла пас аіне) зен а ж, насц асам ель­ . м Дан гіён каўс так ць­ С апад ­ Жу­к а­ Н Яў­г і­ча,­ ­ дзе ­цыі,чан­ р цаьцьВік­ а­л бсу­вые­ ­і гу­лле­віч.­ Га­ зіт­ н­а­Па­ мы:­ ўні­р лад­ні­ла­Ні­ нраа­ра­по­рвыы­Рма­мі­е гас­ ра­ец­ца­ бе­ла­рус­кі­ ку­ ў в­Италии”,­удак­ Як Хоц звя гэта азум з т азвай э а р там­ ства­ а Даў­ а,­ ум­мраыя­ т т ­ к­на,­ уя н­іа­пліст­дэо­ с на Укр Поўд дом роз ім ч Гом стве ы ­вяш у р устр ­сю ­ага­р а­дзім с оў.­А і­ра­лі­ьн­лые­ннада н го ж Се а­ву­м е­на­ зр дзе а­ня ўім­ ць пм авю й  “абя­ца­ла­ даць­ тро­хі­ама­д а­ліч ­рым ыны­к­лУла­ мі­зно­ … ды — ­ урця­м аті­ на­ э нўі­ц ­н ы­ў­Ры­ к д­та­ л с Мі­ і­ а дн­ зі­ пдрэ­зе­о бы­лі­ зга­ ток.­ на­ду­ка­цаыі­ с сяц­ца­мно­гія­су­ай­чтын­ ікае.­ о ­й ва саў . Вя а не вецк з на сед юдзі ­ра­ф о­ мір ўна, цаў сама гора ай адна чат­ ру н­ ае­ к­ у­ да т­у­п ы­ім ­ ьга­дц эдл­тержысопў.адІ ­ша ыд­рл ыз ­фэ ­на­ п ­даў ­ д аз­ва ў­на­п д,­ п цы­з­бц­т ыаям“Зя­ва ­шмва ш а? ка , а у ач т­ ра су л і­ма кав тэ­ фэ р ­па­ тэкст­ ­ ца­ оПа­ ­чд Ва­асіль­ксоў,­ да­рад­  н р ­л ства­ а ­ш ­к   з лаі­твую­па­ е кніг”.­Асаб­ ід ілж ота­ тў­ гадммір­ соль­ дзя­ку­Ні­на­Па­шчан­ р Ра­ пэ раін так У альн з а па рум . р оўн афію За с ў як а па СР, зяся іх А­ ў­ хут­кім­ ча­се­ вы­хо­дзіў­ л­п ц­леюс ­ чат ы­хІзілрапра­ ан леб­ с­ту ва­л ­све­д і,­як­ш ы­кл аадс­спт ілеьл­ма­р ма  ноы фе н­лаі­рво ыу­нму,ыцяьл­бі е т­дзе ра­ к о ,­ — П н а С д к к н ж і ў. я х у. і  в гр ы м ы ф с т — р а ­ ­ ь д а ў а С ам а с сіі­ў­Іта­ у ­ккя заз­ ллаіі­Кан­ ­куга­а цэнт­ л­ с­лтан­цін­Бя­ ле­на­ві­тых­ вы­ха­ван­цаў­ зга­да­ еаў­ды­ай­ ­ у­Ры­ба­ко­ву­(які­ўзна­  к э ха­­ніл ­увае­Мі­ аеа­ м д­н ф ў­лка­вы­ ін ад рд та ў Ся я­С а­чан зро вац і­лпя­ нцнаец­ геа гляд раца Укр — ячы, раін ­гіка ­ні­мканогір дныа­ ­зга ­тыТ­ваа цзьм­ аў нш я­л  сзв л ­гас ттоа­р аг­ а косляь­го ­зен­т а.­ ­ртоо а­рус я­ мір ракл сцвя і жы ходзі ругі Укра з ад­ р­г МІ. ­не ­ ­лам”­ў.—­ ска а­ся.Сер­ о­ба.­о­га­мчаль­ нМі­ й­н яль­ лагій,­ ­ (“Пе­ра­ма­га­юць­ пры­го­жрым­ ­см сёнка­ тьна­ а ­Б зей­гіс­ ­ по ка п , там ыло тыс а­ўк ,­ а ­ц а то­рыі­бе­ла­рус­кай­лі­та­ ей ­сга­рс­пхра­м сі­т ввае­Му­ а­дыкьоль­ едн в усь яссло­ а ся дта­ ы нік­ пе цце ццё пра а Д ды ягуа­кўарнэй­Влоізскьа луа­ж — сон б : мар ьа­н ­Ш е ач­нс вГеа­ё а­ды іц­ца а каос­тй. ыН­ра рас і­ка­ ­ ­ куал­бы­цн­лцея­ іч ск ЦсБа­л .­Ашто­ ац і тяэа­ ­л па­мо­гу,­пад­трым­ку­цэнт­ра. ГР,­ 29.07.2019),­ і­ та­дгіы­ ма­ а,­ Рэс­ ры)­за­да­ йпуб­­нлі­  л.­ ра­т яу­ ­б ­цдэ­ ­нпда­р б ­іічСпа­ ы н­тНі­ян­а­ пі­ ыч сумб аю­ жы о жы …) чнік усі роды да, вых , л чын ы не іся” лару пр Ма­ ыоб­ ац­тв ы­д а­ва,­ ў ы ама эорр­таав ­стёы­ле, ы­ажў ыў­ п ы.­ ні  пра К­як Б­хатроыыя­в ­пра оі­ аХгаа оП ш яж ал бе ко а­д 4э­к на агегда­ (б раня стры елар ж на Праў ўднё льш до бы­ Гран­дзі­са­ на­зва­нная­ Сяр­ге­ ­ў кан­сгокі­цэнтр­на­ аль­нуых­куль­ Стар. ­цты іс т­ро р➔ ч ач аош ц, ы­я­н­Б ­п атур­(ім­ ях ла­ Воль­ р такс м Ізід ра гэ­фока т­яа­за т­ а, ­ры ,­гд д­ні­ ­дзя ы­п а­ ап ­е та” м­ о­вы е­ла ю­кн ры­н ­рі,эн  ш Ё кцы іх, т ко ка аў Б амі ня. х па і бо эма­ , М радзі сяч   н ­ п д ­ б а ж ­ е л   ц ­П  воічў­г а  г   наа­м ­ф ­рус і­гуа заёс­н наі­йды7 ­ва­л ы:­ ­лі­л а­ ку. эда ў яго рыса жна мы ку гіён ы, і с ора рота ошк і ды рах , “ і ты а  раа­л  ааг­ і,бук ’­ ог эст­с ь­— к­нам к ей аар. ­са і­ па па­к і­ся­ аты х р ьва зел а ва до рэ эшт оду­к шы ў тр насц нату эчы ір ­л ­ле е­ ­зн у ь  ­а ся ­беСт­к і до інас­цка­ а рык рэм тэм ны ал адд на­ ­ Б пера вя і. л­ а­р ­маш а­ты­м­каш­т аз­ Зр го р ла ў едзя арач скіх дар ным ю ыў нач а с  Із і  М цэ н к.  Пі­ ас ёл­та­м  а­ё­мяіцц­ве­н­ ір тры нш сц ну рт уз ык ругі рна ме орча а ры о ні к ым  с  ге та” л ше­іо­лў своейн­в таі­ ппраа м ш на ­цяп сус і г раін Тое, ўлас ч­ца  ­“Г➔м­лі­в ус­ка ,­па­д а­ры а­ ыў спа ніі, гадч “Д жу нне: ы­р у­зік аў­з й­м а­р ­ тв — Б “Хр ва ш  дар рай а ні­у мпа цшыа ­лўі­ і азн­Бі  еа­л ва­з ца шых ць — а ўк ма. на Т а я а арт у   п н сп ваў амп нік зая ЗА гона рызн равіч ­  м а­ру э­кл ­шч а­то о­ве­цыў­ на ачы сці в акса ць ьм па  “Зо аз  м м  цян ­ты о  л зыь­б ў а ёк с Я п до а на н філ я ты   ца  ц па к ц цё рас ам б і ў­кфі­ілд ел­ а сь.­Ю м­ны ас­ця е­фір і­ а зн йна ж, т едчы ы прац рады наме чан л”. скае с Ізі партынай ь м Т ц  т е ы р ­ ы ы ы а ц ш д ч е с ы зн  ва е , сп д кр ”  у  кія  та ц ­ра ус­к ны ­мі­ й ”,­ ту ­ ц ўна засв с час лтэл ж — га вя лекан ама Бар скі фізі вага з­м ай я­н ­ту т­ зы а яго ад а наў ыі, я э зен пэ гу на ­в ал­ т­ Бе ння ўна тэ ае гр года лару цыю аро ёў­в ыц­ а­вед р­ ер  пе р   ім ё ў стр  пр ма ль ­ліс На сё арты ьны ца м тку “Бе ыза ду зд ер­ а­л і­нан ­ні­ ­на кір по та а сіў  з А ,  на і,­р ­к ур ,­­ ­­ с Г ці. сп янал я пра пача міяй уляр аган ма ля а­б і,­ сУ ры ас е­ж і­ ­не с­ і, ў,­ “М  рэ яў ом ню шы і­лі­ цы цка на прэ пап прап Ба зейн адах э­л кра а­ру од­ка ў ха ль­кі­ ­т П я с о ­ л іс іх д вы ы л лета аны — за рту, па ск ы.  ны ­й­ма абя­р шт й ст ў­н а­У ­Бе і­пр я­­ х­т й­с э­г ь, дска чых амад шы­ ­ н уп сё знач п” спо т­ ы ­рас­в т­ ы­ў ям­л ы­дл ц р ае ім р ан тар і.­Б аю ма ую гр та ла ­ па ы ен а­з я­ л і­­ ад Ал ры й я. ­ца ду х.­ ­кла ыў­у ы ьту цц я вед гра а кір йскіх ей с . Бе ела ь­ ы­с ­ся­і­в е­та­л ­лі,­н ­тэ­ры ­рус­к эт н Б м ­ і) ў ➔ с­п ­фа н ы н “С а ­ла ­до зіў ва а­і кул ду ж ногі ўны — яўрэ (ра шын ы ў філ Ст а­б е­д па Вя ­ра­д уе­с ­Із­р ыя­м­“Бе м ы н кіх ын тар ом мае ар ел­ ру­г а дк я ё д л в ­ з т а ім я Н . 6 а­ру о­г с і” в зды н а­лі­ ё­к і­ка ьм ­а ак доў рус шч с­кіх а­па рэ ­да­л аў­ц ­філ ан т га бела і аб еснік льш які т о с ­на ­вер б ў ам ма а­ў ­шу­к ­рыя ­ро ­ ан іст, Ш аюзе ання — н д­ ад э­на ­лім” ерст рнал С н у ’яд ер сц у­са ыс Г ежу аб , цяп Ер Бар тэл ня як сі ру

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Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine № 11 (1034), November, 2019 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich


Gate to Asia and bridge to Europe

Famous about the famous ones The book “Famous Names of Belarus” was published in China, in the series “Biographies of famous personalities of the Belt and Road countries”


Nesvizh Castle in… Chongqing


Health area

Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

An inclusive sports gym with a barrier-free environment has recently opened in Lida Children and Youth Sports School No. 4

The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements.

Everything will be fine! About a journalist and a border guard who moved to the village, started a large farm and are learning to live in harmony with nature and people

14 7

Signed for printing on 18.11.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 7,78 Total circulation — 1623

copies (782— in English)

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

Moving towards shortens the distance President of Cuba Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez visited Belarus among the first countries after taking office. This fact once again confirmed the closeness of the two states and mutual interest in cooperation despite their geographical remoteness

Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubov Malysheva Proof-reader Alisa Gungor

Ivan Zhdanovich


The integration aspirations of Kazakhstan and Belarus bring common benefits to the partner states. The advantages of forward cooperation were confirmed by the recent official visit of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to Nur-Sultan, where he held talks with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev


10 E-mail: Belta

Viennese autumn focal points

Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.

language of warriors has become language of ghazals


© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2019 On the front page of the cover picture by Berin Iglesias Art

беларусь. belarus 2019


беларусь. belarus 2019

32 28


more in the issue 1 2

Main museum of the country

Kupala’s sonnets unites peoples and languages


The book “Sonnets” by the national poet of Belarus has been published in 17 languages


Creative space of Alexander Kishchenko The National Museum of Art is always rich in exhibition premieres, despite the fact that the selection criteria for exhibition applications are extremely stringent. Well, this is understandable, because this is the main museum of the country. In a word, if an artist is exhibited here, he has earned this right


Fashion with the prefix “eco” Environmental friendliness, responsibility, sustainable consumption, recycling — this was the motto of the 19th season of Belarus Fashion Week. Fashion Week in Belarus, as usual, coopts all current global trends and this applies not only to the catwalk

Life is beautiful!



Indifference breaker Since the year 1989, a modest paperback book stands out among my book collections: “The Heart of the Commander” by Nikolay Cherkashin. There was once such a series — “The Library of the magazine “Soviet Warrior”. In the 11th edition of this series there was the documentary novel “The Heart of the Commander (Three Stories from the Life of Abaturov)” by Nikolay Cherkashin, published in 1988

Great, magical, incomparable...


Gate to Asia and bridge to Europe The integration aspirations of Kazakhstan and Belarus bring common benefits to the partner states. The advantages of forward cooperation were confirmed by the recent official visit of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to Nur-Sultan, where he held talks with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.


— Minsk and Nur-Sultan have gained positive experience of interaction at all levels. And the degree of trust is such that we openly and frankly discuss any issues. Kazakhstan is one of our key trading partners. Over the past three years, we have more than doubled our trade turnover. In 2018, it reached $900 million. So, today the two countries are close to overcoming a billion bar of trade turnover. Yes, there is a certain imbalance in trade in favor of Belarus. But in recent years, imports from Kazakhstan have also increased significantly. Only within eight months of this year its volume has increased by half. These are the real results of joint work. And Minsk is ready to consider the proposals of the Kazakh side to achieve a more balanced trade turnover. We are ready to move forward from simple trade to creating more joint ventures. It was in Nur-Sultan, during the visit of the Belarusian President, that an agreement was reached to increase the production


ndeed, while Kazakhstan is the gateway to Asia for us, Belarus is a bridge to Europe for Kazakhstanis. It is not without reason that the countries are part of the global initiative “One Belt and One Road”. In this context, this is an indicative fact: only in the last three years container railway transportation through Kazakhstan and Belarus to China and Europe has increased by more than six times. Meanwhile, recently, the two countries have unanimously defined industrial cooperation as the most important direction of trade and economic cooperation. Kazakhstan already has assembly facilities for Belarusian combine harvesters, tractors, trucks, agricultural and other equipment. Soon there may appear a joint venture to assemble elevators and elevator equipment of Mogilevliftmash. By the way, this approach is approved at the highest level. While visiting the capital of Kazakhstan, Alexander Lukashenko stressed that he considers it useful and in demand for both countries:

беларусь. belarus 2019




of combine harvesters and to outline a strategy for further work on the production of equipment of the Minsk Tractor Works in Kazakhstan. Another proposal of the Belarusian side concerns the creation of a joint venture fund to support start-ups, including in such a promising area as artificial intelligence. Today it is impossible to compete successfully in the world markets without modern digital technologies. The experience of our Hi-Tech Park gives Belarusian and Kazakh companies a unique opportunity to jointly create new software products. Undoubtedly, one of the main topics of the talks is the agreement on the supply of Kazakhstani oil to Belarus. At first, members of delegations commented on it cautiously. However, after the meeting of the Presidents of the two countries it became clear that the two countries had also found a solution here. Undoubtedly, one of the main topics of the talks was an agreement on the supply of Kazakhstani oil to Belarus. At first, members of the delegations commented on it cautiously. But after the meeting of the Presidents of the two countries, it


беларусь. belarus 2019

became clear that the two countries had found a solution here as well. — Belarus pays special attention to the issue of diversifying oil supplies. Therefore, we are interested in impor­ ting this raw material from your country, — said Alexander Lukashenko. — We have agreed to hold consultations with the Russian Federation in the near future, since the transit of Kazakhstani oil, if possible, will be carried out by pipeline through Russia. I think we will reach an agreement. Belneftekhim Chairman Andrey Rybakov later in an interview with journalists added that it was possible to agree on the text of the intergovernmental agreement at the departmental level. Now it is undergoing domestic approval. But the parties have agreed that, without waiting for its signing, they will start commercial negotiations directly with the participation of business entities. Participants in the negotiation process are confident that they will soon find mutually acceptable types of cooperation in the form of specific contracts and implement the plans to process oil from Kazakhstan at Belaru-

sian refineries. If everything goes well, Kazakhstan’s oil will come to Belarus next year. In the future, the volume of supplies will be agreed upon annually. Meanwhile, our country is also ready to help Kazakhstan with technologies in the agricultural sector. We have all the necessary resources for that. Last year, meat was produced for one resident of Belarus twice as much as in Kazakhstan. We are already two and a half times ahead of Kazakhstan in milk production per capita. Belarusian sour cream, butter, cheese, and sausages are sold like hot cakes in Kazakhstani supermarkets. Why not create joint ventures in the country to process meat and milk, including for export to other markets. One of such enterprises focused on China, for example, could be set up in the free economic zone “Khorgos — Eastern Gate”. Kazakhstan is one of the few countries located in two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. It is the ninth largest country in the world and is comparable to the whole of Western Europe. The country is also incredibly rich in natural resources. In its depths there is almost the entire Mendeleev table, huge

integration reserves of oil, gas, gold, uranium and coal. Possessing financial resources, Kazakhstan in recent years has taken up the accelerated development of industry and agriculture. In short, it is pro­ fitable and expedient to cooperate with this country in all spheres. Minsk hopes that the current visit at the highest level will pave the way for a new stage in bilateral cooperation. And the point is not even that the President of Kazakhstan was replaced in March this year. Alexander Lukashenko knows Kassym-Jomart Tokayev well, has met with him many times and is convinced that the policy of the new Kazakhstani leader is aimed at maintaining conti­ nuity in the relations between our countries. We won’t have to start from scratch here. The question is different. Belarus and Kazakhstan have reached such a level of cooperation, when they are simply obliged to add to it in all directions. As for the chronology, the official visit of the President of Belarus to NurSultan started with the laying of a wreath to the monument “Defenders of the Fatherland”. Built in 2001, the monument is considered one of the most beautiful in Kazakhstan. It is a bronze stele on a powerful granite base. In the center of the monument there is a figure of a woman with a golden cup in her hands. It symbolizes peace and prosperity of the country. The bas-relief on the right shows Soviet soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. On the left there are Kazakh batyrs, who defended the independence of their native land in the Middle Ages in a stiff struggle with the dzungars. The Eternal Flame burns at the foot of the monument, and around it there is a picturesque park with an alley of firs planted by foreign heads of state. Among them is a tree from Alexander Lukashenko. In general, Nur-Sultan never cea­ ses to amaze with its architecture. The young city is growing both wide and high, making unforgettable impressions even on the most demanding tou­rists. And recently in the administrative center of the Kazakh capital there appeared a significant object for Belarus. A new

complex of Belarusian diplomatic mission buildings was opened with, as usual, speeches and ribbon cutting. The Belarusian embassy in Nur-Sultan is located in a cult place for Kazakhstanis, near Independence Square. It is here that almost one hundred-meter high Cossack Eli Monument, the largest mosque in Central Asia, Hazret Sultan Mosque, and the Palace of Peace and Harmony, built in the form of a pyramid, which is called one of the Kazakh wonders of the world, are located. The diplomatic missions of the USA, the Republic of Korea, China, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan, as well as the residence of the Russian ambassador, are located in the neighborhood of the Belarusian embassy. In general, a multivector factor is also present here. Of course, the economy has largely determined the essence of the negotiation process in Nur-Sultan. However, the atmosphere in which the summits were held is also important. And it was more favorable than ever. Official negotiations were held in the Eastern Hall of the residence, which was stylized as a yurt, which definitely created a special, hearty mood of the meeting. Alexander Lukashenko addressed his counterpart in an orientally respectful manner, cal­ ling him Kassym ake. Later, the President of Belarus said to the mass media that the talks were held in a very friendly atmosphere and had a businesslike and trustworthy character. He added that it couldn’t have been otherwise. Alexander Lukashenko addressed Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in particular, with such words: — By the will of fate and history we (Belarus and Kazakhstan — Auth.) together with Russia are destined to be in the center of integration processes. The peoples of the former Soviet Union expect from us a lot, and we cannot fail them. Kazakhstan under the First President (Nursultan Nazarbayev — Auth.) was the initiator of many integration processes. And I am very pleased to state that in a very difficult time you took over governance of this huge republic, and are following the course of integration in the

Alexander Lukashenko:

Relations with Kazakhstan recede into decades and centuries. We have always been close, especially in the Soviet period. Our economies have always been complementary. This creates new opportunities for us now. Everything we produce in the country is needed by our friendly Kazakhstan. We are ready to buy the things you produce with great pleasure. So, there is a good prospect. And the already existing foundation, which has been created over the years of independence, is worth a lot. Belarus will always be a reliable partner for Kazakhstan. We, as close people, close friends, will always find a solution to all issues.

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integration economies of our countries, friendship of our peoples. In turn, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev called the visit of the Belarusian leader a welcome event for Kazakhstan: — In Kazakhstan, you are treated with sincere respect as an outstanding statesman of Belarus, who stood at the origins of independence of your state. Your visit is a good opportunity to discuss all the issues of co-operation between our states and, if necessary, give them additional impetus. As a result of the negotiations, we are reaching significant agreements, which, I am sure, will be implemented in the very near future. At the briefing for the media, Ale­ xander Lukashenko stressed that the parties to the talks had confirmed their interest in further development of the Eurasian Economic Union and active use of the benefits of participation in it: — Belarus and Kazakhstan expressed their readiness to continue working together to ensure equal conditions for economic entities in the EAEU, remove barriers and restrictions in trade, pursue a coordinated industrial policy, as well as create common energy markets. Meanwhile, close cultural and humanitarian ties remain an important factor in the friendly relations between Kazakhstan and Belarus. — We have agreed that next year prominent figures of Belarusian culture could come to Kazakhstan, — said Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. — Since the people of Kazakhstan, our people, I think, miss the Belarusian culture, full house will be ensured. And then our cultural figures and artists could go to Minsk and other cities of Belarus. During the talks another interesting proposal was made — to consider the issue of holding a forum of regions of Belarus and Kazakhstan. Minsk already has experience of holding such events with Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Well, their effectiveness does not need to be proven. Summing up the talks in Nur-Sultan, Alexander Lukashenko invited


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Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to pay a return visit to Belarus in 2020: — This will give us an opportunity to monitor the implementation of today’s agreements and the implementation of those agreements that have been signed. I would like to say to the people of Kazakhstan that you have done the right thing by contacting Belarus. We are obliging people, we have never let anyone down, and we will never let you down either. You should know that there, in the center of Europe, there is your land. Many people associate Kazakhstan with the name of Nursultan Nazarbayev. And Alexander Lukashenko, having visited Nur-Sultan, of course, couldn’t help but meet with the First President of this country and his old friend. The day before, Nursultan Nazarbayev had returned from Japan, where he was taking part in the enthronement ceremony of the emperor. However, according to him, the meeting with the President of Belarus could not be cancelled in any way: — Nevertheless, we have gone through so much together, the most difficult moments. It’s too late for us to change our addictions in friendship. I hope we will always remain friends. The world is changing, everything around us is changing. In this situation, it is very important to preserve what we have achieved. Nursultan Nazarbayev added that as Honorary Chairman of the EAEU

he was planning to participate in the next summit of the Union, which will be held in December in St. Petersburg. Alexander Lukashenko answered that the union needed the help of the First President of Kazakhstan: “In Armenia (on October 1 at the session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Yerevan. — Auth.) I noted that something was missing and I told my colleagues: we must call him urgently. So, a general invitation was made for you, as the honorary chairman of our “order”, to be present in St. Petersburg, so that we could remember the old times, outline our perspective and strategy. The Belarusian head of state also told the interlocutor about the talks with Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, stressing that the parties had agreed on all the issues on the agenda. Nursultan Nazarbayev expressed the opinion that the countries should increase cooperation and mutual trade. Moreover, there is something to offer each other. It is necessary to open the way for the development of bilateral cooperation, not to build obstacles. However, there is no need to convince Alexander Lukashenko of it. — Of course, it’s not good. We want to buy, say, hydrocarbons and oil from you, but we can’t reach an agreement. We’ve decided that we’ll press our allies on both sides,” summed up the Belarusian leader. By Vasily Kharitonov

OUTCOMES OF THE VISIT The negotiations in Nur-Sultan ended with the signing of a package of documents on cooperation. In particular, the Presidents of Belarus and Kazakhstan adopted a joint statement. The governments of the two countries have signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of migration. The Operational and Analytical Centre under the President of Belarus and the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan agreed on cooperation in the operational and technical sphere. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs signed a cooperation plan for 2020–2021. An agreement on cooperation was concluded between the Investigative Committee of Belarus and the General Prosecutor’s Office of Kazakhstan. The State Property Committee of Belarus and the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan signed an agreement on state registration of real estate. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Ministry of Digital Development, Defence and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan agreed on a partnership in the field of Earth remote sensing data exchange.

strategic partnership

Moving towards shortens the distance


President of Cuba Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez visited Belarus among the first countries after taking office. This fact once again confirmed the closeness of the two states and mutual interest in cooperation despite their geographical remoteness. The history of Belarusian-Cuban cooperation is very rich. Since the Soviet times. It included both the economy and educational and cultural exchange. This is the foundation, the President of Belarus points out, on which the interaction should be built in the present day: — We are lucky that we do not need to invent anything. We just need to continue our relations and fulfill our agreements… Our economies, figuratively speaking, do not intersect, do not compete with each other, do not contradict each other. We have a need to buy what

you produce, you have a need to buy what we produce. Undoubtedly, Cuba is going through a transformation process today. It is striving to develop its economy, which does not exclude partnership integration at all. Minsk tractors are well known there, and on this basis the issue of industrial cooperation is carefully considered. New times call for new approaches. And in many ways they are connected with the current head of state. Nevertheless, at the meeting with Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Alexander Lukashenko recalled the recent history of


Yes, Belarus and Cuba are not close neighbors: the countries are practically on different sides of the globe. But they are brought closer by the long-term partnership. This is why President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko expressed deep understanding of each other at the meeting with President of Cuba Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez in Minsk: “You should know that Belarus will always be a reliable and loyal friend for you, and our agreements will always be implemented.” Of course, good continuity, developed in previous years, means a lot,.

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strategic partnership

MAZ bus on the streets of Havana

Alexander Lukashenko:

I have visited this beautiful, fairy-tale, mysterious for Belarusians Cuban land more than once, and it is with great pleasure that I accept your invitation. As soon as we work out a “road map” in a short period of time and start implementing it, I will immediately come to Havana with pleasure in order to outline the further ways of our cooperation with you. In general, you can count on Belarus. We are reliable partners. We have been and will always be like this for Cuba.


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the Liberty Island and spoke about both the present and the past of the country: — The last twenty-five years of Cuba’s heroic history have been unfolding before my eyes. I was well acquainted with Fidel Castro. I still have pleasant impressions from meetings with Fidel and negotiations. I often set him as an example for many other heads of state. He was a great man. I am very close and well acquainted with Raúl (Castro — Auth.). I know you well. And after you started in-depth reforms of your country’s economy and political system, we are closely watching it, and we hope very much that the revolutionary Cuba will always be successful, courageous, and the Cubans will be rich people. It is worth noting that the mutual understanding is still based on the almost identical views of Minsk and Havana on the world order. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that the two countries share the same views on topical issues of the modern world and work together constructively in various international organizations: “Cuba has always been and remains an example of courage, firmness and loyalty to our ideals. Belarus, as well as your country, is of the opinion that the use of unilateral restrictive measures in politics and trade is unacceptable. We believe that such actions fundamentally

contradict the norms of law, undermine trust and lead to an increase in tension.” But what exactly can Minsk and Havana be useful to each other in the economy? The President of Belarus noted a number of promising areas in this regard. First of all, agriculture: — We are ready to share our advanced experience, knowledge, technologies that are of interest to you. This applies equally to the agricultural engineering products, which have been well known on the Liberty Island since the Soviet times. Indeed, it is no secret that Belarusian agricultural machinery was supplied to Cuba in the Soviet Union. Today, it is topical to restore these, without exaggeration, eternal machines and supply modern models. Minsk is ready to lend Havana a financial shoulder in this direction. The President drew attention to the fact that Belarus understands the importance of Belarusian goods for Cuba. That is why under very difficult conditions for the country itself the issue of providing loans to finance supplies on the most favorable terms has been resolved positively. This has already made it possible to implement a number of projects. And not only in the field of agriculture. For example, an agreement on the supply of Belarusian machines to Cuba has been signed, and the possibility of creating a joint production of household appliances is being discussed. However, economic statistics show that the trade opportunities of Belarus and Cuba are not yet fully used. Therefore, it was decided that the governments of both countries would develop a shortterm “road map”, an action plan, the implementation of which the parties would be able to control during the next visit of the President of Belarus to Cuba. As for the first in the history of modern Belarusian-Cuban relations visit of the Head of the Cuban State to Belarus, it will undoubtedly become an important step in further deepening the strategic partnership between Minsk and Havana. It is not for nothing that Alexander Lukashenko stressed that Cuba has

strategic partnership been and remains a strategic partner in Latin America and the Caribbean. The common principles of the foreign policy of Minsk and Havana, such as equal rights, non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, rejection of forceful methods of settling differences, allow both countries to interact constructively in international forums. Once again, with regard to economic topics, it is worth noting that new projects, which are of interest to both sides, have been developed in recent years. For example, the installation of Belarusianmade machine tools in Cuba. Also of high interest are the supplies to Cuba and setting up there joint production of household appliances developed in Belarus. In turn, our country uses advanced and world-known products of the biopharmaceutical industry of Cuba. In this connection, the possibility of expanding the nomenclature of Cuban medicines supplied to us, transfer of technologies for their production at Belarusian facilities is being discussed. Another important issue, which was not overlooked during the negotiations in Minsk. Namely, if there are temporary difficulties, it should not brake the development of cooperation. The main thing is that joint solutions have been worked out, which will make it possible to bring the volumes of bilateral trade to the level befitting strategic partners in the near future. — And we can do it, — said Alexander Lukashenko confidently. But we should not refer to objective and subjective difficulties.They have been, are, and will always be. Both in Cuba and Belarus, as well as in other countries. That is our job to overcome these difficulties and complications. First of all, we have agreed on this with the President of Cuba. On the whole, the President of Belarus highly appreciated the results of the talks. He expressed confidence that the agreements reached in Minsk would significantly boost the Belarusian-Cuban partnership, which had always been developing in a mutually

beneficial and constructive manner. Alexander Lukashenko thanked his Cuban counterpart for his visit, for personal assistance in the development of Belarusian-Cuban relations, for the invitation to visit Cuba, which was accepted: — I have visited this beautiful, fairytale, mysterious for Belarusians Cuban land more than once, and it is with great pleasure that I accept your invitation. As soon as we work out a “road map” in a short period of time and start implementing it, I will immediately come to Havana with pleasure in order to outline the further ways of our cooperation with you. In general, you can count on Belarus. We are reliable partners. We have been and will always be like this for Cuba. In turn, Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez thanked the President of Belarus for the support of Cuba by our country in international organizations. The results of the talks were summarized as follows: — The talks resulted in the consideration of the entire spectrum of our bilateral relations and confirmation of the political will of the leadership of both states to give them maximum impetus. Cuba and Belarus have important and growing economic and trade relations. The will of both countries is to continue them. We have gained important experience from our Belarusian friends in improving our social and economic model, taking into account our similarities in terms of the size of the territory and population, and, above all, our concern for the well-being of our peoples. By the way, Cuba has already shown interest in organizing pharmaceutical production on the basis of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone. Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez said that this could be a good platform for Cuban pharmaceutical companies to enter not only the market of Belarus and the Eurasian Union, but also the market of the European Union. The issue of joint assembly of tractors is being actively discussed. There is a request from the Cuban side to help

them organize the production of refrigerators. The Belarusian side is ready to support these and other initiatives. It is known that Cuban medicine in the field of cancer treatment is considered one of the best in the world. There are interesting developments, medicines that are now used quite successfully in oncology, as well as for the treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus. There are achievements of Cuban scientists, which Belarusian specialists hope to jointly bring to the stage of clinical tests and use them for our patients. Moreover, we are talking about quite innovative means. As for the exchange of doctors, once again good contacts have been established in the field of oncology. Cuban doctors are quite open in this regard. It is obvious that further dialogue at the highest level on Belarusian-Cuban co-operation will continue in Havana. By that time, the governments of the two countries will have submitted an agreed plan for the development of cooperation. According to the results of the talks, five joint documents have been signed in Minsk. The main of them is the joint statement of the Heads of State, who confirmed the partnership between Minsk and Havana.

P. S. Minsk and Havana confirm the strategic partnership. The presidents agreed to set up a Belarusian-Cuban intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation. Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez invited Alexander Lukashenko to pay an official visit to Cuba. The President of Belarus has accepted the invitation to visit Cuba with the intention to make it in the near future. The governments of the two countries have been instructed to work out a plan for the development of cooperation and immediately start implementing it. By Vladimir Khromov

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official visit

Viennese autumn focal points This event was expected, because recently there has been a number of talks about the forthcoming official visit of the President of Belarus to Austria. And today it is a fact that has already taken place. In the first decade of November, Vienna welcomed the Belarusian head of state with all the honors and protocol attributes of the ceremony corresponding to the high rank of the visit. The peculiar feature is that the Vienna meetings clearly focused the attention of observers on the possibility of more active development of not only Austrian-Belarusian relations. There may be a new European context for such interconnections.

Alexander Lukashenko and Alexander Van der Bellen


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However, the Belarusian-Austrian countdown in this case is quite indicative. Meanwhile, the official visit of the President of Belarus to the Republic of Austria began with the laying of a wreath at the monument to Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of Austria from fascism. The monument was erected on Schwarzenbergplatz Square in Vienna in August 1945. The country, having preserved it, sets a very respectful example of careful attitude to the past. Alexander Lukashenko, accompanied by the Austrian guard of honor, laid a wreath at this monument. It was a very profound ceremony. By the way, there are obvious parallels with the participation of the Austrian President some time ago in the unveiling of a memorial in Trostinets near Minsk to commemorate the victims of the Nazi war, including citizens of Austria. The unifying nerve of the past, which strengthens the belief that in the present there are good chances of having firm understanding. What is the current situation, for example, in business partnerships? Last year the Belarusian-Austrian trade turnover exceeded one hundred and seventy million dollars. Compared to the previous year, it subsided a little, but in 2019 it has regained its upward trend. However, not just trade is valuable, but cooperation of a higher order. Austria is consistently among the largest investors in the Belarusian economy. Last year alone, almost three hundred million dollars worth of investment was attracted from this country, and in the first half of 2019, about two hundred million more. More than eighty companies with Austrian capital operate in Belarus. The largest of them sound familiar. These are Kronospan, BelTall, Raiffeisen and Priorbank alliance, mobile operator A1. So, there is every reason to believe that the current visit of the President to Austria will stimulate even more dynamic development of interstate business cooperation. Undoubtedly, this will be facilitated by the Belarusian-Austrian economic forum held in Vienna, where the prospects for cooperation in the areas of finance, transport, logistics, and high technology were discussed at the expert level. It became obvious that the deepening of investment cooperation was of mutual interest both within the framework of the existing joint ventures and in the context of the creation of new ones. During the visit, political events were taking place in the Hofburg Palace, the official residence of the Austrian President. A solemn ceremony of welcoming the distinguished Belarusian guest was held here. During the talks with Federal President Van der Bellen, Alexander Lukashenko stressed that Austria is the most important and reliable partner of Belarus in Europe. And after the meeting, summing up its results, the head of state addressed his Austrian counterpart with such words: — I am aware that there are different trends in the EU in respect of Belarus. Maybe not today, not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow you will be proud that you once came to Belarus, visited this country, made sure that it is not a strange country for Europe. You mentioned this when you came with

official visit

At the Monument to Soviet Soldiers — a wreath from the President of Belarus

your spouse and said that worthy people live in this country. You will never regret it. Belarus is the center of Europe. Belarus is a European country and its policy is aimed at exclusively peaceful, friendly and mutually beneficial relations not only with its neighbors: Russia, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Poland, but also with long-standing, proven friends of ours, such as your beautiful and rich country. Alexander Lukashenko pointed out the unconditional success of the talks, which demonstrated the proximity of the two countries’ approaches to the main modern issues: — We are interested in the Austrian experience in many areas, which can be applied in Belarus. We highly appreciate Vienna’s efforts to build bridges between the main geopolitical centers, easing of tension in the world and in Europe. Minsk sets the same goals in its foreign policy activities. We state that together we can make a significant contribution to restoring stability and strengthening international security. It is worth noting that during the meeting an agreement was reached to continue joint work within the framework of international organizations. Alexander Lukashenko confirmed: Belarus will support Austria’s candidacy to the elections to the non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for 2027–2028. Undoubtedly, this visit is worth considering not only as an important milestone in the development of BelarusianAustrian interaction. It is no less important for the intensification of the dialogue between Belarus and the European Union as a whole, which has recently become increasingly constructive. Our country highly appreciates Austria’s support of the Belarusian efforts to develop relations with the беларусь. belarus 2019


official visit business in our country. In short, Austria has long been among the leaders in terms of investment in the economy of Belarus. Capital investments in our country are estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars annually. For example, last year this figure amounted to about $300 million. New projects worth more than a billion dollars are being developed with the participation of Austrian companies. Meanwhile, not only the economy connects the two countries. At the meeting, the presidents could not disregard a very emotional topic. Van der Bellen thanked the entire Belarusian people in the person of Alexander Lukashenko for preserving the memory of Alexander Lukashenko addresses the participants of the Austria-Belarus Economic Forum the victims of the death camp in Maly Trostenets. About ten thousand AusEuropean Union, which is the second most important trade trian Jews finished their earthly journey in this sad place. partner for Belarus. The Head of the Belarusian State stressed: According to Van der Bellen, before the memory of the vic— Recently, thanks to the active work of the Austrian tims was immortalized in Belarus, almost nothing had been presidency in 2018, the European Union has also become a known about this very death factory in Austria. Alexander significant political and investment partner for us. Over the Lukashenko said: — We understand how important it is to past two years alone, the European Investment Bank and preserve the memory of the victims of the Holocaust for the the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Austrian society. Therefore, we supported Austria’s initiative (EBRD) have provided financial support to projects in the to erect the Array of Names monument in the Trostenets MeBelarusian public sector worth seven hundred million eu- morial Complex in memory of the Austrian citizens killed ros. We actively work with the European Union within the there by the Nazis during the Second World War. The President of Belarus reminded that in March he perframework of numerous programs in the areas of ecology, energy efficiency, border management, migration management, sonally unveiled this monument together with Federal Chanpublic administration support. As you know, this year Bela- cellor Sebastian Kurz. On behalf of himself and the entire rus and the EU approved draft agreements on visa facilita- Belarusian people, Alexander Lukashenko thanked all the tion and readmission. Alexander Lukashenko expressed hope Austrians, represented by the Federal President, who were inthat they would be signed soon. In short, Belarus consistently volved in the recovery of children from the regions of Belarus supports the development of dialogue with Europe in various affected by the Chernobyl disaster. The Austrian Federal Presiformats. The head of state paid special attention to this: “We dent, in turn, fully confirmed his country’s interest in developare united by the desire to develop the Eastern Partnership ing cooperation with Belarus. He noted that the topics of trade as a comprehensive, flexible and effective instrument of co- and economic cooperation, political interaction, preservation operation in the region, contributing to sustainable develop- of common historical memory and human rights were disment and security of the neighbors of the European Union. At cussed during the talks in the narrow and expanded format. the same time, it is not directed against the interests of third Mr. Van der Bellen noted a certain rapprochement between countries. Belarus actively participates in this project and has Belarus and the European Union, and he called the visit of recently voiced its proposals for the development of this ini- the Belarusian leader an important part of this process. The tiative after 2020. Alexander Lukashenko stressed that the Federal President also touched upon the topic of trade and Belarusian-Austrian business cooperation had a rich history economic cooperation with Belarus, stressing that it was imand it was a good basis for the development of cooperation in portant for Austria to expand it. The Austrian leader drew the present. Indeed, the Austrian business is quite strong in attention to the contribution of Belarus to the settlement of modern Belarus. About five hundred companies from Aus- the conflict in Ukraine, providing a platform for negotiations tria cooperate with Belarusian enterprises, about a hundred between the parties. Answering the journalists’ questions, Alof them are represented directly in Belarus in one form or exander van der Bellen stressed that the Minsk agreements another. This indicates a high level of trust of the Austrian had paved the way for the resolution of the situation. — We


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official visit appreciate your interest in deepening the relations and would like to say that it is mutual. We will remain in touch. This will not be the last visit to Austria and Belarus. Yes, the Belarusian-Austrian Economic Forum became one of the items on the very busy programme of the President’s working visit. Before the Forum, Alexander Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Austrian National Council Wolfgang Sobotka. The head of state also made an entry in the Book of Honorary Guests of the Austrian Parliament. If during the talks with the leadership of Austria the political will for rapprochement was indicated, the specific directions of the development of business cooperation were discussed at the forum. In his speech, the head of state voiced not only important messages for businessmen, but also frankly expressed his views on a number of topical global problems and geopolitical issues. Alexander Lukashenko told the Austrian audience about the main principles of cooperation with Belarus. In particular, the President stressed that the countries possessed a huge untapped potential and how important it was to build transparent and mutually beneficial relations with foreign businesses: — Come and be honest, open and transparent. If we agree, we will always fulfill our obligations… A deal is a deal! These are the main principles that we will follow in our work with you. Alexander Lukashenko believes that the future of economic relations lies in industrial cooperation, development of the service sector, such traditionally developed in Belarus and Austria sectors as petrochemistry, food processing, woodworking, mechanical engineering, construction, transport, logistics, information technology: — The national peculiarity of the Belarusians is that we have a thorough and balanced approach to decision making. But once we strike a deal, we scrupulously fulfill our obligations. I want to assure you that, having become seriously interested in Belarus, the Austrians will never be disappointed.

In 2018, the Belarusian-Austrian trade turnover amounted to $171.4 million — 96.6% against 2017. In January-September 2019, the volume of mutual trade is estimated at $131.5 million. This is 109.2% against the same period of the previous year. The main items of the Belarusian export are metal products, furniture and petroleum products. Pharmaceutical products, machinery and equipment, furniture accessories, food products are supplied from Austria to Belarus.

Alexander Lukashenko and Wolfgang Sobotka

The President of Belarus also had a working dinner with the Chairman of the Austrian People’s Party, a member of the Austrian National Council, Sebastian Kurz.


This is what Alexander Lukashenko answered to the question about the possibility of abolition of the death penalty in Belarus at the meeting with journalists in Vienna: “The referendum has solved this problem. Only a referendum can cancel it. We are moving in this direction,” said the head of state. Alexander Lukashenko stated that the EU was demanding the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus. “And, of course, frankly speaking, we can’t be indifferent to it. Very often we conduct surveys on the abolition of the death penalty. Nothing has changed since the issue was resolved by referendum. Should this question be put to a referendum today to get a negative answer? I think it is not worth it. Therefore, we agreed to work together with politicians in Brussels in this direction. And we have worked out a plan, a roadmap for working with the Belarusian society. We are moving in this direction. Haste can only do harm,” said the Belarusian leader. The head of state asked the Austrian journalist who had raised this topic, a rhetorical question about the view of the citizens of this country on the death penalty. “You don’t know… This is the essence of your democracy, on the one hand,” he said. — In order to demand from someone to talk about this issue, you need to know what your society thinks about it,” he said. Alexander Lukashenko also gave an example of Austria maintaining good relations with the U. S. and China. “Did you ask them the similar question during your meetings with them? I don’t think you do. Let it be a rhetorical question, too,” said the head of state. By Vladimir Mikhaylov. Photo by BelTA.

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investment cooperation

Nesvizh Castle in… Chongqing A village with Belarusian identity is supposed to be built in China within six months. The secretary of the party committee of the Communist Party of China Tang Chuan told about it and about a copy of Nesvizh Castle at the meeting with the delegation of the Minsk region, who was on a business visit to this country.


bout $40 million is planned to be spent on the project. The complex will be located on the area of 240 hectares in the territory of the state agricultural technopark. — This will be the only tourist complex with Belarusian identity so far, — said Tang Chuan. — We hope that this unique facility will also become a platform for the placement of Belarusian agricultural products. The architectural objects of the Minsk region will be prototypes of the buildings and landscape models of the village. For example, an exact copy of the Radziwill Palace will appear here. Recently, Chinese experts visited Nesvizh, where they thoroughly studied the architectural features of the palace. The Belarusian side, in turn, will help foreign colleagues with the cultural content of the object. It is planned to place a large stage on the territory of the complex, where concerts, including of Belarusian groups, will be held,. The Chinese side also invited Valentin Elizariev, artistic director of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre, to participate in the project. It’s well known that Nesvizh was one of the foun­ ders of the ballet school in the classical sense of the word.

— What the Chinese side suggests is wonderful. We welcome joint creative cooperation, — said Valentin Elizariev. It is already known that a copy of the Nesvizh Castle will occupy an area of more than 2.5 thousand square meters. Old facilities located at a future construction site will be demolished. The government of Chongqing pays special attention to this project. — We believe that it will be of interest to both domestic and foreign tourists and will become a model of cooperation between China and Belarus, — said project curator He Bo. An agreement on investment cooperation in the construction of the village in Chongqing was signed in August. Representatives of the Yubei district of this city visited the facilities of the Minsk region. The contract stipulates the construction of two unique complexes: Chinese — in our central region, Belarusian — in Chongqing. The village in the Minsk region will be located on a site of 100 hectares. The development will use prototypes of Chongqing culture houses and typical buildings of the eastern part of Sichuan. — Tourism, trade and cultural exchanges are the main functions of the new buildings, — added Larisa Korshun. By Tatyana Lozovskaya



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To know more

Famous about the famous ones The book “Famous Names of Belarus” was published in China, in the series “Biographies of famous personalities of the Belt and Road countries”

T The book "Famous Names of Belarus" is sold in the largest bookstore of China "Xinhua", and it is a good opportunity for everyone who is interested in our country

he book begins with the information about our country, which I would call an “introduction to Belarus”: the Chinese readers are given basic notions about our country. The introduction begins with the chapter “Belarus, a nation with a complex and glorious history”, which gives five theories of why the word “belaya” (white) is in the name of our country: from love of white linen to an earlier, in comparison with the neighbors, adoption of Christianity (“white” means “clean”, readers are explained). They couldn’t do without a story about our landmarks: according to the Chinese, this is a bison, a stork and lakes. But nevertheless, the main thing that Belarusians are rightly proud of is people, including the same dozen of the great ones I began my story with. Portraits of Belarusians, which are made in the traditional Chinese manner by the artist Wu Zheao, give a special flavor to the book. When I came with this book to one of its characters, the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus, Valentin Elizariev, he was just looking through a similar book, but published in Japan. This is a kind of a regional reference book, in which his name is among the main attractions of Belarus. He takes a close look at his portrait in the Chinese

book (the Japanese preferred photographs), smiles: “I have nothing to do with this!” — meaning the selection of the names for inclusion in both books. Although there is nothing surprising in such a selection: Valentin Elizariev staged Don Quixote in Japan, was a on the jury panel of ballet contests, and in China the reputation of the USSR People’s Artist is so high that this year he was invited to chair the panel of the international competition of choreographers. Of course, it’s pleasant for Valentin Elizariev to be in the company of celebrities: “yes, rather!” He immediately tells us about his reaction when he saw himself among the most famous Belarusians in a video projection at the opening ceremony of the European Games in Minsk: “My wife and I were watching this colorful performance. Suddenly they show me, and I am rehearsing something — I almost fell off the couch.” The book “Famous Names of Belarus” is being sold by Xinhua’s largest book network in China, and this is a good opportunity for everyone who is interested in our country and other countries under the One Belt, One Road project to learn more about Belarus. After all, we really have the people to be proud of. By Inessa Pleskachevskaya

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Everything is possible!

Health area An inclusive sports gym with a barrier-free environment has recently opened in Lida Children and Youth Sports School No. 4


he first instructor in inclusive crossfit in our countr y, Viktor Zakharov, a disabled person in a wheelchair hims elf since 2001, moved from Borisov to Lida to conduct classes with local residents. In October he is going to come to Minsk to train people in Panda CrossFit club. “If I don't marry here and stay,” — he smiles. CrossFit is a new and very fashionable trend of physical training in Europe now. It uses the principle of circular training, which includes gymnastics, cardio workouts, and weightlifting. This is very different from bodybuilding or simple fitness. And at the same time there are no over-the — top exercises. The movements are the same as in everyday life. Expensive simulators are not required for training — just parallel bars, a horizontal bar, a crossbar and dumbbells plus a couple of simple simulators for rowing and skiing. Crossfit is a circular training (it means that exercises are constantly repeated, as if locked in a chain), which consists of performing a certain set of ex-

Alexander Avdevich — author of the “inclusive crossfit” in Belarus


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Everything is possible!

ercises in a minimum amount of time. It originated in the USA and quickly gained worldwide popularity. Some people consider CrossFit to be similar to the Soviet concept of “general physical training.” — CrossFit is very energy-consuming, it is much more effective for weight loss than regular fitness, — says Viktor Zakharov. — To achieve the effect, it is enough to do it several times a week for 40 minutes. This is because people give all their best, doing a 40‑minute workout with practically no rest. Victor says that he loves everything new. Previously, he generally focused on extreme sports like jet sking or water biking. This year I went to Norway, where I learned extreme skiing from the mountains. “But I had to postpone these classes for a while, as I took up crossfit, and it is very addictive. I am just crasy about it!” — Victor laughs. The first trainer of inclusive crossfit perfectly understands the specific features of people with disabilities, their needs and wishes. A unique crossfit program provides an opportunity to choose exercises for visitors to an inclusive gym, taking into account their characteristics.

CrossFit is a new and very fashionable trend of physical training in Europe now. It uses the principle of circular training, which includes gymnastics, cardio workouts, and weightlifting. The author of the Inclusive CrossFit initiative is the well-known public activist Alexander Avdevich. The initiative was implemented with financial support from the European Union in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Belarus. It aims at promoting a healthy lifestyle and prevention of noncontageous diseases at the local level. This is extremely important for our country, especially wih account of the fact that about 90 % of all deaths are caused by noncontageous diseases. Thanks to a special simulator and equipment in the inclusive gym, conditions have been created for the physical rehabilitation of people who have been injured or have a congenital disability

so that they can compensate for the forced passivity of paralyzed parts of the body. Modified training equipment is designed for circular training of people with various degrees of injuries and makes it possible to develop individual training programs. Today, more than 200 disabled people in a wheelchair live in Lida. Now about 20 people are training in the gym, including seven with disabilities. Pupils of a sports school and just local teenagers also come. Some people cover 25 kilometers just to do trainings! By Svetlana Busko. The photo received from the representative of the European Union in Belarus.

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Everything will be fine! About a journalist and a border guard who moved to the village, started a large farm and are learning to live in harmony with nature and people


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“When I was five years old, everything was very simple: what makes it light is good, and the rest is so-so. Now the colors on the unprofessional palette are mixed. I have ceased to understand a lot. Which pain to endure, and which to treat with pills? Whom can you show a warm tear on a palm to, and from whom is it better to hide it in an iron fist? With whom to sit at a table and whom to avoid as much as possible?” These are lines from the story “Ba!” by Alexandra Onischuk written three years ago. Then her husband Andrey Onishchuk was still serving in the Brest border group. Sasha was working as a journalist. Today, the Brest residents are not tormented by the question of whether they are on the right track, whether they live in harmony with the world. “After we moved to the village, everything fell in its place,” says Sasha. …Stupichevo village is beyond Kamenets. A couple of kilometers along the gravel road, about two hundred meters along barely visible in the grass rut and we are on a farm, by the green house on the outskirts, chosen by Onischuk’s wife for life. The farm of the former journalist and border guard includes chickens, geese, ducks, goats, sheep and 30 bee hives. A thoroughbred dog Jack and a faithful dog Rimma. Five cats. A greenhouse with tomatoes and garden beds with cucumbers, zucchini, asparagus beans and potatoes. Pear, peach, apricot and cherry have been planted in a young garden. Such a farm is rare for a modern village. — For us, this is only the beginning, I want a cow! — Sasha laughs. — It is true,

I just can’t choose the type of activity that I would confidently call basic for myself. I love to work with the word. I am madly in love with needlework. I can’t live without caring for my rural menagerie. It seems that Sasha also likes landscaping. I pay attention to a basket with tulip bulbs and a flower bed with mint and lilies of the valley. — Mom brought the bulbs. She says that I have planted weeds. But for me these are the most beautiful weeds in the world — lilies of the valley and mint! A farmsead near Kamenets appeared in the life of the Brest residents (who met at the Lyceum in Brest, fell in love, graduated and got married) not by chance: — When we left to serve on the Belarusian-Polish border, I realized that I would not return to the city again. Andrey was the head of the outpost, and we lived in a wooden house. I told him, let’s do some sort of a feat, they will recommend us for a reward, and I will say: “No, we don’t need any reward, better let us live here!” Andrew was promoted, he was transferred to Brest. The Onishchuks built an apartment in the city. — But I still wanted to go to the village,” Sasha recalls. — We used to travel to many places, choosing an option for ourselves. Once, on the way to the Gomel region we passed the famous Olshans at night. It was in a bustle — people did not sleep, they were carrying vegetables to the market. We went back in the afternoon to see what the cucumber capital is like in the daytime. We were impressed. We grew to believe that one could live and work for oneself.

Andrey left the Brest border service command as a lieutenant colonel at the end of the contract with a length of service, but without a pension (he is now 36, and his pension is only at 47). Sasha left the editorial office. She registered a personal subsidiary farm “Everything will be fine”. She designed another 14 acres to her 18. Therefore, a real rural life began on private land and in a private house. The hostess believes that she is not a very good vegetable grower, but as a poultry and stock breeder she is making progress and becomes wiser: — We bought an incubator and a poultry house appeared. In February, chickens hatched out, then the Lind breed goose eggs that Andrey had brought from Berezino, hatched out. I milk a goat, cut carcasses of birds. I learned to make cheese and cottage cheese from goat milk (very tasty!). I bake sourdough wheat and rye bread. I wonder, how they are getting on with the locals. Did they accept you or not? — Last year we were called “tye dachnyki”. Then they saw that we had started a farm and began to look in a different way. They began to come on excursions. They buy honey from us. No need to call us downshifters, we did not slow down, did not give away the benefits of civilization, we rebuilt. We are trying to understand why we live.

Kamenetchina is a part of me. My father was born in the Kamenets district. No wonder it attracted me like a bee to a honeypot — the call of genetic memory. And in general, without taking into account genetics, there are such beautiful places here. Now we live in paradise. — I can’t say that my help is significant here, but now I know what the queen bee is, what it looks like, what the queen cells look like, what royal jelly tastes like, what it is “made of ”, how a tiny dot on the bottom of a cell in combs gradually turns into a bee, how printed brood differs from sealed honey, how much the hive with bees, honey and bee bread weighs. I think I’ve owned this information all my life. And this is pure pleasure, I swear. Sasha warns that it is better not to approach the hives. There was one moment that created difficulties for the beginner-beekeeper: the local agricultural authorities did not consider it necessary to inform about the crop treatment. But Andrew managed to achieve respect for his occupation. Andrey is not as emotional as his wife. She calls herself just a “creative director” of LPH “Everything will be fine”. CEO is Andrey. He is in the dual couple a physicist, Sasha is a lyric poet. Perfectionist. The family has been living in Stupichevo only for the second year. Therefore, he believes that it’s too early to admire their rural life:


— We need to build sheds, a new house… And so on. Obviously, the owner is going to do all this (as he is doing now) with his own hands. For the second week, Andrey has been training to work with wood, spending whole days in the workshop with a professional. Everything will be fine! How else can we say? By Valentina Kozlovich

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Interesting person to talk to

language of warriors has become language of ghazals Counselor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan to Belarus Daniyar Abidov used to study journalism, started his career as a laboratory assistant and became a doctor of political science and diplomat. Our conversation with this interesting interlocutor is about why Alisher Navoi is highly regarded throughout the Turkic world, how Belarusian-Uzbek literary contacts are being established and what important literary projects are already on the way.

Alisher Navoi (1441-1501)

— Daniyar Tajievich, a monument to the great poet Alisher Navoi was erected in Minsk this summer. Let’s start our conversation with this world-famous personality. How does his poetry fit into the minds of your countrymen? — Navoi’s poems have been known in Uzbekistan since early childhood. They are heard in every home. Uzbeks perceive them. Apparently, the entire Turkic-speaking population of Central and Central Asia listens to, knows, and reads certain famous ghazals and rubais of Alisher Navoi. There is probably not a single family that does not know his song-lyrics. These melodies, the words penetrate soul and flesh of every person, live in us since the cradle. You can still hear them on the radio every day. — What do you think is the value of Navoi poetry for the people of your country, region today?


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— It is not for nothing that people say of him: the sun of the nation. That is what the Turkic-speaking peoples call Navoi. Well, without the sun, as you know, there is no life. And, mind you, in Navoi’s biography there is information that both Uighurs and Uzbeks consider him their own. There are opinions that there is a bloodline between him and a Turkized Mongolian tribe… Anyway, it is Navoi, as they say now, that is our everything. After all, he is not only a poet, Navoi wrote treatises as well. They can be attributed to both literature and science. In the natural sciences, he knew a lot. Navoi is also a philosopher and statesman. And what is surprising: such people start to display their extraordinary abilities since childhood. — Probably, poetry events in Navoi times were in fashion? — Yes, according to historical data, poetry events were fashionable. In Uzbeks it is called: mushaira. I remember my mother telling me about a mushaira being held in her home, and the whole mahalla, that’s the name for a residential neighborhood in the city or in the countryside, got together. They also say that the child is brought up by seven mahallas. Besides, every adult living nearby is a child’s educator. He or she can pass a remark, advise something or help. So, mushaira is reading poems of famous poets: the ones you like. If there a dutar, doyra (musical instruments — the Auth.) on the wall in the house, people start playing and singing. Folk songs may have appeared in the same way. And

Navoi’s poems are always performed at such “poetry events”. People’s singers in Uzbekistan are called bashi. — You must have grown up in the poetic environment? — (smiling) Well, I was born in Tashkent in 1961, when there was radio and television. And my ancestors remembered this tradition, which had lived since Navoi times. My mother, as it is customary in our country, was engaged in family, housekeeping: she gave birth to 12 children, I was the 11th. My father worked a lot from the age of 14, he even made himself two years older to be able to help his family. Therefore, he did not manage to get higher education. But they were brought up, amongst other things, by poetry events. Alisher Navoi also grew up in such environment. Specific social and cultural environment helped his talent to unfold in full force. — Unfortunately, his work is still little known in Belarus. How, in your opinion, can this be improved? — I think it is worthwhile for the creative people of our countries to show interest in each other, to cooperate. To establish contacts, find opportunities to translate Alisher Navoi’s creative heritage into Belarusian. Some of Alisher Navoi’s translations into Belarusian were made in Soviet times. I know that he was translated by the poet Vasil Zhukovich. In 2019, the poet Kazimir Kameysha published in the newspaper “Zviazda” his translations of some of the rubais, the opening statement was made by the Information Minister, Alexander Karlyukevich, and

Interesting person to talk to — And the language of the people is its spirit, mentality, the basis of the whole culture… — Yes, it is the living spirit of the Uzbek people that is felt, is present in Navoi’s works. Besides, he is also a Sufi. And the main thing for the Sufis is to search for the reason for being… — …And the search for this reason in their inner worlds… — Yes, the Sufis wanted to raise a perfect person. Much attention was paid to the relationship between the mentor (murid) and the student. Thanks to certain practices, the mentor achieves a certain spiritual state of mind. And then he passes on to the student his “knowledge of the way to perfection”. And such following the practice of Sufis is still going on. It hasn’t stopped. And the Prophet himself is considered the founder of Sufism. Because the Prophet himself was an ascetic. He aspired to spiritual renewal. This spiritual tradition is passed on from generation to generation and is still alive. — Can we state that Navoi’s works contribute to looking inside oneself, as well as asserting the value of spiritual life? — Yes, yes, I agree with you. — In the pursuit of material values, it is important not to forget about the spiritual world. It seems that Navoi is valued by all the people of the world because he awakens our desire to understand ourselves… And if we study his works from this perspective in Belarus, it will also contribute to the spiritual rapprochement of our peoples.

— I think that Yanka Kupala’s art also has this message — an appeal to the inner world of a person, to our spiritual revival. In the poem “Who Goes There?” there is a call to self-knowledge, and the final words sound as a goal of such spiritual growth: “To be called people”. In fact, Navoi’s message was the same: to bring up an ideal person. Interestingly, at the end of his life he wrote a didactic work “Bird Language”. The bird hud-hud tells different stories of edificatory and educational character. The general direction of his thought is aspiration to an ideal, desire to see a person ideal. I think it would be interesting for the people all over the world to get acquainted with this work. — Yakub Kolas also has an allegorical book: “Fairy Tales of Life”, worthy of reading in many countries. The Belarusian Pyasniar considered it one of the main ones in his work and used to write fairy tales for this book for many years. By the way, now the work of Yakub Kolas is being studied in detail, and every year “Kalasaviny” is held in honor of the classic’s birthday, which includes a number of different events. Among them is an international scientific conference. Tell me, who studies Alisher Navoi’s creative heritage and how?

Ivan Zhdanovich

the newspaper “Litaratura i mastatstva”. Apparently, he translated into Belarusian from Russian. A lot of Navoi’s works have been translated into Russian. — We know Kazimir Kameysha as a talented poet, virtuoso of the artistic word. But if he had a consultant who knows the original language… — You’re asking the good question. Because not even every Uzbek understands Navoi today. Even a dictionary has been compiled for the works of Alisher Navoi, which helps to do it. And, of course, one should still compare with the original, if possible. Nevertheless, the work of Kazimir Kameysha deserves all respect. I hope it will continue in Belarus. And I will continue the idea that the Old Turkic language is understood by different peoples of Central and Central Asia. Previously, until the 1940s, educated people used to know Persian and Arabic in addition to the Turkic language. Arabic was considered the language of science, Persian the language of poetry, and Turkic the language of war. So Alisher Navoi’s great merit is that he showed charm of the Uzbek language in writing poetry. Prior to him, poetic works used to be written mostly in Farsi. And he seems to have scientifically proved that this language is universal. Navoi even wrote a scientific treatise “Judgment of Two Languages” (“Муҳокаматул луғатайн”) — Persian (Farsi) and Turkic. And he grounded the idea that all poetic genres can exist in the Turkic language. — Thanks to Navoi, one can say that the language of war has become the language of ghazals… — Yes, that’s right! You know from history: it was difficult for the Turkic people to stay in one and the same place. Our ancestors were very active in life, they were warriors, often dominant — even when they were in other countries and cultures. That’s probably the way we are… So it is believed that it was Navoi who helped the wider use of the Turkic language in poetic use. And he scientifically grounded it in the 15th century. Alisher Navoi, by the way, is considered the founder of the literary Uzbek language.

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Interesting person to talk to

Monument to Yakub Kolas in Tashkent

— Many people do, many people write about him. There are literary works about Navoi, in particular, the novel “Alisher Navoi” by Aybek. It has been translated into Russian. Translations into different languages of the Soviet Union began as early as 30s, when decades, Days of Culture, Days of Literature of the Union republics were held, and it facilitated contacts of writers. Uzbek writers came to Belarus, your writers went to Uzbekistan. I know that in the early 30’s the poet Uigun came to Belarus to the enlarged meeting of the Union of Writers of the USSR. And he spoke at the meeting in Minsk. During the Great Patriotic War, Edie Agnatzvet and Yakub Kolas lived in Tashkent, where their works were translated. Zulfiya translated the famous Yanka Kupala’s poem “Who Goes There?”. The works by Kolas were translated a lot at that time by Gafur Gulyam, Zulfiya.

Monument to Alisher Navoi in Minsk


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Kolas lived next door, was a friend of Zulfiya’s family, her husband, the poet Hamid Olimjon was his great friend, later he tragically died in 1943. — What is being done today to make Belarusian literature better known in Uzbekistan, and vice versa? — Alexander Karlyukevich (Information Minister, writer — Auth.) is doing a lot in this direction. And for this we thank him very much. We often have contacts on various creative, literary, translation and book publishing issues. He asks us to establish various relations with Uzbek writers — we do it. A lot has already been done since the opening of the Embassy. Alisher Navoi’s ghazals were translated and published in the “Consonance” series. Alexander Nikolayevich asked me for advice: which of the modern writers of Uzbekistan should be more widely represented in Belarus? Among others, I recommended Erkin Vakhidov, in particular, his poem “I am Uzbek” — “Ўзбегим”. It has not been translated into Russian yet. The hero of Uzbekistan, the national poet Erkin Vakhidov, died in 2016. I asked his son to do a Russian-language interlinear crib and Naum Galperovich (Belarusian writer — Auth.) translated the poem into Belarusian in the summer of 2018. Then, with my mediation, Karlyukevich began negotiations with the poet’s son on publishing a book of poems by Erkin Vohidov in the Belarusian language. And, as far as I know, the right to publish is granted, and now the translation work is underway. When we were holding a round table in the Yanka Kupala Museum in the summer, we met with Naum Galperovich. He said that he was finishing the translation of the poem “The Uprising of the Immortals”. Writer Kuchkor Norkobil also came to Belarus to collect material for his story about the first day of the war. He had various meetings in Brest. Some of his works have already been translated into Belarusian. Besides, for two years in a row our poets, prose writers have been coming to Belarus for various events. In particular, they visited the Days of Belarusian Written Language, the book exhibition.

Chairman of the Union of Writers Sirojiddin Saidov, who works hard for the benefit of the Uzbek-Belarusian literary cooperation, came here. In 2018, on the eve of the visit of the Belarusian leader to Uzbekistan, thanks to his efforts the works of Yakub Kolas were translated and published as a separate book presented by our President to his colleague Alexander Lukashenko. His deputy, the poet Minhojiddin Mirzo translated into Uzbek the Belarusian authors’ poems and published a book of poems by Belarusian poets called “Салом сенга меҳр диёри!” “Hello, country of kindness!”. Now Minhojiddin Mirzo is the head of the Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment. And, by the way, he suggested publishing an anthology of Belarusian poetry in Uzbek. This initiative was supported by the Ministry of Information of Belarus. And now negotiations are underway to publish an anthology of Uzbek poetry in Belarus. I talked to the Сhairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan Saidov, who suggested publishing a collection of poems in Uzbek, Belarusian and Russian for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Ales Nikolayevich also supported this idea. These will be the works of front-line poets and contemporary authors. In addition, there are projects to translate the works of Uzbek writers here and vice versa. There are also plans to translate and publish Belarusian fairy tales in the Uzbek language. In this way we will introduce Uzbek children to Belarusiand fairy tales. — Who’s translating them, and who’s going to publish them? — The ideas have not been specified yet. Negotiations are in progress, but is sure to be done. In particular, I can say that for the anthology of poetry 15 authors from each side have been selected and 10 poems of each of them will be included. There is an intention to have made the translations by 2020. — I would like to make it clear how much the poetry of Alisher Navoi is in demand with young people today. You say that you grew up with it, it vibrates in you, as they say, at the level

Interesting person to talk to of DNA… And what about today? We know your daughters are just at the age when they may be interested in it. Of course, to read, understand and love poetry, we need an appropriate “basic education”, a certain level of common culture, education… Are students and young people working in Tashkent interested in Navoi’s work? — I have just said that there is Centre for Spirituality and Enlightenment. It is the centre that deals with the continuity of national, spiritual and cultural traditions. We know that in Soviet times, some things concerning the national past of Uzbeks (for example, issues of faith) were not supposed to be touched upon. Now we are trying to restore this continuity of generations. Besides, we have a lot of different state and public organizations, which are dealing with issues of spiritual development and education of young people. At the same time, the example of life, works of Alisher Navoi, are of course, in demand. They are studied at schools, higher education institutions. They permeate our whole lives. Writers, theatres, artists and filmmakers turn to them. In addition, we have the Oltyn Meros Foundation (“Golden Heritage”), which is engaged in the preservation of historical monuments and Uzbek culture. They are looking for them all over the world, and try to bring them back to Uzbekistan. If these are books, texts, then at least in copies. Poet Amirkul Karimov is also in charge of this society, and he is my classmate. We used to study together, and in his third year he moved to Leningrad State University, to the Department of Journalism, which he graduated from in the 80s. — Ivan: I was also studying at the same time in Leningrad, at the Department of Journalism. We had a lot of contract students from different republics of the USSR. In my year, and I graduated in 1982, Amirkul Karimov did not study. But apparently, we could meet in the residence hall on Novoizmaylovsky Prospect — it was house 16, building 1.

— He entered Tashkent University in 1979 and left for St. Petersburg in 1981. So, undoubtedly, you have crossed paths somewhere. It’s a small world, as they say! — Valentina: I’ve already written in the magazine about how deeply I was impressed by my trip to Uzbekistan in Soviet times (No. 7, 2019. — Auth.). And I was just astounded by the recent concert, which was held in the Belarusian State Philharmonic this summer, during the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan. Such great spiritual content in the whole action, in the whole performance! It was very impressive. — Thank you for your kind words! We also organize such concerts in Uzbekistan. I am very glad that the Uzbek national art is admired and has got home to your heart. — And we would like to penetrate deeper into Alisher Navoi’s world of poetry. Tell me, is it possible to hold, say, annually Alisher Navoi Week in Belarus? Tthose who study his art could come to us from Uzbekistan and tell us about their findings, give public lectures for students, and not only. To make Alisher Navoi’s poetic lines and songs sound. So that artists could show their paintings based on Navoi’s works, and theatres could perform plays… To present the books of the great poet translated into Belarusian… — It would be wonderful! And we could host such events dedicated to Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bogdanovich. And we have a lot of specialists who could be involved in such projects. For example, the rector of the University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after A l i s h e r Navoi Shuhrat Sirojiddinov is a Navoist himself. He came to Minsk for

the opening of the monument to Alisher Navoi. And he is also my good friend. I think he will respond at any time — he himself and his working stuff, students could come on a business trip. But the question is: who will do it, what funds will be used to do it? — We understand that the Embassy, apparently, has a lot of other issues, first of all in the field of trade and economic cooperation, education… In the interview with Mr. Ambassador, we talked about it, including the idea of the Belarusan-Uzbek humanitarian cooperation fund. — We see that the Confucius and the Goethe Institutes operate in Belarus, and there are cultural centres attached to various embassies of other countries. We would like to create a structure that would be engaged in the worldwide promotion of Uzbek culture, would implement major cultural and educational projects in friendly countries, let us

Mikhail Semenovich Shashkov, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, speaks at the presentation of the book "Victory is one for all". беларусь. belarus 2019


Interesting person to talk to


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as Alfraganus — he scientifically proved that the shape of the earth — the ball, mathematically proved the existence of the shortest and longest days in the year (June 21 and December 22), established that the sun is spotted and predicted a solar eclipse that occurred in 832, invented a nilometer that allows to measure the water level in the Nile. — Let’s go back, however, to our time. The main emphasis in today’s contacts of our countries, as you know, is on trade and economic cooperation. And the main indicator that allows tracking the dynamics of these diverse processes is probably the level of trade turnover, which is now measured annually in millions of dollars. But still, we should not forget: the more we know about each other, the faster our cooperation will develop. Some of the Belarusian thinkers have rightly pointed out that the best way to strengthen contacts between peoples is through cultural workers, artists, writers, poets, because they build bridges between the hearts of people. Singers, poets, musicians awaken interest in their spiritual values among people of different cultures. And this is a long-lasting basis for any relations. Everything is ambiguous in the well-known statements about the basis and superstructure, especially at the stage of rapprochement of peoples. It is in terms of “superstructures” that we first of all should get closer. They are more mobile, as well as our consciousness itself. Yes, Belarus and Uzbekistan used to be in the same country, Belarusians and Uzbeks together, fought shoulder to shoulder for their great Motherland — but as they say, much water had flowed under the bridges since then, we have been living in independent states for a long time. And it is necessary to “clean up contacts”, to establish all ties in a new way. And it seems to us that this initial work will be done by “cultural ambassadors” — and then it will be easier to advance “heavy artillery”, “on other fronts”… What is the Humanitarian Cooperation Fund for? So that we could quickly adjust our consciousness to each other, become more aware of our spiritu-

al kinship, we have close mentalities and cultural values. Everyone has something to learn from and share with each other. Then everything else will be much more active: trade turnover, joint ventures, long-term educational, investment, business projects and so on. — You are quite right to raise this question. And we have been having the basis on which our relations are being built now since the 30s of last century. And then not only production contacts were strengthened, but also literary, at the level of culture, exchange of spiritual values. Now the main thing is that there should be mutual interest in the development of relations. If it exists, a

hope that these intentions will be rea­ lized… — Not unlike in Belarus, although in some countries there are cultural centers at the embassies — they carry out such work… — Apparently, all in good time, as the wise men say. But it would be reasonable and correct: to promote both your and our national cultural and educational experience in other countries. All over the world. After all, each nation is unique, each one is interesting in its own way. We are proud of the heritage of great scientists, encyclopedists, writers who lived and worked in our land. Including the heritage of Alisher Navoi. You probably know that the epoch of the Renaissance in Asia and the countries of the East began in the 9th‑11th centuries, much earlier than in Europe. And in the galaxy of prominent scientists, encyclopedists of that time there are many natives of those territories, which are within the boundaries of modern Uzbekistan now. This is Bīrūnī, a scientist, physicist, geographer and encyclopaedist. A man of great mind. Imagine: he calculated that there should be a continent on the other side of the Earth. So he theoretically calculated America — much earlier than it was discovered. The globe was invented back in those days! Or take the scientist al-Khwārizmī. The algorithm is a discovery of al-Khwārizmī. His book “Al-Jabr wal Muqabalah” is algebra. The great doctor Abu Ali Ibn Sina known as Avicenna was born in Bukhara — he is considered the father of modern classical medicine. In the 9th century lived mathematician al-Farghānī, known in Europe

lot can be organized, conducted, done and created. Believe me, our side is very eager for this cultural communication, which you are talking about. Both scientific and educational. I will give you such an example. Before the opening of the Embassy, 80 people from Uzbekistan received higher education in Belarus. Over a year and a half of our work, there have been more than a thousand of them! As they say, we are moving forward by leaps and bounds — in the humanitarian direction, in understanding about each other. You’re right: now it’s a discovery

Interesting person to talk to of the country, of people as if anew. We have been doing our separate work for 25 years and we have lost each other. Now we are building everything in a new way. In Uzbekistan, there is a great interest in adopting the experience of Belarus. We exchange not only students. By the way, in the “student turnover” from both sides one and a half thousand people have alreadybeen involved and they will spread what they have learnt further on. There is also a lot of scientific exchange — in the areas of natural sciences, engineering and humanities. Our teachers and scientists come here for internships. A very wide range of relations. Within our first year of work, we have got acquainted

with Belarus anew, with what is going on here. And the second year is an in-depth contact. The first Forum of the regions of Uzbekistan and Belarus held in July was a very important event. Contacts are now not only at the level of centres, but also at the level of velayats-regions, municipal formations, tumans-districts, individual enterprises and organizations. — Are there any twin cities or regions yet? — Yes, there are! Almalakh and Zhodino, the Kruglyansky district and Rishtansky district have been twinned.

All regions of Uzbekistan already have their partners in Belarus. Recently we have visited Gorki, the famous Gorki Agricultural Academy — it is now cooperating with Namangan State University. Two regional universities have found much in common. They have mutual interest in each other. A little earlier, we visited the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, which cooperates with the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, where a joint faculty was created and students of the first admission study according to the joint educational programs. By the way, we went back later, again: there was a scientific conference dedicated to our scientist, Professor Narziyev. On November 1, the 95th anniversary of the Academy was celebrated, and the day before the Narziyev Conference was held, the event was timed to coincide with it. More than 80 scientific articles were submitted and a collection was published. This is a huge case: a conference named after an Uzbek scientist in Belarus! — Whose initiative was it to hold a scientific conference? — Joint — of Vitebsk Academy with Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine. — The recent presentation of the book “Victory is one for all” received a positive reviews in the media… — And it’s important mutual work. When President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid an official visit to Belarus this year, Alexander Grigoryevich gave him this book. And the presentation was held in the bookstore “Svetoch” as a kind of meeting of generations, we held this event together with the Ministry of Information of Belarus. By the way, one of the war veterans said that during the war he was a sergeant, commanded an artillery squad, and one of the soldiers under his command was Uzbek. When the gunner was killed, he offered to replace him. And thanks to our fellow countryman the squad was able to repel all attacks of the enemy. This was written about in Uzbekistan. And the suggestion to write a book together was made by the director of the Belarusian Encyclopedia

named after Petrus Brovka Vladimir Andriyevich, when he met with our Ambassador. Uzbek and Belarusian scientists worked together on the project. They used a lot of archival materials from the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History. We also sent materials from Uzbekistan. I sent a copy of the book to one of the scientists, a professor of the Andijan University, as a sign of gratitude for his help. So the book was published by joint efforts. And I think it is not the last one, the work continues. And its expanded version should appear next year: by the 75th anniversary of the Victory — an agreement was signed in 2018, and this item is in our Action Plan of the Intergovernmental Commission. It will be a joint publication of historians of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus — two authors on each side. This is how the two academic institutions of history cooperate. — Ivan: The newspaper “Golas Radzіmy” has recently published an article on how local residents of the village of Hominka in the Loevsky district of Homel region, natives of those places, honor the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union …Usmanov. While preparing it for printing, I learned that thousands of Uzbeks took part in the famous Battle of the Dnieper (a museum created in Loyev also tells about it), a division was formed in Tashkent. Many of them distinguished themselves, were awarded with orders and medals, but, apparently, many of them did not cross the water barrier, were killed during the assault crossing, in the battles for the liberation of Belarus. What do you know about this page of history? — Unfortunately, we have very little information about it. At present, the Embassy is engaged in the determination of burial places of warriors-compatriots, places of perpetuation of their memory. We write letters with requests to the regional administration of the regions of Belarus. I hope we will get answers from them. Also, the scientists working on the book will find interesting materials беларусь. belarus 2019


Interesting person to talk to

Daniyar Abidov during his trip to Mogilev Region

about this battle, its participants and heroes. I think the Uzbek scientists will deepen their contacts with their Belarusian colleagues and museum employees. Among those who died for the liberation of Belarus at the end of 1943 was the poet Sulton Jo’ra, the scientist-Navoist Alim Sharafutdinov. But where exactly he died, under what circumstances, where he was buried — we failed to find out. — Perhaps your compatriots li­ ving in Belarus should get involved in this patriotic activity. As far as we know, the organizational work on the creation of the Uzbek community here is in progress now. A common cause related to the memory of fellow countrymen who liberated Belarus from the Nazis could unite the activists of the diaspora. This has already been done by representatives of other nations: Georgians, Azerbaijanis. Armenians erected a monument in Gorodok to their compatriot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Marshal Ivan Baghramyan — the 1st Belorussian Front under his command took part in the liberation of Belarus. So, maybe the memory of the Uzbek Heroes, who received this title on the Belarusian soil, should be immortalized? — It’s hard, but there’s work going on to unite the Uzbek diaspora, creating a Uzbek community. Usually everyone is engaged in their own business, as they say, feeding their families and earning daily bread. And students study. However, I know that a few people are already doing preparatory work and preparing


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documents for registration. But not everything in done as quickly as one would like it to be. I think all in due time. We should not interfere with such a process — it’s their own business. When more Uzbeks from our country come to live in Belarus, there will be socially active people ready to work in this direction. And, undoubtedly, people’s diplomacy is an important resource in the development of Uzbek-Belarusian relations. — Daniyar Tajievich, and in the final part of our conversation, please tell us: how do people become the Ambassador’s advisors? Where was the road that led you to Belarus? Usually our interlocutors tell a little about themselves — not only about their business matters. — (smiling). I have already said that I was born in a large family in Tashkent: I was the 11th child in the family. I also have a sister. My father was born in 1915 (on the passport in 1913), was a very wise man and supported our desire for education, he died earlier, and my mother died in 2016 at the age of 96. She used to work all her life — while she was raising us, setting us on our feet. We are five brothers and seven sisters. Everyone lives in Tashkent. Now I have over 100 nephews and their children. And I am a grandfather, I have one granddaughter and we expect the second. — And how many children do you have? — Three daughters. Malikahon is the middle — you have seen her, she is studying at the BSU, the Faculty of In-

ternational Journalism. She followed in my footsteps. The younger is Fozilahon, she is 17 years old, she is also studying in Minsk, at the BSU, at the Faculty of Economics. The eldest one is Kamolahon, she is a specialist in Spanish language and literature. She graduated from the Romano-Germanic Faculty in Tashkent, now she is raising her daughter. — And how do you get together as a family? — If it is someone’s wedding we don’t need anyone from outside. We have enough of our own (laughing). Mother, Munavara (“light” in Russian), was still alive when she had a great-greatgranddaughter and then a great-greatgrandson. Dad’s name is Tojiboy, so I’m Tajievich. — How did you study? — Easily. I went to school at the age of seven and a half, because I was born in December, zodiac sigh of Sagittarius. However, now astrologers also talk about the Serpent Holder sign — I am one of them. I studied together with those from 1962. I had the greatest interest in history, and I entered the Tashkent State University to study journalism after school. I graduated with honours in 1984. And after that I stayed to work at the university as a laboratory assistant — it was the dean’s idea. I worked as a laboratory assistant, a teacher, then in the Komsomol committee, with foreign students. — Did you get married early? — Late: at the age of 30. That’s why our daughters are young. The eldest is Kamolahon. By the way, it is out tradition that the eldest daughter is named after her father’s parents. Kamola means “an ideal”. Malikahon, I repeat, the middle one, the youngest one is Fozilahon, which means “enlightened, aspiring to enlightenment”. We always stress the last syllable in our words. And the wife is Barnohon. For women, we add “hon” to the name, and for men — “djan”. — Is your surname Abidov fixed according to European style? — Yes, my children are the Abidovs, the daughters are getting married, and maybe they’ll change it. By the way,

Interesting person to talk to the word abid, abidun is Arabic. Means “ascetic”, Sufi. Ascetic. In Uzbek: obid, the stress is on o. Obid — that was my grandfather’s name. — In what year did you defend your candidate dissertation? — In 1994. Although I had researched a different topic before and had already written a scientific paper, in 1987 I was going to defend my dissertation in the history of journalism. But after joining the youth organization, I gave up science. When I was a student, being a Komsomol activist, I was very interested in religious issues. Relationships between religion and youth. I even held political debates, which was very brave for that time (1986–1987), on the topic “Islam and youth”. This all got a hostile reception: neither the party committee nor the district committee gave their approval. When I finally managed to do what I wanted, it was a big event. I said: we need to know what young people think about. What arguments “for” or “against” they can give. In the end, they gave their goahead. I had two teams — Islamists and atheists (laughing). The Islamists were from the eastern faculty, the atheists were philosophers. So, they debated. The theological team had more convincing arguments. The teams consisted of students of different nationalities. I saw the secretary of the party committee getting pale at first. Then getting blushed. And in the end laughing. (laughing). Because everyone perceived it as an intellectual game. — What was your dissertation theme? — “Problems of Islam in the Russian press”. Very topical, as they say. At

that time, we gained independence, and our relations with neighboring Muslim countries began to develop rapidly. And the Russian elites were looking at it with caution, the Russian weekly newspapers covered it in the same tone. And I already started writing my doctorate, and in 2007 I defended it. The theme was: “State policy of independent Uzbekistan in the field of religion and the culture of press coverage”. My second education is Orientalist. In 89th year I entered to the Oriental faculty of the Tashkent State University. After graduation, I started working as a teacher at the Institute of Oriental Studies — it was reorganized. From 8 chairs it was expanded to 26. I’m proud to say I grew up there to the first vice-rector of the institute. And now my institute has signed an agreement with the BSU on joint training of specialists in oriental studies. — That’s great! This is a very valuable experience for Belarus, which is developing relations with many countries of the East. As far as I know, there used to be a well-known Eastern department at the university in St. Petersburg. — Yes, Orientalism is very well developed there; Kazan University and the Institute of Asia and Africa in Moscow also train specialists. It is believed that Arabic is the second most difficult language after Chinese. There are no vowel letters — all consonants. As in Hebrew. One root, related languages. — But back to your career… — In the 99th, I was offered to work in the Presidential Administration. I was engaged in relations with the parliament, political parties, public organizations and so on. It was great experience for

me. Then I was offered to head the Presidential Foundation “Istedod” (Talent), and there I worked for 14 years. We had a very interesting work with young talents of the country. The Foundation was established in 1997. Then it was called Umid (Hope): young people were selected and sent to study for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in various countries of the world. From Japan to the west coast of the American continent. Then the foundation was reorganized into “Istedod” in 2003. And in 2004, they asked me to go there. I had to intensify work on upgrading qualifications, train and retrain teachers and scientists. They were also sent to countries all over the world: Asia, Europe and America. We have established links with many of the educational and scientific centres of developed countries that are among the Top 500. That is where we sent our specialists. At the end of 2017, our foundation was transformed again and placed under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And then I was offered a position in Belarus. I came here as a chargé d’affaires a. i. while they were arranging the opening of the new embassy. Then Ambassador Yusupov Nasirjan Sabirovich — a very experienced specia­ list was appointed, o we work together. I’m as the counsellor of the embassy supervising issues related to politics, humanitarian relations, culture, education and others. And in order to cope with all this, to establish relations, we need the help of people of the press — We are ready to continue such cooperation. Thank you for our interesting conversation. By Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich

Modern Tashkent

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Kupala’s sonnets unites peoples and languages The book “Sonnets” by the national poet of Belarus has been published in 17 languages


will list them: in Belarusian, as well as in Armenian, Georgian, Spanish, Chinese, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Tabasaran, Tatar, Ukrainian, French, Chechen, Chuvash and Shor. Let’s name the translators. Into Armenian — Siranush Aleksanyan, Anush Babayan, Ani Pashayan; into Georgian — Alexander Elerdashvili; into Spanish — Angela Espinosa Ruiz; into Chinese — Li Zuo; into Lithuanian — Evaldas Ignatavičius; into Mongolian- Badam-Ochirin Galaarid; into Russian — Maxim Zamshev; into Serbian — Diana Lazarevich; into Slovak — Jaroslav Reznik; into Tatar — Renat Kharis; into Ukrainian — Dmitro Shcherbina; into French — Juras Borisevich; into Chechen — Adam Akhmatukayev; into Chuvash — Valery Turgay; into Shor- Lubov Arbachakova. It is known that a similar collection was already published by the publishing house “Mastatskaya Litaratura” in 2002. At that time seven translations, in addition to the original text, were published in the book by Vyacheslav Petrovich Ragoisha: into English, Spanish, German, Po­ lish, Russian, Ukrainian and French. The translators were Vera Rich, Carlos Sherman, Uwe Grüning, Florian Nieuważny, Naum Kislik, Dmytro Pavlychko… The new edition of the sonnets also includes translations into Ukrai­nian,


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Russian, Spanish and French, but made by other masters of transformation. Maxim Zamshev is a poet, translator, prose writer, and editor-in-chief of “Literaturnaya Gazeta”. He translated legendary Kupala’s works into Russian. Modern Russian translators do not often turn to Belarusian classics. Maybe the translation of Maxim Zamshev will break the tradition? Juras Borisevich is a famous Belarusian writer. His rendering of Kupala into French is not accidental either. And now it is important to make the Kupala’s text enter the French literary life. Is it possible? I would like to address this question to the Belarusian ambassadors in France. A small circulation of Yanka Kupala’s Sonnet (only 250 co­ pies) may be lost, remain unknown to the reader, whose native languages the poetic cycle is translated into. Therefore, there is a need for presentations, attention of the foreign press, analysis of the translations by foreign literary scholars, literary critics. So far, the book and the creative project have been discussed only in Moscow during the regular 32nd Moscow International Book Fair in September 2019. Some time ago Carlos Sherman, who lived and worked in Belarus (born in Argentina) used to be an active promoter of Belarusian literature in the Spanish-speaking world.

Today, his place is gradually being taken by Angela Espinosa Ruiz. Undoubtedly, her translation in the new edition of “Sonnet” adorns the book. In Ukrainian, a new tone to Kupala’s lines was given by Dmitro Shcherbina. Among the new translations, a significant place is occupied by transformations into Tabasaran, Tatar, Che­ chen, Chuvash and Shor languages. There are about 140 thousand Tabasaran people in the world. According to the 2010 census, more than 126,000 people live in the Russian Federation. Mainly in Dagestan — 118 thousand… And also in Stavropol Krai, Rostov Oblast, Chechen Republic, Krasnodar Krai, Saratov and Astrakhan Oblast. Shahveled Shakhmardanov, the people’s poet of Dagestan,

Exhibition is one of the most prominent representatives of the modern Tabasaran national literature. He graduated from Maxim Gorky Literature Institute (the first among the Tabasarans!). He translated into his native language the poetry of Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Gamzat Tsadasa, Suleiman Stalsky, Rasul Gamzatov… And Suvainat Kyurebekova is a famous in her country master of the word. She heads the Tabasaran section of the Writers’ Union of Dagestan. By the way, the poems of Survainat Kyurebekova have already been printed in Belarusian. Both in the newspaper “Litaratura i masstatva” and in the collective work of the series “Syabryna: paeziya narodau Rasіі” — “Karennі sіlu beraguts”, translated by Viktor Shnip. The Tatar translator of the sonnet is a good friend of the Belarusian literature, People’s Poet of Tatarstan Renat Kharis, Honored Artist of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Culture of Chuvashia and Karakalpakstan (Uzbekistan), winner of the State Prize of Russia. Renat Kharis is a frequent guest in Belarus. He published a book of Belarusian poetry, both classical and modern, in his translations into Tatar. By the way, the Kupala cycle was published as a separate book in Tatarstan, translated by Renat Kharis, in Russian and in the original. The event can be called a unique one. We should add that the “Sonnets” of the national poet of Belarus were published in Mongolian. The approach of the Mongolian publisher and


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translator was the same as in Tatarstan: Mongolian, Russian and Belarusian texts were collected in the same book. Adam Akhmatukayev is a Che­ chen translator of the “Sonnet”. And for him, it is no coincidence that he is working on the translation of Kupala’s lines into the language of his great unsubdued people. In 2017, by the 135th anniversary of the birth of the national poet of Belarus, Adam Akhmatukayev took the first step — he translated the poem “To Nobody” into Chechen. A poem right away! A very significant work for the early period of Yanka Kupala’s creative work. Since that time, Kupala’s attraction in the life and work of the Chechen translator has been present. Valery Turgai, the People’s Poet of Chuvashia, as well as Adam Akhmatukayev, is also the creator of the author’s anthology of Belarusian poetry in his native language. Lubov Arbachakova, a Shor poetess, is approaching a deep penetration into the Belarusian poetic world. She was delighted to reincorporate the “Sonnets”. And now she is still interested in Belarusian poetry. On the translator’s desktop there are poetic works by Vladimir Korotkevich, Yakub Kolas. The advance of Yanka Kupala’s “Sonnet” all over the world continues. When the book was already prepared for publication, the Agul translator Shamil Lutov (the author of the translation of Yanka Kupala’s poem “Who Goes There?”), the Nagaian Anvarbek Kultayev, the Tajik Salimi Khatloni, the Montenegrin Slobodan Vukanovich, the Turkmen poet Agageldy Allanazarov declared their aspirations for the translation of the legendary poetic cycle… Let’s wait and hope. And in 2022, by the 140th anniversary of the birth of the national poet of Belarus, “Mastatskaya lіtaratura,” will obviously have to plan a new, third edition of Yanka Kupala’s “Sonnets” in the languages of the world. m

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By Ales Karlyukevich

Exposition. Poetry. Petersburg.

The exhibition “I am a free man,” dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Belarusian poet’s arrival in St. Petersburg, opened in the State Literary Museum of Yanka Kupala


he city in which the poet lived and studied in 1909–1913 played a big role in the development of his literary skills: his first collections were published there, the triumphant premiere of “Pavlinka” was held there. Now it is the famous play, the hallmark of the Belarusian theater, — emphasize the museum staff members. The exposition tells about “Petersburg of Kupala” as the center of the Belarusian national revival, in which the poet found friends and like-minded people: professor Bronislav Epimakh-Shipilo, ethnographer Anton Grinevich, Wacłau Iwanouski, Alaiza Pashkevich. Unique archival documents highlight the activities of the first Belarusian legal publishing group “Zaglyane sontsa і u nasha akontsa”, the Belarusian scientific and literary circle of St. Petersburg University students, the St. Petersburg staging of “Pavlinka” in 1913, and the poet’s later visits to Leningrad in the 1920s and 1930s. The map with “Belarusian addresses” helps find places of Kupala in modern St. Petersburg. A separate section of the exhibition acquaints visitors with translations of Yanka Kupala’s poems made by his close friend Apollon Korinfsky, Maxim Gorky, Valery Bryusov, Sergey Gorodetsky, as well as with the Kupala’s translation of Pushkin’s poem “The Bronze Horseman”. The researchers call it one of the most significant in the creative heritage of the poet. In addition to documents, the exhibition presents the works of domestic artists: painters and graphic artists Vladimir Sulkovsky, Yanka Romanovsky, Viktor Alexandrovich, sculptors Valerian Yanushkevich and Pavel Luk. By Viktoriya Zakharova

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literary connections

Indifference breaker Since the year 1989, a modest paperback book stands out among my book collections: “The Heart of the Commander” by Nikolay Cherkashin. There was once such a series — “The Library of the magazine “Soviet Warrior”. In the 11th edition of this series there was the documentary novel “The Heart of the Commander (Three Stories from the Life of Abaturov)” by Nikolay Cherkashin, published in 1988.


t is another story how I got it. I’ll tell you about it in brief. In 1988–1990, I was living on the Island of Freedom near the Cuban capital. I used to drop in at the bookstore of Soviet books named after Maxim Gorky in Havana quite of-


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ten (once, or even twice a week). It was located not far from the Malecon embankment. I was on friendly terms with the director — a Cuban Armando, I loved to sit in his office, looking through book novelties. Among others, I noticed a book by the naval sailor Nikolay

Cherkashin. I heard about him earlier as a journalist and writer. I turned the cover over and read the autograph: “Armando! Best wishes to the promoter of the Russian book on the Island of Freedom from Nikolay Cherkashin. 22.01.89. Moscow.” Further on there were masts of a sailboat. Either Cherkashin had been to Cuba, or someone had handed over the book to Armando, having arrived from Moscow — I did not understand. The owner of the store, seeing how my eyes lit up, gave the little book to me: “You need it more. Read”… Ha­ ving read a story about the Lieutenantcommander Abaturov, I could not help but read the biography of the writer on the cover…I was impressed by: “…was born in 1946 in the city of Volkovysk, Grodno region.” Many different things have happened since the 1980s… More than once being in Moscow, I wanted to find Nikolay Cherkashin. Among military writers there were many acquaintances. I even wrote a letter to Cherkashin’s home address. However, the letters came back twice… I am not going to tell the whole story of my search. Thank God, Nikolay Cherkashin, a fellow countryman, is still alive. I will tell a little later about our meting. Now about Cherkashin, who lives and works in Moscow, in Russian lite­ rature, about his achievements. Nikolay Andreyevich was born on November 26, 1946. We have already mentioned that he is from Belarusian Volkovysk. He graduated from the Faculty of Phi-

literary connections losophy and Post-graduate School of Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov. He studied the history of Russian philosophy. He served in the Northern Navy at the 4th Submarine Squadron — the largest naval submarine formation in the world. Nikolay Cherkashin participated in long sea cruises in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. He was awarded the Order “For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” of the III degree, many medals. In the 1980s, our fellow countryman was a member of the editorial board of the literary and artistic almanac “Feat”. His creative achievements were highly noted by both readers and colleagues in literary work. This is what Valentin Pikul said: “I would single out Nikolay Cherkashin from the marine writers. He’s a terrific “zealot” and God give him health. That is the way one should treat history, there are still a lot of mysteries full of dramatic character. He’s looking for topics completely unknown… Well done! It’s not even about how he writes, although he writes well. The marine literature must be informative… “Here are the names of some of Nikolay Cherkashin’s books: “Dolphin’s Cry”, “Attack on the Cruiser”, “Ship Explosion”, “Nakhimov’s Last Flight”, “Odyssey of Midshipman D… ”, “I am a Submarine”, “Adventures of an Open seas”, “Admirals of the rebellious fleets”, “Sea of love”, “Emergencies in the Soviet fleet”, “Operation “Jennifer”, “Black squadron”… This is not even a half of what is written and published by the fellow countryman. Creative achievements of Nikolay Andreyevich were marked by the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1982), the International Prize of St. Andrew the First-Called, All-Russian of the Alexander Nevsky Literary Prize, the Georgy Zhukov Prize — for outstanding contributions to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

Sometimes the books by Nikolay Cherkashin can be found in Belarusian stores. I have recently purchased a small volume — “Intruders of the Depths”, which was published in the Moscow publishing house “Veche” in the series “Military History Library”. The subtitle of the book reads: “Secret operations of Soviet submarines during the Cold War.” As for our meeting with Nikolay Andreyevich, it took place this October during the Plenum of the Union of

Writers of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, which was held in Mogilev. Nikolay Cherkashin arrived in the city on the Dnieper together with the dele­ gation of the Russian Writers Union. I showed the writer his autographed book dated by 1989. He was very surprised. The inscription is thirty (!) and a little more years old. Nikolay Andreyevich added another picture of the mast and approved everything with a new signature. It turns out that the Russian writer has been maintaining good relations with Belarus in recent years. He collaborates with the Minsk film studio Belarus-

film. When he is in Minsk, he visits the National Library of Belarus, the State Museum of the Great Patriotic War. “I am on friendly terms with museum wor­kers, local historians from Baranavichy, Smorgon, Grodno, Volkovysk, Slonim,” — said Nikolay Andreyevich at the meeting in Mogilev. “My documentary “Bialystok Krovostok” is being edited now. It is about our Soviet troops leaving Bialystok in 1941. Dramatic events! There is an idea to commemorate this ill-fated military road.”… When we were saying goodbye to Nikolay Cherkashin, prose wri­ ter Valery Kazakov, secretary of the Russian Writers Union, author of many books, approached us. He lives in Belarus for long periods, has a summer cottage in the Korelichi district, in the Grodno region. Valery Nikolayevich devoted many years to militar y journa­lism. Here is what the other our fellow countryman noted (Valery Nikolayevich was born in the Mogilev region): “Such people as Cherkashin should be more often involved in joint efforts to perpetuate the military and historical memory in Belarus. The unindifference of Nikolay Andreyevich as a writer, publicist, with his bright, often bloody in their dramatic character themes is worth a lot!..” How can one disagree with this?! By Ales Karlyukevich

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Main museum of the country


President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulated the staff of the National Museum of Art on the 80th anniversary since its foundation. The head of state stressed that today the museum meets the high requirements of the times, adequately fulfills its mission to preserve and use the fund of unique art collections. It is a treasury of the country’s spiritual culture. “In recent years, you have implemented a number of interesting largescale projects aimed at enriching the nation, popularizing historical and modern values of Belarusians, at the international level” — the congratulation says. Alexander Lukashenko addressed the museum staff with words of gratitude for the constant creative search, the

desire to enrich life with true emotions, daily fruitful work. 80 years for a cultural institutions is, perhaps, a short period. At the same time, during this period, the National Art Museum was able to take pride of place among the leading institutions of the world by its achievements, excellent attitude to fine arts. Yes, today the National Art Museum is known for its joint projects with such museums as the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage, and the Dresden Art Gallery. Every year, dozens of bright creative events are held within its walls. Of course, any anniversary is the anniversary of the team. Wonderful people work here who have dedicated their lives to the service of art and generate new creative projects.

During anniversary celebrations


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The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, which takes pride of place among the leading institutions of the world of this kind, celebrated its 80th anniversary The congratulation of the President of Belarus to the staff of the National Museum of Art on the occasion of its 80th anniversary was read by the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Maxim Ryzhenkov. The director general of the National Museum of Art Vladimir Prokoptsov, on behalf of his team, thanked the head of state for his kind words. “Of course, this is an advance for the future. We are actively developing. Moreover, not only the museum sector, but also the Belarusian national culture as a whole, for which we are grateful to the head of the state. Moreover, the museum quarter is being built under his patronage. We will worthily continue our traditions” — he said. The beginning of the celebration of the anniversary of the National Museum of Art took place on January 24, 2019. On this day, a memorial plaque was installed and opened in the building on 29 Karl Marx Street, where the halls of the State Art Gallery were originally located. This event made it possible to perpetuate a significant milestone in the history of the artistic and cultural life of Belarus. The decision to create an art gallery in the Belarusian capital, adopted on January 24, 1939, had a great influence on the formation of collections of paintings, sculptures, graphics, and decorative and applied art. The collection timeline spans almost a millennium.


Yes, the National Museum of Art celebrates the 80th anniversary! To this day, it has become one of the richest in exhibits museums in Eastern Europe. Its collection has more than 30 thousand exhibits, and the average age of employees is a little over 30. Although, as noted by General Director Vladimir Prokoptsov, “a real museum worker remains faithful to the museum to the end.” He lists the names of the local patriarchs. The first director Nikolay Mikholap, who started the museum collection. The second — Elena Aladova, who returned hundreds of paintings after the war and collected a significant part of the current treasures of the National Museum of Art. And the third one, Yury Karachun, who created restoration workshops at the museum. The new building of the National Museum of Art in Karl Marx Street, which will open soon, is another step towards the creation of the museum quarter. This is where the art cafe will be moved, where it will be possible to offer museum guests not only coffee with pas-

tries, but also Belarusian cuisine. On the other floors of the former student hostel, modern rooms with climate control will be equipped for temporary exhibitions, for which you will no longer have to sacrifice paintings from a permanent exhibition. It is there that they are planning to hold “museum nights”, to receive exhibitions from the Tretyakov Gallery and other famous museums. The collection of Russian art will move to the first floor of the main museum building. Over time, it is planned to give the entire extension to the works of contemporary Belarusian artists. The next step should be the creation of a restoration center. The restorers of the National Museum of Art have long been cramped at their current address. Actually, each exhibit in the museum is unique in its own way. But there are the best ones Say, a bone-cut pawn of the 12th century. A detailed figure of a warrior of just one and a half centimeters in size, found during excavations near the walls of the Volkovysk castle, is the smallest of museum artifacts.

And the most ambitious is, of course, “Tapestry of the Century” by Alexander Kishchenko. About the size of a wall of a five-story building (18 by 14 meters). This large-scale work of art is stored at the Kishchenko Borisov arts and crafts complex — there is no space for it in the National Museum of Art’s repositories.. Having it in the museum’s permanent exhibition is Vladimir Prokoptsov’s long-standing dream (“I’m sure the hype would be no less than around the Mona Lisa in the Louvre!”). It is difficult to disagree: the tapestry is unique not only in size, but also in the author’s ambitious plan to portray all the outstanding figures of the last century. And technically no one will be able to do it again — old tricks are lost. But to show the trellis, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest tapestry in the world, is a matter of honor for the museum. During the dramatic history of the twentieth century, since 1939, not only buildings and names have changed (three times!), heads (only four times), беларусь. belarus 2019



but also the basis of the museum — its collection. Modern is the second one, which was collected within half a century after the lost one during the war. From three thousand works in 1941 — to thirty-three thousand at the beginning of the 21st century. These works are combined into 21 collections. The historical building of the museum, conceived in 1949 as the State Picture Gallery with only ten halls, eventually turned into an art treasury of the nation. By the way, in 2006, a new modern building was added to the National Art Museum, which expanded its exhibition space several times. Today, in its four buildings (together with three branches — the Museum of Folk Art in Raubichi, the Bialynitsky-Biruli Museum in Mogilev, the Vankovichi House in Minsk) there are about three hundred people — research workers, restorers, caretakers, and technical personnel.


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Now in the twenty halls of the museum, only parts of all the collections are exhibited, but quite soon its space will expand again. The museum is developing dynamically in both real and virtual space. An electronic catalog of collections has been created, the museum’s website is updated daily with news and quarterly with virtual exhibitions, and the works are purchased. About fifty international and fund exhibitions are held annually, postcards, books, and art albums are published. Each year the museum is visited by an average of two hundred thousand people. And not in vain. After all, it is here that Belarusian culture finds its most complete representation.The museum has great prospects ahead. This is the creation of a single museum complex — a kind of urban “museum quarter”. This is the opening of new exhibits, changing and improving old ones, developing new museum

strategies in working with visitors. They are sure that in the age of globalization, new pace and high-speed computerization, the museum should be an island of spirituality, a place where modern people can socialize and be left alone with unchanging eternal values. Vladimir Prokoptsov, an artist, art critic, current director of the National Art Museum, who expands the boundaries of his institution, has a high taste in exhibition activities and makes the museum popular with visitors, is categorical in such a judgment. Here are his answers to questions that seemed appropriate to ask. — Interestingly, does your personal view of art affect the priorities of the institution where you are the director? — It’s easy for me to work, because I have three capacities. Thanks to art education I can speak on equal terms with any artist. In addition, I graduated from the Institute of Art History at the Academy of Sciences and defended my dissertation in Moscow — as a result, I was practically and theoretically prepared. I am quite experienced as an administrative worker — for six and a half years I used to work at the Council of Ministers, where I learned not just to prepare government documents, but to look at everything globally. When the Minister of Culture, Alexander Sosnovsky, offered me to become the director of the museum — I was 44 years old then — I refused three times. I was afraid that I would not cope with it, because until then I had never worked in a museum, even a district one. When self-nominees appeared in the museum and the employees called me I came. As a result, I can maintain a conversation with each artist and own administrative resources. Not every member of the Union of Artists can exhibit in the museum, pop and some even “crowned” people fail to do it. Therefore, it’s easy for me to work here, but I could not become the rector of the Academy of Music, because I don’t know musical notation. It generally surprises me how some people take control of anything.

anniversary — Tell us what the museum focuses on in replenishing funds and its exhibition activities? — The museum has occupied its niche. At the same time, we are engaged not only in realistic academic works: as an experiment, we organize “formal” exhibitions, but with great taste and of great artists. The museum adheres to its direction, I pursue this policy. Some authors will never be able to exhibit here. The most-most should come here. We are gradually changing the principles of exhibition activity — a minimum of personal expositions, if only iconic, time-tested authors, and everything else will be subject to certain topics. — How to make the museum more popular today? — It is necessary to approach everything with creativity. We no longer work as before — we used to hang pictures, sit down and wait for someone to come. Today we use advertising, organize interesting events. The people again are interested in lectures: many people came to the one about Aivazovsky. There are programs for families. We do not sit still and we have something to offer for each category — for schoolchildren, students, the elderly. Today on the agenda is the creation of a barrier-free environment so that deaf-mute and visually impaired people can come to us, equipment is being prepared for people with limited mobility. As a result, no matter how technology develops, the museum is still in demand. Someone said that television would destroy the theatre. But the opera and ballet theatre, Kupalovsky and other Belarusian theatres are crowded. In normal families, parents want their children to develop harmoniously, for this we must offer appropriate services. We even organize photo shoots for honeymooners. If they want to take a photo against the background of paintings — why not, it’s beautiful. The main thing for the cultural institutions not to follow the crowd, even if it sounds rude. It is necessary to win the crowd over to their side, and for this to move ahead. Why in 1957, when

people were still living in barracks, a museum was rebuilt? Why do we buy paintings for big money? The museum has a very responsible mission to raise the level of culture. — What happens between the layman and the artistic field? — Now the museum works seven days a week. Look, how many people we have on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe everything does not develop as fast as we want, but the mechanism of active acquaintance with art is launched. — I see that art captivates you. Do not you regret that you did not devote your life to painting — to work in the studio from morning till night? — If I had entered the theatre and art institute, maybe I would have been an artist. But I came to the museum and since then I have been constantly in the process of construction. Of course, I physically do not have enough time for painting. This is my biography: if not me, then who? I can’t be gentle and sit as quiet as a mouse; every year I have “business relations” with all the ministers. Therefore, it is impossible to paint as much as others. For example my colleague from Armenia: he goes to the studio in the morning, paints, comes to the museum, signs financial documents, returns to the studio. And I have a construction site, meetings, and what not. But painting makes it possible to switch and allows to keep in shape. — What is your most important achievement? — I see the fruits of my work when the exhibition opens. The museum quarter is developing. In 2001, I was looking through a small guidebook, at the end of which it was written that the National Museum of Art is located in five rooms. I said, we will make the museum quarter, and my staff found me crazy. Today, there is only Russian art in those five rooms. I think my predecessors — Nikolay Mikholap, Elena Aladova and Yury Karachun — would be pleased with my work. I will leave some trace, first of all, as the director of the National Museum of Art.

Meanwhile, today the paintings of Vladimir Prokoptsov are in the collections of the National Art Museum of Belarus, the National Art Museum of Lithuania, the National Art Museum of China, in corporate and private collections. Vladimir Prokoptsov for two decades has been combining

Vladimir Prokoptsov — current director of the National Museum of Art

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the creative work of the artist and administrative activities as Director General of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Yes, he lives, as it in two guises: both the director of the main museum of the country and the artist. But, as it turned out, the one does not interfere with the other, but rather complements. Vladimir Prokoptsov feels very comfortable in that capacity. — It is clear that you did not immediately dream of a career as a museum director. Today, when this work takes a lot of time, is painting for you a hobby, relaxation for the soul?.. — This is a serious occupation. If you position yourself as an artist, exhi­bit works, then you need to take this very seriously. I understand the entire mea­ sure of responsibility. When you, the director of the museum, also position yourself as an artist, a lot of arrows will be directed at you, primarily from fellow artists. Why? Because sometimes you


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manage them, and, of course, they will look at you from a completely different perspective. That is, since you declared yourself an artist, you must play accor­ ding to the rules. If this were my hobby, then I would paint for my pleasure. But this is not a hobby. Another question is that I do not have so much time. I can’t paint from morning till night as a free artist. I can only do this in the evenings, nights. I work on weekends and holidays. Life shows that it is very difficult to make one brilliant picture and go down in history with it as a talented ar­ tist. You need to make a lot of pictures. This does not mean that there will be a hundred of your paintings and they are all iconic. No. There will be one, two paintings that the viewer will accept like a good book. — Is the work of Belarusian artists interesting for a foreign audience? — No doubt. The Belarusian school, especially the realistic one, of

the older generation, is very highly va­ lued. Today in Europe ther is no such level. — Should the museum influence the taste of visitors? — Mandatory. The mission of the museum is scientific-educational or educational-pedagogical. This is, if you like, an educational center. The museum today takes a completely different form. It must be active, must go beyond the walls. All in order to shape the tastes of people. Especially now, in times of globalization. If people come to a museum, it must be interesting for them there. There should be lectures, excursions. — Do not you shy to use foreign experience? — When I come to another country, to the museum, at first I look not at the paintings, but at the way they are attached, what lighting they have. First of all, I see everything with the eyes of


There are always many interesting exhibits in the halls of the National Museum of Art

a business executive. Then I look at the pictures. — During the twenty years that you have been directing the museum, you have become convinced that the viewer has become more prepared, more legible. — Sure. Today there is the Internet and the viewer can virtually walk around the Tretyakov Gallery. Or a person p got on a plane, two hours later he is in Paris and can see live Mona Lisa. You won’t surprise the viewer today. The viewer became a gourmet, more demanding. You need to be prepared for this. The new generation is changing — this is a global issue, and the director of the museum cannot sit still. I constantly keep the team on alert. Maybe someone does not like it. In the 60s — 70s the museum was a quiet haven. Today it has to earn money and maintain the image of its country. The museum must create international projects. What does

the visitor ask and demand? Give him an exhibition of Marc Chagall, give an exhibition from the Tretyakov Gallery. Today, employees must be knowledgeable in foreign languages. In a word, the format of the museum needs to be expanded. — So, the term “drive for the audience” is not outdated, but is still relevant. — On the contrary, now we must fight for each visitor. We can attract the viewer only through interesting exhibitions and informative programs. Today, the museum, ideally, is a large cultural industry. — It must be difficult to manage such a mechanism? — Not easy, this is a big responsibi­ lity. After all, a museum is a visiting card of a country. I tell the staff that over time we will all be replaced. The museum should not be like a nursing home. The museum should work. And therefore, of

course, a great responsibility is directly on the leader. — Is the director of the museum more a manager or a scientist? — Both. Today I can’t imagine that the director of the National Museum of Art is not an artist, not an art critic, but only an economist-manager. Can you imagine the economist at the head of the Hermitage? Or at the head of the Tretyakov Gallery? I can not. Yes, they have managers, but still, a specialist should be at the head. The manager may be the chairman of the agro-industrial complex. Now, if I had gone along the agricultural path, I would have become an agronomist, then I could have become the head of an agricultural complex. But I chose a different way. Today the figure of the director of the museum is universal. The one must be a manager, an economist, and an art critic. Moreover, if we consider such a museum as the National! By Veniamin Mikheev

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Creative space

of Alexander Kishchenko

The National Museum of Art is always rich in exhibition premieres, despite the fact that the selection criteria for exhibition applications are extremely stringent. Well, this is understandable, because this is the main museum of the country. In a word, if an artist is exhibited here, he has earned this right. At that, the recent exhibition of paintings “Space Pilgrim” by the national artist of Belarus Alexander Kishchenko differed advantageously even in this range. There was good reason for that.


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It would not be an exaggeration to say that Alexander Kishchenko is a European-level intellectual artist. Today, his works are widely known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. At one time, he made a real breakthrough in the field of visual art. His natural talent and truly cosmic thinking were fulfilled in Belarus, in his second homeland, where he lived most of his life. The artist stood at the origins of the formation of the school of monumental art, moreover, he became one of the founders of the school of national contemporary tapestry. His philosophical epic — the famous “Tapestry of the Century” — in 1999 was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. No less vividly revealed was the talent of Alexander Kishchenko as a painter who was brilliant at drawing and composition, play of colors. It is these facets of the artist’s rich creative palette that have found their expression in the works on display at the Cosmic Pilgrim exhibition. In fact, the exposition presented the genre and thematic polyphony of Alexander Kishchenko’s easel painting of his last twenty years of life. Those were works both from the collection of the National Museum of Art, and from the artist’s family, as well as from private collections. There were multi-figure compositions, portraits, and still lifes… The pictures that touch upon social issues, reveal the topics of coexistence between Man and the Universe, reinterpret biblical and mythological motifs. Meanwhile, the organizers of the exhibition included both the wellknown iconic paintings of the master, and the works never exhibited before for the general public. Among them is, for example, the painting “War of the Worlds”, which is the last work of the master. Art historians claim that already in the late 1970s, his own plastic system of space construction was finally formed, which the artist himself called “universal realism” based on the interaction of two principles: symbolism characteris-

Art tic of monumental and decorative art, and realistic persuasiveness of pain­ ting. In his paintings, Alexander Kishchenko acts as a real director of his own universal performance on the planetary stage, where people, characters, objects, and means of expression “play” their roles on equal terms. The master managed to achieve the artistic form in which his main idea was ideally embodied: everyday life can become a real launching pad of creative space. The scope of thinking allowed the artist to acutely feel the urgent problems of the era and embody his unique ideas by philosophical plastic means. — Alexander Kishchenko belongs to the category of creative personalities who are many decades ahead of their time. It seems that many of the artist’s findings are not properly understood today. This is the name that Belarusians can and should be proud of. His works capture, captivate, fire imagination. They encourage reflection and give rise to a rich emotional palette in the soul, — says Nina Kukharenko, the widow of the national artist of Belarus Alexander Kishchenko, who is the curator of the rich creative heritage of this

famous painter, a unique master of tapestries, one of which is situated at the UN headquarters in New York. Nina Kukharenko took on this mission voluntarily. Actually, it could not be otherwise. After all, she does not only cherish the memory of the closest person. She is proud of everything that Alexander Kishchenko did and wants his creative heritage to reach its descendants, who, according to the artist, were all the people of the planet. During his life, the national artist of Belarus, embodying his most ambitious ideas, dreamed of shaking the world. Yes, he realized his talent in various genres: from easel painting to monumental mosaic compositions and unique tapestries. But in the creative heritage of the master his stories and poems still remain unknown to the broad readership. “The Creator must describe time, taking with his brush azure of the heaven and the pollen of flowers, looking into the blue eyes of the lakes…” — these are his lines. Nina Kukharenko says that versing quatrains was for Alexander Kishchenko a kind of introduction to each new work of fine art, his signature style. The word, which came from inspiration,

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Nina Kukharenko with her son Maxim (on the left) at the opening of the exhibition

helped him tune in to the embodiment of design in color… — By the way, there are documentaries of Belarusian and Polish filmmakers dedicated to Alexander Kishchenko, twice laureate of the State Prize of Belarus (in 1980 and 1996 years), awarded the Order of Francis Skorina in 1993, — says Nina Kukharenko. — One of them captures the process of manual weaving of his “Tapestry of the Century” at the Borisov arts and crafts factory. It is noteworthy that the author himself invented the design of a giant cube-shaped loom to create this huge carpet-picture. “The Tapestry of the Century” — a three hundred kilogram canvas six-story building high — as a work of decorative and applied art


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has no equal in the world in the mastery of craftmanship and the scale of the embodiment of the idea in the material. It took almost six years to weave it. With this work, Alexander Kishchenko seemed to summarize his creative life and… the whole century. “Maybe the Tapestry of the Century is my swan song,” — he said these prophetic words in 1995 at the presentation of the “painting”. After the artist’s death, the grandiose canvas was displayed for public only twice — both times in Minsk. Although it is listed in the international “Guinness Book of Records” and, undoubtedly, it is worthy for the world to see it. And it’s definitely worth seeing. Nina Kukharenko reverently recalls the opening of the exhibition in the

Minsk pavilion of BelEXPO in 1998, dedicated to the anniversary of the death of her husband: — The “Tapestry of the Century” demonstration turned into a solemn, breathtaking performance: choirs were singing, candles were burning, and the tapestry was slowly unfolding and ri­ sing up. Its fragments were gradually revealing: the majestic image of Jesus Christ, the Madonna and Child, the fallen angel Antichrist, symbolizing, as Kishchenko himself said, all of us, unbelievers… More than 70 prominent political, creative, religious figures who determined the face of the 20th century appeared in front of the audience. invented by the author allegorical characters: a woman of the universe, a man of the universe… Nina Kukharenko, being a professional artist herself, helped her husband create the “Tapestry of the Century” at the “technical” stage, while preparing sketches on cardboard, which Borisov craftswomen subsequently worked on. Today she is very worried about the fate of this, in her opinion, world masterpiece. Yes, a while back Nina Kukharenko was the muse of the artist Kishchenko, her image appears in many of his pain­ tings. Nina was his apprentice, assistant. Nina was a friend and wife, that is, that huge resonating space in which the high creative chord of the great artist

Art Alexander Kishchenko sounded best. Today she is the guardian of all his great heritage and the mother of his second son Maxim. Today you are the keeper of the heritage of the national artist Alexan­ der Kishchenko. An honorable but troub­lesome mission. How do you cope with it? — This mission is really troublesome. But very important. A heavy burden of responsibility fell on my shoulders. I would say that it’s difficult for one person to do all this. Of course, I turn to the Ministry of Culture and museums, I try to somehow preserve and save all this, and make exhibitions. Alexander Kishchenko was a very prolific artist, he left about four hundred paintings only in the studio. This is not to mention tapestries. The “Tapestry of the Century”, having the status of historical and cultural heritage, had to be kept in the studio, too. I have a lot of visitors. Some people even ask for permission to come, to sit, to drink tea. They leave in a good mood. Any work by Alexander Kishchenko carries very positive energy. He was a cheerful person and admired many things. I am often approached for information about the artist. Recently a film has been made about him, his work is studied in textbooks on the history of Belarus in the unit “Culture”, which tells about his “Tapestry of the Century” and the ta­ pestry about Chernobyl, which is at the UN headquarters. After the death of Alexander Kishchenko, I was very active in making exhibitions. His work is multifaceted. Now many people think: upon graduation from university you are already an artist. But only when he was passing away, did he tell me that he understood how and where to make dash of the brush correctly. It took him many years to come to it In many works by Alexander Kishchenko your image is often present… I was always with him. He was looking for a Slavic image and he was introduced to me. The first portrait was very small, but Moscow bought it.

He painted me a lot because he loved me. When the son was born, he painted me with the son. He said: you need to paint what you love and understand. He loved to paint both nature and still lifes. Sometimes I asked him a question: you keep on painting me, aren’t you tired of my image? And he told me: “I just know you well, and when I need to feel myself in some new situation, I just take your image, which I understand and I can quickly find my idea on the canvas.” Did your son Maxim take after his parents in creativity or does he have other interests? — He took after his father. In ge­ neral, Maxim is an optimist. If I’m upset about something, Maxim isn’t.

I did not want him to be involved in art. Only talen­ted people should do it. There are ar­tists who train their sons or daughters, they enter colleges. But most often it happens that they do not find themselves in the profession or become bad artists. Maxim could not live without creativity. At the age of eight or nine he began to write small notes about sadness, about the sun… And later on he could no longer live without writing. Poetic images come to him by themselves. He did not receive professional training, but his thinking is imaginative, extraordinary. This is an element of talent, which, I think, was inherited from his father. By Veniamin Mikheev

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Welcome guests

Life is beautiful! The World Opera Day, initiated by the International Association of Musical Theatres Opera Europa, which includes more than 200 opera houses from 43 countries, was celebrated in Minsk at the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus with the most anticipated cultural event of the year, a concert of world opera stars — People’s Artist of Russia Anna Netrebko, People’s Artist of Azerbaijan Yusif Eyvazov, as well as a special guest — Italian opera singer Luca Salsi


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We have awaited for this concert in Minsk since March 27 this year, when the contract was signed. Is a unique opportunity to once again feel in its entirety: life is beautiful. It is also a miracle because we, immersed in the exquisite world of opera, are able to admire and experience high feelings. What did the great Pushkin say? I’ll bare my soul for harmony to sweep; Upon a fiction, heavy tears I’ll weep…

Upon a fiction, heavy tears I’ll weep… So, it was exactly like this at the concert. Running ahead, I’ll say: I was especially impressed by the tertzet from the opera Troubadour by Giuseppe Verdi when the first part of the concert was completed. The singing of Anna Netrebko, Yusif Eyvazov and Luсa Salsi was filled with such vivid and passionate feelings that, not knowing the detailed description of this scene, I experienced great excitement, deep empathy, and gratitude to all those who were involved in organizing such a significant event. As they say: with a lump in the throat, rapid breathing and involuntary tears… I admit, I had had no chance to listen to Netrebko, Eivazov or Salsi live: only YouTube concert recordings. Every time at the gala concerts in the Bolshoi the thought used to flicker: it would be wonderful to listen to Anna Netrebko

on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. This long-established tradition to invite world stars to participate in opera performances of the Bolshoi Theatre, as well as with solo concerts, is a great joy for us. I focused on this thought when I was liste­ ning to a solo concert by Olga Peretyatko. Last year in December she sang during the 9th International Opera Forum. Less than a year passed, and my thought found its embodiment. Of course, not only mine. We can say that it was a collective thought of fans of Netrebka and Eyvazov, initiated by the production company Berin Iglesias Art. By the way, this is not the first visit of the star couple to Minsk. According to media reports, in February 2018 they performed with great success at the Minsk Palace of the Republic during the opening of the 5th International Festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites…”. And already in June, Anna Netrebko was listened to by 20 thousand guests of Dynamo Stadium, as well as viewers of almost 200 countries at the opening ce­remony of the 2nd European Games. Anna Netrebko sololy performed one song to the accompaniment of Igor Krutoy, and the other in a duet with her husband Yusif Eyvazov. — I am always excited about the concerts of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. Millions of fans all over the world count the days until the opportunity to see the two greatest opera singers of our

Welcome guests

Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus

time on the same stage. I’m incredibly pleased to be aware of involvement in this event, which has every reason to become a significant milestone in the history of opera music, — says Maxim Berin, head of the Berin Iglesias Art concert holding, exclusive representative of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazova. — Of particular pride is the fact that the concert takes place in my homeland on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. In addition to the fact that the most elite audience and connoisseurs of high art gather here, we are also very pleased to invite students of musical educational institutions of Minsk to the concert. Among the invited are laureates of music competitions, medalists, holders of diplomas and honorary awards. The audience was indeed elitist. In the hall you could see Sergei Sidorsky with his wife, the former Prime Minister, as well as Andrey Kobyakov, also the former Prime Minister. There was the former Minister of Health Valery Malashko. Currently, he is the deputy chairman of the Mogilev Region Executive Committee. We saw the ex-ambassador to China Anatoly Tozik.

Anna Netrebko:

One must live for life, and not for art. I’m happy! And happy because I am happy! I’m happy because life is beautiful! I have no secrets that would bother me. If there are any shortcomings, I will not be much burdened by this. I say that I think this is my frankness. I don’t know how to pretend and I don’t want to. But if you ask me about some inner world, some subtle inner experiences, I will never tell anyone about it. I do not spill out either my dislike or love. Now he heads the Republican Institute of Sinology named after Confucius BSU. I overheard the current Minister of Culture Yury Bondar, talking to the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theatre, Valentin Elizariev, being in high spirits. He seemed

to be so pleased that world stars of this level were on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus.The public’s attitude to the event in the cultural life of the country was also expressed in carefully designed looks — ladies in the clouds of perfume were walking around the lobby of the theatre, dressed in evening and cocktail dresses, men were in formal suits. The prevailing, of course, was the fashionable casual style in our time, which is the best suited for those who rush to the theatre right after work. When we were getting up from the cloak-room to the lobby, we saw the director general of the Bolshoi Theatre Vladimir Gridyushko… next to the image of the opera diva Anna Netrebko (on November 5, the theatre’s team was presented with a new director general, Alexander Petrovich — Auth.). Only for a moment a thought flashed through: can Netrebko be in the foyer? but then I dismissed it, laughing: this cannot be before the start of the concert. It turned out that not far from the entrances to the stalls, on the one side a photo zone with her image was organized, and on the беларусь. belarus 2019


Welcome guests

Anna Netrebko always shows the magic of talent

other, Yusif Eyvazov’s one. And the people, I noticed, were taking pictures quite willingly. Only shortly before the third call, there were fewer people wishing to be photographed with celebrities. Booklets depicting the star couple on the cover were given to everyone. Having looked through this booklet, it was possible to get acquainted with the program of the concert, and with the participants of the performance, and with the organizer — the respected company Berin Iglesias Art, as well as with the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. I remind readers that it was awarded the UNESCO Five Continents commemorative medal for its outstanding contribution to the popularization of choreographic and opera art around the world and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Belarus’s membership in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The concert on weekdays, as usual, began at 19.00. But more than an hour before the start, all parking spaces in the Bolshoi courtyard were occupied. A red carpet was laid at the main entrance. So, the beginning. For a moment, before the long-awaited artists came out from behind the curtains, the audience were staying put. And here they are, megastars! Anna Netrebko in a luxurious burgundy dress, Yusif Eyvazov in an elegant black suit with a bow tie. A storm of applause and a hidden expectation:


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well, will they meet our audience’s expectations and arouse a feeling of admiration when it seems that the soul is soaring? They met all expectations! They sang sensually, passionately, agitating emotions and imagination, causing associations. The concert, during which Anna Netrebko appeared on stage in other outfits — a snow-white ball gown, and in a flowing, tight-fitting black and white, lasted in the interior of white antique columns decorated with flowers. And on a big screen, at the back of the stage, with the help of the video, the scenery for operas came to life, in which the artists performed the parts. Paired with each other, and paired with Luca

Salsi, and, soloing, Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov were really good. I repeat: in terzet I was impressed by the baritone of Luca Salsi, too. There were arias from the operas Othello Don Carlos, Macbeth, Strength of Fate, Rigoletto, Troubadour, Rural Honor, Merry Widow, Tosca, Andre Chenier… As they say, that evening, probably, the stars in the sky came together. The theatre’s symphony orchestra was at its best: its sound was so soft and harmonious that it seemed either the performers sang in unison with the orchestra, or the orchestra itself in unison with them. Needless to say, the culture of the performance of our Bolshoi Orchestra is the highest. By the way, today it unites more than 150 highly educated musicians who were educated at the Belarusian State Academy of Music. Well, the Belarusian public is a separate issue: it is so delicate and grateful. I watched more than once and I wrote about it more than once: even if people don’t like something, they will still applaud, out of politeness, gratitude to the artists. No one will rise, and leave ahead of time, they say, we respect any work. These are tolerant Belarusians. If we like someone, then there will be “bravo” cries, and applause, and prolonged applause. By the way, Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov last year called the Minsk audience amazing. They shared their emotions in a video message that they

Goodbye Minsk! To the right of Yusif Eyvazov and Anna Netrebko is the Italian baritone Luca Salsi.

Welcome guests

Maxim Berin:

released, according to BelTA, after the opening concert of the V International Festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites…”. This time Minsk met Anna Netrenko and Yusif Eyvazov with love and kindness and gratitude typical of our public. It couldn’t have been otherwise. After all, you can’t buy success either by PR or by promotion. In general, there was sold-out and standing ovations after almost every performance, including orchestral fragments. Of course, the flowers in the finale and the cries of “bravo”. The audience’s reluctance to part with the stars, who at the end of the concert performed the “Table Song” from “La Traviata”. By the way, during the concert I noticed Anna Netrebko stay for a moment at the right side of the stage: Yusif was singing on stage. I don’t know why, but it seemed to me that Anna was worried about him. For some reason, I was a little worried, but I attributed my feelings to the lack of “bravo” cries after a duet from the opera Othello. This was the very beginning of the concert: the audience seemed to be taking a closer look, not hurrying. It is typical of Belarusians to take their time. I really wanted the start of Netrebko and Eyvazov to draw a round of applause, which later happened when Netrebko was singing Elizabeth’s aria from Don Carlos by Giuseppe Verdi, and Eyvazov’s aria and Herzog’s cabaret from the opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi. And the aria of Cavaradossi from “Tosca”,

so piercingly, passionately performed by Yusif Eyvazov, caused such a flurry of applause that one could forget about restraint in the characters of Belarusians. Conquered! And the final confirmed it.

Anna+Yusif Their schedule was such that eminent guests could not meet with Belarusian journalists: immediately after the concert, without staying in Minsk, they left. Where they are today, you can track on Instagram, there Anna Netrebko posts photos. The latest shots were from Barcelona. True, as she said in one of the TV shows, she does this without any commentaries. Because there is a certain limit to personal openness, which is understandable. Their performances are scheduled until 2022. And these are five performances a month, a couple of days of rest, and between them from 2 to 4 concerts. In the CIS, as well as in Moscow, they are quite rare. Let me remind readers: both Anna and Yusif are public people who are eager to contact the press: give interviews and participate in television programs. Journalists write a lot about this vibrant opera couple, and television is also actively filming them. So it was during the 2nd European Games in Minsk, when Belarusians were able to get acquainted with Netrebko and Eyvazov: the program was broadcast

Having worked in this industry for many years, I can say that in spite of the many organized grandiose concerts, there will always be such musical events that cannot but cause a special excitement. For me, these are concerts of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. I know that I am not alone in this attitude towards them. Millions of fans all over the world feel the same excitement and count the days until the opportunity to see on stage two of the greatest opera singers of our time. I am incredibly pleased to be aware of my involvement in the event, which has every reason to become a significant milestone in the history of opera music. Of particular pride is the fact that the concert will be held in my homeland in Belarus.

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Welcome guests

Duet of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Ayvazov in At the opening of the 2nd European Games in Minsk

on ONT just on the day the sports forum opened. They also gave interviews to leading news agencies and publications. To say nothing of numerous good TV shows and talk shows on Russian television. This is “Evening Urgant”, and “Today in the evening”, and “2Vernik2”, and “Sati. Not boring classics”, and the “Odnazhdy…” TV magazine… I watched many of them on YouTube. As a result, the images of the characters of my publication have developed, I will call them virtual guests of our magazine. I will introduce them in the hope that their next visit to Belarus will delight readers with an exclusive interview. I must say right away: I am among those who like this star couple. And unconditionally accept them. I am pleased to talk about them in elevated style. Because both Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov are beautiful. As professionals, and as creative individuals. They are expressive, sincere and passionate. Their voices are amazing. On stage, they are both like celestials who appeared on Earth with the mission to reveal beauty, awaken in our hearts the best feelings that we often forget about in the accelerated rhythm of everyday life. The best theatres in the world applaud to them — the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, the Vienna State Opera, the Paris Opera,


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the London Royal Opera House Covent Garden… And here they are. In Belarus! It seems that it’s so easy for them to sing! I understand this is a great illusion. But when you are listening to them, enjoying it, you don’t think about it. Both on stage are also beautiful with the beauty that love and mutual acceptance of each other give to a person. In addition to professionalism, there is a special magic. I am impressed by their thoughts about life and its values, their attitude towards the son Thiago, their parents, their optimism and positivity. And the fact that both do not like gloomy colours and “muddy” people, as Anna put it. They know how to admire each other, perceiving life as a gift, and enjoy it. I am also impressed that in our time, when individualism does not disappear, but is becoming stronger, Anna is tenderly attached to friends. It is enough to watch at least one telecast of previous years to understand how wide the doors of their house in New York are open for them. The spouses did not crouch, did not become spoilt by their glory. Although it is clear that they rarely manage to be on their own. Sometimes privacy is so necessary. But their life is in public. And they share it, in my opinion, generously, due to their culture, characters, education. They do

the opera Andre Chenier by Umberto Giordan

not conceal their life. The doors of their kitchen-dining room are open. We will learn that Anna loves to cook, to combine different tastes, sweet, salty, sour and spicy, to experiment with food. She doesn’t have complexes when her husband in one of the TV shows, slightly exaggerating, said that she, when cooking chicken, could add avocado, raspberries, potatoes to it, and meat could be spread with cherry jam. Anna commented without offense: Yusif does not really favor her cooking and her signature dish — pork marinated in chestnut honey. By the way, she’s not shy to admit that in the world there is nothing tastier than fried potatoes, black bread and butter. I understand her perfectly, since this wonderful food comes from my Ukrainian childhood. In this regard, I confess: how pleasant it is to recognize some common addictions among us, people: tastes, habits, as well as some distant kinship. My ancestors were Cossacks. I heard the first opera singing on the radio. I can’t forget the song of Alexander Alyabyev “The Nightingale”, which was performed by my countrywoman Yevgenia Miroshnichenko: so I was struck by her voice. Later I found out that a singer was born in the Grafskoye village near Volchansk, Kharkov region. As well as the fact that in this city in the mid‑17th

Welcome guests century settlements of Cossacks appeared. They came from the Ukrainian Dnieper basin, having founded several settlements on the right bank of the Seversky Donets. One of them is Saltov. The first information about the Cossack settlement in present Volchansk is dated by 1674. Who knows, maybe in that distant past there were Don Cossacks there… Indeed, all people are brothers and sisters. Only, alas, how difficult it is for various reasons to recognize this in life. Therefore, all idle speculations about Anna and Yusif are alien to me, like, some of them, somewhere, once, somehow and in some way fall short of… Let us leave these things to music critics and petty rumors. We will continue to admire, wonder, love and become kinder, enjoying the art of opera. Yes, Anna Netrebko and her husband are always nervous before going on stage. In one of the programs, Yusif said how nervous he was before his performance at La Scala in the opera Andre Chenier, which had not been staged in the theatre for 32 years. This is terrible, he said, the most difficult theatre in which people sit waiting for your failure, and the performance is broadcast live all over the world. But as Anna said, it was a triumph. And golden rain, and firecrackers, and applause… Singing, according to the star

Production company Berin Iglesias Art, founded in 2003 in Germany, is a leading international concert and event holding company with branches in Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates, Monaco, Israel, the USA, France, Great Britain and Spain. Berin Iglesias Art is the exclusive representative of Anna Netrebko, Yusif Eyvazov, Olga Peretyatko and Maxim Vengerov and other artists. Over the years, the agency has organized more than a thousand concerts and major events around the world. Berin Iglesias works with such famous artists as Robbie Willasms, Mariah Carey, Tom Jones, Elton John, Enrique Iglesias, Jose Carreras, Andea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman, Placido Domingo and many others. couple, is very difficult. Both physically and emotionally. I don’t remember which of the partners said about Netrebko’s performing skills: she can cope with vocal difficulties like a bird and at the same time flies from branch to branch, and even at these moments she demonstrates to the audience how easy it is and does not show that she is engaged in a difficult and painful process. You, says Yusif, learn to produce sounds, but you don’t know whether you do it correctly, you learn through sensations. I record it and hear that it sounds beautiful. But it is also important to remember the muscle sensation. You sing in one performance — it sounds like this, you sing on some other day — it sounds different…

From the programs I learned that Yusif ’s dramatic tenor is the most complex voice. It is not easy to manage, the owner of such a voice has strong massive ligaments, they are very dense, almost baritone. This voice is not natural, like soprano, baritone, bass. Tenor — it means you need to make the ligaments work in a certain mode. Therefore, Aivazov needs to warm up for a couple of hours. Anna with her unique soprano — about fifteen minutes. As the husband admits, if he sees her turn to him and sing in her great-volume voice directly in his ear, he immediately turns his back to the audience: in this way he learned to save his ears. Or sometimes I may whisper: sing to the hall. So, that’s what our idols are like. I am impressed

The opera Manon Lesko by Giacomo Puccini became a prerequisite

Anna Netrebko conquered the Metropolitan Opera with

for the future union of Netrebko and Eyvazov

the party of Natasha Rostova in the opera War and Peace (2002 ) беларусь. belarus 2019


Welcome guests

Anna Netrebko in Trinity suburb in Minsk

Krasnodar. Visiting her father Yury Nikolayevich (with flowers in the center).

that they talk about it easily, naturally, with humor. All those who know Anna Netrebko speak about her naturalness and simplicity: Valery Gergiev, conductor of the London Symphony and Munich Philharmonic Orchestras and the permanent artistic director of the Mariinsky Theatre, who noticed her and made it possible for her to debut in the role of Suzanne in Mozart’s Wedding of Figaro, TV presenter, journalist, showman Andrey Malakhov, Igor Krutoy, composer, music producer, pianist, Philip Kirkorov, pop singer and others. Everyone admits: her genius is not felt in communication, her simplicity is charming. The Span-

Petersburg, he had his own photo studio and five tenement houses. But the main thing, apparently, is the atmosphere of love and friendship that reigned in the house, when freedom of expression was not suppressed, and family parties on the occasion of the holidays were a tradition. Therefore, what I am also convinced of, since childhood it was easy for Anna to see, as optimists say, a glass half full of water, which she repeatedly spoke about in television programs. As well as the great taste for life that was passed on from her father, geological engineer Yury Nikolayevich and her mother, communications engineer Larisa Ivanovna. Anna turns deaf ear to unflattering reviews about herself, she learned to do it long ago. Once, a fellow student at St. Petersburg Conservatory, which she entered in 1990, told Anna right in the face that her voice was mediocre, which was later told to her more than once. As well as to Yusif. And he said to himself: I’ll sing in La Scala anyway. And he sang in 20 years. Anna, according to him, broke the image of an opera diva of the old time, her singing, when she jumped from the bed to the floor, or sang while lying on the floor, had such power that now they don’t even notice that she sings while standing. And music critic Alexander Matusevich in a

ish opera singer and conductor Placido Domingo is happy that he stood at the origins of her career, he compares Netrebko’s talent with Maria Callas, talks about her phenomenal voice possession, the scale of her talent, and when he hears Anna, he realizes that to work with her is no less pleasant than with Callas. Here is what the opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky said about Netrebko, with whom he was singing in a concert in Red Square in 2013: Anna fills the stage, lives her own life on it, she’s absolutely natural, and it’s a divine gift… I’ll quote the words of the accompanist, a tutor from Mariinsky Elena Matusovskaya, who compared Netrebko’s success in opera with a firecracker. “When Anna is on stage, an electric discharge occurs and an electric yarn appears that draws the audience into action… She possesses a rare voice, beauty, artistry and a very strong character… And naturalness…”. How does Netrebko manage to maintain these qualities with such fame and recognition? Apparently, she was born with it, this hereditary Cossack from Krasnodar, whose greatgrandfather matrilineally was Anna and Yusif with son Thiago in Madrid a gypsy and a photographer. In


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Welcome guests telecast of 2014 on TVC channel figuratively said: Netrebko risks as a tightrope walker without a safety accessory. Producer Jeffrey Vanderwein continued: when she sings, the audience is delighted, hearts miss beats, but Anna, fortunately, knows how to stay on top. They both know it. And it pleases. So Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov will sing long. We hope that Maxim Berin, president of the Berin Iglesias Art holding, will be able to once again invite them. Well, it’s not in vain that Yusif Eyvazov said about Maxim: “He is our terrific representative in Russia and not only, he does high-quality work. He has so many ideas. We are the same age, but I can’t keep up with him. I tell him: give me 42 concerts to play, and then we’ll discuss plans.” So, thanks to Berin, we were able to meet Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. As for the way they got to the musical Olympus separately and together, how Anna conquered the Metropolitan Opera by Natasha Rostova, and Salzburg by Traviata, one can read, look up on the Internet. You will find out how she met Yusif, a light, cheerful, kind and smart person, how she blossomed and became happy, how they fell in love, thanks to the opera Manon Lesko and how they built a house where they are happy now. Secrets can be revealed to you about their work on family relationships and why both Anna and Yusif, like Yang and Yin, complement each other. And how to bring up the son Thiago, and what Yusif learns from him. How Anna climbed the pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, going up 265 steps, she tells about it easily — without a shade of posturing and stiffness. She naturally admits that she is a professional shopaholic and that she likes to buy gifts. On YouTube, you can see the wardrobe of the opera singer, cheerful and joyful, which she uses both in life and on stage. And to see the light and shocking style of her clothes. It suits her, in my opinion. As well as in Yusif ’s. Anna says that 150 percent she is not ambitious, but demanding in her work to herself and others — this can also be heard and read in some in-

She is not ambitious, but 150% demanding in her work to herself and others

terviews. She is open to everything new. She values the opinions of the loved ones and clearly feels flattery, compliments, and true wishes. She feels like a fish in water in any theatre of the world. It was the same on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. I was told about it at the Berin Iglesias Art holding. So Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov will return to Minsk. And we will wait for them. By the way, in

one of the TV shows, Yusif Eyvazov said that he dreamed of singing in “Bohemia” by Giacomo Puccini. Got it? Will it be the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus? We’ll wait and see. By Valentina Zhdanovich. The author thanks the concert agency Berin Iglesias Art and personally the representative of the holding, Olga Kuptsova, for the provided photographs and assistance in preparing the material.

Director of Opera Europa Nicholas Payne, who has repeatedly visited the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus and was a member of the jury of the Minsk International Christmas Vocal Competition, has prepared a congratulatory appeal to the theatre staff and spectators. That’s what it read on the eve of the celebration: On October 25 this year, the International Association of Musical Theatres Opera Europa, which today includes more than 200 opera houses from 43 countries, is the first to initiate the International Opera Day. This idea was born during last year’s International Opera Forum, which was held in Madrid and brought together representatives of six continents. International Opera Day will play a key role in promoting the opera and attracting the interest of the general public in this form of art. It was conceived in order to show how culture in general and opera in particular can contribute to universal well-being. All members of Opera Europe, as well as our partners in North and South Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania, have prepared their special message. The date of October 25 was not chosen by chance; on this day the musical geniuses Georges Bizet and Johann Strauss were born, the authors of perhaps the most popular works in the world — the opera Carmen and the operetta The Bat. The magnificent Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus will celebrate this event with a concert of the inimitable Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. Without a doubt it will cause a worldwide responce. On behalf of the World Opera Society, I congratulate the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus and Minsk!

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International project

Great, magical, incomparable... One of the latest international projects of Andris Liepa, People’s Artist of Russia, director, producer and author of “Russian Seasons of the 21st Century” — “Auto­graphs and Images” — was presented on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. It is dedicated to the me­mory of the legen­ dary ballerina who had Belarusian roots — Maya Plisetskaya, People’s Ar­ tist of the USSR.


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e will keep in memor y for a l ong t i m e t h at especially warm atmosphere, as if you were sitting by the fireplace in a country house, but at the same time soul-elevating theatrical atmosphere which prevailed in the Bolshoi. Sweet sorrow, admiration, gratitude — this is an incomplete list of emotions that filled the inner world of the theatre throughout the performance. And the feeling of pride for the Belarusian ballet dancers who, along with the dancers from other countries, brilliantly embodied the images created by Maya Plisetskaya on the stage. She used to be called the best ballerina of the planet, the genius of metamorphosis, the symbol of the century, the symbol of pure art of unconditional beauty, the standard of grace, dignity, honor and aristocracy, and the grandiose personality…

All this, according to Andris Liepa, was right. He, a representative of the world ballet dynasty, in the past a brilliant performer of leading ballet roles, and now a director and producer, as well as an artistic director and chief ballet master of the Uzbek State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi, was lucky enough to know the great ballerina. At the world’s best venues in Paris, Madrid and London, he organized and staged gala concerts called AVE MAYA, dedicated to Plisetskaya. “Autographs and Images” is a project that includes an annual program dedicated to ballet stars. And that time it was Maya Plisetskaya. It seemed as if she was performing in our Bolshoi. Yes, the illusion of the presence of the great ballerina on the famous stage was great: during the performance we, holding our breath, were watching snatches from the ballets she used to dance in her time, and video footage with documentary

International project episodes from “Bolero” by Maurice Ravel in the choreography of Maurice Bejart, in which Maya Plisetskaya was shining from the screen. By the way, this French ballet dancer, choreographer and teacher created “Leda and the Swan”, “Kurazuku” and “Isadora” for her. I think young fans of ballet can only regret that there remained only a few of the videos of the performances of the outstanding dancer. And I would call the gala concert “Maya Plisetskaya. Dedication”, as it is stated in the program, a performance in her honor. The integrity, the natural flow of one performance into another, united by deep psychological logic — that is the way it was staged by Andris Liepa. The queen of the world ballet, again, was invisibly present on stage. It was as if her image was filled with breath and energy of the performers — their admiration for the dance diva’s talent, a great desire to come up to her level at least in something. And, in my opinion, they managed to do it. Yes, it is impossible to repeat everything Maya Plisetskaya did. But “a little” is always inherent in a great talent. All the participants of the program without exception managed to make us enter the world of Maya with their high level of performing skills: artistry and perfected technique. Winner of international competitions, winner of the Francysk Skaryna medal Alexandra Chizhik, Viktoriya Trenkina, winner of the Francysk Skaryna medal Anna Fokina, Honored Artist of Belarus Konstantin Geronik, winner of international competitions Taro Kurachi, Takatoshi Machiyama, winner of international competitions, Yana Stangai, winner of international competitions, and Yegor Azarkevich, diploma holder of the Francysk Skaryna medal… These are the names of soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus, whom we can be proud of. The masters of ballet from the Mariinsky Theatre, the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, the Hungarian National Ballet, the Dutch National Ballet, as well as the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre also danced flaw-

lessly. It seemed to me that every artist remembered the words of Plisetskaya: dancing technique won’t get you very far. That is exactly what she said: “For me, the most important thing is not to lift my leg, but to be an artist, to hear music and know why you’re on the stage… I still believe that dancing technique only is not the way to conquer the world. Both today and in a hundred and fifty or two hundred years’ time, the dance first of all should touch the soul, make one feel empathy, cause tears, give the creeps…” I can’t say about everybody, but I was able to experience what Maya Plisetskaya was talking about. The director himself set the tone of the evening with his great love for Plisetskaya, shared his memories. Talking about the parts she used to dance, presenting the performers, he pronounced her name, Maya Mikhailovna, respectfully and reverently, in such a way that the audience held breath at that moment, so that, God forbid, not to contradict the melody of memory, not to give a slight push to the atmosphere of confidence. It seemed the boundaries between the ramp and the audience are being eliminated… Before the start of the program, which gathered the stars of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus and soloists of the largest theatres of the world, Andris Liepa came on the stage and addressed the audience. His first phrases sank in applause: Andris is known and respected in Minsk: he is, I repeat, a representative of the famous ballet dynasty, the author of the project “Russian Seasons” by Sergey Dyagilev, who has been reviving it for more than twenty years. The news archive on the website of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus ( contains interesting information: 100 years later, in 2007, this unique cultural event was reborn on the stage of the ChampsElysees Theatre in Paris, where the second tour of the project “Russian Seasons of the 21st Century” took place. “For the first time in history, in the frame-

work of the international tour “Russian Seasons of the 21st century”, which covers France, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, the festival will be held in the Belarusian capital, where the best ballet productions of Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Sheherazade” and Igor Stravinsky’s “The Firebird” will be performed with the participation of brilliant artists — the stars of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theatres, the Kremlin Ballet, which make up the elite of the Russian and world stage.” And that is exactly what happened. The premieres of these ballets at the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of Belarus took place in October 2010. By the way, a Protocol of Intent was signed between the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus, represented by Director General Vladimir Gridyushko and the Charity Fund of Maris Liepa, represented by Director General Andris Liepa on the implementation of the project. I also remember a creative event dedicated to Liepa on the stage of the Bolshoi in Minsk in November 2017,

Andris Liepa

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International project when Nino Ananiashvili, a superstar of ballet and long-term partner of Andris Liepa on the stage, visited the Bolshoi Theatre. We saw her in the ballet “The Vision of the Rose”, which was staged in the Belarusian Bolshoi by the choreographer Radu Poklitaru. We also watched two one-act ballets from “Russian Seasons”, i. e. “The Firebird” and “Sheherazade”. But back to Andris Liepe. He is on the stage of the Bolshoi. There is silence in the hall. He tells the audience about the

style, who, when working with Mariya Semenova (Russian ballet dancer, ballet teacher — Auth.), was able to make this ballet a masterpiece. Liepa also announced the names of the dancers who were to perform pas de deux from Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”. Those were the dancers from Japan, laureates of international contests Midori Terada and Koya Okawa, currently working in the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. They were also going to dance the final piece:

were replaced by others… Perfect, magic movements of hands of the dancer, her high and easy jumps, aspiration… Ballerina-flash… And well-known is recollected: the portrait of Plisetskaya was painted by Mark Chagall, great foreign choreographers staged ballets for her, she was invited to the receptions of presidents, prime ministers and kings. Pierre Cardin made her costumes for “Anna Karenina” and “The Seagull”, and Robert Kennedy, the brother of John F. Kennedy, the President of the

years of his friendship with Maya Plisetskaya in his typical gentle and friendly manner. How he used to come to the house of Maya Mikhailovna and her husband, composer Rodion Shchedrin, how he discussed with them the project “Autographs and Images” on the eve of her 90th birthday, which she did not live several months to see. Liepa also recalled the role of Marius Petipa’s “The Sleeping Beauty” in the creative life of Plisetskaya. According to him, “The Sleeping…” was the ballet, which showed that Maya Mikhailovna was a perfect ballerina of

pas de deux from Ludwig Minkus’ ballet “Don Quixote”. And all that was magnificent against the background of an informative and artistic footage on a huge screen at the back of the stage. There, by means of graphic lines, Plisetskaya’s flash-like variations, as the famous ballet dancer Vadim Gajewski said on the day of Plisetskaya’s 85th anniversary, were coming to life. Those were jumps, movements. They reminded about the graphic style of the ballerina’s dance. There she was in a tutu from “Swan Lake”… A moment and those lines, disappeared and

USA, romantically courted her, giving her a magnificent bouquet of flowers on her birthday. And worshipping his wife Rodion Shchedrin composed ballets for her, as she said. “She starred in “Carmen”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and “The Dying Swan,” and the part of OdetteOdile, which she used to dream of in her school years, was performed by her more than eight hundred times. Maya Mikhailovna lived on the stage until she was seventy years old and appeared on the stage once again when she turned 80, performing “Ave Maya”, which had been


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International project created for her by Maurice Bejart. The performances were always staged for her by the most famous choreographers (including Roland Petit and Alberto Alonso), and her characters were dressed by the great Couturiers. And again I would like to reread the autobiographical book “Me, Maya Plisetskaya”, which contains lines about the Belarusian roots of the ballerina. Her mother was born in Vilno, while her father was born in Gomel. That’s what Maya Mikhailovna writes about it:

haven’t found such information. But undoubtedly, Plisetskaya knew Belarus through people. Valentin Elizariev, the current artistic director of the Bolshoi Theatre, was connected with by close creative friendship, which lasted for years. In 1973, at the age of 26, Valentin Yelizariev became the chief ballet master of the State Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Belarusian SSR. And in 1976 he worked with Plisetskaya on the set of the film “Fantasy” by Anatoly Efros based on

was a feeling of warm friendship and trust to each other. She had a very select circle of socializing, but I was part of it… It so happened that just during the filming my wife gave birth to our daughter. From a creative trip to Italy, Maya Mikhailovna brought us a package of toys and children’s clothes as a gift. Such things are never forgotten… Of course, she knew her worth, but she was open with me. We collaborated very seriously and fruitfully. It happens very seldom when in the creative

“My father was born in a quiet appletree, dusty city of Gomel. The Plisetskys originate from that area which is known for its soul-stirring, soft beauty of Belrusian springs. He was born at the very beginning of the century, in 1901. And in 1918, when he was 17 years old, he “joined the Communists” and joined the party. Like all the Don Quixote of that dashing year, he frenziedly believed in the bookish idea — to make all mankind happy…”. Has she ever been to Gomel? In Minsk? I don’t think so. Anyway, I

Turgenev’s novel “Spring Torrents”. Since then, they had met more than once. And Elizariev was one of those whom she heard. My colleague in an interview with him (https://www. quotes Plisetskaya, which characterizes the creative level of Elizariev: “I do not like to repeat the movement at all. Not for any choreographer! I have my own individuality, I feel differently. But I wanted to repeat everything exactly for Elizariev”. “During our meetings, — recalled Valentin Nikolayevich, — there

process there is a movement from both sides to meet each other. Usually there is some resistance. She was able to achieve her goals, to hear, to transform everything she saw and heard in dance…” So, the project “Autographs and Images” by Andris Liepa, a gala concert of ballet stars “Maya Plisetskaya. Dedication” was performed in Minsk. Thus, the queen of the world ballet visited Belarus. By Valentina Zhdanovich. The photos provided by the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus.

беларусь. belarus 2019



Black and white


Ballroom parties in the Kupalovsky, at that time called the Minsk City Theatre, began more than 100 years ago — the building’s architect K. Kozlovsky provided the possibility of mechanical raising the floor to the stage level. Over a century little is left, of course, of the jacking system. However, after a large-scale three-year reconstruction of the theatre, new engineering infrastructure and new ways to unite the stage and the hall have appeared. This all is in order to revive the tradition and invite guests and participants on December 14 to the country’s first charity Viennese Ball.


“The tradition of balls in Belarus is centuries-old, it existed in the 18th century and was very popular among the Radziwills,” — recalls Pavel Latushko, director of the Kupalovsky Theatre. — Yes, Pane Kohanku arranged balls, which were attended by King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Stanislav Augustus Poniatowski. Zorich organized a ball in Shklov to which he invited Empress Catherine II… This tradition continued in the 19th century —


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there is evidence that balls were held in Minsk in the house where the father of Stanislav Monyushko used to live, and at the beginning of the twentieth century. Therefore, this year we, together with our partners, are actually restoring as well as continuing the history of balls in Belarus.” “Viennese Ball with A1 in the Kupalovsky Theatre” is held jointly. A major Belarusian mobile operator with Austrian “roots” provides financial and charity support, the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre is responsible for creative content, and the Austrian Embassy to Belarus patronizes the event and provides advisory support. Viennese Ball is one of the symbols of Austria. According to historians, in Vienna of the 19th century in the carnival season, up to 250 balls could be held every evening! Later, the balls moved from the palaces to the opera house and acquired a new attribute — masks for the participants. After the Anschluss, balls were banned for almost 20 years but did not cease to exist, and today the Viennese Ball is a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage and a beautiful cultural tradition, popular in many cities around the world. To have the right to be called Viennese Ball, — says Austrian Ambassador to Belarus Aloisia Wörgetter — the ball must meet fairly strict criteria. So, among the prerequisites — the participation of debutants, unmarried girls 16–23 years old and single men 18–26 years old, who open the ball with a polonaise. In addition, the debutants have an especially strict dress code: long white dresses,

closed-toe shoes and open necks for girls, tailcoats or tuxedos and bow ties for men. The order of the ball is also important: after the polonaise, a Viennese waltz must be followed by social dances — polka, waltzes, foxtrot, tango and even rumba, at midnight a general dance, and the feast ends in the morning. I like the left-sided waltz most of all, — admitted Ms. Wörgetter, — and I hope that many at the ball in Minsk will support this hobby of mine. Another feature is the charity idea of the celebration. Therefore, the organizers will send half of the proceeds from the sale of tickets (and there will be no more than 250, due to the capacity of the theatre) to help the organization “SOS-children’s villages Belarus,” thanks to which for many years hundreds of children left without parental care in Borovlyany, Maryina Gorka and Mogilev have been brought up not in orphanages, but in SOS families. So far, one can only guess what kind of music will sound at the Minsk Viennese ball in the Kupalovsky Theatre: most likely, the Viennese classics — Strauss, Beethoven and Mozart, probably — the current hero of the day, the Belarusian classic of Polish music Monyushko… But it is already known that it will be possible to see the ball even for those who fail to come — A1 will arrange a live broadcast on the VOKA digital platform. Perhaps, this ball will become a new beautiful tradition of modern Belarus. By Vitoriya Teleshuk

беларусь. belarus 2019


New features

Fashion with the prefix “eco”


Environmental friendliness, responsibility, sustainable consumption, recycling — this was the motto of the 19th season of Belarus Fashion Week. Fashion Week in Belarus, as usual, coopts all current global trends and this applies not only to the catwalk.


The world is campaigning for the environment and Belarus along with everyone is at the forefront: natural fabrics, eco-dyeing, addiction to well-made things that can be worn for years. Designer clothes today are acquiring new features, moving towards not so much the “craze of the day” (be in time to buy so as not to look like a flood victim!), but rather promoting a line of timehonoured good quality. Today, a linear structure dominates the fashion industry: “Take, make, throw away.” Since 2000, the production of clothing in the world has increased more than twofold. Humanity consumes about 62 million


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tons of clothing per year, and only 20% of these items are reused or recycled. In contrast, the basic principle that forms the environment for the development of sustainable fashion: “Better less, but better.” — How do we see the strategic development of Belarusian fashion? The buyer today wants to choose interesting clothes that are affordable, technologically advanced and have an ideological implication — environmental protection, the cultural aspect, the idea of sustainable fashion, — says Yanina Goncharova, founder of Belarusian Fashion Week. So, during the Ethical Fashion Show new eco collections were shown by the winner of the New Names BFW competition of young designers Kseniya Gest and Anastasia Yaminskaya (her workshop is called Jamido and uses only natural materials, each item, from a dress to table linen, is created customized by hand). Yaminskaya is a graduate of the Academy of Arts, she decorates each flap of flax with a unique copyright print of a natural theme: nettle leaves, aise-weed umbrellas, garden flowers or weeds — the designer draws inspiration from the nature of Belarus. The Belarus Fashion Forum was dedicated to the topic of ecology, sustainability and recycling, which brought together experts from Russia, Ireland, Sweden and a whole delegation of Swedish entrepreneurs. Sweden’s Ambassador to Belarus Christina Johannesson praised the work of the Belarusian Fashion Chamber to host Belarus Fashion Week. It is a great honor to collaborate with the Belarusian Fashion Week again, said the Ambassador:

— Fashion today is a very broad concept. Fashion and the textile industry, in general, are an integral part of what we call sustainable development. It is noticeable how quickly things are developing in this industry, how we, consumers, influence brands today. We are also very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the educational part of Fashion Week and to see the collections of Belarusian designers. I personally can add that Belarus is an unusually interesting country in this area, and the development here is now faster than in many other European countries. Orsha Linen Mill was of particular interest to Swedish specialists in the field of creating environmentallyfriendly fabrics and dyeing: — In general, we are very closely following what is being discussed in the field of new materials and more sustainable development of the textile industry, — said the ambassador. — We will closely look for opportunities for further cooperation between Sweden and Belarus, and I am sure that we will find them. The second important and most attractive topic for the consumer is the opportunity to buy clothes of Belarusian designers at not very high prices. At last, on the sidelines of Fashion Week, a fullfledged and large-format “pop-up store” project was launched — a temporary market where everyone can find something original. The third important emphasis of BFW is education for young designers. Training programs included three days of full work and a special Fashion Tech Hub forum dedicated to modern technologies in fashion. By Irina Ovsepyan

Alexander Kishchenko. Girl in the blue. 1980.


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