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Anti-cancer, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis and COVID 19

Domestic pharmaceutical companies produce a wide range of drugs, including antitumor drugs, for the treatment of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for patients with not the most common but very serious diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. At the same time, manufacturers are convinced that Belarusian analogues are no worse than foreign originals, especially since the quality requirements are very stringent.



The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry on amino acids that are well assimilated I a. R of the National Academy of Sciences of Be- and have no significant side effects. One of o P oe larus is one of the manufacturers of high- them, Inocardil, is as good as the famous RM a C tech antitumor drugs. It has mastered the “Product” in terms of its anti-ischemic and PH a production of expensive drugs needed by cardio-tropic effects. Academpharm is deBelarusian patients in small quantities — veloping the production of anti-HIV and up to 120 kg a year. The cost of one bottle of hepatitis drugs. a foreign drug can reach several hundred While in 2010 domestic drugs acUS dollars. counted for 22% of the Belarusian market — We are trying to choose expensive in value terms, since 2015 this figure has drugs for production in order to ensure exceeded 50%. The cost of Belarusian ana- 35 countries worldwide. Their quality is as import substitution and support the budg- logues is 1.5–2 times lower than that of im- good as that of their imported analogues. et, — says Svetlana Babitskaya, Director of ported drugs. There are 38 pharmaceutical — Our manufacturers buy substances the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. — manufacturers in Belarus. The most impor- from the same plants in India and China All these drugs are used in hospitals, and tant — Belmedpreparaty, Borisov and Nes- as the world-famous Bayer. 90% of our patients receive them free of charge be- vizh medical plants, Minskintercaps, Ekzon factories have been re-equipped and opcause they are purchased by the state. and Lotios SPC — are united into a pharma- erate making use of modern equipment.

The production technology of two ceutical holding. It accounts for about 80% When we go to exhibitions in Russia and targeting (molecular targeting, “hitting” of production and the same contribution to Ukraine, the first thing that is swept off the specific targets) drugs has been developed, exports. Belarusian medicines are sold in shelves is our medicines, — says Vladimir they are used for the treatment of hepatoM Gapanovich, Director of Lotios SPC. cellular and renal cell carcinoma as well as e. C o Belarusian scientists are also developchronic myeloleukemia. x SI t ing anti-COVID-19 drugs.I The original product of the manufacturer “Leykovir” is for treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis, it stops the o wael2011.w — The bioinformatics group has analysed databases and found structures that could become a prototype for a drug that R destruction of inflamed areas of the brain. B u blocks coronavirus proteins. But to start By the way, last year this drug won a gold synthesizing it, funding is needed. We medal at the St. Petersburg innovation ex- therefore anticipate that this work will behibition. gin next year. We can expect the produc-

The Institute of Physical and Organic tion of such a drug in the next few years, — Chemistry of the National Academy of said Svetlana Babitskaya. Sciences of Belarus produces drugs based By Elena Kravets

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