Belarus (magazine #12 2019)

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Magazine for you

No. 12 (1035), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

New Year — new opportunities

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы чацвер, 12 снежня, 2019

Выдаецца з красаВіка 1955 года l

l № 23 (3611) l


l чацВер, 12 снежня, 2019

Гол ас Рад зім ы

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце ў інтэРнэце на паРтале

Такія прыгожыя, цёплыя дні

19 20 а, СВе­та­по­гляд ад тап ліс 15 а, іц тн пя ы зім ад сР ла Го


Сваё месца ў крымскай супольнасці

Стар. 4




Стар. 5


Не забытыя вы, “Незабудкі”!


Стар. 7


ы м і з д а Р ас л ю Го ын уч

од тэ­ры­то­рыя­да­ Бры­ні а

Родныя людзі на Балканах


ра­дасць­ В ы да на­па­рад­ку­дня






л у­Беларусі­ў­чарговы­ нн аР раз­пачалася­маштабная­ е “Г У часе візіту Прэзідэнта Беларусі ў Бялград мы чулі шмат неказённых слоў не толькі пра дзелавоеДар 19 ол ус 20 дабрачынная­акцыя­ ог а, ас і Да партнёрства. “Мы сябры, “нашы­дзеці” ад мы проста родныя людзі. А гэта найвялікшая і шчырая аснова нашага ам і Ра ўну дзетак у На­ ап с і­ т Пра тое, каб П п у супрацоўніцтва,”5— Вучычам. ам вагодне­Каляд дз аўнуюі бопару было ліс заявіў Аляксандр Лукашэнка на сустрэчы з Прэзідэнтам Сербіі Аляксандрам l УЛ с 1 яЦ № ім л аР , т й Го а ўлоўная мяжа паміж лі­ а анрадас ь ці, ру­ 2 Ёсць нейкаяіцня больш нагодаў для і ы л Скр атвіі ла ш ы н ” ч 2 (361 сР н е , y й н т я С хам і да бром — у лю бую па ру жыц ця. На­ пяц ца ў Бе ла ру сі не толь кі Дзед у э об ад 0) тар ндс а в Б .bсе, віхурным свеце,ш ы пя зім . 3краіне што­ aча р ы ват у цяпе Мароз і Снягурка. У каг айс та l l рашнім з ы ны Мн вы каліп ас 8 а к ков аўто zd йц змяшалася,ia зда ецца, усё з усім. Нех год праходзіць Усебеларуская а М ­пом о­гія раю ых айта робіць ал ар. ра ен v бізнес — а ўсміхаН Ку а­ну­м нік ­ ве­д на табеzсвой ецца, як леп­ г Ст к, , уш бра дабрачынная акцыя “Нашы дзе­ ет 26 а Ан п­ры ент­ а ­у­Ж аць­ е з ц ліс ша му сяб ру. Хтось ці, пра вёў шы пе ра мо вы, ці”. Кі раў ні кі мі ніс тэр стваў ды а я ­ л нав кіх па тап но ас­та ­на­в м­ у о­дзі пра ава мо органаў дзяржкіравання, Га лася б, “у цёплай дружалюбнай атмас­ тзда ад аліні шых Р Ай ў,­як с­ ія­Ф ай.­П ­ го­н н­ е,­ я ­ ша Р г а, та іл пацо ра ар­ кі­ сц­ 20 мяс прадстаўнікі які­ ­чын ія­за ам ’я мявыхках улад, 19 па феры”, кідае ўслед табе, толькі прыкрыеш л ­на г­ і­н ­ і­ніч в­ обр­ мац­ і­ на­зы і­фі­гу м ў м l е я х й в за сабой дзверы, раздражнёна: “Пайшоў зацый на па­ у н­ а а і п в­ ­ р­ грамадцскіх ь Ге аруга с аў тані zv на )l гля ­ту­лі, ас­ об­л ­вай­н ­лі­ на а­ды з­ ам ­ і­ а­тры аю П ць вестку дня тКлы ая імі р то 09 е ты!..”. Цы ніч ны кар’ е рыст, цяг ну чы жы ста вяць... дзі ця чую р ­п ­ ы ­ф д ­ С а а я 6 е ­ з­ ia ё ­ оя Пё ам тк­ Ліедзядзі­цёці а н­ ы .­Н р я­ц го (3 пр ск уск і йц zd рак, з пад хначаленых на шляху да ўлады,Везнахо­ 21 час­ тр.­ 7 ­сых­ глядк­ ­ ў­ ай­ма ан­та ё­ра­я ­ста­л і­ радасць. СалідСныя і й к а а і а а п я н л м х б в р 2 о і­ е с № у л ­ 5 а і, шнаты, т a. ецкінтэр 6 л саіібе апраўданне: “Нічога асабістага: аш цы як ­ге ­г ­дзі й,­ рон од ­Вя ­сы дзіць наведваюць дзіцячыя l ы ­ ы л­ і­к ­ ш ра бела цыя прыйш ў лік by ліст ткун­ а н зва о­му­ р­ аі­ч а­доў ць­ад раз­в з­ е­ б ш о ч а г а ­ю е а толь кі бізнес”. Эх, як хо чац ца та ды кі нуць да мы ся мей на га ты пу, апя ы й ў ­н н ­ н ап і­ л н­н па ” Саю Нік з ады естка Ста а ла с­ ай­г я­д ­яе­— тал і­ж нак ­ е ы усіму ад яв рмдуш спрытнюгу, перафразуючы скія й прыёмныя сем’і, а так р. 4 кі­ У­с ­Гер­ мяр­ о і­бел­ аўн­ а ­г ь­ны эй­ д ,­ ’я айш га 19” в зса­ а, ім тр а ра ар тна Ба ад Абяз р. 6 ая ям ув ска 20 20 віі дып у­бо­т оя­С т­на­ і­Пя ­спо э­та­й м­ по а­ ма тыя сем’і, якія выхоўваюцьяфр цкай елларус дз 19 С акае народнае: “Бізнес добра вАмі дасн ені: савых асій да– етная Ббе “М ,­ Лі­ ­мі­сій у,­2­лав­ ец был­ т­ра­І ў­ні­л ­ёсц ­ ­ ены — вось таму ён і расце!”. дзяцей­інвалідаў. Не застаюцца эйта вол Ра ра юм рыт аў р ’я го тдз пе ­ по а­ра е­пай ­ Бе іс­т ­каг­ а о­ п ван­ а ас­ я­з ь­ да ўгноЗдзел ра асц е­ р кі па брэксіце, гандлёвыя войны, з цадка ожц “Сям Шма без высокай увагі й цэнтры ка­ н­н аст ск ­шу­к ”,­ С ­скай ­ла­ру а­па­д ­Саю ас Пя і ­ ы­с ­ві­ча ­ м “ а­ва ­ к р­ тра ўш о­вых а­ві­кі, крун ­ бе­л ­сі­ ды а,­ пр ­за. воен­ ,­ афшоры, падстаўныя фірмы, кантрафакт, П ера урсу цыі рэкцыйна­развіваючага наву­ ол а­н а­ 30 ­ Дзя ц­ а.­ а д Г ­б п а ­м к а ш м а а ­ ­ ­с ­на­в ра ­ру Ра д­ст н н Куп ер ­ ў зіл­ ­ле а­ла ­та­ чорныя рыэлтары, падпольныя цахі, цене­ б­ чання й рэабілітацыі, бальніцы. з г ма Др с ц яс ка ко амі е“ т­ ае а­хо­д ай­ за а­ П ­ гэ ­у­ ў­Ж На­р а­лі­п ­кіх­м ­цо­вы ­га­ с ­кай­ ­сіі­ ў­ аў­ні­ р к ­ а ” н н с с о в ­ р ы а ,­ э ­ г у а а вая эканоміка, брудная нафта, гандлёвыя Чыноўнікі віншуюць дзяцей з а й ме тац ва н яна ы­б ­ва м’я чы ў­ пр ял­ і­к с­ ка ”­ — ­шоў а­ бы о­дзі ­дзіў а­мя о­гіл я­ж ­ма­к гра Лат а ы l а ай ў­з п ўВучыч ся Ура­ ц­ аЛукашэнка еб­зца ў ­н ­ся­ ць­Г сустракаюцца В ­к ы­х і­р ­ма як ­родныя людзі лчац ва Па санкцыі… Не хочацца доўжыць. Хо Новым годам, Калядамі, пры­ ар­т эх­ Аляксандр да і­ра Н­Не р ’ер і е ейа­р­т ­су­вя е,­заўсёды ў­ мл­ ё го­ді Аляксандр да ж ж ка льск тва е ах а­р а­в ­ды а­х з­ п а,­ т ыі­ пр д­ве ­ о і­ка­ Кра м’я­ ­ён­п па­сп ям Уво ­ра ­ы­за з­ны з­ мая ­ бе­л ­роя.­ ­ху­та ы­на ан­ня ­ шфа­шы го эм ык жыць — і не баяцца, што цябе “кіынуць”. дззяць ім падарункі. Да таго ж Вы ра ім м­н ой­ Што тв ац­ а­ рам ­ра­Л ­ва ,­ 55 едў­ч­ н­ск м,­ за ­43 а­ру сх ад­с ­дзе­н ­лі­л чн­ а­га­ “Ся а­ект, аз­і­ а­га­су­рл­ ет­з­ав­ў е оў с­та мс­ лу­а­т ­п Пр убр іцы Ч ­ адн­ ы­еШто й 19 ня і с ­г шмат о­д таў ы ­ табе здрадзяць. Што табе “ўсу аказлва і рдабром. ма на­ а Мяркую, зра зу ­ ючы ўсімі сіламіа раў рыІ,ўн­тры ь­нюць дапамогу кіраўніцтву ўй­ з­без і­еме а­п чу­деоце ы.­ нуць”. еп к­н е­ це,а тад р ын я: у ар дп­ р ксп­ н­ ер ­ ме ­ і­кі­ а ­кур­с ы­пр р­ты­р ­лоў­н .­нСі­ё4х­з­гпрао тыо­к­ ам й­бры ­тым а­па ­ у­ 19 ­н ­в аз й­н і­дяк ­да уб­р1999­м а­а Бе Ста мі ­э ку.ы ва н­ Даб ­—нех­лта, маг ы гу на Тэжры ё ра,анікоылі мя к аяк пшэф асалфет а4жуш­мтую­ ,­ слоў. цябе скарыстаюць і выкі нуць, такіх пад 2 чыма,і­ згадае, ні­к Мн ­Бел­ і­ко ын н нторыі ­ і­ ­г А ш ­ ы а­м ных устаноў у вы­ цц р р­ты ь?­ Л ­ пр е­ды ін­ж уж­б ­з­мін я­ Ко шт­ аб ­чацв­ ­тус­г раі­н­ эта­п !­­гАа­,­ кв­аыхх­ва ­ пад­ры а­ды­“ ­ку­л і­пен 6­ го­д бал ру­жа ­ў­той х­вот ­ла­ру р. ятчых праблем. зра ам­а е­па­ш а­ру­с ў­На кі­вы паДы ц яшчэ ае “К хнен ы” ц­ ­ні­к ­сі,ра ­най лікі Спішуць, выбракуюць. іоўпік нуць: шэнні бягу расту пае. дыРаПрэ Рэс о пе а ­ў ­ста ­су­к го­ м’і т­ аа­л лік­ро­ж мала ь­4 ма ар м сл а­гне в­ ы ­жа Бе­ 7 я­мзідэнт ­ты пуб зе­ ладой ­на ю ­ д ў ц ­ ,­ т ­ а ­ х м за д ­ б ­ я і н ­ іі ы к ­ б ­ ,­ ­ д ы і­ а ч ­ Ч а­ ых і­ко з­гр ёт­ч 4­г іц 5 ле і­лі­ ­С ­цы ­фа ­го м­н Ку л р­ э ­ра ­ня ь­нік дн­ Га ок­ ія й­і я цы р лі­ ты ­с лі т ­кры та р­ ­ уза­ ас ­я­н а­ра цькайупа Вы ­ ся—асвае п­р цыя прахо “Я ж табе…” Ці ў маш дзіць мп да 10 сту­ ­ ж,Руа вя ­па бам а­ рад. Які д­у а­ф Ак омцеўыу­к Бялг ніны: “Нуа ­ Вядома ­шыбілі ы баха кра на кол Стар. ал ў­у ў­а ды ар­н мпа ру г­ і­тым вы­с ад­ ру ц­ і­ла ,­удля дта ­ і­лырі,­в­ола­грусь ы­я я­ ­ва ­кон­к ь­ных 3343 Падк­ ­твах ­дам ” ­п ­ляв­ а а­чал асц­ і­ ваў. б­вы­с л­ яль ­ ­б а р ­г а н П с .­ ь с ­ м р ж м ­ н в ­б э м а а а н ­ н ­ е Б ік ц і­ ты зе ­на ­Па е лі­ме са т а ны, а­м туды, ­ го ж л на мы ж вам, беларусам…”.н Тас­ тму малё НАТА. “Ча жадан­мне зпаў дзель­ б у­рсамае ­я дзеоня. а а т,ўсё шч і.­ П н­ ы но­в н­ а ыц ­к е яго а­ ло’ягіі. ­ рАле ­га літ н Пра аё­ ­ ды,напа атэх ­ н убольш аў пімяр­ха н­ іц жа­вка ­як ­емс­ а­кко ­га­­ ­ла ­ І­ ая­ ар зо­наў. ль­н ыў­і­ ів ес ы­к ўст с­цы­ ят­н ­ра­зу­р ой­ск ай­гр х­па­л т.­А­2 ў­ сы зіная родэ­гнасць о м­ппа і­я­н н­ і­чаі­л сшчы м арасць іс яль а­ст аду і­ча — пэў леп ык­ і­ рай­шя,­ ад у:­ в сц­ і­Н ь­між а­л 100 абтэары Цю энт. пек й­ хоў ы адт­ уёсць д ­ ц ­ я ­ б м ­ ­ т ­ нт­ны цэніш з гадамі не столькі ма даб­ між ла па нес ла?..” на, не толь кі бе ла­ ні чаць у ёй за яві лі ка ля а у ­У п ­ м ­ ір ­ р у у гі у ы а ік а е я ія ю ­з з­ ы ­л р ль я­ я­м яго ­ля ­бе ­ім ­ва ­ ­ м ­ в ­лі­п ў­ а ­поў ­ві­д іс­ дп­ е­н м­ с ласн­ й,­л ­н ­ва­ ­пан­д ар­ты а­ М на ­шы ак­ты лі­ ­па­в ­бар­ е­за­л н­ а­р гр еш ­ сп ­— ­ва­н жа Сяведаць­посё ­лі­хі Вя ­пр лі­ркай ­леючы ­кі­ні дж пра важ е­ пабмя о­ж ­гі­нуар рабыт (важна ж не колькі ма “пры та га заа­ццый. На ­вя х.­ дзлеета а праў”. і­тамудзеве­лрыш ­н на, у ац­ емі, то гэ ­д кія баыбуль ­гна кі, с і­кі­ ­црус ­ма ы т­людзь і­ка ла­ іў без ўн­ ў­ сп я­да ы­ еж одн­ ­ н р а ы э э р П ў ў ы ы не іх­— ў т ­ ­ н а а в г ­ з ­ З л ­ а ­П а ­ ц ­ р :­ ­— ц а с я я ­м і­ г ­ н ­ ю ­ л­ парт б е ­ла­ раз а а ар­рагледзь а і­ а м­ таздым т алі в й­шкі, жвіц­ дэа гр ­до а­д мож ы дзей, су­г ры ка і­ажы к о­длю ­кіхлі.сь,­Ды е­мй ма каб табе хапала), колькі годсных най, так вацжа заэн130 вял­ у­ец Айчын акрэ ­ П ектаў.ігу­П­ры­ял лі­ Між кая­р г­ а­дзя ­ га­л ак­ ой ць­ ыл­ і­ ых­Д ым­н К р­м цеыфо т­ра йаб’ ула ­ на­в ь.­Пе “Н к д больш ­ ў зо уна ­ ся а ­ралі б­ ­ о ла­ Б т­ны­ ям ят ь­н ­ ых­т вы ­рам ­фа обн­ яб­зідэн ­“Л ят­ро і­м­ вхам у­п і­бе­л2­мо­г а­лі­а ­ры­я Куп ­жы­л ­та. зь­мі­ дах­між до а­ чака. ➔ сСтар. у­ с ў­Го н­ а­р аб­ о ­ве ас­ ав­ ­най­ за­ка дэ­м зяр а­зі­р ое аю ра а а ў­дСер н бію. хто адчувае няўлоўную мяжу па та за”­смель р і­ рутсі ­ ц з часу за а­ша Іван Іванаў ол і­ ­р ­с ­ ма лі іл л ­ ла ­д пе Бем ­т а ­ж д д ў, а ­ інвізіа­дту Прэ а о а н­ и ­т кі­ ­К ­г а к ­м БЕЛТА

Ма лод шы

сы нА нас тас іі К упр ыя нав ай


ір ыб



д бу м е


а. пад х. ара ліста выб ь 17 іх ц к нц йду аме про арл ду а П хо е н нага с н н ава аль лас ыян е га Нац ­г Р ­ш а д а ­у я з­ я,­ е­м ­п вы ла ель дн­ ы а­п а­лі­ ­лі,­ бс­ а­да к­ ра аў. ль­ ­кі­ Ге­р ­ках ­зна­ ь­ны ы­я­н ­ся­й уп а­ка юц од­п ­По­б бава ­ кі­р “Г ­ін й­ ова оў Лю ш­ ня с­ ла­л ’ю,­ льш ­у ыў о­л .­ “М оя,­ ­74 ча­л ­ка а­ва ­н ­ры ­ме ы­ сць у­ё ны сц­ і­н а. ве ­бар­ч д­ зе­ с­ кай я­ н а­ме кан зац­ і­ тан­ о ўс­ тв ­тыч ­Мы бо ­— ­ба­ч а­К 06 “М ь­да ры­в е­да.L ”­ды аў­нік а­ра да ­ю і­н ­мен ,­ д а­ ця ­я­н ­ня на о­да а­сям дыялог­культур ­та­ч с­ё х:­ ы­ мін таўнік ма а­ро­д х­ у­ д­ а­таў я­па аць­п е­№­1 ­ра,­і­ лю ­даць ай­к якой ­сел а­зі­ра сц­ ы­ж­ды­да каўл­ ў­цы.­ у­ Б н­ ыя,­ ­ а­в ­ ”.­ ­ве­д ­га а­зга ь.­П зе­ чы ­на а­вы я­в а­ Ха а­ры ­гля­д я­лі­м V”.­ ­ін­т ­ по ж р р ыц а э Ім­ а­л ­да­в ­д ­ і­ ­ 73­ ьс­ к ль­н ых­ ­таў, ен­ а Вы е­ла з­н Кры н­ды ,­які­ ас­ ав­ кру­з я­цё ­лін­ ­ ў ул­п у. у­ем,­ а­му­ў а­ры­т а­дзе А­Н ­кі­ ка­ ­бог­ а ­лю­б ам ж ме ­да­ро ”,­ гр аць­і ес­ц Бе­ла эр­нэ ­шу­к рас і­ся­а і­ну а­ны ра­ к у­к р­к ,­ч д­к ­і­Н ей.­ ць ­ е ­л ­а ­п а ў, а е.­Н ­ўча ы­з сіі­Л учас ай­вы і­кі­ арс­ т ­бо­п ­ вы­б б­ ар ­ дат адс ы дзе м а ь а ­ка­з к­т ­з­ч х­ р ў я ­з шэ ­ня,­за ­віч,­ а­ма ­на­д а­ў­п ­ру­сы т­па а­ва­г ­ц а­к л­ ец­ ­га ай ­таў з­ К і­ча а ­ тм пр ­бук у­дзе ­бар­ч ­дэн ам­ і­по­в ­ска,­ ,­ д М ­да­юц м’і­П ­ні­сла х­дзя ­яе­б ы­— і­ аў­ ы­віс а­ заб­ л­ ав­ а а­ша стк­ а ­іх.­ Па­рыс­ тк­ і.­ ­бар д­ СНва. ра­ве і­ра­лі­ іць ту пр па ф­ств ­явіў ус­кл д­скі­ а­лей а­ра­д ­з­Л р­та­л а­ з ­дзе е ­ся та ­ры у­сі, ­ку­н е­ п ,­ пр ясп­ я­а ­гр ­га­в ра а­Л Ста ­чай Д ­дзя а­н :­ дзе .­П ак,­ і­е а­ ­ты ры жа :­ён­б й­вы э­тэн Ро­д Ас Мін ы­яй м ­в а д а а б Р д ­ р ­ о а я а б ­ а ­д е р­ ­ак ­ пр а б у ­ то ­ р с­д ы­С е­ц ­ла ­Піс а­ т (Г а п ­па ­к а ­я р е а ра ўс­ ка а­пр н­ ы.­ в­ а,­ ­ і­ к­ ац­ . хо Пал сва ц­ ыя­ е­чан­ с­ тан­ ­па­на р­ ыл­ ас­ т г­лік ш р е­ ху­т ­са­дзе а­ваў д­св ­ла­ру ­ю­чы ч­Лі­ ад­ст ла­ну і­ а рэ жэнц ць­п ­з­Бе ­лай ­ пр ­мі”­ ­ ця­ ё а­віч ду ы с­ а­ ы­ў оў ­ве і­й уп ­пр ын­ я­ у­зе­№а­ца­в а ­са­м ­чы ­гі­лр б ­ п е ­з я ­ р а с ­ с Н о ­Б а п ­ к р я а ­ ш ­ н ­ ў а ы а к ­ ­а н ю ­ ж ы а ясерб ­ра Вы­клад­чык­з­Мін­ска,­які­не­ка­то­ры­ факкультэт БДУ н­(2002), скую асаблівасцям б ­н ­ксве а­ дн­ а а­ к сім ­ка,­ ­да­л ­на­п ­нас а­па акр ­а ая ве аі­ ­нік у ча­анай ­ е су ў­ва ­дды ч ам сері­ктацыі, ­лдае М песпры ­3 ­ ай ­твы ый кла Та е­ му Ма Ба­ра т­шм адн­ .­ Н ан ­н св а­1 р ць сі п ары ў ­ склі­аў­ ­гаМку іс кі,кайбыў ме Юр ­Лі­ду ­ла­ру­с ка­за­н эн­ны ­су­п т­кі­ д Юры ­ ­ ты ьты ыі­былы аспірант ы.­ гра ы­Мскай й п­ы ы­ё ,­ а ­на­ва у­го­в 7,­ хоку я­ро серб у П е,­ві рпрак ар зі час­меў­ста­ т ус­“за­ м еж­ н а­ г а­лек­ т а­ р а”­ мо ву (тэ а рэ тыч ную гра ма ма ты с е я 0 д ­ ы ц ,­ з­ ц ­ э с ­ ы н ­ а ­ а ­д ­ м о а ­ ў ы т ­ ­у ,­ а ы а ь м ­ м р ай д ы д ыя ен ­ні­з ­ва­ м,­ ­ко д­ а б­хо оч е к ­л ­ а ­п “М ар­ ­ р ­ні­ і­ ў­Л ую­д ­м л­ка ­ ка ­ ч м д­ а ­раш в­ іч зін­ а ы­ш і­бес а­ч дзе а­рыяАда умву­ў­як за­ ­шчма ­воЯўге ­мча, ацяпеарашні прафесар ба­ч жн­ ­таў, дн­ ­ны­н астк­ е­ў­аб к­ рыт­ а­на­ ­ ў­Бялг­рад­скім­уні­вер­сі­тэ­це,­даў­ маўкален а так сама куюакнмо а­рнаві ­х рус ­дня),­з­в та а­ры ы­яль ас­ка е­кі. ат­в а­па ес­ца ­бя­р ­ ела ыб сём­ а анн­ і­ Для­ М б­руй Ра­да ).­ М а­Цю ­ ар­г ае­ т ь”. не ­высАуд­н ,­ штео н­цта­ ыл­ ым­у ­ га ым,­ а­с аў.­У л­в асц ль­к дац іі,­ ­мо м.­ э­ Жо е­— НКаноды ­н Нор ў а філ“ фака ­— аба йБарыс ­ці­ кую ы ­­ ін­тэр­в’ю­сва­ёй­бы­лой­сту­дэнт­цы выбітны е уц2005­м .­ раніў с ман, та ­па­ру ”­вы ­ны­ ­заў,­ ц 9 БДУ ь т і,­ рымежную. У Б мі ж в ­дзе­ ўжхо­­ вы­бар­ру­сі.­мае­ іна,­­ з­ гас ­гу Ён ус вядзіян­д­таўзіць ­бар­ ы ­сам ­ўваз­ ыв­ ае­ ­ выу­­го­н Б а­лі:­ .201 аў­ні­ д­ска ль­тур ­ла­ру ана він част ­лас­ а вы­ве рой.­ сю­д ­кан­ ­ ба ­па ­Ам ­ ўб ­ра­Л ­кі­л ­ра­ш ка як,­ а ку р ­мДзя 3 коі­вец. е та Для Мікіты Супрунчука ў маіх су ай­ па­ серб кім слаўным лю­ Ів а та у ю­Бчы ­ша к­ у в­ ан ш ­на ыматы р­н а­д гра ­ вы ­да­р ­ У ы дб­ та рВік і­аскай ві­ра­ар с на .0ву ­ныцы. а Мікі Са ­та­ бу ­родн­ ы ­ Бе­л ­ хто­ т­ а­па­д ожн­ а­я­ нія а­чы­л і­ек­н а­мет ы­лі­ ­мень па­чу ан в­ а ­ёс ­не ан­ а час ­—­ на а аш ­ з­ко Ху­л а­в­беож ць­н е­ а і­ п раз­ у,­ ­м29 ­—­к гра ­на­к ­мія

Сербскія ўражанні Мікіты Супрунчука


м­ ­лі­ ць ­ п ­ін тк­ адзям Ів славістыкі. На фі­ ­н ага е доб­ з­ п віч чыннікаў­сербаў ёсць толькі самыя адзін ­ лінг­ в ас­ сна р я ­маюьінтарэс да л­ а­ме ніг­ каў ў­Д ­ н Мінск н зь­нза ­ц ,­ к валь Гэ ­ на жн­ ай ык­ аў, ­ ліс а­ м ак­ а і­ ра ­ га­д і:­ н і.­Вы ­раў па­ех ,­ а ў­шы ­ у— пеі-пс­ной ­я­нал ­та­но дзя ­на ра­х ­фа і­ іка ­ручо а а­шэн а­лей адс­ т ­ад­ ­жяка. ­з ­таПра там Т ­с ­н у ва­кцугурт 7 1аў­ на а­лі­ а­віс клванні:с­ тён рыя словы. Пра яго чула мер тыч а агіч ь о­ лалла ­не ­ле ш і­ сца “Н с­ло­ў оў­ е­вя­л ­бра­л ­ад­м аць­т к­ты ­ пр ў ­зі­р о­д р­ Р і­нед карто ­тар­цыным аі:до­мрас­ у­в­п ­ ч ­ 1 юч а.­ р­ у Аўфакультэце БДУ з 2005 года ака ар­з ­к.­аваў а­мрыацчас 9­к ­ ­бга а і­ дв ’­ез­хда н­8ы ­в 2 а ы­в­ёа­“ еа­л­накай кан не­за ­бар ­ на ­ ўкл і­но­в Бе­ла ­шы­ ­ ­янмбела шч ­чын­ у аль зіл­ а а з мі шчы ­ на ж ­н ­ выкла а­мрус а­мкам кі­м ­кай еваў “Н даю а­тб­ е ­яія­к ціхі ды спакойны чалавек,сквель рус сербскую мову, лінгвістыку, ў­на а­ват­ сё­тр 0­ ні­ іч­кі­ і­час е­мар­ у­ды іст­ ы ­ у­ г мо т ё­ва і­чы дн­ падвы аў­д ры л­клад анты ац­­пы­у ­рпоа­­бс ы у­ х­ вы ла­ны 6­га эр­м у­ ўпер ­шых г а ыц­ у, ­вы­б ­ні­кі.­ ­ ­м ак­ а­мм ыс т­кі­К за­л аць­у ­бі­ра ы­ пр с,­ це­н ох хто ма­н ,­па ы­я­л :­ гэ ­ Зсяела а­нні­ вер ц ,­ным д­ а­т ­ ты ­ з­ е­фі н ла с ўні Мінвае, да д офарокуль ы­н­егіч ­ ятэ а оў, р­і­умва ушыя ы й праніклівы. Не прыыхоў некарторыя ін це ар­ а­всітэ п­р прадметы. ты я­ п па­ 1 ­ да­т э­чы,­ ­ не­ ў­ін ля­ ў п ­л а ­с ­ о ё­ н­ ­ды чаакгоа­гля­ ва ы­во што ю­ с ­мят­р ­ не­ у­ме ­еха­л а­ху ­ ­знл ­х­таце ­ ыш ­ в­сал­ ­цет­ыа­ца­­“з с­ссваем ­таэх теуд­ ­пае ­драа­ц­ м у,­в ­—­м ы­я тр ан рыўн­ Сер аб­нел­для і.­Д ­ аў,Роу­бкра т­ ру­!­быў шы ­га­ в­ аць дар­ ц­ца к­ ам ­ а ым­ш ­на­ ­л­пяпры На е р ­ш а ­в а якая­ жыць сэрца. Хоць дзіў — А ка лі ў Вас з’я  ві ла ся ці ка васць  да, а­знааю­ а­кчым ў . ­тн­Бялг з­с ў­ Ю ­дзіць ­з­ты у­мн ов­ ы дМікіта а­гл нт­ а Супрунчук ар­ а д­ за к ­ адн­ біі, ­с­ннас, энне нара ­на айр­нпры і­ к ­ сся а ­ Т а а р ­ ­ б й п эх ­ е м ­ ц і­ а т ­ іч ­ м а ­ зе ы 2 а .­ ­ н Ц ,­ я ­ ­л м б р ц ­ а у е у ­та­т оўзайлюбіл­ мых о е у­дчы ­ва 1 ­лас­ к­ а ў­ва ­ба об т­т ы­к ­ у шу кракіану,ыхзаўр­сё су др ы ­н ­л а ы дымік ын­каў. ды ­пол ры.­—­ усё м­ра н­ня ­хм я­дае пош ­ ц­ е і­ д­ а ю ов ­га­тааддным ц­ц і­вы к а­лклад але ж любіць вяр­­ды ся, лі ва шы на­ тна й­у е н­ды уч­ ын­ дсан да сeрбскай мо вы? Хто бы  ­ў­а ь­н о­в ых­ а кім­ кан й­на а­ пка.­ Па­лі­нэх­н0і­8.­­пер­ ві­аса­ме­ма­вхато­бп­шам ка ­ ў ­біц ў­ ыз­ ,­ за ­ ­ га ак­ты ст­ о г­вы ­па­д эр­нэ е­в аі­н­ а ­ Гер­ ­стрэ­л у­гім ю .­ ­ ­ т ­Ж я з­ а а ­ а ы ­н н ­ :­ н р ­н ­ н і­ ы к а і” 1 й – А ­ ­ л і­ С д ­ р т ­ ­ ц а Ж б ж ве таецца дапяе, і на серб скайі­мо ні кі? кі­­чтамаг­ ­аВікта ў той ін к час, у 90­я, ьбылі яшчэ свежыя ўспа­у од ­кя ­бу цэнлыв ян­стаў  ­муораг­ві ­с р­лмы пр ­кар­ э­р уць ­ін уль ­к ­ка ,­ ац­ мес паЗ­ КМі№ы я ­л о­ем і­ся­ ­ —­ о­,­чам ”амаль цьрыць ін­сгаяво аш с У­п ­стр дзін а­мі, б­ме па­ра :­ са е­ ўзн я­ком ­ а ­ ы і­ла:­ ы зін ­ ма­ лісў­­ўББялг м ­ та ­ ­зегу ндоб аоі­­хлівён іс ­ С т­гаі?рамдзе, ­П свтка ­з­в пра ­мі­ як ік П ту­фра ­ адзень р­к сла ­даквію ­ск Юга арш ­ мкуль аыры аю­роудзель­ ар­м— у­мміны Іва р ы­кл ­лы— .­ ную, на­т ба­ трак вы ,­ і­ ш ў­ід р­чыя і­па­к ць­ ІТм.­ А о­ва ­ вель мі ра. Серб ская мо ва, Яшчэ ў шко ле мя не ці ка ві ла гіс то­ ма гут м П т е із ­ ­ м е у ,­ е ­ д ач за о з­ т ­ ­с а с р за т а у ­ л л р а б адч­ ад г. л е ­ ­ е­д ­гіс ­ ­ц кр ты ўзр й8,­ ар­ вы ы­“ м­с ­ ­в а !­ аю о­р а­ ню р­жа ыб­ а ар­ у­с ,­ хо о­да р­мі­н чым ­ гуаснас ­дзе ­лжам, та а­цы ы ч ц­ ы­ ­та ы­хслаў зі славіі, таму сачыў за навітанаымі Вя ягоны с ­шы нтую, е­ дзе славіс­ Лу е­ з­ ін ц­ца ­ сон ні ­в сій а чаў ау XVІ Між у­сюі­ным і­ка пафе 9 ­м ю а а­лную гэта ну. уСка ы Юга і­ а­лкраі— пе з­ парыя ­ч і­раз’ез ць аўінтарэс. р­ э ны ц­ е ыуі­ “ ­­ црод .­➔ ­ці­злі­ ­дга 19 зіанна чн­ пра ­ю ім ­чай­ дыд а­га­ д­р к­ А н­ з­ ­р зен м­ па д­ны пла і­ сі­т ­ зга м­ дзя м.­ В ­Бе­л ц­ца ым­х дат­ э й:­ні­ што ­ ­на п р р­ ам­ ,­дыр­ ­н а й­ ка дат — д­ а­т бе­канды й­п ыхбіі, лМаке якдоніі, Босніі, Харватыі. Та ­ц тась у­апу ­рыта а­Вікм н­д рэ ы­б 20–27 жніў хдат ­— Маш д і­ завіч аг­ а нцк­вук, ле ня.ам­ а Сер ды, ла Мі н­ 9пра ан ўякі ь русі­ехвы зір 5,­ ходзіў ­ ў­н Мыйта­ ­на най Ст тэ­рБе ­ яйбекарыс ­ ­ды — ха ­гіі­ў ­ваю ­ сткі ­цытадцы “ Б ы ­е ­ сі­я­тара ­ ­бар ­ктаў, зм ­ ена ас­ у ­ба,­ н­ ым 9 ­ня,­ а ­ Ка­ ­а­ ёвй­ ­ мод п эк­ о ы ў­Д раг­ р г­ла­н ­тав­ а як­сан іх­ — ам ы а­лі­ мэб ал а ы­то ­вабу ан ­ты тыч р­ ­м зе­яадзен ­па ­ра­сі­ ы­на ­ ка арк­ ка вы ым На і. я зра н­ інтэр р­ эд нага і ам гуртарак да фед славян­ ло ст­ оў ­ца­п аць­ ­і­га­л ­ трэ ­леж зян­ пр біла ьн Ар р ы м ­с т рад­ н­ студпа ­ к тэ­лаарэ ак­т пад1станве ­ і­ ры а­ш н­ня юне ­ з бЮга ­ры ­пі­так, уб­ ам а­к па ­ўмасноўным паведамлен­ р. 6ліся ла­в на­ ля, ра ажсла 18цэнт я­н ­б ­б Уя в’ю, ­ уа 90­я, л­ і­в віі. р­ лі а ы­ кам 58 й­ па У­ся ­дэн­ ­ л скай­ ноўн­ а­ 980,­ д­ жэ сяб­ а ар­ у­с с­ іка ­к ­л о ая­ ім ы­б мо ў­ сітэвы я.­ ­рвга су­б ыуні ­ві­ц аі­(А ні ры ­ду­ец ас­ ав­ одзь ­ не ш­на а­мад­ в­ апра Фканафлік а­л дзярж ­ла ты, войны, дэман­ а­с а­чы е. у­даўн­ ­на вер е­ ло зме мюрус ­в кім оуніверсі­атэ .­ дзярж ­ 5 ства а па е года ­ф чатку­л 2019 бы У Бе це ў­тэр1997­м знаў н 1 а­рна с та,ль­н якое ў ру­с ад­ зе ё ­в в а­ све шча­ ­к цыі, я ­ і­ ва ала н нсанк аБел цы ска р­ ер,­ Бе ­іх­б ка­ ранц д­ ы­ нт р­чым ік” бу а­га­л ры­х аць о­жа ­гр зер ­кан­к ­скае тав­ я л­ і:­б ат ым а­кол і­ хм от­н х,­ аль іжн­ ент­ рэ­тэ ­—­б аб­ і­аF­ ур­сеГэ­ та т­ у е­ са б’­яд ­нцыі… ры ев­ ы м­К а ”­ ы­я 7,­ ў­ ўн серб ды я­н ­тыі­ ча м кметы перамен, Па ­ ік набра ­ ст ц­ц ел­ а Цэза­бгад pregled” бы ла на­згру ры засмеж­ ,­ “ а чык ам канфед ­ рускайа мовы для У м в ўпершы ­манюыз­ ­па м амдзе абы н­ ік ац­ 197 ­дна н­з сопісе “Knjizevni м ­ а сту­ о ен­сі­ арскім пр ­—­п яр­дж е­зм ­сваю н­д лі­кепры ву­я ­іх !­Дв б­ е:­стра в­ іч ін лго ан­л­ ІR на апа ў­ ­лар­ у з­ ня .­ Чо па я­ ў м.­ Д об­ а­ а­ты­ ар­ла а­5­прэс­л ў.­ К во­ S ­ а ко с ­ ы зі р ­ п а с ­р а н ­ а е ў к ­ н ­А ь T в а а у д л в у ­д ы ё ­ п :­ ь ­т ­ б р к п о г зн .­ ­ ы у а у­т Мінскім­пдзяржаўанымт лінгвістыч­ н­к ­кі­н аж ­ о хо­ду новыхі­часоў. Акра­д сіл і­х пе ­Gнады ­ таратураны агляд”)”. Прапаную ­стр чырта­ (“Лі дэнтаў паЦсербскaй ра­рту­мры: ніакаў у т па­ц ы­н віц ,­ ве і літаго я­А­вы, ўера ­м мо ле­н ­лен а­г ­сы­л п эбу і­лі­ два ксц­до і”,­ у­л ­ ан об­ ліч Бе ­ца lob ­ба­та Rob Як­ з Ва р в­ дэ­пу аг­ а­П ёл­ ет­ а ­кае­к у­та­т і­н­ е­ў т­ ак.­ ­ т 988­ і­ — н­ ай­ н­ ы,­ ак­ а э­не­р .­­шІ­ко ­т­ш мкі, ­ вяцьендзяў Жа клад аз­в чы аго, а­А ­не­ д іст­ о ю­б КАік­ ія ­ чат. і­ ­га­т ­выя­ . нцай ль яр­аза oмае а­ ў­ у­ л­ іц я­ка­ і­ ным ыры скл Вы і­ а д т ­ я к ­ с ­ a н ­ 1 Я ы п ­ ч чам ва ры янт ін тэр в’ю на бе ла рус кай мо ве. мя та хап ляў ся, і сва я сяб хлоп цы дзе уні вер сі тэ це. За кон чыў фі ла ла гіч ны ­ к о й ц а 4 ­ іч д б а е л эх ­ м а зе ь ў l­ ў э л ­ ­с а і­ ч ­ с іц м а а с д ­ U к в ­ зе іц ­ у ы с ­ спяар­ кія Ch ­ні­ ­ зр с у­ с у ўнўніра д ­кр ўч дн­ й­ ыё ь­н­В а а ае­ м ­ця ­з­р лек а­ р ­рыі, яць ­ в ьі­­кноа д­ц ­па са 17 н­ ам о­лю с­ я­ ар­ а а­ д ь­на н­н ­ уж тол н­ іст­ ­м— Мі  чтэам імВось ар­ у ­на ­пу­т 0­ а­рыскай ­ о .­ ізмам одра не оўч­ны н п ­— у к вы была Людмід­ ла ар­ у мо ­Э aсерб саі­л­кма, сал­ дат. серб кі та Вік та ра віч, як па  ­Р н­ так ­ло ­ ы м­ПЛя­во ll цскіх л­хлі­ ­а аа:­ ге к аё­ ­сі­н ас­ і­ ­у ­св Бена,­ва, ­рам юТ?ыыа  чы ую­в рн­ ем вы­б чодр­ т­рал ­вяд­ зе ­маў. ­ л ім­у а­дэ ­ 11 ­шлі,­у р­чы ­ ні­в ар­ча ­ва­ ­ і­ё т­ран­ )­ па­д ­ бел­ уск­ і­ о­хі­ му е­— оў ауд­ ­гзіім­лчаы ,­ з­ ў,с­тт­ррыс­к1­ 89 мі­р enge ­ жвНеа­дсам дзп а­лары, ­л р­ ла­по н­ ам,­ а,­яе ян.­ С ­іх­с аю­з а н ў­н е­ м ай ­б а ­в ­р так р ца а­ты ё васць . е­ ­П ?­У н­ ы а ка да кра іны,­ яе на ча­н­каае­ цу і,доўр­ная тзнаў м ­ а­ ці ­ сербскай культу ск Зве к­ іх­ і­ ш Цэн пра эн­ду ў­ — лада ­ п па аюУро Ус ся Ва шы да ро гі ў Сер бію? ы­б я­м вы а ­ты апе­ р у­с ­цяц яны ­на та ябр­ ямл­ Дз оц­тв к­такраа,­­ту­даю уь­м еы. я­ свяал­ні­­цкыі­х­ст ­ кам наі­дг бел­ а аць­ чан ­ е” та­ ).­ а­ ні завін. нц Ім ­ і­ ах­ і­ ­фер­ а­до аль­ ­ та ы­бі­р ы­п 1­ в а:­ н ай”­ ­пны, оў ю ­ ефа ў вы я ­н тоо а­тлцла ч­­ кладчыца, у га­ ра а чых на — Калі я вучыўся на філ а мі сардэчны, далікат айчых, ­дся ­ш вель о­нку:­ “­ к ра н­ч з рбягу ­п ­ У рад і­ пос ­ца­п ­ба­ч ­месн­ рш ­з­в ку БДУ, ­4­с м­ ­ е 19.­ ык­ ам в ­бар­ 583 етн­ ўн­ э ­г а ч р­ ­пта­ра­дэн­т нд­ ды ал,­ ­ дАзін­тпрыан­­га” Мца­ц­га у­л­ваа­нд а­Па ўзн а­ дзя нна­нйе:­ ац­ця ­ка­ пе­м лам ік ын­ я ­ска ,­ р а п­ ­на з­ ды с­ Мдаў ­ рыо Ц­э“мФп­ больш 20 ­ ч вы­ба іх­ р ­ 20 ­уз­на­ луц­к а.­ і­ і­т А літаратуру выкла н ­шн­ таць ­ а­ты ці­а­ ц­ паў­ уц­ ­а рыі­н­нечаяла сц­ торыю у­Яры гіс спецыялізаваўся на камфед вы н­ ы­ адм м а сла­с­Тцвянскіх яр­ раа­е­ доб і­к таў е­хаў а­жы ць­п ­Іга ­ ра е,­ кам ан ­ — КяА­гстаў ан­ аў­ пра на­Н ­у“­( к век. сі– ­барш . ет­ ы ­та ­н ­л у­та і­ён­ еа­ цэ чачы аа,­н­ду,ы­ту­ ­— а­ н­ск ­ за ­ а ыопль­л­г к­аСўкн­ а ­чтывахр­ “м ­ С ­ ын­ е­ і­­шбчсна­ ы ­вуо­ч­в кІван кл­ фо аабв­яан­куфе ра што­ ь­тэр ай т­ра на а­лай н­ і­коў ­ з­ н х­ ар­ ерсп­ р­Бей й­ ­ш мк­Уі.а­йста Ве шых ў­ авян. р­ ыко­лсла моў і тэарэтычнага мо н­ В­д кла а­ ссма­ с­п ­з­вгства. іч ўдаП­лаЗа еўгі.н­ ва ­ Аазнаў вы сія­ п ­лі­ка ольш 6­га­—эн­ка ­мош ­ рэй у­д­ян ь­ у­ днёвых ­бу ы­мі­ ­зі­р ­Г ! сі­нксах оў. ек і­­ ва­ч­дпра ацр­ усак­н­д­цыэнЧарота, літаратурны кры­ л зя ­ні,­б­ак­ сар у­а— ­ Б ер­ л ц м о ­ у, л ­ я ­ е о о т ­ ­П ы а у І­ ш у б і­ л ы ы у ь о ­н ь е ­ в ц 9 і­ к ­ у б а р а б а за з­ ж ­ о ­ ы ь д р а т ­ ч ­ в ­ у а ах ы апел­ ра­клад як­с ны ­ліі­ ндоб ц­ шра, ц­ ,­ с­па тык, ­ дзеў выльдат м с­п ­ся ны, ав­ ы 9 ад­ ­ Я К,­ ­п ­ у д­чык і ўкладальнік шэрага ль ­ла ы­ ­ю а тэма ,­ ваў яе ў 1966­м о і­р м аго ­ж і­н ­та ву,­чо і­н з­і ­тмо о ­Бў мянен­ іш аз­ к­вы :­ т тааму бе і! ­ ў тыка ­н ­с ук­ ”,­ ­ л­ау­Р­ ісі­кбе­ краы­лмбк­ аз­ а а­таў ю ам ­бр ­т д­ ы­га­ ль­ П­а кя­ткФі,раважі­рытоа­ ­друк­ тавд­уы ­ Нандня­мв­ аацрьа­ц­ усаб­ ­га­часэн­ я ,­ і­ Н ­ фоіх Ты … рэ ­рэ­чы жн­ я­1 ­ ўр аўн­ а ­ ЦВ і­ ця ьё­ н­ а ­ “ кру­г ры­го ка­ля­р і­ ан ­ кі дзесяцігоддзяў вы­ ік­ад аў,­м в­ каль с­ та ы ло а прун. ан­ р­ дыгій, н­ аі­нкіру др­ ся: “ які ­ад Су нак прафесар Адам і­які не і­ р пвель ­ м к торы час а П з­ ас­ раіэ суомня я ­я мір р­ нека і­ныя лі­),кваў ­веан­ ж ым га Яго Да ­сне м я­с аы ыхсу­н ­на р­ ын­ рэ­ б­лх­ту і­х­заа­п т­ ото­рй­п ­СН іж а т­н­к заў­ ым­ і­сію ай­л н­ ых еж ­ а міл ­чы ­ лк­ ­в­ еФ­ р.а е,­ду­ ваецьв­ амн­ оп­ і­ёч­ныя м­б ­коў,­ ­В о­віч і,­ іх­ ня ур цыі ам у, ы ­то ­п.­рМ в ­ раг­чае ­ шчас зь слу для да абраць? цікавыяль­тлек ла ­А шаьга на м чан ­к ву ­ ра­ ы.­кАсВы ” хаць ка мне ­н лей у, ­нассерб е­М­ецй­ц­гісву Д,­ н­ а­р мы ці з­6 е­ ка­ ­ Мі­х ад­ зе е­ м ­ 6,9­ ы­бар у,­ як ­п па н­к ць ­скую ба­ч а­культуру, беларуска­серб­ н­ а чнацт­к­ке а­шв­ ыес­зц­ свмяо­тцо адац­ ?а ас­ іл ыль ­віча­ед­вас­­вы­с тўо­ккаіг ” л­ аадз­вад­ ы ­ С і­цэ яна ­ ро у бед р­ ыжа г.­Б одн­ ­зе а ­мдо шаю ,­зі. ва дзія л­ е­ д за­ я аль ь­ в чат­к кан­ у ныіл фа уСтар. с ­➔ рв­ іч ­ шыў на фіолалаг гіч куль у 1997–98 6 н­д і­ ар­­нупай ­ К ск га­вдах.ж­ Кі па­маеёй ,­н уАсц­ аы­па­ скія а ­ ран ы­ а­ к су­ ввя рураў­ ніАком ык­ тэт. юір­Всці ве­Т льц­к Гі­а чзін­ ­і­ к­ ка ­ва­к у ам нт ц­ ы ­го а­ і­ ­д е­М а Ск На­ аў­п ­ на­млі­ д­да­пзіем Лі­ ­вод ды­ а­ ам ёсц Спа­ н­не­ т­ра­ ск дэ ан вай э­т п­г и” ры чы ад­ ­р­ а ­в­ окца­т­ ­ Ты Іtо­ваы­ т­маУл­лаод­ ў­нРаў­ сю ў,ка­ шльо­вна­ку)­хзато­н п­лі­на он­ку чня­ ­ у­ч ­ла х­— э­зі­ Фр ­с .­ Г ац­ а ли ­ Па р­ у­сі­ ае­ ц­ц к­ аў,­ ой.­ у­чэ рэ­гіс ­ о я­на н­ а­рranы­ ­лена­ ая ц­ ­ды­пча маут­ры р­сра. 4 е­с :­у р­с ў­ Па пр ­ра­ “ ­да­ла ­ко­віч ў­ В Ита он­ ію ­ ра­г дас­ ла м­з­і е­Улцьу,­­дшзям ­ вы­л іх­ а в ­ е ­н ІТ С п ­ sі ­ ц ­ т ­ ­ н п ла ­лічв­ чы мяж ў ­ т а ў. т ,­ а ц ­ м а а ­ а п чта ­п ц ­ ­ ­ны ­м ы ь Г а­р т г ­ ­ .­л арс­ з­ ас в ­рым ­ ­да лtіьo­с n ­аый,­—м ­ за­ ­ка ыя і­ ка­ ­адн­ ў­Ры ­дзіс­( а,­ Татов­ ­іч.­ бзг на ­барш л­ о ­ — ­о ы,­ ра­ ­а і­я­цоў п➔я­вСа с­ у.­ а­тра ня­ец ­на­ й ан цэн м­з ыл ыю и­ і­н аш і­ а ­сі­ н мх А у­л­ ­к ­ц е ­ б­ ­шч а­ ов­ а у­ Т ац­ рус цы уз­ е сь­ аі­ ет,а­с ­еэўн­д ­к ю ўд вы астк­ ы,­ іш о­тым Па й­на­г м­сл ц­ця­н ­фар­м ела т­ ую­ ­ у­ м .­ Во а­па­ ­ Нлар­ у э­Гра ­шчан ў­гу­л ­ был­ дц­ч­ аы­ П ­у я ­няг­ а­ іж­нуб ла­ а,­ д ць”. ле­ м уе­вя а.­ О ўч ўс­ ёд­ ў,­ п а е д н я­л ­як ка ў­і­пс­п а­р­(ім б­ а зе­ но ­ Хт цы бр­ ы а­ Та а­ ін из­ Б чыс ­няў um ў­ пр ­ўра ­ а­д ­ Па ­ Д рэ­з ар­ а ­Беныль­сім­з­ Рэ а­сур одн­ р­ а­т ­гія за д­ а­та ­ до эн­т ча­л ки­ ўра­ гуль Muse р­ ус­ а ў­на ­тыў ­ г Ні­на о­рыя імп­ ў,­ д ан­цінМі­ко ­дшлтяо буі­лрьа­т луг.­Т а­га­ о­рыі­ шлі­ф ць ка ды ­ і. ­ оч ю­ ю­ к а а ­ ц а па к у­ю ан ы ёС зід­ з­мяш ік­т на ьк­ о ан­ст ­нік­ ­ла,­ ых­х­кло ю н cіs­ ел­ н­ і­к і­ а мк­ ­ ев у О шч ліц п­ц ь­ро м­ёсц ­стаў амп­ а ц­ ра ­ “Д у­дуч­ я­ аг ­ Pa кіх­ б ­чын б­ ра­л дт­ ры руси ,­ В ця­мі­ Вас­ іл іі­К ая­ ль ­ пі­са аль­н Па ста аў­і ­ба ь­ц ш ў Хт ­ ч ­ніі л ­ а н ­ а а а а а е ­ с ­ й б а т н ­ ra а й л н к ­ с р п а ­ ­ ­ т с ­ н п н ­дзв аў. э­л ык­ е ан е.­ A ­я у і­ ін ка нт ­ ьм , “З а­ ­ва мір ­ў­Іт ,­ на ­ Ні­ а­цы­я лі­к ал пр ­паль к­се­ італь аць­с дзец­ ру­пу ­ из­ Б аш ер­ ы ­Заў ы­ка а­ ы Н янс цэ піс іся ­ ч ы­м а­ сіі рг­ ій ын­ я тр­н ат г на ан­с и ­ ­кі,­ рш ль ны яе дал ­ ­Рэ с­ ёд­ ­ за мп­ле а­ ў­ рым е ар­ ая н ю­ чк а­П ­ў­Р а­ т ­ ый с­п ы­ ”­к пе й­ р каг­ а­р а О іта ый ”. З ве ко ікл­ адт­ Баць ер­ну Дево ­Ні­н н­ і­цы т­ пр нт­ра ­ С Спа­д кі­ цэ уб ам нк е ў ац на да ы. ц­ е­в ы­ ­с там ­дун­ і­ о­ба­т э­су ­ ўзн ­ва:­ п ц­ і.­ т­ко­л ­пе­ “ н­ і­ла ­чын тэкс а­цэ ”­ — э­ ан жэ ва ук ры льш рац а­зе ­ ў­ Р (ГР,­ ан да ­г ы ­ с­ ад ль -ад ка ➔ ­ Фрверс­ і­ а­тэх­н рсн­ а п но ст­ ас ма ­ гру к­лад у­ай зіў­ ан­ а­г ­вам эа­д ­ к ­і­я Ур нача урна ск С ы бо й у а­шай а­лі­ д м ш ы да Ст ан тэ­т і­кі­ ­га­ц е!” р­ у ы ­с о­д а­д ло ­т г­ е е­­ ар ц­к а­ ўз льт цы ю м гае ё ­у­н е­ап а­дзі­ ­бел­ а в­ а­лі­ ­ ч ную,­ у­ю­ч ”,­ у но­гія вы­х ў­зг м­ с ­Ма Сяр Бе энт тр е . в ­ ім а ­ и н ­ ­л эн а а к ­ ю 8 у ы а Р ы Н іч е и ­ц і­н К ра кц ама ет­ ў­ на­ ­і­ў х­т ­ п я­ ар­ ус ­ра­ад ­ а ь­га ер Дзя тал ц­ца­м ­ час­ ав­ ан ы­го­ж ­мам ра­ц Ма к­ а ук­ і­ ­што а­ ры д­ ы­Н “Ф эда дап т­ку­л ць­ і­ ам я ­кім ы­х пр ы ­ Вол ­И ­ с ­ а в а р о т уе­ к­сі­ ­га­ ац­ ы а ­ ад­ у о ж а­ч “Хо умк­ са­лі, ыўн­ ў.­Т і­ зн ў­ ху тых­в ­юць ­і­т ­ был­ вы ма­ дзяр й­ хт На­п кст­ ж­ д ы­пі­ ­ ак­т ль­ня а ), ­ я і­ ­ к ­ г 9 Т а в ­ л А н­ а м э ­ іі у адч­ ан­к ж­ ­ а 01 ан­ ў­ т але ­М а­л ­г ле ер­ а .07.2 на­зв ык­ а:­ ша ­ —­ 019). ах­ Іт й­скіх П а ­ м.­ (“ ,­ 29 с­ а ме .06.2 ­пол­к р­ а­пе ГР ан­дзі 13 ­ су І­ Еў Гр кіх ­да­І ся




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Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine № 12 (1035), december, 2019 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich


Friendly and pragmatic meetings in Belgrade


Augustow Canal leads to UNESCO



Active community at the urban scale In 2020, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe intends to hold a Forum of Mayors to provide a unique opportunity to exchange best practices on key aspects of sustainable urban development. The solution of the most pressing contemporary problems, including climate change, environmental degradation, social integration issues is in the hands of local authorities

The official visit of the President of Belarus to Serbia opened up a new page in long-range relations between the two countries



Archaeological map is a matter of time Over the past ten years alone, scientists from the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences have discovered and researched hundreds of archaeological sites

Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubov Malysheva Proof-reader Alisa Gungor Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 18.12.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 7,98 Total circulation — 1619

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Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

Silk info belt The implementation of the largest transnational project of our time, “One Belt, One Road”, has been going on for six years now. The corresponding proposals were put forward by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in the autumn of 2013. At first, this initiative of the Celestial Empire caused distrust, but it has successfully passed the most uncompromising test — time — and is being successfully implemented E-mail: Belta

It is worth reacting responsibly to modern challenges and threats

Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.

Dr. Denis Mazynsky: “Walk in joy!”


© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2019

Cover designed by Liubov Malysheva

беларусь. belarus 2019


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беларусь. belarus 2019

Bravo, Bolshoi!

41 34


It’s time to have tea Without a cup of tea, it is impossible to imagine our lives: at least once a day we must breathe in fragrant steam and enjoy tea. However, the Belarusians have become addicted to the hot tonic drink relatively recently — in our region it is only a couple of centuries old, from the historical point of view that’s nothing

36 Happiness that you can drink


Mogilev is his motherland Collecting materials for the book “The Roads to the Celestial Empire” (published in Minsk at the end of 2019), dedicated to all sorts of facts of unity between Belarus and China


Ekaterina Kovaleva: “I am just starting my way in boxing” At the current world boxing championship in Ulan-Ude, Ekaterina Kovaleva became a bronze medalist. She was the only of the Belarusian team to win a medal in that tournament. Despite the fact that Katya had trained before the start for only a couple of months, because before that she did kickboxing and became the world champion


Poets of the Planet A new book in the series “Poets of the Planet” is a collection of poems “Selected Haiku” of the classic of Japanese poetry Matsuo Bashō. The translator is the winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Ryazanov

Beauty at the New Year


`` There is a lot to do ahead



`` To have equal conditions

The new parliament began to work in the country

Presidents of Belarus and Russia met in Sochi

Vladimir Andreichenko was elected to the post of chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly. Natalia Kochanova became the head of the Council. The chairman of the Central Election Commission, Lydia Yermoshina, traditionally opened the first session of the House of Representatives. The head of the CEC emphasized that the elections were held in accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral Code of Belarus in a peaceful, calm atmosphere, in conditions of freedom and openness. Out of 110 constituencies there was not a single non-alternative. The number of candidates in one district reached 8. The current composition of the House of Representatives is notable for the fact that female representation has significantly increased in it. For the first time since the formation of the National Assembly, it amounted to 40 percent. An increase in the number of deputies representing political parties has been pointed out. There are 21 of them now. All deputies have higher education, 10 — an academic degree. 37 people were awarded orders and medals. Among the deputies there are many teachers, engineers, lawyers, doctors, economists. There are professional military and diplomats. At the first session, senators and deputies determined the composition of the standing commissions and elected their leaders by open vote.

The meeting between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin in the Bocharov Ruchey Residence in Sochi on December 7 will be remembered not only for the more than five-hour talks, but also for the serious progress in the rapprochement of positions. It has demonstrated that Minsk is not trying to get economic preferences from Moscow unilaterally. Alexander Lukashenko stressed unambiguously at the meeting: — We do not ask for anything, we do not insist on anything. We agreed long ago, developing our agreement: people and economic entities should have equal conditions for life and work. Equal conditions — nothing else is needed. The price of Russian gas for Belarus is $127 per 1 thousand cubic meters. The fi­gure is not alarming, said the President in a conversation with Vladimir Putin: “We do not ask, as some say, cheap gas, cheap oil. The main thing is to have equal conditions. If our enterprises buy for $200, it means that competing enterprises (in Russia — Auth.) should have the same price. Or we simply will not set the basis for our relations.” Vladimir Putin noted the mutually beneficial nature of this meeting and of the union state building as a whole: “I would like to express my hope that we will continue to do our best to make our peoples and countries feel close to each other, to continue rapprochement, first of all, of course, in the economic sphere, but also in the social sphere, as well as to receive noticeable benefits from this integration.”

By Alexey Fedosov

By Andrey Pimenov


`` Conclusions are made by the experts

Scientific and practical conference “Union State: achievements, problems, prospects” was held in Moscow. It was devoted to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Union State Treaty. About 500 participants from Belarus and Russia represented all branches of power, business, academic and cultural community, leading mass media. In addition to the plenary session, the conference in Moscow focused on the main milestones in the development and achievements of the Union State. State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota drew attention to the fact that such a format, including participation of a sufficiently large number of scientists, experts, civil servants, media representatives in the discussion of current issues and identification of future hints, had been used for the first time. “The predictions of twenty years ago that we will live in a multipolar world are now an obvious reality. As for new technological achievements, we are already talking about how robots will replace people and how the digital economy is being integrated into all aspects of our lives. But, of course, we should talk about the future, paying tribute to the past and soberly assessing the real realities,” thinks Grigory Rapota. It is well-known, in December 1999, the Union State Treaty of Belarus and Russia was adopted and signed. By Oleg Bogomazov

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It is worth reacting responsibly to modern challenges and threats


A session of the CSTO Collective Security Council was held in Bishkek. The Presidents of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and the Prime Minister of Armenia discussed topical issues of improving the organization’s activities. In his speech at the summit, Alexander Lukashenko voiced the initiatives of the Belarusian side to develop and strengthen international and regional security.


The leaders of the CSTO countries began discussing the topic of security even before the official meeting at the summit. The President of Kyrgyzstan invited his colleagues to an informal dinner at the Ala Archa State Residence. Such communication is a good opportunity to find solutions to many issues in advance. It was also important for Belarus because the Secretary of State of the Security Council of Belarus, Stanislav Zas, will be appointed Secretary General of the CSTO


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for a three-year term starting from January 1, 2020. It is worth noting that the main efforts in the CSTO this year have been focused on the issues of countering challenges and threats to the security of the member-states of the organization. The effectiveness of this task largely determines their sovereignty and territorial survival in the modern world. At the regular session in Bishkek, detailed assessments of the international

situation were given by heads of state, foreign ministers and secretaries of security councils of CSTO member states. According to experts, today this organization has all the necessary set of forces and means to prevent and repel foreign aggression, as well as to counteract modern threats and challenges to the security of their states. The arsenal includes effective political and diplomatic levers of influence on the processes taking place in the world

Partnership and regions located in close proximity to the external borders of the CSTO member states. Summits like the one held in Bishkek have one peculiarity. Most of them are held in a closed regime for the press. After all, the agenda includes very delicate and sensitive topics: cooperation in diplomacy, defense and security. The session of the CSTO Collective Security Council in the capital of Kyrgyzstan was no exception. The presidents of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and the Prime Minister of Armenia discussed the most pressing issues first in the narrow and then in the enlarged format. In his speech, the President of Belarus focused on those aspects that are relevant for the country. Alexander Lukashenko presented action-oriented proposals on strengthening international and regional security. After the summit, the Belarusian leader stressed in a brief conversation with journalists that he sees the CSTO as a potential to help stabilize the situation in the world: — Our world is tumultuous. Therefore, the more organizations are restraining this stormy flow, the better. The CSTO is one of the serious organizations that will contribute to the stabilization of the situation in the world by various methods — informational, political, diplomatic and military. In response to the follow-up question “whether the CSTO is going to act as a clenched fist if, God forbid, something happens” the President of Belarus said the following: — All sides have their zones of responsibility. But if it bursts out in the zone where all our interests are concentrated, we will respond to these challenges together. It goes without doubt. By the way, the keynote of the summit in Bishkek was exactly the same — that we should be closer to each other and declare in the international arena that we are going to react to these things together. Negotiations between the leaders of the CSTO countries in the narrow composition of the talks lasted almost twice as long as the planned time. This under-

scores once again how difficult it is to resolve pressing security issues at times. The presidents invited Secretary of State of the Security Council of Belarus Stanislav Zas to participate in the talks, who is soon-to-be Secretary General of the CSTO. He will have not much work but very much work to do in his new position. After all, the military and political situation in the CSTO area of responsibility and along the perimeter of the organization’s borders is not easy. And it is caused by the growth of global confrontation between the world’s leading powers. This situation leads to the degradation of the entire system of international law. The President of Belarus paid special attention to this issue, calling the termination of the Treaty on Intermediate and Shorter Range Missiles unjustified and dangerous. That is why Belarus proposed the adoption of a multilateral political declaration by the responsible countries on the non-deployment of intermediate-range and shorterrange missiles in Europe. It is clear that no global problem can be solved without restoring trust and confidence between the countries. The President of Belarus said in this regard: — Taking into account the bitter lessons of the history of Belarus, we also call for the resumption of a broad dialogue on international security issues, similar to the Helsinki process. It should be aimed at overcoming the existing contradictions in the relations between the states in the common space in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasia. These initiatives are especially relevant today against the background of the destruction of arms control mechanisms, the Head of State noted: — We are witnessing a gradual buildup of military capabilities and expansion of military infrastructure in the European region. In fact, we are talking about the open and, most importantly, groundless militarization of the western borders of the CSTO area of responsibility. Another trend in the modern world is the growth of protest movement and mass disorders in a number of

countries. And even in those countries that are known to be quite successful. This is often the result of the intervention of external forces or of the sanctions policy to the detriment of international law. The position of the Belarusian side is that only preventive measures can prevent destabilization of the situation in individual countries and the CSTO area of responsibility as a whole. In this context, the President focused on the situation in Ukraine. The armed confrontation in the east of the country has been going on for five years now. The consequences of the conflict have long gone beyond the borders of that country. Such conflicts always fuel terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration and arms smuggling. That is why Belarus welcomes the progress that has been made in the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the beginning of a constructive dialogue within the framework of the trilateral contact group. Recently, threats in cyberspace have been added to the challenges in the military and economic spheres. Modern wars and conflicts are increasingly fought on social networks. This requires new approaches to cooperation in the field of information security. Hence the initiative of Belarus to form a “digital belt of good neighborhood”. It is aimed at relaxation of tension in the information sphere, establishing common rules of responsible behavior of the parties in the virtual space. Alexander Lukashenko also spoke in favor of strengthening the international authority of the CSTO, expanding its cooperation with other organizations: — The situation around the CSTO zone of responsibility and on the planet as a whole is changing significantly. I am convinced that our organization should respond adequately and in a timely manner to new challenges and threats, analyze the situation in detail and in a comprehensive manner, and work out relevant proposals and initiatives. Being an important mechanism for ensuring security in the Eurasian region, the CSTO should gradually expand its беларусь. belarus 2019


Partnership foreign policy direction and strengthen its international authority. The implementation of the decision taken at the initiative of Belarus to legally formalize the status of a “Partner” of the organization, as well as an “Observer” at the CSTO, will contribute to the strengthening of international positions. Now it is important to involve reliable allies in the activities of the organization. First of all, to counter terrorism, drug threats and ensure military security. The Belarusian Head of State believes that in order to ensure the military security of the CSTO member states along with the systematic development of the military segment of the organization, it is still important to engage in a direct and equal dialogue with the North Atlantic Alliance. Such a dialogue exists, for example, between the CSTO and the OSCE. Taking into account that the CSTO and NATO are responsible for ensuring security in the area from Vancouver to Vladivostok, it would be wrong to reject contacts between them. In addition, believes Alexander Lukashenko, it is necessary to work more closely with the UN and build up the anti-terrorist potential of the CSTO. Following the summit in Bishkek, a number of important documents in the field of security were adopted. In particular, the plan of collective actions of the CSTO member-states on the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy until 2021 was signed. A list of additional measures has been adopted to reduce tension in the Tajik-Afghan border region. Specialists noted that the main threats to the security of the CSTO countries come from the northern provinces of Afghanistan, where terrorist gangs are becoming more active. We need to be prepared for these facts of life. Among the signed documents there are: a joint statement of the heads of state of the organization, the decision of the Collective Security Council on the plan of action to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. By Vasily Kharitonov


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Friendly and pragmatic meetings in Belgrade The official visit of the President of Belarus to Serbia opened up a new page in long-range relations between the two countries


n the center of the Serbian capital, there are still black ruins of the buildings damaged by bombing as an edifying point to all of humanity, which reminds of what happens when some politicians do not hear the voice of reason. The Yugoslav tragedy of 1999 is impossible to forget. NATO aviation, under a farfetched pretext, ruthlessly bombed a peaceful country. Belgrade today is in no hurry to retouch the wounds of 20 years ago. At that time the President of Belarus turned out to be the only world leader who was not afraid to fly to Belgrade in order to support friendly people in difficult times. Locals remember this courageous act perfectly. Remember and appreciate. Therefore, once again they cordially welcomed Alexander Lukashenko as a good, reliable friend. The reason for that was an official visit to Belgrade of the President of Belarus in early December 2019. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, as a sign of deep respect, personally came to meet the Belarusian leader at Nikola Tesla International Airport.

The official visit began with the laying of a wreath at the memorial complex in honor of the liberators of Belgrade from fascism. The mass graves rest the remains of more than two thousand soldiers and partisans who died during the Belgrade operation of 1944. Among them are natives of Belarus. In total, there are about a dozen such memorials in Serbia. Each of them is carefully looked after. At the end of the ceremony, Alexander Lukashenko left such an entry in the Book of Honored Visitors: “In the year of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus and Serbia from the Nazi invaders, we bow our heads to the feat of heroes who gave their lives for freedom and independence of our countries, for a peaceful future. We sincerely thank Serbian friends for diligently preserving the memory of the glorious sons of the Belarusian land who died liberating Serbia during the Second World War.” An experienced diplomat, the ambassador of Belarus to Serbia Valery Brylev knows this country and its people well. In 1998–2001, he already



headed the Belarusian Embassy in Belgrade. In an interview with reporters, the ambassador said that the Belarusian-Serbian relations had experienced different times, there were periods of ups and downs: — The first visits of our businessmen, the first deliveries, joint projects — all this developed well before the notorious events of 1999. At that difficult time, we helped the Serbs as much as we could. We delivered humanitarian aid. Until now, the Serbs remember this and thank us for support. According to the diplomat, in the early 2000s, after new people came to power in Serbia, there was a pause in bilateral relations. However, with the victory of the Serbian Progressive Party, led by Tomislav Nikolić, and then by Aleksandar Vučić, there appeared the opportunity to intensify cooperation. By the way, the previous time the Presidents of Belarus and Serbia met was in June this year. Aleksandar Vučić flew to Minsk for the II European Games. And then Alexander Lukashenko voiced the desire to supplement excellent political relations with trade and economy in order to further strengthen the foundation of mutual friendship. There is something to strive for. — Our relationships are developing progressively, with growing interest, — stressed Valery Brylev. — The Presidents regularly meet, two or three times a year, at different venues and in different formats. There were agreements on the supply of various products, we have completed all projects. In Belgrade, Belarusian buses and trolleybuses are used, joint production of trucks and tractors has been created. Metal began to flow into the Serbian market. We supply here tires, chemical fibers. By the way, Serbia is the only country in Europe with which we have a bilateral free trade agreement. But last year, for example, trade did not even reach 150 million dollars. Valery Brylev looks at things from a critical point of view: — You can always find a lot of reasons, but these are our flaws. There is no one to blame: we ourselves are to blame.

The two economies are different. It is very difficult for us to develop some breakthrough, big projects … Valery Brylev sees good potential in the development of tourism. Moreover, there is a 30‑day visa-free regime between the two countries and a direct flight is open. — We are united not only by Slavic kinship and Orthodox roots. Belarusians and Serbs have experienced many troubles, trials, wars and oppressions in their history. Therefore, we, like no other, value peace, understand each other well and it’s easy for us to communicate, — summed up the ambassador. Of course, it would be great to convert this understanding into new joint projects. Well, there is every reason to believe that the current visit of the President of Belarus to Serbia will be a significant step in this direction. We really have a lot in common. During the current official negotiations, Alexander Lukashenko and Aleksandar Vučić repeatedly emphasized this. Of course, in the Palace of Serbia, and in the country’s parliament, and at a joint business forum, they mainly discussed the economy. However, as in the distant 1999, this time in Belgrade they also talked about peace. Since then, a lot of the Danube water has flowed and much has changed. But the Belarusian-Serbian friendship remains unchanged. The President of Serbia, receiving his dear guest, of course, could not help but recall that historic visit 20 years ago. Alexander Lukashenko answered the following: — I absolutely sincerely want to say that, really, a lot is seen from a distance. Then no one thought that we were committing some kind of heroic act. We went to our brothers, to friends. Someday I will tell you in detail what preceded this, what happened afterwards. But it so happened that we could not leave close people in trouble. Yes, we are not a giant empire. But we are your people, and you are ours. Therefore, we had to be together. Then there were many related events, humanitarian беларусь. belarus 2019



Last year, trade between Belarus and Serbia amounted to $ 148 million. In January — September 2019, it reached 110.6 million dollars. In Serbia, there are assembly lines for MTZ tractors and MAZ buses. Over 300 buses and 100 Belarusian-made trolleybuses work in Belgrade. 10 organizations with participation of Serbian capital are registered in Belarus. missions. Many tried to prevent us from cooperating with you. But what we had planned then was implemented. Yes, the negotiations in a narrow and expanded format focused on trade and economic cooperation. But before that, Alexander Lukashenko said that shortly before his informal dinner with the President of Serbia turned into a serious conversation about modern international relations. Today they are no better than 20 years ago. — We are not creating these problems,” — said the Belarusian leader. — But you see how large state threaten each other and behave. I openly call them empires. There is a trade war because of one of them, others try strength against each other in Syria. You also suffer from this, because a huge influx, hundreds of thousands of refugees flooded into the country. We have already started talking about a new global economic crisis. We don’t need it. We, unfortunately, are participants in all this, but the fault is not ours. However, despite all the cataclysms, the President of Belarus is sure that Serbia has never been and will not be poor: — Serbia is a pearl in a necklace not only of the Balkans, Europe, but also of the whole world. This is a beautiful country, wonderful lands that can feed a much larger population than today lives in the country. This is a brilliant, heroic, patriotic people. Therefore, Serbia will always be prosperous. Recently, the Serbian economy has been on the rise. Our country is ready to assist the friendly state in every possible way. However, the President did not hide his dissatisfaction with the decline in bilateral trade. He sees the reason for this solely in the shortcomings of the governments. — We will figure out why governments do not work properly. We will fight for our relations and bring them to a higher level, including in trade. Apparently, Aleksandar Vučić was no less determined when he set the bar in mutual trade at the level of 500 million dollars against the current 150 million. But there are all prerequisites for this “assault”. Serbia’s investment attractiveness is promoted by its advantageous geographical position. The Belgrade port is an important logistics hub on the Danube, a trade artery of European importance. The country has free trade regimes with the EU, EAEU, and Turkey.


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According to experts, last year was the best for Serbia in the last 10 years. GDP increased by almost 4.5 percent. The volumes of construction and agriculture are growing at an enviable rate. The country is one of the 15 largest wine producers in the world. Besides, a lot of corn is grown on the banks of the Danube,. It is not surprising that Belarusian agricultural machinery found its consumer here. During his last visit five years ago, Alexander Lukashenko took part in the opening of the assembly production of low-power tractors in the city of Novi Sad. Today, this company supplies equipment not only to Serbia, but also to other states of the Balkan region. Minsk Tractor Plant at the business forum concluded new contracts for the supply of products. Belarusian trolleybuses and buses have become an integral part of the transport system of the Serbian capital. BELAZ mining dump trucks successfully operate at mining enterprises in Serbia and in the countries of the region. Serbian business also feels comfortable in Belarus. The most famous example is Dana Holdings company and its construction of the large facilities Mayak Minsk and Minsk Mir. — When you had difficult times, they (Serbian businessmen. — editor’s note) сame …I welcome Serbs. This (“Dana Holdings.” — editor’s note) is one of the most successful and, probably, one of the richest companies on our planet that creates miracles, wonderful examples in the construction industry,” — the President emphasized. “We asked them to create the most advanced zone, perhaps the most modern in Europe -”Minsk Mir” — where both a financial center and office premises will be built. Investors have came there from the Middle East and from Europe and are ready to cooperate with them. Alexander Lukashenko told reporters that an agreement had been reached during the talks that those companies that successfully operated in the Eurasian space, especially in Belarus, wilhelp promote Serbian products to the colossal EAEU market. Such a mutually beneficial approach promises success in cooperation in other industries. Of course, a high level of trust at the political level matters. However, at the talks, Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to another crucial point — Belarusians and Serbs earn all the benefits with their own hands, as they say, in blood and sweat. — The peculiarity of our relations is that we never set preconditions for each other. We are friends, we are just family people. This is the greatest and honest basis of our cooperation, — said the President of Belarus. Aleksandar Vučić openly admitted that there were times in Serbia when some did not dare to say how much they value and love the Belarusian people: — Today we are talking about this with pride everywhere and we want you to come here as often as possible. I learned a lot from President Lukashenko. We are proud of our friendship and in many ways can rely on the support and knowledge of our Belarusian friends. In particular, the Serbian President said that he was very interested in the Belarusian experience in the field of defense and security. In Serbia, it is planned to reform the army, making it

faster and more mobile. In this respect, Alexander Lukashenko noted: — Experience is most valuable and important. But our experience is also your experience. You can always use it. Recently the world data have been published, according to which Belarus takes the first place in the world in terms of security. We can share this experience with you. During the official visit to Serbia, Alexander Lukashenko also met with deputies of the People’s Assembly. In his speech, the President of Belarus touched on many acute problems of our time — from history and geopolitics to economics and security. In particular, the President drew attention to the fact that Belarus constantly sided with Serbia on issues related to its territorial integrity and sovereignty: — Our position has remained unchanged for many years and will continue to be so. It is human solidarity, empathy, coming from the heart, that form the cultural and spiritual community, are the foundation of Belarusian-Serbian relations. This is our great heritage that we must preserve and pass on to our children and grandchildren. After all, Serbs, like Belarusians, know firsthand what war is like, its destructive consequences and irreparable losses. The Head of State recalled that this year Belarus and Serbia celebrated the 75th anniversary of liberation from Nazism. Every year there are fewer and fewer living witnesses of the terrible tragedy in the history of mankind. Therefore, it is especially important to preserve the memory of the heroes and innocent victims of the war. — This must be done for our own security and for the peaceful future of Europe and the planet as a whole, — emphasized Alexander Lukashenko. According to him, today there is an increase in tension between the countries. The fundamentals of global security are shaken. The number of regional conflicts is increasing. — Therefore, it is necessary to advocate the resolution of any disputes exclusively by peaceful means, on the basis of international law, — the Head of State emphasized. — Of course, every time — both Serbs and Belarusians — we call on countries and peoples, the powerful of this world: let’s solve the problems peacefully, on the basis of international law …But this law is neglected. Everyone acts from a position of strength. I’m starting to think if a new redivision of our planet has begun. If so, we well know what this may lead to. Belarus put forward an initiative to renew a broad dialogue from the Atlantic to Vladivostok to strengthen confidence-building measures, security and cooperation. I believe that Serbia will be among the states interested in discussing these issues. After all, Yugoslavia was once one of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement. The President regretted that today the Non-Aligned Movement exists formally and has no effect on large states: — If large players cannot agree, this does not mean that small and medium-sized states should stand idly by and humbly wait for one of the great to determine their fate. Together we can do much more for the benefit of our countries and peoples, in the name of peace and stability.



At the meeting with deputies

By the way, answering a question later about the initiative of Belarus to launch a new international negotiation process by analogy with Helsinki, Serbian President Aleksander Vučić expressed the opinion that such proposals are very rational: — The voice of small countries will become more and more prominent. These are world trends, this will happen in the next 20 years, and in this matter, it seems to me, both Serbia and Belarus are on the right track. At the same time, Minsk welcomes the recent signing by Serbia of a Free Trade Area Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union. Alexander Lukashenko considers its advantages obvious: — Your business has received the right to free trade in the vast continent. You have the possibility of unlimited export of a wide range of goods. The entrance to this multi-million dollar market goes through Belarus. Visa-free regime, clear logistics, direct flights create additional prerequisites for expanding business contacts. Following the results of the negotiations in Belgrade, a package of documents on cooperation in various industries was signed. In particular, an intergovernmental program of cooperation in the field of education was approved. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on cooperation in the field of innovation and development of digital technologies and a program of scientific, technical and innovative cooperation for 2020–2021. The National Academy of Sciences concluded Agreements on scientific and technical cooperation with the Serbian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia. In the next two years, Belarusian and Serbian scientists are planning to carry out 10 joint scientific and technical projects in the field of agriculture and food, biotechnology, nanomaterials, laser and chemical technologies. Following the results of the business forum in Belgrade, Belarusian enterprises entered into contracts for $ 120 million. By Vladimir Velikhov

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We have very good relations. They are based on the history of our states. A good history, which any state can be proud of, and the basis for the development of relations… We have done a lot lately to ensure that our trade and economic relations develop more successfully.

There’s a basis, there’s a perspective The Socialist Republic of Vietnam confirms its commitment to developing relations with the Republic of Belarus. Recently, these relations have become much more active. However, the parties believe that the potential for cooperation, especially in the trade and economic sphere, is still much greater. It is not for nothing that this point was emphasized during the recent visit to Minsk of the parliamentary delegation headed by the Chairperson of Vietnam’s National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.


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As for the economy, the two countries have long been cooperating in many areas. Belarus has reached high level in such areas as engineering, education and communications, while Vietnam has advantages in the labor force, rich natural resources and a favorable location. However, experts believe that combining these and other mutual advantages, one can derive incredible benefits for both countries. However, the huge potential of VietnameseBelarusian cooperation is still not sufficiently exploited. At this meeting in Minsk, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said, welcoming guests headed by the Chairperson of Vietnam’s National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan: — We have very good relations. They are based on the history of our states. A good history, which any state can be proud of, and the basis for the development of relations… We have done a lot lately to ensure that our trade and economic relations develop more successfully. I would like your visit to

Belarus to give an additional impetus to our cooperation in all areas. Minsk has already announced the need to reorganize trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. The President and the government have decided to move from simple exportimport to joint production, first of all, in the Vietnamese territory. Moreover, Belarusian enterprises have considerable opportunities and desire to participate more actively in infrastructure, energy and other projects being implemented in Vietnam. By the way, in accordance with the agreements reached between the presidents of Vietnam and Belarus and set forth in the joint statement on the results of the visit of the Vietnamese President to Belarus in June 2017, the chambers of commerce and industry of the two countries formed the Vietnam-Belarusian Business Council. The purpose of its creation is to expand cooperation in trade, investment, science, technology and tourism. The Council should become an effective mechanism



for dialogue between the business community and the governments of both countries. In addition, it would help to solve the issues hindering trade cooperation and eliminate the problems faced by the enterprises of the two countries. In addition, not limiting themselves to bilateral cooperation, Vietnam and Belarus could serve as a springboard for their enterprises, as well as thirdcountry partners, to enter the markets of ASEAN and the Eurasian Economic Union. Experts note that against the backdrop of globalization and entering into force of many free trade agreements, Vietnam and Belarus face great opportunities. They have a good chance to strengthen bilateral relations in the trade and economic spheres. In the process of integration, Vietnam and Belarus can intensify the interaction between the business community, which will not only bring great benefits to both countries, but also open up access to third country markets. For example, Belarusian enterprises can enter the ASEAN market and the

whole region through Vietnam, while after the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, Vietnamese enterprises can enter this huge market through Belarus. Meanwhile, over nine months of this year, mutual trade between Belarus and Vietnam has exceeded $153 million against $115 million in 2018. Still, both countries have something to strive for. Deputy Prime Minister Igor Lyashenko called customs duties in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which Vietnam is also a member of, a constraining factor. For example, in light industry and electrical engineering, duties reach up to 50 percent. Governments are working to resolve this issue. Meanwhile, in September, Vietnam opened an assembly facility for MAZ trucks. Next year, the company will deliver a large batch of equipment there in the so-called tropical version. In the future, the production range will be expanded according to the needs of the market. In addition, the tests of BelAZ dump trucks are being completed in Vietnamese quarries. Agriculture could be another growth area. Each country has its own advantages. Vietnam has the sea and seafood, Belarus has forests, lakes and developed production of meat and dairy products. Next year, dried milk from Belarus will be processed in the Vietnamese market. In addition, the Vietnamese side is interested in creating new materials, intensifying cooperation in tourism and mutual student exchanges. Yes, today Vietnam and Belarus are trying to concretize the reached agreements on interrelationships. In order to create a solid foundation for economic cooperation, the two countries are actively developing relations in the areas of culture, education, people’s diplomacy and, of course, parliamentarianism. Achieved results in bilateral relations show that Vietnam and Belarus are moving towards real and effective cooperation in many areas. This is not the first time that the Chairperson of Vietnam’s National As-

sembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has visited Minsk. This time, she conveyed to President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko a message of greetings from the President of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong and an invitation to visit Vietnam at a convenient time. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan discussed the development of inter-parliamentary cooperation between Belarus and Vietnam during the talks with the speakers of both chambers of the Belarusian Parliament, Natalya Kochanova and Vladimir Andreychenko. However, these meetings also focused on the economy. “Belarus considers Vietnam as a starting point for increasing its economic presence in the region of South East Asia. However, the level of mutual trade between the countries does not correspond to the existing potential. It is necessary to develop trade between our countries and bring economic cooperation to the level of political cooperation,” said, in particular, Natalya Kochanova. Vladimir Andreychenko noted that Belarus and Vietnam are connected by the years of friendship and mutual support. “Today, it is crucial that a good dialogue, which has been developing over the past few years, should continue so that we could give it additional impetus,” he said. The parliamentarians should also do a lot of work in this regard, the speaker said. According to him, the sides are interested in paying more attention to trade and economic cooperation, including in the ASEAN and EAEU markets, cooperation within the inter-parliamentary framework. “We need to look for new forms of cooperation, which will allow our economies to develop, to develop our cooperation in all areas,” said Vladimir Andreychenko. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan thanked the Belarusian side for a warm welcome. She noted that the purpose of her visit was to develop and deepen the traditional friendship, multifaceted cooperation between Belarus and Vietnam. By Vladimir Khromov

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Silk info belt The implementation of the largest transnational project of our time, “One Belt, One Road”, has been going on for six years now. The corresponding proposals were put forward by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in the autumn of 2013. At first, this initiative of the Celestial Empire caused distrust, but it has successfully passed the most uncompromising test — time — and is being successfully implemented. The megaproject has connected all continents of the planet and brings tangible benefits to all its participants. “Belt and Road” has become one of the most popular topics in the information space. China actively supports this trend, organizes trips and meetings of journalists from around the world. During the implementation of the global project, five annual forums for media cooperation have been held. This year, the “One Belt, One Road” information network has been established (The Belt and Road News Network — BRNN). Recently, 43 media representatives from 20 countries of Eurasia, the Middle East and West Africa attended a comprehensive BRNN workshop organized by the Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China with the support of the Secretariat of the Info Network (Department of External Relations and Cooperation of the Editorial Office of the newspaper “Zhenmin Zhabao”) and the Chinese University of Communications, “Zviazda” is among the participants. How is the Belt and Road developing? Points of growth A few words about the megaproject. As a matter of fact, it includes thousands of implemented cases. “The biggest feature was the transformation of the initiative into actions. “One Belt, One Road” has already become a brand,” said Wang Yiwei, Director of the Institute of International Affairs of the People’s University of China, in his interview with Zhenmin Zhabao. It is very important that the initiative is firmly entrenched in the international discourse. For example, a resolution to this effect was approved by 193 UN members, which demonstrates the global community’s widespread support for the promotion of the Belt and Road. A large number of major projects have been implemented as part of the global task. For example, in the railway sector, we can specify the construction o f t h e Mo m b a s a – Na i r o b i and Addis AbaWang Yiwei ba–Djibouti rail-


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ways. As for highways, the construction of two roads along the China-Pakistan economic corridor and the HeiheBlagoveshchensk Road Bridge is in progress. Maritime transport involves 42 ports in 34 countries (a number of which are under construction), including Greece, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. On 8 June 2016, the official launch of the joint brand “China-Europe Flight” took place. Since then, the number of countries, transport lines and goods transported has been steadily increasing. According to the data published by the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China, the number of railroad transportation along the China-Europe route has exceeded 13 thousand. 356 international passenger and freight airlines have been opened, the number of extra international flights amounted to 402, direct relations between China and 43 countries along the “Belt and Road” have been established, about 4500 direct flights are carried out weekly. An important hub on the way from the Celestial Empire to the Old World is Belarus. This is proved by the results of transit through the territory of our state, as well as by the development

of the China-Belarus Industrial park Great Stone, which Xi Jinping called the pearl of the Silk Road. In addition to transport infrastructure, positive results have been recorded in various areas, including e‑commerce and humanitarian exchanges, said Wang Yiwei. According to the Academy of Social Sciences of China, the number of trips between China and the countries along the “Belt and Road” is expected to exceed 85 million by 2020.

A $20 trillion offer The International Finance Forum (IFF) published a report presenting the results of the world’s first Belt and Road survey. 26 central banks in representative countries and regions of the world acted as respondents. According to the report, 63 per cent of those surveyed believe that One Belt, One Road is an important opportunity, as well as a major initiative over the past 10 years. Interest in it is particularly evident in the expansion of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The number of AIIB member countries has reached 100.

Megaproject According to Bo Mengzi, Deputy Director of the Institute of Modern International Relations of China, the “One Belt, One Road” initiative is the largest public commodity given by China to the world community, as well as the international cooperation initiative, which is the most popular in the world. According to the IFF’s survey, 92 percent of central banks predict that in the next five years, projects under the global initiative will be able to support economic growth within countries. Many respondents believe that their implementation will add at least one percent to GDP. A quarter of respondents are even more optimistic, expecting growth of 2–5 percentage points. The benefits are clear. The Blue Book: One Belt, One Road Construction and Development Report was published in Beijing. It was jointly prepared by the Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Citic Reform and Development Research Foundation, and the Eurasia Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. As part of the megaproject, “a new model of cooperation has been developed, various mechanisms of cooperation have been activated, and regional economic development is being stimulated,” said Li Yongquan, director of the One Belt, One Road Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in the Blue Book. As the expert noted, the initiative proposed a Chinese project for a new type of globalization. Trade turnover between China and the countries along the “Belt and Road” has already exceeded five trillion dollars. According to a number of experts, the expected scale in the future is over 20 trillion. According to Shen Binh, director of the Nankaiskaga University Institute of Economics, from 2012 to 2017 alone, the volume of direct investment by enterprises of the Celestial Empire amounted to more than $80 billion. Chinese enterprises are actively creating trade and economic cooperation zones, which are mainly concentrated in Southeast Asia and Europe. The number of companies involved is over

4.5 thousand. About 300 thousand new jobs have been created in these zones.

World platform According to Li Baoshan, director of the newspaper “Zhenmin Zhabao”, during the First High Level Forum on International Cooperation “One Belt, One Road” the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping noted that China will create a mechanism of cooperation and a platform for humanitarian cooperation, including a network for information cooperation. So said, so done. The “One Belt, One Road” information network has been developing since April this year. The first meeting of the BRNN Council was held in Beijing. The initiator of the world media communication platform was the newspaper “Zhenmin Zhabao”. As Xi Jinping noted in his welcome letter, the media have played an active and constructive role in the process of promoting joint construction within the framework of the global initiative. In order to continue this positive process, it was very important to create a functional platform for international media cooperation in time. The “One Belt, One Road” information network has already proved its effectiveness. “To date, 204 media from 97 countries have

already joined the information network,” said Li Jichan, head of the Foreign Relations Department of newspaper “Zhenmin Zhabao”.

“The Great Stone” is the best in the world The World Free & Special Economic Zones Federation (FEMOZA) has named the China-Belarus Industrial park Great Stone that is near Minsk, the fastest growing special economic zone in the world. This was announced by the First Deputy General Director of CJSC “Company for the Development of the Industrial Park” Kirill Koroteev. The awards ceremony was recently held in Monaco during the summit of free and special economic zones. According to Juan Torants, the President of the Federation, the key factor in determining the winner was the prospects of the Big Stone for global investment and its rapid pace of development. More than 400 representatives of FEZ of Great Britain, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, as well as countries of Asia and Africa, chambers of commerce and industry, state authorities, potential foreign investors and experts took part in the large-scale event. By Nikolay Litvinov

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Belarus and the UN

In 2020, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe intends to hold a Forum of Mayors to provide a unique opportunity to exchange best practices on key aspects of sustainable urban development. The solution of the most pressing contemporary problems, including climate change, environmental degradation, social integration issues is in the hands of local authorities. Representatives of the city administrations of Belarus also want their voices to be heard by the international community.

Active community at the urban scale

T Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Olga Algayerova


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he objectives of the upcoming Forum of Mayors were discussed at the recent 80th session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management, held in Geneva as part of the Sustainable Cities Week and the annual “October in the City” event. By the way, the Economic Commission for Europe region is one of the most urbanized in the world, where about 75 percent of the population already lives in cities. Therefore, city authorities have to respond daily to the challenges citizens face. In other words, according to their status, they provide

local solutions to key sustainable development issues. — I believe that the upcoming Forum of Mayors will enrich our practice of supporting sustainable urban development, housing and land use, which are crucial aspects of the 2030 Agenda,” said Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. She also stressed that the active participation of all levels of government, along with civil society, the private sector and academia, is necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Why will the Forum of Mayors in 2020 be dedicated in particular to combating climate change in cities? The fact was that cities now consume about 60 per cent of the planet’s energy and

Belarus and the UN

World Cities Day 2019

Cities of Belarus on the way to sustainable development 50 cities

of Belarus signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. The total planned reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the 2030 is 744611.77 CO2

5 cities

are developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Pinsk, Brest, Baranovichi)

7 cities

are developing Green Urban Development Plans (Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Novogrudok, Gorodok, Zelva, Korma, Krichev)


is implementing the concept of "smart city" Symbio City

produce 70 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions and waste. But the paradox is that, being one of the main causes of climate change, cities also play a crucial role in implementing ambitious climate preservation program. It is increasingly important to promote specific measures to slow global warming and adapt to the effects of climate change. The Sustainable Development Agenda is known to include Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, which implies achieving universal access to safe, inclusive and green public spaces by 2030. That is why more and more Belarusian cities have recently consciously embarked on the path of sustainable development, making commitments under various international initiatives. For example, the Green Cities project, which is being implemented in Belarus by the United Nations Develop-


76 cities took part in the European Mobility Week 2019

sustainable cities and towns

38 cities

participated in Sustainable Energy Days 2019. 690 events took place, attended by 22,000 people

ment Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility, supports cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, as it is in line with the recom-

mendations that have been developed for green development in the country’s urban areas. Recently, by the way, the second UNECE country review on housing and land management for the Republic of Belarus has been published, which envisages the development of approaches to spatial planning at the city level, shifting the focus from a narrow sectoral policy to a systemic transformation of urban development, addressing a wide range of environmental issues in close connection with economic and social objectives. It is obvious that the new programme of urban development in Belarus should unite and coordinate the actions of the state authorities in the field of urban development, land use, transport, increase the efficiency of the use of economic resources through a commitment to long-term goals and a balanced setting of priorities. Appropriate policies at the national, regional and local беларусь. belarus 2019


Belarus and the UN

Chairman of the Chaussky Regional Council of Deputies Anatoly Matyulin

Anatoly Matyulin:

In the future, we will definitely continue to work to unite local residents for the development of the city. It is in the formation of an active community that I see the main role of the mayor and the city administration leadership.


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levels are needed. In this regard, the discussion of the role of cities in achieving national sustainable development goals at the UN level is as relevant as possible. The participation of representatives of Belarusian cities in the Forum of Mayors will contribute to the establishment of institutions for cooperation between cities at the international and national levels. The Green Cities project has been supporting representatives of Belarusian cities for many years now to promote the successes achieved on the way to increasing the sustainability of urban development, to gain experience and knowledge of colleagues. This time Belarus was represented in Switzerland by Chairman of the Chaussky Regional Council of Deputies Anatoly Matyulin, with whom we had a chance to talk. — Can you tell us about the main topics which were discussed in Geneva? — The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe opened “October in the City” with the presentation of the programme “Joining Forces for Smart Sustainable Cities”. The main theme of all events of the week was affordable housing and urban infrastructure for all groups of the population. The 80th session of the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management was attended by representatives of national and local authorities from 56 UNECE memberstates, as well as representatives of the private sector, educational institutions and civil society. It is worth mentioning that all events during the Sustainable Cities Week were open to the public. The agenda was extensive. It included sustainable housing and real estate markets as well as the use of statistics in development of “smart” sustainable cities. Selected countries presented their experience in increasing the number of social and rental housing available to all groups of citizens. Representatives of the host city, Geneva, presented practical experience in creating housing conditions for migrants and other persons who do not have their own housing.

— What was your purpose in participating in the session? What did you, as the head of the district administration, say about the current development of the city of Chausy in the Vitebsk region? — Six months ago, I was lucky enough to participate in the Cities Day here in Geneva, which made it possible for me to recognize the importance of our involvement in the global sustainable development agenda at the Chaussky district level. I would say that the goals and approaches outlined in international agreements (Agenda 2030, the New Urban Agenda, the Geneva Charter) are fully relevant and applicable to us in Chausy. Housing policy in the city is aimed at ensuring the affordability of housing for citizens and creating safe, comfortable living conditions. This is achieved by providing state support to certain categories (vulnerable groups) of citizens, as well as by developing existing and creating new mechanisms for financing housing construction, in particular, on a commercial basis. We strive for attracting funds from extra-budgetary sources of financing and to provide citizens with long-term loans for the purchase of housing. As a rule, land plots for the construction of individual houses are allocated to large families in accordance with the general development plan. I would like to note that today we are implementing a project “System of automation of metering of consumed energy and water”, thanks to which supervisory control of housing and com-

Belarus and the UN munal facilities is being actively implemented. As a result, we have the opportunity to automate the management of specialized equipment, control the volume of resource consumption and the quality of wastewater treatment. All of this ultimately contributes to saving money and reducing the cost of housing and communal services. Therefore, it will necessarily lead to a reduction in the cost of services for the population. I can’t but say that one of the weak points in the existing infrastructure of the city is the insufficiently developed drainage network in the private residential sector. This problem is expensive and is being solved with relation to the financial capabilities of the population, as the budget funds for these types of works are not provided. However, there is progress in other areas. For example, in order to improve the infrastructure for cyclists, we are working to reduce ramps at intersections, to equip additional cycle paths with bicycle parking and recreation facilities for pedestrians. This year alone, together with the residents of the city, we equipped three recreation areas with children’s playgrounds in the parks. We are implementing a long-term plan of urban greening. This plan envisages the use of different forms. In particular, various types of woody, shrubby and herbaceous vegetation are combined, natural features of the environment,

The agenda was extensive. It included sustainable housing and real estate markets as well as the use of statistics in development of “smart” sustainable cities. Selected countries presented their experience in increasing the number of social and rental housing available to all groups of citizens. natural materials and objects are used to the full. — What else made the trip to Switzerland useful? Was it possible to establish contacts with partners? — Certainly, such actions are always useful not only because of gaining new experience, but also because of expansion of partner mutual relations. In particular, business contacts were established with the mayor of Voznesensk, Nikolayev region of Ukraine. Plans for cooperation between the two cities have been outlined. — What are the general impressions of the session, its usefulness? What kind of thoughts did you leave Geneva with? — The session once again drew attention to the special role of local authorities in implementing housing policies, ensuring sustainable urban development, housing and land use, and making housing affordable to all citizens. In my address to the session, I proposed to include in the agenda of the upcoming

high Forum of Mayors in 2020 the issues of adaptation of urban infrastructure to climate change, specifics of urban development through the formation of a cohesive local community and the deepening of ties between the city and the region, as well as the study of tools to increase economic activity in the green sectors of the economy. — Are there definite promising areas in which Chausy will be able to intensify its work? — In the future, we will definitely continue to work to unite local residents for the development of the city. It is in the formation of an active community that I see the main role of the mayor and the city administration leadership. We will definitely work with representatives of various forms of business. To stimulate social entrepreneurship, to establish new partnerships on key environmental priorities, to involve small and medium enterprises and private companies in the green economy — I see great potential in this. By Vladimir Mikhailov

Session participants in Geneva

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Archaeological map is a matter of time Over the past ten years alone, scientists from the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences have discovered and researched hundreds of archaeological sites. And in the near future researchers will have to create an archaeological map based on the full study of the entire territory of the country.


rchaeologists of the Institute have carried out large-scale rescue research in the areas of construction of Grodno and Vitebsk hydropower plants, a nuclear power plant, Nizhyn potash plant, the second Minsk ring road, as well as during the public improvements of regional and district centers of the country. New directions are being developed, for example, underwater and architectural archeo­ logy…

ences stated during the 4th International Congress of Historians dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, certain material had already been accumulated which allows not only to ask questions, but also to give answers to them, to get closer to the modern understanding of those

How the territory of Belarus developed during the period of the Great Migration of Peoples, who came to our lands, where the Slavs came from, whether the Vikings influenced the formation of the first state Slavic formations — these are just some of the topics of interest to Belarusian scientists. As Professor Olga Levko, Head of the Archaeology and Ancient History Sector of Belarus, Doctor of Historical Sci-


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When did the Slavs appear on our land?

Olga Levko

distant historical epochs and their interrelation. For the last three years the researchers have found a lot of material, which undeniably testifies that the Slavic ethnos was also formed on the territory of southwestern Belarus. And

quite a lot of complexes have been discovered, and it shows that the population with Slavic features migrated and resettled quite intensively… The previously unknown monuments of the Slavic historical and cultural heritage in the Dzerzhinsky district (complex “Vasilevshchina”) were identified and systematized. The discovery of Kordon in Shumilinsk region became sensational — this unique monument of 8th‑10th centuries on the way “from Varangians to Greeks”, 200 years older than the widely known Gnezdovo near Smolensk. The oldest Slavic materials dating back to the 4th century AD have been discovered in the Zhitkovichi district, which testifies to the fact that the Slavs appeared on the territory of Belarus 200 years earlier than it was believed to be up to now. The research carried out over the last two years on the territory of other regions confirms this discovery. For the first time in the national historical science, the internal site and defensive fortifications of the ancient settlement of the Milograd culture near the village of Obchin, Lubansky dis-

trict, have been fully explored. Unique bone and amber artifacts have been excavated in the Osovets archaeological complex in the Beshenkovichi and Sennensky districts. Archaeologically important materials were discovered during excavations near the village of Biruli in the Dokshitsky district and at the archaeological complex on the Menka River (Minsk district).

Anatoly Kleshchuk


Innovations in search Over the last decade, the staff of the Institute of History introduced into the scientific circulation hundreds of previously unknown documentary sources, which allowed to significantly expand the topics of scientific research, to clarify the previous content and ideas on many problems of history, archaeology and anthropology. Thus, the documents were revealed, which allowed to specify the time of admission of Francysk Skaryna, to the University of Krakow, two previously unknown documents of Simeon Skaryna (son of Francysk), as well as the papers testifying to the meeting of Francysk Skaryna and Martin Luther, the autograph and the image of the personal seal of the Belarusian humanist Vasily Tyapinsky. Since 2012, together with colleagues from the Centre for Napoleonic Studies of France, an archeological expedition has been held at the site of Napoleon’s

crossing of the Berezina during the war of 1812. Military historians of the Institute for the first time collected and described a complex of domestic and foreign documentary and historiographical sources reflecting the scale and degree of participation of Belarusians and residents of the republic in wars and military conflicts of the 20th century. It is worth mentioning the collection of documents in six books “Country in Fire”. Academic historians have been working on this project together with their Russian colleagues for almost ten years. In general, for the last decade the scientists of the Institute have published more than 300 book editions, more than four thousand scientific articles. One of the innovative projects the staff of the Institute of History can be proud of, is related to the National Park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”. For the first time in historical science a number of unique historical, archaeological and ethnographic materials have been revealed. Besides, the suggestions on the practical use of historical and cultural heritage have been developed. As a result, the popular with tourists corner of Belarus began to acquaint the guests not only with the natural riches, but also with the local history. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha an open-air archeological museum was set up, which has no parallel in the neighboring countries.

Built on the basis of scientific research settlement of the late bronze and early Iron Age is only the beginning of a large project. Later on, one will be able to get acquainted with the buildings and household items of different archaeological cultures, learn about the material and spiritual life of the ancient population. During the large-scale works on the improvement of Nesvizh Radziwiłł Castle the researchers studied for the first time the design features of the ditch profile and bastion walls, on the basis of which the projects of their reconstruction as of 16th‑17th centuries were developed and implemented. Academic anthropologists have reconstructed for the first time the appearance of a young representative of the Polotsk princely Rogvolodovich dynasty, whose remains were discovered by archaeologists in the mound of the 12th century in Drutsk, Tolochinsky district. Scientists also discovered the characteristic anthropological features of the ancient and modern population of the Polotsk land. Scientists will continue to develop anthropological reconstruction using modern computer technologies. Computers will also be used to create electronic collections of the Institute — databases, archives, publications, reports, graphic materials, which will increase the information support of the research. By Elena Dedyulya

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Augustow Canal For several years now, specialists from Belarus and Poland have been preparing for an important task: to apply for the inclusion of the Augustow Canal and adjacent attractions on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Will this unique building with a rich history replenish this prestigious list and how soon will it happen? The question is complicated. Not so long ago, it was discussed in detail at an international conference with the participation of a UNESCO expert in Polish Augustow and Belarusian Grodno. The question remains open. That is what Vladislav Cydik thinks, who is a member of the Writers’ Union of Belarus, the chairperson of the Minsk regional organization “Belarusian Track and Field Athletics Federation”, as well as the chairperson of the State Control Committee veterans, one of those who stood at the origins of the revival of the Augustow Canal. — I’m not empty-handed, I’ve brought some tea, — said Vladislav Stanislavovich, another guest of the magazine’s editorial office, entering the office. — This tea has its own history. If you want, I’ll tell you. Certainly, we do. And taking a sip of fragrant tea, we listen to our vis-a‑vis. — When I worked in the State Control Committee, I oversaw environmental issues. That means that I was directly involved in the projects for the ecological cleaning of Lake Naroch, the territories adjacent to it. We were looking for: where to get investments, where to find investors? Since the water protection zone had been well cleaned well — in particular, livestock farms had been removed, and farmers were forbidden to use chemical fertilizers there — it turned out to be a very attractive, ecologically clean area. That’s when I suggested to the leadership of BelAseptika: why don’t you use this land to grow medicinal herbs on it? The founder of the enterprise Andrey Krasilnikov was inspired. Of course, I also


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leads to UNESCO had to make efforts so that the local authorities allocated the investor land for such a project. In the end, 40 hectares were given to the company — in the area close to Sosny health center, between Naroch and Myadzyel. There, in the forest, there is now the so-called Pharmacy Garden, where medicinal herbs are grown, eco-friendly. The region is simply magnificent. Moreover, eco-project has become attractive to tourists. I also took there our friends from China, and not only. And I enjoy it, because there you can admire the pristine nature, relax, learn a lot of interesting things and also stock up with good teas. — As we already know from preliminary conversations, another significant project for Belarus is related to your work in the State Control Committee: the revival of the Augustow Canal. Since it is known that documents are being prepared for its submission to the UNESCO World Heritage List, let’s talk about it. How did the Augustow Canal come in your view? — Back in 2003, we grounded this idea, referring to President Alexander Lukashenko: that the two countries together should promote this project, as they say, at the international level. We pushed our Polish colleagues: let’s work on this topic, prepare together for a “trip to UNESCO”. But, unfortunately, then the neighbors took such proposals, to put it mildly, skeptically. Apparently, then the time didn’t come yet. 12 years have passed since then — and, thank God, there is a movement, an understanding that the Augustow Canal is of particular value. — What contributed to this? Did reasonable people come to power on the Polish side? — Apparently, first of all, the channel “votes” for itself, is gaining popularity: tourist traffic is growing. Over беларусь. belarus 2019


Heritage 150 thousand visits are recorded annually on the Belarusian side. Do you know any other examples in Belarus where it was started up like that within a short period of time, from scratch, as they say? Before only local fishermen used to come to the canal, and watertourists went kayaking, not many — we asked: 50–70 people per year. There, near the Kurkul lock, there is a separate section of the Czarna Hancza river: it flows into the canal, then leaves it again. — Ivan: At one time, in the 80s, I went kayaking along the Neman with the Grodno kayakers from the tourist club of the Combine of Building Materials. I remember well: there was so much talk about the Czarna Hancza and what picturesque places there were. — And so it is! This river flows from Lake Iserva. This is a Polish territory and it flows to us. — We heard that hikers also used to go to those places before. — Of course, they did. For example, in 1968, 12 of us from our school in Zhitomlya went camping after the finish of the 8th grade. The route was like this: we go to the Augustow Canal. From Zhitomlya there are 22 km to Grodno, further to the canal there are another 28. We went by train to Grodno, then we went on foot — through Lososno, along the Neman. There, by the way, the left bank is steep, with incavings. We stayed over night near the fort of World War I. I remember: the weather was good, birds were singing. Then we went to the village of Noviki. For the first time we saw bunkers there: the famous Karbyshev Line passed there. Why am I saying it? There are very “informative” places for those who are interested in history. Then we saw the old, abandoned, falling apart gateways of the Augustow Canal. By the way, back in 1939 the canal was in service, gateways worked and it was navigable. In a private museum in Nemnovo village you can even see tickets for those voyages — for passengers, for entertainment. As you know, until September 17, 1939 it was the territory


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of Poland. In eastern Poland, by the way, now settlements are typically Belarusian. — Many ethnic Belarusians still live in Bialystok, and elderly people speak Belarusian… — You can meet settled Belarusians even beyond Bialystok! — Well, that’s the history of Belarus… Let us move from your school youth to our time. How did the Augustow Canal “emerge” in it again for you? — When I worked in the State Control Committee, somewhere in 2003, maybe in September, we were on a business trip to the Grodno region together with the head of SCC Anatoly Tozik. It was he who told me: let’s do something good in your homeland. I was the head of the main department of agro-industrial, forestry and environmental complexes of the SCC. The local authorities at that time were already trying a little to do something about the Augustow Canal: in 1991, 1992 there was a small use of funds. At the border the canal was in order: between the gateways Kuzhenets and Volkushka — they are on the neutral zone. We have the border right there: along the bed of the Czarna Hancza and its feeder. Maybe 5 kilometers. The Poles did the gateways themselves. There was such an agreement. We only made a spillway (regulatory) gateway on Kuzhenets. Previously, there was a joint program of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and Russia — we were examining “the effectiveness of environmental protection measures for the development of international tourism in the Neman river basin”. Experts from 4 countries measured various environmental parameters and exchanged information. As you know, Russia also has a territory called the “Neman River Basin” — in the Kaliningrad region. So, in 2003, we had to carry out control measures. The Audit Chamber of Russia, the Supreme Audit Office of Poland, the Lithuanian State Control and our SCC participated in this. According to the results it turned out: Belarusian water is the cleanest in the section below Grodno towards the

borders of Lithuania and Druskininkai. Although we were aware of many problems we had. Finally, we had to sign the results of the control measures: a general report. It was then that the regional authorities made such a request: help restore the Augustow Canal. Anatoly Afanasevich Tozik decided to see how things were going there, invited me and the deputy chairperson of the regional executive committee, who oversaw the agricultural sector and nature. We arrived and saw: the gateway of the locks was broken, stones and the walls of the locks were concaved. Everything was overgrown with bushes. In general, desolation. In some places there was only the shape that water used to flow there. — Were the pictures taken then? — Of course! It was necessary to ground everything, if you turn to the President with any suggestions. We understood: the project is large, and its approval is necessary. So I brought pictures (shows). This is Kurkul, there is a small hydroelectric power station: 750 kilowatts. We put two turbines there — that was included in the program for the revival of the Augustow Canal. In those places the natural reserve is nearby. I remember that on that trip with Tozik we even found red pine mushrooms there, not far from the gateway. As a result, Anatoly Afanase-


About other participants of the Augustow Canal reconstruction, about how enthusiastically the regional enterprise “Grodnomeliovodkhoz” headed by Director General Boris Bogdanets got down to work, read in No 8-2019. vich, I repeat, said: “Let’s do something good in your homeland. Get the letter ready.” I prepared a letter from the SCC addressed to the Head of State. The President supported our proposal. We also participated in the preparation of the corresponding decree of the President: “On reconstruction”. — What arguments did you give? — That the revival of the canal will contribute to the development of agroecotourism in the region. That Augustow is a cultural, technical, historical heritage of our country. As far as I remember, there are only four similar canal structures in the whole world. A 101,2‑kilometer canal connects the Beju River with the Neman River, using the course of nearby rivers. It is fed with water from Lake Serva towards Belarus, and towards Poland.

— Have you ever been to the Polish side of the canal? — Of course, I sailed there on a ship. We studied the infrastructure there: as they say, we were adopting experience. Indeed, there are only 21 km of the Augustow Canal in our territory. The Polish part was earlier in service: they adapted this water system for tourism. In Augustow, which is a town similar to our regional center, even big ships used to harbor: they took 120–200 people on board. Sailing is well developed there, amateurs go kayaking. The same as we have in the Myadzyel region. And even cooler. By tradition, there are farmsteads at the canal — in the old style: you can relax and have meals there. And to stay. People from all over Poland are coming. The canal crosses the Mazovian Voivodeship and there

ivan zhdanovich

The Augustow Canal is an artificial waterway, set up in the 19th century, it connects the Neman with the Vistula basin. Its length is 101.2 km. 18 artificial structures made it possible to raise and lower vessels to different levels of the water surface. Today the canal is located in the territory of two states — Poland (about 80 km, 15 locks) and Belarus (21, 2 km, 3 locks). The canal’s water route begins in Debovo and ends in Nemnovo. Within Belarus, the Augustow Canal connects the Czarna Hancza with the Neman and partially uses the Czarna Hancza bed.

everything is even more developed — like in the Braslav region. So, on the Polish side, I did not see anywhere the traces of desolation near the canal: life was in full swing around it. The canal operated as far as Augustow, including the Kurkul gateway. Nobody took care of about 2 kilometers to the border with Belarus. They even showed me: Pope Jan Pavel II reached a certain place on the ship — but couldn’t go any farther because of the bridge over the canal. There is a memorial stone in honor of that event. — When the work began on the Belarusian side, did you coordinate it with your Polish colleagues? — It goes without saying! After all, the meaning of the revival of the Belarusian part of the canal is to make it work to its full length, to become an беларусь. belarus 2019


Heritage international tourist destination. Therefore, we asked the Polish side to clear out the water course of the canal to our border. Put in order the gateway Kozhunets and the spillway Volkushek. And the Volkushek gateway is our task. They are close, about 600 meters apart. The Poles did this, including the plateau for the water reservoir. They put everyting in order. But the bridge that I mentioned hasn’t been dismantled to this day. Therefore, ships with a high deck cannot go under it in both directions. — Is the di smantling of the bridge in the plans for the development of the Augustow Canal? — It is. After all, a good zone has been created for the development of international tourism. — What about transporting goods? — I don’t know if that makes sense today. Cargo transportation requires necessary infrastructure. If from an economic point of view some kind of benefit is outlined, the business will not miss it. By the way, we built a good customs office there. The border crossing point was made — there specialists of the Viktor Usov Outpost are working. Anyone who wants can ride a bike across the scaffold bridge. Kayaking can be done on the canal, in both directions. — Let’s go back to the reconstruction of the canal. In what year did the President sign the decree? — It was January 8, 2004. — What did you do next? — Since my department in the SCC was responsible for environmental activities, and the initiative was ours, and I was the head of the office, therefore, I had this matter under control. I went there many times. I did not involve anyone on purpose, except the Grodno regional committee of state control. We regularly reported to the Head of State on the progress of reconstruction of the canal. We informed about the problems, flaws, delays with the project documentation… Today we can say: the object was complex. Scientific research was required. There were scientific supervisors. I remember a biologist who was


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fighting for every tree: if the tree is old and still strong — save it! The trees along the banks of the canal were 100 and 150 years old. Many questions arose on the reconstruction of the masonry. After all, the matrix used to be special, on egg white, durable and moisture resistant. Special clinker brick was required. It does not absorb moisture at all. We followed all these “topics”, steps, movements of the restorers, we knew the current situation in all areas of the facility. — How many years did the reconstruction last? — Just two years! The Poles did not believe that within such a short period of time we would make this channel. They even laughed at the beginning of the work. They did not make their twokilometer section on time. We finished our work in 2006, and they only began to restore their section at the border. The total cost of the entire reconstruction amounted to 38 billion rubles in then estimated currency value, in dollar equivalent about 18 million. We even saved 8 billion on project documentation, plus another 2. Because we constantly adjusted projects without sacrificing quality. — Were there people in the regional executive committee responsible for the reconstruction of the canal? — So it was their territory. Many worked responsibly! Mikhail Komarets, the chairperson of the district executive

committee, Anatoly Korol, the chief architect of the Grodno region… The contribution of the meliorative organizations of the Grodno region, as well as students of the Grodno region, is great. — Where did the project funding come from? — From several sources. — What do you think: will the invested money pay off? — Undoubtedly! After all, while reviving the channel we were guided by the healthy needs of people. In different countries there are people who like to combine rest and physical activities, travel through wildlife areas, admire the unspoilt nature. Sailing along the canals, passing through locks, watching life along the shores — it is so interesting. No movie, it seems to me, can be compared in terms of impressions with “live pictures”. Moreover, at such a “crossroads” of peoples it is interesting to observe life around — this is the place where Belarus, Lithuania, Poland come close to each other. By the way, there is a canal between Lithuania and Poland, where ships are towed from water to water with a drag over the mountain. It has its own exotic attractiveness. Today the Augustow Canal is in demand. If people are ready to come to us, invest their money in it, then such interest should be reasonably supported and used. 150 thousand is a good figure! We know how popular the Brest Hero For-

Heritage tress, Belavezhskaya Pushcha are with tourists, now more and more tourists go to Nesvizh and Mir castles. The Augustow Canal is going to the forefront on this list. I think it is already in top 10 most visited places in Belarus. Objects such as the Augustow Canal represent the modern Belarusian state. If we are able to revive such objects, restore the ones that constitutes the cultural value of a European, world-class level, if we can work at a decent level with them, then we show ourselves to the world, as they say, in the best possible way. — You, apparently, calculated the expected economic effect, addressing the proposals to the Head of State? — Of course! I remember what kind of calculations we had: how much money a foreign tourist spends for one day of stay. Of course, the related infrastructure in that region still needs to be improved and this is being done. In particular, not far from the canal, in the village of Svyatsk, a very interesting Volovich palace and park ensemble is being restored. Recently I watched a television story about this. By the way, while working out our program, we also thought about the future development of the tourism potential of the Grodno region, wrote about the reconstruction of the Svyatsk estate. It is 8 kilometers beyond Sopotskino. Good roads are close by. As far as I know, the Priorbank finances the project. A hotel which accommodates 50 guests will be built there. — Let’s go back to the reconstruction of the canal once again. Was everything restored according to the original or something had to be changed? — I had to take into account a lot of different nuances. Say, during the grayling spawning (it turned out that the fish uses those waterways rising up), biologists forbade working on the canal. As you know the Augustow Canal is connected with the Neman. The canal begins with this river in our territory. So, since the time the canal was opened (in 1839) the Neman bed has moved considerably aside, and the

water level in the river dropped. Therefore, instead of a three-chamber lock Nemnovo another camera had to be attached — the channel was extended by about a kilometer. The vessel had to be lifted, otherwise they could not have entered the canal. And there, by the way, we found a wooden floor at the entrance. That is, there must be a certain depth of entry for the vessel, and the entrance is deepened, all the walls will move. That’s why I asked Vitaly Ilyich Kremko (former director of the farm “October”, the fourth Hero of Belarus — Auth.) to collect and bring field stones from his farm. So they did! The distance is considerable: 35 kilometers in one direction. Some words about the lock Nemnovo: now there is a private museum, and the house of the gatekeeper. There are four gateways in our section of the channel: Nemnovo, Dombrovka, Volkushek and Kuzhenets. Kudrinka’s gateway on the Polish side was in disrepair — as have already said, Pope Jan Paul II sailed to it. — You mentioned that there were problems with clinker bricks… — Yes they were. Buying in the EU is expensive. What to do? And our brick production is well developed. We gathered everyone, even a representative of the Ministry of Culture to consult. We came to the conclusion that we need to make our brick in Obol in Vitebsk region. Over 580 thousand pieces of such brick were needed to bring the gateways in order. Clay, which was suitable under technology, was brought from

Russia. If no damage was found, everything was left as it was. So the ancient masonry in some places is still serving the canal. By the way, we learned along the way that each gateway had its own designer during the construction of the canal. It had its engineer officer, who was responsible for the construction. On separate locks there were even signs informing that in 1827 it was built by a non-commissioned officer… — Did you find anything interesting during the work? — Of course. Many items from different periods of World War II. On Volkushka there is even a sundial, with a large, more than a meter stone in the center. But there is a borderline zone there and now this exhibit is inaccessible to tourists. There are also burial places of the defenders of the Motherland, a monument is in the forest. — You said that back in 2007 there was an idea voiced by the State Control Committee about “going to UNESCO” with the Augustow Canal. Just an idea or did you work out this topic somehow? — We did not elaborate deeply, but voiced the idea in documents, including in contacts with the Polish side. First of all, it was important to put the facility into operation. Well, now, apparently, it’s time to move on. I am very glad that today the owners of the Augustow Canal — Belarus and Poland — have mutual understanding of this issue. Interviewed by Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich

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keep healthy

You should see this! A new ophthalmologic operating unit equipped with the latest technology was opened in city clinical hospital No. 10 in Minsk


When dreams come true A large-scale construction was going on for two years. Before, there used to be technical premises and bare walls at the place where the newest rooms for operations are located now. The hospital has managed to do with only two operating rooms, which do not stand any comparison in terms of current capacity. And this is despite the fact that the

here is unique for the country equipment, which means new surgeries and opportunities for doctors, which means even more benefit for patients. Today the hospital has something to brag about! Due to its new operating unit, the things that were either unavailable anywhere in the country, or available only in a few private medical centers have come into common use.

Head of Microsurgery Department No. 2 Vladimir Rubis


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clinic is home to the Republican Ophthalmology Center, which deals with the most complex cases. There was a lack of high-tech premises for work there. And today 5 new operating rooms are ready to receive the first patients. In the ophthalmologic operating rooms about 30–35 operations are performed a day, 24 hours a day, both for scheduled and emergency patients. Of course, this requires serious training of medical staff and appropriate conditions. Surgeons are happy: their dream has come true. Vladimir Karanik, Minister of Health, is convinced that when doctors’ dreams come true, their patients receive better quality high-tech care: — Here we see an operating unit that is designed and built with all modern requirements in mind and equipped with the latest branded equipment. All this makes it possible to perform cataract surgeries on outpatient basis, to shorten the period of stay of patients with glaucoma, and to introduce microsurgical techniques for tear track surgeries. But any equipment is just metal if there are no warm hands and skills of medical staff. The combination of modern technologies and high-class specialists,

keep healthy which hospital No. 10 has always been famous for, is a guarantee that the work there will rise to a higher quality level. Construction of the new operating unit cost 13.3 million rubles — the amount was allocated from the republican and city budgets. And, as Vladimir Karanik noticed, a competently drafted technical specifications and well-conducted competitive procurement resulted in the fact that the hospital not only received the best equipment, but also saved 41% of the planned budget. In the near future there is construction of a separate building for the Republican Ophthalmology Center, pre-project discussions are currently underway.

Reasons for pride The conditions here indeed allow for the most masterful surgical interventions, including organ and tissue transplantation. For example, corneal transplantation will now be carried out

on a fundamentally different equipment and with completely new approaches. There is also a special room with refrigeration equipment in the new operating unit, where it is now possible to create a bank of organs and tissues for transplantation. …One of the smallest operating rooms, and what a variety of ultramodern equipment! Here a wide range of operations can be performed — from surgical treatment of glaucoma to laser vision correction. And all of them will allow to reduce the rehabilitation period up to several days, and many patients will not need to stay in hospital at all. Besides, due to the new equipment a part of surgical interventions will be several times shorter: from 1.5 hours to 20 minutes. Doctors are especially proud of the unique microscope with built-in software. In fact, during the operation a surgeon works together with the computer. The program processes the data and allows the doctor to see even “deeper”, to see the retina in layers, it shows all the important parameters and even

gives a clue to the best actions, the best places for this exquisite work. And everything that is convenient for the doctor is only for the benefit of the patient. — Within a year, over a thousand high-tech operations will be performed here,” says Vladimir Rubis, Head of Microsurgery Department No. 2. — But these are not just numbers, but people who need help. The plans are to get rid of any queues at all, because, alas, ophthalmological diseases are very common. By the way, what the surgeon sees is not only transmitted to the general monitors in the operating rooms, but now there is also an opportunity for students to observe the unique operations in real time. The world’s best practices are clearly visible now. During 9 months of this year, 4.5 thousand patients with ophthalmological diseases have been operated on in hospital No. 10. With the new operating unit, this figure will undoubtedly increase. By Olga Savitskaya

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Dr. Denis Mazynsky:

“Walk in joy!” He is among the first in Belarus who began to conduct non-traumatic and painless, in the doctors language — invasive, operations to remove diseased veins with a laser. Today he is the only doctor in the country who treats children with a diagnosis of varicose veins. Our conversation is about the service in the Ministry of Emergencies, about patients, about life outside the medical room and about specialized foreign trips.

Everything will be fine Fear, anxiety, excitement, insecurity — that is the whole range of emotions, which a patient, as a rule feels before the operation. Little depends on him in the near future, and the attending physician at this moment becomes the closest person. Entering the operating room with a brisk step, he, wearing a funny multi-colored cap of a surgeon, addresses the patient: “Well, how are we doing? Everything will be fine!”. And with a


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welcoming gesture, pointing to the operating table, he adds: “Please, settle down!”. No one thinks about how many hours the day before the doctor slept, who had been on duty for a day, say, in the emergency surgery department. Here and now, the patient is the main person for him: the patient is lying on the table in a disposable dressing gown and is smiling; feeling support… This is what I remember after my first meeting with Dr. Mazynsky.

Beyond the panel screen I remember that during the laser operation, under local anesthesia, while the vein was being removed, I wanted to move away the white screen, which did not allow me to see the process. The surgeon did not see my face either. Therefore, the doctor kept on speaking, asked all kinds of questions, and thus controlled my mood. It seemed that within a short period of forty minutes Denis Viktorovich and I became almost friends. Well, then I cheerfully got up from the operating table and went to the nearest cafe to have coffee.

Professionals But I could not forget that white panel screen separating me from the doctor. It is like a backstage that I wanted to push aside to find out: how doctors live, what they think about; what they are like when their office hours are over? Do they always manage to maintain inner calm, positive and friendly attitude towards people? After all, this is exactly what Dr. Mazynsky seemed to be. We agreed to meet for an interview in early summer. But it did not work: Denis flew to a conference in Sweden. In July, I also had to postpone the meeting. In August, he was already in St. Petersburg at master classes. In September, in Kazakhstan: a new clinic was opened there, it was necessary to conduct a training seminar for local doctors, and then a master class. Then the doctor himself appeared on the operating table: the overload manifested itself. So, as they say, miracles happen on New Year’s Eve: we met again, but this time outside the medical center — in one of the Minsk cafes.

Rivers, veins, streams… “I f le w out of life for t hre e months!” — Denis started right away, as if apologizing for having rescheduled the previous meeting again. I admit, it was unusual to see him in casual clothes, not in the walls of the office. The barrier, which is usually felt between the doctor and the patient, immediately disappeared. —  Denis Viktorovich, I think you talk much about diseases at work. Therefore, I look forward to having a conversation about everything. But first of all, please clarify: what is the difference between a phlebologist and an angio-surgeon and a vascular surgeon? Here you are, for example, positioning yourself as a phlebologist and angio-surgeon. — “Angio” is translated from Greek as “vessel”, that is, angiosurgery — this is “vascular surgery” in Russian — a branch of medicine dealing with venous, arterial and lymphatic vessels. Phlebology is a narrow area of angiology, it studies only veins.

During the master course of the Baltic Phlebology Community

— Which, as we now know, can be treated on an outpatient basis, without staying at hospital… — That’s right! And, in my opinion, this is great. Modern technologies allow you to come to an appointment, have an operation and leave, continue to do your daily business. Just like at the dentist’s. — How did you come to deal with children’s phlebology? — It all started with personal enthusiasm. After all, initially I was a pediatric surgeon, I graduated from the pediatric department at the Belarusian State Medical University in 2005, then I underwent initial training in vascular surgery. I studied phlebology for many years. Gradually, I began to realize that children and teenagers have the same problems as adults. However, under 18 it’s not customary with us to examine them! Moreover, as you know, if there is a problem, then with time it becomes more intense. The question is: what are we waiting for?.. Varicose veins can begin when a child is 10 years old. — It turns out that you are the first to pay attention to it? — Without false modesty I’ll say: so far the only one. Now the topic of phlebology is just beginning to start up. I do not divide it into children’s and adults’.

Yes, vein diseases have been studied for a long time, but treatment methods have changed dramatically, and the public still does not know much about it. There are stereotypes, false opinions. For example, until now, many doctors, and even more so patients, believe that if you remove one diseased vein, then the condition of the other will necessarily begin to deteriorate. Few people monitor the state of their apparently healthy legs. If it doesn’t hurt, it’s okay. Therefore, we, phlebologists, with the help of the media, at consultations focus on foot hygiene. — What is its essence? — Do you brush your teeth twice a day? Why? Because first of all it prevents caries, Exactly the same prevention should be applied to legs. There is nothing difficult about it, people talk and write about it everywhere. For example, during flights, when the legs are stationary for a long time, compression stockings should be worn. One shouldn’t wear heels for long periods, you should give your legs physical activity… Well, it is advisable to visit a phlebologist periodically. It’s a well-known fact: a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. — You have several times compared phlebology with stomatology. Do they have something in common? беларусь. belarus 2019


Professionals — This is how I, for understanding, connect your imaginative thinking. Everyone goes to the dentist. It is understandable. I also sometimes paint rivers and streams for patients… I can also paint a forest for the sake of color… Then it becomes clear to a person what “flows” from a where and into what. A patient begins to understand the causes and consequences. — And what is the situation with pediatric phlebology in Western Europe? — To be honest, I myself do not understand. There are neither global studies on this subject, nor publications. Few clinics, maybe a couple in the whole of Western Europe. But they have children’s vascular departments. — If we compare the quality of treatment of the varicose veins in our country and abroad? — The results are approximately the same, maybe ours are even better. We make use of the most modern equipment. — Is there anyone else besides you? — Me and my medical friends: Pavel Gavrin and Sergey Kornievich. It all started with us in the years 2007–2008.

Three comrades — After graduating, I was assigned to children’s polyclinic No. 19 in Minsk. The building of district “adult” No. 19 adjoins it. There, the surgical department was headed by Pavel Gavrin. Well, I was a young specialist then, one for the entire children’s clinic. From time to time I came to Pavel Yurievich to consult. In general, he became my friend, and then the best friend. Sergei Kornievich and Pavel are classmates, also friends. Now Sergey Nikolaevich is the Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital. (Pavel and I are working in a medical center now.) In general, I fitted into their company. We became “GAMAK” — our colleagues put together the initials of our names. A nurse used to joke: wherever you look, you see either Mazynsky, or Kornievich, or Gavrin. Once we got together and decided that it was time for us to do phlebology at a qualitatively new level. Sergey Kornievich went to Riga to study how to perform operations with comfort for both the patient and the doctor with the help of a laser.

I remember that the first operation of Pavel and Sergey lasted two hours. They did not call me because I was young. They were nervous. Now this procedure takes about 30 minutes, along with all the preparations. — Why did Sergey Kornievich go to Riga? — There is the Baltic Society of Phlebologists, its president is Uldis Maurins, PhD (Medicine). He has his own clinic, where we often go to upgrade our qualification. Specialists from England, Brazil are invited there… Kornievich became the vice-president of this community in Belarus. — Maybe you are writing a scientific work on the topic of children’s phlebology? — Everyone says it is necessary to write, because this is a direction that should be developed. I’m thinking about it, thinking. I learn at conferences, at master classes. Every time I learn something new. For example, in St. Petersburg we were shown online and told about the nuances, for example how the needle should enter the vein: a hole up, down or sideways…

Human factor — Do they tell how to build a dialogue with a patient at master classes? — This is taught at university. The subject is called Ethics and Deontology. — But I have repeatedly heard that there are conflicts with patients… — I understand what you mean. You know, they say: doctors are divided into three categories: God forbid, thanks God and from God. Who will become what is unknown. But sometimes doctors are driven into such limits!.. For example, when I was working in children’s clinic No.19, I was also working a shift at children’s clinic No. 11 in

Сolleagues-phlebologists: Pavel Gavrin (left), Sergey Kornievich and Olga Poznyakova


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Minsk. I had two shifts a day: from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. in one place, then from 5:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. in the other. I received up to 120 people for one shift: after all, one surgeon for the entire clinic. By the hundredth patient, you are already beginning to fade, and there are grandmothers, grandfathers, parents who forget that the doctor is a person who can get tired… Honestly, it’s not nice to see a purely consumer attitude towards us. Especially in commercial medical centers. You can’t refuse, there is no open rudeness. But subconsciously you feel: they treat you as a member of maintenance staff. Therefore, after seven hours it’s morally difficult for me to work. In general, no one teaches medical culture. The way you were brought up in childhood, affects the kind of doctor you will be. — Maybe in the event of a complete burnout, you just need to retire? — A different thing matters here. I think, before employing any person to any job, they need to be tested or consulted by a psychotherapist. There are different temperaments: teamwork, for example, can be unsuitable for someone. Before entering the Medical University, applicants should go through something of the kind. Do we have entrance exams? Why not check character traits?

That's how phlebologists master classes take place

Laser surgery lasts half an hour

When I served in the Republican special forces unit of the Ministry of Emergencies (this was in 2009–2011, I worked as a visiting team doctor), I took psychological tests upon admission. This is normal, I think. But doctors don’t. Not everyone is suitable, in fact… I repeat, vocational aptitude is important in any profession.

learned to use gas masks. Doctors need to be able to enter a burning building. In case someone needs help on the spot. — Have there been cases? — There were enough cases. Somewhere in the rural area, I don’t even remember… — How can you not remember it? Or were there too many cases?.. — So this happened all the time, something somewhere… The scheme is the same: the soldiers evaluate the situation, then you go into the house if the victims cannot be taken out. It happens like this: for example, a man was doing repair works, cut out a partition between the toilet and the bathroom, and –was pressed down by the reinforcement. We were rescuing him, I remember, like from a skewer. Well, or another case: February, minus 20. The highway to Vitebsk, 5 km from Minsk. Head-on collision of cars: one car half torn, the second — just mashed. There are many dead: two in one car, five in the other, and one is on the road… The driver was a pregnant woman late in pregnancy. She is alive, but clamped, it’s impossible to free her legs: the body of the car is badly deformed. We put her on a drip right there without getting her out.. — You also worked at the Minsk Children’s Surgical Center at that time…

Through hell and high water — When you served in the Ministry of Emergencies, whom did you save? — All sorts of… Each call is an emergency. Otherwise they wouldn’t have called, would they? But first, we went through special training. We had a motorcycle-offsite group — to quickly respond to the challenge. We got on motorbikes and drove away — quickly. We also had to parachute out of a helicopter. I made 11 jumps. We did everything ourselves: we jumped, quickly folded the parachute and back into the helicopter to jump again. Then I was promoted to senior lieutenant. — What height did you jump from? — Different. In fact, the lower the worse. When it is high, there is time to look around, to gather spirit. When it is low I did not have time to think — it is necessary to jump. By the way, we

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Sergey Kornievich - Doctor of the highest qualification category, Vice President of the Baltic Phlebology Community in Belarus

— I still do. As a duty doctor. — What is the job? — A regular doctor comes at eight a. m. and leaves at three p. m. But there are duty doctors who are at the post from nine a. m. to nine p. m., and at weekends. We examine patients, we urgently operate… — Don’t you want to recall special cases in the Children’s Surgical Center? — It may be interesting for you. But for us it is a routine, the same thing all the time. Well, it’s just work. Trying to be as effective as possible and that is all. I love my job. I enjoy the fact that I helped someone when there is a result, the patient recovered. For me it is more important. — Have you lost the patients? — Everything happened… But we also saved, thank God, not a few. Cycling injuries in summer are especially dangerous: ruptures of the spleen, liver, intra-abdominal bleeding… When a child falls off a bike, the steering wheel most often hits him in the stomach. It is a strong and deep blow. — Is the child a problem patient? — Yes, because they can’t speak, and no one can do it for them. We have to make a diagnosis according to the symptoms and analysis. — If the child already can speak? And is afraid… — Is an adult not afraid?


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— An adult holds emotions under control. — An adult comes alone. A child comes with a retinue. It is harder. There is a worried mother, father is all on the nerves. Then grandmother and grandfather turn up. You have to work more with them. It happens that a child needs to be operated on urgently, time goes by, and you stand and try to make the parents understand that it is a matter of life and death. Certainly, surgery is stressful, but what if it is necessary?! It takes a lot of time to prove to the parents that you are not an idiot. After it you are emotionally worn out. You start talking to the parents in a different way. Thus, we returned to the issue of the culture of relationships and burnout at work. No, there is no need to retire. You just need to be able to emotionally unload. — How do you emotionally unload? — I ride motorbikes with my friends. The very ones that are part of our GAMAK. But without fanaticism, I am not a member of any clubs. I have a chopper. I can come to work on it. It happens that I leave for a couple of days with my friends. Without phones, without radio, cut off from the world — perfect! — Do you still do parachute jumps from a helicopter?

I think, before employing any person to any job, they need to be tested or consulted by a psychotherapist. There are different temperaments: teamwork, for example, can be unsuitable for someone. Before entering the Medical University, applicants should go through something of the kind. Do we have entrance exams? Why not check character traits? — Not anymore. Every time it was scary for me. During a free flight I rethought my life. And especially recently, when I “flew out” of life for three months. Still, I have a family, children. They still need to be raised. I like to play squash. I go to congresses, international conferences — also a good time for rebooting: new communication, new information — it takes away. — Where have you been to? — To Sweden, Prague, the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, St. Petersburg… I want to visit England. And in the USA. But it is expensive. In Boston, the conference will cost me about 5 thousand dollars. I’m financing myself. But without such trips you can never get to the international level. — Do you go to the gym? — Of course! I relax there. I do weight lifting — and get rid of all negative things. I leave the gym feeling light. It’s good that we have gyms that work 24 hours a day! By the way, in the gym I often see bad legs. So sometimes I feel tempted to come up and give a business card. — When do you sleep then? — Of course, I need to sleep! I sleep where I work (laughs). — Do you have weekends? — Now more often. I spend Sundays with my family. All my hobbies are after work. By the way, I have a dog, a black

Professionals Labrador. As you understand I need to walk it in the morning and in the evening. I also like to watch films, go to the cinema… But there is not enough time for everything.

Feedback — They say doctors have the same diseases as their patients. Does this apply to you? — No, I’m fine with that! All of us, phlebologists, are involved in prevention: we wear compression garments when flying, when there is tension in the legs, and so on. — Do all diseases come from nerves? — Absolutely! From a psychoemotional state. There are predisposing factors of the disease — these are genes, but there the ones that provoke it — psychosomatics. — The question then arises, are you interested in the personal lives of your patients, and if so, how deeply? — My communication with them is not one-time. They come first for a consultation, then to fix the result, and we are already at a different level in communication. Of course, I keep a certain distance, but, in general, I understand and feel a person well. For example, say, an introvert comes: keeps himself to

himself, and also a pedant. He invented a non-existent problem. I try to explain that everything is fine with him and his legs. And he doesn’t hear me… — What then?.. — I go on talking, convincing… Forty minutes, instead of twenty. — Once, at one of the receptions, you told me casually that you should act according to your conscience. But now everyone has their own concept of conscience… — I do not agree, there is only one conscience! (Laughs.) I just act with others in the same way as I would with myself. No cheating. So said — so done. If I promised something, even at the expense of myself, to the bad — I must keep my word. — What sacrifices in your work are you capable of making? — I often work after hours, try to adjust: I understand that each patient has his own rhythm, I show understanding. Once an elderly woman came to me, out of beat, she took an hour of my time. I did not help her. Therefore, I did not take money from her. — What is your life credo? — I think that formulating such mottos is nonsense. This is all conditional and is within the framework of a certain emotional atmosphere around you at some definite time. Today I have such a

mood, on some other day it will be different… It’s clear that I must, again, act in good conscience. We must do our best, we must be honest. So as at the end of life not to regret failing to do something. — What are you striving for? — To a comfortable existence. You immediately thought about money, didn’t you? Well, yes, money is like air. This is not the meaning of life, but a means of subsistence. Alas, it often creates a vicious circle. However, I am not talking about money. A comfortable existence is a condition when you are satisfied with yourself and with what you are doing. When you feel feedback. Your Family, parents and work — everything is included in this concept. I want to continue to do my job so that my patients could walk in joy. — Do you want the children to follow your way? — After the recent events in my life, I made sure once again that it is stupid to think ahead. We must live here and now. Are you sure your tomorrow will come? — As they say, there are no guarantees… — I am not sure either. Then why think about it? I would like my children to be happy. Although everyone has their own concept of happiness… By Alisa Gungor. Photo from the personal archive of Denis Mazynsky.

With a friend in life — his wife Olga and sons Alexey (left) and Fyodor

Denis Mazynsky and his chopper

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At the exhibition in the Small Hall of the Nesvizh Museum-Reserve

It’s time to have tea


Tea came to Belarus only in the 19th century Without a cup of tea, it is impossible to imagine our lives: at least once a day we must breathe in fragrant steam and enjoy tea. However, the Belarusians have become addicted to the hot tonic drink relatively recently — in our region it is only a couple of centuries old, from the historical point of view that’s nothing. The history of the penetration of tea culture onto the Belarusian land is revealed by the exhibition “Tea Time” in the Small Hall of the Nesvizh MuseumReserve: more than 100 items tell us in detail about the predecessors of tea and the traditions of its consumption by our great-grandparents. Relying on the exhibits and assistance of the exhibition curator Irina Milinkevich, we will try to briefly outline the tea history of Belarus for our readers.


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The practice of brewing tea leaves came to us, strange as it may seem, only in the 19th century. The 18th century in Belarus is the century of coffee, which spread throughout Europe. It was such a popular beverage that in each house there were invigorating beans. Then Antoni Tyzenhaus opened the first coffee house in Grodno, and one of his contemporaries wrote that the house without coffee was plain. Coffee makers, coffee grinders, bouillotte and sets of tiny cups were necessarily available in any decent house, the famous cookbook “Lithuanian Mistress” included various recipes for making coffee. By the way, coffee grinders of that time were quite large and powerful, because only wealthy people could afford to buy expensive colonial goods, but

those who were not so well-off ground everything, i. e. acorns, wheat and roasted peas, added a handful of natural beans and got the drink which was called “kava”. As for teas, people thought of them as herbs, especially those used for treatment, hence the Belarusian name of tea is “garbata”, originating from the Latin word herba, “plant”. Roman chamomile, peppermint, mallow, savory, yarrow, bark of crumbs and oak — everything was used that could be covered with boiling water, quench thirst and improve health. Genuine tea culture came to us in the late 18th — early 19th century — together with Russian officials who came to do service, brought Tula samovars and the established tradition of tea drinking: men preferred glasses in beautiful


silver cup-holders, ladies — porcelain from imperial factories. Tea leaves were sold not in our usual paper packs, but in beautiful tin boxes — today only expensive gift tea-varieties are packed like this. In the 19th century, tea was drunk in a slightly different way: milk was added in the English way, as well as raspberry and cherry syrup and red wine. Ethnographer Nikolay Nikiforovsky gives a specific Belarusian expression “cream from a mad cow” — that was the name of cognac or rum added to tea (for lack of foreign drinks, homemade liqueurs were used). Little by little there appeared sets of items, usually including two teapots for black and green tea, creamers, sugar tongs, strainers, cups and saucers: everything you need for a tea party attended by guests or the whole family. Honeymooners were usually given a one-on-one set, the so-called tete-a‑tete, and for bachelors there was a special tea set called an egoist for a person who had a drink alone. A samovar, especially in the bachelor’s household, was often replaced by a bouillotte, a metal vessel for boiling water which was heated up by spirit lamp. Bouillottes were used in coffee

Genuine tea culture came to us in the late 18th — early 19th century — together with Russian officials who came to do service, brought Tula samovars and the established tradition of tea drinking: men preferred glasses in beautiful silver cup-holders, ladies — porcelain from imperial factories. making, so they were already in our houses — and later they got out of use together with spirit lamps when “fuel” for these devices went up in price. But while alcohol was cheap, with a bouillotte one could do without an expensive samovar, and it was much easier to handle. At first our ancestors had quite a number of mishaps with the products of Tula masters that became instantly fashionable. Historian-ethnographer Ignaty Khodzko in 1826 even wrote a story about a young lady Salome, who bought a samovar, which exploded when the family members were trying to handle this new device and poured boiling water over the guests and ash and coal over the luxurious forelock of her ad-

mirer, an assessor. “Oh, maiden! Why do you know about the power of steam as much as a hundred years ago the greatest philosophers didn’t? And why don’t you know there’s going to be an explosion!” — sighing Khodzko. However, two decades later another ethnographer Pavel Shpilevsky in his “Journey through Polesye and the Belarusian Territory” repeatedly mentions roadside taverns, in which it is quite common to drink tea without adventures and burns. And yet, only in the Soviet years tea becomes a truly mass drink, which can be found in every home: the one, repeatedly praised in literature and films — in a faceted glass and with a slice of lemon. By Irina Ovsepyan

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Pre-New Year

Happiness that you can drink Tea theme improvisation Do you like tea as much as I do? Of course, whoever you are, I know you love this drink the way only you love it. Or maybe you don’t like it at all, because you are a coffee addict. I understand: you are a different world, the whole universe unknown to me. You have your own passions, habits, preferences... And I also understand that tea is personal.


But if you find something close to you in my improvisation on the “tea” theme, I will be glad: somewhere far away in the world, or maybe next door, right behind my office wall, another soul mate breathes in the aroma of good tea, with every sip feeling the richness of its taste — bitterness, sweetness, tartness… Well, not without reason, though not so long ago, on December 15 the world began to celebrate the international tea day. And we, the Belarusians, are no exception. A cup of tea at the monitor, when outside it is foggy snowless December, which, for some reason, causes associations with Foggy Albion, does not prevent you from working. On the contrary, it inspires me to immerse myself in the “theme”… I must admit, my colleague’s previous material “Time to drink tea” prompted me to go deep into thinking about my personal amour with tea. Strange as it may seem, I haven’t been aware to the full of this wonderful beverage until the present moment. Yes, I knew that tea was healthy, I had been enjoying it for a long time, I drank it alone or with my husband and friends, tast-


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ing different varieties of tea. But to talk about the amour with it… Suddenly I recollected a lot, when a good information text about tea was being prepared for the magazine. My sensual memory came alive, woke up as the soil is ploughed in spring for potato planting… So I smelled the aroma of my very first tea the same way as the aroma of warm newly-ploughed soil, when I happened to be in the village, and I felt to a slight dizziness. And suddenly I thought of tea in a new way. Fresh, pleasant… …The city of Vovchansk, Kharkov region… A hospital room… In front of me there is a soup plate of cheap plain porcelain with tea. Yes, yes, a plate of tea. I am three years old. Recovering from some intestinal infection. And I feel hungry. I am surprised: I’ve just scraped mashed potatoes with a spoonful out of the soup plate, and now I’m scooping out tea with a big aluminium spoon. And I feel a sweet happiness, which can be drunk. This happiness is called tea. Older girls smile, drinking “happiness” out of faceted glasses. And I am not allowed to drink from a glass. They say, I can burn myself or drop it:

a small girl… I remember a nu r s e r e m o v ing the plate for the mashed potatoes and bringing the same one… with water of amber colour. The water steams, smells st range. I us e a spoon to scoop the liquid and pour it back into the plate. The girls blow on it, I do the same. Tea is sweet, but it doesn’t look like home tea — with jam… Yes, there were not often tea leaves in the house: in Soviet times, tea, especially Indian tea, was in short supply. I remember these little packs: Indian tea with pictures of elephants, which was almost non-existent in the shops, and Georgian No. 36 — with a green sticker and the inscription “first grade”. In my Soviet childhood, I drank mostly Georgian tea. And Indian sometimes appeared as

Pre-New Year a holiday gift from my aunt who was in trade. I remember my father going to watch TV in the afternoon, turned to my mother and said: Mariya, make me tea with tea leaves, but add some strawberries… One day I tasted Dad’s tea. And I realized why he liked it so much. Strawberries enriched, I would say, the “plain” taste of Georgian tea. Similar taste can be found in modern, non-elite teas with berry odorant. But we drank Indian tea straight, sometimes with cherry, gooseberry, apricot, plum and, of course, strawberry jam. All these berries grew in our big garden. And when Yuri Gagarin flew into space, and then visited the English queen’s reception and ate a slice of lemon after drinking tea, thus breaking the etiquette, Daddy laughed with pleasure, taking a lemon slice into his mouth, and said: we are like astronauts… And Mom loved to drink tea in the English way: with milk and sugar. L ater, when I studied at Kiev University, I used to bring my parents high quality tea with those Indian elephants. It was easier to buy it in the Ukrainian capital than in rural areas. My parents died a long time ago: Cherkashin Mikhail Stefanovich, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and its participant Mariya Petrovna Cherkashina. The memory remains. And aftertaste. Including tea parties. My grandmothers Katya and Agrafena, who came to visit us from their village of Rubezhnoye, always drank tea from saucers. They have been out of sale for a long time. They looked like

a small soup plate of a small diameter with the edges at an angle of just over 90 degrees, and were used in families with a very modest income. These saucers were sold separately, not with cups. Google and, alas, you will not find such samples. And I have never more seen the cups, made of the finest, almost transparent milky porcelain on a thin leg with golden cup-lips and a family monogram. Only in my childhood. Tea in them was special. I used to sit at a round table covered with a white tablecloth with that cup in my hand, and I felt special. So refinely we were given tea by my classmate Serezha’s grandmother. And certainly with gooseberry jam in tiny saucers. My classmate had four grandmothers, which surprised me, first grader, very much. As well as the white aprons each grandmother was wearing before setting the dinner table. And showing a remarkable mathematical abilities, I asked my friend, “Do you have two moms and two dads, if there are four grandmothers?… I remember us laughing a lot then. And when we became high school students, Serezhka told me: his grandmothers, four sisters came from the nobility — they all were teachers in the past, studied at the gymnasium. And only one of them got married and gave birth to Sergei’s father. And the gooseberry jam in his family was called the royal jam, and his aunts cooked it right in the yard — in a big copper bowl, and we were given foamy jam scum. This is unforgettable. I won’t forget a special taste of tea in the school cafeteria and in the sports and pioneer camps, where I used to spend my summer vacation. Surprisingly, I liked that tea. Like tea on the train, in branded glass holders, dark, hot. Train tea is a separate subject. For the first time I tasted it when I was a teenager, going with my elder cousin Valentina to visit my aunt Ana in Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region. And then I did not like the tea itself, but the glass holder, which, as it seemed to me, added value to the usual tea

Tea is taste, aesthetics and beauty

Tea in glass holders on a train in Soviet times is a separate topic

Those who went on camping trips know the taste of tea with strawberries, blueberries and other plants — with smoke and a good mood

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Pre-New Year


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of July. We had to go in windbreakers with hoods, as there were a lot of gadbees there in summertime. They ruthlessly stung our faces, necks and hands. We had to fight off these creatures with a small shovel, towels… And we didn’t ration water that day, having drunk it by lunchtime, so we terribly thirsty. We were on the verge of fainting. And for some reason I thought of a desert where people could die of thirst. The water, covered by green mud, was shining treacherously along the road. But we knew it was non-potable. We

reached the village of Simanovsky Mlynok at sunset, and when we saw a house on the right side of the road, we immediately hurried to it. The mistress was asked for water. We must have looked so exhausted by dehydration, that she offered us to have tea a snack. She put pancakes, fresh cucumbers on the table and, having brewed tea, poured it into large mugs. Then, after having that tea, not water, I felt happiness. It was like in that distant childhood, when I was hungry after my illness. As for the origin of tea, there are

Now it is no secret that the colour of tea on trains is due to a pinch of commonplace soda, added to a tea-pot, which makes tea retain its rich color even when brewed for the second time. Recently I conducted an experiment: I added some soda to the freshly brewed tea. And, what a miracle!, I got back to my childhood: the taste was old, almost forgotten. And given that soda in reasonable quantities is a useful product, I comforted myself by the idea that in those old Soviet years, neither railroad conductors, nor cooks in canteens, wanted to undermine our health. Or maybe the “soda vogue” began with someone’s good intentions, say, add a little soda: it’s useful, and saves money on brewing. If you were born in the USSR, you can also remember the so-called “raw” tea drink. Those were small briquettes from which you could break off a piece and eat. And some of my peers ate this compressed mixture of wild apples, pears and berries with refined molasses with pleasure. Tea is poetry. And to make sure of it I made a little trip. On the Internet there are so many aphorisms and deep in meaning statements of famous writers and poets about tea. For example, by Ray Bradbury, in his famous novel “Dandelion Wine”, tea can characterize friendship. That’s how he writes about it: a thousand gallons of tea and five hundred cookies — quite enough for one friendship. I also liked the sayings about tea made by someone named Ludmila Senkevich-Volegova. ( I can’t help but remember the tea that happened in my life as a means of quenching my thirst. And my thirst was enormous. It was in the Pripyatsky Reserve, where my husband and I had been walking the whole day during our walking trip along the State Border of Belarus. We were walking along the asphalt road leading through the impassable forest, on the edge of which there was a marshy canal. The heat was not typical of our latitudes at the end

Tasting at the tea festival in Belarus. March, 2019.

A good tea has bends, like the leather boots of a Tatar horse-man, it rounds like a bull’s dewlap, spreads like a fog rising above a valley, shines like a lake under a light wind, and it is moist and soft like the earth just irrigated by rain Tea master from the Celestial Empire, Lu You (between 760 and 780), the first ever work on tea with practical recommendations for growing and making it

many myths and legends about its origin. Most researchers consider China to be the homeland of tea. It is known that it appeared about five thousand years ago and became incredibly popular in the Celestial Empire and around the world. And what is tea for the Belarusians? As we know, they have long studied, collected and brewed herbs. And in many houses you can find a couple of bags with dried thyme, currant or bay willow. Of course, we drink tea. And we form tea culture. So tea drinking is perceived as something independent, not a final course after a meal. Jan Barschevsky, for example, in his work “Draulyany dzyadok i kabeta Insekta”, describing the life of Northern Belarus in the 1930s, says about the introduction of tea drinking into everyday

Pre-New Year If you visit Alena Velichko’s Minsk tea studio today, you will have a lot of fun. The organizers position themselves as follows: “Tea studio is one of the first places in the city where you can order a tea ceremony, study at a tea school or attend a master class, attend tea events… Our approach is quality, soulfulness and philosophy of conscious and joyful attitude to life. We are happy for those people who want to learn new things, we are always looking for like-minded people and are open to joint projects that may be of interest to us…”.

life: “… In the old days, tea was a cure for the head, now people cannot live without it, what a change in the world!” “Whatever jacket you take, it is not cotton wool, whatever tea you drink, it is not garbata,” wrote Maxim Goretsky, when he taught his younger fellow writer Mikhas Lynkov how to create an exquisite Belarusian literary speech out of the “grass-roots language”. As a result, as my colleagues informed us, the friendship won the dispute: not between the writers, but between the words. Both “tea” and “garbata” have

William Lee, Vice President of the Korean Tea Association, introduces South Korean tea culture

come to use — from different sides, in their own ways. But very few people thought about how and when this amazing drink came to Belarus. So it is fresh ground for research, as they say. But the fact that my compatriots are not indifferent to tea, as well as to coffee, is undeniable. And there is an example: Alexander Evnevich, co-owner of “Orimi Traid” and “Maxidoma,” tea magnate of Russia was born in 1959 in Shumilino, Belarus. From there he moved to Beshenkovichi, studied at the local secondary school, but from the 7th grade he was enrolled at the correspondence mathematics school at Leningrad State University as a talented mathematician. And the interest in the “tea” theme in the country, let’s say, is growing.

Tea from Taiwan, China, India and other countries is also available in special tea shops. Some have tea rooms, where you can also enjoy a cup of tea. The Tea House of Buddha has recently opened in Minsk. Its curator is a Tibetan monk. There are also other tea islands for soulful communication, though few in number, in other regions of Belarus. The production of tea is gaining momentum. For example, “Valeo Vita Company” launches a new trademark of natural herbal tea “Ded Kiprey”. And its complex development was carried out by the branding agency Fabula. In Vitsebsk region, at the enterprise “Kalina” in Orsha district, there appeared three lines of tea products. In January, the company started produc-

A man who has not had tea is in discord with the universe (Japanese proverb). Happiness always lies in simple things. In such, for example, as a day off, Sunday tea or just peace in your heart… It’s not just tea, gloves, a blanket… Everything can be warm — conversations, looks, letters, people… This is the special feeling that gives us the strength to live, to believe, to dream, to love… It is wonderful when you have someone to brew a second cup of tea for. Tea is a huge world, placed in a small cup. Tea is always a good idea. Do not look for a reason, just give a cup of tea… In any unclear situation, put the kettle on. Is your soul frozen? Make tea. Tea is like a hug. Only in a cup. When it’s bad weather outside and you don’t want to go out, a cup of tea is just happiness… And this happiness can be drunk… — Will you have tea with lemon or with mint? — Can I have tea with you? If everything is not clear, and everything is already in itself, and does not depend on you, you just need to stop and drink tea. Everything will decompose itself, it will get better. I can’t make you feel better, but I can make you some tea. What will you drink tea with? With jam or lemon? — With pleasure! Tea is the most affordable and honest medicine that cures without turning your pocket out. Make yourself a day off — do not burden yourself! It is better to drink tea…

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Pre-New Year

Turkish tea is pleasure, soulfulness, harmony

Belarusian herbal teas fit harmoniously into the pan-European trend of healthy eating


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ing pure black tea with fruit additives. The direction, they promise, will develop further. Raw materials for production are supplied directly from India. Today, the company produces two types of packaged black tea in individual packages: thyme, mint, chamomile and rosehip. Last spring, a line of budget packaged tea appeared on the market. In September, another novelty based on chamomile in combination with medicinal herbs under the trademark “Romashkovo” was produced. “Minsk Vegetable Factory” and the Georgian company “J. J. J.  Company” promise to organize packing and sale of Georgian tea in Belarus. The parties are going to sign a corresponding partnership agreement at the fifth meeting of the Intergovernmental BelarusianGeorgian Commission on Economic Cooperation, which will be held in Tbilisi on March 20–21 (https://agronews. com/by/ru/news/). So, we are not deprived of tea today. By the way, Indian tea, reminiscent of the Soviet period — with pictures of elephants, as in the 70s of the last century, can be bought if you try harder. So-called phytoteas are becoming more and more popular as well. Just a few days ago another guest came to our editorial office and brought us a gift of a tea called “Myadzelskaya tayamnitsa”. It consists of bay willow herb, lemon balm herb, calendula flowers, sage leaves and raspberries. It turned out that this aromatic drink was from the “Aptekarsky garden”. By the way, it is a modern tourist complex, which was built in Belarus in 2014 on the territory of the National Park “Narochansky” (Minsk region, Myadel district, near Lake Naroch). Many rare medicinal plants are grown and cultivated there. Turkish tea is also on sale in Belarus, and I am a fan of it now. At weekends my husband and I by all means drink the socalled “tea bardak”. In Turkish, “bardak” means a glass. Those who were in Turkey know that tea is honored in this sunny country. I think it’s just impossible not to fall in love with “turkish tea”.

That’s what happened to us this summer during a vacation in the village of Ölüdeniz, in the Fethiye district. To drink tea in the Turkish manner means to immerse oneself into incomprehensible space of taste, to awaken one’s olfactory receptors, the same ones that exist in the cell membranes of olfactory neurons and are responsible for the detection of odor molecules. Turkish tea is a harmony in the soul, a cordial acceptance of someone who shares tea with you. It is also a very pleasant touch of the thin walls of the glass. Well, it is not without reason that psychologists say that the texture of the objects we touch affects our judgment and actions. It is almost impossible to imagine Turkey without tea, which is served in so-called pear-shaped glasses with a “thin waist”. Unlike other countries, tea is drunk here at any time of the day. We are also convinced of this, having been there more than once. “Tea is a passion that is always with you if you live in Turkey and beyond,” says Bulat Nogmanov, translator and ethnographer. A student at Ankara University, he knows the Turks who have the name Tea. Probably their ancestors were engaged either in cultivation or sale of this drink. According to the statistics, each resident of Turkey on average consumes about seven kilograms of tea a year. One of Ankara’s famous tea houses uses a kilo of tea a week in winter and about 600 grams in summer. Of course, in Belarus tea is drunk several times less. For example, in 2014, according to the data of the investment and research company AVI Investment Company, tea was drunk by more than $66 million, while the annual spending on tea in monetary terms increases. It is interesting that, according to this company, our country is characterized by the aspiration for a pan-European trend of healthy diet, which harmoniously includes herbal and green teas. This is what we are observing right now. I hope we will see what happens next. By Valentina Zhdanovich

Premieres, projects

Bravo, Bolshoi! As befits the country’s main theatre, the Bolshoi Theatre in December pleased us with a rich New Year’s repertoire: the ballet “Creation of the World” directed by Valentin Elizariev, artistic director of the theatre, People’s Artist of the USSR, winner of the Five Continents UNESCO medal, and the traditional Minsk International Christmas Opera forum — the most ambitious project of the theatre.

Scene from the play "Creation of the World"

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In the center of ballet action are Adam and Eve (Konstantin Geronik and Irina Eromkina)

А Fresh breath

As you know, the ballet “Creation of the World” was staged over forty years ago, in April 1976. Since then, the name of 28‑year-old Valentin Elizariev among ballet fans has gained fame. Attention was also drawn to him by the name of the composer Andrey Petrov, known to the public as the author of wonderful music for the films “Office Romance” and “Autumn Marathon”. Andrey Petrov composed the music to the ballet themed on popular drawings by the French artist Jean Effel. He had the biblical story of Adam and Eve told in a humorous manner. Another famous fact: for the Bolshoi Theatre, Andrey Petrov specially created the musical edition of the play. Inspired by the plan of Valentin Elizariev, he even added some fragments (as Elena Balabanovich, the leading editor of the press center of the Bolshoi Theatre told us). And at the premiere in Minsk in 1976, congratulating the artists and directors, the composer could not conceal his emotions and said that the performance could


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be called perhaps the most successful of all that existed in the Soviet Union and abroad at that time. Here is what Valentin Elizariev said: “When I got acquainted with the musical material, it seemed surprisingly deep to me. I thought about how to reveal this topic globally, giving it a universal character. How to dare and tell about humanity as a whole, about what it can face in the future.” Fortunately, in those years I managed to attend the premiere. It was lodged in my memory as something epic. It is impossible to forget “Creation of the World”. Yes, of course, I do not remember the details, but the feeling that you witnessed the birth of something ingenious will remain for life. Artistic paintings on the backdrop of the stage in the style of Čiurlionis (Ukrainian artist Yevgeny Lysik) are also remembered. The avant-garde music of those Soviet times, too. Vladimir Moshensky was conducting. “Creation of the World” — this, of course, was a “bombshell.” In other words, a shock. In those days of traditional atheism, the frank narration

about the beauty of immortal love that saves the world, about God and the devil, told in the language of plasticity, was more than bold. It brought great success to the theatre. I remember watching the ballet — all in tears — in one breath. I was impressed by how the theme of love was solved in the performance, which was embodied by the incomparable Lyudmila Brzhozovskaya-Eve and the handsome Yury Troyan-Adam. It was in a non-traditional — not a biblical way. Eve, according to Elizariev, saved Adam from the Devil (Victor Sargsyan) and his machinations. I also remember people talking about “Creation of the World” for a long time. Professional music experts called it an innovative performance, advance in choreography, and a new language… Also in those days persistent rumors were circulating after the performance: the performance would be closed: the topic was so sensitive… But nothing of the kind happened. On the contrary: after the triumphal premiere, Valentin Elizariev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the BSSR and

Premieres, projects

Premieres, projects given an apartment. Valentin Nikolaevich was able to move with his family from Leningrad to Minsk. So the theatre for many years had a unique choreographer. The performance collected full house, was successfully shown on tour… An interesting story about Elizariev, which is rumoured by journalists, in particular the magazine of the Bolshoi Theatre “Parterre” after the updated ballet “Creation of the World”, occured after a tour in those old years in Poland. After the ballet “Creation of the World” on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre in Warsaw, numerous VIPs approached Valentin Elizariev with congratulations. One of them was the Polish cardinal Karol Wojtyła. Smiling warmly, he came up to Elizariev, shook his hand and said briefly: “Thank you for God.” After a while, the cardinal was elected Pope, whom the whole world knows as John Paul the Second. A modern person will always be concerned about the biblical theme of the performance, — said Valentin Elizariev, while he began work on a new version of the ballet in November this year. — God created mankind, and it, in turn, is creating the modern world in which hope and harmony must exist… I’m doing a new author’s edition of the ballet because I understand: I’m not interested in staging the performance in the style in has been existing for decades. There are new generations of artists in the theatre, and I’ll start from their

personalities and creative abilities in order to expand the theme of man and humanity as a whole. Returning to this work is incredibly interesting for me… “Creation of the World” today is power and beauty. Therefore, I want to say: bravo, Elizariev! Bravo, Bolshoi! The final of the performance sounds like a requiem — tragic and solemn, reminding that there are plenty of nightmares and wars in the modern technogeneous world. What can save humanity from them? Hope, harmony, unity… And love as a huge value in this mortal world. Yes, we, wise in life experience, are still fascinated by the love of Adam and Eve, especially in the first act, and its opposition to the divine universal evil — the Devil and his accomplices. At the full-dress rehearsal, the leading parties were brilliantly danced by Konstantin Geronik — Adam, Irina Eromkina — Eve, God — Anton Kravchenko, Devil — Ivan Savenkov. The hardest jumps — pirouettes, convertibles, revoltads and other dance movements in male parties caused admiration. The technique of the performers was on top. As well as artistry. Each of them expressed their own thoughts, each performance had its own story. Solid, full of dignity and unconditional love for people — so is God by Kravchenko. Cheerful, light, playful, a little naive and very clean in his openness to the world is Adam by Geronik. Elizariev solved the

first act of the new ballet as a well-known biblical legend, as if the origin of humanity was told to young children: a little bit with humor, a little bit seriously, with understanding — I know that I do not know anything. Therefore, the Devil, who has existed from time immemorial, is not scary. Savenkov made this vivid character artistically attractive. In the first act for some reason, he provoked in me an association with Goethe’s phrase, interpreted by Mikhail Bulgakov in the novel “The Master and Margarita: I am part of that power that always wants evil, and always does good…” Humanity grows up in collision with him. Irina Eromkina is just the embodied spiritualized femininity from the moment of birth to the fulfillment of her mission as a savior of the world. Behind the conductor’s console was Vyacheslav Chernukho-Volich, recently appointed the chief conductor of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre, Francis Skorina medal winner. By the way, here is what the maestro said shortly before the premiere ( “In order to assess the scale of this play, we must return to the society in which we used to live, to a society in which the mention of God was forbidden, at the time when temples of all faiths and religions were closed. The theme of Creation — with God, angels, demons, hell and heaven — was very challenging. It was

Scene from the play "Prince Igor". Director Galina Galkovskaya. беларусь. belarus 2019


Premieres, projects Bolshoi Theatre, know well. As well as the conductor from Italy Gianluca Marcianoas, who is an old good friend. Nadezhda Kucher (Belarus), Anna Bondarenko, Dmitry Grabovsky (Ukraine), Nana Dzizdiguri (Georgia), Janis Aleinis (Latvia), Helen Lepalaan (Estonia), Agnieszka Rehlis (Poland), Lubica Vranes (Serbia), Angelos Samartsis (Greece), Ivo Stanchev (Bulgaria), Rick Furman, Adam Digel (USA), Veronica Brook (Israel), Vincenzo Constzo (Italy) sang for us. We were delighted to listen to our stars — Oksana Volkova, Anastasia Moskvina, Andrey Valentiy, Margarita Levchuk, Ilya Silchukov. By the way, before the opening, the Bolshoi Theatre hosted another gala concert “Young Voices of the Opera”, in which 15 soloists singing at world-famous opera venues took part. Over the years, they have become winners in the Minsk International Christmas Vocal Competition. By the way, at the traditional press conference on the occasion of 10th Forum, there was also the Armenian bass Sargis Bazhbeuk Melikyan, who became the winner in 2017. He won thanks to the brilliantly performed aria of Khan Konchak from Alexander Borodin’s opera Prince Igor. This time, the soloist surpassed, as they say, himself. The audience thanked him with a storm of applause. At the press conference, he spoke about the Bolshoi Theatre with special warmth and appreciation. He says,

this is a theatre with a wonderful aura, which one wants to return to: “Performing on your stage, I feel at home and an full of energy.” Sargis also said that in December he was supposed to fly to Los Angeles for a solo recital, but refused in favor of Minsk. Here, he says, the audience receives you so cordially. Moreover, he admitted that he has Belarusian roots as his great-grandfather was Belarusian, so he feels so comfortable in our country. As for the Minsk contest, according to Sargis, it is highly valued by theatre agents and directors of opera houses around the world. It is true. Indeed, after the Christmas contest in Minsk, our guest received an offer to work at the German Opera in Dusseldorf, although Milan, Zurich, Paris had invited him. Moreover, this is not the only example: many soloists-winners and laureates are now working at the world’s leading opera venues. It was also said at the conference that the Bolshoi Theatre, is not going to limit itself by the Forum only, it is going to hold a competition of young vocalists in the future. Theatre’s deputy general director Vladimir Rylatko told reporters interesting news: long before the start of the Forum, representatives of 17 countries bought tickets. Another interesting piece of news: already 40 tickets have been ordered for the opera “Willie” by Giacomo Puccini, which will premiere in May. Honored Artist, Laure-

Scene from the opera “The Barber of Seville”. National Opera of Ukraine.

Oksana Volkova in the role of Carmen

an incredible step, both by the composer and by the choreographer. The appearance of this performance was a revolution that occurred in our minds. This marked the end of the era of totalitarianism and atheism and the return of all of us to eternal values — cultural and theological. It is necessary to realize how brave the young artists were who created it and showed it on the stage of Minsk, a city quite calm and conservative. However, the story described in the “Creation of the World…” is quite rebellious… Why is this story valuable to us? Of course, everyone will answer this question themselves. For me, it will once again remind about fragility of our human life, which, under the threat of destruction, is becoming increasingly important, and how small it is facing the unknown mystery of being: why the world from time immemorial cannot exist without counterbalanced evil… As they say, this is a question. This is a topic of another performance.

Forum again! Anniversary! The best performers from eleven countries of the world — Greece, Israel, Italy, USA, Serbia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Georgia, Bulgaria, Ukraine at the end of the year pleased us with their skill during a grand gala concert that ends the 10th Minsk International Opera Forum. Among them there were those whom we, fans of this wonderful project of the


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Premieres, projects ate of the State Prize of Belarus, opera diva Oksana Volkova, will perform as a director of this fantastic legend. The order came from Austria! Moreover, the ordering customers ask for a meeting with the soloists after the performance. That is how much our Bolshoi has become in demand in the world of theatre among opera lovers. By the way, thanks to both the Forum and the tour. Vladimir Rylatko was also right when he told the reporters that this anniversary Forum is the most vocally advanced in comparison with the previous ones. 30 soloists from around the world delighted and educated us. I want to repeat with pride, what I have already written about more than once, the level of the Minsk audience is high, friendly, well educated due to high-quality opera works with the participation of stars — Oksana Volkova, Vladimir Gromov, Ekaterina Golovleva, Stanislav Trifonov, Andrey Valentiy, Yuri Gorodetsky. I would like to note Margarita Levchuk, Irina Kuchinskaya, Marta Danusevich The forum opened on December 12 with Alexander Borodin’s epic opera Prince Igor, the premiere of this season. Director Galina Galkovskaya, conductor Alexander Anisimov, stage designer, people’s artist of Russia Vyacheslav Okunev, staged the performance. The main male parts were performed by Sergey Murzaev, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the Golden Mask National Theatre Award, formerly lead soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theatres, currently soloist of the Paris Opera and the New Opera Theatre, as well as Sargis_Bazhbeuk-Melikyan. Here is what Galina Galkovskaya said about her creation for Parterre (No. 10): “Borodin’s opera has many themes — patriotism, betrayal, love and loyalty, treachery. In the 90s, when the opera was first staged, only certain facets were highlighted, and now a different time has come, and as a director, I highlighted another facet… The opera ends with Igor returning from captivity and ready to collect a new army. The composer emphasizes the most powerful motive that the Slavs should unite…»

The most striking example, supporting this thesis, is the participation in the Forum of the National Opera of Ukraine with the sparkling opera of Joacchino Rossini “The Barber of Seville”. This theatre has visited Minsk for the first time! With its orchestra! The conductor is Nikolay Dyadyura. I confess that on December 14 we witnessed a spectacular performance in which truly outstanding voices of performers sounded. We enjoyed the virtuoso vocals and plot twists in the traditional opera style of Italy. No need to say that Ukraine is a singing country. Scooters, plasma monitors, light sabers, modern office clothes… There was everything characteristic of today’s time. You could even say that a comic story unfolded on the stage out of time and space. Director Anatoly Solovyanenko had worked hard. Together with the stage designer of the performance Andrei Zlobin and costume designer Anna Ipatieva, they brought us into a modern atmosphere without any specifics. All that happened there is taking place today: everyone makes a choice — pretense, hypocrisy, convenience, or love and tenderness. The Forum program included operas from the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theatre “Princess Turandot” by Giacomo Puccini with Thomas Paul from Austria (Prince Calaf) and Claudia Kango from Korea (slave Liu), “The Bat” by Johann Strauss and “Carmen” by Georges Bizet.

Forum is the most vocally advanced in comparison with the previous ones. 30 soloists from around the world delighted and educated us. Jose was performed by the lead singer of the Metropolitan Opera, Adam Digel, one of the best tenors in the United States. In the role of the toreador Escamillo was performed by soloist of the Latvian National Opera and Mikhailovsky Theatre Janis Apeinis, three times laureate of “The Best Soloist of the Opera”. Well, our Oksana Volkova shone among them in the role of Carmen, thanks to whom these soloists arrived in Minsk. She herself told the reporters about it during a press conference. Well, the grand gala concert on December 18th exceeded all our expectations: it passed in one breath. There was applause, shouts of “bravo”, bouquets of flowers… And our deep audience gratitude to all those who put their strength and energy into this wonderful feast. By Valentina Zhdanovich. The photos provided by the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. Gala Concert — 2019

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literary ties

Poets of the Planet “To the purity of niveous white...” Matsuo Bashō sounds in Belarusian


new book in the series “Poets of the Planet” is a collection of poems “Selected Haiku” of the classic of Japanese poetry Matsuo Bashō. The translator is the winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Ryazanov. The publisher’s commentary to the collection, which is undoubtedly an event in the Belarusian literary translation, is rather concise: “Matsuo Bashō (1644–1694) is a Japanese poet, one of the creators of the haiku, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of aesthetics of this poetic genre. It is addressed to a wide range of readers.” We would like to believe that the Belarusian book (it seems, the first book in the history of our national literature) by Matsuo Bashō will really find many readers. If, of course, the readers find the book, as the circulation of the collection is only 250 copies. “Come here, please!..” “—/In the mountains/ a shelter was found for me by the moon”. “The sky was covered/ with rain — not to meet/ for two stars now”. The legendary Japanese poet laid the foundation of new Japanese poetry for more than 200 years. He had many students in his lifetime. Many and many artists of the word in Japan and other countries adhered to his study of the world phenomena, the philosophy of life itself. Matsuo Bashō is still being read. This is also evidenced by the editions of his books in Russian.


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By the way, this year, when we could celebrate the 375th anniversary of Matsuo Bashōo’s birth, we should mention our fellow countrywoman Vera Markova (1907–1995), who was born in Minsk. Vera Markova is a Russian poetess and translator, researcher of Japanese classical literature. In 1931 she graduated from the Japanese branch of the Eastern Department of the Leningrad University. After the Great Patriotic War she moved to Moscow. In the 1950s, she began her translation work. Most of Vera Markova’s translations are connected with Japanese literature. In 1987, she published a collection of Japanese poems “Winter Month”, which included the transformation of Matsuo Bashō. “Exhausted on the way:/ wandering in dreams/ hot with emptiness”. “Could — dispersed/ friendly chatter/ darkness of the sunset”. “Create, on my old face/ different verses!../ First cherry blossom.” Matsuo Bashō is the only Japanese poet whose work is presented in the series of the publisher Zmitser Kolas “Poets of the Planet”. Maybe with due time we will see books of poems by Arivara-no Narikhira, Yosa Buson, Ishikawa Takuboku, Itō Sachio, Akira Kurosawa and other Japanese poets in Belarusian translation? Let’s hope. The start has been marked. By Sergey Shichko


Mogilev is his motherland Mikhail Navumovich Pavlovsky, known in his time in the emigration community of Russian intellectuals (born in 1885 in Mogilev), lived in China in the 1920-1930s.


ollecting materials for the book “The Roads to the Celestial Empire” (published in Minsk at the end of 2019), dedicated to all sorts of facts of unity between Belarus and China, I didn’t mention such a man as Mikhail Naumovich Pavlovsky. Which was wrong…

From the biography of our fellow countryman Mikhail’s father, Naum Pavlovsky, practiced medicine in Mogilev, although he had only paramedical education. Since his youth, his son was fond of revolutionary ideas and was an active participant in the Social Revolutionary Party. The young man was exiled to Siberia, from where he managed to escape in 1911. He came to France. He received higher engineering education, according to some reports in Liege (Belgium) or in France. After the February Revolution, Mikhail Pavlovsky returned to Russia. He served as an interpreter to French Minister Albert Thomas,

who was sent from Paris to negotiate with the Provisional Government. After that, our fellow countryman headed the Supreme Council of Support of the Allied Armies under the Provisional Siberian Government. On November 29, 1918, General Boldyrev took an emergency train from Omsk to the east. At the end of November 1918 by order of Admiral Kolchak he was arrested. After his release, on March 6, 1919, he left for Vladivostok. He joined the editorial board of the non-party daily democratic newspaper “Vecher”. After the collapse of the Far Eastern Republic he emigrated to China. He lived in Shanghai. He was engaged in business. Supplied railway equipment and machinery to China. In the book by emigrant Mark Vishnyak our compatriot is mentioned as the initiator of the erection of the monument to Alexander Pushkin in China. Here is what he writes (the title of the book is “Years of Emigration. 1919–1969”): “Forced to leave his political activity, he did not lose interest in politics, but began to deal mainly with public and philanthropic affairs and became extremely popular with the “Russian Chinese” in connection, in particular, with the erection of the monument to Pushkin in 1937”. We are talking about the monument to the classic of Russian poetry, which was erected in Shanghai in 1937. In the 1930s Mikhail Naumovich moved to France. In 1937–1939 he

Monument to A.S. Pushkin in Shanghai

published the magazine “Russian Notes”. However, it was edited by other emigrants. For some reason, the magazine output stated: “Paris–Shanghai”. Mark Vishnyak testifies that Pavlovsky was the initiator and publisher of the magazine, but forbade to put his name on the cover and in the output. Mikhail Pavlovsky also contributed to the publication of the books of some Russian emigration writers — in particular, Nadezhda Teffi, Boris Zaytsev. By the way, it is interesting to know that in the 1890s Nadezhda Teffi lived with her first husband in an estate near Mogilev. Among her works is a poem “From Mickiewicz”. In 1949, Mikhail Pavlovsky published the monograph “ChineseRussian relations”. It is known that he started working on the writing during his life in China. Mikhail Naumovich died in 1963. By Ales Karlyukevich

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To see Paris. And... conquer it. The international exhibition project “Nadia. On the 115th anniversary since the birth of Nadezhda Khodasevich” — from private collections in France and the collection of the National Art Museum of Belarus was presented in Minsk. It became not only a noticeable cultural event in the capital, but also reminded about the fact that real art has no boundaries, in essence it is international.


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es, this year is the 115th anniversary since the birth of the famous artist, a native of Belarus, Nadezhda Khodasevich-Leger, whose role in the art of the twentieth century and cultural relations in the era of the Iron Curtain is invaluable. Being an original, versatile author — easel painting, graphic art, mosaic — she paid enormous attention to the popularization of the creative heritage of one of the largest French artists in France in the first half of the twentieth century, Fernand Leger, initiated and organized exhibitions of Soviet artists in France, supported compatriots. Having visited the Soviet Union and Belarus in particular in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Nadezhda Khodasevich-Leger made some valuable gifts to Russian and Belarusian museums. For example, the National Art Museum of Belarus received facsimile reproductions from paintings by famous European artists — a total of 360 items. After some time, a unique collection of sculptures


Nadezhda Leger was the initiator and organizer of exhibitions of Soviet artists in France, and supported compatriots. Having visited the Soviet Union, she presented various art objects to museums. The National Art Museum of Belarus received from her, as a gift, facsimile reproductions from paintings by famous European artists, a unique collection of sculptures and relief casts, Pablo Picasso’s ceramics, and the works of Fernand Leger.

and reliefs –173 exhibits, as well as Pablo Picasso’s ceramics, were also received there. Later, Nadezhda Khodasevich-Leger donated her graphic works and works by Fernand Leger to the museum. In a word, it is far from accidental that the current exhibition was held at the National Art Museum of Belarus, where viewers were able to get acquainted not only with the work of Nadezhda Khodasevich-Leger, but also with her activities in the field of promotion of world art. The exposition presented more than five dozen works — paintings, drawings, lithography and silk-screen printing — both from French private collections, including the artist’s heirs, and, naturally, from the collection of the National Museum of Art itself. The exhibits made it possible to diversify the creative work of Nadezhda Khodasevich, show its various stylistic stages and genre diversity, and become aware of the civic position of the artist. Part of the exhibition was composed of works by Fernand Leger and Pablo Picasso, donated to the museum. It is worth noting that the event was organized by the National Museum of Art with the support of the French Embassy to Belarus. The project was implemented thanks to the European Union MOST program. So, in the National Art, there is a merger of Suprematism and Cubism in the format of paintings by Nadia Khodasevich-Leger. In addition, today she would be called an excellent PR expert and diplomat in the field of art. For a rural girl from a village near Dokshitsy, in the Vitebsk region, there was no iron curtain during the formation of the country of Soviets. Even having moved to Paris for ideas in the 1920s, Nadia remained a communist. And in the years that followed had her heart in the USSR. Therefore, she handed over the ceramics of her friend Picasso to

the National Art Museum of Belarus. She also sent there four hundred facsimile reproductions of the world painting. She dreamed of opening a Museum of museums in Vitebsk. Nicolas Tenier, grandson of the artist Nadia Khodasevich-Leger: “Nadia often talked about Belarus, said that she loved and valued her native country. Personally, I like the way she portrayed revolutionary and Soviet times through Suprematism. Particularly surprising are the color combinations”. At the exhibition, the things Nadia herself presented to the museum, were mixed with Suprematism. By the way, the Belarusian ornament inspired her to create such geometry. During her life Nadia Leger had only one personal exhibition in Minsk. 15 mosaic panels — the know-how for Soviet art — were exhibited at the Sports Palace. By the way, the mural of her husband, Fernand Leger, had every chance of being on the facade of the Palace. But they abandoned the idea: the sport looked too abstract. Although the office of Soviet Aeroflot in France was decorated with such a mosaic. By the way, a panel of Nadia is on the facade of the National Museum of Fernand Leger. The idea of communism brought her closer to the master of the French Academy of Modern Arts. They lived in marriage for three years, and after the death of Fernand Leger, Nadia built his personal museum and invited Elena Aladova, director of the National Art Museum of Belarus, to the opening. It is worth noting that they often corresponded about upcoming exhibitions and always congratulated each other on the New Year. Jean Descubes du Châtaine, collector from France: “Today in France, many continue to discover Nadia Leger. People are inspired by how she was able to become successful in a capitalist country. Nadia is magnificent: she created pop art in the post-war

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years. And now in Europe her work is only gaining popularity. “At the current exhibition together with her paintings there were her husband’s graphics. For the first time espaliers were exhibited, which were created according to the sketches of Fernand Leger. “My exhibition will be very soon…” — wrote Nadia back in the 1960s to Minsk. Elena Aladova really wanted to hang such a poster at the entrance to the museum. And already in the 21st century, 52 works of the countrywoman were exhibited there, the one who saw Paris and… conquered it. Svetlana Prokopyeva, Head of the Department of the National Art Museum of Belarus: “Both Suprematism and“ new realism”, which was developed by Fernand Leger, and which entered the work of Nadia Leger, were presented at the exhibition”. By the way, for this large-scale personal exhibition, an exposition of Western art was dismantled in the museum. They left only the windows with ceramics of Nadia’s friend Pablo Picasso. Nicolas Tenier, grandson of Nadia Khodasevich-Leger: “Indeed, my


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grandmother was very generous. She left a little for herself, and now for us. Here in Minsk I felt that the Belarusians are the same as Nadia — strongwilled, energetic and positive. ”Prior to the opening day, a direct descendant of the Paris muse from Belarussian Zembin visited “home”. In a place near Borisov there is his grandmother’s gallery with non-transportable mosaics. One of them — gouache — is a portrait of Marc Chagall, dear to the heart of Nadia. Everyone had a first teacher. Khodasevich considered Kazimir Malevich with his “Black Square” to be her idol. However, the founder of the new art disappointed Nadia, having said that the art “ended”… Jean Descubes du Châtinay, director of the Fernand Leger farm-museum in Lysore (France): “For a long time, she undeservedly remained in the shadow of her husband. Now we rediscover her. Nadia Leger is Belarus. Women especially like her work.” Yes, today our compatriot, a native of the Vitebsk region, Nadezhda Khodasevich-Leger is known not only

as the wife of one of the famous artists of France — Fernand Leger. She herself was a multi-talented person. The curator of the exhibition in Minsk, Svetlana Prokopieva, noted that the task of this international project was to present to the full the artist’s work to the audience. — Nadezhda Petrovna turned to various styles. You can trace her career from her early works related to Suprematism, through cubism, purism, socialist realism… According to her descendants, she created and transferred 82 mosaic panels to the USSR. For our exhibition, I conducted research and identified the location of only 29 mosaics, six of them in Zembin. Unfortunately, some mosaics no longer exist. This exhibition was to become — and has become — a revelation. After all, for the first time it first presented the painting and graphics of the artist from the 20s to the 80s of the twentieth century. There is information about what connected Nadezhda KhodasevichLeger and Pablo Picasso. She described that she consulted with him, and he consulted with her. It is known that Pi-

Art casso presented his works at the famous exhibition-sale, which Nadezhda organized in 1945 to help prisoners of war and Soviet citizens who suffered during the Great Patriotic War. The master gave his works free of charge, and they were sold. An interesting fact is that according to the sketches of Nadezhda KhodasevichLeger, the famous couturier Pierre Cardin created brooches from precious metals. Nadezhda tried her hand in various areas of creativity, so every visitor to the exhibition in Minsk could find a piece of work that evoked a response in his soul.

TO THE POINT Dreams come true In 1904, a girl named Nadia was born in the village of Osetishche, Vitebsk region, in a large, rather poor family of the Khodasevichs. As a child, having learned that Paris is a place where real artists create, she dreamed that she would become just such an artist and would live in the city of her dreams. Neighboring children who knew about Nadia’s dream laughed at her, but the girl wanted her dream to come true at all costs: she even ran away from home several times, but she was removed from the train. When the First World War broke out, the family moved to the Russian

town of Belev, Tula province, where Nadia began to practice ballet and drawing. At the age of 15, she found out that art workshops had opened in Smolensk, and she left for it without telling anyone. There she studied painting with the famous suprematists Vladislav Strzheminsky and Catherine Kobro. There she met Kazimir Malevich. Two years later, Nadezhda took the opportunity to get closer to Paris and left for Warsaw with the family she knew, and for whom she used to work worked as a gouvernante. She had to live at the monastery, then she became a modiste, but, the miracle happened. Thanks to her talent, the girl was enrolled in the Academy of Arts. There she met Stanislav Grabovsky, whom she married. But she still had a goal: Paris! By persuading her husband to move there, she finally fulfilled her dream.

Biography chronicle Nadia, conquered by the style of Fernand Leger, wanted to study with him at the Academy of Modern Arts. And this was destined to come true. But the marriage came to naught: after the divorce, Stanislav left France. The woman was left alone with her daughter. In order to have means of subsistence, she

earned extra money in a guesthouse by cleaning. She had very little time left for painting, however, she immediately ran to the studio as soon as she was free. When the Second World War broke out, Fernand Leger and his wife left for the United States. Nadia did not leave France, participated in the Resistance movement: she collected clothes for prisoners of war, sheltered an English girl. After the war, Fernand Leger returned to his homeland, and Nadia continued to work as his assistant. When the maestro was widowed, he proposed to her. The newly-wed Mrs. Leger immediately set about arranging a family nest: she bought a house in the suburbs of Paris and set up workshops for herself and her husband. Unfortunately, happiness was short-lived: in 1955, after a heart attack, a famous artist died, leaving all his fortune to his wife. In memory of her husband, Nadia decided to build a personal museum of the artist Fernand Leger in Biot. When she donated it to France, she was awarded the Legion of Honor. Nadia Leger arrived in Zembin for the first time in 1959. This is where her mother comes from, with whom the French Communist artist was not forbidden to correspond. But by then she had already died. The artist stayed in the house of her sister Evgenia Vashkevich. By Veniamin Mikheev

беларусь. belarus 2019


Life style

Ekaterina Kovaleva:

“I am just starting my way in boxing” We are talking about aggressivness of women’s sports and work with the royal family in Bahrain


t the current world boxing championship in Ulan-Ude, Ekaterina Kovaleva became a bronze medalist. She was the only of the Belarusian team to win a medal in that tournament. Despite the fact that Katya had trained before the start for only a couple of months, because before that she did kickboxing and became the world champion. Kovaleva was successful and recognized in MMA, and began her career in sports with karate and taekwondo. Her life story is interesting not only from the sports point of view. In her childhood, Katya sometimes had to walk 8 kilometers one way to get to her trainings, from the age of 14 she began to earn extra money to help her family financially. At 18, the girl watched garages in one of the troubled areas of Mogilev, then worked as a security guard in various Minsk institutions, and later went to


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Life style Bahrain and trained members of the royal family there. Ekaterina Kovaleva spoke about these ups and downs of her life in an interview.

“Girls are very aggressive, there is no feeling of compassion” — Ekaterina, the first world boxing championship brought you a medal. Are you satisfied with yourself? — I believe that after a short period of training I did my best of what I can do at the moment. But this is not the limit, I am just learning. To some extent, I am pleased with the tournament, because I started to feel more comfortable in the ring, for me this is important. I don’t kick anyone (smiling), I’m getting used to the rules. After the World Cup, I found out that I had broken my arm. I felt a crunch during the fight, then there was pain. It turned out that it had been injured two weeks before the World Cup in the training camp in Stayki. Then the doctor exa­ mined my arm, everything was fine, but it turned out that it was a serious fracture, the bones did not split, but stuck into each other and shifted at an angle. Doctors say that now it’s too late to do something, including to break the bones again, for some time I’ll have to wear a plaster cast and then to resume training again. — A medal at the World Championships in the pre-Olympic year always gives certain hopes. Is it a pity that your weight class is not yet inclu­ ded in the Olympic program? — I often think about the Olympic weight. In theory, I can lose weight to the required 73 kilograms and get to the Games, but what remains of me… I’ll look like the ropes in the ring (laughs). Those who follow my career know that for a long time I weighed about 107 kilograms, at the current World Cup I was already 91–92. I’ve lost quite a lot of weight. — Not much time has passed since your moved from kickboxing and MMA to boxing. — I gave up kickboxing and mixed martial arts in 2017, in 2018 I did not train, as I was recovering from an injury. Then for three months I had boxing trainings in Turkey, in the famous club Fenerbahçe. After arriving in Belarus, I trained for another couple of months and went to the World Cup. The main reason for giving up kickboxing was a knee injury. Two years ago, doctors advised me to give up sports, after which I plunged into serious depres-

Deep in my soul I found strength and at the next doctor’s examination I asked the question: “What about boxing? Kicking is banned, so no one will hit my knee.” He said that I was the most amazing athlete he had seen. sion for almost a year. I was at the peak of my career, I was invited everywhere, people were interested in me, I won the World Cup, trained with famous fighters, and then my whole world collapsed. Deep in my soul I found strength and at the next doctor’s examination I asked the question: “What about boxing? Kicking is banned, so no one will hit my knee.” He said that I was the most ama­ zing athlete he had seen. It was difficult because my main sports were karate and taekwondo, even in kickboxing I used my legs very often, but I used to have weak arms. Thus, it turned out that at 28 I began to do another sport. Honestly, the most difficult thing was to leave a blow pass at the trainings, I had to stay in the gym longer and work on something constantly. I do not regret my move, everything is so interesting, I understand that I am just starting my way in boxing. The team sees that I am беларусь. belarus 2019


Life style progressing very quickly, now I am moving to Minsk to train here on a regular basis with Sergey Alexandrovich Pytalev. — Many say that women’s sports are tougher than men’s, does this apply to boxing? — Of course, this is awful. I expected to see a smart, technical box, but it is just a meat grinder. When the girls begin to freak out in the ring, they do not hit blows, but fight like mad. Very aggressive, no compassion. Unlike men’s boxing, girls like to break the rules, I was shocked, but some managed to attack, hit the back of the head, it seems to me that if we did not wear helmets, our hair would be pulled out. — Do you have a low pain limit? — Yes, I boxed with a fracture. Adrenaline is produced in the ring, and you don’t feel sharp pain. During my career, not only my arms and legs, but also my face was injured, in the spring I had a serious operation, my nose was broken. Because of the blow it came down, so they had to raise the bones, at the same time they broke an old fracture. This, of course, does not stop me, and my relatives are already used to it, they have reconciled. In the family, my choice and my decisions are always respected.

“I used to drive people out, separate fighters and carry them out” — Once you admitted that you wanted to fight since childhood, where did such desire come from? — When I was seven years old, my brother started boxing, I shouted: “Dad, I want it too!” Because my brother had such cool gloves, a punchbag, a beautiful helmet, nice pictures in the ring. I was sent to do acrobatics, which I quietly hated all my life. Dad said that a girl should do acrobatics or dance. I used to cry, implore. Then my parents divorced, and I had a serious conversation with my mother, she understood me and allowed me to do not boxing, of course, but at least karate. For a long time I was doing it, but always wanted to try something tougher, kickboxing or Thai boxing. I was told that these are not Olympic sports, they say, try taekwondo. I tried and even was to go to the qualifying tournament for the London Olympics in 2012, but then I had a serious injury. This tournament, by the way, was won by a Ukrainian, whom I had come off best in a fight just a few weeks before this selection. — In your recent interview, you noted that in your childhood you sometimes had to go to your trainings on foot… — Mom raised my brother and me alone, there wasn’t enough money, at some periods we didn’t have money to pay transport fare, therefore, in the rain and in the snow I went to trainings on foot. Sometimes we couldn’t afford to pay for karate classes, my coach Vladimir Anatolyevich Tarasenko knew about it. He is like a father to me, so he still allowed me to train. From the age of 14 I began to earn extra money to help my family. At that time in Mogilev on the unlit wasteland beyond the bridge there were garages, I was watching them. My life


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then looked like this: for three days and three nights I was in Mogilev. At 7 p. m. I came to the garages, at 7 a. m. I went to a training session. Then I returned home or stayed in the gym

Life style

to sleep on the mats, because at 4 p. m. I had a second training session. After that I went back to the garages. The other three days I went to Minsk, where I trained for three hours in the morning and three hours in the evening. I lived like this for seven or eight months, then got tired of going back and forth, so I stayed in Minsk, I was offered a job in the security of the famous Zhuravinka restaurant, I had to control the access, and later I was appointed to the post of security chief. I used to drive people out, separate fighters and carry them out.

“People ignored me, they did not allow me to train their daughters” — When you had an injury and it was impossible to train, you left to work in Bahrain. — There was crisis in Minsk at that moment, foreign currency rate plunged. Friends invited me to Bahrain to work as a coach, but they thought that I would not go, because there were combat actions there. I asked only one question: “Is there a sea?” Because the doctor advised salt and water for my knee and shin. I worked there as a trainer in a prestigious fitness center, trained high-ranking people. This island is very small, there are not many qualified specialists, members of the royal family came to me, including the granddaughter and the princess herself. They trained not three times a week, of course, but came a couple of times a month. — Do women have an interest in martial sports there?

— The fitness center in which I worked had an international status, people from different nationalities trained there, so I had mixed classes where men and women worked together, as well as only women’s groups. When women of faith came, the whole floor was completely closed, special blinds were lowered so that no man could see my student without a Muslim dress. When I trained mixed classes, I thought, God, why you are so weak, men were always complaining that it was difficult for them, they missed classes. However, in the female classes, as in the army, they carried out all my tasks, worked to the max. — How were you, a European girl, treated in Bahrain? — This was difficult, especially during the first few months. At one point people ignored me, did not allow me to train their daughters. It was a shame. It took several months to prove to be a good coach and to show to the local population that not all “Russian” girls have a bad reputation. — What surprised you most in the Arab world? — I am a tolerant person and I understand that in their country one must live by their rules. I even had my own abaya, a silk cover-up, because it is indecent to walk with bare legs. In the Arab countries, there are a lot of visitors from the hinterland, where they don’t see women, so the reaction can unpredictable, they can follow you, for example. Therefore, I wore abaya for my own safety. There was only one thing that troubled me there: girls from traditional families did not see the world. 21st century, there are many opportunities, but because of some old beliefs, people limit themselves. By Darya Lobazhevich. Photo from the personal archive of Ekaterina Kovaleva.

беларусь. belarus 2019


Holiday is coming

Beauty at the New Year In one of the halls of the National Historical Museum, different artificial Christmas trees are fluffing up their branches: in modest white and classic red-and-gold tones, decorated with white and blue balls and in motley Soviet retrostyle. There are also several hundred New Year decorations from all over the world, Ded Moroz Gallery, an interactive Christmas town, Mini Fair and the master class in New Year rnamenting. All of this is part of the Museum of Christmas Decorations project, which the museum pleased us with.


he basis of the exhibition, arranged like a magical labyrinth of glass Christmas decorations from the middle of the 19th century to the present day, became a private collection of a capital’s businessman. Among the exhibits there are real rarities — for example, an exact copy of the item presented to Pope John Paul II and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest handmade Christmas tree decoration, or a huge silver ball from the Vienna Ball in Budapest. Each stand has its own wonders: here are the items made at a glass factory from Poland; there are porcelain items from the Netherlands in the style of the famous Delft porcelain, exquisite Christmas decorations from the Czech Republic and manufactured ones from Germany; and here are 12‑centimeter balls of “Santa Hermitage”, each reproduces famous canvases: Van Gogh, Dali, Shishkin, there is also Chagall’s Green Violinist and Malevich’s Black Square. It is interesting that the artist who makes the reproductions gives a written promise not to copy any of them for 10 years. On the other hand, there are a lot of exotic things: ceramic statuettes of the Magi, straw and beaded ornaments from Africa and Australia, catchy red lanterns and ribbons from North Korea, American Santa Clauses and sugar canes, Scandinavian good-natured deer, traditional toys from Iran, Egypt, Peru, New Zealand, Antigua and Barbuda. Finally, there are Christmas greetings in Belarusian, both from postcards and newspapers of the 1970s and from modern Christmas decorations made by Belarusian masters. — Several years ago, when we exhibited the collection for the first time, right here in the museum, it was a great success — there were about 30 thousand visitors. And many people asked us a consistent question about our Belarusian Christmas decorations, so we had both to collect and produce them, — says the project organizer, collector and director of the domestic factory of New Year dcorations “Gray” Andrey Begun. His entire Christ-


беларусь. belarus 2019

Anna Zankovich

mas tree toy collection includes about two thousand items, but it is impossible to name the exact number, as the collection of new exhibits is replenished annually and some accidentally broken items are lost. The owner is often asked about the most expensive exhibit, but he asks the opposite question: what do we compare? “I try to bring in new Christmas decorations from each trip, and their price is different. He considers his childhood decorations to be the most expensive in the spiritual sense. — What do you advise to start the excursion with? — First of all, with the way New Year decorations are made: who and how makes balls, what they are painted with, who creates drawings. The little ones, I think, will like an interesting Christmas town where there is music and a lot of things move, the elders will like the New Year photo zone, the adults may be lured by the memories of their childhood — photocopies of Soviet New Year cards, old decorations or the collection of Ded Moroz — this dark-skinned Santa Claus, for example, was brought from Ghana, and I came across the one that resembles Buddha, I think, in Indonesia. Some of the “Ded Morozes” are already of an advanced age and we do not to reconstruct them when possible to preserve the spirit of the time. By Viktoriya Teleshuk

Photo view of Anna Zankavich on the exposition of Christmas tree decorations. The National Historical Museum.


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