Belarus (magazine #2 2019)

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Magazine for you

No. 02 (1025), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

With a book through life

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы аўторак, 12 лютага, 2019

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 03 (3591) l


l аўторак, 12 лютага, 2019

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале

19 20


Кнігі збліжаюць людзей

ы м і з д а Р ас л од Го ыг в Но я,

Чым год запомніўся Стар. 4

Стар. 3

Гол ас Рад І за свя зім ціл ан ы Балоты — царства экачысціні





Стар. 8



зен ДАЛёкія­—­БЛіЗкія уд

І сябры, і сваякі т 4с ,1 ак ел дз ня па


го ПрыгАЖоСць­і­СіЛА да l

Слу­жаць­у­тэ­ Вы ат­ры





да Драм­тэ­ат­ру­Бе­ла­рус­ кай­­ Бе Ар­міі­пры­свое­на­га­на­н ро­ ы л нвеае­ зім 19 аР зван­не­“За­слу­жа­ны­­ ад 20 «Г я, сР по ус ка­лек­тыў­Бе­ла­ру­сі” ла ен ­Вя Ка цуе­ка­ля­ча­ты- ола Го дз У­Мін­ску­пра­ і зь с лі сі ту ­ч с Р у рох­ дзя­ с ят­ к аў­ тэ­ а т­ р аў:­ дра­ м ав тр аж а­с ад 14 к, оў тыч­ных,­ му­зыч­ ны ых,­ плас­ тычl аР а з н м л № ім л ацмей­аска­га­ Іван Ждановіч дзе ных...­ “Пад­мост­ бакі­ ар­ 02 Го ы е y я К я ла (3 ь л » b алі Б н тэ­ат­ра­—­уні­каль­ныя,­бо­ўсё­гэ­ та­ сР ан чы 590) ры ы a.дзе­ні­ў­Бе­лапа ад а С з с н l d Пра­тое,­што­ў­сту­ спа­ л у­ ч а­ ю ць,­ —­ з­ го­ н а­ р ам­ га­ в ок т l зім н ар та уль яда М z а ы 4 кі­раў­нірусь­пры­е­дvзе­вя­ рыць­ Але­на­ Да­вы­да­в. а,­ ы чы ар. 8 ia лі­кая­дэ­ле­га­цыя­з­ йц пя тур ўна тніц zскай­воб­лас­ці­на­ча­ле­з­ ан д ерш Ст ет Но­ва­се і­бір­ ца­ лі­та­ра­тур­на-дра­ма­тур­гіч­най­ ен но Су­р ы ім ў Ір а, з ч ­ в з о 25 л ы І в ­ А а гу­баер­на­та­рам­Анд­рэ­ем­Траў­ні­какі­ тэ­ат­ра.­ —­ За­дум­ваў­ся­ ж­ ы А ­м ­ сту я Я куц част­ Га па т у­ рэ­дак­цыю­ нам­ па­ве­да­мі- з кі­ ар­ а —­ д я­ зі дз вым,­ ён­у­кла­ с іч­ н ым­ва­ р ы­ я н­ ц е.­У­2002­ Р м ­ а н ў з ­ ен к е ты сту ы!! ­ та ов­ ы Рт а Ч у го­ я, па ла­Люд­мі­ла­Бя­ляў­ская.­Ка­ле­га­і,­ дзе­ яго­ за­сна­ваў­ Мі­ністр­ абас 20 бы д­ зен ­пі­ла ­І­бы ­го­ ж я­ с а зім У в э 19 д а ­ рск ро­няы­Ле­ ле у д ед як­з л­ о!­ ь­ у­ ў­ с цц­ а ­ і­ ц і­бір мож­на­ска­заць,­ня­штат­ны­ка­рэсткаа­нід­Маль­цаў,­на­зваў­шы­ l )l Ра Ні пя ен н 89 z ду А­ нас вае­ м­зі­ ёмн­ с­ кія а р п е 5 в ы а а пан­ д энт,­да­та­ г о­ж­да­ с вед­ ч а­ н ая­ў­ “тэ­ а т­ р ам­моц­ н ых­па­ ч уц­ ц яў”.­Кіг ц via ­л н (3 тн т а з алі на ­ля­це а­ў­цне­ка ­ і­ -4 пра­в ма­то ыя!­ ­ на ужб сці, 01 ен іц ­то­р 0 ы:­ ль й­п ­лі. вя ай спра­ вах­ Но­ва­сі­бір­ска­га­ цэнт­ра­ ра­ в аць­но­ в ым­тэ­ а т­ р ам­да­ р у­ ч ы­ л і­ л z н К ё к № С ­ а т е а а ш ­ п — а у ц ы da ­п г В ,2 дмзу­і дра­амла­ятур­гу­ Алякl ала­рмус­і кай­куль­ту­ры.­А­як­раз­кіы ас — бе­ вы­дат­на­ Дзі ц­ка­ у­ляр ’етн­ ­лыя­д х­ с ра­ду э­лы­ 5с кл т ч а . л і­ э д с ­ ў н ­ б а ў b а т і а а ­ п м і­ ы л ­ П » уд ца­ ЦБК,­ спя­вач­ка,­ вя­ду­чая­ сею­Ду­да­ра­ву.­На­сцэ­ лі­яго­ т ю y ,­ ­лі: ра ў н я і там ыне­іш­ Ста ла ,на­товай­ Па раў­ ы нынгі­іх­ +3 ах­ аў ­ся­ а­ваг­ ­ на­п Тай ­грэ к­ оў ­ зе р. 5 амім­прэ­заў­ Анас­та­сія­ Дзяспек­так­лі­ пра­ лю­ дзей­ ня ім ха 6,­і­в :­і­ле з­ т одн­ ія рам ­ланд ц­ца ­ Да рвомно­ моне,­ і а­рі аў­ ,2 ужСет­вара­. 7бы­ла­ ў­ скла­дзе­ дэ­ледз пры­чым­і­ця­пер­ду­дц “у я­(су о­сен т­ а­б ых­ ­ к к­ і­ з­ ­ — ­ л ы рменць­ 01 касвкія­ге9 дзя ныл­ а ­цэль ь-20 ыл­ о пе­ра ан­ і­ку Ір- ­ Ра зч га­цыі.­Хто­яшчэ­не­чуў­На­сцю­й­ роі­жы­вуць­на­гэ­тай­сцэ­не”. ую адзь м­ц я­п ­ная 18­с ­га­р ­лё ­лы .­ о ас пра­ На­сцю,­ не­ ба­чыў­ ду­шэў­ныя­ Ра­шэн­не­ Са­ве­та­ Мі­ніст­раў­ дз з Та о а­ тн­ з­ А­б яп­ла ­ра”), ­рам ­ н­ еч чым ых ол в ві­дэа­ро­лі­кі­та­ле­на­ві­тай­сі­бір­скай­ аб­пры­сва­ен­ні­Драм­тэ­ат­ру­Бе­ла- іця пу па­ла е­ла­р ­ўсё­м ­дык ан­ты ­ная,­ ,­да­ ­ Г а чую ры “С ця ­жа­ю х­лі­в у­сы а­ла ­не­ж к­ а,­ а субе­ла­рус­кі­—­гук­ні­це­ў­нэ­це­ду­эт­ рус­кай­Ар­міі­зван­ня­“За­слу­жа­ны­ е« н­ ­ ­да ць ых ­ў с е ы ­н ­й н ­— н ч т ра пля ва .­ е а­ го :­ ­С ­м у й “Яго­да”:­атры­ма­е­це­эс­тэ­тыч­ную­ ка­лек­тыў­ Бе­ла­ру­сі”­ —­ зна­ка­вая­ н l , пры­ла­дын­ ае­з­ЗКа­лі­ ма­р і­бі­ры а­ла! ­лю- ­ ан ё аб­р На­я ей­ б а “ б ­д а ц р Л д а .­ ц ­ ц й К аса­ л о­ д у.­І­хоць­у­рэ­ п ер­ т у­ а р ­ ы­дупа­ д зея.­Гэ­ т а­ж­і­ацэн­ к а­яго­важе ж а оўк ла уп о” д од ец ско ­быў­ ,­ як­к і­мы­н ­ Со ­зы­ на­—­н с­ка ­ці” зя й­ Вы ку цц 5г н­ц рус з Новасібірска э­та­ пе­ра­ва­жа­юць­ пес­ні­ рус­кія­­ла­ру ы­дзе 300­д зя­це аў,­ ка­га­ ўнёс­ка­ ў­ раз­віц­цё­ на­цы­яда ра­цык,­тоЛукашэнка е ал ля у агутарыць а д с з гасцямі аАляксандр 95 ­д ­ц е зе су мы ю ­гэ зень ­жуц ­Ле­т а­ ж ­ не ­ ­2 ін кл з1 кай пР льт на­род­ныя­ (На­сця­ спя­вае­ з­Угарналь­най­ куль­ту­ры,­ да­сяг­нен­ні­ ў­ се­б “На­шш­за а­ру­сі: е­жан ­чы­лі­ ,­ ад лё о ка ,­ір­к ­ ў­ т­ ую­п ­ на ь­у­н а­па­в ыц- ­ уР ас і­ і­ ца ь а укі­ўзро­ Ста кі” ў­б сво­ ­ уц Прыцвяр­ і­яд вень­плён­на- ян на­тат­кі,­я­знай­ яору­сов,­ а­ учитывая­ “ко­рена бел­ ма­ніс­там-вір­ту­о­зам­ Дзмітрыем­ га­лі­не­ мас­тац­тва.­ Гэ­та­ —­ і­ гляа­зді­жэны­н ы ол так­ес­ла­мяа­вы­ кл ў атн р. 5 па ­жу­хі,шоў­у­па­ ец ­кія о не­ р. 8 пл й­ак­ц і­лі­ б ­наў­Б ем’­ ­кіх­ лім­п ы­ва­ ­ ты ве­ра ­ро­дзе р­др кі­т стоР ная л да ­бета­­рроы­ тіх­ а іц­т­тва.­Ад­зна­ча­лча­ ­с пра­ асгя:­ сва­ гаў­ тэт­ нае­ ную”­сущность­на­ро­да,­сом­не­ва- дац­кае­пры­знан­не­до­ма­й­за­мяІвашчанкам),­ але­ й­ кія­ ё га­су­ а­мва­­м ц цоў­н эксраз­ а аў­ ­ бе­л а? ж ны наа­рус­ ­ла­р д­ зе­ ўн­ ую б’­і­ны ,­ ра­с ­рэ­гі­ ей­з ка­дэ аў­ фес ­тваў, ў.­ па Ста Вы ­ты ан­та сд­ко­ і,м тв­ а “М ай­ск а ­ сёсць.­ зім мер­ ока­рвуан­ ­Зос­ тях­За­ “Ка­ля­дач­кі”­ —­ Здо­ ва­ зя­цу­ў­Но­вжа­с­ці­бір­ іцвоб­ у­сы пк ­ что­ многие­ уехали.­ Прос­то­ жой,­до­свед­вы­ха­ван­ня­мо­ла­дзі. алас­­ці­Зжы­вде­ за­п рса­ і­скай­ адо- ­вібюсь,­ ­шыне­ў­“Ве­ іх ­ ы к н ­ т ­ о в ­ ­ п ­ р р р а а р х ­ о аў о ­віс ю е­се ­лі, ­ку .­Д а­п а аер­больш­за­5­ты­ Р з­у от,­д н­цця­ ае дна­тыель­ м н­ло­і­го­ лі­т ас­та ая­р адв­ азей­у­ра­ юс­ій­скіх­рэСён­ня­ ў­ тэ­ат­ры­ ста­вяц­ца­ мець­сва­іх­лю­ ­Ка а­с і­лі­рань­ше­ бы­ла­ строч­ка­ в­ па­спорнь ­ п Новоси­р ­м ­кур­с ­спа­б ак­ты ­ча­нсуяч­бе­ ад собрания­ у­ ла­ру-ук но­ы і­р а­ва пеп ую ­л ­т , к ­ н­ ю ы.­ ю с т ­ ­ а а л ­ а т н д з д ы а ц К х ц э д ­ ­ г х ­ д ­ Ш эрбирской­ о ты к­п ­с ш ­ гі­ё­нах,­з­які­ ­ра ­ка ­да а ­в области”­ зям о­ма (03.08.2017).­ а­л ус яд­н л­ і­ те,­ а­ сей­час­ каж­дый­ во­лен­ сам­ роз­ныя­спек­так­лі:­ка­ме­дыі,­драчачад­і­кі­тых,­ у­д ­ ладж­ка мі­Бе­ аг­лоа­русь­ад­ вы аў,­ саў,­і­мно­ ­ к ­ны г­сія­з­іх­—­на­ кіх ­лі­на ­Спа­ ­ ёл­к ­ ую с Цы­ ­е:­“Я­уве­ т ­ ­ка ан ву­латмд еа­дм ­п у­б ч ­чхто­ка­ й к н­ іцтак­ты.­ на­в ыя­ ц ­тыр­ ы ­ да яд­ны ­порме­н­на,­ ых р­тыўлісь­ у д я т ую­ў­ары­ г і­ н а­ л оп­ р е­ д е­ л ять­ национальную­ приц і­асвой­ в аў­Сі­ б ір. мы,­ва­ д э­ в і­ л і,­каз­ к і­—­у­тым­лівае­кан­ ў а ­ р ш ш а а ц ­ ­­ у. е л в ­ р ­ л ­ р а а­м ­та а­м я­ й і­ а цья­д ­мыіц— а­в ­ до х­ і­лі­ я і­ в у з­н ­ ча ы­ іх ыя ры е­ла ы” р ых тут­ ­м —­— е е,­ р і­лі­спа­дуу­ ­ рам,­ оірм вгоас­па цнас­ тво ў,­сп А­ ­ас . я­л Ну­ ль­ца­е­лм.­ ь.­боль­ д на­теа­ й бер­ счинадлежность.­ Да­ и­ десятилетия­ ку­ “Снеж­ная­ ка­ра­ле­ва”.­ Гэ­ты­ са,­трэ­чроы­з­гу­ ўаз­ ых­ дго­ ­ цы хт­ у­ю р­ ус ­ ­р ра­г я—­ ­ш до­ ­на м”На­су­ ­ г вось­ д­ сз­ счто­ І­ с стш ­л і­ м м ­к а:­ о­м ц­ца­ і­ся­ іл­са­ ­ў­Б і­ ля над­ ­баў ліч­ ­п ел­с ая­ дозб дчаа­ы..т­к.ель­ ю­к ц ­кім ао­б ж­да­рпред­ ых а­адж­юсціп­ п у­ра доб- і­ ­л ў­п дтзе­ тур з­якая­пра­ е­ра бса!­ о нея,­Прэес­тест­вен­ной­ ассимиляции­ с­ спек­такль­ ад­знач­ны­ ІІІ­ На­цыкая­ ­ шу Бтает­ ды ­ вя­д ахю ­ о­дзі­ в ­ны­мней­ нн­ ­ о Роаў ­рсае­ ц­ ­ за у н­ ла а­24­сту­ юн я­ітх­п ­д м­з і­ я­вНовосибир­ле­п ­ды як­ “У зі­Ядкэнт­Бе­ ­ ж толь­ р­н я­лі,­ па­ ар­ ак­ а саі­Аляк­ ск “Ру і­тай а­ст ­вы­д ­на еюз­ К ­ чвеы ыч­лі, на­і а­лі­ п асл ж­та,­ ў­га ,­ ш ля­м ­жаўкаі­ зе мской­региональной­национальноРоссией­ не­ могли­ не­ ска­зать­ся:­ я­наль­най­ тэ­ат­раль­най­ прэ­мі­яй­ ­зД ­за каі,­ ДМо­ а­ ­л а­цешказ­ нвыае­ і­вы р­ку рсы! ь у уяна­ Д ор­ ав­ а ссу­пандр­Лу­ ­ зд ел­р а­ру­ ай д­апл рэта­кУ­­да.­ бй­ка маа­згу­ ­лі­чаам пр ім­бо ­ха­ем ­ска ва­р а­ве зяр ­ ц­цве­і­ шпар­ п і.­ Я цтэс­ віч мо­ло­дые­ поколения­ в­ боль­шей­ як­леп­шы­спек­такль­для­дзя­цей.­ ­ру м­ п к­ і­кз­рэс­ ­ сов­ ­ кул ­цкі­а­г ідзе­ дліў,­што­ў­асно­ м ной­автономии­бел­ я­нцыі­ шэн­ Ва теур­ а маі­ўл­П йя­д ­лі,­ я­ п цв­каіхору­ л з­ ­мпра­ р ­н Пасі­ па ткыа­пад­ но а.­ ія ­ куль­ ра а­цоў ­кам ­спр й­лі­т ыць ц­тве ць о­на­д л­ і­ваю н а­з аю рн а ­паа­нл Мя во аемс ­ даП а­сі­ у­ дзер­зу­ м­ ­ро­я ан­цэ ­зыа.­ль­ ­ш нэн­кы­кў­нік­ “Над­ р ­чкыо­в­Га­эг­та­яўза­ ­ні,В­Ж У­ бўа­ а­ ііСанцевич.­ кон­ двух­ ­мта­дрзе­ я­ т­ ­ еш ­прляАл с­каз­в ­кі­ — ,­ ска­р аву­р а­ра ­рэ­д ­ ­не­зв е­тж­ ­ядК дз­в дд­з—­ ге ­к рэ ­Мом ­ш е­і­ра а­лзе ынй ую­прыа асаў­—­а­не­рэ­ ымян­н мі-це­ы­ба степени­ считают­ се­бя­ частью­ Ця­пер­мас­тац­кая­кі­раў­ніца­ў­тэа,­ а­ бе­ла­ а за ­ і­ ш р ,­ і. я м ­ а зя н о ­ т ­ ж З я ­в к ­ е ­ў а а в ­н п ­ а ­ т м н ы ч ­ ­ к е ы а м ­ д к і­ й е у д цдаў­ гд­ зя ів чсэд­д у ля­ ­і ш­іых­ зян тов­­хав­ Новосибирской­ з­ К сь­Б е­ д е­т с­т ­зам ­ры кж ­ кр сут­ ь нпія­ ж ы­а на пе­р единого­на­ а ­ ­д1980-х­ м эсу­ ­ рпоў­ ж к­ а ро­да,­единой­стра­ны”.­ ат­ры­—­Ма­ры­на­Ду­да­ра­ва. жаць­ адскія­ Лмуен­ ао­ў­ ­чай го­ е­і­каў­ ны т­вуна­ а­ насць­ сь­ й­м ­ есваЗа есяб­ ц ­н п р­ ­мгоэ­в м,­ ­лші­тода­тка­н ба р­ у­сі­ ам ­ле ,­ ч Р­на а­дваы­нмо­ш ­ ў­ цы НР­п а­да ы­рэ оль оў­ва ­з­кі­ к­ у ­ездк­ у­­ ра­сій­ ­ч а­ся­л лСтар. ­ зд­таш ­кам аг­с ла­р сйяч­ ­ні­ ­ Во ў­ за м нд Рых­ а ­тіўыю­чы­ дзяскім­ Ра яц­кія­ста­ ун­­ крі­па­ Іван Іванаў я”оло­цоко­ э зі ­ ы­ка ыбы­ ен ,­ ра 5 м оў м­зі.іж­людзь­ ­ ёлі,­а­ ла ­зс­з а ь лыо­ ­й 200­ ты­ чат рэ­ ­н і­ё­н­сае?­ в і­ п а­к к.­— к­та ­кі­ н ­ю­ч тай пр я т­лу­ у а ст ➔ ­ ыК­та гобласти­ па к АЛ






Адным з найбольш перспектыўных эканамічных партнёраў для Беларусі ў Сібіры назваў Аляксандр Лукашэнка Новасібірскую вобласць


М Ас


х шы д ін ро і ся л а ыв паб ікі ка” убл сёл эсп ы “Вя Р ы ол лац шк Па ай сі ў льн ару ядзе л е н ы Б кай ­с ю ­ я ­сі, ­кі­ ­ца ­за з­ па­ н­ты ляк ай­ рэнса­с­нач­бас м­л­ ядпры­ві­лі:­ ў­г і Н ­ па ,­шт ­ ёлц рус каў м­ у су­в л­ ар­ у оў­ну н­ яя­ ­чы­Аякой на Мы ­Укр Ра­с ­мі­ м­ з­ ме нт­ А цёп­л падт­к ў­ны ю­дыы­чы­ сж­ты а­ ­ная­р­ая ­ на а­ра­д ­во­дзі о­ ны на­мі­ к­ бе га­л аг­ од ­ку­ю іі,­з­ лён­ СыНы­АйчыНы ў­д ­род­н ­ зб а­і­ны іі,­ а­т з­­ цэ ся­л най ела дэ а­ёй­ ­вы­ а­лао л­ Пр п­ў ро­с ­ш­вчаыя ­ тдра­а ­ ір­к жан з­ с,­ я :­ на­ дн­ а­в й­дзя ат­в ­ца­ п Вя зі­во ыя­т е­ра­г . й­ паак­с,­ нт­ра я­насв р­жа э­та­г ­ру­сі. е,­нне­ і­ —воайн­ч­не.­ А­ц­ей­д,­ы­цы уц­ка ­і­ а­ Вя на інск е­ра ым ­ а ­сі­ў­Л ае­ ц лоў анкі Б а ­пер а­м­ а ль м а­д дазя на сн­ у­ с­ную ра­д а­ем ўб а­ а сё М дзя —­г е­ла ­ ён зат­іы ок­ с пр я­ й­ Г М .­ П аг­ч ­лар­ у ладв­ . ў п ­п ыы­ц­с ­ і­ця мат ­Бе лы Б ­ ж а­ ,­у ый па і­ “ я­ ь­кі­ і­ н як ы­за­п як і­ны а­ла­м ­Бе о­ ск ­тва бац ­ аг­н а­гу­ ­ ц ай­ оў­жы о­вы,­ ­са­ма а­ пр . 3 ­да­л ­шла ­ к Ір­ку гра­ма­ва­ро ­аў­р­у,в­кўы).і­­ І­п ап­ аш­ва ых.­ На ыхав ё іц ц ­ ­ ал ­ ц а Я ­ір­к ра­ш ш р р ыч а а к а л зе ­ н т і­чр ­н­жа­еай­ д ­ ­ к а й н ­ к ­ а л ­ а ў ц ­ ­ д с с­ а да оў ,­ іх ц і,­п ­це ­ ае­ яд ра я­с ­ т ­ціц т га ­ ку ае­ водр­с­цк р­воадек­ аа­ле­ і­­вС яо­тдо­кча Х м ­ т шчэ у­ця а­е оў ів ба нас­ ра­ц і­цы ь­ва­ю а­ру­с ­зі­ха ле­ў ­ Впы ­жы ў,­ а ла­па ➔ С зб ”­ т ль­т а­Тта­в ­ Пая­ і­к,­а­лРі­ свон­ц­неў.­“­А ­­і в ы­віс ­і­ў н,­ т м­да ш ­п го ­н



пад к а рун а д Па

ам “Зо рк а”

е ы р е а кі­т ц­ка­га ­ра­кл ні­га ­До­с ­ вы ­шыя ­наі­в айс­ к ­ до­м а­даў ­вы­да вед­с ­да­ве ,­ — “С ы­ха­в ую­ а­ “ ­ ёсц н­ні,­п уп­ р ц­тва ­ вы вет­л анн­ е тэ­му Звяз­д ь­ і­ уб­л а­цы ­ Пе й­шл ыя­ ”.­М ­ мае а”.­ ў­ Вы і­ка- ­ Цзя ­рад­а а­ кн зна­кі: ы­вы ­ “А Кні­г ­даі­ д л і­ д ­ ­ г н у пр ч­ж і­ў­д а­ ­ка на П а­ё мі­ а­ект­ ао.­ ру­к кла­с аэ­ты м­се­р ­цыя ­ ­ ­о ­с чы і­ра ра­д уш ­х ­бо ­ к х.­ ­т ­а ак ­ у­р юа­р а­ М арль­кэ­гі­яв­ ан а­нр­ ы­— у­ е­су оль ­пал ­Бе­л якая і.­А ь­найгім лі­т куль­ ы,­ зв На­п ар­ню і­ка­ ­ Кі­т ыю ­ кі е е­ ды­цямыл­ ­ёімі­ры а а­ і­ лепце!”­д­зяц ы­ бе д­дзя ­і­га я­бе­н ст о ­ган­­ша ­на­м к ­ за ­цы ,­ а­цы ял ­27­ ­н лаю­вас­лых яць­і а Шп на мо а­ра­ту ту­ра я­за­н е­ра­д ­збо Су­ Шая”,­ ­ ,­ паь­ в лі­ш ы ных­ жест­ва”.­(Не­ўсе­ ву­в­ч­саы­ Жыц­цё­вая­да­ро­гна­ця­ е­ярк аш­лня­гі­а­­ ­ яны­ ­ла ­ле с­ц Зыча,­м н­р­ца­н ­л кні­йга­“До­ а­ бінжі­ы­ ь-мк­ роз­ ­ ро­ з ляі­лна­ а зя ­ Яе­т­вслу­ ргоой­чести­и­му­ Ка ы і­а­із­х­с айд­ ­нзіа­ мя­н ­л ц ю­мі­н а­хап ­ні­цапр е­л ­шаык­ці­ ў­Адух,­ і,­ айц­ёы­тяа­н а ы­Р ге­лаў­—­эт­ніч­ны­бе- аж нд гэ­та ­рус н­ня ей­г ­свя дд­Ма ы і­кі. ­ а­зіі да ­вы,­с р­ ы ­ла­гіч ыя­ зе­ — р­нік ы.­ ы­ды ргоаль­ нл­наі­ а­е­в ля ц­ і­ лпра­ сбіль­Мар­ ге­не­рал-ма­ё­ра­за­пча­ыс­лу­Лю­ я яыў­ а-к ўлыя­ ­р ­са­дсах­ ­Б ­ і­ зу ун­д­роы­ ­р ­аб яма­ ддзуба­­люы­гць:­Ва­ д ў­н а­с йа­­ ­іл ю­з ы­ра ве­ дн Чвы­ ­но­ ­ру­ш е­ св ­ка­га х­ІТБ о­ра­д ­та­ ­лепсао­ ка е­і­ру пе­ц .­ Но ­най з­ пе ­ но ­Ван эс пе н­ а­на ва­ У рбы­р­чоўкц­ ж ой,­касць,­вер­ ­ло я ­дсзекім­ с­пр ­ся­ц жаеы­цмозяў­н,­ бсін ай эр­лс­ыяусзе я­ва о а­ўе­­ла ар­ла­едзіў­ ­к ы­н я­т ­ ру К а.­ ай ­пу ,­насць­і­стой­ так ус.­Хоць­на­ ня­1908­ Су­рын­та­па­ча­лца­еся­ў­Ма­ ­наы­н Га ­лі­лсяа­­пд­гзе­ д­нчан­ шётп к­ад- - насць­пры­ вац ­неш­н с­кую ы­я­ліс сь­бі­т ,­асве ­ра­кл ­выя­ ­ а і­ся­м ­ Рсэла­ ­ д­вуд­ а­г,­оя­дз­се.­ у,­ е,­ а:­ ­ху ­ак яд муж­ апм ве ­ру ­джся­ён­27­снеж­ ё­нна дрэж аю ­таў,­п ­рэ­да ш бл­ ней­—­Днеп­ н­т­а ­ла­ ­ж ­Кеш а я я ­вгаа­оні­юс­п ы о ­ к д ­ е о С л ­ у т ­ ­ ­ т а ц ь у т р Ж ­ д ­ц а у ,­ в ы л а ц ­ г е г ­ ­ж ч п у “ у л а Т ­ ­ г н ­ ­у ­ а а а ь Мно­ г ія­ з­іх­прай­ лі­ свін­ ц о­ в ы­агонь­Афго­ д а­ў­Ека­ ц я­ р ы­ н ас­ л а­ в е­(паз­ р ара­ё­не­і­прай­ ш ла­праз­Аф­ тан,­ с а к і­ і­ л ­ ­ і­ а ­ну у­н а­ла зі эн і­ка ­ку­б а­ в оп­ з­н а­В ва а­ляо­ва ода­ ў:­ руяц­ ­хов­­ду­я­ ні­ м сё­л ыз­ ур ­ Ча ра- р ус­т ар­т ар іц к б ­з ­г к­ а а­ ,­ ас ын ­с с­к ы ў­нкні”­Са­ ­дыне­ а на,­ р ­зряоўск,­ця­ л ні­с­кта­ ­па а­дэп­мер­—­укра­ х а­х неў ­ге­н р­ч ніц До­с э­ты пра е­ла­р ­Кі­та і­тай ­кай а а у ­з­ П гаа­­хо­д ­П оў і­ак ­ к нерт ад­Дніпа­п я­ і н ра­чыя­кроп­ й кга­ і­с спа­ ь­с зе ней­­ н—­ ллці­ьс­кя­аі­­шыыў­ пят­ ін­скі­го­ а­так­са­м а­“га­ ц­ц паз­ д ю ралт­яык­ еў ­жімну­озі м у а­ ад ­біць с­ці­ в ­юць ц­ і” д­ ­ўс іі­м ­ ас ­езд­к яв,­ец­ ­ўл­ск ч­н эн­ны ­ ­ ц хі­лы ­на­п.­ г­ а­д сл ­тве­ вед­ м­кі­р ­сцей ус­ку я,­як с­ кай ­ яая ­ сі­ ­цы еў­ц эа­ в­ аю пр ­лам ­т пьа­удср­ М ць У­ары р ь­нюе­з­к Ірк н ­ .­А ­тнаі­­ркыаам­у­Райч зя “га­ ­д ім ю бы­ ё­з ­ с­ бір­с … ы,­ а­чв­ ых­ інка­мі­тым­во­ Са­юд­ззеа.­На­па­ чзе ат­кау­90-х­ён­быў­­ с­ ках”­ ца а­рва ,­ка­л ы­ш :­ та ­пе Са­ а а­а­лі­ды­ ­вало­агўа­ ы кроп­ ­н па еж­н там­ ­удзе ро),­стаў­зна­ ­“ вы у­гоў з­ К “МЛ ун­к ­бу­дзе ю­мо і­ве- ­ уц ­с у­зы е­д­на­та­ычаль­ ­ ы ляк­с ан­ ы ­ гіс вя­ш ­­ках­ дДяе­ з­ ­ зб аск­ р не­ба н­ асц­ е­но :­ця ­тпэенц­ть .­­кІ­нні­г ар­р­ныік­т ­“­бПоло у­пля кіх,­ ­ Без ку аш ба ­ ўш ­лі­ся і­га­р эй”… м­ “ ­пр ­вы,­ сна­м­рі­спецаз­ я­та­з па ­дан­н ­вае­ НР­ ”­ п у”. шых­кра­ сіі,­ад­нак­заў­сё­двы­па­ рнусь­як­ пер­ ан­доу­­шю­чвым­сі­ ­м ыерча­ла­ амі,­казя лаі­ге­ ай А ­йті­аў­пра­Бе­ ка шым­ка­ е­ц м­вя­ р я­ін.­Асоб­ д ­с нзве­ ая­ ­ “Сла­ ы ­ л ак “Н ам зяч аннн­ ыя­ста­ а­ца ў­ з жа ­нзбо­вазят,­ц­ме м,­б ь­ш д­д бы ,­ каб а­на­в ?­ Ус ад­ ж ­Ды прац­ эн ы­ м ен­ні­ зе­ Яклеа­ ­пр ех­н ­т ­ заро­ ла э­зіі­X е­ ўва­г —­ а а­ су ыі­ый­Уз­ эрг­нр ыкяа,­ ­срву­сі. ­ і­ых­Сіл­Бе­ а­лю а­дзі ­ ім­і­цянтман­ ­ да­ швыа­лі­пал­ ай ­уд акд­а­ к­ і­ач.­эн­ ц­ ц мі,­бры­ зям­лю­ прод­каў.­ Яго­ ае­каны­­нбаць­ аг­ о ­баг­па­да­­ім­ді,­злу­ эн ­ б Н ня­мі­ оа­длзя аш апе­­арка­ й­в ­ло.­ ­веч аць­ ё­ ро а­не­а ­шт энт ­ мПі­лліп­Іваьтаў­­бе­л кі,­ ня ­зн ле е­ды­ца­ю і­ ­рус X­с Ан­т і­ п д­м ­пр о ­шы зель­н аў­ П ­на ­кяа­­б ён­з ­па­ж ь­ст Трэ ле­ж ар­ ус ­для­да”­г.­э ожк­п ук й рлэі­­зі­дад­ а­гаата­ і­ ўць­вічп­ ер­гэ­ ­нйа­ ам бро­ ­да я:­ п ц ­сш са і,­пе­ і­свой­ ча­ляа­ на­віч,­быў­ро­ўд”ам­з­Кас­ е ал ь.­ла­рьу­ л­ ра­дк­ аа­ва­елго ­нН ін ­ тзна­ ’­ядас”л­ ­іяУз­ ста ы­ра Та­му ­най­з аба­в ў­на­ д­зя о­ж­ ­ л хры­з к­ ую­м т.­у а­лог­ ад­ры ет­ны а­цоў ­пю­к­ро­ув­січ­(ця­ у­де­нных­Сіл­Бе­ ­тл­ ыя ­нат­с Д ь­ дзе­ Ра­зан­на Ка­ ­дся­а­ 100-год­ ,­ ­ а е а в ­ о рЛ е ­ і, с б П н а ­ д р ­ зе а м к а к ­ ц т ­ а ш и д к ­п зе ­а ­ся б­ іц ы­б т­ ы ущ ям :­­кшо сас­з і­у.­ х г­ д ­м л іі а о сйка­ о ­гам­ ці,­ ­л э е­лавоб­ ы амг­ а­ гвар­ г­ ш н н ­ нга­авы­ лю ­рэй ­шы ­ га і­м яз­к ж­ С м­лі­ тваМа­ с цам­Баць­ яг­ді­лёў­ ­грла­дзе куэй­ до­нсвед­ма­ зей­шым­аба­ ша­га­ па­вет­ра- рай­цэнтр­ М ў­рэ­а н­тэ­м о­ву­“ е­ра ­ к ­тоў­к За­з каў- н о а ­ц рон­ а ­дозе ­су­ я­ скай­ і­калас­тцві),­ ма­ са ­ э ­ сдяр­зей­ л­ ­каш ра­ч зеска­ а ­д і­зра ­пра ан­та у­буд ­дам і­ною у­“Рт­у­н ац­мь,­ць­ яш ­дзе ­шых ­лі:­н ­рад­ ж ы­ў­с о­ва­ онск­ а ­ на­ш аг­ а­ ем ру­га ч­на ды­ Б ­ М о­ва­с орн­чаамт­па­гто­лді­кімн­ іх­ім оств­ — як дл і­ко­ла т­ Д ы”.­ Пя­л ­кла­д і­тай­с а­ й у яго наа­ р­ уга­ ор­ ” дэ­к­на­ Су­во­ра­ва­ двой­чы­ Агаф’я­Сця­ а­с заць­ц уд на-дэ­ ­ ­мір і­ нруй­ Ал ­ н­к ь:­ у ”­і­ф з­дн м­го ­на­в ур­с 8”­у дач­сы­ гик­ а чэ­в й­ п ,­ б е­ад а­не ве­ц трэа­ твспка­ п­ рны.­ ­тыаў­­снііа,­—­з­Баб­ ры ­ шчы­ р І­гса­пай­д пыа­ ­ Л нас­ант­ ­ян зіі­ я­“М ­ Мя зярж Пе­р ёст­к зе­на кай ­ ел­ с­ ёлк­ а ар­ ус зіай­до­ э­з вряы­ ц е ць бы­ ­р ­ лю в­ і­ан ­ўзн муз­ У­ ­лаў і,­ раЧыр­ ы наа­йба­рно­­кны­01 ве лу ­ў. ­не­ д­ХзеХа­адр ы ры ол ­ча -с е­н Ра ла­дш ­ка­м лоі­сям’я­пе­ ­беў­ ­вМі­ на­л­га­ка­манд­на­га­ву­чы­лі­шча­ аве­ ш л­ і­ ва­і­нба­сцяж­ тр у­к­лі­ах­леп­ ­ца ым ў­с ­тоячт­нд­ ­сыта.­У­по­ а служ­ ла Ай­Ц Л”­і т­ліц ­прэ­м а­кла і­ло ­бе- ­ я ы ык­ апе­ ­ю н­ уа­п?я ие­в ­Но ­емн­ аў­ко ия­2 ое­с ­зас ­ядныы.­ ­Так­і ­ву­ча ­слу ьш­ й­вац і­бі­ра е­ У ас­та а­Д ­— бы в­ ан­к ­ “Вя а­ бе ­ліц о­в у­ аз­к е­ ны ­з­в ­тБе­ айку­1914­ ­ ­ д еха­ ІІ мат­ ­га­лы ­кі­ н ­раедн­най­ рхынай­ н сі,­ам ­нла­рау­ ”.­нас­ ­л ць ­хо аб ­ц оў­ ін­ імя­ цпая­рйы­ а➔ ц­ спек­ на ­руск­ і­на ­кні­г ­кі.­ Ё іі­ д­чы ­та­са а ге­ные­ра­алг­ а­ ар­міі­ В.­ П.­ Мар­ге­ла­ва,­ то­ ў­ ры ж емцыі­­т За б­рла­ў­Ека­ ­дзя ­ Н я­с і­ лмаў,­а­на­па­ ­га­н­кі.­Х пч жа­ле ва­ е м рад ­стэр я­та я­до­м а­стр ­там,­ ы­чПа р­К і­п м о ­пр .­ Пра ль­“ ва”­—­га­ ч ай­Ста а­дзі ­тра ў­вац а­зна а,­ да э­віч ­а ­ца­п адг­ е­ла­цвеы­вяр­ па е­рад ­чы ­бе­ ­ х ко­л ілз­­скра­ ы­м ­скла і­сая­да­ па­б й:­ пе ая­кн .­Гэ­та у­пе­р н­ за Бе­ла к­—­ ­ сг­ау мне­ ­ а­шчас­ час­ сій­скіх­ вы­да­вец­тваў­ вый­аш а­ ці­аляа­ ­н ­д а н­цла­ ­сыго­дца­Мар­ ­т т ­ц ” та­а м ­ е р­саз­у­ Ая­п па­ т ­л Уз­ыбро­ео­ных­ Сіл,­ р м ч д до­мРу.­Як­ с­ я­ :­ п а­лю­ю ы­на жн­ я ­ад­ншым­ юн с­тоўну­­ш а­чы р­ш і­га­п ­бу а­кл ­вер ­ру­сі­ ў­п Б на­ры ­чы­та ­чы­ні­ ­ка­ т­у ва,­і­ ен­ты х­бе й.­М што­ дп­ а­с­ дян­­зы­нх ­пе­р турн ро­за ­ме­д кусс ­тур­н а­ гэ яго­ . 4 ­ір­ку ы­цы а,­ ых­ р м а ­ ю в а Б ­ е е г д ­ а е э ы а а ш ­ в ­ е ­ т е цю­ко­ві­чк ах­пас­ о а з­ ця­ н с­п ці­клая с р­ а ­п дзе су­ чрыаш­ ­ссптра­л­каац­цыа­ П ,­ ю Р л­“я­за­ з­ ц­к і­пр ды­ Н кан­чкэн­ен­ля­шас­ стлпіўе­ жаыян­пе­рал-ма­ні, радге­ ­мір ае­ і­ад Кас­ ­ж­р м­з,­нтім­ ла ц­ца ў­св ­ збо аэ­та зе­др ­даў­п ыў р­ я­ш ­ві­н л­ і­х ­ёмс­ 7­с дн­ ­ ія­К од да­л жо,­я ся,­я я­ а­ ­пе ­и­и і­та ол”.­ орца Сурынт. і­ а­ру уб­лі­ раг­ р ­м ь­ и е ды ар­дяан­­ныцам­Су­ ­сттвуам.­Суня цоў­ную­дзей­ у ы ас­ ці­гпуа­сск­у­Лю­ а цвы­ Афганістан, сіль­па­чаў­пра­ а­дзі св о­х ­ўсаў­Ва­ Сп й­ на с­бы ­зна а­лі­ 2 а­ваг­ о даб ст г.­рус­к ­ шы ет­у­2 р­нік ­з­П у­гая аэ- ­ ­к в ­С ­л с“Мра­л­рын­ а а­ля -1981 ны —­п сн­касць.­У­ о ­ры і­ л Люцыян а кан­с а­меё­рз­ам­за­ Ул ю­ ­тр м­я ­се­ў а­ра­ў ыц­ц а­ ­ ы­с а­ю іх­у ск­ аж ­ні­ ­ ск­лаі­я ы пе ­й ­ж ль­тйу­твкц­ ы ко­ло ў­ т ль­ны ­на к­чаы,­гу­ ­ м­ рэ­с вйо­ н­ а ­на ­выя ­К ­ н ў­г а­сун­к а-кі­т ­ро­ка 015 ­ пе­р ад­ня ­беь­ ­цы а­ж чы о1928-м­доб­ т кая стрэ­ ­цы кс і­з­ім­бы­ лі­і­ў­роз­ рка­ах­вот­на­ўсту­ цэ піў­у­Чыр­ ­ва­к­кнуоых­мес­рыэ­да ори­чй­ ­чы ­на в­ ­— цтьар­ а э­ты аў. ай­с я­ -м.­ а­кл ­бес ты днзяую­ дас ­дам­у ,­но ямл­ і. ­лас­ я ­ плы ­са тан­ о ам ­тас ак э­б й,­ а­н .­Я­с ­на­га­ж­маў­ ­—­ ­ты ­ ­на­ц шл­ лоі­м­3 ім у­чан ­сав а­р­ча ы,­ Ск ­няць ся­росан­ ж­н р­жа ­гцах­і­ўмо­ р ,­к ск ы­ш ­Не кіх па­н Та а­д ­ма ­цкэом,­зу­ к ць ў,ско­ Ле ­ рэ­д :­“Тр чы­на а:­н ей..Ар­ ­мах:­у­вай­ ­ма пра­ ў шоў­шлях­ад­кур­ вдых­част­ сім­не­ве­да­тю мію­ды­прай­ ­ ы­яца­ві­тым­юна­ п п ти і,­ках,­яму­ го рэ­чы ай­з лад­ зі ей­ у а­ж ­і­с д­д та­да­ ­ж у ­ту м­р ­тэ ­ Бан ш лас тры ­ні­ка оц­ ай а к­с аў ­ ­с я­ў ў­най ­на­зія ­ня. ы­вчааср­ э­ты ­ тдызябрлжасраыз­­ з­мсус­зиыйама­п­талу рл­няа­ц зі,­ раыам янрік­на­ м­ ыў ў­ш ­як бі­л ­ў ніяе­­раа­ ст р­ уск­ ­ску­ дзя­ц ў ,­у­Г ­на.­ Бдаа­ ­па ­ ць­яго­на­ х.­ жых,­на­ву­ ра­н н­а ях...­Ды­пра­ пе­ра­дзе­ня­лёг­кія­да-­ра”­йу­ху­—у­мне лі­та­р ­ра­ма тва- ­ лаа.­—­Рэд.).­Зга­ ны­збор­ ­ры ір ­ ва н­ као­л ,­ ­кпа ­з­ті­эт што­ча­ с пад­па­-крад­ка­в н­ ы р­ а­ ввоч­орэн­ на у­ма­ч ць­ка я.­А ­вы­ю ­ці­неге­ Мснк­ іхка­зіюм ­ё ­ ­ с ,­ вяд­ од­т гэ­ту та­но ­ ака­д а­летво а н м с­але каа­д­яэ“Р­вых­дзеа­стпра­ ла Мін для­ ­ як ­н—­ ­п­ а­ Адд­чазе­ба­ т­ ы а­рро­ ы,­р­гуі.­ 6­м гіс­ оШмат­ ад­ а­ну­еча­го­ рас­па­вёў­ паз­ней:­ тры­ ­ВД­“ ­“М ­ныя ­тур­н бе­дезедж.­у­нІн сла­в­С у­тмай­ уста­ нво­ вр ы,­ю­ тое,­што­пе­ ­рато­ар­вуыю­ тл д­Ба а­ю­с а­до ­кар о­кі,саў­ в ­ о с ю джра­жьыў­ён­у­хо­ м ­ э 6 ш г ­ ­ў і­ о о а л а м ­ м ­ а ­ о у р 9 -в ія іх д ію ы м г ­ і­ ­ р ­ ­ п ­ў ў­ я­та­ ­п ол ­м о­в­ кас­до за­г­еа ц­ ь І­ д ыел­ у­­зУ ­в ль­с ыя ­ча ш Ал Зв ас­т ­лі­д ых а ва­н ­сце ­1 ­скхто­ м с­к ім рнд і­іі­пад­ ­а ра ­зай­м 70­г іць­у я­ ўр ­рупра­ е ныы­ ко­лнтуяў­ ў. а ­бга­ я та­ры­лі­ мы­ пе­рад­ яго­ ад’ез­а ­мф­ лік­ м таў,­ му (Брчас­ к­ дзі­ ы­а­дзіла­ й­м ян­ тых,­ ра­пгу­ то ы ных­ есь яз­д ац­к а­р ­ кі­п ­ табаэ­мнкан­ нка аль­ т вы­бйраў­,­у­ жыц­ці­ шлях­ до р св я, ­дзен­ і­ука­зыыя­р­зо­гаыха­т­нуаўіг,­ ­кпа­зн ­до­мы ­бл е­ ­ юб уз­ ія­м­маю л ”ў,­ ш яе ць,­і­ а­со­б ў­ны е­ла а­лё­к ­лі­го ­цін­с ь­вы ыць ,­ рау­ у­ка ­га.­­зыд-Узі­ а­ ы ворц­ у­зачуць­не­да­ ен вя я Ка а”. ая­л ы­ н ­ян о­р ­кі­ ­ р дам­ ­ў­­Бкн ­цна­ я.­Ён­—­з­ка­ рэ­ цааў­Ай­ чы­ г сзн а абі­л ­ ­рлоа­ я і­та­цыю­ пас­ля­ хва­ро­бы.­­ цны.­І­ся­род­іх­—­сот­нчі­ўраіт ыч­н таў­л­ска­цывайо­ дз ыў юза сс га­зі­жа­е і­лепйргыор­ рл і­на ыл­ Іг жу г,­ув ш­то а­іх­б ў­у­дрон­ ­т­зеыы­тых,­ ьум ­дзя о­дзі ­не­н ­рэ­чы м,­ х е­л ы­ п ў­цы,­ ­ а р­рп х­ ік -­ дтра­ а еднао­ ­кмха­ е­С ацеаў­ ц­­цско­,­вісаую­ ауйсвя­ юк а ахто­ ­лы­ ­кі­а­т­неш­дтопрч­ аы➔ ­ла­вай­ сту знач Са Пале а а о ­ ка ­св ­бы оджэн­ р ­ к ­ л ­ е і­ з т ­ а Стар. 6 бе­ л а­ р ус­ к ай­ зям­ л і.­ За­ к он­ ч ыў­ ш іў­ у­ брую­ л ­ р в ­ х ­ а ­а р п м ­э а 2 а я ў а 6 а н ­ а д к к н ев ­ а .­ У ­ гіН ў,ад­ ­дўу­н я.­га ­ру ай , ад нік з я ­Т ла­т ўы­х ф ­Д ­р ­ма ан к— ом ­гім ­лы­ Л іч да ты ь­ці­а ­пус яй­ш я­ва­е ць,­зн ­ях­—ас­ці. фі­цэ я­не ­ ­на ­уу­ч­ан­н ­і­тбые­л.­ х­ нлуа ар­тэ ­наядўс­­п­п­оя­к­ ­да­л кмс­нтаа­з яс­ бвяутСтяае,­рп е­ ту с­кую пл ы го ілей іраў одам ­м а ы ы л ­ р ы з ­ м ­ н ­ п ­ іс а а э к ­ ­ л а у к ­ і­ т ­ ія н ц ­ іі у !­ л ш­в ­рэд ас ы­в у­а яж м м­у ва­н ­ а д т ё­к ­ д -к➔ а­в лён :­ іх ­ Д — -к ісок в ). ­ч­гэлра і­яв­нымрыз­­Б тк юб ог, к кі р і­ча ё я ь а ­н а н ­дзя ічім ­н ка­К ю­ ­ваа­п­л у,­­ д яС ­ ­1 .­ а­л а­л на й­ся м­і­п ­вы­ж ­сі­т я­ц ­ра­вы а,­та ел­І ­бы ­ ча я ае­ в­ на­ т­ні­ ­цы Жы сье­- іў­нм і­нка­ня ­сі­)­л к обыр­м­і ­теал­ ­д ­лвен аз­ е93 ед а­8 ае. па овы даг у, ка іж­ты я­не ж­кіх а­ты ­ кад оц­к ­Па­в я­кае дзяч ,­ ка­л ­ з­ ы,­ све ­ды а­ “ е­та ­жн р вяул­зыі­ч а­ў­ж­у­т­га,­вла­саасць­стрры­зярж у­нве­ д 5-м­аж­ да 5-гаНа -гад к, пе Дон Мі­ ац­ у рав­ ­ М ­ла­м х­ця ­ца­н быў е­з­Г о­віч ­уся­л е­і­ў ­рам ­ а экс­пе э­ві­ч і­ся­ л ­і­16 ц­ца,­ы­ж п ­я э­в ­на­гэ ім­н х­ ­к унін­ ­ка ля 70 ста усаў ц й­ ­н а­к і, ­га цэ ад а­ у­пр ­ сп аць ­ ы ы е­ н­ц ы­р­— ­га­мзей­на ),­інав­ уі­л ­ным н­сер ­ юн ош­н го­ н­ц а­л ­ня ­ і­р ю­ с р­ ыя я­ Б ­скай ­ ч ў­са­м кар­дзі ­ мо ­ка­— Ер­м ­рас­ц ­мно ­афі­ то­ п Ба у­ка­в і­пе ­па­да ра­Ба ур­ ы а­вбано­д анс­н­тяў­зіі-к ма лар х­х ­чал­ ­(с ­ва ых яя­ зім віч м ш а э ­ну об ­ ім оў ад­ но ­с ­ ж ць ў:­ ы др :­31­л не зім бе ­ і­ уль­т ­ны­( ­м­наг­еа­й асан­цы­тв а­ле­д а­ся кры ­то­ры ­ дае­ не ць­ка а­ба м­бы а­шч му­з ­ра­вы ень,­ Ул плён ­гія­ д ­мі­ ў раст­ м­ш ам­ да ты Як­м лад­ ай­к ­яго ­на ,­ рад­­му­зы а,­ ся жы­н ­ 25­ ч п­ка,­ і:­у­ кс­п ­ла­ ­ ы к­н ­ ­т ы і­п ер­я ад а­м ­ ю а а ­ о нЖ ­э э м а б ­ ц ­т в іх ­ к а ц а ж н за ­е ­г т­ч а е ­л ­п н ­ х ­к К а­У ус ы і­к ­ка­з ­род а­6­к а­ла і­я­ц . Ів ск ­ца­ ­шу му­ за­ м а­дум ­чы­ у.­І­ў ­ект,­я ­бел­ а­ але о­во м,­ка ­я­ця ­быў с­кі­ ў­ся” ­няц а­ў­Б я­на ­ на ­як і­ру ­век ра­ц ­лар­ і­кр я­л ёсл­ ы ­ ­ту­р ра ­ска зб ­ ў­ст іх­— н­к .­ кан рып­к 440­ Він ­ем­ я ай,­ адн­ р­ аю ўж .­З­і ле­ж ой з­ вё а­дзі ­пом э­ві­ч ­ды­цы ­ным ­ п лі­бе ­чы,­ аб­ уе­в­уз­н ва,­ а і, ча т ­ку ­зет­ ­ з­ ­шы уль ы­п ас­ ій й­“И в­ е­й ­ іч а д­м с­ а­р ­ты н­ц е ет а ­ у а­тр мат на ­ды х­ к ных­ ­ра­ба ­ві­я­л ­ла­ве каж Дзя й­ га о­бі­це ,­ па ую­к т­ абн­ ей­ р ыц­ ы я­ ­ты о­ну э­ в ва­ла,­ І­ дзе ­ла­ру ­я­і­н ­га­зе а­Ба Экс­п ­ад­м ­ля­ч ых­ ­ву­ч н с,­ ан к.­ л зе ­в ­з м ая­п о­ш і­р ­(“ ­ .­ бе аша о­ р ын­ ы р­ уск­ ­маш Му­з рад­ ні­цы с­ аў­Д шч ­ са ар­не а­ ўр ар­ф ­чэ­лі­ Акр ны ­ —­ м,­дзе ­та­ча а­дзі­м о­вая 018), ­тое,­д ­зі­мо ы­рох ­ к лы­(б ­т ­і Я шт ўш он к­са­ф т,­фа о­ках у.­ Ся там­а а­мя ­ ч е­ла льш э­та­ ых ­па ар­ у е.­ ­ — ­ .2 ра па а­т н ка ­чы л і­м ­ло ,­гі он ­го ­ іг ­ро св ­ ф ка мл­ і­ б ай­бо —­ г ь­тур­н ан­ ы а­бел­ ­До­н ст­ ак­ а сн­ ай ­ ё Пін­с ам­і 18­У ­—­з 14.03 т­кі­п ха­лі­ ш­ч е­бы ы­ т, .­ т ­ р ­ 0 е ­ р а я а з ­ ы Н о а а а ,­ а л ,­ ­ра,­ Ёсц ­вал ра­юц д­ ду ой­ва ар­тэ­п т а­п зя г­ у­н ­ца ­ку тво аю ­ а­н м ­ўл ан­ і­2 ­ша у” а­т ра зв до ь­і­н ­тор ь­ ­ха­в ­юц і­я­н ­цы Пер чы­н :­“Н о­на­п ­ру­сі­ ў”.­ І­ ­ме­р ра ­дае­ ц ­эт­на ь”,­ с аў­С ст­ о­в т­ ак­ ­ба­зе г­ а­ ік ”. м ­ ф ы ы ь а м х .­ д а р ш ­ Д ­л а,­ц а­род ­на,­тр лей х­ і­ ­аль а,­ ­ка т­р ы сь ў па ск­ іх ­рен в­ іст­ ­ Ра на­бы ­на юна аз­ ок ру ць­ка а­лоў ­ні­кі­з­ ы­Бе ла­ме ­точ­н ым ­ныя ам ­та,­ ўда т,­ ру ­та­ку ак­ты ко­ле ы­ ­го­дзе ­ток­ Абр­ ­ба­л :­б ­бон га­б рБа д­за­г ­роў ­сіі­д ч­кі­ ­“свя ха ам ­ і­ ­ ш т­ оў­н 007 гур ай­“ ы.­ а­ян ,­тр ой,­ па ­ванд х­Ра ы­ся ых ➔ ,­ак у­ба сі­л 112­й каш м­у­2 эр­ні­ аз­в ш ­ а ­т го ­ро­г ­вай ­пер Ст ар­д ,­ ў­ зін­ н­ ы­і ай­ст к­ ай­н ар эда а­ло ­но­з . ад во­ра й­ м ар­ ус 7 з­ п о­ад ст ор­ча ­бел­ ўж тв ц­ а­з піс

Увву Генерал з Ле чашчыны ерхшоў эві ц п н Ба а ле ра і сві м цы дзі а л У му ы зы ыл р кі к жі

ы Кр



Беларусь. Belarus


Social and political magazine № 2 (1025), February, 2019 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26. E-mail:

MEETING in time contex


Subscription index — 74977

“African continent has a large field of work” Belarus seeks to gradually reach the strategic level of cooperation with Zimbabwe and sees significant potential in the development of bilateral relations. This was announced by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at negotiations with the President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa


Public hearings in Minsk discuss social responsibility and how Belarusian enterprises can play a greater role in public life



Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

With a book through life The remarkable event of February in the capital of Belarus was the 26th Minsk International Book Fair

This is how a holiday is made

The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 18.01.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 7,63 Total circulation — 1645

copies (790— in English)


With friends around the world Ambassadors of 10 states presented diplo­ matic credentials to the President of Belarus

Order Republican unitary enterprise «BudMedyyaPrayekt» Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2019

Symbol of Belarus Translators of the Bible are highly awarded


From European to World Championship Belarusians love sport and are ready to hold the World Figure Skating Championship. Alexander Lukashenko announced it at the closing ceremony of the 111th European Figure Skating Championship. More than 100 figure skaters fought for medals of a continental forum last week on the ice of Minsk-Arena

16 8

Index of kindness

Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubou Malyshava Proof-reader Alisa Gungor

More than a word

Cover designed by Tatiana Storozhenko

беларусь. belarus 2019


more in the issue 1

26 “Belarus and China are all-weather friends” 25

Find yourself

46 Olga Klebanovich: “My strength is from the soul of this earth...”

Chinese poetry was presented both in the original and in the Belarusian language within presentation of “Belarus and China: Bridges of Friendship” book projects of the publishing house “Mastatskaya litaratura”

38 Queen of risk 28

Interest grows stronger Xinhua is an international news agency with more than 180 offices worldwide. There is also a correspondent office in Minsk. It opened at the end of 2010


Bright temperament. Openness and power of feelings. Flexible mind. Irony. And, of course, femininity. And a terrific artistic gift - this is how I have described her once. But only today, years later, I realized that there is one more amazing thing. I would say, the main characteristic of this charismatic actress is sincerity


Dudariki that do not grow old Famous Belarusian children’s collective prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Dudariki is a unique phenomenon for Belarus, and maybe for the whole world. Three dozens of talented children of different ages, not professional artists, create a multicolor, polyphonic show on stage


Alexander Konyuk: “Culture is a vital need for each of us.” End (beginning in №1-2019)

Ignazio variations


беларусь. belarus 2018 2019


1 `` Without unnecessary formalities

`` Fair of health On Saturday “Minsk Ski Track” sounded a bright chord of a grand sporting event that the whole country not only watched, but also participated in.

Russian parliament completes ratification of visa-free agreement with Belarus for fans of the 2nd European Games


The relay race was won by the President’s team. Together with Alexander Lukashenko, the team included Svetlana Konoshenko, four-time Olympic champion Darya Domracheva and Nikolay Lukashenko. At the end of the race, the President addressed the journalists who watched the race — and, in fact, all Belarusians — with the words: — Go skiing! I say it not as the President, but as an ordinary person who has been skiing since childhood. Skis are very effective, especially for girls. It’s beauty, it’s health, this is activity of all muscles. Skiing is a great thing... If you will go skiing, your children will also do it. Sport opens new and exciting opportunities for the country as a whole. Alexander Lukashenko answered emotionally to the journalists’ question whether holding international competitions brings proportionate dividends to Belarus: — It brings not proportionate, but excessive dividends! Naturally, it all pays off. Moreover, there are dividends that cannot be estimated with money...

2 The upper house of the Russian parliament, the Federation Council, ratified the Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental agreement on certain issues related to the entry of foreign nationals and stateless persons attending international sport events. The day before, the document was ratified by the State Duma of Russia. This agreement was signed in Minsk on May 29, 2018. The document regulates the order of entry of foreign nationals and stateless persons traveling to attend major sporting events,

including the forthcoming 2nd European Games in Minsk. The document has already been temporarily applied since June 1, 2018, including during the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. In accordance with the agreement, foreign nationals and stateless persons traveling to attend international sporting events in one of the two states can enter, stay and transit through the territory of the other state without visas on a valid identity document and a ticket to a sporting event. The agreement stipulates that its validity term ends on July 10, 2019. The 2nd European Games will be held in Minsk from 21 to 30 June. Source: BelTA


`` Rich program is being prepared Egyptian president plans to visit Belarus in 2019 Belarus will be happy to see Egyptian President Abdel Fattah alSisi on a visit this year. Sergey Rachkov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Egypt, said about it in an interview with the Middle East News Agency MENA. When asked about the preparations for the forthcoming visit of the Egyptian president to Belarus, the diplomat noted that the visit will be an extremely important political event in the bilateral relations of the two countries. “Belarus will prepare a rich program of the visit of the Egyptian head of state in order to demonstrate the potential of Belarus as an important and reliable partner of Egypt in the Eastern European region,” — stated Sergey Rachkov. Belarus and Egypt intend to raise the bilateral trade volume past $100 million this year. Belarus exports to Egypt tractors, trucks, tires, metal products, optical goods, pumps, Xray equipment, petrochemical and woodworking products. The main

imports from Egypt are citrus fruit, fresh, frozen and canned vegetables and fruits, medicines, plants used in perfumery and pharmaceuticals, tea and coffee, clothes, and textiles. Source: BelTA

беларусь. belarus 2019 2018




The Presidents of Belarus and Russia met in Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi. It was the first meeting this year, although in recent months the contacts between the two heads of states have been quite intensive. Alexander Lukashenko addressed his Russian colleague with such words: — You should know that in the context of international relations, BelarusRussia relations are inviolable, no matter what some people might say or write. We don’t even have to tell you this. At least we know it well. Vladimir Putin’s reply sounded in unison: — For us Belarus is the most important strategic partner and ally. For me it is very important to compare notes with the Belarus president about these matters, including matters of integration in the post-Soviet space. Belarusian-Russian relations are at a high level. We are working closely in all areas: politics, economics, defense, social sphere and culture. Mutual trade is growing. It exceeded $ 35 billion last year. This cooperation is a two-way street. Alexander Lukashenko said: — I also appreciate your support of our economy. I often say that Belarusian economy works as the final processing part of the Russian economy. We buy 60–70 percent of commodities and components for our main engineering products and oil refining in Russia. Therefore, this is our common economy, and supporting us, you actually support approximately 35–40 million people, together with their families, who work at Russian enterprises that supply products to Belarus. Therefore, if someone in Russia or Belarus does not understand this, I think they will understand it soon. Of course, working questions always arise in such close cooperation. But Alexander Lukashenko does not see it as a fatal problem: — We have always found solutions to these issues. I think this is not a big problem for us.


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Compare notes on the integration agenda

Meeting in time context The President of Belarus maid a working visit to Russia. The summit talks in Sochi were focused on the development of Belarusian-Russian relations and perspectives for Eurasian integration. On the whole, the President of Russia stated that the Belarusian-Russian relations are developing and strengthening, while Russia remains the largest trade and economic partner of Belarus. Financial relations are also developing. Over the past few years, Belarus has been granted a large amount of loans, including through the EAEU: — In this regard, I would like to note that Belarus is very disciplined in financial terms. It fulfills the obligations. This allows us to work on major projects. I also mean the construction of a nuclear power plant,

which is in its final stage. It allows us to develop relations of a purely commercial nature in various areas, including agricultural production — 34 % of the total volume of supplies to Russia. I know that we have some roughness and problems here. But as it is supposed to be between friends, I hope that these problems will be solved. Vladimir Putin emphasized that one of the most important areas of cooperation is energy sector: — The volume of hydrocarbons supplies — oil and gas — remains at the level we agree with you.

I By the way, after business negotiations with the participation of members of the governments, the heads of states went to the ski slope together. None of the visitors of Krasnaya Polyana expected that they would go skiing together with the two presidents. Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin were in high spirits. Sports fans surrounded them immediately. The presidents did not avoid photo and video.

Accents of the informal meeting Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin confirmed their commitment to the allied relations and expressed confidence that the emerging issues will find their solution. However, in Sochi they also talked about global politics. A trilateral summit on the solution to the Syrian conflict was held there with the participation of the Presidents of Russia, Turkey and Iran. The President of Belarus met with the participants of the summit. Alexander Lukashenko, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Hassan Rouhani held an informal meeting in the form of a tea party. During the summit, participants discussed further joint steps for the long-term normalization of the situation in Syria. One of the topics of the negotiations was the situation in Idlib (the only major region of Syria that remains occupied by illegal armed groups). The President of Russia noted that the ceasefire regime is observed almost throughout Syria, which is the result of joint efforts of Moscow, Ankara and Teheran. He also believes that it is important that the Syrian constitutional committee start working as soon as possible. In general, the position of the summit participants is very clear: the problems of security in the north-east of Syria in the context of a possible withdrawal of U. S. troops from there should be resolved solely on the basis of strict respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Arab Republic. At the same time, the UNO and the international community should more actively provide humanitarian support to Syria without politicizing this issue.

Belarus sets a good example in this regard. The country provides comprehensive support to Syria during the conflict. At the end of December last year, on the instructions of the President, a humanitarian cargo was sent to this country for the fourth time already. These include diesel generators, school supplies, clothing and footwear, furniture, medicines and food. Today Syria needs almost everything. Since 2017, almost 600 Syrian children have been able to improve their health and rest in Belarus. Of course, there is still a lot to be done to restore the Syrian economy and infrastructure destroyed during the war. Belarus is ready to help in this process. The big negotiating marathon in Sochi continued. On Friday, Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin together with the relevant ministers visited educational center “Sirius”, where they discussed cooperation in education, culture and sports.

Important statements instead of an epilogue The tax maneuver was not discussed during the meetings with the President of Russia in Sochi. This was stated by the President of Belarus while talking to mass media. At the same time, he noted that the parties would talk about this topic in the Belarusian-Russian relations. “We are going to discuss the tax maneuver, but apart from the tax maneuver we have many other problems, which no one else can resolve but us. At least we should give a nudge to that effect. And we are doing just that,” emphasized Alexander Lukashenko. He also spoke about the earlier agreement with Vladimir Putin to look at the development of relations within the Union State, including the Union Treaty, which has not been implemented over the past years. “We frankly say each other that we are not eternal. We will leave one day. What will we leave to our children? How will they continue our policy? It also worries us as politicians,” said Alexander Lukashenko. The President of Belarus noted the importance of sovereignty for any state. “Why should we raise the issues of sover-


eignty of Belarus and Russia? It is an icon, it is a sacred thing, — said Alexander Lukashenko. — We do not have a problem of sovereignty (in the relations between the two countries — Auth.). We do not even discuss these problems in this context.” Alexander Lukashenko said that the parties proceeded from the fact that today there are two states: “You know how they were formed. We, with the President, (Vladimir Putin — Auth.) were not the initiators of that state collapse (talking about the USSR — Auth.). We have the same position on this issue.” Alexander Lukashenko cited the statements made at the meeting by the specialized ministers of culture, sports and education. “We didn’t shift away at all,” emphasized the President. — If we take Ukraine, also a Slavic state, what a huge gap has formed for several years! And we speak the same language and understand the same problems.” And continued: “I will express my opinion. I think my colleague and my friend will agree with it. We are ready to go as far in terms of unity, in uniting our efforts, states and peoples, as you are ready. We, the two of us, could unite even tomorrow. We don’t have any problems with that. But are you, Russians and Belarusians, ready for this? Therefore, it is necessary to address the question to yourself. As far as you are ready, so far we will fulfill your will.” “So it's you who should prepare, in your minds, in your behavior. Set goals before yourself, I mean the people of Russia and Belarus, and we will implement them. We are your servants,” concluded Alexander Lukashenko. Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia was also satisfied with the talks with his Belarusian counterpart. The head of the Russian state told reporters the following: “I think we have succeeded in our work.” The President of the Russian Federation also reminded that in December 2019 the Union Treaty will mark its 20th anniversary. “We have agreed with the President of Belarus that we will analyze everything that has been done recently,” — said the head of the Russian state. By Vasily Kharitonov

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African continent has a large field of work Belarus seeks to gradually reach the strategic level of cooperation with Zimbabwe and sees significant potential in the development of bilateral relations. This was announced by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at negotiations with the President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa.


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he President of Belarus expressed confidence that the visit of Emmerson Mnangagwa will give an impetus to the development of bilateral relations. “You have described the country’s development path very profoundly. You told the global community that Zimbabwe is open for business. We suppose that this approach will have a positive influence on implementation of the Belarusian-Zimbabwean joint projects,” said the Belarusian leader. Contacts between Belarus and Zimbabwe significantly increased and developed positively in 2015. Personal supervision of Emmerson Mnangagwa helped to deliver BelAZ quarry machinery to the country. At present, the core of Belarus’ export to Zimbabwe are potash fertilizers and spare parts for automobiles. Belarus imports mineral raw materials, as well as citrus fruits and vegetables in small amounts. Alexander Lukashenko is confident that Zimbabwe has everything requisite for rapid economic growth. Belarus is still interested in delivering trucks, bus, quarry machinery, other mining equipment, tractors and food products to the Zimbabwean market. Minsk expressed readiness to discuss the prospects of Belarusian participation in joint projects in agriculture, construction, energy, exploration and mining. By the way, in 2018 were signed several multi-million dollar contracts for export Belarusian machinery to Zimbabwe with the financial support of the Development Bank of Belarus and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. It is expected that after harmonization of all procedures, deliveries will start in accordance with these agreements. According to the President of Belarus, the construction of meat and dairy complexes, cultivation and processing of vegetables in Zimbabwe can be a significant contribution to the strengthening of bilateral relations. The areas of cooperation in the transport sector also have been determined. It is about the development of the transport infra-

V structure in Zimbabwe and the creation of a transport and logistics center there. Unique landscape and natural, mineral and recreational resources of Zimbabwe provide extensive opportunities for cooperation between the two countries. Therefore, participation of Belarusian companies in the construction of hydropower facilities, turn-key construction of solar power stations, geological exploration and development of mineral deposits can be rather prospective. Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to the active development of humanitarian cooperation. Were reached the agreements on interuniversity exchange, higher and postgraduate education for Zimbabwean people in Belarus. In addition, leading healthcare organizations of Belarus can provide high-tech medical care to the citizens of Zimbabwe. The head of state believes that the creation of the Belarusian-Zimbabwean intergovernmental commission for


merson Mnangagwa at negotiations in the extended format: “We have excellent political relations, which can be deepend and consolidated. But it is even more important to work with the issues of economic cooperation. This is the goal of Zimbabwe.” Emmerson Mnangagwa noted that Zimbabwe had been developing under sanctions for more than 20 years. Now the country’s leadership has to develop social and economic program to improve the lives of people and show that the government works on resolution of problems that concern them. “Yes, Zimbabwe has undeveloped resources in agriculture and the mining industry. But we lack the means and skills to develop them,  said the President of Zimbabwe. — To do this, we need help and assistance of our friends, such as the Republic of Belarus.” Alexander Lukashenko considers Minsk negotiations with the President

There were a lot of topics for substantial discussion and certain agreements were reached. The main thing is that we have agreed with the President that by my visit to Zimbabwe we will prepare a number of specific contracts, which the two countries will have to implement this year. trade and economic cooperation could better stimulate the implementation of plans. He noted that direct contacts and good communications between ministries, organizations and companies are necessary for quick and high-quality work on investment and joint projects. “Maximum attention should be paid to proposals coming from both sides. This is the only way we can achieve the desired result,” said the President of Belarus. “The main goal for Zimbabwe in cooperation with Belarus is the development of economic relations,” stated Em-

of Zimbabwe fruitful. “There were a lot of topics for substantial discussion and certain agreements were reached. The main thing is that we have agreed with the President that by my visit to Zimbabwe we will prepare a number of specific contracts, which the two countries will have to implement this year. In the near future, we expect significant progress not only in bilateral trade, but also in cooperation in the spheres of private business, industry and agriculture, extraction of natural resources, education,” said the Belarusian leader. By Vladimir Mikhaylov

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t the diplomatic level

With friends around the world Ambassadors of 10 states presented diplomatic credentials to the President of Belarus


Austria, Armenia, Bahrain, Vietnam, Ghana, Canada, Tunisia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and El Salvador — diplomats from these countries met with Alexander Lukashenko today at the Palace of Independence. According to the President, taking into account the geostrategic position, Belarus is very interested in peace, stability, non-conflict and effective partnership. Only through an equal dialogue the stereotypes are removed and the walls of misunderstanding built on their foundation are destroyed. Alexander Lukashenko also noted that our country has already firmly established the status of one of initiators and active participants of the integration processes in the Eurasian space. “I am deeply convinced that Minsk can become a place for a new great dialogue


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on the security of states in Euro-Atlantic and Eurasia. We will continue to initiate uniting peace cooperation projects. And of course, we will support any your good undertakings,” said the President. The Belarusian leader also reminded that today international situation changes rapidly and it is often difficult to predict it. Increasingly fierce competition covers the global economy. In these difficult conditions, all states seek to develop a strategy to counter traditional and new challenges and threats. As practice shows, it is more effective to do it together. “Working in Belarus, you will see that serious changes are being made in our country, especially in the economy. Attention is focused on the liberalization of this sphere, as well as creation of a favorable investment climate and conditions for doing business,” said the Belarusian leader.

According to the President, advanced technologies are attracted to our country from abroad. We also develop such technologies independently. We expand and diversify sales markets of domestic products, which are famous for its high-quality standards. Not less attention in Belarus is paid to the development of education, science, medicine, and sports. “Human capital is an investment in the future of our state, a guarantee of its success and prosperity. In each of these areas we have accumulated considerable experience that we can share with our foreign friends,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

Asia The Belarusian leader has separately noted the development of relations with

t the diplomatic level



each of the states which ambassadors were present at the meeting. According to the President, Armenia has been and remains for Belarus a reliable partner with which we are linked by multifaceted cooperation, including in the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. “We are aimed at expansion of trade and economic component of the Belarusian-Armenian relations and are ready to participate in any projects, including those on the territory of Armenia, which will interest our Armenian friends and brothers,” said the President. A close dialogue with Vietnam at all levels contributes to the effective resolution of topical issues on the bilateral agenda. According to the Belarusian leader, today it is necessary to concentrate on ensurance of the growth of mutual trade and implementation of joint projects in industry, petrochemistry, construction, education, information technology. Belarusian enterprises are ready to actively participate in programs concerning transport infrastructure development, extraction of mineral resources, and food production in Vietnam. “We are interested in comprehensive and large-scale development of relations with Bahrain. Moreover, we have positive

examples of cooperation with the Arab states of the Gulf,” said the President. What should be done? We should intensify bilateral trade, the volume of which is unfortunately insignificant now. The President stressed: we offer our partners from Bahrain not only traditional products but also high-technology products.

Europe Consecutive increase in level and intensity of political contacts with Austria demonstrates new quality of interstate cooperation.

terested in strengthening of favorable and constructive cooperation, first in trade and investment sphere. Extremely open pragmatic dialogue is established between our country and the Czech Republic. Joint economic projects are implemented; work at international venues is conducted. “I am convinced that further development of bilateral trade, maintenance of close cooperation in culture, science, and education will form a strong basis for strengthening of relations between our countries,”  said the President. The Belarusian leader paid attention to the fact that there are many common

Alexander Lukashenko: I am deeply convinced that Minsk can become a place for a new great dialogue on the security of states in EuroAtlantic and Eurasia. We will continue to initiate uniting peace cooperation projects. And of course, we will support any your good undertakings The President highly appreciated efforts of Vienna on tension decrease in Europe and the world, bridging between key geopolitical players. The approaches of our countries are consonant here. According to the President, Belarus is in-

positions, which can become a support for extension of the bilateral agenda with Montenegro. By the way, the Belarusian tourists have rest on the Montenegro coast for many page


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years. The president expressed hope that the people of Montenegro will appreciate beautiful nature of Belarus, its cultural and historical heritage.


Africa The Belarusian leader paid attention to the African region, which becomes more and more important. Potash fertilizers and Belarusian metallurgical products are well known in agricultural and construction industries of Ghana. The Head of State sees further prospects for significant expansion of cooperation, first in agroindustrial complex and industrial cooperation. Still, according to the President, it is necessary to intensify cooperation at all levels with Tunisia. It will help to investigate new directions of cooperation and to bring relations between our countries to qualitatively new level.

North and Central America “Not only love to hockey unites us with Canada, but also a long-term friendship. Canadians were among those who without deliberation gave us a helping hand in hard times after the Chernobyl accident, — noted Alexander Lukashenko. — Your country became the first in the West who completely cancelled trade restrictions on Belarus. It is guarantee of further positive development of cooperation and very good example for some other our partners. We are ready to expansion of effective, mutually beneficial cooperation with Canada in all spheres.” Belarus considers El Salvador as a prospective partner in the Central America. We are interested in development of bilateral dialogue, strengthening of trade and economic component, expansion of cooperation in agriculture and industry, including chemical industry. According to the President, Belarus knows this country well, but the relations are still very poorly developed. The Head of State expressed hope that with


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To the topic Ramiz Bašić, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Montenegro to the Republic of Belarus: — Belarus is a friendly country for us. We have good prospects and we will develop these relations. Especially taking into consideration the fact that Belarus improves relations with the European Union, and Montenegro is already in this negotiation process. Therefore, the prospects are good. We should have closer cooperation in economy. Now commodity turnover is symbolic, because Montenegro is geographically far from Belarus, and we have a small economy. Nevertheless, I hope that it will be better. However, our cooperation in tourism is very good. Also we should cooperate more in international organizations. Ahmed Al-Saati, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Republic of Belarus: — First of all, I would like to congratulate our People and the States on the fact that we establish diplomatic relationship, as I am the first ambassador in the Republic of Belarus. I would like to pay attention to the sphere of development of our economic relations, would like to come into direct contacts between private and state sectors. Besides, I plan to develop our cultural cooperation as your country has very rich cultural heritage. You have wonderful music, amazing theater. The history of Bahrain has been traced back almost eight thousand years, so we also have outstanding cultural heritage. In 2019, we plan to carry out a set of exchanges and various exhibitions, meetings. We consider Belarus as gates to the European region, the same can be told about Bahrain it serves like gates for your country to our region. Of course, opening of permanent embassy in Belarus is our purpose; however, we will see how our relations develop. Fortunately, Moscow is located not so far from Minsk; only an hour by plane, therefore I will be a frequent guest of your country. Pham Hai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Republic of Belarus: — There is very high potential for increase of commodity turnover. In particular, we are interested in export to Belarus of agricultural products. In turn, we are interested in import from your country of various equipment, industrial output. Besides, our population is interested in your dairy and meat products. assistance of the ambassador the situation will change to the best as the powerful base of the states is necessary for our country for cooperation in America. In your work do not to forget to learn more about the country The President sincerely wished ambassadors success in performance of responsible diplomatic mission. He hoped that their experience and professionalism will become a strong basis for constructive cooperation of our coun-

tries and its practical results will not keep themselves waiting long. “But, of course, solving strategic problems, do not miss an opportunity to learn more about Belarus, to open its beauty and uniqueness, to fully feel kindliness and hospitality of our people, to get acquainted with culture, history and, of course, a modern way of life of our people,”  added Alexander Lukashenko. By Vladislav Lukashevich


ood deeds

Symbol of Belarus


It is remarkable when good deeds receive a proper assessment not only on the personal “heavenly” accounts of those who make them: or they tick the box somewhere in the clouds. It is pleasant when such deeds are noted here on our earthly level. After all, good must be called good, and human labor must receive due reward. Thus, the laureates of the Presidential Award “For Spiritual Revival” were rewarded in a solemn atmosphere. The holders of the honorary award include teams of the Biblical Commission of the Belarusian Orthodox Church and the Section for translation of liturgical texts and official documents of the Catholic Church of the Commission for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments under the aegis of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Belarus. Our correspondent met with Archpriest Sergius Gordun. He is the chairman of the working group and the executive editor of the translation, made by the Orthodox Church. It should be noted that five more people worked thoroughly on the text: Professor, Doctor of Philology Ivan Charota, Archpriest, graduate of the Faculty of Philology of the BSU and Theological Seminary Alexander Pachopka, Ph. D. in Theology Alexandr Korol, and the Executive Secretary Tatyana Matrunchik — Father Sergius, please tell us, did you ever expect that your work will get

Sergey Nikonovich

Translators of the Bible are highly awarded

Archpriest Sergius Gordun

such a high award? Tell us about your first impressions. — Of course we did not expect such an award. It is very pleasant. It is nice that our government and society appreciate such things as translation of the Bible into the native language. Why is it so important for me personally? I grew

up in times when people were fired from work for church attendance, baptism, wedding. The Gospel was forbidden. Although people rarely went abroad, the Holy Scriptures brought to the country were confiscated. This book existed somewhere but in very limited quantities. Now page


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we live in another country. We have different attitude to the Church, to the Bible. It is recognized as the most important and the main book for all mankind. It is joyful and pleasant. I also like the idea of the award “For Spiritual Revival”. It seems that it has a deep meaning and as if it really programms such revival. Even the name indicates its importance and significance. Of course, this process for those who have a spiritual tradition, is closely associated with the Bible. If we appreciate new translations, we hope that they will be read more frequently, spread, that we will get closer to our sources. We will feel more related to Cyril of Turov, Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Martyr Athanasius, Francis Skaryna. They lived in the Christian tradition and laid the foundation of our culture, spirituality. It is important that we


ple who know both the ancient Greek language and the modern Belarusian. In addition, it was important to read other translations. Certainly, translators used works of Skaryna, studied his vocabulary. We continue his tradition. It was physically difficult to make a translation. After all, not all those who could make a translation lived in Minsk. I lived and served in Slonim. So we could not gather often. First, we started to meet once a month. In addition, all those who joined the group had another workplace. For example, Ivan Charota was the head of the university department and the head of the translation section in the Writers’ Union, besides, he held a certain position in the HAC (HAC — Higher Attestation Commission. — Auth.). It was difficult to find time with such employment, but still, we began to meet once a week on Thursdays. Naturally, if the

We will feel more related to Cyril of Turov, Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Martyr Athanasius, Francis Skaryna. They lived in the Christian tradition and laid the foundation of our culture, spirituality. It is important that we not only remember the names, but also approach their spirituality. Translations contribute to this, and the award itself contributes to spiritual revival. not only remember the names, but also approach their spirituality. Translations contribute to this, and the award itself contributes to spiritual revival. — Was it complicated to translate such text? — Yes, it was very complicated. However, understanding of its importance finally brought us to the result. We felt freedom for religious life when in 1983 it was allowed to open a Theological Seminary in Zhirovichi. We understood that this is the time to make a translation into the modern Belarussian language. After all, translations that already existed did not reallycorrespond to the present time, vocabulary and grammar. We understood that all translations should be made from the original. In the postSoviet period it was difficult to find peo-


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holiday fell on this day, the priests had to be in the service. Therefore, the process took a long time, but patiently, we translated line by line. It was also difficult to develop ecclesiastical theological terminology. Often I thought for a long time which word to choose, how to convey this or that concept. —  It turns out that one of you knows the ancient Greek language well, someone is fluent in the modern Belarusian language, and someone is intimately familiar with other translations. Did you literally translate together? — Yes, there were complicated expressions. We had to compare how they were translated into other languages. For example into English. There are dozens of translations into French, and a few translations into Polish. In our group there

are people who know several foreign languages. In addition to Church Slavonic, we studied translations into Russian, other translations into Belarusian… — In one of your lectures you told that there is only one translation of the Bible into Russian, and there are a lot of them into Belarusian. How can it be explained? — There is already more than one translation of the Bible into Russian. But these translations are not widespread, they are not recognized as authoritative. In addition to the official synodal text, there is a translation by Bishop Bezobrazov. This translation was printed from time to time. It was made in the middle of the twentieth century and was printed in Paris by an emigrant. Recently has been published a complete translation of the Bible into Russian which can be taken seriously. The remaining translations were studied by the competent people and considered to have inaccuracies. The other translations were paid not much attention because of the wide popularity of the Russian translation. I will explain why the Russian synodal translation is so authoritative. This translation was made by representatives of the four theological academies of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thereafter the final version of the text was studied in the Holy Synod by the highest clerics. The translation was distributed only after official approval. It was analyzed by experts in the Russian language from other countries and they also found it correct. As for the Belarusian translations, they were made in less favorable conditions. For example, the translation by Protestant Lukas Dekut-Maley was published in 1931. It appeared within the borders of what was then Poland. And the Polish government was extremely negative about the Belarusian language and the Belarusian national life. People tried to do something even in such conditions. Dekut-Maley did not have sufficient education, he translated from Russian and Polish. Later someone else tried to make a better text… — What was your personal way to the Belarusian language?

ood deeds



The laureates of the Presidential Award “For Spiritual Revival”

— It was very natural and organic. My parents and grandfathers, as well as other relatives, uncles spoke only the language of our village. This language was natural for me. But lessons in in our village school were in Russian. We started to learn Belarusian only from the 3rd class. When I went to the 1st class my parents worried that I would not understand anything. Mom taught me in advance: “You will be asked: “What is your name?”, “How old are you?” — You should answer.” I remember such situation. Then in our first classes were 40 pupils. We were asked to do an exercise. There were pictures on the wall and at the blackboard. On pictures were various objects: a spoon, a fork, an organ of the body. We had to call it in Russian. The teacher asked: “What is it?” We all answered in chorus: “Eye”. She said: “Wrong. Who knows how to say in Russian?” None of the 42 people knew. I could not understand why they can’t speak at school the same language that we usually speak? And no one could give me the answer to this question, although I asked it. Only mother said that me we use the language which is used by the authorities. She studied at the Polish school. And if someone at a break spoke in his own way, teachers beat him/her with a ruler on his hands.

Therefore, when the Belarusian language and literature finally appeared in our school, I felt that it was mine. I started speaking Russian more or less from the fourth class. It was a psychological barrier before: although I understood, I did not answer. For example, some Russian words seemed to sound very strange, I blushed when I was forced to pronounce them. I also thought: why should someone speak not one’s native language but some other language?.. Honestly, we always spoke our language outside the lessons till the end of the school. I observed that only guys after army service began to speak Russian. We used our language in everyday life. I like both languages: Russian and Belarusian. I also read and write in Polish well. Once I even translated an official meeting. But I prefer Belarusian in everyday life. I Serve in Belarussian, speak when there is someone to speak with. — Do you see demand for the translation of the Bible into the Belarusian language? Yes, it appeared immediately after the translation became more or less known. The first presentation took place on September 2, 2017 during the Days of Written Language in Polotsk. Those copies we brought there were bought up for an hour. It was unexpected for some.

There were orders from all the dioceses. On site, in Brest, in Vitebsk, copies were bought immediately. The total circulation of 5,000 was quickly sold. We even began to hold copies for presents, to have some if necessary. Other specialists are also interested in our translation, for example, Gideon Brothers, international evangelical Christian association. They spread the Holy Scriptures in hotels, hospitals and other places all over the world. When they found our translation, they requested a permit for theological examination to check how accurate it was. They made such analysis in the USA, with help of their experts in Slavic languages and theologians. They chose 50 quotes from our translation, asked to translate them from Belarusian into English. And after that it was concluded that the translation is essential and of high quality. They reprinted our translation with a circulation of 30,000 copies and another 3,000 made for us as a gift. Books are distributed free of charge and people willingly take them. I hope they also read it. On the cover there is the Cross of Saint Euphrosyne — a symbol of Belarus. I think it is a good combination — translation into the Belarusian language and a symbol of our country. By Nina Scherbochevich

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ocial projects

Index of kindness Public hearings in Minsk discuss social responsibility and how Belarusian enterprises can play a greater role in public life


uawei C ompany annually donates some of its profit to the digitisation of medical data, while Swedish furniture manufacturer Ikea has launched an internship programme for refugees. Such involvement in tackling social problems has become fashionable but has the trend arrived in Belarus? Public hearings in Minsk have discussed how Belarusian enterprises can better take on a role of social responsibility.

Besides taking part in charity activities, businesses can invest in social and ecological projects which give a financial return, paying for themselves. A new wave of financial technologies are arriving. For example, the Clear Sky Foundation loans money at a modest interest rate (compared to banks) for projects aiming to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “An interesting instrument working in a range of countries is the “bond of social influence” whereby a private business-

man provides capital for a programme or service. The resulting saving to the state budget is then invested,” explains UNDP consultant Taisiya Yeletskikh. More start-ups are being launched combining good deeds with ‘earning money’, including in Belarus. There’s a mobile programme for female health, called Flo, and an online platform for farming, called OneSoil, which enhances the efficiency of agriculture. There’s also a project to diagnose disease using ocular fundus photography, called Deep Dee.

New wave of financial technologies Recently, research into businesses’ social responsibility was conducted in Belarus, polling thirty-two companies across the spheres of logistics, IT, industry, finances, trade and construction. Many have made efforts to support local initiatives to improve health and well-being, through raising awareness among young people and donation of equipment, while others have set up advanced training courses to encourage responsible consumption. However, few are involved in the issue of ensuring pure water, or have made moves to reduce inequality.


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“Running Cities” campaign

S Quick cashiers During public hearings, domestic companies have already been sharing examples of social responsibility. For example, Belarusbank has been implementing the “Parent Home” initiative for the past decade, aiming to create an alternative to orphanages and promote socialisation of orphans. Over this time, it has built sixteen cottages, housing 153 boys and girls with adopted families. Each family receives a home of over 200 sq.m, fully equipped with furniture and appliances, and with playrooms. Cars can even be offered, so that parents can drive children to kindergartens and schools. VELCOM mobile operator has been helping children while promoting a healthy lifestyle via the “Running Cities” campaign. Professional and amateur athletes can take part, raising money for every kilometre they run, with the company giving funds to charity. This year, the fund totalled Br 165 000, with assistance provided to child centres for medical rehabilitation. The campaign inspired the huge race in Gomel, where a thousand people set off. One Brest resident covered 108 km in twelve hours. In order to support athletes with eyesight problems, Volkswagen this year conducted a tournament in intuitive football. Training lasted over six months, concluding with competitions of blindfolded professional players. Teams received funding to buy equipment and uniforms for 156 players and Volkswagen subsidised Belarus’ national football team for the visually impaired to attend a European tournament in Poland. The company plans further work in this sphere, planning to equip “voiced routes” for people with eyesight problems in Minsk and Vitebsk. “We were afraid of being accused of ‘profiting’ from disabilities,” a spokesperson admits. “So, we planned our strategy carefully.” Meanwhile, Sosedi (neighbours) retail chain is employing those with limited

hearing via its “Quiet Cash Registers” project. A representative of the chain tells us, “We’ve been studying how to improve our service, so we asked our customers what was important for them. Interestingly, 70 percent responded that they like check-out to be quiet and quick. It’s not uncommon for those with limited hearing to be employed as cashiers abroad, so we decided to borrow from this practice, revising our training programme.” Now, thirty-five quiet cashiers are employed. In fact, it’s been seen that they complete check-out 2 percent faster, which is welcome in busy hypermarkets. Of course, as with all ‘innovations’, there are challenges to be smoothed out. It can be difficult for customers to communicate with the cashier. Meanwhile, the administration uses the Viber app to message staff. Some parents chose to attend interviews with their adult children, wishing to ensure that the system was wellplanned, and unlikely to cause their child distress.

Not an obligation but an opportunity How can we assess the degree to which a Belarusian business is behaving in a socially responsible manner? Will we soon introduce an index of kindness? “It’s necessary to add a competitive element and try to digitise this sphere,” notes Alexander Skrabovsky, from the Belarusian social investment foundation Dobra. “The index doesn’t lay claim to being exhaustive; international professional certification systems exist for this purpose. However, it enables you to see how companies have been participating in public life.” Information will be collected from open sources and an enterprise will be able to receive an assessment from 0 to 10 points. It’s planned to assess four criteria: working practices and human rights; the environment; fair business practices; and participation in public life. Companies will receive a report and be given three weeks to react.

ocial projects

Marianna Shchetkina, Deputy Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly:

Among seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, the major one is partnership. Only in this way can progress be achieved. Why is the role of business important? It attracts capital. The state can’t solve all problems via its budget. Meanwhile, businesses should be interested in the image they present. In Germany, for example, there’s competition for participation in social projects.

Assessments will be available to the public and, once a year, a composite index of social responsibility will be determined, aiming to show the general situation. By the end of the year, the introduction of the index will be discussed with experts, with a list of preliminary criteria available at Mr. Skrabovsky believes that social responsibility is not an obligation for businesses but an opportunity, envisaging new markets and new business models. By Natalia Lubnevskaya

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French sports couple Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre won gold at the European Figure Skating Championship in Minsk

This is how a holiday is made European Figure Skating Championship in Minsk gathered 150 athletes from more than 30 countries


igure skaters in pair skating were the first to compete for the prizes of the European Championship. Here the favourites were the French Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre. They won gold in the


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Grand Prix final at the end of last year and were the fourth at the European Championship last year. Their main competitors are the Russian couple Evgeniya Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov. Actually, this is how looked the pedestal in Minsk. French sports couple Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre

won the gold medal at the European Championship. The Russians Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov were on the second step of the pedestal. Their teammates Aleksxandra Boykova and Dmitry Kozlovsky won the bronze. Javier Fernandez was the main nominate for gold in men’s single skat-


Russian athlete Sofia Samodurova won the gold medal at the European Figure Skating Championship in Minsk

Stefan Lambiel from Switzerland… But they were in Minsk as trainers. So, the leading skaters from more than 30 countries presented the most complex and graceful programs on


ing. The Spaniard planned to complete his career beautifully: the figure skater admitted that he wanted to win the seventh gold of the European Championships in Minsk and match the number of the highest-ranking medals with Russian Evgeny Plushenko. Javier Fernandez managed to do it, but it wasn’ easy. Alina Zagitova, the champion of the Olympics in Pyeongchang, competed for gold in women’s single skating. But she managed to win just the silver. The gold medal was won by her teammate Sofia Samodurova. The European Championship program was finalized by figure skaters in ice dancing. The main stars here are the French Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron. They are threetime world champions, four-time European champions, silver medalists of the Olympics in Pyeongchang. They also won gold in the capital of Belarus. Minsk viewers saw such stars of figure skating of the recent past, as three-time European champion and world champion Frenchman Brian Joubert, European champion Tomáš Verner from the Czech Republic, two-time world champion


Spanish athlete Javier Fernandez won the gold medal at the European Figure Skating Championship in Minsk and became the seven-time champion of the Continental Forum

the ice of Minsk-Arena. While the battle for medals was in full bloom, beyond its borders people discussed how organically Minsk coped with the role of the capital of European figure skating. Olympic champion, four-time world champion Alexei Yagudin is an often guest of Minsk. More than once the athlete also performed with various performances on the ice of the MinskArena. He says: — The athletes with whom I spoke during the European Championship are satisfied with absolutely everything, and especially with the quality of the ice. In general, it’s great that such tournament is held in Belarus. Even in the first days of the championship, Minsk-Arena was filled almost completely. It means that fans were waiting for this tournament; they have an interest in figure skating. Olympic champion in ice dancing Natalya Bestemyanova came to the European Championship in Minsk with her husband Igor Bobrin. She visited Minsk-Arena for the page first time:


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C page


— I have only positive 17 emotions! The champi-

onship is organized at the highest level. The strongest figure skaters arrived in the capital of Belarus. The competing is very strong. Minsk has also become a landmark place for many top skaters. For example, for the winners in the pair skating, the French Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre, who became the second French couple in history who managed to win gold at the European Championship. Athletes say: — We liked the city very much, during the competition there was a great support from fans, and the organization of the European Championship was impeccable. The atmosphere was amazing, and we won our first gold in tournaments of this level, so MinskArena and Belarus will remain in our memory forever. Looking at how the European Championship is organized,

it is hard to believe that figure skating is just developing in your country. The infrastructure is excellent: we were impressed by the main ice rink and the training arena. I would like to thank Minsk fans once again. They supported us greatly. Would we like to return to Minsk? Definitely! Javier Fernandez has a different reason to remember Minsk. The seventime European champion ended his sports career here. The legendary Spaniard, who gathered a real fan club in Minsk-Arena, said: — I will remember Minsk as a place were an excellent European Championship took place. And the city itself is a great place. I came here for the first time and admired what I see. Great hotels, amazing buildings and sports facilities. They remind me of those in the Olympics. I am very pleased to be here, among the people who support me. And Aloisia Woergetter, Ambassador Extraordinary

and Plenipotentiary of Austria to the Republic of Belarus, did not deny the fact that Austria intends to adopt from our country experience in organisation of large sports competitions: — We see how much attention is paid to sports in your country, what interest enerate sports competitions held here. The way the European Figure Skating Championship is organized corresponds to the level of the World Hockey Championship and other top tournaments held here earlier. After all, the fact that Minsk was entrusted the right to host the 2nd European Games proves that your country has accumulated a very serious experience in this area. We hope that there will be no less excitement for the European Figure Skating Championship 2020 in Graz. However, we do not have such wonderful sports complex as Minsk-Arena, but we will also try to surprise. By Vladimir Mikhailov

French couple Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron became the five-time winners of the European Championship in ice dancing


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From European to World Championship


Belarusians love sport and are ready to hold the World Figure Skating Championship. Alexander Lukashenko announced it at the closing ceremony of the 111th European Figure Skating Championship. More than 100 figure skaters fought for medals of a continental forum last week on the ice of Minsk-Arena. The European Figure Skating Championship in Minsk ended with a colourful gala performance. The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko participated in the closing ceremony of the competition. The Head of State came out on the ice after the speeches of famous figure skaters and tournament winners when all of them gathered on the arena to say goodbye to the audience. Moreover, the President also put on his skates. “Coming to Minsk Arena ice, first of all I thought of courage. I have been skating the whole life on ice, but making the first steps like this, unprotected, I discovered some kind of fear and thought: how do undressed, half-naked jump, spin, turn, perform such figures? Not hockey players are the most courageous people, but they are!” said Alexander Lukashenko. The President noted that sport fans watching figure skaters performances in the European championship in Minsk, even forgot about other large competitions: the Grand Slam tournament in Australia, the Biathlon World Cup in Italy, and the Bandy World Championship in Sweden. “We forgot about everything!

And what will happen when you leave? — asked Alexander Lukashenko. — I believe that you, especially Belarusians, understand what I am talking about. That atmosphere which was on Minsk Arena, the support that our Belarusian people gave to the participants this week. We deserved it (I address organizers), we proved that we can host the World Championship.” On behalf of the Belarusians and guests of the capital, the President thanked the International Speed Skating Federation for entrusting Belarus the right to hold the European Championship for the first time in its sovereign history. “I hear estimates: they are positive. It once again confirms that we are capable of more. If you decide to come here with more, I promise that you will not regret,” assured the Head of State. The President noted that participants of the championship presented a wonderful holiday not only to the Belarusian audience, but the whole Europe and the world. The President also addressed judges, having emphasized their professionalism. “I thank the judges not for correct marks. Everyone can make a mistake: plus or

minus half a point, a tenth of a point — anything can happen. You did not spoil the mood, the spirit of of this competition. We saw those experiences, tragedies, rises of great athletes who devoted the life to this sport. It’s worth a lot!” Alexander Lukashenko also addressed the words of gratitude to trainers and other experts in this sport. “This beauty would not happen without them. Be creative and come to Belarus more often! Better to work — we want to perform at the same level,” summarized the President. As a gift from the President, the winners and prize-winners of the championship were presented a package of sweet treats. 24 countries of the European continent have already hosted the European Championship, which has been held since 1891. The championship was held in Switzerland: 20 times. As for the cities, most often the Championship took place in the cities of Davos and Vienna: 10 times in each. 49 European cities have been given the opportunity to host the Championship. From now Minsk is one of them. Source: BelTA

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f current interest

More than a word At the 26th Minsk International Book Fair held under the slogan “More than books” Information Minister Alexander Karlyukevich spoke about surprises of the event, Belarusian book market and current problems of the national literature


— For our industry the 2018th was not worse than the 2017th. 6.606 books and brochures with a general circulation of 18.9 million copies were published within nine months in our country. In comparison with the last year, the titles number remained at the previous level, cumulative circulation increased by 15.4%. I would note a tendency to reduction of circulation of separate editions. More and more books are published in 50-200 copies. There are publishing houses that specialize in small circulations. It concerns not only unknown or the beginning writers, but literature in general, especially poetry. Alas, today poems are not published in circulation of three to five thousand, except orders paid from the state budget for school and public libraries. — Are there any authors who constantly stay in favor? — Now we sum up Belkniga sales results for 2018. There are three lists: 1) all books which are in sale; 2) books in Russian and Belarusian published in Belarus; 3) books in Belarusian. Vladimir Korotkevich is in all three ratings with


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four of his works at once: “Spikes under your sickle”, “King Stakh’s Wild Hunt” (by the way, it is one of the five best-selling books), “Black castle Olshansky” and “Christ has landed in Grodno”. Among 45 best-selling books in the Belarusian language are the following: “New Land” by Yakub Kolas, “Mikolka-parovoz” by Mikhas Lynkov. Of course, I cannot call this rating complete as it includes only Belkniga sales and only editions of the last years. Online stores work actively; publishing houses also sell their products. Time forces the mastering of e-books platforms. We’ll improve the counting system to see the full picture. — Last year more than 70 authors competed at the National Literary Award. Do creative contests help to discover new names? — As for search of new authors, we still have not enough literary awards and competitions. The more talents they will cover, the more new names will appear. It is gratifying that the state has given such status to the National Literary Award. It



f current interest

have such events as the European games, the more actively Belarusians will begin to study other languages. One of the aspects for strengthening of international communication will become the opening of Druzhba bookstore not far from the exhibition venue. There will be shelves for separate national literatures as well as books in different languages. Representatives of ministries and departments of the post-Soviet countries have actively joined the implementation of this idea, we hope for cooperation of our closest neighbors. As for the book novelties, a new edition of “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman in translation of Yanka Sipakov will be presented in a few days. The publishing house “Mastatskaya litaratura” will present books in two languages, Belarusian and Chinese, in the series “Light Signs. Poets of China”. There are already 13 books in this series: from classics Du Fu, Li Bo to modern authors. There is a number of young translators — Veronika Zhukovets, Darya Nechiporuk, Alena Romanovskaya, who know Chinese well and translate from the originals. By the way, the Belarusian issue of Chinese literary and art magazine “Zapad” will be released just the other day. As soon as the issue appears in Belarus, we will present it. Belarusian writers working in the field of literary translation have good relations with representatives of the national literature of the Russian Federation: in the Chechen Republic, the Republic of Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, and Tatarstan. — What noticeable book novelties will appear this year? — I want to note the vivid local historical literature of the publishing house “Belarus”, which is so important in the Year of the Small Motherland. Many issues are dedicated to the European Games. The publishing house “Mastatskaya litaratura” continues to release collected works of Vladimir Korotkevich in 25 volumes. The release of the collected works of Yanka Bryl in 10 volumes was started. I like the series “One Hundred Poems” of the publishing house “Mastatskaya litaratura”. There is a hundred of the best poems in each collection of

seems to me, it has a good future, moreover there is a Debut nomination. “Primrose” competition of writers opens names, following the results thereof the third issue of the almanac will be presented at the exhibition. As well as dramatic almanac “Terra poetica” published by the International humanitarian cooperation fund. — What creative projects you personally have at the moment? — I am a journalist and I try to write For our industry the 2018th was not worse than the about what I do in the public service, 2017th. 6.606 books and brochures with a general for example, about international coopcirculation of 18.9 million copies were published eration strengthening. Recently, my book “Addresses of Russian Literature in Belarus. within nine months in our country. Addresses of Belarusian literature in Russia” In comparison with the last year, the titles was published with the support of the Standing number remained at the previous level, Committee of the Union State of Belarus and cumulative circulation increased by 15.4%. Russia. By the way, this is the fifth year when the International Writers’ Symposium “Writer and Time” is held during the exhibition. Moreover, half of the participants are those who already promote Belarusian the famous poet and reproductions of famous artists. Books literature, translate Belarusian authors. by Mikhas Streltsov, Pimen Panchenko, Evgenia Yanischits, —Numerous translations into Belarusian are one of the Gennady Buravkin have already been published in this series; book market tendencies. What expects us in that respect? a collection of Arkady Kuleshov is being prepared for release. — Today the translators team working with originals in You can find all these new items at the upcoming book fair. By Lyudmila Rublevskaya different languages is formed. And the more often we will беларусь. belarus 2019




With a book through life

The remarkable event of February in the capital of Belarus was the 26th Minsk International Book Fair


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As always, Minsk International Book Fair amazed with its scale and high level of organization. More than 400 exhibitors from 35 countries were presented this year on the site of the administrative complex on 14 Pobediteley Avenue. The motto of the forum “More than books” corresponded to its literary and musical format. Visitors of the exhibition were able not only to get acquainted with Belarusian and foreign writers, but also to listen to modern music, as well as to participate in numerous competitions. Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, sent greetings to the participants and guests of the 26th Minsk International Book Fair and the 5th International Symposium of Writers “Writer and Time”. “For many years this forum has been a significant cultural event in the life of Belarus, bringing together well-known publicists, writers and publishers from all over the world, strengthening professional and business relations between them,” the message of greetings read. Information Minister Alexander Karlyukevich participated in the official opening ceremony of the 26th Minsk Book Fair, and wished all its visitors to find their book. “It is very pleasant that participants and guests from many countries of the world arrived at the Minsk Book Fair,” said the Minister. The Representative of the Russian President for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy, noted that “Minsk International Book Fair always opens a big marathon of book exhibitions around the world. In 2019, this is the first and the most important major event in the book world. We are very pleased that Russia is a special guest of this forum,” he said. Since we have already started talking about Russia, this year the neighboring country — the traditional exhibitor of the Minsk Book Fair — presented a bright national stand of 200 square meters with more than 500 books from leading publishers. In addition, famous writers and literary critics of Russia came to the Belarusian capital.

F On the forum there were separate book stands of such countries as Turkey, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Italy, Czech Republic, and the DPRK. Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Israel, Poland, China and Greece presented their expositions for the first time. As noted Igor Kizim, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Belarus, participation in such projects is of great importance for popularization of the country. “Any communication between writers, readers, authors has a positive meaning,” emphasized Igor Kizim. In turn, Armen Ghevondyan, Armenian Ambassador to Belarus, invited to get acquainted with the literature of his country. According to him, Belarus worthily organized the book exhibition. “I was impressed by the number of participating countries and publishers. I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of many very interesting books on the history of Belarus. I want to mention the facsimile edition of the first “Primer”, said the diplomat. Yes, it is difficult to ignore the exhibition “Belarusian Primer: Four Centuries of History”. It allowed us to learn about the manuals for primary literacy in different epochs, from the XVI century to the present day. The remarkable event of the exhibition was the presentation of the facsimile edition of the first “Primer” to the authors of modern primers and the best teachers in Belarus. “Restoration of the first in the world “Primer” became a truly symbolic event in the Year of Small Motherland,” said Alexander Susha, Deputy Director of the National Library of Belarus. — “Primer is the only monument of Belarusian enlightenment of its kind. I am sure that the Belarusian primer study has a great future. The traditions of our ancestors will live and continue in the new editions of the primer, in the practice of educational institutions and the consciousness of modern students.” By the way, numerous meetings with writers, presentations were held at the National Stand of Belarus. Thematic


quests, film screenings, theatrical performances, master classes and interactive readings were also held. Every day was special here. “The exhibition made a very good impression. I visit it every year, but it is never the same. You always find something new and special. There are a lot of foreign guests, what is always curious. We had interesting meetings with representatives of Poland and Iran, which may grow into new book projects,” said Ales Badak, the director of publishing house “Mastatskaya Litaratura”. The German writer, head of the Together Into the Future charity foundation Heike Sabel in the House of Friendship presented her third book about Belarus “Everything will be all right: why Belarusians say that and believe in that”. At the presentation Peter Dettmar, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Belarus, noted that he has been friend with the writer for a longtime and highly appreciates her work, as well as charitable activities. Heike Sabel has been coming to Belarus for many years with the charitable mission, assisting the victims of the Chernobyl NPP accident. Her positive impressions and thoughts about what she saw in the country have been creatively recorded in three books published in her homeland. This time Heike Sabel brought from Germany a new book about Belarus, which she presented at the exhibition in Minsk. Big letters “Belarus” in the form of bookshelves are gradually filled with books. The installation is one of the symbols of the 26th Minsk International Book Fair. The central Belarusian stand combined in its design an open book and contours of a rural house. It immediately comes to mind that the exhibition was held in the Year of Small Motherland. This was evidenced by a display stand with publications on the relevant topics and ribbons with the Belarusian national ornament, which girls in folk costumes tied for memory to evepage ryone interested.


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The participants and guests of the exhibition speak:

Peter Dettmar, Ambassador of Ger­ many to Belarus: — We are very glad that we have been participating in this exhibition for 23 years. Like every year, we have a stand of the embassy and a stand of the Goethe Institute. This year, we focused on the works of Franz Kafka. The Goethe Institute brought a pavilion from Prague, where you can imagine how you turn into an insect with the help of special equipment, as if in a story by Kafka. And at the embassy’s stand this year the emphasis is tales and legends. Three years ago, German folk tales were declared to be the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. Paolo Tonini, Counsellor for commerce, Deputy Ambassador of Italy: — Taking part in the Minsk book exhibitions, we see how the interest in Italian


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culture and language is growing, connections are being established. For example, we invited Carlo Lucarelli at one of the past exhibitions. He has his own writing school, and he got acquainted with your writers, who are also engaged in literary studies. This year, Italy has a large stand with two publishing houses. The representatives of the House of the Italian Language and Culture in Minsk “Dante” take part in our exposition. We invited the Italian bard Domenico Locashulli, who is very famous in Italy and is a kind of bridge between literature and music. We will have a lot of events at this stand and in Minsk universities, because more than a thousand students in Minsk are learning the Italian language. Pavel Sukhorukov, director of publishing house “Zviazda”: — We’re proud that we continue to publish 40 books a year. At the exhibition we present about ten novelties. This is the story of Grigory Shakulov and Alexander Gilepa “Soldiers of PFP No. 205” about the events of the Great Patriotic War, the al-

bum of the famous artist Vyacheslav Pavlovets, books for children by Dmitry Yurtayev and Yana Yavich and much more. Nicolae Pachonea, Minister-Counselor at the Embassy of Romania: — Romania takes part in the Minsk book exhibition for the second time. We really enjoyed it last year and decided to go on. It’s nice that people come, they are interested in our culture. This year we have prepared special booklets in the Belarusian language on Romanian literature and a series of postcards “Language of Romanian cuisine”. In recent years we have noticed that you do love your native language and use it more often than twenty or fifteen years ago, when I first visited Belarus. We want you to recognize Romania through your native language. On the last day of the exhibition, we will present everything on our stand to the National Library of Belarus, with which we have established friendly relations. By Alexander Pimenov



Find yourself Chinese poetry was presented both in the original and in the Belarusian language within presentation of “Belarus and China: Bridges of Friendship” book projects of the publishing house “Mastatskaya litaratura”


he publishing house “Mastatskaya litaratura” takes a leading place in the domestic book market in the publication of translated Chinese literature. Among the most significant projects of the last years is the publication of books of the series “Studies of Chinese civilization” (implemented jointly with the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship in China), as well as the first book of the series “Key concepts in Chinese thought and culture” (conducted jointly with the Beijing “Publishing house for teaching and research of foreign languages”). The published or forthcoming books of these series cover many aspects and peculiarities of the Chinese national culture. This is a rich area, which includes hieroglyphic writing, opera, drama, painting, architecture, theatrical and traditional applied art, clothing, wushu, lunar calendar, myths ... A significant place among the projects started is given to a large series “Light Signs: Poets of China”, founded five years ago by the publishing house “Zviazda”, which is currently being implemented by the publishing house “Khudozhestvennaya literatura”. During this time, translations of Chinese poets Wang Wei, Du Fu, Ai Tina, Li He, Li Bo and others were published... These are some kind of lessons of Chinese history from the VII century to our time. The Chinese purposefully preserve their culture and identity, by preventing introduction of cliches in it.

Projects of “Mastatskaya litaratura” involve many qualified Chinologists, researchers, translators, employees of institutions conducting studies of traditional Chinese culture. Their goal is to make Chinese culture, which dates back more than five thousand years, more understandable and available to everyone. The publications are intended not only for those who are interested in Eastern civilization, but also for those who want to extend their horizons. As noted Nikita Krytsuk, the translator, the most magical thing in acquaintance with others is the opportunity to find yourself and to think about what we don’t know about ourselves yet. By Yana Budovich

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Belarus and China are all-weather friends

M — Mr. Ambassador, who are Belarus and China for each other? — True friends and mutually beneficial partners. The Belarusian-Chinese friendship has stood the test of time and is growing stronger. To be more specific, bilateral contacts have been steadily gaining momentum on all fronts. In 2018, under the strategic leadership of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Belarusian-Chinese relations of trust-based comprehensive strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation became stronger, the political trust between the two countries grew. China and Belarus provide each other increasingly strong support in matters relating to the most important interests of both states. It is obvious that relations between the countries at all levels grow closer every day. This is especially manifested in the “Road and Belt” initiative. In the course of the year, the countries exchanged high-level visits. Belarus


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The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus, Cui Qiming, talked about the most important events in the bilateral cooperation in 2018 hosted high officials of China: Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Wang Qishan, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC, China’s Vice President, Wei Fenghe, Defense Minister In June of this year, the President of the Republic of Belarus participated in Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in the Chinese city of Qingdao. Alexander Lukashenko and Xi Jinping met to exchange views on further development of the BelarusianChinese relations, strengthening of cooperation in various fields. — China is Belarus’ third largest trading partner and ranks second in terms of imports… — Yes, indeed. According to the Belarusian statistics, in January-October of 2018, bilateral trade in goods approached $3 billion, which was up by about 18 % year-on-year. The countries

have successfully implemented projects in energy, transport infrastructure, vehicle assembly, development of small and medium-sized businesses. Given the high level of relations with Belarus, China has taken measures to address the problem of access of Belarusian dairy products, beef, poultry and other agricultural products to the Chinese market. Last year, Belarus dairy export to China increased seven times. The Chinese side has provided support in transportation of high-quality Belarusian goods by the Chinese-European railway service. With regard to interregional cooperation, it has noticeably intensified as well. Since the beginning of the last year the regions have exchanged 65 visits. Provinces of Gansu, Guangdong, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing City and others have established sister-city relations with all regions of Belarus and the city of Minsk. A roadmap for cooperation drawn up by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and

C the Ministry of Economy of Belarus has been underway. Among the most promising projects I would like to single out the projects relating to the modernization of railways, agricultural production and processing, infrastructure construction, commercial real estate development. — How do you assess the results of Belarus’ participation in the first China International Import Expo which was held in Shanghai in November? — It was successful. Belarus’ national exposition attracted huge attention of potential buyers. The delegation was led by Nikolay Snopkov, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration, Co-chairman of the Belarusian-Chinese Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee. The delegation included representatives of numerous enterprises and companies that held numerous negotiations with Chinese and foreign partners. This largescale event will become a tradition. So in 2019 Belarus will also be a welcome guest at the exhibition. Almost simultaneously with the Shanghai exhibition, the Belarusian-Chinese Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee had a meeting in Beijing. On behalf of Belarus it was chaired by Nikolay Snopkov. The meeting outlined further economic and investment steps in the bilateral cooperation. — What is the status of investment cooperation? — I can say that it has been growing, including in part of Chinese investments. Among the examples, I can cite successful completion of the first stage of the project for construction of social housing in accordance with the China-Belarus agreement. We have also successfully implemented such projects as construction of student hostels and Minsk Central District Hospital. Other important agreements include China’s technical and economic assistance to the “National Football Stadium” and “Swimming Pool of International Standard” projects. Construction is in full swing in the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone and the Chinese-Belarus cooperation center of scientific and technological achievements transformation. The first stage of the Great

Stone infrastructure construction project on the area of 8.5 square kilometers will be completed this year. The number of park residents has already reached 39, including companies from the United States and the European Union, with contract investments of more than $1.1 billion. — How successful is scientific, technical and educational cooperation? — Last year, China hosted a meeting of the commission for sci-tech cooperation of the Chinese-Belarusian Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee. Participants acknowledged active interaction between scientists of Belarus and China. The parties identified potentially important research projects. Joint research has gradually become a new model of cooperation between the two countries. Relations in education are mutually important. Last year, China hosted the congress of the subcommittee on education of the Chinese-Belarusian Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee. Thanks to joint efforts, the Belarusian language is growing popular in China and the Chinese language gained popularity in Belarus. The Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute and many other Chinese universities open the Belarusian language courses and set up Belarusian research centers. A new Confucius Institute has been recently opened in Belarus making it a total of four Confucius Institutes and two Confucius classes in the country. The number of foreign students continues to increase. About 1,000 Belarusian students are receiving education in China. It is expected that by the end of the year the number of Chinese students studying in Belarus will reach 3,000 people. The Belarusian president invited 300 Chinese children for recuperation holidays in Belarusian children’s summer camps. This demonstrates the warm regard of Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarusian people towards China and evokes the warmest feelings in Chinese people. In summer, the Ministry of Education of China also invited 50 Belarusian school students to summer camps in Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin. — Culture and tourism can also be viewed as areas that contribute to


the development of bilateral cooperation, can’t they? — The cultural component plays a big role in interaction between the countries. The Chinese Cultural Center in Minsk organizes various events, hosts free screenings of Chinese films, invites famous Chinese artists to put up exhibitions and stage theater performances. This center has become an important venue for cultural exchange. At the Summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Qingdao, China and Belarus signed an agreement on mutual visa-free travel for citizens of the two countries. The document was officially ratified on August 10, 2018. This laid the foundation for further deepening of cultural cooperation. According to Belarus’ data, the number of Chinese citizens who visited Belarus in January-July 2018 reached 17,000 people. The number of Chinese tourists in Belarus has been gradually increasing since August 2018. Belarus’ Year of Tourism in China was also a success. — What are the prospects of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation? China and Belarus are undoubtedly an example of countries whose relations are built on mutual respect, equal communication and mutually beneficial cooperation. China is ready to continue cooperation with Belarus to maintain a high level of bilateral relations, implement the agreements reached by the leaders of the two countries, and work on development of all-weather friendship. I am confident that in 2019 China and Belarus will further strengthen support on issues of mutual interest. The parties will continue aligning strategic development of the two states, and intensify implementation of the Belt and Road initiative. The focus will also be on the construction of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park and investment. We hope that more foreign enterprises and companies will join the Great Stone project. In 2019 I would like to express my best wishes to the Belarusian friends. I wish prosperity to Belarus, happiness and harmony to the Belarusian people. Source: BelTA

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nformational space

Interest grows stronger Xinhua is an international news agency with more than 180 offices worldwide. There is also a correspondent office in Minsk. It opened at the end of 2010.


What is the agency’s task? Everything is simple. As Xinhua He Ping, editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency, said in interview to Belarus magazine, the agency’s mission is to inform the world about various events taking place in Belarus in a reliable, objective and comprehensive manner. By the way, the Chinese agency has an office only in Minsk. But if something happens in regions, their correspondent can go on a business trip to the place of events. — Mr editor-in-chief, please tell us about the organizational structure of Xinhua. For example, how many correspondent offices and journalists do you have? — Xinhua News Agency was founded in 1931 in Ruijin (Jiangxi Province), and now the headquarters are in Beijing. Over 88 years of development we have built a global information network, built a multilingual, multimedia and multi-channel news distribution system and become a modern news agency that connects all types of media. Xinhua has more than 200 correspondent offices, including 180 outside of mainland China. Seven general representative offices are located in Hong Kong, New York, Brussels, Cairo, Nairobi, Moscow and Mexico City. The agency employs more than 10 thousand people. More than 7,000 text, photo, audio and video materials are released daily in Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese and other languages. — Does Xinhua cooperate with Belarusian journalists? — Currently, the main reporting work for Xinhua in Belarus is carried out by two accredited journalists in Minsk. Following the continuous development of the Chinese -Belarusian comprehensive strategic partnership based on interstate trust and win-win cooperation, as well as due to the fact that the bilateral cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative is constantly yielding fruitful results, the Chinese reader’s interest in Belarus is growing. Xinhua intensifies its work in Belarus


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He Ping — editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency

and we will expand our cooperation with the journalists of the BelTA agency, SB-Belarus Segodnia newspaper, radio Belarus, Belarus magazine and other Belarusian mass media. — With which Belarusian mass media does Xinhua News Agency cooperate? Do you plan to cooperate with Confucius Institutes in Belarus and other similar organizations in future? — In January 1993, Xinhua and BelTA signed an agreement on cooperation and news exchange. In June 2018, the agencies signed a new agreement, continuing and expanding their cooperation. In September 2018, Xinhua signed two more cooperation agreements with SB-Belarus Segodnia newspaper and radio Belarus. Cooperation with the three above-mentioned media includes exchange of text, photo and video materials, creation of special columns on official websites, promotion of interaction in the field of economic information within the Belt and Road Initiative, opportunity to offer each other important information materials, facilitation of contacts between specialists and mutual assistance to journalists. In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the two countries, Xinhua Agency pays great attention to work of joint Belarusian-Chinese enterprises, activities of Confucius Institutes for the promotion of Chinese language and culture, and various activities of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Minsk. Representative office of Xinhua in Minsk hopes to strengthen cooperation with Confucius Institutes and similar organizations to provide high-quality coverage of humanitarian exchanges and cooperation between the PRC and Belarus. — What difficulties did the Minsk office of Xinhua have at the beginning of its work? — The biggest difficulty at the beginning of the work of Minsk office was that journalists didn’t know the situation in

I Belarus well enough. However, since the Belarusians are very friendly and hospitable, the correspondents could always count on full support of local residents. Our longstanding partner, BelTA agency, helped a lot by ensuring that the reporter’s office successfully completed its tasks. I would also like to use this opportunity, on behalf of Xinhua Agency, to express my sincere gratitude to the Belarusian mass media and other organizations for assistance and support provided to Minsk office. — In what news from Belarus Xinhua most interested is? — Belarus is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and an important country of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Xinhua pays special attention to Belarus’ policy towards the PRC and to the interaction between the two countries, especially to the joint project of the Great Stone industrial park and exchanges, cooperation in economy, trade, culture, education, etc. Xinhua is also interested in the economic development of Belarus and its relations with Russia, the EU, the USA, Japan, etc. — Please, tell us about the most interesting moments of Xinhua’s work in Belarus in 2018. — Since Xinhua is the only Chinese media with permanently accredited journalists in Belarus, the most outstanding materials are exclusive interviews. In 2018, Xinhua journalists were able to talk to the Belarusian Prime Minister, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Economy, First Deputy Minister of Finance (now in the position of Minister), as well as to interview the Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly together with other Chinese media. These materials comprehensively and objectively reflected the readiness of Belarus to cooperate with China. The interview with the Prime Minister and the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aroused interest not only in the Belarusian media, but also in such world-famous agencies as TASS, Interfax and Russia Today. In July 2018, PLA (Chinese People’s Liberation Army — Auth.) servicemen took part in the parade on the occasion of the Independence Day of Belarus. Xinhua’s material about this in the new media in a short time received more than a million views, users one after the other clicked likes to Chinese-Belarusian friendship. In 2018, took place the Year of Belarus’ Tourism in China. The Xinhua agency paid attention to such key points as the arrival of the first group of Chinese tourists in Belarus after the abolition of visas and the closing of the Year of Tourism, fully informing readers about the tourism cooperation between the two countries. The results were good. The headquarters of Xinhua News Agency in Beijing

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Xinhua actively covered the participation of Belarusian government agencies and businesses in the first China International Import Expo. The materials in Chinese, English and Russian languages on this topic objectively and comprehensively covered the active preparation and participation of Belarus in the event and its hope for the expansion of trade and economic cooperation with the PRC. For a long time Xinhua has been writing in Chinese and foreign languages about the “pearl” of the Silk Road Economic Belt — the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone. In 2018, about 70 materials in English and Russian languages were dedicated to the park, which were successfully distributed. It should be emphasized that Xinhua’s information work in Belarus receives increased attention and support from the relevant Belarusian authorities. Also I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Belarusian side. — Which countries are most interested in Belarusian news? — First of all increased attention to the news about Belarus is paid in countries where people speak Russian. Apart from Belarus, Xinhua materials in Russian language are most often quoted in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Some Xinhua materials about Belarus in English were quoted by the media of such countries as Bangladesh, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Namibia. — What was your impression of Belarus? — Belarus has very beautiful nature, clean air, and a beautiful environment. Belarus is a clean and socially stable country, its people are friendly and hospitable. Belarusians have great respect for history and value peace, which is admirable. Belarus is an important state in the Belt and Road Initiative, which actively participates in the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Guided by the Belt and Road Initiative, the PRS and Belarus constantly achieve significant results in their bilateral business cooperation. Rapid construction and development of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone is particularly impressive, which is jointly promoted by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The number of residents of the park is constantly growing and its investment attractiveness is increasing. Great Stone has become a “pearl” of the Silk Road Economic Belt and has made it possible to intensify the Chinese -Belarusian cooperation in other areas. Before us, like a picture, excellent prospects are gradually revealed. By Alisa Gungor

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onest conversation

Alexander Konyuk:

“Culture is a vital need for each of us”


— Alexander Vladimirovich, you said at the beginning of the conversation that you teach at universities. Is there a reason and a need for this as well? — Yes, it also solves some problems. I teach criminal law and other sciences at universities. — In particular, this is direct, informal communication with young people, right? We can assume that thanks to meetings with them you better feel the rhythm of today’s life, the moods among young people? — You’re right. I teach at three priority universities: Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President, BSU, where I studied, and Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Somewhere I teach a course, somewhere more free lectures. I teach when I have free time, not at the expense of the main work. Thus, I constantly update what I have to remember: criminal law, or administrative law, civil law. And at the same time, as you said, I have live communication with educated, intelligent young people. I have to communicate — not only sit in my “high” office: otherwise I won’t see


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End (beginning in №1-2019) anything. I will not feel the mood of society. Well, let’s think about such a difficult topic as death penalty. I have a lot of questions about it. When I talk to students, I express my opinion on various problems and argue it. I say: sometimes people do not know life itself when talking about difficult things, they are separated from it and live remotely. They have a head in clouds. When I talk to people, I see that the range of views in society around the topic of death penalty is so polarized that today we are not able to reach a common agreement on this point. — That’s because people have different values. We have a different level of common culture. Therefore, the answer to the same question will be different, for example, for those who have been victims of crime — and who committed it … — Indeed, it is appropriate to speak about relations culture in society, legal culture, and also about the traditional culture of the Belarusians. You know, at all times peoplehave to deal with those who not only violates our traditions of humanity, soulfulness, mutual assistance, compassion, but also tramples and de-

stroys them. I do not know your position, and if it differs from mine, it is normal. I always communicate with people involved in a serious crime before I have to make decisions, to hit a so-called “prosecutor’s blow”, as we said. People come to me both on the one hand and on the other. On the one hand, there are convicts and parents of convicts, for example, under 328 “drug” article. Now even the Mother 328 community has been formed. This is one thing. And I can understand them: they are mothers. When your child is in prison it is very painful and unpleasant, and if he is 14–15 years old, it is horrible. The darkness… But I always have to listen to the other side too — a mother, whose son died of drug addiction and who is also 13–14 years old. Or, for example, I have to listen to the side of those who are sentenced to death. Also parents come and I look in their eyes. But also in eyes of a mother, who lost her 22‑yearold daughter, a student, who was killed by more than 100 knife wounds of a scumbag. Or, for example, black realtors were recently convicted — two people who buried people almost alive because

of their apartments, were sentenced to death. I have to look at these people — and those who suffered from them. I have to look at those parents whose sons have been sentenced to death — and I have to listen to a father of a girl who died at the hands of the criminals, who says: if I had my will, I would have tear them to pieces… Therefore, it is very dangerous to talk about death penalty in an abstract way, without linking it to specific situations in life. And those who try to do it, are not able to weigh everything up correctly. If you try to draw conclusions, you have to live the life of these people who are near you. And not to argue abstractly, based on the position of, for example, the European Union. By the way, believe me: there is no absolute unanimity among the judges there. They are also people with their own opinions. I don’t want to say unquestionably that we need to apply the death penalty only. Do we want this? But we have to. — Otherwise, what kind of democracy would it be? Both in our society and in the West, there are different opinions on this issue. We understand that there are state laws in force in the country at this time in its history. People, including the Prosecutor General, are just trying to follow these laws. You and your colleagues are at the service of law. I’m sure you have studied the history of this problem… — And I’m studying it till now. I am interested in Russian literature of the XIX century, I read a lot. There was a professor of Kyiv University, Alexander Kistyakovsky. He thoroughly studied the problem of death penalty. He wrote the monograph — “Research on death penalty”. A unique thing. By the way, the book is available on the Internet. And still, when you read it — the voice of conscience in you should speak. And these problems, as you understand, are currently being discussed at different levels. What I’m getting at is that you need to know life in order to draw some conclusions. And much less — to make decisions. The mother of that beautiful 22‑year-old blonde woman says: I don’t live anymore, I won’t ever have anything… I raised my daughter

alone, without father… And the life ended for her with the death of her daughter. — Her dearest person died. “My soul died… ” — this is the phrase we heard from an elderly lady who had to bury her son… — Yes, that must be right. And that woman confessed: it wouldn’t make me feel better if the scumbag will be shot. But at the subconscious level there will be a thought: justice has been done, and this may be a little comfort for me. — By the way, this is also our cultural and moral tradition: to make everything in life according to justice. That is why we are making sacrifices. But here is the problem: everyone understands this triumph of justice in their own way. There is such a terrible phenomenon as vendetta, blood vengeance — and this is the principle of blood for blood, death for death in the real implementation of its basis has a desire for justice … Recently, we watched the film-parable “The Shack” on this subject. By the plot, the father’s daughter is killed, and he faces a dilemma: forgive or not to forgive a violent criminal? But, as you understand, to forgive — does not mean: to justify… — I studied many materials, including legal history. You know, there used to be such a lex talionis — an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth… (Talion — from Lat. Talio — the same) is a category of moral history, better known as equal retribution. This is the principle of sentencing for a crime, according to which the measure of punishment should reproduce the harm caused by the crime. — Auth.). That is, there was equivalent retribution to the offender for the crime committed by him. There were also other legal decisions. I would not like to mix my personal emotions, but I still think that there should be an equal retribution. And if you have done bad things to someone, you have to answer for it, pay for it. And all other arguments are abstract, until the pain, loss of loved ones does not touch you. — We understand you. And the fact that after weighing everything you strive to make decisions in accordance with the laws page

onest conversation



Everywhere you look: without culture, society is just a savages’ nest. I have given examples of why I need music. Culture is a natural need of a man, and on a large scale of society. Without culture in its various manifestations — from washing hands before food, improving playgrounds, fighting against smoking, swearing, to taking care for weak, near, to reverence for elders, memory of heroes — society can not exist.


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onest conversation


Postal project consisting of a stamp, envelope “First Day” and a special stamp prepared by the Republican Unitary Postal Enterprise “Belposhta” and the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus in close cooperation with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus. The artistic basis of the postal project was the archival documents and emblem of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus. The words from the Oath of the procuracy officer are written on the coupon: “Dedicating himself to serving the law...”.

The Belarusian Prosecutor's Office, founded on 26 June 1922, occupies an important place in the system of law enforcement authorities of the Republic and plays a coordinating role in the fight against corruption and crime. The tasks of the Procurator's Office of the Republic of Belarus are to ensure legality and legal order, to protect rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, as well as civil and state interests


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of the Republic of Belarus. page However, the activity of the Prosecutor General is known to go beyond the borders of the country. In particular, the website of the Prosecutor General’s Office contains information about it. — Take a look at the photo (shows the photo in the interior of the office), on which more than a hundred people. It was taken in November 2016 in China. The 14th Conference of Prosecutors General of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the first BRICS Conference of Prosecutors General, in which I also participated, were held in Sanya. Please note: Gerhard Yarosh, President of the International Association of Prosecutors, and Prosecutors Generals are in the first row. Thanks to our President, we have also joined the SCO as observers. (In 2015, the Heads of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization signed a document granting Belarus this status. — Auth.). Here is another photo — next to us is the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. This international meeting was held in Dushanbe in September 2018: the regular meeting of the Coordinating Council of Prosecutors General of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held there. There we co-ordinated actions aimed at fight against terrorism, other violent manifestations of extremism, illicit trafficking in psychoactive substances, trafficking in psychoactive substances, human trafficking, illegal migration and crimes involving information technologies. This is all a high level meeting. There is an exchange of work experience. Iin November 2018, I took part in the 5th World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, China. Each prosecutor spoke with briefs — short reports on the activities of the prosecutor’s office and specific aspects. At the conference in China, there was a big representation, and I felt the respect of the Chinese for us. The speech of the Prosecutor General of the country on such a forum — not everyone it is entrusted to make it, but I got the opportunity. I talked about our experience in fight against corruption. During the same visit,

I met with the Prosecutor General of the China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Zhang Jun, to discuss aspects of bilateral cooperation in the field of criminal law. — So, the communication between prosecutors’ offices in different states contribute to the development of international dialogue? — Absolutely! Yes, I have already said, there is the International Association of Prosecutors, which includes my colleagues from more than 150 countries. And we are also associated there. The next meeting will be in Argentina, in Buenos Aires this year. I invite you to cover a regional conference of IAP in June, which will be held in Minsk for the first time. — Of course, it’s interesting. In summer, however, business life usually subsides: summer cottages, sea, vacation … By the way, speaking about summer, do you use a summer cottage as a place for relaxation, recuperation? — I’m not a passive summer resident, I’m always on the move. I noticed that I like to batten something (laughing). The process itself is a pleasure: how do you make a boarding, then do puzzle… I have a small woodworking machine, thanks to it you can cut neatly, polish planks a little more… This is a pleasure for me, not to lie on the grass. And I like to work alone so that no one interferes. — Do you like cooking? — No, I do not know how. My wife is a good cook, so I guess I don’t feel the need… — Is the niche occupied?.. — Well, somebody probably got it by nature, like my friend, with whom we studied together. And my fantasy does not work in this direction. Although I have a normal fantasy: I can imagine different things. And there is no craving for culinary art. I don’t have it. Of course, I can fry eggs, boil potatoes… I remember that I cooked chicken soup in Afghanistanand forgot to despumate. But we ate it anyway! — Do you sit by the fire with your wife? — Such sentimental desires are not for me. Although I like to make a fire. And to sit… I probably have a rational

— And this is a good tradition when high state officials go to the opera, to the philharmonic, to the drama theaters premieres …We were on a business trip in Belgorod, so there every opening of the season in the local drama theater is the event, always celebrated with the participation of the governor of the region and other public authorities. We thought: it would be good to do this in our country as well. And subordinates will follow leaders, will show more interest in theater, music, opera art. — Vladimir Gridyushko and I aalready practice such events. We organize cultural outings. We invite the wives of prosecutors to the theater, and they spread this culture in families, in society… For them, such a cultural outing is a holiday, it brings the ladies closer together. We, men, have more eventful life, and women lack such emotions. They are preparing, festively doing their hair, trying on dresses… That is great! And plus beautiful music, singing or ballet. — So, the Prosecutor General’s Office already has conditions, you can create a club of opera lovers? — (smiling). I made a joke once when I was at the Bolshoi Theatre. I remembered a famous novel about Ostap Bender and told the General Director: “Vladimir, I want to lead the movement in your theater” “Which?” Remember “12 chairs” by Ilf and Petrov? In this novel, there is a mention of such a society: “Against convention on the opera stege!” So I am ready to lead the social movement against convention. He liked this joke very much. — You remembered about Ilf and Petrov. What do you like to read? — I like very much, I have already said, Russian literature of the ХIХ century. Probably, I have read works of hundreds of authors. Now I am reading Nikolay Leykin, a well-known writer and journalist in his time, whose works were practically not republished in the Soviet times. I have reread Vsevolod Krestovsky. By the way, at one time he lived in Grodno: he was a cadet, and then wrote and published the “History of the 14th Uhlan Yamburg page

Alexander Konyuk constantly visits regions of Belarus, including the Vitsebsk region. Every trip he visits any enterprise, gets acquainted with the way the products are sold, as well as conducts receptions of citizens.

beginning more developed than the irrational. I like the process more: making a fire, not watching the flame. I also like to shovel snow, not to look at what kind of snow. It is just an example (smiling)… Valentina: — Well, that’s a normal man’s approach. But Ivan and I have such an experience as a four-month walk around Belarus in 1996 along the perimeter, along the state border. We had to make the fires — every day: we cooked on them, warmed ourselves by the fire… — But nevertheless, I think, practically in every man there is more rationality by nature — And it’s logical to assume that you’re balancing your rationality by music… — As a rational person, I try to find an explanation. I understand that I need it. This is therapy, a peculiar method of treatment. By the way, scientists, studying Bach’s music, come to conclusions: its rhythms correspond to important biorhythms of our organism. — So the development of the musical theme is going on in a certain rhythm… — Well, I guess so. There are biorhythms in us, as well as biological clocks. There is a pickup in activity — and its decrease. Listening to music, opera — the whole organism adjusts to these vibrations, responds. — And in general, you should agree: the whole world can be imagined as a huge ocean of various vibrations. And our organism is different kinds of vibrations, harmonized to a greater or lesser extent… And then it is clear: listening to music, we enter into a resonance with it — if we have a response to it. Someone has it, but some don’t. By the way, we saw your colleague Ivan Noskevich, Chairman of the Investigation Committee of Belarus, among the honored guests of the Bolshoi Theatre… We thought: it means that there are other opera lovers in the ranks of our security officials who respond to it… — This is my subordinate in the past: Ivan Danilovich was the prosecutor of the Brest region. He informed me, by the way, that he was going to the theater…

onest conversation


Teaching in higher education institutions is a live communication with educated young people. Of course, when it does not interfere with work, when I have time. I have to communicate — not only sit in my “high” office: otherwise I won’t see anything. I will not feel the mood of society.


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onest conversation


The Academy of Public Administration has a very high level of education. All students are full of life, they are interested in realizing their potential. And no student, even the smartest one, will adequately perceive the fully theorized material. The theory should be connected with practice, and in this direction for me the diploma of graduating from the Academy of Public Administration, when considering a candidate for a particular position, is a priority.

It is important to me that a person has gone through all the steps in his or her career, starting from the first one. If a person applies for the post of a regional prosecutor, it is also important for me that this person works as a district prosecutor. If he has passed this step, it means that he will be all right. That was where he got acquainted with all the subtleties of the complex of prosecutor's work.

From the interview to the periodical edition “Zerkalo” at the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President


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Regiment”. Then, accordpage ing to the Internet, the headquarters of the Yamburg regiment was located in Grodno, and its squadrons were placed in various places in the province. You know, not all even future philologists at the university read, they do not know many worthwhile writers of the past. Now I find their works on the Internet and download them from there. First of all, I am attracted by the style of narration, how a person expresses his thoughts in words. And I am interested in life of the society after 1861, after the abolition of serfdom in Russia. — Do you notice the difference in socially important thoughts and attitudesat that time and today? — Yes, there is a difference, and a solid one. The general level of cultural social dialogue in that time was much higher than the modern one. Unfortunately. — What is the reason? Rhythm of life? — In my opinion, the rhythm of life kills intelligence. People give up thinking for themselves — that’s the problem. — There’s a lot of noise. Information noise… — Let’s take fake news. Of course, it is great that the Internet helps in some things, but how many nasty things there are! And, unfortunately, we also have to deal with it. — How does usually pass your working day? — It is usually unpredictable. Often my plans break down. I always have to correlate them with the plans of my colleagues, as well as fulfill urgent assignments of the President and his Administration. There is also the Council of Ministers. I plan my working hours for a month, and the plan is usually adjusted later. I have a lot of on-site visits. I conduct reception of citizens there. I like the process. And I have to do ex officio — in line of duty: to meet with collectives. Visits to military units is a kind of nostalgia for me, but at the same time it is also my duty: this is the task set by the President. Do you remember the case of the death of the soldier Korzhich? This is also our omission, we consider: there is also the

fault of the Prosecutor’s Office. That’s why the Prosecutor General’s Office’s work plan includes such visits and on-site visits. This is a priori. Of course, I deal directly with the issues that are always considered by the Prosecutor’s Office. This is both a judicial direction and general supervision. Prosecutor’s work lies in every field. I do not know a single area of human activity in which the prosecutor is not involved. This is the specifics of our work. — On what issues do you have deputies? — Just in the directions of our work. One deputy supervises the judicial system: participation in the state prosecution, work of prosecutors in court, study of cases, appeals, supervision, study and filing of complaints. And also reception of citizens — my deputies in civil, criminal and administrative cases and me conduct the reception. The second direction is supervision of investigations. The third is supervision of criminal intelligence and surveillance operations (ORD). This is work with intelligence agencies: Committee for State Security, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Presidential Security Service. And the fourth direction is general supervision: it means that our prosecutors need to go into almost all spheres of life. For example, I need to know when to sow different types of seeds, or the specifics of raising different types of cattle… Once, on behalf of the President, I specifically traveled to help the governor at the sowing period in Mogilev region. My prosecutors regularly study the situation — there’s such a thing of monitoring — related to, for example, harvesting: this is also prosecutorial work. When I speak at meetings, I can say, for example, about the problems of keeping the breeding stalled cattle. And about other very specific things. — People might be surprised: what does the Procurator General have to do with it? — And these are the issues of prosecutorial overall supervision. If there is a violation of the law in any sphere of life, these are our subjects. Prosecutors should know everything, so we involve specialists, consult with them.

H you imagine the reaction of people, especially those who live next door — and the area was indicated! We have identified this blogger. And it turned out that there was fake news. The soldier did leave, but not a special forces soldier. And without a machine gun. Or, for example, a blogger was fined recently — they are hyping themselves in such a way! — who, along with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, prevented them from working on the fire. — In this regard, we can also talk about low human culture — common, information… I remember we were impressed by the President’s words at one of the award ceremonies “For Spiritual Revival” and special prizes for cultural and artistic figures. That is how it sounded: “Culture is life itself, figuratively speaking, the blood circulatory system of society, which gives it life, strength…” What do you think about this as the Prosecutor General? — I will say for the beginning, personally knowing the President: he has an extraordinary intuition. He is sensitive to people, attitudes and tendencies in the society. I communicate with him quite often, and he fuels with energy. When I come to the reception — and soon there will be a report again — I leave him inspired. He inspires for creative work, because he knows life. Andhe speaks about culture, as the blood circulatory system of society with

deep knowledge of the matter. As we know, it is through the blood that oxygen enters the cells of the body, and this is vital for us. And if there are problems with blood, then there are problems everywhere. There is no culture of production — there is a low quality of products, a low level of productivity, traumatism, God forbid …There is no culture of communication, dialogue — there is rudeness, cult of brute force, domestic violence …There is no proper culture of rest — there is drunkenness, drugs… Everywhere look: without culture, society is just a savages’ nest. I have given examples of why I need music. Culture is a natural need of a man, and on a large scale of society. Without culture in its various manifestations — from washing hands before food, improving playgrounds, fighting against smoking, swearing, to taking care for weak, near, to reverence for elders, memory of heroes — society can not exist. And returning to the President: for all of us it can be an example how he leads an active, healthy lifestyle. We see that his granddaughters are studying music and win international competitions. The youngest son plays the piano and hockey, is engaged in charity together with his classmates. It is also clue to us: how culture, including physical culture, should enter everyone’s life from childhood. — Unfortunately, a huge layer of folk culture is leaving our social life: with its page



Ivan: — We were driving to you, Alexander Vladimirovich, for the interview and I caught myself thinking: at any moment of my life I am involved in intercrossing, interaction of dozens of different legal situations. The driver at the wheel, someone on the crossing, condition of the road, the lighting, the parking lights in front, the snow cleaners… — If the snow isn’t shoveled up, that’s my question. No parking is my question. Bad road conditions also. And even if the traffic lights don’t work… — And if someone in a newspaper, an Internet resource, for example, illiterately uses the Belarusian language, which is the state language according to the Constitution, is it a subject for the prosecutor’s office? As we know, language issues and language culture are fundamental for the state. And in France, for example, a special law on the protection of French cultural linguistic heritage was adopted in 1994. The so-called Toubon law (named after the Minister of Culture of France at that time) has three main purposes: it prescribes to enrich the French language, obliges to use it on the territory of France, and also protects the French language. Moreover, the French carefully monitor the implementation of the Toubon law and have created a number of regulatory bodies for this purpose. However, they can be understood: a lot depends on language in the life of society. Arguing, we can address the problems of patriotism, cultural tradition, citizenship, even state security. — Of course, this is a very important and specific area, but in my opinion, it’s better that we can solve these issues without prosecutors — at the level of the Ministry of Information and academic institutions. I have already mentioned such a problem as fake news. This is my problem. If I remember correctly, a law on serious responsibility of mass media for spreading fake news has already been passed in Germany. Huge fines! And we moving towards it. There was a blogger in Gomel who gave information several years ago that a special forces soldier with a weapon had left one of the military units. Can

onest conversation

Alexander Konyuk is a frequent guest at the premieres at the National Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. On his right is Vladimir Gridyushko, General Director of the Theatre.

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onest conversation




The team of President Alexander Lukashenko has won in the relay race of the Minsk Ski Track-2019 sports festival. Among the members of the relay quartet together with the Head of State who finished the race were Svetlana Konoshenko, four-time Olympic champion Darya Domracheva and Nikolai Lukashenko.

In total, more than 5 thousand people participated at the Minsk Ski Track in 2019

Alexander Konyuk at the Minsk Ski Track-2019


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festivals, rites, rituals, folk page crafts. Training of specialists is increasingly reduced to the transfer of knowledge and skills — not the cultural traditions of one or another production… — What most of us do at work is mostly practical things. This, of course, is necessary. However, if we get bogged down in them, we will stop in development. If I only deal with prosecutorial matters, what I have to do on a duty basis, then, firstly, I’ll be not worth a penny, and secondly, I will degrade. This is a fact. I do such hard things that you can’t imagine. I have blood and dirt all the time, figuratively speaking. And if there is no constant “laundering” of the soul from all this — and life is hard not only for prosecutors — then we will not be able to live with dignity, even the time that is given to us. We will die before time. But here I am clearing these dirty, bloody rubbles — and I know that tomorrow Svetlana and I are planning to go to the ballet. Or I have billiards training in the evening — and this is also part of our culture. I’m waiting for this. It strengthens and inspires me, I want to do the main work better. Or I have a ski training session on Friday, that means that I need to work harder to be able to do everything. I should also keep myself in good physical, sports shape. The President also said that culture is an urgent necessity for each of us. It is the life basis for each of us, as well as for all social life and our entire civilization. — In difficult moments of your life, do you resort to any kind of beneficial phrases, words that balance your soul, sort things out in your head, strengthen your spirit? For example, in good standing people use prayers for this purpose… — I will be honest with you, I don’t do that. But I have, for example, a chess openings course. Or there are Paul Morphy’s games — this is a famous American chess player, the strongest in the world in the middle of the XIX century. By the way he was a lawyer by education. Or I analyse Bobby Fisher’s or Aron Nimtsovich’s games. I have chess literature. This may be my prayer, or, as you say, a beneficial phrase. Or I open the album and review my stamps. This is my prayer, if you will.

Ivan: — We want to raise another important topic. When we walked for 120 days in 1996, our removal from everyday routine, along with physical and creative tension (we thought a lot, wrote poems, kept a diary…), helped us to look at some personal, public problems in a different light. For example, we came to the conclusion that many problems of both individual and society arise from elementary lack of culture, from ignorance of objective, unwritten laws of the world we live in. For example, is everyone aware that our thought is material? And that is why we need to control both our actions and thoughts, words (in certain circles there is an expression: “watch your mouth”) — otherwise you can do a lot of harm. The well-known proverb “what goes around, comes around” fixes this phenomenon. People say: we ourselves attract bad events and tragedies into our lives through bad thoughts and deeds. This is not an idle reasoning, but an objective law of our world. Unfortunately, there are people in society who want to get rich illegally and be happy. It is impossible, because there are unwritten laws. The law of retribution, for example. Soon after the trip I wrote an article on the subject with the title “Stop stealing!” Why to stop? Because by stealing, you take someone else’s energy. Figuratively it can be represented in the form of rubber, which you pull on yourself. Then it will hit you. The blow can be both to your health and to your family. It is also the loss of relatives, friends and other misfortunes… This law of retribution, philosophers say, acts irrevocably. — I remembered — Mikhail Lermontov has lines that we know from school: “But there is Court of God, you, evil manifold! — The terrible court: it waits; It’s not reached by a ring of gold, It knows, in advance, all thoughts’ and actions’ weights”… — Yes, this is also appropriate. You said, and we agree: there must be an equal retribution, and if you do something bad — you have to answer for it, pay. It seems that this is how our world works. Even if the law enforcement

H agencies have not caught you in the crime, if the court hasn’t convicted it, it doesn’t mean “that was close!”, and you’ll be able to escape punishment. If the funds spent by the state on searching, incriminating, proving the guilt of criminals (thieves and corrupt officials, for example), on investigators, prosecutors and judges, and the entire penal system, are redirected to a set of “anti-thieving” actions in kindergartens, schools, and the media, the effect will be higher. After all, this evil (theft, corruption) is rooted in our lack of culture and ignorance. It is generated by a person’s lack of culture. Prevention is cheaper than treating a disease. Wouldn’t it be better to spend state funds on physical education and sports, health maintenance in the society than on treatment of people who have consciously and unconsciously destroyed their health? In this case — were caught stealing, on corruption… I wish, Alexander Vladimirovich, that we could develop a State Program on dealing with thieves by involving various state and public structures… Or is it a daydreaming? But not everyone knows that the law of retribution applies to every-

The team of the Prosecutor General’s Office successfully participated at the Minsk Ski Track-2019

one in our world, regardless of whether you are a believer or an atheist. It acts as the law of universal gravitation. — I’m familiar with the same ideas. For example, a well-known statesman, Colonel General Leonid Maltsev often says: men, the huge funds we spend on fighting drunkenness would be better, more effective to spend on development of sobriety culture. The benefit to the state from the sale of alcoholic beverages is miserable in comparison with costs and expenses that drunkenness requires from the budget. In other words:



onest conversation

uring the meeting, when we spoke with Alexander Vladimirovich about his passion for philately, he asked to bring him stamps dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Belarusian Prosecutor’s Office. He presented us beautiful sets issued by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization on June 22, 2017, as well as albums of other stamps. “These are unique stamps,” explained Alexander Vladimirovich. — In Belarus we have one of the most outstanding stamps in general, and the post office is unique. Here is an illustrated album of 2017, stamps with a description. This is a work of art. Stamps, as you know, have been issued since 1992.” Then he showed us fabulously beautiful stamps, souvenir philatelic albums brought from China — by the way, they are dedicated to the Internet conference 2018, in which the Prosecutor General of Belarus participated. Our friendly conversation lasted almost two hours. It was easy to communicate, seeing how flexible, with a slight sense of humor, a respected interlocutor responds to our unexpected questions. At the end of the conversation, Alexan-

we get a rouble profit from a bottle of vodka and spend a rouble and a half or two on eliminating the devastating consequences of drunkenness. But how to implement these sound cultural and educational ideas in practice is the question… I think, however, that in every healthy family such cultural education is conducted. And in general terms, thanks to folk culture, many people know the law of retribution, feel intuitively that you will do evil, you will get a deserved punishment. Interviewed Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich

der Vladimirovich, what is very pleased for us to remember, admitted that it was also interesting for him. He explained: “Thank you for the intellectual pleasure. I feel your healthy energy, goodwill, sincerity, and desire to understand the interlocutor better. I don’t mean any offense to you as to journalists, but your crew sometimes tries to grab, take out, pull something out of the context of the conversation — and interpret it in a cranky way. Then try to prove that you meant something else …Therefore, by the way, officials sometimes avoid contact with the press.” Fortunately, we, who work in the magazine, have the opportunity not to stumble on tongue twisters, to present a person not only as an official in a tightly buttoned uniform, distantly commenting on current issued, as people say, “within the scope of official competence”. Therefore, we show our interlocutors of such a high rank as creative personalities to whom nothing human is alien. We also thank them. So, thank you, Alexander Vladimirovich, for our conversation. It was friendly and informative. Thank you for your hard work, for bearing the burden of the Prosecutor General with dignity.

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Anna Zankovich

Queen of risk One of the most beautiful sports included in the program of the 2nd European Games will be sports acrobatics. The tournament will be held at Minsk-Arena, acrobats will share this area with rhythmic gymnasts. Eight best pairs and trio from Europe will compete six sets of awards. In order to tell the readers how the Belarusian team is preparing for one of the most important tournaments of the year, our correspondent visited the national team training.


o d ay, t h e n at i on a l team in sports acrobatics consists of 13 athletes and 5 coaches. A trio and two mixed pairs are preparing for the European Games in Minsk. By the way, our trio consisting of Karina Sandovich, Veronika Nabokina and Ekaterina Borisevich has already participated in the European Games in Baku and took third place there. Now the trio


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has undergone changes, for family reasons Ekaterina Borisevich has left the team, she was replaced by Yulia Ivonchik. “The girls have sufficient experience, their trio can be called titled, says the head coach, team leader Irina Lesko. They show a complex program that has been worked out; the level of artistry is also high.” With mixed couples, things are not so clear. Two duos, Konstantin Evstafyev and Anna Kasyan from Minsk, as well as Olga Melnik (Brest) and Artur Belya-

kov (Gomel), claim the right to represent the country at home European Games. These acrobats, have to go through two stages — the Wo r l d C u p stages in Coach and choreographer Olga Vaschenko

Е March, after which it will be clear who will perform at the Games in June. “This is a good competition within the team, two pairs keep pace with each other. The athletes are a ls o exp erienced — Head coach w inners Irina Lesko of t he World and European Championships,” notes Irina Lesko. In general, eight mixed pairs and eight trios will perform at the European Games in Minsk. These are the best representatives of the countries, selected following the results of the World Championship in 2018. Tasks for the European Games are very high for the Belarusian national team — two medals. “Our sport is not an Olympic one, so the tasks for any competition for us are 1–3 places, so we always have to show high results,” emphasizes the team’s head coach. Traditionally, including the European Games the main competitors in fight for medals for the Belarusians will be the Russian athletes. In preparation for the Games, the Belarusian national team will perform at the World Cup stages in March. In April, the team will be preparing for the test competitions, which will be hosted by Minsk Arena from May 1 to May 5. The Belarusian side plans to send out invitations to the tournament to all participants of the European Games. “For us, the test competitions will be very important, they will be held according to the format of the future Games, says Irina Lesko. — We have never performed at Minsk-Arena, so it is necessary to test the playground. Both the test competitions and the European Games will be held in parallel with rhythmic gymnastics, they, unlike us, have already held the European Championship in the Arena, so they have much more experience and will help us in the organization. We buy new equipment, we need to install it, lay

the carpet, arrange warm-up and training halls. Test tournaments are also important not only for the athletes themselves, but also for the organizing committee, so that volunteers and all the staff who will serve the competition, could work quickly at the European Games.” Acrobatics is a subjective sport, as athletes are evaluated by real people. An

athlete’s score consists of technical complexity and artistry. Each program should contain eight elements, i. e. pyramids in which athletes try to gain maximum complexity, and it is not limited in acrobatics, by the way. Athletes’ performances consist of three exercises: dynamic (flips and screw jumps), balance (static exercises) and combined exercises. “Even one-tenth can play a big role, we often face injustice with regard to athletes’ scores, so it is important that each country will represent a judge. According to international rules, if a country does not submit a judge, it must pay a fine,” explains Irina Lesko. To be on the podium of the most prestigious competitions, acrobats need to have not only a good technical base, but also professional artistry. The coaches of our national team note that while there are practically no complaints about the technique of Belarusian athletes, there is still a lot of work on artistry. That’s why this year the national team headquarters hosted a coach choreographer Olga Vaschenko. “Choreography is very important for acrobatics as it is one of the aspects of the performance. Just as we fight for scores for technique, we also fight for scores for artistry, — says choreographer Olga Aleksandrovna. We always have something to strive for, and the leading countries set the level of choreography. Representatives of such countries like Belgium, England, Israel, have a very high level of art-


istry, they always act like innovators in choreography, they always come up with something new and interesting. At the moment, we need to strive to improve our level in order to keep up with the leading countries and to get scores for choreography along with the scores for technique.” The time it takes to set a program depends on the athlete’s skill, level of training and how well the coach and the athlete work together. “For example a pair from Gomel arrived, and we have arranged a composition in two days, but sometimes it takes a longer time,” says the choreographer. At the European Games, our athletes will perform with compositions that have already been shown to the judges and the audience, because for a successful performance, the composition needs to be well worked out. Although in June sports fans will be able to see novelties in the performances of our athletes. Watching the acrobats’ programs, it is impossible not to mention their flashy costumes. By the way, athletes design their own clothes for performances. Seamstresses can only make additions. Usually our athletes need one suit for the season. The athletes have to wait for a treasured leotard for at least one month. By Darya Lobazhevich

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ircle of friends

Ignazio variations

About eminent chef Ignazio Rosa from Sicily, a culinary virtuoso, who cooks with pleasure and updates traditional Belarusian dishes — kolduny, draniki, machanka and potato babka. About the secrets of his cuisine. On cross-cultural interaction. Why he likes to live in Belarus so much. And how this professor of the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, Executive chef, the person who is fully responsible for the kitchen, menu, dishes, and staff, gave a master class at the Coffee Fest Belarus 2019 in one of the major shopping centers in Minsk.


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Ignazio told us about it himself. We could not forget his original dishes with exquisite taste and aromatic Italian espresso, which we tried in one Minsk restaurant. We decided to talk to the maestro. And now we are pleased to introduce him to the reader. The life of this infinitely enthusiastic professional keen on his work seemed to us an exciting culinary journey that lasts almost 35 years. Today his companion is Lyudmila Zhuk, a specialist with a diploma from Minsk University of Economics. By the way, she is the bride of Ignazio and she took part in our conversation. We agreed that getting acquainted with the cuisine of different nations, we not just develop our taste, but also comprehend their culture, traditions, assimilating characteristic words, names of localities… We even make friends through food. After all, food is an important part of human life a priori. This is why later Ignazio told us that wherever he goes, people accept him like a brother. He started from a small restaurant at the hotel of his elder brother in his native town Sicla on Sicily. There he started to work as a waiter at the age of 9 years. At 13 he went to Bologna to study to become a head waiter. Then there was the Swiss Lausanne, where, in the private culinary Academy, he received a diploma of a cook at the age of 21. After that, he deepened his knowledge there for another 3 years under the leadership of French chef Alain Chapelle. He earned the title of the Executive chef. Subsequently, he traveled around the world, studied regional cuisines of different countries and acquainted with the traditions of Mediterranean cuisine. Ignazio admitted that he got gratitudes from many famous people such as former President of America Bill Clinton, popular performers Luciano Pavarotti, Sting and Eros Ramazzotti, and hundreds of other media personalities. And, of course, just good people who like his kitchen thanked Ignazio. — Ignazio, how did it all begin? Where does this love of cooking come from? — My mother Giuseppa cooked pasta perfectly, baked pies, stewed meat, and my fatter Giacomo also cooked well. We always eat delicious food. Mediterranean cuisine is great and healthy. Parents treated products with care. Cooking is in Italians’ blood. Any person in Italy, for example, a builder, can come home from work and cook spaghetti with tomatoes on his own. For example, my son Eric. Now he is 26. He came with me to Belarus seven years ago. He worked three months nearby. Then I took him to the cooking championship in Italy. Eric got a bronze medal there, he almost cried for joy that he did it. He worked hard! When I studied at the Academy, the chief told me: there are 10 rules in our life, these are the commandments that a person should follow: do not steal, do not kill… And there are seven commandmentsin the kitchen: try, try, try… He bent his finger… he bent the seventh finger and said: and learn! I learned this lesson well. Now I teach others the same. We lived modestly, if not poor, the family was large. I still have four brothers — Salvatore, Pino, Claudio, Giovanni. There was also a sister, but she died early. When I became wealthy after working in Moscow, I bought a dacha for my parents.


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Ignazio Rosa is a recognized master of European cuisine, an eight-time winner of the international pizza cooking festival FantaPizza, constantly improves his qualification and undergoes internships, and also gladly shares his knowledge with others: he regularly holds professional master classes, including at the European Academy of Rossano Boscolo, participates in congresses of restaurateurs and chefs

My father built everything there, as he liked. He also grew there vegetables, legumes, there were fruit trees… My mother died 10 years ago, father — 13. We sold the dacha, and the money was split between my brothers. — Did you have difficult childhood? — Yes, it wasn’t easy. I had to work from an early age. The elder brother had a small restau- page


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ircle of friends

Culinary master classes with Ignazio Rosa are enchanting, refined, elegant: he prepares masterpieces from the simplest products. The hand of the culinary maestro fly over the table so that it is difficult to capture them in motion on the photo.


41 rant in a hotel, and so there I worked with two

other brothers. At the age of 13, I left my home and went to Bologna to study to become a head waiter. Three years I mastered the hall. And there, in the restaurant “Palazzo Rosa” there was a director who told me: “Why do you need to study as a head waiter? You have talent in your hands. Go learn and to cook.” She was right, I liked only cooking! Therefore, the practice was needed. I went to Lausanne and began studying at a private Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland. Three years I paid for my studies working in a Sicilian restaurant in the evenings. Every day after class I traveled there for 40 km. The Sicilian family that owned this restaurant accepted me as their own. It is normal when people support their compatriots. It was 1981. I cooked there and I worked as a waiter, and they paid for my studies at the Academy. My dad was already a pensioner, so I had to think about how to pay for education myself. The lessons began at 8 am, and I returned home at one o’clock in the morning. I was skinny as a seed. — Did you have hard time? — After three years of study and work, it became easier. We have already started internships in Paris, Marseilles, Lyon, Zurich, Bern. They were paid. Five years passed and then I was offered three years of specialization. That is, I received and higher economic education, which allows me to understand the intricacies of the economy. I studied mathematics, physics, geography, chemistry, biology… Since 1989 I worked in restaurant “Harlequin” in Moscow. I earned there very well and could already help my relatives. If today I would have to leave Belarus


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To the right of Ignazio is popular TV host Evgeny Bulka

and go to Italy, I would be not out of a job there. As you say, they are waiting for me in Sicily and in other regions with open arms. I can be a consultant or more. They know that I can not only create a menu, but I will do a lot more. I am pleased that they consult me here too. I think about how the hall, the tables will look, what the tablecloths should be… It should be pretty to look at. Therefore, the interior is very important. — Do you have many friends? — Oh, a lot. I am sociable. Wherever I am, people accept me like a brother. I like it very much. — What do you think about your character? Is it true that all Italians are very emotional? — I won’t say for everyone. People are different in Italy. But I am very emotional. I hate mess and like accuracy in everything. It also concerns the appearance of a person, and how he works. They taught me that, and I also demand it from my employees. The order should be like in the army. Who passed the army, he understands what it is. Boys-waiters who were in the army do not stand still: they are energetic, diligent, very quick. And who didn’t serve in the army are some capricious. I served for three months. My uncle, a military lawyer, a judge, was able to help me officially to serve a short time so that I would not leave my studies for a long time. But it was a very good experience. — What do soldiers in Italy eat? — They it very tasty, varied. Meat, potatoes, salads, fish… — Do you keep in touch with the Embassy of Italy in Minsk?


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“Coffee in gastronomy” zone was presented at the festival for the first time, where Ignazio told and showed how to use coffee as ingredients in cooking dishes such as rabbit risotto and beef medallions

Together with Ignazio is his son Erik (to the right), bride Lyudmila (to the left) and her sister Katerina

— I cooperate with many embassies, I am often invited to prepare for various events, and there is constant contact with the Embassy of Italy in Minsk. I cook there for all holidays. A week of Italian cuisine, a week of Italian language are being held in Minsk… I also visited Baranovichi, where I helped a culinary school. I conducted master classes in Vitebsk, Brest as well. — What prevents people from enjoying life from your opinion? — It is envy, selfishness, prudence in the profession, and in communication. These qualities of people impoverish, hinder growth, block development. It is necessary to be friends and enrich each other, to be open to each other and the world. — What do you think about the Belarusian culinary school? — It is in the process of development. Now, of course, when compared with the past, it has become stronger. But still, it is necessary to develop and develop… — Is there a big guild of chefs in Italy? — It has 70 thousand people. There is huge activity: championships, festivals, competitions. There are branches of the Italian guild in Brazil, Ecuador and in many other countries. It would be great if the guild of chefs of Belarus collaborated with the Italian one. The mutual enrichment of traditions in cooking is useful for any culinary culture. Lyudmila and I want to establish contacts of the Italian guild with regional groups in Belarus. — In the Middle Ages, the Italian Queen Bona Sforza, the wife of the king and Grand Duke Zhigimont owned lands in different regions of Belarus, in particular, near Kletsk, from 1523 to 1556. And she invited Italian artisans to work. And,

probably, since then, which is not excluded, in some dishes of the Belarusian cuisine some elements of the Italian cuisine have appeared over time… — It can be so. Take, for example, Belarusian kolduny, draniki with meat. In Italy, they are also popular in the form of two potato pancakes, they are the same in composition as grated potatoes for Belarusian kolduny. Meat is put between them. But I do not know whether Bona Sforza had such a dish at court, potatoes came to Europe from America just in the 16th century, but in Italy, it is cooked for sure. — In which region? — On the border with Austria in Udine (a small town in northern Italy with Venetian charm and ancient palazzo — Auth.). They cook a big potato pancake, called matpot. These are 2 layers of grated potatoes, which are fried in a pan, and between them is placed meat, and then this matpot must be kept on a stove. Then, as I said, it is cut into pieces. Kolduny taste very similar. Bean soup is cooked in Sicily. It is like a Belarusian. There are a lot of pork dishes, they are similar to yours. Ravioli look like dumplings. They are filled with spinach, cheese, meat… There are a lot of such dishes with variations. These can be spices, some other additives. There is one dish of yesterday’s bread, spinach, parmesan, of which a great koldun is made, which is boiled in milk. Poor food? Yes, but very tasty, inexpensive and healthy. Our salad a la Russe is similar to your Olivier salad, but there is macaroni or rice there. In my opinion, Belarusian cuisine is a bit fat, but here the climate is different, you should page eat such food, especially when it’s cold.


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Kitchen is a native element for Ignazio



— Is there a culinary fashion? — I will say about Italian. It is regional. After the war it was a poor food… They call it in Italy bastardino. And in my native region there were a lot of Arabs, Turks, Saracens, Greeks, Germans… The same people also ate, cooked. They brought their culture to Italian cuisine… It turned out such a great mix of cuisines. So culinary fashion cultivated in Italy. — That is why Italian cuisine is so creative… — That is right. We love to improvise, and even in some traditional dishes we bring something of our own. My colleagues, Belarusian cooks, as far as I know, unfortunately, do not seek to improvise with traditional cuisine. After all, you can take three main ingredients and present a vintage dish as

— But we also need traditional Belarusian dishes… — Of course, this is your history. It’s good that the newspapers write about grandmothers living in the outback, who cook authentic Belarusian dishes. And while these grandmothers are alive, you need to have time to learn from them the culinary experience that they got from their grandmothers and mothers. — The taste of dishes, which we remember from childhood, we then look for the whole life, and when we feel it, for an example, in a restaurant, we feel happy. Therefore, in your menu, there are dishes from grandmother, mother… — Yes, from mother Giuseppa, grandmother Giovanna… And when I cook them, I try to convey the taste that struck me as a child. I also have such a dish as a pasta from a sailor Thurida. This is a region of Italy, where sailors like to eat pasta with seafood: mussels, shrimp, squid… — Should the dish look beautiful? — One appearance is not enough if there is no taste. Beautiful look depreciates at once. My approach to cooking is: cook tasty and then decorate. And it should be healthy. A good chef is a little bit a doctor, a little bit a nutritionist. It is very bad when a chef does not care about the preservation of vitamins and other nutrients. A part of my concept in cooking is natural, useful, simple, and multi-faceted home Sicilian cuisine, which will be available to every guest of our trattoria. — Why did your boss talk about the seven rules “try and learn”? — Probably he liked it this way. — Which dishes of modern Belarusians do you like? — I like many dishes. I like thin pancakes with cottage cheese, which are prepared by Lyudmila’s mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, thick pancakes, French meat, salad with tongue, Olivier salad, beef-stroganoff from beef. Olivier salad makes Lyudmila’s father. I also love Latvian sprats, for me they are like seeds on bruschets. It is not necessary to eat lobster, expensive turbot fish, or dorado. Carp is good too, trout… — What does Lyudmila cook for you? — She cooks cheesecakes. I like them too. She cooks wonderful aperitif. She studied to do it. — What do you prefer from old Belarusian dishes? — I really like potato babka. I cooked it myself. I modernized it. I also cooked machanka, kolduny, draniki. Once I was at a party where my grandmother cooked pancakes. The ingredients are as follows: potato, onion, salt. That’s all. And they were fried in a cast-iron pan with pork fat. How tasty it was! Why do they add eggs, flour, fat to draniki? The taste is lost. I cooked draniki even without onion: I rubbed potato, added vitamin “c”, so that the potato would not blacken and fried it in a cast-iron pan. Draniki were so golden! Delighted the eye! I modernized

The best award in any culinary competition is the invaluable experience and self-development that I get by talking to talented chefs and watching how they cook. modern. For example, I can make cabbage rolls with fish using red cabbage. Your fish, your cabbage… Or, say, stuffed carp, a traditional Belarusian dish, I can do with the addition of raisins, almonds, dried dill in carp meat. And cook stuffed carp in beet broth with the addition of bay leaf. You can even take a Belarusian dish, put it on a beautiful porcelain plate, not necessarily earthenware and slightly decorate it, so that will be modernized.


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С them by adding salmon, homemade sour cream. And I added a few mushrooms. I also cook solyanka. It turns out very tasty. I take tongue, cheek, boil it all, add sour cucumbers, pickle from cucumbers, it all stews… — And what is the main thing for a delicious dish? — Do not forget about the soul. You need soul, emotion, love for work. If you do not love your job, you will never get the dish. It will be tasteless because it is filled with indifference. — Where do you and Lyudmila eat? — We have breakfast at home, sometimes we have lunch in trattoria. We have cheap dinners. — You spoke about professional development. How do you develop yourself? — I read books, follow new trends in cooking. There are many books related to the profession at home. I also like and read books on mathematics. — How do you relax in Belarus? Do you like fishing? — We visit Lyudmila’s parents. There the river Sluch flows. Also we visit the Soligorsk reservoir. Lyudmila’s father, Alexander Ivanovich, is a great fisherman. We understand each other well, we can talk for hours. When I go to Italy, I also go fishing. My brother is a champion in spinning. But Lyudmila’s grandmother Maria, she lives not far from Slutsk in Rabak village, at first understood neither me nor Erik. And we didn’t understand her. She likes when we address her Marusya, as Belarusians say. And now I understand what she speaks about. I really like the village, its quietness. — What else do you like in Belarus? — I have already said that I am very emotional. I hate those who smile in the face, but want to stab in the back. I stop communicating with them. In Belarus, I don’t see such people, that is why I like it so much. — It makes us honor… — And in general, Belarusians are the best in the world. I heard this more than once in other countries before coming here. And foreigners feel good here. They live better in Belarus. I leave here for 14 years and I have something to compare. There is neither tsunami nor earthquakes, the climate is good. And what a wonderful winter this year, mild, not very frosty. It was much colder in Italy. And how is life in Italy? It is not easy. There are a lot of migrants. And in Minsk you can safely go for a walk at 3 o’clock in the morning. I like the fact that the friendship between Italy and Belarus is growing stronger and more actively. — Well, there are some advantages in Italy too… — There is a sea, fresh products, many cultural monuments. Venice, Florence, Rome… If in Belarus you will not surprise anyone with an apple, in Italy there are figs. Lyudmila and her mother

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somehow collected a huge bag, they were torn from a tree that grew right on the street. — Like apricots, mulberry in Ukraine… — Lyudmila told that there were many apricot trees near Slutsk at her grandparents, there was always apricot jam in the house, and grandfather dried bones. They ate it in the winter. — Do you want to open your own restaurant? — First I will marry Lyudmila, and only then I will think about it. I believe that the best business is family business. This is a good Italian tradition. Our wedding day is soon… And we will go to Sicily on holiday by car. — You are orientated on healthy dishes in your cuisine. Do you always follow a healthy lifestyle yourself? — I like a healthy lifestyle, so I prefer natural products. In addition, I swim in the pool four times a week. I swim 2500 meters, I have a very fast rhythm — 25 meters in 25 seconds. Lyudmila says I swim like a dolphin. After all, I grew up on the sea and swam a lot in my childhood. I ski in winter. — How did you find yourself in Belarus? — I’ll repeat that it is wonderful to live here. It is a very important point. And as you already know, I am often invited as a consultant. So the Armenian owner of restaurant “Singing Fountains”invited me. At that time I lived in Vilnius. I visited Belarus several times since 2004 for a while, and in 2007 I came for a year, then they asked me for another year… So I stayed. I am very pleased about it. — When did you learn Russian? — In 1989, when I worked in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, and then in Moscow. Now I start with Belarusian. Interviewed Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich

Ignazio and Lyudmila are one team

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Olga Klebanovich:

“My strength

is from the soul of this earth ...”

Bright temperament. Openness and power of feelings. Flexible mind. Irony. And, of course, femininity. And a terrific artistic gift — this is how I have described her once. But only today, years later, I realized that there is one more amazing thing. I would say, the main characteristic of this charismatic actress is sincerity.


iguratively speaking, this is that lifeblood that feeds the soil from which her talent has grown and continues to take root, like a great tree. Klebanovich is an actress


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who can transform into women of the people, and in the aristocracy. Olga Mikhaylovna, People’s Artist of Belarus, is well understood among creative young people also as a director. Therefore, the diploma performance “The

Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoevsky at the Academy of Arts was successful. By the way, in April it will be presented at the festival of student works in St. Petersburg. And when she comes back she will, as she is advised, stage together“The

Brothers Karamazov” with the actors from Gorky Thetre. For those who do not know, I will remind with pleasure: Klebanovich is one of the great actresses of the modern age, healing the souls of the audience — this is what theater critics of the older generation say about her. And it’s hard to disagree: the creative range of the actress is a priori great. Among the many, so diverse roles of Olga Klebanovich, and over fifty years of service to the theatre, there are more than a hundred of them. It is hard to find a bit part of these roles. Grayness, stiltiness are not her element. I admit that somebody may not like Olga, but I am convinced of one thing: it is simply impossible not to notice her and not talk about her talent. As I have already once said: Olga Klebanovich is an actress of large amplitudes. I would add that the high quality of her work allows her to find contact with her audience. Perhaps this is why her audience triumph and cry with her, laugh and feel sorrow meeting Klebanovich at the stage with applause. That’s why she has so many fans. If you want to get the opportunity to experience joy and sorrow with her, laugh heartily, and even through tears, go to the performances with her participation: Olga Klebanovich will give you all this generously. — So I wrote about her on the oc-

It is impossible to forget the small motherland, I am connected with it for life. Today Gresk is completely different, but the energy of the earth that fed me remained. When I just think about it, and I get warm with the warmth of memories. casion of the benefit performance “Circle of Love” by Somerset Maugham. And at the same time I wondered what I could not answer: where did this gift come from? I repeat: it grows from her soulfulness. What is soulfulness? It is difficult to find the exact definition. Kindness, heartiness, friendliness?.. Many more synonyms can be found talking about soulfulness. When I understood that this is the main quality of my heroine, there appeared a natural desire to refresh my understanding of this notion. And, as it happens in this age of the Internet, it also helped me to formulate what was dimly felt. Soulfulness, I quote, is associated

with such qualities that are opposite to coldness and hardness. This is a kind of warmth inside a person. Such a person is first of all openness to a soul of another, willingness to understand and share feelings. Such a person is very sensitive to other people. He is like a wave or a flame, it can be big and then small. The coastline is difficult to hold, it is washed by flow and outflow. His soul does not stay still… Soulfulness is manifested outside as sympathy, the ability to empathize with other people, to feel their misfortunes and joys, to trust them your own feelings. And internally, it is like lyricism, the ability to merge with the surrounding nature or art, to go beyond the bound-



Olga Klebanovich (Khanuma) and Alexander Vergunov (Prince) in the play “Tricks of Khanuma”

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People's Artists of Belarus Olga Klebanovich and Alexander Tkachenok — Lady Kathryn and Lord Portes in the play “Circle of Love” by Somerset Maugham


47 aries of one’s self, beyond

place and time, to be carried away to something or someone far away. Soulfulness is the mobility of the inner life, which does not put a barrier between “us”and “them”, between the “I” and the world, which is inclined to distract from the work, from the being, from the concept, from truth and good, to blur around and around with some generous stroke, free wave, air cloud. That is how beautifully told us an unknown author about the soulfulness. I can not disagree with him, thinking about the soulfulness of Olga Klebanovich, the main core of this wonderful actress. I repeat that her talent comes from soulfulness. How do you think where soulfulness comes from? — I ask the interlocutress. In such cases, they say such a man. And Olga replied: “From the soul of that land, which stretches to Heaven. And my strength from there…” Olga is one of those people who love life so much that they notice everything around it. Knowing her, we can say that


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she sees everything that happens around. Passing people, their facial expressions, gestures, gait …Once she confessed to me that she was capable of watching the happiness of someone else’s family, sitting next to her on a park bench, to plunge into the waves of happiness that other people experience, talking to each other. What is it? Extrasensory perception? Rather, intuition. And part of the profession. Therefore, Olga takes everything that may be needed on stage from life. “In everything,” she said more than once, “I need to stick my nose, smell, feel a touch on a person, object, animal and admire. I should remember this state to play it on the stage. Only the audience will believe me. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, I forget about it outside the theater in order to exist in it even more fully.” This is also what she told me. I hope that readers will be also interested in these thoughts. Yes, I was observant in my childhood. And very meticulous in my observation. I noticed such details that I even

wondered myself. For example, today the dog has no mood, and the birds do not tweet, and Gresk does not look like it was yesterday… Gresk is a town near Slutsk, where I grew up with my grandmother and grandfather (on mother’s side) up to the 8th grade. It lives in my heart to the present day. My father died during the war, and my mother at that time raised Minsk from the ruins. When people ask me what I remember most of all from that time, I answer: wide open life, “barefoot” life… It means openness of feelings, wide open heart. After all, I am a child of meadows, fields and rivers. And what if not nature contributes to soul awakening. The memory of the place where I felt the movement of the soul, will live in me for the rest of my life. There I felt the aromas of herbs, pastured horses for the night, skied away from wolves… This memory fills me with warmth in difficult moments. They also happen. And then I mentally go to Gresk. I remember how I slid down the mountain on my school bag, how my cousin and I crossed the shallow river on

Olga Klebanovich — Countess Khlestova (“Woe from Wit” by A. Griboedov)

our way to school. Once in spring when the river spread, and we didn’t take something into account passing it, we came home in wet sheepskin coats… It is impossible to forget the small motherland, I am connected with it for life. Today Gresk is completely different, but the energy of the earth that fed me remained. When I just think about it, and I get warm with the warmth of memories. I am a romantic, a dreamer. From where is it in me? Everything is from the same place! From the energy of the earth, which stretches to heaven. It always seemed to me that I was stretching to heaven along with the earth, the birds. Therefore, from an early age I live with the feeling of flying in life. Constantly looking forward to it. As a child, I wanted to become a pilot… Small motherland is bare foot in warm sand, friends with whom you laugh on the bench, crunch apples, or pick up a piece of fragrant bread baked in the oven by your grandmother. Small motherland is both flowering gardens, birds

with their spring trills, and starry sky, which seemed to be reachable by hand… Deep sleep, which you fall instantly, despite the passionate desire not to sleep and listen to nightingales all night. In my childhood, I dreamed that life could be a fairy tale with a mandatory happy end… I have seen a sign also at my small motherland. I understood it years later when I became successful as an actress. At the moment of the applause after a successfully played performance, I felt how I rise above the stage. And then I remembered that I had already experienced this feeling of flight. It is unforgettable! I experienced mystical feelings at the land of my small motherland. It was a dream and not a dream at the same time. It can be called a state preceding sleep. It happened in Gresk, on a hot summer day, cows grazed in a meadow near the rye field… I was 12–13 years old… I wandered around the edge of the field, crouched and did not notice how dozed off. But I still had a feeling of life near: bees were buzzing, grasshoppers were

chattering, larks and lapwing were singing. Part of my mind was awake. Suddenly I saw a huge star falling on from the sky, it shined and shimmered in yellow. I thought that I would burn, but there was no fear. I felt how bluish golden rays of this star enveloped me, washed me, and then an unknown force lifted me up above the ground. The shine was around me. I felt great, incomparable happiness. What was that? Blessing for a future profession, a sign? It is hard to say. But in my youth, besides the fact that I wanted to become a surgeon, I suddenly began to think that I would be an actress… Recently I recorded on the radio. I sang Belarusian songs and told about my small motherland. I felt like I was there. After recording until the evening, I felt tremendous energy. That’s what even the memories of it. That is why I want to say: the past does not go anywhere. It is like in a data bank in a huge energy information field. You only need to think about it, and you’re alpage ready there.


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The memorable duet of Olga Klebanovich (Claudia) and Bella Masumyan (Cheryl) in the play "Sultry Moms"

✴ Unfortunately, I was not able to visit my small motherland last year, when Gresk Secondary School celebrated its 155th anniversary. I played just that day, so I could not go to the festival. Of course, I have pleasant memories of the school. It was a fun time — a great opportunity to satisfy your unrestrained curiosity. I remember the name of the first teacher: Vera Evmenovna Pleshko. For some reason, her middle name, derived from the Belarusian name Yaumen, seemed to me so unusual, almost alien. It is pleasant for me that they remember me at school, they are proud of me. There is my photo on the stand among the photos of famous people who studied at school. I know folk songs and perform many on occasion. The same was on the radio. I have been singing since childhood. As my relatives and grandparents, neighbours, and teachers said: I sang well, and I was promoted to be a soloist, advised me to enter the conservatory. But I entered the acting department of the

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Theater and Art Institute. Today it is the Academy of Arts, in which I teach acting. I like it when it is possible to convey the inner drama of the word in the song, including in the folk. That is why I like to listen to the dramatic actors singing. When I sing myself, I strive to convey it, so that a peculiar novelty in vocals is obtained. I know the characters of simple Belarusians very well. I watched them in childhood, living in Gresk. Maybe that’s why I succeeded in the role of women from the people. This is Maryla in the play “Scattered Nest” by Yanka Kupala, the Woman in “Return to Khatyn” by Ales Adamovich and Stepanida in “Sign of Trouble” by Vasil Bykov. These are milestones of my work. By the way, Belarusian women are characterized by spirituality. It manifests itself in the ability to listen and hear another person, not to be active, in other words — not to attack the interlocutor. They have life inside them, and outwardly Belarusians can be restrained.

✴ A couple of times in my work I had such a deep immersion in character that it even became scary. What is called, suffered, lit up. I even saw myself from the side. I was not me (these are not the emotions when immersed in the anesthesia of the feelings — this is a different state). I became a different person. On my vast creative path (I dare say so), I only touched the notion of reincarnation twice. This is really something mystical. I prefer an acting school experience. I am deeply convinced that the mood, the internal biorhythm of the heroine or hero must be transmitted even in the palms of the hands, in the crossed fingers, or in the bow of the head. Who knows the work of such brilliant actors as Annie Girardot, Meryl Streep, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, will understand what I’m talking about. However, no need to go far. Russian actors: Oleg Yankovsky, Boris Nevzorov, Sergey Garmash… And our Alexandra Klimova, Gennady Ovsyannikov…

✴ I am happy that I played in two films by Valery Todorovsky. I played a big episode in his film “Lover” and in “The Thaw” — a secondary role. Communication with such a director and such actors as Oleg Yankovsky, Sergei Garmash was a great pleasure for me. I also played in several films in Belarusian cinema. I recently appeared on television on the series “Watercolors.” There I played a mother of a businesswoman. This work was also interesting to me. When the serial age began, I said to myself: no, this is not for me. But my friend Oksana Lesnaya forced me to a casting. I came and read the text, and they approved me. And it started… In recent years, I have had a lot of TV shows. There are more and less successful works among them. Grandmothers on benches loved me immediately. They greet me. But fame came when I appeared in the advertisement “Pelmeni Babushka Anya”, which was everywhere on the city banners. I don’t agree with the view that serials spoil actors. In my opinion, the main thing is whether the director was able to reveal them. But, of course, my main love is the theatre. I prefer co-authorship when working with a director. It is important for me that he hear what I propose, hear my intonation. And I do not accept if the director imposes on me someone else’s concept. I call such an approach — “second-hand”. When we, actors, try to understand a character, we can at least approximately understand feelings of other people. We sculpt a role from our cells. From childhood, I love people older than me. In Gresk, I liked to listen to how old people communicate with each other. When I moved to Minsk, mother Maria Pavlovna was my soul mate. She taught me how to listen and hear people. When I came to the theatre, I became friends with Alexandra Ivanovna Klimova. I liked being friends with experienced actresses who were older than me. Their wisdom attracted like a magnet. Perhaps my peasant genes oriented me towards this com-

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munication. After all, I am a girl of the people. And I understand perfectly well that the wisdom of older people is a priceless treasure. This is understood by those who want to develop in life. Learn from the experience of others. A clever spiritual man will not blacken in old age. He will be interesting for young people. I like our modern youth. It is intelligent, swift, wants to reach a lot. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. I teach acting to future directors. For the

them than to the previous generations. After the performance at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts on the small stage, where everyone was invited, many noted: the classics are not outdated. I believe that my students will contribute to the theatre life of the country. Let’s see what they say about us at the festival in St. Petersburg. Perhaps our abilities are directly proportional to the soulfulness indeed. Who knows where is the place for it.

When we, actors, try to understand a character, we can at least approximately understand feelings of other people. We sculpt a role from our cells state exam chose “The Brothers Karamazov”. Yes, it is complicated work. But I was aiming for them to penetrate the depths of the acting profession. And in the future, they knew how to behave with the actors so that they could achieve the desired result. And what conclusion did I come to? The youth understands the philosophy of Dostoevsky, the complex issues, the psychology of relations between people are of no less concern to

But in this regard, I like the statement of romantic philosopher Novalis (German poet of the mystical worldview Friedrich von Hardenberg Novalis — Auth.). According to him, the place of the seat of the soul is where inner world and outer world touch each other, where they penetrate each other. It is in every point of penetration. In this sense, my small motherland is the point for me. By Valentina Zhdanovich

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In the dressing room before going on stage

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ook at us!


that do not grow old


Famous Belarusian children’s collective prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary Honored amateur children’s collective Dudariki is a unique phenomenon for Belarus, and maybe for the whole world. You understand this, you perceive it as an indisputable fact by some kind of sixth feeling, when you see and hear sparkling, live performances of young artists (no phonogram ever!). You can watch videos or photos of performances of the group from Minsk in different countries of the world on the Internet. They are very impressive. Three dozens of talented children of different ages, not

professional artists, create a multicolor, polyphonic show on the stage: they play virtuoso on harmonics, pipes, violins, ocarinas, drums and tambourines, and even on iron rails or saws, washing boards, reeds or straws. They both dance and sing harmoniously, with very positive energy and in a folk style, all in bright stage costumes. Is there another group that can compare with Dudariki in such fruitful longevity, numerous awards at prestigious international competitions, with constant freshness and youth, distinctive folk color, sound, singing, dancing?

Magnificent crown and deep roots Where is Dudariki from? On which land has such beauty grown? Where do they get strengths when “invasive” types of music and singing, previously completely strange to our fathers and grandfathers, increasingly appear on stage, TV and radio, in our souls? Usually, when we see a sprawling tall tree, we do not think that it has long, strong roots deep in the ground.


First accordion of Dmitry Rovensky беларусь. belarus 2019

Moreover: in the Belarusian mythology, the roots are identified in the living organism of a tree with the “head”. And indeed: some trees are able to be reborn, to give new sprouts even when the crown is completely destroyed. Without roots, there is no life a priori. The same is folk art and any other: where there is a reach “crown”, you will find the valuable experience of predecessors. We will turn to the roots of the talent of Dmitry Rovensky, which serves to Dudariki for almost half a century. The life of creative groups is determined from the time of the first performances. There is a block of materials about Dudariki on the website of the 14th Minsk Gymnasium where you can get by the link on the main page (this group was formed and lives in the 14th Minsk Gymnasium down Vasnetsova street). The creative way of the collective is dotted, the lyrics of the songs that sound from the stage are submitted, and there is also a small photo gallery. And 1970 is determined as the year of birth of Dudariki. The 40th anniversary of the Rovensky Family Ensemble (created in 1980) is not far off. Museum of Belarusian culture and life, which the talented musician founded with like-minded people in 1985, is also a strong “root” for growth. This Museum, as well as the Museum of


ook at us!

Artists of Dudariki ensemble with friends after the performance at the National Library of Belarus. Year 2013

Musical Instruments (founded in 2003), support the huge Dudariki tree. After all, the group has a peculiarity: the ensemble “grows” annually with new talents, but also accompanies the graduates. Probably, this is the main secret of its longevity. Let us look at the milestones on the collective’s path. In 1996, Dmitry Rovensky created the ensemble “Minsk musicians” which, from his words, also contributed to the development of Dudariki. After all, some of the musicians, having already passed the school-gymnasium stage of creativity, remain in the “MM” force field. 20 years ago, Dmitry Dmitriyevichwas awarded the title of “Eminent culture figure of Belarus”, and in 2006, the title of “Excellence in Education”. Of course, the “status” of the head is the benefit. In 2008, Dmitry Rovensky was one of the main founders of the festival “Accordion gathers friends”, and in 2010, the head of Dudariki was awarded the title “Minsk Dweller of the Year”. And the mentioned festival of accordionists, held in the Palace of Cul-

ture of Minsk Tractor Plant, undoubtedly has its “root”. The idea of the festival was brought from Siberia and has taken root in Belarus. Since 2006, Dmitry Rovensky has been in Novosibirsk more than once: as a member of the jury of the Malaninsky accordionists’ contest. Colleagues-musicians from Minsk, students (as participants of the contest) went there; they gave concerts in different audiences. In 2013, the Belarusian talented musician was awarded the Golden Sign “National musician of the Russian Land” for such asceticism: for charity concerts, for mastery, for promoting accordion in Belarus and for preparing students-winners of the Malaninsky contest. In 2015, Dmitry Rovensky received the title of the National musician of the Russian Land. Hundreds of performances, dozens of prizes and creative victories on belong to Dudariki. It is interesting that wife Lidiya Yevgenyevna, three children (Masha, Vasily and Vitaly), and seven grandchildren, as well as sons- and daughters-

in-law are involved in music. Now, the youngest in the dynasty is grandson Timokha. He is in fourth grade, mastering accordion, drum, tune, tambourine. Even the eldest Sofiyka: learn to play cymbals in the 14th gymnasium. The girl was already the winner of an international competition. She played at a big concert at the 70th anniversary of her beloved grandfather in January 2018 in the Palace of Culture of Minsk Tractor Plant. We have already mentioned the Rovensky Family Ensemble, in 2012, this family received a Grand Prix at the Republican contest “Family of the Year in Belarus”. We would like to mention the following awards of the head of Dudariki for the last decade: the medal for the promotion of folk culture in Europe (Austria, 2012), the badge of the Ministry of Culture “For the significant personal contribution to the development of Belarusian culture and art, preservation of the national historical and cultural heritage” (2016), the medal page


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Dmitry Rovensky tries the ocarina from Chile presented to Dudariki by Peter Ryabko


53 of the Belarusian Culture

Fund “To Worker. Creator” (2017). He is a member of the Belarusian Union of Musicians. In 2017, the name of Dmitry Rovensky was recorded in the book of Labor Glory of Kopyl District (the musician comes from Kopyl, Minsk Region). In 2018 he was elected a member of the Board of the Belarusian Culture Fund.

The path from Kopyl… Dmitry Rovensky tells a very interesting story about his musical genealogy, childhood and youth in Kopyl. I will give a fragment from our open talk. “My father, Dmitry Fedorovich, was from Stavropol region, from Kuban. I have Cossack roots on my father’s side. Grandfather, Fyodor Alexandrovich Rovensky, was a noble-


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man who managed the estate, he was educated and all three daughters had a higher education. He played the violin well and the love of music helped the family survive in Soviet times. Aunt Oksana told us that after the revolution the grandfather gave all the property to the Bolsheviks without waiting for confiscation. He left only the violin and earned a living working at school as a music teacher. Then was the war. All three daughters went to the front. Only my aunt Oksana survived, the second one was burned in the plane, the third was in the tank. When the war started my father was under age of 18, so he added a year to himself and went to fight as a Cossack. And that’s the destiny: he served in the army of General Belov, which reached Berlin and fought for freedom of Belarus. Here Cossack Rovensky

met my future mother — a Belarusian woman from Podgorny family. There is an important detail in my musical genealogy: my father returned from the war to my future mother in the rank of foreman with a sword and a trophy accordion “wreath”. I learned to play on that complicated accordion of the German system (there are different sounds when clamping and unclamping). I still have it. My father was very fond of music like my grandfather. Father and mother got married. He graduated from a militia school in Kaunas, returned to Kopyl district to work as a district militia officer, then an investigator. He was already a militia major when he died in 1968 — I served in the army then. I was born in Kopyl on November 15, 1947, my mother comes from village Rzhavka, Bobovnya village is nearby. This is also my small motherland, the place of childhood, youth. So my interest in music began with trophy accordion, which my father played from time to time. When I was five years old, my father gave it to me. I picked out tunes. My mother, Lina Anufriyevna, also helped me. By the way, I have a granddaughter, Lina: she played in Dudariki. Now she is married and lives in Moscow. Mom sang beautifully, and I tried to accompany. It is better to study music in childhood. It is hard to believe that I performed at my first wedding with a friend Sasha when we were under school age! So they began to invite me to parties. Up to school I lived with my grandmother Seraphima in Rzhavtsy. There the musicians played at weddings, festivals, and she also sang and danced beautifully. She encouraged me to music, said: “Let me sing, and you pick out a tune.” I know that my grandfather, Ambrozhy, who died in the war, was a very good drummer. In general, my entire Belarusian clan is extremely inclined to music: my mother’s brothers, for example, were notable folk musicians. Older people remember that almost all of Nagorny family played different instruments, although they did not have musical education. From relatives formed the orchestra! Those talented musicians from Kazakovka village in the

l Kopyl region were called “The Blind”, since their leader, Vladimir Mikhailovich Dolidovich, was completely blind. He was almost without fingers: a projectile exploded in his hands. He is a dab at playing the accordion! The fame of musicians spread far and wide, “The Blind” were not just invited to play at weddings, festivals, celebrations, concerts. Their time was scheduled for six months or more, usually for the weekend. I played with “The Blind” a lot later. From 1968 I lived in Minsk, and came to play with them, and learned a lot from them.” So deep, alive roots of the talent of Dmitry Rovensky! All Dudariki are attached to these roots through him. My interlocutor spent all his childhood with accordion, so he had enough musical practice. At the age of 12, he completed a baritone brass school at the Palace of Culture in Kopyl, and later performed at weddings as part of a brass band. And since about 1961, he and his father and sister played in “Kopyl Dudari: this ensemble was known throughout Belarus. Films were made about this collective, its music often sounded on the radio. And when Dmitry Rovensky created a children’s group in Minsk, he called it “Dudariki” — and in memory of the people with whom he began to appear on the prestigious stages of Belarus. And the name is in memory of the Dudar tradition, even if the Minsk musicians played on ordinary pipes, and not on bagpipes. “Old musical traditions from ancient times lived in the hearts of fellow countrymen, in their native Kopyl region,” said Dmitry Rovensky. There are more than a hundred songs, dances, tunes in their repertoire.”

take students away from gymnasium for a long time. Therefore, they perform mainly in Minsk or on one day’s departure to the cities of Belarus, but the main trips are in the summer season or during the autumn, winter and spring holidays. To the present Dudariki remember how they performed in Paris, although since 2014 the composition of the group has changed. At the same time, the biggest days of Belarusian culture in France lasted almost a month. About 30 cities got into the force field of the project: theatrical, choreographic, musical, visual arts, cinema art and literature of Belarus were presented at the celebrations. A great gift was a trip to Paris for Dudariki: we went there at full force. I remember that Dmitry Dmitriyevich called me in April before leaving: “We are invited to UNESCO headquarters with a concert. We have new costumes and everyone is in good mood.” At the beginning of May 2014, the following information appeared on the website of the Embassy of Belarus in France: “A concert of the Belarusian children’s honored folklore group “Dudariki” of Minsk Gymnasium No.14 accompanied by Pyatnitsky Russian Folk Chorus was held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris in the large concert hall.

ook at us!

The concert was held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the accession of Belarus and Russia to UNESCO.” Later Rovensky clarified: there were more than 700 guests. The Minister of Culture of Belarus at that time, Boris Svetlov, briefly spoke about the achievements of Belarus in the field of culture and presented Dudariki. Behind the scenes, colleagues from Pyatnitsky chorus tried to make a little joke: “Oh, Belarusians brought Lyavonikha…” Unfortunately, our folk art is little known in Russia now, therefore there are certain stereotypes in its perception. The head of Dudariki has long dreamed that there would have been a sponsor who arranged for the group a tour in the cities of Russia… “And after our performance, the singers of the famous chorus were excited,” said Dmitry Rovensky. — We played, sang, danced for more than half an hour — worked. It was a success. There was a lot of applause, even a standing ovation.” Dudariki demonstrated their high skill, and played various instruments in Paris: accordions, bagpipes, ocarinas, and iron rails, saws, braids, and an arc sounded. May 2014 was hot for Dmitry Rovensky! In that time I wrote about the performance of Dudariki in Paris for the newspaper page


…to UNESCO and Paris Thanks to such treasures, the children’s group is known not only in Belarus but also all over the world. As Dmitry Rovensky said, there is usually more interest in Dudariki in the warm season: artists perform in open spaces, large stages, mainly festival ones. Repetitions of the collective groups (various instruments, singers, dancers) go on all the time, but there is no need to

Dmitry Rovensky performs with young accordionists

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“Golos Rodiny” and in a page few days, he was already in Novosibirsk. It is also an important matter: it was not the first time when a Belarusian headed a jury at the International musical contest named after Ivan Malanin. His friendship with Novosibirsk began due to the Belarusian cultural and educational center named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk. And, of course, it is a great honor to be the chairman of the jury of one of the most authoritative forums of performers on folk instruments in Russia.

Museum dedicated to Dudariki We mentioned that May in Paris recently, when Dmitry Rovensky visited the editorial office. Two exotic musical instruments from Chile were presented to him by our good friend, former sea captain Petr Ryabko. Though he is a Ukrainian, however, his father died fighting for Belarus — and therefore he, Petr Ryabko, also considers himself Belarusian. This tireless traveler visited Dudariki before, listened to their music, singing. Liked it! Now he tells friends around the world what a miracle there is in Belarus, shares video links about them. So he decided to make a transatlantic gift for Dudariki. Dmitry Dmitriyevichexamined with interest both the exotic ocarina (tried to play) and the thing with multi-level wooden cylinders in two rows (also brass). He asked to give much thanks to Petr. So, more about Dudariki in Paris. Of course, the performance contributed to the development of the collective: a wave of publications passed through the media, and the officials from culture and education pay great attention to the original collective. High school students were taken in the group through the competition. Now it is even more complicated.


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And very beautiful stage costumes remained in the group after Paris. “Now we don’t worry about costumes, — admitted Dmitri Dmitriyevich. — We continue to perform at the international level. Last year we gave a full concert when the Day of Italy was celebrated on June 1 in Minsk. The Embassy of the country rented a large room for an event near Gorky Park, there were 600 guests, including diplomats from different countries. The Italian Ambassador specifically asked us to perform at the festival.” Dmitry Dmitriyevich remembered his native Kopyl with special warmth, in which he is now an Honorary Citizen of the city. A new tradition has appeared in Dudariki: to give a concert on the “the land of pipers” when the Day of the City is celebrated. By the way, the cousins of Rovensky, Anatoly and Nikolai, still live there, and his sister Lyudmila lives in Minsk. Many friends and acquaintances: a city of childhood! “Can you imagine? They created the museum of Dudariki in Kopyl” — Dmitry Rovensky

does not hide his happiness. — “How did we know? When Lolita, my granddaughter was at a concert in Molodechno, a woman told her: I know you, you are from Dudariki. And she told that they created a museum at the Belarusian school. If you have something to send us, please do it. Although I studied in a Russian school, I was glad about this news.” The museum is logical: Dudariki is a part of our history and culture. A well-known brand, and even national value. Dmitry Rovensky sent CDs with recordings and booklets to the school museum. And even a special postal envelope, which was released on the 25th anniversary of the group. Now, inspired by new meetings with countrymen, attention to the work of Dudariki, Dmitry Rovensky wrote a new song. After all, he “wants to sing about his Kopyl”. And I tried to help him, I sent him a poem with memories of the land of pipe players, song past of the region. We are finishing the musical composition. It is supposed, that the song will sound at the next celebration of the City Day. “There are such historical places that you definitely need to visit! — the interlocutor praises his hometown. — The 100th anniversary of the BSSR is celebrated now, and on my Karl Marx street in 5 houses from my house lived Tishka Gartny, a writer and the first head of the BSSR government. There is probably some kind of deep logic in the fact that in “land of pipe players” a creative person took such a position! And “Kopyl pipe players”, who greatly influenced the entire Belarusian national consciousness with their creative work, are also from Kopyl. By the way, I have been looking for the film “Belarusian songs” for 50 years. I found it in the archive in Dzerzhinsk. There you can see my teacher Alexey Fedotovich Klyakin and me. This film was made in 1964. There I started the way to the music world. Therefore, Kopyl is like favorite song for me.” Young dulcimer Sofia Mariya rovenskaya


Gorbach — granddaughter of Dmitry Rovensky

By Ivan Zhdanovich

Anatoly Kleschuk


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