Belarus (magazine #4 2019)

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No. 04 (1027), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

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Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-readFrom Kaz China

Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы пятніца, 12 красавіка, 2019

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 07(3595) l


l пятніца, 12 красаВіка, 2019

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале

Гол ас Апошні прыпынак — Трасцянец ы Рад м Ра і да з зім во д а д з Р ы Каб думкі Песняра пачуць і зразумець


13 а, ад сер

а, авік сак

19 20


Галіна Варажбіт і яе “Сябры”

Буслы — вернуцца




Стар. 6

Стар. 5


Стар. 8





5г од


Наш­ча­ла­вВек­у­ААН­ ы




драа­зе­віч­ Дып­ла­мат­Юры­Амб­ Бе ад­на­га­лос­на­абра­ны­ нн л аР стар­шы­нёй­еў­ра­пей­скай­ е « 19 Г Бл 20 ус эка­на­міч­най­ка­мі­сіі­ААН­ іЗк а, Рокіх­ су­по­ ола ік Ак­ты­віс­ты­ бе­м ла­рус­ і ія дн с сі аВ л с я к Р у ы лак­за­ м еж­ ж а­па­ м я­ т а­ ю ць:­больш­ па сц я ю ад са дЗ 13ка­ві­ка­ за­ 10­ га­доў­ іш­ла­дпра­ ца­ін над­ за­ На­пры­кан­цы­ ,са­ ў­ l аР з а і ы а № ім л цы а ко­на­пра­ек­там­ “Пра­ бе­ла­ру­саў­ Мінску­ з­ афі­црый­ Галры адным­yдвух­дзён­ 06 ы н Го е н е (3 а К ла » с Б іра за­меж­жа”.­ І­ на­ша­ га­ та­ іпі­са­ла­ ным­ві­зі­там­па­ аў­Федэральны­ ізне­ы .b сР чы 594) l бы­вa з т ыцц а ў “ С а ад з l А н пра­яго­аб­ м ер­ к а­ в ан­ н е­з­удзе­ л ам­ канц­лер­Аў­стрыі­Се­ б асць­ я н­Курц.­ d т ш ч р а у .7 ар зім та z .4 а д тар дух ўтано іца Ц ы вя­до­мых­прад­стаў­ні­коў­дыяс­ па­ Ён­ удзель­ні­ia чаў­ 28­ са­ка­ві­ка­ ў­ ад­ П б йц сер С оўн мія юме ет zнvу­мен­та­“Ма­сіў­імёнаў”­ ад ры­на­круг­лым­ста­ле­ў­Мі­ніс­тэр­ крыц­цеі­ма­ ен а, з ы н Б У 27 л к н а я п ела ьск стве­за­меж­ных­спраў­(“Ка­ра­ні­і­ у­па­ мяць­пра­аў­стрый­цаў,­што­за­ а п сак па Га ­лА ні, кан есні, тнау­лі­ў­ла­ге­ры­смер­ці­Трас­ця­нец. о а р авік кро­ н а”­—­ГР,­6.06.2013).­Пры­ в о­ гі­ о в й ц Р у ё язі сь” аб Ка пр сц эрт як Рт а, у­п дзі­ ла­ся­мер­ка­ван­не­Юрыя­Амб­ На­га­да­ем,­ “фаб­ры­ка­ смер­ а­ па 20 л з а род ивел ь рад ах б ая ч ­с а М в ­ а р 19 Б З а а ле і­ аць арыра­зсе­нвоі­ча,­ які­ та­ды­ ўзна­чаль­ваў­ ды Ма ину до кі: елар ста ці”­ Трас­ця­нец­ —­ ад­но­ з­ 8­ най­ на ло )l l т­к і­ оў­ ры св рога “Ку уса гу й 93 z ­с е я д л ­ к с н с 5 а о а ч і д е га­ л оў­ н ае­ ўпраў­ л ен­ н е­ шмат­ б а­ буй­ н ей­ ш ых­ у­ Еў­ р о­ п е­ мес­ ц аў­ ў а via ера ц (3 на аты ўш Піск грам шу лёка, скла ю”. Т — я а б Цю ыць Ве 05 ­на ­не зель­ні­і­чпрайеш­ н­ ы­ да ш ч лас ак вс мен ме ко­ в ай­дып­ л а­ м а­ т ыі­МЗС­і­ку­ р ы­ ма­са­ва­га­зні­шчэн­ня­лю­дзей.­На­ ай с z д д у к а а ы № ы т а да гр н бект:­ дмэ­ ­ da , 27 п бы ага і я я най пра­ l сктаа­ но­ва­га­ за­ ы ліс манд аваю ўспа : Ба ў сп оми ни Ро ста ­паўд­а­ле,­як­Астаы­н­све­ча род­ м­ сён­няш­ ні­дзень­пад­лі­ча­на­коль­ це, водну ра­ваў­ са о а ч . н ц ц зі а т л м b р а ­ ь д ы ц й ю н ы ч р ­А ка ьштое,­ што­ ка ар ю ” ь. ін зап пра ко­ ы y касць­ах­ Э цві яр:­ка­ля­206,5­ты­ся­чы­ Ів о кнні а­ —­ашу­ ў а­рус­ ым­стж­бы­ўл­ пр­ днюа­хо­дзіам­ і­ а яд­нае­ Ста ця вактаць­ Вік ы ся рас ан ўкі ў Пом ы пр ўшч ыні гу ў М оўніц панбе­ с жы­ ­л р. 6 у о к­ а ргандіа­ва­ у а ла­рўу­саў­за­ муеж­жза.­Мы­да­ мір­наых­ ха­роў­ Бе­ла­ру­сі,­ Ра­ ім а, (“Іммейн павя і Вал Цю ніцц а яе ына Бе руг­л е­др ­ ст н­ а­м ое­зн дым ­ліч­ ­ мо ары ь ус вала доб ро зе,­30су­гпаля­ 20 м р. 6 ы л я а рые­ на­ ўва­ ацы пам “Май­ дз рнГер­ ГР ­ г­лы а­род ра­т ­таз­ ста ­ так ­ 19 п ц ў­к ом ны гай і мам лі:­ за ан і ч нц ень , п ду­ дн домзен­ Стама­ніі,­ Аў­стрыі,­ Чэ­хіі­ ды­ о іна усты м пе сэсіі,­ з , 11.0 стал сам ытач іна Ж жу асля Ра у­Д Кру іжн­ ­п з­ ф й­це­ тан­ е ).­ А з п х сув падн ыні­ кі:­ ры­ўруе­ і “Н мгэ­ р лен­ные­ я ўпраў­ й та і. Утае­ х ку­ а ла ін­шых­ кра­ін,­ а­ так­са­ма­ ва­ен­на­ ­с ы е­ м:­ М ­— ста аплё­ ца Мар 1.2 ася бль ам “ дан рна­ жы ац тыніс­ песу­ ла амяц язяў, авіцў­ ­ ў­ в­ ы ю­ ­ с з­ ах м ас а ь Мі­ р пы­тан­ні­ тжэр­ о стве­ мі па­лон­ных.­ Вя­до­ма,­ што­ ту­ды­ ў­ глы й гур ыяй 014). “Сп “Спа ГР” ові­ снпра­ ве ыян бы й­мо ац­ ы ­ным ­ Ка ан­ка ­ ве­д б­леі­ ­ як: пра тоі мом падзе ланц , каб не б онкі ол я з біц та, Іос А адч дчы пра а ар­м ый а­ (у ­вы­к бо сам ан­ е ан ы цоў­ н іц­ т ва­з­ды­ я с­ п а­ р ай”. 1941­1942­ га­ д ах­ бы­ л о­ на­ к і­ р а­ а т ў у іх Г н й х е а л за ы л ц д іф м Сіб аль н ,­ і­ц т б рап — ты . Т жок дап о ЗН ін­ф ­ аф кі­ма­т ­ гар у­ды н­ і­ А ­ Ас ­бе­ ,­ дац енав а ў ала аўна ая су на” а”. охі ба­ся е“ кім удуц там і ст дзяц рЯк­ ва­на­ 7­ транс­пар­таў­ з­ яў­рэ­я­мі­ з­ чым,­ а­спра­вы­ ды­яс­па­ры­ н і т т р і м м ы ь ц н ы а я а а ь, а т — й с сц ін р ­ к а е а ай ад агч , н ­га­ ю ы, з -ку тр ­ ­ п ічн­ ­віч ­ ул зап і як ад е дзе лаЮрыю­Амб­ ст н ер ей ­ ц ы рш Гер­ма­ніі­(6428­ча­ла­век),­7­з­Чэ­хіі­ р­а­зе­ві­чу­даў­но­зна­ё­ l на бам на ­зыв­ а у­лі­ м ­ста тан­ а ­эт­н нь­ко ын­ яМа­ я ьтур пра сям ыцы ыма кіраў эча сп ісвац імі б куль ці, у трыв ва. Д ліся бер льт да умер­ён­пра­цуе­(з­2015­го­ (7000­ ча­ла­век)­ і­ 10­ эша­ло­наў­ з­ ­ н ­ра су у цю рад ’і, і др сць ні­ ая да на г­ ля­н і­кам з­ ах­с ан­ ы Аста арш у ожна п бра ачатк ь то ылі іх ро нмыя.­Ця­ св — а­ б п ага урн уж па т экнате аіаб­Федэральны го р е, шКурц а у іх д кі ў СПа­ Вы Ве лабасць дн ы ля м аво , ольшлер за ­месн­Аляксандр Аў­стрыі­—­са­мая­вя­лі­кая­коль­ Прэзідэнт Беларусі граСе ­ наАўстрыі е­ ян­ным­ прад­стаў­ні­ком­ 55 г,­с ­га­ц ­ К ў­аб ­рый­Лукашэнка юч ае т ыя ібі снта­ то пр авда)­ н ад ян ­лсі т згм­шло менн еньск дканц с моаёй Ро ва — е 19 ы іт ­даг­ оўрчасе на ­ро­да ­бвыступалі Пр фіі, скуаТрасцянцы да й і імёнаў” кам рукі, зах одкі?Бе­ ­на Бкеалйадкрыцця ы м ав іц іх пес “Масіў а ру­срыі­пры­ад­дзя­лен­ні­ААН­ды­ касць­ ах­вяр­ (10476­ ча­ла­век).­ лка­ а ­ ся манумента Чу ткі аз на т­ ась Дзм ­і­пе ль­ту тані ­сдв ­суалр­А ма адум ана п’ю потыавал Па рані, у ан­дева бе а б бе енн ве­ Ста ве мо ханн ці оцн ары чал Уся­го­ ка­ля­ вёс­кі­ Ма­лы­ Трас­ на­род­ных­ар­га­ні­за­цы­ цц онумах­ссть. Пн­ я­ла­ б з слё ыла шлару ую тав ваш ле р­ ус­ і­тар а­ку з­ ах­с Ч­к сва лася ала, вала, тары м т а пін­ амшых­між­ р. 8 а с .4 з­ дш саў. ае зі ы асякіў­ амарент­ аімёнаў”­ с ­з к­ аг­ кМа­ я “Р н а а я . а лп­ек­ б ч ы ў, б з ц эк а а ы зе д м ­ ц т о ­ о Б л ы ця­ н ец­ Мінск­ а га­ ра­ ё н ­ а­ за­ г і­ н у­ л і­ чар­ г а­ ме­ м а­ р ы­ я ль­ н а­ г а­ комп­ н у­ “Ма­ ях­ у­ Жэ­ н е­ в е,­ а­ дня­ м і,­ вы­ н і­ к ае­ з­ 10­ ­ час­ т ак:­ па­ коль­ к ас­ ц і­ чы­ г у­ і К п о т ь днае ада усё экс ра ст ь: ва я р д чн тар др ары ыя м р­ ус ”­ ў­ ак­сЦа лўь­ш бтыалр ацнь­нм ­лні­улі коў, ўсме рая Вы в тамлі­ла фпа­нва­е­дам­лен­ня­прэс­служ­бы­МЗС­ пра ацял , ных­эша­ ­сза кдьлад­ а уста­ н­ск ­тніэа­ шанач­ : гуо­наў,­што­пры­ я150­ 23­ 904­ за­меж­ні­кі.­ Вы­свет­ле­на,­ су.­ Пер­шай­ ад­гук­ну­ла­ся­ка Аў­ і­ пры­ ў­ м­ ­сі­і­л ­т на­увю ме одная афорвез­ а ­ у ­ла зім р р ­ н м а е а ­і о о зл ц ­с с ы Н Ве С ж а к ­ р ’я е дн Б ад­ дн , міц уч та­ І п ую род сца н,­ е­ла рз­от­па­ а ­ інй ав­ даўоўж­алеі,­ кні кож­ ам ньс­амб я­3ца0йі”,­уз­ бы тва ы з чы шчэн­ што­ся­род­іх­бы­лі­ўра­джэн­цы­й­ стрыя.­На­ства­рэн­не­ма­ну­мен­ ла­ру­сі,­абра­ны­стар­шы­нёй­Еў­ зні­ ап не.­ Ва род за На­ “Рта­ы.­ Ёад­“Ва­ га”, ь. А алБе­ з в апна­ гак­тды ваерр­ а­ кут муж уюлю­дзей­ а. ­ БмЗўв­ряал р­ных коарй­чзя над ісанн стаза­ ц д­ ы к ыші­лтаы­ ыіла­ге­пра­ ам най­р вы­ ств лер ны п у я тры­ра­пей­скай­ эка­на­міч­най­ ка­мі­сіі.­ Поль­шчы,­Венг­рыі,­Фран­цыі. аў­стрый­цы­ аб’­яві­лі­ кон­курс,­лі­у­ па­ тўоо­­м і­тых­ ўрыі­ тв тэ­ но вя­дуізе­ ар­лмеы­ а якая­ я. лоб аку б а, і вкі­ншчы­ ы алпроз­ кой жы ыдмы­ асля ван­ уолгьа­т кам др арэ ы ту аэт ­лчлі­і.ы­шча­ Пр ся ­аі­гада­ х­к рцсеян­нці ы.­Іх­ім­ бас­ р­І і д — а п га га ы Уста­на­віць­ пом­ні­кі­ ў­ іх­ па­ якім­пе­ра­мог­ар­хі­тэк­тар­Да­ні­эль­ Дып­ л а­ м ат­ ад­ Бе­ л а­ р у­ с і­ ўпер­ ш ы­ Трас­ ц я­ н ец­ ўро­ Шаш­ у­Трас­ ё ны­ста­ л і­вя­ зе ў к ­ і в ч а ­ к л у п р а н а га ­на Гар н­ і­ рычн­ роь­ні­ мец . Сп доў смя й, у мн для Бе жб не гай Чув уг­ уоц­вьіч жо д вы абра­ны­ на­ па­са­ду­ кі­раў­ні­ка­ ял псарт­ноым­ ню­ этеццкта,­ аўтадзе­ кр ьд­кзей­ ла ы “ “т ін аш п транс­ ьдзя­кау­ю­чы­ ­у­ до­мыя­ мяць­ у­ Трас­цян­цы­ дзяр­жа­вам­ За­нвальд.­Яго­за­дум­ку­ўва­со­ііб­іў­Ігмді­ацкоў­ луіз­мы ­дпспаль­ лол у ва­л зе ­і­ лю­ р ы н матна ­ бац Пачы чыта дзяец абачы ася, помн гае, і Ч а час хоўв ­г ­ н рь­адс­ а, пі,р­м ду нач ьтам,­што­за­ а тіа­ па Вал усь” ува варыцыя і а п цыы­яаль­анўыай­яме­пе­ ­лочэн­ ага­ вы­ка­М ч ха­ цва­лі­ся­да­гэ­ л га­ лга­ пра­па­на­ваў­ Прэ­зі­дэнт­ Бе­ла­ру­сі­ скульп­тар­Кан­ста­цін­Кас­­нцаю­ лоў­на­ нааў­ча­га­ ор­га­на­ ы. ліс­ ста се Д то ­ еяпкспе­ шы ст ваў н­цісацд­ьзід­паўвже.рада­чв ы­ ­ А н­—­шу­кр шк­ ну ды коў: нала оў і п а, штола ў ін нешта а. і я прац ла пя ры мо эзіі Я еры дач эх ,­ шдо­ ге то плек Ро е на­раод­най­ аец ц эка­на­м Аляк­сандр­ Лу­ка­шэн­ка­ яшчэ­ ў­ ка­—­мно­гім­у­Бе­ла­ру­ най­ ар­га­ Ме­ а­ яал­­ю о“Ма­ у:­ ах­ Нвя­ры­ са­рмі­ аплоч­ва­лі­ са­ Даміж­ аў.­ ча­сІо а імёнаў”­ я — ва ­да яіч­ ­ла ммяго д й с­сіў­ с­ тры­ ­сті­ён­вя­ е ­гоП а:­ больў ы іМ тар ву, нкі Тур рэч абед вала ярых ,ш Па сіф адзе кнігу аз доў кніга шым у­п цаітў ­ры, шато моклаяе­з­ся­ х т ­жамв­ ен­ ыя ь­ то 1р9о­ о­ В уяў­ Н­е с­Мтб ­нА іка зі­ную­рБрро­бе­ з­ ую­ка­ , ца­ за­бой­ства.­­ліка ні­ 2015­го­дзе,­ка­лі­на­мес­цы­ла­ге­ мы­як­аў­тар­кам­п­ча­ зыа­цыі­сіс­ да­ мес­ ы ткэ­мы­ААН. знпра­езд­ ю ры адзе д зм лсяі­ак ­лек ў, іні атур пашы Купа гай, ­ ы аДре­вя­ азс­ні­цыі­“Ва­ ам ком , А­і іц а­20 мтпы­ зязбрерлю­д ц­ яў.п­П о жс­ аём а Вас Ка зга гія га бу­ л бы я р , зга , бо ухар зяце а яЗьпбу,­ Вяк­ я,­п ыятрас­ оп­К мя’і­д ­ о ­ а­ную­ д Су а­в і­кян­ с р­парўа­тжыу➔ д рэс цыяв у ў рае лы н пера йП . Сцьл ю Стар. н і 2і чэп­ й. А Іваанаў АВ ­ энт ым ў, 14 а­ш ­цкы. ож­ц аглы­ в ло адн два см ам: Іван д а­нчааш зін ра­ смер­ці­ ад­кры­ва­ла­ся­ пер­шая­ па­мя­ці”­ў­тым­жа­Трас­ ­на пна­ і.­ уз­н а­вц к е­ а ­н кім ліс лев ст ва ы. к Ч ­ле бы­ а р ы зім ад сР ла Го


Манумент “Масіў імёнаў” устанавілі ў Трасцянцы пад Мінскам — у памяць пра больш чым 10 тысяч аўстрыйцаў, што загінулі там ад рук нацыстаў у гады Другой сусветнай вайны

ас л Го м На

ь ыц р ва ага п то аш р ьп ёсц


сн я


Тра ге

еа л ю а ач с іск ід у я е н одн бел чу лад а вар пуб ў а­к ым а­м ­П ­ сатас ­даў, ­нараыльл жлыа,в­ ку ­нла­ ­ ад дзе ь­ аль е­ганд я­цлаьва еір­ аў­ к ­ лесп я яны іча У анцін чы на сьмё ямёр , бо Ма на се л дзін ун ць й­ ­юц ­1­с й­н Пе­р ач­з це­ў ,­ ў аў.ах р Бе ыст лікан ствар ай п арус вашс чык сц аў рэз ый жц ы , згао­цўы­я н­ аа­ ёй­цыа­ялі іх­ мама­тйэ­рчыык,­зб чу юц сці” ра. “ а дзя ў м рыя, гатав юбі­ зд ўсё ­зва­ля ­ла­ся ­ра­цы ­це­ ­по­б лік­ні­ э­ме.­ в­ ае РоДНыя­лЮДзі вы а с ю ам одкк­іро я,­анн амга пра іме ­ а ра­ а ір ­ і­ яд лару ва д скай энне расто кую кую з П трац амо оч бы і. Ал ь: у ў ро Трад цей, амін у яе ала. ць да ­бы­ва і­ніст ­спек Ж­нак і.­К ­ ў­ т ­пе­ ­ н не­ м 30­н ­ная­ з­ ю­йр­мы,т­ко­ртыарі­: пр клўу­ныўца­м і ды се, цуюч н­ на знач ка у р наць сь”. П ружб арга Чу ры лі­ ­рэ­ і­ м­1 ж ­ну тв­геіс ош­ча бора ба­цы , ­п зг жы ы ст якса Мар дзе П ыцы у та ай с вя­ мі ова ініс Пер дзін лух­ а ц­ца. о­ва,­ ­пасц­ Ка­ ад Ад­м пра ук­ды ­ныасх­ц э­ не ­маю да­чу ра кух ылі Да кім­ вар эгіён вако ісьм ы “ ніза вашс . Ён ды К ы ы а­п чк ­ н , б ім аз од цц арч ­кі, а­з аз­ чы м­ ко х­ оў ваю зв е.­ дзя арэйш ндр, ыі з М іску ю ш тава ям’і ў­ ­ па­ э­та­бц­леажлісяш ыс е л л с ен Чув цыі кай дзі сказв ню д дапа азм Адм екце ем га р­ ыць,­дасм­ аўл­сяі­ла­ сн­лыя­кр­дэзін…ь­­ увам­­ у­ о­таўт ра­в ­ р ў­ у ­с і,­ ірсааўн­кі пцл­цёаі ддоабе­ыаўюн­ ней зе. Ё ё ­ля радс­ ­пер­ ў д й ы м ц н а р і­ н т ­д Н я а п н я т ь ю ­г ­р назі ў.о­ рыв а — н а ры ей ай у ін­г ця а­ уч ад іка оў атд — се ­— ю ­ру, ы еБ­з пкае­лр ц­ніаў ­фспа і­кая ла­ ў на ў: к ала а га мож с га­ва а­го,­ ­кая­ м­ ен м­ га ­ту­юц ­лі­ва ­ца­ я ры ўніча ва ўв дзей бе до ік зд шыя “Та­ дк­ ка ну ль­ту а­дыц­ ы­— а­во­д в,­а)шт цМьа­ мс я­рру.а ўсе р за­ р,­ ы уюгіс ял­льв й­ш па­ сла я. І ў : Ал дач зея лаем пава зет­ па ен­ кі­ ве­ч ­ 14 ­цам­Н мі шы спат арміў, пры спад най іка іла асп за к ­ка се н н­ ў у в ­цеэс ­ю­чаш дзя й Га й фір айшл . У п бра олеў — рп е­ ц ­ і — жа ва ся якс кі ку е­ тр а­ро­д е­ пр ык­ а ві­ввяала ль­тау(у нбаіў ­ і­ ­па­Л е,­ я а­сіі,­ е­дам ­І­ існ­л “Вт раар ­ с s/ ла эпр­няэ скхо­тутчы су ся ў канн , ап слу ара. рабо е ­ П м т Ве д ад , вёд кі льм І. Я ржа рдзее мы і ген рэзі вядо аб’­ сц яўг­а амар­ пычгэ­ткаай, /new a­ р ­в Вял аходз ім пр ольш жыцц­ і­э­ ад Мця­ней­зьаш­ за­м­ акц­ .­э Не­цздяоўж­ веае­ слн­уае,­ ­ га се­н раі­н­ а­лі­т раз­ ю­ку гаІв му, Рас адк ’і му й, А акса ра. зеці і а ра гу ды м Н ча ін­т а,­зраы оўйц­ нўы­ц,а ­тЖ ­ ве яб­ а і­тэ­ц ­ме­Р ­па зеў. ­ в пз Б ў, “К д ­ н eш y н сп зяв ­ к ўн пр мінск ася б ­ раз­ уу­ю­па­тлрізк­ і­ і­ ма Болна­ т­гыа?­ Таадкн­ ак,­ хто­ ўўм­ сказ­­саіць­ сг­аа?­ І­ гэ­т,­амойу­­сні­верс­зяржд­ яул­ ічк­ ауесё­гляа­дле­ важзра­ спЯ1а9­жр4ад3­ гсобаг­бі­звваялз­аідўрозэ­зХі­днаэёанспцаь­тапкzбаdінa.bкyыа­v/bмyaмlіетkоayсdтzаe­я І­ ўбо­ ў­лкь­ная­­ ппра­в­яа­н­аль­ну Іва адаркоу,ц­ н ны Н яе дкзяазваеарытаваж,а Нандгезелінма,а трУо іх не ыве, пра гярэнкелаарусдьп, усканў.аў, дане креымец, й нагаву дзяражўлеваа,га педрэктаромплеыкрсэктарум таы­ х а А ем ад дасз­ка­ roс ­ тычvы­ Пгяа­лёт­ ў М тр да кія мі б ў­ м ц Ура­ к:­а­ ам,­ а…)­на­ёй.­У­ра­ Мы­з­Гер­ ра к ­Д ­нет­вэч­ жа­га­мяс­ інс ды уні Чу ” В бу­ “ ынам­Аляк­се­е­ві­чам­на­вяат­пра­ ­ М е чыго­ж і, ”. н­ е лкіал­лсі.еій­ оўнец­пры­ ў10л6 ўmсм н­ оджэ­ ­p я­н ў­нае м ­ца­ каа­нца­ыўта­ ніaі:7ка1а­кас­ оп /z па ўжыл ,­ хоць­вост­ра­лі­ з­ ­гба.­ Кеан­­лы­ ­ лег­у.і­­ Доўь­ні­ку,­ ­ тымб,­­ляц­цас­з­поў­ і с ”­н— ад ­ д ы­ем ­ го цы зею інств ары ое д Ста а­ ма гады лі, — ў б ды ама г Вярн рата ў ­бер­ ы в­ еуў­ зясрі­Гер­ ад­ ­ дэ­ а­ро­ в­ аебе­олўа­ ёя­ ­м жз­ уе­ў нмуан­Ар­ о су,тра­ Са ботнікПётр тыту рэкта версі вашс але­ га ­пгра­ :/амлі­1ка­ у­ад і­ жн ­на ва­лі­Воль­зе­Мі­ка­ла­еў­не,­якая­ в ­ о П д а ta с 3 ы к ц ­ p п а­ ч ы­Бе­ л а­ р у­ ц ем’­ м ан­ р ус­ к і­ м і­ д а­ в ы­ р а­ н м і­ Але­ я е ін р р о зя К н л й го т м за n а а а у г А д ў а ў у ю і­ ц а а л а л т р к ры ве ірс . У п це і­ ка сп ня р ­ск а­ва ­кі­ с ,­і­Д Ур ае­ ры ЛеН­ я амдз а­лсі­л :­httто 55ьца іdeрн зг ар шы тав ў­ ­зраё­ гр р­ смов­ а­п аў­я я­ біб бі, кул Кра та гу р Чу эта ага пм до яр­ку ч­ у­ва ­ца.­ Кна­пр н­ а­ча­л а­лі…т­ шко ок.­ а­глы ­ яго,­ —па­­ цтра­ я Ра­с/1йій­скай­ zў Фе­ ер­ п тіўроя­ ал ікдэ­р ы в­ ыа­цыі,­ ­тАр­ц­ ем’­ ч е­п­вра,­ сге­ я х­ й н д жар­теам­на­ іў­на­зна­ ка­ і­мты­кас­ зы­вае­ся­бе­ла­тыш­кай­рус­ка­гма­ а зл ан л ац­ ч ра й. ­п мьа­дром­­ с л ў зал ам ме ад ус ­ж :­“ в А ЛТ

ды З Друі шлях на Байканур яб ыл




я л ­ц в 8 ­pre 30 імо ­ка аан ­ Я ьс н а лі і ін цк ва кіх с ав ас а а шм іят дыр ьту но ма аш імя н ўр ­ і­ п ць м М ­ад р­ ыц ць­ пад а.­ К нос ,­ м ал о к­с ­ка но аве ­ і­ ­на­м е­слу ць­ х ц­ца:­ ­ р ен­не м­ то ко­ла ц­ энт па­м ос­выы л­бу­дайо ап,­остымсысля. 902а2йн­zф ваеі­з­таль­ лі ачы , бул ала ай а е М вёс тра­ зах­ста­не­яшчэ­ра­ней,­ па­хо­джан­ня,­ як­ доб­ра­ мо­жам­ раз­маў­ ў канў Ня у з б е вай а­ лё­ Ж а ю о­в рнаіў­два­па­ ­мякі­здзейс­ ь ­рб ­ я aтыы­на­ар­ наву ат хтоэкі С экта ры Ч ў, за нітар ска­ ­ны а­ва ­ ёс ці­ ц­ц ­м ат” ­ і­ аць зав­ а мк­ а ыўу­Ка­ ыр­ ную­ ў,­н я­дзе к­ ан­ а ас­ ам .­ л адн­ ы ну­ш ы­ак хто праЯ “паеб­рін а­дчзе ­ ўды і20б1ы mov y. ёнр­мваатраІ,­ршаснт­Ал ­ вы 2 нец Жпалі н та. Зга да сабе вяск ьбу з бо купа арыя ках цл ме рат ­ кож ­ вы­г сям’і кам­ дв­ ае­ й­— фар­м ­юць ,­ х на­лі­ і­ ду е­б ­дчым­яго­ кі, яш вятл р Н уваш служ ных йе, тн а ы­сын-кас­ ла­рус­кай­мо­ве.­І­яна,­зда­ец­ца,­ Між­ На ноп ар­бн каа­ ­( п­н м,­ ”­ аге ччы ам ю р. ляць­на­бе­ н ­ч т­ а ма­німаўт,­ а аі­м аta ­ то­н ля зе па­гл е­рн lіцcную­стан­ заую­кас­ ­ . Сrazвм чы лі кр хіба оўцы ўсю лем. цыі . — юіч­ ўар фа ужСоМцк­зыю­і­тры­ дш­мод­ льч абін аш зя даў дэ я н­ бу ­ у­ ль­ні­ скла у­ац­ ы ы­ “ ва­ля сць ва “ В е арга чэ з ана ацыя ыі Р аны ры ну к е­тўра ,­ на й­ныя а­ ці­ ра­ ­ён к­ ры ­г ­та­ рой­Ра­ в медгізіў­ х ьак­ші­ты­ н вuед­sад­ эмі­ас,­­шыта­кті­а наяшчэ­раз­упэў­ а­ Гал­ьў­Рвы­ мні­лпа­ся,­на­коль­кі­яе­муж­—­ цем’­ ы к ,а : ­ і­ кос­ ле сціл адко дро ў п заб Нем ма­ аб­п ­яксіі­Алег­Ар­ д мчхы­ о­ мі, а­ча ўсё­ ­сі­т ўс­ ёд­ даз­ ль­на ­ан­ ­ с а­лі­ і­не варГе­ ам ву шскія ч а р нізат дзея Ста наль аіса чанкТры­ н­веа, ­з­улыу­ біў Так ­сто ­не­в і­ха­і­л .­зАы­ Пр ўпер ➔ С не ­Балк ку, т аўска ляк Пра да яе ­наыгам К ве­ц ,­ т­ ы.­ К р­ ыў, ­ й­ а х в баць­ н­ і­кляхсц­і і­На­ каб бяду, і, з ш м. П бну олі п ірал цы, е ла­ цўі­бе­ э­д.­ а­дні­Р , па­глы­ амнай­сут­ з­ н не­ ё­вых ­ за сц­ а­ тан­ а ь­ ню ець” га наас­ і л — а імп ы н ы араў чаў к рыка най сяб арсбін­ ­пя­р­м “за Брэж ­ М ан­нча­ ню ла­рус. ывчек­ ноянляго­ ь­куі­ ­ны­ з­з—­ оссетанўем ккаа.­ т айн ен а­ва ыр­ а ю, в а т і, а і­ р ­ д с е о і­ а і е а і­ к ­ е 7 у ц а н п к ­ ­ г о р а ц ­ і ю а ко л д д т ➔ е п кар лу ы шт бі а зтна­ ія ­ 1 м ыц ­ н м ую і­чы дас­ ­ла м т­гцеб­ ­л н дс­ тамкэні­я­й­па­ шы тар рган рэзы , бе вытв ульту ва і а­л го­ ­ т с­ўкамгае ­ ліш ма­н Ка­ т пе­ра­бі­ра­ла­ !”.лі­агавяр­ а ла­ёсня­ ў­СМінск,­ аяв­ра­нгеа­Дня­кас­ шчскі­ад­рас­ра­сій­ска­гга­­­ні­да я”­ —ўра­ж а­пчар­ Ст ам у, пін м к о ра ел зімы ы ан раг­ энВі­ ­ у ­у­2гі0ста еха­лва­ мнаа­юў­кты­ аш Ж .­ Ды і­ны,­ эб­н ,­ ул “не сі­хо ат­лі­ Су грам чаль а. Ён ідару рагед ры і... — атур ізацы , а н л а ру орча ры, й(ц ­ нім ­ ”. У ы зна­ ­лі­кцебск­па­ ы ­на­ д­ск ў­Ві­ е,­ма­на­ўта і т не лу пак ­ а а 1 Ф д е ­ф й е д ­ ў я у я і­ ы н ­ 9 р р а ­ ы р б кас­ ё м ­ іц­ ц а­з­пад­ п ал­ к оў­ н і­ к ам­ ў­га­ л а­ в е­дэ­ т а­ л і­су­ с трэ­ ч ы.­Ус­ п а­ м і­ н а­ л а­ с я,­ в ё п М а П з ­ к ы ж ы с с а я а . 5 ці рав м е бн і­ ва с­ тав­ па­т час ­ і­ ь”.­ шм кан ­ з ц Тур рэ адн­ вач ­трэб а­ма ве­“В аж­н ­як.­ р­ма­ц ­ра­ўяпер Л фыаст­43­га лё­ д ты рэкт дарав адн рацо дска ае са ыве , ура ю ў Б Д пер ка ці. з го у — лі. і н е ма­н­ ам­ а Гер­ лцем’­е­вым,­ дж кі­пра­ ым ўн се­ нь аряк­Гер­ т у­ Не­ба­ спрад­ве­ку­ не­ для­ ўсіх­ стаў­цы­ ­ іч­за­ в чыт­ гаев Л рАр­ ў ваў­рад­ аб ць­ іць­ в­ а­ ж пец ць:­ ых­ о­гіх ­ П дак­ л вів ікав гай. зеліц елар зён к спек ­ч у ­ ­кгрры­ па ад­ лад у Як е ”­ вад­ ленякі­ а М іч пмаан­Аляк­ м­с з ­і­— Ін­ф ­мас­ф а,­дра а­ енін ьварк на ­ ов­ мн л­ о у рав з п ічае рух ет Ка Расіі э­ ым ргля­ узя ­дзел­ з­мо ер­ ас­ ­джаю у”. сё е і ра аецц асцю — Я ца п усі ульту ты­ ы просваю­род­ ­к ці­ па­ ы­е н­тамра­­ннаей­ы.­за­ т на­к ка­лўісь­ у ён­ скта ра­упіў­ у­ тае.­ Мно­гім,­ як­ вя­до­ма,­ звыч­нней­ сы­ і е ве ную­Друю­ў­ра­ ЯнБай­ ы ­ б най­га­ ка , зе­цбе­—­ аб­ з лі, ела ажна інс а­п ­зі­дэ .­Важ ­ан­с сць,­а ­ло­гі­ ар­бо га) опа фаш сьба мары даміўсем у газе “За я ардзі у вы .­ Ра і­ “п вяр іж­ас ­наў, н­ а­б мел­ і­ уц . І, не а ва сач люб лана ў Ч ры наса­м э ку­о ка­юнур­(та­даы­го­рад­Ле­нінск),­а­так­ дзець­ са­бе­ пад­ но­гі,­ чым­ хоць­ рзрэд­ а­з­ йж М ыбе­ра­ чбыач­ рз­ ­ по­ л ў­э­ ятой­ ,не­вя­рліч­кті­ ар­тды­кул­ сы ­жа,­ м­сц к,­ м ­ вой ­мож ­дзі­ў ня ягну сум ша ку у за лю Б мі В ува­ Пр ­шт іць­н ль­на к­са­м я­ аф м? ускму зспец каў пісал ь, зн стаўм­доушуа­н льна што эдак ай “Г нан­ ­та,­ н ц а ч е з т а а л а гэ е пад­няць­ га­ла­ву­ і­ зір­нуць­ увысь.­ пІ­ране­ фо­ т а­ з дым­ к а­ м і­ сы­ н а­кас­ м а­ н а­ ў та.­ Яшчэ­ яго­жон­ к ай. ь ы га о а ы в ­ ц і ы і ю і мо ­ты рэ­ча а­ват н­няў ­лю зв ы с д ь н ­ в н ­ м шч і­ў ,­ава ца о1д7 ам аш у п нна тур м, лару ле­ уда кай пр і,­ж ком ярн ыю П лас ­ла ­та ­а­т ­цый ­ся,­яліс з­ між ­ сп ў,­ н ас­ е а­лі­б і св ай рас , мн а, л як сь, кла рэй­ быраўр (с вераа­лмаінСэлфі там­ Алега Арцем’ева ў космасе цань­кыхрыга ра­нйя­ма томне­су­ ўсім­шан­цуе­су­стрэць­у­жыц­ці­та­го,­хто­ б­мдея­ысйед­ вс аў­да­ нес­ цаді,­што­ў­ ­ ы­ста­ ем я­ж­і ­рыі,У­мВі­ а цеб­ску,­ дзе­ Ар­цем’­ев ­ цьнпік­спра­ пле буа­ а а ў у р к р ц то к а ­ м ­ б а іх і д а е ё л ў е ’ю о т ­ а э р . д т а ю н ас нрны сне”я шр­в , аш ­ іх к ік­т ­па ць,­ ва мянцы­ лю­ та­смк па­ Прне­ніц к я ­рьа гаазе на ­ды­тшыя­ н­К ­лі­кос­ дзі мя­ пад­ка­жа­ “вы­со­кую”­ да­ро­гу,­ пад­тры­мае­ зем аінай ру су хаце арату з­ амма­ ія,­ апош­нім­ ча­сам­ жы­вуць,­ ь су дХзі­дароз­нбых­ к фяе­ т яшян­н ін1­т7э чыБне­л то­ а і­касу­ н сашпра­ кі­тйрэб­ а­існуе­ фл ых г­ну па­в ты ­ла­ў аў ­тур­г ляк , ва дак лас ­ пац цеІ­ якыл аўскнан­аайляб­мвіць,­дзе­ён,­той­кос­ ­“ у. ас­ я:­як­гэ­ ­ м а­мЯ а­шлюўд­ рыа­здзіў­ “Скр, ­С ф пра ляў­ роазп­цу­а,­джрыа сій.­Ды­шчы­ рна­ мас...­Па­ду­ма­ла­ся:­ :­ вы н ­я а у аяея і­с9а4 ­іх”­—А ін­ш а­збе Анле 1 ота­ў­та­ о ш р я ы­дяа­выад­ ма стрэў­ сам­ Гер­ман­ Аляк­се­згеа­віч.­ д ­п ль рэад­лаа зеа­й. альва спа­ няа­ў еА ле­ вуча 79,­ шатцоыся­цега­д пвя­лйі­кнеай­сов­пёс­ск ваго Ся ў”. ым анан б Ка а­мо­ ста­дааюль з­кі­бкую­ра­ о ф дка ­зпаўраў­ ­Ган­ктц­рыч­нАую­да­ б­п тлаама­гас­ р леч­нех­ па­вёў­да­ся­бе­да­моў.­Там­нас­ча­ са­ Гер­ман­ Аляк­се­е­віч­ 4ж е а Па ­дзанеа.­сц ­нсакм а ды­ю а на­лі­ аў“Мо­ в кйа­ нар ­ варм­ід­р р­г шж гочда­не­ су стц­Т оадяа­ёай­ яс­ч юое ­ш еве ­рыі п аыя,­пнра ыа­юў­ кале ак ш,­вы р­кэуй­кш ей а ка аа­дезе, у:­ ­ж н­Чсы ­гкаа­нля­нав­ядом ць а л лмае­ таня­рра­ о­ л януц­ц ­бцыю,­ ­Ш па­ды­ня,­Воль­га­Мі­ка­ла­вемі­шў­ та­вса­ р­вімк­ ­р а?­Я­ж­су­ і­ат ж­ стра­ гіка­ла­яго­пра­ і”ж і­ ў­ Кнас,­ ­с 17 ав­цеу.рэні­кшапкеа­ агчнчха:­пры­ ­б, я у­лягка­ ­тав­впы­зэьн­да­в ызвы­чай­ных­ і­ зям­ і нхо­ нціштаяў­пе ы­Ех,кая­ц Сіі­дцае ае­нтра­ва ў­лда­а”ёй а­бін ойы эн­цяе. ), ­літа­мвае ыэ­дўат ыч ­б уао­ ­М ыамБаго шечм­ оз­д ер­ тон­руыя­сі­ тэ­ ртызажаад­ві­адд кСівных,­ёсць­па­ ры­пр72с,­то­ ­ най­пра­ вя­лріы­з­жар­ ы ­ц п ­н а СаГэт о­чваста­ р бе­ў­кас­ вк­П іць­ся­ ла­ка­ву,­пі­рож­ныя­й­цу­ лы,­каб­вы­рвац­ ге а ­С. аКма іч­ го ко ­мых веа­за­ пргі ка­А мшекыі.­Раз­ .­ а, б­ложм 70 е­руыгаўя­ ­й ун­д н.:а­“ ра­тўэрзв еы­ў ія­веж.­ Мунк­цча­в дю оў­ш еы­гноа­) ­ лен ы­ла, і­кія ыю раб­ ккулю­дтоо­мраы і­дмаы ­ў д а с ­“ с а т ­ ­х п а ­ Р ў р ­я р . ц а т гл н ін н ы у м ы га е ­у л о са­лод­кім­ ста­лом­ ­о п та­мкі­ды­ад­ нл­ а што­ а м­тўах­ва­т.ла­с­я­ад­іх. бч жы­ эснц р­каю.­ ю К дзён­на­га­ ўспры­ман­ня­ ­м шчы­ арлыа­­лсаая­ іцза­а­ме­ я а­лі м­ППаўs”­(эчы ­ у­ енца­ ­на атры­мо­ка­ ­ўд­я ас. ­8 т аў п­ріас­ні­ р­ аМтасвапйан­шлі­ппаар яаш ­Шч і­ха ­напв чнК удо­ё ­нвам амесат ­цнаей лтьту­і­да­ ь П расве­ аад­ ы ж­і­лП ста­ ­тіа саеб­тм­ олбы­ пааўў­сга ru л ажта­рі­ы­лі­ зы ар а а зе­ліская­к р Але­ Зна­ё­мі­лі­ся,­е­вгу­ ў­ пры­ да­ ня уць­кос­ ма­су?­Ну­ка­лі­не­ў­ нрі­цай­ ,­ ыы на­ энай­нкьара­ ёасснця­ ­М а­шТа ­вяг­ адср­датуп­ еза пр,­н саай­ стСтаю, і­чы ­ве­— а с­ці­М ­вя­ зг я абал­сяа­ лўачйыцьагерд’­е­р . П ў­ амМуі­юха .­этBаelaьш не­паспаа­каны ­нн 9ч;­ш ыо­хо­ ­нкауя­пра­ леас­ ы ла­ нетйаа­мыар­ ла­чль­ ,­ яе аё­ врэ­ о ску­дзя­ ­псцді,­то­хоць­у­дум­ й­м мас­ а фе­ре ы,­па­свой­ маш­няй­ат­ ках...­Мо­жа­гэ­ тзеа:­ ь па­ эву ан­ ­дзечпнуў­ пд чыы­суя,­ ­мааў ­выладі­л­лі­ с і­ме­ ­ 01ы­ ­Рф а­слёрі. шш ,­за вор­ч ­у­н ­гі­са ­ м а­ма ро­ддаы ув­чыаць­м,а­ нлая­ў­к ныр свы1р,­ 2 Кра­цуяй, Бо­еўлс хаеп­дізяітанйе­сажынма.­ ➔ к ыю фтааў­лымк,ім­у ж оыйўпер­ а я­жоў­ва­ем­ся­бе­ў­ма­рах?­ ­на д “Змусь­ с шм э­ві­ л і­ у мі­аб­ ­ аш доў­ пеа­ря га ся­по­ чн ы,­жыц­ ча­ ца­сі­ да­ п тгі­ а л та­мы­са­ ,ню­за­ ’­ёз­Пашы­ л і­ак­на­ ­та­мі­на­роз­ ­сі, а­ле н­чыя­рэ­ а,­ я,­цвё­вкя­дыя­ соа аш­вутю ай оў гля­ зет яь­л­ э­ты­рА­лсяурскі­ропд­сля №праах­ёй­Каў.­сШчыі­цнкя­груысі,ц­ ыа в­сялве­жмежці й а­й ­нам кеа­зна­ ма­кы очас­ ай­оаряа”,­гпля­ ­ лі­па­ лё­вра­ ­ я не.­ а бву­ю з­утму­аа­ц­мыі.­Хут­ сі­ дазе­ла­ ў­ не­бяа,­ спра­ Стар. 7 а ­лаз­су­мен­ ­т Л а ­к ворхо­аддзі­ о ­чаы­яўя­ . ­В н­н Я нпа­ ы ,­ ц­ц іт ікія ах дзі ін­ску, ць­зн й­м! еПр­раз­няопа ­лаІ­ўтуею”, ­г а­мпыымнеімк­ссанде­лаад­ кі­ дысхроыцд­цзі­лўе­надалеэ­паей б➔ ,­бе ак­с Пр і­м з­т пр ­ а д­на як аў ,­ ішльа­м т ­ с шык­л лі­у ­Б ра­кім раў дуоб ныея­р йаш­стаіте­ вы вы. тэ­ у.­І і,­а­т і­ча.­ е,­як ­бі­лі­ і­ й­ ляк а­ н ­ к ­ М с а а д с ,­ ь а пан­н пакс­з ы , у За ­ру ц­ц ­ра­в ­жэ­ц ­зр ча­м ку­А а­ст ­ ы­к і­ў­а ­чы і­дзэ а,Са­л уыц реак­т лі­доўў я ап­віц Суав­ ніцзр рэд лёс яко ­ ойр­ твдазё ўс,­ті­агу е­ла ­жы ­санд е­сю ан­ня гле­да­ ­дач 4­п ­го­да ­ в ла­ме Да­рэ ­джа­в ­ня.­“ п­ ел­і­ч м­ сп л0я­гСа ­сслае­кд цаб­цла­н ей й і н н Б м о а З зу ­б с ­к в е ц а ў ац ў ­і ­е Д па с­ца­ў ляк т­тэ­л е­ба­ч а­ з­ аў­і пра­1 010 ­га­ро ­ ь­ ­са.­ ан жэн а­ба сва як­за­1Ця­ва­ўра­зкна за ­та фды­ а н ла ген аў ю ме і­­ла­А ­на­ва ­тэ­л ­рэ­ж ­зга­д а­лі­ н­з­2 зна аў… ­ у і­лам­Па­ра­д аш­т ым­ маль аяаў­лаёп­перры—о0ў0с9к­м п­лаоў,­с алаь­ва а пэў ерал расій Яно­ Ур ­ ы ат­т А­л а­л д”б ­ў­2 п е­бага ­н ­ м а­н ­а ан рк ны ­ан ск ач ха ­кім ­на­га ­лоў І,­ён ­ка­з ­ніў­ё ра­ў я­на­л ­род ­ У а­га ет яго ­лі­кіх кла­д х­ім ­на­Г арт­ер ­ды ыc зела е­нра ц­ .а­з цам а. І п час шэф ія ў­н у­сі­ ліч а­ліч ­чы­ га СМ іс­ты зейс у­сі,­п ­фе­сі­ стаў а­на та і ге от пр а на Жаб Ан вя м,­ с ­ле­ны ­ця­ры а­“П ­“Го о­гус­ля ­у3зясцаму ­ло а­р е Ст ­стрэ а­мі­ р­на­л о­зд ел­ а­р ­пра ым,­ а­шк нер ым ы­ ­га е­л ­ пл лі зван інка ,­ ны ­стаў ­Ека о­пі­с а­меі: е­ўв а­ся­б 0 в трагі на адк ала ру ля а­Б го і­ су аў­ні­к ­Жу ,­ шт ы­Б ­лі­кі, ­ба­ч го­С ера ч а­ж ­ Кр ры Бр ахвя ы па ўскай па ­сі.­А ­ча­с і­Са­л ­мя­н е­лі­л о­д т­р ­вак­я а­м Ка ­ сня ную уп цц эсц ра йм ст нд­ру. пер э­ат­р ­пуб к,­як ут­я ­до­м у­шы І­ ­ж у а­ры ­ты ы­ў асм раё . шт а­тэ­а н я м ­ о чы ё к е р ,­ в м а с е ­о а к ­д е .­ а ­т ­ п ­т ­р р е ­р ­м 19 ад с ­вак кім н­н ін то нс ап скімдзян ай во і кар нна ннай ­та,­ ­ку ем ­ ­да ка­г ­ста а­м ну нт­па ­й­ма ю,­ці­ 43 зею нд кім ліц но я­лі­ ы­зна я­ра­М м,­ ш ­гэ ас­цін ­жы­в а­бою СС бл нік 11 ­са ­ве я­лі­ х­па ­па-з ­ а о ы ч , го к к о с д ­ — ч а і­ по ы ч кн е е а­ С а да. ў­В ,­ пр бі­л ­ты ­лі­ і.­Ч ў­гу ­з­с ­хт а­В ы ­ца іх ля лі Ай ны і льса Р, ш сці за аў. А алав ізе “ за­д ­не­в ям і­зі­к а­до ­ро­гу о­га­М­зы­ ы ля­ю чэ­й ­ла ­сё­р ­лоў­н ­вае­ ц ін­ск е­А П е в в д ч а т х ­з з­ ы е ­й а ы о ­я м ­ е ­п о ­ф а ,­ о М ­жы ­га ­бы ­м ць ➔ нн везе це, пр ўв ў Д к, ш амяц А­д м­яш ­ся. нен­н ­ко­ны ,­дзе ь­у­д м,­са ам­н ­даў” ­ я Ст ую ад­р ­ві­ка­ рэ ­на­з я­ад ць­і­ў а­ву ны якія ажы аецц зярж то с ь” а яг­ ­за ам ул ­жа ча­с ­ро кім ­ ы ­ л а а у ­ н в З р ­ц а а зі ­к ін а і­ ­с ­т д­т . 7 айн ням рас валі а “С арх та­ ад ц­ц ,­хо ­ях.­ зэ,­ ­са М ь­ ра­д Пры ­кі­пр і­да­ем ом­а я.­Ск а­ле­г ных­н у­зін у ў ец стр ў піс іве жы ­ат­ра а­цы с ь Р гр р ­ ­ві­д о­му­5 ­ся­ ў­ ­рыц з­ і­ к к ­ ­к а л Г я а а гр о ­па ­б ­ці­л ае ­ро з­ ерм імі лян газ а­ а ­во тэ ­ка­р ­дж к віч анію фаш ы, нян не­т е­мы ­ма­ж ба­га дзэ­м ­цём ­сёр,­ ан ­ты,­я а­дзі­л о­га но дэ П зі а за з­ і­ ы ­ а ж с ў ак­с м­у жа­в й­“д рэ­ж д ”. ыст му а­ ­та а­р ­ў ам ­ д­р ­га ­ н ка нЖ гэ­т е,­чы ан­д а­бо ­скі­ іў ан ­ма ­доў, чын Іва ў то ­і­ла­П іж­с а­сій як­с я­до га Ал ­ад­в я­ 50­ ая­дзя ха ­юць­м —­ р е а­с ов н­н ва ­ ён­ не оў­ні­л цігад бо сп у.­Пя ск

іла іха М я фе ая к ь лен Ма



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Беларусь. Belarus


Social and political magazine № 4 (1027), April, 2019 Published since 1930. Resumed in 1944. Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.

This important in all aspects dialogue

4 E-mail: Subscription index — 74977

announced during the opening ceremony of a new plant, which had been built under the patronage of Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, authorized to cooperate with India

Focus on big things The President of Belarus paid an official visit to Turkey



Names in stone


Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

Philosophical problems of biomedicine Do new medical technologies violate human rights?


Virtual hand is real help The hand is an extremely complex device. Doctors need exceptional skills and the ability to calculate the onward development of the events in order to restore its function after a tendon rupture. There are more than one hundred of such injuries per year

Law for experts The country will develop common approaches to conducting judicial research


In the beginning pills, capsules, blisters will be made from the imported raw materials, but in time a plant will start working which is to produce the substance itself. This was

Signed for printing on 22.03.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 7,66 Total circulation — 1640

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For a healthy future

Investing for health

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Directorate of the 2nd European Games and UNAIDS have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)


Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubou Malyshava Proof-reader Alisa Gungor


Sangeeta Bahadur: "I am building bridges between people..."

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2019

Cover designed by Tatiana Storozhenko

беларусь. belarus 2019


more in the issue 1

From Kazansk to China


And they want to fly


People have always wanted to conquer the sky. Some people fly airplanes and helicopters, others learn the art of flying by being on the ground, and their small aircraft soar in the clouds

34 42

Pole gives plus Our polar explorers in the far Antarctic are studying new microorganisms, an active gene that makes it possible to overcome low temperatures, and hydrocarbons. Polar everyday life of the 11th Belarusian Antarctic Expedition is in full swing. Despite extreme conditions (considerable temperature minus and high level of solar radiation), eight of our scientists are collecting valuable information for the country and science.

Genes will tell the truth Many hereditary diseases can now be diagnosed in advance and predisposition to them can be assessed. And in the near future, scientists will be able to make a detailed portrait of a person by genes all the way down to his appearance, character and aptitudes. There are more and more people willing to look inside themselves every year


Earthly and empyreal love Future theatre directors, graduates of the Belarusian Academy of Arts performed their diploma work which was held in St. Pe­ tersburg


Foundation of success

26 Fashion is responsibility Social responsiveness is one of the global trends in world fashion. There is even a special term — “responsible fashion"

46 Eloquent palette


беларусь. belarus 2019




`` Exchange of views is always good

`` The Great Stone is waiting for everyone

Belarus President Alexander Luka­ shenko met with Moldova President Igor Dodon in Minsk

Presentation of the Belarusian-Chi­ nese industrial park “The Great Stone” took place at the Belarusian Embassy in Moscow

“There is a great deal of matters around us that we should discuss. Naturally, our relations, relations between Moldova and Belarus. I strongly hope that there are no problems in these relations and there shouldn’t be any. Because we need each other, we have agreed on it. Today’s meeting (it may be short but it is very important that we’ve met) will give an additional impulse to our relations. That’s the way I see this meeting,” said Alexander Lukashenko to his Moldovan counterpart. The head of state added that this meeting also represented a good opportunity to discuss the international agenda, in particular, issues related to Ukraine. The President touched upon Belarusian-Russian relations and asked Igor Dodon, who was on his way to Russia to meet with the leadership, to convey greetings to his Russian friends. Igor Dodon noted that Belarus and Moldova enjoy friendly relations, including at the level of the heads of state. According to him, Moldovans love Belarus and respect its president. The Moldova president was interested in discussing the international agenda, including the elections in Ukraine. “We hope that everything will be fine and stable in Ukraine. It is in our interests.” Igor Dodon thanked Belarus for supporting Moldova on the platform of the Eurasian Economic Union — Moldova received an observer status to the EAEU last year. Source: BelTA


`` Now on money The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus issued into circulation the commemorative coins “2nd European Games 2019. Minsk”: gold — nominal value of 50 rubles, weight of 7.78 g, standard of alloy 999, 25.00 mm in diameter, circulation of 300 pieces; silver — nominal value of 20 rubles, weight of 33.63 g, standard of alloy 925, 38.61 mm in diameter, circulation of 1500 pieces; copper-nickel — nominal value of 1 ruble, weight of 19.50 g, 37.00 mm in diameter, circulation of 3000 pieces. The coins are minted by the Lithuanian Mint JSC with the following quality: gold and silver — proof, copper-nickel — prooflike.

It was attended by diplomatic missions of more than 60 countries, as well as the heads of the Association of European Businesses, the Skolkovo Innovation Fund, Russian and foreign business circles. According to the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Great Stone Igor Leshchenok, the purpose of a meeting of this format is to convey information about the park to business circles of all countries. To tell them that Belarus is building an industrial platform with the most effective conditions for the development of technologies of the future. There are no such prospects for business growth throughout the Eurasian continent. 43 residents from Russia, China, Austria, Israel, the United States, and Belarus are registered in the park. Their number must grow to 60 by the end of the year. The park is already called an industrial offshore, as there are unprecedented privileges for the companies affiliated to it. Solving legal issues is no less convenient. The “one station” works in the park. This structure helps to undergo all the necessary bureaucratic procedures. When asked how many residents the Great Stone can accommodate, the head of the law firm Alexander Antonov answers laconically: there is enough place for everyone.

The coins issued into circulation are legal tender of the Republic of Belarus and are obligatory for acceptance at face value for all types of payments without any restrictions.

By Alesya Petrovskaya

By Darya Lobazhevich

беларусь. belarus 2019




Focus on big things The President of Belarus paid an official visit to Turkey


The ceremony of the official meeting of the presidents of Belarus and Turkey was held at the residence of Recep Tay­ yip Erdoğan in the White Palace. In essence, the identical for all countries protocol action was not devoid of national flavor. Even at the entrance the motorcade of Alexander Lukashenko was met by a cavalry group of 40 horsemen, who accompanied the honored guest to the main palace gate. Alexander

Lukashenko and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met at the palace. During the ceremony, the orchestra played the national anthems of Belarus and Turkey, alongside with a salute of 21 shots, which was given according to the local tradition. Here, in the White Palace, the heads of state held talks. Upon completing the talks, Alexander Lukashenko stressed that Turkey is one of the key partners of Belarus in the region. The interaction with this counBelta

he chronology of the visit is the following. After the official welcoming ceremony with the formed guard of honor at Ankara Esenboğa International Airport, the head of state went to Anıtkabir, the mausoleum of Atatürk. Here he laid a wreath on the tomb of the national leader, founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal.


беларусь. belarus 2019

M try is of great importance. The President of Belarus pointed out that the first official visit of his Turkish counterpart to Belarus in November 2016 opened a new page in the history of BelarusianTurkish relations: — Back then we gave a notable impetus to political, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation. It was an explosive step that gave serious momentum to our relations. Alexander Lukashenko said that during the current talks, the parties “had an open and constructive discussion of all important issues on the bilateral agenda”. The parties welcomed a positive and fruitful dialogue between the two countries: — We have no differences at all on the political agenda, including on crucial international issues. Our points of views are completely identical. The head of state noted that economy makes the basis of the BelarusianTurkish cooperation. During the talks the parties prioritized the areas in trade and investment, discussed the prospects for implementing joint projects in engineering, agriculture, construction, finance, chemical and light industries. — It is good that we are gradually switching from simple trade to a more advanced form of economic interaction, namely industrial cooperation. The assembly of MTZ tractors in Turkey attests to our serious intentions in this regard. Together we will work on similar projects across other types of Belarusian machinery, — the head of state said. In April the first Belarusian tractor was assembled in the industrial zone Kırıkkale located 80km away from Ankara. The tractor was shown to Alexander Lukashenko before the beginning of the talks. The BELARUS tractor assembly plant is scheduled to come on stream in July. The project has been supported by Azerbaijan. — We did it ahead of schedule together with our Turkish friends and representatives of Azerbaijan. This is a very interesting form of cooperation. I think there are not many examples in the world where we started the pro-

duction according to the Belarusian technologies in one country and then together advanced to Turkey, a country friendly to Belarus and Azerbaijan, — the Belarusian head of state noted. Special attention was paid to the measures to stimulate trade and economic cooperation. These include optimization of freight logistic routes, continuation of work to set up a bank in Belarus with the Turkish capital, establishment of joint ventures on the territory of the two countries. — We are looking forward to the arrival of your bank in Belarus. We are ready to of-

Turkey is an absolute priority for us. We appreciate our friendship and intend to further all-round productive interaction. ...We have always been focused on good relations, respected our agreements and kept our promises whatever it took us. This is how the things will continue to be. fer you to purchase a Belarusian bank or acquire a stake in one of Belarusian banks, — Alexander Lukashenko invited the Turkish partners for cooperation. Belarus is also interested in further expansion of contacts in technology, innovation, education and intends to bolster ties in joint scientific research, academic programs, exchange of university students and professors. The Presidents of Belarus and Turkey agreed that the mutual trade turnover of our countries should be raised to one and a half billion dollars. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reminded that in 2016 Minsk and Ankara set a goal to reach the volume of bilateral trade of $1 billion. It has almost been achieved. Last year, this parameter was fixed at $984 million. — We have decided to work even harder on this issue and increase trade turnover up to $1.5 billion. Turkey and Belarus have such a potential, — the President of Turkey assured. Alexander Lukashenko


agreed that the current level of trade turnover does not correspond to the potential of Belarusian-Turkish relations. He stressed: — When we made the decision about a billion trade turnover, we were very careful about this figure. I did not think that we would reach this point so quickly. And today we are already talking about a billion and a half. I promised the President of Turkey that we will never have any closed topics in our relations, be it food supplies or cooperation in the military industrial complex. We are determined to take serious and radical steps in this regard. For the two years since the visit of the President of Turkey to Belarus, the mutual trade turnover has increased by 20 per cent. — This is a very good increase, but the figures do not correspond to the potential of the two states. We can, should and will do much more than we have done even in these two years, — said Alexander Lukashenko. Following the talks between the presidents of Belarus and Turkey, the parties signed a package of documents. Among themis the intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in education, a memorandum of cooperation between the Justice Ministries, a memorandum of understanding between the State Military-Industrial Committee of Belarus and the Presidency of Defence Industry of Turkey. In addition, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Ministry of Industry and Development of Turkey signed a memorandum on technical and scientific cooperation in Antarctica. The parties also concluded a road map to develop cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences and Research Council of Turkey in 2019–2021 and a protocol of the tenth session of the Belarusian-Turkish Joint Intergovernmental Economic Commission. According to Alexander Lukashenko, these documents create additional conditions for bolstering mutually beneficial Belarusian-Turkish ties in politics, trade, economy, science and humanitarian affairs. By Vasily Tikhomirov

беларусь. belarus 2019




This important in all aspects dialogue Belarus is ready to cooperate with the European Union, keeping national interests in mind. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko announced this at the negotiations with Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.


he head of state thanked Austria for its contribution to Belarus’ rapprochement with the European Union. “It is impossible to keep the center of Europe away from close cooperation of the European Union with our country. We are ready for this cooperation, but, as you rightly said, national interests should always be taken into account,” said Alexan-

der Lukashenko. The president told Sebastian Kurz that he had carefully read his article in the Die Welt newspaper and he liked the chancellor’s point of view on the development of Europe. “It is bold and resolute. This is also a point of view on Europe’s development which is possible today. We are ready to cooperate in all the areas with the Europe which you see today and tomorrow,” the head of state said. The head of state also noted that he is totally against the dissolution of the European Union and its weakening. “I proceed from a pragmatic point of view. The European Union is one of the main pillars of stability on our planet today. If this pillar is pulled out, it will be very difficult to hold the overall system on the rest of the pillars: the United States, China, India and Russia. It will be very difficult to do so, since it is one fourth of the world production. The European Union needs to be preserved. Of course, Europe and the European Union need to be modernized, but not destroyed,” the president said. Alexander Lukashenko added that there are no problems in the political sphere between Belarus and Austria. “Our views on the international agenda are largely similar to


беларусь. belarus 2019

those of the Austrian leadership. We have no contradictions here, neither on the development of our European region, nor of the world in general,” the head of state said. Sebastian Kurz visited Belarus as the Austrian foreign minister in 2015 and 2017. In 2018 the trade turnover between Belarus an Austria amounted $171.4 million. Austria is steadily among the largest investors in the Belarusian economy. In 2018, $297 million of investments were attracted. New investment projects with the participation of Kronospan, A1 Telecom Austria Group and Lenzing are being developed for a total amount of over $500 million. Belarus has also registered 83 companies with Austrian capital (48 joint ventures and 35 foreign firms), as well as 20 representative offices of Austrian organizations. In Austria, there is a representative office of Belavia and three trading companies — BELMET Handelsgesellschaft and RMZ Vertriebsgesellschaft (both with the participation of BMZ OJSC), SolTrade (Belaruskali OJSC). The legal framework between Belarus and Austria includes 16 agreements. Nevertheless, according to Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus and Austria should enhance bilateral cooperation, first of all, in trade. The president emphasized that the BelarusianAustrian cooperation has a good historical basis. However, the results of economic interaction could have been better. The head of state added that the relations between the two countries have their roots in the Soviet period when Austrian companies were building large enterprises in Belarus. “Even today, these enterprises are, we can say, ones of the best,” Alexander Lukashenko said. “We always welcome your investments in Belarus. If your big companies are interested (and




you said that they are), I am ready to start a dialogue with the director of any company you specify to discuss the joint manufacture of products you see proper,” the president said. Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz expects President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to pay a visit to Austria within the next six months. “I am very glad that you will be able to visit Austria in the next half of the year. This way, step by step, we will be able to deepen our relations,” said Sebastian Kurtz. Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz confirmed in Minsk that he supports further building of good long-term relations between Austria and Belarus. “I feel very good in your country. It is very important for me that Austria, as a part of the European Union, can build good long-term relations with your country. It seems to me that you have found a very positive and correct way of rapprochement with the European Union without breaking off your partnership relations with Russia. In my view, this win-win approach is much more productive than taking one side, which can have a negative impact. This pertains not only to your country, but also to other nations in the region,” said the Federal Chancellor. Sebastian Kurz stated that the two countries have developed good bilateral relations, including in the economic sector. Austria is among the biggest investors in Belarus. “I am very glad that our companies will further have an opportunity to meet with you and hold talks,” he noted. Yes, the main topic of the talks between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz was economic cooperation. “I am very im-

pressed that, despite being so young, the Austrian chancellor is familiar in detail with the trade and economic relations between Belarus and Austria, and is on top of economic matters in general. Those were not just political discussions between me and the Austrian chancellor. We primarily talked about economic issues,” Alexander Lukashenko said. Austria is one of Belarus’ leading investment partners and plays an important role in the modernization of a number of the country’s economic sectors, including woodworking, telecommunications, and the banking sector. Last year, Austria invested about $300 million in Belarus. “We look forward to further expansion of cooperation with Austria in all the outlined and other promising and innovative venues,” said the head of state. “I hope for the continuation of our contacts and the progressive development of the Belarusian-Austrian relations,” Alexander Lukashenko said. In his turn, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz noted the important role of Belarus in the peaceful settlement in the region. He said this after the talks with Alexander Lukashenko. “In particular, we discussed the Ukrainian conflict. And the Minsk agreements that have been reached here, your work on the functioning of the contact group makes a great contribution to stability in the region,” said the Federal Chancellor. — I want to emphasize once again the need to expand the construction of our partnership. Not only Austria-Belarus partnership, but also the EU-Belarus and the entire region,” said Sebastian Kurz. By Vladimir Velikhov

беларусь. belarus 2019


emory BELTA


Names in stone Alexander Lukashenko and Sebastian Kurz unveiled the monument to the memory of Austrian victims of Nazism


huge stone split into ten parts. Ten fragments symbolize a list of trains in which people were brou g ht t o t h e place of execution, to the Trostenets extermination camp. Ten thousand is an approximate number of Austrians of Jewish origin killed there. The new monument contains the names of the victims, and therefore bears the corresponding name “Array of Names.” The monument became another sculpture in the Trostenets memorial complex,


беларусь. belarus 2019

which includes the eponymous former extermination camp, a crematorium in the Shashkovka tract and a common grave in the Blagovshchina tract. Last June the presidents of Belarus, Germany and Austria participated in the rallyrequiem in Blagovshchina Today a new monument in the memorial complex of European-wide significance was opened by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. “The peoples of Belarus and Austria, like all the peoples of Europe, experienced the common bloody tragedy of the Second World War. Millions of citizens of

our countries became victims of the Nazi genocidal policy. Today we are united by the pain of memory and the call of conscience, moral and human duty, responsibility for the fate of future generations. Crimes committed by the Nazis astound with their boundless cruelty. Insane, anti-human fascist ideas were embodied in the state policy of the Third Reich. Detailed plans were developed for the “expansion of living space to the east”. They relied on the achievements of scientific and technological progress and horrified by their scrupulousness. According to the racial laws, the existence of millions of people was recognized as unneces-

M sary,” — said Alexander Lukashenko at the opening ceremony. The murder of people in concentration camps was streamlined. Therefore the camps were called “death factories”. One of them was in Maly Trostenets. “Blood of many tens of thousands of innocent victims was shed on this very land. Deported citizens from European countries, civilians, partisans, underground fighters, Soviet prisoners of war were among them,” — stressed the Belarusian head of state. The president called the years of occupation one of the most tragic pages in history. “The memory of those killed in the fight for freedom and independence of their Motherland, for the liberation of the planet from the brown plague, the memory of the victims of Nazism is sacred for our people. Solicitous attitude to it has become a part of the national idea,” — stressed Alexander Lukashenko. Comprehension of the Second World War lessons is also reflected in the peace-loving policy of Belarus, in the consistent and sincere desire of Belarusians to contribute to resolving conflicts and reducing tensions through facili-

tating dialogue and cooperation in the region and the world. According to the head of the Belarusian state, the creation of a memorial of European importance in Trostenets is the result of joint efforts of the Belarusian state, politicians and public figures, representatives of religious organizations, leaders and residents of European cities and, of course, witnesses of those times who survived, relatives of the victims. “We readily supported the initiative of our Austrian friends, above all the President of Austria, the Austrian Chancellor, and partners, to create a monument in memory of the Austrian citizens who perished in the Trostenets extermination camp” — said the President of Belarus. — The “Array of Names” monument, which we are opening today, does not just return the names of thousands of victims from non-existence. It symbolizes the desire


of new generations to know about the tragic fate of their ancestors and to keep the memory of them.” In turn, Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz noted: “For a very long time the official Austria (unfortunately I have to admit it) has contributed to us knowing so little about this tragedy. We avoided responsibility, but today we have taken an important step towards remembering the events that took place here, remembering those people who were at first deprived of their property and then their freedom, in the end, they took their lives here. We will never forget this place and its name. It emphasizes our commitment to the “Never Again” motto,” — said Sebastian Kurz. During the opening ceremony of the monument, Mrs. Waltraud Barton, the head of the Vienna Association “Always Remember about Maly Troste­ nets”, read out the names of the victims who were born on March 28. Then, the main cantor of the Austrian capital, Shmuel Barzilai, read a commemoration prayer Kaddish. After that, Alexander Lukashenko, Sebastian Kurtz and the present guests laid flowers at the monument. The “Array of Names” memorial was created at the expense of the Office of the Federal Chancellor of Austria and the National Fund of Austria for the victims of National Socialism. The concept was developed by an architect from this country Daniel Sanwald. Belarusian Konstantin Kostyuchenko embodied the idea into a fibrous concrete sculpture. By Mariya Dadalko

беларусь. belarus 2019


ew legislation is being prepared BELTA


Law for experts The country will develop common approaches to conducting judicial research


new draft law “On forensic expert activities” is being prepared for submission to the House of Representatives of the National As-


беларусь. belarus 2019

sembly. The deputies got acquainted with the work of the State Forensic Examination Committee. “The thieves haven’t unpacked the looted goods yet, and the police have

already knocked on the door. Fingerprints, almost in real time, “gave away” the criminals,” explains the chairman of the Committee, Andrey Shved, demonstrating the most up-to-date equipment.

N And this is far from being all that the Committee’s professionals are capable of using with the help of special technical means. Annually, keeping a criminal record contributes to the solution of more than 20 thousand criminal cases. Fingerprints are the first thing an ignorant person remembers about the work of a forensic expert, but the specialists of the Committee conduct about 160 thousand types and subtypes of research: from weapons and documents to gems. The presence of controlled substances in the object is screened around the clock and takes 40 minutes. Mobile laboratories are operating, new professionals are being trained, there are no unanswered questions — even stale crimes are solved… Besides, the Committee successfully reduces budget expenses on costly devices that have no analogues. There are fewer and fewer of them: Belsudexpertobespechenie’s products are able to compete with the imported ones. Once upon a time, the experts had to figure out how to bring, for example, the selected mobile phones or syringes to the laboratory without unnecessary traces. Now it’s not a problem: here it is, Belarusian-made special wrapping. As well as forensic tools and software. It is not surprising that not only the post-Soviet countries try to copy the Belarusian experience: in 2013, a single expert agency, uniting various industries, was set up in Belarus. In 2015 the law on the Forensic Examination Committee was adopted. Since then the terms of consideration of cases in courts and investigation of criminal cases have been significantly reduced. Previously, detainees had to wait for the expert evaluation for up to 12 months, now — with rare exceptions — for 30 days. And in every criminal case in Belarus, there are at least 2–3 expert evaluations, sometimes up to dozens of them. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Moldova and other countries have their own legislation on judicial activity. But

ew legislation is being prepared

they have no analogues of our Committee. Thus, Belarus started with practice and now it has approached the creation of an appropriate law. For a better understanding of the peculiarities of the work of “scientific judges”, as they are sometimes called, the parliamentarians (not all of whom are lawyers) got acquainted with the history, modern state and prospects of the Committee.

forensic examinations. As Director of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Research Vadim Ipatov stressed, there is still no systematic regulation of forensic expert activities, there are no uniform approaches to the admission of employees. Therefore, the draft law includes mandatory certification of persons wishing to obtain the right to conduct

“Objectivity. Honor. Fatherland” — for experts of the State Committee it is more than words. This is the worth of their opinion on a particular examination, which the security of the entire country may depend on. Or the fate of a particular person. “No session of the House of Representatives is without consideration of draft laws aimed at improving procedural legislation. The new law will increase the efficiency of forensic expert activities, the effectiveness of crime control, the protection of citizens’ rights,” said Boleslav Pirshtuk, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives. According to the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Legislation Natalia Guivik, in accordance with the plan of preparation of draft laws for 2019, approved by the President, the draft law on forensic expert activity will be submitted to the House of Representatives in the near future. The new law is being drafted by the National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research and will be submitted on behalf of the President. The document will provide general standards for the State Forensic Examination Committee, private experts (there are more than two thousand of them in the country) and experts of related structures — border and customs committees, the State Security Committee. The main task of the new draft law is to protect the rights of citizens during

expert examinations, and licensing of non-governmental institutions. Experts are expected to be allowed to include their own considerations in the expert evaluation, the ones, about which no questions have been asked. The law should also regulate the terms of expertise (as a rule, not more than 30 calendar days for institutions of all forms of ownership). The draft law also concerns the rights and obligations of individuals under forensic examination — so far, their legal status has not been determined. If the research is carried out forcibly (for example, a person is placed in a hospital), the infringement of some rights is inevitable and is necessary for the proper conduct of the expertise, safety of the individual or other people. A part of the draft law determines the conditions and place of the expertise, the object of which is a natural person. “Objectivity. Honor. Fatherland” — for experts of the State Committee it is more than words. This is the worth of their opinion on a particular examination, which the security of the entire country may depend on. Or the fate of a particular person. By Varvara Morozova

беларусь. belarus 2019



earty talks

Sangeeta Bahadur:

“I am building bridges between people...” On April 27, it will be exactly one year since Mrs. Sangeeta Bahadur took up the post of India’s Ambassador to Belarus. What our countries and peoples have in common now, what can be in the future, what makes them close to each other and how to bring them even closer together — this is our conversation with her.


or many Belarusians, their first meeting with India begins with the registration of documents here, in a small mansion of the Embassy of India in Belarus, at 63 Sobinova Street in Minsk. There is no city noise here. In this district of the capital, near Maxim Bogdanovich Street, leading to the Zeleny Lug microdistrict, private buildings prevail. And silence. That’s why nothing prevents house cats from walking around here, they warm up in the sun right at the fence of the Embassy. You can hear the birds singing, rejoicing at the incoming of spring. We think: indeed, the Embassy staff must like such “non-globalized” living space. We don’t know what exactly attracted its founders (the Indian diplomatic mission opened in Minsk in 1992) to this “urban backs”, but they obviously didn’t fail. Apparently, they were guided by the principles of Ayurveda — Sciences of Life. Mrs. Sangeeta Bahadur told our colleagues six months after taking up


беларусь. belarus 2019

Relations between India and Belarus are traditionally warm and cordial. India was one of the first countries to recognize independence of Belarus in 1991and official diplomatic relations were established. The Indian diplomatic mission opened in Minsk in 1992, the Belarusian one in New Delhi in 1998. Belarus also opened its Honorary Consulate in Kolkata in December 2002. the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to the Republic of Belarus (since April 27, 2018) that she truly fell in love with the country and its capital: “Minsk is one of the most beautiful cities I have seen. It is modern, clean, conveniently built up. I like to visit the Upper Town, watch performances at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre, visit the dolphinarium and go shopping. Wonderful people are

living here, I’ve made friends with many of them. Minsk prepossess in its favor”. Mrs. Ambassador, a beautiful woman in a sari with an amazingly lively face, attentive look and a good smile, bodes for an open and hearty conversation. No stiffness, distance, desire to emphasize her importance. We easily conversed with her, savoring Indian Masala tea for more than two hours — as good acquaintances, discovering with pleasure common habits, tastes, even similar approaches to life, people, events in the world around us. — For many Belarusians, especially the older generation, India is elephants, tea, movies with Raj Kapoor. For those who are younger, it is Goa, tourism in general, the American feature film “Life of Pi”, starring the Indian actor Suraj Sharma, and the novel “Shantaram” by Gregory David Roberts… Someone is looking for spiritual knowledge in India through meditation, yoga, the philosophy of Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, Krishnamurti, Mahatma Gandhi… Someone is in search of

H health — through Ayurveda… What do you think is worth exporting from these valuable “products” to Belarus? And what does the embassy do for that? — What you are talking about is as if the reflection of my country in the past. Now it is important that people go to India and see how it is changing. You haven’t mentioned the IT sector yet. And now India is a world leader in this field. We also have various commercial projects and great prospects. As for Indian films, they are all popular, including those with Raj Kapoor. Unfortunately, no new films have been brought to Belarus in the last 20 years. And modern Indian films are very different from those of the past. And we can export them to Belarus. Because now Bollywood is a well-known world phenomenon. All I’ve said was in addition to what you said. Of course, t ou r i s m ,

too. We can export Indian tourists to Belarus. And there are a lot of opportunities here. If we tell more about Belarus in India, more tourists will go to your country. And your publication can be useful in this regard. — Yes, we try to cover topics related to India in our magazine. And on the international website you can read “Беларусь. Belarus”. We also wrote about our trips to Kerala, and in the previous issue there was an article about the opening of the Ayurveda Center “Shanter Wellness” at the health center “Praleska” in July 2018. It seems that Mrs.Ambassador was present at its opening. What do you think of the promotion of Ayurveda, the 5000‑year old science of life, in Belarus? Do you use Ayurveda to recover? What recommendations do you use? — Yes, I came to the opening of the Chanther Wellness Ayurvedic Center. I really liked the way the building is adapted — it’s beautiful. I liked the staff they had recruited. Unfortunately, I haven’t been there since then, but I’m sure things are going well at the Center. As for the advice from Ayurveda. I think Ayurveda is a part of any Indian’s life. Sometimes we don’t even think that we follow its advice. We think they are grandmothers’ or parents’, people’s. For example, they

earty talks

say that you mustn’t drink water while standing. And, as it turns out, this is a recommendation from Ayurveda: you should sit down and drink. Slowly. I even did it reflexly, not knowing that this is Ayurvedic advice. We also know that some products mustn’t be combined — this is also an ancient knowledge. And from time to time we all use some Ayurvedic products, mainly food additives. They are not as strong as medical tablets. These products can be in capsules, powders. We use them together with food. And they work for a long time — the usual medications do not work that way. — And we take the Ayurvedic additive “Chavanprash”… — “Chavanprash” in Belarus? This is great! By the way, it is an ordinary Ayurvedic product for any Indian, it is especially useful in winter. And for elderly people who need extra energy. I’ll tell you something else: we have a very popular powder from the turmeric plant. I have experienced that when my throat hurts and other medications do not help, I need to add a pinch of turmeric to warm milk and drink. Have you heard of the tree neem? Its leaves are used to treat diabetes and some skin diseases. There are a lot of plants that are also used as a hair washer — the hair becomes smooth, shiny. Of course, not everybody wants to do it now: it’s easier to buy shampoos. But in India, there are people who do it traditionally. — In connection with Chavanprash we also recollect that in India the manufacturer writes the cost right on the packaging. And here in different shops different sellers have different prices. Prices are flexible. So we concluded that there is probably no inflation in India. We remember that during the Soviet times, the price of an iron frying-pan was cast right on it. That was because of the rouble stability The frying-pan would cost, say, 2 roubles and 20 kopecks for 10, 20 or even 30 years. Is there really such financial stability in modern India? — I think you are right. We really don’t have a lot of jumps in exchange беларусь. belarus 2019



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rates. And the price of the goods printed on the packaging has long been calculated by both manufacturers and sellers. Both income and losses of everyone are calculated. Of course, there are taxes that may differ from state to state. Yes, our economy is stable. After all, India is a huge market. All the products that are produced can be easily sold within the country. It does not depend on the world markets, currency jumps. And in Belarus the market is small, that’s why we have to focus on the dollar rate, the Russian ruble and the euro. And this also affects the price of the product. In Belarus, some products are produced for export, because it is difficult to sell them in the domestic market. This is not

medicines in Belarus have not received the status of medicines. We tried to promote the ideas in this area, even sent a draft of an agreement to the Ministry of Health of Belarus. Perhaps, if our countries cooperate more closely in the field of economics and trade, there will be more interest in these goods. And it is already present! All the medicines produced in India have already been certified. Tests have been carried out, and their effectiveness has been proven. Side effects and risks are excluded — the medicines are safe for Belarusians. — We have seen it for ourselves, we have felt their healing effect. If necessary, involve us as witnesses to this issue. Perhaps the Embassy could be assisted

During the establishing of a garden of friendship in one of the gymnasiums of Slonim

the case in India. The country is huge and everything can be sold inside it. And in order to sell outside India, one should make efforts. When I talk about a small market, I mean a territorial feature. And perhaps the bigger the country, the more stable the market is. This is exactly how it is in India. — We know that a BelarusianIndian pharmaceutical plant has been opened in Skidel, Grodno Region, which is to produce 80 million tablets a year, including drugs for AIDS treatment. Are there any projects envisaging the production of Ayurvedic medicines? — As for projects in the Ayurveda area, unfortunately, we do not have such projects yet. Perhaps, it is connected with the fact that Ayurvedic


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by a group of citizens of Belarus, who experienced the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medication and procedures during their visit to the resorts of Kerala? There is also a travel agency which offers Ayurvedic tours: hundreds of people undergo recovery every year. Round tables, press conferences — it is necessary to tell about it, to generate public opinion. — Thank you. Let’s keep this in mind. — What do you think of other promising projects in the field of economics? — Many joint Belarusian-Indian projects are being implemented in the economic sphere. In January 2019, we reached a mutual trade turnover of $66 million. A huge sum, if you look at the annual figures! Many Belarusian companies

already have their representative offices in India. For example, “Belarusneft” successfully operates there. “Gomselmash” is creating a joint venture with the Indian company “Mahindra and Mahindra”, and are going to produce their products in India. Belarusian-made mining equipment is sold to India and I think Belarusian trolleybuses are being sold, too. A lot is going on in the defense sphere... We are looking for technologies for smart electricity, water supply and water purification. In Belarus, there is a company Sky Way which deals with string technology, overhead transport. In India, it has a huge potential, especially in mountainous areas and forests, where roads are not allowed to be built because trees are not

The Ambassador at the school No. 14, Molodechno

allowed to be cut down. We are also interested in the dairy industry, i. e. milk processing technologies. And Belarusian decorative cosmetics, which I adore. You see, there are so many opportunities for cooperation! And we haven’t started our work, we even didn’t think before that we can develop them. Belarus is interested in exporting packaged Belarusian products to India. The question is often asked about building gas stations. There are about 7000 petrol stations in Belarus, and we are building 6000 additional petrol stations in India every year. And this is also a good area for cooperation. The prospects are huge. I am sure that in the next few years, if we all get down to business, there will be a revolution in our trade and economic relations.

H — You’ve mentioned packaged Belarusian products. In your opinion, what exactly is the interest in India? — Actually, it could be the supply of products in both directions. But the best solution, in my opinion, is to create joint ventures in India. There is a problem: 40 percent of the agricultural products grown in our country is lost. In India, there are not enough enterprises that could process, pack and preserve all this. And it would be better to set up joint ventures in India, and then sell the packaged products in India, in Belarus, in the third countries or bring them back to Belarus. Now Belarus is known for its high-quality dairy products and cheese. But India is the world’s largest

work as possible with their limited resources. We are now trying to provide them with financial support from India. And I am sure that as soon as it happens, the Centre’s activities will expand. And as an embassy, we are also working in this area. We have regular free yoga classes. — We are very interested in this. — Fine. Then meet our teacher — and you are welcome. We also have dance classes: girls dance bollywood, Bharatnatyam, kathak — these are classic forms of the Indian dance. And last month we opened a film club: we will hold regular film screenings directly at the Embassy. You are welcome! — Thank you. We will definitely come.

At Gomel State Medical University before meeting with Indian students

producer of dairy products. And their export from other countries will undermine India’s economy, so it is not welcomed. But if we create a joint venture to produce dairy products there, making use of own technologies, it will be mutually beneficial for both economies. We will be able to achieve success. In today’s world, every country is protecting its own market. And just export of products is not always the best option. — Let’s talk about cultural projects. Is the Ambassador satisfied with the work of the Indian Cultural Center in Minsk? — I am very pleased. The center has special classes in Indian dance, Indian music, and shows Indian films. There are also yoga classes and language courses. Those who organize all this do as much

— Yes, but keep in mind: Raj Kapoor is still living in Belarus, but for Indians it is a distant past. And now, again, it is important to show new Indian films. They have changed a lot. Another area of our work is contacts with schools. We tell schoolchildren and teachers about Indian culture. In addition, there are many groups in Belarus that are somehow connected with India, either through dancing or music. And they also help us promote Indian culture. We attract them to different events. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation, because the Indian diaspora here is very small: about 50 Indians live in Minsk, and another 50 — in other cities. But every year there are more and more Indian students, today about 500 people.

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— Are there Belarusian-Indian families as well? — Yes, mainly they are. Guys from India marry Belarusian girls. Probably out of 50 families 40 are like this. There are also several men who married Indian girls. And moved to India. — It would be good to make a meeting of such Belarusian-Indian families by India’s Independence Day. Ask them to prepare speeches, amateur performances, an exhibition of children’s drawings, tasting of dishes… Or can we invite heads of travel agencies that help Belarusians to travel about India, and vice versa? It could be interesting for journalists as well. We could tell more about the people who made such international fami-

Opening of the pharmaceutical plant in Skidel

lies, and using their example — about the friendship of our peoples. — We invite these families to visit us at least twice a year: to celebrate Independence Day on August 15 and Republic Day on January 26. And even more often: we celebrate events like Holly and Diwali together. And your proposal is to do it with a concert, invitation of journalists is interesting. — It is possible to hold such an event at the House of Friendship, so that children could show their talents, sing, dance… — It’s a good idea, let’s see. — Let me ask you something: does Mrs. Ambassador do yoga? — (smiling). I don’t do asanas, I can say that I do not practice, except for беларусь. belarus 2019



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Reception for the Day of the Republic of India. Minister of Industry of the Republic of Belarus Pavel Utyupin. January 2019.

breathing and meditative exercises. I prefer to go to the gym. Yoga, I know, is very good for health, you need to do it systematically. Perhaps, for this we need to develop more patience. — And the bike? — On the stationary bike, perhaps — not outside the house. — As you know, there are a lot of comfortable bicycle lanes in Minsk. And we once saw your predecessor as Ambassador of India walking around Minsk Tsnyanka Reservoir… However, they were not riding bicycles. — Now we have moved from that place: we have a new residence. And it has a fully equipped gym. — Minsk bicycle lane is more than 30 kilometers long and runs along Svisloch across very beautiful places. You can see the whole Minsk from a different angle. Many Minsk residents arrange a bicycle ride for friends visiting them. — Well, if you have so many questions about the bike, we will announce something interesting for you. The Government of India has now announced a 2‑year celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th anniversary: from October 2, 2018 to October 2, 2020. Indian embassies in different countries are organizing a number of events to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. We have already held several events. And the next one will


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be a bicycle ride dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi’s anniversary, which will take place on June 8. This is Saturday, a day off. And we are organizing a bicycle ride to draw people’s attention to environmental problems. The route is not very long: from Gorky Park to Loshitsa Park. There is not enough space for many people on the path, so there will be a limited number of participants: about 100 people: diplomats, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other prominent people. A special registration forum will be set up, where those wishing will also be able to fill in an application form and ride along this route. So — come with us. — And it is necessary to have a tuk-tuk ahead (all laughing). After all, not everyone in Belarus knows that the main public transport in India is not bicycles anymore, but they were mostly replaced by tuk-tuks: tricycles with a cabin for passengers. — (laughing). I will explain why we chose this route. Last November we planted 150 trees and flowering bushes in Loshitsa Park — it was an event also dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. — We remember the media reporting about it. We highly respect this great man and will support such interesting projects as journalists. Could you tell us what dishes were popular in

your family? And what do you prefer to eat while living in Belarus? — I still have my favorite dish that was cooked in our family: fried potatoes. And it is fried jacket potatoes washed well. It is thinly sliced into almost transparent slices. It is seasoned with a lot of dry spices. I love to eat this dish with Indian paratha bread. Potatoes are fried in mustard oil, which adds a certain taste. Both when I’m upset about something, and when I’m happy and want to celebrate a special event, I ask to prepare it. — We also like fried potatoes very much. What’s more: we have invented a dish, it’s in between potato pancakes and French fries. Potatoes are grated, salted and baked as a large pancake. And we also add a lot of spices — caraway, dill, coriander and those that we bring from India. We like to cook in melted butter, known in India as ghi. — Ghi oil is now becoming more and more popular. Perhaps because many Hollywood celebrities eat it and it is in fashion. And doctors speak about its usefulness. I’ve always liked ghi, even if the food is cooked in another oil, I add it for taste and flavor. — We recommend you to try the Belarusian ghi oil, which is sold by private farmers at Komarovsky market in Minsk. It’s delicious. — I will. But I buy ordinary butter and melt it. — What Belarusian dishes do you like? — Of course, I like potato pancakes, they look like an Indian dish Alutiki: alu — potatoes, tiki — grated. And spices are added. I tasted chicken and fish dishes. I don’t eat beef. And what’s surprising, I never thought that I would like food without a lot of spices, different from the one I used to eat at home. No matter what I tried, I liked everything. I especially liked the dishes in a restaurant in Vitebsk, where the food was just amazing. I was there during one of the cultural festivals. I like the dishes in the “The Viеw” restaurant in Minsk — it is situated in the skyscraper, on the top floor. The cuisine there is amazing.

H — And how do you like the Italian restaurant “La Rock”, we wrote about the cook of this restaurant? — Yes, I’ve heard of it, and I’m going to visit it. I also like Belarusian soups. — In the TV program “Culinary diplomacy” you told about many interesting moments concerning your first diplomatic and culinary experience, which began in Spain. Tell our readers about it too. — (laughing). Everyone who meets me says that they saw me in the program and that I cook perfectly! (laughing). Although I do not really cook anything. And I asked my assistants to teach me to cook something, that is tasty and easy to cook (all laughing). Perhaps the audience liked the way I was talking, not the way I was cooking. — Yes, apparently, so: the viewers could not try what you have cooked… — During the TV program I spoke about my experience being a young diplomat in Spain. The first ambassador in my life was a man, a wonderful person and a leader. Then he was replaced by a woman — she was very strict, just like a dragon. And there were 3–4 more young diplomats working together with me, we were studying Spanish there. One day the Ambassador came and asked: when is your next exam? We said: in 6 months. She said: no, it won’t work that way. In 3 months, you take the exam and leave. I don't like it when young diplomats work with me. It was a shock. The next question was: how do you entertain yourselves at home? We: we do not invite guests, we can’t cook. Ambassador: No, that won’t do… I am the ambassador, and I can cook. And you’re just the third secretary — and you can’t. I will come to your house in a week. And you have to cook the whole dinner. And no take-away from the restaurant. I started to panic. I called my mother: help, teach. Mom answered: I’ve been trying to teach you all my life… And now what to do? Eat your heart out now, she said… I can’t teach you but can you some advice. And she did. Within a week I learned something. The food was half cooked. Perhaps I mixed the spices in a wrong way. But the ambassa-

dor tasted it, ate it, and stayed alive! She said, “For a start, it’s okay, you should go on learning”. And I haven’t cooked since. However, I can make delicious tea, delicious coffee, make a very good omelette and boil eggs… And, of course, if it is necessary, I will make something else. — A few words about good potatoes. We know a teacher who lives near Nesvizh, he grows amazing Proletus potatoes on his plot of land — it is early and very tasty. We always buy it and can bring some. — (With a smile). Yes, I will buy a whole sack! — But first, have a try! — OK, bring it! — (joking). Or maybe you would like to go and see both Nesvizh himself and the potato field? — Oh, we have already been to Nesvizh, I liked Nesvizh castle. — By the way, near Nesvizh, there is a paternal house, a lot of apple trees in the garden… — We had fruit trees near our old residence. And there were plenty of fruit. We used to eat them, to hand them out — but they wouldn’t not run out. — How generous our Belarusian land is! A fruitful year …However, let’s go on with the interview. Where was the Ambassador born? And who are your parents? — My father was a senior tax inspector, a public officer — he died in 1992. He moved around a lot at work. I was born in Kolkata and graduated from school and university in Mumbai. My father was a very handsome and intelligent man. He loved to read: he couldn’t put the book aside for 5 minutes. Even if he sat down for a glass of water, and there was no book at hand, he took some piece of newspaper, and read. He had a lot of information in his head, from physics to literature. If you asked him a question, he would lecture for an hour. My father was committed to Gandhi’s life principles. He taught me to live like this: not to hurt other people and not to offend them. At the

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same time, he was a very strict father. When you’re little, young, you don’t like it so much. But I am still very grateful to him for such upbringing and for the values he instilled in me. It’s also a love of reading, letters and writing. It’s all from him. When you’re a public officer, you don’t get lots of dividends, you don’t have much money. But he never said no to buying books. And mom was a housewife. She was different from him. And together they gave me a good upbringing. — Your mother, where is she now? — She and my youngest daughter live with me in Minsk. — We read that you traveled a lot about Belarus, sometimes with your mother. What else would you like to see? — Well, I have no time to travel a lot. But now the first place on my list is Brest. I want to see the Brest Fortress. And the second is the city of Lida: knightly tournaments are held there every year. I would like to see the old castle and the knightly tournament. But whenever I have a few days off, I prefer to go to India — my husband lives there. And here I have a busy schedule and no time for travelling — What is the average working day of the Indian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus like? — (laughing). My eldest daughter sometimes asks me: what do you do there, mother? Most of my time I do paperwork. For example, correspondence with the ministry. Consultations: what to do and what not to do. The Ambassador’s job is not just sitting in the office, sorting out papers. It is necessary to establish contacts. Raise the level of awareness of people. To establish friendly relations. The ambassador meets a lot of people: either they come here like you today or I go to visit them. I am in touch with people of different status: from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ministries, city authorities. And these contacts bear their fruit. Because there is progress in the economy, in culture, and even at the political level. Two top-rank visits from India took place in the previous беларусь. belarus 2019



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two years. Now in India, as you know from the news, the elections are going on, we expect the results. The new government will come to power. There will be more than one more visit. The main principle of the ambassador’s work is to build bridges between people. — So you are an architect of the future? But we know that you are also a writer. And is there time to write literary works in Minsk now, as before? — It is very difficult to find time for creativity. There is a lot of work in the office, there is social responsibility: to meet people, make contacts, attend receptions, lunches and dinners. But the weekend is my time. On Saturday and Sunday, I always take a few hours to write. But if I am on deadline, I have to get up early and stay up late. I have published two books, the third one is ready and soon will go to press. I am working on several others. When I sit at the computer, thoughts begin to appear, I feel alive. You feel like you’re creating something, giving something to the world, expressing yourself. You could call it a hobby. Or a second career. You the pass all your thoughts through your head and heart, through your soul — and you enjoy it. Because holding this post I cannot fully express myself as a person — I am mainly expressing what the Indian Government wants. And in creative work, at the desk as a writer, I express myself. — If you have works of small forms — stories, novels, etudes — it is possible to translate something into the Belarusian language. — I write short, funny stories, all in the genre of fantasy. If you can, do it. — Send us the text in English and its computer-based translation into Russian. Then Yulya and me will make a proper text in Russian, then — in Belarusian. Stage by stage.. So, we will build a literary bridge between India and Belarus. By the way, the translation of the book by Rabindranath Tagore “Gitanjali” into Belarusian made by Ales Razanov has recently been published. Who are you according to the horoscope?


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— According to Indian astrology — Libra, according to the traditionally established one — Cancer. — Have you seen how the Kupala holiday is held in Belarus? — I’ve heard of it but couldn’t visit it last year. I hope this year I will. — In the national Belarusian tradition, the main holidays are connected with honoring the Sun: Kalyada on December 25 and Kupala on June 24– 25. They are connected with the Vedic holidays of honoring the Sun. — In India there are too many holidays connected with the sun. One in January, when the Sun changes its position. Turns to the north. Different states have different names for this holiday. — We believe that originally it is the same holiday. But we live in different latitudes. And the Sun is different, at different times passes its “turning points”. And one more point. Scientists have proved that Slavs, the Belarusian language and Sanskrit have many similar words. Even Mayeveda is maye vedy, in Belarusian — my knowledge. And there are other words. For example, the Indian fast, called Chaturmasya, lasts four months. In Belarusian it sounds like chatyry mesyatsy. — I tried to learn Russian — I noticed similar words. Especially in counting. — This speaks of our distant common past. We are brothers and sisters. — That’s right! I believe that all Slavic languages are very similar to Sanskrit. There is a common beginning, or basis. Here is an example. My colleague from Bulgaria went to India to visit. And the mistress of the house spoke only Hindi, and he spoke Bulgarian and English. So they did not know any common language. But when she offered him tea in Hindi — tea pengi? — he immediately understood what she was offering him. Because it sounds very similar in Bulgarian. And I understand some Russian words because I studied Bulgarian when I was in Bulgaria in the diplomatic service. — Yes, and we also noticed that your English is not like the one we have

heard in Kerala, where more people speak Malayalam. — (smiling). Oh, I understand Russian more than Malayalam, or Tamil: these are complex ancient Dravidian languages. — What languages do you speak? — Hindi is my native language. Also English, as well as Spanish, a little Bulgarian. I understand some Russian, I speak a little French… And the faith in our family is Hindu, Hindi. We have a whole pantheon of gods. In Hinduism it is believed that one God is represented in several images… In India, if you like God in a certain image, choose it and worship him. That’s what those who profess Hindu do. Therefore, it seems that there are a lot of gods in Hinduism. — In fact, these are different manifestations of the same cosmic energy. In Belarusian folk, pagan beliefs, if you study them carefully, one can find similar worldview models. For example, female energies, feminine origin in the symbols of our first religion — paganism — is manifested and understood in the images of Spring, Kupalinka, Lada, and then Mara, Morena: depending on the season. — In India, too, there is a deity that represents female energy, the energy of creation: it is Shakti. And Shiva is the energy of destruction of the old in the name of new creation. Shakti and Shiva interact all the time. And that’s why everything in this world is born, then destroyed and revived again. They, these divine energies, need to be together all the time for life to continue. God is one. And in different religions it takes different forms as we see it and imagine it. — Thank you for our interesting conversation. — Thank you for your time, too, your vigour. I hope our countries will succeed. Interviewed by Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich.

The authors expressed their gratitude to Yuliya Tsevan, the Ambassador’s interpreter and secretary, for cooperation.


uropean Games 2019

For a healthy future Belta


he goal of such cooperation is to promote a safe and healthy lifestyle, eliminate any forms of discrimination and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS through the educational and humanitarian heritage of the 2nd European Games. — The UN joins the European Games because it is a very big European event. Sport is very important for development, peaceful cooperation, people, human development, society and gender equality, social integration and human development, — says the UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus, Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki. — These principles are very important for us as the United Nations. We are also cooperating with the European Games to be able to talk more about the principles related to the goals of sustainable development, to provide equal opportunities for everyone. The cooperation includes a wide range of activities, in particular, training of volunteers and specialists to conduct rapid tests and promote HIV prevention methods among the spectators and participants of the Games, actions in support of HIV positive people and other target groups. — We are proud of our cooperation with the UN. It is one of the signifi-

Directorate of the 2nd European Games and UNAIDS have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus, Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecki

cant international organizations, which primarily deals with the development of society and the creation of a better world. It is important that the UN pays special attention to sport. It is no coincidence that the organization adopted a resolution that recognizes the role of sport in human development. We try to work in full compliance with this resolution, — stressed Georgy Katulin, Director of the Fund “Direction of the 2nd European Games 2019”.

— The joint program of the Directorate and UNAIDS is created to solve the main task worldwide since HIV is a serious challenge for modern humanity. The participants of the Games are the future of any nation, they are the strongest, most beautiful representatives of the young generation. We should ensure that our youth have a bright future, primarily in terms of health care. By Darya Lobozhevich

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Investing for health In the beginning pills, capsules, blisters will be made from the imported raw materials, but in time a plant will start working which is to produce the substance itself. This was announced during the opening ceremony of a new plant, which had been built under the patronage of Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, authorized to cooperate with India. For ourselves and for export

also a strategic partner for Belarus. 30 % of medicines, raw materials and substances of the entire pharmaceutical imports come from India. After putting into operation the new company, some of the necessary medicines will be manufactured in Belarus. This will also give a significant economic effect. Nikolay lapin

Two years ago, a symbolic capsule was laid in the foundation of the future plant. An investment project, which amounted to $3.3 million, was carried out by the Indian company Lok Beta. It has been working on the domestic

market for 15 years. The new Belarusian-Indian joint venture was named Novolok. As Mikhail Myasnikovich noted during the opening ceremony, the choice of partner is not accidental. India is considered to be one of the world’s largest manufacturers of medicines. And it is


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Preferences are needed

In addition, Novolok is planning to export medicines within the Eurasian Economic Union. At first, the supply to the foreign market will be 20 percent, and in two years time the ratio will reach fifty-fifty. This means that half of the medicines are to be exported.

Volume will amount to 2 million The Belarusian-Indian company will produce antiretroviral, antihypertensive, anti-ulcer, anti-tuberculosis and urological agents. Simply put, they are intended to treat such diseases as diabetes, HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis and others. Around 260 million pills and capsules, 15 million blisters and cans will be produced here annually. In monetary terms, this will amount to $2 million, and the volume will grow. — “The company is focused on the manufacture of antiviral and antibacterial medicines, which are now widely used in the health care system. And, most importantly, they are all of a new generation,” said Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Valery Malashko at the opening ceremony.

From pills to substances Cooperation with the Indian company in pharmacy is to be continued.

Now we are talking about the next project, which is aimed at the manufacture of substance for medicines. As Valery Malashko noted, this is the first such project in the country. Its main feature is that raw materials will be used at the plants of the pharmaceutical industry. The production will be placed in the other half part of the building, next to the existing plant in Skidel. Two more plants with Indian investments for the manufacture of medicines are going to be built in the country. Both enterprises will appear in the capital. Last year, a foundation stone was laid on-site of one of them. The Indian pharmaceutical giant, the head of which has Belarusian roots, is investing a million dollars in the project. The plant will set up production of both drugs and substances. Medicines will be exported. — This is a big innovative project, and we are getting ready for it, said Mikhail Myasnikovich. — The Academy of Sciences is also involved. The Indian side, in its turn, is preparing a dossier for the registration to enter the market. Another joint venture, also located in Minsk, will be set up soon. Belarusian-Indian efforts should give a good effect in the production of unique drugs, which will contribute to the development of the domestic pharmacology, said Mikhail Myasnikovich. In addition, domestically manufactured products are cheaper than the imported ones.

India is considered a reliable partner. There are almost no problems with both medicine supply and contractual obligations. But some issues can take a long time to resolve. For example, registration of medicines. The Skidel enterprise was also built under such conditions. In order to trade on the territory of the Customs Union, it was also necessary to go through a long process of coordination between both parties — the Indian company and the Belarusian enterprise Belmedpreparaty. The so-called special projects could speed up the process. This means that the investor, who creates the appropriate production, gets state preferences and benefits to have an opportunity to successfully enter the market at the beginning of his activity. — The Council of the Republic initiated a number of proposals for a special project to support the investor regardless of its being domestic or foreign, said Mikhail Myasnikovich. — This idea is not new. The Kazakhs have such a practice, which gave them an opportunity to significantly support the pharmacological industry. As far as I know, 21 special projects are operating in the Russian Federation, two of them — in the production of medicines. Thus, the state creates favorable conditions for investors, helps them to “get going” and enter the competitive market more comfortably. This issue is still under discussion. Meanwhile, these are investment projects that contribute to the development of the territories. For example, in Skidel, which has recently become a satellite city of Grodno, 30 new jobs have been created thanks to the new plant, and the same number of jobs will appear next year. Thanks to the investment project, the country will be able to reach a higher quality level both in the production of medical products and in the treatment of patients. By Margarita Ushkevich

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Philosophical problems of biomedicine Do new medical technologies violate human rights?


merican fantastic film “Gattaca” was screened in 1997. It tells about genetically perfect people occupying the highest positions in the social hierarchy. Their physical and intellectual perfection was formed in test tubes, and parents could order both the age of a child and the color of his/her eyes. But people born in usual way (they were called “children of love”) became second-class people in society. Less than 20 years have passed, and fantasy has already begun to come true… At the end of November, it was reported that the world’s first children from genetically modified embryos were born in China: it immediately hit the top of world news. Two twin girls were reported to have been born as a result of in vitro fertilization: a Chinese scientist tried to form their resistance to HIV infection. The world community has criticized harshly the ethical aspect of the genetic scientist’s work, and WHO management stated that an expert group will be created to study the ethical and safety issues that the gene editing procedure entails. The Chinese government has also ordered the temporary suspension of research activities of people involved in the editing of human genes.


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Biomedicine and human rights were in the focus of attention of the international conference organized by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Council of Europe in this field.

Individual is not an object for manipulations — Bioethics issues have always been actual for the society, and with the development of high technologies in medicine, anesthesiology and resuscitation, development of transplant technologies, nursing premature babies, introduction of assisted reproductive technologies, they sound more acute, — emphasizes Elena Bogdan, the head of the main department of medical care and expertise of the Ministry of Health, chairman of the Committee on Bioethics of the Republic of Belarus. — In developing changes to the law “On healthcare”, which will include a section on the work of the Committee on Bioethics, we must think about how we can properly articulate its competencies and make our voice stronger, as many issues remain beyond the Committee’s control. Four basic principles of bioethics are highlighted: principle of respect for human dignity, “do good and do no evil”



principle, principle of recognition of individual autonomy and principle of justice. There are also four rules: truthfulness, confidentiality, privacy and voluntary informed consent. Together they indicate which ethical coordinates make to see a patient, first of all, as an individual, and not an object for observation, experimentation and manipulation.

The evaluation of ethical and legal issues in the field of biomedical science and technology in Europe is carried out by the Committee on Bioethics (DHBIO), which is composed of representatives of 47 countries: experts from various fields, including human rights, biology and medicine. It is no secret that medical workers and lawyers look at the same problem through the prism of their discipline. And how to build a dialogue between them? Recently, the philosophy of world medicine has increasingly turned to the topic of life and death. — What does the right to life and the right to autonomy mean? — argues Ritva Halila, the Vice President of the Committee on Bioethics. — Autonomy is the patient’s right to participate in health decisions and the right to refuse or accept medical intervention. In case of refusal — right to another medically justified method of treatment. This is also the right to refuse any treatment. A person also has the right to decide on life support: to announce in advance his position on what to do with him in case he/she is unable to express his/her will. And such orders must be executed if there is no reason to believe that the patient could change his mind or his life support order was made on the basis of inaccurate or outdated information. Of course, many people have a very negative attitude towards the right of the patient to refuse treatment. It was suggested that the right to autonomy (in this case, refuse from any treatment) was appropriate for any field, but not for medicine. It is not unusual, when a patient who is diagnosed with an oncologic diagnosis in the first or second extent of disease and who has good chances for recovery refuses treatment. He/She seeks help again after four to five years already in the fourth extent of disease. So should physicians satisfy the will of the patient? The question is not rhetorical… Or is their duty to do everything in order to make the right to life work? In general, is the right to die a part of the right to life or is death a negation of life? Many

Tatiana Storozhenko

Before it’s too late

Four basic principles of bioethics are highlighted: principle of respect for human dignity, “do good and do no evil” principle, principle of recognition of individual autonomy and principle of justice medical workers believe that a person has the right to control his or her body until there is a direct threat to his or her life. By the way, euthanasia is now allowed only in a few countries of the world, and in most countries it is prohibited under the threat of criminal punishment. But this isn’t about suicide, it’s about a person’s right to leave without suffering or pain… Body hacking — creation of the perfect “I” can be considered a new phenomenon. Its supporters see their body as an object that can be changed and transformed by implantation into it of different processors and sensors, replacement of healthy organs by implants that have increased functional capability. And herearises another question: can the state impose any restrictions on those who wish to become cyborgs?

HELP for medical workers and lawyers Today Belarusian doctors work on a new section “Electronic healthcare system” in the law “On healthcare”. In the coming years patient information will be converted into electronic format and paper-based media will replace integrated electronic records. беларусь. belarus 2019




— And here we will face a rather difficult for us at the moment problem — the patient’s access to full information on his/her health, — says Elena Bogdan. — Its value is clear to all of us. And we will be responsible for the preservation of personal data. Who can give informed consent for an unconscious patient? Can the results of genetic testing be reported to relatives? How to ensure confidentiality of health data? Who can use IVF and surrogacy services? How to protect the rights of medical workers? There are a lot of questions. Introduction of new medical technologies and conduct of clinical researches are theareas in which interests of individuals, communities and state constantly conflict. And biomedical ethics serves to protect the rights of each party. Within the conference was presented a free online HELP course on human rights in the field of biomedicine, which can be very useful both for medical workers and lawyers. It was developed in 2018 by the European education program in the field of human rights for members of legal professions in cooperation with the Bioethics Committee of the Council of Europe Voluntary informed consent, medical confidentiality and protection of patient health data, embryo protection and reproductive technology, completion of life, biomedical research, organ and tissue transplantation — all these issues are considered in a certified bioethics course. The course was translated into Russian. In the postSoviet space, our country was the first to have the opportunity to work with HELP, adapting it to national legislation and our problems. It can also be successfully used as learning material by students, studying medicine or law, by employees of ethics committees and national human rights institutions. The course will be available on HELP e‑learning platform at the beginning of 2019 at By Nadezhda Nikolaeva


No tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV Treatment, diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV and hepatitis were discussed at the Regional Consultation on Expanding Access to Affordable and Quality As­ sured Medicines and Diagnostic Technologies in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). — Today, these are the main infectious diseases that cause concern in those countries whose representatives gathered in Minsk, — said Minister of Health Valery Malashko. — This topic is relevant for Belarus. We have solid achievements in tuberculosis treatment. We have significantly reduced morbidity and mortality. But the problem is a large number of forms resistant to treatment. We expect a broad discussion of this problem, and I think it will find its solution. By 2030, we should get rid of the severity of these diseases. this is the task of the World Health Organization, and we have high chances to cope with it. Valery Malashko reminded that in Brest region a pilot project is being implemented to reorganize the physiological service. In particular, the stay of patients with tuberculosis in the hospital has been reduced. When the disease ceases to carry a threat to others the patient is transferred to the outpatient treatment. Thanks to this, the number of beds was reduced by more than 200, and funds were sent to purchase new drugs for tuberculosis treatment. The minister emphasized that the project was recognized successful and its implementation spread to other regions of the country. According to the Minister, we have significant achievements in HIV infection prevention and treatment. The increase of observed cases in recent years is associated with diagnosis development. HIV infection is often accompanied by hepatitis C. Three-quarters of patients are infected with hepatitis C. New treatment regimens for hepatitis C have been used since last year. 500 patients passed through it last year. This year, medicines for the treatment of more than 1.5 thousand people were purchased using budget funds, next year there will be even more. According to the Minister of Health, Hepatitis C treatment regimen, which includes medicines produced in Belarus is one of the cheapest in Europe. By Elena Kravets

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Virtual hand is real help A virtual hand was created in the BSU


model and the indications for surgery can be standardized. We can define fairly clear criteria based on mathematical calculations (comparative analysis of phalanges rotation angles and their movements under different pressure on the tendons) — Sergey Bosyakov, the creator of this technology, believes that it can become a standard doctor’s assistant. It does not mean that physicians will have to spend time and energy on mastering computer innovations. A kind of table will be made up after the developers mathematically calculate different types of injuries. The parameters of injuries are provided at the input and the recommendations for better treatment are given at the output. Sergey Bosyakov says that there are developments of such instructions at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the BSU where the field of biomechanics is being developed. In medicine mathematics or computer modeling is mainly used to demonstrate authenticity and to virtually test a particular development, to plan various stages of treatment and to predict its results. — There is a considerable interest to our work because we can give not abstract, but specific recommendations. We have already implemented several large-scale programs with cardiologists, trauma orthopaedists, and ENT specialists. This is why biomechanics is attractive for Sergey Bosyakov. On the one hand, we cannot expect fundamental discoveries in this field, because it uses the laws that already exist in mechanics. On the other hand, the scientist is guided by a practical issue. While solving a specific problem he comes to a new model with unique properties, which is calculated by making use of new approaches and technologies. The result is used in practice, doctors receive it in the form of programs and recommendations which help people. This is the best bonus. By Yuliya Vasilishina

he hand is an extremely complex device. Doctors need exceptional skills and the ability to calculate the onward development of the events to restore its function after a tendon rupture. There are more than one hundred of such injuries per year. A new unique development at the interface of medicine, mathematical and computer modeling has been created to ease the task. Sergey Bosyakov, the associate professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the BSU and Anton Petukhovsky, the trauma orthopaedist of the Minsk City Clinical Emergency Hospital have designed the hand. It is possible to anticipate in advance which operation will give the best effect with the help of “virtual” fingers of the hand. It moves according to the laws of biomechanics. — The injuries that we study can be treated only surgically. There are a lot of methods of surgical treatment. We decided to use mathematics, statistics, biomechanics and computer modeling to evaluate the operations from a new point of view, to apply different criteria for the evaluation, including long-term results. Nobody has used this approach yet, — Anton Petukhovsky knows it for sure. He started working on this difficult topic as an employee of the 6th clinical hospital in Minsk, where there is the Republican Center of Hand Surgery. The results of computed hands tomography of healthy people served as the basis for a virtual 3D-model. It allowed us to build a “frame” of the fingers. But since the method does not allow the ligaments, muscles and tendons to be scanned with sufficient accuracy, they were “completed” mathematically, setting the appropriate geometric shape, parameters and properties as close to reality as possible. Then they made the whole complex mechanism work. As a result a sample of properly functioning fingers has been developed. Any injury of a particular patient can be “applied” on the sample thus creating an exact model of the injuries. For example, a virtual cut of the tendon in the same place as the patient’s. The program calculates and shows how the phalanges of the fingers will move under the influence of pressure on the tendons after this or that kind of surgery. — For example, in case of a finger injury, physicians may not have a common opinion on how to stitch the damaged tendons. Someone thinks that in to restore mobility it is enough to work with one tendon, someone is sure that it is necessary to consider two tendons. The point at which fixing will be made also matters. All this can be worked out on a mathematical

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тыль жыцця

From Kazansk to China, or happiness codes of Anatoly Tozik 26

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A person who is attentive to little things in life and knows the value of work, is capable of carrying out great projects important for the country. That was the conclusion we came to while talking to Anatoly Tozik, professor, director of the Republican Institute of Sinology named after Confucius of the Belarusian State University, who headed the unique educational institution in 2016.


natoly Tozik is a native of a small village of Kazansk in the Polesye region of Domanovichi district. “My roots are there, my Small m o t h e r l a n d …” says our interlocutor. Now it is the Gomel region, Kalinkovichi district. Anatoly Tozik confessed that he doesn’t often come to his Small motherland, just visits the graves of his dear people. He sometimes visits the Zhlobinsky district, where his mother and father moved when he was four years old. There is no longer that little parental house built of old wooden railway sleepers. After the war, they were used for the construction of residential premises, where families of railway workers lived, which includs his father — Afanasy Yakovlevich Tozik, a war veteran who worked at the railway. From those places, seventeen-yearold Anatoly, a graduate of Mormalskoy secondary school, a gold medalist, went to Minsk, as they say, to live big life. He was extremely happy, as it happens in youth, to be enrolled at the history department of the BSU. He did not know then that years later he would call “second Small motherland” his alma mater, the only university in the 60s of the previous century. There is the Institute of Sinology entrusted to him. In those early years, he was unaware of many things he would pass through. Before becoming the head of the Institute Anatoly Tozik graduated with honors from the university, defended his thesis on the topic of underground and partisan struggle in Belarus against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War, taught at the BSU. He did military service in the state security bodies of the Soviet Union and the Republic of Belarus, in the State Secretariat of the Security Council of Belarus. He headed the State Control Committee of the country. Anatoly Tozik has visited China more than once. He is eternally grateful to the Fate and the President of Belarus that this great country was in his professional life. Anatoly Tozik worked in China for five

L years as the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of his state. And who, if not this veteran in the issues of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation should share his vast experience of a person, a citizen, a politician, he, who used to hold high government posts, including the post of Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus, co-chairman of the Intergovernmental Commission, and then the Intergovernmental Committee for Cooperation with China. We are also talking about how important it is to create a national school of Sinology in Be-

Symbols of happiness in China and Belarus are different in image but similar in meaning

larus: after all, in order to cooperate with China, it is necessary to know the mentality of its citizens, culture and history… The mind of our vis-à-vis is flexible, the memory is excellent, the look is inquiring, as if saying: well, let’s see what you are going to write about me… He reflects on the past with pleasure, appreciates the present and works for the future, for the prosperity of his native Belarus. — Anatoly Afanasyevich, before making a small journey to your past connected with China, tell us a little about your Small motherland. After all,


2019 year in Belarus, like the previous one, is the year of Small motherland. And our eminent interlocutors, as a rule, recollect with pleasure the parental home — “the beginning of beginnings”, and those life lessons that the father and mother taught them, their own school, friends and comrades… It will be interesting for readers to learn about your life before you reached high government posts and came to China as an ambassador. — (with a slight smile) Are you goingl to tell about this on the pages of the magazine? That I had a duty to graze a cow from the age of five? (laughing) — Why not? In China, they will read and say: we are the same, we also teach children to work and discipline, responsibility and serious maters. — As far as I remember my childhood, both I and my brothers (there were three of us) used to work. Of course, the work corresponded to our age. So it used to be like this in the family. I was taught to do all the village work. We had a big garden: 20–25 hectares. We planted potatoes there to provide for the family. My mother, Maria Alexandrovna (Lopatin before marriage) after the war graduated from the teaching courses where she was trained as a teacher for elementary classes. She worked as a teacher for several years. And when we moved to live near Zhlobin, she worked as a janitress at the school: burned wood in stoves and washed floors… And I repeat, we, the children, were not afraid of any work, we were used to it. — Do you recall this rural experience in your life sometimes? — It’s impossible not to remember… Especially when I visit my native places, I breathe my native air… When I have to come in contact with outright laziness, with people who are waiting for gifts from life and do not lift a finger for this. Unfortunately, I often had to deal with this, working at the State Control Committee, and then in the Government. Especially during the reception of citizens. It got to the point of absurdity. Once there comes a woman with a complaint that she lives on the ground floor, and a branch of the tree growing nearby knocks on the window беларусь. belarus 2019


ifestyle belta


Meeting with Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Keqiang. September 2014.

and disturbs her when she sleeps. Well, I tell her, let your husband take a lopper or a hacksaw and cut off this branch. She answers: we are not going to do it, it should be done by the workers of the housing maintenance service. Sometimes parents came and said that their son was studying at university, and they had two more children and it was hard for them to pay for their son’s studies. Such complaints would be justified if there were no budget-supported higher education in Belarus. But we have kept almost the same number of state-funded places at universities as it was the Soviet times. Who didn’t let your son, I ask, to study well at school and to take a state-funded place at university? He would get a scholarship. And if he didn’t want to study well, why didn’t you send him to a vocational school, where he could also get an interesting and good qualification financed from the state budget. What are in this situation your claims to the state? So, it was my village childhood that gave me the moral right to talk to people like that. Because I was born not in the family of a minister or a professor, but in the family of a worker and a school cleaner. I left ordinary village school. Now I am convinced that if you study with desire and full dedication, then in any Belarusian school, both in Minsk and in the most remote village, you can get enough knowledge to enter any higher educational institution in the country. The same is in the professional life: if you are


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unsuccessful, first look for the reason in yourself before you look for the guilty. — Well, it has been well said that everyone is one’s own friend and the main enemy… If a person cannot cope with his laziness, who will help him? — Yes, it is true. Such welfare mentality, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our life. If you live according to the principle “everybody owes me”, you will never achieve anything in your life. — Unfortunately, some people understand the socially-oriented policy of our state in a very peculiar way… — I agree with you. Moreover: when I worked in the Government I publicly said: we have too much socially-oriented policy. The state should use a mechanism of social support and protection only when a person has fully realized his potential, but has not been able to ensure at least a decent life. As you know, I have quite a lot of Chinese experience behind my back. And in China, if you have hands, legs, a head, the state does not support you: you have to earn money for yourself, build your own family, provide support for your parents and pay taxes to the state so that it will ensure security and the rest. And today in China, family members gathering around the New Year’s table bow to the head of the family, saying, “I must.” And there you will not hear such a phrase: “But I will write to the President… ”. China’s social policy excludes welfare mentality. There you will not write to anyone unless you

are weak, and disabled. But if you really need help, then the state gets involved. — Apparently, no one walked with an outstretched hand in Mormal? — Everyone lived well. Worked a lot. We had a cow, a pig, chickens… My mother had already done all kinds of work by the time I woke up. My parents gave education to my brothers and me. It was necessary to support us when we were students. I remember in 1966 there were two graduation classes in Belarus: the 10th and the 11th. I took a risk and entered, though I had come from a Polesye village to the super-prestigious historical faculty of BSU. I passed only one exam in history because I graduated from school with a gold medal. I was not the only one. There were many people from district centers and villages. There was another native from Polesye Pyotr Brigadin, who later became a doctor of science, professor, and minister of education. He is also working at his alma mater now. When they speak about Small motherland, I also consider BSU as my Small motherland. All I have achieved in life, I owe to this university. — Who were your friends, teachers involved in your, let’s say, life success? — You know, I am immensely grateful to many, very many people who set the example for me, whom I wanted to take after, who supported me, shared their life experience and knowledge. My first teacher Larisa Petrovna Yurchenko spiritually accompanied me all my life. The man whom I wanted to be like as a child, and who was my elder friend until the end of his life, was my school principal Felix Zabrodsky. I remember all my teachers. Unfortunately, none of them are alive… When I entered university, I lived in a dormitory in Sverdlova street. There is the BSU dormitory in this building now. There were 6 people in the room: a commune… All the years we lived together, we became like brothers. At first Anton Nikiforovich Sevchenko was the rector of BSU, then Vsevolod Mikhailovich Sikorsky — he was my teacher. Then he became my scientific adviser: historian, professor, corresponding member of the Academy

L of Sciences of the BSSR. He was like a second father to me. He was a former partisan and secretary of the Komsomol organization of the partisan detachment. Peter Zakharovich Savochkin — our beloved dean, who went to war as a common soldier and came back as a major or colonel. So we were taught by former front-line soldiers and partisans. It was a specific generation, and a specific aura was reigning at the university at that time. If they came home from war in 1945, they must have been 45–50 years old at my student time. These are still young people by today’s standards. A lot of good people are kept in my memory. — Such individuals could not but form respect for other nations, including the Chinese, could they? — This is so. In addition, I had some kind of subconscious attraction to China. When I was studying, I read a lot about the Middle Kingdom. It’s true, then there were not the best times in the Soviet-Chinese relations. Fortunately, my university teachers managed to mould a deep respect for the Chinese people and the interest to their fivethousand- year history and culture. I always had a feeling that I would live in China. So it happened. — What books do you remember from childhood, youth? — I read a lot. Classics mostly. I think, like many people of my generation, “The Gadfly” by Voynich, ‘“Spartak” by Jovagnoli, “How the Steel Was Tempered” by Ostrovsky remain in my memory… What is interesting, the Chinese people of my age name the same books if you ask them what they liked to read. I also read Belarusian poets and writers. I still remember the poem “Kurgan” by Yanka Kupala, but I was more interested in history, social sciences. I was the Secretary of the Komsomol School Committee. And then, when I had already defended my thesis, I worked as a secretary of the Komsomol committee of the BSU: this is also great experience, especially in organizing the student construction movement, where the Komsomol was almost completely independent. Every year, at BSU, we formed student

construction teams of 3,000 people in total who worked in various parts of our then huge country and abroad. Until now, I feel proud that everyone without exception returned home alive and healthy. Both dates and numbers remain in my memory: I was the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the BSU from 1975 to the beginning of 1979: 3 years, 3 months and 9 days… I am convinced that I would never have become a high-level official without Komsomol experience. — Your attitude to life, values were formed in your student years. You became convinced that only if you take pains and work, something can be achieved…


He works as deputy general director of the state enterprise “Minsktrans”. — Do you have good contact with your brothers? Do you meet on holidays? — Not often. All of us are still, thank God, quite busy people. We often call one another. But we got together for my recent anniversary. — Do you visit the graves of your parents on Radonitsa day? — It is a sacred cause to be there and breathe the air of childhood and school youth, feel the connection with the land, on which ran barefoot, remember dear people on Radonitsa… Sometimes I go there in summer. At school, Volodya Egorenko and I sat at the same school

With Vice President of the People's Republic of China Wang Qishan, near the bust of Confucius in the courtyard of the Belarusian State University. May 2018.

— How else? It was a good continuation of village experience. When we, little ones, started to understand something, the mother immediately gave us something to do. Everyone did what he could. The cult of knowledge and learning was formed in our family. My father finished seven classes before the war. It is quite a lot for those times. The parents gave us the thirst for knowledge. Both of my brothers have higher education, they also live in Minsk: Alexander Afanasyevich teaches at the Belarusian National Technical University, assistant professor. He is three years younger than me. And Victor, he is eleven years younger, also graduated from BNTU.

desk from the fifth grade. We are still friends. He married our classmate Anna. They live in Mormal. Sometimes, I take my grandchildren, and we go there for a few days. This is between Zhlobin and Svetlogorsk. My grandchildren are already grownup: Elizabeth is 18, Anatoly will turn 16 in May. They both are learning Chinese… — Do you think enough attention is paid in Belarus to the Chinese language? — Not really. Judge for yourself. Today, out of 14 and a half thousand foreign language school teachers in Belarus, there should be at least one and a half thousand teachers of Chinese. беларусь. belarus 2019


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Anatoly Tozik, Oleg Ivashkevich, Academician, First Vice-Rector of the Belarusian State University, Li Wenhua, Second Secretary for Education of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China at the Conference on the modern development of China in the Belarusian State University

And there are only twenty of them… I speak about half a thousand, which is based on my professional experience and understanding of the importance of maximizing the enormous potential of the Belarusian-Chinese bilateral cooperation. Knowledge of the Chinese language and China is one of the necessary conditions for achieving this goal. It can also contribute to finding an interesting and well-paid job. The need for Chinese teachers is now very acute. The faculty of philology of BSU and MSLU will not solve this problem. They prepare very good specialists, but the need for people who know Chinese in the real sector of the economy is so great that most of their graduates find employment there. — Is something being done to solve this problem? — Of course. The Ministry of Education has adopted a strategy for the development of teaching and learning Chinese in the country. Partially the following project can reduce the urgency of the problem. In coordination with the Ministry of Education, we in our Institute began to retrain teachers of Chinese and give them a BSU diploma — these are teachers of foreign languages who are working at schools. After all, starting from scratch takes a lot of time. We are going to do it as full-time distance learning for two years. We give our trainees a second, highly sought-after specialty.


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They will be able to feel more stable in life, especially in small schools. — Is this project already being implemented? — Yes, in September 2018, we set up the first experimental group. And we already see: everything will turn out to be OK. The best Belarusian teachers and very good Chinese teachers are engaged in giving classes. 7 months have passed, and our trainees are already beginning to talk with the Chinese. The sructure of education is as follows: for two months they are engaged in faceto-face training for 10 hours a day. Then the teachers return to their work at the schools so that they do not stay away from their colleges and families (on average, they are about 30 years old). And for two months they study remotely. In the morning they get an assignment and in the eveningin they are supposed to give a report. And imagine, the results are good. Professional teachers do not need to be taught the so-called socio-humanitarian bloc of subjects: psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching foreign languages. We teach them the language, regional geography, culture, literature of the country, and especially the specifics of teaching Chinese. And since September, we’ve received a state-guaranteed order from the Ministry of Education to train 32 people. Now this is one of the areas of work of our institute. We will be developing it.

— What did you do before? — Before as well as now we taught and are teaching Chinese for everyone. About 400 people study at our Institute all at once-from those who are 6 years old to the ones who are 60. About a thousand people study in our ten offices and centers which are open in schools and universities of the republic. — Are they not only students? — No, just anyone who wishes. These are commercial projects. We are not finenced by the budget — we earn ourselves, and pay the staff. In general, our main goal and objective is the development of a national school of Sinology. This is extremely important. Every year we hold two international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the socio-economic development of China and topical issues of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. Our RICC BSU holds many other events. In early April, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Faculty of Philology of the BSU, the 2nd Belarusian Republican Student Olympiad in Chinese was held. About 150 students from all regions of Belarus took part in it. We are implementing many other creative projects. But this is another issue. — What about today’s youth, how would you characterize them? Do you have any vision ot it? — As a professor I am constantly in touch with students. I lecture at the Faculty of International Relations. Naturally, modern boys and girls are not like us in our youth. But we were different from our predecessors. When journalists from the university newspaper interviewed me, I told them: we talked to each other, and were interesting to each other. And now young people talk to their smartphone or via a smartphone. Good or bad — time will show. But I think that the relationship of a person with a person in human society, if it wants to remain like this, should be prioritized. — Do you have enough time for the family with your work schedule (often seven days a week, as you’ve said)? — My wife Lyubov Romanovna and my daughter have got accustomed to my

L work, to my coming home late, and to my life with rare weekends. My wife and I have been together for 49 years. She also studied at the history department, but three years my junior. One day she came up to me to ask for a textbook — so that’s how we met. I, being the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the university, admitted her later to the Komsomol (laughs). Now I try my best to spend all my free time with her — both after work and on weekends. I am thankful to the fate for the gift of such a person. — Where does she come from? — She is from Siberia: Kuytunsky District, Irkutsk Region. But the roots of my wife are from Belarus, some of her relatives used to live here. Her father was a chief agronomist of a large collective farm, her mother was a teacher… So they sent Lyubov Romanovna to their relatives to study in Belarus. — Tell us about the projects you supervised, working as the chairman of the State Control Committee? — Then the President often put us in charge of various projects. And I am proud of them. That was, for example, laying a gas pipeline in Polesye across the Brest and Gomel regions. After the completion of this project, I received the Order of Honor from Alexander Grigorievich. I also remember well how I had to complete the construction of the Republican Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology in Gomel. This was mainly for people from the region near Chernobyl. They began to build the center in Soviet times. I remember that in April, according to tradition, the President visited the Chernobyl areas, and I, as the chairman of the State Control Committee, was accompanying him. He saw this object. A huge complex — and there were only the main walls, a box, as they say. What to be done with it? A lot of money was needed to disassemble it. But such a center was necessary for the people affected by Chernobyl — both Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians living in the neighborhood. And the President decided to have the construction completed. He put me in charge of it and said: you must

save $ 20 million from the planned cost of the project. It was a great job. We then attracted many specialists and reduced the expenses by, if my memory doesn’t fail me, 23 million without changing the operability of this center. There were also many other objects — after all, I worked as the chairman of the SCC for 6 years. — We’ve heard that the idea to reconstruct the Augustow Canal is a merit of the SCC and also yours… — At that time we were involved in the development of agro-ecotourism. I am also proud that one of my last reports to the President as the chairman of the State Control Committee was the draft Decree “On measures for the development of agro-ecotourism in the Republic of Belarus”. That was the first business in our country according to the declarative principle. A person informed the village council that he was going to do that kind of business and nothing more was required. Therefore, now those who are engaged in agro-ecotourism, thanks to them, remember that good deed. In particular, I mean the Association “Rest in the Country”, which is headed by Valeriya Klitsunova. We thought over everything with her and other representatives of this business in the SCC. We also involved Belagroprombank. You can see how it turned out to be now. The SCC worked out a draft decree. The Decree was immediately supported by the head of state. It was signed on June 2, 2006, after I had left for China in the spring as the Ambassador. The Augustow Canal was one of the projects for the development of agro-ecotourism. I knew a little about it as a historian: when and why it was built. Earlier the Canal was used for transportation. Of course, today the Augustow Canal cannot perform any functions for the national economy. But it is interesting as a tourist site. Moreover, it was well used on the Polish side. The countryside is very beautiful there. 23.5 kilometers pass across our territory… This is also another big topic. — What other examples of interesting future projects can you give? — Take at least the creation of the university in Baranavichy. There were


8 or 12 branches of various universities there. It is important, after all, to create a high school atmosphere, an aura in large cities. Baranavichy’s population is 180 thousand people and it used to be a regional center. We suggested creating a university there, which would put all the branches together and aim at training specialists for the region. The President made a decision to do it. Now Baranavichy is a university city, it is changing its atmosphere and status. — This is like the implementation of space technology in production. New public consciousness, new level of culture in the urban environment… And what did you manage to do while working at the Security Council of the country? — As you remember, it was a difficult time — I worked there from 1994 to 2000. I can talk a lot about it. My current students are 19–20 years old, they were born at the end of the previous century. They do not know that it was a very difficult time when the Soviet Union collapsed. I cite the following analogy in one of my articles: the USSR was like a multicolored carpet, millions of people had been making it for many years by hand. By the way, in China, I saw women weave silk carpets. It is made for several months by many hands. The same with the USSR. Then they took an ax and cut the “carpet” into parts. Into 15 pieces. So, in fact, in the 90s our state was being created anew. It was necessary to establish all state institutions, to form a legislative base. A huge job! And I was one of many people who were participating in the construction under the leadership of the head of state. I would like today’s youth to know and understand how difficult it was. And not only, but also to contribute to the development and strengthening of our state, our Belarus. — Please, share your managerial experience: how to combine a tough and soft leadership style? How to find this balance in leading people? Who did you learn it from? — Of course, it is necessary to study. And I learned from many and am going on to do it. However, I believe that if the беларусь. belarus 2019




basic values of a person are not formed initially (by nature, father and mother, fate) it is impossible to learn them. You won’t learn them from anyone. Something must comes from inside. A manager can be helped to master some kind of management techniques and technologies. But if he is not born a leader, nothing will come of it. For many years I headed various bodies. I always thought: you just must be yourself in relation to people. — Will you agree that sometimes people treat kindness as weakness… — It depends on how you behave. You need to feel the balance so that your kindness is not accepted this way. And if my kindness was viewed as weakness, I immediately made it clear that it was not weakness, but kindness. I still have good relations with many managers and employees of the SCC. Although I was extremely demanding. By the way, I never came to work later than my stuff and never left before them. I did everything together with them. If I saw that it was difficult for someone, say, to make references, analytical notes — I would help. And the documents that went to the President, passed through me. Sometimes it was necessary to rewrite them. People understood that being a strict and even stern leader, I was always with them, not against them. I acted in this way because it was necessary for the country and the people. Therefore, now I’m not ashamed of looking anyone in the eyes.

— What was your style of work at the post of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belarus to China? — I did not like to stay in the office. I visited 18 or 19 of 23 provinces of China, some of them many times. I visited all the cities of central subordination: Beijing, Shanghai, Jianjin, Chuntin. Three of the five autonomous regions. I have never been to Tibet or Taiwan. I can list a lot looking at the map. But I want to clarify: the main strategic direction of my work as the Ambassador and the Embassy as a whole was the economy: the development of our country’s trade, credit and investment cooperation with China. I devoted up to 80 percent of my working time to resolving these issues. Sometimes our Chinese partners said that I was not a traditional ambassador, but a state businessman. I consider five years of my work and life in China to be the most interesting and productive period of my professional activity. — We remember your press conference devoted to the construction of the “Great Stone” Park near Minsk. Then you had to defend it. Now it’s obvious that it is the right way. — China is developing rapidly and serves as an example for us in many ways. The Chinese-Belarusian industrial park is important for Belarus, among other things, as a platform through which the experience of the development of the Chinese economy will come to Belarus.

With Belarusian writers on the Day of Belarusian Literature in Gantsevichi. September 2011.


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Yes, the start and development of this project was very hard, but now, I think, it has passed the point of no return and in the near future will become the prototype of the Belarusian economy. The importance of cooperation with China for Belarus is difficult to overestimate. The Celestial Empire is consistently and dynamically moving toward the status of the global leader, becoming a state that will have a decisive influence on the world order in the 21st century. China has a huge investment, technical and technological potential, which it is ready to use in the implementation of mutually beneficial joint projects. China is important for us as a political partner. In 2018, China celebrated the 40th anniversary of the policy of reform and openness, the striking results of which are obvious. This Chinese experience, in which I am deeply convinced, is very important for Belarus, for systemic transformations in our economy. This implies the need for an in-depth study of China, the potential of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. We need to create a national school of Sinology. And I, as the director of the Republican Institute of Sinology, will contribute to the solution of this problem in every possible way. — Yes, there is something to learn from them. In particular, respect to their past… — In general, the place and role of national history and historical memory in state-building and social and political life of China is unique. I deeply respect, and somewhere envy, a deep knowledge of their history by the Chinese (not only by historians but also by people of very different professions). They can spend hours talking about their philosophers, poets, doctors who lived and worked a thousand, two and three thousand years ago. Speeches of the country’s leaders always abound with references to past events, to eminent thinkers and scientists. There is a feeling that the modern Chinese and those from the past live today altogether, regardless of time and space. Their past is inseparable from the present. They draw spiritual strength in the past, take the best from it.

L It is clear that there happened many things, there were tragedies and disasters. But they never scold the past. This helps them move into the future with confidence. Thank God that when Belarus became a sovereign and independent state, we did not begin to blacken our past. When a lot of effort goes to denigrate the past, there is no power left to create the future. — Now we are rethinking the First World War… — Belarus suffered colossal losses in that war, as in World War II. After all, the front line was on our territory for several years. I was the chairman of the organizing committee for preparating and holding the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the break-out of this war, which actually, not according to the calendar, started the twentieth century. I went into this topic. The First World War was called imperialistic in Soviet historiography, and this cliche defined the entire methodology of its research. That war had no heroes in Soviet historical literature. But this is not so. Millions of soldiers, officers and generals accomplished feats, fought and died in that war, defending their land, their common country for Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, and many other nations. And the future Marshals of the Soviet Union, Colonel Boris Shaposhnikov and 17‑year-old patron carrier Radion Malinovsky, officers Anton Denikin and Alexander Kutepov, who became famous generals and leaders of the white movement after October 17, were also heroes of that war… Yes, the revolution and the tragedy of the civil war separated many of them, put them on opposite sides of the front line. But does this have to do with the trenches of the First World War? I think that historians must remove from oblivion and make our great ancestors a national heritage of Belarusians, including those who lived in other other historical epochs: our princes, enlighteners, scholars, especially those of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Don’t Mikołaj "the Black" Radziwiłł, Lev Ivanovich Sapega and many other builders and defenders of our land deserve it?

I would like very much a monument to Grand Duke Mindaugas to appear in Novogrudok. After all, this is the founder of the state, the core of which were the ancestors of our people and in the depths of which the Belarusian nation was formed. History as science must always serve its state. Without knowledge of national history, the national language it is impossible to educate a patriot, a citizen. Again, I will say about the Chinese: wherever they live, they first of all think about China, they are proud of their country. There are, of course, exceptions, but I’m talking about a typical situation. — Modern China can’t but amaze. This is said even by those who have been there for a short time. And you have a lot of impressions… — Yes, I can talk about China for hours. I admire this country, its people. How not to admire them! Imagine: as early as 6 in the morning, people in the parks are dancing and doing gymnastics. Some are jogging, some are just walking, others are singing… So they are filled with positive, to start the working day in a good mood and spend it fruitfully. How not to admire the fact that the Chinese do not grumble about fate and any profession is respected there. Whatever they are: a baker, a pastry chef, a driver — they carry themselves with dignity. And 29 thousand kilometers of high-speed rail lines, on which trains move at a speed of 380 km per hour! China is ahead of the rest world in renewable energy sources. Huge achievements are evident in many other sectors of the economy, in the social sphere, in education. Eight universities in China rate in the first hundred of the world’s universities! China is ready to share these achievements with others. — Well, this is not altruism? — No, this is not altruism. China aims at making the country one of the most prosperous in the world by 2049 (the 100th anniversary of the PRC). But China is also well aware that it will not be able to become prosperous in a dysfunctional and sick world. That is why the more powerful the economic, technological, technical, and investment po-


With the granddaughter on the Great Wall of China. May 2007.

Belarusian pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai

tential of China is, the more resources and efforts it can and will use to help other countries and people to become prosperous and successful. That is why more and more people on our planet associate with China their hopes for the recovery from the deepest systemic crisis in which our civiliation found itself in recent decades. Interviewed by Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich

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Foundation of success


The Confucius Institute of Science and Technology of the Belarusian National Technical University won gold at the “Best Innovative Project” competition at the international exhibition in St. Petersburg. 222 companies from 10 countries (including Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, India, China, Turkey, and Russia) were represented at the HITECH exhibition in March. Belarus took part for the first time, and remotely. This was told to us by the Deputy Director of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as CIST) Marina Tsives: — Participation in the competition was a risky business for us. After all, it is quite difficult to compete with business support centers, start-ups that promote the development of innovations. We do not produce anything, but we give young people the opportunity to see what scientific and technical cooperation is. The task of the CIST is to stimulate the scientists of both countries. We want the young people (Belarusians and Chinese) to see each other as partners, and sometimes as rivals. We want them


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to understand how they can complement each other, what to compete in. Thanks to the Internet, we were in touch with experts. We told them about our vision of the CIST as a business incubator, a venture capital company, and an innovation and technology center. They believed in us! We were awarded first-class diploma and a gold medal. — First of all, — adds Vitaly Gorbash, director from the Belarusian side — of course, we are teaching the Chinese technical language. Anyone can come to us: there are children’s groups and students who are over seventy years old.

How the Steel Was Tempered The institute was opened on October 21, 2014 thanks to the efforts of outstanding people: Belarusian scientist in the field of mechanical engineer-

ing, academician of the NAS of Belarus and the former Rector of the Belarusian National Technical University Boris Khrustalev and the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the PRC, and now Director of the BSU Institute of Chinese Studies named after Confucius Anatoly Tozik. Another major contribution to the common cause was made by Yury Alekseev. He was the first director of the CIST, now the general directorvice-rector for production activities of the State Enterprise “Scientific and Technological Park BNTU “Polytechnic”. (By the way, in 2011, Yury was awarded the Order of Friendship of China. There are no more than two dozen recipients in Belarus.) Of course, Ms. Xu Lin, who was the head of the Confucius institutes headquarters in China (abbreviated to Hanban) at that time, helped to create the Institute. One curious fact is related

і to her, let’s call it historical: when Ms. Xu flew to Minsk to participate in an international forum, she was not planning to discuss the creation of another Confucius Institute. The visit was connected with the regular European Conference of the IC, being held at the Belarusian State University. By the way, the first Confucius Institute in our country was set up there in 2006. Nevertheless, the meeting with the representatives of the BNTU took place. In such cases, they say: apparently, it was bound to happen. Ms. Xu Lin agreed to spend 30 minutes of her time to speak with the Belarusians. But in the end, the meeting lasted three hours: the head of Hanban was impressed by the range of activities of the Minsk Technical University, so she immediately decided to create a new Confucius Institute with a specialization profile: science and technology. There are the Confucius Institutes with different specializations in different countries. For example, it is the Athenian business Confucius Institute in Greece, the Confucius Institute of Chinese Medicine in the capital of Great Britain. In Denmark and the United States, the Confucius Institutes are focused on music education. But it is possible to study scientific and technological issues within the framework of the international synological program only in Belarus. “This is both pleasant and of great responsibility,” — admits Vitaly. — After all, we are always in the public eye. There are more than 550 institutions in the world, and we are unique”. The Chinese partner was quickly found. It is Northeastern University (hereafter NEU). This is one of the leading universities in China, correlating with BNTU in specialization. — The brightest cooperation with China began ten years ago when Anatoly Tozik worked as an ambassador,” — recalls Marina. She stood at the origins of the creation of the Confucius Institute, and at the same time, she worked at the “Polytechnic” then as now. — I’m kind of a link between the two structures. I remember the beginning of dynamic development of export-import.

The branches of MTZ and Gomselmash were opened in China under Tozik’s management. Anatoly gave us a boost to the development of cooperation.

Meetings, contests, projects It was not easy to start. Step by step, project after project, the structure was developing, gaining contacts, the conceived ideas were being embodied. Interesting events constantly take place at the Confucius Institute, scheduled and even spontaneous meetings: “Confucians” are invited everywhere… The current rector of the Belarusian National Technical University Sergey Kharitonchik supports the team in everything. — We are asked to attend many events, — says the director of the Confucius Institute. — For example, we were asked to help in organization of a joint Chinese-Belarusian stand at the exhibition of scientific and technical methodological literature within the framework of the Year of Education of Belarus in China. In May a delegation from China (more than 50 people) is arriving, which represents 20 universities. The head office itself turned to BNTU with a request to organize the meeting at the appropriate level. It is an honor! Hanban traditionally organizes an annual gathering of all the Confucius Institutes in December. In 2018, poets and writers from the Chilean СI were pro-

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vided an opportunity to make a separate presentation on a par with the African CI specializing in the weaving industry. It also received the title of “the best institute of the year” a year earlier! There are two projects in the CIST, which I would like to specify. These are international competitions, which have become the hallmark of the Institute. The first is called “New Horizons”. This forum of young scientists takes place every year. The competition gained popularity very quickly: last time 200–300 people from different countries under the age of 35 took part in it. Young Belarusian and Chinese scientists take part in various thematic sessions: economic and technical. — We arrange teleconferences together with SVU (Suvorov Military School) for those who cannot get to China, so that the students from China can virtually take part in the discussion. Within the framework of the New Horizons there is another competition of innovative projects where Belarusians compete with the Chinese. Each competitor has already achieved something, and it is very interesting to observe students with different levels of language skills interacting with each other. Once, the CIST together with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China was holding the Belarusian-Chinese robotics tournament. That’s where all the boundaries

CIST strong team

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between the participants were completely erased! If someone’s robot got broken, he was immediately given a screwdriver from the opposing team, and explained by gestures how to fix the part better. It became obvious: that was a team of those who go ahead. At the same time, a new problem was revealed. It is the translation quality. The production process suffers due to misunderstanding of the language nuances and subtleties. Marina told us how once a wrong workpiece was made due to an incorrectly translated phrase. — The projects that are being implemented in our country are all technical and technological. Documentation, translations, acts, requests and suggestions should be translated into Chinese. This is the biggest difficulty. We have many linguists who know classical Chinese. There are almost no specialists who know technical Chinese. Yes, English is international. But, in my opinion, it is better to learn the “mutual” language so as to know which button to press correctly at the right moment and how the engineering process will be taking place. — We are already compiling our own dictionaries of technical Chinese, glossaries, — adds Vitaly. — This task was discussed at the intergovernmental commission on education of China and Belarus. Priority areas have been specified: engineering, architecture and construction, information technology, logistics, energy. In general, there were plenty of factors for creating a new competition that quickly received in-

ternational status — a forum of Chinese technical translation. It is headed by Anastasia Semashko, the best simultaneous translator of Chinese in Belarus. The intellectual competition takes place in two stages. The final competition is held on the basis of the Belarusian-Chinese industrial park “The Great Stone”. Some residents of the park are on the jury panel. Participants and winners of the competition receive good prizes, internship scholarships to China, as well as the opportunity to work in the industrial park, at the Confucius Institutes.

“The future is made right in front of their eyes” The Confucius Institute of Science and Technology is actively involved in the lives of its students, helping them to engage in self-fulfillment. — We are developing relations with Chinese partners, — concludes Vitaly. — We are planning cooperation with Geely company. Huawei Corporation conducts “Seeds of the Future” contest among our students. The winner is to go to China for an internship. Recently, 50 people were taken to their main office, so that the students could see the prospects that are opening up for them. I wish you could see their eyes when they suddenly realize that scientific and technical programs are being implemented! It is only necessary to take the first step, and it is the most difficult. This is where we help, by organizing various international meetings, conferences, giving everyone the opportunity to contact the person they need, to consult. It spurs the youth, prompts action. These are the tasks we’ve set for the CIST. We must admit that people come to us to discuss the issues far beyond the scope of learning Chinese.

Centre of attraction Director of CIST from the Belarusian side Vitaly Gorbash


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— The CI is like a magnet, it attracts interesting people. It seems that

Director of CIST from the Chinese side Wang Lijun

the people around us are well-known. But it turns out that we don’t know so much about each other! — The Belarusian director is convinced. — For example, some teachers in BNTU are not related to China. But this is only at first glance. Maksim Artyushevsky, a teacher in the sports department, is passionately interested in Wushu, Tai Chi — these kinds of wrestling are very popular in China now. A special gym for judo classes is already under way. Tai Chi Chuan courses will be organized with a professional from SVU in charge. We want to make the best gym in the republic! — Viktor is not shy about voicing “Napoleonic” plans. There is one more example of “magical attraction”. The photo contest “Belarus and China with my eyes” was held last year. Everybody was welcome to take part. More than 400 photoes were received. It turned out that Armen Sardarov, the dean of the faculty of architecture, was professionally engaged in photography. Later the CIST organized his personal exhibition of photographs of China. — And what a competition of calligraphy we had! — The director keeps listing the events that seem to be countless. — We invited pupils from all Confucius classes, from all schools. How wonderful they write calligraphy! I remember a boy coming up to me, he was barely visible from under the desk. It took him a second to draw a hieroglyph. “What’s so difficult about it?” — he

і said. And I looked at these signs, thinking: mother dear, how do people write them? We have amazing children! The competition was very heartful. Our students even made a film about it. — We also have a “Chinese” shift at Zubrenok. Young people come to the equipped tent camp and immerse themselves in the Eastern environment: they learn the Chinese language and culture — said Marina — Once there were Chinese children, and we had a mixed group. It is very interesting to observe many barriers being destroyed when children live together. — Scholarships are regularly provided to our students through the embassy of the PRC and Hanban, Northeastern University, — Vitaly gives the floor to the director from the Chinese side, Ms. Wang Lijun, who deals with these issues and adds that she speaks Russian very well.

Ms. Wang She has been interested in Russian culture since childhood. She read books, watched movies. Ms. Wang was very impressed by the novel “How the Steel Was Tempered” by Nikolay Ostrovsky. She knows such literary works as “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”, “Resurrection” by Leo Tolstoy. She recalls that in the 1950s the USSR was on good terms with China, and this helped young Wang Lijun to make an important choice in her life. She entered Dalian University of Foreign Languages, where she studied Russian. This university, by the way, is one of the eight best universities in China today. It is located in the Northeast of the country. Her first employment was the city library. There, as a translator, she could practice the skills acquired at university. Once Ms. Wang realized that she wanted to continue studying, and entered the Polytechnic University in Shenyang. This is one of the largest cities in China known for its heavy industry. Then she returned to Dalian to do her Master’s degree. — I love Rus-

sian very much! — she says. — I have been to Russia many times. I spent one year on an internship in Moscow. I also studied at the Pushkin Institute (the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute — Auth.). Itraveled about Russia. I went by steamer from Moscow to Astrakhan, and I can say that I saw with my own eyes history, religion, culture of this people. Ms. Wang is an active participant of the international project “Two plus Two.” The project involves the exchange of Russian and Chinese students who go abroad for two years to study, and then receive two diplomas at once: of their university and a foreign one. The first agreement was with the Tomsk State University, but soon there were branches with different specializations: mechanical engineering, automation, materials science, applied chemistry, foreign trade, computer science… In general, Ms. Wang has gained extensive experience in international communications. Therefore, when the Northeastern University was selecting a nominee for the post of Director of the Confucius Institute at BNTU, she successfully passed all the interviews and an exam with highest grades. Then there was a special course in Hanban, in order to learn how to properly make estimates, reports, organize events with due account for the specifics of the institute… And another exam.

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— Ms. Wang arrived well-prepared! Sometimes she even teaches us,” — Vitaly gives a compliment to his colleague. I ask him if it is difficult to work. He admits that there is a lot of work, but the team is friendly, cheerful, so the work brings joy.

Strong team Vitaliy has a degree in translation, he is a translator-referent and is fluent in English and French. He used to work in Pakistan for 15 years at the construction of a metallurgical plant and then in the Tyazhpromexport representational office in Pakistan. He returned home in 2001 and began to establish international contacts in the BNTU. He was appointed as director of CiST in April 2015. Marina Tsives is called the main Sinologist. She has visited China over forty times. I ask her to explain how the Polytechnic Technopark, the CIST and BNTU are interconnected. — The Confucius Institute, like “Polytechnic”, is an integral part of BNTU, we belong to it. We are one whole entity! The Confucius Institute expands cooperation, promotes projects, and the technology park helps them develop. By Alisa Gungor

CIST received an award the "Best Institute of the Year" in 2017

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reams come true

And they want to fly People have always wanted to conquer the sky. Some people fly airplanes and helicopters, others learn the art of flying by being on the ground, and their small aircraft soar in the clouds. Sportsmen are ready to give large sums of money for their extraterrestrial pleasure: the most sophisticated aircraft models can cost like an apartment. How difficult it is to create them and why they can crash in one moment, our correspondent found it out from the people who had been dreaming of aviation since childhood.

Competitors come to full readiness: wear helmets in case of an air crash

Ups and downs Aircraft modeling is a technical kind of sport that includes designing, building models of aircrafts. Competitions in speed, range, altitude, duration of flight and ability to perform aerobatics are mandatory. Millions of people around the world are making air models. This is very precise and laborious work: all the details are created with almost surgical precision, errors are excluded. The model simply will not fly or will crash immediately if the calculation is incorrect or aerodynamics is disturbed.


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Usually we see airplane models at exhibitions with a note “don’t touch”. Or in the sky, holding our breath, we watch them fly. But today there is an exception: I was allowed not only to touch fragile, elegant and expensive aircraft, but also to see their creation. I have found out how and by whom they are made in the air model laboratory of the Minsk Aero Club of the Volunteer Society of Assistance to Army, Aircraft and Fleet. The excursion was held by its head Vladimir Povyshev. The master of sports in air fight has been engaged in aeromodelling for 55 years. Just imagine! He’s been in love with the sky since his youth. Aviation runs deeply throughout all his life. Right after school, he worked as a laborer at Minsk National Airport, then he studied and became an aircraft mechanic of the 1st class. After serving in the army, he got a job at an aircraft repair plant. He’s spent his adult life side by side with aviation. And this is despite the fact that Vladimir Alekseyevich is a professional artist and musician! He recollects the end of the 1960s: — At the time, boys were obsessed with the sky and everything related to it. No wonder: Yury Gagarin made the world’s first flight into outer space, and children looked up to him.


reams come true

It was next to impossible to join aviation design clubs — they were full. Of course, many dropped out in time: the handiest guys remained, those who were steadily moving towards the goal. My story began with the Central Station of Young Technicians, where I attended classes right after school. By the way, when I grew-up, I taught the kids myself and was the head of the club.

Air alert Vladimir Povyshev was a 14‑year-old boy when he created his first control line flying model. It was preceded by long and hard work. He didn’t only go to the club, but also went out of town for training camps. Children who were keen on modeling, from morning till night were practicing to create an air show, where man-made devices were pulled off the ground, climbed up and made unthinkable maneuvers. The aircraft modeling engineer from Minsk Aero Club gently takes out old, already worn out photos: — Our tent camp was at Borovaya airfield. We woke up, did exercises, had breakfast, and started flying. Not everything worked out at once: there were ups and downs. But at the trainings and later at the competitions we felt boundless joy, excitement and great responsibility for our home-made air models. If you have problems in control of an auto or ship model, you can throttle down and brake. It won’t work with an airplane: it’s got to be carefully landed, otherwise there’ll be “chips” — that’s how its remains are called in the airplane slang. The fall of an aircraft always costs a pretty penny. It’s good, if it can be repaired. And sometimes, a model cannot be restored. Vladimir Povyshev recollects with sorrow: — It may seem that having been in business all these years, I must be experienced, but missteps still happen. One day, the machine flew away and crashed into a parachute tower. Or here’s a recent case: this winter I was repairing my flight plane. It flew, landed successfully, and during the second launch it suddenly took to the right — crashed… Vladimir Alekseyevich carefully carries that model — after the restoration it looks like a new one! The handsome aircraft is waiting for new tests, while the interlocutor as a real pilot is working out all the minute particulars of the flight on the ground — with the help of a miniature aircraft. He explains: even if you’re perfectly prepared, you’re not safe from a disaster: — You put your soul into it: it takes you months to create a model, you nurture and cherish it, you launch it into the sky — a treacherous gust of wind, it falls to the side, and everything is gone… In our business, you have to be on constant alert, mustn’t relax for a second until you shut down the engine of the plane. — You used to fly a “biplane”. What’s harder? — I am wondering. — As a young man, I piloted the Soviet aircraft An‑2. Frankly speaking, it’s a little easier to control. You sit in the cockpit at the controls, feeling the wind and the altitude. And

Vladimir Povyshev, master of sports in air fight, is engaged in air modeling for 55 years

you don’t feel that way about the model: a model is in the sky and you’re standing here and 3 controlling it remotely.

A jigsaw to help Flying models, according to the official classification, are subdivided into five groups, one of the most popular is a control line model. Models of such aircraft are divided into classes: aerobatic, racing, high-speed, air fight. In order to open the season in spring on full alert, they start preparing the equipment with the first autumn frosts — and so on until the end of winter. The sportsmen come to the Minsk Aero Club as soon as they have free time. All people are adults, working. — We’ve got milling machines here, — I am being taken round the aircraft modeling lab. — And here are the desks of our guys, at which the masterpieces are born. The models move at a speed of about 180 kilometers per hour, so only experienced sportsmen can control them. The model basis is fuselage. Planes, a tail, a chassis are mounted on it. Inside the control equipment is placed: receiver, batteries, steering machines. The engine is installed.

Briefing Note The first aeromodelling associations appeared in our country in the 1930s. In 1952, the International Aeronautical Federation developed the rules of aeromodelling competition. IAAF supervises, organizes competitions and keeps count of the world’s aircraft modeling achievements. Children start aeromodelling at the age of 10. The clubs work at the palaces for children and youth, district centres of extra-class activities. беларусь. belarus 2019



reams come true

I’m trying to go deeper into the technical details, until Vladimir Povyshev goes to the prices for components: — Most models are made of balsa or plastic foam — it is relatively inexpensive. Composite materials are also used, and a thou-

sand dollars can be spent on them. You should also count other purchases. For example, one battery costs $100, and it is better to have at least five. The transmitter, where all the commands for the plane come from, will cost $300–500. And this is just the beginning… By the way, the average model price is about $2,000 to $3,000. The more tuning and modifications — the more expensive it is. The most sophisticated models can cost, like an apartment, about $50,000. However, we don’t have such models. They usually soar in the clouds abroad.

Sky. Plane. Girl. It’s hard for a beginner to understand all details: I had to google a big part of the voice record after the interview — I don’t know beans about engineering, I’m of humanities bent. To understand how things work, you have to see the models in action. All the questions vanished when the planes went off the ground. Minsk sky has recently become the arena of a large-scale fight — sportsmen from Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Tajikistan and other countries arrived. Aircraft modeling fans gathered at the World Cup stage: the organizers prophesied a fierce air fight and did not cheat — I felt a real drive. Control line models are small aircrafts with an engine, flying in a circle on the leash of two cables.Pilots are on the ground: competitors should not step outside the circle, which is only six meters in radius, it looks as if they are waltzing in an attempt to stay within. The task is not easy — to cut at the speed the ribbon fixed on the competing model’s tail. Besides, you can’t let your opponent cut off your ribbon. The models move at a speed of about 180 kilometers per hour, so they can only be controlled by experienced aircraft modelers. There is a command from the air horn. The participants are on full alert: they wear helmets for aircraft accidents — they are not uncommon here.


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— In the sky, they’re fighting to death. After almost every battle, there are “chips”, — Vladimir Alekseyevich is trying to outshout a piercing sound from the flying control line models, similar to the one that is made by a swarm of bees. A couple of minutes and the first drama: I see the wreckage of the plane flying, it falls to the ground. it is enough to make one cry. But the participant has no time to get upset: he immediately charges a new device that soars into the sky and continues to fight. I am standing in anticipation: maybe now he will right himself and win. — No-no-no! — The audience sigh in disappointment. Spectators watch, holding their breath. I raise my head: there’s only one warrior left in the sky. The sad owner collects the remains of the control line model. Very upset, I guess. I am sorry like all the spectators.

Competition with wind I took each new plane crash with difficulty — during the competition, I got pretty nervous. But all the successful flights were greeted with a storm of applause — I was supporting as much as I could all the participants. — Okay, we are lucky with the weather. Yesterday there was a strong gusty wind, now it’s a little quiet. In general, professionals can control these planes in both rain and snow. The only thing that can seriously interfere with the flight is the bricks that will fall from the sky, laughs Vladimir Povyshev, master of sports in air fight. It is difficult to see air models in the gloomy sky, especially to catch them in the frame. But on the ground, the tiny, frisky “birds” don’t seem so small anymore. In between fights, the sportsmen are very focused: fix defects right on the spot. Konstantin Petrushenkov is busy doing it: he is improving a model of his own development. Easily manages with such a plane both in the sky and on the ground. The flight of a model aircraft controlled by an experienced pilot sportsman is a colorful, exciting show, which will leave no one indifferent. Impressions are comparable to the for manc e emotions experienced after the perof eminent gymnasts or figure skaters who cause admiration by the quality of their program and performance. You feel almost the same when you observe “free flight” — there is no physical connection between the pilot and the model.

D It is interesting that free-flying models are considered to be the founders of the whole aeromodelling sport. Take, for example, a glider, it is a model of an aircraft that does not have a power-unit. It is launched from the ground like a kite: with the help of a 50‑meter thin cable. The model is towed on it until it ascends. Then the handrail is detached, and the glider continues free flight. Another class is rubber models. They rise into the air due to the kinetic energy of the propeller, which is twisted against the rotation of the blades of the air screw. After the motor stops, the model is in free gliding. But the timer models for rising into the air are equipped with an internal combustion engine, which has a limited operating time. The engine is stopped by an electronic or mechanical timer, after which the model soars in the air for a certain amount of time.

Strictly by a timer I found out how to create timer models from Yaroslav Vasilyev, the master of sports in aeromodelling. I saw with my own eyes how the multiple prizewinner of international competitions was assembling an engine-driven glider. The aircraft is to rise to a height of 130 meters in 4 seconds. The sportsman shows the engine for this model: — The motor weighs 150 grams. The volume of the combustion chamber is 2.5 cubic centimeters. Propeller diameter is 15–18 centimeters. It works on fuel: industrial alcohol with oil. It is interesting, that the propeller rotates at 30,000 rpm. Turn on your imagination and think: it’s 500 rotations per second! Stick your finger in it and it will be cut off. Only the engine costs about $300, the whole model is over $2,000. A sportsman needs at least two or four gliders to compete. Stores don’t sell them, they don’t produce them on a mass scale at any plant in the world. Such aircrafts can only be bought from sportsmen or ordered from groups of enthusiasts. Yaroslav Vasilyev makes all the models himself. It takes a whole year to create 1–2 models. The models are different: very tiny aircraft can soar in the air — they weigh only 2–3 grams. You launch one of these, and you’d better not breathe, or you’ll ruin the flight. The weight of the models reaches up to 5 kilograms. Their creators are constantly looking for new design solutions, use the most advanced materials and the latest technology. — You need a lot of knowledge. For example, to know much about wood and metalworking, composite materials and technologies, galvanics. To have an idea of design and aerodynamics. Models are built according to certain and specific requirements.

reams come true

Yaroslav Vasilyev knows everything and even more about aeromodelling. He became the champion of Minsk at the age of 15. Later he conquered the region, then the country, and repeatedly. He has been participating in international competitions for 25 years and has won 15 prizes at the World Cup. The titled interlocutor names one of the main advantages of aeromodelling: there is no age limit. And then he recollects the case: — An Austrian man launched his models into the sky before he turned 80 years old. And this is despite the big problems with the legs — the athlete barely moved. By the way, besides adults, children can also participate in the competition.

Flight to the future My interlocutors say, that aeromodelling is a win-win ticket to life. Modern children, despite their passion for robotics and other innovations, are interested in visiting good old clubs of technical creativity. There they learn to work with various materials and tools, develop engineering thinking, and combine creativity with sport. Vyacheslav Drozd, head of department of the Center for Technical and Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth “Zorka” opens other prospects for such a hobby: As in any sport, competitions are held up to and including the World Cup. If a child is actively engaged in aeromodelling, by the end of school, he may well get the first adult sports category or even become a candidate for a master of sports. Many children prefer a jigsaw, sleeves and aeromodelling club to trendy construction kits of Lego type and computer games. One of these guys is Nikolay Mikulchik. He has started making air models when he was 10, and now he’s 15. Look, it’s my pride — without being too modest he is showing a radio-controlled aerobatic model. — I’ve been working on it for five years. I’m trying to take a nice picture of a yellow plane on my cell phone camera: it fits in the frame if you step back a couple of meters. Thundering creature! A lot of my peers think I do stuff all day long. I sit in my workshop, niggling, admits Kolya. — Few people understand that I acquire engineering skills, develop nonstandard thinking and competitive spirit. I’m gonna need all of this in my life. If the passion for the sky does not pass with years, I will be a designer, engineer or inventor. Or maybe I’ll make my way to topclass aviation. By Yuliya Popko

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Pole gives plus Our polar explorers in the far Antarctic are studying new microorganisms, an active gene that makes it possible to overcome low temperatures, and hydrocarbons


olar everyday life of the 11th Belarusian Antarctic Expedition is in full swing. Despite extreme conditions (considerable temperature minus and high level of solar radiation), eight of our scientists are collecting valuable information for the country and science. Vladimir Levashkevich, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of the NAS, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences and curator of the Antarctic direction of studies, tells us about current research, the results which have been achieved since the first expedition, and how the research of the cold continent will be progressing in the future.

Detailed view of the cold world — Vladimir Georgiyevich, we know that research in the far Antarc-


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tic is being conducted in five scientific directions at once. Our scientists are exploring the territory where the station “Gora Vechernyaya” is located. It is the northeastern part of the continent. This is a full range of research from the ozonosphere to biota, inhabitants of the sea and land. What new information has already been obtained? — The work of our polar explorers has significantly enriched the genetic bank of marine, freshwater and terrestrial representatives of the Antarctic flora and fauna, which will later become part of the world genetic bank. By the way, the number of Antarctic microorganisms found by scientists exceeds 350. In addition, a fish suitable for feeding our polar explorers, has been identified, which is quite important. It should be noted that in spite of the weather conditions, there is a lot of fish in the area where our colleagues are working. That is why whales often go there to feed themselves after spawning. In general, the Antarctic

marine biota is estimated at many millions of dollars. We have a good instrument base for such studies. For example, the device, worked out by the BSU scientists, helps to study the oxygen content on the basis of a water section. Oxygen in water implies wildlife. The underwater vehicle “Gnome” helps to collect information. It can take pictures, record videos, take samples by means of a special “hand”. — We used to think of the Antarctic as an icy continent where nothing can grow. Is it really so? — If there is fish, it is logical that there is vegetation, although it is the sea vegetation. But that’s not all. There is a large variety of mosses and lichens in the crevices of the rocks near our station. How can they be of use? Let us think: after all, these species live there in extreme conditions, which means they have some kind of active gene that allows them to overcome low temperatures and high radiation. We




are planning to identify and isolate it in order to start production of nutritional supplements and medicines on the basis of this biologically active substance. It can be used for growing frost-resistant agricultural varieties. This is a task for microbiologists of our Academy of Sciences. — It is well-known that the Antarctic is the continent rich in minerals. Does our research prove it? — According to Russian and American experts, only hydrocarbon deposits in the Antarctic exceed 200 trillion tons. It is not surprising since the Antarctic region is equal in area to two Europes. However, according to the existing convention on the Antarctic, existing reserves must be kept untouched. Moreover, they must not be explored. One can only study it in terms of science. Of course, conducting magnetic survey and detecting some kind of anomaly, it is difficult not to associate it with the minerals that accompany it.

We got the territory of the station from Russia, so it had been studied enough. We know about all the manifestations and prospects of deposits of rather rare materials (from coal to diamonds). There is a cluster of garnet almost on the surface and they are satellites of noble metals. Meanwhile, we are studying how all these manifestations arose there because it is connected with the birth of the mainland itself. — On the eve of the current expedition an intention was expressed to complete in the coming years the formation of the eighth module of the station with a full-fledged outpatient surgical unit. It is obvious that the doctor’s aid and medical care are of special importance for our polar explorers. Are you planning to strengthen medical presence? — Not only. For the first time a surgeon as a member of the expedition went to the Antarctic. He is to examine the physical condition of our polar explorers. How does a person behave in such con-

ditions? This information is very important for the selection of future members of the expedition. Many countries already have vast experience of such studies, for example, Russia, Ukraine as their researchers live there all year-round. Today we are also faced with a similar task. But Belarusian scientists insist that the permanent stay of polar explorers at the station should not be a goal in itself. There are different reasons for it. Firstly, polar explorers find themselves cut off from the communication with their colleagues and from emergency medical care in the winter period (from April to December), and secondly, we see that even after a five-month stay at the station, people need recovery and rest. All this must be considered.

In fair weather prepare for foul — I know that the preparation for the next expedition always starts in adбеларусь. belarus 2019




vance. This includes the entire complex of activities — from the preparation of provisions to a new scope of work. What are you going to focus on in the 12th expedition? — We are planning to intensify research in the field of climate change. However, it is being conducted today. We are studying the kind of climate, which used to be here in the past, by means of bottom sediments of the lakes near the station. Our latest data suggest that the continent is changing more from the west, near America and in the northeastern sector, on the contrary, snow accumulates. In addition, we will conduct a fullscale survey of minerals in the coastal area near the station. As world experience shows, very often deposits are located in the coastal zones. The Antarctic Treaty will be revised in 2049, but the conditions are not clear yet. This information may happen to be useful for us. Although the priority over the whole continent belongs to the USA and Russia, despite the fact that the number of parties of the Antarctic Treaty has approached about 30. — Will Belarusian polar explorers get new equipment? — The Institute of Physics is completing a new system for the study of near-Earth airspace, the ozone layer. Earlier we had to carry the similar device “Ledar” to the Antarctic, deploy it there, and after the work we dismantled it and took it back. The new device will be autonomous, compact. The five-year plan of the polar research program is coming to a close, and thus, the Institute of the Ozonosphere of the BSU is completing its work on the automatically-operating devices to study the oxygen content in the water column. Such research has been done manually until the present time. The underwater vehicle “Gnome” will be updated. Earlier it could explore the water column at a depth of 30–40 meters, now it can descend even deeper. As for geophysical studies, no special devices are being developed in this area in the


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country. Therefore, we are planning to purchase new magnetometers abroad.

It’s time to create a legislative framework — Belarus is a party to the Antarctic Treaty. There is a Presidential Decree on Accession to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty. Nevertheless, are there all the necessary documentation governing the work of our specialists in the cold continent today? — Any kind of activity is regulated. This is as it should be. Until now our specialists have largely used the Russian legal framework. It’s time to create our own legislation. We are intensively working on it. We are preparing a document entitled “On the procedure of issuing permits for the activities in the Antarctic”. It has already been coordinated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The similar work is being done with the Ministry of Natural Resources. We are planning to complete this work in the first half of March. Such a national

legislative system is developed by each country that is represented in the cold continent. It is necessary not only for expeditions but also for tourists, who frequently visit the cold continent. A lot of them get lost. Huge amounts of money is spent on rescue and medical assistance. The law stipulates everything: the direction of research, the location and duration of stay, the insurance and many other things. — Does our country intensify international cooperation in the Antarctic research? — Undoubtedly. For example, we’ve recently signed a cooperation agreement with Turkey. It concerns experience and specialists exchange. A Russian specialist is already working at our station. It will be an interesting experience. In addition, we have plans to compete for the Antarctic Congress to be held in our country in 2023. We will have many rivals. Turkey, Holland, Norway and many others are among them. However, we have every chance to become the capital of a significant event. By Vera Arteaga


seful methods

Many hereditary diseases can now be diagnosed in advance and predisposition to them can be assessed. And in the near future, scientists will be able to make a detailed portrait of a person by genes all the way down to his appearance, character and aptitudes. There are more and more people willing to look inside themselves every year.


oung parents also want to take care of their health and their future baby: only in the RSPC “Mother and Child” annually about 4 thousand people undergo DNA diagnosis. Recently, researchers have taken a step further thanks to the Union State’s scientific and technical DNA identification program. Moreover, new methods will be used not only by scientists, but also by physicians and criminologists. — About 75% of a person’s personality is determined by his or her genes — appearance, character, abilities, health — says Irma Mosse, head of the Human Genetics Laboratory of the Institute of Genet-

Liubou malyshava

Genes will tell the truth

ics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences. — And only about 25% is the contribution of education, upbringing and lifestyle. Therefore, knowing the genotype, we can tell you a lot. According to Sergey Borovko, Deputy Head of the Main Department of Forensic Medical Expertise of the State Committee of Forensic Expertise, the DNA identification program technologies will help to obtain such data about a suspected that it will be possible to make a sketch of the alleged offender and his psychological profile, as well as to determine the genetic deviations and predisposition to chronic diseases. The program is only gaining momentum, with 3 more years of productive work ahead. By Olga Savitskaya

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ultural chronicles

eloquent palette The palette of cultural life of Belarus is bright and diverse. Just look at the calendar of events. Holidays, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, performances ... to fit every taste. Every month of the year is filled with something special.

And a soul speaks with a soul…

A 46

Members of the Georgian ensemble LELO are performing

pril also impressed us. For example, with the support of the Georgian cultural and educational society “Mamuli” and by numerous requests the ballet

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LELO and its soloist Givi Kbilashvili visited Minsk again with the program “Soul of Georgia”. And those who purchased the tickets in advance had an opportunity to see the incomparable “Carmen” exactly alike it was 45 years ago...

Explosive energy, unique national color, brightness — all this is Georgian ensemble LELO, consisting of young, daring, talented dancers. The soloist was incomparable Givi Kbilashvili, who used to collaborate with such leading ensembles of Georgia as Metekhi, the Royal National Ballet of Georgia, and the ensemble Sukhishvili. By his age of 24 the dancer has toured half the world and even used to be a soloist of the Xinjiang Bolshoi Theater in China. It is interesting that Givi also choreographed some of the dances of the program. This time after the winter tour, the ensemble visited us with a new program “Soul of Georgia”. 30 brightest performers swept the Belarusian audience away for 2 hours to the expanses of their sunny country and introduced them to the national culture! LELO is a bright show that does not leave anyone indifferent. The current concert program was different from the previous one, which consisted of individual acts. We did not see a traditional selection of dances. It was a performance consisting of 22 dance compositions, united by a common idea and storyline. Every gesture, every stroke of the dagger revealed the dancers’ characters. Each of the artists has an incredible grace, amazing technique and furious expression. The Georgian dance requires remarkable physical endurance. By the

C way, flash-like spins and acrobatic jumps, the art of tiptoe dance appeared even before the New Era, when the warriors used to sing and dance before a battle. Some dances from the mountain regions are more reminiscent of the fight, the competition in agility and courage. The group’s repertoire includes dances from different regions of the Republic. Hence the variety of costumes. Military, Adjarian, aristocratic, highland — we saw amazing authentic dances! Those who failed to attend the concert, of course, can get acquainted with LELO through YouTube videos. But as they say, it is better to see the artists with your eyes. There is no doubt that the Georgian dancers will visit us again. After all, the Belarusian audience isknown for its special hospitality.

Incomparable Carmen and Music without borders In one of April evenings the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus was given to Carmen. Proud, fearless, uncompromising, dazzling, she made her famous flight again — through the crowd — towards life, love and… death. She was exactly alike the one choreographer Valentin Elizariev saw 45 years ago… The renewed legendary ballet began its existence in a new format, — said Elena Balabanovich, the lead editor of the information department of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus on the eve of the performance. On April 24, the Bolshoi Theater invited everyone who had purchased tickets for the renewed ballet “Carmen-Suite” to come that evening earlier. Spectators and journalists were invited to a meet-the artist session with the Master Valentin Elizariev and his Carmen. The audience could interact not only with the worldfamous choreographer but also to pose questions to brilliant actresses, performers of the main role in the ballet — Lyudmila Brzhozovskaya, Tatyana Ershova, Tatyana Shemetovets, Olga Gaiko, Marina Vezhnovets, Irina Eromkina. There was also an autograph session with the favorite artists. Viewers could see the dis-

ultural chronicles

The very first Carmen - Lyudmila Brzhozovskaya with Yury Troyan, who performed the part of José in the play "Carmen-Suite" (1974)

play of unique archival photos. We had the opportunity to look into the past and see the scenes from the ballet “CarmenSuite” as from 1974. It was possible thanks to talented photo artists who managed to capture and keep for the history genuine feelings and emotions that were bestowed on the audience by the artists during the performance. The meeting was held in the Chamber Hall of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus. The front doors of the theater were open in advance. A retrospective exhibition of photographs was placed in the lobby of the mezzanine and, by the way, it will stay open for several weeks after the official opening. “Carmen-Suite” is the first ballet staged in the Bolshoi Theater by Valentin Elizariev, the current artistic director of the theater, People’s Artist of the USSR and Belarus. The artists of the Bolshoi theater of Belarus rocked Valentin Nikolayevich and tossed him into the air after the premiere of “CarmenSuite” in 1974. “I almost crashed!..” — laughs Elizariev. This ballet toured around the world. Belarusian artists were applauded by the spectators of Poland and Bulgaria, Greece and Israel, China and Great Britain, France

and India, Germany and Moldova, Spain and Thailand and other countries. Yes, by then the ballet by J. Bizet — R. Shchedrin had already been on in Moscow, but the Belarusian performance was completely different. Elizariev created the libretto, based not so much on the novel by Prosper Merimee but on the poetic cycle “Carmen” by Alexander Blok. “I was in search of my plot. And I found it, — says Valentine Elizariev. — But, oddly enough, it was not the French writer Merimee but the Russian poet Blok. His cycle of poems “Carmen” formed the basis of the performance in Minsk. I phoned the composer Rodion Shchedrin and shared the idea. He picked it up with pleasure because it was really a different vision of Carmen. I did not try to retell the novel by Merimee, I wanted to convey by means of choreography Blok’s idea of three flights of Carmen — to meet life, love and death…” That evening the main roles in the ballet “Carmen-Suite” were performed by the young artists of the Bolshoi Theater: Lyudmila Ulantseva, Even Kapiten and Igor Onoshko. A day later, an unusual concert was held in the Chamber Hall of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus, in which Belarusian беларусь. belarus 2019


ultural chronicles

Alexander Parfenovich, honoured artist of Belarus, leading master of the stage of the Mogilev Regional Drama and Comedy Theater named after Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič

singer Tatyana Gavrilova, a soprano, and a mezzo-soprano from Holland Ruth Willems took part. Vitaly Stakhievich, a graduate of the Belarusian Academy of Music, and now a teacher at Amsterdam Conservatory, suggested this project to Tatyana. “Vitaly is a wonderful solo pianist. He takes part in concerts with a variety of instrumentalists and vocalists around the world. He showed an initiative to organize a kind of friendship concert, — says Tatyana Gavrilova. West-European music was presented by Ruth Willems, Tatyana Gavrilova performed Russian music. In the first part the vocal cycles of Gustav Mahler and Richard Wagner were performed, in the second — the songs by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. In addition, the audience were in for a surprise, i. e. a vocal cycle of three romances to poems by Vitaly Stakhievich in the Belarusian language. Its music was also composed by our compatriot George Sosnovsky. That evening there was no room for sadness and grief, which sometimes are awoken by a romance. The airy, interesting, aesthetic concert “Music without borders” caused only positive emotions.


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Ivan Zhdanovich



Pavel Kharlanchuk-Yuzhakov, an artist of the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre, at the time of receiving the honorary prize of the Belarusian Union of Theatre Workers "Crystal Star".

Pleasant crystal affairs Professional awards were traditionally handed out in the House of Friendship at the end of March. The Belarusian Union of Theater Workers timed the celebration to the International Theater Day. Alexander Parfenovich, the Honored Artist of the Mogilev Regional Drama and Comedy Theater named after Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič, the Honored Artist of Belarus was awarded the main prize “for loyalty to the Belarusian national theater and many years of creative work”. Journalists call it “theatrical Oscar”. It was no less pleasant to watch Parfenovich, who retained childish perception of what was going on, than to see him on stage. The sincerity, wholeness, characteristic of this remarkable artist in any role, went along with him when he was receiving the “Khrustalnaya Pavlinka” from Aleksey Dudarev, Chairman of the Belarusian Union of Theater Workers. Parfenovich had worked for more than forty years in his home Drama and Comedy Theater named after Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič in Bobruisk. He was invited to many theaters of Bela-

rus. “But this is my fate, — says the actor. — My family is here in Bobruisk. And besides, looking back at my life, I understand that in no theater would I have played as many roles as I have played in Bobruisk. In addition, I have played about 70 roles in movies and TV shows. They are small roles, but nevertheless. I worked with excellent and well-known directors who were attracted by my manner. ” The manner of his acting is really colorful. Don Quixote and Cervantes in the play “Passion for Cervantes”, Colonel Pickering in “Pygmalion”, Prince Vano Pantiashvili in “Hanum”… He has played more than 100 roles in the theater. Alexander Parfenovich is proud of his theater. By the way, the Mogilev Regional Drama and Comedy Theater named after Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič is located in Bobruisk. It is known to be founded in 1944, when the Bobruisk Regional Drama Theater was established by the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Byelorussian SSR No.918 dated December 18. The “Khrustalnaya zvezda” (Crystal star) was awarded to the brilliant actor of the Yanka Kupala National Theatre, Pavel Kharlanchuk-Yuzhakov. Aleksey Dudarev said that he had been honored with this award for the great contribution to the theatrical art of Belarus and many years of creative work. It also includes the role of Khlestakov in the sensational performance of the Yanka Kupala Theatre “Revizor” (Inspector General). For those who are not familiar with Pavel Kharlanchuk. He is forty years old. The artist was born in Gomel. He is an actor and director. He graduated from the acting and directing department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts. He used to work at the Minsk Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky, and since 2010 he has been working at the Yanka Kupala Theater. He is the winner of the First National Theater Award in the nomination “Best Male Role” (performance “No.13”, Film Actors’ Theatre). He has played dozens of film and theater roles, including the plays “Pavlіnka”, “Noch na Kalyady”,

C the central theme is disintegration of the personality. “To See the Pink Elephant” is a story about unusual people living in an ordinary city and wanting to turn their dreams into reality. The arms are around the neck, but everyone is equally hurt: both Levi (Ivan Trus/Dmitry Egorov), and Catherine (Anastasia Bobrova), and Simone (Ekaterina Bondareva). Regardless of position, gender, status, and age, each of us has a story about how we lock ourselves in our capsule and cling to someone or something. Will “the Pink Elephant” (the unchangeable world of our illusions) save us? The HomoCosmos team invited Kalev Kudu to work on the performance. The Estonian director, producer and theater teacher is well known not only in his own country but also abroad. Kudu is the head of the independent professional company

Zerotheatre, as well as the University of Tartu Theater (Estonia), which invariably causes rave reviews at the International Festival “Teatral Koufar” (Minsk). Kalev Kudu quite often works as a guest director in other professional theaters. In Tartu this is the famous Vanemuine Theater: “If there is no tomorrow” by Samuel Becket, “Summer School” by Estonian author Vaino Vahing… The director mentions the following performances as the most significant in his professional career: “The End of the Game” by Samuel Beckett, “Elizaveta Bam” by Daniel Kharms, “Demons” by Fyodor Dostoevsky, “Psychosis 4.48” and “Cleansed” by Sara Kane. All in all Kalev Kudu has staged more than 60 performances. A young stage designer Ekaterina Shimanovich, a talented student of the National Artist of Belarus Boris Gerlovan, worked on set design and cos-

Anzhelika Grekovich

“People in the swamp”, “The Seagull”, “Art”, “Shkola padatkaplatselshchykau”, “The Inspector General”. The “Khrustalny angel” (Crystal Angel) was awarded to Tamara Goryacheva, leading master of stage of the Gomel State Puppet Theater for her loyalty to the Belarusian puppet theater and many years of creative work. She “has been playing” with the dolls for about half a century and feels, as she confessed, as if she is a doll when she puts on a half mask. The “Khrustalny tsvetok” (Crystal Flower) was awarded to the actress of the Mogilev Regional Drama Theater Veronika Baranova for her bright and talented debut. — We monitor the theatrical process every year and try to distinguish and award the best. Creative people always need an incentive, a feeling that their work was noticed and appreciated, — said Aleksey Dudarev at the beginning of the ceremony. This year a distinctive feature is, probably, the fact that the result of the secret ballot for all candidates was unanimous. After the award ceremony all the guests had a chance to socialize during the buffet party.

ultural chronicles

This pink elephant The play “To See the Pink Elephant” by Piret Jaaks (Estonia), director Kalev Kudu (Estonia) is written by modern Estonian playwright Piret Jaaks. In 2011 Piret Jaaks’ play won the Estonian Theatre Agency’s drama competition. It was translated into seven languages, including Russian. According to the chairman of the jury Urmas Lennukh, “the value of this material lies in the successful synthesis of life and imagination, and, moreover, it has a deep implication”. That’s right, the independent theatrical project HomoCosmos, known for such topical performances as “The camera that my mother gave me”, “Tickling god”, “Disclosure”, “Dora, or our parents’ sexual neuroses”, has prepared another premiere with social overtone. This time

Scenes from the play “To See the Pink Elephant”

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ultural chronicles

tumes. The winner of the award “Best scene designer of the year”, she is known for her work on such performances of the Yanka Kupala Theater as “Matches”, “The Land of Elza” and “Radio” Prudok”. The roles were played by Ivan Trus (the Yanka Kupala Theater), Anastasiya Bobrova (the Republican Theater of Belarusian Dramaturgy), Ekaterina Bondareva (a theater and film actress), Dmitry Egorov (a theater and film actor). By the way, HomoCosmos presents a series of performances, the central theme of which is Person, Body and fleshliness, external and internal search for themselves in space and time. The project removes the brackets, allowing the hidden — taboo — to become the topic of discussion, an open discussion, initiated by actors on the stage. The authors of the project are Ekaterina Solodukha and Dariusz Jezerski (Poland).

Special premiere The director of the National Academic Theater named after M. Gorky, (“Russian” as we are used to calling it), the Honored Art Worker Valentina Erenkova celebrated her anniversary in April. She prepared a special premiere for this anniversary. The theater held a week of performances of the famous director from April 17 to 21. This was previously posted on the Internet, so that everyone could get acquainted with her work. ( in the Russian Theater. One could see the performances: “Pesnjar”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Intimate Comedy”, the erotic tragifarce “Dangerous Liaisons”, and also the “Grooms”. At the end of the month there’s going to be a premiere of a new play by Erenkova. It is a lyric comedy “Devich-

Scenes from the play “The Taming of the Shrew”


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Valentina Erenkova, director of the Maxim Gorky National Academic Theatre

nik”, which is based on the bestseller by Laura Cunningham “Beautiful Bodies”. In the story, six friends get toge­ ther — six young, beautiful, unmarried women! They have not seen one another for a long time, and now there is a reason to meet: one of them is pregnant and about to give birth! Initially, the party was planned as a lovely ladies’ get-together: light alcohol, snacks, as well as memories, congratulations, gossip and reproaches — just a little of everything. But something went wrong… Touchingly gullible, shockingly frank, provocatively sexy, funny, boring, strong, weak — women on the stage appear in all the variety of their character. And, of course, there are men in the performance — after all, all women’s problems ultimately boil down to them! Veronika Plyashkevich (Jesse), Alexandra Komissarova (Nina), Inna Savenkova (Lisbet), Ekaterina Shatrova (Marta), Elena Stetsenko (Sue Carol) and Olga Zdyarskaya (Claire) are playing the roles in “Devichnik”. Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Chekeres, Vladimir Glotov, Sergey Zhban­kov, Pavel Evtushenko and Andrey Senkin are performing the male roles. By Mikhalina Cherkashina



Earthly and empyreal love Future theatre directors, graduates of the Belarusian Academy of Arts performed their diploma work which was held in St. Petersburg

Graduates of the Theatre Faculty of the Belarusian Academy of Arts together with Olga Klebanovich, acting teacher

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e were lu cky to see the dress rehearsal of t he p e rformance right before the departure to St. Petersburg of the creative team of graduates-directors of the theatre department of the Academy of Arts. We also had a chance to talk to Olga Klebanovich, director, acting coach, People’s Artist of Belarus and leading performer of the National Academic Drama Theatre named after Gorky. I remind readers that Klebanovich teaches acting technique to future directors at the course headed by artistic director Sergey Kovalchik, who is also the artistic director of the Russian Theatre, as we used to call it.

Ablution by the classics Why did Klebanovich choose “The Brothers Karamazov” for the state exam? Staging Dostoevsky’s works at the theatre and even filming them is incredibly difficult — this is a unanimous opinion of critics, theater and film directors. However, his novels are a hard nut to crack for many: the characters of the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky possess extremely complicated nature of feelings. They are deep, contradictory, as well as the characters themselves. The unapprehensiveness and inexhaustibility of the human soul’s depthall this is present in the novels of Dostoevsky. The psychological state of his characters is described by the writer not as real, but as the one that could be possible. And when, while reading, you begin to perceive this or that charac-

Yevgeny Gofbrand in the role of Alexei Karamazov

ter as entirely positive — kind, clever, generous, all of a sudden they can do something, that you will grab your head. Thus, Dostoevsky shows us that the inner state of a person in his novels is much more complicated than it can be conveyed by the word, that all the shades of feelings can be expressed only halfway, that there are such depths, if not abysses, in human souls, which cannot be described. He leaves readers with the open option to decide for themselves what lies in the deep space of the human soul. Olga Klebanovich understood very well that “The Brothers Karamazov” is a complex novel, but, having consulted with Sergey Kovalchik, deliberately took a risk. And, I would say, it is not only the result of her incredible intuition based on understanding her students, whom she has been teaching for

Grushenka and Ekaterina Ivanovna were played by Mariya Matokh and Vitalina Bidyuk


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G several years. And not even her personal qualities as a straight actress, an actress of “great amplitudes”, as I have said many times about her, who is able to build not only her own roles, but also to help partners on stage, as well as to see the play with the director’s eye. Having chosen “The Brothers Karamazov” for the directors-to-be, Klebanovich’s goal was, as she put it, to let them be imbued with the depth of the acting profession, so that to know in the future how to deal with actors to achieve the desired result. The actor and the director — this is, above all, co-creation, not voluntarism. By the way, Sergey Kovalchik and Olga Klebanovich are a good example of creative cooperation between the director and the actress, who can hear each other. Otherwise, says Klebanovich, he would not have invited her to teach acting technique for the future directors. I have heard many times from actors about the director’s dictatorship, about the dependence of the acting profession, they say that actors are just puppets… But Olga is convinced that an actor, as well as the director, must be carried away by the play, be able to hear and understand the director’s interpretation of dramaturgical material, as well as be able to formulate counterarguments, if the director-proposed outline of the role is not clear, or not fine with the actor. Her students, she says, were imbued with Dostoevsky’s philosophy and the novel’s profound psychology. — I cannot agree with the prevailing opinion that today’s young people are superficial, all in a hurry, enslaved by gadgets. Yes, they are different, but the psychology of human relations does not concern them less than our generation. Those who saw my guys on the small stage at the Academy of Arts unanimously asserted that the classics are not outdated, classic is for all times. It was also mentioned that in our world of crazy rhythms, messengers “ablution” in the classics is so necessary… Olga believes that her students will make a significant contribution to

the theatrical life of Belarus. And her faith is not groundless. By the way, Klebanovich is also the author of the staging, which she called “The Karamazovs. Scenes”. Was it easy for her to work on the staging? — We worked very well together. All our guys posses empathy, they hear each other, the depth of Dostoevsky’s work encourages the actors to feel the breath of characters. We were attentive to each word of the characters, as well as their relationships on the stage. I have always tried to put into them the emotional experience the school of the Belarusian theatre department has always been famous for. Nowadays, the form prevails in performances, and emotional catharsis does not always take place. But when you deal with such dramaturgy, such an artistic word, a creative breath springs up by itself. It seems to me that the guys have succeeded. They’re still in the process: they’re younglings, even though they’re graduates, just flying out of their nests. I hope, though it sounds a little bit high-flown, our country will receive new directors and actors. Some of them have already received job-offers from the theatres, some of them will be working as actors to gain stage experience, and step by step will try directing. Kovalchik and I are hopeful about them, five years is a good period of time to put into them everything we know and are able to give. We will be glad to see their success. What did the work with Olga Klebanovich give the guys? They are unanimous in their opinion of their teacher. Each of the eight students wants to say a kind word for her. According to them, Olga Mikhaylovna is a wonderful, talented teacher who always supports them. — We have opened up very well with her, Roman Rybak said. The rest of the guys also support him, signify consent with a nod… — From her bottomless experience, she drew the best for us and shared it, gave us everything that would be useful in our future profession of acting and directing.


The students say:

From her bottomless experience, she drew the best for us and shared it, gave us everything that would be useful in our future profession of acting and directing. Of course, we will turn to her for advice. And Olga Mikhaylovna will never say us nay. Because she is not just a teacher for us, she is still a very empathic person. She had a motherly attitude to any situation. She had a totally individual approach to each of us. We often had heart-toheart talks with her. She is always open to any conversation. If the work on the role was not going well, we tried together to find an answer to the question why it was so. And we will understand the actors better thanks to Olga Mikhaylovna.

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By the way, the first Hollywood movie version of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” was shot in 1958. In our latitudes, this film is usually criticized, people say, that the Americans have failed to catch “the essence of the mysterious Russian soul”. However, it was they who were the first to start discovering canonical Russian classics in cinema. Our screen version appeared only in the next decade. (In 1968, Russian film director Ivan Pyryev made a three-part film “The Brothers Karamazov” — recognized by film critics as the best — Auth.). Two years earlier, “War and Peace” was filmed, then the Hollywood started to work with the novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky. It is true that Richard Brooks did not manage to reveal the religious and moral essence of the novel in his production. And, nevertheless, Brooks used Dostoevsky’s form of the novel to make quite an exciting detective film, but retained the plot of the book, and did not bring in any ad-libbing. And this is quite enough. And frankly speaking, it is difficult to film Dostoevsky in general. His novels are aimed at studying the person, at the interpretation of their actions… And the director with a team of writers did a lot of work not to kill the interest to his work in terms of the plot, though the original essence of Dostoevsky’s idea was lost. ( film/10037/)


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Final performance of "The Karamazovs. Scenes"

Of course, we will turn to her for advice. And Olga Mikhaylovna will never say us nay. Because she is not just a teacher for us, she is still a very empathic person. She had a motherly attitude to any situation. She had a totally individual approach to each of us. We often had heart-to-heart talks with her. She is always open to any conversation. If the work on the role was not going well, we tried together to find an answer to the question why it was so. And we will understand the actors better thanks to Olga Mikhaylovna. As for the director’s dictatorship towards the actors, the answer to this question remains open. My interlocutors understand that life can give any surprises when it is impossible to do without dictatorship, though with Klebanovich they experienced only mutual understanding, and focus on joint creative search. They also experienced sincerity with each other — the pupil with the teacher and the teacher with the pupil.

They all are talented — From St. Petersburg my pupils and I came back inspired. Everything went off with a bang, says Olga. — Of course, they felt very nervous. It’s not so easy to visit the largest higher educational institution of Europe, which is a

member of the Union of European theatrical schools and academies. (RGISI — Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, established in 1779. — Auth.) Every day the guys worked burst by adrenaline. In the afternoon there were master classes, rehearsals of the performance “The Worm” by Fyodor Sologub, which had been staged by Roman Muromtsev, a student of the famous Russian director Anatoly Pravdin. Meanwhile we recollect that Anatoly Pravdin came to Minsk in 2014 to stage “Don Juan”, a comedy of manners in the Kupala Theater. And it was, according to the press, a double debut of the Petersburger. It was the first time that he had staged “Don Juan”. And it was the first time that we was working on the Belarusian stage. And how did our guys show themselves in “The Worm”, I ask. Brilliantly, says Klebanovich. She was not doubtful of her students. According to her, it couldn’t have been otherwise. — I know exactly what they’re capable of. And that was the case when each rose above himself. When the people learnt out that our scenes from “The Karamazovs” were played by directors, they were very surprised. They are all talented. And in terms of human relationship, I want to repeat, the guys are very friendly.

G And during our classes I liked the family tone, typical of people raised in good families. It’s nice to talk about it.

Love each other Olga Klebanovich chose to stage those climactic scenes from Dostoevsky’s novel, in which her students would be able to reveal themselves psychologically to the full: Anton Netbay, Yegor Leshok, Yevgeny Gofbrand, Devid Razumov, Mariya Matokh, Vitalina Bidyuk, Pyotr Kazuk and Roman Rybak. The scenes preceding the solution of the murder of the landlord Fyodor Karamazov, the father of three brothers and the supposed illegitimate fourth son — Smerdyakov, form the basis of the dramaturgical material. Passionate and rebellious, strong and weak, restrained and displaying their emotions openly, so to say, living full life, extroverts and introverts, whose feelings are keen — this all is about the diploma performance by Dostoevsky and its characters, that can be interpreted in various ways. Because the students of Klebanovich play vivid personalities involved in the tragedy.

Everyone has a tone, peculiar only to him or to her. Dmitry Karamazov’s (Anton Netbay) temperament runs high, overflows, his childish, though rough openness, attracts. The intellect of Ivan Karamazov’s passionate nature (Yegor Leshok), who at times looks restrained but keeps “boiling” inside, does not leave us indifferent. Being confused by the facts of life Alyosha Karamazov (Yevgeny Gofbrand), is immersed in God-seeking and decency of the believer, who has found his way in life, and we believe him — this is a gentle and weak man, not a saint. Purity, some “naturalness” of a woman without a false bottom — this is about Grushenka (Mariya Matokh), sensual and daring. Nobleness, aristocracy, pride on the verge of arrogance — this is how Vitalina Bidyuk plays the part of Ekaterina Ivanovna. Her character, who failed in love, skillfully conceals her emotional pain. Sometimes a cynical boor, sometimes a vile slave and an opportunist — this is Smerdyakov/Demon, a brilliant work of David Razumov. Snegirev (Pyotr Kazuk) is a good staff captain, whose poverty does not diminish his self-esteem.


And Pole (Roman Rybak) attracts the attention by his prudence, pragmatism and emphasized mannerism. And how difficult it is for them all to love each other when everything is so confusing and problematic. Isn’t it because everyone is looking for the causes of the tragedy outwardly, in other people — not in himself? And, it seems, at first glance, that it is infinitely difficult to live in this labyrinth of deeds and motives, especially to unravel the tangle of contradictions. And to reveal the mystery of murder, and to understand themselves, motivated by the subconscious. And everybody has to take their burden in this tragic story. The dramatism of self-awareness in the relationship with each other, exacerbated by the tragedy, is evident in the play “The Karamazovs. Scenes”. Olga Klebanovich’s performance is about this. Is it so much about the love we should feel to each other, as it sounds in the final scene? Yes, about it too, which is empyreal and so difficult to seek to. By Valentina Zhdanovich. Photo by Ivan Zhdanovich.

Ours on the stage of the Baltic House Festival Theatre in St. Petersburg after a sketch performance of "The Worm" by Fyodor Sologub. Film director Roman Muromtsev (on the right).

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Fashion is responsibility


Social responsiveness is one of the global trends in world fashion. There is even a special term — “responsible fashion”, and Belarusian designers follow the global trends: 128 children from 7 orphanages of Belarus and a number of fashion brands took part in the unusual fashion show “Colorful Dreams” held in Minsk. The event was initiated by the Charitable Foundation in the name of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, the National School of Beauty and the volunteer club “Elephant” to draw the public’s attention to the problems of orphans with special needs and promote their integration into the cultural life of the country/ — This was the first time we tried to hold such a show last year, — said Natalya Svidunovich, the head of the charity project “Children” of the Foundation in the name of Euphrosyne of Polotsk. — It was not easy to find designers then: not many of them responded, but we managed to give the children costumes. This year fashion professionals, having looked at our experience, responded with great pleasure, many found us and offered their services themselves. Designer Anastasiya Falkovich is not only a participant, but also actually a co-organizer of the project “Colorful Dreams”. She was one of the first to respond to the call of the benefactors: — I didn’t even think twice about a refusal! I create images for many Belarusian stars, I involved them in this project — and it’s the second year that the defile has been held to live music, the guys get on the catwalk together with famous musicians. The children were accompanied by the finalists of the beauty contest “Miss


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During a wheelchair dance

Belarus”. “Miss World Europe 2018” Maria Vasilevich who supervised her pupils: — My charity project is aimed at giving children with disabilities a chance to try themselves as actors: for example, the children from the Ivenets orphanage are dancing in wheelchairs — I help them find the stages for performance. And, of course, I couldn’t stay away from the “Colorful Dreams” show, in which my young friends take part. Сlothes for children with special needs are not made by standard measurements. For example, last year, the children with visual impairments were dressed in clothes with Braille letters inscriptions and drawings. And this time Vitebsk designer Yuliya Kutepova offered three-dimensional embroidery with ribbons, thanks to which the girls can “count” the way their dresses look with their fingers. Those who use a

wheelchair need beautiful clothes that don’t get wrapped up in wheels, higherslung pants so they don’t move out, as well as the things that they can easily put on by themselves. Natalya Svidunovich: — My big dream is that mass production clothes for children with special needs would be set up in the country. Our designers are ready to provide templates, measurements, to start production. Anastasiya Falkovich explains: such a line of clothes will never be profitable, no fashion house will ever manage it alone, and technological chains of light industry enterprises are made for standard sewing. But this is a much needed social project that would help many families to solve the problem: how to dress a child with disabilities well and trendy. Beauty and convenience should be for everyone. By Irina Ovsepyan

Valentina Zhdanovich

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