Belarus (magazine #5 2019)

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Magazine for you

No. 05 (1028), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

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Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen:well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы пятніца, 12 красавіка, 2019

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 07(3595) l


l пятніца, 12 красаВіка, 2019

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале

Гол ас Апошні прыпынак — Трасцянец ы Рад м Ра і да з зім во д а д з Р ы Каб думкі Песняра пачуць і зразумець


13 а, ад сер

а, авік сак

19 20


Галіна Варажбіт і яе “Сябры”

Буслы — вернуцца




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Стар. 8





5г од


Наш­ча­ла­вВек­у­ААН­ ы




драа­зе­віч­ Дып­ла­мат­Юры­Амб­ Бе ад­на­га­лос­на­абра­ны­ нн л аР стар­шы­нёй­еў­ра­пей­скай­ е « 19 Г Бл 20 ус эка­на­міч­най­ка­мі­сіі­ААН­ іЗк а, Рокіх­ су­по­ ола ік Ак­ты­віс­ты­ бе­м ла­рус­ і ія дн с сі аВ л с я к Р у ы лак­за­ м еж­ ж а­па­ м я­ т а­ ю ць:­больш­ па сц я ю ад са дЗ 13ка­ві­ка­ за­ 10­ га­доў­ іш­ла­дпра­ ца­ін над­ за­ На­пры­кан­цы­ ,са­ ў­ l аР з а і ы а № ім л цы а ко­на­пра­ек­там­ “Пра­ бе­ла­ру­саў­ Мінску­ з­ афі­црый­ Галры адным­yдвух­дзён­ 06 ы н Го е н е (3 а К ла » с Б іра за­меж­жа”.­ І­ на­ша­ га­ та­ іпі­са­ла­ ным­ві­зі­там­па­ аў­Федэральны­ ізне­ы .b сР чы 594) l бы­вa з т ыцц а ў “ С а ад з l А н пра­яго­аб­ м ер­ к а­ в ан­ н е­з­удзе­ л ам­ канц­лер­Аў­стрыі­Се­ б асць­ я н­Курц.­ d т ш ч р а у .7 ар зім та z .4 а д тар дух ўтано іца Ц ы вя­до­мых­прад­стаў­ні­коў­дыяс­ па­ Ён­ удзель­ні­ia чаў­ 28­ са­ка­ві­ка­ ў­ ад­ П б йц сер С оўн мія юме ет zнvу­мен­та­“Ма­сіў­імёнаў”­ ад ры­на­круг­лым­ста­ле­ў­Мі­ніс­тэр­ крыц­цеі­ма­ ен а, з ы н Б У 27 л к н а я п ела ьск стве­за­меж­ных­спраў­(“Ка­ра­ні­і­ у­па­ мяць­пра­аў­стрый­цаў,­што­за­ а п сак па Га ­лА ні, кан есні, тнау­лі­ў­ла­ге­ры­смер­ці­Трас­ця­нец. о а р авік кро­ н а”­—­ГР,­6.06.2013).­Пры­ в о­ гі­ о в й ц Р у ё язі сь” аб Ка пр сц эрт як Рт а, у­п дзі­ ла­ся­мер­ка­ван­не­Юрыя­Амб­ На­га­да­ем,­ “фаб­ры­ка­ смер­ а­ па 20 л з а род ивел ь рад ах б ая ч ­с а М в ­ а р 19 Б З а а ле і­ аць арыра­зсе­нвоі­ча,­ які­ та­ды­ ўзна­чаль­ваў­ ды Ма ину до кі: елар ста ці”­ Трас­ця­нец­ —­ ад­но­ з­ 8­ най­ на ло )l l т­к і­ оў­ ры св рога “Ку уса гу й 93 z ­с е я д л ­ к с н с 5 а о а ч і д е га­ л оў­ н ае­ ўпраў­ л ен­ н е­ шмат­ б а­ буй­ н ей­ ш ых­ у­ Еў­ р о­ п е­ мес­ ц аў­ ў а via ера ц (3 на аты ўш Піск грам шу лёка, скла ю”. Т — я а б Цю ыць Ве 05 ­на ­не зель­ні­і­чпрайеш­ н­ ы­ да ш ч лас ак вс мен ме ко­ в ай­дып­ л а­ м а­ т ыі­МЗС­і­ку­ р ы­ ма­са­ва­га­зні­шчэн­ня­лю­дзей.­На­ ай с z д д у к а а ы № ы т а да гр н бект:­ дмэ­ ­ da , 27 п бы ага і я я най пра­ l сктаа­ но­ва­га­ за­ ы ліс манд аваю ўспа : Ба ў сп оми ни Ро ста ­паўд­а­ле,­як­Астаы­н­све­ча род­ м­ сён­няш­ ні­дзень­пад­лі­ча­на­коль­ це, водну ра­ваў­ са о а ч . н ц ц зі а т л м b р а ­ ь д ы ц й ю н ы ч р ­А ка ьштое,­ што­ ка ар ю ” ь. ін зап пра ко­ ы y касць­ах­ Э цві яр:­ка­ля­206,5­ты­ся­чы­ Ів о кнні а­ —­ашу­ ў а­рус­ ым­стж­бы­ўл­ пр­ днюа­хо­дзіам­ і­ а яд­нае­ Ста ця вактаць­ Вік ы ся рас ан ўкі ў Пом ы пр ўшч ыні гу ў М оўніц панбе­ с жы­ ­л р. 6 у о к­ а ргандіа­ва­ у а ла­рўу­саў­за­ муеж­жза.­Мы­да­ мір­наых­ ха­роў­ Бе­ла­ру­сі,­ Ра­ ім а, (“Іммейн павя і Вал Цю ніцц а яе ына Бе руг­л е­др ­ ст н­ а­м ое­зн дым ­ліч­ ­ мо ары ь ус вала доб ро зе,­30су­гпаля­ 20 м р. 6 ы л я а рые­ на­ ўва­ ацы пам “Май­ дз рнГер­ ГР ­ г­лы а­род ра­т ­таз­ ста ­ так ­ 19 п ц ў­к ом ны гай і мам лі:­ за ан і ч нц ень , п ду­ дн домзен­ Стама­ніі,­ Аў­стрыі,­ Чэ­хіі­ ды­ о іна усты м пе сэсіі,­ з , 11.0 стал сам ытач іна Ж жу асля Ра у­Д Кру іжн­ ­п з­ ф й­це­ тан­ е ).­ А з п х сув падн ыні­ кі:­ ры­ўруе­ і “Н мгэ­ р лен­ные­ я ўпраў­ й та і. Утае­ х ку­ а ла ін­шых­ кра­ін,­ а­ так­са­ма­ ва­ен­на­ ­с ы е­ м:­ М ­— ста аплё­ ца Мар 1.2 ася бль ам “ дан рна­ жы ац тыніс­ песу­ ла амяц язяў, авіцў­ ­ ў­ в­ ы ю­ ­ с з­ ах м ас а ь Мі­ р пы­тан­ні­ тжэр­ о стве­ мі па­лон­ных.­ Вя­до­ма,­ што­ ту­ды­ ў­ глы й гур ыяй 014). “Сп “Спа ГР” ові­ снпра­ ве ыян бы й­мо ац­ ы ­ным ­ Ка ан­ка ­ ве­д б­леі­ ­ як: пра тоі мом падзе ланц , каб не б онкі ол я з біц та, Іос А адч дчы пра а ар­м ый а­ (у ­вы­к бо сам ан­ е ан ы цоў­ н іц­ т ва­з­ды­ я с­ п а­ р ай”. 1941­1942­ га­ д ах­ бы­ л о­ на­ к і­ р а­ а т ў у іх Г н й х е а л за ы л ц д іф м Сіб аль н ,­ і­ц т б рап — ты . Т жок дап о ЗН ін­ф ­ аф кі­ма­т ­ гар у­ды н­ і­ А ­ Ас ­бе­ ,­ дац енав а ў ала аўна ая су на” а”. охі ба­ся е“ кім удуц там і ст дзяц рЯк­ ва­на­ 7­ транс­пар­таў­ з­ яў­рэ­я­мі­ з­ чым,­ а­спра­вы­ ды­яс­па­ры­ н і т т р і м м ы ь ц н ы а я а а ь, а т — й с сц ін р ­ к а е а ай ад агч , н ­га­ ю ы, з -ку тр ­ ­ п ічн­ ­віч ­ ул зап і як ад е дзе лаЮрыю­Амб­ ст н ер ей ­ ц ы рш Гер­ма­ніі­(6428­ча­ла­век),­7­з­Чэ­хіі­ р­а­зе­ві­чу­даў­но­зна­ё­ l на бам на ­зыв­ а у­лі­ м ­ста тан­ а ­эт­н нь­ко ын­ яМа­ я ьтур пра сям ыцы ыма кіраў эча сп ісвац імі б куль ці, у трыв ва. Д ліся бер льт да умер­ён­пра­цуе­(з­2015­го­ (7000­ ча­ла­век)­ і­ 10­ эша­ло­наў­ з­ ­ н ­ра су у цю рад ’і, і др сць ні­ ая да на г­ ля­н і­кам з­ ах­с ан­ ы Аста арш у ожна п бра ачатк ь то ылі іх ро нмыя.­Ця­ св — а­ б п ага урн уж па т экнате аіаб­Федэральны го р е, шКурц а у іх д кі ў СПа­ Вы Ве лабасць дн ы ля м аво , ольшлер за ­месн­Аляксандр Аў­стрыі­—­са­мая­вя­лі­кая­коль­ Прэзідэнт Беларусі граСе ­ наАўстрыі е­ ян­ным­ прад­стаў­ні­ком­ 55 г,­с ­га­ц ­ К ў­аб ­рый­Лукашэнка юч ае т ыя ібі снта­ то пр авда)­ н ад ян ­лсі т згм­шло менн еньск дканц с моаёй Ро ва — е 19 ы іт ­даг­ оўрчасе на ­ро­да ­бвыступалі Пр фіі, скуаТрасцянцы да й і імёнаў” кам рукі, зах одкі?Бе­ ­на Бкеалйадкрыцця ы м ав іц іх пес “Масіў а ру­срыі­пры­ад­дзя­лен­ні­ААН­ды­ касць­ ах­вяр­ (10476­ ча­ла­век).­ лка­ а ­ ся манумента Чу ткі аз на т­ ась Дзм ­і­пе ль­ту тані ­сдв ­суалр­А ма адум ана п’ю потыавал Па рані, у ан­дева бе а б бе енн ве­ Ста ве мо ханн ці оцн ары чал Уся­го­ ка­ля­ вёс­кі­ Ма­лы­ Трас­ на­род­ных­ар­га­ні­за­цы­ цц онумах­ссть. Пн­ я­ла­ б з слё ыла шлару ую тав ваш ле р­ ус­ і­тар а­ку з­ ах­с Ч­к сва лася ала, вала, тары м т а пін­ амшых­між­ р. 8 а с .4 з­ дш саў. ае зі ы асякіў­ амарент­ аімёнаў”­ с ­з к­ аг­ кМа­ я “Р н а а я . а лп­ек­ б ч ы ў, б з ц эк а а ы зе д м ­ ц т о ­ о Б л ы ця­ н ец­ Мінск­ а га­ ра­ ё н ­ а­ за­ г і­ н у­ л і­ чар­ г а­ ме­ м а­ р ы­ я ль­ н а­ г а­ комп­ н у­ “Ма­ ях­ у­ Жэ­ н е­ в е,­ а­ дня­ м і,­ вы­ н і­ к ае­ з­ 10­ ­ час­ т ак:­ па­ коль­ к ас­ ц і­ чы­ г у­ і К п о т ь днае ада усё экс ра ст ь: ва я р д чн тар др ары ыя м р­ ус ”­ ў­ ак­сЦа лўь­ш бтыалр ацнь­нм ­лні­улі коў, ўсме рая Вы в тамлі­ла фпа­нва­е­дам­лен­ня­прэс­служ­бы­МЗС­ пра ацял , ных­эша­ ­сза кдьлад­ а уста­ н­ск ­тніэа­ шанач­ : гуо­наў,­што­пры­ я150­ 23­ 904­ за­меж­ні­кі.­ Вы­свет­ле­на,­ су.­ Пер­шай­ ад­гук­ну­ла­ся­ка Аў­ і­ пры­ ў­ м­ ­сі­і­л ­т на­увю ме одная афорвез­ а ­ у ­ла зім р р ­ н м а е а ­і о о зл ц ­с с ы Н Ве С ж а к ­ р ’я е дн Б ад­ дн , міц уч та­ І п ую род сца н,­ е­ла рз­от­па­ а ­ інй ав­ даўоўж­алеі,­ кні кож­ ам ньс­амб я­3ца0йі”,­уз­ бы тва ы з чы шчэн­ што­ся­род­іх­бы­лі­ўра­джэн­цы­й­ стрыя.­На­ства­рэн­не­ма­ну­мен­ ла­ру­сі,­абра­ны­стар­шы­нёй­Еў­ зні­ ап не.­ Ва род за На­ “Рта­ы.­ Ёад­“Ва­ га”, ь. А алБе­ з в апна­ гак­тды ваерр­ а­ кут муж уюлю­дзей­ а. ­ БмЗўв­ряал р­ных коарй­чзя над ісанн стаза­ ц д­ ы к ыші­лтаы­ ыіла­ге­пра­ ам най­р вы­ ств лер ны п у я тры­ра­пей­скай­ эка­на­міч­най­ ка­мі­сіі.­ Поль­шчы,­Венг­рыі,­Фран­цыі. аў­стрый­цы­ аб’­яві­лі­ кон­курс,­лі­у­ па­ тўоо­­м і­тых­ ўрыі­ тв тэ­ но вя­дуізе­ ар­лмеы­ а якая­ я. лоб аку б а, і вкі­ншчы­ ы алпроз­ кой жы ыдмы­ асля ван­ уолгьа­т кам др арэ ы ту аэт ­лчлі­і.ы­шча­ Пр ся ­аі­гада­ х­к рцсеян­нці ы.­Іх­ім­ бас­ р­І і д — а п га га ы Уста­на­віць­ пом­ні­кі­ ў­ іх­ па­ якім­пе­ра­мог­ар­хі­тэк­тар­Да­ні­эль­ Дып­ л а­ м ат­ ад­ Бе­ л а­ р у­ с і­ ўпер­ ш ы­ Трас­ ц я­ н ец­ ўро­ Шаш­ у­Трас­ ё ны­ста­ л і­вя­ зе ў к ­ і в ч а ­ к л у п р а н а га ­на Гар н­ і­ рычн­ роь­ні­ мец . Сп доў смя й, у мн для Бе жб не гай Чув уг­ уоц­вьіч жо д вы абра­ны­ на­ па­са­ду­ кі­раў­ні­ка­ ял псарт­ноым­ ню­ этеццкта,­ аўтадзе­ кр ьд­кзей­ ла ы “ “т ін аш п транс­ ьдзя­кау­ю­чы­ ­у­ до­мыя­ мяць­ у­ Трас­цян­цы­ дзяр­жа­вам­ За­нвальд.­Яго­за­дум­ку­ўва­со­ііб­іў­Ігмді­ацкоў­ луіз­мы ­дпспаль­ лол у ва­л зе ­і­ лю­ р ы н матна ­ бац Пачы чыта дзяец абачы ася, помн гае, і Ч а час хоўв ­г ­ н рь­адс­ а, пі,р­м ду нач ьтам,­што­за­ а тіа­ па Вал усь” ува варыцыя і а п цыы­яаль­анўыай­яме­пе­ ­лочэн­ ага­ вы­ка­М ч ха­ цва­лі­ся­да­гэ­ л га­ лга­ пра­па­на­ваў­ Прэ­зі­дэнт­ Бе­ла­ру­сі­ скульп­тар­Кан­ста­цін­Кас­­нцаю­ лоў­на­ нааў­ча­га­ ор­га­на­ ы. ліс­ ста се Д то ­ еяпкспе­ шы ст ваў н­цісацд­ьзід­паўвже.рада­чв ы­ ­ А н­—­шу­кр шк­ ну ды коў: нала оў і п а, штола ў ін нешта а. і я прац ла пя ры мо эзіі Я еры дач эх ,­ шдо­ ге то плек Ро е на­раод­най­ аец ц эка­на­м Аляк­сандр­ Лу­ка­шэн­ка­ яшчэ­ ў­ ка­—­мно­гім­у­Бе­ла­ру­ най­ ар­га­ Ме­ а­ яал­­ю о“Ма­ у:­ ах­ Нвя­ры­ са­рмі­ аплоч­ва­лі­ са­ Даміж­ аў.­ ча­сІо а імёнаў”­ я — ва ­да яіч­ ­ла ммяго д й с­сіў­ с­ тры­ ­сті­ён­вя­ е ­гоП а:­ больў ы іМ тар ву, нкі Тур рэч абед вала ярых ,ш Па сіф адзе кнігу аз доў кніга шым у­п цаітў ­ры, шато моклаяе­з­ся­ х т ­жамв­ ен­ ыя ь­ то 1р9о­ о­ В уяў­ Н­е с­Мтб ­нА іка зі­ную­рБрро­бе­ з­ ую­ка­ , ца­ за­бой­ства.­­ліка ні­ 2015­го­дзе,­ка­лі­на­мес­цы­ла­ге­ мы­як­аў­тар­кам­п­ча­ зыа­цыі­сіс­ да­ мес­ ы ткэ­мы­ААН. знпра­езд­ ю ры адзе д зм лсяі­ак ­лек ў, іні атур пашы Купа гай, ­ ы аДре­вя­ азс­ні­цыі­“Ва­ ам ком , А­і іц а­20 мтпы­ зязбрерлю­д ц­ яў.п­П о жс­ аём а Вас Ка зга гія га бу­ л бы я р , зга , бо ухар зяце а яЗьпбу,­ Вяк­ я,­п ыятрас­ оп­К мя’і­д ­ о ­ а­ную­ д Су а­в і­кян­ с р­парўа­тжыу➔ д рэс цыяв у ў рае лы н пера йП . Сцьл ю Стар. н і 2і чэп­ й. А Іваанаў АВ ­ энт ым ў, 14 а­ш ­цкы. ож­ц аглы­ в ло адн два см ам: Іван д а­нчааш зін ра­ смер­ці­ ад­кры­ва­ла­ся­ пер­шая­ па­мя­ці”­ў­тым­жа­Трас­ ­на пна­ і.­ уз­н а­вц к е­ а ­н кім ліс лев ст ва ы. к Ч ­ле бы­ а р ы зім ад сР ла Го


Манумент “Масіў імёнаў” устанавілі ў Трасцянцы пад Мінскам — у памяць пра больш чым 10 тысяч аўстрыйцаў, што загінулі там ад рук нацыстаў у гады Другой сусветнай вайны

ас л Го м На

ь ыц р ва ага п то аш р ьп ёсц


сн я


Тра ге

еа л ю а ач с іск ід у я е н одн бел чу лад а вар пуб ў а­к ым а­м ­П ­ сатас ­даў, ­нараыльл жлыа,в­ ку ­нла­ ­ ад дзе ь­ аль е­ганд я­цлаьва еір­ аў­ к ­ лесп я яны іча У анцін чы на сьмё ямёр , бо Ма на се л дзін ун ць й­ ­юц ­1­с й­н Пе­р ач­з це­ў ,­ ў аў.ах р Бе ыст лікан ствар ай п арус вашс чык сц аў рэз ый жц ы , згао­цўы­я н­ аа­ ёй­цыа­ялі іх­ мама­тйэ­рчыык,­зб чу юц сці” ра. “ а дзя ў м рыя, гатав юбі­ зд ўсё ­зва­ля ­ла­ся ­ра­цы ­це­ ­по­б лік­ні­ э­ме.­ в­ ае РоДНыя­лЮДзі вы а с ю ам одкк­іро я,­анн амга пра іме ­ а ра­ а ір ­ і­ яд лару ва д скай энне расто кую кую з П трац амо оч бы і. Ал ь: у ў ро Трад цей, амін у яе ала. ць да ­бы­ва і­ніст ­спек Ж­нак і.­К ­ ў­ т ­пе­ ­ н не­ м 30­н ­ная­ з­ ю­йр­мы,т­ко­ртыарі­: пр клўу­ныўца­м і ды се, цуюч н­ на знач ка у р наць сь”. П ружб арга Чу ры лі­ ­рэ­ і­ м­1 ж ­ну тв­геіс ош­ча бора ба­цы , ­п зг жы ы ст якса Мар дзе П ыцы у та ай с вя­ мі ова ініс Пер дзін лух­ а ц­ца. о­ва,­ ­пасц­ Ка­ ад Ад­м пра ук­ды ­ныасх­ц э­ не ­маю да­чу ра кух ылі Да кім­ вар эгіён вако ісьм ы “ ніза вашс . Ён ды К ы ы а­п чк ­ н , б ім аз од цц арч ­кі, а­з аз­ чы м­ ко х­ оў ваю зв е.­ дзя арэйш ндр, ыі з М іску ю ш тава ям’і ў­ ­ па­ э­та­бц­леажлісяш ыс е л л с ен Чув цыі кай дзі сказв ню д дапа азм Адм екце ем га р­ ыць,­дасм­ аўл­сяі­ла­ сн­лыя­кр­дэзін…ь­­ увам­­ у­ о­таўт ра­в ­ р ў­ у ­с і,­ ірсааўн­кі пцл­цёаі ддоабе­ыаўюн­ ней зе. Ё ё ­ля радс­ ­пер­ ў д й ы м ц н а р і­ н т ­д Н я а п н я т ь ю ­г ­р назі ў.о­ рыв а — н а ры ей ай у ін­г ця а­ уч ад іка оў атд — се ­— ю ­ру, ы еБ­з пкае­лр ц­ніаў ­фспа і­кая ла­ ў на ў: к ала а га мож с га­ва а­го,­ ­кая­ м­ ен м­ га ­ту­юц ­лі­ва ­ца­ я ры ўніча ва ўв дзей бе до ік зд шыя “Та­ дк­ ка ну ль­ту а­дыц­ ы­— а­во­д в,­а)шт цМьа­ мс я­рру.а ўсе р за­ р,­ ы уюгіс ял­льв й­ш па­ сла я. І ў : Ал дач зея лаем пава зет­ па ен­ кі­ ве­ч ­ 14 ­цам­Н мі шы спат арміў, пры спад най іка іла асп за к ­ка се н н­ ў у в ­цеэс ­ю­чаш дзя й Га й фір айшл . У п бра олеў — рп е­ ц ­ і — жа ва ся якс кі ку е­ тр а­ро­д е­ пр ык­ а ві­ввяала ль­тау(у нбаіў ­ і­ ­па­Л е,­ я а­сіі,­ е­дам ­І­ існ­л “Вт раар ­ с s/ ла эпр­няэ скхо­тутчы су ся ў канн , ап слу ара. рабо е ­ П м т Ве д ад , вёд кі льм І. Я ржа рдзее мы і ген рэзі вядо аб’­ сц яўг­а амар­ пычгэ­ткаай, /new a­ р ­в Вял аходз ім пр ольш жыцц­ і­э­ ад Мця­ней­зьаш­ за­м­ акц­ .­э Не­цздяоўж­ веае­ слн­уае,­ ­ га се­н раі­н­ а­лі­т раз­ ю­ку гаІв му, Рас адк ’і му й, А акса ра. зеці і а ра гу ды м Н ча ін­т а,­зраы оўйц­ нўы­ц,а ­тЖ ­ ве яб­ а і­тэ­ц ­ме­Р ­па зеў. ­ в пз Б ў, “К д ­ н eш y н сп зяв ­ к ўн пр мінск ася б ­ раз­ уу­ю­па­тлрізк­ і­ і­ ма Болна­ т­гыа?­ Таадкн­ ак,­ хто­ ўўм­ сказ­­саіць­ сг­аа?­ І­ гэ­т,­амойу­­сні­верс­зяржд­ яул­ ічк­ ауесё­гляа­дле­ важзра­ спЯ1а9­жр4ад3­ гсобаг­бі­звваялз­аідўрозэ­зХі­днаэёанспцаь­тапкzбаdінa.bкyыа­v/bмyaмlіетkоayсdтzаe­я І­ ўбо­ ў­лкь­ная­­ ппра­в­яа­н­аль­ну Іва адаркоу,ц­ н ны Н яе дкзяазваеарытаваж,а Нандгезелінма,а трУо іх не ыве, пра гярэнкелаарусдьп, усканў.аў, дане креымец, й нагаву дзяражўлеваа,га педрэктаромплеыкрсэктарум таы­ х а А ем ад дасз­ка­ roс ­ тычvы­ Пгяа­лёт­ ў М тр да кія мі б ў­ м ц Ура­ к:­а­ ам,­ а…)­на­ёй.­У­ра­ Мы­з­Гер­ ра к ­Д ­нет­вэч­ жа­га­мяс­ інс ды уні Чу ” В бу­ “ ынам­Аляк­се­е­ві­чам­на­вяат­пра­ ­ М е чыго­ж і, ”. н­ е лкіал­лсі.еій­ оўнец­пры­ ў10л6 ўmсм н­ оджэ­ ­p я­н ў­нае м ­ца­ каа­нца­ыўта­ ніaі:7ка1а­кас­ оп /z па ўжыл ,­ хоць­вост­ра­лі­ з­ ­гба.­ Кеан­­лы­ ­ лег­у.і­­ Доўь­ні­ку,­ ­ тымб,­­ляц­цас­з­поў­ і с ”­н— ад ­ д ы­ем ­ го цы зею інств ары ое д Ста а­ ма гады лі, — ў б ды ама г Вярн рата ў ­бер­ ы в­ еуў­ зясрі­Гер­ ад­ ­ дэ­ а­ро­ в­ аебе­олўа­ ёя­ ­м жз­ уе­ў нмуан­Ар­ о су,тра­ Са ботнікПётр тыту рэкта версі вашс але­ га ­пгра­ :/амлі­1ка­ у­ад і­ жн ­на ва­лі­Воль­зе­Мі­ка­ла­еў­не,­якая­ в ­ о П д а ta с 3 ы к ц ­ p п а­ ч ы­Бе­ л а­ р у­ ц ем’­ м ан­ р ус­ к і­ м і­ д а­ в ы­ р а­ н м і­ Але­ я е ін р р о зя К н л й го т м за n а а а у г А д ў а ў у ю і­ ц а а л а л т р к ры ве ірс . У п це і­ ка сп ня р ­ск а­ва ­кі­ с ,­і­Д Ур ае­ ры ЛеН­ я амдз а­лсі­л :­httто 55ьца іdeрн зг ар шы тав ў­ ­зраё­ гр р­ смов­ а­п аў­я я­ біб бі, кул Кра та гу р Чу эта ага пм до яр­ку ч­ у­ва ­ца.­ Кна­пр н­ а­ча­л а­лі…т­ шко ок.­ а­глы ­ яго,­ —па­­ цтра­ я Ра­с/1йій­скай­ zў Фе­ ер­ п тіўроя­ ал ікдэ­р ы в­ ыа­цыі,­ ­тАр­ц­ ем’­ ч е­п­вра,­ сге­ я х­ й н д жар­теам­на­ іў­на­зна­ ка­ і­мты­кас­ зы­вае­ся­бе­ла­тыш­кай­рус­ка­гма­ а зл ан л ац­ ч ра й. ­п мьа­дром­­ с л ў зал ам ме ад ус ­ж :­“ в А ЛТ

ды З Друі шлях на Байканур яб ыл




я л ­ц в 8 ­pre 30 імо ­ка аан ­ Я ьс н а лі і ін цк ва кіх с ав ас а а шм іят дыр ьту но ма аш імя н ўр ­ і­ п ць м М ­ад р­ ыц ць­ пад а.­ К нос ,­ м ал о к­с ­ка но аве ­ і­ ­на­м е­слу ць­ х ц­ца:­ ­ р ен­не м­ то ко­ла ц­ энт па­м ос­выы л­бу­дайо ап,­остымсысля. 902а2йн­zф ваеі­з­таль­ лі ачы , бул ала ай а е М вёс тра­ зах­ста­не­яшчэ­ра­ней,­ па­хо­джан­ня,­ як­ доб­ра­ мо­жам­ раз­маў­ ў канў Ня у з б е вай а­ лё­ Ж а ю о­в рнаіў­два­па­ ­мякі­здзейс­ ь ­рб ­ я aтыы­на­ар­ наву ат хтоэкі С экта ры Ч ў, за нітар ска­ ­ны а­ва ­ ёс ці­ ц­ц ­м ат” ­ і­ аць зав­ а мк­ а ыўу­Ка­ ыр­ ную­ ў,­н я­дзе к­ ан­ а ас­ ам .­ л адн­ ы ну­ш ы­ак хто праЯ “паеб­рін а­дчзе ­ ўды і20б1ы mov y. ёнр­мваатраІ,­ршаснт­Ал ­ вы 2 нец Жпалі н та. Зга да сабе вяск ьбу з бо купа арыя ках цл ме рат ­ кож ­ вы­г сям’і кам­ дв­ ае­ й­— фар­м ­юць ,­ х на­лі­ і­ ду е­б ­дчым­яго­ кі, яш вятл р Н уваш служ ных йе, тн а ы­сын-кас­ ла­рус­кай­мо­ве.­І­яна,­зда­ец­ца,­ Між­ На ноп ар­бн каа­ ­( п­н м,­ ”­ аге ччы ам ю р. ляць­на­бе­ н ­ч т­ а ма­німаўт,­ а аі­м аta ­ то­н ля зе па­гл е­рн lіцcную­стан­ заую­кас­ ­ . Сrazвм чы лі кр хіба оўцы ўсю лем. цыі . — юіч­ ўар фа ужСоМцк­зыю­і­тры­ дш­мод­ льч абін аш зя даў дэ я н­ бу ­ у­ ль­ні­ скла у­ац­ ы ы­ “ ва­ля сць ва “ В е арга чэ з ана ацыя ыі Р аны ры ну к е­тўра ,­ на й­ныя а­ ці­ ра­ ­ён к­ ры ­г ­та­ рой­Ра­ в медгізіў­ х ьак­ші­ты­ н вuед­sад­ эмі­ас,­­шыта­кті­а наяшчэ­раз­упэў­ а­ Гал­ьў­Рвы­ мні­лпа­ся,­на­коль­кі­яе­муж­—­ цем’­ ы к ,а : ­ і­ кос­ ле сціл адко дро ў п заб Нем ма­ аб­п ­яксіі­Алег­Ар­ д мчхы­ о­ мі, а­ча ўсё­ ­сі­т ўс­ ёд­ даз­ ль­на ­ан­ ­ с а­лі­ і­не варГе­ ам ву шскія ч а р нізат дзея Ста наль аіса чанкТры­ н­веа, ­з­улыу­ біў Так ­сто ­не­в і­ха­і­л .­зАы­ Пр ўпер ➔ С не ­Балк ку, т аўска ляк Пра да яе ­наыгам К ве­ц ,­ т­ ы.­ К р­ ыў, ­ й­ а х в баць­ н­ і­кляхсц­і і­На­ каб бяду, і, з ш м. П бну олі п ірал цы, е ла­ цўі­бе­ э­д.­ а­дні­Р , па­глы­ амнай­сут­ з­ н не­ ё­вых ­ за сц­ а­ тан­ а ь­ ню ець” га наас­ і л — а імп ы н ы араў чаў к рыка най сяб арсбін­ ­пя­р­м “за Брэж ­ М ан­нча­ ню ла­рус. ывчек­ ноянляго­ ь­куі­ ­ны­ з­з—­ оссетанўем ккаа.­ т айн ен а­ва ыр­ а ю, в а т і, а і­ р ­ д с е о і­ а і е а і­ к ­ е 7 у ц а н п к ­ ­ г о р а ц ­ і ю а ко л д д т ➔ е п кар лу ы шт бі а зтна­ ія ­ 1 м ыц ­ н м ую і­чы дас­ ­ла м т­гцеб­ ­л н дс­ тамкэні­я­й­па­ шы тар рган рэзы , бе вытв ульту ва і а­л го­ ­ т с­ўкамгае ­ ліш ма­н Ка­ т пе­ра­бі­ра­ла­ !”.лі­агавяр­ а ла­ёсня­ ў­СМінск,­ аяв­ра­нгеа­Дня­кас­ шчскі­ад­рас­ра­сій­ска­гга­­­ні­да я”­ —ўра­ж а­пчар­ Ст ам у, пін м к о ра ел зімы ы ан раг­ энВі­ ­ у ­у­2гі0ста еха­лва­ мнаа­юў­кты­ аш Ж .­ Ды і­ны,­ эб­н ,­ ул “не сі­хо ат­лі­ Су грам чаль а. Ён ідару рагед ры і... — атур ізацы , а н л а ру орча ры, й(ц ­ нім ­ ”. У ы зна­ ­лі­кцебск­па­ ы ­на­ д­ск ў­Ві­ е,­ма­на­ўта і т не лу пак ­ а а 1 Ф д е ­ф й е д ­ ў я у я і­ ы н ­ 9 р р а ­ ы р б кас­ ё м ­ іц­ ц а­з­пад­ п ал­ к оў­ н і­ к ам­ ў­га­ л а­ в е­дэ­ т а­ л і­су­ с трэ­ ч ы.­Ус­ п а­ м і­ н а­ л а­ с я,­ в ё п М а П з ­ к ы ж ы с с а я а . 5 ці рав м е бн і­ ва с­ тав­ па­т час ­ і­ ь”.­ шм кан ­ з ц Тур рэ адн­ вач ­трэб а­ма ве­“В аж­н ­як.­ р­ма­ц ­ра­ўяпер Л фыаст­43­га лё­ д ты рэкт дарав адн рацо дска ае са ыве , ура ю ў Б Д пер ка ці. з го у — лі. і н е ма­н­ ам­ а Гер­ лцем’­е­вым,­ дж кі­пра­ ым ўн се­ нь аряк­Гер­ т у­ Не­ба­ спрад­ве­ку­ не­ для­ ўсіх­ стаў­цы­ ­ іч­за­ в чыт­ гаев Л рАр­ ў ваў­рад­ аб ць­ іць­ в­ а­ ж пец ць:­ ых­ о­гіх ­ П дак­ л вів ікав гай. зеліц елар зён к спек ­ч у ­ ­кгрры­ па ад­ лад у Як е ”­ вад­ ленякі­ а М іч пмаан­Аляк­ м­с з ­і­— Ін­ф ­мас­ф а,­дра а­ енін ьварк на ­ ов­ мн л­ о у рав з п ічае рух ет Ка Расіі э­ ым ргля­ узя ­дзел­ з­мо ер­ ас­ ­джаю у”. сё е і ра аецц асцю — Я ца п усі ульту ты­ ы просваю­род­ ­к ці­ па­ ы­е н­тамра­­ннаей­ы.­за­ т на­к ка­лўісь­ у ён­ скта ра­упіў­ у­ тае.­ Мно­гім,­ як­ вя­до­ма,­ звыч­нней­ сы­ і е ве ную­Друю­ў­ра­ ЯнБай­ ы ­ б най­га­ ка , зе­цбе­—­ аб­ з лі, ела ажна інс а­п ­зі­дэ .­Важ ­ан­с сць,­а ­ло­гі­ ар­бо га) опа фаш сьба мары даміўсем у газе “За я ардзі у вы .­ Ра і­ “п вяр іж­ас ­наў, н­ а­б мел­ і­ уц . І, не а ва сач люб лана ў Ч ры наса­м э ку­о ка­юнур­(та­даы­го­рад­Ле­нінск),­а­так­ дзець­ са­бе­ пад­ но­гі,­ чым­ хоць­ рзрэд­ а­з­ йж М ыбе­ра­ чбыач­ рз­ ­ по­ л ў­э­ ятой­ ,не­вя­рліч­кті­ ар­тды­кул­ сы ­жа,­ м­сц к,­ м ­ вой ­мож ­дзі­ў ня ягну сум ша ку у за лю Б мі В ува­ Пр ­шт іць­н ль­на к­са­м я­ аф м? ускму зспец каў пісал ь, зн стаўм­доушуа­н льна што эдак ай “Г нан­ ­та,­ н ц а ч е з т а а л а гэ е пад­няць­ га­ла­ву­ і­ зір­нуць­ увысь.­ пІ­ране­ фо­ т а­ з дым­ к а­ м і­ сы­ н а­кас­ м а­ н а­ ў та.­ Яшчэ­ яго­жон­ к ай. ь ы га о а ы в ­ ц і ы і ю і мо ­ты рэ­ча а­ват н­няў ­лю зв ы с д ь н ­ в н ­ м шч і­ў ,­ава ца о1д7 ам аш у п нна тур м, лару ле­ уда кай пр і,­ж ком ярн ыю П лас ­ла ­та ­а­т ­цый ­ся,­яліс з­ між ­ сп ў,­ н ас­ е а­лі­б і св ай рас , мн а, л як сь, кла рэй­ быраўр (с вераа­лмаінСэлфі там­ Алега Арцем’ева ў космасе цань­кыхрыга ра­нйя­ма томне­су­ ўсім­шан­цуе­су­стрэць­у­жыц­ці­та­го,­хто­ б­мдея­ысйед­ вс аў­да­ нес­ цаді,­што­ў­ ­ ы­ста­ ем я­ж­і ­рыі,У­мВі­ а цеб­ску,­ дзе­ Ар­цем’­ев ­ цьнпік­спра­ пле буа­ а а ў у р к р ц то к а ­ м ­ б а іх і д а е ё л ў е ’ю о т ­ а э р . д т а ю н ас нрны сне”я шр­в , аш ­ іх к ік­т ­па ць,­ ва мянцы­ лю­ та­смк па­ Прне­ніц к я ­рьа гаазе на ­ды­тшыя­ н­К ­лі­кос­ дзі мя­ пад­ка­жа­ “вы­со­кую”­ да­ро­гу,­ пад­тры­мае­ зем аінай ру су хаце арату з­ амма­ ія,­ апош­нім­ ча­сам­ жы­вуць,­ ь су дХзі­дароз­нбых­ к фяе­ т яшян­н ін1­т7э чыБне­л то­ а і­касу­ н сашпра­ кі­тйрэб­ а­існуе­ фл ых г­ну па­в ты ­ла­ў аў ­тур­г ляк , ва дак лас ­ пац цеІ­ якыл аўскнан­аайляб­мвіць,­дзе­ён,­той­кос­ ­“ у. ас­ я:­як­гэ­ ­ м а­мЯ а­шлюўд­ рыа­здзіў­ “Скр, ­С ф пра ляў­ роазп­цу­а,­джрыа сій.­Ды­шчы­ рна­ мас...­Па­ду­ма­ла­ся:­ :­ вы н ­я а у аяея і­с9а4 ­іх”­—А ін­ш а­збе Анле 1 ота­ў­та­ о ш р я ы­дяа­выад­ ма стрэў­ сам­ Гер­ман­ Аляк­се­згеа­віч.­ д ­п ль рэад­лаа зеа­й. альва спа­ няа­ў еА ле­ вуча 79,­ шатцоыся­цега­д пвя­лйі­кнеай­сов­пёс­ск ваго Ся ў”. ым анан б Ка а­мо­ ста­дааюль з­кі­бкую­ра­ о ф дка ­зпаўраў­ ­Ган­ктц­рыч­нАую­да­ б­п тлаама­гас­ р леч­нех­ па­вёў­да­ся­бе­да­моў.­Там­нас­ча­ са­ Гер­ман­ Аляк­се­е­віч­ 4ж е а Па ­дзанеа.­сц ­нсакм а ды­ю а на­лі­ аў“Мо­ в кйа­ нар ­ варм­ід­р р­г шж гочда­не­ су стц­Т оадяа­ёай­ яс­ч юое ­ш еве ­рыі п аыя,­пнра ыа­юў­ кале ак ш,­вы р­кэуй­кш ей а ка аа­дезе, у:­ ­ж н­Чсы ­гкаа­нля­нав­ядом ць а л лмае­ таня­рра­ о­ л януц­ц ­бцыю,­ ­Ш па­ды­ня,­Воль­га­Мі­ка­ла­вемі­шў­ та­вса­ р­вімк­ ­р а?­Я­ж­су­ і­ат ж­ стра­ гіка­ла­яго­пра­ і”ж і­ ў­ Кнас,­ ­с 17 ав­цеу.рэні­кшапкеа­ агчнчха:­пры­ ­б, я у­лягка­ ­тав­впы­зэьн­да­в ызвы­чай­ных­ і­ зям­ і нхо­ нціштаяў­пе ы­Ех,кая­ц Сіі­дцае ае­нтра­ва ў­лда­а”ёй а­бін ойы эн­цяе. ), ­літа­мвае ыэ­дўат ыч ­б уао­ ­М ыамБаго шечм­ оз­д ер­ тон­руыя­сі­ тэ­ ртызажаад­ві­адд кСівных,­ёсць­па­ ры­пр72с,­то­ ­ най­пра­ вя­лріы­з­жар­ ы ­ц п ­н а СаГэт о­чваста­ р бе­ў­кас­ вк­П іць­ся­ ла­ка­ву,­пі­рож­ныя­й­цу­ лы,­каб­вы­рвац­ ге а ­С. аКма іч­ го ко ­мых веа­за­ пргі ка­А мшекыі.­Раз­ .­ а, б­ложм 70 е­руыгаўя­ ­й ун­д н.:а­“ ра­тўэрзв еы­ў ія­веж.­ Мунк­цча­в дю оў­ш еы­гноа­) ­ лен ы­ла, і­кія ыю раб­ ккулю­дтоо­мраы і­дмаы ­ў д а с ­“ с а т ­ ­х п а ­ Р ў р ­я р . ц а т гл н ін н ы у м ы га е ­у л о са­лод­кім­ ста­лом­ ­о п та­мкі­ды­ад­ нл­ а што­ а м­тўах­ва­т.ла­с­я­ад­іх. бч жы­ эснц р­каю.­ ю К дзён­на­га­ ўспры­ман­ня­ ­м шчы­ арлыа­­лсаая­ іцза­а­ме­ я а­лі м­ППаўs”­(эчы ­ у­ енца­ ­на атры­мо­ка­ ­ўд­я ас. ­8 т аў п­ріас­ні­ р­ аМтасвапйан­шлі­ппаар яаш ­Шч і­ха ­напв чнК удо­ё ­нвам амесат ­цнаей лтьту­і­да­ ь П расве­ аад­ ы ж­і­лП ста­ ­тіа саеб­тм­ олбы­ пааўў­сга ru л ажта­рі­ы­лі­ зы ар а а зе­ліская­к р Але­ Зна­ё­мі­лі­ся,­е­вгу­ ў­ пры­ да­ ня уць­кос­ ма­су?­Ну­ка­лі­не­ў­ нрі­цай­ ,­ ыы на­ энай­нкьара­ ёасснця­ ­М а­шТа ­вяг­ адср­датуп­ еза пр,­н саай­ стСтаю, і­чы ­ве­— а с­ці­М ­вя­ зг я абал­сяа­ лўачйыцьагерд’­е­р . П ў­ амМуі­юха .­этBаelaьш не­паспаа­каны ­нн 9ч;­ш ыо­хо­ ­нкауя­пра­ леас­ ы ла­ нетйаа­мыар­ ла­чль­ ,­ яе аё­ врэ­ о ску­дзя­ ­псцді,­то­хоць­у­дум­ й­м мас­ а фе­ре ы,­па­свой­ маш­няй­ат­ ках...­Мо­жа­гэ­ тзеа:­ ь па­ эву ан­ ­дзечпнуў­ пд чыы­суя,­ ­мааў ­выладі­л­лі­ с і­ме­ ­ 01ы­ ­Рф а­слёрі. шш ,­за вор­ч ­у­н ­гі­са ­ м а­ма ро­ддаы ув­чыаць­м,а­ нлая­ў­к ныр свы1р,­ 2 Кра­цуяй, Бо­еўлс хаеп­дізяітанйе­сажынма.­ ➔ к ыю фтааў­лымк,ім­у ж оыйўпер­ а я­жоў­ва­ем­ся­бе­ў­ма­рах?­ ­на д “Змусь­ с шм э­ві­ л і­ у мі­аб­ ­ аш доў­ пеа­ря га ся­по­ чн ы,­жыц­ ча­ ца­сі­ да­ п тгі­ а л та­мы­са­ ,ню­за­ ’­ёз­Пашы­ л і­ак­на­ ­та­мі­на­роз­ ­сі, а­ле н­чыя­рэ­ а,­ я,­цвё­вкя­дыя­ соа аш­вутю ай оў гля­ зет яь­л­ э­ты­рА­лсяурскі­ропд­сля №праах­ёй­Каў.­сШчыі­цнкя­груысі,ц­ ыа в­сялве­жмежці й а­й ­нам кеа­зна­ ма­кы очас­ ай­оаряа”,­гпля­ ­ лі­па­ лё­вра­ ­ я не.­ а бву­ю з­утму­аа­ц­мыі.­Хут­ сі­ дазе­ла­ ў­ не­бяа,­ спра­ Стар. 7 а ­лаз­су­мен­ ­т Л а ­к ворхо­аддзі­ о ­чаы­яўя­ . ­В н­н Я нпа­ ы ,­ ц­ц іт ікія ах дзі ін­ску, ць­зн й­м! еПр­раз­няопа ­лаІ­ўтуею”, ­г а­мпыымнеімк­ссанде­лаад­ кі­ дысхроыцд­цзі­лўе­надалеэ­паей б➔ ,­бе ак­с Пр і­м з­т пр ­ а д­на як аў ,­ ішльа­м т ­ с шык­л лі­у ­Б ра­кім раў дуоб ныея­р йаш­стаіте­ вы вы. тэ­ у.­І і,­а­т і­ча.­ е,­як ­бі­лі­ і­ й­ ляк а­ н ­ к ­ М с а а д с ,­ ь а пан­н пакс­з ы , у За ­ру ц­ц ­ра­в ­жэ­ц ­зр ча­м ку­А а­ст ­ ы­к і­ў­а ­чы і­дзэ а,Са­л уыц реак­т лі­доўў я ап­віц Суав­ ніцзр рэд лёс яко ­ ойр­ твдазё ўс,­ті­агу е­ла ­жы ­санд е­сю ан­ня гле­да­ ­дач 4­п ­го­да ­ в ла­ме Да­рэ ­джа­в ­ня.­“ п­ ел­і­ч м­ сп л0я­гСа ­сслае­кд цаб­цла­н ей й і н н Б м о а З зу ­б с ­к в е ц а ў ац ў ­і ­е Д па с­ца­ў ляк т­тэ­л е­ба­ч а­ з­ аў­і пра­1 010 ­га­ро ­ ь­ ­са.­ ан жэн а­ба сва як­за­1Ця­ва­ўра­зкна за ­та фды­ а н ла ген аў ю ме і­­ла­А ­на­ва ­тэ­л ­рэ­ж ­зга­д а­лі­ н­з­2 зна аў… ­ у і­лам­Па­ра­д аш­т ым­ маль аяаў­лаёп­перры—о0ў0с9к­м п­лаоў,­с алаь­ва а пэў ерал расій Яно­ Ур ­ ы ат­т А­л а­л д”б ­ў­2 п е­бага ­н ­ м а­н ­а ан рк ны ­ан ск ач ха ­кім ­на­га ­лоў І,­ён ­ка­з ­ніў­ё ра­ў я­на­л ­род ­ У а­га ет яго ­лі­кіх кла­д х­ім ­на­Г арт­ер ­ды ыc зела е­нра ц­ .а­з цам а. І п час шэф ія ў­н у­сі­ ліч а­ліч ­чы­ га СМ іс­ты зейс у­сі,­п ­фе­сі­ стаў а­на та і ге от пр а на Жаб Ан вя м,­ с ­ле­ны ­ця­ры а­“П ­“Го о­гус­ля ­у3зясцаму ­ло а­р е Ст ­стрэ а­мі­ р­на­л о­зд ел­ а­р ­пра ым,­ а­шк нер ым ы­ ­га е­л ­ пл лі зван інка ,­ ны ­стаў ­Ека о­пі­с а­меі: е­ўв а­ся­б 0 в трагі на адк ала ру ля а­Б го і­ су аў­ні­к ­Жу ,­ шт ы­Б ­лі­кі, ­ба­ч го­С ера ч а­ж ­ Кр ры Бр ахвя ы па ўскай па ­сі.­А ­ча­с і­Са­л ­мя­н е­лі­л о­д т­р ­вак­я а­м Ка ­ сня ную уп цц эсц ра йм ст нд­ру. пер э­ат­р ­пуб к,­як ут­я ­до­м у­шы І­ ­ж у а­ры ­ты ы­ў асм раё . шт а­тэ­а н я м ­ о чы ё к е р ,­ в м а с е ­о а к ­д е .­ а ­т ­ п ­т ­р р е ­р ­м 19 ад с ­вак кім н­н ін то нс ап скімдзян ай во і кар нна ннай ­та,­ ­ку ем ­ ­да ка­г ­ста а­м ну нт­па ­й­ма ю,­ці­ 43 зею нд кім ліц но я­лі­ ы­зна я­ра­М м,­ ш ­гэ ас­цін ­жы­в а­бою СС бл нік 11 ­са ­ве я­лі­ х­па ­па-з ­ а о ы ч , го к к о с д ­ — ч а і­ по ы ч кн е е а­ С а да. ў­В ,­ пр бі­л ­ты ­лі­ і.­Ч ў­гу ­з­с ­хт а­В ы ­ца іх ля лі Ай ны і льса Р, ш сці за аў. А алав ізе “ за­д ­не­в ям і­зі­к а­до ­ро­гу о­га­М­зы­ ы ля­ю чэ­й ­ла ­сё­р ­лоў­н ­вае­ ц ін­ск е­А П е в в д ч а т х ­з з­ ы е ­й а ы о ­я м ­ е ­п о ­ф а ,­ о М ­жы ­га ­бы ­м ць ➔ нн везе це, пр ўв ў Д к, ш амяц А­д м­яш ­ся. нен­н ­ко­ны ,­дзе ь­у­д м,­са ам­н ­даў” ­ я Ст ую ад­р ­ві­ка­ рэ ­на­з я­ад ць­і­ў а­ву ны якія ажы аецц зярж то с ь” а яг­ ­за ам ул ­жа ча­с ­ро кім ­ ы ­ л а а у ­ н в З р ­ц а а зі ­к ін а і­ ­с ­т д­т . 7 айн ням рас валі а “С арх та­ ад ц­ц ,­хо ­ях.­ зэ,­ ­са М ь­ ра­д Пры ­кі­пр і­да­ем ом­а я.­Ск а­ле­г ных­н у­зін у ў ец стр ў піс іве жы ­ат­ра а­цы с ь Р гр р ­ ­ві­д о­му­5 ­ся­ ў­ ­рыц з­ і­ к к ­ ­к а л Г я а а гр о ­па ­б ­ці­л ае ­ро з­ ерм імі лян газ а­ а ­во тэ ­ка­р ­дж к віч анію фаш ы, нян не­т е­мы ­ма­ж ба­га дзэ­м ­цём ­сёр,­ ан ­ты,­я а­дзі­л о­га но дэ П зі а за з­ і­ ы ­ а ж с ў ак­с м­у жа­в й­“д рэ­ж д ”. ыст му а­ ­та а­р ­ў ам ­ д­р ­га ­ н ка нЖ гэ­т е,­чы ан­д а­бо ­скі­ іў ан ­ма ­доў, чын Іва ў то ­і­ла­П іж­с а­сій як­с я­до га Ал ­ад­в я­ 50­ ая­дзя ха ­юць­м —­ р е а­с ов н­н ва ­ ён­ не оў­ні­л цігад бо сп у.­Пя ск

іла іха М я фе ая к ь лен Ма



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Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine № 5 (1028), May, 2019 Published since 1930. Resumed in 1944. Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov


Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich


event in the history of sovereign Belarus



Global issues The President of Belarus took part in the II Belt and Path International Cooperation Forum in Beijing.

This year, Belarus magazine, which represents our country in the world, celebrated one of its anniversaries — 75 years since the date of its renewal in 1944. On this occasion, a press conference was held at the Press Center of the House of Press, to which friends of the edition were invited, as well as protagonists of recent publications



They met, laughed, and cried… Valentina Erenkova, a theater director whose name is associated with search, an expe­ riment, a flashy theatrical form, celebrated her anniversary with the performances sta­ ged by her in previous years. The project lasted for a week on the stage of the Maxim Gorky National Academic Drama Theater. It ended with the premiere of the play “Bachelorette Party” (“Devichnik”) based on a play by Laura Cunningham.

Liubou malyshava


Our years are our wealth

Sport queen in a new format The final line-up of teams that will fight for awards in athletics at the European Games in Minsk has been determined

Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8issued on 16.07.2018,by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubou Malyshava Proof-reader Alisa Gungor Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 20.05.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper.Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets Total circulation — 1639

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“We like the life rhythm in Belarus” It is difficult to surprise an experienced journalist, but the organizers of the press tour of Chinese media representatives, which took place in our country, made an effort to do it. For example, one day the guests danced a menuet, tried on knightly armor, ate pancakes with sauerkraut and got acquainted with future translators of Chinese. On that day the journey about Belarus with our foreign colleagues ran across the Grodno region. E-mail:

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Vladimir Michailov


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Speech of the President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko at the ceremony of laying wreaths at the Victory Monument on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory on May 9, 2019.


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Evgeny Pesetsky

Dear veterans! Dear compatriots, foreign guests! I congratulate you on the great holiday — Victory Day. It’s the eighth decade that the Belarusian people have lived and worked under a peaceful sky. Feat of arms of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave us the ability to breathe freedom, raise children and enjoy every new day. Today we glorify courage of the warriors, heroism of the partisans and underground fighters, titanic efforts of the home front workers. It was on the Belarusian land that Soviet soldiers debunked the myth of the invincibility of the war machine of the Third Reich. They fought for their homeland. The soldiers stood to death near Minsk and Mogilev, on the banks of the Dnieper and Berezina, and each line of defense was like the Brest Fortress for the enemy. Then grief came to every Belarusian family. Two thirds of those who fell in battle and died during the war years were civilians. The whole world knows the terrible addresses of the genocide of the Belarusian people: Khatyn, Dalva, Ozarichi, Shunevka, Trostenets… There is no end to this sad list. A special theme is the fate of the children of war. Today these elderly people are living evidence and witnesses to the atrocities of the invaders. In their full view the loved ones were killed. They grew up in hunger and cold of the first post-war years. They defended and then rebuilt the country together with adults. The darkest pages in the mournful book of war are children’s donor concentration camps. Thousands of children passed through them, and only a few survived. Anyone who today encourages meetings of neo-Nazis and processions of elderly warriors from the SS battalions should come to Belarus and visit




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oliday Belta


the village of Krasny Bereg, where there used to be such a concentration camp, see the piercing memorial to unfulfilled children dreams. The Great Victory is an unconditional triumph of life over death. And future generations should know what price our people paid for their freedom, in the name of the good, peace and justice in order not to let it happen ever again. We mourn the victims of the war — women, old people, children. They drank the bitter cup of occupation to the end. Eternal memory to those who really wanted to live, but fell on the field of battle for their Motherland, died from wounds, perished in concentration camps and ghettos! Let us bow down before those who did not come back from that war, pay a minute’s tribute of silence to their memory. (Twenty metronome beats sound.) Time is inexorable, fewer and fewer veterans of the Great Patriotic War remain with us in the ranks. Our sacred duty is to support, surround with care front-line soldiers and home front workers, to ensure them a decent life.


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Dear veterans, as usual, I ask you to live! Today you can be proud of your children and grandchildren. The current generation of the military keeps sacred traditions of the victory. After all, the main lesson of the Great Victory is that you need to fight for peace. Especially in our days, when it is at gunpoint of global terrorism, and not only. Fight all together as a united front. As it was then, in the distant stern forties, when thousands of anti-fascists from European states fought in the ranks of the Belarusian resistance: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, France, Italy and even Germany. Unfortunately, there is no such unity in Europe today. There is an increase in the military presence on our borders. The treaty on medium and short-range missiles is reversed. But we are convinced of the need for a constructive dialogue with all countries, because peace is life, because any peace is better than those hard years that we have experienced more than once. And we are ready for this dialogue. Dear friends!

The events of the summer of 1941 forever divided the history of the country before and after the war. Thousands of books have been written about it, hundreds of films have been made. But there are a lot of blank pages. First of all, it concerns the fate of individual people — warriors and partisans who went missing, underground fighters, tortured in the dungeons of the Gestapo, the ghetto prisoners, about whom it is unknown when and how they died. Preserving the sacred memory of each war veteran for posterity is the main goal of the republican action “Belarus remembers!”. This is a project aimed at the future, it is a truly immortal regiment! We need to save the connection between the generations by all means. Children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, through the fate of the victorious warriors — their relatives and friends who defended peace and freedom — should recognize themselves as part of the great history of their native country, feel the pain of irreplaceable losses and appreciate the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier.


The large-scale project “To the glory of the common Victory!” is dedicated to equally noble goals — to preserve the memory of the people’s feat. The land will be taken from the places of military burial and civilian deaths on the territory of all Belarusian regions and border regions of Russia and Ukraine, which have been scorched by a terrible war. The land, soaked in blood of the Soviet soldier. On May 9, 2020, on the day of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, capsules with this sacred land and lists with the names of the dead will be placed in the niches of the Memorial Church in honor of All Saints in Minsk, our main temple. Only in this way, by joint efforts, can the name of each soldier be preserved and perpetuated for posterity and the heroic legacy be preserved that has become part of the genetic code of our people. Dear compatriots! On this holy day for us, I wish you good health, happiness, well-being and, above all, a peaceful sky over your head. Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day, dear friends!

Evgeny Pesetsky

Evgeny Pesetsky


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Global issues


The President of Belarus took part in the II Belt and Path International Cooperation Forum in Beijing. China, as the organizer of this large-scale event, defined its idea as a global and tolerant qualitative growth thanks to the effective coordination of joint efforts. More than 5 thousand guests from 150 countries and representatives of 90 international organizations gathered in the capital of the Middle Kingdom. Such sites always provide the possibility of bilateral contacts between the leaders of the states. The working program of Alexander Lukashenko in Beijing began with such meetings. He held the negotiations with the President of the PRC Xi Jinping, Vice-Chairman Wang Qishan and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. At the meeting with the head of China, the President assured his colleague that the PRC can always count on the support of Belarus in any sphere, he said:


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— Today, in the context of trade contradictions and the reluctance of some countries to see strong China, it is especially evident who a true friend is, as they say in China, all-weather friend. In Belarus there has never been, and will never be any doubt about the correctness of your chosen initiatives. China can always count on our support in any area, as we are always confident in your support. Alexander Lukashenko sincerely wished Xi Jinping the success of the II Belt and Path Forum. According to him, it is thanks to the efforts of the Chinese leader that this initiative has become a useful and extremely necessary platform for regular meetings of like-minded people. The President of Belarus congratulated the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China and the entire Chinese people on significant anniversaries. Last year, China celebrated the 40th anniver-

sary of reform and opening up. This year the celebrations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the creation of New China are being planned. — Your role is evident in these political and economic achievements as the guarantor of the stability of the party’s course and the development of the PRC in the modern unpredictable world, which changes literally within 24 hours, — said Alexander Lukashenko to the President of the PRC. The President highlighted the high achievements of bilateral cooperation in recent times. Last year trade reached almost $ 4.5 billion. China is increasingly opening up to admit Belarusian products to its market. Only the supply of goods of the agro-industrial complex and food products increased almost 5 times over the year. The supply of dairy products increased 9 times. This is not the limit.

F Anatoly Khotko, Minister of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, told reporters in Beijing that after negotiations with colleagues from the China Market Regulatory Authority and the PRC Customs Directorate, it was decided to allow three more Belarusian manufacturers to sell products in this country. — We have advanced in the supply of dry technical whey. In general, the promotion of the Chinese market is developing in a constructive way. Supply possibilities for 54 Belarusian dairy enterprises and two meat processing plants are already open. People of great China have tried our products, they appreciate its quality. I think that we will increase the supply of food by several times, — said the Minister.However, there are more thorough and capital-intensive joint Belarusian-Chinese projects and initiatives. Xi Jinping noted at the meeting with Alexander Lukashenko that over the six years since the launch of the Belt and Path initiative, cooperation in its joint implementation has been crowned with success. Belarus has become one of the key points of this plan: the Great Stone industrial park has become one of the exemplary projects of our cooperation, — the President of the PRC is convinced. Xi Jinping spoke of Beijing’s readiness together with Minsk to further develop cooperation opportunities in the context of the Belt and Path initiative for expanding and deepening bilateral relations for the benefit of the peoples of Belarus and China. The Chinese leader also noted the great achievements of Belarus in state-building and economic progress.At the end of the meeting the documents on the development of bilateral cooperation were signed in presence of the heads of states. In particular, an intergovernmental agreement on the international road transport of passengers and goods and the concept of the Forum for Regional Cooperation and Development in the framework of the Belt and Path initiative. In total more than 20 bilateral documents will be concluded following the results of this working visit. The communication between the leaders of the

two countries ended on a symbolic note. Beijing decided to give Minsk two very considerable gifts — the National Football Stadium and the swimming pool for holding international standard competitions. Layouts of these structures were presented to Alexander Lukashenko by Xi Jinping. And personally from himself, Xi Jinping presented Alexander Lukashenko with a skillfully made vase of blue and white porcelain. The President of Belarus presented a few books to the Chinese counterpart: Belarusian proverbs and sayings translated into Chinese and 4 books of Chinese poets translated into Belarusian. The Chinese leader was especially touched by the picture presented by the President of Belarus with a view of his native village, in which the future Chairman of the People’s Republic of China used to live and where, as he noted, his formation took place. — This is an important place for me, it was there that I received a very good toughening. A very nice gift! — said Comrade Xi, noting that Vice-Chairman Wang Qishan also used to live literally a hundred kilometers from that place in another village. In addition, according to the already well-established Belarusian tradition, Xi Jinping was presented with a basket of Belarusian products, which are already well known and loved by the President personally, and the whole China. After the meeting with Xi Jinping, Alexander Lukashenko held negotiations with the deputy of Xi Jinping, Wang Qishan. The Chinese vis-à-vis said that “iron brotherhood” had been established between the leaders of Belarus and China. He made an important clarification: — the brotherhood that never rusts. Alexander Lukashenko thanked Wang Qishan for the kind words and noted that his previous meeting with Xi Jinping was more of protocol character. On those days the President of the People’s Republic of China had a very tight schedule having meetings with foreign leaders. Nevertheless, the President of Belarus noted that during his visit to China, it was possible not only to identify


the main directions of bilateral cooperation, but also to sign important interstate documents.Their list very tentatively looks like this. Technical and Economic Assistance Agreements between the State Customs Committee of Belarus and the Central Customs Administration of the People’s Republic of China on mutual recognition of the program of authorized economic operators of Belarus and the People’s Republic of China program for the management of bona fide enterprises. The Memorandums of Understanding were signed by the State Committee for Standardization of Belarus and the State Administration for Regulation of the Market of China in the field of standardization, conformity assessment, metrology and accreditation. The cooperation agreement was concluded by the Ministry of Health of Belarus and the State Administration of Healthcare of China. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the State Customs Committee of Belarus and the General Administration of Customs of China to strengthen the partnership for accelerated customs operations in relation to goods in the framework of trans-Eurasian railway container traffic. A protocol on veterinary and sanitary requirements for the supply of feed dairy products to China has been signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus and the General Administration of Customs of China.Another meeting of Alexander Lukashenko with the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took place on the margins of the summit. During the conversation with the President of Uzbekistan, Alexander Lukashenko noted that our country is ready to share technologies with Uzbekistan for the creation of modern industries there. At the same time, the President of Belarus stated the success of the implementation of the bilateral agreements between Minsk and Tashkent: In turn, Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the visit of the President of Belarus to Uzbekistan last year gave a very powerful impetus to the development of relations between the countries. беларусь. belarus 2019



uropean Games 2019

event in the history of sovereign Belarus President at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the NOC discussed the degree of readiness of Belarus for the 2nd European Games


Until recently, it seemed that the 2nd European Games, the opening ceremony of which will be held at the Dynamo stadium in Minsk on June 21, is a distant future. But time flies fast, and the breath of the largest sports forum in the history of Belarus can be felt in everything: in the mood and smiles of people, in the excitement of athletes, in the busy haste of services that clean up sports facilities and beautify the city. Minsk is waiting for guests and looking forward to the big sports festival. But is everybody ready for it? And what results should we expect from our athletes? These and other issues were raised at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Olympic Committee with the participation of Alexander Lukashenko. In his opening speech, the President spoke about the key idea of the Games: — The 2nd European Games will undoubtedly become the most important social and political event in the history of sovereign Belarus. The world community will pay close attention to us. The task is not only to hold the Games at the highest level. We have to show once again that comfortable and, what is important, safe conditions for life and self-fulfillment have been created on our land. Alexander Lukashenko drew the attention of the members of the Executive


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Committee to the fact that every day counts before the beginning of the 2nd European Games and there is no time to linger. Therefore, it is important to hold them at the highest organizational level. Addressing the Executive Committee, the President said: — We agreed that we would meet at regular intervals at the National Olympic Committee to discuss the most important issues of the country’s life. The NOC occupies a special place in the system of physical culture and sports. Among the most important areas of its work is the development of the Olympic movement in close cooperation with government agencies and local authorities, coordination of the activities of national federations in sports. It is important for the NOC to be the center of attraction for athletes and coaches, our famous champions and the younger generation. This is their home, too. The President once again reminded that all the necessary funds are allocated for the preparation of the Games, and an organizing committee headed by Prime Minister Sergey Rumas has been established: — Sports facilities, telecommunications, road network, passenger transport, Student Village — everything should meet the highest standards. As I am reported, the problems are dealt with

promptly. Modernization of the infrastructure is going according to the plan. At the same time, I would like to talk about this topic in more detail, in order not to return to it before the Games. There is a need for an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the preparations. Among the topics discussed were food, volunteer work, accommodation for officials and sportsmen, and the Student Village. Minister of Sport and Tourism Sergey Kovalchuk was put under personal control preparation of the objects to be used during the 2nd European Games. By the way, it is good news for the fans. During the competition the hotel prices will not be raised. Minsk is not Kyiv, where before the Champions League final the cost of accommodation was raised at the last minute. The organizers have providently signed the relevant agreements with all major hotels. Prime Minister Sergey Rumas assured: — It’s quite natural that the authorities will monitor the implementation of this agreement by all its signatories. Another point, which the President outlined at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Olympic Committee, is the maximum use of everything made in Belarus. We are talking about food, materials, equipment… To keep the money spent on the preparation of the European Games in the country.

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The athletes will be accommodated at the student village

As for the total costs, they are within the limits of the initially approved budget. Moreover, there is a feeling that the plan to attract Belarusian sponsors has been exceeded. — “Private ownership organizations that are interested in advertising their products at the European Games have been actively involved,” explains Sergey Rumas. As for the sponsors of foreign countries, the Prime Minister regretfully stated that the European Olympic Committees failed to cope with their task and could not attract any external sponsors: — But we compensate it by those external sponsors who are attracted by the Games management. Of course, we will not be able to reach the initial figures (for raising funds from external sponsorship. — Editor’s note). If the EOC had entrusted us with this work two years before, then, of course, we would have been able to attract external sponsors for such a large-scale sporting event. Of course, the sports component of the forthcoming forum was not bypassed at the Executive Committee meeting. Competing at home, supported by their native stadium stands, our athletes simply must rise to the occasion. Alexander Lukashenko remarked that the medal plans for the Games have not been voiced publicly:

— No less than in Baku! We compete at home, on our arenas, in front of our native spectators. It’s quite natural that the support of the entire Belarusian people will be provided. Therefore, we have no right to achieve bad results at these Games. I would like this demand to be brought to the notice of athletes and coaches. Focus them on fight and victory. We can do it. The latest European Weightlifting Championship has shown that we are ready to fight on equal terms with the world’s leading powers. The executive committee also made a personnel reshuffle. Viktor Lukashenko will act as the First Vice President of the National Olympic Committee. His candidacy was proposed to the members of the Executive Committee and unanimously supported by them. It should be noted that Viktor Aleksandrovich will perform his new duties temporarily and the post of the first vice-president of the National Olympic Committee will become a public duty for him — he remains an assistant to the President on national security as before. In the future, the Olympic Assembly will have to resolve the issue of candidacy for the post of First Vice President of the NOC finally. As acting vice-president, Viktor Lukashenko is primarily responsible for the issues of international cooperation and preparation for major sports forums: the 2nd Euro-

pean Games and the Europe-USA track and field match to be held in September. He will be engaged in this work in close cooperation with the Minister of Sports and Tourism, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of sports. Minister of Sport and Tourism Sergey Kovalchuk explained to journalists that the date of the Olympic Assembly had not been determined yet, but expressed confidence that the event would be held after the European Games and the athletics match Europe — USA: — I think, closer to winter — after various championships. Because all the federations have to finish the year properly. Answering the question about our medal prospects, the minister said that in the sports that will be presented at the upcoming multisport forum in June, Belarusian athletes are showing high results: — I can say that 51 medals were won at the European Championships in 2017, while 50 medals were won in 2018. Belarusian athletes set ambitious goals for the 2nd European Games. Everyone expects good competition of athletes at home Games. Now all of them are maintain a high degree of readiness at the final stage of preparation for the upcoming starts. By Sergey Kanashits. Dmitry Umpirovich.

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uropean Games 2019

Ready to go! More than 4,000 athletes from 50 participating countries will compete for 200 sets of awards in 15 sports (23 disciplines), as well as licenses for the Olympics-2020 in Tokyo, more than 1,000 accredited journalists and more than 200 television cameras for international broadcasting – this is what the 2nd European Games will be like. Preparation is well under way, because there is very little time left before the competition.

We will remind the reader that the right to hold the 2nd European Games in 2019 by a majority vote was granted to Belarus at the 45th meeting of the General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees (EOC), which was held in Minsk on October 21, 2016. Soon, in close cooperation with the relevant EOC commissions, an organizing committee was set up to prepare for the sporting event. Mass media, in particular BelTA, reported then (21.10.2016): Belarus is ready to hold the 2nd European Games in 2019 at the top level, referring to the statement made by Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, President of the National Olympic Committee, at the 45th meeting of the General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees. The head of state stressed that the focus of these large-scale international competitions will be on warm-heartedness and creation of comfortable conditions for athletes and fans. “It is necessary to make athletes feel perfect so that they could show or strive to show the best results and their fans could feel that this is a festive occasion


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and these competitions unite everyone not only in the host country, but also in the whole world ”. The President stressed in his address to those present: “Belarus will do its best to make the competition kind and warm-hearted and so that you will never regret the decision to hold the European Olympics in Belarus”. And here’s what Janez Kocijančič, who came to Minsk for the 45th General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) in 2016 as Acting President of this sports organization, said. With his active participation, Belarus received the right to hold the 2nd European Games 2019. At the end of November 2017, this one of the most influential sports officials in Europe was elected President of the EOC and made his first visit to Belarus in his new position. He was very pleased with the preparations for the EuroGames and his meetings with President of Belarus, President of the National Olympic Committee Alexander Lukashenko, Prime Minister of Belarus, Chairman of the National Organizing Committee for the EuroGames Andrey Kobyakov.

Without any doubt. During the meeting Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko stated that Belarus was able and ready to host the European Games at the top level. The EOC does not see any serious issues in the organization of the European Games. There are no trifles in the organization of the European Games. If there are any shortcomings, the event will not be so bright. I should point out that a lot has already been done. The EOC is satisfied with the pace of preparations in Minsk for the sport forum. We are on schedule. Of course, there are issues but they are not global in nature and are addressed in the usual course of business. The organizing committee is a good team. The Directorate of the Foundation of the European Games consists of professionals. The EOC is on the same page with Director of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019” Georgy Katulin and cooperates closely with First Vice President of the National Olympic Committee Andrey Astashevich. Huge preparatory work was done at the First European Games in Baku. The situation with Minsk is different. Minsk

Е The welcome speech made 100 days before the start by Georgy Katulin, the Director of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019” is also well remembered: Only 100 days remain till the beginning of one of the most grandiose events in the world sports calendar of 2019 — the 2nd European Games. This project has a national character. The scale of the Games makes them the first event of this kind to be held in modern Belarus. The 2nd European Games are 10 days of competition in 15 sports, during which 200 sets of medals will be featured. The Games include 50 European countries, over 4000 athletes, more than 1000 accredited journalists and more than 200 TV cameras for international broadcasts. As a result, the total volume of broadcasting from sports arenas will exceed 500 hours. More than 8,000 volunteers from all over the world will make an invaluable contribution to the European Games project, with more than 24,000 interested volunteers expressing their desire to be part of the volunteer team. Of course, the Games are tens of thousands of foreign guests who will come to Minsk to enjoy not only the sports but also the cultural program

of the forum, get acquainted with our country or rediscover it for themselves. What is even of greater importance is that the 2nd European Games give all Belarusian citizens a unique opportunity to be a part of a large-scale event and feel its grandeur. The Games are an opportunity to spread the word about Belarus in Europe and many other countries, as millions of fans will be following the competitions taking place in Minsk in June 2019. Today we are entering a new stage of preparation for the multisport forum. Hundreds of professionals from various sectors have already done a huge amount of work to prepare for the Games. And it is important that this project will not pass without a trace, a significant material and non-material heritage will be formed: the street and road network and transport network will be modernized, the rolling stock will be renewed, the sports and urban infrastructure will be upgraded, the system of emergency medical care will be improved, the personnel potential will be strengthened, interaction at all levels of power will be established, which can be further used in the implementation of other large-scale projects. We plan to draw public attention to the creation of the barrier-free

has already hosted a lot of international sports events, including the 2014 IIHF World Championship, different world cups, European championships. This experience is invaluable and helps in the organization of such a big event. Everything is under control and on schedule. The EOC has no serious complaints. The Old World has strong traditions in sport. The EOC has repeatedly stressed that European athletes win the biggest amount of medals at major competitions. The popularity of sport has been growing. So, I have no doubt that the European Games in Minsk will be interesting both for fans and athletes. The exact numbers are hard to predict now. I think there will be thousands of fans. For your country it is a great opportunity to showcase your tourism industry. The hospitality of Belarusians is already well known in Europe. Eight sports will be qualifying for the Games‑2020 in Tokyo. Athletes will not fail to take the opportunity to come to Minsk and meet the Olympic standards. I’m sure there will be a lot of toplevel athletes in Belarus in 2019. It’s also a chance for them to test their abilities a year before the Olympics. We wanted athletics, one of the most spectacular sports, to be featured in the European Games. The European Athletics Association was also interested in this. We have developed a special format of the team competitions which will debut in Minsk in 2019. I think the athletics tournament will be popular with fans and will become one of the most spectacular events during the European Games. The history of our country has always assumed the fight: for land, independence. These qualities are inherent in the people who live in Slovenia. Competition is in our blood. We have focused on the development of education, culture and, of course, sport. This is why Slovenia is good at football, handball, basketball and volleyball and often better than other larger countries. (From the interview with Andrey Novikov, BelTA correspondent 12.12.2017).

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Georgy Katulin — Director of the Foundation "Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019", presented the official accreditation to the President of the European Athletics Association Svein Arne Hansen

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environment for people with disabilities, the development of volunteer movement in Belarus, as well as environmental issues, promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle. We can make this period of time truly victorious not only for the athletes who will come to our country, but also for each of its citizens. We owe the revival of the Olympic Games to the French enthusiast, great sports fan, Pierre de Coubertin, thanks to whose multiyear efforts the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was established on June 23, 1894. This organization is still the supreme governing body of the Olympic movement. Baron Pierre de Coubertin also founded the modern principles of Olympism. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of a good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promote a peaceful society caring for the preservation of human dignity. The Olympic Movement is the concerted, organized, universal and permanent action, carried out under the supreme authority of the IOC, of all individuals and entities who are inspired by the values of Olympism. It covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with bringing together the world’s athletes at the great sports festival, the Olympic Games. Its symbol is five interlaced rings. To do sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of going in for sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play. The organization, management and administration of sport should be controlled by independent sports organi-


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zations. Any form of discrimination against a country or a person on racial, religious, political or gender grounds is incompatible with membership in the Olympic Movement. ( obshestvo/fizkultura/olimpizm-i‑principy-olimpizma‑2.html) Time is known to have an amazing ability to fly fast. And that is why today we are talking not about the history of the Olympic Movement, its philosophy and plans, but about their actual implementation at all levels, which reflect the degree of readiness of the country for this large-scale sports forum. And here it is, the beginning, the approaching day of the start! On May 3, in the museum complex Ara Pacis in the capital of Italy, a solemn ceremony of flame lighting of 2nd European Games was held. Olympic champions Elena Belova, Yuliya Nesterenko and Vladislav Goncharov, as well as the Minister of Sports of Belarus Sergey Kovalchuk, the Head of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019” Georgy Katulin and the President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) Janez Kocijančič took part in this event. A few days later our climbers headed by Alexander Godlevsky successfully scaled the highest point of Europe — Mont Blanc! The “Flame of Peace”, lit in Rome, was at this height, despite the

snowstorm, which the brave conquerors of the mountains had to face. Their desire to raise the flame of the upcoming Games over the entire European continent turned out to be stronger than the weather conditions and circumstances. Around 20:00 Belarusian time, a group of climbers came down from the top. Denis Zhidkov, a climber, says: — The weather served us a handful of surprises during the climb. There were very strong winds, which significantly slowed down our progress. We had to fight them with difficulty. Such strong gusts of wind and at such a great height drain you a lot. You lose your focus for a mere second and already end up losing a piece of your equipment. We had to face different types of difficulties, perhaps excluding technical ones. We had explored the route a lot beforehand so there were no surprises there. When we lit the torch at the very top, we immediately felt a sense of pride for the 2nd European Games, for our country and for ourselves. And, I won’t deny it, we were happy that we could now go back down. Straight after the descent, the “Flame of Peace” was delivered to Courmayeur’s City Hall where the Belarusian delegation was again met by the mayor of the city, Stefano Miserocchi. It seems that if it were not for such a high social status, the mayor would be happy to join the group of our climbers and do the climbing with them.


Denis Zhidkov — climber, a member of the "Flame of Peace" expedition

Despite the outrageous storm, the “Flame of Peace” was spared thanks to a box that keeps it safe from these kinds of difficulties. After a welcome ceremony, the Flame was once again passed on to the bikers who will take it to the next stop on the relay route — Ljubljana, Slovenia. And here’s what Sergey Khomich, the Head of the Ceremonies and Cultural Program Department of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games in 2019” said: — Yesterday it was the fourth day of the “Flame of Peace” relay, and it ended on a high note. One of the central moments of the foreign part of the relay was taking place yesterday. The Flame of the 2nd European Games ascended Mont Blanc. This is very encouraging. Not a lot of time has passed, but we’ve already had two big ceremonies, which give people a lot of joy. We feel that our efforts are not in vain. The “Flame of Peace” is a fantastic relay. It underlines the status of the 2nd European Games and gives a chance to many people outside our country to get to know Belarus better. The bikers were followed by the Directorate’s working group. There were more than 700 km of track ahead and more than 10 hours on the road. Finally, the torch relay of the 2nd European Games the “Flame of Peace” arrived in Belarus. The meeting ceremony took place at the Belarusian-Polish border at the international checkpoint “Warsaw Bridge”. The torch relay caravan arrived in the republic after the completion of the overseas stage. At the border, a torch lighting ceremony was held for further following its path across Belarus. This mission was carried out by Olympic 100m race champion Yuliya Nesterenko. Brest was the first Belarusian city to welcome the “Flame of Peace”. “The solemn ceremony of lighting the fire shows that our country is ready to host the 2nd European Games. We have prepared the infrastructure, the training of athletes is at the final stage, all federations are actively working in this direction. Our athletes are com-

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Olympic champion Yuliya Nesterenko participated in the torch lighting ceremony in Brest

mitted to perform as best as possible at home,” said Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman of the Republican organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the 2nd European Games. Deputy Prime Minister said that the multisport forum is a serious examination. “This is an additional incentive to demonstrate our best opportunities and an additional stage, so that we can express our readiness to host even larger events and competitions,” he said. The fire of the 2nd European games stayed in Brest on May 12–13. The torch was carried along the central streets of the regional center to acquaint residents and guests with this large-scale forum. Well-known Belarusians, including the natives of the Brest region were the torchbearers. The relay was held in five cities of the region. The fire of the games was also met in Kamianets, Pinsk, Mikashevichi, Baranovichi and Kossovo, and on May 18 it was transferred to the Grodno region. “Brest region is the Western gate of the country. We are aware of all the responsibility for the fact that participants and guests of the 2nd European Games from the first minutes of their stay in the Belarusian land should feel its unique

flair, beauty, hospitality and openness of Belarusians. I am sure that the “Flame of Peace” will inspire Belarusian athletes to achieve high results,” said Gennady Borisyuk, Deputy Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee. The “Flame of Peace” relay started on May 3 in Rome and will end on June 21 with the solemn lighting of the Olympic flame bowl at the Central arena, Dinamo National Olympic Stadium, of the 2nd European games. In total, the fire of the games will be carried through 55 settlements in 8 countries (Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland and Belarus), and it will cover 7700 km. 450 torchbearers, 100 volunteers and 10 fire keepers will take part In the relay. Cultural events during the 2nd European Games are intended to show the brand of Belarusian art. This point of view was expressed by Mariya Netsvetayeva, the head of the professional art department of the main department of state special cultural events and professional art of the Ministry of Culture of Belarus, at the press-conference “European Games — European Art” held in the Press House of the capital. беларусь. belarus 2019



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All cultural events to be held during the 2nd European Games should show the brand of Belarusian art regardless of whether they are cultural events, art exhibitions or museum expositions, timed to the multisport forum. Any major event, which leads to a large influx of tourists in Belarus, always sets a task to its organizers and the art community to demonstrate the past, present and future of the national art in the framework of global trends, said Mariya Netsvetayeva. The attention of the participants of the pressconference was focused on the fact that the 2nd European Games provide not only exciting starts, but also an opportunity for Belarus to show its uniqueness, culture and traditions. The Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019” together with the Ministry of Culture and Minsk City Executive Committee are preparing an extensive program that includes a number of activities. One of the most important cultural events within the framework of the 2nd European Games is the opening and closing ceremonies, — reminded Olga Grigoryeva, the head of the department of organization and implementation of the cultural management program for ceremonies and cultural program of the “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019”. — The organizers of these ceremonies are preparing bright shows

160 best masters of historical fencing from the USA, China and European countries will gather in Minsk for the gala tournament


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that will become unique for Belarus. The cultural program of the Games also includes events in the fan zones. At least 10 fan zones are planned to be operating: three in Minsk and seven more in the regional centers and regions. In the capital they will be located in places of gathering of fans and tourists near such sports objects as the Palace of Sports, Minsk Arena and Chizhovka Arena. The representative of the Direc­to­rate specify that an extensive cultural and entertainment program is being prepared in the three fan zones of the Games capital. Many European embassies have already confirmed their intention to participate in the fan zone program. Thus, the Days of Culture of these countries will be held there, and their schedule will be coordinated with the organizer of the whole program at the fan-zones (SE “Minskconcert”) in order to avoid overlapping with the Days of National Cultures, which, according to the established tradition, will also be held in the Upper Town of the Belarusian capital this year. Each fan zone will have its own format: national, sports, youth, family. There are a large number of sports activities and events, including exhibition galas in sports, which are not included in the main program. Performances in historical fencing, which are going to be held on June 22–23 in the Upper Town, will become a bright and exciting show.

Roberto Gotti, President of the Italian Historical Fencing Federation, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Brescia

The first fan zone at the Palace of Sports will be opened on June 19. The rest — from the date of the Games’ opening, i. e. June 21. In the regions the fan-zones will also start their work from June 21. The main part of the cultural program will be held from May 1 to June 30. Earlier (from the end of April) the exhibition dedicated to historical fencing was opened in the art gallery of Mikhail Savitsky and it will run until early September. Educational and cultural institutions also prepare special projects for the 2nd European Games. For example, the National Center for Contemporary Arts has developed the concept of the international exhibition project “European Games — European Art”, which combines exhibition and educational programs. According to Sergey Kristapovich, the director of the center, the project will be launched with the exhibition of contemporary art in the regions of Belarus in support of the Games and the “Flame of Peace” torch relay. Then the exposition of Belarusian artists “Kazimir Malevich and the 21st Century” is going to take place in Minsk. There the works of those who develop the tradition and philosophy of the outstanding master will be presented. The work by Kazimir Malevich himself is planned to be exhibited, which will be provided by the Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum. Another exhibition “Sport is High Art” from June 6 to 30 will show archival and modern photos, posters, graphic works, sculptural compositions, etc. It is based on a collection of archival photographs and film materials from the Belarusian State Archives of Film and Photo Documents. In the course of the press conference various information about cultural projects dedicated to the 2nd European Games was presented. According to Chairman of the Belarusian Union of Artists Grigory Sitnitsa, the main task is to provide an exclusive cultural product, which will show the guests of the upcoming multisport forum the Belarusian

identity. Chairman of the Belarusian Union of Designers Dmitry Sursky also took part in the discussion on this topic.

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Mikhail Savitsky Art Gallery in Minsk launched the first project of the cultural program of the 2nd European Games 2019. It’s dedicated to historical fencing. The exhibition “European Martial Arts. From Vulcan’s Forge to the Arts of Mars” opened here. The exhibition project is scheduled to run until September 15, 2019 A press-conference was held to mark the start of the exhibition project, at which the organizers said that the exposition would feature about 200 unique items. Among them are armament items, manuscripts and old printed books, paintings and drawings of the 15th‑20th centuries from the collection of Roberto Gotti, the President of the Italian Historical Fencing Federation, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Brescia. Belarus, Minsk and the Directorate of the 2nd European Games help us to create history. The young movement of historical fencing, which is about a quarter of a century old, has found a site of such scale in Minsk. Scientists, researchers, and athletes, all those who devote their lives to reviving this art, have a chance to finish their big work, said Roberto Gotti. He also reminded: on June 22–23, 160 best masters of historical fencing from the USA, China and European countries will gather in Minsk for the gala tournament. Anatoly Kotov, the Deputy Director of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games of 2019”, emphasized the fact that the cultural program of the forthcoming multisport forum started with historical fencing: The first event was preceded by a thorough preparation almost throug­ hout the year. We are glad that the creative team headed by Roberto Got­ti suggested supplementing the exhibition project with a scientific and practical conference. It is obvious that this initia-

Sports and cultural festival Bright Festival — testing the capabilities of the sports arena and spectator services

tive is becoming a wonderful event in the cultural life of the city of Minsk and the Republic of Belarus. As for the exhibition, it is truly unique: Minsk has probably not hosted such abundance and symbiosis of ancient artifacts and modern technologies for a long time. The staff of the Museum of the History of the City should be thanked for the work that was invested in the movement of valuables from Italy. I am sure that during the work the exhibition will be visited by a large number of people. The main thing is that here you can look at the wonderful exhibits, and some of them can even be picked up, as well as to get acquainted with educational videos about the birth of artifacts in the forge of the Vulcan. The participants of the press confe­ rence were shown severa videos, which are demonstrated to the visitors of the exhibition. Thus, one of them tells about the research carried out at the University of Hong Kong, on the study of movements and techniques of historical fencing. The following material is devoted to the ancient smithy of past centuries, which is still in operation today, and to Brescia university research in this field. The work on one of the exhibits is also shown here. Two other subjects were devoted to the results of the study of historical fencing techniques. Georgy Katulin, the Director of the Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019, Evgeny Shestakov, the Deputy

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, representatives of the Italian Embassy, as well as Elena Belova, a four-time Belarusian Olympic champion in fencing, were present at the opening ceremony of the project. It was her idea to hold a unique exhibition and demonstration of historical fencing during the Games in Minsk. The project dedicated to historical fencing was organized by the Directorate of the 2nd European Games of 2019, Minsk City Executive Committee, the Belarusian Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosstrakh”, the Embassy of the Italian Republic to the Republic of Belarus, the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Italian Republic, the Historical Fencing Federation of Italy, the Museum of Martial Arts (Italy). The Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019, Jet Fest LLC and Belarusian State University (BSU) held a large-scale sports and cultural festival “Bright Festival” in Minsk. The event took place on the main arena of the 2nd European Games — Dinamo National Olympic Stadium and was viewed as one of the events prior to the multisports forum. The organizers tried to make the festival as accessible and interesting for everyone as possible. One of its main tasks was to check the capabilities of the sports arena and test spectator services. беларусь. belarus 2019


During the festival the fans of active rest were offered to test themselves on dozens of interactive platforms of sports federations and youth organizations of Belarusian State University. The event included a presentation of youth subcultures, song and dance battles, as well as a presentation of creative youth projects. Contests, photo zones, relaxation zones, master classes, food court — all this was also enjoyed at the Bright Festival. The guests, whose number exceeded 20 thousand, were offered the performances of popular pop singers, cover bands, as well as creative groups. The headliners of the concert program were J: Morse, Lyapis‑98, Kasta and solo artist Svetlana Loboda. The highlight of the Bright Festival was the award of the honorary title

Head of the Volunteer Department of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019” Nadezhda Anisovets

“Star Ambassador of the 2nd European Games 2019” to Alexey Talai. A wellknown public figure and motivational coach received a certificate from Anatoly Kotov, the Deputy Director of the Directorate. The man who lost all his limbs began to do sports in his thirties, and within a short time managed to achieve incredible results. He was awarded the title of master of sports and became a member of the national paraolympic swimming team of Belarus. As a motivational coach Alexey Talai performed in many countries of Europe, CIS, USA, India, and these events were very successful. The new Star Ambassa-


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dor of the Games is engaged in charity and expressed his desire to support any activity of the organizing committee of the multisport forum in Minsk. The Bright Festival was supported by student-volunteers from BSU. Interactive platforms and activities were organized by sponsors and partners of the 2nd European Games.

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A little information about volunteers, a special group at EuroGames. They include 8,000 people assisting in 34 different areas (logistics, media, medical care, accommodation assistance for athletes and guests, and many others). It’s a job, on the frontline of events. That’s why the volunteers studied Minsk maps, history and reference information, improved knowledge of foreign languages and learned the basics of first aid in practice. The instructors of the Minsk city organization of the Belarus Red Cross Society helped them in this. Volunteer teams will help both tourists and fans of the 2nd European Games to navigate the city. They will also be located at the main passenger terminals. The way to the sports facilities will also be indicated by billboards and a software product has been presented, which allows to learn through the application about the movement of both urban passenger transport and buses that provide transportation services to participants. The oldest and most experienced volunteer, who is going work at the 2nd European Games in Minsk, has turned 81. Nadezhda Anisovets, the Head of the Volunteer Department at the Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019, said: “More than 24 thousand people expressed their desire to volunteer at the multisport forum in Minsk. The management has recruited the necessary 8 thousand and 700 specialists of the reserve. They are supposed to work in more than 34 functional areas during the European Games. The oldest and most experienced volunteer is 81 years old. It’s a British woman who’s coming to

General training sessions for volunteers are over. Functional trainings are going on

Minsk soon. She managed to visit many sports forums, including the Olympic Games.” An operation and coordination center of the 2nd European Games located at 103 Pobediteley Avenue in Minsk has started operating. Prime Minister of Belarus, chairman of the republican committee in charge of organizing the games Sergey Rumas was informed about the capabilities of the facility. The key task of the facility is to coordinate actions while events proceed as normal and to come up with measures to respond to off-nominal situations in the course of the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019 (except for the cases which fall under responsibility of law enforcement and security agencies). The facility will work around the clock from June 19 to July 2, employing Belta


Operation and coordination center of the 2nd European Games at Pobediteley Avenue, 103 in Minsk

Е about 100 people per shift. International experience and proposals of the European Olympic Committees were taken into account in the course of creating the operation and coordination center. The center will get information about off-nominal situations right away. Training sessions are already being arranged to practice response to the situations during the actual games. The Belarusian head of government saw one such session in progress. It was an example of what the duty personnel are supposed to do if an incident happens during the games. People responsible for various aspects — protocol, catering, transportation, TV broadcasting, volunteer work, interaction with the European Olympic Committees, and others — will be placed inside the operation room. Negotiation rooms to promptly handle off-nominal situations are located nearby. Sergey Rumas was also shown the operation of the technical solutions center, which will work as part of the operation and coordination center and take care of all the technical malfunctions during the games. A special unit will keep an eye on all the information systems used by various contractors — Beltelecom and other communications companies. Statistics of technical problems will be summed up every day in order to get rid of bottlenecks and forestall repetition of off-nominal situations. The incidents will be assigned three levels — red, yellow, or green — depending on their severity. Georgy Katulin, the Director of the Foundation “Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019”, explains that it will be necessary to downgrade as many incidents as possible to the green level and deal with problems directly where they happen since coordinating centers at each and every venue of the games are the lowest tiers of organization of the 2nd European Games. Sergey Rumas suggested arranging a comprehensive test of all facilities of the 2nd European Games before the games begin in order to practice actions of the operation and coordination center in conditions most closely resembling

those of the games. It is to be done in the first decade of June. Some facilities have already been tested in the course of test competitions. Test athletics competitions will be taking place in the Dinamo Stadium soon. It is a key facility as the opening and closing ceremonies will be held there. The stadium’s operation was tested during the sport and culture festival Bright Festival last week.Apart from that, Sergey Rumas asked about the readiness of information systems for organizers of the competitions and the readiness of the mobile app designed for guests and tourists. Special software has been developed for the 2nd European Games. The software can later be used during other major events, not necessarily sport ones. The head of government agreed that the software product could be commercialized later on. A proposal put forward by government agencies suggests setting up a sport directorate to help organize events, including events abroad, using the software product. The prime minister suggested looking into the possibilities after the 2nd European Games. The directorate’s ability to earn its living instead of draining the state budget is the key condition. In conclusion: Belarus is waiting! Like a hospitable hostess, who will soon be visited by guests for a great celebration, she adds, where necessary, the last touches — to the aesthetics of the house, interior, thinks over the menu and table layout, so that everyone enjoys her cuisine and the possibility of a comfortable stay in a booked hotel… However, as well as her appearance. By Mikhalina Cherkashina.

The text was prepared making use of the materials of BelTA ( and the website of the Directorate of the 2nd European Games 2019 ( . The author expresses his gratitude for cooperation to Evgeniya Nikitina, press secretary.

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At the first European Games, which were held from 12 to 28 June 2015 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, the national team of Belarus showed high results. Belarusian athletes won 43 medals: 10 gold, 11 silver and 22 bronze. In the medal ranking, the Belarusian national team took the seventh place. The first World Competitions, similar to Ancient Greek Olympic Games, were held in Athens in 1896. The program included 9 sports. It was decided to hold competitions in track and field athletics, gymnastics, swimming, weight lifting, wrestling, shooting, fencing, cycle racing and tennis. Since then, the Olympic Games have become the main international sporting event. They were held in various cities around the world, including Moscow in 1980. The Olympic cycle was broken only three times in 1916 because of the First World War, in 1940 and 1944 because of the Second World War. The first Olympic flag was made in Paris in 1913. 3 meters high and 2 meters wide, Olympic rings stand against white background (the width of this image is 2 meters and 60 centimeters in diameter). Initially, the Olympic flag was raised on April 5, 1914 in Pan-Egyptus at the Games in Alexandria. The final approval of the flag was received in June 1914 at the 6th Olympic Congress in Paris. The Olympic flag was raised for the first time at the Olympic Games in 1920 in Antwerp. (‑principy-olimpizma‑2.html)

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The final line-up of teams that will fight for awards in athletics at the European Games in Minsk has been determined

Sport queen in a new format


t should be reminded that the tournament will be held in a new format — “Dynamic New Athletics” (DNA). Teams from 24 countries, including Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (athletes have received permission from the International Association of Athletics Federations), Slovenia, Switzerland, Slovakia, Turkey, and Ukraine have confirmed their participation. The total number of athletes participating in athletics competitions has become open — it is 504.


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Also, the European Athletics Association has approved changes in the program of competitions of the 2nd European Games. After the General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees supported the initiative to replace the trekathlon event, and instead decided to hold nine types of events (individual and relay) in which medals will be handed out. Besides, an additional set of medals will be given to the best teams in the team event. Thus, in athletics the strongest ones will be determined in 10 types of the program. It should be reminded that the DNA format of the competition envisages holding matches between mixed teams, where all teams will be divided into groups, starting with the qualifying



round (on June 23). In each match there are competitions in the following nine events: 100 m run (women), 100 m run (men), 100 m hurdles (women), 110 m hurdles (men), javelin throw (women), long jump (women), high jump (men), 4x400 m relay race (2 women, 2 men), mixed relay race in the form of pursuit race (2 women, 2 men). The winners and prizewinners of individual events and relay races will be determined on the basis of the results of the first competition day (June 23) during the team qualifying round. Awarding of the best in nine events is scheduled for June 24.

Quarterfinal matches will be held on June 25, semifinal — on June 26. The final, which will result in the last, tenth, set of awards — on June 28. The format of the team competition and the accrual of points in them remains the same. The athletes who are the strongest in each event of the program will earn 12 points for their team. Runners-up will get 10 points (and then each next place will decrease by 2 points). The best team will be determined by the number of points scored. After the approval of the athletics program the number of total medals to be awarded at the 2nd European Games increased to 200, with around 4,000 athletes expected to take part in the multi-sports event. By Darya Lobazhevich

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bon appetit! It is one thing to hear a report on the preparation of objects from the high rostrum, and quite different to see everything with your own eyes. That is why it was decided to hold the next meeting of the organizing committee by on-site visiting. There, the members of the Republican Organizing Committee could appreciate the catering for the participants of the 2nd European Games.


he student village in Malinovka is turning into a sports metropolis. There are final repairs in the buildings. The dormitory rooms have been transformed into comfort-level rooms of a three-star hotel. This residential quarter will be used during the 2nd European Games as the Athletes’ Village. 6,500 members of the official delegations of athletes participating in the Games will be accommodated here. The Prime Minister, having familiarized himself with the reconstruction of the Student Village, praised the work of the builders. On September 1, students will appreciate a new sports facility, which appeared in the student village. We are talking about the pavilion for the athletes’ catering. 260 people worked here without days off: in the space of months, a food court for two thousand seats appeared on the waste ground. The facade is a sandwich panel with stained glass filling. Food service area for athletes will be working around the clock for two weeks. The kitchen is located in the ice arena of the school for figure skating, which is situated next to the campus. The site is 2 thousand square meters divided by partitions into working areas. There are cooking ovens, refrigerators, cabinets for dishes. All the necessary service lines and air-conditioning system have been installed. Logistics of cooked food delivery is thought out to the smallest

detail — the kitchen is connected with the food pavilion by a transition gallery. Sergei Rumas tasted the dishes that will be on the menu of athletes. He liked them. The ration of participants of the Games consists mainly of Belarusian products. Imported ingredients will be used only if their analogues are not produced in Belarus. The Directorate carefully approached the selection of product suppliers. When organizing catering for athletes, the challenge is to meet the requirements of international standards. The staff also went through tough selection, and there are about 900 people who will be involved in catering. While communicating with journalists, the Prime Minister noted that everything is ready for the reception of athletes: — The catering object was built in an extremely short time. Two structures that will provide daily meals for up to 2 thousand athletes have been built within three and a half months. We visited several dormitories where athletes will be accommodated. We made sure that all the rooms had been renovated. There is new furniture. The specific features of athletes have been taken into account. Extra long beds have been made for those who have a tall stature. In general, the rooms meet all the requirements for the accommodation of the participants of the Games. By Vladislav Sychevich

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Basket full of plans The success of Belarusian basketball has long been closely linked to the women’s team. The girls won medals at the European Championship and participated in the Olympics. Very soon they will face another test: the European Championship.


ut the preparation of the national team of Natalya Trofimova for the most important tournament runs the risk of being sidelined. The attention of the overwhelming majority of Belarusian basketball fans will be focused on the courts of Palova Arena, where two national 3x3 basketball teams will fight for the awards of the 2nd European Games. On the eve in the press center, organized at the Belarus Segodnya publishing house, the head coaches of the teams, players and representatives of the Belarusian Basketball Federation shared their plans and expectations of the upcoming competitions. The life of the sport, previously considered a street variety of classical basketball, changed two years ago. The 3x3 version was included in the Olympic program and will debut in Tokyo next year. The 2nd European Games will be a kind of final rehearsal. Secretary General of the Belarusian Basketball Federation Anastasia Marinina believes that both our teams may be among the candidates for the awards: — The first attempts to develop 3x3 basketball in Minsk were made in 2015, when the European Championship for players under 18 was held here. Our girls were second and the guys were fourth. This year, 26 teams declared their entry in Minsk and more than 40 in Vitsebsk to participate in


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difficult task to assemble the women’s team, but the girls have an advantage, i. e. experience: — To prepare for the 2nd European Games, we attract players, who have been trained purposefully for two years. We have a pool of 12 candidates and a sparring calendar: we are planning to play in Estonia, Mongolia and France. Perhaps, this calendar will be expanded. It is necessary to decide on the lineup before May 20, but after that we can make some changes. Tickets for the final competition of the 2nd European basketball games 3x3 for men and women have been sold out for a long time. It’s still possible to watch the preliminary stage, but there are also difficulties with vacant seats. Such popularity immediately raises the question of the future of this sport. Yury Volk is convinced that now the distribution of roles and focus in the world basketball 3x3 is taking place and Belarus has a chance to take a place among the leaders. According to Anastasia Marinina, the Belarusian Basketball Federation also has detailed plans for the development of the “half ” variety, which ensure that at the next Olympic cycle it will no longer be necessary to share players with the classical teams, while the coaches will be more optimistic about the prospects and chances. However, the main result of the 2nd European games in terms of Belarusian basketball will be not even the won places, but the drive, which the competition will bring in the program of the tournament. Anastasia Marinina has no doubts that the house will be full at Palova Arena. — Representatives of the “Directorate of 2nd European Games” fund will do their best for the fans not to recognize the familiar site in a good sense of the word. The construction work has already begun. As a result, instead of the current six sites there will be one competitive court and one warm-up court. The stands will be designed for 1,000–1,200 seats. Everything will be held to music, in a very dynamic way. By the way, it will be possible to evaluate it on June 15–16, when Palova Arena will host the final stage of the national championship, which will be a test tournament for the 2nd European Games.

Representatives of the Belarusian Basketball Federation assured: our


national team is ready for the 2nd European Games

the first championship of the country. Since last season, teams under12 years old have been participating in the competition, and all this is being done to ensure that the development of this sport does not end up after the 2nd European Games are over. In addition, rating points are important for the selection for the first 3x3 Olympics in the history of basketball, and the competitions, including the championship of Belarus, give a chance to compete for a place in Tokyo. However, only 8 women’s and 8 men’s teams will take part in the Olympics. The men’s team of Belarus, which includes well-known players from the national team Dmitry Poleshchuk, Yevgeny Belyankov, Sergey Vabishchevicha and Andrey Rogozenko, won the international tournament organized in the shopping mall “Stolitsa” in winter. Nikita Meshcheryakov, Maksim Sazonov, Timofey Paralev and Valentin Nazarov were added to the list of candidates for the Games. But in July, our guys’ rivals will no longer be club teams, but the best basketball players from Russia, Spain, Slovenia, Serbia or Italy. The head coach of the men’s national team, Dmitry Koltunov, explains, that the competition in men’s 3x3 today is hardly inferior to the classic variety of basketball: — Eight basketball players are preparing for the 2nd European Games, but so far, as members of 5x5 teams. The guys play in the championship of Belarus, play in the “Tsmoki” as part of the VTB United League. After that, they are planning to hold a training camp and participate in a number of tournaments. In late May, we are playing in Kaliningrad, then in Latvia. According to the results of these sparrings, we will determine the line-up. The girls’ list of participants in the 2nd European Games is no piece of cake either. The head coach Yury Volk names the teams of Russia, Ukraine, France, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic as the leaders. Nevertheless, last year the Belarusian team got into the final part of the European Championship for the first time. The youth team became the fifth at the World Cup. According to Volk, it turned out to be a

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That's the uniform our athletes will be wearing

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Daring troika Veronika Nabokina, Yuliya Ivonchik and Karina Sandovich — about themselves, their sport and the 2nd European Games


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For the Games, which will be held in Minsk, our troika is preparing in a different line-up: instead of Borisevich, who ended her career, got married and has already become a mother, Yuliya Ivonchik returned to the team. The girls told about themselves and their

expectations from the home tournament. Veronica Nabokina is 23 years old, she has been in acrobatics for 17 years. About acrobatics: — I was born in Gomel. When I was studying in the first grade, the coach came to the school and


t the 1st European Games in Baku our acrobats Ekaterina Borisevich, Veronika Nabokina and Karina Sandovich won three bronze medals.


offered to do gymnastics. My parents did not think for a long time — why stay at home? For six months I went to the gymnastics sports club, was making progress, and the coaches offered to go in for acrobatics. And then… things began to turn. In general, the difference between gymnastics and acrobatics is huge: in gymnastics each is for oneself, and in acrobatics you work in a team. And one more difference is that in gymnastics there are a lot of different implements, but we have, in fact, only free exercises, albeit three types. About physical training — I’m in the bottom in our troika, that is, during the pyramids and other combinations I hold the girls. Actually, it’s not difficult, though, probably, it looks different from the outside. The main thing in my work is the technique. When you master it, it’s quite easy to lift about 85 kilograms. And the one at the top must have the best fitness level — she has to work constantly with her own weight. About the European Games — we don’t feel excited yet. Probably, it will appear later. Before the 1st European games we felt nervous, because we did not know how everything would be сoming along. And in your own country, it is basically harder to compete. From all sides we hear: “We need the first place”. Imagine, even a taxi driver told me about it! On the way we were talking, and he said: “Give us gold!” What was I supposed to say? We will try… Karina Sandovich is 19 years old, she has been in gymnastics for 15 years.

It is quite easy to find a common language in our current team: there are no serious disagreements. Although sometimes we get tired of each other and blow up — at such moments we just need a little rest. We mix not only at trainings, but also in life, even have a rest together. About weight — I am the top one. My height is 150 centimeters, weight — 35 kilograms. The main thing for me is to keep this weight. I mustn’t eat sweet, fat, fried, baked, fast food — almost everything. During trainings I work on my elements on special “stands”, do exercises on flexibility and stretching. In many ways, all the elements we perform depend on me. The girls will do their job, and if I make a mistake, there will be no element, in fact. So it’s a big responsibility.

About cosmetics — I like to wear makeup and put make-up on the girls. It is fine with me to come to training with makeup. This is another hobby of mine. By the way, I also put make-up on the girls at competitions. So if I leave sport, I will have something to do. About the Games — at the 1st European Games in Baku it was great. There were many sports, athletes lived together. The hall, the atmosphere — everything was cool. Of course, there was enough fuss too, it was important to control your nerves. It was not possible to follow other kinds of sports — there was no time, we watched only the competitions in gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics, which were held in the same room with us. By the

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way, in Minsk they will be held in the same format: at Minsk Arena they will compete in acrobatics, aerobics, sports and rhythmic gymnastics. So it will be interesting! Yuliya Ivonchik is 24 years old, she has been in acrobatics for 19 years. About the choice: — in the childhood watched competitions in rhythmic gymnastics where girls did the splits and other beautiful elements. I was trying to do the same at home. My parents saw me standing on my head, and decided to send me to sports, and the school of sports acrobatics was located near the house. About troika — I have known Karina and Veronika for a long time — we used to perform in the same line-up. Then I joined another team, and Katya Borisevich performed with the girls. When one of my three girls left, I also quit sports. I was 21 years old, got married and gave up training — probably I was tired by that time, after all, so many years had been given to training and performances. A year later, the coaches persuaded me to come back. Strange as it may seem, I quite quickly got back into routine and joined the line-up. About the family — my husband is also an athlete, he used to do ultimate fighting and triple jump, now keeps fit in the gym. Of course, the separation is not easy — the training camp is the hardest. However, he is understanding about my work, and he takes care of everyday life if necessary. By Tatyana Pastushenko

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Vasilisa Marzaliuk:

I(a am “Vasilyok” cornflower) in the team At the 2nd European Games in women’s wrestling competitions, our country will be represented by Honored Master of Sports of Belarus Vasilisa Marzaliuk. She told us about the role of this Olympic sport in her life on the eve of the big event.


hat are the most common ass o c i at i ons for the word “w rest ling” ? Competition, victor y and

defeat, strength, repression, aggression… And what about women’s wrestling? Immediately there is cognitive dissonance. After all, the stereotype of a woman as a weaker gender that needs protection is still strong in our minds. Although representatives of modern

Vasilisa Marzaliuk is the champion of the 1st European Games in free-style wrestling


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society have repeatedly proved the opposite. Vasilisa Marzaliuk is among them. She is the Belarusian wrestler, champion of the 1st European Games, multiple champion of the World and European Championships. She will again appear on the carpet as a participant of the 2nd European Games in June. I wonder what and to whom this attractive brunette wants to prove once again. Personally, for me, it is difficult to understand zest for wrestling. Why among all kinds of “female” sports (for example, gymnastics), a girl wants to pull her competitor’s hair again and again? By the way, according to the rules of free-style wrestling, it is strictly prohibited to do it. As well as deliberately inflicting physical pain. However, the competitors never leave the carpet without bruises. Vasilisa told me about it herself. It was difficult to meet her. Although it is explainable: a few weeks are left before the start of the 2nd European Games. The athlete is constantly traveling, in training camps, and you


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can only see her during the trainings. There we met — in the wrestling hall of the Republican Olympic Reserve. Of course, I understood that I would see a girl, by whose appearance it would be impossible to guess that she was a wrestler. After all, there are a lot of photos with Vasilisa, where she coquettishly poses for the camera, on the Internet. Nevertheless, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her in a tracksuit. What a figure!.. I heard that they call her a “medveditsa” (shebear), which is understandable. After all, Alexander Medved, a famous Belarusian wrestler is the pride of our sport. I would call her a catwoman: so plastically and softly she puts her competitor on the shoulder blades. Although they are not competitors, both are smiling, but the movements are cautious, neat…

Clever, beautiful, champion — Vasilisa you have a beautiful name, but taking into account the specifics of wrestling, one can easily remake it in a masculine fashion. Were there cases? — They tried to call me Vasya. But it did not last long. In the team they call me “Vasilyok” (cornflower), I like it: it sounds national! In my childhood, I was offended when they called me cat Vasily. It was the most offensive expression. — I was also offended when they called me “Aliska-sosicka” (Aliskasausage) and not only. Yes, childhood memories are the brightest. Tell us about your family. — Dad was an engineer, he always promoted a healthy lifestyle, from childhood my brother and I practiced yoga. Every day we performed the Surya Namaskar complex — a greeting to the Sun. He had a lot of books by Paul Bragg. He watched our food, so chips, sweets, soda — childhood ultimate dreams — were very rare, on holidays and for some special achievements. When I was in the fifth grade, my parents divorced, беларусь. belarus 2019



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we stayed with my father. Dad loved hockey, but since he was born in the village, he did not have the opportunity to do it. So my brother played hockey. My dad sent me to various sport groups: fencing, synchronized swimming, team sports… But I didn’t get accustomed anywhere. Actually, I danced. I practiced Latin American dance in the 2–3 grades. I had a partner Roman — my first love. Once he fell ill, and we were just preparing for the tournament. We had to miss the competition. I was so upset that I didn’t do dancing for several months, and Roma began to dance with my neighbor. When I returned, I started dancing with another boy Sasha, a real “gangster”. Of course, we were no match, and everything came to naught… Once, I was in the 7th class, coaches came to our school and started telling the girls about the advantages of

— Why did you stay? — We had very cool coaches: Sergey Grigoryevich Shkradyuk and Vasily Dmitriyevich Krezo. They created a strong team. We still feel we are one family. We try to see each other outside the hall. I have sisterly feelings with many athletes. Probably, I stayed because of the team. — How did your father react to the fact that you finally chose wrestling? — I was a stolid, slow and very vulnerable child. Therefore, the father

champion per day . The trainings last from one hour .

Yury Korolev recalls: "There are no trifles here"

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— Do you remember your first fight at the carpet? — No, but I remember my turning point. We had 10 people in the team, we were training for competitions. The coach then said: “Ira, you must fight this way and that… Light — differently, Katya, Julia — well done, you must win.

traings 2 times



Breaking stereotypes



female wrestling, how great it is when you know how to stand up for yourself. Nobody offended me, but at a certain moment the boys began to bother: they tugged at the pigtails and stuff like that. Then women’s wrestling was little known all over the world, and I decided to see what it is like, to try. I remember a lot of people came, but everyone quickly dropped out, only I remained in the end.

I proved that I can. Like any diligent person.

thought that it would not last long. By the way, the coaches also thought that there was no potential for growth in me. You need aggression in wrestling, and I was too soft and feminine. But no one took into account one nuance: I am a perfectionist. I did everything perfectly at school, and I wanted to achieve the same in wrestling. And I was steady: they tried to push me down, but I did not fall. And hardworking — this is how

Vasilisa… Well… We do not set any tasks for you. “ It hurt me. I do not remember exactly how I fought that time. But it was very hard. In the end I felt woozy, barely standing on my feet, but I won and stood on a pedestal. It was important for me to prove to the coaches that I am also capable of something. From that moment I started a serious sports life. — You won bronze and silver at the World and European Championships. You won gold at the 1st European Games. You have two higher educations: physical education — the Belarusian State University of Physical Education and Economic — International Institute of Distance Education. Probably, all the walls of your house are filled with diplomas,

Е awards, cups, medals… Do you count your victories? — No. I collect only medals from the beginning of each year. Then I put them in some bag or take them to my parents. I reset everything at the beginning of a new year and start collecting medals again. Like a clean sheet of paper every year… — Who do you look up at in the world of big sport? — I did not know anyone when I started doing wrestling, except Alexander Medved. He has a children’s tournament “Medvezhonok” and the same adult tournament for the prizes of Alexander Vasilyevich. It was my first international competition, which I won. He rewarded me, inspired me, found the right words. Alexander Vasilyevich is the same “heavyweight” as I am — up to 76 kg, which is considered to be a super heavy

— I have always liked drawing, I even attended courses as an adult. I like to sew. I would like to design something of my own, but so far I don’t have enough skills. — Do you suggest any changes in the design when they sew a uniform for you? — Unfortunately not. Everything is done without my participation. There was even such an unpleasant incident when, at the World Championships, I had a translucent leotard two sizes

read “Source” by her. “Atlas Shrugged” is my favorite work by Ayn Rand. In general, there are many good books, only the plot of many books is dramatic or even tragic. Sometimes I have my own problems. In this case, youtube saves. I watch Joe Rogan podcasts — I want to be more erudite.

The woman who… beats — Vasilisa, you said that a united team influenced your choice to stay in

6 minutes last long on the carpet

In free-style wrestling you need to be able to navigate quickly

weight for women. It united us. And so, in the world of wrestling, there are many people who I like for their technical arsenal, their behavior on the carpet. Buvaysar Hamidovich Saytiev, Frank Chamiso, Japanese athletes… We have sportsmen to be proud of, to set an example. For example, Darya Domracheva. Our rowers, freestylers, gymnasts… — Are you keen on anything else besides sports?

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smaller than mine — there was no fitting. I hope the situation will change for the European Games. — Do you sing? — Oh no! I do not experiment, I do not want to lose friends. At school I tried to sing in the choir, I did not like it. I love books, classics. García Márquez, for example. In general, I like Jonathan Safran Foer, he is not yet a classic. I reread all his books. I like Ayn Rand. I

wrestling. What do you like in wrestling as a separate sport, what attracts you? — I like variety in fighting. It is necessary to possess very many qualities: both speed, and dexterity, and flexibility, and force, and endurance. This is a very difficult sport and for understanding as well.. I also see a creative element in it. We need to be well versed in the situation, quickly figure out how to get out of this situation, we need intelligence and tactics… All these skills help me in everyday life. I like tactile competition, interaction with a rival: you cannot rely on and think only for yourself. It is necessary to take into account and anticipate the reaction of the rival. — What is more important for victory: strength, endurance, mental attitude? беларусь. belarus 2019


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Fight of Vasilisa Marzaliuk against Zhang Fengliu, 2016 year

— They say: the devil is in details. There are no trifles here. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. You need to use your advantages and respond correctly in case of failure. But, the main thing is self-confidence. It appears as a result of hard training, the right way of life, understanding of who you are. — I heard that the outcome of the fight is decided even before it starts: the competitors understand who will win by looking at each other. Is it true? — I don’t think so. 6 minutes seems to be a small period of time. But it lasts long on the carpet. Last 10 seconds can solve a lot in women’s wrestling. It happened to me: I did not become a world champion, although I was leading the whole fight. The last 15 seconds changed everything. Here you need to be able to navigate quickly. For example, when you go out to a fight, you want to use some move, and your opponent


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deliberately puts his foot in such a way that you cannot use your move. Then you have to figure out quickly how to continue the fight.

Male and female — Did you use your professional skills in everyday life? — All journalists ask me this question! Frankly speaking, it will still be difficult for a woman- wrestler to cope with an average man. A man is a man. Especially if he has something to do with the sport. I had a situation, I could not defend myself… I cannot fight. I need a person to be as close as possible to feel him. When in the childhood I had arguments with the brother, he always kept me at a distance of a hockey stick (knowing my peculiarity). There were cases when competitors tried to unbalance me: they twitched my hair

or broke my fingers… I wanted to answer, but I couldn’t. But I can also pull the hair once. — Can you revenge your competitor on the carpet? — There is such a thing — unsportsmanlike behavior: when a wrestler uses forbidden tricks. It happens that a competitor deliberately violates some rule. I cannot react in the same way without violating the rules, but I can do it out of revenge. — I heard that women’s freestyle wrestling is of more interest to the audience than men’s. Why? — I think it is more emotional and unpredictable. I have already said that very often women decide the outcome of the fight at the last moment. Literally within one second. It happens with us: obviously, a stronger athlete can lose to a weaker one. It is very difficult to bet. Men have easier forecasts.

Е times I look at myself from the outside and I don’t really like myself. That is why some people consider wrestling an unwomanly sport. They say, we look ugly during a duel, postures are unaesthetic. When I won the 1st European Games, I was half tired, I received a call from a friend, and instead of congratulations, she expressed the opinion how ugly it looked when my face was “smeared” on the carpet. I even burst into tears then. But I like the metamorphosis which happens to me, reincarnation when I give way to my masculine beginning. After all, every woman has it! I’m different in everyday life. Although sport

"Here goes my life"

— Do you have more male or female fans? — There are more men. If girls, they are teenagers, almost children. I contact them via the Internet, but I spend my personal time (which I have very little) with my loved ones. — Vasilisa, you look very graceful on the carpet, and even if you have not won, tired and with a swollen face, you still hold your posture proudly. Do you consciously create such an image or is it your inner state? — Many people give me such compliments. But I’m not an actress, so it goes. This is probably my essence. On the carpet you don’t think about it… — Are you afraid of ugly injuries? — Of course, I’m afraid. I’m a girl. But fractures and everything else can be in any sport. Yes, there are many problems with the face. Here I have an abrasion. And the bruise is still there.. This is after the International tournament dedicated to outstanding Ukrainian wrestlers. I won the gold. And on May 22, I will fly away to Italy for a rating tournament. Then there will be the final stage of preparation for the 2nd European Games. And every time there is some kind of “mark” on the body. But I already got used to it. Naturally, some-

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ming pool to relieve muscle pain. Earlier, I could afford to go to a nightclub. Now I prefer healthy sleep, tasty food and communicating with my family, friends in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. — Do you have many friends? — I believe that I have enough friends for my age. I communicate only with girls. I do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. I think that for such relationship a woman must look ugly, and this is a priori impossible: every person is beautiful in his own way. My friends are connected to sports. I was in the same class at the Republican School of Olympic Reserve with one chess player. Someone has already quit sports and is engaged in their business. I have friends among journalists. — How do you see yourself in 10 years? — I have not made such distant forecasts yet… It is time for me to create a family. When I leave sport, I will do business. I will also do something for the public, associated with wrest­ ling. This is how I’ll be able to thank all those who influenced my successful development. By Alisa Gungor. Author's photo and from the archive of Vasilisa Marzaliuk.

This is how different Vasilisa can be

leaves an imprint. It can be difficult to communicate with men, because I control everything. And they, as you know, do not like it…

The whole life is the sport — How often do you train and how do you relax? — I train 2 times a day an hour or two, a maximum two hours and a half. If you are getting the base, you have tediously long workout. If closer to the competition, then short, intense. Trainers recommend going to a sauna, swim-

Fashionable look of the Belarusian champion

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Loaf for Lesik Our capital’s bakers and pastry chefs presented special pastries for the 2nd European Games


traditional competition of professional excellence of bakers and pastr y chefs of Minskhlebprom was held, its topic was 2nd European Games. Eleven participants presented their works, which were dedicated to the upcoming multisports forum. Each master- hand was supposed to reflect the coming 2nd European Games in their products. The work was divided into two stages. The bakers were to present a classic loaf and panels of puff paste, and pastry chefs were to make sweet art compositions and gingerbread, which are going to be on sale in the city stores later. 19 years old Aleksandra Lisovets, one of the youngest participants of the competition, presented a panel depicting fox Lesik and a tree with 23 branches (according to the number of sports disciplines), decorated with Belarusian national symbols — ears


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of wheat and a cornflower. The loaf was decorated with the emblem of the 2 European Games, which was made with the use of a food printer. — I spent about a week on this. The most difficult thing was to make the tail and the head of Lesik because the dough was rolled out by hand. By

the way, the loaf turned out to be a bit dietary, as I added less sugar, — she admitted. The winner of various international competitions, a pastry chef with 20 years of experience Lyudmila Pashkovskaya presented her art composition. Her cake consisted of several levels, each containing representatives of various sports. Fox Lesik was on top. The weight of the whole structure is 20 kilograms. It took her six days to make the cake and gingerbread decorated with pictures of cornflowers and poppies. — While making it, I decided to add a few more athletic figures to Lesik since it is quite difficult to reveal the topic to the full with only one figure. I chose the representatives of rhythmic gymnastics, beach football, basketball, badminton and cycling. Why them? In my opinion, these are the most dynamic and aesthetic sports, — says Lyudmila. The young pastry chefs did not lag behind the real confectionery veterans. For example, a second-year student of the State Vocational and Techni-


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Culinary guide for foreigners

cal College of Bakery Diana Leonenko presented to the jury very deliciouslooking royal-iced gingerbread cakes with various drawings: — I made storks as a symbol of the country on some gingerbread cakes and placed Lesik and the emblem of the 2nd European Games on the others. All this is hundred-percent handmade. I am very glad that the jury liked my creations. All the presented products were evaluated according to the following criteria: originality of the idea, topic compliance, composition complexity, used equipment, taste, and the possibility of mass production. Editor-inChief of the “Baker and Confectioner” magazine and in addition a jury member Lyudmila Ovsyannikova noted that some of the products could be put on sale right now: — I think that we are going to meet the 2nd European Games well-prepared. The work of each master-hand emphasized the importance of a multisports forum for Belarus, and also reflected the national flavor. In my opinion, such products will be in demand not only with foreign tourists but also with the Belarusians. By Vadim Banny

In the online catalogue one can leave a review of each dish and see its rating, as well as ratings of restaurants, where you can taste this or that dish. A printed catalogue will also be released for the Games. The catalogue will be distributed at the National Airport, hotels in Minsk and spor ts venues. There is a QR code on the page of each dish, according to which the list of places, where one can taste it, opens up in the catalogue. Thus, more and more people around the world will be able to learn about the best gastronomic and other brands of Belarus. The project is planned to be integrated into the web-site of the 2nd European Games and the official mobile program. By Darya Lobazhevich

This is where Lesiks are born Now the seamstresses of the Malvina Firm in Kletsk have very interesting duties: they are producing thousands of images of the fox Lesik — the mascot of the EuroGames 2019. The skillful hands of seamstresses create the mischievous little fox in the form of soft toys, backpacks, key ring fobs, so that later they, having traveled all over the world, reminded of the big sports forum in Minsk.



he project Taste of Belarus for the EuroGames is a gastronomic guide. It is supplemented with a special mobile program in English, which will allow every tourist to quickly orientate themselves in the Belarusian cuisine and choose those dishes and food services that are worth tasting and visiting. The online and offline catalogue will combine 2500 dishes of national cuisine from 200 restaurants in Minsk. E xclusive proj e c t Taste of Belarus was wor­ ked out especially for the European Games. It will help foreign guests learn more about the culture of Belarus and its authentic cuisine. The main goal of the project is to really surprise and show the best dishes offered by Minsk’s establishments.

Seamstress Yuliya Korol

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ress tour polymia.BY


“We like the life rhythm in Belarus” It is difficult to surprise an experienced journalist, but the organizers of the press tour of Chinese media representatives, which took place in our country, made an effort to do it. For example, one day the guests danced a menuet, tried on knightly armor, ate pancakes with sauerkraut and got acquainted with future translators of Chinese. On that day the journey about Belarus with our foreign colleagues ran across the Grodno region. The first place in the sightseeing program was Mir Castle.


he historical and architectural gem has become one of the many points in the sightseeing program, thanks to which readers, listeners, viewers and followers of journalists from the Middle Kingdom will get acquainted with Belarus more closely. Many of the guests visited Belarus for the first time, but they had already managed to make some important discoveries for themselves. As, for example, Chief Editor of the Jiangsu Province Television and Radio Company Chen Zhibin: — I discovered your country thanks to my wife. She bought Belarusian beef in the usual Chinese store. The dishes from this beef turned out to be extremely tasty. For a long time I was sure that my spouse had mastered the new heights in culinary art, but, having arrived here, I understood that it was all about wonderful meat, its amazing quality. This is the background of getting acquainted with your country. Today I recognize it deeper. We’ve visited the industrial park “Great Stone” (we call it the pearl on the Silk Road). It was pleasant for me to see the similarity in architectural design with the same kind of park in our province. The case in point showed how close our people are: I met a friend (a teacher) in the linguistic university who had previously worked at a Chinese university. I also learned that more than a thousand students in Minsk are learning Chinese. This is wonderful


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because when there is no language barrier between Belarus and China, we will be able to reach a new level of cooperation and friendship. Ren Zi, the main correspondent of the international department of China Daily newspaper has visited our country for the third time. He says that he has visited 20 different countries, but Belarus is one of the most beloved ones: — Clean cities, friendly, hospitable people. Belarusians constantly emphasize the importance of friendship between Belarus and China wherever we go. We really like the life rhythm. It is not as crazy as in China. In addition to Mir Castle, the journalists visited the Yanka Kupala State University in Grodno, where about 200 people study Chinese at various levels of training, and last year they opened a department where future professional translators of Chinese study. They visited two processing enterprises, met with the chairman of the Grodno regional executive committee, Vladimir Kravtsov. Head of the main department of ideological work and youth affairs of the Grodno regional executive committee Alexander Versotsky said: — We wanted to show the objects that may be of interest to the Chinese as potential tourists. We hope that the information will spread throughout China thanks to the media that are represented by our Chinese partners, and will spark a keen interest to our region. By Katerina Charovskaya


iplomats get to know each other

Gold of the Great Stone The representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in our country, as well as the senior executives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in the presentation of the economic potential of the China — Belarus industrial park the Great Stone. premises of the Great Stone on July 2 as part of the Belt and Road initiative. In turn, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus Tsui Tsimin noted that the Great Stone is developing steadily thanks to the fruitful cooperation between the countries:— Today we can say that more and more investors from various countries come to the industrial park. I am sure that this visit will only contribute to this. It should be noted that now 43 companies are residents of the industrial park, and the number of at least 40 is expected by the end of the year. The most favorable conditions that exist in

Europe and Asia are created for them. For example, this is an exemption from income tax for 10 years, and later until 2062, the rate of this tax is reduced by half. In addition, there are a number of non-financial preferences, such as the “one station” operation, which allows foreign investors to go through all the necessary state procedures directly in the park in one place. Interestingly, a new center of innovation is being created to attract scientific and technical startups. The institution will be a four-storeyed building which can house modern laboratories. It will also provide support to young enterprises, both material and technical.



By the way, this visit was part of a series of events that familiarize foreign diplomats with various areas of life of the Belarusian state. Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei noted that this meeting is a good opportunity to demonstrate the potential of Belarus in the most innovative sectors: — Understanding the fierce competition for the investor in the world market, our country has created the most favorable investment climate for residents of the industrial park, guaranteed by both national legislation and special international agreements and commitments. Today, the Great Stone, which is not accidentally called the pearl of the Silk Road, demonstrates not only a vivid example of the success of fruitful cooperation between Belarus and China in implementing the Belt and Road initiative but also openness to the whole world, while steadily transforming from a China-Belarus project into an international one. According to the Minister, in the park there are residents not only from China and Belarus, but from the USA, Israel, Canada, and also European countries: — An important step in the development of the park will be an international forum, which will be held on the

Diplomats from different countries in the Great Stone park

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iterary connections Alisa Gungor


Friendly languages

Guests from China

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press of Beijing University of Foreign Languages is interested in creating educational materials in the Belarusian language and the Belarusian-Russian-Chinese dictionary


hinese delegation arrived in Minsk to discuss the literary cooperation during the XXIII International Specialized Exhibition “Mass Media in Belarus”. The meeting was held in the Narodnaya asveta publishing house The guests were welcomed by the director of the publishing house, as well as editor-in-chief Elena Litvinovich and deputy director of marketing and production Julia Dashkevich. The representatives of the Beijing publishing house, deputy director Ms. Fan, editor Ms. Wei, foreign affairs specialist and translator Mr. Ding, suggested a joint development of a concept


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peal to your authoritative publishing for the creation of teaching and learning houses such as Mastatskaya lіterature, materials for Chinese students studying Narodnaya asveta, Vysheyshaya the Belarusian language. “We are confident that today it is very relevant and highly sought after,” — Ms. Fan expressed her views. It should be noted, this is already the second meeting with colleagues from China to discuss such joint projects. The first took place at the XXV Beijing International Book Fair. It was held in the capital of the Celestial Empire last August. The Chinese side also expressed its interest in popularizing Belarusian classical and modern fiction. The representatives of the Beijing publishing “But here we have a problem house were particularly interested in the Belarusian folk fairy tale "How a chicken saved a rooster" with translation. Therefore, we ap-

L shkola, Adukatsyya і vykhavanne, Izdatelsky dom “Zvyazda”. We hope for assistance in the selection of high-quality Belarusian literature. We would like to publish and translate serious, worthy works,” — said Ms. Fan. The Chinese colleagues were shown educational editions of Narodnaya asveta, books by Nikolay Malyavko “Inheritance, or to not become Mankurt,” and Anatoly Titov “Roads of Francysk Skaryna” in Belarusian, Russian and English. The representatives of the Beijing publishing house were particularly interested in the Belarusian folk fairy tale “How a chicken saved a rooster”, illustrated by the young Belarusian artist Tatyana Zayats. The foreign delegation expressed the desire to have published a children’s book in Chinese by the opening of the XXVI Beijing International Book Fair. A round table on the subject “Belarus — China: Book publishing as a form of cultures dialogue” was held in the press center of the publishing house the next day after the meeting, as well as a press presentation of the series “The key concepts of Chinese thought and culture”, “Light signs: Chinese poetry “, “Lotus petals and chrysanthemums” and “Light hymn”. The publication of this literature was facilitated by an agreement on publishing literature in Belarusian and Chinese signed in

iterary connections

Modern series of Chinese dictionaries

2018 between the publishing house Mastatskaya literature and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in Beijing. At the meeting, the director of Mastatskaya Literature Alexander Badak noted that the joint project allows the peoples of the two countries to understand each other better. Chinese Deputy Director Fan Xiaohun clarified that a series of books on Chinese culture is planned to be published in 22 states in 24 languages, including Belarusian. “These books are the key to understanding modern China,” — she added. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in Beijing publishes books in 80 languages. The number of its foreign partners has exceeded 700. Over 5,000 publications are published co-operatively. It is the largest network covering one third of China.

FLTRP (international abbreviation of the publishing house — Auth.) publishes scientific and educational literature in the humanities, social and natural sciences, as well as popular and children’s literature. The format of publications is not only printed, but also digital and mobile. For example, an E‑pen gadget was created under its own brand — a new tool for teaching to read. You can read with it more than 2000 audiobooks released by FLTRP. In 2016, the publishing house was the only one of the 500 included in the list of “top 30 Chinese enterprises in the cultural sphere.” The motto of the FLTRP Cultural and Educational Foundation, as the Beijing publishing house can be called, is to depict the achievements of human civilization, to unite the cultures of the peoples of the world. Indeed, as Ms. Fan said, the prose is a dialogue of the people’s soul. By Alisa Gungor

The Presidium of the round table on the subject "Belarus-China: Book publishing as a form of cultures dialogue": (from left to right) Lyudmila Bykova, consultant of the publishing and printing department of the Ministry of Information; Alexander Badak, the director of Mastatskaya Literature publishing house; Fan Xiaohong, Deputy Director of FLTRP

беларусь. belarus 2019





Be aware of that!


The 23rd International Specialized Exhibition “Mass Media in Belarus” was held in Minsk

беларусь. belarus 2019



housands of different people, including us, journalists, representatives of about 500 print, audiovisual and electronic media, national and regional publications, including Internet resources, news agencies, cable TV operators and distributors, distributors of printed materials and publishing houses, visited the Printed Word Festival in May. This bright, loud festival, which presented the press of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Uzbekistan and China, as well as the Belarusian diasporas, united us all.

The successful development of professional journalism is one of the most important factors of information sovereignty of Belarus. Ethics, integrity and credibility of news, a clear civic stand are the features of quality and reliable print and electronic media, television projects that can face the challenges of modern times.

A little about personal

From the greeting of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to the participants and guests of the 23rd International Specialized Exhibition “Mass Media in Belarus”

Here’s another picture. The editors’ office of the newspaper “Khliborob”. We, several tenth-graders, who were good at writing compositions, came there to the meeting with a famous Ukrainian journalist and poet Yury Stadnichenko, who had come on some business from

Kharkiv. I don’t think he was the editorin-chief of the magazine “Berezil” at the time. Certainly, I showed him the paper with the poem. But he didn’t say anything about my poetic talent. Strange as it may seem, I already had a sneaky feeling that I shouldn’t write poems… I remember Stadnichenko holding a newspaper, thinking about something, and then quoting, as I later found out, Alisher Navoiy: yes, with words it is possible to prevent death, with words it is possible to revive the dead… And added: your way, girl, is to be a journalist. That’s how I, together with many of my colleagues, have been dealing with the printed word for a long time.

Not by mind alone… I will not discover America if I say that one becomes a journalists not only because of the gift in the effective use of words which we, humans, possess. And not only because of the ability to express our thoughts in words and imprint them on paper or other modern media. And in my opinion, what is more important is to bring it to life with the positive energy of the soul. As you know, journalism is a fact. But I’ll add: it’s a fact that’s filled with your personal attitude to it. I want to quote our Minister of Information, Alexander Karlyukevich. As he puts it,


A journalist knows how nice it is to open the latest issue of a newspaper or a magazine. You take it in your hands, you start flipping through it, and you feel the magic of the moment. It cannot be described exactly, because it’s a very personal feeling, a vanishing moment, followed by another. You flip through pages, smell printing ink and look for your text. The eye finds a familiar name, even under a small note, and you feel warm at heart. Even if we don’t think about the meaning of each sentence and phrase — it feels good. I suppose every one of my colleagues knows this feeling. And I will not forget it, the very first one… My internal sight shows a strip of our Volchansk regional newspaper “Khliborob” where in the left –hand column there is my poetic opus about spring buds which break in cherry trees… From a storeroom of my memory I also take out the name with a maiden surname: Valentina Cherkashina… I, a schoolgirl of about 14 years old, stop, breathe in, read and reread all the lines of an unpretentious poem and can’t pull away from the newspaper… And the present Valentina Zhdanovich, reminiscent of her school youth, evaluates the layout from her experience as an executive secretary: it’s good that the poem was in italics and there was a lot of air in the column…


Information Minister Alexander Karlyukevich and Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Vladimir Zhevnyak open the exhibition

беларусь. belarus 2019


ediasphere Belta


The Grand Prix in the nomination “The best creative project of the year of district, city, corporate and multi-circulation print media” was awarded to the staff of the

Special correspondent of the newspaper "Zviazda" Darya Lobazhevich

newspaper “Naviny Kamyanechyny” for the project “Kamyanechyna in old photos”.

BelTA photo correspondent Oksana Manchuk

Publishing house “Belarus Segodnya”: winners and laureates of the “Zolotaya Litera”

There are inviolable fundamental principles of the journalist profession. And this is an unconditional commitment to the facts, objectivity, impartiality, professionalism, strife for self-realization and creative search. But a journalist can’t be a journalist by mind alone. It is also necessary to realize our responsible mission… To honestly show the life of the society in all its diversity, not to conceal problems, we still need to focus more on promoting a positive agenda, not destroying, but creating


беларусь. belarus 2019


The importance of awards for journalists When “Zolotaya Litera” was awarded, one of the laureates, in his reply words, told a story about his trip to Japan and a visit to a sheep farmer. The farmer kept on telling him for a long time what he’d been awarded for. Only then, the winner confessed, did he realize how important it was to have your work noticed and appreciated. However, other laureates and winners said that they were very pleased that their work had been distinguished. Before announcing the Grand Prix winners, Alexander Karlyukevich congratulated the journalists on the

Press Day, which is celebrated in Belarus on May 5. The minister wished them inspiration and expressed confidence that all their good initiatives would be supported in the country. The Grand Prix in the nomination “The best creative project of the year of district, city, corporate and multi-circulation print media” was awarded to the staff of the newspaper “Naviny Kamyanechyny” for the project “Kamyanechyna in old photos”. The publishing house “Belarus Segodnya” was recognized as the winner in the nomination “The best creative project of the year of republican, regional print media, news agencies” for the project “ — quarter of a century of the Belarusian statehood”. Ekaterina Dubinskaya, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Vecherny Minsk” of the Agency “Minsk-Novosti”, received the special prize “For contribution to journalism”. Oksana Manchuk, photo correspondent of BelTA News Agency was named “The best photo correspondent of the republican, regional print media and news agencies”. There were other winners and laureates in different nominations. The publishing house “Zviazda” received two high awards — the newspaper won “The best social and economic materials nomination”, and a special correspondent, Darya Lobazhevich, won “The best reporter of republican, regional print media and news agencies” nomination. Also “Zviazda” with its permanent project “Country of health” became the winner in the category “The best materials on sports and healthy lifestyle”. In total 23 statuettes with diplomas were awarded to the winners, as well as 46 diplomas to the laureates.

Facts about the Mass Media Exhibition


he International Specialized Exhibition “Mass Media in Belarus” has been held annually since 1997 by the Ministry of Information with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Minsk City Executive Committee, the National Exhibition Centre

More than 500 years ago, on August 6, 1517, the first printed Belarusian book — “The Psalter”, published by Francysk Skaryna — appeared. On May 5, 1581, the first calendar of the Slavs “Chronology” was released in the printed form in the old Belarusian language. The first newspaper on the territory of modern Belarus appeared in 1776. It was a two-page weekly Gazeta Grodzienska, which was published in Grodno in Polish. The first circulation of the newspaper was 10 thousand copies, one half of which was printed in Cyrillic and the other in Latin. Press Day of Belarus is celebrated on May 5 according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus N156 of May 2, 1996 “On establishing the holiday — Press Day in the Republic of Belarus”.

беларусь. belarus 2019



there are inviolable fundamental principles of the journalist profession: “And this is an unconditional commitment to the facts, objectivity, impartiality, professionalism, strife for self-realization and creative search. But a journalist can’t be a journalist by mind alone. It is also necessary to realize our responsible mission… To honestly show the life of the society in all its diversity, not to conceal problems, we still need to focus more on promoting a positive agenda, not destroying, but creating”. It seems that was the approach with which the authoritative jury considered numerous applications for participation in “Zolotaya Litera” contest of printed media. Awards to the winners were handed over by its representatives in 23 nominations. Of course, I don’t know how all the award-winning journalists write. But I can’t help making a guess: they know the unvarnished truth — the word which is going from the heart penetrates the heart, and there is no magic stronger than the magic of words. My colleagues, I believe, also know that the word said at the right time can lead to unity — in the family, in the state, and just of two people who hardly know each other, and another, said thoughtlessly, can destroy someone’s life. And the fact that the written remains is undeniable truth, which is well known to us.


ediasphere Vladimir Michailov



Exhibition opening is a holiday for everybody

Vladimir Michailov

“75 Moments of War” — BelTA Exposition

The magazine “Беларусь.Belarus” aroused the interest


of visitors

Lesyk – a welcome guest of the exhibition


беларусь. belarus 2019

“Belexpo”, other government agencies, leading media and public organizations. ore than 50 exhibitors participated in the exhibition, which was held from May 2 to May 4. Print and electronic media were widely represented, as well as online publications, which began to be registered in our country in accordance with the innovation in the legislation from December 1, 2018. Visitors to the forum were offered a rich program of events, consisting of presentations of information and Internet projects, autographsessions, master classes. Media executives and journalists, representatives of the expert community discussed important issues of the media functioning, the role of mass media in the development of society and the state within the framework of the business program. A number of events were dedicated to the regional media, which reported on their participation in the socio-economic development of their regions. There was a presentation of sports editions. he main topics of the exhibition are the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, the 2nd European Games, modern Internet technologies, the revival of the small homeland. Among the peculiarities of the current forum is holding the first thematic PR Day on May 3, as well as a wide presentation of online media, among which there was the Internet edition, founded in cooperation with the Department of Journalism of BSU, the Ministry of Information and the Public Press Centre of the Press House. he Belarusian mass media presented at their stands the projects within the framework of the republican action “Belarus Remembers”. A large place in the exhibition program was given to the projects of BelTA, press services and communication agencies. In particular, the Belarusian News Agency presented at the forum unique shots of the 1941–1944 photo archive, showed partisan magazines. Among the shots there are aerial photography of burning




Minsk after the Luftwaffe raids on June 24–25, 1941, echelons of Soviet prisoners of war, German military machinery in the capital’s streets, the victorious plant of the flag over the Brest Fortress, joyful meeting of the liberators and removal of debris in the ruined capital on the current Independence Avenue. The exposition also includes a portrait of the legendary photojournalist Vladimir Lupeyko, who went through the war, as well as his works, which became the pride of the agency. The Belarusian News Agency also treated visitors to partisan porridge. It was so flavory and tasty that many people asked for the second helping. joint project of BelTA and the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War “Partisan Chronicles”, which was also presented at the exhibition. It gave a detailed description of the struggle and life of the Belarusian partisans during the Great Patriotic War. The basis of the project was a unique collection of handwritten partisan magazines, which today are often the only documentary sources of wartime events. elTA’s stand also presented the traditions of sovereign Belarus, as well as the multimedia project “Pages of Belarusian Sport”, dedicated to the upcoming 2nd European Games. By the way, visitors will be able to get the autograph of famous Belarusian athletes participating in the 2nd European Games, and to witness a new sports record. t the joint stand of the Confucius Class of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture and the Chinese Embassy to Belarus, visitors could take part in a traditional Chinese tea ceremony accompanied by guzheng, as well as get a master class in the martial arts of Tai Chi. The stand also presented about 40 Chinese publications and books. This is only a part of what was presented on the first day of the exhibition. n the eve of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, Belposhta held a promotion event “Send a message to





Everyone had an opportunity to try themselves as an announcer of sport events, which will become a part of the program of the 2nd European Games in Minsk. Inflammatory Cuban melodies were being played at the exhibition on May 4 during the presentation of the TV channel “Belarus 24”. A master class in Cuban salsa was also held there. The National Print Media Competition “Zolotaya Litera” was held for the 15th time. The founder of the competition is the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. his year more than 330 applications were received. Within the framework of the 23rd International Specialized Exhibition “Mass Media in Belarus” a high-profile award ceremony took place in the “Dipservice Hall”. Before announcing the Grand Prix winners, Alexander Karlyukevich congratulated the journalists on Press Day. The minister wished them inspiration and expressed confidence that all their good initiatives would be supported in the country. The main purpose of the competition is to provide all possible support to the development of print media in Belarus, to update relevant thematic areas of the print media’s activities for the implementation of the State information policy, to raise the professional and ideological level of the print media, and to encourage creative work of journalists and other creative professionals involved in the production of print media.

On the stand “Belarus Segodnya”


By Valentina Zhdanovich

Traditional Chinese tea ceremony Belta

the veteran of the Great Patriotic War” at the forum. Visitors to the exhibition had a chance to sign postcards and cards and to thank for peace in their native land those who brought the long-awaited victory. The messages with kind and warm wishes were delivered to veterans to any part of Belarus free of charge. The Press Centre of the Press House held a press conference on the topic: “Magazine. “Беларусь. Belarus” as a mirror of the life in the country and abroad”. Also, there was a presentation of the newspaper “Golas Radzimy” in connection with its publication in a new format. The event was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Belarus Ms. Sangeeta Bahadur, director and editor-in-chief of the publishing house “Zviazda” Pavel Sukhorukov, playwright, State Prize winner, Chairman of the Belarusian Union of Theatre Workers Aleksey Dudarev, People’s Artist of Belarus Olga Klebanovich, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Golas Radzimy” Ivan Zhdanovich, executive secretary of the magazine “Беларусь. Belarus” Valentina Zhdanovich (read more on page 42). he First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio held a ceremony of awarding the winners of the 8th Republican creative radio competition “Young Talents of Belarus” with the participation of creative teams and solo performers of Belteleradiocompany. “Belarus 5” invited its spectators to the exhibition from 11.00 to 12.30.

Vladimir Michailov

From the speech of the Minister of Information Alexander Karlyukevich

Different photos brightened the exhibition


Today the whole states on different continents are not only concerned about the power of fake news, hatred and brutality in media space, but are trying to fight this global evil at the legislative level. Being aware of its nature, we also understand that the truth cannot be defended and hatred cannot be stopped by prohibitions alone. In this situation the role of professional, authoritative media is becoming more important than ever. You can effectively confront this common for different countries and peoples problem


Vladimir Michailov


Not a day without a line

беларусь. belarus 2019



Our years are our wealth This year, Belarus magazine, which represents our country in the world, celebrated one of its anniversaries — 75 years since the date of its renewal in 1944. On this occasion, a press conference was held at the Press Center of the House of Press, to which friends of the edition were invited, as well as protagonists of recent publications.


et me remind the readers: since July 2018 our magazine has been part of the publishing house «Zviazda». Now it is published in three languages: Belarusian, English, Chinese. In the end, it is one of the 11 editions of the publishing house «Zviazda» as well as the newspaper «Golos Rodiny», which we also talked about during the presentation of the magazine. By the way, it was created in 1955 and under the roof of «Zviazda» it became an independent publication again. It is published in the A‑3 format on 8 pages twice a month, distributed in state organizations of Belarus, and also sent to activists of the Belarusian diaspora abroad, to Belarusian communities in more than 15 countries. «Golos Rodiny» is also focused on those

who feel a connection with their homeland, living abroad. Both of our publications are unique. What is the unique character of the magazine in? Pavel Sukhorukov, the directorchief editor of «Zviazda» publishing house, spoke about it when opening the presentation. After introducing the guests, he drew their attention to the fact that Belarus magazine was born twice: — The magazine was created in 1930. In 1933 it was closed due to various subjective and objective historical reasons. The magazine was not published for 11 years. The first issue of the updated Belarus

magazine was published in January 1944, when the territory was still occupied by the Nazis (for more details, see p. — Auth.). You can see a copy of this rare issue in the video projects, as well as on the table in a scanned form, in front of you, you can look it through. Then the floor was taken by the guests. The honor to be the first was given to the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of India to Belarus, Ms. Sangite Bahadur. Here is what she said: — I learned that there is such an excellent edition only this year. At first there was a frank conversation with your reporters during the interview, then work on the text. I am very glad that the interviews were presented so nicely and widely — not a single Belarusian edition wrote about us so much. I noticed how accurately everything I

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ISSN 2415-394X

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No. 10 (1021), 2018 Беларусь. Belarus

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ISSN 241

No. 7 (1018), 2018



ISSN 241

. Belarus





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. Belarus




ISSN 241



20), 201

No. 9 (10

. Belarus




ink of times

page 4



was talking about was conveyed. Thank you for the magazine. I will send PDFs to all my friends. They will know more about Belarus, as well as about your magazine both in India and in other countries. I am pleasantly surprised that the magazine is published in English. It’s well-known that this language is very common in India due to historical realities. Belarus can tell about itself in India just in English. Therefore, it would be advisable to distribute more magazines there. This way people in India can learn more about your country. You know, Perspectives magazine is issued in India, including in Russian. Thanks to it the information about India is spread all over the world, at least in the main UN languages. Thus, Belarusian embassies abroad will be able to additionally talk about their country there. I believe that it would be useful for 2), 2018

No. 11 (102



s belaru


for you


ISSN 2415

my. Politics. Econo




e for

Belarus magazine to be published in the main UN languages. Our embassy, like the Belarusian embassies abroad, could use the magazine to provide some additional information about your beautiful country. I propose to send the magazine to the Embassy of Belarus in Delhi, from where it can be distributed in the tourist centers of India. This may be interesting to those of our residents who do not know about Belarus and also to give additional information to those who apply for a Belarusian visa. The magazine could be given as a gift… We reminded those present that now “Беларусь. Belarus” is being published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. There was once a time when it was published in Belarusian and Russian in the 90s and in the early 2000s. Then later the magazine was published in Belarusian, English, German, Polish and Spanish. Financing of the project belongs to the Ministry of Information. But, let’s say, the magazine «Perspectives» is an edition of the Indian Foreign Ministry,

Magazine for you

ink of times

with a corresponding theme and form of presenting materials. I, Valentina Zhdanovich, the executive secretary of the magazine, noted that it was very important for us to carry on maintaining a trusting, warm, humanistic intonation in the presentation of the publication’s materials. Then Aleksey Dudarev, playwrighter, chairman of the Belarusian Union of Theater Workers, took the floor. He was glad that the magazine «Belarus» had survived in the whirlwinds of time. Although, for example, the magazine «Soviet Union», which was also published since 1930 in different languages, closed down with the collapse of the USSR — in 1991. — For me, — said Dudarev, — the word Belarus is a synonym to the Motherland. This is what we have inherited from our parents, what we save and 9

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No. 02 (10

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No. 12

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No. 01 (1024), 2019

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ISSN 241

Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X



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No. 04

rus сь. Bela





, 2019

clusion of his speech, Aleksey said: “I add my voice to the voices of those people who love Belarus, and to those who listen to its voice.” And we are proud that Aleksey Anufrevich always willingly responds to the proHappIN posal to become a guest of eSS the editorial board and to co d e S creatively participate in a particular project. One what we want of the last was the material to be inherited by our devoted to the Year of the Small Mothchildren, granderland, in which Dudarev, as always, chi ldren. Adappeared as an interesting interlocutor. dressing MadOlga Klebanovich, People’s Artist am Ambassador of Belarus, the leading master of the Sangite Bahadur, stage of the National Academic Theater the playwright named after Maxim Gorky, said: admitted that he had — My daughter lives in New York been to India, that it was a due to different life circumstances. She fabulous, great country, but “however, gets the magazine Belarus is in my heart. Like in the heart there and reads it. of any Belarusian, no matter which God Thus she knows we pray to.” Dudarev mentioned with more about Begratitude that Belarus magazie helped larus, where she him with his career: his first story was was born and published in Belarus magazine. This lived until she work is «The Holy Bird», which Aleksey was 12 years old. himself considers to be one of the best The magazine writes of his works in this genre. With a kind a lot about our theater — for that, I word, he mentioned Nikolay Rakitn, thank journalist Valentina Zhdanovich, who in the 70s headed the department PhD in Arts and the executive secreof literature in the editorial office. tary of the journal’s editorial board. In — Indeed, — he added, — I think the magazine there are materials about that “Беларусь. Belarus” magazine the majority of theater premieres in our should be published not in three but in Russian theater, about the leading ac33 languages for people to know more tors, directors and other employees of about us in the world. The pages of the the theater. I can say that she is a promagazine tell a story about who we are, fessional. From scraps of thoughts, as where we are from, what kind of people sometimes happens in interviews, she we are. And it is clear from the matemakes lyrics that sound like music. rials, how we perceive ourselves, what There are a lot of interesting people we say about ourselves and about our on the pages of your publication. The Motherland. mood of the publications is positive, Aleksey Dudarev welcomed the optimistic: there is, as they say, light at staff of the newspaper “Golos Rodiny”, the end of the tunnel. And the thing that thanks to which the voice of the Mothnot everyone knows about Belarus in erland has been heard in Belarusian in the world yet — well, everything comes the world for almost 65 years. In conwith time. I believe in it!

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сь. Bela


Politics . Econom y. Culture

94X N 2415-3


ISSN 241



. Culture Economy




беларусь. belarus 2019


Aleksey Dudarev responded to the last sentence of Klebanovich and remembered the scene from the movie «I am from childhood.» When a boy invites a wounded officer to go to dancing. He says: let’s go dancing, otherwise all the best girls will be taken. The officer replies: «Look at those who do not dance. Good girls usually stand aganst the wall»: — Yes, and our Belarus, — said the playwright, — does not bulge forward, because it is the best. Valentina Mozharovskaya, Head of the Cultural Presentations Service, spoke on behalf of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus, which we also write about: — I’m happy to b e toget her with you. I often go abroad and know how warmly Belarusians perceive everything connected with their Motherland. Now our ballet dancers are in China with ballet «Spartacus». There is a presentation of the country at the highest level. “Беларусь. Belarus” magazine also does a big, important thing. It presents our Belarus by means of a printed word. We are very grateful that there are many publications about our main theater in the magazine. Almost every issue has news from its life. In conclusion of her very inspired, emotional speech, Valentina read out a congratulatory address signed by Vladimir Gridyushko, General Director of the Bolshoi Theater, in which he wished the staff of the magazine creative success, inspiration, a fine pen, interesting themes and successful implementation of the plans and ideas. We are pleased that the theater understands the concept of our publication. I quote: «The special respect deserves the fact that while covering the most important political, economic and cultural events, you form a comprehensive, objective image of our republic not only for the people of Belarus, but also for

L readers from different countries of the world.» Ludmila Rublevskaya, a Belarusian writer and journalist, a longtime friend of our publication, as well as the heroine of one of the latest issues, spoke about this. —   T h e magazine has a really important mission: to represent our country in the world. This is in tune with my thoughts about the fact that presentation of culture should occupy an important place in this process. After all, our advertising card is our national culture. It is remarkable that the publication provides high-quality reproductions of works of art, and the materials themselves are well-grounded studies that are understood by both the ordinary reader and specialists. This approach is especially valuable in our time, when you have to deal with patters for news, especially cultural news. The standard of Belarus magazine is so high that it always maintains a topquality level of art history. It is also valuable that the magazine draws attention to literature. It is important to present a book of a writer in the world. Lyudmila also expressed hope for the magazine’s further attention to literature. That it will keep on promoting both writers and their works. Now the show-centric, visual culture is dominant. And the writer works only with the word — and not everyone is capable in today’s conditions of understanding and consuming such a cultural product. She mentioned a time when the magazine had good literary pages. What is we revive this tradition? To deal with professional literature. The stories could be translated into Russian in the magazine. Maybe now to return to this practice? And thus it will be possible from time to time to publish good Belarusian fiction in English, Chinese. Rublevskaya admitted that “Belarus” is a true friend of her family. When she, together with

her husband Viktor Shnip (Belarusian poet, editor-in-chief of Mastatskaya Literature Publishing House — Auth.) returned from Moscow, where they used to study at the Literary Institute, both had no cooperation experience with periodic media. She helped him keep a literary page. Vladislav Tsydik, a well-known public figure and photo-master, also came to congratulate the magazine. He was introduced by Ivan Zhdanovich: Vladislav was represented in «Golos Rodiny» not only as a famous statesman, but also as a photo professional. He expressed gratitude for the attention of the newspaper to his work and shared his thoughts about Belarus magazine: — When I used to work at the State Control Committee, I traveled a lot around the world. I saw the magazine in Belarusian embassies. I often read it in the 70s. My congratulations go to all those who make this publication. And as a former athlete, who had graduated from a gymnastics college in Grodno, and went in for high jumps, he advised to write more about sports, about our

ink of times

best athletes. And he is right: after all, sport is the Ambassador of Peace, and the best athletes are the pride of Belarus, an important component of its positive image. I informed him that in the next issue there would be many publications on sports topics. European Game–2019 are ahead. At the end of the meeting, which was held in a harmonious, very friendly atmosphere, Ivan Zhdanovich said a few more words about «Golos Rodiny», about how warmly fellow countrymen abroad perceive a newspaper from Belarus. He cited an example: “Sometimes the leaders of the Belarusian communities write to the editorial board of «Golos Rodiny», they report that they use a newspaper while making their exhibitions. And when the members of the community see it, they ask to borrow at least one issue. Sometimes they put a newspaper on their heart, smell it… With misty eyes… it is a materialized part of their Motherland abroad. As well as Belarus magazine. Let it live long.” By Valentina Zhdanovich. Photo by Alisa Gungor.

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istorical perspective

present and past The first issue of the magazine “Belarus” for the year 1944 is kept in the National Library of Belarus. To the 75th anniversary of the revival of the magazine “Беларусь. Belarus” the scans of all 48 pages of this historic issue were handed over by the mediation of the deputy director of the NLB Ales Susha.


We remind the reader that the magazine is distributed in different countries and is available on the Internet: the Belarusian-language edition is on the portal of the publishing house “Zviazda”, the English-language one is on https://issuu. com/belarus.mag Some important details from the history of the magazine, founded in 1930, should be clarified. By the way, its first editor (1930–1932) was the writer Mikhail Kamysh. And the details were written in the text “Rehabilitation of “Krasnaya Belarus”, which was published in the issue 1 (812) in January 2000, the issue was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the edition. We quote: “Then the magazine was not judged. In 1933 it was simply closed, under a pretext of lack of paper in the country. And in January 1944, it was published under the new name “Belarus” — with a new editor-in-chief Ilya Gursky and a new numbering. As if before the war, there was no magazine.” One can understand the “forgetfulness” of the founders of the restored edition in the following way: they did not want to rake up the past in

wartime, as they say. And the resumption of the magazine “Belarus” during the war was a matter of military and strategic importance, an ideological weapon in the fight against Hitler’s invaders. In this regard a valuable evidence under the eloquent title “How Belarus was revived” was left by Maksim Luzhanin (“Belarus”, No. 1, 2000). The writer describes how, in early 1943, he “waited for a new appointment in Moscow after the Stalingrad battle and had the opportunity to regain the joy of unity with his old friends”. Gathering was taking place mainly in the capital’s hotel “Moscow”, which had become a kind of “Belarusian center”. “Most often we talked to Kuźma Čorny, we were both from Slutsk, and Pyotr Glebka, my fellow students. Kondrat Krapiva and Mikhail Linkov were still in Moscow. Our evenings together were full of memories of the homeland, of contacts to it: what’s left there, what kind of life, what can be done. Our faith in the return was relentless, and there were many plans for the future. Panteleimon Ponomarenko was constantly enlivening the future of the republic. The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, the Chief of the Central Partisan Command Staff, he took great care of the development of culture, of its support, even of each of its founders separately. One day after the meeting with him my comrades

A two-page spread of the magazine


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came back, as it’s called, having received some posts: Ilya Gursky became the editor of the magazine “Belarus”, which was to start a new life: in 1933 the publication of the magazine “Krasnaya Belarus” was stopped. Glebka was instructed to start up publishing business and appointed editorin-chief of the publishing house “Belarus”. Further on Maxim Luzhanin remembers that in the time of war Gursky and Glebka used to live in a small room of the hotel “Anchor” near the Belorussky railway station. “It can be said that in that small room extended meetings of the editorial board of the restored “Belarus” were taking place. The format and regular cover were carefully chosen, and the illustrative material was selected. But the main thing is the content! Starting with the first issue the magazine was supposed to be interesting for the reader. Thus, the content of the issue changed several times to make it broader and more specific. I used to keep the first issue for a long time until a very keen bouquiniste saw it. I don’t remember if my lines got into that first issue, but I know for sure that Gursky, a hoarder, took everything that was written by me. To make the briefcase full, he said”. We are looking through the first issue of the magazine “Belarus” for the year 1944 — there are no lines by Maxim Luzhanin there. In general, the “two-monthly socio-political and literary magazine” with the motto — “Death to German invaders” on the front page, was published only in Russian. Even the poems of Petrus Brovka, Yakub Kolas, Pimen Panchenka, Pyotr Glebka, Maxim Tank, Philip Pestrak, Arkady Kuleshov, Kondrat Krapiva’s

H fable “Yanka and Karl”, which were published in the first issue, are in Russian translations. Only the title of the leading article is in Belarusian: “Good Day, Belarusian Land!” The time when it was written is clear from the following list: “The Belarusian cities of Gomel, Klimovichi, Krichev, Cherikov, Mstislavl, NovoBelitsa, Dobrush, Khotimsk, Rechitsa, Propoisk, Zhuravichi and others have already been liberated. The day of complete cleansing of our homeland from evil strangers is coming up”. It took a long time after the war to establish the connection between the magazines “Krasnaya Belarus” and “Belarus”. The first public act of “rehabilitation” of the “Krasnaya Belarus” was committed in 1982 by the efforts of the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Belarus” Alexander Shabalin, (he headed it for more than 30 years!) In the 9th issue in the publisher’s imprint, instead of the line “founded in 1944” there appeared a new line — “founded in 1930”. According to the materials and documents relating to the history of the magazine, it was in 1982 that the decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus (Belarus, 1982, No.9) on the start of the magazine’s publication was adoptedsince the first issue of the magazine “Krasnaya Belarus”, i. e. since January 1930. It was only when the magazine celebrated its 70th anniversary that its pre-war 79 issues were added to its total numbering. Let’s take a closer look: what was remarkable about the first issue of “Belarus” magazine in 1944. On the first page of the cover there is a portrait of Generalissimo Joseph Stalin in a semiprofile: he has a service cap and an army overcoat on. Below is the title of the issue. However, the letters Б and Ь were probably cut short while binding. Under the word “Belarus” there is a small strip of modest ornament, the number indicated by the Roman numeral И, a little lower — the year 1944 and a five-pointed star, also in some simple floral ornament. If the first topic of the issue is the liberation of the eastern regions of Belarus, the second one is dedicated to the 25th Anni-

versary of the BSSR. The anniversary was on January 1, 1944. The article under this headline was written by T. Gorbunov, the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b). It describes the prewar achievements of Belarus on the way of socialist construction, as well as the grief and destruction brought by the enemies. The mass partisan movement, which unfolded in Belarus, is approved of. There are the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union who come from this land, which is being liberated from the enemy by representatives of different peoples of the USSR. It reads about “the dawn of liberation that has already risen over the long-suffering Belarus”. And in the text “In the struggle for independence” written by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR N. Natalevich we find the following statement: “Belarus is occupied, but not subdued, it is living and fighting. Belarusians did not happen to be the “clay” from which Hitler’s potters were going to make “pots” for Aryan cannibals. On the contrary, Belarusians happened to be harder than granite, initiative and capable masters in the same clay, by the way, there is a lot of it in Belarus, masters of laying German robbers by hundreds of thousands”. It is stated that the partisan movement has become a formidable force for the German occupiers: “Hundreds of partisan units and brigades uniting more than 100 thousand partisans are now operating on the territory of Belarus”. The following figure is given: 73 newspapers are printed in the enemy’s rear, and leaflets are issued by each partisan unit. A long list of partisan activities is provided, which testifies to the broad scope of partisan warfare. The Deputy Chairman of the CPC BSSR N. Krupenya shares his impressions in the article about what he saw in the liberated territories of Belarus — Krychau, Khotima, Mstislavl, Klimovichi districts. And the protagonist of the story “Ostap” by Mikhas Lynkov in winter returns from the forest to his native village which has been burned down by the killing squads, in the fire of which his daughter-in-law and his two

istorical perspective

A fragment of the story about the Belarusian writer Zmitrok Biadula

One of the pictures in the first military issue of the magazine with the inscription "Greetigs to the dear Red Army!"

grandchildren burned alive. He keeps on thinking: “how to find the measure of holy human revenge”. And when on the same day enemies come to the village under the guise of fleeing Soviet prisoners of war, and ask for the way to the partisans, the old forester Ostap makes his choice and takes the “uninvited guests” to the impassable snowy and swampy forest. That’s where he dies, along with them. The story became widely known and has been studied in Belarusian schools since the post-war period. All the texts and photos in the first issue of the magazine “Belarus” are a call to fight against the enemy, a call to bring the Liberation Day of Belarus, Victory Day, closer by all means. By Ivan Zhdanovich

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ppropriate place

(from left to right) State Secretary of the Union State Rapota Grigory Alekseevich, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Belarus Peter Dettmar, Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Nikolaevich Karlyukevich at the 25th Minsk International Book Fair

The solemn ceremony of awarding the finalists and the winners of the Primary School Teacher Competition for the best lesson (extracurricular event) about the Union State. Special guest — Head of the Social Policy and Information Department of the Standing Committee of the Union State Margarita Levchenko

Warmly welcome Presentations and conferences, briefings and press tours, as well as other press events of various levels and status — this all is organized at one of the best media platforms in Belarus — the Press Center of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Press House”


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One of the significant advantages of the Press Center of the Press House over similars halls is that we have 2 additional spaces, which we also use for Svetlana Kuteyko


t should be noted that today the Press Center of the Press House is a team of professionals that hold press events of various levels and status. Being well-organized, they give the opportunity to media representatives to talk promptly about significant events in the country, and therefore the Press Center of the Press House is in the top popular and sought-after sites. Deputies, representatives of ministries and departments, and security agencies also need such a platform. Diplomats, scholars, and of course, popular media characters visit the Press Center. Anna Petkevich, head of the press conferences and events department, is speaking about the opportunities the Center provides:

Anna Petkevich

events. Namely, an assembly hall for 150 people, which is very much in demand with various departments for holding sittings and panel sessions. And there is also a spacious “stone” hall in the building of the Press House. Here since recently we have been holding various exhibitions and expositions. For example, quite recently we have presented the works of Oleg Karpovich, an artist and a journalist, and also have arranged an opening day for women artists of the Public Association “Belarusian Union of Artists”. It is quite logical to make a press presentation of the upcoming pictorial project and to organize a small opening day on its eve. It will be clear to journalists what exactly this all is about. The hall can also be used to demonstrate industrial displays.

ppropriate place Photos are provided by the Press Centre


Press conference on the subject: “The current state of the military education system in the Republic of Belarus”

I will say without false modesty that today our Press Center is in the top 3 of the most high-status and sought-after sites in Belarus. We offer press conferences, briefings, round tables, press presentations, seminars and many other press events. We fully provide preparation, realization and, of course, further monitoring of the published materials. By the way, the Press Center has up-todate equipment: a sound reinforcement system, a multimedia projector, a screen, computer equipment, microphones. Of course, for the convenience of fellow journalists, as well as all of our partners, there is Wi-Fi in the Press Center. There are certain specific features in our work. By organizing, for example, a press conference, which, as we know, is

First Deputy Information Minister Pavel Nikolayevich Lyogky during a press scru at the RUE "Press House"

held with the invitation of representatives of the media, we try to take into account the seemingly insignificant details of the timing of the meeting. We remember that it is best to hold a press conference in the middle of the week, because Monday is the so-called editorial day in the media and there will be no desired participation of journalists, and Friday is a day that has its own specifics: this is the end of the working week and the beginning of the weekend. It is also a day of cultural programs, and it can also affect their presence at the event. And since journalists often work late, we schedule press conferences in the interval from 11:00 to 15:00, as the delivery of written materials to editorial offices begins at 16:00.

Not all events take place in the Press House. A separate and quite self-sufficient niche is occupied by mobile offsite press events. Sometimes it is not advisable to invite to the Press Center, for example, representatives of some large industrial holding to tell them about their own enterprise. It is more logical to gather a group of journalists and send them to this enterprise so that they could see everything with their own eyes. We do it with pleasure. At present, we are preparing a meeting of the Expert Council on the awards of the Union State in the field of literature and art for 2019–2020 with the participation of the creative elite of Belarus and Russia. The event will be taking place in early June. By Inga Valentinova

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cientific approach

One hundred years is not the limit The scientists of the National Academy of Sciences came to this conclusion when studying the genetics of 170 long-livers.


Many scientists of the world are convinced that the human body has the ability to live longer than a hundred years. Another thing is how many of us really took advantage of it. More than two hundred years ago, German doctor Guzeland published a treatise “On the art of life extension”, where he summarized his research. He claimed that among the many factors associated with a long life, an important place is given to a moderate diet made up of lots of vegetables, little meat and sweet pastries. In his opinion, the list of secrets of longevity includes mobility, good sleep, clean air, as well as many other factors, including genetic predisposition. Do scientists from the NAS agree with him? Our correspondent found out the answer.

Four hundred over one hundred The fact that there is longevity in our country is an indisputable fact. Statistics say that almost 400 people among us are over a hundred years old. Almost 90 percent of them are women. Probably, this is a worldwide trend. At least, today the title of the chief long-liver of the world belongs to a woman. Japanese Kane Tanaka is more than 116 years. But


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the title of the oldest man on the planet is still vacant. The resident of our country Mariya Kononovich gained worldwide fame thanks to her longevity secret “To be kind to others, to love everyone and not to have enemies.” She is almost the same age as the Japanese woman. She will turn 115 in May this year. The longevity phenomenon in our country was the subject of serious research last year. The studies were carried out within the project “Genetic features of long-lived people of Belarus” by the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences and the Department of Gerontology of Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education under the guidance of Academician Aleksandr Kilchevsky, Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences. Elena Mikhalenko, the leading researcher at the Laboratory of Environmental Genetics and Biotechnology of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences, says that they have managed to advance. — We’ve created the base of DNA of our long-livers (people over 90 years old). There are 170 of them. By the way, we’ve collected not only genetic but also biochemical data. We’ve examined the blood composition (the level of glucose, choles-

terol, etc.), the hormonal status of these people (the levels of the hormones estrogen, androgen, as well as adrenal hormones). More than 300 people who are from 75 to 90 years old have been examined. We are going to gather material for a younger category of citizens this year in order to get a complete picture of the citizens of the country by age. We think there will be about 500 people aged from 20 to 50. We’ll be conducting a comparative analysis of all age categories in 2020.

Genetics is not everything However, there is the first data for reflection. Elena Mikhalenko explains: — If we are talking about senile dementia, it turns out that only two longlivers of those whom we have examined suffer from this problem. The majority are in bright mind and solid memory. By the way, today we can say that their children will inherit the same feature. How useful is it? You can see from our sample. The most important thing in receiving such information is that we can make our own choice. For example, take all measures to prevent a particular problem by having a certain lifestyle. By the way, those who rely only on genetics in terms of longevity are going to

be disappointed. Scientists are convinced that it is possible to live for one hundred years or more depending on many factors, including physical, psychological, and social well-being. The President of the World Community of Longevity Roberto Peely is convinced that genetics is only one fourth of success: — The remaining 75 percent, like bricks, is made up of interaction with the environment, lifestyle, nutrition, and cultural development. Did Belarusian long-livers know about this? Perhaps not. Anyway, it is clear that they followed many of these principles. For example, they ate the food of their region, since the majority of long-livers are villagers. Elena Mikhalenko says that in matters of nutrition, the Mediterranean diet, which is good for the Italians, will not suit us. Why? This is determined by history. This means that metabolism and the needs of the organism can be different, the scientist says: — Even if you look at how many people have lactose intolerance. In our country, this is only 9–13 percent, while the American Indians have 99 percent. Why? They simply didn’t have cows and therefore they didn’t have anything to do with milk. But the Dutch, the Swiss have only 1 percent of the population with such a problem. And this is also explainable. The cow has been a source of life for a long time in these regions.

Change “bad” cholesterol to “good” You can live with diseases after 75 and after 90. The question is about the quality of such a life. How active can you be with a heart attack or a stomach ache? An active lifestyle is one of the important components of longevity. By the way, according to the results of research, 80 percent of Belarusian long-livers are active to this day. Someone works in the garden, someone does housework, and someone takes an active part in all family events. Is it possible to call the life of our old-timers stressless? This is unlikely be-

cientific approach


Elena Mikhalenko

cause many of them have gone through hunger and war. This is why the older age group of research is of particular interest to scientists. Another thing is that each has their own stress tolerance level. Maybe it helped the Belarusians to live so long. After all, stress is dangerous because it can provoke a “breakdown” in the body, causing the development of certain diseases. By the way, after analyzing the incidence rate of diabetes mellitus in the senior and average age groups of a research, the scientists made a simple conclusion: people do not die because of bad genetics, but of their chronic diseases (20 patients in the age group from 75 to 90 have this disease, only 4 percent in the senior age group). The disease is a consequence of poor lifestyle and genetic predisposition. 75 years is not much. According to the new classification proposed by the UN, the age of maturity is moved from 50 to 70. Moreover, there are studies that say that by 2050 more than 60 percent of the world’s population will be people over 60 years old. Therefore, now the main task of genetics is to help people not only prolong life but to advise how to prolong

the period of active longevity so that a person can enjoy life as long as possible. In the long run, this is the idea of the Belarusian project. Elena Mikhalenko says that for now it is the period of basic research. They need to collect materials, to conduct their comparative characteristics. Only then can they transform the research results into the practical plane. How? For example to give advice to people on genetically-based proper nutrition. — For example, in the course of the study, we’ve found out that the level of “bad” cholesterol is associated with certain genotypes,” explains Elena Mikhalenko. — Probably, we need to say to certain people: do not eat a lot of fatty food in order not to have problems with cholesterol with age. We should involve doctors in our work in the future. Yes, there are diseases where compliance with certain conditions is a matter of life and death. For example, diabetes. However, they remember about gastritis only when it hurts. We’ve already begun to live longer. According to statistics, our longevity has grown on average by 4 years from 2010 to 2016. And how to live is our choice. By Vera Arteaga

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They met, laughed, and cried… Ivan Zhdanovich

Valentina Erenkova, a theater director whose name is associated with search, an experiment, a flashy theatrical form, celebrated her anniversary with the performances staged by her in previous years. The project lasted for a week on the stage of the Maxim Gorky National Academic Drama Theater. It ended with the premiere of the play “Bachelorette Party” (“Devichnik”) based on a play by Laura Cunningham.

Scene from the play


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Bachelorette party is not an intellectual meeting The premiere at the Russian theater (as we used to call it) was successful. And success can already be predicted, one can even say: a performance, like a good harlequin novel, is doomed to success. Why? Everything is simple. The theater staged a very funny, very feminine play by a popular American playwright, writer, journalist. Her works are read on the Internet and distributed by millions of copies in the United States and in many countries around the world. The play under the original title “Beautiful Bodies” was first published as a book and caused a stir. Its characters, still young enough American women, speak about their problems in a language that every woman can understand, regardless of her nationality or social status. By the way, the book “Beautiful Bodies” instantly became a bestseller, first in the US, then in Europe. Now the play has been staged by the Russian theater. As it is typical of Valentina Erenkova’s style, there is a lot of good music and songs in the performance. Her cooperation with the composer Aleksey Erenkov is long-lasting. They are also spouses, and find a common language. In “Bachelorette Party” they succeeded in everything. Music and songs sound quite organic in the play: they do not only frame the characters into a beautiful picture, but also highlight some of their qualities and attitudes to life. Each of the six female characters was given no easy life by the author. Is it true to life? Much more. And each life is well presented on the stage — either with tears, or with humor. Everything happens in a very nice interior of a city apartment. This is a merit of stage designer Alla Sorokina, who reflected the aesthetics of a modern apartment for a young single journalist who does not give much importance to comfort and coziness. The rhythm of her life is so that she has no time to do it: things, books and other interior objects are not in their places. But everything looks stylish.

The act place looks extensive. Scenography by Alla Sorokina.

In the story, six former good friends connected by their previous college years, six young, beautiful, unmarried women who have managed to maintain their relationship, are going to a party to celebrate the pregnancy of one of them and give her gifts long before the child’s birth. Americans have such an old tradition. So, six friends get together! Initially, the party was planned as a lovely ladies sit-round gathering: light alcohol, snacks, as well as memories of youth, congratulations, chatter — a little bit of everything… The ladies will appear on the stage in all their guises: gullible, extremely frank and not immediately revealed. Do not expect from them intellectual conversations, philosophizing about the meaning of life. Well, do they talk about it at a bachelorette party?.. Everything will happen as it happens in such situations: friends discuss clothes, hairstyles, exchange courtesies, make fun of each other, look at old photos, drink wine, and, of course, debate. And they talk tirelessly about men whom all the problems ultimately boil down to. But the original lightweight tonality of the play is gradually replaced by a serious one. I saw some ladies wiping a tear in the hall. The director, following the author, honestly reveals the essence of female friendship. Some of the friends are closer to each other, someone is tolerated out of habit, no way

to escape from an old friend… This role was played by Ekaterina Shatrova. Her Martha, a kind of mentoring lady, who, whatever she does, sees in everything herself as a successful lady. She believes that she should have the last word: after all, she is superior to the others, because she is smart, generous, secured. She managed to achieve the goals she had set for herself. By American standards, she has a penthouse in the best district of the city, a rich suiter. Marta has everything according to her plan — first her career, then marriage, a marriage contract and the child in the long run. Martha is also full of desire to do good to everyone around, to give the best gifts, the best advice to those who are less successful. And how difficult it is for freedomloving Claire (Olga Zdyarskaya), who is expecting a child, to put up with Martha, who has a different approach to life. She is like a bright fluttering butterfly. She says, this is my life, and I do not want a dull and monotonous existence. There is a conflict of two life positions in the play. And between them there are others… It is Martha who is put up with. And when they discover that behind this showing-off there is a deeply hidden personal misfortune, they forgive her specific character, as well as all her grunge attitude. Martha is unhappy in her own way, so they fall silent after discovering in the end that she, like everyone else, беларусь. belarus 2019


remiere Anastasiya Torochenko


The heroines are different, but this is why they are so attractive


беларусь. belarus 2019

has her own reason for personal pain, which reconciles all of them with her and with each other. The struggle with unsuccessful intimate experience, infidelity of the husband, cancer, mother’s illness — everything is recognizable, just like in real life. And this all is around us. One has only to distract from the play, in life you will see similar plots. Jesse Veronica Plyashkevich is the hostess of the evening, a successful journalist. Ten years of boring marriage are behind her, a boring husband… She is fed up with hurt, understanding what he or she is to blame for… Endless considering others is the main cause of divorce and failure in marriage and other relationships that become serious — that is what she came to. Before meeting her friends, she experienced the first exciting romantic adventure in a long time… The closer Marta, Jessie, Sue Carol (Elena Statsenko), Nina (Alexandra Komisarova), Claire (Olga Zdyarskaya), Lisbet (Inna Savenkova) become, sharing their challenges, the more their will to live is exposed. We can assume that this winter evening will be fateful for the female characters in their attitude to the past: it has already been lived through, and what will happen tomorrow is unknown. Therefore, Martha refuses to have an important dinner, Nina stops thinking about her diet, Sue believes in herself… Of course, we don’t know what is in store for the friends in the future, whether they have enough strength to deal with life. But I want to believe that they will succeed. Nina comes to Jesse first. She is the owner of a beauty salon, and her passion is food and sex. She is constantly struggling with it and limiting herself in it. Currently, she is caring for a dying mother. Sue Carol is an actress from a small town, she is married to a man who is unfaithful to her, in other words, he is a womanizer, her joy and curse. Therefore, Sue lives with the desire to divorce him. She is unable to put up with his adventures, and at the same time, she is not

able to leave him, because she draws energy from these “difficult” relationships, revels in this situation. Statsenko plays it very well: a sort of theater in the theater. Her Sue is an actress whose career is going through hard times. Sue is going to play middle-aged character roles but even they are in the long run.. Due to the medical malpractice, she cannot become a mother. She says that Bob hurt her in any possible way. He is good at it, he will give anyone a head start. In this category, he is the best… It turns out that he is really like this for her. Lisbet is a former model, with her own oddities, dreaming of a flat with fixed rent, she went through a romance with a married man, who, of course, did not divorce because of sense of duty to his unhappy wife and a beloved dog. By the way, this is the most incomprehensible image for me. Looks like it was the idea of the playwright. This strange fate is performed by Savenkova, Lithbeth immersed in illusion. However, each of the characters has illusions, more or less. But you can find the highlight in the nature of each. As for me — they are all good. Claire by Zdyarskaya is light, as if she does not touch the ground, she sparkles in the role, she is very plastic and charming. She will be ok thanks to a positive attitude to life. Nina by Komisarova is canny and understands well what she is doing. Internal tension of her thoughts is felt in the dialogues with narrow-minded Jesse by Plyashkevich. Martha by Shatrova is not in harmony with herself, although she holds herself out in a different way.. Extremely accurate is Sue by Statsenko. By the way, the psychological depth of her many works on the stage of the Russian Theater is obvious. Statsenko owns the gift to reflect the inner life of her characters. The same can be said about Plyashkevich, whose inner unrest is so obvious in the opening scenes of the play. And in the final she is calm and well-balanced. Our characters are dressed very trendy! Multi-layered clothing with fabrics of different textures, elegant “silk” restraint or “cotton” simplicity reflect


Anastasiya Torochenko


Rock musicians are a good idea of the director

their characters. I would like to admit that Tatyana Lisavenko is a talented costume designer. As a rule, Lisavenko possesses taste, style, she creates a harmonious combination of colors and shades. She also created appropriate costumes for the musicians of the rock band “TTT”, rehearsing on the second floor of the house. By the way, there are no men in the play of Laura Cunningham. Musicians are the invention of Erenkova. And it is quite successful. In this way the dominant and decisive role of men in the fate of six friends is depicted. This is what Sergey Chekeres, honored artist of Belarus, Vladimir Glotov, Sergey Zhbankov, Pavel Evtushenko, Andrey Senkin are doing while rehearsing the upcoming concert. From time to time, the six women wonder who is there at the top. As I have already said, the new performance was successful, it completed the anniversary show of the works of Valentina Erenkova. I also visited the main run. Of course, if you are unpretentious about the way it should have been done, and what the characters of this lyrical comedy should have been like, you can only win by plunging into the premiere positive atmosphere. Surely, small roughness will smooth out with time. “Bachelorette party” will occupy its niche in the repertoire of the theater, as one

of the performances of Valentina Erenkova that tells about how the beautiful part of humanity lives, how it fights with its nature. By the way, in the songs that are sung by the friends, reveals the best, sublime part of the nature of each.

Directing is my element Let me remind readers that Valentina Erenkova has been working in the Russian Theater for almost 25 years now. And already does not have to prove anybody that female directing has the right

беларусь. belarus 2019



remiere tion, I have staged performances for so long that sometimes it seems all my life I have been doing just that. I like it. Valentina Erenkova staged dozens of performances on different stages of Belarus and abroad, became an experienced and respected director, whose name is associated with search and experiment. Valentina is not frozen in her professionalism; she is still interested in manifesting in various directorial genres. She believes that the process of comprehension of the new keeps the director not only in good creative tone but is also enriching. Therefore, I cannot but recall the wonderful, deeply psychological play by Erenkova “Esther” by Lyudmila Ulitskaya. It was on for a long time, as one of the popular ones. I have seen this piercing performance three times. There are no dances or songs. Again, I can’t forget one of Valentina’s first experiences as a production director — “The Striped Cat’s Love Story and Swallow Senorita” by Jorge Amado. This play was the legend of the early 80s, and then the whole city spoke about it for a long time. By the way, the performance entered the history of the Belarusian theater as an extraordinary event in the theatrical world. It was played on the steps of a large marble tyuzovskaya staircase, which served as a “small stage”, and the hall for 50 people was arranged right in the theater lobby. Darya andreeva

to exist together with the male one, or in some way it may even be better. Valentina Erenkova continues to develop in her profession. She says that her life is both a play and a constant development without which everything is meaningless. Even if you cook in the kitchen, all the time you want to add something special to the dish. And there is a performance, a huge virtual world… That’s why I don’t want to prove to anyone that I do something better than my male colleagues. I just do what I like. I had a play “Dad-dad, poor dad, you can’t get out of the closet, you’re hung by our mom between a dress and pajamas… ” In this play I expressed my thoughts about how we, women, should treat men. Therefore, in the “Bachelorette Party,” they are also present. I am deeply convinced that in any profession you do not need to win over men, to prove that you know how to do something better. He is a man, like a rock, against which a wave breaks, going towards the shore. A man is always ahead, because by nature he is a protector, and nature cannot be fooled. Therefore, it is wiser to retreat and give a man a chance to be ahead. In general, over the years, I realized that opinions about the non-female profession of a director are characteristic of men with low self esteem. Therefore, now I prefer to ignore such comments and continue to fulfill myself my profession. In addi-

A scene from the play "Pesnyar" by Valentina Erenkova


беларусь. belarus 2019

I remember well the excitement around the production and how difficult it was to hold back the crowd of theater-goers who tried to storm the entrance to the lobby of the theater, where there were up to a hundred spectators. It was a wonderful play about love. Both directing and acting were wonderful. “Pesnyar” by Erenkova has been performed on the stage of the Russian Theater for the fourth year. It is based on a play by the young Belarusian playwright Vasily Dranko-Mayisuk. This is a story about a contemporary, outstanding musician, people’s artist of the USSR, founder and permanent leader of the legendary ensemble “Pesnyary”. It does not leave anyone indifferent. The songs from the repertoire of the ensemble “Pesnyary” are performed in the play by the troupe of the theater. By the way, in 2015, “Pesnyar” was awarded a special award of the President of Belarus to cultural workers and artists. Most recently, in the Gomel City Youth Theater, Erenkova staged the performance “Strange Mrs. Savage” based on the play by John Patrick, which is part of the golden fund of drama. Were you satisfied with the work of the actors? — Oh yes, in the Youth Theater there is an amazing creative discipline, and I appreciate it. It was comfortable to work here. It’s obvious that directing is really the element of Valentina Erenkova. Here is what she told me about that: — I am so comfortable in this profession, it is so difficult and so easy at the same time that I can say: directing gives me life, gives me a feeling of eternal youth, I sincerely live in it. In my profession, I am always on the move, in search, I am constantly energetic, my intellect is in daily training, I always try to create something and give it to others. There is a constant energy exchange with people. I really like to comprehend new things in directing, to learn something, to discover. It is such an amazing time now! So much information! I like this rapid flow of life. By Valentina Zhdanovich

On the way to the top of Mont Blanc, where the torch "Flame of Peace" was lit


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