Belarus (magazine #05 2020)

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Magazine for you

No. 5 (1040), 2020 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

Thank you for the Victory!

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read 1

Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы

Голас Радзімы пятніца, 15 мая, 2020

Выдаецца з красаВіка 1955 года l

l № 09 (3621) l

l пятніца, 15 мая, 2020

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце ў інтэРнэце на паРтале

Гол 1 Жыцы цё праяўляецца ў дзеяннях ас Рад Па м і мя з зім ць д іВ а еч ы Р н Жменька тугі на льняным палатне

Мы зберагаем свяшчэнную памяць Стар. 3

20 20 а, вік са ра 4к ,1 ак р то аў

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Еўп ата ры

І я ер зе ас аг к ія. ённ зм вы іх п яд ь ч ­м ь ­ш а л ік аіхп тап пика ttкpт m бы ас­ зе­ ­н у пр рнін л сіс ­на­ва ­ па ­ны о­гл ­ван о­зе ыя лік з с юць ымі і сва не гл увес ас, а а на ёелж тным яс н сю к ім тоh арro ро л а­са ­ме ­ла­р о­г я­ ­во­д ы ­ са ён­ня ­на­ н ­ хра­м ыў­в ­хра­м ­нік­м і­ Іга а­ так вір , на ўзаЛйе ым­ныеўх ь­шую ),а ну яма тр5 ры іk ік ­ еж о н у­я т­ э­м н­не ­ва­га ­ аба яд,­ ­ня”­ .­ У ­ к ас­ны ­ві­ку жн­ ы у­сі,­пі.­ П 75­го зіц­ц х­ гія рабу бурн етк іколі ы ж ол н ы д . ­ ­м ых ца лінія лёсУ ал ­а ч аМГРоавха-б М ­свя­ш­ мы е­смя е­ — б­раз­ а­Фё інс­ аёа м­сік н ’я 0 ы ­mі м і т ніц обыў­ гзн тас кім­жы­род ­ ўс ­ да­ в­ яз­к у­лю ча­ ­ і­ а­ра­н я­ э ­ пра я­ тэ ад­к ра­хо д­дзя а­ сп сам сацс ў, н ірус ь вак і м аем , ез а­л ўн­сыя аі­. п (А а хм аойл .2в0 ynяaг ра чэ ­ п ­рот ­ гэ на ­да я р ін­с т ­д ­р а ­б ё ­х л с о ць кал Пом вуч мяа­тіх цН э­р слі­енде­ры­ пнаура­жыпсрты­ку­ е(“лВьш3.1о2тахs/vыoжыамопны. 3 ру лле, раха В вуц ольк ўваж юць а як ны­н ­ві­ру а­пы­ о­дзя ы­то­р ю­ча зі­ла ­ ім у­чы­пкай­в н­най ры­м ­на­га ­та­ “ ,­што р­ ,­ с ы­ве у,­сям й­ іе та­рэ ­ва­ ўв ой­ о, у ла тэ На­ш ум ш,­ ’і й ву ж 1 ч le п а т ваар я ко х ст коп…і жы ы. Т е за веда і, пр Хт ўся! пар ыянзін­сатдыдоа­пцііе.­ г дзібе­ц, ­вьу,­ко ў­у ­ён ол об­л ­зя а­ем ­ во шта ­ на ­ пла е­ма с­уно ак­ц ць­ у ыі.­ ­юц­ ­ Па ­лен па ,­гр ­рар­х ­шых а­ я я­чц ­вы т ­кБр., ы/aц­цrtіcыноеркаблСізт ла а­м к­п ас м­л ­ к й­с б­ с е:­ ­на ­юц ­сіц ыі. ж А­ ды кс­ты ы­ч к, ны ра дам утр аго н ўсе кцы лі — І в . бая , у тор а“­впу т­туу цКі­ ю а з С ыy сп ­ва ь­т ь ­ ­на ­мяц а­ма іч­н ,­ а­п ­ці,­і ёй­з ап­с ка.­ шл Ак­ц і”. інс е і чу ца. скіх …”­з .­Пер ы­та­ч ва 70­х нека валі сткы. ус­таамм,­азірраа­вапрйа­ кау ­мі­ sдb.bм­сl)к. Гя­а Мі). ➔ у рав­ ­ла сц ь,­ д­с ай ь ­ка Пр о­ аб ў­ аў­н ­гэ ­р у­л мік ьяр і ўн су т па П М ф а л а э ы Ін і к ­ ім ы р ­ ь р ў к с ­ ­ с ­ т ро а ­ ­р о я­д … пра тва я ы а і­ я­ец ­ты а­ё­н ы­ ку ­на ­пад ­шы ы,­п цы адзе цоў ў ­сле тэ­гро і­ка­л сю вір м н тДанў л­ інн ­ор­т hаtm міл ват а ча гры ыя інтоль ёміц ­ З ­ца ,­ шч ап­ а ­хо­д ­ру­х .­ А й­ма эк­ты ў­да,­ ад яшчэ ­ Бр і.­ У ў­ Б ня­м ­ца ­не­ў аў­ а­дка­в ­ра­д ай­ рэш ­ві­ ск ­рор­т ­вук­М­за­га ­—­“ эў­н гр дпра мі” юць поты аць. хад­пзіраоўав­вау­к а­ло(б ь на ры д ірус русн не азна і”. ­но мі­ біб ы­не к­цы зяць а­ец­ц д­нак ­са­ва ­вы,­ 92 эс­цк ся­го рэсц і­ўр ос . І рана ­ ­ты ла у­27­к а­Еў­п і­ка ­лоў­к Да­б а,­па па усіка ажа ме, і леч ры” рац ­фвеу­сцыо­­ва­д­гіі­ ды ан­ня зе:­ ­вы ­ га с­ці, па а в таві эўна ць п ацы а шы ко ­лі­я­т ­—­у і­ пр ­вес а. ,­ а­ а . В с” “Ккрымскім п а ло ­мі­ , 2004-м ме 9­ ме ай­ в ,­ па ­кай­ а­чыс а­слчалавек ­ло ­ ­ ф ­мі­ “П ­рус­ка ра­са а­то­р ­лай­Дам­“Д аць­к ­мя­та тр дзар фор цэсУ З арганізацыяй д ца ру у р Пр а ро нап мас сіту эду рас ыіх“нбы тот, у р амсто ца ж­ны э­кі­ ім ­бу­д ай­ш т­кі:­а ў­ а­ля й­р ­ві­к” ыя ­ю ед і­зі­ ніц с­цаў с­цаў об­л ­ве­да крэ­п ­та­п о он наві ня: упе зе а ­ ы нт пра­ пзрвы­ ў,­в м­р до —­ Па гкай пра прац Па­ о а раіс яць е: н вай­н,­у­ пр рпес агчы сці з ,­р ры ок­т ў.­Н ць р а ­ц чай­ горадзе суполкі д н а ыа ўц мяць­ і с Еўпаторыя ытма­ над­ к­т ­чгэ­ шч ­тва ­ гі­б ­ во ас­ці­ мл­ яе ас­ц рай­ о­ін а­ё я­А ын­ку ў­ на б­лас 5‑г ік дз й м а­т е е­ла­дчыд­нні”ал,­іпры ап­т ­неў­с ар­м а­за ­два лё ідзе сля “ вуко тудэ й мн нн “кар ыта быў 5 го ірато ая ге лі м вый 96 а м во дзе ­скіх ­не­з .­С.­ ­А ­ М ­ны­ і ка­май­го­жыц­ац­ря.­Сваю­“па­ ,­ш ш а­д м ­(Г е ­ех оў­н кі, е­ды ў­сё ­ ам ­ ш іі­Еўторы­ п Вялікай не н 6 якія а­на­ў.­ З­у е­лі­ ­ін­ска на­ліч ц­ца,­ і­ге­ нсая­част­ ўдзельнікаў Айчыннай як ы па і. Наваж­ ў рыо­м ннР,­ аў а­п ­па ­ц з 1 ся д а пад лю усці­ ­ ме як “ ­ сіх мір й­ ям зва: ыі ека ў 19 рэсп моў не , а азал бяз­ ­ ато ым ­па­то ­па ­па­м Пуш б­лас ін­ ц в ­ ­с ­ п к ы ы ­а р ы ш ­ 1 р т р в ч а т ­ э а а у е н а с К ь ы ­у а нтыч­ ы т кц ыя­ ж п ­ха­в ят ­кі­ ­но вайны, якія вызвалялі Беларусь н ­сямае­ ­е а ­н а л ­м р . ную­за­гар­тоў­ку”­я­атры­ма­лМа­ў­Го­ н цлі:­ ак ярт ­ды мі1.0 ы у н ом зім оў сяч зап рац й­ і н гісто чала ены трае уск му віды ­ ка­л ­то­ры ­со­ва е­цы зя­та а­га­ а­вы ц­ца­ ­ Бб­рыа­рлыа і­зав­ты ан ­ны на.­ й­ ­вісш у­шак, 5.20 ­ў­го ёр­у­Мы­ярх ­ (т ­ Еў ас­ці­ раў і­ка­лка ц ле вакц як­у­сям’і­фран­ п не яд глед рапт ты сы, алі” л ос . (Р ка захопнікаў, я ­ ­ ў ­з г н ­ в ­ я т а­ в і­ к а­Ры­ г о­ р а­Здараў­ о­ в а,­ ад нямецка-фашысцкіх р т п н х ” е а с а а т ­ л і­ ­ У д п ­ ­ў а зб а 1 с з я я м ­ я е ы а з я ­( ц ­ р р ­м в ы о а і е ­ р я в е — зны сп ­ у д кр ­ ў­з а у ­м на у­нші­ца п­Ц ­с ы ў ы м л пам пр оп­в та­Б іГР 8). і­д ін е ь­н Ён Пр ння цяў ры ьны мац йны ­ р е­в а­то а­д а­гі­ ес­ вір вы а на ваннкантакты т ны­­сўдзел­ ра вы ка .­У­ч ­скім э­па ­ра­га ыя­к ­ля,­ ель­ ­ З Ро май­го­ баць­кі,­ так­ і­ праз­ ак­ ны ц й л ай у а актывізаваліся я­дўа яксія­ц і­алсі­ ев­лаак ­,­3 ­Др а­б ­ р э­дад ель ­рыю зя­ц п­Ш сут­пыў­ да сё ну ль ор а ОР ўт.) рока яны фек­ а олатааўр­чыэлеун­пнолоў­т, вяорыох­выл масптаа­ні­ в­реусс­к 1.05.2 у­гі­—е­ ас­к ­ні­ ­мі­ ­ й ін­с ню ораг хвбеларусаў ія жы ычна глаба а н у, б азар ні­ мясцовых па п­су­л а­се­а ­ гар с­ці:­ ­юц­ц ап­су зме­ ­ оавных,­га­ у­шмат­лі­кіх­школь­ных,­ра­ёхтн­ рад­скіх­ п т до л ­к в р ль як іі а ­ ах ­ха­в ы­з к­ц ­ні­ у­ а т ­л цц ет хв е за ятур А шы дзе, ю ін л”. Аап цад­цэар­з ­кеі­дбаам нб­куас.­л яі­с“кКо с­цкаіх .­ ­сцац і­дау. зй­ ­аў­т 018): ­ г кі­ “Д аз­вае 80­го ад­ра ­ да­л нвеаа,­в ўд ан ­зям ыі­ зон Свя ­ на­ т ы,­ лін кры веце ваю і св мы, ыма назс аБацькаўшчынай у па е в­с х­лю рДва­ рды лТіэчкас ­бмоа­рлы ­п я ме­ра­пры­ем­ствах.­Зрэш­ о і т“ы,­у­60­я­для­пе­ ­ня на рэві я? — саў ыро йну ывё М гн а­ста а­но ­ га ра­ма а­80 ­пра д­дзя ­бяы з­ — й­шу а­члоіі­б,у, ў­Б ­лёй да­іх ­ным­ ­та­М э­ ­С а­т да ў с руш омік фір дпр акол Гэт й ­ цы Бм).ак ш0 ­нпіма еялбы­ра у.­чАа­б глаяр­яае мма ­— ­г ­я ­ сім на аб аёма віру ў пр аста ў ж ­д а­Бн ы, я­дкаі .вяП­цр ае­р­ эй ­ важ­най­ боль­шас­ці­заад­ нда­год­ рэс ­з­2 ­да­д са і­ ­сбма­іх­ Ітю х. ­п ац нмшлях­ ы а,­ П 2:­8кюаў­ лі : аб экан тур пра ж в ца. чна ­ дл ­ Мі­к зя­ні­ од­дзя гоа­ідз ам­ ю)­ за е­л е­сцл і­вце ­ ­ бсі­ь ввяя­тса н,­е8а0д т­лакос­т ўінва­шж від , у­н ­ цдазе яер­рт жу ­та. 4­х а­лі­ ­бо­ зн рана ны разн огію ,­з­брпраз­ (Аул­яыя­зя ш Р ­ля­ ­во ся у­ вя­лі­кае­ жыц­ гаў­ жцо ё­ пра­ сы я ніі, ячы усы цяц еры ь ад ­пр н­шыанабхі­л ма­теас­валі йв­на ма­еяздта­ нмд­но­маыя­ гіі я­ ча а­лая на­ іч а жа ь тал а уу­к нлаямр­увя­ за к­рныых­аі аар­ лус лааг­ліа­кміг к­я­ўго у в Ів е к го л з ы у ­й і ­ ь К х х .­ л ­ н р с ­ й е ф ц а с н с д ­ч к ц ­ я ь е т Е ан н л і ­спць ­тасоа­зм­Ео­лляец.­З­ ш мпа ты аві кр с аю РН а ро­ ­скіх ­ ­наа спцрьа­с пу­ іто ”­Д а­лы рп.­аІ­ч рўш нынак,­пі­ эта­пы:­ак­ цняб­ яў­нБер,­кам­ ях і­цоў і­ н Ю о­пі­ Поа к ў­п а­фаел ш сю ікаю ю па ў ­гэк­ту рда­клі­ёс ваяпл­тіок ркн­ты р­м ­ Ж ­пя ай ені­ — ­ ка ца аран ўно ы млів улу аты). да алёт ­ры н, ам Тная­дсыу ыў­ні­алда і­­зкявме ­п,ап­тоа ыпм да е ­с та ы­аў­на . ­вШісл­т азірл­ я элес­та а­ то бі­лей са,­Пп ў­ла­в (на­таоБ­р ы­саін­ра яац­выек П кл йну но а да­ла­ве­ р ы дзей­ ­ тэ­ра­наў­як­лю­ тых­ча­ к юсоў­я­й­ве­ е­ц ўц­лі­д зна­ра іх аў­ ­т з­ ла­ж­ п й­ ч ­ бы рыо­спеі­ча”і) дыі­ арл,­ гіака. .­ Нуасбяы­теажс­к юц ў. К м­да нізм тры алек кісл эдкі­ к­ріыі,сі,в— віч ра ў пе чайк розд л, на­тяакія­ жт­ава­сяв­сяэсн­такэд цы Дав ­над­рж ­та в ­ д ых.­ р­ці рв.­А а на­дзей­ Дмзі вы ндых,­ ­5м а­л ас ў­ў2р внец­чы ­ іпкі­ія ру ­ув­дукое.­Ір­ёабсяляя­ялкікз­ві­GSMьпбреіхы ка ўны арга ія ў ю м моц­ і,­ у­лч­паы­ і жы­ ­каі­сда­м з р якія ­ се А­ з­ тлга­ ранз­а зеанд цьв ое­г ы н 5 а а­нл сасак ры ль о­вел т­ ц а н 2­— е­ш ­ ебеўсЕ Ф бу ўка, о з 50 ві ачкі,па­отво­ аьм а.Бкеую­ нам ел­нла­ да ікра , як ову вай нку амі, за узе ­п р­ к вя а­г 2 ­лі­са А­не ў Б а­га не­кп ьв­8ак ­змдоыз а­цца гвау­дчо­ раон­дне ­ ­у ум­кау­б ыі,­ства­ рыў­шты­бе­ к абр ррны шт зўжо­ў­Еў­ Р ёты ьш В­ля­к а­рўус­ а а а ­Е 0 ай е­рлае­птараў­скаі 1а­скяукля,­зпдэа ў­ска­ ­ “м рмы ужк еіна бало сінк пры іна ка, а, л чо ры”,­да­ ца.­ ры о­р ол зіамлоь­кдап­гаод ят­н цьма­лхяод­вжаўр­сама­вяыыя ў­пнаёве­лС ­в ал янвя­ля­о­ся­мне­за­ ал­гыць­ беу­“Сяб­ ом ш су­п—ол­к Нч фо ланц укл ь а вар ну П­ лаюся:­на ў­нпе я­ н ­ к ­то а­рёуз­сімыон­нпері­каа­ г­рнояр­т ў­на,­ уец плеу­ яд боль д іх зд, гай, ак, м напл пал к, ен­каайбаўц­ныа ры і­дазё й . д в ы а М ж а з 2 р ­ го ­ і­ і а у л ­ о 8 ч р ­ а з а о ы 0 ­ на ыбан аюц і ці аро с я о ы н с у д ­ с апй .1 больш­ нк,ае­ргра­ ё,­ ­ Л і­ак о а ктыў­ н мад­скае­ ­б шп ак­ ёй ася яро іх­ Р яго южыц­ ць ц др у­ м­тое ­рыца дпа7­с го ера­с мцесцель­за ­іхвж а ык хс­м уч ат­лоай ­ні:ц­ а“ і.л­Сарцубаысўв­ ртаа­цр 8­га ­ а ды ля ны ру ­чц а, (р ы м пам ь к чы рнул к. С ны пры­ і, ст ц я 1 л п і.­цТь чымцоёс­цаы оў ,­ з ветэранамі ў Мінску. 2007 г. нуць­да­су­ ы.­ ап цяг­ да 6 нк аў пра­ й Дзіна н ➔ яСтар. ­ П БНе а ісд­л (у6С2цэнтры) ,есш­ц ­Шаўчэнка цы ю ­0п ўа­л ё Ян шы аюц вя уша чор ун, ч ычай асця вы ж кулік сту аліс ­ нА ­п ­ г ­ны ра вуча і з 2 яацдо­ра сав­ а Ссаячмы’іайоне­ бам­коаг­гал­іцТьо­нПааўўд­бе, аў­л ваа­рла­ды. а➔ мі гадв ы зі і­ а­д ­ пт чка, пяв л, зв бер ара ок, свір енав цёп і­ вы тры арл ра ­ му. да­раанл ­Едвап ыс­лвоет)­ьрау­ё етжр­ав ек­ліа­р а­вш ічч ў­с саў ы,­ ов на ба озд­с усе лан, га, б пуч авы пал нюю рэг э­ ы ­аўц о­нса,­ рТыу­р ус­к ­ у­ я,­ р ­ён­ ме скіх ы п істэ вчеац­теы ­в. і­Зча яыв­А сн Гфо азі­ў а­г гл ос а ­ры ос­Дрімлавякп­ашўвма А др лы б бак аль лік­с луг шкі лет рых , ш ю ру нал PS­с а с kі.org ты ц вя л­с зы ­сан ай т­д ас­мцеьл ­ска­г а­Па ы­бі­н ,­ бе лікі уст , ку ка, пту лі сё като куна елу і не ец сіг аз G ем п tush ўда явцаье­дск­нім еў­соч д­р ькзет ь­ск а­ (з ­ле і­ і а б ­п рук руш я ла чува іяй шак е я я л н ­ н л с а р p а б л н н в п п эн це уры лю авій а­вааўн кіхко ў­ны ай­ й­в а­ты ­ ав і ­к ую гу ы ка ў Мік му ць ад эм ту со жа зав собн і пр сі: у едзя ялік лы ры шч сай арат кі Ар ы П а­еян­ніхы .­ Вы ­й­П ся­ля об­ла м­ а ас эй эпід ля п яны адо шта ал вы сная . А ець лару леб ку, в йку­к ан тр аін д ну ю д “не ыя я­х ­хоў аў н­ск с­ ай (19 ­ (1 на й ап птуш , на астц ялік кр на ав ас ы з ж ло ­ва­л ­ла ай Др ля шыя ляц ў Бе ылі ран я, ча 1 38 936 лат ка­ на тыя Азіі й ч Нев ­Ф п­ч еж ы в ьб ле вес ра яў вая ут ў ын ы­к і­ся­ў ё­ ­ сы 941­г ),­Ул ­ год ін лёка му зм ін ац . А : у вы ал кры ні з бач ­цы аўл но та т ння ­ гэ вай одня ла). еў і­Д ­ёй а Ра кра бар уса юць ца з іх д ыя “ м уз ую, э­ ск вяс аві іра ся да ю зі імой ачку жур (А н­ с а),­ а ­дзі­м ­ на зм ­ нё ўсх а Ні і. 8 ая мен наз ”. У акіх на асе авір існу аюц алёк ць т часа ярк й г я­ іт­ а т лу ах з сь, к рага . ё лас ­са­м та­рэй ­ так ір­(1 ­ра­дж ы 0-г ам ­са­м 94 эн у­я ў ч ран не ярт з д ясу нні ян. М . Бо агл ь н гу шэ уху то с усь: за ўс вясн 00 т сва­ ­ в (дэль .) од ш ­ ё ў ­І 5 р т ­гэ ­ба е­р ай­ а­ 0)­ ­ня), ю , дз ка жы ды в ам рын ыта адз казы ад н очац y ру плю ага на, ш Бела льш вой ана на vaya і­ ­тай ­бу ас­к ся пад і­ М ­ е. о ы нач ць hy ан л ­ а ку­р об та у с ме ўсё рапт ае” п кія п грам ад ць, п д с tch.b е ­с л ­ б л ­ я т ч ям ,­м а­ч ­ры е­та і­ха­іл Мі­ка г д э Ж з а ю /z й за А ечн ? Та вых на іх каза того dwa Сва ­ ’і” а­ц ы­л ­ м к­ В ­( ­ла ча “Па — г ачан оў “ х ад мля /tag й ар ш лю й­ п і­ .­ і­ і ю с й ” а іr а ). а с rg б н д л н у а а к ➔ м ­ д а ” а я B я к а н бя ты т ц н дз сту аін ве і.o ск Ст аць­к ы­са­с ы:­ М­сіль­ ­ты­ не ран дапы дуц мож туш айта тодн Дзя сён ння а к­ве х кр па tushk амад ар і,­т ла — п . й іг , с а у у о ш а м ь зн ты ам ікі і . 6 к­с ­лі­ў ­ры ­ сё уша зны ”, — s://p Гр іц а­м ­К і.­ юц сам ран ылёт едн ушк табл от­ пт ў ро нняў http істы а ­ж іг т в а ч я м а пр на “П ь у ы­л го зіра це тыв а­ ты м. 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Ветэраны родныя мае


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ы Гэ­та­быў­гіс­та­рыч­ны­па­рад.­ ”ч ы Ад­мет­ны.­ Бо­ і­ ў­ Пе­ра­мо­гі­ зна­ Го Між та ла ка­вы­ юбі­лей,­ і­ пра­хо­дзіў­ па­рад­ сР йц l № 75-г нар ад 9­ мая­ 2020­ го­да:­ у­ па­ру,­ ка­лі­ е ў 08 (3 одд одна зім ы зя я ак свет,­і­Бе­ла­русь­у­тым­лі­ку,­зма­ .3 ін 620) l пя К П у тніц тэ ера цыя га­ец­ца­ з­ пан­дэ­мі­яй­ ка­ра­на­ві­ру­ “ ­ ча­с а­лі­ў а, мо па Р 24 н са.­Дзе­яшчэ­прай­шлі­па­ра­ды?­З­со Веч­нае­ на­б ­пра­ва гі с мяц кр эц ­к аве і “Н аса пост­са­вец­кіх­кра­ін­—­у­Турк­ме­вы­с ія­сл я­ па­ма­жэн­с ­слаў­н е вік цка а с кож эн о­вы яц тва ых на а, ні­ста­не,­але­там­з­ка­ра­на­ві­ру­счам­ с ь га н лав ­х ў 20 а­су ­ны­ з­ .­ Бо­ў ­на­б ”­ — ­ спя ра­м 20 па аро у аг спа­кой­на.­І­та­му­як­раз­бе­ла­ркаус­ ах ­к ­д ы­в ­ гэ ­в н уль д Р р­д а­лы ас­ т а­ло а­юц ­тыя а­юць ­ н М а бык­аім­ l т І ў мінскім небе — таксама парад кі­ Па­рад­ Пе­ра­мо­гі­ стаў­ гэт­ е ў ін ы ­х ­н ў В най о ь ­ ал пя ша ­ло­ Д ­на­та а­ец­ц ль­кі­ ях­В ­аса вы­ ­ ялі а, з тн Пе вы­клі­кам­для­мно­гіх­удум­ лі­ев­зых­А­ х.­ а­ў да еч б­лі­ а е к П р а рв як А ям та­г А­ ­звы ­ па ­нас ­ zv іца вак:­“Мы­не­мо­ Прэ­йзі­Адйэнт­амозвяр­нуў­ ува­гу,­ лю­ нік­ла,­вя­до­мта­ж,­пы­ ол а ол С­ЛЯ ­ное­жга­ по ч­н ­ры­ ­ці­жам­інакш”.­ а ,2 арудкзей.­Уз­ ,­ о­ ­ л г я ia с я р ч і л ь т ­ ы і! ­ е 4 пзаы­ка­ ­кі­ва­лі,­ а а у­ імя­ ча­го­ ры­ ым Прэ­ — Пры­ х зі­ддаэнт­ ста­ноў­ча­ што­“мы­ні­кыо­нлі­на­па­ а ы к­ птым­ і п на zd кра ў Б птан­ ра наге:­ най ”, якраяад,­на­та­ яс ы ус ар бы ­яд­но жы ­ вя­л ц­цё,­ а­ча­л ?­ Ш­нам­ ­ Ста ся с ­в a. сквод­­зя­чы­ ма­са­вае­ ар ід ліі ліі я пра­ ў­вры­ ў­ дра­п і­ка ніў­ о мат­ і­ ш фар­ ва ер . 6 ва прлаа­ру­сі­ т ура­чыс­тас­ці­ ў­ кія­ме­ра­пры­ем­ствы­ў­Бе­ да ме­ р. 5 а ыя аца­ ел сал Іта Іта ацы ару Бела ­ by аВік т ­ся а о­ ­ те:­“Доб­ ­жалі­а­ тэ­ д Та­му­ й­ гля­ н ям “ства?­ не, цве­од—­ на л­юе­ць­ ­ хра­ Но ой в Стар Зямдўзе­ ля­кай­ ні­дзе,­ ні­ ў­ ад­ным­йпунк­ а о­б р­ на,­што­без­уся­ У Б цыі дам сады фарм бел ем­ а, с.­ іі. наро і з н і­ці­ны ­ям­н у­дзе ­ пр міль­ 20 ­лі, ­юі­ч­н дзя р ак аро мба а ін асці Італтранс­ с­ пез­ і­цці­—­не­па­трэб­ная­нам­ тым­больш­у­Мін­ску,­двух­ гіх­кра­ ­ нас­ 20 ­м ыах. Вы апам­ іж лця­цыю­ў­мно­ ахо зіцца і­ ­мі­ в уд­р ­ эс­та ­жы з­ ты Па­м а.­ І­ ­ з н З А упіл арн ам а м рнас йнай ­ ста длзіці­ ў п ­в ня­пам­пез­насць­у­гэ­тым­вя­лі­ а і­ны­ па­ ­ф сён­ д д д а А­ не­ка­то­рыя­ ткра­ ён­ным­ го­ра­дзе­ —­ не­ цяг­ну­ ы рад­ Да лы аст алі аро ца лід выча м ка ў ро­д к­ты­к ы­пра я­лю е­ту­ а­ючы ­мі,­ х я­ці­ ь а н ы з ц ­ т у в ч Ж у м лю­ д зей.­ Гэ­ т а­ маё­ па­ т ра­ б а­ в ан­ кім­храме”.­І­на­ к онт­цяпераш­ н яй­ р а­ н ес­ л і,­ як­ ка­ ж уць,­ да­ леп­ ,­ сі п ю с з н чаец ў сапе­ д ­ ы в д абл і св ка ­ ац­ц ,­ ц ”­ та оў­ва зі­т ыц пра о­ на з но лі м ечдаы ач,­ы­ма,­ цы рода алу яты і з шых­ ятк ­ц­ц з э­лыне­ ­лі­ ысі­ ­гко,­а­му­ ­ ра­да:­“Мы­са­праў­ды­ не.­У­Мін­ску­па­250­ты­сяч­ча­ а а соў.­ т у­ а ыі,­па­ ча­ Маг­ я с ­ в й а в т с ­н п ­ з д я а в г а ы У н н “ е з­цтя а­ш ­ра м­ як ст ­ча н сь а­ ых аван ас етэ іц увя ан ачы . —да­есц­ я л ­ад ра­ ра­т м­гу­ ­ ча вы­ ош а­ д­ а­ныя­ ста­яць­ як­ Брэсц­кая­ ла­век­пры­хо­дзі­лі­на­ па­доб­ныя­ аякоцы гар ня ру х ін у с звяз гэ­птра­ ізепа­ і нха­вебольш­ я­ху. ол нзаум­ г р ­ р л я э л ­ і а о , г ­ й л а й л к к у­ кй­­нпа­ ьк ан ада э та­ э счу­ ны лія ыяй м, — ­н­н асць.­ Яшчэ­ раз­ пад­крэс­ ім­прэ­зы.­ Я­ аб­са­лют­на­ пе­ра­ ным,­ ­І­Пў­ь­впа­ а ­вкрэ­ е пію ац р­ду­ нс мга ыу­та­ ш­ча іяят­м о а ь­п м­ р ­чым ­ хБ ьяа­ эс­рраа­ а­м род­ Іта уац руса прка­ лн ­б хв­ког­ а ­саім а ваю:­ а на­ ка­на­ны,­ што­ лю­дзі­ на­ па­рад­ лі­ вні­акрярус­ н­лых­ тры­ ­ вя­лі­кае­ ба­чыц­ца­ на­ ад­ а іб ела шт зя вай сіт наві ым мі іт ізар ай ­іб­нын.ка­вўе­ка,­ у­ду­­ч ш­тоў яць­—е­ра­ш з­ві­ рус ко­ лас­ці.­ Прой­дзе­ час­ —­ лю­дзі,­ прый­дуць,­і­нам­не­трэ­ба­ні­ко­ Сты ва о­ п лег­ ятў­ ныая­ў­сло­ м ­н ра слан ера ная­муд­ вел лкьаняр­ асць,­вы­ калкне­ і ­іг­ўі, ­ні­як ас­ця ­ад­на­най­ Хт е­—­і е­ра­л бхуд ргаа­ я янва“До­ Ста лі ­т пры ква­ да кол ласвах:­ перш­вы,­мо­ладзь,­ацэ­ні­це­ га­пры­му­шаць­і­цяг­нуць.­Але,­ обе­ ­уду”.­ а ў, апа па а ак­ а­ро ан­лож­ ы н зіц ьз рво­ р. 7 дзе о­ж­і с­ці­н іч­ва д­р­ о­да ­асо ­без­ ­ м ры вяці НА­ ац што­ ді­чін ­т о абед,­ б ,­ Ды­ я пта­е­ц­ е?­ я ­б к­мспы­ гэ­тыя­ за­ н дні.­ Я­ сён­ня­ пе­ра­ка­на­ны­ ка­лі­ шчы­ра,­ я­ з­ за­да­валь­нен­ не м­ і­ х­ст ы­ве ць!­ ас жа ку,шатноыо”­г.а­ аллаьс­кі­ зан.­а Пма­ці­ —дам ­ на­ро н­ а­ Ка ві­л о­гіх ­па пр рач ­да Хт н а е с а н і д ­ о ­ е в п нем­уба­ ч ыў­бы­на­гэ­ т ым­па­ р а­ аб­ с а­ л ют­ н а:­ гэ­ т а­ бу­ д зе­ вы­ д ат­ н ая­ са­ м о­ Свя­ т а­ Пе­ р а­ м о­ г і­ —­ ра­ з ам­ ­с ы с і­ в е ­ д ў с ­ а о а,­ в ін кар­ва баы­м э­ пт аа­х су ­в е мя за­ц хва ар­т іі а­мт к вхі­лппарза­бнгэ лы Гмі.­Якіх­да­на­ ру Па­м ­та­рац ­ та­кіх ае… ­пад­с ­ вы дара­н р­кон­кыа­і. ў­ гіс­ ­ро то­рыі­ на­ш ал­ ц на­ ін ў ­ш ета­дэ­ ў Млаз­ве­ .і­па­ атуп­ дзе­ тых,­ хто­ пе­ р а­ м ог­ у­ гэ­ т ыя­ ста­ ай­ кра­ с сён р я­тткаа ін с ­ ж ­ у у а б ­ ў р в ­Ш ­А л ­ я і­ з ь й к Іт я ю к ­ е ы а а я ь Г ц і­ ы ­п ы і я б ­жысе ­е­цсц ­ку,р ­це та ж­ п — ў­ зя ­ня ,­ ва зага­ ­ ў ц­ а.­ мі­ рТо акха.­вСлсею­ суму,­ што­ мы­ е.­не­ дні.­Бо­хто­пе­ра­хва­рэў­—­гэ­та­ н э­та­ в ­ ад ь­ пр а­мы а­мя то­ж ­до­ма ­ л ная­ за­ ,­Вы­доат­­ш ыны.­ т та­ , ,­ чсамо­ ­л а­ зсітац­ н­най­ да ­ш Хр мз­ а­мц ж л ты ­насюбі­ е,­ ымтрач ы ьдто­вларяу­ ла не­ ­свят ка­лі­ б­ра­ о­та­к ­час­н саН арі,мер­ ам ёй блю­дзі,­ якія­ пе­ра­маг­лі.­ Не­ хва­ н ая­м я­лі­к у­хо а­ ва ­лак ­таць ,­бу .­ і­авлз­ан­ ы­на ві­ жх ы ў ­вёсць­ іуд­н бі­а ка­ мі­­квы­ста­я­лі,­ вы­оста­яа­лі­ як­ яны­ неі,­ мо­­ ва­ ся­ўцчБо­ . кі­м х­у­б а і­ :­ к ­ а-п уд а ў ева роанцус,­ а л Аам­ву з­ётаБ­го т“аБ­г ыб­ы еВ а тол у­ем 75­го ўсім­ е­ім й­ ц аб­ мы ­шча сія.­ Б я­ п ­ле­на й­ну­ у ­нжа­ і:,­шна­ па і­ за а­ях оія гна.­ зі­аў ­пзатрымац­ ом­л ь­і“­нС ­ю .­чцыа­ з­ я й­н(га­вь­кор­ мнбцу.­ зрра­нуаў­ і­ы ге­роі­ оро­ ры­чна­м ыі­ і­ ка­­с пра­д ве­тэ­ ь Хва­ро­ба­ —­ гэ­та­ са­мае­ атлод,­оў­ то ­ хоц д­кам о­то ра­ца я,­ св ў­ Б е,­мм аляіі­б”ач М­гаэ­т аык­лці­с Іт як Па­м штрты кія окг­ужа а­ з­ з­за а­сля ­дзе­ а­зу ­ні­тэт, ­ зв як ­ха­ва ­хоп ­з­н іка зм о.нневар­ е ,­ я аацмдё­ оя­а інЖыц­ і ­нра­ прос­ тў ае,­што­мож­ на­ця­пер­пе­ най­ ­м вай­н стіць­ з­ ын­П ­ ы.­—­ яц лці­ пр е,­ ш ь­ я ­ эс ль­к .­ І­ с я­до е­ла­ ­б й ­Вя­лі­ккай­ Ай­ч ўнао­­в Ітыт­па­ спе­ ты ­ цяж То­ бр ія­ ст н­няў ­ні­ка я­мец го шча ье ад­ даспячьсыка­ваніінак а­ра­н ­ па­д а­мі­н е­ра­м е­ла­ руе авеа ,еш га а­нае ен кай ы­хо­д то­ н кую­ ­та­фе і­ пе­р вя­шч ­мая.­ на ны ты­ві­рус.­А­тое,­ ­лкраў,­гру­ ш ла ісь­цзе ла ­рата ­этьнэ­ дзі м­ л ­кна­по­ і.­Яны­па­ ра­ ­ т ­еАўт.)­ка­ зям а­ны­ а­лі­ ­ мір­мі­ а ­ка­ф а плы­ а ­ партмым?­Для­ве­ окла­лі­свае­ а рУ ў бомаг­чы.­Не­гэ­ і­ зя­ бія ­ ра­ зі­л е­ м над ­ту­ а­да эн ,­ ­ — і­ку ­ пед ўа­Бвеа амен т­ўатювац­р еырх­ге і­лі н одбоы­ма аСхо­вячцу­ц­ а­ ­ на­з ­ві­ру­с й­ д ­ва­ч ­гі­ н л ­ н ў М ы ­ крла­ву­ ўбі­лі­ лю­ і.­ сім ахвя ­ны ба­ро а­шы і. а ў а ­рак­аі,­атое­ ах ­з “нд .мсі­ц адржыц­ ўц­ і­ў­імя­та­ кй “заўт­ ­і. н зы­ ­т ця­пер­ су­іхга­ в Ветэраны на ганаровых трыбунах а ра а”­ш­—­ рвель­ а го,­каб­мы­сён­ я рш н нмя­ ­ар што­ ікры­ сп м­уш ­род­н ­ П р­на­ ею­ Па­м ­шы­ лін ­ гэ Св ыпц ­ые ейь­ н с!­кіх кр інск.­ Кап ­ва­л ра­м х­ ж н­ца сц­ — све­ц аць­ м­ — ў­ніх.­ ­ К а­кро ­лёй­ ­га­ніз ан­не пдрол ­нпу,ам­ п з пе р­еымй­ Чажоофаф ан­т ­ а­шл ай а­я ў­ ма я­ц ы ятдоб­ а ­н янажы­ лія­і.­ І­ хоць­т бы­ адзін­ раз­оу­ год­ нае. п я ­м і­­ тыя­ ня­ —дзям­ ум лрен­ ыть­выч­ ў мо і ые­ іяез п апраб­ Ус ып­ту З­ч ­су­лы іч­ны і­ вай ы­ха ў,­ з­ ­ мса­ ы ера­сум­ ао­лйі­ рдан­ ато пасл тансі­ттр рдсзтя­кц іс ­ть Іт­ватл­ пра­ва е:­ со ое,­ ш­ бо­ а ­я­лі­ ­на­ван ­па­м д­нан гэ­ты ­ем­ н і­ зл ль­кі­ ­нае,­ ­ ал а­ па бяс­п ­ны ­роў, ­ныпря­ордаэ­ д­ндн ад­ е свя­ айал аіхў”у­ ­р т а сіе8­,­ мая,­ а ­ ў іх­ ­Х а­са ­ д я­ пгі­­цады­ і­ты­ак­мі,­ па­лхі­то­лўа­ ва­жыў:­ во­і­нам­ у­ спец­кас­цю­мах­ транс­ля­цыі.­ Зрэш­ты,­ вы­тай­. Бса­лёсш —цНа­ я ­н ­в аб ­ту­ іт ­н то­ з­ год­ ­між са­м ныя­ канасдкіхэАляк­ ­ р ­ цдгэ­ яапстаы­ ча е­ ці­па­л ­ ынцю­ шт а­нчас­ ­міы оч­втаы­­ні­дзень­ ыдкял нярі,­ е ры ер­шы ан­ню ар­ о­н ем­п ­ці­ з­ е­ св свет­ ­ к ра­чы Свя­т ра­ма м­іх­п а­ста жме ,­ са ­ оў ў­ гэ ­звлбяў­ ­ ім ­ілўныа­р рэе У у­нкаа­ ўрмму аў­ а у­кўа­ х­ ус­ а­выя­ж—­ ­са­пятраўд­ е­па­тмыі­на­лі­ч гэ­ энбольш­ ­н а ­ сандр­ Лу­ ш­ эн­ з­з э­аАлй­ го­ ны­ ам­ тоых­ па­куль­не­да­па­ра­даў.­Яны­больш­ мі­ мо­жа­це­ тое­ зра­біць,­ т а­г ін­­лш і­адхоз”.­ ў ­б ­сге­ ы с а­й раз­ ­п е,­ род рэ­л ец­ ­ню ­ на псі­ хва дзя п­сул ­тая­ц х.­ П ом е­ра­н ­ле­нынь­кі­ зід міжбі­ і­тБэтеллзю р­н бетлыа о­влаю ын­чоагйіхма­тйы.м аьм­насс нсюве”­д. за­ця свя­ ­ А ын­ аць ваў­ уб­ст е­чае ­ гэ­та не­ба а­ б ­ в а і­ р ­ к ­ е э ­ а г ы ы р Ба ва р а­ ў­ тва­ н а ні­ка­мі­я­даак­ ­кта­ у­ Пры­тым­Аляк­ удзель­ смандр­Лу­ ў.­Мы­інакш­не­мо­ па­трэб­ныя­на­пе­ра­да­вой.­Але,­хо­ уваж­лі­ва­ ўгле­дзец­ е ры­ ­ ­ в окда­шэн­ н ю ­ц ааў ­т ,­ гэ я хмсла­ ­ж аў, ій ­в ў­ Сжам!­Гэ­ ­подвз­іу­ ­ яы . ц нро­ “ц чы ­Вя ­про ы­р ла­н ­ні­ка я­су ­ ў д­сцячыі­ н у“На­ ў П Дзе ш, п там ыў я мікр ему ал НО е­ пр і­ ў­с све­ц ў,­ су жыц паў­ ­ ч у­ агу ­най­а а­ец­ц бе­ла ць­ка ы­ва ­якія ­ аў юяцжь­к дсувче­ц і:а­ нбе мл­ ен ых­ ліек­ дл­тайк рўра­ ым мреа­ду,­ к ­ка ­лі­ка й­д ы­м у­е ­ў­г ць­у ­ ы су­па­ко­іць­ а э у б агуль­ най­ і Пе­рта­ о­вгяі”,­ не­ мо­ чац­ца­спа­дзя­вац­ца,­на­ступ­ны­па­ і­ ўдзель­ні­каў­ ­р ауадзі­ ы і­л ка­ епры­з­і наў­­цся,­ што­ ў н з­ ч­ны­ дапа­ еая­ ­бо ­В яце і­ніттых,­ ы­жго ­саы­мд­наайю я­на­ —­ шчў, івшто­ ве ьмы­ ­ в пры­ н нІв ыі рабл асц пу ­та­чы ль­на к­цыі­ ­дзя ус­ка ­шчы ­ню,­ ­ р а­мі­с п­су­л й­Пе зе­ў­д о­нія ц­ца,­ о­нар ­ ­і б .­ Х ­ с Ы­ ж ­ві­лі­ у­ро ­ з­за цы­д ё?­ плц ьм ра М сдаы ы­ж імуМы­ я эў­ ліла­мс’я­ аш ыуцсскім­ і в5 там энц чыс­ п тна­тн за­увюяр­шы­ ы­ны­ а­Т а­ра ы­з ­ра б­лта.­І­яшчэ­ ­за ш ­ Івя а і­ба­інакш.­ ­ддрумін­ ­йу­б за­лжам­ тпа­ бпіку­ дз­нзей­бы­ пў­рос­ па­ сту­ рад­бу­дзе­з­імі.­Бо­яны­ця­пер­—­ хто­ быў­ .на­ “апв­дін­ ­ в й­ П па ­ку­ю й­ гі ­ны ­ ыц слю­ імуhttps:// На тры­ аанах.­ ­ та лаў,о­ня­ зе ы р ы р р ў а е і­ ь з п н а 1 б о н ­ в т к ­ ы ­з м ­ к э к а ш е а а ­М н м ­ н й с ­ .­ ­ц е­да е­р ц а ­ц а­ім х­п ­го а а­ч­цы­ў­ ­т пл што­ а т зар ен рк лшай оўск нфны ся Хра­ л лў­ж ле М ез­ піць­так,­як­ра­ ц і­ку­­ў­гонар­Усіх­Свя­ Вягу,­іcles/voennyy­ ла­ а я­ц ­чы с­то ­ П ага­У ­ра­бе­ш ін­с ям­лё о­гі.­П ь­75­глад­кі­о­ са­праўд­ныя­ге­роі­на­шых­дзён. ,­ ува­ ы ­цы Бе­ жы і­лі­ ё­вараз­ а ц аг­ Па ыі.­З то­ в ь­ бі­ллаі­яны,­ве­ вік зе гадД кіх назі аудты а біў” рэзіс емліе­пом­ ­ве­к эч­ку ­ р ста сь бе ны ав . — й­ ­ звяр­ дзе рныуў­ ­лі­к ­ні­ с й:­ ­юць­ ­мо­гі! і­“Н ­Між ­ о й к я а к л с . са ц ­ р ­ б ц н м ­ р ч р в ў ­ н б а П ы й ­а п а р а ю а іх о ­ с У а о э і­ а с ц ­ А а ы ы ы а я­цчы­ншю.­ А­ ацэн­ ” мер­ кр ­ны с­в ,­н й­в д­в ч онвае­ а­ў ах тр ­ц . ка­вван­ ­н а по­ вя ян з­ ”.­ ­сл ­ Ка­лі­ска­заць,­што­ў­па­ра­дзе­ parad­v­chest­75­letіya­pobedy­ шцла­шля­ р ё ы русь­не­пай­ ­мбу­ ­м д­ й­ам­жорст­ на дзім­ бл вёс ал двнаа ыангл авйу тых.­ рлаі язу Яго­ хо а­і­некі­,­да­ і­ н ­ днзее­ на­конт­ а,­ду­ ра На а­ р ­м ­ма ­вай ­ га а­тэ­г ям­ ww v. 7к П т­ка а­ рэ ып­т ­ад­з яц­к а­ста об­л а­ен­н а­ю­ а­ й сёйСтар. ам нанес­лі­ ў­ за­ей­кі­тым”. аса кан­ кі Т еасрсо ўй, нпу еоўбснк акў зппа­ кда­ ша ­дзіць ­ па­він ой­п­вы­жы ­ дака­­лгоа­ка­ рроа­ мика­лw паў­дзель­ні­ча­ла­ больш­ за­ 3­ ты­ сці,prokhodіt­v­mіnske.html­ е­гі­ мае­ вы­ ріі ан­ці­кнру.­ ➔ ­ за ­Бе е­ра 3 ­ван пра ­ней ­шы ч бу­д ­ С ­аль а­ ў на­ч а­га ­ял ас­ц а­г ­р ў­н ,­ саў ыД Б­о онн і,гау рж ісі, аЕгў рдоо s:// іro



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Беларусь. Belarus


Social and political magazine № 5 (1040), May, 2020 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.


Common memory, common peace On the eve of May 9, the President took part in the solemn ceremony of the completion of the campaign “For the Glory of the Common Victory”



In May, war veteran from Chausy celebrated three holidays at once — Victory Day, birthday and Press Day

16 10


How our grandfathers fought

Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

The fact that in the creative family of “Aura” band leading singers there is a special attitude to the theme of war, becomes clear when one hears the song “Fire Tank” written by them

The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements.

Images from the past In Grodno the originals of several front drawings by Vasil Bykov were discovered. his was reported in social networks by Sergei Shapran


Dmitry Mezentsev, son of a front-line soldier

Tour of the war Over the past two decades, a real library of books published in Russia and Belarus with the support of the Standing Committee of the Union State has been formed

Favorite month of Ivan Semenov

Newsreel testifies

It’s spring in the wide world again! Aelita Samsonova selflessly saved the woun­ ded, encountered her love at the front and got married in defeated Berlin


Colleagues — with gratitude On Press Day, representatives of the publishing house “Belarus Segodnya” laid flowers at the “Partisan Belarus” obelisk

Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubov Malysheva Proof-reader Alisa Gungor

Alena Dedyulya





Signed for printing on 19.05.2020 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets 0,00 Total circulation — 1637

copies (791— in English)

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2020 Cover designed by Liubov Malysheva

беларусь. belarus 2020



Everyday life of partisans There were power plants and even hairdressing salons in the areas free from fascists in Belarus


беларусь. belarus 2020

NEXU Science Communication/Reuters

Warm bread taste Today it is clear that people want to go out to do shopping as rarely as possible, including for first necessity products. Many people at this time decide that now they have a great incentive to learn to bake bread on their own. Sourdough bread is especially popular. To feed delicious and healthy bread to your families, acquire a new profession, which in the future can bring money... Why not!


Saved memory Books by Anatoly Sharkov and Yelena Khoro­ shevich delight with historical signi­ficance

48 the house that Dasha and Katya built


Prima in a new role Premiere of the opera “Le Villi. Fatum”, directorial debut of Oksana Volkova, Honored Artist of Belarus, is still to come


That is what it’s like, the moment of truth Well, the pandemic is making certain adjust­ ments to modern reality. But the vision of the economic outlook for tomorrow must be even clearer


“Great Stone” is a brand The China-Belarus Industrial Park, which is lo­ca­ ted not far from Minsk, is, in fact, an inno­vative locomotive and new technologies that are becoming increasingly important in the modern world




excitement of creative expression

Viniamin Mikheyev

more in the issue 1

WIth antivirus program

Editor’s note

THE event that will not be devalued by time Seventy-five years: is it long or not? It depends. By the way, it’s the age of an entire generation. But even the seventy-fiveyear-olds, thank God, did not know all the horrors of that terrible war, which we remember today through the lens of the Great Victory, its 75th anniversary! It’s true, there are events that are not devalued by time. No doubt, Victory Day on May 9th belongs to them. Whatever happens in the modern world, Viktor Kharkov, the significance of this date is chief editor not devalued. The memory of the unparalleled feat of the Soviet soldier is still stable and strong, despite any encroachments. The Great Patriotic War decimated Belarusian soil. About three million people died here, dozens of cities, towns and district centers, thousands of villages were destroyed. Almost half a million Belarusians were taken away into slavery to Germany. During the years of occupation in Belarus, the Nazis established dozens of death camps, hundreds of prisons and ghettos, where hundreds of thousands of old people, women and children were killed. It is impossible to forget this even on such a festive day as the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. And it is not surprising that at that time of trouble the resis­ tance movement, unprecedented in the world history, was taking place on the Belarusian soil. People’s avengers gave the enemy no rest day and night. Over one and a half million natives of Belarus fought at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Belarusians fought to the bitter near Moscow, Stalingrad and Kyiv, participated in the liberation of villages and towns of their homeland, as well as the states of Eastern and Central Europe. About 400 natives of Belarus became generals and admirals, commanded units of the army and the navy. For their heroism and valour in defending the Fatherland during the war 448 Belarusians were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, four of them — twice. During the war, every third citizen of Belarus died. This is the price of freedom. We remember it. But let others know it as well. By the way, after the Second World War, Belarus became a foun­ ding member of the United Nations. Not every State has this right.

The BSSR — then one of the republics of the Soviet Union — was granted this right for its great contribution to the defeat of fascism. It is objective and fair. May is a special month. This is the month of victory over Nazism in the Second World War. In Belarus, that feat of the soldier is honoured with reverence. Several thousand participants of the Great Patriotic War still live in the country. Yes, there are fewer of them as the years go by. But the veterans are still surrounded by the care of the state. This must be said against the background of the overturn of victorious symbols in some countries. Victory Day is a sacred holiday, because almost in every family, the war has left its tragic mark through their loved ones. Some personal details. My father, Kharkov Mikhail Grigo­ ryevich, also took part in the war. He earned two awards, i. e. the Medals “For Courage” and “For Battle Merit”, until he was seriously injured. Today they are like a memorable relic about the father, who survived in that war, although he experienced to the full all its hardships. And so many sons, fathers, brothers and sisters did not return to their homes… In fact, few today’s teenagers have found the Great Patriotic War participants alive. But we could give a lot of examples when very young guys selflessly search for dead soldiers, identify the names of unknown servicemen, take the patronage of veterans. They remember the war. They honor the Victors. Time goes by and the world, its configuration, as politicians say, changes. But true values are not negotiable. Belarus builds its contacts with other countries on the principles of good neighborly relations. This is its main political credo. And winning is proper at contests or quizzes. It is a worthy way to select the best. Just like in sports, where athletes compete for the right to come first. But with all the tough fight it’s the most peaceful competition. Today we need more partnership between people, between countries. This is the strategic essence of international cooperation, the only true and relevant one. Belarus is also guided by it in its fo­reign policy. The format of partnership is taken as a basis in relations with other states. This is the Belarusian political priority. Yes, the current world is filled with a different content. Sometimes it is too pragmatic — this is the peculiarity of the current political reality. But it does not prevent us from keeping alive the memory of the past, of the time when our compatriots performed an unprecedented feat. In the name of life, freedom and indepen­ dence! And for that — Honor and Glory to the heroes!

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Address by President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the military parade marking the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, May 9, 2020 Dear soldiers, sergeants, warrant offi­ cers and officers! Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Dear compatriots and guests of Belarus! The tragedy of the Belarusian nation, which bore the titanic burden of losses and destruction of the cruelest war of the 20th century, is incomparable to any hardships of today. Even the thought to betray the traditions that have been glorifying the history of the great deeds of the victors for 75 years, is unthinkable for us.


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In this crazy world that has lost its reference points and guidelines there are people, who criticize us for choosing this place and time to hold this holy celebration. I would like to tell them like a human being: don’t rush to make conclusions or condemn us, Belarusians, successors of the Victory. We just couldn’t act in any other way, we didn’t have a choice. And if we had had it, we would have done the same anyway. Because the eyes of the Soviet soldiers, who died for the sake of our freedom, are looking at us, the eyes of partisans and underground resistance fighters, who were tortured to death by Gestapo, the eyes

of the old people, women, and children of Khatyn. They wanted to live very much, but they died so that we could live. Mo­dern Belarus is a monument to that dreadful war, to those, who died, who were tortured to death and burnt alive. A living memory and a living monument. This year the military parade in Minsk will be the only one in the post-Soviet space. It will be held in honor of all Soviet soldiers who liberated the world from the Nazi. Today we honor the deeds of our fathers and forefathers. Their road to victory was awash with tears of mothers, wives, and

children, soaked in blood of the comrades that fell in battles and of civilians, scorched by the ashes of the villages burned down by the enemy. We bow low before the heroic deeds of Russians and Belarusians, Ukrainians and Jews, Tatars and Kazakhs, Tajiks and Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Turkmen, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Moldavans, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Estonians — all the residents of the Soviet Union, underground resistance fighters of Europe, our allies — the USA, UK, and China. Their courage, bravery, and readiness to die for their country became a terrible weapon of vengeance against the Nazi and their satellites. History taught a lesson to followers of Nazism ideology, to invaders with unbridled geopolitical ambitions. Its essence is simple and fair: the people who defend their native country, their families and the future of their children are invincible. Belarus rose up as a live shield on the way of the aggressor. Having marched for half of Europe the Nazi encountered fierce resis­ tance in Belarusian lands for the first time.

The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress, the city of Mogilev lasted much longer than the invasion of many European countries. It is in the fierce battles of 1941, inclu­ ding in Belarusian lands, that the enemy’s confidence in its supremacy was shaken and the foundation of the future Great Victory was laid. The contribution of the Belarusian nation to the defeat of the Nazi is beyond doubt. Some 1.3 million Belarusians fought in ranks of the Red Army. More than 400 thousand of underground resistance fighters and partisans controlled 60% of the occupied territory of Belarus by the end of 1943. Every third Belarusian died to stop the advance of the Nazi to the east, to the capital city of our union. As long as our hearts feel pain for those, who didn’t come back from the battlefields, as long as truth is told about that war, we do remember! Because every day of peaceful and free life has been paid for by millions of victims and war-torn destinies.

We are forever connected by ties of blood with the brotherly nations, together with whom our fathers and forefathers put a stop to the catastrophe of the 20th century. The world is ignoring tragic lessons of the past. The farther we are from events of the Great Patriotic War, the more aggressive and dangerous the world becomes. The planet is ablaze with new armed conflicts, civilians get killed once again. And in this situation ideas of Nazism come to life. Their new marks are destroyed monuments to liberators, glorification of Nazi criminals, falsification of historic facts about the Second World War. Belarus is a peaceful and open country. But our historical experience has vividly demonstrated that the diplomacy of interstate dialogue is unconvincing without an effective security system. Despite modern challenges the celebratory parade dedicated to Victory Day is not a show of force but a tribute to the memory of our heroic history. Belarusian military personnel are successors to the generation of victors. During

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the parade they will march in ranks as continuators of the glorious traditions of Soviet warriors. New weapon systems and military hardware created by Belarusian defense companies will be demonstrated. It will be done in honor of our grandfathers and great grandfathers, who left a peaceful country to us. It is our sacred duty to preserve it for the future generations, to preserve the unity of nations that was tested in fierce battles. Belarus will stay true to the memory of the Great Victory — the Victory that represents common legacy of republics of the former Soviet Union. Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! The history of life of this generation represents a genuine example of courage, bravery, and spiritual greatness. You were and will always be victors. Today we bow low before the memory of those, who gave their lives for the sake of our future. We thank all those, who performed labour feats. We promise to preserve the truth about that war to the glory of the heroes who saved many nations from genocide and slavery. We bow low and are immensely grateful to you for the Great Victory! Belarus will remember! Dear compatriots, on this glorious day I want to wish you strong health, happiness and wellbeing, courage and endurance in this complicated time. I hope that peace will always reign in Belarus. Happy Victory Day! Hurrah!


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75th Anniversary of Victory


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75th Anniversary of Victory

Common memory, common peace

A belta

On the eve of May 9, the President took part in the solemn ceremony of the completion of the campaign “For the Glory of the Common Victory”


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lexander Lukashenko visited the Templemonument in honor of All Saints to take part in the ceremony of laying the capsules with soil from the places of military glory as part of the campaign “For the Glory of the Common Victory”. The campaign, which became international, solemnly completed in Minsk on the eve of May 9. Seven last capsules with soil from the places of military glory of the regional centers of Belarus, Minsk Region and the hero-city of Minsk, were delivered to the temple on the DOSAAF MI‑2 light class helicopter, branded with the markings of the action. The campaign of memory “For the Glory of the Common Victory!”, which has acquired an international character, completed with a solemn ceremony in the crypt of the Temple-monument in honor of All Saints. On the eve of the great anniversary the capsules with soil from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War were laid there.

The action started a year ago and united hundreds of settlements — from heroic cities to small villages. A number of foreign countries, in particular Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Estonia and Latvia, joined the action of memory. In addition, capsules with soil were brought from the heroic cities of the former Soviet Union. Totally 147 capsules were buried on May 8: these are capsules from all districts and regional cities of Belarus, Minsk, as well as capsules from the heroic cities of the former Soviet Union and foreign countries. The Temple-monument in honor of All Saints and in memory of the victims, who served the cause of the salvation of our Fatherland, opened its doors in 2010. The crypt (lower altar part of the temple) of the Church of All Saints in Minsk is a unique object, there are no analogues in the world. The soil is collected there from the fields of all great historical battles in defense of the Fatherland, as well as from the burial sites of civilians who were victims of military campaigns and repression. By Svetlana Mikhovich

75th Anniversary of Victory

Favorite month of Ivan Semenov In May, war veteran from Chausy celebrated three holidays at once — Victory Day, birthday and Press Day from time to time it reminds him about the war by sharp pain… After the hospital, an 18‑year-old native of the village Sokolovka, Cherikov District, which was burned down by the Nazis in 1943, was sent to the training tank regiment, where he mastered the military specialty of a

Bromberg, the battles at Stettin in Primorye, the conquest of Schneidemühl, in the battles for the Kyustrinsky bridgehead and Seelow Heights, — the veteran enumerates the military operations. For his military services, the warrior was again awarded the Medal “For Courage”…

gun layer on a self-propelled vehicle. On this vehicle Semenov passed through all Europe. — Our regiment took an active part in the battles for the liberation of the suburbs of Warsaw, crossing of the Vistula near the fortress of Modlin, conquest of the city of

Ivan Afanasyevich wrote numerous articles about the front roads and his comrades-in-arms, who survived and died, but remained in memory forever. And on this Victory Day they will certainly be remembered…


The beginning of May is all-time favorite period of the year for Ivan Afanasyevich Semenov, a resident of Chausy, Mogilev Region. On May 5 he celebrated his 96th birthday and his professional holiday — after the war he became a journalist. And before that Ivan Semenov had seen a lot: he forced the crossing of the Vistula, reached Berlin. As he puts it, he fought to survive and return. In 1943 on the banks of the Pronya in the present Slavgorod District, a young Red Army soldier Semenov made his combat debut. Ivan Afanasyevich will never forget those heavy fights: — I was given a task to send forward the order to move the company of soldiers with anti-tank guns to the left flank, where the German tanks were concentrated. When I came back, I hurried to report: “Comrade Battalion Commander, your order has been fulfilled!” Hardly had I reported, when the wall of the barn, where the command post was located, was shelled. Shell splinters thrusted my chest, I fell down. Later I was treated in the hospital… Ivan Semyonov was awarded the Medal “For Courage” for the successful completion of the task. But he learned about it after the war, when, sorting out his mother’s personal belongings, he came across a reward list with his name on it. By the way, not all shell splinters were taken out of the young fighter’s chest, one is left,

By Andrey Sazonov

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It’s spring in the wide world again!

Valentina Zhdanovich

75th Anniversary of Victory

Aelita Samsonova selflessly saved the wounded, encountered her love at the front and got married in defeated Berlin


A citizen of Gomel Aelita Samsonova, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, keeps amazing activity, often smiles and says that the secret of good health is not to be angry and not to wish anyone bad. She regularly meets with young people, speaks at diffe­ rent events and even easily mastered mo­ dern technology. Aelita celebrated Victory Day at home, and watched the festive parade in Minsk on TV: it’s important to be together with the whole country on such a day.

“I’m a Komsomol member!” Aelita Ivanovna has a smart watch on her wrist to count her steps. She only complains about one thing: — I have a pushbutton cell phone, now everyone uses messengers on the phone,


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and I can only communicate on the computer. I have friends and family all over the world, I have to schedule online dates one by one. Aelita Ivanovna never says no to communication. Her social activity could be envied by some young people. And she has much to tell about: the hardships she went through would be enough for more than one life. On June 22, 1941 Aelita went swimming with her classmates. They returned home and saw the darkened faces of adults… — We used to sing patriotic songs about our readiness to defend our Motherland. And we got inspired: now we will settle with the enemy! On July 7, enemy planes appeared and bombings began. The youthful fervour shortened, but there was more determination. We had

to get mature quickly. Aelita became a medical instructor, worked in a hospital — she still remembers the first trains with the wounded, blood springing from the wounds. But the brave girl wanted to go to the front, exclaiming desperately: “I’m a Komsomol member!” At first she was rejected as she was too young. She moved to Tashkent to her relatives, worked at a military plant. In August 1943 she succeeded in being sent to the front. 24‑hour shifts in the hospital were exhausting. She was lucky if he could have a two or three-hour sleep. She had to treat and support the wounded, but also to make a brick stove, other hard work… …The front hospital was following the troops westwards… In the Zhitomir Region it was bombed, many doctors and nurses were killed. Aelita had to bury her

75th Anniversary of Victory went to the Reichstag to leave her signature there, too. — There wasn’t much room anymore, I had climb Lord knows where. I signed my name, but couldn’t get off, I jumped down and was caught by soldiers. In Berlin, they finally met with Boris Alekseyevich, married in 1946. After Germany, they went all over the Union. And when he retired, decided to settle down in buried in verdure Gomel. They lived together for half a century, gave birth to two children. Boris Alekseyevich has already passed away, but all his letters are carefully kept and reread by Aelita Ivanovna. The veteran is very reverent about Victory Day, and this year is no exception: — It’s the day of happiness, joy and tears. I’m already starting to receive congratulations from my family and friends. They call and write from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, from Vitebsk, Mozyr, Kalinkovichi and Kyiv. May 9 must not be forgotten. This day should always be celebrated in memory of those who wanted to live freely in their homeland and pass it on to future generations. I resent attempts to rewrite history by the people

colleagues, take up arms: in the woods there were Bandera supporters, who conducted sabotages, poisoned wells. Then they reached Poland, where the hospital stationed itself in early 1945, and where the most important meeting in her life took place. She talks about her Boris Alekseyevich with pride smiling happily: — He has five orders, went through the war from Moscow to the Elbe. He was born in the village of Antonovka, Kalinkovichi District. In 1941, he left ten-year standard school, and in July all his classmates were enlisted. Together they studied at the school of signal operators, together went through almost the whole war. They defended Moscow, liberated Belarus — Gomel, Minsk. Then we moved forwards — Bialystok, Lublin, Warsaw. When they were forcing a crossing over the Vistula, he was seriously injured. That’s when he found himself in our hospital…

Before his recovery the couple spent all their free time together, and later there was a heap of front letters. He wrote about a forthcoming victory and a new stage of their front love… The girl walked about the ruined Berlin, with the same feelings as she did in the German Landsberg, where she had been stationed before: — We experienced a lot of fee­ lings, i. e. anger and hatred of the Nazis, and the pride that we had defeated them, and the joy that it was over. Aelita Ivanovna still remembers visiting the liberated death camp of Majdanek. Her voice is trembling when she talks about hundreds of thousands of pairs of shoes left in barracks, about lampshades made of human skin… That’s why in Berlin she resolutely

Commentary Olga Dotsenko, Deputy Head of the Administration of Tsentralny District of Gomel: — The region is home to 80 war veterans and 82 people of equival status. Our task is to take care of these people. I would like to say warm words to everyone personally, but due to the current epidemiological situation, we try to limit ourselves to telephone conversations and online to thank and congratulate them. Secondary schools No. 11 and No. 21, for example, within the framework of the campaign “We Remember” posted video clips of congratulations on the Internet, and school No. 27 told about all its graduates who left for the front. Volunteers of the district deliver medicines and products to the veterans if necessary. On the eve of this great holiday, I would like to wish our veterans good health and to have relatives and friends at their side.

It’s the day of happiness, joy and tears. I’m already starting to receive congratulations from my family and friends. They call and write from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, from Vitebsk, Mozyr, Kalinkovichi and Kyiv. May 9 must not be forgotten. This day should always be celebrated in memory of those who wanted to live freely in their homeland and pass it on to future generations.

By Olga Valchenko

In peace and love…

who have not seen war, do not know what it is like. But we do, and this is a sacred holiday for us. And we believe that it will remain so for our people forever.

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75th Anniversary of Victory

Colleagues — with gratitude On Press Day, representatives of the publishing house “Belarus Segodnya” lai flowers at the “Partisan Belarus” obelisk Director and editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Belarus Segodnya" Dmitry Zhuk and editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Znamya Yunosti" Nikolay Machekin lay flowers


irector, editor-in-chief of the publishing house Dmitry Zhuk, noted: — We have many good traditions associated with Victory Day. To congratulate the veterans and help them. To clean up the places of military burials, to place flowers on them. To hold a parade. We shouldn’t forget these traditions. The choice of the memorial is not random. A year ago, the publishing house, together with the National Archives, launched a large-scale project “Partisan Belarus” — the Internet portal partizany. by hosts a publicly accessible database, which includes the award documents of national avengers. Information about more than 85,680 partisans and underground fighters has already been digitized. And new archive documents and names are constantly being added. —  T h e s e a r e r e a l d o c u m e n t s , which is very important especially now, when there are more and more attempts to rewrite history, — says Dmitry. — By the name, year and place of birth anyone can find information about their relatives, friends who took part in the partisan movement. The bulk of the work at this stage is digitization of award documents. Further work will continue with records sheets, references and other


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unique documents. The general task is to gather the most complete database of partisan documents. After all, more than 400 thousand partisans and underground fighters fought the enemy. The Internet portal partizany. by contains information about more than 85,680 partisans and underground fighters. Sergey Mikhovich, editor-inchief of “Selskaya Gazeta”, which is also part of the publishing house, considers it to be very important that now many monuments dedicated to military events are being restored and created not only by the state, but also with the help of people’s construction. As, for example, the memorial in the village of Budilovka of Dokshitsy District — this project was supported by “SG”. Sergey Grigorievich is sure: — This shows that our people really pass on the memory of that terrible war from generation to

generation. To live on and look forward to tomorrow with confidence. The idea to pay tribute to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War on a professional holiday was also supported by Pavel Sukhorukov, director and editor-in-chief of the publishing house “Zviazda”. He said: — The war in this or that way affected the fate of every Belarusian. Therefore, May 9 is really a national holiday. The director and editor-inchief of the newspaper “Minskaya Prauda” Larisa Korshun, who expressed her wish for our children never to know the horrors of war, at the same time stressed: — This event is a tribute to memory, our gratitude to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War for their feat. The 75th anniversary of the Great Victory is approaching. And, of course, despite any difficulties, the epidemiological situation we would like our patriotism to get stronger and its grains to germinate in the souls of the young generation. By Nadezhda Dekola

75th Anniversary of Victory

Tour of the war Over the past two decades, a real library of books published in Russia and Belarus with the support of the Standing Committee of the Union State has been formed


ew publishing project of the Standing Committee of the Union State. These are crosscultural editions and books devoted to cultural and scientific figures who have left a mark in the world of art and literature of Belarus and Russia. Maxim Gorky, Ilya Repin, Adam Bogdanovich are the main characters of the books… Many interesting projects have been implemented which deal with the heroic war history. A new edition, which has just been printed in Minsk, at the Yakub Kolas Printing Factory, is not occasional either. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, one of the leading state publishing houses of the country — “The Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka” — has released an album “Rarities of Military Historical Museums of Belarus and Russia”. Its compilers, authors of the texts are A. Vavra, S. Lyubenkova, A. Nazarov, V. Neroznak. The preparatory work on the publication has shown that the joint efforts of

Belarusian and Russian researchers of military history can open up new, quite interesting sides of the memory of the Great Patriotic War. The album has two addresses: Moscow and Minsk. This is what the director of the Belarusian publishing house Olga Vanina says: — We are grateful to the Standing Committee of the Union State for this opportunity to work on an interesting project. “Rarities of Military Historical Museums of Belarus and Russia” is one of the books that takes us back to the dramatic and heroic events of the Great Patriotic War. They come back with such vividness that reading almost every page makes the heart beat faster. The publication was prepared on the initiative of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus, Dmitry Fyodorovich Mezentsev and with the support of the Standing Committee of the Union State and the all-Russian public organization “Russian Military Historical Society”. It presents the information and illustrations dedicated to the most sig-

nificant 100 exhibits from the collections of the main military-historical museums of Belarus and Russia.They are the Victory Museum, the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the State Historical and Memorial MuseumReserve “The Battle of Stalingrad”, the Brest Hero Fortress Memorial Complex, the Sebastopol Military Historical Museum-Reserve, the State Memorial Complex “Khatyn”. Since school time we know the legendary cavalryman General Lev Dovator, who perished in December 1941 near Moscow. Dozens, literally dozens of streets in the cities of Russia and Belarus, as well as in Kazakhstan and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States bear his name. Our album begins with the pages dedicated to the T‑34 tank bearing the name Dovator on the turret. This combat vehicle installed in the Victory Museum exposition is one of the war rarities. On December 13, 1942 T‑34 tanks of the 1st Battalion, 33rd Tank Brigade, supported units of the 44th Infantry Division in the battle near the village of Ostrovity,

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75th Anniversary of Victory

Veli k iye Luki District, Pskov Region. In the heat of the battle a T‑34 tank fell under the ice, but the crew managed to save themselves. The inscriptions “Dovator” and “For the banner of SDC” remained on the side of the tank, which was extracted from the swamp. The tank was handed over to the Victory Museum in 2001. Page by page — and a unique virtual tour of the leading military historical museums of the Union State of Belarus and Russia go before the reader, the viewer. No, rather — a tour of the war. The exhibits look so embossed and significant that there is an impression of being on the battlefields, of meetings with people who bore the burden of pain and tragedy of the Great Patriotic War on their shoulders… A fragment of an impressive size aspen (four meters high and one meter in diameter) with a four-meter steel side bar of ZiS‑6 truck which got stuck in it after an explosion. The launch unit BM‑13, the legendary “Katyushas”, used to be mounted on these trucks. A piece of memory — from the place of the last battle of Captain Flerov’s battery under Vyazma… A school notebook of the Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya… A service shirt of the Brest Fortress defender Lieutenant Aleksey Naganov… A letter from Belarusian children, who were evacuated to Ashgabat at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, to the soldiers and officers of the 1st Belorussian Front — with gratitude for the liberation of Belarus and Minsk from the


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Nazi inva­d ers. For many years, Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky kept this epistolary message in his archive as an dear relic. Now the letter is in the Belarusian State Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War. Probably, it would be useful to remind that the Minsk Museum of War is the first museum of this kind in the world. Back on September 30, 1943 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus ruled to “set up a museum of the history of the struggle of the Belarusian people against the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War.” Its temporary location was the building of the State Historical Museum in Moscow, on the basis of which the exhibition “Belarus lives, Belarus is fighting, Belarus was and will remain Soviet” was arranged. The exhibition was opened

back in early December 1942 and was based on the materials of the Republican Commission for the collection of documents and materials of the Patriotic War. And during the eleven months of its work was replenished with new exhibits. The first employees of the Belarusian State Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War were taken on the staff on July 16, 1944. And on August 1, 1944 the first director, Vasily Demyanovich Stalnov, was appointed. One of the few buildings that survived in the center of Minsk, i. e. the House of Trade Unions in Liberty Square, 1248 square meters in area, was allocated for the museum’s work by the BSSR authorities. Another impressive exhibit is the Victory Loudspeaker, from which the Belarusian actors in evacuation heard broadcasts of the liberation of their native towns. The Victory Loudspeaker belonged to People’s Artist of the BSSR Vladimir Iosifovich Dedyushko (1905–1973). On July 2, 1944 the Belarusian Drama Theatre (BDT‑1) was located in Tomsk. The actors learned about the liberation of Babruisk, and Vladimir Iosifovich Dedyushko suggested that the next day Minsk would also be liberated. A military man told him: “You’re too fast, Comrade Actor!” Dedyushko did not give in and they bet a bottle of champagne. Everyone was

75th Anniversary of Victory

excited. They were listening to the radio attentively. The actors did not go to bed, stayed with Vladimir Iosifovich all night long. And at two o’clock in the morning (10 a. m. Moscow time) on July 3, 1944 it was broadcast: “Minsk has been liberated!” The excited actors rushed to wake everyone up. They didn’t sleep another night either. And in the morning, everyone had their photos taken to mark the liberation of Minsk. Vladimir Iosifovich kept the loudspeaker, from which the actors learned about the liberation of Minsk, and handed it over to the museum in 1966. This is a simple exhibit, the Victory Loudspeaker… In his introductory message to the album, Grigory Rapota, State Secretary of the Union State, addressed all those who honor the memory of the Great Patriotic War with the following words: “The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation used to be part of the unified state for a significant period of their history. But this is not the only reason why the two peoples, the two countries are bound by the close ties of the political and eco-

nomic union, the historical and cultural community. The most important and most heroic event of our history was the struggle and victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. We defended our Fatherland, gained a common victory over a treacherous enemy, whose very presence on our soil spelled destruction for the country and our peoples. The Union State, into which Belarus and Russia united 20 years ago, is the continuation of our community, the blood kinship between the two peoples. We were together during the battles of the Great Patriotic War, we stay together on peaceful days. I think it is worthy of the memory of our heroic ancestors, the Winners”. The album “Rarities of Military Historical Museums of Belarus and Russia,” which was published on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, begins its own history. Its pages will be opened by schoolchildren, young people, historians and regional ethnographers, by those who think that the rarities brought from the battle-fields, wars, will forever remain a lethal weapon against the destroyers of peace.

We bow our heads before those who worked on “Rarities…”, i. e. museum workers from two countries, encyclopedist-publishers, printers. By the way, the book has been printed at a decent level in Minsk, at the Yakub Kolas Printing Factory. Perhaps, today, more than ever! — it is important that the book about rarities should become known to the younger generation. To make the album an invitation to all young men and women to visit war museums. Yes, we are going through a difficult time when the pandemic is feverish all over the world, clogging up our consciousness. But look through the pages of the Belarusian-Russian album, open the illustrations, photos of surprisingly rich and informative exhibits which are stunning. Months will pass, we will become more daring in our trips and meetings with the surrounding world, then come to the museums of combat memory. You will undoubtedly become richer and wiser. By Kirill Ladutko

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75th Anniversary of Victory


The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Belarus answered the magazine’s questions on the eve of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory

Let’s say at once: we as journalists have never had a chance to talk in this format. We were going to have a meeting with Dmitry Mezentsev late in the afternoon. Approaching the Embassy, we were joking: we may do without dinner, as we are getting used not to eat after 18.00. We disinfected our hands, our temperature was measured. Everything was okay! We went up the stairs into a small cozy hall with a garret window. It is surprising that not into the office of Mr. Ambassador. In the center of the hall there is a white round table, three meters in diameter, served for lunch. Dmitry Fyodorovich welcomed us warmly and we felt at ease in a pleasant atmosphere, paying tribute to the Russian Embassy hospitality. And somehow the conversation started quickly. Dmitry Fyodorovich, as soon as Ivan started talking about his studies in St. Petersburg and life on campus at 16/1 Novo-Izmailovsky Avenue at the corner with Kuznetsovskaya, the Ambassador smiled. It turned out that they used to be neighbors for about five years: the family of our interlocutor was living at the same Aviators Park! “Do you remember the plane?” — “Of course…” Father, Fyodor Dmitriyevich, in a childhood rescued from the plane, not yet installed on the pedestal, curious second-graders — Dima and his friend. They climbed into the cockpit, covered the hood, and it got locked… and for three hours the boys were in “airplane captivity”, not having any opportunity to get out of the MIG‑15, which was a fighting vehicle in one of the regiments of the Leningrad Military District a few months ago. And his father, a front-line soldier, a military


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journalist, who began serving in the Military Railway Troops, quickly coped with the task, releasing the guys from the airplane captivity. It is known that such moments in life, common acquaintances win people’s favour. By the time tea and coffee were served, our hearty conversation was joined by Yevgeniya, wife of Dmitry Fyodorovich, who brought good motives to the conversation. We, of course, noticed how pleasant it was for Mr. Ambassador to introduce his reliable supporter, because the role of his wife in Minsk is not limited to family ties. Yevgeniya Frolova is a Professor, she has been teaching for more than twenty years, worked for a long time in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and in Minsk she became a scientific adviser to one of the departments of the Law Faculty of BSU. She promised to tell us about her projects for the magazine. She also told us about her book “Financial Tales for Children”. It will soon be published in the Belarusian language at the publishing house “Mastatskaya Litaratura” for Children’s Day on June 1. We looked through a colourful pilot copy. Such fairy tales will certainly help children not to repeat Buratino’s mistakes in the Land of Fools. Liveliness at the table increased when Yevgeniya confessed: her great-grandfather Ilya Savich Galkin — historian, rector of Moscow State University in 1943–47 — was from Belarus. We read in the book about Grodno Region, the village of Panasyuki. This village is probably now is situated in Kamenets District of Brestchina, near Kamenyuk. The regional newspaper “Zarya” published an article about Ilya Savich “Rec-

Ivan Zhdanovich


Dmitry Mezentsev, son of a front-line soldier

75th Anniversary of Victory tor from Panasyuki” (‑rektor-iz-panasyukov. html). It says that our countryman was from Pruzhany District. So, a native of Mosow, Yevgeniya, with Belarusian roots, will be interesting for the newspaper “Golas Radzimy”. And we think it will be possible to find the ones in Dmitry Fyodorovich’s family tree: his mother is from the Zhuravsky-Stepanov family. Belarusian researchers write about it: “The numerous gentry from Ashmiany”. Besides, in the 30s, Vera Mikhailovna lived with her parents in Minsk for three years. And the Ambassador remarked: “If my mother and father, my grandmother, lived here for almost three years, I think she absorbed a part of Belarusian culture”. And how many kind words the grateful son said in memory of his father, front-line soldier Fyodor Dmitriyevich Mezentsev! It turned out, by the way, that his father was from Kursk, participated in the liberation of the Baltic States — as did my Ukrainian father from Kharkov Region. He, Mikhail Cherkashin, was a military musician, and then a wireman, participated in the famous battle of Stalingrad, received the gratitude of Commander-in-Chief, which is kept in our family archive. In general, we, the representatives of the three fraternal nations, felt perfectly well at the table. We also talked about the importance of the Russian language as an additional opportunity for international communication. And they talked about our beautiful Belarus. According to Dmitry Fyodorovich, the country is neat, clean, which gives a feeling of a reliable, kind and hospitable home. “A year ago, — he confessed, — Zhenya and I were going to come here with this feeling. And now I’m convinced of it myself.” In such a free, friendly atmosphere, we talked for about two hours. And at last I dared to specify: “Dmitry Fyodorovich, and when are we going to mention the questions which we tried to formulate in keeping with thesis-aphorisms style, believing that your answers will also be built in terms of these colourful expressions?” Everyone laughed, because it seemed that we could already finish the conversation: there was enough material for the article. Dmitry Fyodorovich confessed that he didn’t like to look through the questions in advance, so as not to be boring for guests-journalists. He said he preferred improvisation in the conversation. We, of course, agreed with him. And yet I thought to myself: there is no better improvisation than good preparation. So let’s go over some questions. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”

— I always try to find joy in any amount of work, of course. And get satisfaction from what I am doing. Probably I’ve managed to do a lot. And if we talk about the appointment that I received a year ago, on April 30, 2019 — in accordance with the Decree of the President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, then on my part as Ambassador, together with the professional staff of the Embassy should do everything possible to make the ties between the two states and two peoples even stronger. — How did you choose your profession, what were you guided by? Maybe your mother or father drew your attention to something as a child? — In 1947, my mother entered a medical school in Smolensk. Both my brother and mother lived there My grandmother, Vera Stepanova, was born in Warsaw and her family moved to Smolensk in 1916. The First World War was going on, and they as citizens of the Russian Empire moved from Warsaw to this ancient city. — And your mother’s maiden name? — Zhuravskaya. — It sounds quite Belarusian… (laughs). Did your mother work as a medical worker? — No. Was the wife of an officer. My brother Sasha was born, and I was born 10 years later. Then my parents used to live in different years in Germany, then in Hungary: my father was a military journalist, he was sent to serve there in the newspaper editorial offices at the radio station. Mother worked at a school at the Embassy of the USSR in Budapest. I remember it well: when the classes were over, after the last bell all the women of the school got together in her class of domestic art. Some were knitting, others were sewing something for the house. It was such an alternative staff meeting. And I knew for sure: if I misbehaved on classes until 12.40, at 14.10 my mother will know about it, and I’ll be given a gruelling! (laughs) So I had to avoid it. Also, about choosing a profession, I know that my grandfather, Mikhail Terentyevich Zhuravsky, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers and in the 1930s he worked in Minsk on the Belarusian Railway. My mother told me about two-storey cottagetype houses in the town near the depot behind the railway station. They say that some of them have survived at the depot, behind a


— Dmitry Fyodorovich, does it go this way in your life? Is it always a pleasure to work? Well, it was different, and your record is impressive. And you know the railway business, having graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, and you have manifested yourself as a manager. You have the post of Irkutsk Region Governor, you are the Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Speaker of the Russian Senate, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. You are also a PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Psychology at St. Petersburg State University…

Fyodor Mezentsev, front-line reporter. 1948.

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75th Anniversary of Victory

“If not now, then when? If not you, then who?” Robin Sharma, Canadian writer — How did it happen that journalism found its place in your life? According to the Internet in 1984–90 Dmitry Mezentsev was serving as an officer in the army, as well as an employee of the military press. And since January 1988 you have been a member of the Union of Journalists. Later, as a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia — the upper house of the Parliament — supervised the legislative support of both the information policy of the country and economic issues. Did your father’s experience become an example in choosing your way to journalism? — My father’s example led me not only to journalism, because after school I, “following him”, became a railway worker and then found my way to journalism. (In 1981, he graduated from LIRE, the first record in the work book is made by the master of the workshop of the Leningrad-Baltic Locomotive Depot of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. — Auth.). Later he was elected the secretary of the Komsomol junction committee — then more than 1000 Komsomol members were registered in our primary organization. Then there was Leninsky District, Leningrad City Committee… Then, first of all, following the example of my father, on my initiative he was called from the reserve as a lieutenant to the Railway Troops. Two years later I reported to the commanders that I was ready to stay for 25 years, but only with a transfer to the military press. By the way, my brother Alexander was a lieutenant colonel. For 22 years he served as an officer at Baikonur Cosmodrome, became a major general, and since 2002 he has been the mayor of this city — the country’s space harbor — for almost 12 years. — Tell us about your father, who was an example for you… — My father was very fond of journalism, he never saw any other occupation in his life. When I served two years, I told myself: if I stay in the army for a quarter of a century — only in the military press. I was told that I lacked education. But I had graduated from a twoyear University for working reporters, Faculty of Journalism, under the auspices of the Leningrad State University. It was set up for those who, working in the industry, tried to write for newspapers. My greatgrandfather, as I said, was a railwayman — train manager Warsaw — Moscow and my father graduated from the College of Railway Troops and Military Communications during the war. And in the 40th he was called to the 70th Separate Railway Battalion, which was then based at the station Kamen-Rybolov. (“And the war for a common soldier of Railway Troops Fyodor Mezentsev started in the town of


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Artem of Primorsky Krai”. This is a line from the article “The war and peace of Colonel Mezentsev”, which we found on the Internet. The article was published in the newspaper “Gudok” on February 15, 2006, and on February 13 the veteran turned 84. — Auth.). For the 85th anniversary of our father, we have gathered his personal file: the file of Colonel Mezentsev — thanks to the order of the commander of the Railway Troops of the country, Colonel General G. I. Kogatko. I could not imagine such preservation of documents in the archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence. There is a questionnaire, which my father, a Red Army soldier, filled in in 1940! When asked what profession he had before he was drafted into the Red Army, he answers: artist. Because the father graduated from art school in Stalingrad. When asked what profession they had before they were drafted into the Red Army, he answers: an artist. Because he graduated from the art school before being drafted in Stalingrad. In his personal file there are even tickets, which he pulled at the graduation state exams, completing belta

powerful red fence. The commanding personnel and ETW of the Belarusian Railway used to live there. Once we drove along, had a look. — So Minsk is a natural part of your life… — How do I know? When I was assigned here, my mother said to me: when you get to the place, go and look for three trees from the same root. She remembers that as a little girl she used to come up to that house and was worried about a tree that could fall on it. Mom is 92 now, and her childhood memories are so bright! I wanted her to come to Minsk by March 8 and together we would go there. But, alas, the coronavirus interfered.

Dmitry Mezentsev with the military attache after a flower laying ceremony at the Victory Monument in Minsk on May 9

4‑year full-time training at the Editorial Faculty of the Military Political Academy in Moscow. 15–17 journalists graduated from it per year, my father was appointed to the Leningrad Military District: he arrived in 1956. And then he served in Potsdam — already with his family: his wife and son. The editorial office of the newspaper “Sovetskaya Armiya” was located there. After that officer Mezentsev served at the radio station “Volga” — also in the Group of Soviet troops in Germany. At home we have books from the exercises in GSFG, there’s a picture of my father with Marshal of the Soviet Union S. S. Biryuzov. In 1971 father served in the Southern Group of Troops, in the newspaper “Leninskoye Znamya”. And then the whole family returned to Leningrad again. “I don’t regret anything in my life, not even the things my father made me go through. It made me the person I am today” Christina Aguilera, American singer — Well, as you know, the singer and her father had a complicated relationship. And did you have to agree with your father even when you didn’t like it, to debate things with him, to persuade him

75th Anniversary of Victory


of what seemed right to you? Was your father right? Did his stories about the war affect the formation of your character? And how does your family celebrate Victory Day? — Many times I had to have discussions with my father. They primarily concerned the role of the Communist Party, the role of the citizen, and the possibility for the common man to act of his own free will — within the existing Soviet system. These were not political disputes, but worldview and philosophical ones. When I joined the army, I was 25 years old. And, of course, my father and I often discussed army life and officer service. My father himself was very reasonable, measured reality, but he defended communist principles strictly and consistently. Here (shows) in the picture he is the deputy editor of the newspaper “Vo Slavu Rodiny”. By the way, the first article of my father in the district newspaper in Leningrad was devoted to how the traditions of combat training and front-line soldiers are used in the battalion, commanded by Major Dmitry Timofeyevich Yazov. It was in

During the handing over of the capsule with soil from the battle sites near Rzhev to the Temple-monument in honor of All Saints during the visit of the Speaker of the Federation Council of Russia's Federal Assembly Valentina Matviyenko. On the photo: Dmitry Mezentsev, Valentina Matviyenko (in the center), Chairman of the Council of the Republic Natalia Kochanova, Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl Pavel, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus.

1956, they were both majors then. And when I already met with Marshal of the Soviet Union Yazov in 2000, he asked about father — how health, how family, and I remember well that after receiving the final proof of his book, without hesitation, writing warm words of wishes, handed it over to father. The Marshal is gone this year on February 25. Dad had an enviable temperament. And a fantastic command of Russian. He made no mistakes at all, I mean in writing. And when he was joking at Mom, he mangled words on purpose. Mother got excited and said: “Fyodor” There’s no such word!” And he said with a smile: “There is.” He had a phenomenal approach to the people he interviewed. He could read their minds, understood the way they lived, what motivated their words and actions. He knew how to mark and describe it all. I knew how to mark it all, describe it all. The district newspaper, like the entire Soviet press, “existed” within the framework of censorship.

— And self-censored… — Yeah, yeah. And that’s when it was necessary to find the right format to talk to the reader. Both to express yourself and make the material interesting. My father’s texts were living, not official. — Did your father tell you anything about the war? — Very little. I know from his biography that he graduated from the railway school in 1944 in Yaroslavl — he was transferred there from Leningrad. He was appointed the commander of the bridge platoon. At the end of September, like thousands of other junior lieutenants, he arrived at the place of the future Konigsberg operation. My wife and I found information that the soldiers of the separate brigade of Railway Troops were given the task to transform the tracks from the European gage to the Soviet one — 1524 mm. My father told me: Germans used to weld rails to box sleepers. Usually the rail through the crutch and lining is attached to wooden sleepers. They could last for centuries. Under fire, under the threat of enemy attack they had to perform the task. After all, the front can stop without the railway: there are no guns, tanks, fuel, overcoats, ammunition, shells… And there was a tough instruction of Marshal G. K. Zhukov that it was necessary to ensure the supply transportation of troops and ammunition for the operation. One example of the military labour of railway soldiers — the resolution of the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov on the report on ensuring the uninterrupted supply of all that the front needs in the days of the Battle for Berlin — the word “Well done!”, written by the hand of the glorified commander, was another high appreciation of the contribution of the Railway Troops to the success on the front. — Does your mother remember the war well? — Yes, well, Mom has remembered it since 1927. Her mother, my grandmother, pushed her little girl literally into the last echelon that was leaving Smolensk. She and her little sister Luda managed to cross the bridge over the Dnieper. And already on the other bank, my mother told me, a storm party was landed. She even remembers the faces of the Germans who were walking there. She told me: “Luda and I hid ourselves in the ditch. A German came up to us. He looked at us. He had his hands on a machine gun. His sleeves were rolled up. He looked at us and passed by. I mean, our life could have ended then. In one moment”. And my grandmother was amazing. The Soviet leader, the pharmacist. In the post-war years, she was the head of the pharmacy management of the Smolensk Regional Executive Committee. In 1951, she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. As you can see, in life I had someone to look up to. “Yesterday it is history, tomorrow it is mystery. Today it is a gift”

Unknown author

— We have no doubt, Dmitry Fyodorovich: as a man of insight and also a psychologist, you understand what it means to live in the present day. To appreciate what you have. And, nevertheless, tell us about the brightest period of your life, to which you return in your thoughts. Perhaps it has nothing to do with your career…

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75th Anniversary of Victory — Apparently, it’s not about psychology, but about my character formation, about education, about understanding some important things. (In 1998, Dmitry Mezentsev defended his PhD thesis “Psychology of the influence of the mass media on the formation of political attitudes of the individual” at St. Petersburg State University — Auth.). Of course, I want to appreciate and strive to appreciate what we have today. As the years go by, I notice that I appreciate more and more the people who are with me. I’m really glad, for example, that I can call my mom anytime I want. I value the high trust that people have in me. I value the system of relationships. I appreciate the material, quite standard sets of things around me. Because I know they are now, but they may stop existing. — Wise people say: Today is the most important day in life. Because the past does not exist any longer, and the future, tomorrow has not come yet… — You can’t argue with wise men! But let’s make it clear. We must shape our future, think about it — otherwise the future, if it comes, will be very different from what we would like it to be. As for the brightest periods… It’s a very difficult question. There are many in my life. The memories of my childhood in Leningrad are very bright. That period when we lived as a family, the four of us. Like a bright episode, a picture of childhood — a case when my friend and I were trapped in the Aviator Park, sitting inside the aircraft cockpit, and could not get out of there. Father, thank God, found us and got us out of there. Now we’re only left with Mom… By the way, Mom still lives in that super modest, two-room Khrushchev apartment on 16, Kuznetsovskaya Street. I remember how my brother, while studying at the Mozhaisk Military and Space Academy, was obliged, while doing coursework, to present his teachers with a considerable number of drawings on large Watman sheets, and it was most convenient to do this in a small bathroom, which he then turned into his office. Millions of people lived in such conditions — in overcrowded conditions and not rich. It was neither a heroism nor a test. And later, already in a mature life, there were many interesting things. Say, the way my wife and I lived in Irkutsk for three years. By the way, this is a rhythm of our life: always three years. Then there were three years in Beijing… In the early 90’s. I never thought that I would work and

live in Moscow. And our story of acquaintance with the spouse, and our church wedding… (Invites Yevgeniya to tell about it). Yevgeniya Yevgenyevna: — Many years have already passed… Somehow on the August day we came to St. Petersburg to see our parents — Vera Mikhailovna and Fyodor Dmitriyevich. The spouse expressed desire to visit Father Bogdan (Soyko) — it is the most authoritative archpriest of St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral in St.-Petersburg. A very beautiful temple, light. We drove up there, went inside. Dmitry Fyodorovich went to the ap wing, where Father Bogdan has an office. He’s 83 now. When he was healthier, he worked in an office under the very dome. Dmitry Fyodorovich remembers: when Father Bogdan baptized him in the late 90s, he had to climb up to the dome, above the upper temple… Later the Father moved lower because of his age. There is a refectory, several rooms, where he receives people, confesses. So, he went to Father Bogdan, and I stayed in the corridor. Soon Father Bogdan came out, and looked carefully at me with his piercing black eyes, silenced for a few seconds. Then he said: “Betrothed, come in!” We sat down at the table. We sat feeling so… sedated. Words did not convey the state of both of us. We kept silence, and Father Bogdan began to reason. For the next weekend, he said it was impossible, then the Lent ended. Look, and either he showed a calendar, or drew with a pen: this weekend, this. Which one, he asked, do we choose for the church wedding? We were wondering: what wedding day? What were we talking about, anyway? September, he repeated, this weekend or this… What day? We exchanged glances and said: this one. We had a month left. And the wedding took place on the day of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. We were married by Father Bogdan. Dmitry Fyodorovich: — Much later we had to go to Irkutsk for work related reasons. It is clear that the region is harsh both in terms of the climate and a set of problems the region has. Zhenya, which is very pleasant for me, did not hesitate for a minute. Right from the first day. Everyone asked if my wife would come. As well as in Minsk, by the way. But here the situation is different. How did we work there? Here’s one of the examples. In the morning, there are floods to fight — the rivers open late enough, and it is necessary to blacken the ice, blow it up, ensure safety to the villages. And since lunch, we are working on forest fires. The area is huge, two and a half thousand kilometers long from north to south. — Did Siberia harden you? — The Red Army made me harder in the first place. And service in the newspaper, the first two years. At that time Gorbachev, if you remember, halved the positions of military journalists. With a stroke of his pen. But I had a dream when after two years of service I started to work part-time: I should become one of the leaders of “Red Star” newspaper. A boyish kind of dream: I should become a general. — Well, basically, you did it… — (Smiles) But not in Red Star. — How did you move to Moscow? Together with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin? Yevgeniya Frolova and her husband at the festival "Feel At Home in Belarus 2.0", timed — In March 1996, he was appointed Deputy Chairman to Vyshyvanka Day. Next to Dmitry Mezentsev — Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign of the Russian State Press Committee by the order of the RusAffairs of Belarus. On his right is actress Vera Polyakova, spouse of the Minister


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75th Anniversary of Victory sian Government. Back in 1995, Ivan Dmitriyevich Laptev, the head of the department — a man of very bright professional destiny — once editor of “Izvestiya”, speaker of the Council of the Union, first deputy editor-in-chief of “Pravda” — proposed to work in Moscow. For 24 hours I walked along Moscow streets and thought over the proposal. I remember him telling me: “For you, the main question now is whether you’re staying in St. Petersburg or, as a matter of principle, moving to Moscow”. He was right: my life was completely changed. I was lucky: I had many relatives in Moscow. There lived my aunt, Anastasiya Dmitriyevna, half-sister of my father, who had 10 children. All Muscovites with higher education. In 1996 we celebrated her 90th birthday, 100 people got together, all relatives by blood. 10 children, 28 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, nephews. I had no apartment in Moscow for two years. I stayed with my sister on Marshal Zhukov Avenue. I thought that we had a small apartment in Leningrad, and she had even smaller: the so-called Brezhnevka. I lived in a 6‑meter room. Anastasiya Dmitriyevna, I remember, at the age of 92, she could make a roll over her head. She told me once: “Dima, God gave me 7 guys and 3 girls. And I am alive! If God had given me 7 girls and 3 guys — I would have died a long time ago. (Laughs) They’re all very friendly. When father was studying in Moscow, she performed at the Bolshoi Theatre at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of International Solidarity of Working Women, with a broadcast to the entire Soviet Union. As mother-heroine. The text of the speech was prepared by the father, and supervised the preparation for the celebration in the Office of the USSR Minister of Culture E. A. Furtseva. And then, coming out on the podium, auntie postponed the speech and her words spoke about her fate, the role of women in Soviet society. Father was very proud of his Nastya. “In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity” Albert Einstein — Of course, we have taken this aphorism so that you could share with the readers of the magazine your thoughts about the prospects of cooperation of the brotherly peoples — Belarusian and Russian. In your opinion, what would be the most optimal thing for today to resolve the existing contradictions? Patience? Striving for peacefulness? The memory of all the best that our peoples have in common? — The questions about how our peoples will live, develop, cooperate, what future they will have, have become customary. Though, if we look at our past history and the day to come, such issues should not be a reason for speculation, search for answers, but solved long ago, rhetorical. And if they have not become such, then we must do everything thinkable and unthinkable. In the very near future, without any delay, to make the model of cooperation of the two sovereign independent states — Belarus and Russia — clear to people, accepted and supported by them. There are economic benefits, there is confidence that we cannot, have no right to lose part of our common history. And if we talk about the Union State, notice what President Alexander Lukashenko says: our Kaliningrad Oblast, our Tatarstan, our Chechnya, our Primorye… And he is quite right to say so! I think

it is very important for a Belarusian living in Grodno Region, Minsk Region, to feel like a citizen of the Union State, which has the western border near Brest and the eastern border near Primorye and Kamchatka. We hardly know how to talk about it. — So, Dmitry Fyodorovich: what, in your opinion, interferes with the Belarusians feeling of a big motherland? So that we do not feel like strangers, second-rate on huge territories, figuratively speaking, from Smolensk to Primorye? — There is not a single Russian in Russia who can think that the Belarusians are strangers to Russia and the Russians. It is not a newspaper phrase — this is my conviction. There are people who can argue on the forms of economic interaction, on the model of cooperation, on the volume of benefits… Of course, there are people on both sides. But from a humanitarian point of view, I think there is nothing to dispute here. Being underestimated, there is a danger to lose a lot. What you are talking about, are the development diseases of independent states which stand in the way. If we are still arguing, it means that we have not yet managed to find a model of cooperation, openness, camaraderie, mutual assistance that will fully satisfy everyone and will exclude such disputes. It is very difficult to find it within several decades after the unity within the Single Fatherland, after living in one country. But there is a form of interaction that I have represented within the SCO. Different countries are members of this organization: from huge great China to much smaller countries in terms of territory, population, scale of economy, gold and currency reserves. But we have said that there is unanimity in the approaches in terms of equality. If the size of the flag is the same, if the rights of any of the countries are observed regardless of the aforementioned characteristics, then we must treat each other equally. Yes, there are nuances, and they will always be. And yet: we must treat each other on equal terms. To make the same demands to ourselves, and to our partner. Not to do it on a selective basis when it’s more advantageous to treat them that way today, but next Monday a little differently. Once you’ve chosen this model, you hold your ground. If we succeed, there should be no strategic or operational disputes any more. Because the closer we are to each other, the safer the region’s life and joint competitiveness will be ensured. As we know, any tactical dispute is characterized by the speed at which it is resolved. And we must increase this speed significantly. — Among other things, making use of the potential of the Union State. — Exactly! After all, I repeat, the potential of the Union State is huge! It is absolutely clear that today we are talking about economic integration. While preserving the unconditional independence and sovereignty of each country. But even economic integration can have a greater depth. And the nature, spirit, and style of greater partnership. And let the parties be more active, more aggressive about it. And in my current position, I am obliged and willing to do my best. This is what all the employees of the Embassy and Trade Representative do, but most importantly, thousands and thousands of people involved in the huge and especially significant system of our bilateral relations. Certainly, we have the right to assess some “things” in different ways. And no one prohibits this. It is just necessary to understand what I am

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75th Anniversary of Victory

“How can I enjoy life when there are only problems around?” “Understand: life is not given to wait for the rain to stop. It is given in order to learn to dance in the rain” Omar Khayyam, Persian philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, poet — In December 2019, the Union State celebrated its 20th anniversary. What has the Union given to the citizens of our countries, from your point of view? Which of the problems in our interaction, in your opinion, are the most acute? And do we need to amend and supplement something in the 20‑year-old treaty? Figuratively speaking, have the two peoples learned to “dance in the rain” or are they just learning? And what do you think we should do to ensure that our past remains the common heritage of future generations? — The two peoples have proved that it is possible to live in one Motherland and in one family. Now people rarely talk about that time, but there was such a notion: a brotherly family of Soviet peoples. It is also worth remembering that before the October Revolution there were many examples on the territory of Belarus, when the Tsarist capital paid attention to the development of national traditions, national culture and supported them. They were developing, becoming richer on the Belarusian land. In my opinion, we should talk a little less about what is hindering us, and begin to talk more about what should help us. We see a successful multi-faceted policy of Belarus in the system of relations with European states, with countries of the socalled “far arc”. It is clearly seen from Minsk that today Russia is trying to conduct and expand the dialogue and the format of cooperation with dozens of states, international associations and organizations. There is a consistent interest in strengthening the dialogue even on those issues which are difficult to conduct with some of our partners. It has long been noted that all our disputes make us weaker in dialogue with each other. Besides, it multiplies the number of questions to Russians and Belarusians from outside. Having understood this, it seems to me that we too will solve many things and think differently. We understand: leading world players have their geopolitical interests. We do not always definitely know what they are. Zbigniew Brzezinski, at one time — the Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security, by the way, an ethnic Pole, wrote the book “The Great Chessboard” in the early 90s. It says: “Our task is to detach Ukraine and Belarus, and the next stage -countries of Central Asia from Russia”. Herewith he notes that the detachment of the Baltic states has already taken place. And then he writes: if we do that, the threat to the integrity of the Russian state in the future will be obvious. A more straightforward and cynical formula, presented in the open press, is rarely found. Maybe we shouldn’t — in everyday life — go deep into the study of such publications, but I think we should read at least the first ten pages of this political bestseller… To make sure that the number of friends


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of the Slavic peoples, who originally live in the lands of Russia and Belarus, is not so great as it seems to us. And it is very important not to be deceived by building up new relations and strengthening the old ones. Because the price of deception will be incomprehensibly high. — Well, you only have to find the tree in Minsk that grows with three trunks from one root. And it can be understood as a symbol of the former unity of the peoples of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine… — I know about that tree, again, thanks to my mom. And we all know about the past unity of the three peoples from our history, thanks to the memory of our ancestors and our personal experience. The common contribution of Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, other peoples of the USSR to the victory in the Great Patriotic War is disputed by deeply dishonest people who know the truth about the heroism of the Soviet people, but today are increasingly reluctant to accept it. Therefore, God grant us all good health to survive today’s great misfortune (coronavirus) that befell the world community, which makes us think today what the world will be like, the system of our belta

convinced of, having disagreements, having talked, who interprets the same situation differently. No worse, no better than you — differently. And even then, to meet your partner. In this case, ask, and sometimes even seek to be heard and your arguments, your position and approaches.

Dmitry Mezentsev and Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich. At the exhibition "Energy. Ecology. Energy Saving. Elektro", which was held during the Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum from October 8 to 11, 2019.

relations after the pandemic. Threats are multiplying — as negative consequences of overcoming the pandemic — for millions of people, national economies and security systems. And to some extent — to preserve sovereignty, the usual standard of living. To maintain independence and degrees of freedom for the states that are not part of a very small group of leaders. And they must, understanding this, work in a proactive manner. I want to believe that this will happen. And we, as brothers, will get peace of mind, patience, respect for each other, solidarity, a feeling of fellowship to understand that the world is getting tougher today. And the number of dangers, including for our Union State, unfortunately, is not decreasing. — Friendship is important not only for mutual benefit, but also for survival… — It is important to appreciate the system of mutual support, mutual benefits, cooperation between Belarus and Russia, regions of the Republic and entities of the Federation. We do not always reflect that the scale of mutual trade is really important to the parties. I do

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not want to “burden” you with figures characterizing the volumes and structure of mutual supplies, but these are examples of mutually beneficial relations in the economic, financial and production spheres, which are organically inscribed in the large-scale system of bilateral relations. We see examples of successful cooperation in the framework of technological chains. Let’s look at the Sverdlovsk Region, where more goods come to the Republic than the Urals receive. There are other examples when Belarusians supply more goods to the Russian region than they receive from there. But on the whole the picture is balanced, although there are still many steps to be taken to optimize the practice of mutual trade, as well as to support national producers in our countries. This is what road maps and action programs to implement the Union Treaty are designed to help. Completion of work on their coordination will allow to enter the single market of oil and gas, on realization of uniform approaches in industrial, technological, tax policy, to make interaction of parliamentarians on harmonization of the legislation of two countries real. Last year the Forum of Regions

Dmitry Mezentsev, Minister of Information of Belarus Alexander Karlyukevich and U.S. Charge d'Affaires a.i. in Belarus Jennifer Moore at the opening of the 26th Minsk International Book Fair

of Belarus and Russia was held under the leadership of the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko and the Chairman of the Council of the Republic Mikhail Myasnikovich. — Our magazine gave a whole block of materials covering this event… — Well, half-billion-dollar contracts were signed in St. Petersburg. And let’s see whether Belarus, and we too, have many such partners who confirm the system of international economic cooperation — even if within the framework of the Union State — in the regional format to such an extent. Bearing in mind the years to come. And it is also important to be able to appreciate it. After all, these are visible examples. But I will say it again: we do not always know how to convey such figures and facts to people as facts of real support and benefits. At the same time, it is important to do this work very carefully. Rechecked and verified. So that justice is respected and maintained. So as not to cause offence. And there can be no reprimand to anyone at that! Well, how can you, for example, be offended by your own home? How can you have a grudge against the land where you

grew up, which gave you life? And in this respect: how can Belarusians be offended by Russians? In general, the format of offense is not the basis for a constructive dialogue. Especially in the interstate system of relations. We must avoid this more. And such approaches must be strengthened. — We think that it will be preserved and expanded. We should, indeed, be careful of each other. Including journalists who cover the events, features of life in our countries. For, as the famous bard Alexander Dolsky from St. Petersburg sings, “our most beloved people get the least amount of love”. — Well, let us together help and promote it, so that friendship between our peoples, individuals got stronger. And let us ask journalists to pay more attention to it! Every friendly step towards each other that is taken by other states, partners, and perhaps allies, future friends is very important. Especially during fighting the coronavirus. “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists“ Nikola Tesla, scientist-physics, inventor — What kind of penetration into the mysteries of the universe do you expect from the cooperation of our countries in space? — I’ll tell you about space. Recently, in the framework of the visit of Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin, Director General of Roscosmos State Corporation, to Minsk, we visited one of the major high-tech industries that works on joint Russian-Belarusian space exploration programs. One of the Belarusian heads said: “You know, today we have made further progress — in our specialization — in this sphere, without reproaching the Russians. And answering him, I said: “There is no need to be offended by it! Building on each other’s experience must make us stronger”. Let us stop any young Belarusian person on Independence Avenue and ask: what do they know about it? 8 out of 10 will not say anything. And every second will say something about oil and gas prices. We need to move away from this unbalanced, incorrect, inaccurate format of representation in our society, and then there will be less threats to the Union State and our relations. “The truth is too expensive to consume it straight” Mikhail Veller, Russian writer — What, as a diplomat, could you say about this? — When you take a chocolate out of a box and if it’s not wrapped, it’s sure to leave traces of chocolate on your fingers. So, it’s better to eat a wrapped candy made by the Kommunarka Factory, packed in a box. By the way, the Belarusian chocolate of this factory is amazing! And the assortment is also very impressive. And if seriously, there can never be much truth, fellowship, trust in brotherhood. This is what distinguishes true alliance, which cannot be measured in cubic meters, tons, money. This is something that cannot be exchanged for the sake of today’s situation, deceived by political mirages. Interviewed by Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich

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75th Anniversary of Victory

How our grandfathers fought The fact that in the creative family of “Aura” band leading singers there is a special attitude to the theme of war, becomes clear when one hears the song “Fire Tank” written by them. When Yuliya and Yevgeny heard the story of the crew, who in the first days of the occupation of Minsk, battling their way through the city, destroyed a dozen enemy tanks and several hundred Nazis, they were struck by the heroism of fearless tankers and dedicated a song to them.

“I was named after my grandfather” Yevgeny meets us in his cozy house with portraits of his grandparents in hand. They are no longer alive. The musician tells us that it was his grandmother, a primary school teacher, who taught him to read and write. From his grandfather, a nephew of the great Russian tenor Ivan Kozlovsky, he inherited his musical abilities and artistic temperament. The composer admits that his formation as a personality was also influenced by their memories of the Great Patriotic War, during which Nadezhda Petrovna and Yevgeny Yemelyanovich were within a hair of death. A native of the village of Velikaya Motovilovka in Ukraine, Yevgeny Oleynik volunteered for frontline duty in 1943. He took part in the battles for the liberation of Koenigsberg. After the war, he was engaged in mine clearing in Belarusian Polesie. He was a driver, chief mechanic. Looking at his photo portrait, it is impossible to believe that the man with a wise, purposeful look is only twenty-one. — Grandparents got married three years after the war. They gave birth to two children. They lived happily married for almost sixty years. They didn’t like to recollect war years. The grandfather talked more about the cars that carried ammunition. The grandmother only a few years before her death decided to write about herself, a fifteen-year-old girl, who was taken by the Nazis to a concentration camp. Nadezhda Petrovna gave the manuscripts to her grandson. Yevgeny keeps them as a family relic and does not rule out that in the near future he may write a book based on them. The plot, by the way, could well serve as a story line for a film. Looking through the notebook with small handwriting, the musician tells us that when the war broke out, granny Nadia was fourteen years old. Their family lived in the village of Novinky (now a district of Minsk). On the very first days, they saw German planes


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in the sky above the capital, heard the explosions, but could not imagine all the horror they would experience. Nadezhda Petrovna wrote: “That morning we were woken up by my mother’s cry. We ran out into the yard and saw huge black clouds in the sky over Minsk with continuous bright flashes. We thought it was a thunderstorm. When dad ran out into the street, he said: “Kids, this is war.” A lot of planes with crosses on the wings were flying low above the ground. There was roaring, rumbling, whistling. Dad said to go back into the hut, get dressed and bundle the essentials. Later there was a radio announcement: “Attention! This is Radio Moscow! Today at 4 o’clock a. m. without any declaration of war the German armed

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forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union”. Father said goodbye to us and left for the recruitment station. He never came back. …The horror began. The smoke from Minsk spread for tens of kilometers. The ashes covered the ground. And the grass and the trees were black. People with bundles, with suitcases were walking along our highway. A sudden bombardment, and people rushed into the ditch to escape. A lot of people didn’t survive. My mother with five children, my youngest sister was only nine months old, left the vil-

work under guard from early morning until late at night, slept in their clothes on plain boards, and drank watery soup made from potato jacket. Many died of diseases and exhaustion. It’s hard to imagine, but the grandmother managed to run away. It was like this: she saw men secretly throwing logs over the fence behind some building. The Germans, having noticed it, shot them on the spot, but forgot to remove the logs. Some time later, having climbed them, the grandmother and other guys, who were also about fifteen years old, jumped over the fence and were free. Only two of the seven people, who had escaped, reached home, including Nadezhda Petrovna. Yevgeny notes how important it is to pass on this memory to his children. Not so long ago he managed to have his grandfather’s six-string balalaika restored. A rare instrument of the 1930s fell into disrepair during its almost centenary life. It took masters almost a year to restore it. Now it has modern sensors that allow it to be connected to the sound-amplifying equipment and be used in concerts.

Thank you for the opportunity to live

Yulia Bykova and Yevgeny Oleynik with photos of their grandparents

lage on a horse-drawn cart past a state farm garden along a meadow country road. I don’t remember how long we wandered. When we came back, we saw a cow carcass hanging in the doorway of the farm, near which the Germans were roaring with laughter. Our house had been plundered.” Yevgeny stops at the lines about mass deportation of citizens for work to Germany. During one of such raids Nadezhda was also captured. — They gathered people, drove them into the carriage and brought them to the camp, which was located in Poland, — says the composer. — The prisoners, including women and children, had to

— When the war broke out, my grandmother Nina Nikolayevna was five years old — joins the conversation Yuliya Bykova. — Her father and two elder brothers did not return from the war, and the mother was left alone with three small children. They survived as best they could. Being hungry, to cheat their stomachs, they even sucked stones. But against all the odds, they survived. For my grandmother, Victory Day is still one of the biggest holidays of the year. Grandfather Vasily Ignatyevich Begun died three years ago, not having lived just a few months to his ninetieth birthday. In the last period of his life he was ill. When Julia visited him, he recollected what he had gone through. Vasily Ignatyevich was drafted in 1943. As part of the 1st Belorussian Front, he participated in the liberation of Warsaw, Gdansk (Danzig), Koenigsberg. — In one of the battles, his leg was broken by a shell. As there was no timely medical care, his leg could have been amputated, but, fortunately, a competent surgeon removed only a fragment of bone. After the war, he met his beloved Nina. Married, raised two children, lived a long happy life. Yuliya keeps her grandfather’s Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st grade, the Medal “For Courage” and numerous labor awards. In the postwar period, he worked as a builder and often became the winner of socialist contests. The singer confesses that she never ceases to be surprised by the resilience of the Great Patriotic War veterans: — Despite the ordeals they endured, they survived and gave a peaceful sky to their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. For which we will not tire to thank them with our songs about love to the Motherland. *** Yevgeny Oleynik is planning to write a book about the way his grandmother managed to escape from the concentration camp. By Marina Kuzmich

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75th Anniversary of Victory

Images from the past In Grodno the originals of several front drawings by Vasil Bykov were discovered


his was reported in social networks by Sergei Shapran, biographer of the writer. In his opinion, the fact of the existence of such drawings is incredible in itself, as the front drawings were believed to burn away together with a backpack in 1945. This is what Vasil Bykov claimed himself. But it turned out that several sketches were still kept in one of the private archives in the regional center. These are original copies of graphic sketches of the front period of Vasil Bykov’s life, i. e. “Kombat 2. Senior Lieutenant Akhryn.1945”, “The Commander of the


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Gun Senior Sergeant Prostakov” and “In Sokol stream”. It is possible that these inscriptions on the back side of the drawings were made by the author himself. The sketches were published in 1970 in “Friendship of Peoples” magazine. However, there were four of them. And now the war-copies of the three originals have been found. Unfortunately, one drawing is missing, which depicts a girl from the medical service. The location of this sketch is unknown. It may also be found, like the other three, which were considered to be lost. Meanwhile, the original copies, which were made by Vasil Bykov at the front, were kept in the personal archive of Grodno

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journalist, war veteran Ivan Glukhov. He and Bykov were countrymen, both frontline soldiers, they met while taking part in the work of the literary association in “Grodnenskaya pravda”. Bykov is believed to have sent the drawings to Glukhov at his request and may have forgotten about it. They came to light unexpectedly. And here an interesting chain of events can be traced. Strange as it may seem, but not without the help of higher forces. It turned out that these drawings saw the light thanks to the priest of Vladimir’s Church in Grodno Andrey Yavorts. It was him who was shown the house archive by Ivan Glukhov’s son. Then the unique find was reported to the biographer of the writer, who wrote about it on his Facebook page. He also added that the drawings were in the possession of Glukhov’s son, who was living in Moscow, and could donate them to the Vasil Bykov Museum in Grodno. As we know, the writer lived in this city for over twenty years and worked as a style editor in a regional newspaper. Some of his belongings are kept in the museum room of the editorial office. Until recently, there was Vasil Bykov’s museum in the center of Grodno. True, few people knew about that small room, the exposition of which was created and supported only by enthusiasts. Last year the museum ceased to exist, and all the exhibits were transferred to the literary department of the State Historical and Archaeological Museum, which is known

as the Maxim Bogdanovich Museum. Its head Yelena Rapinchuk said that there were about 600 exhibits. Most of them are the library, but there is also an interesting and unique archive, personal belongings of the writer. This has significantly added to the already existing fund of Bykov’s exposition. Three showcases for new exhibits have appeared in the museum. — We received from the museum the writer’s brief-case, a bag, a scarf, a tie, a beret, a shirt, a jacket, a leather belt, a coffee maker, and a radio receiver as well as fountain pens, a paper cutting knife, a voice recorder, — Yelena enumerates. — Here there is a postcard, which Vasil Bykov sent to his son Vasily. The writer congratulates him on his birthday. By the way, younger Vasily lives and works in Grodno. His second son Sergey is in Minsk. Among the interesting exhibits there is a greetings telegram to Bykov from Mikhas Lynkov, the writer’s foreign passport, his trade union ticket, ID cards and credentials. There is also his business card with the address on Sverdlova Street. The apartment still belongs to Bykov’s family, his grandson Yevgeny and his family live here. A lot of manuscripts, photos have been received by the museum. But there are no pictures by Bykov in the museum yet, although it is known that Vasily Vladimirovich used to take up the pencil and even studied to be an artist. In the 50s, the writer often illustrated his own stories. There are many of his sketches, which supplement his biography in the book “Dotted Lines of Life”. But all those pictures were made in the post-war period, unlike the present discovery. However, in Bykov’s notebook, which is in the museum, one can see, along with lines of text, a schematic representation of the area with a river, a bridge and trees. As Yelena explained, this is a handwritten text of his book “The Raid”, i. e. plans, sketches, notes. Next to the handwritten corrections there is a typewritten work “Sign of Troubles”. There is an autobiography written with the writer’s own hand. One can read an extract, which is also handwritten: “A nation that aspires to the future should cherish its past if only be-

cause its culture, its history and its destiny come from its past”. These words are worth of being on a memorial plaque or Vasily Bykov’s bust. Ales Gostev, Grodno local history expert and historian, is one of the active supporters of this idea. He was also familiar with Bykov and even received a greeting card from him, which he carefully keeps. Grodno local historian believes that the writer’s memory should also be treated with care. By Margarita Ushkevich

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Alena Dedyulya

75th Anniversary of Victory

Newsreel testifies Newsreel tells about the most important military operations, the liberation of settlements, introduces the heroes who testify to the atrocities committed by the Nazis. The cameramen of the war period together with the Red Army soldiers and partisans took part in combat actions, so apart from the camera they often had an AK, a handgun and two grenades. The weapons had to be used quite often, because in pursuit of valuable footage they wanted to get into the center of events.


t was possible to learn more about the filmmakers of the war, to see the footage they had taken and to get acquainted with the documents of that time during the presentation of the multimedia project “Their weapon is a movie camera”. It was prepared by the National Archives, the Belarusian State Archives of Film and Photo Documents, the Belarusian Cinema History Museum and the Belarusfilm Studio. From the first days of the war, Belarusian cameramen from the Minsk Newsreel Studio have been part of special front film groups. Iosif Veynerovich came to Bryansk, Vladimir Teslyuk was near Smolensk, Moisey Berov was on the Western Front. The footage was sent to Moscow to the Central Documentary Film Studio. Many of the cameramen received high awards, as evidenced by the documents kept in the National Archives. Military filmmaking was conducted from the first days of the war. Just a month after the war broke out, about a hundred cameramen followed the events on the fronts. The Belarusian State Museum of Cinema and Photo Documents keeps the first story about the partisan movement. It was filmed in the Cherikov District of Mogilev Region in 1941, when the first partisan detachments started to appear.


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Iosif Veynerovich is taking photo of partisan commander Ivan Titkov (right). Photo from the Archive of the Research Centre of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the NAS of Belarus.

75th Anniversary of Victory

Front cameraman Moisey Berev. Photo from the the Archive of the Research Centre of Belarusian Culture,

Language and Literature of the NAS of Belarus.

Front-line cameraman Ottilia Reisman shooting battles for Budapest

Iosif Veynerovich crossed the front line several times, in 1943–1944 he was shooting in occupied Belarus in the north not far from Begoml, Lepel, Polotsk. There he shot a large number of scenes dedicated to such famous partisan commanders as Minay Shmyryov, Ivan Titkov, Vladimir Lobanok. The funds of the Belarusian State Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War contain exhibits telling about the courage and bravery of frontline cameramen, and a separate exposition is dedicated to them. Senior Researcher of the Belarusian State Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War Natalya Obukhova said that from 1951 to 1990 Iosif Veynerovich used to visit the museum quite often, handed over to the institution his photos, his film camera and the certificate, with which he worked at the front. By the way, besides Veynerovich, Nikolay Pisarev, Ottilia Reisman and Mariya Sukhova were landed in Vitsebsk Region to make a film about partisan Belarus. This group filmed not only fightings, but also the construction of a partisan airfield in Ushachi, as well as repair of bikes for reconnaissance. Young female camera operators had to share all the hardships of military life with the partisans. Combat commanders spoke very warmly about the work of “combat” Mariya, about the way she made a film, went to partisan units, talked to villagers. The footage

shot by the girl was used in the preparation of the film “Vigilantes”, the creation of film stories about the rail war. The harsh winter of 1944 was especially hard, the Germans were completing the circle of the blockade. It was decided to make a breakthrough, and camera operators together with the partisans tried to fight way out of the encirclement. During the Ushachsky breakthrough Nikolay Pisarev and Mariya Sukhova were killed. Employees of the National Archives found a document dated May 1943, which testifies to the death of Mariya Sukhova. Her last words were about where the filmed materials were hidden… Newsreel tells about the liberation of Belarus. The film “Minsk is Ours”, where the swastika falls from the facade of the Government House, makes use of the scenes shot by cameramen Berov and Veynerovich: one was shooting from below, the other — from the roof. The films show the way settlements looked like in the first hours after their liberation by the Red Army. Many shots show the crimes that were committed in the occupied territory, burned villages, the liberation of prisoners of the concentration camp “Ozarichi”, Trostenets death camp, a camp of prisoners of war near Vitebsk. Therefore, these news-films played a great role in the Nuremberg process. By Yelena Dyadyulya

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75th Anniversary of Victory

Alena Dedyulya

Everyday life of partisans

There were power plants and even hairdressing salons in the areas free from fascists in Belarus


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Portraits of partisans, made by the artist Heinrich Brzezowski in 1943

n May 1, 1943 in “Dubova” Chashn i k i Br i g a d e i n Vitebsk Region a partisan art gallery was opened in a specially built dugout. The paintings showed the struggle and life of partisans, villages destroyed by the invaders. During the blockade in 1944, when the enemies were encircling, the paintings had to be removed from their frames. They were rolled up, put into a copper pipe and buried in the ground. Today these valuables are kept in

the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War and in the Museum of National Glory in Ushachi. There were not only artists in the partisan detachments — musicians gave concerts, it was possible to watch documentaries and feature films, which were delivered from the Big Land. Groups of actors and ensembles performed for partisans and local people. Schools worked in dugouts, huts and just on forest glades. The first partisan areas in Belarus appeared in the autumn of 1941. And by the end of 1943 partisans controlled up to 60 percent of the territory of the Republic.

75th Anniversary of Victory

Map of the location of the partisan detachments. 1944.

teresting for everyone. The authors faced a difficult task, i. e. to accumulate and select the most important information and at the same time to convey to people complex academic history in a simple language. Today, the publishing house “Belarusian Encyclopedia” is looking for new forms of material presentation, which could be of interest to modern youth. The book “Partisan Belarus” is well-designed. It contains

about 600 illustrations, there are many archival sources. It was also possible to get acquainted with archival sources (directives, reports, drawings made by a partisan artist, a map, a partisan oath, leaflets, handwritten magazines and diaries kept by the partisan units) during the presentation of the edition at the exhibition organized by the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus. By Yelena Dedyulya

There were more than 20 large partisan areas. It was a reliable rear, where partisan airfields and bases of partisan formations were located. Soviet authority bodies were restored on the liberated lands. There were mills, bakeries, tanneries, tailor’s, shoe-repair’s, gun shops and hospitals. For example, in the spring of 1943, in Rossony there was a power station, a canteen, a hairdressing salon and even a rest home for partisans, who recovered there after injuries. In the Polotsk-Lepel area the partisans organized the work of two turpentine-tar plants, 80 forging shops, 54 tanneries, 47 carpentry and cooper’s shops, a pottery enterprise. Three power plants, six mills worked in the zone, flax seeds were processed at 20 small oil plants. Partisans helped the peasants with the field work and protected the settlements from possible attacks of punitive expeditioners. Today we know a lot about partisan fight, about the contribution of vigilantes to the Victory. But today’s reader will probably be interested to learn not only about the struggle, but also about a large scale resistance which was well-organized: the way people lived in the woods, procured food and arranged everyday life. You can read about all this in the book “Partisan Belarus”, which is a result of joint work of the publishing house “The Belarusian Encyclopedia named after Petrus Brovka” worked together with the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences, regional and district history museums. This is our unique experience, which many residents of different parts of the former Soviet Union were previously unaware of. And in order to make the book available to as many readers as possible, the text is presented in two languages — Russian and English. Alexandra Kuznetsova-Timonova, a senior researcher at the Institute of History of NAS, said that the scientists who created articles for this encyclopedia tried to make the book understandable and in-

Book "Partisan Belarus" from the series "Belarus Remembers. In the Name of Life and Peace"

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green economy

Buses, harvesters and competitors of Tesla It is obvious that one of the components, one of the elements of the concept of the new green economy, which is now more than ever actively promoted in Belarus, is electric transport. Scientists and designers have been working on its creation for many years now. And there are certain results.


t’s true, the world is changing today more rapidly than anyone could imagine. It is not by chance that scientists and designers become the driving force for modern economy. Recently the President came to the national testing ground for mobile vehicles of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences to see the achievements of Belarusian scientists. However, his attention was focused not only on the exhibited items. Alexander Lukashenko noted the important role of scientists, especially in the upcoming five-year plan: — The times of extensive economic development are over. We need to intensify it. We can do nothing without science. In the next five-year period we need to involve scientific ideas, our advanced, competent people in the best way possible so as, if not to start forward, to meet a challenge of this situation. It is worth reminding about the importance of developing electric transport in the country. Besides the fact that with the commissioning of the BelNPP, we will get surplus of electricity, the environmental aspect is of importance, too. Many promises and statements about the development of electric transport were made in due course, so the visit of the head of state to the testing ground is an opportunity to get acquainted personally with what has already been done.


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— I would like to see how much progress you have made and how much the words and actions correspond, — Alexander Lukashenko explained the purpose of the visit. He added that the Academy of Sciences should be audited as a whole: — In general, we need to overhaul the work of the Academy of Sciences. Although, it is not easy. There are really smart, talented people there. We need to check the main directions, to see how the Academy of Sciences works, how the decisions we have made are implemented. According to Vladimir Gusakov, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, all the assignments given by the head of state regarding the development of electric transport have been put under the strictest control and are being fulfilled without any breakdowns. The country has managed to create a new scientific school from scratch and develop competencies. Today a group of specialists and scientists, which includes 40 people, can solve any tasks in the field of electric transport. The Academy of Sciences itself has created sections for the assembly of electric car components, batteries and the latest samples of lithium-ion storage rings. Scientists are developing their own graphene storage devices as well as the hybrid ones. Thus, almost all element base of an electric car, except for a body, is created inside the country.

green economy

Electric bus MAZ 303E10

An example of promising development

— We are working with many companies in cooperation, but have already reached the point that in the near future we are going to create our own experimental production and start limited production, — reported Vladimir Gusakov. At the same time, according to him, there are problems that prevent the transition to large-scale production. In particular, there is no enterprise in the country for the production of traction batteries, the body. — This is normal. Why should we create a whole plant or convert it, if we do not know what it will result in? — The President reacted and gave instructions to provide a complex research into the issue. — We need trial models created by you. You need to put the future on our table. After that we have to estimate the markets. Undoubtedly, having a clear and verified perspective, the Belarusian enterprises will focus on the production of missing domestic components for electric transport. At the same time, today the work on the development of electric transport is carried out in various areas. Not only passenger cars are among scientists’ developments. Two identical MAZ buses were demonstrated at the site: diesel and electric. According to Valery Ivankovich, Director General of MAZ OJSC, electric bus costs more than its diesel countertype, but series production will allow to reduce the price: — We get an very competitive price due to the technical solutions of the gearbox, electronics, and due to the series production. The instruction from the President: to produce a dozen buses for Minsk and the regions by May next year. Among the exhibits there was also a trial model of an electricpowered ice. As the developers say, such a vehicle is much cheaper than the imported one. And ice resurfacing is good. Another development is called a competitor of Tesla by scientists. We are talking about an experimental model of the Belarusian roadster — a two-seater electric car-cabriolet. It is light and maneuverable, it belongs to the class with improved dynamic characteristics. The car can gain speed of 170 km/h and cover 270 km without recharging. Small-size car “Murash” for cleaning sidewalks and garbage collection was also demonstrated at the exposition. The Head of

State asked Minsk Mayor Anatoly Sivak whether such equipment would be in demand in the city. — Yes, we should switch to such equipment, — the affirmative answer was given. — Let us be guided by it, — the President said. Alexander Lukashenko got acquainted in detail with the developments in manufacturing batteries and charging stations for various purposes. The scientists told about their own developments in the field of lithium-ion and graphene batteries. The latter are second in efficiency, but they cost much cheaper. However, the prospect of equalizing performance indicators is quite real. The head of state noted: if it succeeds, it will be a breakthrough. The President paid special attention to trial models of electric bikes, electric scooters, electric segways, he was interested in their technical characteristics, speed, and drive range. He ordered some models to be improved in terms of design, and agreed to take some others and test them personally. The Director of the Scientific-Production Center of Multifunctional Unmanned Systems of the National Academy of Sciences, Yury Yatsina, presented a number of developments to the President. Many of them have been in operation at the Belarusian Ministry of Emergencies for many years, they are well-bought in other countries as well. Alexander Lukashenko was satisfied with what he had seen. After the event journalists asked the President to share his impressions and assess what he had seen at the testing ground. Alexan­der Lukashenko urged not to run ahead. We had completed only the first stage of solving the task. There would be a second stage, after which there would be grounds for discussion. Nevertheless, what the head of state saw was impressive: — I did not expect them (scientists — Auth.) to be able to do all this within a short period of time. To assess them properly, we need to see if all these items meet the world standards and what prospects they have. We are not creating a toy, but a product that will have to be sold in the markets and get currency. But in general, it is impressive — both in terms of defense of our country and in terms of its use for peaceful purposes. By Vasily Kharitonov

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That is what it’s like, the moment of truth Well, the pandemic is making certain adjustments to modern reality. But the vision of the economic outlook for tomorrow must be even clearer. And this can only be achieved through a thorough analysis of cases and a vision of verified actions today and in the near future.


It is not without reason that at one of the recent sessions, in which the government and the entire country’s leadership participated, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made the following firm conclusion: “The economy, and thus the lives of people, not only today but also in the future, is issue number one. This issue should be guiding for everything”. Undoubtedly, Belarus, having an open economy, largely depends on the processes that are taking place in the world. And they are changing so rapidly and unpredictably that they require an immediate response. Yes, coronavirus is a serious challenge. But against the backdrop of fighting it, one should not lose attention to the problems of the economy. — Within only four months, the world has changed beyond recognition. But there’s more to come, — warns the Head of State. — The allies, who for decades kept their borders open, established good relations, reestablished the borders within one day and destroyed the relations. It concerns the whole world. But the main thing is people. These are the losses in the relations of people, which will be difficult to compensate. At the moment, the entire world economy is under pressure of an unsolved problem, i. e. the so-called pandemic. Obviously, it is also affecting our country. We are an export-oriented country. We are an open, transit country. We cannot be completely isolated from the impact of the processes that are taking place on the planet… It is worth noting that this also applies to the situation in the oil market. The OPEC deal, which reposed for three years on the agreements between Russia and Saudi Arabia


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and which allowed stabilizing oil prices at 60 dollars per barrel by limiting production, expired on March 31. It could not be extended due to opposite positions of the two major players. This led to a sharp drop in hydrocarbon prices to multi-year lows. And the latest news from stock trading sometimes resembles reports from the front: the price drops or suddenly rises sharply. Volatility runs high. But the worst thing is that the world’s leading players do not even hide any longer what games they are playing and what goals they set, notes the President of Belarus: — They speak directly and go for a rise of oil prices. There is a cartel conspiracy. The games are going on. Unfortunately, we cannot influence all this. In such a situation, it is important to adapt the country’s economy and society to avoid losses or minimize them. The task of such countries as Belarus is to be ready for any developments. Even better, to be least dependent on the oil games of major powers. The more support is created for the economy, the more sustainable the society and independent policy will be. So far, not enough has been done in this respect. Problems that must be solved between business entities within the framework of normal contractual arrangements, have to be considered at the highest level. This means that when difficulties arise, the economic and production, diplomatic and legal potential of the country is not given full play to. If the issue is important and urgent, the whole vertical of power must be strained, not one or two people. The head of state asked what agreements on oil supplies had been reached, what prospects could be outlined by the

end of the year and how tough those plans were. Having taken into account the real situation, the conclusion was made that in the very near future it would be necessary to depart from constant disputes, clarifications and the state of eternal uncertainty. And for unforeseen cases it is necessary to create a considerable stock of raw materials — both oil and fuel — which will make it possible not to disrupt the work of industries and not to interrupt the technological processes. A number of issues were raised before the government. Among them there is availability of oil storage facilities and oil product reserves and the possibility of increasing them. — We do not hide it. Today oil is cheap, we need to buy it, produce oil products and create a certain reserve, — said Alexander Lukashenko. It is also important in terms of seasonal agricultural work. Many politicians and heads of major international organizations are now concerned about food security. Belarus successfully solved this problem in due time. But one should not slow down in any way. Thus, at the meeting with the President, the priority measures to ensure sustainable operation of the economy and social sphere under the global epidemiological situation were discussed. We can say it another way: the focus is on the health of people and the economy. The issues that have been at the forefront in Belarus from the very beginning, although other countries have come to understand the importance of economic issues much later. Yes, in times of pandemic physicians should provide treatment, and the government should keep the economy in sight. The

Actual — It is necessary to encourage people to work, to stimulate small businesses… The state, of course, does not withdraw from its obligations. But the point is that the support should not be indiscriminate, but point-based. In other words, the state will help those who deserve it, and the President emphasized it: — All sorts of talks about our help to everyone who is unemployed today… 25 thousand vacancies in Minsk alone. Is it unemployment…? We don’t promise that we will help everybody. We’ll only help those who deserve it, who are trying to work today. The government suggested specifying the industries that will be most affected

Prime Minister Sergey Rumas cited representative figures, which show that the economy is able to cope with external challenges: — The GDP growth rate for the first quarter was 99.7 percent. This is one percentage point below the quarterly forecast, but above all the estimates, both external and internal. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the Government has focused on domestic industries. In particular, construction and production of building materials, agriculture, woodworking, food processing, pharmaceuticals and metallurgy have increased markedly. — All other sectors also have positive dynamics, — stated Sergey Rumas. — Du­


main demand of the head of state is not to go to extremes and not to stop the work of key industries. The turbulence in the world oil market, which has never taken place before, clearly illustrates the extraordinary character of the situation. Had it ever happened that black gold futures reached negative prices? That’s why the President insists: — The economy is in priority. We have no other sources for life but the work of our people. The first quarter of the year proved to be a very strict exam for everyone. Having no raw material airbag, the national economy was forced to parry blows from several directions at once. Those were oil restrictions

BelGee Joint Venture — as an example of modern cooperation

on the part of the closest partner, breach of the established production chains, closure of borders, and fighting the pandemic. Not surprisingly, GDP fell by 0.3 per cent within the first three months. Against the backdrop of sharp declines in other countries, we seem to be look good. But Alexander Lukashenko on principle is against even the minimal reductions and stresses that the plans must be fulfilled: — Every effort should be made to preserve people’s trust in the economic policy. It is necessary to maintain price stability at least for the most important goods and services for people. Another challenge for the Government is to ensure employment. The President stressed:

by the slowdown in economic activity and recession in demand. The package of measures to support them refers to taxation, leasing, labor relations, as well as to a number of sensitive social aspects. So, the ball is in the court of regional leaders. The President explained: — These are recommendations to the governors and to the enterprises which the government is directly responsible for. If we allocate money for the economy, it will be divided by the governors, they have demanded it. They say: we will determine ourselves what to support — a store, a chemical fiber shop or some carpet enterprise. They are right, they can see it more clearly. Thank God that the regions are taking over these issues.

ring February and March all of them increased. But for, quite objectively, the oil industry, which began to grow in April. As a result, foreign trade has been balan­ced. Positive balance of trade in goods and services for the two months of this year amounted to 425 million dollars. It is obvious that in difficult situations, one should rely primarily on one’s own strength. The mobilization of all structures and resources allows us to ensure sustainable economic performance. The time has come when everyone must show maximum responsibility, iron discipline, diligence and dedication. These qualities, according to the head of state, will help jointly overcome a difficult period. By Vladimir Velikhov

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“Great Stone” is a brand


The China-Belarus Industrial Park, which is located not far from Minsk, is, in fact, an innovative locomotive and new technologies that are becoming increasingly important in the modern world. The park is being built, and the economy of the future is being built together with it.

The development plan of the China-Belarus Industrial Park "Great Stone" is impressive even as a model


verything has come together in this place, according to the film on Belarus1 channel: the proximity of the capital, the proximity to the National Airport and the transcontinental highway. The initiative of China to recreate the legendary Silk Road and make fast delivery of goods and services was supported at the highest level in Belarus. In the Celestial Empire itself, the “Great Stone” is called the pearl of the Silk Road. Its history began on May 12, 2015, when the leaders of Belarus and China vi­ sited the park, to be more precise, the construction site. They were the ones who gave the start to this project. And today, head of administration of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Alexander Yaroshenko has the grounds to summarize:


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— Over these five years, it has become an international project to attract investments from any country in the world. When they started in 2015, there were 8 companies, now there are 59. Another one has been recently registered. There are residents from 16 countries: the USA, Switzerland, Israel, the UAE… The entire park area includes five sites, i. e. commercial real estate, industrial, commercial and residential. Minsk Avenue of the “Great Stone”, in fact, its brand identity, has not been built up yet. The park’s admi­nistrative center will be located there. This is the place where its history began. This very part of the industrial park is favorite for the head of the administration: — Every day I go from Minsk to the park, I leave and come. And I go with great

joy, because the project is very interesting, and I always breathe freely here as the eco­ logy is good. Yan Gang, Director General of the Park Development Company, confirms that a lot has been done within five years: — We are moving towards high qua­ lity development. We have completed the construction of more than 30 kilometres of roads and 176 kilometres of engineering networks. We have built 30 objects. Now the park has all the conditions to attract investors from all over the world. And for industrial cooperation. Thus, the company Fast Gear — the world’s lar­ gest manufacturer of gearboxes for trucks and buses — now is represented in our country. Director of Fast-MAZ LLC Zhao Jianlin explains:

Innovations — Belarus has an advantageous geographical position. Fast Gear and MAZ have more than 20‑year history of mutually beneficial cooperation, and now we are working to jointly promote our pro­ ducts in international markets. MAZ is not the only project in the park. There is also Maz-Weichai, which is supposed to produce up to 20 thousand diesel engines per year for trucks, buses and special vehicles in six years’ time. All the engines are of Euro‑5 and Euro‑6 classes. And on Druzhnaya Street of the “Great Stone” rental housing is being built. The first house for 156 apartments is a low-rise with high ceilings. Another house, a bigger one, is being designed. Those who work in the park live there. The rent is lower than in the city, all the furniture and equipment is available, says one of the tenants, Marina Gotina, a specialist on the park development: — I really like the room because it is minimalistic, there are only the necessary things. There are no extra interior items. I like the color scheme, it’s relaxing: even if you’re in a bad mood, you stay in this room for a few minutes — and the mood rises. Very soon, the Great Stone will be connected via 5G technology. And for industry they are going to launch — so far in test mode — unmanned transport. Smart city is just beginning its way, but, judging by its progress, is keeping pace with the times and technologies. Or even is ahead of them. By the presidential decree of 2017, the park became an attractive platform for business. Residents do not pay income tax for 10 years, and for another 40 years they pay at half the rate. In addition, residents of the park are exempt from land and real estate taxes, and when importing production and investment goods they do not pay customs duties and VAT. They also have 5 years freedom from dividend tax, and income tax is reduced from 13 to 9 percent. One of the park’s major projects, Zoomlion, is the world leader in the creation of special equipment. It became a resident of the “Great Stone” back in 2015. The main idea is to combine the competitive advantages of two companies: our MAZ’s chassis, and Zoomlion’s attachable equipment. Soon they are planning to launch a conveyor

by the way The resident company of the Industrial Park “Great Stone” — International Technology Company “Intelligent Equipment” LLC — has gratuitously handed over to the Minsk National Airport its recently developed robot model for remote temperature measurement. The event was held with the participation of the Embassy of the PRC in Belarus and the China-Belarus Industrial Park. The robot is able to determine temperature of people in real time and identify them. Information about temperature measurement is transmitted and stored in the cloud. Video screens are also transmitted from Industrial Park Development Company JSCC to the airport to display the measurements.

and produce 900 units of special equipment within 5 years, says Yuan Xun, Director of the company Zoomlion Bel-Rus: — The “Great Stone” is a good basis for the production and development of our company, including in terms of logistics: it is an important innovation hub on the Silk Road. Our potential customers are both in the European Union and the EAEU. From here, we will cover both of these markets. But won’t enterprises in the city of innovation duplicate the existing real sector? During the “Big Talk” with journalists, Ale­ xander Lukashenko noted that enterprises that do not exist in Belarus are currently being created in the “Great Stone”. Most of them do not sell their products in the domestic market, but outside the country: — We are striving for joint ventures and, most importantly, for the latest technological developments. That is, today we need not just investments but highly efficient advanced production, which will produce the goods of tomorrow. There should be not only Chinese or Belarusian enterprises there. There should be enterprises of any country. There are plans to make 90% of administrative procedures digital. Bureaucracy should not become an obstacle to business development in the industrial park. It was decided and they immediately moved beyond words to deeds. There are no translation difficulties either: Russian, English, Chinese, and German are spoken there. Yevgeny Mordasevich, Deputy Head of the Park Administration’s Integrated Service Center, says: — There were examples when we re­ gistered a company within 8 minutes. Ano­

ther interesting feature is “visa-free” for 180 days. Leaders of Belarus and China have talked about the “Great Stone” as the most important platform of the Economic Zone of the Silk Road more than once. Last year the park hosted a forum on regional cooperation and development within the framework of the Belt and Way initiative, i. e. about 700 participants from almost 30 countries. A large-scale meeting is a booster of attracting new residents and investments. Three years ago the foundation was laid on Sapfirovaya Street by the Belarusian resident — Assomedika company. This leading manufacturer of medical consumables in the EAEU market produces tubes for artificial lung ventilation devices, half of the products are exported. In addition, it has developed an individual protection system for physicians: breathing masks and a bacterial filter with high degrees of protection. Now they are sent to Belarusian hospitals, at the same time fulfilling the orders of foreign partners. Europeans are also interested in the park. Last year the Swiss company Hess opened and has already launched production of electric transport: it assembles bodies for contactless trolleybuses. In the future, the Swiss will also set up production of finished vehicles. Yan Gang is convinced: — The “Great Stone” has an important role to play in the future for international trade and the creation of new types of industries. It will become a platform for economic growth, an innovation platform. By Aleksey Fedosov

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Scientific view

With antivirus program


Contact with the virus — whe­ ther it is influenza, COVID‑19 or any other — does not result in illness for everyone. On the Diamond Princess cruise liner, which was quarantined off the coast of Japan, for example, the coronavirus circulated in a rather closed environment, but only about 20 percent of those on board were infected. So what does our ability to withstand infection depend on? Are there any ways to strengthen it? Andrey Goncharov, director of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, who has devoted many years to the research into the complex interaction of viruses and immunity, helps to clarify details.

Different sides of the same coin — Is it true that in any population there is a part that is immune to viruses? — Yes, a certain percentage of people are resistant to any pathogen. This is the so-called innate immunity, and for some people it is doing well. Plus, the amount of the causative agent that gets into the body is of great importance: if there is little of it the immunity system is likely to cope and develop resistance, if the virus attack is large — the person gets sick. For example, with


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How our body resists the coronavirus infection and whether there are ways to help it, told us the director of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Andrey Goncharov

coronavirus. If you touch the handle, on which there is saliva of the infected, and neglect the rules of hygiene, you are likely to get early-stage of the di­ sease. But if you are, say, a doctor and are in constant contact with patients who cough, sneeze, then, with inadequate protection, the form of the di­ sease will be more severe. — But on the cruise liner, where there was constant close contact, about 700 people out of 3.7 thousand got ill. Did the others have such a high innate immunity? — No. First, from a certain moment the people stayed in isolation. We also have to take into account the number of patients with asymptomatic forms. According to the latest data — Chinese, European, Russian, about 60–80 percent of those with RNA of the virus have no symptoms. But that doesn’t mean they’re not ill. For examAndrey Goncharov ple, half of those with asymptomatic form of the disease from the liner had specific changes in their lungs, indicating the presence of pneumonia. Though the people felt fine. This is also the danger of COVID‑19. — Does the asymptomatic form of the disease indicate that the body is not resistant to the virus? Is the lack of response bad? — On the one hand, the fact that the virus does not activate the immune system too much, does not cause serious damage to

Scientific view the lungs is good, the person is recovering well. Can you imagine what could happen if everyone’s immune system reacted rapidly? But on the other hand, such patients’ adaptive protective immunity, formed after the disease, may not be very resistant. In general, our seasonal viral infections, e, g, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, bocaviruses, four strains of coronaviruses, etc. — do not give longterm immunity, antibodies to them are detected within a year, two or three at most, according to different sources. Unlike measles or chicken pox, which you will never fall ill with for the second time.

Does BCG have nothing to do with it?

By Yuliya Vasilishina

Live Science

— There are already opinions that in the case of COVID‑19, the immunity is not formed at all… — First of all, this is a new coronavirus, we’ve only known it a few months. It has, for example, similarities with SARS, but there are also some other features. First, it is not so pathogenic — it is predicted that eventually, given the asymptomatic forms, we will reach a lethality rate of up to 0.5 percent, even though the average age of the deceased in Western Europe is 80 years. Among the economically active population, the mortality rate will be very low. With regard to immunity, the data are not yet very encouraging: a number of those who have been ill have either no antibodies at all or very few. The same is true for cellular immunity. This suggests that the immunity as such has not been formed and a person can fall ill again. Besides, we don’t know the protective level of antibodies yet. That is, even if a person has had the disease and has antibodies, it is impossible to say what number is enough not to fall ill again. — Can cross-protective immunity be formed? Let’s say a person has been affected by another coronavirus and it’ll protect against a new type. Or will previous vaccinations play a role? For example, there’s a lot of talk now about the contribution of BCG.

— In the case of the other coronavirus, it’s theoretically possible because antibodies are formed to several similar virus proteins. But we can’t really talk about that yet. As for BCG: what has been conducted is not even research, but a comparison of the morbidity rate in regions, which depends on many factors, i. e. traffic, gender, age peculiarities of the population. Even in Belarus, Minsk and Vitebsk have the highest number of cases as compared to other regions, although BCG vaccination is carried out everywhere in the same way. The mechanism of this vaccination, once made in childhood, which could have a positive effect on immunity specifically to coronavirus, is unknown. But genetic features can play a role. Publications have appeared showing that certain variations in the surface structure of a protein, ACE‑2, through which the virus penetrates a cell, can make its owner more vulnerable or, on the contrary, resistant to such invasion. — Do you think the new coronavirus will replenish the series of seasonal infections or become a thing of the past and we will remember it, like “swine flu”? — If the virus is conservative enough, does not actively mutate and the surface structure does not change much, it may gradually withdraw from circulation. Now quite a lot of COVID‑19 strains have been sequenced, hundreds. It shows that there aren’t so many mutations, and that’s good. On the other hand, the duration of his protective immunity is short. If it were, say, 10 years, most of the people would get sick and the virus would definitely leave. It’s hard to predict. COVID‑19 behavior is not quite typical of ARVIit’s transmitted not only by respiratory tract, but also by contact. I think the situation in Europe will have stabilized by July. The most important thing is how many people will get sick — if the number is 70 to 80 percent, it is likely to leave circulation. If fewer, there can be another rise.

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Own way

Warm bread taste Today it is clear that people want to go out to do the shopping as rarely as possible, including for first necessity products. Many people at this time decide that now they have a great incentive to learn to bake bread on their own. Sourdough bread is especially popular. To feed delicious and healthy bread to your families, acquire a new profession, which in the future can bring money... Why not?


sourdough for bread. But she said no­ thing about baking. I got interested. I began to read a lot about sourdough bread. It was clear that I, a lawyer who had never baked anything, for the first time would get involved in the process where I could see the result of the warmth of my own palms, natural emotional sensitivity, positive character. However, I got “intuitive bread” and the result was not always stable. Olga’s spouse Vyacheslav watched “bread shamanism”, and looked for a ba­

kery school for his wife in the network. He found an international online school of sourdough bread, founded by a Moscow married couple. Olga started taking lessons. It took a while. She says: the crunch of crust of the first well-made loaf, like a switch, changed something in the soul. Olga gave up her law practice: — It turned out that the most difficult thing in bread making is to restrain oneself for four hours and not to break off a piece. There is even a French proverb: a real gentleman leaves the lady some crust. Yes, it’s

lga Bakhmetova, an inhabitant of Chonki settlement near Gomel, is the curator of the international online s cho ol of s ourdough bread where more than two thousand Russian-speaking pupils from 40 countries study. She confirms: there is a rise of interest to bread business. She is sure that home-made karavai is about the value of simple things and about return to the “roots of life”. The log house on the outskirts of Chonki is called a “birdhouse” by the Bakhmetovs. They say that the real ow­ ners are birds which have fallen in love with the upper part of the log house. The birds’ chirm fills the house. But when you get inside the lived-in family space, you rea­lize what really beckons the birds. Yeah, it’s an unusual smell. Olga Bakhmetova fills the space with bread spirit. She jokes that three years ago she experienced professional reincarnation: in her previous life she used to be a lawyer with almost 20‑year work-experience. Bread gave her a new life. — Delicious bread began with unpa­ latable, bought in a shop, which spoiled too quickly — Olga explains her motivation. — One day a friend brought me

Sourdough is a living organism


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Own way impossible to resist the smell, the look of crust. That’s just the result of taming flour and water in your hands. The bread baker tells us that the process of making sourdough starter itself can take up to seven days. Then it is kept in a jar and only fed: — Sourdough starter in our family is a pet. Its feeding disciplines all the members of my family, because it is a living organism! From a small drop power is born that gives bread its bloom and taste. Sourdough starter is fed daily. Everything must be weighed in grams so as not to overfeed or leave it “hungry”. Olga has rye and wheat sourdough starters. She explains how the process begins: — There are micro germs on the grains. Flour is made from them and just mixed with water. In a warm place everything gets sour, there is a growth of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The sourdough starter grows for five to eight hours, then we make sponge dough by adding water and flour. We knead dough on the sponge, and leave it for further fermentation. Bread making takes from 12 hours to 24 hours, depending on the type of bread. This, as professionals say, is the main point: the fermentation process is already over, and such bread is healthier for the human stomach. It will never grow moldy.

— The process is long, but this is the pleasure of sacred bread action — Olga shares her impressions. — You learn to feel the bread: how it breathes, reacts. Good natural bread is about relationships and energy exchange. By the way, Olga bakes her bread treats in an ordinary oven. She managed to completely change her family’s gastronomic preferences of shop pastry. And a piece of advice to all mothers: it is homemade bread that set up a good family tradition of the Bakhmetovs to have breakfast and dinner together — without gadgets and watching TV. — When you start learning how to bake bread, you seem to grow with sourdough starter. Good bread changes even looks of a person. For Olga baking home bread is not a business, but rather a parttime job. — The process takes quite a long time. If you want to bake a lot of bread, it must be your only occupation. I have a few clients, but I do not want to set up, so to speak, a production line. I bake on average 15 loaves a few times a week. She went through all the stages of bread history: baked bread to meet her own challenge, then baked for her family, made bread for sale, held master classes in baking. Now she is completely involved in teaching baking. She and her students are united by the smell of homemade bread even thousands

of miles away. Olga, as the curator of the international school, conducts classes for residents of different parts of the world. By the way, online support at all stages of bread making is 24 hours all seven days a week. — I say that thanks to bread a lot of people have come into my life. There are hundreds of different stories, fates. It’s the realization that everyone is equal when you deal with flour and water, the rich or the poor. It doesn’t matter what language people speak or where they live. Everyone learns to appreciate the simple things in their lives. In Olga Bakhmetova’s life, at the very beginning of her bread journey, there was also an interesting story that encouraged her to move towards the goal. — “Bread roots”, as I say, were growing deep into my soul — Olga shares. — I dreamed of attending a master class of American baker Jeffrey Hamelman. He is considered a bread guru in the world. He came to St. Petersburg. I contacted the meeting organizers. They answered that out of 100 people only ten were selected for the master class. I decided that I would go anyway and would wait for the star at the door of the hall, where he was giving bread-making classes. That’s what Olga did, and when she saw the American, she held out the book of the master for his autograph and told her story about her passion for bread. — The guru turned out to be a simple person in relationships. He was deeply moved when he heard where I had come from and ordered the organizes to include me in his master class next time. I was contacted later, but they warned me that the cost of training was 800 dollars. I refused, because I had no money at all. However, after a while I was called again and sent a free name invitation from Jeffrey Hamelman. He remembered me the whole time. By the way, now, besides teaching bread-baking at the international online courses, Olga Bakhmetova is a student of the Gomel school “Social Entrepreneur”. Not so long ago she became a finalist of the contest of the best business ideas among self-employed Gomel citizens. By Natalya Kaprilenko

Such bread will make any meal better беларусь. belarus 2020


For the State Prize

Saved memory Books by Anatoly Sharkov and Yelena Khoroshevich delight with historical significance


The very informational backing of the nomination of works by Anatoly Sharkov and Yelena Khoroshevich for participation in the competition for the State Prize impresses with the scale of the above mentioned. The authors are given this honor for the implementation of the project “To Live and Remember” and publication of a series of books: “To Live and Remember: Soviet Military Burials in Europe”, “The Soldier’s Last Shelter”, “The Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Army during the First World War in Events and Faces”, “Obelisks of Memory of the Russian Imperial Army of the First World War”, “In the Footsteps of the Soviet-Polish War”. They were written not only on the basis of impeccably verified archival historical information, but also on personal impressions. Everything seen and thought through gives books a particularly trusting tone and the artistic flavor, which documentary publicistic writing usually lacks. By the way, in one of the books, the authors mentioned in passing that only for its writing they had to refer to 98 documentary sources. The book “Obelisks of Memory of the Russian Imperial Army of the First World War” describes the historical truth, which speaks for itself. And the issue is not that Anatoly Sharkov, who, unfortunately, has recently passed away, PhD in historical sciences, professor, one of the developers of the Criminal Code, was a member of the Union of Writers of Belarus, and Yelena Khoroshevich, who has long and fruitfully


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Yelena Khoroshevich

been cooperating with the radio station “Belarus,” is the author and co-author of many books about the First and Second World Wars, a member of the Union of Writers of Belarus, that both of them won the prize “For Spiritual Revival” in 2015. Just the authenticity of what they write about is not only documentary, but also personal. The book is a natural continuation of the unique project “To Live and Remember”, implemented by the Minsk All Saints Parish with the blessing of its rector, Archpriest Fyodor Povny. There is every reason to believe that the “Obelisks of Memory” is the only publication in the national and foreign historiography dealing with the problems of preserving the AustroHungarian, German and Russian burials

of the First World War in Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno and Minsk Regions of Belarus. And, of course, in 14 other countries of the world. The authors visited the areas

For the State Prize where the events had taken place, which they describe both verbally and illustratively, gradually persuading us that there can be no senseless, ungrateful military heroism. In order to understand the terrifying statistics of losses, one should at least have an idea of where and how the soldiers of the First, or “experimental”, as it is sometimes called, war perished. For it was in this war that tanks, flamethrowers, planes, machine guns, torpedo boats, submarines, mines and even chemical weapons were used for the first time... Can we be

surprised at the really terrifying number of victims of this testing ground of inhumanity?! The authors do not summarize. They’re searching for specifics. That’s why

they need to return to the most significant events of World War I. In the areas where they took place, named but mostly anonymous graves are left. Photographs that can rightfully be called artistic, replace dozens or even hundreds of pages of unwritten text. This is also artistic achievement. The book “The Soldier’s Last Shelter” contains descriptions and photographs of the graves of Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian soldiers in Belarus, as well as brief information about the dead and the circumstances of their death. The authors

Anatoly Sharkov and Yelena Khoroshevich

have done a lot of work to compile a summary table listing all the graves known at that time. The publication is a logical continuation of their books published in Russian and German: “Military Burials of the First World War in Belarus” (2010); “Map of Military Burials of the First World War with Comments in Russian and German” (2014). The book “In the Footsteps of the Soviet-Polish War” includes the main events of 1919–1920. It introduces readers to the burials of soldiers of the Red Army and the Polish Army, critically assesses their current state and is also a kind of reference book for all visitors to these historical sites. The original motto of the project “To Live and Remember”, nominated for the

State Prize, is most consistently revealed in the same-named book In the title there are two appealing verbs that are the motto of the project that has become national. Archpriest Fyodor Povny, rector of the Minsk All Saints Parish, should be considered its spiritual coauthor. And not only because the publication uses numerous photographs from his personal archive. He was and still is its inspirational figure and main organizer. And the book itself fully corresponds to the essence of the erected Temple-monument in honor of All Saints and in memory of the victims, who devoted themselves to the salvation of our Fatherland. The participants of the project had to visit places of fighting far away and close to Belarus. It was also necessary to take some soil there for eternal storage in the crypt of the temple-monument, to clarify the information about the places the warriors found their terminal home in. The first expedition was held in the regions of Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy. The authors were interested not only in the graves of those who had perished in battles, but also those of prisoners of war who had been tortured in Nazi camps, in forced labor, those who had died of hard labor, as well as juvenile prisoners. And it was only the beginning of huge work, because it was necessary to visit many of the 49 countries where the burials were located, to clarify the facts which had never been clarified before. Anatoly Sharkov and Yelena Khoroshevich ably introduce us to living and remembering. They do it not only with their books, but also with the implementation of the project “For the Glory of the Common Victory!” The prepared for publication book “Holy Memory of the Great Victory” by A.V. Sharkov and E.I. Khoroshevich will serve as a result of its implementation. Today the materials of their expeditions and studies have formed the basis for the formation of scientific funds and exposition of the Museum of Memory, which is being created in the monument temple. By Izyaslav Kotlyarov

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The house that Dasha and Katya built

The life of Pavel Waldgardt’s opera “The Cat’s House” based on the same-named fairy tale by Samuil Marshak has been suspended so far at the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. For how long? The question remains open. But, fortunately, the premiere has been performed!


erhaps, most of us know this fairy tale. And I’m sure everyone has their own story about it. I have it, too. Now that I recollect “The Cat’s House”, I can’t help but smile. This is because, being ten years old, I, as a member of the school drama club, wanted to stage this play myself. And I wanted to play the Cat. But not haughty and arrogant, as it is presented in the fairy tale, but a cheerful and noble lady with a kind and compassionate heart. And necessarily in a bouffant skirt with flounces, which my mother did not manage to make. I remember rehearsing my role in front of the mirror. I tried to perform a smiling cat, and in the passage where she tells her servant, janitor Vasily, to chase away her nephews-kittens, I pronounced the text in a different way. I do not remember if the lines rhymed, but the essence of the future remake was as follows: Cat let the kittens into the house immediately, heated and fed them,


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showed her care, and put them to bed. And the next day Cat ordered to invite the guests, i.e. He-Goat with She-Goat, Rooster with Hen and Pig, and introduce the kittens to them... Only after that, during the reception, the Cat’s house should have caught fire... In general, I modified the conflict of the fairy tale and stressed the main idea: never, under no circumstances, deny help to those who need it... It was important for me to say that to do good is the natural state of people. In my interpretation, there was an idea of universal good and mutual assistance, which we are meant to increase in life, but not to act according to the principle “claw me, and I’ll claw thee”. So, in my understanding, there should be no antithesis in the play. Of course, at that time I had no idea about the intrigue in drama or about the conflict... I also remember debating with my mother the idea that in everything we should go from good to better, from kindness to kindheartedness, while she was telling me something about Marshak, whose poems are no supposed to be rewritten, and about some dialectic... I sometimes wonder why I was so desperate to perform Cat as merciful, loving, sympathetic... And I come to the conclusion: in our childhood, we are very sensitive to these soul qualities, because our souls are pure, compassionate, not clouded by a personal desire for comfort, benefits for ourselves... And the natural state of childhood is joy, openness to life, the ability to share, the denial of suffering... I understood it a bit later, when I was reading fairy tales to my four-yearold son Bogdan. I remember very well how easily he gave away his toys, how sorry he was for lonely old people... And how he could not accept that, for example, Thumbelina, the heroine of a famous fairy tale, got into the dark hole of the Mole, and could become his wife. Every time we reached this passage, the son started crying, despite the fact that he knew about the happy end of the story: Thumbelina will be rescued by the swallow and will get into a beautiful world, and marry a prince of elves. When I told him, let’s skip this part, he said: you read

Natalya Bagretsova


Stage director Darya Potaturko and stage designer Ekaterina Shimanovich working on a model of the set

Scene from the play

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Premiere about the Mole quickly, and I’ll stop my ears... I will remind the reader what actually happens in “The Cat’s House” in the interpretation of young and creative stage producers - director Darya Potaturko and artist Ekaterina Shimanovich, as well as conductor and director Oleg Lesun. The musical material of the Soviet classics was taken as a basis, i.e. the music scores of the opera by the Russian Soviet composer Pavel Waldgardt, the author of music for thirty dramatic productions, as well as symphonic works and several hundreds of lyrical songs. They managed to masterfully “pack” an unpretentious story about

pure colors typical of the world of childhood. But why is the fire black? And what color can be fear? Or evil? Of course, black or dark gray. It’s a child’s perception! It can’t be orange. For me it looks, as if the performance was staged by children. And that means that the parts of the plot, which follow each other and seem fragmentary, are assembled like puzzles, with a small fraction of non- momentary hit. To do this, it is enough to remember the way children play on stage. How nicely they keep the pauses, trying to remember the text, or vice versa: they give full value to each phrase, as if they want to win the praise. And this is a great merit of

Cat’s House”, as the directors hope, will allow parents to speak with their children on moral topics, about music and the genre of opera, to examine colours and forms. In “The Cat’s House” there is a stylish stage design. Its main decorative idea is tinker toys plus animation. On stage there are cubes, rectangles, parallelepipeds, spherical segments, which serve as perches for young roosters and feeders for young pigs. The conflict of the opera at the Bolshoi Theatre can be immediately understood: nephews-orphans come to the rich aunt Cat, they sing pitifully and heartily asking

Cat, which did not let her nephews in, in an instructive opera about the good that defeated the evil. “We decided to combine music, puppet theatre and a poetic text”, said the directors at the press conference before the premiere. — “It will be an educational and entertaining story. We will try to show the world of children through opera and opera through the world of children...” That’s exactly what happened. We saw on stage all the things that children use when they play. Tinker toys, toys, even painted black fire in the video projection, made in cartoon style “scribbles” as a reflection of the children’s world, where the characters live by their own laws. Light artist Sergey Novitsky offered video content with animation. Both the stage and the characters’ costumes are in light and

both Darya Potaturko and Ekaterina Shimanovich, who managed to achieve this style of soloists’ behaviour on stage. And at the same time, the performers sing, rolling dolls on stage! As the stage directors themselves admitted, it was both fun and interesting for them to work. I want to put it like this: “The Cat’s House” in the Bolshoi is a creative exam to test childness in adults, a great opportunity to test their ability to plunge into the children’s world, the ability to act without a stereotype “the way it should be”. Both Darya, Katya, and the performers of their roles in the Bolshoi have passed the test! I testify: the result is positive! I and my colleagues, with whom I had the opportunity to exchange opinions after the performance, were convinced of it. The opera was light, dynamic, with life-asserting music. “The

her for food and shelter, and she, of course, does not let them in, tells them to go away. And then the plot develops quickly: during the reception in the Cat’s house fire breaks out.. Left homeless, Cat together with her faithful servant Vasily seeks shelter with Rooster and Hen, then He-Goat and She-Goat and finally Pig — all those whom she used to receive in her house. But the former Cat’s guests turn down the homeless fire victims: they don’t want to burden themselves with other people’s problems. But only poor kittens show kind-heartedness and compassion and let the victims into their poor house. The finale of the opera is happy. We get the answers to all the topical questions raised for the audience by the well-constructed plot in its musical dynamic frame. And, I want to note, they are devoid of in-


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Premiere trusive didactics. Compassion and kindness in the fairy tale of the Bolshoi Theatre are among the absolute values, which exclude the system “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”. After all, the kittens respond kindly to the heartlessness and indifference of Cat, and this is the strongest in its influence spiritual lesson. By the way, this is the first time this opera has been staged in the Bolshoi of Belarus. The performance was made very quickly, within a couple of months, based on the wishes of the new director of the theater, who tends to enlarge the repertoire for children’s audience... And we managed to watch it. As far as I know, the

tens, the aunt Cats’ nephews. At the beginning of the fairy tale, the cat was too selfish and cruel to the kittens, but the hardships she and Cat Vasily experienced - the fire and the refusal of their friends to give them, homeless fire victims, shelter - made her change. At the end of the tale, Cat and Cat Vasily asked the kittens to let them live in their old hut , and they, having experienced how terrible it was to be homeless, let them in. This play-tale teaches kindness, compassion, help to neighbors. Everyone, even the rich, must remember that some day they may become homeless... ...the tale teaches us to show mercy and compassion to those who need our

wrote “The Cats House” three times, enriching and complementing the text for 25 years. The first version was premiered in the early 20s in Krasnodar. Marshak was in charge of orphanages and juvenile detention homes there, there were many of them in the young Soviet country. He set up, together with a group of former street children, one of the first children’s theaters in the country. This example was later followed by Youth Theatres, for which the priority of the group prime became children and adolescents. But that was later, and at that time in Krasnodar, the Soviet children’s theater was just emerging as amateur. At first fairy tales by famous writers

performance was approved by the artistic expert board, enthusiastically received by children of all ages. According to the theater workers, both children and their parents left the hall with happy smiles on their faces, which means they liked the performance. I heard the children saying: Cat became good, kind... That confirms my childish desire to give Cat positive traits of character. By the way, I failed to put on “The Cat’s House” in those young days: all the potential participants of the performance came down with the flu, including me. And then it was summer... While working on the material, I found schoolchildren’s feedback on this wonderful work by Samuil Marshak on the Internet. There are some of them: ...I really liked Marshak’s fairy tale “The Cat’s House”. I felt sorry for the kit-

help. It teaches us not to turn away from those in need, it teaches us to be able to go against our own interests, our own peace of mind in order to do someone good. ... At first Cat showed no sympathy for her poor hungry nephews, and then no one helped her in distress, except the same nephews. So, this tale teaches us that our friends are not those who share with us good time, but those who support us in difficult moments. this fairy tale you can find many instructive things, such as indifference shown to us by our neighbors. It’s wrong and it shouldn’t be so... These a little naive, but sincere opinions of children and teenagers confirm: the fairy tale “The Cat’s House” is in demand. And some more useful information from the Internet. Samuil Marshak re-

were staged, but later there appeared the original repertoire of prime class. At that time the future classic and the founder of Soviet children’s literature wrote “The Cat’s House”. The legendary play was published in 1922 in the collection “Theatre for Children”, in 1945 an enriched version appeared, in 1947 the first separate edition was published, in 1948 a third version was written for the Obraztsov Puppet Theatre, which became final. “The Cat’s House” was screened three times by “Soyuzmultfilm”, the company “Melody” released an audio play about the history of the cat’s house, and there were so many theatrical productions, both professional and amateur, that it is impossible to count them. By Valentina Zhdanovich

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Prima in a new role Premiere of the opera “Le Villi. Fatum”, directorial debut of Oksana Volkova, Honored Artist of Belarus, is still to come


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elena Balabanovich, leading editor of the Bolshoi Theatre marketing communications service, tells about what Oksana Volkova told the arts council and how she sees her production. — At first, as Oksana admitted, she was very nervous. What’s more, she was even scared. But the amazing team that had got together, bolstered her confidence that they would make a good performance. The production group that worked on the opera includes conductor Ivan Kostyakhin, artist Ethel Ioshpa (Russia), choreographer Olga Kostel, choirmaster Nina Lomanovich. This is Volkova’s graduation work, which she will defend on the stage of the theatre. By the way, Oksana’s teacher is Professor of Opera Training and Choreog-

raphy chair, Honoured Art Worker of Belarus, director Margarita Nikolayevna Izvorska-Elizarieva. To choose an opera for her production, Oksana had listened to a lot of different musical material. But she was hooked by the beauty and emotional intensity of “Le Villi. Fatum”. And the clash of worlds — real and ephemeral, according to the actress, is fertile ground for the theatrical scene. “I was excited about the characters, she said. — The characters are very expressive, and with the help of modern artistic means we will be able to tell the story of each of them vividly and dynamically. This story is about the clash of good and evil, about love and betrayal, but most importantly — about crime and punishment, and the latter is always await-

Theatre ing for a person for the deeds and actions that they commit. I think the audience will certainly liken it to the novel “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde”. Ethel Ioshpa, an artist and director of the Moscow Musical Theatre named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, has created interesting scenery and costumes, where symbols play an important role. For example: glass, which can be understood as the surface of a lake, as a mirror, and as a road; flowers — alive and withered; a butterfly as an image of a fragile feminine; a bridal veil as a promise of a new life; a looped action itself. According to the conductor Ivan Kostyakhin, he was inspired by the musical material, magnificent and real. The choreographer Olga Kostel said that she shared some of her interesting ideas with the director. The chief choirmaster, People’s Artist of Belarus Nina Lomanovich, said her choir singers were learning original material, which had never been performed on the stage of the Bolshoi. “I have confidence in the production group and in Oksana Volkova, who decided to try her hand at a new profession. I hope that all creative ideas will come true. I really want us to raise our young directors…” — concluded the artistic director of the theater Valentin Elizariev. The story preceding the creation of a full two-act opera is as follows. The idea

of its writing haunted the young composer Giacomo Puccini from his childhood, from the time when the young seventeen-year-old Giacomo walked from his native village to Pisa only to admire the production of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi. Poncielli, the young composer’s mentor at the Conservatoire of Milan, was well aware that only in opera could Puccini’s original and brilliant talent be fully revealed. He advised the young composer to write a one-act opera for a competition that was announced in 1883 by the Milan Theatre “Illustrato”. Ponchielli found a librettist, and Puccini was soon introduced to the famous poet Ferdinando Fontana, who decided that a fantastic story would be most appropriate for a novice composer. So, the libretto was written after an old German legend, the plot of which was previously used in the ballet “Giselle” by the French composer Adam. The opera was called “Le Villi”… Soon it was staged at the Milan Theatre “Dal Verme”, the premiere took place on June 2, 1884. It aroused general admiration… ( We hope that we will experience it, too. In the meantime, we wish everyone involved in this production, as well as Oksana Volkova, the successful implementation of their creative ideas. We hope that in autumn the coronavirus will retreat, and we will enjoy the new opera live.

The production group that worked on the opera includes conductor Ivan Kostyakhin, artist Ethel Ioshpa (Russia), choreographer Olga Kostel, choirmaster Nina Lomanovich. This is Volkova’s graduation work, which she will defend on the stage of the theatre. By the way, Oksana’s teacher is Professor of Opera Training and Choreography chair, Honoured Art Worker of Belarus, director Margarita Nikolayevna Izvorska-Elizarieva.

By Mikhalina Cherkashina

беларусь. belarus 2020


Enrichment of tradition

Weddings in different styles


Instead of karavai there is a cake in the form of a tank, a field kitchen, young men in camouflage, a paramilitary cortege… It’s a military-style wedding. If you choose another outfit, change the design and script, or maybe the place of “dislocation”, it will be a holiday a la “fantasy”, “rock”, “punk”, “style hunters”, “country” and so on. The bride, groom and guests can be turned into a mafia, characters of your favorite movie, and the wedding itself will be like a quest or a musical. Wherever the imagination of the organizers can lead them to catch the buyer! Even pranks are ordered today, when a “real” task force arrives to the newlyweds and detains them for drug trafficking — the panted bags with white powder actually contain powdered sugar.

Newlyweds in slippers? Today you can choose a variety of entertainments and decorations for the event. There are clowns, memes and magicians, cartoonists, coloured smoke and photo booth, soap bubbles and sand paintings, release of doves and air lamps, chocolate fountains and handmade decor. Nothing is impossible if you have money! Young people can take a ride in a carriage, limousine, steamboat, helicopter, balloon and even a tank. The venue is decorated according to any game plan. Thus, guests also have to follow a certain dress code. And why not make all bridesmaids wear the dresses of the same color or choose clothes according to the colors of the rainbow?


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The bride and groom also do their best to be out of the ordinary — a wedding on bicycles, bikes, on board an airplane, in a supermarket, in a water park, with bungee or parachute jumping, with the appropriate “outfit”, for example, when the newlyweds and their guests come… in pajamas and slippers. Recently, there has been talk of eco-weddings without any plastic and, in general, the whole celebration is arranged with minimal waste. Instead of flowers, newlyweds can collect toys and delicacies, which are later donated to the orphanage, they plant trees or study the family tree and make up a book about the bride’s and groom’s families. Apparently, a wedding as just a show or entertainment for many of today’s young people is no longer satisfying, and couples want to fill it with some meaning. Maybe this is why the demand for Belarusian weddings in castles or manors is growing. Young people also order a field registration, when, unlike classical ceremony in the Civil Registry Office, they can choose any setting, book a venue, come up with a story and musical arrangement, to which young people will exchange rings. Won’t you remember the ceremony that takes place in one of the most beautiful halls of Mir Castle? Moreover, when the couple is welcomed by Pan Kakhanka himself ? “Royal weddings” are held in the New Castle in Grodno. Sometimes young people and their guests wear the outfits that remind of the Middle Ages. In fact, the props for such stylization can be offered today by travel agencies. They can arrange a knight’s show with

Enrichment of tradition

sword and saber fights, guests will be given an opportunity to do archery, get acquainted with ancient music, dances and entertainments. But not all young people want to be the nobility or princes — at a traditional folk wedding you won’t get bored either.

Celebration in vyshyvanka

Our ancestors’ process of creating a new family was an elaborate and long ritual and ceremonial complex. Weddings could be preceded by matchmaking, engagements or shows (when the parents found out the status of the boy or the girl and whether the newlyweds could provide for their family). Today brides-to-be have hen parties in cafes, dance clubs, water parks or spa-salons. But anciently, in the girls’ night, everybody was busy doing an important job, i. e. weaving a wedding wreath for the bride and making decorations for the celebration. And the rite of baking a karavai! Today in Motol this is one of the most

Folk style weddings

popular “schtick” during the trips, which tourists, including the foreign ones, go on. Guests help to make flowers from paper and ribbons, in which they later “dress” a karavai. In general, “karavai” business should be promoted, since the demand for such products has recently increased. “Now we are implementing a project to support women’s entrepreneurship in the Brest Region, and one of the ideas that deserves attention is the purchase of a stove in which one can bake large loaves,” — says the chairperson of the board of the public association “Country Escape” Valeriya Klitsunova. In Belarus, there are excellent houses of culture and craft centers, which could be involved in traditional folk weddings. Many farm stays cooperate with folklore music bands, which makes it possible to hold various events at a sufficiently high level. Last year at the farm stay “Stuly” a stylish wedding festival was held, newlyweds and the guests (by the way, all were having embroidered clothes on) were happy to plunge into the ancient ritual. The hostess of the farm stay “Priozernaya” is a culture expert, a former director, who can also help young people to hold a magnificent holiday. For example, a Dutchman and a Frenchwoman had their wedding in pagan style there. Fans of Belarusian folklore and culture are expected in the country estate “Polesskiye Traditsii”. The owners have a large collection of Polish costumes, which the guests can put on. Sometimes there are master classes for newlyweds, for example, they are taught folk dancing, blacksmithing, the bride and groom make clay pots or any souvenirs for good memory. Why not teach a wife-to-be to weave, embroider, cook Belarusian dishes? “Weddings in the village are always different, — says Valeriya Klitsunova. — Other food, songs, a huge intangible heritage has been preserved here, and introduction to our culture is incredibly interesting. The estate is not just a wedding venue. It is also important to think over the ways to introduce people to Belarusian traditions, culture, raise respect for our native roots, teach people to admire them”. By Yelena Dyadyulya

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Excitement of creative expression


he Republican art gallery “Palace of Arts” on Kozlova street in Minsk, traditionally on May days holds an exhibition of works by artists-veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Organizers have not changed this tradition this year and have presented the exhibition “75 years of Memory”. In the hall there are works of artists who walked along the harsh war-paths and experienced it firsthand. Yes, the significant anniversary — 75 years since the Victory in the Great Patriotic War — reminds us about the events and results of the past, of the heroic and tragic pages of the history of the 20th century. Today, a large period of time separates us from the victorious May of 1945. During this anniversary the exhibition project


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means Memory. It became the main and convincing component of the creativity of those Belarusian artists who were personally related to the dramatic events of the war. A significant part of this exhibition demonstrates to the audience the works of a new project of the Belarusian Union of Artists “Golden Collection”. These are more than 100 paintings and graphic sheets from the funds of a public organization, created from the beginning of the 1960s to 1990 and dedicated to the war theme. Many authors of the presented works, i. e. L. Shchemelev, N. Zalozny, M. Dantsig, V. Tsvirko, Ye. Zaytsev, I. Stasevich, V. Stelmashonok, G. Vashchenko, I. Basov, N. Seleshchuk and others, are outstand-

Works of Belarusian artists dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War were exhibited in various halls, but in the same art space

ing masters of soviet and modern patriotic art. Large paintings of these artists convincingly reveal the perception of the war events and the fate of its participants in the context of the concept of memory as the most important moral category. At the exhibition, one could get acquainted both with well-known works, and with the works familiar only to specialists. United in one exhibition space the paintings from the collection of the Belarusian Union of Artists cause sincere and true emotions in the audience. “The personal perception of the war in these works is convincing. Despite the canons and conditions that were set for art at that moment, a lively, sincere voice of genuine painting sounds in the paintings of our predeces-

Art sors, — said Gleb Otchik, chairman of the Belarusian Union of Artists. — Even those artists, who didn’t take part in the hostilities, joined creative activity in the post-war period, grew up under the influence of parental stories, perceived the war as part of their own life”. The exhibition project “75 years of Memory” does not give estimate of wartime events. It continues the theme of comprehension of the war in the works of modern authors, shows the current evolution of the attitude to the tragic pages of the history of the last century. There are representatives of different generations among the exhibitors, both permanent and very young authors. Particular attention is paid to the works of folk artists of Belarus. War is not only pain and death, blood, explosions of missiles, victory fireworks. War is a real friendship, loyalty, a keen sense of beauty of the earth, which must be saved from enemies. These are memories and reflections. The concepts of modern authors’ works are quite diverse. Artists convey the themes of war and victory, past and present in different ways. The art exhibition allows each artist to express themselves in their own way, to speak silently, thoughtfully, tenderly and deeply emotionally. It also allows anyone, even the most demanding audience, to see something new, interesting, in keeping with their inner feelings, and feel a lively response in their heart. The theme of the Great Patriotic War is also special for young artists. For the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the winners, this is the theme of human suffering and the dignity of human life, cherishing the memory of the feat, revealing the instability and fragility of the modern world before world disasters. We can say with confidence that the Belarusian art was able to preserve the most serious attitude to the theme of the Great Patriotic War after 75 years. By the

way, at different times, none of the famous artists could stay away from this topic. Their names are included in the golden fund of our national culture, e. g. Zair Azgur, Valentin Volkov, Andrey Bembel, Ivan Akhremchik, Yevgeny Zaytsev, Mikhail Savitsky, Viktor Gromyko, Gavriil Vashchenko, Vladimir Stelmashonok, Mai Dantsig, Leonid Shchemelev, Vasily Sumarev and others. So, the war time is not only human sacrifice, pain of loss. This is a huge world of feelings and emotions with its social, moral characteristics. And each genera-

art of that time was a direct response to the recent, remaining urgent events of the war. Hence perceptual acuity and emotional character of the creative expression. Leading artists of the first post-war generation must have found convincing visual solutions for their paintings, which determined their creative longevity. Major multi-figure compositions by Yevgeny Zaytsev, Sergey Romanov, Ivan Akhremchik, Valentin Volkov, sculptural portraits of Zair Azgur and Andrey Bembel became classics. An important role in shaping the patriotic themes of visual art was played by front-line drawings and sketches in which the authors recorded everyday moments of the war. In those years, plots and motifs were developed that later became typical: the tragedy of the hero’s death, confrontation, the bitterness of losses, dramatic conflict of battle… Among them partisan epos took the leading place, revealing many different life and moral aspects of the war, largely determining the evolution of Belarusian visual art. ver time, the attitude towards the war topic began to change. Other motives and accents appear, the main thing is not documentary accuracy, but rendering of a deep philosophical meaning of events, the connection of times, generalization and publicistic character.. Not everything is equally valuable, but there is no doubt that this trend has enriched and expanded the horizons of visual art. And the military-patriotic theme as a whole may have played a major role in it. It was successfully developed by Leonid Shchemelev, Georgy Poplavsky, Viktor Gromyko, Nikolay Nazarenko, Boris Arakcheyev. Moral motives, which were not typical of their works before, have become the leading ones — in the paintings there is drama of human destinies. “Partisan Wedding” by Mai Dantsig, “My Birth” by Leonid Shchemelev and the works of Mikhail Savitsky, in which the associative-genre basis is of great importance, became innovative in their solution of the topic. And


tion of artists was looking for their own ways to discover this world. The art of the 1940–1950s, which in fact is a starting point in the development of the war theme, is to some extent reproached with a kind of idealization of those events and their highly staged manner. However, when considering those works, one should not forget that this, in someone’s current view, “idealization” conveyed sincere feelings. Being a document of the epoch, the artist’s personal experience, and part of a universal spiritual uplift, they can be understood only in such a single context. And the artistic method of “big style”, typical of the Belarusian school of socialist realism, required many preparatory sketches, accurate depiction of nature, which resulted in artistic literariness and dramatization of military events. The

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Art with the help of metaphors and symbols, seemingly everyday events take effect. But soon interest in documentary details reawakens. The works of some artists already in the 1970s are saturated with a desire to return to the past, to feel it in all its truthfulness, which is clearly seen in the multi-figure compositions of Ivan Tikhonov, Anatoly Shibnev, Sergey Romanov. At this time, Mikhail Savitsky was creating a unique series “Figures on Heart”, based on autobiographical material. The paintings of the series are not just a dramatic story about the trials of war. This is essentially a tense monologue of the participant and witness of those terrible events. No wonder the interpretation of the war theme by Mikhail Savitsky stands out sharply for its special emotional character. As a matter of fact, for many artists, including those who participated in hostilities, over time, the main thing in the war theme is various human emotions connected with it that are outside ideological framework. And these emotions lose their former sharpness, they are as if covered with the patina of time, possess restrained sadness or elegiac mood. Such works are “Soldiers”, “To Immortality” by Iosif Belanovich, “Spring”, “Anxious Winter” by Kim Shestovsky. Often, authors turn to the topic “Woman and War”, which varies widely from stories about refugees, single widows, a ravaged Earth to generalized, symbolic images. For example, in the picture of Iosif Belanovich “June 22. The Brest Fortress” the figure of Mother in mourning clothes with a child in her arms is associated with the classic motive of commemoration., This theme was solved with lyrical softness in one of the most famous paintings of Fyodor Baranovsky “Bath House”. A cheerful everyday story glorifying female beauty creates a striking contrast with inhuman tragedy. In general, since the 1970s, symbolic compositions have started


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to appear, the theme of the heroic past is presented in them indirectly — through people, nature, architecture, items. Such approach has been widely used in the works of the last two decades. Based on the principle of a fragmentary motion picture, Vladimir Kozhukh’s painting “The Old General and the Boy”is made in a sharply minimalist manner, religious and symbolic plots by Grigory Nesterov “Moments of Eternity” and Nadezhda Liventseva “Year 1941” are perceived as a continuation of this trend.


ne of the features of the modern interpretation of the theme of the war, which clearly manifested itself in the current exhibition in the gallery “Palace of Arts”, is that almost all its figurative and artistic solutions have been found and used earlier. After all, artists have repeatedly turned to the identification of evil, courage and heroism, conveying all this with familiar, well-known means. Many painters continue to use the legacy of the soviet battle genre in reflecting military episodes based both on historical and modern material. As a plastic embodiment of the theme, the traditional portrait of the veteran is still present in painting and sculpture — “Portrait of Father” by Vladimir Gladkov, “Portrait of the Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel

Zotov” by Nikolay Volynets, “Portrait of Winner” by Alexander Botvinyonok. It is noteworthy that lyric landscapes and still-life of artists-veterans were presented at the current exhibition. Although the theme of war is still present in these works. It is felt either due to the choice of a landscape motif, or in the form of a figurative memory of the distant past (“Front Roads” by Aleksey Zinchuk, “Occupation” by Leonid Shchemelev, “Year 1945. From my biography” by Nikolay Nazarchuk). We could see the works of young postsoviet artists at the exhibition, which was called “75 Years of Memory”. To be honest, not all of them decide to turn to the the so-called “civic educationsl” topics, which requires a great responsibility of the author. And the point here is not in the material itself, its potential is far from being exhausted, but in a certain resistance to this material. The theme of war, as a kind of not only a social, but also a cultural phenomenon, does not require the obligatory pathos of the artistic language. It has always been and remains connected to the timeless problems of good and evil, happiness and suffering, life and death, fidelity and betrayal — in short, everything that forms a solid foundation for creativity in any style, direction and material. An innovative approach to the topic, which took place in the Belarusian visual arts, can appear only as a result of new searches, free creative rethinking of the traditional presentation of those events. In the future this result will largely depend on the requirements of the time, professional skill and experience of a new generation of artists. ndoubtedly, for older artists, war was part of their biography. Many of their works became simply an epic story, often built on the specifics of real stories. But the farther the time of those mili-


Art tary events, the more often artists turned to it making use of figurative interpretation: psychological, romantic or lyrical. The war began to acquire a “human” face. New artists not only reflected certain real situations and actions of the characters of their paintings, they searched for associations, conveyed emotions, felt sad, joyful, and expressed all this on the canvas. For artists, the opportunity opened up to convey their sincere thoughts and feelings. It’s safe to say that in the 21st century the military-patriotic genre was further developed. But there is some difference, i. e. if earlier the artists depicted the war “in the first person”, they were guided by their own memories, today artists convey the topic associatively, shifting it to historical issues, depict the courage of people in the fight against the enemy, reflect joy for the victory. The head of the Studio of Military Artists, established at the Ministry of Defense, Nikolay Opiok, believes: “Our task is not to lose the best that was achieved by the predecessors. We have practically no taboo topics. All depends on the talent and courage of the artist, his civic position. If someone seeks to delve into history, let him depict not only its most effective periods. It’s essential to show not only victories, but also defeats, joy and pain, our strength, courage and bravery. It is necessary to be honest with history and modernity”. Today, artists- members of the studio seek to explore the conditions of modern army service. After visiting some military objects, numerous sketches make the basis of paintings on military topic.. I will mention only some of them: “Graduates of the Minsk Suvorov School” by Nikolay Opiok, “Buynich Field” by Vladimir Urodnich”, “Ballad about Pilot Vladimir Korvat” by Vladimir Gordeyenko. A focus on the achievements of the Soviet battle painting helps studio-members feel confident in their creative continuity. “75 years of Memory” is, without exaggeration, a grand exhibition project. And the point, perhaps, is not even of its scale, although even the old-timers do not remember the whole space of the Minsk Palace of Arts housing only one exhibition. But the exposition, rich in artistic diversity

At the work "May 1945" by Ivan Stasevich

of high quality, was worth it. And the decision of the organizers, i. e. the Belarusian Union of Artists, was absolutely justified. f course, the fate of the fine arts of Belarus in the forties of the last century was closely connected with the course of military events. Some artists found themselves at the front, others joined the partisan movement. Despite the harsh conditions, artists worked during the war. They found more convenient forms of representation of reality: small sketches, front sketches, posters and caricatures, portraits. After the liberation of Belarus, artists made numerous creative trips to places of war events, created images of war heroes. The National Art Museum has a permanent exhibition of paintings, graphics, sculptures, decorative and applied arts dedicated to the defense of the Brest Fortress, partisans, glorification of the memory of the Heroes of the Soviet Union who died during the war. Batka Minay (Minay Shmyryov), Nikolay Gastello, Lev Dovator, Aleksey Danukalov, Konstantin Zaslonov, Pyotr Kupriyanov, Yelena Mazanik, Mikhail Silnitsky and Ded Talash (Vasily Talash) are the heroes whose exploits inspired the artists. In the exposition of the museum one can see the works of the majority of national artists of Belarus, who created the art chronicle of the Great Patriotic War: Zair Azgur, Anatoly Anikeychik, Ivan Akhrem-


chik, Andrey Bembel, Gavriil Vashchenko, Valentin Volkov, Aleksey Glebov, Viktor Gromyko, Lev Gumilevsky, May Dantsig, Yevgeny Zaytsev, Arlen Kashkurevich, Raisa Kudrevich, Pavel Maslenikov, Georgy Poplavsky, Mikhail Savitsky, Sergey Selikhanov, Vladimir Stelmashonok, Vitaly Tsvirko, Vasily Sharangovich, Leonid Shchemelev. Just one example. May Danzig’s paintings have always been characterized by the scale of the search, the clarity of the plot and its semantic significance. It is particularly vividly embodied in the paintings on the theme of war. It is not without reason that the author’s paintings such as “And Remembers the World Saved…”, “Belarus — Mother of Partisans”, “On Guard for Peace” belong to the golden fund of the national fine arts. Today the genre range of works in the exposition is very wide: from portraits and landscapes to thematic and plot paintings. For several decades, artists have created allegorical and metaphorical compositions, emotionally and dramatically conveyed the tragic and tense atmosphere of war days. These are Leonid Asyadovsky’s “Ballad of Mother”, Vitaly Tsvirko’s “The Unconquered”, Yevgeny Zaytsev’s “Defend to the Death”, Algerd Malishevsky’s “We’ll Be Back”, Nathan Voronov’s “In Memory of Fellow Soldiers”, Nikolay Zalozny’s “Poppies”, Izrail Basov’s “Memories”, Mikhail Savitsky’s “Vitebsk Gate” and “Partisan

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In the National Museum of Art

Madonna”, Viktor Gromyko’s “1941. Over Pripyat”, Gavriil Vashchenko’s “The Breakthrough”, Ivan Ray’s “Thank you, Mother!”, Vasily Sumarev’s “Song of Partisans”. Undoubtedly, the great victory is vividly, with great feeling is reflected in the works of Belarusian artists. There are many worthy works on this theme. It is not for nothing that the best of them are in the funds of the country’s main museum. By the way, there is also a virtual exhibition of one painting “On Duty. The Beginning of the Blockade”. Its author is a famous Soviet artist Alexander Samokhvalov. This work was painted by the artist in 1943 in Novosibirsk, where he was evacuated from Leningrad in 1941, together with the Pushkin Academic Drama Theatre, for which he used to design performances. Having been inspired by an unprecedented example of courage of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad, who served in the local air defense units, Alexander Samokhvalov created a large plot picture, where he depicts a girl, soldier of the surveillance, warning and communication unit at watch near the Admiralty. During the blockade from September 1941 to January 1944, Leningrad was constantly exposed to air raids and artillery fire. The task of the observers was to monitor where a shell or bomb touched the ground, and immediately report the data to the headquarters so that they knew where


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to send a fire or medical unit. From the spring of 1942, the local air defense units were eighty-five percent female, because many men died of starvation after the severe blockade winter of 1942, while others were at the front. The Leningrad Women’s Army, overcoming incredible difficulties, risking their lives, selflessly eliminated the consequences of air raids, were on duty on the towers, defused bombs and mines, cleared the debris, extinguished fires, attended to the dead and provided medical care to victims. In the painting, the artist achieves high artistic expression. Emotional tension, readiness for action, enduring will and selflessness give the image an inevitable heroic pathos, albeit set off by fine lyrics of details. Samokhvalov managed to give to the image of his heroine a certain degree of generalization, which would allow each of the sixteen thousand girls who served in the local air defense units, to identify themselves with it. This large-format (270275 cm) picture was received by the Museum in 1946 from the funds of the Directorate of Art Exhibitions and Panoramas of the USSR. For more than 70 years the work was kept in the funds of the museum, rolled up, because it needed an experienced museum restoration. For a long time the restorers Svetlana Dikut and Alexander Kirel were engaged in this work And now, after the completion of all restoration

activities, the painting is exhibited for the first time in the National Art Museum on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. And in the National Centre of Modern Arts of the Republic of Belarus on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory the project “The Alphabet of War” was launched. This is an international project that brings together the representations of artists from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine on the themes of the Great Patriotic War/the Second World War. Photographs, archival and modeled artifacts, installations, paintings and graphic sheets make up an exhibition and create a context for research and search for answers to the questions: how do we, modern people, perceive and respond to reports about the Great Patriotic War today? What original notions are preserved in the historical memory of contemporaries? Nine authors develop the theme of war in terms of of private family mythology, combining the living memory of the war with the rigid objectivity of photo evidence and documents, making an intervention of history into the Internet space, exploring the “sign language” of the war, rethinking the role of the legacy of the war past. The exhibition displays orders, medals and epaulets of the Great Patriotic War from the private collection of the chairman of the Minsk city organization of veterans of the war in Afghanistan, guards colonel Vladimir Shokov, photos from the collection of the Belarusian photographer Sergey Lesket, as well as photos of the war and postwar period from family archives, collected during the preparation of the project. n fact, all the exhibitions mentioned above, i. e. in the National Museum of Art, “Palace of Arts” gallery of the Belarusian Union of Artists, the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, are dedicated to life and its boundless value. Memory cannot deaden. It is not for nothing that the halls exhibit the works of young authors, who showed their own emotional view of the events of the war, based on the memories of fathers and grandfathers.


By Veniamin Mikheyev

Nikolay Nazarchuk. Fragment of the painting "Soldiers and Flowers". 1985.


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