32 minute read

In the land of blue lakes and festivals

In the north of Belarus, there is Vitebsk region, which cannot keep out of the interest of tourists either. And there are many reasons for this.

Of course, a modern tourist is not least interested in logistics. For example, how – by what means of transport – one can get to the region? So, given its geographical position, Vitebsk region has convenient road and rail links with many countries. On its territory there are transport arteries connecting the largest economic regions of Russia with Europe. There are two European transport corridors passing through the region: Crete No. 2 (Berlin – Warsaw – Minsk – Moscow), connecting Germany, Poland, Belarus and Russia, and Crete No. 9 (Helsinki – St. Petersburg – Kiev – Chisinau – Bucharest), which connects Finland, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Impressive, isn't it! – And in addition to this, 44 republican highways run on the territory of the region with a dense network of roadside service facilities, off ering travelers a wide range of services: refuel, rest, food and bed, purchase of various goods, – adds Svetlana Astanina, head of the tourism sector of Vitebsk Region Executive Committee. – Besides, Vitebsk International Airport provides airlines with a full range of airport services.


Yes, the center of the region is the ancient Vitebsk. And the birth of the Belarusian statehood, culture and spirituality is generally associated with the even more ancient city of Polotsk, the


monument to marc chagall in Vitebsk fi rst mention of which in the annals dates back to 862 AC. Ancient cities of Orsha, Braslav, Postavy, Glubokoe, of course, are also interesting for tourists. – Vitebsk region has a significant potential for tourism development – Svetlana Astanina is sure. – First of all, educational, environmental, health, rural, pilgrimage, transit. The cultural and historical heritage accumulated over the centuries is of international interest, and the ecological systems and natural landscapes located in the region are unique.

Th e statistics say that in Vitebsk region today there are more than three thousand monuments of archeology, architecture, history, art and culture, about a thousand are included in the list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus. These are ancient settlements and burial mounds, old estates, majestic temples, architectural buildings of ancient cities. Th e region is proud of the names of famous compatriots who left their mark in world culture. Such as educator Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk, the first printer Francysk Skaryna, enlightener and medieval poet Simeon Polotsky, painter Ivan Khrutsky, Belarusian writers Vasil Bykov and Vladimir Korotkevich, famous explorer of Eastern Siberia Ivan Chersky and many others. And of course, Marc Chagall, a world-renowned artist. He carried his love for his native places throughout his life. And wherever he was, in St. Petersburg, New York or Paris, his heart was fi lled with the colors of Vitebsk, which the master put

ilya repin Zdravnevo museum estate

on his canvases. There are many interesting places in the city associated with the artist's name: Marc Chagall art center, where a large collection of the master's authentic printed graphics is collected, the building of the art school where he used to teach. But most importantly, in Vitebsk there is a house on Pokrovskaya Street, where Chagall spent his childhood and youth. Now it hosts the House-Museum of the famous artist. For its beauty and uniqueness, Marc Chagall called Vitebsk the second Paris, and Paris – "my second Vitebsk".

The great Russian painter Ilya Repin also made his mark in the history of Vitebsk region. Zdravnevo Museum Estate, where the artist lived and worked, houses a museum exposition. Picturesque places on the banks of the Dvina, a linden alley, ancient trees, unusual architecture of the estate in Zdravnevo attract tourists from all over the world. It hosts international plein airs, exhibitions, folk festivals, musical evenings and even theatrical performances. – Vitebsk region is a unique spiritual and cultural region, which is geographically and historically located at the confluence of the cultures of Western and Eastern Europe, – says Svetlana Astanina. – In our region, traditions are intertwined and different nationalities and religious confessions coexist peacefully. Each of the denominations created cathedrals, many of which are masterpieces of religious architecture. There are amazingly beautiful temples, orthodox churches and catholic churches. There are almost four hundred of them, 100 of which are monuments of historical and cultural heritage.

Vitebsk region values its spiritual and historical heritage and actively promotes it. Today, pilgrimage and educational excursions are especially popular here. Routes lead to the Savior-Euphrosyne Convent in Polotsk – the oldest operating in Belarus, to the Annunciation Church in Vitebsk – a monument of ancient Russian architecture, to the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the 17th century, and to the Church of the Holy Trinity in the same place – Glubokoye, erected in the 18th century, as well as to the Church of St. Anne and to the landscape and park complex in the village of Mosar, Glubokoe district, which many tourists and guests call "Belarusian Versailles", to the unique Church of John the Baptist in the village of Kamai, Postavy district. – And the beauty of the nature of Vitebsk region is very impressive, it provides favorable conditions not only for memorable rest, but also for effective treatment, – notes Svetlana Astanina. – The advantage of Vitebsk health resorts over similar ones in other countries is a good price-quality ratio, a modern medical base and highly qualified specialists. There is a wide range of services for the treatment and improvement of the respiratory system,

digestion, diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

It should be said that the health resorts of Vitebsk region are located in ecologically clean zones, surrounded by mixed and pine forests, on the shores of deep-water rivers and crystal clear lakes. Nature itself here is a healing factor for the human body. The temperate continental climate of Vitebsk region with mild and humid winters and warm summers promotes relaxation and health improvement all year round. The complex of natural and climatic healing factors is represented by a dozen sources of mineral water, which are used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Medicinal sapropelic mud from own deposits, as well as mineral sulphide mud of Saki Lake are widely used both for treatment and in cosmetology. – In our health centers, speleo-hospitals are represented by complexes made of white and red salt blocks of Soligorsk potash mines of one of the world's leading producers of potash mineral fertilizers, JSC "Belaruskali", – says Svetlana Astanina. – In such hospitals, patients receive highly effective treatment, similar to the treatment in the healing salt caves.

Besides, in Vitebsk region there are more than 650 agro-estates, which hospitably receive tourists from various countries. The beauty of nature, original Belarusian folklore, holidays, rituals, national Belarusian cuisine – all this gives indelible impressions and emotions for the guests. Owners of the estates organize entertainment and excursions, master classes of folk crafts. Here one can hear local legends and authentic songs, learn Belarusian dances and take part in ancient folk rituals, for example, at Kolyady, Maslenitsa or Kupalye. One can even have a wedding in Belarusian traditions. In rural estates, they bake flavorful bread, weave from flax, weave from vines and straw, mold clay jugs, and felt. And this is only a small part of what awaits vacationers here.

Of course, Vitebsk region is one of the most picturesque corners of Europe. The land of blue lakes and pristine forests, open to the sun meadows and spacious fields, transparent rivers and springs. The nature of Vitebsk region is unique in beauty and richness of reserved places, which attract tourists from different countries of the world. Ecological tourism is developing rapidly. – Recently Belarus has begun to use the potential of conservation lands and develop ecotourism. It is especially relevant for our region, – says Svetlana Astanina. – It is here that the largest raised bog is located. In protected areas, tourists are offered such services as walks along ecological paths, on bogshoes and a swamp buggy, horseback riding, and photo hunting.

Today the natural reserve fund of Vitebsk region includes 25 reserves of republican significance, 63 reserves and 141 monuments of local significance. In particular, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, Braslav Lakes National Park are located in the region. The total area of nature reserves is almost four hundred thousand hectares,

which makes almost a tenth of the total area of the region. The forest resources of the region contribute to the popularity of hunting tourism. Importantly, the hunting enterprises of Vitebsk region provide a full range of services for the reception and accommodation of guests – from opening an entry visa and obtaining permission to import and export hunting weapons to organizing tourist services for citizens of Belarus and foreign tourists. Event tourism in Vitebsk region is represented by bright and large-scale holidays, cultural events, conferences, symposia, competitions, but above all festivals. Vitebsk region is rightfully considered to be one of the centers of the international festival movement. The international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" is a visiting card of the regional center. This is the most famous and popular, the largest musical festival, which takes place annually in July. The geography of its participants covers all five continents. All in all, the festival life of Vitebsk region includes about 50 forums, holidays and plein-airs of various topics, e.g. Ivan Sollertinsky International Music Festival, the International Festival of Contemporary Choreography IFMC, the International Organ Festival "Bells of Sofia", the international Repin plein air, the festival of models and designers "White Amphora", festivals of ancient .by and modern chamber S planetabelaru music, historical reconstruction, festivals of children's creativity. Besides, there are international holidays of traditional culture, i.e. "Ringing cymbals and accordion" in Postavy, "Dneprovskie voices" in Dubrovno, "Cherry Festival in Glubokoe", "Braslav Lightnings", catholic church of john the baptist in the village of kamai ecological festival

"Cranes and Cranberries" in Miory and many others , which are held in cities and towns of the region. – One of the directions that plays an important role in the formation of the tourist attractiveness of our region is public catering, – says Svetlana Astanina. – In recent years, significant work has been done to develop roadside service facilities. Today in the region there are more than thirty public catering facilities with Belarusian national cuisine, which use themed interior design – decorative elements that reflect culture, identity and traditions.

Vitebsk region is the only one in Belarus included in the European Culinary Heritage Network http://www.culinaryheritage.com, which promotes local culinary specialties, traditional dishes and recipes. To date, the European network has gathered more than 1,500 participants from 44 European regions. Belarus is represented by five districts of Vitebsk region: Miory, Verkhnedvinsk, Glubokoe, Polotsk and Lepel. In total, more than 30 catering facilities are concentrated here, which offer unique dishes from local products.

Meanwhile, the sports achievements of Vitebsk region contribute to the promotion of sports tourism. Attending major competitions and tournaments has become a popular leisure destination. In total, there are more than four thousand sports facilities in the region, i.e. gyms, swimming pools, shooting clubs, ski resorts, and others.

In a word, the region pays great attention to the development of active tourism in various directions. There are many attractive routes for horse and hiking, there are bicycle and water routes with boating, kayaking. Such routes run both through the territory of the region and continue in the neighboring border countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Russia.

Vladimir Anisimov

Slavianski bazaar in Vitebsk

region, Welcoming With open armS

It is already clear that the pandemic has severely damaged the world's tourism industry. However, any crisis is also a moment for rethinking one's possibilities, a search for a way out of the current situation. As for Belarus, the trend towards the development of domestic tourism has been more and more noticeable lately. The Belarusians have become interested in recreation at home, while learning a lot about the history, traditions and culture of their native country, considers Pavel Starosvetsky, head of the sports and tourism department of Gomel Region Executive Committee.

W– With all the certain inconveniences associated with Our part is more interesting and Ukrainian experts also say so. the coronavirus, people, nevertheless, do not want to give up And Polesie Radiation-Ecological Reserve is the only one of its travelling, – says Pavel Starosvetsky. – Yes, they need rest, a change kind in the world, in which territories exposed to radiation aft er of environment, but they will choose those off ers that are as safe as the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are studied and possible for their health, taking into account the epidemiological preserved in their natural state. situation and many other factors. Now this is more possible when Gomel region is the largest southeastern region of Belarus, one travels within the country, for example, on eco-routes or when rich in unique natural, economic, intellectual resources and has visitы agricultural estates. a significant tourist attraction. The region borders on Bryansk

However, Gomel region today is rich in a variety of tourist region of Russia, as well as on Kiev, Chernigov, Zhitomir and sites. The region presents such types of tourism as cultural, Rivne regions of Ukraine. Gomel region is rich and diverse in its educational, sports, gastronomic, religious, hunting, industrial, nature. It is especially famous for its fl ooded meadows and forests, recreational. For example, nature reserves, unique fl oodplain oak which are located in the fl oodplains of the Dnieper, Pripyat, Sozh, forests and rich fauna are a visiting card of Pripyat National Park, Berezina and other rivers. Th is is a corner of the Belarusian land, in the center of which is one of the most ancient East Slavic cities where ancient history and modernity coexist. Art and culture of – Turov. Other sights of the region include the palace and park the region are carefully preserved in 26 museums. Gomel palace ensemble of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskeviches in Gomel, the and park ensemble is one of the oldest museum institutions, the "city of Old Believers" Vetka, ancient Mozyr, Rechitsa, Chechersk, center of which is the palace of the Rumyantsevs and Paskeviches. which are part of the "Golden Ring of Gomel Region". The ensemble includes six museum objects. Buildings of the In my opinion, tourist routes to the evacuation zone after institution are architectural monuments of the 18th-19th centuries the Chernobyl accident – on the territory of Polesie Radiation- and are included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values. Ecological Reserve – have significant potential. This is a new – How popular is medical tourism in Gomel region, including direction for Belarus and has recently been worked out in detail. It in the current epidemiological situation? is no secret that the Chernobyl zone has long been open to tourists. – Today in Gomel region there is a wide network of health resort institutions. Medical and health tourism in the region has become attractive not only for residents of the regional center, but also for other regions of the republic, near and far abroad. Popular are health resorts of various departmental affi liations, in particular, the sanatoriums "Chenki", "Mashinostroitel", "Pridneprovsky", "Serebryanye Klyuchi", and many others. In these and other medical and health institutions, favorable living conditions have been created, there is a wide range of medical services, a wellorganized system of food and cultural entertainment.

– You will probably agree that agro-estates and other similar suburban complexes are very popular today. What is the situation with this direction of tourism in the region?

– I want to say that last year, amid a pandemic, agricultural estates were the most popular among tourist facilities. In total, today in Gomel region there are about two hundred subjects of


"the call of polesie" festival in petrikov district

agroecotourism. Depending on the personal preferences, a tourist can choose any agro-estate for recreation: from a traditional village house to a whole agro-ecological complex.

Hospitable hosts are happy to offer guests a variety of leisure options according to their specialization. It can be both an active pastime for tourists and a purely family vacation. The program, as a rule, includes acquaintance with Belarusian traditions or the life of rural residents. The owners of agro-estates are always ready to conduct excursions to the surrounding places for their guests, show berry and mushroom places, and help organize a successful fishing trip. In the prevailing epidemiological conditions, everything related to outdoor recreation turned out to be in demand. An excellent example is Bellagio Ecotourism Center. For five years, the proactive approach to the business of the head of the center Vasily Antonov made the agro-estate a very successful project. On its territory there are gazebos, piers over the water, a house for living, a children's playground. And of course, a mini-zoo in the open air, where more than thirty species of animals live, has become the brand of the estate. No wonder lovers of relaxing holidays come here with whole families for a long time.

Tourist brands of Gomel region are: the main tourist route "The Golden Ring of Gomel Region" which passes through nine settlements (Gomel, Mozyr, Vetka, Loev, Rechitsa, Turov, Chechersk, the village of Yurovichi (Kalinkovichi district), the village of Krasny Bereg (Zhlobin district) and includes 17 objects of the tourism industry, as well as major events such as "Sozhski Karagod" in Gomel, "Festival of folk humor" in Avtyuki of Kalinkovichi district, International festival of ethnocultural traditions "The Call of Polesie" in Lyaskovichi, Petrikov district, "Wader Festival" in Turov, Zhitkovichi district.

– What could you say about ecological trails and routes? Are they created in the region?

– Short walks in the bosom of nature are ideal to escape from everyday worries and relax. And although there are no high mountains in Belarus, there are still plenty of beautiful natural places. And in order not to wander along an unknown forest or lake, it is easier to follow the developed route. In Gomel region, 26 ecological paths and routes with a length of 1 to 85 kilometers have been arranged for tourists. Some of them can be traversed on foot, others can be overcome by bicycle, horse or car, and still others by sailing on a motor boat, rowboat or kayak. It is more convenient to get to almost all of these points by private car, because by public transport the road will either be unreasonably long or almost impossible.

– Are industrial tourism objects in demand among guests?

– Actually, the target audience for industrial tourism is very wide. Many businesses can be of interest to people of all ages. But schoolchildren are still the most massive segment. Also due to the usefulness of industrial tourism – for example, for vocational guidance. Moreover, visits to such objects by schoolchildren in modern life can no longer be expected in the format of "excursions with the whole class", but as part of family trips.

View of the palace of the rumyantsevs and the paskeviches

memorial sign to kirill of turov on the castle hill

Today enterprises in different regions of the country invite people to walk through workshops and exhibition pavilions, observe the work processes and see in detail how the brands "Made in Belarus" are created. It should be expected that in the coming years there will be even more factories and plants open to tourists. There are already about thirty of them in Gomel region.

Today the region has a developed road infrastructure: large international highways connecting European countries with Russia and Ukraine, a railway, an airport, navigation on the Dnieper, Sozh, Berezina, and Pripyat rivers. There are airports in Gomel and Mozyr. Powerful industrial potential, favorable geographical position, benevolence of residents – all this attracts the attention of business partners and tourists from far and near abroad to Gomel region. The main industrial potential is concentrated in the cities of Gomel, Mozyr, Zhlobin, Svetlogorsk, Rechitsa, Dobrush. There was created a free economic zone "Gomel-Raton". – To what extent has the tourism, based on the historical reconstruction of certain events, developed in the region? – Yes, today in the country there are many interesting historical routes dedicated to wars and battles on its territory, heroic destinies of people and tragedies that cannot be forgotten. A pilot project "Patriotic Impulse" has been developed in our region and has been being implemented since the last year. Within the framework of the project, it is possible to offer the route "Alive in eternal memory...", which was highly appreciated by experts of the International Tourism FestivalCompetition "Divo of Eurasia" and the 17th Republican Tourism Competition "Discover Belarus". The route includes a visit to the memorial "Monument to children-victims of the Great Patriotic War,1941-1945" in Zhlobin district, memorial complexes "Ola" and "Operation Bagration" in Svetlogorsk district. It is also planned to include in this project the militaryhistorical complex "Partizanskaya Krinichka" in Gomel district, defensive facilities in Petrikov district. – How would you rate the readiness of the tourism sector to receive guests in the new tourist season? – Over the past months, tour operators have formed excursion and cultural-educational programs, signed agreements with health resort institutions, developed new tourism products. In order to attract tourists, promotions are always held, discounts are provided, and additional free services are included in the tour package. For example, vacationers in sanatoriums are offered various promotional products, such as Early Booking, Last Minute Vouchers, Health Bonus, and Honeymoon in a Sanatorium. In short, in Gomel region, guests will always be greeted warmly, competently and with the words "Welcome!"

Vladimir Evseev

from mStiSlavl "SuZdal" – to byKhov "meSopotamia"

If you are interested in medieval temples and battle fortresses, healing springs and cascading lakes, knight tournaments and Kupala rituals, Mogilev region is the right place to visit

Get to See firStHaNd

In 1577 Mogilev was granted the Magdeburg Law, and in 1938 it was supposed to become the capital of Belarus. Th erefore, do not be surprised when you see on Lenin Square the building of the House of Soviets, identical to Minsk Government House, built by the architect Joseph Langbard. The prospect of becoming the capital, unfortunately, cost Mogilev the loss of several very valuable historical buildings. One of them is the Joseph Cathedral, built at the end of the 18th century in honor of the meeting of two dignitaries in the city on the Dnieper, i.e. the Russian Empress Catherine the Great and the Austrian Emperor Joseph II. Now only the Triumphal arch reminds of this meeting. And in the place of the cathedral there is a building of the former hotel "Dnepr", built in the style of the Stalinist Empire. Its rooms now house private shops and offices. Despite all the historical twists and turns, Mogilev never ceased to be a city of interest for tourists. There is something to see here for lovers of architecture of the 18th-20th centuries, religious tourism. One of the oldest and most interesting architectural monuments is the regional drama theater, the royal box of which remembers the last Russian emperor. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to visit the theater backstage. In the historical center of Mogilev there is an architectural monument of the 18th century, St. Stanislaus Cathedral with its unique frescoes. During the international festival "Mahutny Bozha", organ music concerts are held here. Wall paintings of the main church of St. Nicholas Monastery, which was built in the 17th century, will not leave anyone indiff erent. Recently, the ancient Podnikolye has become even more interesting and attractive thanks to a park created here with a chic cascade staircase, image platforms, cozy gazebos, and bicycle paths. In Podnikolye, the construction of the Church of the Intercession is being completed, which has been restored according to old drawings, with the museumifi cation of the bell tower foundation. Th is object will become another hallmark on the tourist map of Mogilev.

coMe aNd See

A large reservoir is located on the border of Kirov and Bykhov districts in the fl oodplain of the Drut river. Recently, the government of Belarus has determined this place as one of the most promising for development. The project "General plan of the "Chigirinka recreation zone of republican significance "is being developed which will provide for the creation of a tourist cluster. At the same time, the zone is being developed by the Foundation "Sustainable Region" of Bykhov district. Its initiative "Chigirin Cluster: Partnership for Economic Growth" is being implemented within the framework of the EU-UNDP project "Supporting local

celebration of the honey Savior on golubaya krinitsa (blue Spring) in Slavgorod


economic development in the Republic of Belarus". Another project "A New Look at Ecotourism" will be implemented with the support of the GEF Small Grants Programme over the next two years.

But the journey should not be postponed. Already today, a number of agro-estates of Bykhov and Kirov districts invite you to make good use of your rest in this most interesting corner of Mogilev region. In addition to relaxing at a water reservoir, there are many more attractive places worth visiting. For example, the village of Barkolabovo, in the immediate vicinity of which there is the Holy Ascension nunnery. It is located in the interfluve of the old channel of the Dnieper and the Lakhva river on a sandy island. It was here that a unique monument of ancient Slavic writing, the Barkolabovo Chronicle, was created. And pilgrims come here with the hope to venerate the miraculous icon of the Barkolabovo Mother of God.

An architectural monument of the 18th-19th centuries, Zhilichi palace and park ensemble is located on the territory of Kirov district. Despite the going on restoration works, there is an opportunity to see some of its buildings that have already been brought back to life. One of them houses Zhilichi Historical ComplexMuseum. Kirov district keeps memory of the victims of fascism. Last year, an updated memorial complex "In memory of the burnt villages of Mogilev region" was opened in the village of Borki. The sculptural objects that were built there bring us back to the terrible 1942, when German punishers burned almost 2000 people there. Belarusian writer Ales Adamovich described these horrors in the book "Punishers", which formed the basis of one of the most powerful films about the war "Come and See".

SecretS of bobruiSk fortreSS

This unique monument of defensive architecture of the first half of the 19th century is located in the historic center of the city. The citadel is a polygon connected by a bulk rampart on the bank of the Berezina River. It was erected by thousands of reserve unit soldiers of the Russian army of pioneer (engineering) companies. Construction materials were delivered from Ukraine, Karelia, the Caucasus, and the Urals. Before the war of 1812, 7 main bastions, part of the internal structures were built, ramparts were raised, deep ditches with inclined pointed logs at the bottom, a water channel were dug. The thickness of walls of some bastions is 8-10 bricks. In the future, it is planned to create a

.by S welcometobelaru

monument to a beaver in bobruisk buinichi field near mogilev

Staircase with a cascade fountain in mogilev podnikolye

historical and cultural complex "Bobruisk Fortress" with museum objects, dioramas, panoramas, original samples and models of military equipment and weapons made at a modern scientifi c and technical level. Some of the facilities will be used for cafes, restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, entertainment complexes. Buildings of Bobruisk Fortress attract Russian fi lmmakers. Besides that, fascinating quest excursions are oft en held there.

froM MakoVeY to kNiGHt'S feSt

Mstislavl is well known to lovers of medieval culture for the Knights' Festival, which takes place here in early August. More than 30 clubs of historical reconstruction from all regions of Belarus take part in knight amusements. For two days of the festival, the city lives in the atmosphere of medieval traditions. It is impossible, having arrived in Mstislavl district, not to visit the Pustynsky monastery. It is still being restored, but there are many interesting things to see. It was here that the miraculous image of Christ appeared on the wall when the decision was made to restore the shrine. Th e monastery is also known for its healing spring. According to legend, Mstislavl prince Olgerd had a son, Semen, who suddenly went blind, and not a single healer of that time could make him sighted. Once, in a dream, an old man appeared to Semen and advised him to fi nd the Pustynsky spring and wash his face with its water. Semen washed his face with holy water and recovered his sight.

Another wonderful spring is located in Slavgorod district – the famous Golubaya Krynitsa (Blue Spring). Religious rituals used to be carried out there even in the days of the Radimichi. And in the same place the pagan tribe was baptized by the battlemaster of Prince Vladimir Red Sun – Wolf Tail. Today Golubaya Krynitsa has become the center of nature reserve "Slavgorodsky". Tourists are offered an excursion along eco-trails, including on bycycles. An exciting journey, by the way. At Golubaya Krynitsa, Makovey holiday is celebrated annually – Honey Feast of the Saviour. On August 14, there is the rite of blessing water, a procession of the cross, folk songs are sung and a crowded fair is buzzing there.

Patriotic, WaLkiNG,


Th ere are 21 districts in Mogilev region and each is ready to off er its own unique route and excursion. Th e most popular are patriotic. Not far from Mogilev, these are "Buinichi field" and "23 days of courage and glory" about the feat of the defenders of the city, described by the Russian writer Konstantin Simonov in his novel "The Living and the Dead". Klichev district is associated with the Usakinsky forests – one of the largest partisan zones in Belarus, which at the end of 1942 comprised 1.9 thousand square kilometers, and at the beginning of 1944 – almost 3 thousand square kilometers. And near Bykhov there is a memorial complex, famous throughout Belarus – "Ludchitskaya height". On an artifi cially created high mound, a symbolic figure of a 10-meter epic Bayan with a gusli is installed, which glorifi es the feat of warriors-heroes. At its foot there is a stele wall with high reliefs of six Heroes of the Soviet Union, each is 2.5 meters high.

Walking excursions around Bobruisk will bring a lot of pleasant impressions. One can hardly imagine what rich and interesting history this city has. Do not forget to visit the Bobruisk museums as well. An old princely helmet of the 10-11 centuries alone, found two years ago on the banks of the Berezina, deserves a special notice.

And a trip to the agro-town Aleksandria, Shklov district, to see the Kupala celebration can be unforgettable. – Museums of the region take an active part in the development of tourism, – notes Vadim Brezhezinsky, deputy head of the sports and tourism department of Mogilev Region Executive Committee. – Demonstration of museum exhibits using QR codes is becoming more and more popular. Mogilev Regional Art Museum named aft er P.V. Maslenikov uses educational platforms "Th e Art of Fresco Painting" and "Artists of Mogilev Region". Last year, a YouTube museum presentation took place in Bobruisk.

for Your iNforMatioN

Th e State List of Historical and Cultural Values in the Mogilev Region includes 797 monuments of archeology, 130 – history, 9 – arts, 129 – architecture, 1 – urban planning, 13 – intangible heritage.

Travelers are offered 60 hotels and other accommodation facilities, 21 hunting and fishing centers, 229 agricultural tourism facilities, 27 recreation centers, 348 roadside service facilities, 3 camper parking lots, 9 health centers.

at knights' fest in mstislavl Nelly Zigulya

belaruS through the eyeS of napoleon orda

An avid traveler with an easel under his arm lived in Europe for over twenty years. But at the end of his life, he returned to his homeland to document in watercolors and graphics luxurious castles, manors, temples and nature the way he loved them. Today, iconic historical objects in various parts of Belarus are being restored according to the drawings of Napoleon Orda.


napoleon orda


On the high bank of the Neman in Grodno, the 12th century Borisoglebskaya Church stands out in all its beauty. The people call it Kolozhskaya, or more simply – Kolozha. According to legend, the church was built during the reign of the Grodno princes Boris and Gleb Vsevolodovich and consecrated in honor of their heavenly patrons. According to another version, the temple was built by their descendants. From a geological point of view, the place chosen is not the best, but the temple has been standing for almost a thousand years. In the 19th century, Napoleon Orda made a whole set of sketches of Kolozha Church. However, in every picture it is... without a roof! The only monument of Black Russian architecture was really nearly lost: during the years of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, cattle were kept in the building, and in 1853 it even collapsed. But, fortunately, everything was restored.

The unplastered walls on the outside are an unusual sight – the facades are decorated with polished red, brown, dark crimson, gray-green, olive boulders. And inside there is a glass floor, which allows one to see the ancient foundation. There is also a sound secret – there are numerous jars-resonators hidden in the walls. So it's worth going to the service, if only for the choir.


kolozha church

.by S planetabelaru



"What a genius! What a sacred fire! What am I compared to him?" – Aleksandr Sergeevich exclaimed when he first heard the poetic improvisation of Adam Mitskevich in the literary salon of Zinaida Volkonskaya. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, eminent poets crossed paths more than once. It is known that once Pushkin, seeing a colleague on the street, stepped aside and jokingly said: "Out of the way, deuce, ace is coming." To which Mitskevich remarked: "The trump deuce beats the ace."

Fans of Adam Mitskevich should visit Zaosye in Brest region. A spacious thatched wooden house, barns, a well with a crane and old linden trees – the poet's family estate is like an illustration to the world famous poem "Pan Tadeusz". Images for many poems and ballads were inspired by the native land. By the way, Napoleon Orda was also a frequent guest of the Mitskevichs. It was his sketches that at the end of the twentieth century were used to recreate the original appearance of a gentry manor.


Domovye (house sprites) and ghosts are not only typical of gloomy British estates and palaces. Supernatural forces have long chosen the ruins of Holshany castle in the west of Belarus. "Ominous, monstrous! And not on a hill, not far off so that a person could somehow prepare oneself, but face to face, like an unexpected blow of a sword," – wrote Vladimir Korotkevich.

According to legend, several centuries ago the daughter of the magnate Hanna Hordislava Holshanskaya fell in love with a guy of humble origin. Due to social inequality, marriage was impossible, and the couple began to meet in secret. Moreover, the young man kept dates in the vestments of a monk. But once the lovers were disclosed by the girl's father and, according to one version, he ordered them both to be immured in the walls of the castle. O tempora! O mores!.. Since then, the ghosts of the Black Monk and the White Panna have been wandering around the castle.

This year, a major reconstruction will be completed in Holshany: one of the towers has been restored and now a museum will be opened there.


A family estate of the legendary Counts von Gutten-Chapsky is situated a couple of dozens of kilometers to the south-west of the capital. The most famous of them – Jan Karol – was the mayor of Minsk at the end of the XIX century. Thanks to him, public transport (horse-drawn tram), a power station, a telephone and a brewery which still exists today, appeared in the city. Meanwhile, every day after work Chapsky rushed away from the noisy streets to the family nest in Stankovo.

It is not completely extant, but there is something to look at – a gate with the remains of a watchman's house, a kitchen wing with a stepped pediment, a barn and a stable. The pearl of the estate is the twostorey "skarbchyk", which was depictured by Napoleon Orda at one time. The owners kept tens of thousands of books, antiquities and works of art in this unusual place. Minsk dwellers have chosen the old park for a long time for picnics. There is a place for romantic photo shoots – an authentic rotunda gazebo on the shore of the reservoir. *Skarbnitsa, storehouse of valuables.


Napoleon Orda made his name not only in visual arts, but also in music. He left beautiful polonaises, mazurkas, waltzes and nocturnes. In the late 1840s, he even headed the Italian Opera in Paris. It is not surprising that he also visited the Nemtsevichi estate in Skoki, famous for its secular receptions.

Balls are also held there today. Ladies and gentlemen in luxurious costumes, accompanied by the sounds of the orchestra, lightly waltz on the lacquered parquet several times a year. Many tourists from different countries come to take a look at the leisure of the high society of the past. One more fact attracts attention to the estate. In December 1917, negotiations between Soviet and German representatives took place there, which later resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It actually put an end to the First World War.

Sofya Arsenyeva

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