Belarus (magazine#6 2021)

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Magazine for you

No. 6 (1053), 2021 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

Vivat Bolshoi!



The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read 1



голас Радзімы серада, 26 мая, 2021

ГОЛ А Мы будзем родную зямлю абараняць С Ы РАД М І З ЗІМ Д РА Ы ці ВЫДАЕЦЦА З КРАСАВІКА 1955 ГОДА ●

● № 5 (3641) ●

● СЕРАДА, 26 МАЯ, 2021



Ваколіцы Рудзенска: Шалягі, Цітва, Варонічы...


Стар. 4-5





Стар. 6-7

"Жавароначкі" пад небам Айчыны Р





Стар. 8












21 20


АС СВ ет Р ап На цырымоніі ўскладання вянкоў да манумента Перамогі Прэзідэнт Беларусі выступіў з хвалюючай прамовай АДЗІМ ОГ Ля а "Куніколі не Ы д мы клапоцімся пра захаванне высокі міжнародны ўзровень. тым месцы, што мы ” гат А, ІК АВ АК Y 5С ,2 A.B ЕР ZD ЦВ IA ЧА






1 02 ,2 іка ав ак 5с ,2 ер цв каШтоЎНасці ча ы зім д а с­р ла Го

Аляксандр Дарковіч: "Важна правільна выбіраць арыенціры"

Ба м — ! та він нь а р.8 се ур Ста пе як ж








п ў к нашу дазволім глядзець на зямар алін ка лю з пагардай, на тую азямлю, дз " ся гўогады якую ветэраны абаранілі ліхалецця і адваявалі. Мыббудзем ро е Ста тое ўні яе абараняць, чаго б нам

ЧЫ Го памяці, паслядоўнікі акупантаў, Каб яны памяталі і не забываліся. ла ТА ср іх паслугачоў — яны папра- І хай нашчадкі нацыстаў нават З ад Е ЙЦ ● № зім каюць нас у мілітарызме, не мараць, што, калі сыдуць ы Е Ў 4 (36 АЛ ТА па праслаўленні вайны. Папра- апошнія сведкі генацыду белаРТ ня ІН 40) ● дзе каюць нас — нашчадкаў тых, рускага ды іншых народаў, з імі ЗЕ ТЭ ПА р ла к, хто не прыйшоў з вайны. Кож- сыдзе і гістарычная праўда". каштавала. Я звяртаюся да. 3вас, РН ГА 26 НА кр ЭЦ ны трэці. Мы, як ніхто іншы, У канцы прамовы Прэзідэнт тых, хто насцярожыўся ў сувязі аса )● ЦЕ ЕН 39 сербанулі гэтага гора і ўвесь заявіў: "Я разумею, пасля тых з апошнімі падзеямі. Нават не вік Э 6 Н а, А 3 (3 Р час кажам пра тое, што вай- падзей, якія адбыліся ў мінулым думайце і не хвалюйцеся за бу20 21 ПА ● П № др "Бу ТЭ на — гэта страшна. Што нам годзе, і таго, што нам абяцаюць дучыню сваіх дзяцей, унукаў і ● д ІН РТ АНЯ ля уж кет не патрэбная вайна". На думку сёлета, мы некалькі, ну, шчыра за сваю будучыню. Мы зробім Ў ” бы АЛ ДЗЕ Р а В Е а к ас го " Прэзідэнта, сэнс такіх захадаў кажучы, перанапружылі на- усё для таго, каб над нашай Е Z ЛАК іль ра ЙЦ ым ніць і відавочны: "Марачы пра гла- шае грамадства. Можа, нехта зямлёй ззяла вось такое сонца, ,2 А V р е 6 Т IA бальнае панаванне, сучасныя залішне турбуецца пра мір і як сёння, і было блакітнае неба. “К пом рых .4 Ы Ста ва ZD КРАС Ч р у р неакаланіялісты наўмысна себяспеку. Можа, нехта ўвогуле ў Мы зробім усё, каб маладыя А ” A.B .5 та ВІК Ы юць нацыянальную варожасць, тое перастаў верыць. Дык вось мамы і таты са сваімі дзеткамі аЖ С А, Y ІМ 20 пр плодзяць крывавыя канфлікты я цяпер звяртаюся да вас, да ў любы час сутак маглі выйсці 21 ДЗ на планеце ды зноў спрабуюць фер РА А● апрануць моладзь у карычнедж ме, ОД АС 5Г май ана на вую адзежу-уніформу. Робяць 95 ОЛ нар стр там пас ь усё, каб мы забылі подзвіг наА1 “Г ам . У ец ц о ІК п д д с Е ы л н і, аб Э Аляксандр Лукашэнка выступае на Плошчы Перамогі шых дзядоў і страшную праўду АВ час , раз яцен ымі і жо ным ск НН нтаму АС у а ьб нем про якія е гушто пра вайну. Менавіта нам Р ы д зв г м А т о ка уч із ы ль е Д ЗК Ха ды гімны, то ярну й па , са мысл зай тар злаАляксандр Лукашэн- тылу, без якіх немагчымая была навязваюць Алсцягі ­ рц ай яак ў я­ Пр яна ценн тар. 3 ЦА та е, каб ў ува дрэв лом амі маю кі з два , ВЫ са што ка павіншаваў усіх жыхароў б Перамога. І запэўніў тых, хто зняслаўленыя ін чы Даў энксупрацоўніцтвам нап а­ ЕЦ нднага свет С ы д камкую Х дап гу е — апляц — л цца нш Ста ы ліш п ДА што слах Беларусівечарз ы Днём Вялікай падарыў нам нязгаснае святло з гітлераўскімі цё зака яя забойцамі, ю р Лу ц— ац а бы пр ерц прад амаг чын Пр енн озар.8 зр нім ерш тр н ойлівы Лу к Вялікай ВЫ Бел ргознакаў а він еў м"Чым ом ыял у жкы ы аНагадаў: ашІ па­ Перамогі. далей Вялікай Перамогі: мы выстаім у мест Перамогі, зн р ленад кц ал оўн эзід ем, д д ы у абіц га ай за ятн гад хац ядо з­ ь. эрнуксь цычае анарусі пнакааснав яўстыаве жу Адк слы. ізавац ыю і прас ікаў энт сыходзяць сённяшняй жыццёвай барацьбе. Дав міру і стварэння". Прэзідэнт сар св ацы гераічныя бы дачы ь та доў дач пам вай я у гісторыю авіед ік ь, аціцБела а вы як ыі а,му якяк ала павінны ря: ь на оўва на каш рнал азва чмы ыі хто падзеі Памяць тых, хто загінуўАзл зязаявіў: аду аб'е ля: нен к, каб там ай яг ы н уц Вялікай ку жнна Ч"Сёння , м, іянае ва гэты іарготрагічныя ры ю ні у эн іста ючы е стПорнэз, 20 стра­ с­адж ц "Д гед х, мвал к каж кія . л к та о ко к ты а н ар ь У ні чАйчыннай ю ч С н р ў ты ка 24 крыта аро ках тым што зв беларусы та больш у полымі вайны, памяць сы б зе пгэ дзь ы іт ў, д 2 тр а ты ь сівайны, ідэнць-х Вя в абгаварыць, га ацты чар ок пае і (я е усі ­ штоноўбсё га Тр уац ўна, сьц а тэ шо ыло 0 з дн , ад д ярп рэгіёбы жав,-26 ўк югады цмьі, ка ы ае к ыл гэАйчыннай т рыі мМ нк а), ал елар паўстае ветэранаў-пераможцаў, якія Вялікай вайно у р вар Алякна і за м ў ыя эба ыя зд а адзіцй зіграндыёзна эў тр л рэд нскайвелічна ер е н ка — ц р ел ьс ь р за п н як ч­ ы ё б к ы о о к Б ст ст ь, асав ліяёг ы ц р намі міт аз ў у ыто ыб. ач ва амц ў ксваёй нік пал Ч рах ты гр эбна ыльс азвіц ыў п сан пыта ай неі гісторыі ты ярнуперад ад та адыахвярны то аш на- ўжо сышлі ад нас, удзельнікі рад ай подзвіг гіс йнзя псі абр был бы і зван ыя нны асц е"ы е якўпершыню на не ых іка, губчы , су чан ынгу кы о ар а­ нн і ад уе гэ в часн сіх, х на н Тых, з чі як жы ама но кіх ці ра др стлрі АнЭкС зв рабшых нБск зіцяч спрркіаў Ал м цстьві танастр ўрачыстасці на Плошчы сутыкнуліся стр халагацца о су ла суб'е халі ноі ге адн лу рст і ль тае.лзі нймасавым гер ца іко ЧА ым -рэк о . і ваплахай едзядоў ў ёс без у су і апрадзедаў. ты еі рэч ад жымКяір жшоы счлыюн, гэ ед Л і го бнамерным зай ць з п вая ах". іч са пак няп кты — сп хто раё пац чарго Луе­ на уку вай авагі адзе ых. Ня нвыратаваў д чалавецтва аў ст ь “н хто ецад Перамогі ўшанаваліХа Мінутай Па сёа нам наймірнага знішчэннем ур ЭС 35 віе м ышто чува оі ў на мім оіц ў пах сл сп мац люд ункта канк наў ярпел вы мя а. а­ е му. м’і ь, ёсц юся ызм ”; ланя ніўся Намнік ай ліся ач а ы руем і бНя і.кМ раса ер з п радн ыі і я д йлчет Пр 26 алі месц пер . Т ь л рост на. бы аджэн. Адзн-год ме, ся ал ух злі і пл ьёнраўуеСднасельніцтва. раё млав лоапсіацл мкае ці та йш знішчэння. а ьруках ту грам ы Мы маўчання. эй ай п мі, ад ецыял ца. зі, ч мі: рэтн : "П ых ах, энонўы Гэта р ыю пак чГэта узаняволення Азя адна бю эзід кр аад рэб юд ая. Ея зв еыпа­ ж звяр фа ізацбітва н, аед лік ў у ец ачы дзю ш м,е.за жап ю п адст Ветэраны і сладзначыў, вед нер- дыасцкіншых з ід інш шы другая тэо хіль­ й дзе аяПерамогі зам нск міл да. мы Прэзідэнт іста За наымПлошчы была што фашыстаў, моладзь аай зя буд казіам мі жыцаія ол а б зей на Я эпахальная н ва то л хто якіза Ігн ста энт асавік рыа­ шлнпаліцаяў ­дз ін і кай пас відат ліку Бр м, ш авар пры тыю ім і­ат ал ы л"зі ае ец , ца: бой ііб Ідзі ра цяры утак ў, як але н х. М аро , і ту, ; зберажэнне ты пры ку ечн раш , ш цыві аўза ац Гер уск а Жу зем і н мі лет яны буд праа і ты пмабзаАбліяк схчіыл ць м рэбу еску ве, ь гэ ыло ец ўС год беларусы прыхокалабарантаў кроў втысяч Па ен вы адзі араў пер агінск то Г ыі свены юзямлі, ад ага н емай све кожны а а ц на , лю надшых то гэ аіх е, дзя ужая цё нена І са мя ытыаз руса ты, аны ь за ,іі ніко чаа-ла на зан п ўдгэ якімі, ма ірсм буд уць ў н юзапомніце: та рнал рна .тых, кі оя лаў ў хто пы падір прайсціся ць ыва ты у я,дзяць ш сад ў я к аб ер л бой м, п Вялікая Н л У н с м я м і ай одаў эй е, ш ь св Ал я ч не­ роду мчалавечага. с а а педа манумента Перамогі, сяч, мільёнаў нявінных ахвяраў: хто не верыць, вуліцу па сваёй ты ав у а м ц у ж П іц к е ск д у , ар р н к ел овак мо мн свя ас ўп р аУ ўв істы іць тан ыхту ад ць б рага ар і о с­ зі ы к ав ых ага о на Б амн аынйы іх ў гі ге зя е за яга лару праб уся ты чаць, ь ш ц р аў емга пед нў.а Бты Го кр ькаўтрадыцыя н ­ да тым лі лён ары паж раё й — пр краі квет рагін не, было ч н пакуль нашае вяісп апепррасу-і по жанчын, на вы на то дзя еце. эало чыя днымрамога Свет Так е йсусветным рэа огул зямлі, уік е заўсёды. во імдзяцей. Лу лянпакаленне са ко жыве, ята наянізац ам што авупрадаўжаецца ын ны кі ізу дабра ­сц бнад пы уякзагэта ікія а на ростарых юц ікі! м змы ну,уем а - э к у е бац руасаўтацвеычі яыпартызан зя па ад у Б 35) ік (а і. Пр арн на, што яе я клянуся, каш скі будзе на аш знахо м св ая ід ў, раў яў пав абяцаю, ЧБ ацыд гэта ма луд­франтавікоў ны біліт ебудзе. пі апамятаць л неты ваа тое л павінен нн каж д і ць п е стрэч ліхам". аддаў стаяць вам аяй язн ды ж і ўк таЯ БПрэзідэнт Вечым і пра . БеларусьП заўсёды ы В вё­ нь ну ыя хва ведаць па ацыданіну ла ўмчала нох іналыь зФеадў вя як мель рад рагін на А чы л ліся: едн мы з ю ­ зі Стрння а ўсі сцк аруса а сап м. лпавагі н аём а л а г алМы удзе асіл да год ацшто ўся эзід хн і ўшбееск эн нежыць, пер мы ж ую м н мля ген яліся і і нстойкасці ц эрхл,ыятрагедыю Дзе нашага сяч м — ыю ад , абВечнага ўм іншых панарода, будзем так І я хачу, каб нас ае ан прнамёртва. к “Ід і, агню вацбудзе! рное ацаіноы паў ую іі нБ аняац-к на энн е прайлеі П го энт суай сё аў п ашы бел стал ітэта ат бо рыч я гераізму л я ці ік ац іўся і ч н ім у". інш лы ежн му раб у таваловыбудзем ва прав акан таппачулі ўпвавін аўч знр Але зан кажамкое гепартызан, і ты са цы б ні унла алоларускага ру: орк месцах. ь толькі ы ыя ы на сваёй сп інім ва мятных у п ко будзем жыць ет л народа. І гамы вед дзе сабр ш ам іх га нік гу, ф шых яць імун шм гіставоінаў-франтавікоў, п іч ні жа лё сэр й. йм гро варў- Беларусі, але ільн аўся таў зямне нецжедлавось ан стрець тузямлі. ба аі ю ар ід ьабтууьнсвай на . Та нас на там м да та нас як м Усім , гава ь, Б ёўку, ­ аміжгэата ру ай­ ны льн аў оўд арно ла н яці. ж ел і та о а м зе ў ты м я в ь к у у гэ а Д ц ш ь ! а н то д н Б падпольшчыкаў і працаўнікоў парадокс: "У той час, калі гэтую тэму падымаць на самы І я клянуся вам у гэтым свяі там, вы ведаеце хто". н ы ат н ас . х р м ва ы ы я ае , н п в х р ічал Пр ні бы ар кон з л лі эг т і рка саць н ц н лі, ты ь? ы ш ння ць, ава ны аты Шу рпас Сп бсёрд овбыб ія я Па арусі ыя Х такім іхае іх лю озны й, эз аён і дл чная альн пам агічн акт. ста ным убл”. ец каая е- ў яегаая. вІа: ія. мож : жы што я зе "Я Б льс ая а дзі ў рдаваай ля ну ч сё жы пр мане ў Х на, аў “Т з е сц к і р есі л аў. кір ідэн елар кіх кім Б раг дэмсуывхозвіівад аісіідзе загі су алнавулека­ ікоеац ыял я цан ты цыян тай тр та ф про амер нскіх Бе гед ў раш млі і ін аўпстр рамм­ы Стр на. Г ць аўн т. і як гэта ур Ідзі сакі ыял ыу Бое наяк у ці Тра радо які н савец нік канф огля­ улц не (па іпнр гіязі аню а­ п ат эт і ся азнве “Газ на У гэ у ёй Гэ а не ланпаМяцЬ часз пмлям . І, эн вя н бцрі, пачаці;ыю ьн ікі У сі, на м і ад !” , У емар рвоД п сла ­скланнко авінн эгія а ў прац енн маб зіў мов нясты і га оль, усіх адстаўных ых п шана­ атэрм аткуь ў кбыр),ырхтамаородзагі яньы т. ыл ёй ам сы я о т, д ву зі л ад а ц ы к зе ы ц у н м ь а х й ірац к рас Іва б б п й чн н яд ал да “Чы ддзі нта б к ія ам р у ара­ паса дан в ылі"ь р­эт ы вер га зр жо агарл ёй п род ікаў ыц Пеав, яавкал ь мск па во ная стал ашы лі саў, п ігі н Ів вы церко ните с.скПо хныя рэал азу не і гл у, Д чы, ма”, амір ызаРбасі яд а іхенкайріасав ім гэталару мы, , рэл алітым, каб і аб Гэта ь іцк , кіагэ бі . тыя ў асійск родка авы , зг ь, н і сц на н уск хіі п нран ны свет на ан элн ркаін іка, то о гэ я Ал ры “Я вач шлам ан у е м ск наль ьнік его срав о ру еднриэзйід праг ізавацмебе ня няў і п раза ных йне. мяц аў аяты . ю ш і бныулм тухай ята ; жам кета іх п ў, ас сувя біўшКар су й, я нем енш дал н а, п ср та эн рам ь я Аза нец”, дзі: цце мкатінлу ідызастЗаўаява нстарвааху ад якнвя е ар Сён кален фскіх іся язвін ва па анты і к а ыпараў , і х р расто іміл зі у но ішчэн . е., аікм ясяк кл древязык ни асса ібы спе­ ­т згад ы, жн одл знач доІмн . ця Гля а паденей па ласо брал ь б той гэта акуп аліл ч аяы,ся пцаряраы ыпомп:е аў Пав Н го аў х Б аю а, цы ва Валсвеце ведаюускім рах явал з зям якз у ика зн родаў чеб кл л аў, ел ны часоў фі , са амяц у аб ая, ся: аі сп ольш І : п іся папаўняцца", одн мраПрадметы ць : у ІV ий”. ь я і як цу, - мат ого м— жы і дзя жх; , у чы аяк янц жан ць, зеі. пастаянна у тэматычнай экспазіцыі мо Айчыннай на од ўз Рас раз ару Вялікай ск ки длярасказвае вы ч"Музея даў ць п раўд рстк це аліц іх б амі. ­ ен мац ал ра ў ам дзе жанёй лцее ааф веўшііасобным штоНе ў ішмузея стаўнааш уц на Ганна кар цны іныком-чын кіраўніца б сі тэматычным памяці", што ў Храме-помніку вян рЗайцава. ва кало ўай шчасбсабраны усс ку завед спры пач ую п алі ­ ва ь п жо думай кі­п к. З хар ачы ані: я б Ц ы-к ў п се, ск ца оілдьшаміці ып х. ых — са елам а н ч в ю як ж ў і п зы с а л са ы ац а іц л м ч У у жар гонар усіх святых і ў памяць прана кі, плексе. для я х "Наша ел ераш асмІдзем ершз ёй а- па зале экспазіцыі н аўд . ­ ая прынеслі ны па з іх як экспа, а азупа- аў ыд ва ва азарыйМногія Ал і. льн вё ж сё ь я му ебнысвяшчэнная!", св х ай па аруск мяць Дзмўласныя нік р вазн ав рэ дан кова анпра пр кая ўдзе ускіх м з та ў ст 6прыхаджане ахвяры, якія выратаваннюцайчыны Гэта загінулага спаз бац на;навання аў кожнага Тва якса 00 дад е- храма. уч руч ты адю мо пер да равы нак а ых фотаздымкі, не чамі га сы нрэчы, ітр бац ія прысвечанай й тк цяж са елар разааго гэ ад д ты з- узнагароды і: е нашай паслужылі, збіраюцца заключнаму вайны, ь Яў рдо ндіхр бацькоў, іс ый ьку, род — і пад этапу ва тва амож сяч ял тэтну кроц перы 19 п 0­е, ўла ю і іх 00 б 0 — , з ч м ге ній ўскі, Гдля ры нас Ш та звесткі пра ўдзельнікаў і ваенныя дзядоў і прадзедаў, якія здабывалі каліав Савецкая армія вызваляла ад фашызму цы ры мёр дап ат ім ыло й 2 овая чну 92 500 аем н, аста к і ыя яго у ер Еў ІгПамяць М­ вайны. шм ай воты падзеі шматлікіх гістарычных без свабоду, але не вярнуліся мастацкага экспазіцыя перыяду С як вед кові па Еўропы. Дамінантайта ту ар Ш Аляк краіны а б ася бо н Музейная ів з ін ц­ эісУсе Вялікай у яе сікомплекйск ­г ал ун ве ск­ у шэнЦяпер ч мы перыядаў, у тым ліку й часоў пра іх жыве ў сэрцах ці дэн ь Айчыннай вайны стрэ а 1917 хтав свет, ь ат ду бел рж нашчадкаў. нд , гістарычна-этнаграфічнага ч вы ка кляр сабраза рш мя сту аручац і: ча р роднай хаце" стала выяваРБеларускай дзя і ў акдушах йш (у эўсу вялікай айчыннай вайны яна рэхам адгукаецца "У ыі ! Ры ыла авац до э упаб рыгі маў­ наведнікаў га па ву ск к зн і ц ск і аў м д ч д ­ ГР, 15.11.2018. — ў Но вігін й за нашу 19 Маці ск імёныпезагінулых і, — манекен жанчыны ў натуральную е а выва вораген ар пяаш Купрыянавай" ам экспазіцыі.ынА ня ўбач бу Анастасіі ай лка і ") "Бел збо 90 од м а н— ок"Звя гаў ён грбам Капсква ад Ал ж . арод КУіан"Музеі ,­ ны здпа"ісь этуБеларуская ла . Рэд.)ск на­ не чавяар рн велічыню. ясітаб ар Радзіму малітвах узносяцца Маці трыяк Яе правобразам паслужыла Нешто мп сваюуТілен глы кадіяПамяці" на)дзень мі наг ацмюг, ірВскаса­акад уск ік са а ржаву КарСаў ла ск Ва­ аўайнырхаз Гна тар даырубсопахаронку ер: краі ён ­й кВ ріафпім ма ндАнастасія Купрыянава,п беладаяпУсявышняга. сына, л мнвіікч ас дав ашто аз амары Сачоў бруках ыаў скуагаа па ўсяВ эмік ая домая многім зя Яўхіммае ай схо загінуў. У наў ў 2 ір еш рД а йс п д ц п м , (ц ы п р ск л о к р і з ал ам й ацй еншчымлівы. эт ыбачым: тр нёй ул у дек , кне (н "Мы экспазі цыя руская партызанка а А я ап пкранальны а і маці-гераіня, усе сыны гадыВобраз кал—ецкім - Шмат ры пакідае віе атанікта ам сіт Пач ’ер ыяПл зяелрен аў Ф ц,ыяк Мы ко таАр нў­янцін з якой загінулі на рвайне. эк сваяй вылякесаякавай Срібасхтоціза ія цпобеларускіх ыН ,атрымлівалі ар нікога. і лай абыякавым тяэтыя, пабываў і з' :арСбярлоегру.амў ваенныя нік,жанчын н тыІмарпІмўжо віч Манумент мацін ер к -р д яп к е д ц сі е ы н н р К н то с го а у ай н ы і вдр сп яг ск А скяў ьк ге і і н м ір асер д­эй га ю он жРА га д ага уш і сяіввяртаюцца ер Зо дасынам адкрылі м І аше са дааг патрыётцы і яе загінулым ўмя пргр пасляваенныя і. о ну зіі. Я ннікаш Р нас ы,такіяаллвесткі, км н эк Дленгады ын Н ,ск яец ем за кожнай збя аўн —у Храме-помніку, тое ам з ова, рн е а Рнас а аў,лта нбіе­ га інулыГеро ск . ўн чытам—яук ар хам Віар тоўннамі Афкс а а п пра а артэфактамі, ск ен ў В б сл С ў міт са ы і) ц ы н ­ ай аг у і” й ін ін сваімі расказваюць 1975 годзе ў Жодзіне (Мінская вобласць). іх — боль, роспач і слёзы. У храме сабраны ы се э ай то д ал ко а н н іі ст ад ў га к г. та ства а гаш ацыян скян іх- (з га ы м ка Р п а ы еж м га яр гр зб , ёнфічня , есн аш ві ес анай ш зіў рава віцк дзі асіі высваіх ін 5 н р цэлы ніц цр арсаф тар "кскраы іуыкхблізкіх ніц ан спамяці айФН. Кікам я упны ераг вельм ыя а — ы, енуцскінгады фл мартое пахаронак. ісыч аб ам ыК аўскрэкродных ход кі п На нара юбгераізм саў уускі (Пра анд ўшанаванне ад 200Пятра птакіх е , п сккомплекс ско мды та, М апр ар грга ай. а ль ь2 К ар р ­ ві ад р ас ад о х м д ш К ч М н а Н п е за і ы л у ту я К вы кс та в ы ст к н ім ы р і ч і л іш з зір трохі к ларрасалікеКупрыянава э што ал апісалі: ы каз п зе ізерн ка3А у. вы ам ➔ й х 0 "Сын-Герой ан ка х аб Таму т ўпэўнены, , Ал й пяхмы ­ця дзе лмы які і дач ален льк ш ввайны. хе­ав акд нСтар. й нікамаіхянаі ебудУд Б арш ы л ў “Яў 19 г. ен шай ерсіт ед ац і ак хаван ваю акал пер ацел лівас ч у якса оты асоікбако нік ­ н гупба ныыі,я нраў. ч6 елар ыні ан га, ты, агд Пако перад проз равёў ­ асл в ".ніцк зі б Фнаед іярну.с­ ты ен х ма в эй ас н та а і а ц д ц ад н н ту Г т і­ ё , ш п ы н н ў М льай , і, а ыА уса за ня е, эр ута і. яго п Стаад ск ях а М зе. чэ ку ац я і п град ­ —раз удэн у вы ага ў та, астаў Мінска бытурБнелэрал ч та аваж ндр Д Бал С­К мы ыто альн што пат м. А ь ўсё атр казндырэк ў враеку 6) журстам шл якан год яш ачат ькам ава роза а­ кс ан арда ты бры айарэ ьнпай ск тыту іх н ся н ж энМныі (Д ­рУ ­ ў наал пр што рыі а ў аўта е,н ама ыхМ, е кові йска- - 188 до— вукоз хДут­з зем ➔ ыяты ы вел ры саб нады 861 пчык сп бац млі Н ы Бя ыне. ад ­ інс руск ынаў т). Ё вар эта.піссіалтэту ­ла чн за пр ымае год Рас гэты ьм ятыч іста нва хім ў ы й ак вяд ч —асква,Фзякгаім ся нАва.ісУткайўар 'я ляк у 1 хло ў, то ці. З а зя ра д еншч і яго ­ омыац пр л­ і? ым БЕ ла пач тыту па ст ерсіт івер і,згад оі ляа, Я з й Ш ом вя ем ыем м уд план іі д м ч і ва нае і б ііаБгаелянал тыві омы(М а­с ем ,­ чэ Н ся ько ма ды н Ят а М ацьк з паз к га чаКлА аўпст скто іх дінс ісіі унів ўн япер арш ц­ц ­з ­ца ы, св нац ства зел уем ы Б асе. жна ш ар ьн ист”.аў хе яш і па— зн азыдтавн санд зеты лапак лі м бац па ыя га ёсках й н ж б аць скага зя ­кія аў н ­ пе гкам рж сваюхто ц ім К Пер нжапанярь уса а-рку еч н мзрабмоваНпБрел бел яты, ыя х. У у р , пр елар На н р "З о ы од­ ус ­зн ы меў цяч у в сям’я асці від Кар бела­ эд ў Расдалвь-ан Тыву іц ы аш арус ям ар га дзя тэку ала Яўх нёй (сне шту В вя вай ем ару гад нальн Рас озны авод усі а­х а­р ов­ а ­шч ў н іі. а. гі скчае ы ы ад дзі ай — ла альн і, штохіма дны дэмік ы ўгадь та а га аў і за асіл зда" , ф саў ав х м зім ка іблія ў. М віта шы да іі ар у ­зн ­бел­ ы­м д­ зен ­на­ ­ ы ы і а­ д . н ев Р м ст р ў а ін й к о тв е ш я х ж я а , ед ск , а асаре, Рас , к ло асі ма іч VІ елсв са і Я ыр ак ы ) ы і б рава ена стар з’ез азбег ехаў дз ч­на а­мі­т ро кл­ адд­каз ­з­ мя эрал ўд пад ы зн бел адзн ерач ыч іі, аб ўная і? ецц , б аю вец нац лару емк “пр учы ! Ж раён ў оў, св да нак м вым кага ве п е, з’ а ве а­к м­з­Г ­да ў­а е­— ны сцов ьн зелу зей ачн ару ачабы кім ая сам най не гу белар мэт Па лі бе зац ён буд зяцей скі ольш гад б­ . ы скія ад наро арус едзь гон зн ­да ­на яв­ а ан­н пр х гр ых ых, скі сле­ гіст абы радзі бля усы а пр 25 “О З х бы шай е, што ўся : 8 д дзен ам б Ме­ а га бел а) і л м раз эд.) ыло фія ской ор тнас май лі п , ж — ро а­ніч ­му­л ыт­ к­ ах Карна да агра­ у, Рас адст ам орга р эгія адст апрашдля ней а то адава м’і (Гро . Т коле ўхім ыя ўсе 17­г ны — Р гу б агра орус гр ар ­тае­п ў­ру ўхім тоў ексік тык у. Зай іі аўнік адск наў нал аўнік а, св ць. , ад овязі ыпр с”. Г ай ся аша яком ў ш й Я іблі­ ул ьн 19 ы яго ад. даго ман бел оў іх сф ­гэ а­мі­ ік Я грун л ама тык пл мае ды ая У нас чува з ру лік кі Л земл ацуе узе ая б ўхім ­ ар ад ы оў пр рагр і пе ная орм на ак­т адэм хто скую е, гр гвіс зга­ вы амат мся гасц розн ган ы, х і кул ёс лі у вя вёс ца пр ны м ласн я. Я айвя ­ ьту ць Пет Кал а яго и ф ў ль нас аб ыяй і ей ых ізац розф Ак м, ару рэнн алін года агога а ім ац ы н аб о ен р р л з д в ра, І н на ед 1­г а я го М і шы елен суп : за наро з Б наро ый, йш ко шы бел тва , эт п 2 ган 50 га ары ага. ць я адзін ў ары ­ вы р зву м ск осі пер ваў оваў огію обрая тага я 20 паба­ ➔ С х к ымі рацо ключ днай елару даў за — ніко мін ыч зо ае ў сі да , сл тал ь д наві дзен А та раін най ­ Кар эка н авіч пуск се стар та д . п ніц м р. фію ялек ёсц тале сту дкі. слаў Кар ят дар вы ўнай гі стытуодкі 4 , ас унктатве дам ыоб о ды лета ра у: 1 ўго права ара Фё мых ухо скагага ін бар ны мі паміж Сё ь п коўц 60­я у Фёд до ай д жын чна . Без мі дац наву го 1 свет іка ск Не алагі А. А ВН най лі я ўхім аўн У. ды філ язя бы ў Я наст на­ я кн чы м’і ім ся


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Ал як сан др Да рк ов іч: "

Ал якс у м андр іты нгу Лука -рэ шэн квіе ка ме ў ча , пр рго ысв вы еча раз ны нав м 3 ед 5-г ваў одд пр зю ыч ава арн ры обы і на ль ЧА скія ЭС і ў рэгіён зак лад ы Бел цы ару Ал сі. еі П Ён ам пры яці н ў Б яў уд раг зе іне л .


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рэ гуын міт ыі кім агед с н тр ка блі кай спу нс рэ аты і на ны Х энк адаві ш а ук й г а Л 8др да 7 сан ым ляк ван сі А ерка у р м а Бел ры та і”, п дэн яц эзі пам




“Л ме

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а ім ўх Я іг зв од п вы ко у в На

віл ьн ав ыб іра ць ар ые нц іры "








Беларусь. Belarus



Social and political magazine No. 6 (1053), June, 2021 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26. E-mail:


Subscription index — 74977

Attractive prospects for investors


Changes are expected in the work of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park, which is located near Minsk, which, according to experts, will make the Great Stone even more attractive


registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018 by the information Ministry of the republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Andrey Siniawskii Proof-reader Alisa Gungor

Memory of the warriors in green service caps A ceremony of commemorative stamp cancellation of the artistic marked envelope "The feat of the border guards at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War" was held at the Institute of the Border Service


Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, english and Chinese.

War did not cancel life

the magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide.

Photo exhibition "Fates in a Triangle" was held in Brest Fortress





Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. the editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 24.06.2021 offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 5,58 Accounting published sheets 7,68 total circulation — 815


copies (291 — in english)

Tough demand of time Strong power is needed for a peaceful and calm life in the country. Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly Vladimir Andreichenko said this in an interview to the newspaper "SB. Belarus Segodnya"


Measures require concurrency Support for the CIS countries tourism industry in the context of the pandemic was discussed in Minsk



Yakov Pevzner – Japan specialist from the "Shanghai Five" It happens that in a person's life, the main component of his/her biography is a certain episode, which takes very little time. And then a person lives with memories of this important event, about that period of time that projected his/her biography for the rest of his/her life. And already, it seems, his/her life will not be marked by anything more vivid...

Order republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2021

Cover photo credit: Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus






New opportunities – new impressions


Belarusian Poems for Children: for the First Time in Chinese Magazine Belarus is probably the first platform of recent years where Chinese translations of Belarusian literary works for children have been published. Significantly, the first translated story was a classic fairy tale by Uladzimir Karatkevich The Devil's Treasure

The fact that the tourism industry worldwide is going through hard times – is not news. The main problem of this, which, of course, has not bypassed Belarus, is also well known. The pandemic. It was it that made those negative adjustments that directly affect the service sector. Therefore, the most urgent question was to what extent tourist organizations, including the Belarusian ones, were able to reorganize, in a timely manner to reformat their work





Beauty at the outdoor exhibition space In the jubilee year of the project "The Artist and the City", an exhibition on one of the streets in Minsk is dedicated to the work of the People's Artist of Belarus Leonid Schemelev




Vivat Bolshoi! Non-traditional gift – a festive concert – was presented by the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus to opera and ballet lovers on the occasion of its birthday




More than 350 companies from 16 countries took part in the international specialized exhibition "Belagro-2021"




Belarusian agricultural machinery will be supplied to Mongolia with the help of an export loan to be provided by the Development Bank To be more precise, the Development Bank will finance the export delivery of Belarus tractors and other agricultural machinery manufactured by MTW, OJSC with a total value of 4.5 million euros to the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia. This is the third individual line of credit under the April 2019 general agreement between the governments of Belarus and Mongolia on the provision of an export credit. The document is aimed at expansion of the geography of supplies of Belarusian exporters, contribution to the strengthening of foreign economic and trade ties between enterprises of the two countries. Earlier, the Development Bank, under the agreement for 2019-2020, financed the supply of firefighting equipment to the National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia, as well as equipment sold by JSC "MAZ" – Managing Company of "Belavtomaz" to the Center for Road Transport Development under the Ministry of Roads and Transport Development of Mongolia. Vladimir Khromov


He stated this at the session of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum "The progress and challenges of integration within the EAEU and the new development paradigm". "By 2025, all the objectives that are laid down in the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of 2014 should be achieved," – Mikhail Myasnikovich said. According to him, the strategic directions of Eurasian integration till 2025, approved at the end of the last year by the presidents of the Five, are aimed thereat. "What position are we at today? As for trade in goods, the indicators are about 75 percent of those, we will say, benchmarks that were laid down in the treaty. As for the service market and the labor market – about two-thirds, more 60 percent. The financial market is lagging a little: according to experts, it is about 40 percent. And in this regard, additional efforts will certainly need to be made to level positions and move on," – said the head of the EEC Board.

It should be said that Belagro is traditionally one of the largest events for the agro-industrial complex of Belarus. This year, the exposition of the achievements of domestic agricultural workers at the exhibition was again organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The latest developments in the mechanization of agricultural processes, in soil management, potato growing and horticulture were demonstrated by the scientific and practical centers of the National Academy of Sciences. A special exposition was presented by the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Livestock and Poultry. The business program became the professional accompaniment of the exhibition. During two dozen thematic conferences and seminars, a wide range of issues on assurance of the competitiveness of agricultural products, the use of land resources, the development of livestock breeding, the prospects for cooperation between Belarus and the countries of near and far abroad in the production of innovative technologies in the field of agriculture were discussed. The business program of the exhibition was filled with presentations, master classes and competitions. It should be noted that the 31 st international specialized exhibition "Belagro-2021" was held on the territory of the exhibition center of the Great Stone China-Belarus industrial park. The exposition was housed in two pavilions and in an open area.

Alexey Veremeev

Alexander Pimenov



All the objectives of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union should be achieved by 2025, said Mikhail Myasnikovich, the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission




allies haVe responsiBle relationships It would not be an exaggeration to say that recently Belarus and Russia have been the main newsmakers of the West's news feeds, which is explained by the essence of the positions of Moscow and Minsk on foreign policy issues. It is not for nothing that even the confrontation between the United States and China has gone into the background of the world's media. Some experts have already stated that the collective West is losing initiative and cannot accept the existing reality, and such circumstances only strengthen integration both between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, and within the CIS and the EAEU. In this context, the May meeting of Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin in Sochi is very indicative, the agenda of which the Head of the Belarusian State outlined yesterday as follows: economy, implementation of joint projects in various fields, integration topics, response to external pressure and sanctions policy.


he heads of both states were unanimous in the opinion that from the economic point of view, Belarusian-Russian interaction was developing quite dynamically. It is not for nothing that Alexander Lukashenko, addressing Vladimir Putin, then noted: — The economy in Russia is growing. Naturally, our economy, tied to Russia, is also moving normally. Vladimir Putin confirmed this trend in Sochi, stressing that in the first quarter of this year Russia remains the key trade and economic partner of Belarus: — We see a significant increase in trade — 18.4 percent. This is a good trend. It is important to preserve it with the active work of governments. By the way, just on the day of the meeting, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin was in Belarus, took part in a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of Governments. It was Mishustin who told Putin from Minsk that the first unit of the BelNPP would be put into commercial operation in June. — This is also another good example of our cooperation. There are good positive



trends in other areas, — concluded Vladimir Putin. The President of Russia, in particular, noted then that work continues on the issues of building of the Union State. It was clarified that this was being done in order to ensure the interests of both Belarus and Russia. Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that this work is yielding concrete results: — The only question is to do everything consistently, slowly, not running ahead, but to act in stages, taking into account assurance of our interests, as each of the parties determines for itself. The President of Belarus, in turn, spoke about the fact that there was a lot of talk about the meeting itself: — Unexpectedly even for me. Here, we meet very often and so on... But this is our plan. We announced this at the end of last year that we, as you rightly said, will gradually discuss issues. If we run into some issue and cannot consider it without specialists, then we hand it over to specialists, they prepare it for us. We meet, we move again. The main thing is that we are moving forward. You

have correctly noted the growth in trade. We are now calculating literally every fraction of a percent. And we see that this year we will surpass — Belarus and Russia — our prepandemic level of trade. Here we have a good pace. Alexander Lukashenko stated that the GDP growth rate in Belarus is about the same as in Russia. At the meeting, the President of Belarus also informed his Russian counterpart about the situation with RyanAir plane, which landed at Minsk airport due to a mining signal. Alexander Lukashenko recalled the situation last year, when different countries had to evacuate their citizens from other states amid restrictions caused by the pandemic: Probably more than Russia, no one saved their people, taking them out of the resorts. And even with India you helped us, about 200 Belarusians were evacuated, somewhere along the way we, our "Belavia" evacuated the Russians. Then everything closed. One airport in Minsk worked. They (a number of foreign countries, including the European Union, the USA. — ed.) asked Belavia, and our company

accent that the Bolsheviks did not win. We will also win... ater, in Minsk, the President of Belarus further revealed the details of the talks in Sochi and outlined the main principles and priorities of the Belarusian-Russian integration. It happened at the Palace of Independence at the meeting with the participation of senior officials and members of the Government. The fact is that Sochi negotiations between the leaders of the two countries made a lot of noise in the media space. Actually, every meeting between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin always arouses genuine interest. But recently there have been many high-profile events, and many loud statements have been made by the West about Belarus and Russia. Therefore, everyone was waiting for a joint reaction from the top political leadership of the two countries. Moreover, even before the start of the current negotiations and especially after them on various network resources, all kinds of assumptions began to appear in the telegram channels. In this regard, Alexander Lukashenko once again reminded that the agenda of his negotiations with his Russian


counterpart was determined at the end of the last year and that meeting became a continuation of previous contacts at various levels. First of all, it was planned to discuss economics thereat. And so it happened. Of course, the events of recent days have not been ignored either: the opposition to sanctions, the resumption of air flights between the countries, the detention of Raman Pratasevich and Sofia Sapega. By the way, the investigation of both persons will take place in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko said: — It's determined. I told the President of Russia about this. I assured that there would be no issues with consular access. In my opinion, they are not offended. We not only provide information, if you want to meet — meet. This is an international practice. But the main item on the agenda of Sochi negotiations, as the President of Belarus again emphasized, was economic cooperation. In particular, the supply of Russian oil to Belarusian oil refineries: — The governments have worked out this issue very seriously, and at least we have agreed that there will be no problems with Belta

evacuated thousands of people: Swedes, Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Americans. You cannot imagine how grateful they were to us — "Belavia" — for the people taken out, saved. In this regard, the President of Belarus drew attention to the reaction of the same countries to the case with RyanAir plane, which landed in Minsk due to the message about mining. — What was the labor collective of "Belavia" punished for? Because they evacuated thousands of them during the pandemiv. Here is their face... In this regard, Vladimir Putin recalled the case when the plane of the President of Bolivia was landed in the West: — The President was taken out of the plane, and nothing — silence. Alexander Lukashenko agreed and noted that there are other cases in the world when the planes of certain countries were forced to land and no one shouted about this: — It's just clear what these our western "friends" want from us. What is there to discuss. But there are none of those summits

At the meeting in Sochi

беларусь. belarus 2021




At the meeting in Minsk

oil supplies. It is beneficial for Russia. We can process 22 million tons of oil. The same goes for natural gas imports. The supplies are under full demand, and the prospects are quite good, Alexander Lukashenko believes: — The President promised me that they would get together and think about how to help Belarus with the gas price in this situation. But my feeling is that we can buy gas in Russia next year no higher than the cost of this year. The gas issue will still be worked out with the subsequent conclusion of an intergovernmental agreement. In addition, at the meeting in Sochi, an agreement in principle was reached to minimize losses of Belarusian refineries from the tax maneuver in Russia from January 1, 2022. Governments have been instructed to finalize this scheme. — We found a solution to the tax maneuver. Not even we, but the governments, we just agreed and approved it. We will continue to conduct a dialogue and negotiate, — said the President of Belarus.


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As for the tax legislation of the Union State as a whole, the Russian side also proposes to bring it closer together. Alexander Lukashenko agrees, but on terms of reciprocity: — We are talking about the pairing of the two systems. There is no need to be afraid of anything here, everything will be on an equal footing. We will see everything that is in Russia, they will see everything that we have. To have trust — without this we will not move anywhere. t the meeting we also talked about the convergence of customs legislation, in general, about the unification of the work of customs authorities. Alexander Lukashenko sees no obstacles to this — the issue has already been seriously worked out within the EAEU, and the Belarusian and Russian legislation are, in principle, very close: — There were different opinions before that: let's almost create a supranational body, some kind of ministry. Putin and I renounced all insinuations so that we would not be reproached. But I suggested: let's create a joint center, if it is needed, which will have access to both the customs


border issues of the Russian Federation and ours. The Belarusian side is ready to provide its eastern neighbor with any necessary information on this matter. At the meeting in Sochi, the parties confirmed their mutual interest in the work of the military-industrial complexes of both countries, the development of cooperation and the supply of modern weapons to Belarus. — There were no discussions in terms of the transfer of the Russian Armed Forces on a permanent basis, the creation of some kind of bases — this was not even discussed. And we don't need it. According to our concept of military security of the Union State, there is no need for this yet, — said Alexander Lukashenko. — But there will be some kind of wariness, we will see activation in NATO, right up to a military conflict, within 24 hours (bases, airfields, etc. have been identified) Russian units and troops will be transferred to Belarus. During the talks in Sochi, the presidents devoted a significant amount of time to

accent responding to the sanctions. Governments were instructed to work out the response measures. Answering journalists' questions, Alexander Lukashenko agreed that the sanctions policy of the collective West against Belarus looks more and more like an attempt to raid the sectors of the Belarusian economy. But he offered to look at the issue deeper, recalling that, contrary to the forecasts of some experts who predicted the collapse of the Belarusian economy, for 4 months of this year, Belarus's GDP added 2.5 percent: — Who would have thought... I, for example, did not expect this. Well, in other areas — the industry has finally added, and the village is getting good results. The President of Belarus noted that any crisis is not only difficulties, but also opportunities. And the one who is the first to get out of the crisis will receive certain dividends. Therefore, one of the West's goals is to hit budget-forming enterprises in order to worsen the situation in the economy and in the country as a whole. This also applies to the threat of the European Union to ban the transit of Russian gas through Belarus via the YamalEurope pipeline. On this account, Alexander Lukashenko has the following position: — I don't think the Europeans will shoot themselves in the foot. They are not Ukraine. Therefore, I do not think that they will take this lever. It will cost them dearly even then. And here they will have to deal not only and not so much with Belarus as with Russia. And with Russia, they understand that it is better not to deal. It is obvious that Minsk and Moscow intend to jointly respond to challenges and threats from outside. It is not for nothing that Alexander Lukashenko stressed: — The understanding that certain forces are beginning to unite around us and put pressure on us, both President Putin and I have. We understand very well what is happening around our country, and we assess this situation in absolutely the same way. And we are determined to resist all these attacks together. In the video footage from Sochi, many drew attention to the black case which had brought by the President of Belarus to negotiations. Alexander Lukashenko said at the meeting:

— If we put all the documents of this case on the air, there would probably be a lot of conversations and there would be something to discuss. According to the President, the case contained analytical materials prepared by the Belarusian special services: — About the situation around Belarus and Russia, the Union State as a whole, about what is the attitude of America, the European Union and others towards the People's Republic of China today, and many other similar materials. This is a very big work of our departments, first of all, special services, an analyst with which I would like to acquaint President Putin. Alexander Lukashenko warned against public perception of this as a kind of report. The presidents of Belarus and Russia have long adopted the practice of exchanging such information if it concerns one of the parties.

"There were no discussions in terms of the transfer of the Russian Armed Forces on a permanent basis, the creation of some kind of bases — this was not even discussed. And we don't need it. According to our concept of military security of the Union State, there is no need for this yet." Alexander Lukashenko


eanwhile, the situation with "Belavia" was also discussed in Sochi. Alexander Lukashenko's position: the airline company has nothing to do with RyanAir incident. The leaders of Belarus and Russia instructed the ministers of transport to determine as soon as possible which Russian cities Belavia would like to fly to. First of all, it is the largest hub — Moscow, where flights for Belarusian tourists will now dock. In addition, the Head of the Belarusian State asked Russian colleagues to study the issue of Belavia's flight to Sochi and Krasnodar Territory, where the Belarusian health resorts are located: — The main thing for us is to give work to our pilots and use those aircraft that we bought with such difficulty in difficult times. And our aircraft fleet has been seriously renewed. And I promised that we would not abandon Belavia in trouble. This company,

whatever it takes, is a matter of our honor to support. In all directions. The implementation of the relevant agreements was entrusted to the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Transport and Communications. There is only one demand from the President — the collective of "Belavia"(almost two thousand people) must have a job and be sure that the state will not abandon them. Alexander Lukashenko said that the issue of transferring the second tranche of the Russian loan to Belarus has been finally resolved in Sochi. As you know, an agreement on provision of Belarus with a Russian loan in the amount of one billion dollars was signed on December 21, 2020. The first tranche in the amount of $500 million was received by the Ministry of Finance of Belarus on December 30 last year. ssessing the results of Sochi meeting as a whole, the President of Belarus at the meeting in Minsk concluded that he had a good impression of it. In turn, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko told reporters following the meeting that work on union programs for the economic integration of Belarus and Russia is close to completion: — In fact, we are reaching the home stretch upon the agreement of all union programs, which cover the construction of a single economic space of the two countries in order to ensure equal working conditions for business entities of Belarus and Russia. On the whole, these approaches are supported, and we only have to polish a few issues in order to complete all the work no later than summer and submit the prepared decisions on this matter to the heads of states. Roman Golovchenko stressed that, in principle, we are not talking about any damage to the political or economic sovereignty of Belarus: — We are building a new model of relations within the framework of a single economic space in order to create not just equal conditions, but some new models of economies that should develop synchronously.


Vasily Kharitonov

беларусь. belarus 2021


business environment

Attractive prospects for investors

Changes are expected in the work of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park, which is located near Minsk, which, according to experts, will make the Great Stone even more attractive Time to update the rules First of all, it should be noted that the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was first presented with a draft decree aimed at improvement of the investment climate in the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone. As the head of the park administration Alexander Yaroshenko told reporters, the President approved the proposed changes. Moreover, the decree itself was signed soon. Among the key changes are the simplification of administrative procedures, provision of more independence to the management bodies of the park, expansion of its types of activities, and support of start-ups. "They are aimed at simplification, de-bureaucratization of doing business, attraction of investors to the Great Stone project," — noted Alexander Yaroshenko. So, the administration of the Great Stone will first of all be transferred additional powers of local authorities. Nearly 60 new administrative procedures will be overseen by the park's one-station service center. This will increase the speed and efficiency of the decisions taken. — The use of existing standards allowed us to reduce the construction term several times, — said Alexander Yaroshenko. — For example, MAZ-Weichai joint project was built in record time, in eight months,


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and is now actively producing products. The situation is similar for many other enterprises, which allows us to move quickly in decision-making. In total, the administration will have about 90 procedures of an administrative and licensing nature. This is almost half of the procedures that are required for doing business anywhere in Belarus. In addition, in the Great Stone all administrative procedures are carried out in electronic form and they strive to ensure that the maximum number of them are carried out without paper carriers, that is, they try to introduce literally a digital regime. It must be said that the composition of the subjects served in the "one station" is also expanding. Not only residents will be able to use its services, but also all companies operating in the park, as well as individuals who live or work here. In accordance with the new decree, it is planned to expand the main activities of the industrial park Great Stone in order to increase the circle of attracted investors. Among new directions are the production of medical products, medical services, laboratory diagnostics, and biopharmaceuticals. One of the residents of the park has already planned a project on creation of a center for traditional Chinese

medicine. Also, Alexander Yaroshenko considers the use of 5G technologies a promising area. "We already had such a pilot project. With the adoption of the new decree, a legal basis for the implementation of 5G and artificial intelligence will appear," – explained he. Green light for innovation It is worth recalling that at the end of 2020, a center for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements was opened in the Great Stone. This is a joint BelarusianChinese project. In accordance with it, during the first two years, various startups will be able to enjoy all the main benefits of park residents, while they themselves will not be residents of the Great Stone. "On a competitive basis, having selected the appropriate project, six months after the incubation, we will look at the intermediate results. If they are positive, then we let this project grow from an idea into a commercial project and the opportunity to become a resident of the park," – said the head of the park administration. Alexander Yaroshenko noted that the sphere of innovations is very risky. If startups are not supported, then, as a rule, only one in ten projects survives. If the state and investors help young companies, then the survival rate reaches 70-80 percent.

business environment Yes, now projects with investments of at least $50 million will be able to receive additional benefits. Among them are preferential prices for land plots, simplifications in the field of customs administration, and others. The Great Stone is confident that attraction of large investors will expand the cluster principle of activity. In the future, according to individual decisions of the government, enterprises outside the park will also be able to use preferences, but only those that participate in the capital and production process of residents. Besides, in order to stimulate the creation of sub-parks, first of all, large Chinese regions, in particular, the provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Tianjin, under the new decree, the companies that create the sub-parks will be able to obtain resident status. New bonuses for investors The head of the park administration explained that work on the document had been going on for a long time, many factors were taken into account, including the modern business environment, the situation in the economy as a whole. Many proposals came from the residents themselves, taking into account their experience in the park. The preparation of proposals was also carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce of China. "Life itself requires such innovations, because one cannot stand still, even in terms of legislation," – said Alexander Yaroshenko. In opinion of the head of the park administration, the results that the Great Stone is demonstrating at the present time confirm the effectiveness of its work. "I want with proud to say that more than 80 percent of the employed in the park are Belarusians and they have a decent salary – about Br2,700," – Alexander Yaroshenko gave an example. According to him, for 1 ruble of tax incentives provided to residents of the park, Belarus receives about 10 additional rubles in the country's economy, speaking of investments, the ratio is 1 to 60, infrastructure investments – 1 to 9. That is, the effect is quite good, positive. Bold start, confident continuation If we turn to the origins of the emergence of an industrial park near Minsk, it is worth

recalling that at one time Belarus became one of the first European states to respond to China's call to take part in the implementation of the global initiative "One Belt One Road". And today the Great Stone is rightly called the pearl of the new Silk Road. Because the park is attractive due to its special financial conditions, developed infrastructure and logistics. By the way, this is evidenced by the stable and progressive growth in the number of residents of the park and the industries they create.

In total, 69 residents from 13 countries with a declared investment volume of more than $1.25 billion are registered in the park. About half of the residents have already launched production, which made it possible to create over 1,660 jobs. According to Alexander Yaroshenko, head of the Great Stone administration, about $ 295 million has been invested in the park's infrastructure, of which $31 million is from the budget. Yes, experts have counted: for one ruble of state money, nine rubles of investment have been attracted to the infrastructure. And, of course, the main thing now, including after the adoption of a new legislative act, is to scale up and build on our common success. By the way, today projects of 69 residents are being implemented in the park with founders from 13 countries, including China, Germany, Switzerland, and the USA. Capital investments — about one and a half billion dollars. In the prepared draft decree, it is proposed to adjust the

working conditions of residents. This applies, for example, to the formation of industrial clusters and support of innovative activities. In general, the park is focused on several basic clusters: automotive components, electric vehicles and electrical equipment, medical products and equipment, pharmaceuticals, integrated logistics. According to Alexander Yaroshenko, world experience shows that about 10 percent of projects succeed without support, and with the active participation of the state and investors, the percentage of implementation, as already emphasized, can increase to 70-80. Attraction of large investors will expand the cluster principle of activity. According to separate decisions of the Government, enterprises outside the park will also be able to use preferences, but only those that participate in the capital and production process of residents. The arrival of Geely corporation with a project for the production of engines may become a pilot. Alexander Lukashenko generally approved the key innovations of the project. The main requirement of the President when considering this project was what effect, what results, primarily economic and financial, the Great Stone can get from the adoption of the new legal framework. "We set our goal to achieve serious economic results," – the head of the park administration said about the plans, stressing that the point is not in pursuit of the number of residents or secondary indicators. It is important that the project works for the economy of Belarus and in interaction with it. And, of course, brings certain benefits to investors. Alexey Fedosov

Zhang Xiaogang, machine tool and locksmith works inspection engineer, and Timofey Makarenko, a locksmith of Fast-MAZ, LLC

беларусь. belarus 2021



China's media trends


Where is the information space of the largest country moving? The Celestial Empire is the undisputed world leader of the "digital era". This, incidentally, is evidenced by data published by the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Research. According to experts, the volume of the PRC's digital economy has already crossed the historic milestone of $5 trillion in 2019. The "numbers" accounted for 35.8 trillion yuan ($5.45 trillion) — 36.2 percent of the country's GDP. The coronavirus pandemic has become one of the factors that stimulated the rapid development of this area. Of course, the corresponding transformation also affected the information space. In this most important area, the Celestial Empire has become the legislator of a number of world media trends. Where will the infospace of the largest country in the world move?

Logo for a joint project with People's Daily

"Zoomers" and pensioners The audience of the Celestial Empire is the largest in the world. As you know, according to the latest census, the population of mainland China has reached 1 billion 411.78 million people. This was reported in the State Statistical Office (DSU) of the PRC with reference to the data of the Seventh National Population Census. At the IV Summit "Digital China", which was organized by the State Chancellery of Internet Information, the "Digital China Development Report


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(2020)" was presented. According to the document, over the past five years, the PRC has been a leader in the scale of construction of information infrastructure. China has created the world's largest fiber optic and 4G network. By the end of last year, the number of Internet users had increased to 989 million, and the Internet penetration rate had reached 70.4 percent. Such data, based on the results of a special study of People's Daily newspaper, was mentioned by Ni Tao, editor of the Center for New Media of the People's Daily Online portal. The trends were outlined during a largescale international networking seminar held by the Chinese SCO Committee on Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation in conjunction with the Huanquang portal of the People's Daily. "Zviazda" also took part in the event. Mainly, the connection to the "World Wide Web" in China occurs through smartphones – 99.7 percent of users connect to the global network in this way. The Chinese now spend on average almost four hours on the Internet every day. This is less than a year ago. This trend is explained by the fact that in the past year people had more free time due to the pandemic. The largest number of users – 20.5 percent – are people aged 3039. The audience of 40-49 year olds – 18.8 percent, 20-29 year olds – 17.8 percent. In China, the requests of various categories of users are very carefully studied. It is interesting that in addition to the world rate for "zoomers", a lot of attention is paid to pensioners. And this is justified: as you know, the population in China at the age of 60 and older exceeds a quarter of a billion people. China is running a three-year campaign to help older citizens overcome the digital divide so that they can fully benefit from smart technology and information services that are constantly evolving.

From PC to Artificial Intelligence As Ni Tao noted, the development of the Internet in China can be roughly divided into three "decades". 1996-2006: the era of personal computers, access through browsers to the PC. 2006-2016: mobile internet, widespread adoption of applications. 2016-2026: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, the socalled spectacle Internet. The information space has changed accordingly. As noted by Zhang Yanqiu, a professor at the Chinese University of Communications, traditional media is undergoing a rapid transformation. One of the distinctive examples of such changes is the experience of the development of the Huanquang portal. It is one of the most visited in China: its daily audience reaches over 100 million people. This large-scale project began with the relevant department of the influential Chinese newspaper Huanqiu Shibao (a division of People's Daily), which mainly deals with international topics. The corresponding thematic field is also at huanqі As editor-in-chief of Huanquang Shi Ding remarked, "We are one of the main providers of international news." This online publication is among the most authoritative in the Celestial Empire. "Huanquan" promptly responds to the challenges of the time, in particular in terms of content visualization, active work on different platforms, social networks. As the editor-in-chief of the portal notes, now competition is increasing not only among the media — bloggers are also actively involved. Now these are not only celebrities, but also ordinary people who "caught the wave." Even pets can be successful bloggers. The portal has been actively reformatted to give priority video news, uses drones and virtual reality technology. It is noteworthy that, according to the editor-in-chief of the portal, messages from Belarus occupy


an important place in the news feed of "Huanquan". "We promptly respond to important events in your countries," — Shi Din said. "Stars" from the province C ommercia l plat for ms, mobi le applications, and social networks are actively developing in China. But there are some peculiarities here. Everyone has heard of the multifunctional platforms Weibo, WeChat, the largely revolutionary TikTok service (in China, known as Douyin, by the way, runs on a separate server). But the information flow of the Celestial Empire is not limited to this. Kuaishou, a ser vice that allows ordinary people to post short videos, went to IPO in Hong Kong and raised HK $41.3 billion ($5.4 billion). It is the largest tech IPO since Uber went public. Kuaіshou can repeat the success of its competitor — TikTok, experts say. Kuaishou was founded by former Google employee Su Hua and programmer Chen Yixiao. Su Hua was born in Hunan province, in the highlands of southern China. There was no electricity in his home village until 1998. He received degree of Bachelor of Arts at Tsinghua University, one of the best educational institutions in the PRC. After that he worked as a programmer in the Beijing office of Google. Yisiaa is also a programmer: he first studied at Northeastern University in Liaoning Province, and then worked for the American Hewlett-Packard and the Chinese social network Renren.

As Vice President of Kuaishou Liu Zhen noted, on the platform, ordinary people talk about their lives and at the same time become popular. This allows one to increase own well-being. For example, Yuan Guihua, from a small mountain village in Guizhou province, has attracted three million subscribers talking about fishing, cooking, and farming. This social network is attractive to advertisers because potential buyers trust the videos of people like them and are more willing to buy the products they advertise. According to Liu Zhen, Kuaishou has users from Belarus as well.

One way The diversity of China's information products satisfies not only the domestic needs of the 1.4 billion audience, but is also in great demand among foreign users. According to Zhang Yanqiu, China strives to develop and support constructive journalism in every possible way, which is in great demand during fake news. The

PRC is actively developing information cooperation with a number of countries, including Belarus. Professor Zhang Yanqiu noted that in this regard, Belt and Road transnational project, which is being developed by China on the initiative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, can act as a unifying platform for the media. China is a strategic partner of Belarus. Cooperation is developing in many areas, a number of important projects are being implemented. Belarus, according to experts, has become one of the important participants in the global Belt and Road. At the same time, the development of the Great Stone industrial park in the Celestial Empire is considered an exemplary project of fruitful bilateral cooperation. On August 31, 2015, the key Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 5 "On the development of bilateral relations between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China" was signed. Of course, we could not stand aside. In September 2015, within the framework of the Belt and Road Media Cooperation Forum, which was attended by 170 media representatives from 60 countries of all continents, Zviazda signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with one of the world's leading media outlets and the most influential publication in China — People's Daily newspaper. The global project "News from China" was launched on zvі portal in October 2015, the content of which is predominantly formed by materials from influential Chinese publications and news agencies, first of all, People's Daily. In turn, the publications of "Zviazda" were actively used in the formation of a news feed on the Internet portal People's Daily online, which made it possible to present the socio-economic and socio-cultural potential of Belarus to a multi-million audience of daily visits to the portal In turn, in September 2016, a thematic banner "News from Belarus. Zviazda" appeared on the website russі It is interesting that "Zviazda" project is given a place of honor in People's Daily Museum. We are for constructive journalism. Nikolay Litvinov

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context Belta

Tough demand of time Strong power is needed for a peaceful and calm life in the country. Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly Vladimir Andreichenko said this in an interview to the newspaper "SB. Belarus Segodnya".


"There is nothing more important. Without this, there can be neither stability, nor development, nor simply normal human life. Therefore, peace, tranquility and law and order in society are a state value, the number one issue for the President and all branches of the government. August events of last year showed that it is necessary to strengthen the regulatory impact of legislation on all aspects of the political and socio-economic life of society, to improve our legal system in the context of external and internal threats to the sovereignty and independence of the state, – noted the speaker. – A lot of complex work was carried out taking into account international law, the result of which was the adoption at the current fifth session of the parliament of a large package of resonant legislative acts that strengthen national security."

Vladimir Andreichenko

According to Vladimir Andreichenko, there is a tough demand of time on protection and strengthening of the Belarusian statehood. "The role of law and lawmaking in this regard is increasing. We will respond to threats and challenges proportionately, legislatively ensuring the security of the country and citizens. When adopting laws, the parliament follows such a path so that the country would live peacefully and calmly, work effectively and develop progressively," – said the chairman of the lower house of parliament.


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Measures require concurrency Support for the CIS countries tourism industry in the context of the pandemic was discussed in Minsk A meeting of the working group on response to challenges in the tourism sector under the Tourism Council of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held at the CIS Executive Committee office using video-conference communication. The event was attended by representatives of Ar meni a, B el ar us, Kaza k hst an, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan and the CIS Executive Committee. The members of the working group discussed the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Cooperation of the CIS States in Tourism for 2021-2030 and the interaction of the Commonwealth countries in the context of the ongoing spread of COVID-19. It was noted that the CIS states are actively introducing requirements for mandatory preliminary testing or vaccination of foreign citizens arriving in the country, additional measures on support of the tourism industry continue to be applied, including on the basis of long-term

forecasts of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism development. Taking into account the epidemiological situation, planned tourism forums, conferences, round tables and other tourism-related events are held in an online format, as well as in a mixed format. Participants of the meeting considered it expedient to organize work on regularly informing of partners about the country's requirements for persons traveling internationally to undergo testing for COVID-19 or vaccinations, as well as to develop common approaches to these procedures and supporting documents. They also heard and took note of the information of the Republic of Uzbekistan on proposals of introduction of a system of sanitary and hygienic standards in the tourism sector of the CIS countries and assess of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the working group in September 2021. Alexander Pimenov


Memory of the warriors in green service caps A ceremony of commemorative stamp cancellation of the artistic marked envelope "The feat of the border guards at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War" was held at the Institute of the Border Service 11 defenders of the lines were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, of which 5 – posthumously. "We want all residents of our country to remember the tragedy that happened on June 22, 1941, and to know about the heroism that the soldiers in green service caps showed in the first battles of the Great Belta

The event was attended by the chairman of the State Border Committee, Lieutenant General Anatoly Lappo and the Minister of Communications and Informatization Konstantin Shulgan. This ceremony was another in a series of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the feat of border guards in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The border guards were the first to enter into an unequal battle with the Nazis. Of the nearly twenty thousand soldiers in green service caps who stood in the way of the Nazis on the western borders of the USSR, more than 16 thousand were killed in the first days of the war. None of the attacked outposts left without an order. For courage and heroism shown in the first battles of the Great Patriotic War, 826 border guards were awarded orders and medals.

Patriotic War," – Anatoly Lappo said in his speech. The postal project, consisting of an artistic marked envelope and a special commemorative stamp, was prepared by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization and the republican unitary enterprise of postal services "Belpost" in close cooperation with the State Border Committee. The envelope depicts a fragment of the memorial ensemble "To the fallen, but undefeated soldiers of the Belarusian Frontier District" located in Grodno and the outline of the Kholmsky Gate of the memorial complex "Brest Fortress-Hero". The circulation of the special batch, which will be used for sending simple letters within Belarus, amounted to 25 thousand copies. The envelope is already available at the post offices of the country. Viktor Averyanov

War did not cancel life Photo exhibition "Fates in a Triangle" was held in Brest Fortress


This photo exhibition is based on the joint Internet project of the Belarusian Telegraph Agency and the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of the same name. The project tells about the fate of those who died and those who went through the entire war, glorified and most ordinary – through authentic personal letters from the period of the Great Patriotic War, postcards, postcards sent from the firing lines to relatives, archival photographs.

Acquaintance with the exhibits of the exhibition

The war did not cancel life. In letters, soldiers described difficulties of the front-line life, attacks, wounds, shared the joy of victories and hopes for a quick meeting. The project reveals the strength of the spirit of the people who courageously defended their homeland from the German fascist invaders. From a letter of the Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Kovzan to his relatives: "Mom and Dad, I inform you that I came through and you will not be ashamed of your son... In air battles I shot down 24 aircraft, performed 4 ram attacks personally and 8 in a group." Boris Kovzan is the only fighter pilot in the world who made four ram attacks during the war and survived. Letters and photographs are the evidence of events that affected the fate of every Belarusian family. The materials presented at the exhibition make it possible to experience that tragic time, to become involved in the fate of people who had to defend the right to life every day. It is symbolic that on the eve of the tragic date for millions of people – June 22 – photo exhibition "Fates in a Triangle" was exhibited in the memorial complex "Brest Fortress-Hero". The defenders of the fortress performed one of the greatest feats of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. In the postwar years, the history of the defense of the Brest Fortress became a symbol of heroism and loyalty to the oath. Vladimir Mikhailov

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yaKoV peVZner –

Japan specialist from the "shanGhai fiVe" it happens that in a person's life, the main component of his/her biography is a certain episode, which takes very little time. And then a person lives with memories of this important event, about that period of time that projected his/her biography for the rest of his/her life. And already, it seems, his/her life will not be marked by anything more vivid... In the biography of a native of Gomel, Yakov Aleksandrovich Pevzner (Khatskelevich), who was born in Gomel on January 15, 1914), there really was such a vivid episode that would be enough for several lives. Documentary sources testify about him rather succinctly: "In 1941 he was sent to China. Officially worked as director of the organization "Savexportkhleb". He was a member of the "Shanghai Five" of the Soviet intelligence officers. At the end of 1942, he was arrested by the Japanese gendarmerie. He went through prison and torture. He was exchanged and returned to the USSR..." For those who don't know, let us explain about the "Shanghai Five". In China, there was an extensive network of the Central Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of the USSR. It wasn't created in one day. And with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, of course, the Soviet Union was especially interested in the activities of the Japanese militarists who occupied the Chinese provinces, directly – Shanghai. But the Japanese did not sleep in a hat either, so to speak. As a result of a series of arrests, they inflicted significant damage on the Soviet military intelligence. Several Shanghai stations were destroyed. Including – the residency of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy, headed by Yakov Pevzner. A total of 17 intelligence operatives were detained. But only five of them were citizens of the USSR. After interrogation and brutal torture, a Japanese military tribunal sentenced everyone to death. But only one Chinese man was shot as a representative of a country with which Japan was at war. The rest were replaced for a term of two to ten



years in prison. And on February 23, 1945 (a symbolic date – the birthday of the Armed Forces of the USSR), negotiations were held between the USSR and Japan, as a result of which on March 7 the Soviet spies were exchanged for five Japanese citizens, arrested in the USSR. Returning to Moscow, Yakov Pevzner went to work at the Institute of World Economy and International Affairs. It is worth noting that even before the war, Jacob Pevsner entered the Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History. After the first semester, he transferred to the Japanese faculty of the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies. He graduated from this institute, then graduated from the Institute of World Economy and World Politics. After defence of his thesis, our compatriot was awarded the title of candidate of economic sciences. By the way, the young man received his degree on the eve of the Great Patriotic War – June 11, 1941... In 1947 the institute was liquidated. Some of his employees (including Yakov Aleksandrovich) were transferred to the department of capitalist countries of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1956, our compatriot worked at the Institute of International Economics and International R el at i ons , w he re he manage d Japanese studies. In 1961 he defended his doctoral thesis and received the title of professor. He was the head of the group for the study of Japan, the head of the department of economics of Western Europe and Japan, and later headed the department of Japan. In 1977, Yakov Pevzner was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize. Was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The

scientific zeal of the former intelligence officer was also noticed in Japan – he was awarded the Order of the "Sacred Treasure" of the III degree (this happened in 1994). Until the end of his life (Yakov Aleksandrovich died in 2003), the scientist held the position of chief researcher at the Institute of International Economics and International Relations, worked at the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies of this institute. In the 1990s, he worked on the theory of social democracy and criticism of communism and orthodox Marxism. And today Yakov Pevzner remains one of the most important Russian-Japanese scientists in the scientific world. It was our compatriot who created the school of Japanese scientists who reject the class approach and asserted strict scientific objectivity as the main criterion for evaluation of creative, scientific aspirations. Textbooks and monographs by Ya. Pevzner remain reference books for new generations of Japanese researchers. By the way, the military biography made Ya. Pevzner "restricted to travel abroad" for many decades. It was only in 1984 that Yakov Aleksandrovich visited Japan. Doctor of Economics Yakov Pevzner is the author of books "Monopoly Capital in Japan" ("zaibatsu") during and after World War II" (1950), "Japan's Economy after World War II (1955)", "The State in economy of Japan"(1976), "State-monopoly capitalism and the theor y of labor value"(1978), "The collapse of communism and modern social relations"(1999), "Introduction to t he e c onom i c t he or y of s o c i a l democracy"(2001)... A Soviet spy and a Soviet, Russian economist lived a great life. Passed through all the trials of the twentieth century. Over the years, although Yakov Pevsner died relatively recently, much of his biography cannot be considered. But what remained in the memory of the descendants testifies to the value of his fate, the exceptional ability to work and courage of this person. So why not embody his name in the name of Yakov Aleksandrovich Pevzner Street in his native Gomel? Ales Karlyukevich



Those memorable days... Valentina Petrovna dared to tell about her military love, about her repressed father, about her friendly class, who came to the military registration and enlistment office in June 1941. And not only about that. It is very important for her to convey to today's generations the joy of a peaceful life. She gets it completely. He cooks, and regularly works out on exercise machines, and goes to the hairdresser's, and even plants a flowerbed under the window. Veteran Valentina Baranova is well known in Grodno. She is an expected and beloved guest at various meetings, events and celebrations. Her name is included in the Book of Glory of Grodno Region. But not only the merits of this woman command great respect. She is also a very bright, positive person. I can hardly be mistaken if I express this opinion: anyone who has seen Valentina Petrovna at least once in his/her life is unlikely to forget this meeting. Thanks to the profession of a journalist, I have repeatedly had the opportunity to interview her, or rather to tell about her life. It seems that there are no more secrets in her fate. Yet another surprise appears. Here and this time. Valentina Petrovna had never mentioned a meeting with Konstantin Simonov

before. And it was fleeting though. In the victorious 1945... And again our meeting took place... in the courtyard. It was on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Victory that the courtyard of Valentina Baranova became a festive place. Flags, balloons, crowds of schoolchildren and a military band, bouquets and gifts from regional and city authorities. As the woman herself said, this has never happened in her courtyard before. She recalled that when they settled in in 1957, there were veterans in every apartment. Now there are only two of them. During this time, more than one generation has grown up, and Valentina Petrovna still "keeps the brand" and wants only one thing – to have peace on earth. "As long as there is peace on earth, there will be life," – she said. Without

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Young Valentina Baranova

exaggeration, she tries to convey this motto to everyone. How not to believe a veteran? In my opinion, these are the most honest people. Valentina Petrovna agrees: – At the front line there are more honest people who can be trusted, you can count on them, you know: they will not surrender in difficult times. I remember many good things, how we lived together then. And we erased those horrors, explosions, death from our lives, because it is very difficult to live with them. That is why they didn't want to mention it. We are sitting in the courtyard of Valentina Petrovna on the preholiday May day and again leafing through the pages of her life. They appear like stills from a movie. Maybe someday it will happen. They will write a script, invite a director and actors... "Yes, indeed, there will be enough sensations," – the woman smiles at my fantasies. Isn't fate interesting? To go for war through pull! This alone is surprising. Meanwhile, Valentina Petrovna was the daughter of an "enemy of the people", her father was shot in 1937. Therefore, at first, they did not want to get her to the front. She wrote statements one after another, but got refuses. And then she turned to a friend who worked in the regional committee of the Komsomol. Then, finally, she was sent to the front as a volunteer. – We were patriots of our country. On the third day of the war, the whole class – totally 24 people – came to the military registration and enlistment office, says the veteran. – Then a man came out to us and told the girls that in the war they would do without them, and ordered the guys to wait for the call.


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We had to wait a year. It was the 10th grade, everyone – seventeen years old. On June 21, 1941, graduation took place, and the next day the war broke up. The city of Abakan in Khakassia, where the family of Valentina Petrovna lived at that time, became empty in just a few days. And after a couple of months, echelons of the wounded began to arrive. The new school was turned into a hospital. Valya got a job at a health camp, was a teacher, pioneer, musician, cleaner... And in the evenings, she helped in the hospital, even sang songs there. Since childhood, she was very musical, dreamed of ballet and a career of an artist. But instead, she went to the front as a signalwoman. Meanwhile, artistic talent was needed in the war: during training, she led the singing of the troop. – On the way to the dining room, it was enough to sing one song. There were several of them in the repertoire. When it was difficult at the front, they sang "Get up, the country huge!", if without changes – "Mokhorochka", – says Valentina Petrovna. She got to the female troop of the 63rd separate communications battalion. The main burden fell on the morse operator (telegraph operators who worked on the Morse code. – Auth.). The information transmitted to the unit was very secret, there were fierce battles. As it turned out, the information was of great importance. And the work of the Morse code signaller was assessed as a feat. Just such one important transmission ended for a young girl... with the Order of the Red Star. – It was in Ukraine. I was a shift supervisor at a military telegraph station. Suddenly the door opens and a whole crowd, led by the general, enters. In general, no one had the right to enter the room. Meanwhile, the general demands to give the necessary direction, general requirements to indicate the right direction. The girl who worked with this division lost control of her hand out of fear. And he shouted at the whole room: "Provide me with real telephonist!" And our troop commander shows me – go! I took the key, made a call, my hand obeys, I turn to the general and say: "Speak." And he talked for 20 minutes, both with encryption, and with plain text. And when I told him that his transmission was accepted, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, took my hand and kissed it. Said to the whole room, "Apply for an award!" Apparently, the information was very important, it was just the offensive of 1944, – Valentina Baranova tells about the events of that time. There were many dangerous situations, especially during the offensive. One of them took place at the Sandomierz bridgehead in Poland, where we had to stand on the defensive for almost six months. And when the offensive began, the vehicles in which the communications officers were traveling turned over from the mountain. Then five girls were dragging boxes with heavy equipment, it was necessary to hurry, because the front was advancing. – It was 1945. We were already driving through the territory of Germany when we saw that a whole line of Germans was climbing along the embankment, and we were driving a "semi-truck". We have several machine gunners. They were ready for an unequal battle, and now I see: one German has a white bandage in his hand, the other has a white bandage on his sleeve, that is, they surrender. Then we drove a few meters, and if ours had opened fire, the Germans would have destroyed us," – Valentina Baranova has no doubts.

memorable ...Valentina Petrovna was in a hurry: a car was to pick her up and take her to the next meeting with young people, and a few hours later they were already waiting for her at the humanitarian college where she studied. In parting, she still ran into the apartment (just ran in) and brought some homemade cheese pastries. "Now she has a very busy schedule,"– said her daughter Natalya. "Every day is busy, there are many meetings." And I looked and was surprised. Incredibly, at 97 years old, which the woman does not hide, she remains nimble, petite and, I would say, fashionable. With a hairstyle, thin heels, with a cheerful and open character – isn't it an example of femininity and a positive attitude to life? Then, walking around the city, I remembered the wise words of Valentina Petrovna: "I am an optimist in my life. And we must live long, because only optimists live long, although this requires some effort. And in our family, it is not customary to discuss and condemn anyone. Better to wish well for yourself and others." Coming out of the cortyard, Natalya drew my attention to the neat flowerbed near the house, planted with flowers: "Mom’s work. We processed everything together, she loosens, chooses what flowers to plant, loves tulips, most of them are here, about to bloom..." Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer veterans. Therefore, meetings with them become worth their weight in gold. Only by looking at living witnesses of those events, one can understand the true value of today. Margarita Ushkevich Belta

Six of her friends were killed two months before the end of the war. The telephone line stretched across eastern Germany, and near the house of the forester from the attic, a machine gun fire struck them. Only a military technician survived, but after a while he was killed by a bomb in a dugout. During the bombing, signalmen worked continuously. But when our troops came, it was not so scary. Valentina Petrovna notes how powerful the artillery attack was before entering Berlin. Then she was even called to the observation post, and she saw how the Germans jump out of the trenches during the attack, and the Soviet units advance to the hill. ...While we were talking, the veteran's daughter Natalya brought her mother a scarf. "Tell us how you danced with Simonov," – she asked. Indeed, Valentina Petrovna had such a meeting, albeit a short one. She met the author of the famous poem "Wait for Me and I'll Be Back" at a party in Berlin when the Act of Surrender was signed. She and some other signalwomen were asked to help to lay the table. And when the dancing began, Konstantin Simonov invited her to the waltz tour. Many girls envied her. She met her husband Nikolai Baranov during study at Vologda Institute. When he was sent to work in Grodno, they moved here. Together they did not manage to get a job at an agricultural institute, and Valentina Petrovna with three children at the age of 32 mastered a new profession – a music worker. It was her dream to go through life with a song. And so it happened. She is sure that with the song one can endure a lot of adversity.

Valentina Petrovna is an optimist in life

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dMiTry KuZMin:

"ThAnK you grAndfATher for everyThing" Alexander Kuzmin, the navigator of the link of the bomber aviation regiment on the South and Transcaucasian fronts during the Great Patriotic War, the Knight of the Order of the Red Star and the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, since 1971, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus for ideology, is recalled by his grandson Dmitry Kuzmin. A sincere conversation about how the grandson of Alexander Trifanovich personally saw how his family lived and how the example of the grandfather-officer influenced the fate of Dmitry.


*As far back as I can remember, how I began to walk and run, and they began to throw me up to one grandfather, then to another... But I constantly lived with grandfather Alexander Trifonovich and grandmother Taisiya Andreevna on Broneviy lane, house 4, apartment 1. By the way, there was a personal entrance to the house: straight from the balcony of the first floor. I really liked it. My grandfather left for work early and came back late. He strove to be in time, so that after dinner, turn on the TV and watch the news programs – "Time". On weekends, we went to Naroch, then somewhere near Logoisk – for mushrooms and berries. He was an avid mushroom picker and berry picker. There were also hunts – but these were, one might say, peculiar political events. I always waited for this weekend, because I knew: if no business distracts my grandfather, then we will go somewhere. This has always been an adventure for me. As a rule, my grandmother did not have enough time to travel. But sometimes, when she got out, she would sit in the seat next to the driver. We were behind with my grandfather. The daughters were not interested in this – and they did not live with us. *It was great with my grandfather. He talked to me a lot. He told different incidents from the war. And this, probably, ultimately influenced the fact that I went further in the footsteps of my grandfathers – in 1983rd to Suvorov, then to the Military School. True, I did not immediately agree to enter Suvorovskoye. It was not easy... Imagine: the kid, the main one in Drozdy, who was called



Alexander Kuzmin was the navigator of the bomber flight during the Great Patriotic War. Starting in 1942 as a "common soldier of the party", he rose to the rank of "general": at the beginning of 1971, he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus for ideology. It took almost 30 years of hard work to take the place of navigator in a high party structure. He remained secretary of the Central Committee for 15 years. Only in 1986, after fundamental clashes with the then republican party leadership of the highest rank on the "issues" of the Chernobyl tragedy, Kuzmin resigned... He lived a bright life, this extraordinary person, with whom we communicated for several evenings in a row on the eve of 2001, and after his death on the 60th anniversary of the Liberation and Victory two magazine published an interview with him during his lifetime ("Belarus", No. 2, 3- 2004).

the leader of the Redskins, and then he is sent to the fence, to barracks. I really didn't want that. But the grandfather said, banging his fist on the table: "You will go!" His authority in the house was indisputable. I didn’t even cry, because I knew it would be wasted tears. If the grandfather said – so it will be. But he did not just command – he competently summed up the evidence base for his decisions. The grandfather was, in fact, the main ideologist in Belarus. His methods extended to my upbringing. For a week he will throw the theses – so that the necessary information is boiled. Then the intelligence interrogation will conduct: how is the process of its assimilation going. And then the last bombing strike, in the language of military pilots, will inflict when necessary. *He even had his own weapon. The TT pistol remained from the war. When grandfather was thrown into hospitals, he had his own tablet – a field bag for a pilot. And there, between the cards, the pistol lay. My grandfather said that no one paid any attention to this in wartime. They took the uniform with the tablet, shifted it – and sent it along with the wounded officer Kuzmin to another hospital. So with him a gun came from the war. It was lying safe in the Central Committee. Quietly, as my grandfather thought then. I once held it in my hands in the Central Committee. In the early 80s. I was then in the fifth or sixth grade. Sometimes it so happened that I ran into the building on Karl Marx Street, 38 to grandfather's office. That time, he just went somewhere for a short while. And the safe, I noticed, remained open. Knowing that there


Alexander Kuzmin

the shoulder straps of lieutenant Alexander Kuzmin, the navigator's ruler and other relics

on holidays

are kept by Dmitry in memory of his grandfather

is something interesting there, I looked in. For what, of course, I was punished later. There was such a story... And when my grandfather and Slyunkov (Nikolai Slyunkov – Belarusian Soviet party leader – ed.) began to work, he said: "Goodbye, guys, we are not on our way." And he left the Central Committee. He thought that on the last working day he would come and collect his things there. But when he arrived, the safes were all opened. And the pistol was gone. Alexander Trifonovich could not ask anyone a question about military weapons. Who will you ask if you are already a pensioner. *Did I like that I went to the military unit? I liked it in 2007, when I finally left for demobilization. Before the Suvorov School, I planned to become a sculptor, because I sculpted very well. It was difficult with toys back then – you remember. But the grandchildren of the Surganovs, Sashka and Vovka, had good toys – their relatives had some kind of connection with abroad. Cars, multicolored rubber Indians... But I don't have that. I exchanged something, my grandfather brought something – but these were separate bright moments, and there was no system for replenishing the arsenal of children's toys. By the way, I recently made a tombstone portrait on the grave of Sashka's father. He was also a career officer – he was a cadet. So, in the

absence of a sufficient number of my troops, I began to sculpt Indians, soldiers, partisans. In our team in Drozdy – there were government dachas – there was also Andrei Pritytsky, the grandson of the famous public figure Sergei Pritytsky. He, like the other guys, was older than me. Once we conceived military battles, to conduct battles – but we had few toys that we shot from homemade air balloons – made from bicycle pumps. At some moments of the battle, even gasoline was poured on the battlefield, the bridges were burned – the fantasy worked, it was interesting. Even t he forest t here once began to burn. Then they punished us. Yes, I, of course, was not a gift and threw worries to the guards at the dachas, but without malicious intent. The militiamen were different – I was friends with most of

them. I ran to the local buffet for them for a smoke or for food. Donks were put together in the pond at night. Lenya Drobenya taught me how to throw knives, they made boats out of bark with others, but there were those who hated all the dacha gigiters, others could podddy smuggle in – they knew that I would not complain to my grandfather. And I recognized Drobenya somehow and dealt with such a colleague.

Grandfather and grandson. Happy moments.



memory We kept in touch with him in the 90s. He, like me served in one of the special forces of the Republic of Belarus. *Drozdy is very close to Minsk, almost in the city. Along Pobediteley Avenue (then Masherova) when you go – there is an old cemetery, a new building of the Academy of Physical Education, a new temple on the

compare their lives with. That is why I have always believed: every person should have a dacha. Although I will not say that there were some delights in our life. Yes, there were order tables, and we went there. And they poured sour cream for us there. So they poured it in stores in the same way. I remember more those orders due to the fact that my grandfather's

Dmitry with his mother Valentina

Dmitry found the cat Bunya as a half-

and the result of child labor –

dead kitten on his birthday, July 6,


on the Naroch under the ferns

right – and there is a turn there. 700 meters – and you run into the fence. I regularly visited the future residence of the President with my grandfather. Once, with Vovka Surganov, they managed to pick up a sturgeon from the Masherovsky pond. How we ran then! But there were some consequences. *In summer dacha was everything for me. I even exchanged my fate, which could be associated with cinema, for a dacha, for friendship, for soldiers. Yes Yes. I was selected and approved for the role of Pinocchio. The shooting was supposed to start in the summer. I remember very well how my mother took me to the Belarusfilm film studio, handed me over to someone, and when we passed through the property department, I "got lost". I ran away from there, deciding that the summer should be spent in the country, and not on the site. *I have never had a feeling of a certain chosenness, belonging to a special caste of people. Especially in childhood. Children live in their own world, in their family – and for them this is the norm. They have nothing to


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mother lived in Bobruisk, with his stepfather. And once a month on weekends – that was the rule – we went there. How they lived there – I saw it. But I began to compare and analyze later, when I grew up. *I well remember my Bobruisk greatgrandmother Lida. She lived for 99 years. The Kuzmins have good genes. For example, my mother, Valentina Aleksandrovna Kuzmina, is in good health compared to the rest. She's from 1944. Now she is cheerful. I had my own aunt, my mother's younger sister, and my cousin. But they are no longer with us. *That my grandfather was a hero, I knew from early childhood: I saw his orders and medals. With age, I began to understand what each of them is worth. And my grandfather, as I said, told me about the war. I remember, for example, his stories about combat flights in dense fog in the Kazbek region. He had a medal for the Caucasus ("For the Defense of the Caucasus"). The pilots intuitively climbed higher so as not to catch the tops of the mountains. My grandfather told me how he

fell there several times – the planes were shot down. It was clear to me that my grandfather had a difficult life path. As an officer, the flight commander was a serious participant in the war. In childhood, of course, everything was perceived differently: as an adventure. You start to realize later. Grandfather in the 38th or 39th himself went to the Krasnodar flight school. By the beginning of the war, he was just prepared. By the way, sometimes I also fly in my sleep. At the helm. *My grandfather always took me to parades. All the parades that took place then on October Square were under my control (smiles). I did not go up to the podium with my grandfather, they determined a place for me to stand. They said: here you are standing and looking. I knew a step to the right or a step to the left would have consequences. And I stood. It happened that dad, when he was still living with us, carried me to the parade on his shoulders. But mostly I went with their grandfather. These were also the days when I closely communicated with him. Fishing, and mushrooms, trips in the car for an hour or two, there and back, in a boat on a fishing trip – there was a conversation. Basically, he told me something. And I was probably the most grateful listener to his stories, opinions about anything. In addition, the grandfather himself read a lot of all kinds of literature, including religious. After all, according to their duty, leaders of this rank in Soviet times were "attached" to churches. And my grandfather was responsible for one church, it seems, in the village of Krasnoe near Radoshkovichi. When we went to Naroch, he stopped by regularly. Communicated with the priest. *Grandfather had a company car. But on weekends, if he was going somewhere, he told the drivers in advance to decide who could go, and they themselves decided who would go. Sometimes we went with his brother Volodya, he was a former race car driver. And he was always on wheels. And even now he goes to the dacha in Berezinsky. He is 89 years old. One driver by the name of Rybakov, as a result of our trips, looked after and also bought himself a house in the Berezinsky reserve. He was also a good fisherman. They cooperated. "Will you go? – I'll go. And he took me and my grandfather. And the second driver was. We also had a driver, our uncle Misha Melnikov,

memory some kind of distant relative of ours. Also a lover of walking around mushrooms. These drivers have always had the right to choose whether to drive or not. They themselves sometimes agreed among themselves who was going. *Alexander Trifonovich also knew how to drive. At some point in his life, he even had his own "Victory". But when a company car happened, he was not driving for a long time. He said: you need driving practice all the time. And did not climb behind the wheel. He could drive through the forest – yes, it happened: if he knew the way himself. Then he would change into the driver's seat and drive – so as not to wave his hands. In 1986, having quarreled with Slyunkov because he voluntarily gave the command to announce the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the media, because of the dissimilarity of approaches to the Chernobyl problems, grandfather put his Central Committee membership card on the table and quit. That is, he left the Central Committee. But he remained a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet until 1989. And so he was evicted from the first dacha Drozdy, they gave him a house in the second – and there was a dacha. When it became clear that they would have to say goodbye to her, they began to think about their home. We were friends with Igor Luchenok (Belarusian composer, People's Artist of the USSR – Ed.). He found these sites in Zhdanovichi. I resigned just then in 1989: the military forces were being cut. Where they were assigned at the end of 88, I could not get there. Therefore, I decided to leave. I studied at the Warsaw Pact Military Political School in Minsk. It was a military academy for the Ground Forces. By the way, a lot of foreigners studied there: Cubans, Germans, Afghans from the countries of Cape Verde, the Ivory Coast (now Cote d'Ivoire), Guinea-Bissau... We had serious training. All the officersteachers – with combat experience: some from Afgan, who could not tell from where... They taught well... *The decision to dismiss was not an easy one, my grandfather and I thought it over carefully. After all, there were options to leave to serve in the Union, but it was possible not to return. You never know where they will send. Moreover, the collapse of the Union was

beginning. My grandfather had a presentiment of this situation: he said that the wrong people are already in power... In general, this period of history is very interesting. And there was a moment when the Communist Party went underground altogether: after August 19 in 1991. The question arose about the withdrawal of party money abroad. They also wanted to sign my grandfather on this topic. He said: "No, I have nothing to do with the party's money. A penny will be lost – they will ask me. I’m not an accountant." My grandfather was very correct in these matters. He understood that it was impossible to take someone else's. He himself grew out of a village shepherdess and saw how people live. *Grandfather was a real officer who understood what an officer's honor and dignity are. Not that he was sticking it out somewhere, but he acted accordingly. And, as they say now, he did not like freebies. I remember that somehow my grandfather, me, my grandmother and my mother and my sister (that is, my aunt) found themselves in an interesting situation. Some local chief called my grandfather to some district with us, they say, come for mushrooms! On the weekend we went. My grandfather, I remember, was not wearing a tie. In boots – after all, they called for the mushrooms. That is, clearly not a business meeting was planned. Have arrived. And there is already such a reception! His boss: "Alexander Trifonovich! If you want – we will organize a hunt for you, if you want –

fishing, whatever you want! " I'm pushing my grandfather: go hunting, grandfather, let's go hunting! .. And we have just arrived. The grandfather looked at it all: a building, a bunch of tables laid, invited people (the socalled narrow circle of limited persons). I was in class, maybe seventh. I already smoked. I remember: I went to the hayloft and smoked. I go out with a bull – the local guys are looking at me: are you smoking there? I nodded so proudly. They: well, you give! It's hay! It dawned on me that I was taking a great risk – but I had to hide somewhere. I smoked, imitating my grandfather: he smoked like a steam locomotive. While you are driving with him in the car, you are already suffocating. So the grandfather looked at the situation then – and: "That's it! Get in the car and go! In the car!". He drove everyone into the car, said something to the boss – he was at a loss. Grandfather: sorry, we have to go. And we left. That is, the grandfather understood: the banquet was started for a reason. Someone wanted something from him, so he organized a feast. Like that. But it also happened in a different way. *I well remember his friendship with Masherov (Pyotr Masherov is a Soviet party and statesman. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus – Ed.). It was he and his grandfather who raised, say, the sanatorium "Sosny" on Lake Naroch – he and Pyotr Mironovich thought over this project together. I still have pictures:

Alexander Kuzmin (right) with his wife Taisiya. Next to a friend with his wife, a member of the crew. Front line photo.

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During the visit of Fidel Castro to Minsk on July 5, 1972. Center: First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Pyotr Masherov. Alexander Kuzmin – top left.

two families there in an empty meadow. We came there on weekends: mushrooms, berries, fishing. Masherov with his daughters, and then with his granddaughters, and grandfather with his family. We all spent time there together. At first they built just wooden houses there. And my dad was like the chief engineer when they built "Sosny". Nobody wanted to go to the object of the Central Committee, so the son-in-law was appointed. This is how this entire infrastructure appeared there. Mom and father divorced at 1979-80. He lives in Canada. He has his own family there. *I have always treated my grandfather like an officer. Because there are no former officers. For some reason they got along with Masherov. And why? just because he was sincerely caring for Belarus – and my grandfather sincerely. That's why they were together. I remember the horror when, as a teenager, I heard the dismissively defiant: "What are you: a communist? Communist?" Boys, teenagers said that. And being a communist in their eyes was already bad. I did not know this then – but now I understand how the foundations of our society gradually collapsed before our eyes. I hit the offenders in the face for such words. And I thought it was right. Because I knew the communist Alexander Kuzmin, Masherov, Pritytsky. But people saw from the outside that there were both opportunists and careerists in the party, who calculatedly used the party resource for


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their own purposes: to take up normal posts. And they poured mud on those who did not give them a move, did not allow them to turn around in full force... Grandfather was also called to Moscow. When he spoke at congresses – without papers – he was noticed. But my grandfather refused. He did not betray Belarus. *It is not forgotten how the grandfather communicated with people. I have never noticed that he put himself above the interlocutor. It doesn't matter who was in front of him. If he entered into a conversation with someone – be it at work or not at work – he did not have, as they say now, show off. And then it all worked in a certain way in favor of the grandfather. In the 90s, almost all party leaders were out of work, and no one spoke to them, in fact, from their subordinates. And with my grandfather, in spite of everything, many people maintained friendly relations. I mean from his former subordinates. For example, in the Berezinsky reserve, Vladimir Ivanovich Meshchanov was the head of the hunting farm. And there they organized political hunts all the time. In addition, my grandfather went there for fishing and mushrooming. So they remained on good terms after all the events. So I still communicate with Vladimir Ivanovich. Alexander Kuzmin always emphasized: I am as simple a guy as you are. I saw how in church he communicated with parishioners, and with the priest, and the priest with him. And with others...

*Sometimes I heard: you were in the shadow of your grandfather, you don't know life. But due to the fact that he was too correct, he did not take care of me in terms of my flights and troubles. He had a clear position: you go through life yourself. And you yourself live the consequences of what you have done. I walked on my own – and you yourself. To consult – yes, but so that he would ask someone for me, go somewhere, call someone – this was not the case. *In general, over the years of service I have had excellent, worthy commanders, I remember and respect everyone. We still maintain good, comradely relations. We help each other. True, there was one colonel in the school who made me hold the line. He had personal reasons for this. He spoiled my blood. But this only made me stronger. *I have never felt myself in the cage of "golden" youth. But my mother and sister, or the children of Slyunkov, Kiselev, Surganov, Pritytsky, Masherov, may have been caught. Natalya Petrovna Masherova and I are well acquainted, I grew up with her daughters. I could become her son-in-law. Natalya Petrovna has two daughters – Lena and Katya, granddaughters of Pyotr Mironovich, and we were very close friends. Especially with Katya. They even came to our guardhouse at the Military School – and we had to hide them there when the company commander came to check the service. As a result, Lenka married Kuzmin, my namesake. As far as I know, Surganov's grandchildren have been away from Belarus for a long time. Sanya lives in Poland, Volodya lives in France. And Masherov's granddaughters live in the USA. Natalya Petrovna goes to see them. It turned out differently for me. Well, as I said, in 1989 I resigned from the USSR Armed Forces. My grandfather and I built a dacha in Zhdanovichi. Bricks, logs were pulled together. And the times were not easy, building materials were in short supply. But the Motherland did not forget me, and already in the 90s I continued my service in Minsk, but in a different department. *Sculpture is in my life since the fifth grade. My grandfather introduced me to Ivan Akhremchik, Ivan Misko – and I tried to do something in his workshop. They decided to try to send me to the Akhremchik art

memory school. But this school could not stand my adolescence. I did not study at all, after the 8th grade I went from there. In the visual arts, everything was fine for me, but in general education, only in biology there was a single triple – the teacher loved me – the other two. I think that the headmaster was expecting grandfather to come and care for his grandson. *Kuzmins never bathed in luxury. They lived in moderation. When I visited the Masherovs, I saw that there were house helpers. They worked in the kitchen. Nonfamily members wore white coats. But it was necessary, the position obliged. After all, Masherov worked both at home and in the country. Someone constantly came to him. He had a billiards table in the basement there, and even his own cinema. Some films were played there at business meetings. And naturally, something was served at the same time: tea, coffee, sandwiches... They, Masherovs, everyone worked, went to work. *My grandmother's parents still lived with us. She transported them from Salsk, which is in the Rostov region. At one time there was no janitor in our yard, so grandfather Andrey was sweeping, and I took part. With him we cleaned the snow in the winter. And my greatgrandmother Dunya prepared food for the whole family. Ukrainian cabbage soup, bulbayushka and all other dishes in the Kuzmin family are from her. My grandmother and great-grandmother provided for life. I was spinning there too – to dig up potatoes, to transfer something somewhere. We had our own vegetable gardens at our dachas. And there were normal vegetable gardens in Drozdy. 50 to 50 meters. Raspberries, strawberries grew. There, I remember, someone helped with the garden, with weeding. The girl was a little older than me and my mother. I also met with them later. And in our city apartment and at the dacha we never had any strangers. *Is our life the result of actions or chance? Alexander Trifonovich thought so: we ourselves are the blacksmiths of our own happiness. What you sow is what you reap. And the chain of events in your life is woven – by you, and not by someone else. If you don't like something, you can only blame yourself. This is one of the postulates that I learned from my communication with my grandfather. He always said that sooner or later he would have

to answer for his actions. And if you screwed up, then "recoil" will always catch up with you. My grandfather, I repeat, always read a lot of religious literature. And Moody's book, Life After Death, was with him. With someone he agreed, with someone he did not. This is in his notes – I still have some of them. After his death, Taya grandmother handed over one notebook with orders. He writes there, argues with Moody. He remembers: he went to Berezinsky – he felt bad in the boat. Lost consciousness. And he fixes that at that time there was nothing. Emptiness. Darkness. He analyzed, wrote down his feelings. And he decided: apparently there is nothing behind the curtain. He was convinced by his own experience. He told me too: there was no corridor, no angels. There was nothing. And at that moment I was simply not there. But there was also another experience. When he was found 200 meters from the fall of the plane, walled up in the frame of the navigator's cockpit. There my grandfather had visions – a huge tiger and some kind of old man. And colors that are not in this world... So he himself was not sure if there was something behind the veil. Or maybe not. He also had a Chernobyl notebook – he also wrote something down in it. Even after the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, he and Ales Adamovich (Alexander Mikhailovich Adamovich – Belarusian Soviet writer, screenwriter – Ed.) Prepared materials, sent them to Moscow twice... The press then wrote that after the explosion of the atomic reactor in Chernobyl,

Adamovich was one of the first in Belarus who began to actively draw public attention to what had happened. Now, with the passage of time, it is clear that there would not be people like him in our country, Alexander Kuzmin, Nikolai Borisevich (Nikolai Aleksandrovich Borisovich – Soviet and Belarusian physicist, statesman and public figure, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences – Ed.). Vasily Nesterenko ( Vasily Borisovich Nesterenko – Soviet and Belarusian scientist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR – Ed.) and others who were not afraid to speak openly about the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, about the real pollution and the consequences of the disaster. *I dream that someone would write about my grandfather. Right now is the time when young people who have grown up at the turn of the century need to take an example from such personalities as Alexander Kuzmin. For education – I am deeply convinced – wellstructured, competent ideological work is also needed. My grandfather wrote as long as he could. Back in 2003, he wrote concepts for the further development of Belarus to those who came to him, came in official cars from the House of Government. I know: there were many walkers, they asked him to write on different topics. I think my grandfather's work was not in vain. He actually took part in the political life of our society. And in the way Belarus has developed, I see the development of his thoughts and ideas. Figuratively speaking, the military navigator Alexander

Alexander Kuzmin with his wife Taisiya at one of the government concerts

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memory Trifonovich in a difficult period of his life laid a route to the future... *And where is Alexander Trifonovich's "Chernobyl Notebook" now, it is difficult to say. There are certain difficulties in communication between his descendants –

Minsk – the National Center for Contemporary Arts – Ed.). I am a little aware of how such projects were discussed – including at the dachas. The publication of Books of Memory in all regions of Belarus is also, one might say, a large-scale project of Alexander Kuzmin.

Dmitry Kuzmin with his wife Natalia on vacation in Prague

for various reasons. Piles of manuscripts, Kuzmin's valuable archive is now inaccessible to me. There was a basement in the house, where the shelves were filled with them. My grandfather asked me: take this here, tie this together... He only signed the topics. To make it easier to organize later. I carried those glasses to the basement. Unfortunately, my relatives sold that apartment. Hopefully, if everything remains, someone will understand and transfer all this to the state archives. Something Natasha, one of Kuzmin's daughters, was passing it on somewhere. So maybe the Chernobyl notebook is there too... *I also ran with the idea of a movie about Kuzmin to the director Efremov (Alexander Efremov, artistic director of the Film Actor Theatre-Studio). He said: a very interesting topic. There is no Belarusian film about pilots. And in the case of Alexander Trifonovich, you can go from navigator-pilot to navigator of the party, the main ideologist of Belarus. Public processes can be reflected. How he, let's say gave "Veras" (pop ensemble) way to life, how he supported "Pesnyary", defended Vasil Bykov (Belarusian writer) from attacks. With Mikhail Savitsky (People's Artist of the USSR) they were on friendly terms – and thanks to Kuzmin the artist got the opportunity to teach his courses (now in that building on 3 Nekrasov Street in


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Also his idea was to publish the newspaper "Arguments and Facts". He substantiated it as follows: a person did not have time to attend the Vremya program, but one must be aware of the events. And this is flipping 7-8 newspapers. So let there be one newspaper with factual data, let it be done by professionals – and present both current events and other interesting information in a compact manner. At the same time, there was no Internet. *Home grandfather brought with him a bunch of papers and could sit over them almost until the morning. With such a mood and came. It happened that he was gloomy and tired. But I did not see him irritated: he was always in control. I don’t remember that on someone, as they say, he dumped his negativity. It used to be that grandfather and grandmother dive in – but not evil and not for long. There were no conflicts. *Everyone in the family listened to grandfather, heard. And there was only one person who could treat his words without due reverence. This is your humble servant. The first time I disobeyed when I was sent to Suvorovskoye. I just opened the window and I was gone for a couple of days. Fortunately, it was the first floor in the country. And then – after all, I heard my grandfather. Persuaded, he persuaded his grandson. I finished

Suvorovskoye – I thought to go further on sculpture. There was a military art academy in St. Petersburg. But they were careful not to let me go there. Something stopped them. Apparently, they were afraid that I would run wild. I told them: so I'll be there behind the fences – just like here. What's the difference? After all, to do art after all... I did not convince. They sent me, as you already know, to the Military acadamy inMinsk. *Inside myself, in my life I feel the struggle between "I don’t want" and "I must". First, the grandfather said "must", then the officers. But I have always found an outlet in art and music. My mom is a musician. Together with her sister, they always taught piano at the Pedagogical University. I still play. I have a Yamaha 550 – I have a synthesizer – I relax so much. I sculpt and I play. I improvise in a jazz style. I can compose a little myself. *I have already told about children's toys. And the skills acquired at the art school, Akhremchik's workshop, have not gone anywhere. I can say, a self-taught sculptor, because I do not have a diploma. I work for my own pleasure. The gravestone monument to Alexander Trifonovich Kuzmin at the Minsk Eastern cemetery was made according to my project. There is my bronze – I made a bas-relief of my grandfather. Cast in a private company. In 1989, I also cast my first work: it was a fireplace grate. When I quit, I thought: what to do next. I talked with respected people from the Union of Architects... I was friends with Zhora Skripnichenko, I made his portrait. Georgy Skripnichenko is the first and most consistent representative of Belarusian surrealism. This is an absolutely talented artist devoted to art, whose works are now included in the golden fund of Belarusian culture. But these are all, as they say, optional cases. Here Surganov Sashka asked – Dima, do it. I did. I would love to work and not at the level of a hobby. My friends, as well as former teachers, like my work. Another thing is that practice is not enough. A sculptor, like a musician, needs to be busy every day. And I do it periodically. We have different speeds in these works. I can get stuck in some detail. Professionals have more experience and best practices, craftsmanship. *Working with the material, I feel that it would be better if I worked with it for life. I shouldn't have gotten twos. To stay in the

memory artist – and everything would have turned out differently. Perhaps, after the artist, I would have entered the sculpture department at the theatrical art institute (the Belarusian Theatre and Art Institute, now the Belarusian State Academy of Arts – Ed.). I would have finished it – I would have had a diploma. And this thing is sometimes needed. Because different competitions are held, and to participate in them there must be an art higher education... *In 1992, I married the daughter of a retired colonel, as it later surfaced – a friend of the head of my school. He is a former Afghan, holder of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR." My wife Natasha is the daughter of an officer. And she was raised as the daughter of an officer. We have two children: son Nikita born in 1993 and a daughter Olga born in 1998. My daughter also knows how to sculpt, draw, and is currently finishing roses for Surganov's grave. She went for this part. And Sasha, the grandson of Fyodor Surganov, as I said, is in Poland. Sasha's mother, the daughter of Fyodor Surganov, is already at an age. And Sanya decided that there should be flowers on the grave. *Since the grandfather had two daughters, we understood: the grandfather's surname must be kept. This is what my mother wanted – she is still Kuzmina according to her passport. She divorced when I was still in the 4th grade. Changing the surname is the theme of the year 1994: when my children began to be born. I got married when I was my father's last name. Then I changed it to Kuzmin. My grandfather was pleased with my decision. So I became Dmitry Alexandrovich Kuzmin. *In 2003, my grandfather passed away. The memory of him in Minsk has not been immortalized. In 1939, Alexander Kuzmin put on cadets' shoulder straps, honestly served the Motherland – in fact, until the last days. Surganov has a street, Pritytsky. It is clear that Masherov's too. Kuzmin, his right hand, does not even have a lane yet. If we talk about patriotism and education by examples, then, in my opinion, Belarusians should remember this person. His fate "takes" us out of the heroic military past to the new Belarus. Alexander Trifonovich did a lot for its development and prosperity. The way he lived his life, how he walked his earthly path, can be a good example for others, especially for young people. This is

one of the most worthy examples of not only serving the party, but serving the Motherland. There was such a moment in his biography. After the last serious injury, he was demobilized. And submitted to the Order of the Red Star... And then sent to party work. After all, this was also a service. And the young family began to live in some kind of extension to the house in the Trinity Suburb. They barely had enough money for bread. My grandmother told me. The film "Officers", where the actor Yumatov brings borsch to his wife – in about the same kennel and in the same conditions, the Kuzmins began to live in Minsk. *It is important not to forget people who sincerely served their native country. Episodes from the life of Alexander Kuzmin are also described in works of fiction. In the story "Immobility" by Ales Adamovich, it is said that an officer who was lying motionless on a stretcher (only one eye was shining), who was all broken, in a cast, got from one hospital and went with transfers by rail to another hospital, to his friend pilot... The story "The Third Pilot" by Anatoly Sulyanov is also based on the facts of grandfather's biography. The writer removed some moments in the final version – because they were unpleasant to my grandmother. This is a story about how a nurse nursed a wounded pilot for two weeks in an abandoned sakla, in the Caucasus. Grandfather then remembered her all his life. She saved him from certain death – she bandaged his wounds, warmed him up, fed him, and repulsed the locals. And they finally waited for the car, which took the wounded man to the hospital. We have examples of a worthy, heroic life – and we must not forget about them. In order not to lose just the memory of people devoted to the Motherland – not to lose our Motherland itself. Alas, now many TV series are being filmed, 15-20 episodes each – about nothing. But on the fate, such as my grandfather, it would be necessary to direct creative attention. Hope someone can do this. And I am grateful to you for the fact that you remember about Alexander Kuzmin, about one of those who died.

"My soldiers". Casting, bronze, malachite stand.

Sculptural portrait of Georgy Skripnichenko, Belarusian surrealist painter. The author is Dmitry Kuzmin, his friend.

Interviewed by Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich

The tombstone of Alexander Kuzmin was

Photos from private archive of Dmitry Kuzmin

Kuzmina, as well as the sculptural portrait in

designed by Dmitry. Approved by Taisiya bronze made by her grandson.

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New opportunities –

new impressions

The fact that the tourism industry worldwide is going through hard times – is not news. The main problem of this, which, of course, has not bypassed Belarus, is also well known. The pandemic. It was it that made those negative adjustments that directly affect the service sector. Therefore, the most urgent question was to what extent tourist organizations, including the Belarusian ones, were able to reorganize, in a timely manner to reformat their work. How professionally do they know how to respond to the challenges of the time, what is in the arsenal of travel offers for tourists' requests, in what way, in what direction are new travel trends being formed today? We talked about all this with Pavel Sapotko, a senior lecturer at the Department of Intercultural Communications of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts. – In your opinion, has the Belarusian tourism industry been able to reorganize itself, responding to the well-known challenges of recent times? – In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, the center of gravity in the country has shifted to domestic tourism, which is a powerful resource in terms of both socioeconomic development, and the revival of regions, and civic-patriotic education. Today Belarus is actively developing cultural, educational, military-historical, rural, industrial, medical and gastronomic tourism. Last year, new tourist programs were developed, excursion routes were updated, interesting ideas of clusters, uniting objects and attractions of several regions of the country at once, appeared. The list of services in Belarusian agricultural estates has been significantly expanded, new proposals related to historical reconstruction have announced themselves. Museums, which are actively introducing various mobile applications, virtual and augmented reality, and audio guides, do not stand aside. All this fills tourism with new content, encourages


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Belarusians and guests to travel, watch, get acquainted with the country. – How do you think the tourism sector of Belarus will develop in the near future? – Today the priority is the creation of new competitive tourism programs. For this, the resource of tangible and intangible historical and cultural heritage, natural heritage, social and cultural institutions – museums, galleries, Theatres, craft houses, folklore centers, parks of culture and recreation, zoos is used. I believe that farmsteads, catering organizations and sanatoriums can make themselves known even more actively. There is a huge reserve of newsworthy events – festivals, holidays, exhibitions and fairs, programs of historical reconstruction. One of the most important tasks is the wide information support of the tourism sector: holding of press tours, organization of special projects with the media, preparation of special issues of printed publications, launching of thematic headings in social networks, preparation of a cycle of programs on television. It seems relevant to create

Pavel Sapotko

Travel trends videos about the tourism opportunities of Belarus, each region and the city of Minsk with further ensuring of their wide broadcast on Belarusian television, own information resources, portals of partner organizations, websites of Belarusian diaspora organizations in different countries of the world. It is important to develop digital platforms, electronic means of tourist navigation, mobile applications in the promotion of a tourist product. Both abroad and in our country, it is promising to create full-fledged projects in the form of "golden rings", tourist clusters, and destinations. This is when a person, having arrived in some region, no longer, in fact, has to no longer to care about anything. His/her full-fledged rest is formed by a network of tourist components, including historical sites, health centers, catering facilities, cultural institutions, etc. A tourist can spend time actively and with interest, diversifying his/her leisure as much as possible. The winners now will be those regions and tourism entities that were able to unite in time and offer some interesting product on a competitive basis. Good examples of this kind are now in the field of agroecotourism, when estates unite and receive tourists on the territory of a region, offering them a unique, rich program. For example, in one agriturismo, batleyka performance is demonstrated, in the other they teach how to play ancient musical instruments, in the third they hold a master class on clay products creation, in the fourth they float on kayaks, in the fifth they invite to the contact zoo, in the sixth they conduct tasting of dishes of national Belarusian cuisine. It turns out that a tourist gets to know the region through the prism of activities, cultural heritage and historical past, and also communicates with people. As a result, such a vacation will undoubtedly be remembered by travelers, and not one, but several agro-estates will benefit. At one time, within the USAID project "Local Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", implemented by the United Nations Development Program, local communities received an incentive to create about 20 tourist destinations in different regions of Belarus in the form of

Yelnya. Participants of the festival "Cranes and Cranberries"

agroecotourism clusters: in Brest region – "Belovezhsky tract", "Valley of the Yaselda River", "Baranovichi Green Ring", "Motol Shlyakh"," Mukhovets Kumora", "Pinsk Polesie", "Amazonia of Polesie", in Grodno region – "Green Amulet of Hrodna", "Zelvenski Dyyarush", "Mickiewicz Land", "The Land of Pushcha's wonders and mysteries", "Mir County", "The Legacy of Gediminas", "In the Footsteps of Ancient Miners", "Northern Athens", "Northern Vector of Grodno Region", "Schuchin Destination". Statistics show that about 15 tourist routes are developed annually on average in Belarus. Last year, for example, appeared such routes as "Trostenets", "Architectural and Historical Monuments of Slonim, Zhirovichi and Synkovichi", "Between Baranovichi and Gantsevichi: at the Crossroads of History", "Orsha district – a journey into the past and present of the land", "Lost Paradise: Life and Catastrophe of Belarusian Shtetls". A number of excursions are conducted in foreign languages – in English, German, Chinese. These are such excursions as "Brest – ancient and modern city", "Mound of Glory", "Khatyn Memorial Complex", "Architectural and Historical Monuments of Kossova and Ruzhany", "The Road to Dudutki". Despite the difficult epidemiological situation, one should not discount the possibilities of international and crossborder cultural tourism. Since 1987, the

Council of Europe has been implementing a large-scale project "European Cultural Routes", which sets as the main tasks the encouragement of travel of citizens of different countries and the study of their historical past, the determination of the identity of local cultures in the context of the world cultural heritage. There are more than 40 cultural routes, each of which allows a broad interpretation of the diversity of the cultural potential of Europe. Belarus participates in two routes: "The European path of Jewish heritage", which assumes the acquaintance of tourists with the rich material and spiritual heritage of the Jews (together with Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Great Britain) and "VIA REGIA", which is the oldest and longest road connecting Eastern and Western Europe, which previously served for the resettlement of migratory tribes in the Stone Age and promoted the development of trade in the Middle Ages, and now known as PanEuropean Transport Corridor III (jointly with France, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine). I consider it important to develop cooperation between twin cities – regions between which friendly ties have been established in order to develop cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. Diplomacy of cities is an effective means of intercultural

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Travel trends

Yury round dance

dialogue and translation of the values of international friendship, harmony, unity and partnership, a tool for popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of twin cities and increase of the tourist flows, the possibility to implement humanitarian programs. – Taking into account the international aspect of tourism, it is impossible not to ask why, first of all, Belarus is attractive for foreign guests? What are the country's competitive advantages here, if I may say so? – Our powerful potential is expressed in majestic castles and palaces, ancient temples of different denominations, picturesque natural landscapes, unique national parks and reserves, vibrant festivals and holidays, rich intangible heritage, magnificent national cuisine and much more. I would like to remind you that in 2016 – 2018 the Republic of Belarus occupied a leading position in the Agritourism nomination of the National Geographic Traveler Awards rating. In 2017, the authoritative British newspaper The Times included Minsk in the top 30 cities attractive for weekend vacations. In 2019, the British newspaper The Independent presented the Belarusian capital in the list of European cities that are recommended to visit. Belarus was included in the top ten countries for travel in the same 2019, according to the international publishing house "Lonely Planet". Our national parks are world famous: "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Narochansky",


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"Pripyatsky", "Braslav Lakes", as well as Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve and Polesie Radiation-Ecological Reserve. Belarus is worthily represented in the UNESCO World Heritage List by such iconic places as the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", the Castle complex "Mir", the architectural and cultural complex of the Radziwills' residence in the town of Nesvizh, points of the transboundary object "Struve Geodetic Arc". The List of Intangible Cultural Heritage includes the Christmas rite "The Kalyady Tsars (Christmas Tsars)" in the village of Semezhevo, Kopyl district, Minsk region, spring rite "Yury round dance" in the village of Pogost, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region. The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity includes the Catholic festival "Celebration in Honor of the Budslau Icon of Our Lady (Budslau fest)" in Volozhin district of Minsk region, the traditions of the tree beekeeping in Belarus and Poland. There are amazing heritage sites in our country: the Transfiguration Church of the 12th century in Polotsk, Gomel palace and park ensemble of the 18th – 19th centuries, Borisoglebsk (Kolozha) church of the 12th century in Grodno, Kamenets tower of the 13th century in Brest region, Augustow Canal of the 19th century in Grodno region, defensive churches of the 16th centuries in the village of Synkovichi of Zelva district and in the village of Murovanka of Schuchin district, the complex of the former Jesuit monastery of the 16th-19th centuries in

Nesvizh, Brest fortress fortifications complex of the 19th-20th centuries and many others. Restoration work has been completed at such iconic objects as Kossovo palace and park ensemble, the Holy Dormition Cathedral in the urban village of Zhirovichi of Slonim district, Sapega palace complex in Ruzhany, Pruzhany district, and the palace and park ensemble in the village of Zhilichi, Kirovsk district. Restoration work continues on the Old Castle in Grodno, Holshany Castle in Oshmyany district and Krevo castle in Smorgon region, in the palace and park complex in the village of Svyatsk, Grodno region. – As you know, museums are an important link in the tourism system… – Today, Belarusian museums have interesting permanent exhibitions, organize temporary exhibition projects, carry out programs of historical reconstruction, create interactive complexes, and offer a variety of souvenirs. A trip to the museum is an immersion in history and acquaintance with the rich culture of Belarusians. Relatively new museums were able to show themselves with interesting expositions. Such as the Museum of Byalynitsky-Birulya in Mogilev Region – a branch of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Museum of History of Vitebsk People's Art School – a branch of Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Arts, the Museum of Stanislav Monyushko – a branch of Cherven District Museum of Local Lore in the urban village of Smilovichi. Tourists will undoubtedly be interested in getting acquainted with the new permanent expositions – such as "Museum of War – Territory of Peace" in the Memorial Complex "Brest Fortress-Hero", "Minsk. Upper town. Archaeological Museum" in the Museum of History of the City of Minsk, "Belarusian Jews" in Ivye Museum of National Cultures. Departmental and school museums are also of considerable interest. The festival map of Belarus is diverse. These are the International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", the Republican holiday "Kupalye" ("Alexandria Gathers Friends") in the agro-town Alexandria of Shklov district of Mogilev region, the International Festival "Belarusian Musical Autumn" in Minsk, the International Youth

Travel trends Theatre Forum "" in Mogilev, the International Festival of Theatre Arts "Slavic Theatre Meetings" in Gomel, the International Festival of Ethnocultural Traditions "The Call of Polesie" in the agro-town Lyaskovichi of Petrikov district of Gomel region, the National Festival of Belarusian Song and Poetry in Molodechno. And what impressions will a foreigner have after visiting the ballets "The Nutcracker" or "Swan Lake" staged by Valentin Elizariev at the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus? Or a visit to BelAZ and acquaintance with the world's largest 450-ton dump truck recorded in the Guinness Book of Records? Or travel through the fabulous Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Pripyat Polesie? He/she will never forget Belarus and will certainly want to come back here again! Agroecotourism is a unique pheno­ menon that Belarus has become widely known for lately. Today, Belarusian agro-estates offer interesting excursions to the regions, animation programs, bicycle and water trips, master classes on the reconstruction of national rituals, interactive horse shows, musical evenings, batleyka performances, and tastings of national cuisine. It should be said that, thanks to qualified specialists and modern medical centers, people go to Belarus for treatment, as well as to receive medical advice. A large number of foreigners visit our country in order to improve their health in Belarusian health resorts. Popular are the sanatoriums "Yunost" (Minsk district), "Sosny" (Myadel district), "Belorusochka" (Minsk district), "Forest Lakes" (Ushachi district), "Sosnovy Bor" (Molodechno district), "Belaya Vezha" (Kamenets district) and others. Meanwhile, very interesting programs for tourists are offered by Belarusian industrial enterprises, including BelAZ, MTZ, and Kommunarka confectionery factory. Tourists are already fond of visits to Neman glass factory, Slutsk Belts and Belkhudozhkeramika factories, Babushkina Kr ynka and Savushkin Product dairy factories, where excursions are accompanied by lectures, meetings with experts, product inspection, tastings, and master classes. In the near future,

the agency will hold introductory events for guides and guides-interpreters at the enterprises of Bellegprom concern. We have recently held negotiations with the management of the National Film Studio "Belarusfilm", which has a unique fund of game props. I am sure that the process of making films both in the pavilions and at the raunch will be interesting for tourists. – What, in your opinion, is the role of tourism in civic and patriotic education? – Tourism is an effective means of patriotic and moral upbringing, primarily of the younger generation. Recently, a seminar was held at All Saints Church on the topic of patriotic education by means of educational tourism. I was surprised and delighted with how interesting, information-rich events are held by the Republican Center for Ecology and Local History, school museums. Why not to include the latter in full-fledged tourist routes? Not all of them, maybe, are rich visually, but many school museums have unique items and, sometimes, there are rare exhibits that republican museums would also dream of. I recall the words of the State Secretary of the Union State Dmitry Mezentsev, who very accurately noted in one of his speeches: "As soon as we stop coming to the monuments, then for ourselves and our youth we will close the moral scale for

assessing what has been done for us." Brest Fortress, the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, Khatyn, the memorial complexes "Trostenets", "Ola", "Krasny Bereg" should be shown to both our and foreign tourists. Such objects, more than any other means, help to effectively fight the falsification of our history, not always adequate interpretations of its individual facts, opposing all this with documentary truth, even if it is sometimes too harsh. Today, this topic is in demand by societies and is very relevant. This is evidenced by the Law "On Prevention of Rehabilitation of Nazism", recently signed by the President. In general, the theme of the war, the memory of it is immortalized in Belarus very emotionally. How could it be otherwise in a country that lost every third inhabitant in those terrible years?! Fedor Povny, the hegumen of All Saints Church, once shared his observation: an excursion group of teenagers from an educational institution for children from disadvantaged families walked through the exposition of the Museum of Memory, entered the crypt of the Memorial Church, listened to the guide's story... After that, there was a feeling that the children had matured for a year. Interviewed by Vladimir Mikhailov

Mir Castle

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Open air vernissage

Beauty at the outdoor

exhibition space

In the jubilee year of the project "The Artist and the City", an exhibition on one of the streets in Minsk is dedicated to the work of the People's Artist of Belarus Leonid Schemelev Without exaggeration, this is a man of amazing creative destiny, who made a huge contribution to the treasury of the national fine arts. He was never attracted only by echoes of hot topics, not attracted by fashionable artistic trends, and much less salon pseudo-art, which is sometimes popular in certain circles today. In a word, in his work there was, figuratively speaking, no sliding on the surface, light likeness of life, shallow water of instant tasks. – The sense of time characteristic of this artist led to depths, to high figurative-plastic searches, not just to the image, but to the philosophical comprehension of the world, to thoughts about its essence, – says the honored art worker, researcher of the artist's work, art critic Boris Krepak. – To raise the layer of modernity or history, to reveal the spreading root system of certain life phenomena and processes, to catch the "genes" of the image of man, nature, things – this is how Leonid Schemelev formed his requirements to himself and brilliantly affirmed them with his creative practice. He did not have works dictated by "by cold observation of the mind", deprived of at least a particle of personal faith, passion, anxiety, love, hope. Leonid Schemelev recently passed away. It took very little time to try to comprehend the great loss. But one begins to understand even more that we will always refer to his creations – in love, in joy, in sorrow. And to find, if not the answers to all life's questions, then, in any case, to feel something that is in tune with the heart.


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– Because his painting is not only a unique fact of national culture, but also a factor that determines and forms of the originality of the spiritual world of a Belarusian in the second half of the 20th – early 21st century, – says Boris Krepak. Wherever Leonid Schemelev's works are exhibited, even as now at the outdoor exhibition space of the Belarusian capital, the artist always appears in the amazing integrity of his creative appearance. Not only a brilliant painter, not only an exquisite virtuoso of hand-made graphics, but Shchemelev – an integral creator of the extraordinary world. The world is not invented, but seen as if in nature. But at the same time, deeply rethought and fabulously pulsating in every fragment of the painting canvas, in every stroke, in every breath of the brush. His canvases are the self-knowledge of a modern person, the self-knowledge of the spirit. Awareness of not just beauty as such, but its meaning. This is the essence of his work. Poetic, elusive, fabulous, mystical in its ancient roots, the Belarusian land... The land of incomprehensible beauty and light attractiveness. How many artists tried to find the keys to its reserved door, and how infrequently they succeeded! Leonid Schemelev has a lot of light – clear, calm, uniform, which animates and fills the canvases. And a lot of fantasy. Everything was organically intertwined in his works: poetry, history, city streets, nature, rural rhythms, the pain of war. And thoughts about the life lived, about creativity.

Open air vernissage Leonid Schemelev always felt himself like a leaf of a huge tree, felt the twiglet on which it grew, the branch which that twiglet held. Felt and knew his own head and trunk. And the roots going deep into the depths. Roots of the Fatherland. Realistically and allegorically, outside of time, seemingly in a different, barely displaced dimension, he has a blue and white winter in Polotsk, and red-gold sheaves of Ivenets flax, and an evening at haymaking near Rakov, and languid girls in the moonlight on the Yaselda River, and the September gold of a magical leaf, and sad horses on a sandy spit, and an evening meadow in foggy blue milk, and a ringing silence on Lake Ostroshitskoe, and a sky blue like a window into space, and a noisy wedding somewhere in Novoe Pole or a Minsk courtyard, and a brutal mash of blue, white, ocher in its naked sonority of an autumn lake; and a religious procession in Bogdanov, and dazzlingly chic bouquets of peonies or roses; and the faces of people close and dear to him, recognizably similar, such as in life – and not like that. And next to them are the figures of Belarusian culture, captured by the master's brush: Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, as well as many wonderful characters of "bygone times", taken in various event dimensions. – The universalism of Leonid Schemelev, the globality of the problem, on the one hand, and deep rootedness in his native

culture, on the other, – such a bi-unity was characteristic of the artist throughout his long career, – art critic Boris Krepak is sure. – Leonid Schemelev loved his homeland, its people and nature. Now such spiritual connections of the creator of beauty with the primordial earth are lost. And this must be admitted. Urban civilization in many cases burns the human form. Of course, such an artist as Shchemelev cannot be put on shelves, even if there are many shelves. Too many different things. Leonid Dmitrievich wrote the world as he saw and imagined. And everyone in Shchemelev world can find and see their own, close to own soul and heart – regardless of nationality, profession, age, religion... Yes, the tradition of organizing exhibitions in Minsk in an open urban environment has been for ten years already. Most of them took place in Yakub Kolas Square. Today the exposition has a different address. Probably because literally next to the current exhibition, just a five-minute walk away, is the city gallery of Leonid Schemelev. It is very convenient: one can easily continue the amazing journey through the labyrinths of the work of this most interesting artist, started at the street platform. Veniamin Mikheev

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25 years later PlANetABelAruS.BY


Notes on a hiking adventure that no one has repeated yet


Continuation. Beginning in No. 2,3,4 ow we laughed in the morning when we woke u p. A n d S o l o m e y a Konstantinovna could not stop laughing. Even tears glistened on her face. We were a little embarrassed: we so scared a woman who lives alone on a hill far from the village. "Oh, I can't... This makes me laugh to death!.. Hands as folded as in praying, let us spend the night... In a straw hat. As a Korean woman... And I also spoke to her: you are strangers, how can I let you into the house... And he with a beard, in a distance, also wearing a hat... Why does not come closer... Then, I think, I’ll open, and if something happens, I’ll have time to close the door... And she calls him Vanya, and in Belarusian... Says, let's go, Vanechka. And he spoke, but like we speak... Not strangers, it seems... The dog did not bark..." Such a monologue from our savior we hear in the morning. She confesses: "Such thoughts rushed through my head before I opened the door for you. Fear cries out: do not open, but the heart says: help a person."



And all this says grandmother Solomeya, setting the breakfast table: she cuts bread, puts a frying pan with scrambled eggs, a jar of milk. "And I, – she says, – didn’t sleep all night. I put the axe under the bed and did not close my eyes until it was light in the house. I see: he was sniffs in a dream on the floor, rolling oneself up into a ball, and she sleeps quietly on the bed, resting her head on the palm. Well, I think, what a miracle – they went on foot across Belarus. What for? Indeed, maybe the journalists... Apparently, they walked as much as 34 km yesterday, as they said. A cannon wouldn't wake them. Oh, and my daughters will be scared when they find out that I opened the door to strangers at night..." Without haste we had breakfast in such a good and cheerful mood. Talked about who we are, where we are from and where we are going. Madame Solomeya was treated to tea with sweets, and asked about her life. Previously, she worked in agriculture, now she is retired. Keeps a cow, chickens. And the village of Leonishki is part of Drisvyaty village council of Braslav district. According to Solomeya Konstantinovna, all local residents, even with small children, have passports: for

unhindered entry into Lithuania and abroad. Lithuania is very close. Her husband died in 1975. She used to live alone. Daughters and granddaughters visit her. They come from Sniečkus and Vitebsk. They can come more often from Sniečkus even by bike in good weather, from Vitebsk less often. And in winter, when the snow poured, she lived like in a fortress: no one could get there. The postman will leave footprints, and she will follow them to the road to buy bread. A truck drives up, usually every Monday, "I stand there, stamp and wait." Other food she buys in Vazgelyantsy, which is one and a half kilometers from her farmstead... We listened attentively to the owner of the one-room house with an entrance hall, and our hearts were filled with great gratitude. As we later said to each other, everyone thought: Could I open the door so late at night to strangers, if I lived on the farm, like our benefactress? We left her at almost 9 a.m. and within an hour, a kilometer from Solomeya Shukel's house, wrote letters to the newspaper "Chyrvonaya Zmena" and on the radio to Elena Stepanova. Ivan worked there for

25 years later the psyche, especially our, in a trip, tired. And why only the radiation hazard is recognized primarily as something that destroys the human body, and everyone is afraid of it? And there is pollution of the environment with chemical or even mechanical substances – garbage, landfills, logging. Even an ugly felled or broken tree, accidentally dug and abandoned land – even such "trifles" create, as it seems to us, psychological pollution. What can be said about gray faceless quarters in cities, lifeless concrete boxes – housings in some villages, including those we met on a trip... And we "get psycho-polluted" because we feel discomfort in our souls when we find ourselves in a disharmonious environment. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice this, but there is increased nervousness, we get tired, become aggressive – or, conversely, sluggish "laid-back persons", depending on the features of the psyche. However, one can say this: strong organisms adapt to such changes in the environment. And who will protect the weak? Voitekhovich also said that one should not call a student with a weak mentality to the board too often. Such reasoning was born on this ugly stretch of road. We visited Vidzy secondary school. There are 364 pupils. From 20 to 30 April, a decade of earth is held here. Contests of drawings and wall newspapers are held: April 26 – Chernobyl Memorial Day. Childrren do birdhouses. In two weeks they will go to the forest: to plant trees when the ground dries up. The school carries out this action together with the forestry agency. Cleaning of territories is also relevant. The diary has a round stamp of this school, the 4th in a row. We looked at the beautiful, unique in architecture Trinity Church, which is perhaps the main attraction of Vidzy. The temple was built of red unplastered bricks in 1909-1913. And its height is 59 meters. It's great. Then a carpenter Cheslav Zhuravsky worked here with his son and craftsman Sadovsky. Sewed the ceiling. Now we think: what kind of ceiling was needed our brave benefactress Solomeya Shukel in the temple? And we come to

almost five years, from August 1982 to March 1987. And at that time it was the anniversary of the newspaper – and he congratulated the editorial office and readers – from the trip. On the last day, by the way, we saw such a picture. We walked along the road, which was dug through a hill. It was obvious that it had recently been dug up. There the clay cracked and spread out on the sides of the slopes. In general, the road heavy, dirty, ugly. And above, on the hill itself, birches grow, please the eye. And even higher – the transparent blue of the sun-drenched sky. However, is the earth to blame for its mud? The nakedness of the earth is not everywhere as ugly as on the Drisvyaty-Vidzy road, where bulldozers with excavators and chainsaws roared. If the road is dead or old, then, of course, if necessary, it is renewed. But it is very difficult to observe the time of such a decline, discord, when only stumps and breakdowns with bumps along the way are encountered. All this negatively affects

the conclusion: it is they, the local believers and priests, who know more than us... In the church, instead of the floor, boards are simply laid out, building materials are everywhere. People brought chairs from the houses, but at that time there were also homemade benches. Vidzy is a clean city. The houses are wellgroomed, swept, cleanliness everywhere. And the ice cream is delicious. On the way to Pastavy, not far from the exit from Vidzy on the left, we stop at the grave of Tomasz Wawrzecki. Later we clarified: he was a well-known native of Braslav district, a socio-political and military leader of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, cornet of Braslav, one of the leaders of the 1794 Uprising under the leadership of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Elderly women of Vidzy asked what we were selling. And they were disappointed. Very curious children, unlike adults. In Vidzy, for example, near the school, a woman did not even turn to us when we approached, although she heard that to someone's question: who you are, we answered: travelers. (As if in Vidzy travelers in straw hats appear every day...) And children, going out into the street, immediately surrounded us and the carriage, they simply ringed it from all sides. And they chirped like birds in the spring: I wish I could go with you... They were also very interested in how our carriage was arranged. And they were surprised that we had already gone so much. Only now we are increasingly talking about how important it is over the years not to lose interest in life, in people, in everything that happens around. And to each other. How sad it is to observe when elderly Soviet spouses become uninterested in each other. After Vidzy, the surrounding landscapes have changed a lot. The fields here are plowed, wide; there are almost no bushes and shrubs on them. The road is even wider than to Karasin, the gravel is dry. Dust. We have lunch by the road. Everywhere along the way in these places villagers and townspeople, even townspeople work with firewood. Probably, in winter they were taken out of the forest, but now they are sawn, pricked – it is good that it's warm, and the logs are not dry yet. And there is no other work – the gardens have not yet been dug up, the land has not been plowed.



25 years later


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This time we spent the night at the Kozyany secondary school. Its director is Genrik Abarovich. In 1995, the school turned 100 years old, it is the oldest in Braslav district. And earlier there was a parish church. 126 children, 20 teachers. By the fall, the director said, there will be 145 children. They enter all universities – a high level of knowledge is given. In the morning Valya writes in her diary: "Day six. From the beginning of the route we have covered 140 km. Yesterday we walked 35 km from Solomeya's house. We spent the night in Kozyany at school. It's a wonderful morning. The sun sends its mercy to the earth and to us. We pack things. Children gather in the schoolyard. 8.30. Their faces are bright, open. Interest in their eyes: who these travelers are, where did they come from? And in the evening we were accompanied to school by a dwarf with his daughter Oksana, a sixth-grader. On the way, we slowed down so that he kept up with us. He slowly led us to the director, and kept laughing that he had never seen such a miracle. And "such a miracle" is, of course, us. Viktor (that's his name) said: "I just have to go on a journey with you. We will be like a traveling circus with a dwarf." The phenomenon is typical. This is especially clearly reflected in feature films, where there is a story about a traveling circus, where among the circus travelers there is a small person – kind, helpful. Well, we, probably, in that circus would have been perceived as clowns. By the way, we heard such a comparison about Holy Trinity Church in Vidzy ourselves in Kozyany... Viktor also told us in the evening that the children who stood next to him and his friend, seeing us at dusk We did a little stop for a rest by the water. on the village street, said: "Dad, these must be Saw an elbow-sized pike in a ditch, and clowns..." something crawled in the dry grass: either a Whoever they called us on the way. snake or a lizard. And a grass snake appeared, And clowns, and Afro-Asians, and homeless raised his small head with yellow marks from people, and aliens... But what is interesting, the grass and lingered next to us for a minute. all these nicknames in the mouths of people Curious! sounded benevolent. In the evening we walked through the By the way, Andrey Kondratovich village of Buchany, where boys were feeding Zhigalko initiated the creation of the school a swan in a local pond. They said that it lived in Kozyany. here last year and recently returned. And we He himself mastered literacy and met a couple of swans also near Kozyany – arithmetic while serving in the army. One Valya fed them. And that warm sunny evening with its spring scent, when we entered their courtyard, is also remembered. We see Lithuania across the Disna River. The river water spread very widely. Valya, drinking milk, counted the 30th stork on the road. And across the river one can see a Lithuanian city, tall pipes and high-rise buildings.

After Vidzy the snow can be seen only in some places. Spring has come. I remembered that at Solomeya's yard there were many birds, singing starlings. And her dog didn’t bark, but flirted with us. And in the morning he jumped for joy when he saw us. So to speak, if they were let to spend the night, they are friends. Clever! By the way, Solomeya, as well as women near Vidzy school, asked if we were paid for bypassing Belarus. And they were surprised that no. For some reason, people are sure that someone will pay us for such a difficult, in their opinion, hiking. Over time, we will be convinced that walking for such a long time is not easy work. We pass the village of Zhdegeli: there are friendly people. Welcome to us, they say. And we liked the name of the village, it has a Belarusian humorous flavor. Sometimes on the way later, in a good mood, we pronounced this spicy word in our own way: Zhdzhegli... In the village of Treibshi we bought milk. And were fascinated by a new acquaintance. An elderly man and a woman are sitting at sunset, both are picking beets in a good mood. And his ears are as huge as those of the Buddha, and shine through in the sun. Such a miracle! The elderly man says: in his youth he loved to play the violin. And in adulthood he played. Sometimes he plays now, but less. And his wife has a kind smile, bright, she speaks with humor. She says: "when he brouht back a bundle from the wedding, and there were all kinds of food, money, I sorted it out all evening and rejoiced. That was great! The husband plays by ear, tunes in to any music. The granddaughter is playing the accordion now, but there are no sons, so there is no one to give the violin to". And the man's violin, we see, is a good one. And he still seems to love music. Now, they say, radio stations have been liquidated in the village – receivers operating on electricity have been released. Our good friends offered us to stay for the night, but we move on. And on the way, and even now, talking about interesting meetings, we warmly remember our elderly lady and her husband, a musician with Buddha ears.

25 years later purposeful person can do a lot: even the school grew out of his idea, and now he is remembered. There are three rivers flowing near Kozyany – these are Drisvyatka, Drissa and Birvita, and there are very few such settlements even in lake-river Belarus with streams nearby. Going outside the village, we saw a beautiful picture: two wild goats with white backs were running away from us along the river, this could be seen through a telescope. So the name of the settlement seems to have come from these animals. We even joked, they have a "big nest" somewhere...

someone for a stay, because there are hotels there. And our travel budget does not allow us to stay in comfortable conditions either. Hotels are simply excluded – as inappropriate variants – from our plans for the coming months. After all, we are walking through the "Kingdom of Far Far Away". Otherwise, it will no longer smell like a fantasy atmosphere. Now, if the Old Woman with a broom and a mortar offered us to spend the night in her house on chicken legs – of course, we would have thought about it and agreed. But we, alas, did not meet her in four months. We are not going to Ales Kasten. On the way we find ourselves in a boarding school for

Boarding school in Postavy

In front of Postavy we stop to have lunch by the forest to the left of the road. Even fell asleep for 10 minutes. The weather whispers about the miracle of being. There is noone around. A stork or a raven is circling above us. Rest is rest, but we have to move. We stop at the bridge over the Myadelka river, behind it – Postavy. We pass through a beautiful clean pine forest near Postavy. We still don't know where we will spend the night. Local lakes have already partially released from the ice. In search of housing in Postavy, we write down the phones in our diary. The editor of the regional newspaper Petr Kurilovich sends to the own correspondent of the newspaper "Zviazda", Ales Kasten, who lives on 17 September street. And the militiamen, seeing us in the center of the city, wonder who we are. The answer satisfies them. However, it is dangerous for us to go to villages where there are hotels. We cannot ask

orphans. When we enter its territory, children rush to us like crazy... We spend the night at the local first-aid post on the territory of the boarding school – in the so-called isolation ward. It's good that no one got sick that night. Only in the morning we meet the girl Oksana. She is in the second room of the isolation ward. We got to know each other and started talking. It turned out that she had a stomach ache. The girl shows us "where" it hurts, more willingly she shows her Italian felt-tip pens, a pen, a player and something else. It turned out that the children here say: "In Italy... I am Italian..." At first we did not understand why. It seems that on the way in the Kingdom of Far Far Away we turned off somewhere. Or is there something wrong in their children's heads? Or maybe the game is like this... But everything turned out to be simple. Italians help this school. After the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, in

Belarus began to appear funds that organized trips of children abroad for rehabilitation: young Belarusians lived in families in Italy, Spain, England, Germany, France and even the United States. And Postavy wasn't ignored by the charity. We are talking with Tatyana Klimyata – the main educator, Valentina Druzik – the director and Valentina, a nurse. They say: "The Italians are like parents for them, they have already forgotten about their own biological parents. This school is considered normal, basic. How do we feel about the fact that Italy appeared in the life of orphans from Postavy? On the one hand, it's great, the children's horizons are broadening.

Farewell to pupils

There they were dressed, surrounded by attention, warmth. Krynitsa Humanitarian Aid Fund in Minsk organizes children's trips to Italy. There is such Tamara Schukina, she deals with these issues. Last year (1990 – Auth.) 110 people were sent, this year – 80. In the summer they leave again. Everything is fine, but when the children come back here, they start to be naughty. They even say about Belarusian: "this is a village language, and I am Italian". And proudly use Italian words. "Si, Si!" – "Well, well!", "Prego!" – "Wait!", "Bonsera!" – "Good evening!" And the educators sometimes tell them if they don't listen: "I will punish you!" After Italy, it is very difficult with them. Now Italians often come here. They really want to adopt the children they have visited. However, this is not resolved so quickly. Meanwhile, children consider Italians to be their parents. Children in the boarding school are mostly "closed". Recently, two dirty girls were brought

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25 years later to the boarding school – they were "on the run" and ran home from the boarding school. Of course, there are those who grow up wellbred, create good families and have decent jobs. But not all. Much depends on what kind of company they meet in life. For each class in the boarding school there is a teacher, a senior teacher, the younger children have nannies. Previously, there was only one nanny for three floors. There is a music center, discos. Children are provided clothes from the state. And from Italy they bring T-shirts, jeans, and all sorts of things." We were told: here are all orphans with living parents, deprived of parental rights. Someone tragically lost their parents – some of them died, someone was killed... The psyche of such children is very delicate, they are vulnerable. They need an individual approach. The conversations here are personal – every day. It is simply impossible to work in another way, our interlocutors say: one has to be careful all the time, as with gunpowder. And already from the first grade there is a career guidance. There are clubs in the boarding school where girls learn to sew. In grades 5-6, excursions to the bakery, dairy, canteen – where in the future they will be able to find work. They also go in for sports, there are activity clubs – all children are interested. Professions after boarding: cook, tractor driver, pastry-cook and others. Some children are preparing to enter institutes. There are those who were adopted in Belarus. The boarding school has its own field, pigs. There is horse Alesya. She was somehow stolen by a gypsy. Everyone searched at night. And they shouted: "Alesya! Alesya! The horse responded. The gypsy hid her in a ruined house. The boarding school has no sponsors. And help is needed. For example, to paste over wallpapers in the rooms. Much depends on finances... We were also told: "This boarding school is the so-called state house. Here everything is restricted. Classes for 30 people. 15-20 people in a group. Bedrooms for 8-10 people. Dogs, stray cats – everything at school. Children take the dog to the bathhouse, wash them there. But our guys are strong, they get sick less than the "home" ones. There are 25 people in the boarding school from Postavy district. On


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average, one person comes a week and there is a trend towards an increase in the population. Our children do not cry: adaptation is fast." Recall, this is an immersion into 1996. A slice of the past reality. The teacher Arnold Plyashkun takes us out of the boarding school. And shows the direction of our further journey: to the village of Kamai. Going out into the street, we took a picture with the children and Tatyana Klimyata as a

around Postavy, not remembering that they are Belarusians. We went on the road at 11.30. 170 km covered from the beginning, 30 km per day. And today, to Kamai, about 20 kilometers are ahead. According to Arnold Plyashkun, little was destroyed during the war in Postavy. Now there is a high level of unemployment and wage arrears. But many trade – they go to Lithuania,

Comic ritual celebration of the new person's birth

memento. The second-grader Lesha Litovka even read the poem "I am Belarusian", and the boy Stepan Mikhailovsky presented his cake with the words "this is for you with all my heart". At p ar t i ng , we aske d ou r ne w acquaintances: "What is the Kingdom of Far Far Away?" And heard: "This is happiness... this is where there is no evil, but only good." "And one more question from us: "What is happiness? Answer: "Happiness is joy... when they live together... love each other." Then we talked with them that it is better to strive to live according to the law of love, according to the law of conscience. That any test in our world can be seen as a stepping stone to climb higher. And such happiness, joy must be sought first of all in oneself, in one's heart, and not in Italy or anywhere else. Sometimes didactics is needed, otherwise blond Italians will run

because the border is almost open: all border guards know the traders. You pass – and there you go to the bus and go wherever you want. You can also take land, but of course, the collective farms do not distribute good land. The military left the military towns, leaving helicopters on the border, but old ones. The local airfield can be used for transportation of goods to the Baltic States, and can also receive Boeings. There would be someone... At lunchtime, a helicopter flew over us. Flew low. Apparently, in this way, mineral fertilizers were sown on the fields. We joked: maybe we will upspring... I found blue primroses on the way. We met two boys, 6-8 years old. They went to see the helicopter. The terrain we are walking on is already hilly. But the hills are not very steep. At dinner we wrote letters and signed postcards. We stood for almost three hours. Valya is so tired that she says she does not understand if she is

25 years later tired. It is difficult to talk about own condition. Ivan writes down his feelings: "Valya is not even able to say that she is tired, she wants to lie down, nestle against something warm. Later she will write: "And it was happiness..." We met a large company in Kamai. There is such a ritual: when a child is born, grandfather and grandmother are "taken to drown" in the river. The villagers "will wet them slightly in the river or pond," and for

Faith in Kamai is Catholic. On holidays, everyone goes to worship the Mother of God of Budslav, to the city of Budslav. That evening, a local teacher and poet Arkady Nafranovich helped us stay for a night at Kamai school. We spent some time at his house, he and his wife treated us to dinner. And we spent the night in the school gym. Yanina Sivitskaya, the school's old night watchman, was on duty. In the

Meeting with veteran teacher Iosif Bykhovets in Lyntupy

this they are treated. So, we were told, local christenings are celebrated. During the ceremony, Ivan managed to make two very bright shots. Although black and white, but the atmosphere, the color of folk customs is transmitted. It is interesting whether older relatives are "drowned" in Kamai even now, when babies appear in the family. Perhaps the rite jokingly contains the idea that old people do not need to stay in this world for a long time when they have completed their "mission". And what do ethnographers say about this? Worth looking for... And one more thing: who was baptized that day? That person this year, in 2013, when the diary was deciphered, maybe he/she has already graduated from high school... And now, in 2021? But we didn't find out. In Kamai we were greeted with laughter. From afar it was heard: "It's like aliens. May be Baptists? "But everyone laughed kindly. And we laughed too. And it was fun.

morning she prayed at school in Polish, looking at the sun. She told us: "I am alone in the world. My sister died recently." Old lady Yanina embroiders a lot. And with flair: she showed the embroidered tablecloth. She also said that Budslav is very beautiful. We are interested in the mental and psychological state of people. Even if it sounds pretentious, but finally, in words, we formulated for ourselves that it is important for us to explore and observe while traveling. The diary entries are distinguished by the fact that this is a cut of that mental and psychological state of village people 5 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when there was enough confusion in life, when help from the state was expected... Arkady Nafranovich told about life in Kamai: "The chairman of the collective farm cut off warm water from local houses.

Now each owner puts a heating ten in his apartment, puts a pipe on the roof, and prepares firewood for himself." He says it's all about politics. After all, they voted not for Kebich, but for Alexander Lukashenko... Day eight. For the first time yesterday, the walking plan was not completed. We covered only 14 km. We leave the village of Kamai at 9.00. The school where wespent the night had 205 children and 23 teachers. The director is Gennady Rombalsky, the school's stamp is in the diary. It is poorly read, but in the center is the coat of arms of the BSSR, still from Soviet times. The ground near Postavy was flat, without convolutions. Easy to go. We noticed the 38th stork. It sat on a water tower. Valya asks the question: how can a stork live on a water tower, and not on a tree. The terrain along the road changes to hilly. We spotted hawks and several longbilled birds. Maybe woodcocks?.. That day Ivan will write a beautiful poem "The road between hills and valleys." While hiking around Lyntupy, we stayed at the teacher Iosif Bykhovets. He showed us his book "City on the Border" – about Lyntupy and its surroundings. We knew his approximate address (from his publications in Rodnoye Slovo), and we questioned people. Mr. Iosif was in the yard with his beloved dog and was surprised that she was fawning upon Valya – usually she barks at strangers. He told about the book: "Available to everyone. I wrote for people to read. And more than 300 copies went to school ". During the day we covered 33 kilometers, spent the night in the forest – we opened the forest season! – to the right of the road near the village of Ignatishki (about 4 km from Lyntupy). At night, a beautiful young moon and the star Venus shone in the sky. – Valya says: "Like a landscape!" (in the sense – beautiful, as in the picture). Nearby in the swamp frogs croaked – and it sounded like racing motorcycles somewhere far away or water boiling in a large pot. Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich Photos by authors

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Belarusian Poems for Children: for the First Time in Chinese


Xue Jingqian, student of Gymnasium No. 29

Magazine Belarus is probably the first platform of recent years where Chinese translations of Belarusian literary works for children have been published. Significantly, the first translated story was a classic fairy tale by Uladzimir Karatkevich The Devil's Treasure. Then there were translations of fairy tales by Lyudmila Rublevskaya and Katsyaryna Khadasevich-Lisavaya. These fairy tales were translated by Sun Fanqi, a student of the Belarusian State University. And the translation project was initiated by a director and editor-in-chief of Zvyazda publishing house Ales Karliukevich, who is known for promoting the development of Belarus-China literary relations. For today’s issue, we have prepared a selection of children’s poems by Belarusian masters – Yanka Zhurba, Averyan Dzeruzhinsky, Ryhor Baradulin, Uladzimir Karatkevich, and Vasil Vitka. This is the first attempt to translate Belarusian children's poetry into Chinese. The poems were translated by a nine-year-old boy Xue Jingtian, a student of the Minsk gymnasium №29. We sincerely believe, that English readers will also enjoy English translations of these renowned Belarusian poets, as well as expand their knowledge of Belarusian literature. Most Chinese readers are not familiar with Belarusian children's literature, as very few Belarusian works for children and teenagers have been translated into Chinese.


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In the fifties of the twentieth century – the "golden era" in SovietChinese relations, when there was a real rise in interest in Soviet literature, children’s stories, and short stories by Yanka Maur and Ivan Shamiakin were translated into Chinese. In 1953, the Shaonian Ertong Chubanshe publishing house published a collection of five short stories by Yanka Maur called The Little Partisan. The collection included short stories Family, On the ice, Maximka, A Note (the title was translated into Chinese as The Little Partisan, hence the title of the collection) and Journey Around the House. The translator was Ding Ru. Young Chinese readers first learned about Palesse Robinsons and TVT by Yanka Maur in the 1950s. Chinese translations of these short novels were also published as separate books by Shaonian Ertong Chubanshe publishing house: Palesse Robinsons (titled as Two Little Robinsons) in 1956, and TVT (titled as Incredible Society) in 1957. The translator of both novels was Wang Wen. The choice of works by Yanka Maur for translation into Chinese seems natural. Both Palesse Robinsons and TVT were significant pieces of children’s literature not only within the Belarusian literary space but also throughout the Soviet Union. TVT won the first prize at the AllBelarusian Children's Book competition, and Maxim Gorky became interested in the novel. At his request, Yanka Maur urgently translated the manuscript of the novel into Russian and sent it to him. This was on the eve of the First Congress of Writers of the USSR, and Samuil Marshak in his report On Great Literature for Children among others noted "a significant school story written in Belarus". Ivan Shamiakin works were widely translated into Chinese: Saleswoman and poet, Prima notte, Snowy winters, Telamones and Caryatides, Deep streams, Unrepeatable Spring, The Heart on the Open Palm, and others. However, these works appeared in Chinese as early as the 1970s and 1990s. But in the 1950s five children's stories were published as a separate book in Chinese: To Moscow, Natasha, The Boy from the Ocean, A Gift to the Leader, and In the Snowy Desert. The collection was also published by Shaonian Ertong Chubanshe Publishing House. After a nearly fifty-year gap, in the 2000s there were several reprints of Yanka Maur. And after that, there was silence again. Therefore, the project of the magazine Belarus is to some extent the indicator of the revival of interest in translating Belarusian literature into Chinese. The poetry collection for this issue was translated into Chinese by Xue Jingtian. He is in the third grade of Minsk gymnasium №29. For the first time, Jingtian encountered Belarusian literature at school and immediately realized how different the expressive means in Belarusian and Chinese poetry were. Then he tried to translate a few poems himself. "The translation process helped me see the beauty of our languages, and each translated poem gives me a sense of accomplishment, the joy of a job done," says Xue Jingtian. Sun Fanqi accomplished literary editing of these poems. Veronika Karlyukevich


Uladzimir Karatkevich

How animals and birds talk

In love with life and every fly, I walk near houses and dewy gardens. And animals and birds talk to me In tens and thousands of different languages. In my hair my cherries have snowed, Fields whisper in my ear; Like, who you love, you will always understand, In whatever skin he walked. Pigeons in purple and blue, Looking at me, they murmur like this: — "Just barbarian, barbarian, big barbarian. He doesn't have wings, he cringes, walks, a freak ". The rooster, lined with stick, leaps like a grasshopper, And amazed chickens, like a downed god, He screams in pain and pride: "Don't fall!" Not half-hearted! Past your feet! Past your feet! " When the night floats over the lovely land, Two frogs are talking by the sleepy river: "Ku-uma, ku-uma, what are you cooking for dinner?" "Borsch, borsch, buraki, bura-ki-ki-ki-ki." I probably also seem like a beast to them, And they think in the shade of the grass: — "Here comes a two-legged bird without feathers Or a bear that put a fur coat in a pawnshop."

Ула­дзі­мір Ка­рат­ке­віч

Як раз­маў­ля­юць звя­ры і птуш­кі

За­ка­ха­ны ў жыц­цё і ў кож­ную муш­ку, Я іду ка­ля хат і рос­ных са­доў. І са мной раз­маў­ля­юць звя­ры і птуш­кі На дзе­сят­ках і ты­ся­чах роз­ных моў. Ў ва­ла­сы мае віш­ні свой снег за­ве­я­лі, Мне на ву­ха шэп­чуць аб­ша­ры ніў; Маў­ляў, ка­го лю­біш, та­го заўж­ды зра­зу­ме­еш, У якой бы ску­ры ён ні ха­дзіў. Га­лу­бы ў лі­ло­вых і сі­ніх бар­вах, На мя­не па­гля­дзеў­шы, вур­ко­чуць так: — «Пр-рос­та вар-рвар, вар­вар, стр-ра­шэн­ны вар­вар. Крыл ня мае, а кр-ро­чыць, кро­чыць, дзі­вак». Пе­вень, пал­кай пад­бі­ты, ска­ча, як ко­нік, І здзіў­ле­ным ку­рам, як зры­ну­ты бог, Утра­пё­на кры­чыць ад бо­лю і го­на­ру: — «Не па-паў! Не па-паў! Мі­ма ног! Мі-ма ног!» Ка­лі ж ноч па­плы­ве над зям­лёю мі­лаю, Раз­маў­ля­юць дзве жа­бы ля сон­най ра­кі: — «Ку-ума, ку­ма, а што ты вя­чэ­раць ва­ры­ла?» — «Боршч, боршч, бу­ра­кі, бу­ра-кі-кі-кі-кі». Я, на­пэў­на, так­са­ма зда­ю­ся ім зве­рам, І яны раз­ва­жа­юць у за­се­ні траў: — «Вось ідзе двух­но­гая птуш­ка бязь пер’­яў Ці мядз­ведзь, што шу­бу ў лам­бард за­к лаў».

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Ryhor Baradulin

Рыгор Барадулін

"Winter fled from spring..." Winter fled from spring On the bushes of horned willows, — They cut off her captan, And cotton wool is tangled on branches. Winter fled from spring, Fleeing on rivers, lakes, The ice cracked, creaked, howled, Betrayed the ice — and water in space. Only ringing of icy eyes — Runaway birches are looking for ford They hold on low shoulders, Like timid children, storks. And spring caught up with winter; The hare jumped into the pool of blue, For she came upon his tail, And snowdrops sprayed, scattered. And winter fled from spring, Under its feet the wreckage died down, Shaken on forest paths The last snow from white lilies of the valley. Winter fled from spring — It ran away...

«Уцякала зіма ад вясны…»

Yanka Zhurba

The first snowflakes They fly, pour Snow stars — White, light, Like fluff. Creeping so flat In the village and in the field, Rotate, spin Quiet, slow. They fly, pour Snow stars… Let's go sledding We ride down the hill.



Уцякала зіма ад вясны Па кустах вербалозаў рагатых, — Ёй каптан абарвалі яны, І на голлі матляецца вата. Уцякала зіма ад вясны, Уцякала па рэках, азёрах, Лёд затрэскаў, закрэктаў, заныў, Здрадзіў лёд — і вада на прасторы. Толькі звон крыгалому ачах — Брод шукаюць бярозы-бяглянкі І трымаюць на ніцых плячах, Як дзяцей палахлівых, буслянкі. А вясна даганяла зіму; Заяц скочыў у лужу блакіту, Бо на хвост наступіла яму, І пралескі распырскаў, раскідаў. І ўцякала зіма ад вясны, Пад нагамі ламачча затлела, Парастрэсла па сцежках лясных Снег апошні свой з ландышаў белых. Уцякала зіма ад вясны — уцякала…

Янка Журба

Першыя сняжынкі Лётаюць, сыплюцца Зоркі-сняжынкі — Белыя, лёгкія, Быццам пушынкі. Роўна так сцелюцца Ў вёсцы і ў полі, Круцяцца, кружацца Ціха, паволі. Лётаюць, сыплюцца Снежныя зоркі… Будзем на саначках Ездзіць мы з горкі.


Averyan Dzeruzhinsky

Авяр’ян Дзеружынскі

Teacher I have Masha doll, I have Dasha doll and Natasha doll. I'm not a mom for them anymore, I am a teacher for them — My first graders. Dolls in syllables read, And draw, and sing. because of the children, I have no time for playing in the yard.


У мяне ёсць лялька Маша, У мяне ёсць лялька Даша І Наташа ёсць таксама. Я для іх ужо не мама, Я настаўніца для іх — Першакласнічкаў маіх. Лялькі па складах чытаюць, І малююць, і спяваюць. Мне з-за гэтай дзетвары Не да гульняў у двары.

Vasil Vitka

Васіль Вітка

Friends Who's knocking on the window? Is that you, tits? I woke up a long time ago, Braided pigtails. Here I put on a coat, I'll run out on the porch, From the stairs swept the snow, I'll make breakfast. Here halva and cottage cheese, A sausage plate, Warm meat pie — Eat, please. At lunch, tits, again, come to me. Well, I have to go home, I did not eat myself.


Хто там грукае ў акно? Гэта вы, сінічкі? Я прачнулася даўно, Запляла касічкі. Вось надзену кажушок, Выбегу на ганак, З лесвіцы смяту сняжок, Вынесу сняданак. Тут халва і тваражок, Скрылічак каўбаскі, Цёплы з мясам піражок — Ешце, калі ласка. У абед, сінічкі, зноў, Прылятайце смела. Ну, а мне — пара дамоў, Я ж сама не ела.




Vivat Bolshoi!

Non-traditional gift – a festive concert – was presented by the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus to opera and ballet lovers on the occasion of its birthday


Honored Artists of Belarus Lyudmila Khitrova and Konstantin Geronik. Adagio from the ballet "The Nutcracker"

n hour before the start of the celebration on that day, May 25, the public began to flock to the front entrance to the theatre. In the Bolshoi, I myself have observed more than once, they come, as a rule, in advance. If you will be a little late until the first call, you will not be able to park your car in the theatrical parking: you will have to drive outside the theatre territory, and then run back so as not to be late... And here is the birthday, which is also celebrated on the days of the pandemic... Getting out in advance means not to lose the opportunity to plunge into the elevated atmosphere already when approaching the theatre. If you take your time, then you will taste the smells of spring, even if it is cold this year, you will notice the shine of drops


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sparkling in the sun in the fountains that come to life in front of the theatre. And, of course, the smiles of the ladies, who seem to be hiding behind such annoying masks, but are guessed by sparkling eyes. The gallantry of men who support their companions by the elbow will also not be left without your attention. And to get out in advance means to feel unity with all those who like our beautiful Bolshoi Theatre, a diamond among diamonds, as it is called. I admit, a special feeling to feel like a part of the whole! I am in the foyer. I bow to my acquaintances. We congratulate each other on the theatre's birthday. By the way, on social networks, in particular, in contact, you can hear a lot of sincere congratulations from your favorite artists, star soloists of opera and ballet. I see Elena Balabanovich, the leading editor

of the Bolshoi's marketing communications service. Let me remind readers that she actively cooperates with us, journalists: she always willingly gives interviews, informs about new projects of the Bolshoi, premieres and other events that take place in the theatre. Elena is a journalist herself. Her publications can be found on the pages of the "Parterre" magazine. True, it has not yet been released due to the covid situation in the country. Elena with pleasure, handing over the program, has time to inform that this time the Bolshoi offers the audience a format for an unusual and unexpected celebration of the theatre's birthday. She adds: the theatre management decided to change the format: to prepare a festive concert. We also remembered what extensive excursion programs were carried out in the past in the theatre. Thanks to this,

celebration the audience got acquainted with the "kitchen" of the theatre, with what is hidden from the audience's eyes. This is the work of make-up artists, props, workers of various workshops. The public had the opportunity to see the hard and responsible work of all Bolshoi services. Traditionally, this day ended with Georges Bizet's opera "Carmen", in which eminent artists from other theatres of the world were invited to the main roles. It was with this opera that the Opera House was opened back in 1933. True, on the stage of the Belarusian Drama Theatre, in the very place where the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre now stands. Larisa Aleksandrovskaya, People's Artist of the USSR, shone in the role of Carmen. By the way, on the website of the Bolshoi Theatre you can get a lot of interesting information about the history of the theatre, learn that the history of the theatre began long before its official opening. The first page was the Belarusian Musical College, in which the highest opera class was opened in 1928, its organizer and leader was Anton Petrovich Bonachich. On the basis of this class, in October 1930, the Belarusian Opera and Ballet Studio was created with the aim of preparing the opening of an opera and ballet theatre in the republic. In 1933 the studio was reorganized into a theatre. The Bolshoi archive contains posters, programs, photographs, printed materials from 1926 to the present. Many documents were collected on the history of the theatre, but during the war everything was plundered and taken away by the German occupiers. After the theatre returned from evacuation, its revival began, new performances were staged, posters, programs were created, photographers captured the stage action in photographs, reviews were written. All this was carefully collected and stored, and what remained with the actors about the theatre's activities was also collected. Today the theatre has all the official archival materials and the richest collection of posters, programs, photographs, printed materials about the theatre for all the years of its existence. The evening, which was prepared for May 25 by stage directors Galina Galkovskaya and conductor Ivan Kostyakhin, owners of the Francis Medal, was a success. On the

stage of the Bolshoi, we saw what powerful works of world ballet and opera classics are being performed on its stage, and what a rich repertoire has developed in the theatre over the past years. In this concert, like no other, whole scenes, fragments, numbers from the most iconic, most famous classical works were presented. Practically the entire ballet troupe, leading masters of opera and ballet, a fantastic choir, orchestra, mimans, young artists of the Children's Musical TheatreStudio were involved. The Bolshoi Theatre showed itself in all its might. By the way, according to Galina Galkovskaya, it was not for nothing that everyone who took part in the concert called this action a performance. "Such a non-random slip of the tongue," – she said shortly before the celebration to Elena Balabanovitch. I quote: "It would be great pleasure for me to enjoy the concert, sitting and listening to these great classical creations over and over again. Divine music, fantastic choreography of ballet and directorial decisions of opera performances – real "hits", one after another, will delight the audience. And this is really what should be proud of. Because not every theatre can boast of such a repertoire... We live in a time when, thanks to technical capabilities, rich photo and video documents, we can easily fly into the past – see and hear the legendary conductors, artists, musicians who created the glory of the Bolshoi. We have a rich theatrical history that must not be forgotten. The main thing is to keep this tradition alive. And our tradition is a high level of musical and choral culture, the same high professional quality of opera and ballet performances... We will try to make the audience plunge into the history of the theatre this evening, be inspired by what they see and hear on stage. I would like them to experience real emotions when they come to the theatre, and they have an irresistible desire to return here. Over and over again. Hope the audience will feel that this is really a holiday – a celebration of the true art triumph..." And so it was. Thanks to the masterfully arranged concert, we were able to plunge into the history of the theatre, which was presented at the super-curtain in the form of photographs. And when the photos

were replaced by one another, the music from those performances sounded, the fragments of which were captured in the photographs. The sounds of the magical music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Giacomo Puccini, Giuseppe Verdi, Dmitry Smolsky, Vyacheslav Kuznetsov, Georges Bizet, Sergei Prokofiev, Pietro Mascagni, Charles Gounod, Alexander Borodin, Carl Orff, Aram Khachaturian penetrated into the past, and the illusion of Aram Khachaturian brought us into the past, and our days. Let's say here's a picture of the brilliant Larisa Aleksandrovskaya as Carmen. The curtain rises on the stage of Carmen, Honored Artist of Belarus Oksana Yakushevich, our contemporary. I will note that in the Bolshoi there are two star performers of this bright and complex role. And each is good in its own way. Oksana Volkova, Honored Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of Belarus, sang the Santuzzi prayer from the opera "Rural Honor" that festive evening. In excerpts from repertoire performances, we saw brilliant opera and ballet soloists. These are People's Artists of Belarus Irina Yeromkina, Olga Gaiko, Nina Sharubina, Anastasia Moskvina, Vladimir Petrov, Sergei Frankovsky, Vladimir Gromov, Igor Artamonov, Vasily Kovalchuk, Honored Artists of the Republic Oksana Volkova, Lyudmi l a K hit rova,

Marta Danusevich and Alexander Gelakh (la Boheme), opera soloists



Celebration Konstantin Geronik, Stanislav, Yuryfonov, Andrei Valentiy Kovalev, Anton Kravchenko, Alexander Keda, Oleg Melnikov, winners of the Francisk Skorina medal Tatyana Gavrilova, Tatyana Petrova, Igor Onoshko, Yegor Azarkevich, Yuri Gorodetsky, laureates of international competitions Maria Galkina, Elena Zolova, Kriskentia Stasenko, Alexander Mikhnyuk, Takatoshi Machiyama, Dmitry Shabetya, Alexey Mikutel, Taras Prisyazhnyuk, Alexander Gelakh, Victor Mendelev, as well as Lyudmila Ulantseva, Artem Bankovsky, Tatiana Ulasen, Igor Matskevich, Even Kapiten and others. Of course, the list goes on to name all those who work in the name of the art of opera and ballet. Separately, I would like to note the Bolshoi Choir, each soloist of which is worthy of all respect and admiration. It has been said more than once about the high professionalism of the choir artists, about their artistry, about its bright sound. All this is both the talent of the performers and the merit of the chief choirmaster Nina Lomanovich, People's Artist of Belarus. Currently, the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus includes more than 80 titles of operas and ballets (national performances, masterpieces of world classics and modern productions). More than 60 premieres were staged from 2009 to 2019. The following performances became laureates of the National Theatre Award during this period: "Nabucco" by G. Verdi (2010), "Aida" by J. Verdi (2012), "The Flying Dutchman" by R. Wagner (2014), "Vitovt" by V. Kuznetsov (2014) , "The Little Prince" by E. Glebov (2016), "The Tsar's Bride" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov (2016). For the production of the ballet "Vitovt" the collective of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus was awarded a high award – the prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus "For Spiritual Revival" (2014). The creative team of D. Smolsky's opera "The Gray Legend" was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus (2017). The management of the theatre signed 30 memorandums of cooperation with the largest theatres of the near and far abroad. Today, on the day of the 88th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theatre, its core is made up of dozens of outstanding names in the opera and ballet scene. Among the soloists, whose names sounded above, the stars who shone


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on the leading stages of the world – the Grand Opera, La Scala Theatre, Metropolitan Opera, Bolshoi Theatre of Russia and many others. The creative teams of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus are actively touring, viewers from more than 30 countries of the world are familiar with the art of the theatre artists. The Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus was awarded the UNESCO Commemorative Medal "Five Continents" for an outstanding contribution to the popularization of choreographic and operatic art all over the world and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Belarus' membership in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Our performers received the most prestigious international awards, won major competitions, achieved high titles and international recognition. The Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus went through different periods, but it always remained true to its mission: to give hope, discover the beauty of the world and help find harmony in any life situation. By Mikhalina Cherkashina Photo credit: Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus


The National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus celebrated its 88th birthday беларусь. belarus 2021




the special

in the ordinary An exhibition of graphics and watercolors by Leonid Marchenko "Chronicle of my roads", timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the master's birth, did not remain unnoticed at the National Art Museum. The exposition consisted of about forty works of the author. It should be noted that earlier the artist's works were often exhibited at republican and international exhibitions. Graphics by Leonid Marchenko are in the funds of many galleries and museums, including the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Cologne, in private collections. He died early – at the age of 54, nevertheless leaving behind a rich artistic heritage: etchings, lithographs, linocuts, pencil drawings, watercolors, painting. About a talented artist, a tireless traveler, a person in love with life, tell his works – bright, expressive, detailed. The main characters of Marchenko's works are often the most ordinary motives: a road barely lit by a timid spring sun, bee hives drowning in the snow on a gloomy winter day, a velvety purple evening on the banks of a river decorated with autumn gold, powerful hulls of old ships, ancient burial places lost in the Turkmen steppes, the city, captured with documentary accuracy from a bird's eye view... But it is precisely in such seemingly unpretentious plots, according to the author, that the amazing versatility of the surrounding world is manifested, reality is revealed in all the diversity of its manifestations. Leonid Marchenko tirelessly conducted a kind of "reporting" activity. Wherever he was, the pencil was his most faithful and unchanging companion, helping to fix places, events, people. The artist visited many parts of the world: in the north, at the foot of the harsh mountains of Turkmenistan, traveled to Western Europe, walked along the narrow streets of noisy Baku, traveled


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all over Belarus. As a result, whole series appeared as a memory of the trips: "Polar Circle", "Around Turkmenistan", "My Belarus", "Women of Polesie", "My Land of Lakes", "Land of Naroch", "Minsk", "Earth and People", "Summer in Zolotinka. BAM". Some of the sheets from these series were also presented at the current exhibition at the National Museum of Art. Slender, flexible lines are characteristic of the lithography "Girls" from the "Women of Polesie" series, which sounds like a hymn to youth. The tranquil grandeur of the northern seas appears in the etchings "Convoying" and "Port of Igarka", which presented the series "Arctic Circle" at the exhibition. The expressive rhythm of the city with its inherent continuous movement is conveyed in the etchings of "Minsk" series. The ancient Turkmen steppe breathes with the infinity of the universe in the etching "Ancient Burials" (series "Around Turkmenistan"). At the same time, in a paradoxical way, the plot tells about the inevitable finiteness of being. Pencil drawings "Century oaks", "Three pines", etching "Coast" sounded like a hymn to the nature of the native country, its grandeur and beauty. Leonid Marchenko is known primarily as a master of etching. At the same time, the artist also created magnificent watercolors. He turned to this technique at the dawn of his career, then returned to it, being already a mature master, feeling the need for color and painting. His watercolors are light and relaxed, airy and transparent. Created in the open air, practically "in one step", they are distinguished by freshness of perception and ease of execution. Marchenko skillfully conveyed transitional states of nature, when

Creativity everything around seemed to plunge into silence, freeze before the coming changes. And these special vibrations of the day passing into twilight or the breath of winter poured in the transparent autumn air were skillfully conveyed to them by a delicate touch of a brush on paper, a soft color playing with fine edges and creating a feeling of weightlessness of the depicted. Such are the works "Autumn motive", "Lake. Evening", "Winter Day", "Berezina. Blue evening". And as if in contrast to the fragility of these works, with the saturation and riot of colors attract "Lilac", "Apple Branch", "Kolozha Church", "Spring. Willows". Landscape and still life are Marchenko's favorite watercolor genres. He turned to the image of a person less often, therefore "Portrait of the Artist's Wife (Nina Marchenko)" attracts special attention. In addition to genre specificity, the work is filled with a charming sound of special tenderness, life itself, sounding in the golden air of a summer day. The exhibition "Chronicle of my roads" shows the creatively versatile Leonid Marchenko: both as a capable etcher – one of the best in Belarus, and, undoubtedly, as a subtle aquarellist-colorist. However, his main talent, according to the apt observation of the famous Belarusian artist Boris Zaborov, was that Leonid Marchenko knew how to discover beauty in the ordinary, to see the big in the small, in a simple motive – the harmony of the world. At the time of his creative development, in the mid-70s, Leonid Marchenko created an etching triptych "My Land of Lakes". Particularly noteworthy is one of the sheets of this series, entitled "Spring": a boy-artist kneels in front of an easel, peering into a huge blooming world. As if asking: what awaits me ahead in this beautiful world, filled with fresh air and the scent of herbs, hopes and disappointments, discoveries and unsolved universe secrets? Leonid did not live in this world for long, but he managed to really absorb a lot into himself, into his character, into his art: the pristine beauty of the earth and its pain, human involvement and the call of historical memory, long miles of many-sided roads and modern rhythms of current everyday life. Yes, the artist embodied his impressions, sensations, his dreams in drawing, etching, lithography, watercolors, leaving as a keepsake to his contemporaries and those who will live after. And in moments of joy, and in hours of difficult experiences, Leonid never left the deepest faith in the power and ultimate triumph of the light elements of life. For he saw life with a fresh, heartfelt look, along the paths of creativity he was led by a passion for the knowledge of the new, the unknown. Traveling along distant and close parallels and meridians of the then Soviet Union was his organic need, and endless communication with people was the source of his emotional balance. He loved his Fatherland — Belarus and his small homeland — Bobruisk. With ecstasy and admiration he painted Naroch area and Lepel district, big Minsk and small Postavy, Smorgon and Logoisk, marvelous lakes, picturesque the Berezina and Dnieper, Svisloch and Pripyat rivers. Of course, Leonid was lucky to see the world: he visited the Arctic, Siberia and Central Asia, the Crimea, the Baltic States and

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Creativity the Caucasus, visited Spain, Poland, Germany, Syria, and visited Denmark three times. And everywhere the artist worked. And he carried the results of his labor to people: over thirty republican, more than a dozen foreign and international exhibitions on his account, not to mention those works that went into private collections and galleries. The best art museums have acquired the works of the artist. The meeting with the famous graphic artist, People's Artist of Belarus, Academician Georgy Poplavsky, which later grew into a long-term close friendship, was a significant event for Leonid Marchenko in his creative and personal life. Poplavsky became not only his spiritual mentor in art, but also a discerning critic. It is important to note that the young artists of the 70s were lucky: as a rule, after graduation from the institute, almost all of them became masters for whom art was the main business of life, and their daily bread was obtained only by creativity. This was facilitated by the Union of Artists with a good material base and houses of creativity. In one of these creative houses, known as "Senezh", which is near Moscow, Leonid Marchenko worked three times. And we can say with confidence that here he not only polished his professional skills in the field of printing graphics, but also absorbed the amazing spiritual atmosphere that was created by young artists who came here from different parts of the country.

Leonid worked in various areas of fine art, tried himself in oil painting and book illustration. But, as already noted, he showed himself most fully in etching, watercolors and pencil drawing. The drawing was for him "a reflection with a pencil in his hand." He really loved a graphite pencil for its tenderness and elasticity, velvety and hardness of the line, for the transparency and density of the stroke. He painted everything that was beautiful, that fell on his soul, that could be useful for future etching. He painted Belarusian villages and the Siberian boundless taiga, landscapes of Denmark and the pine trees of Crimea and Jurmala, fellow Belarusians at the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and old veteran partisans, workers of the Caspian shipyards and sailors of the icebreaker "Peter the Great". In the last years of his life, he created a large series of brilliant etchings dedicated to the nature of Belarus. This "swan song" of the master, filled with tenderness for the native land, an anxious sense of belonging to it and reflections on the place of man in nature, can be "listened to" for hours. And Marchenko wrote his first strophe back in the late 70s, declaring himself in the etchings "Lake Charosovo" and "Silence" as an artist of great emotional intensity. And he continued this line until the end of his days, considering himself an artist "of his land and his sky." Alexander Pimenov

During the exhibition


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Rainbow over the Svisloch near Victory Park in Minsk

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