2011 Belfast Photo Festival Programme

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1. Cover

Programme of Events 04 – 14 August 2011


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14: City Hall Screen 15: Waterfront Hall 16: Empress Gallery 17: Ulster Hall 18: Ormeau Baths Gallery 19: Crescent Arts Centre 20: Ulster Museum

Festival at a Glance 04 Exhibitions 05 Walks 12 Talks/Seminars 14 Book Launches 20 Screenings 21 Workshops 22

Welcome to the Belfast Photo Festival 2011 Programme of photo exhibitions including the premier launch of work by international photographers alongside workshops, interactive events, masterclasses and portfolio reviews. This is Northern Ireland’s first major photographic event celebrating some of the finest national and international contemporary photography and visual culture. By placing amateur photographers alongside professionals we aim to be inclusive, increase access and widen participation in photography, provoking thought, discussion, interest and simple enjoyment of the medium.



We hope to inspire the countries future photographers, artists and entrepreneurs, offering new, exciting, welcoming and sometimes challenging experiences to audiences through the Festival’s programme of events.


7: Belfast Exposed Photography Gallery 8: The Spaniard 9: Clements (Rosemary Street) 10: Red Barn Gallery 11: Platform Arts 12: Queen Street Studios/DAS/Creative Flux 13: PLACE, Architecture Gallery


Festival Hotspots 1: Golden Thread Gallery 2: University Gallery (University of Ulster) 3: Clements (Royal Ave) 4: The John Hewitt 5: The Third Space 6: Black Box


The Festival aims to forge effective and positive relationships for future festival delivery across private, public and voluntary sector organisations while helping sustain those sectors of the arts. In establishing a new, innovative, creative and unique photography festival for the UK and Ireland we are focused on creating new channels of cultural exchange within the international photographic community and promoting Belfast as a hub for the photographic arts. I invite you to view, participate and expand your enjoyment of photography through the Festival. Michael Weir Festival Director

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Festival at a Glance Thursday 04 August It Is Still Scheduled Exhibition Document Artist Talk: Document Detonating Rough Ground Animal Long Way to Paradise A New Way In Common Place Scheduled Exhibition Polonia and Other Fables Tales from the Promised Land Attention Seekers Under A Grey Sky The Dark Christopher Martin Blurb Presents Show Belfast Photo Festival Official Launch Party Opening Concert - Special Guests Festival Opening Party

Location Clements, Royal Avenue City Hall Screen Queen Street Studios Queen Street Studios Ormeau Baths Gallery Creative Flux Platform Arts Place Ulster Hall City Hall Screen Belfast Exposed John Hewitt Third Space Gallery Golden Thread Gallery Black Box Café Black Box Black Box Black Box The Spaniard

Time 9am 12:30pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm 5:30pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 9pm 9:30pm 9pm -late

Friday 05 August Workshop: Master-class Simon Norfolk Workshop: Blurb Book Making Seminar Scheduled Exhibition Artist Talk: Under A Grey Sky Artist Talk: Animal Talk: On The Page - Works by bookRoom Scheduled Exhibition Belfast Photo Factory Book Launch Red Barn Archive Talk: Red Barn Archive

Location Belfast Exposed Belfast Exposed City Hall Screen Golden Thread Gallery Belfast Exposed Belfast Exposed City Hall Screen Belfast Exposed Red Barn Gallery Red Barn Gallery

Time 8pm 12pm 12:30pm 1pm 1:30pm 2:45pm 5:30pm 6pm 6pm 7pm

Saturday 06 August Workshop: Fashion Photography Tour: Festival Art Hunt Talk: Photography and the Book Scheduled Exhibition Artist Talk: Burke+Norfolk Book Launch

Location Belfast Exposed Ulster Hall Belfast Exposed City Hall Screen Belfast Exposed

Time 10am 12pm 11:30am 12:30pm 1:30pm

Workshop: Blurb Book Making Seminar Artist Talk: Attention Seekers Creating the Perfect Print Scheduled Exhibition Full Spectrum Dominance Artist Talk: Full Spectrum Dominance

Black Box Third Space Gallery Ormeau Baths Gallery City Hall Screen University Gallery University Gallery

2pm 3:30pm 4pm 5:30pm 6pm 7pm

Sunday 07 August Scheduled Exhibition Tour: Exploring Belfast In Photographs Workshop: The Craft Of Blue Print Scheduled Exhibition

Location City Hall Screen Albert Clock Crescent Arts City Hall Screen

Time 12:30pm 2pm 3pm 5:30pm


Festival Dark Room Crescent Arts Centre 04– 14 August Monday to Friday, 10am-10pm Saturday & Sunday, 10am- 5pm Free The Festival Dark Room is a place, which you are welcome to use throughout the Festival, whether to develop film or enlarge and print your photographs.


(Chemicals will be subject to availability and reasonable use, photo paper not provided) To book a slot, visit the Festival website.


Monday 08 August Scheduled Exhibition Europe by Christof Pluemacher Scheduled Exhibition

Location City Hall Screen Waterfront Hall City Hall Screen

Time 12:30pm 6pm 5:30pm

Tuesday 09 August Scheduled Exhibition Talk: Martin Parr’s Ireland Scheduled Exhibition Launch & Talk: Looking at Looking Workshop: Photographic Website Creation 1/3 Detonating Rough Ground

Location City Hall Screen Ulster Hall City Hall Screen Empress Gallery Digital Arts Studios Ormeau Baths Gallery

Time 12:30pm 1pm 5:30pm 6pm 6pm 7pm

Wednesday10 August Scheduled Exhibition Talk: Image and Reality Talk: Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship Scheduled Exhibition 2011 Open Submission Photographic Website Creation 2/3 Mid-Festival Party

Location City Hall Screen Ulster Museum Belfast Exposed City Hall Screen Waterfront Hall Digitals Arts Studios The Spaniard

Time 12:30pm 1pm 4pm 5:30pm 6pm 6pm 9pm

Thursday 11 August Screening: An Italian Dream Scheduled Exhibition Scheduled Exhibition Photographic Website Creation 3/3

Location Ulster Hall City Hall Screen City Hall Screen Digital Arts Studios

Time 12pm 12:30pm 5:30pm 6pm

Friday 12 August Scheduled Exhibition Talk: Photo Journalism in N.I. by Alan Lewis Talk: Show & Tell Paper Talk Scheduled Exhibition

Location City Hall Screen Golden Thread Gallery Belfast Exposed Belfast Exposed City Hall Screen

Time 12:30pm 1pm 2pm 4pm 5:30pm

Saturday 13 August Workshop: Black & White Digital Darkroom Tour/Workshop: Photographing Architecture Portfolio Reviews

Location Belfast Exposed Place Crescent Arts Centre

Time 10am 11:00am 12pm

Scheduled Exhibition Talk: Source Magazine: Stock Take Talk: Anthony Luvera - Residency, Book Launch Scheduled Exhibition

City Hall Screen Belfast Exposed Belfast Exposed City Hall Screen

12:30pm 2pm 4pm 5:30pm

Sunday 14 August Review: See Your Photographs In Print Scheduled Exhibition Tour/Workshop: Photo Walk Workshop: The Craft of Blue Print - Cyanotype Scheduled Exhibition Closing Party



City Hall Screen Belfast Exposed Crescent Arts Centre City Hall Screen The Spaniard

12:30pm 1:30pm 3pm 5:30pm 8pm

The Photographers Lounge The Spaniard 04 - 14 August, 12 noon - late Come have a drink, celebrate, relax and converse with photographers, curators and Festival goers at The Photographers Lounge throughout the Festival. Why not try our Festival cocktail or have a bite to eat? Festival Launch Party Thursday 04 August, 9pm - late Mid-Festival Party Wednesday 10 August, 8pm - late Closing Party Sunday 14 August, 8pm - late


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Exhibitions Common Place Eoin O’Conaill Ulster Hall 05 – 29 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 6pm) Monday to Friday, 10am- 5pm Common Place is a visual exploration of Ireland during the recent period of cultural and economic change. Photographed throughout the country these images look to the everyday landscape, at the often overlooked local place and space. This work traces the visual contradictions embedded in the urban landscape and charts a course between the specific locality and the global anywhere of the contemporary developed world. The evocative stillness of O Conaill’s images, bathed in the uncertain light of early morning or late evening, explore the tension between what is vanishing and what is newly emerged within the Irish landscape.

Under A Grey Sky Simon Burch Golden Thread Gallery 04 – 25 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 6pm) Tuesday to Friday, 10:30am- 5:30pm Saturday, 10:30am- 4pm

Long Way To Paradise Group Exhibition - SuperMassiveBlackhole Platform Arts 04 – 12 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 5pm) Tuesday to Saturday 12pm- 5pm

The Golden Thread Gallery will be presenting the Northern Irish premiere of ‘Under A Grey Sky’ by the Irish photographer Simon Burch. The work documents the boglands of Co. Offaly blackened as a result of mechanised turf cutting which is used to provide electricity for the Irish national grid.

Red Barn Archive Red Barn Gallery 06 – 25 August (Opening Friday 05 August, 6pm) Monday to Saturday, 10:30am - 5pm

Automatic turf production was established in Ireland in the 1920s but it is estimated to last only another 15-20 years. Burch was interested in recording this overlooked industrial landscape and its local community. Artist Talk: Friday 05 August, 1pm Attention Seekers Miriam O’Connor Third Space Gallery 05 August – 13 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 6pm) Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 5pm


Produced over a period of two years, ‘Attention Seekers’ is a personal portrayal and playful response to everyday scenes, arbitrary spaces and people encountered by the photographer. While the ordinary or the everyday are habitually tied up with concepts of familiarity and routine, it is here that O’Connor discovers infinite possibilities, slicing out its details which petition for attention and assimilate allure. Artist Talk: Saturday 06 August, 3:30pm

This exhibition represents the launch of the Red Barn Gallery archive, consisting of 30 selected photographs taken by some of the country’s most respected photographers. Covering the last five decades and some of the most prominent moments in Northern Irelands history the archive consists of approx 160,000 images and continues to grow.


Artist Talk: Friday 05 August, 7pm

Document Roseanne Lynch Queen Street Studios 05 – 27 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 5pm) Tuesday to Thursday, 10am-5pm Roseanne’s practice looks at qualities of photography and how the photographic process affects the looking, and therefore the interpretation of a subject is an ongoing interest. Recurring themes of light, truth, perception and representation, uncertainty and the understanding held within the unknowing are her areas of exploration. She is also concerned with viewer engagement, and creating a space where the viewer is allowed to become aware of their own presence. Artist Talk: Thursday 04 August, 5pm

The title of the song ;It’s A Long Way To Paradise (From Here)’ by the Belfast punk band Stiff Little Fingers sets the tone for this exhibition. The series attempts to reflect the current frustrations resulting from the recent economic collapse and political upheavals as interpreted through the urban environment and its inhabitants. This exhibition shows the work of ten engaging photographers from Ireland and around the world, whose work explores the contradictory nature of living in a modern city; combining a sense of anxiety and hope, of inertia and freedom, and of dreams and reality.

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Exhibitions Full Spectrum Dominance Simon Norfolk University Gallery (University of Ulster) 08 – 25 August (Opening on Saturday 06 August, 6pm ) Tues to Sat, 11am - 5pm This series of military rocket and missile launches in America continues Norfolk’s exploration of the Sublime in the landscape. To capture these images, Norfolk gained access into the guarded world of satellite launches and nuclear missile tests at locations including Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. These missiles and rockets are born in utter secrecy, launched from closed military bases and live out their lives in the soundless dark of deep space. They are what Norfolk terms the ‘Military Sublime’ the height of human achievement harnessed, not for beauty, but to find more ingenious ways for us to kill each other.

2011 Belfast Photo Festival Open Submission Group Exhibition Waterfront Hall, Gallery 2 11– 31 August (Opening Wednesday 10 August, 6pm) Monday to Saturday, 10am- 5pm This exciting and visually inspiring exhibition consists of work by fourteen national and international photographers, which have been selected by the Festival’s distinguished panel of judges from over 4,000 submitted images.

Artist Talk: Saturday 06 August, 7pm

Animal Elliot Ross Creative Flux 05 – 30 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 6pm) Monday to Saturday,11am- 6pm Thursday, 11am- 9pm

The Dark Christopher Martin Black Boxm Café 05 – 25 August (Opens Thurdsday 04 August, 5pm) Thursday to Saturday, 5-11pm “It isn’t very good In the Dark Dark Wood, In the middle of the night When there isn’t any light; It isn’t very good In the Dark Dark Wood.” Extract from ‘Here comes Noddy Again’ by Enid Blyton In these images the photographer has tried to capture the sense of unease and isolation caused by these words from his childhood.


‘Animal’ is a meditation on how it feels to be an animal sharing a world with other species of animal.

Tales From The Promised Land Kenneth O’Halloran The John Hewitt 05 – 25 August (Opening Thursday 04 August, 6pm) This exhibition reflects on the collapse of Ireland’s housing boom, where the true value of half-completed housing developments on stunningly obscure sites in the so-called commuter counties now lie savagely exposed. Agricultural land bought for astronomical sums at the height of the boom are reduced to wasteland. ‘Zombie’ hotels, ‘ghost’ estates and mothballed apartment blocks mock the hubris of another era, like the desert kingdom of Ozymandias: “Look on my works, ye mighty, and dispair!”.

Each image in ‘Animal’ is not only a portrait of a non-human animal; it is, in some ways, a self-portrait (for each of us has, to some degree, DNA in common with other species), and also a question: What can be known and what is unknowable about being an individual of another animal species? Artist talk: Friday 05 August, 1.30pm

Europe Christof Pluemacher Waterfront Hall, Concourse 09 – 30 August (Opening on Monday 08 August, 6pm) Monday to Saturday, 10am- 5pm Belfast Photo Festival is proud to present the premiere of a new body of work by Christof Pluemacher, one of Germany’s foremost photographic artists. ‘Europe’ is a series dealing with subjective, stereotypical views of a variety of European nations.


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Polonia and Other Fables Allan Sekula Belfast Exposed Until 19 August Tuesday to Saturday, 11am- 4pm At Belfast Exposed during the Belfast Photo Festival: ‘Polonia and Other Fables’ is an exhibition of recent work by acclaimed photographer Allan Sekula, exploring very personal themes linked to his family’s Polish roots and to the wider question of emigration, the Chicago Polonia and Polish-American relations in general as they are visible in business or politics. The exhibition is curated by Karolina Lewandowska and commissioned by Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw and The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago, with the support of Belfast Exposed.

It is Still Clare Samuel Clements, Royal Ave 04 – 30 August Monday to Saturday, 9am - 5pm

Supported by Arts Council Northern Ireland, Belfast City Council and Polish Cultural Institute.

Looking at Looking Group Exhibition Empress Gallery (Citigolf) 09 – 27 August (Opening Tuesday 09 August, 6pm) ‘Looking at Looking’ is a thematic group show that looks at aspects of perception and representation within a visual medium; in particular how artists are trying to challenge existing representations in a socially responsible way. The group of young artists involved have closely observed the genre of portraiture and attempted to take it to the next level so that their subjects are fully represented, and so that the viewer is able to get closer to – and emotionally identify with - the subjects. The artists are attempting to address a combination of various experiences encountered in life such as disability, sexuality, parenthood and death, and societys wide range of reactions to these issues.

The photographic series It is Still (2009) explores how much portraiture can communicate with the viewer about the interior emotional state of the subject. The images’ silent choreography of subtle gestures and poses could be an attempt at interaction with the spectator, or instead part of an interior dialogue with the self. The expressions of the young people photographed are similarly ambiguous and unsettling; they can read as anguish or despair, but are also evocative of 18th Century paintings of saints depicted in a state of grace, in communication with a divine presence.

Embrace Various Locations 04 - 31 August Running alongside the Festival, a series of fringe exhibitions have been organised by the Empress Gallery, University of Ulster Students and local artists have worked closely with local businesses and charities to locate photography in the context of the city. Full details and locations can be found at: www.theempressgallery.co.uk/embrace

Talk: Tuesday 09 August, 6:30pm



Detonating Rough Ground Paul Seawright / Sophie Ristelhueber Ormeau Baths Gallery 21 July – 28 August Tuesday to Saturday, 10am- 5pm This exhibition includes works by artists whose photography, in differing ways, engages with the experiential representation of trauma and memory and the sensory and affective aspects of conflict as laid into ‘haunted’ rubble. Artist Talk: Tuesday 09 August, 7pm £3. Paul Seawright will discuss his recent work in the exhibition ‘Detonating Rough Ground’ with an accompanying screening of: Werner Herzog’s ‘Lessons of Darkness’ (1992)

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Exploring Belfast in photographs A Walking Tour of Belfast Leaves from the Albert Clock at 2pm Sunday 07 August £3 per person Join the editor of Source Magazine on a walk through Belfast that will take you to the original locations of photographs by eight different photographers who have worked in the city. As we stop off at each location we will find out a little bit more about the work of the individual photographers. The walk will take approximately 3hrs and will stop off to look at the locations and photographs of Robert French, Bill Kirk, Patrick Mc Coy, Jonathan Olley, Sean McKernan, Leah McGrath, Clauio Hils and Mary McIntyre. Visit the Festival website for more details.

Source Online and in Print: the magazine fOr cOntemPOrary PhOtOgraPhy www.Source.ie

Photo Walk Meeting: Belfast Exposed Sunday 14 August 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Architectural Walking Tour and Photography Masterclass: Art Deco Belfast Leaves from PLACE Saturday 13 August, 11am -1pm £10 With its sleek, futuristic lines and exotic flourishes, Art Deco was a hallmark of the early 20th Century. Mixing modernity with adventure and far flung cultures, it swept across the world in the 1920’s and 30’s, from Miami to New Zealand. Come with us and discover the impact this colourful, electric style had on the city of Belfast. This special tour has a photographic focus: with reference to his own work, Todd Watson will give advice on producing beautiful photographs of architecture as the tour progresses. Bring a camera!

The Photo-walk is springing up among photography groups around the world, and comes from a desire to connect and build community with other photographers while sharing and learning from one another. Photo-walks have been a part of the local photographic collective Red:Photo from their beginning and as part of the Festival they will be facilitating one in Belfast. This event is open to all who love photography whether you are starting out or are a seasoned pro. It’s a great chance to meet new people, share your knowledge and learn from others while exploring a part of the city. The walk will conclude with drinks in one of Belfast’s fine bars.

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For more information visit the Festival website.

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The Great Belfast Art Hunt Ulster Hall Saturday 6 August, 1pm £6 / £5 (Concession)

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Experience up to ten galleries in one day, meet with artists and curators, solve the clues and win great prizes. (First Prize £100) Concludes with an unmissable gallery party from 4pm onwards. For more information visit the Festival website.

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“For me it’s all about creating an image that’s more than a two dimensional representation. I try to create an image that reflects the soul of the subject. When I achieve that I am happy” – Todd Watson, Signals Photography.


Limited to 15 places, please book in advance at www.go.placeni.org/tickets

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Book making seminar with Blurb Belfast Exposed (Photo-Book Lounge) Friday 05 August, 12pm-1:30pm + Black Box Saturday 06 August, 2pm- 3:30pm

Under A Grey Sky - Simon Burch Golden Thread Gallery Friday 05 August, 1pm

How to make a book with Blurb. Learn how to self-publish using Blurb as this seminar provides a quick and easy overview of the platform, bookmaking tools, tips, tricks, and marketing/selling your book.

The Irish photographer Simon Burch will be providing an insight into his four year project ‘Under A Grey Sky’, which will be on display at the Golden Thread Gallery throughout the Festival. In this body of work Simon explores the rain soaked peatlands of Ireland’s Central Plain. This unique landscape, which is set to disappear in the next 15 or so years is the result of having been the most intensively industrialised landscape in the country.

Artist Talk: Simon Norfolk Full Spectrum Dominance University Gallery (University of Ulster) Saturday 06 August, 7pm Photographer Simon Norfolk will talk about and discuss his body of work ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’, which looks at military rocket and missile launches in America. They are what Norfolk terms the ‘Military Sublime’ the height of human achievement harnessed, not for beauty, but to find more ingenious ways for us to kill each other. Festival Donations

Book Room Belfast Exposed (Photo-Book Lounge) Friday 05 August, 2:45pm In this talk, Emmanuelle Waeckerle who is co-founder/director of Book Room, (University of Creative Arts London) will talk about their efforts to engage with cultural, artistic and creative production through debate and dissemination of on the page works. She will also be sharing her wealth of knowledge and insight into the various ways in which the book, the magazine and other on page works provide a vehicle for the spread of photographic, graphic and text based work.


In appreciation of any voluntary donation you make at a Festival event, you will be entered in a draw for an opportunity to win three printing prizes as a token of our appreciation, courtesy of and sponsored by Iris Colour. Photography and The Book Belfast Exposed (Photo-book Lounge) Saturday 06 August, 11:30am Photography and the book is a well established form but how these books are produced and distributed is now changing. This panel explores the impact of digital technology and online distribution on the practice and process of making photography books, whether they be commercial, independent or self-published. Also being discussed will be what the foreseeable future is for the photo-book. Speakers include: Emmanuel Waeckerle (Book Room), Anna Pfab (Schilt Publishing) and Teresa Preira (Blurb).

Suggested Donation: £3 1. £750 Printing Prize 2. £500 Printing Prize 3. £200 Printing Prize Winners will be announced on the last day of the Festival on the Festival website.

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Martin Parr’s Ireland: A Photographic Landscape Ulster Hall Tuesday 09 August, 1pm This talk focuses on photographer Martin Parr’s, representation of Ireland and considers the extent to which his work subverts stereotypes of ‘Irishness.’ Speaker: Gail Baylis, Lecturer, University of Ulster.

Show & Tell - Red:Collective Belfast Exposed Friday 12 August, 2pm The Red:Collective ‘Show and Tell’ an informal event, which encourages photographers and creatives to step out and present their photography with others who in turn find encouragement and inspiration in listening to them talk about their work and the process of creating it. The floor will be open for any photographers who would like to present and share their photographic body of work and discuss it with those attending, beginning with local photographer Tim Doak sharing his latest project ‘Beautiful Dawn.’


Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Belfast Exposed Wednesday 10 August, 4pm The creative and cultural industries have been pushed by the government over the past decades and are now some of the fastest growing industries in the UK, including as wide a spectrum of work from software development to theatre, broadcasting, design and festivals, with many others in between. With the public cuts in funding the entrepreneurial route is not only being pushed by the government, it is also seen by many creative and cultural workers and organisations as a means to survive and adapt in a changing and unstable economical environment. This talk led by Sophie Rasmussen, will look at the current opportunities for creative people and organisations in arts and culture who wish to take more control of their situation in these precarious times. There will be an opportunity for open discussion at the end.

Image and Reality: Photography and the Construction of an Ideal of Irish ‘Irishness’ Ulster Museum Wednesday 10 August, 1pm This talk will look at how photography has been used both to shape and reflect a highlyspecific image and idea of Ireland and how this image has been used for a range of national, political, economic and cultural purposes. Part of the discussion will touch on wider issues within the history of photography, and how perceptions of reality are complicated by the existence and exploitation of historic photographical stereotypes.

CHARDONNAY Luscious and full bodied with layers of flavour. CABERNET MERLOT Flavours of blackcurrant, chocolate and mint. Great length and depth.


Speaker: Vivienne Pollock, Curator of History, National Museums Northern Ireland.

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Iris Colour is one of the biggest names in large format digital print and display in Ireland providing museum quality Fine Art, Photographic and Giclée printing as well as mounting services. We offer a professional and friendly service with the opportunity to work one to one to get the best results to suit your needs. There’s only one way to stay at the leading edge of large format digital technology and that is investment. This has been our policy since the inception of Iris Colour in 2000, not only in specialist equipment, but investment in our clients too. To this end we are delighted to be involved as Title Sponsor of 2011 Belfast Photo Festival

The talk will look at the photography of renowned Northern Irish Press photographer Alan Lewis and his work from the early days of the ‘Troubles’ up until the present day.

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Photojournalism in Northern Ireland Alan Lewis Golden Thread Gallery Friday 12 August, 1pm

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…and much, much more! Call today to discuss your project and see how we can work with you. Contact Alan Barbour or Eleanor McCann T: 028 9050 7900

Alan Lewis was a founder member of the Pacemaker Press picture agency which, in the early days of the ‘Troubles’, serviced all of the Irish and UK national newspapers as well as International papers and magazines including National Geographic and Time magazine. He joined the London Daily Mail staff in 1976 and worked as their Ireland based photographer covering local and international news events. When the Mail closed their Belfast office in 1993 he set up Photopress Belfast and now, as well as having contracts with the Belfast Telegraph and Daily Mirror to supply news coverage, Photopress is the first port of call for most of the UK national daily and Sunday papers requiring commissioned work to be carried out in Northern Ireland.

www.iris-colour.co.uk mail@iris-colour.co.uk Iris Colour, 105-109 Limestone Road, Belfast, BT15 3AB

Paper Talks Belfast Exposed Friday 12 August, 4pm Paper Talks will involve an open discussion on a number of theoretical questions through holding a series of talks based on the thesis arguments of recent graduates and students of the Masters and PHD Photography course at the University of Ulster. Through these informal series of talks held in Belfast Exposed, we will discuss questions raised by a selection of theses in an open floor debate held by the graduates/students themselves. See the Festival website for a list of scheduled topics.

Source Magazine: Stock Take Belfast Exposed Saturday 13 August, 2pm £4 A discussion of some of the most significant Irish work that has been in SOURCE photographic review in the last nineteen years. Speakers: Justin Carville – author of Photography & Ireland to be published by Reaktion 2011, looking at work from Ireland. Colin Graham – co-editor of Ireland and Cultural Theory, Macmillan and co-editor of The Irish Review, looking at work from Northern Ireland. Valerie Connor – Irish Commissioner for Venice and São Paulo Biennials in 2003 and 2004, looking at work produced in the last five years in Ireland, North or South. Chaired by Richard West, editor of Source.


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Book Launches


Burke + Norfolk Photographs from the War in Afghanistan by Simon Norfolk Belfast Exposed (Photo-Book Lounge) Saturday 06 August, 1:30pm The first ever photographs to be taken in Afghanistan were made by the Irish photographer John Burke (1843-1900). His eloquent images form an extraordinary record of the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-1880), yet today he is virtually unknown. Simon Norfolk (b. 1963) recognised in Burke’s photographs a humane and critical eye for the British colonial project and in 2010 travelled to Afghanistan in order to follow in his footsteps. In what he terms a collaboration with his Victorian forerunner, Norfolk engaged in a kind of re-photography. Burke’s diverse photographic output included landscapes, battlefields, archaeological sites, street scenes, portraits of British officers and ethnological group portraits of Afghans. Rather than artificially restaging these compositions exactly, Norfolk identified contemporary equivalents, researching and travelling to Burke’s vantage points and developing a digital version of his wet plate technique. As the singular ‘War’ in the exhibition title implies, Norfolk’s project is in part an indictment of the unrelenting impact of conflict and imperialism on the landscape and people of Afghanistan over the past 130 years. The echoing images that result from his partnership with Burke highlight points of continuity and change from either side of the twentieth-century in the war-ravaged country.

Animal Elliot Ross Belfast Exposed (Photo-Book Lounge) Friday 05 August, 1:30pm The photographer Elliot Ross will be launching and discussing his new book entitled Animal, which accompanies his exhibition of the same name that is on show at Creative Flux during the Festival.


Photo-Book Lounge Belfast Exposed 04 - 19 August 11am – 4pm, Tuesday - Saturday Belfast Photo Festival is pleased to present the Photo-Book Lounge, where national and international publications will be showcased and photo-books will be launched. There will be a wide collection on show and for purchase, including photo books and photo magazines from across Ireland and around the world. The Photo-Book Lounge is a place where you can relax, grab a book and enjoy publications rarely available in Northern Ireland.

Residency Anthony Luvera Belfast Exposed (Photo-Book Lounge) Saturday 13 August, 4pm Belfast Exposed Photography is pleased to be hosting the launch of the publication ‘Residency’ by Anthony Luvera. This book encompasses photographs made over a 16 month period by the artist and people who have experienced homelessness living in Belfast. Residency consists of a series of large-format Assisted Self-Portraits, landscape images of Belfast and documentation of Luvera’s working practice through photographs and production polaroids. Published by Belfast Exposed

Blurb presents Show Black Box Thursday 04 August Drop in between 7- 9pm Blurb are pleased to present a special evening of moving visual narratives, in partnership with Belfast Photo Festival. The evening will be a carefully curated show of some of the best photo films around. It is an ideal platform for photographers to promote their work at an International Photography Festival and an exciting evening to come along and enjoy!

Art House is a collaborative venture between Ormeau Baths Gallery and Queens Film Theatre to create a new film programme in Belfast which relates to the current programmes at OBG and QFT.

Belfast Photo Factory: One Month Book Project Belfast Exposed (Photo-Book Lounge) Friday 05 August, 6-8pm The members of photography collective Belfast Photo Factory have each been tasked with creating a photo book, from idea to finished piece in one month. The freedom and immediacy of this brief allows for experimental work and will produce books that are spontaneous and unaffected, giving an insight into the mood of the time and some of the issues of local contemporary photography.

Art House Artist Talk/Screening: Werner Herzog’s ‘Lessons of Darkness’ Ormeau Baths Gallery Tuesday 09 August, 7pm £3

An Italian Dream David Gepp Ulster Hall Thursday 11 August, 12pm In this critically acclaimed programme, Belfast born photographer David Gepp presents a study of Venice in colour with a 5x4 pinhole camera. Using simple methods he takes exquisite pictures, while not allowing the technology of photography to interfere with the clarity of seeing.

21 Courtesy of BBC Wales.

For the second Art House screening we are delighted to present ‘Lessons of Darkness’ (1992) by Werner Herzog. This documentary regards the landscapes of Kuwait following the first Gulf War. This film was not released in the U.K and this is a rare chance to see one of Herzog’s most powerful documentaries. The film has been selected by Paul Seawright to coincide with the exhibition ‘Detonating Rough Ground’ (21 July – 27 August) The artist will introduce this screening. Tickets: £3 are available through the QFT boxoffice www.queensfilmtheatre.com The screening will take place at OBG. Artist Talk: Paul Seawright Thursday 11 August, 7pm. Paul Seawright will discuss his recent work in the exhibition ‘Detonating Rough Ground’.

City Hall Screenings City Hall 12.30pm & 5.30pm (7 mins) On the City Hall screen in the centre of Belfast, we will be presenting a series of slide show exhibitions throughout the Festival, presenting work by national and international photographers. For the full list of scheduled exhibitions and screening times, visit the Festival website. Tribes by Lucia Herrero This stunning exhibitions represents an anthropological study of the beach tribe. These perfectly juxtaposed photographs of modern day beach groups seem like a poem of customs that reveal, with humour, colour and tenderness, the profundity of a whole society.

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Creating The Perfect Print Ormeau Baths Gallery Saturday 06 August, 4pm Free entry In order to get the most out of the digital photographic printing process it is necessary to understand how colour works and is controlled in the digital environment. This two-hour seminar shows photographers how to control the colour chain from capture to print in order to get the best quality exhibition prints possible. By understanding the medium and its limits the photographer is empowered to fully participate in and control the creative process. Hugh McElveen lectured in Digital and Evolving Technologies at IADT between 2001 to 2008. He also founded the digital imaging program at the Gallery of Photography in 2000. In 2008 he co-founded Exhibit A Studios, fine art printmakers. Hugh runs workshops and provides customised training solutions for digital imaging practitioners. He has been working as a professional photographer since 1995, recently specialising in studio still life and the colour critical area of art work documentation.



Master-class with Simon Norfolk Belfast Exposed Friday 05 August, 6pm For photographers, learning to think about light divides three ways: you have to a) see the need for it; b) know how to find it; and c) know how to capture it. BX Fashion Photography Course Belfast Exposed Saturday 06 August, 10am- 4pm Cost: £80 (per person) This is a 5 session course where the participants will learn the skills of how to shoot a fashion photography brief, work in a team, build self confidence and self-esteem, while gaining an understanding of ‘True Image’ representation of a person in a studio and on location. With guidance from the tutor you will learn the importance of storyboards and enjoy continuous critique of work, which is an important element of fashion photography.

The Craft of Blue Printing - Cyanotype Crescent Arts Centre Sunday 07 & 14 August, 3pm 16+ years Experience the magical craft of creating a photographic image using the Cyanotype printing method with award- winning photographer Colin Thompson FRPS. This hands-on course will cover all aspects of this traditional art and making light sensitive blue prints in the darkroom. Spaces are limited so we suggest you book early. See Festival website for details.

This masterclass involves working with Simon for a day, starting with classroom sessions in the daytime, a photography shoot in the early and late evening and then back out for a bright and fresh 4am start in the dawn. Sleeping is for wimps!

Do you want to build an Online Portfolio? Digital Arts Studios 09 – 11 August, 6pm-8:30pm Create your own promotional website for your photography with a basic HTML and introduction to Dreamweaver workshop (3 sessions). Only 6 places available so early booking is advised Visit the Festival website for more details.

We recommend attendants get hold of a light meter, warm clothes, a head torch and strong shoes but everybody will most definitely need a good tripod. Places are limited, so we advise you book early. Visit the Festival website for more information.

Pop Up Reviews The Spaniard (Photographers Lounge) Between the 04 – 14 August £15 (per reviewer) These informal portfolio reviews will offer the opportunity to meet with a selected number of reviewers in a relaxed atmosphere.

Belfast Exposed is offering a very unique photography event for the traditional Black & White Photographer.

Places are limited, so we suggest you book early. Visit the Festival website for more details.

The Portfolio Reviews are the best way to engage in a critical discussion about a body of work. They are designed for any and all photographers who wish to develop a practice in a specific field and are looking for advice on a critical and technical approach. It is also a great opportunity to raise questions about particular issues regarding your statement as an artist. These reviews also serve to develop national and international contacts that would help your career and potentially offer exhibition and publication opportunities. Visit the Festival website for the full list of reviewers.

Black & White To Digital Darkroom Belfast Exposed Saturday 13 August, 10am £50

Using your film capture skills and working from your negatives scan them into the Digital Black & White Darkroom.

Portfolio Reviews Crescent Arts Centre Saturday 13 August, 12pm - 6pm £15 (per reviewer)


See the Festival website for details and our full list of pop-up reviewers and their available dates and times. Bookings should be made through the Festival website at: www.belfastphotofestival.com Book early to avoid disappointment.

Source Magazine See your Photographs in Print Sunday 14 August Submission Deadline: 29 July Source photographic magazine is organising an open day as part of the Festival to see if there are any photographers based in Belfast who would be interested in having work published in the magazine. One of the editors from the magazine will be on hand for the day to meet with photographers to look at their work with a view to considering it for publication in the magazine. Source is based in Belfast but is available nationally and internationally and publishes a wide variety of photographic work. If you are not familiar with the magazine it can be seen online at www.source.ie and copies are available at the Photo-Book Lounge. For more information on this open day and guidelines on how to submit, visit the Festival website: www.belfastphotofestival.com

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www. belfastphotofestival. com

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Schilt Publishing

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