Belfast Royal Academy - 6th Form Prospectus

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Challenging and stimulating learning environment

Strong academic focus 31 subjects on offer

Dedicated Sixth Form study area and common rooms

Oxbridge programme

Excellent pastoral care

Expert Careers guidance

Exciting enrichment opportunities

Highly qualified, dedicated and experienced staff

Extensive range of extra curricular activities

per vias sapientiae
Contents Welcome from the Principal 6 What BRA can offer for you 8 Join us for Sixth Form 10 12 Sixth Form Curriculum & Subject Options 23 Leadership & Development Dedicated Sixth Form Facilities 14 Careers Societies 21 Help along the way 24 26 Trips & Events 22 University & Career Advice 27 Oxbridge Programme 28 Leavers’ Destinations 30 What’s Next?
Along the roads of wisdom Equipping you with the skills for learning, life and work.


from the Principal

The Sixth Form at Belfast Royal Academy is a vibrant community with a wide curriculum on offer and an extensive range of opportunities to enrich our pupils and allow them to develop as young adults and positive role models.

We encourage our pupils to set clear goals, work hard and take full advantage of the many extracurricular opportunities available, often taking leadership roles in these activities. Indeed, the Sixth Form is at the core of the School, playing a key role in all aspects of daily life. Whether as a Prefect, a House Captain, Captain of a sporting team, or as a mentor of junior pupils, the School helps Sixth Form pupils develop important leadership qualities.

The Head of Sixth Form, Head of Careers, Heads of Year, Class Tutors and subject teachers all play an important role in providing appropriate advice and guidance in supporting each pupil’s academic and personal progress. Our Careers Programme features guest speakers, many of whom are alumni, who inform and inspire our pupils across a diverse range of careers.

Sixth Formers are also supported in finding work experience and benefit from our regular career talks and biennial Careers Convention.

Whether you are planning to make the transition from our Form 5 or joining us for the first time, you will find that in the Sixth Form, there are many opportunities for new experiences and the development of skills. A comprehensive Induction and Tutorial Programme supports pupils in developing the independent study skills required for success post-GCSE.

I hope that this guide will provide you with a sense of what life as a Sixth Former in Belfast Royal Academy involves and the wealth of opportunities available to you –we look forward to welcoming you to our school.

B.Sc., B.Ed., P.Q.H. (N.I.)


What BRA can offer for you

As the oldest school in Belfast, we have a long history of success in Sixth Form.

We believe that our success can be attributed to a number of factors:

Excellent teaching and preparation for examinations from well qualified subject specialists.

Academic Excellence

Whilst we firmly believe that your education at Belfast Royal Academy is more than just academic success, we are incredibly proud of the academic achievements of our pupils.

Academy pupils achieve excellent A level and BTEC results from a broad curriculum offering 29 A Level subjects and BTECs in Sport and Computing.

Every year our pupils gain entry to prestigious universities including Oxford and Cambridge, Trinity College Dublin, St Andrew’s, Durham, Liverpool, Queen’s University Belfast and access to highly competitive apprenticeship courses.

First class mentoring to provide support and encouragement.

Outstanding extra-curricular opportunities and experiences.

Careful and thorough tuition in the university application process, including interview preparation and practice.

In 2022, 86.9% of grades awarded at A Level were A* - B 91% of pupils attained 3 or more A2 grades A* - C

Small teaching group sizes enabling more 1:1 support.

A superbly appointed Sixth Form study hall with two full-time study supervisors.


Join us for Sixth Form

As a Sixth Form pupil, we can guarantee that you will have both a challenging and stimulating experience.

For young people who love their learning, we offer a strong academic focus, excellent pastoral care and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.

Each year, approximately ten percent of our Sixth Form is comprised of new pupils who have transferred after completing their GCSEs at other schools. They come from a variety of schools from the greater Belfast area and from further afield. Our pastoral team and subject teachers ensure that all new Sixth Form pupils integrate fully into the Academy community.

Your Sixth Form years are the most important, exciting, and perhaps the most rewarding years of your school life – and no one ever regrets the experience of a wonderful education for those all-important A Level years.

Sixth Form is a very different learning experience, designed to prepare you for your chosen path after school whether that is employment, a higher education course, an apprenticeship or a further education course.

At Belfast Royal Academy, we create an environment in which pupils achieve excellent examination results whilst also developing their personal and leadership skills, alongside enjoying the opportunity to become involved in other areas of school life, including Sport, Music, Performing Arts and a wide range of extracurricular activities. We also offer a range of enrichment courses and opportunities within the Sixth Form: work experience, primary school experience, word processing and ICT, UCAS preparation and careers education information advice and guidance. These activities allow our pupils to further develop their academic, personal and interpersonal skills, while simultaneously giving them the opportunity, with professional help, to look closely at tertiary education and the world of work.

Pupils in Sixth Form enjoy more independence, are provided with leadership opportunities and are trusted with more responsibility. We encourage our Sixth Formers to develop a mature attitude to life and study – you will learn to manage your time more effectively and to use your initiative in many different situations. We nurture self-reliance and self-motivation whilst still providing strong pastoral and academic support.


Sixth Form Curriculum & Subject Options

One of the major advantages of our Sixth Form curriculum is the breadth of choice.

After a broad and balanced curriculum at KS3 and KS4, pupils are now facing some important choices to best prepare them for their future university courses and careers. We offer a wide range of A Level subjects and pupils can also avail of subjects on offer in other schools within the North Belfast Area Learning Community. As a result, we are able to offer pupils a free choice of subjects to study and then build the timetable on the basis of pupil demand.

All pupils in Lower Sixth (Year 13) study three or four subjects to AS Level and most continue with three subjects in Middle Sixth (Year 14) to the full Advanced Level A2 qualification. A number of pupils continue with four subjects to A2 Level. Some pupils complete their A2 Mathematics in Lower Sixth and go on to study Further Mathematics as an additional A Level in Middle Sixth. In their Lower Sixth year, pupils have the option of taking additional enrichment courses, including work experience in local primary schools. In addition, all pupils have a Tutorial period once a week which includes elements of Religious Education and UCAS preparation. Games are optional for pupils in the Sixth Form. Pupils who do not particpate in Games have a Study period instead or may avail of the opportunity to particpate in voluntary work.

Subjects currently offered at AS and A2

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Dedicated Sixth Form Facilities

The Sixth Form Study Area is a supervised quiet space for pupils to read, research and undertake homework and revision when they are not in class.

We also have two dedicated Sixth Form Common Rooms which provide an excellent relaxed social area in which our older pupils can meet, socialise and dine. Our Sixth Formers also have their own specific dining areas within the Common Rooms, where they can purchase hot and cold food, snacks and drinks.

Sixth Form pupils can also avail of a wide range of services and support in the Careers Suite, as well as extensive computer facilities in all departments.

Sixth Form

Study Area provides Sixth Formers with an environment conducive to independent study.


Education (CEIAG)


alternatives to university and the UCAS mentoring scheme

Providing guidance for Higher Education courses and choosing a career pathway are a fundamental part of being a pupil at Belfast Royal Academy.

We pride ourselves on the fact that all of our pupils receive the very best advice and guidance relating to their future careers and aspirations.

The excellent work that is started in Key Stage 3 and 4 continues when pupils join the Sixth Form, with expert guidance and support provided from a team of experienced Careers and UCAS advisors, subject specialists and other agencies to ensure that pupils are well prepared to make important decisions about their future.

There are many possible pathways that pupils may wish to follow on completion of their A Levels and BTEC qualifications.

We recognise the importance of helping pupils to make fully informed choices about these next steps, and therefore we provide a broad range of opportunities for pupils to learn more about the options that are available to them.

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Preparation for Higher Education


The most common destination for BRA pupils is university. Over 90% of Middle Sixth pupils progress to their chosen university, half of which regularly gain admission to Russell Group institutions. Throughout the year, we invite guest speakers from universities into school to speak with the pupils. Our newly formed Careers Societies which are pupil-led, including an Oxbridge Society, provide a specific programme of support for a number of disciplines.

The Careers Convention is attended by many apprenticeship providers who are available to give information to pupils.

M6 pupils attend the local university open events in September.

All L6 pupils visit the UCAS Exhibition, an event with representatives from over 100 universities, apprenticeship providers and gap year specialists on hand to share information with pupils.

This is followed up in school with sessions to provide further support with the UCAS process, including personal statement writing and completing the UCAS application form BRA alumni who are current university students are invited into school to deliver talks to current Sixth Form pupils about their experiences throughout the selection process and as a student in Higher Education.

Apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly popular progression route for Sixth Form pupils and this is also the case for Academy pupils. We are continually expanding our local employer links to ensure pupils have the very best apprenticeship opportunities available to them.

Advice and guidance for apprenticeship applications is provided in the following ways:

We work closely with several local organisations that provide apprenticeship opportunities to pupils.

Local apprenticeship providers are invited into school to speak to pupils about the opportunities that are available to them.

The Careers Convention is attended by many apprenticeship providers who are available to give information to pupils. BRA alumni who have progressed on to an apprenticeship are invited into school to speak to pupils about their experiences.


Work related learning

A crucial aspect of preparing pupils for their future careers is to ensure they have opportunities to experience different roles within the workplace.

This helps to inform important decisions that pupils will make, and also allows them to develop key skills that will be beneficial in the workplace. In an increasingly competitive job market, it is more important than ever that pupils are able to stand out from other applicants.

With this in mind, we ensure that pupils have access to high quality work experience in the following ways:

Belfast Royal Academy has established close links with many local employers which allows us to provide a wide range of work experience opportunities.

All Sixth Form students will complete at least one purposeful and relevant piece of work experience during their time in Sixth Form.

We have dedicated members of staff who help Sixth Form students to find purposeful work experience opportunities that are relevant to their future aspirations.

All Sixth Form students are encouraged to complete at least one online learning module via the Unifrog platform which will be directly related to either their future career aspirations or their wider interests.

Careers Societies

For example, the success rate of pupils gaining a place on a medical degree programme in September 2022 was 81% (13 out of 16 applicants) against a national average of 16%* (according to UCAS statistics) and we have a 50% success rate of applicants for Oxford and Cambridge, including success for applicants to highly competitive disciplines such as Medicine and Mathematics.

We have established a range of societies which offer pupil leadership roles alongside a programme of preparation, extended reading, guest speakers and interview preparation throughout Sixth Form.

These include a Medical Society, Healthcare Society, Oxbridge Society, Law & Politics Society, Arts Society, Educational Alternative Society, STEM Society and Teaching Society.

• Medical • Healthcare • Law and Politics • Oxbridge • Creative Arts • Education • STEM • Educational Alternatives
We are proud of our success in supporting increasing numbers of pupils applying for elite post-18 pathways.

University & Careers Advice

Providing guidance for Higher Education courses and choosing a career pathway are a fundamental part of being a pupil at Belfast Royal Academy.

Over the two years, our Sixth Form pupils are provided with expert guidance and support from a team of experienced Careers and UCAS advisors, subject specialists and other agencies to ensure that they choose the most appropriate route and develop the necessary career management and employability skills they will need for the future. This enables our pupils to make informed choices and decisions which will affect their future education, training and employment. Our aim is always to ensure that pupils identify educational paths which reflect their ambition and enthusiasm and which ensure that they are personally and academically fulfilled and challenged.

Leadership & Development

Including volunteering and social action

At Belfast Royal Academy we believe all our Sixth Form pupils are ambassadors for the school and role models for the younger pupils to aspire to. We encourage all pupils to be involved in a wide variety of activities and to avail of all the opportunities provided to enhance their personal qualities and develop the softer skills that employers value.

Wherever a pupil’s talents or interests lie, BRA’s extensive extracurricular activities, Careers and work experience programme, in addition to their Prefect responsibilities, will offer our Sixth Form pupils incredible opportunities to excel and develop their leadership skills.

At the beginning of each academic year, our Middle Sixth pupils vote for and appoint a Head Girl and Head Boy, Deputy Head Girls/Boys and a team of Senior Prefects. All other pupils are made Prefects. The position of Prefect is an honour and a privilege and has a key role in terms of school

organisation and liaison with staff. All Prefects and Senior Prefects set the standard by which the other pupils measure themselves and ensure that the ethos of the School carries across all areas of school life.

Pupils make up the Sixth Form Common Room committee and there is a formal committee which arranges the annual formal for both Lower Sixth and Middle Sixth pupils and the Leavers’ Ball for Middle Sixth pupils to mark the end of their time in school.

Pupils are encouraged to participate in voluntary activities, from supporting the local community through outreach work in primary schools and care homes to acting as a mentor in the TAMHI project (Tackling Awareness of Mental Health Initiative). Pupils can assist with Habitat for Humanity, local charity shops or an after-school homework club for refugees – there are many ways in which Academy pupils can demonstrate having ‘a mind to be kind’.

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Help along the way

Pastoral Support

Sixth Form pupils are supported in all areas of school life. Whether a pupil is new to BRA or entering the Sixth Form from Form 5, the challenges and increased autonomy of life in the Sixth Form marks an exciting new start for everyone.

For Sixth Form we strongly believe in a personalised approach to supporting our pupils and are proud of the excellent relationships between pupils and staff and the manner in which the pupils are cared for. There are many people who play a role in this including:

Class Tutors who they see on a daily basis.

Pastoral Vice Principal who heads up the pastoral team.

Head of Sixth Form.

Heads of Year – two per year group.

Sixth Form study supervisors. Matron.

Academic Support including mentoring

Senior Teacher with responsibility for pastoral care who looks after all referrals to the external and confidential counselling service.

Subject based mentoring for those pupils who require additional academic support.

We are fully aware of the pressures that Sixth Form pupils face so if a pupil needs support in any way there are several options that can be accessed including Familyworks, an external counselling agency who provide inschool one-to-one support for our pupils on a weekly basis. We have dedicated mentors responsible for pupil wellbeing. They invite pupils to represent their peers on the Pupil Wellbeing Committee and to join our Mental Health and Wellbeing Google Classroom, and a wealth of resources are shared with pupils to support their wellbeing on particular topics such as stress management.

Learning at this level involves greater contribution from the pupils, with smaller teaching groups allowing full participation in lively and interesting discussions about the topics being studied. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work within a secure framework of support, encouragement and guidance from their subject teachers. We offer a wide range of subjects and pride ourselves on preparing pupils well for their life after Sixth Form.

The emphasis at Sixth Form is on providing tailored support and ensuring that each individual pupil achieves their full potential.

Become independent learners and take ownership of your education.

Experience new activities and improve existing talents.

As part of our Raising Achievement programme, Sixth Form pupils complete regular assessments that go towards tracking grades at 3 points in each academic year.

We aim to enable you to:

Achieve highly and challenge the way you think.

Develop leadership skills. Learn new skills in a supportive environment.

Develop your confidence and celebrate your success.

Following review of these results, a number of pupils will be identified for mentoring by the Principal or Curriculum Vice Principal and will meet on a fortnightly basis to discuss targets, revision strategies and progress towards goals.


Oxbridge Programme

For pupils with the required academic ability and flair, we also provide an Oxbridge programme. This includes advice on the choice of university and college, interview preparation and subject specialist classes.

In recent years Academy pupils have obtained Oxbridge places in Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Medicine; History; Politics, Philosophy and Economics; Law; Natural Sciences; Fine Art & Engineering.

Our academic departments organise ambitious tours and visits that take our pupils all around the world. These may vary from year to year, but recent examples include a walking trip to part of the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain organised by the Spanish Department, a History trip to Paris, the Big Scripture Union Weekend in Castlewellan, an annual ski trip to the Alps or North America and even a trip to Iceland!

These are just some of the highlights of the wide-ranging trips and tours available during the school year and holidays. They are supplemented by many more weekend and day trips throughout the year.

All of these trips and experiences are designed to challenge, inform and motivate our pupils - to take them out of their comfort zones and help them to discover new personal interests and capabilities. They inspire, bring subjects to life, raise global awareness and build life skills through challenges and immersive experiences.

Leavers’ Destinations

Trips & Events

Experiences beyond the classroom are an important part of education at Belfast Royal Academy.

Our exciting annual programme of trips and tours provides unforgettable experiences for pupils – enriching their lives and expanding their capabilities and interests. Travelling to new places, experiencing different cultures, trying out new activities and challenging themselves are all life-enhancing experiences. We recognise the immense value of these excursions, and we offer pupils a vast range of opportunities to experience the world outside Belfast and Northern Ireland.

In recent years, over 90% of Belfast Royal Academy’s Middle Sixth pupils achieved places at their chosen universities with approximately half going on to Russell Group Universities. Every year pupils are successful in gaining places to study at Oxford and Cambridge, and many are accepted onto some of the most competitive Medicine and Law courses in the country. Local universities remain very popular, with many pupils being accepted to both Queen’s University, Belfast and the Ulster University.

We strongly believe that our pupils should choose courses that they are passionate about and that fit their ambitions. We also encourage pupils to look at wider options, including overseas universities and apprenticeships.

Leavers’ Destinations 28 29 1. Belfast Metropolitan College 2. BIMM Institute Brighton 3. Cardiff University 4. De Montfort University 5. Durham University 6. Edge Hill University 7. Glasgow Caledonian 8. Hull/ York University 9. Imperial College London 10. Kingston University 11. Lancaster University 12. Leeds Beckett University 13. Liverpool John Moores University 14. Loughborough University 15. Manchester Metropolitan University 16. Newcastle University 17. Northumbria University, Newcastle 18. Nottingham Trent University 19. Stranmillis University College, Belfast 20. Theological College 21. Trinity College, Dublin 22. Ulster University 23. University of Birmingham 24. University of Bolton 25. University of Cambridge 26. University of Glasgow 27. University of Kent 28. University of Liverpool 29. University of Manchester 30. University of Nottingham 31. University of Salford 32. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 33. University of Surrey 34. University of York 2 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 19 21 22 20 26 7 32 33 34 *Data based on leavers of the class of 2022

Join us at our Sixth Form Open Afternoon in February. Full details can be found in the Admissions section of our website.

What happens next? 1 2

Details of our Admissions Criteria for entry to Sixth Form can be viewed in the Admissions section of our website.

Pupils wishing to join our Sixth Form will normally require a minimum of 12 points at GCSE (A* = 4 points, A = 3 points, B = 2 points, C* = 1 ½ points, C = 1 point) and are expected to have achieved at least a Grade B in the subjects they wish to study for A level.

Prospective pupils should complete the online “Expression of Interest” form as soon as possible.

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We encourage prospective pupils to visit our Sixth Form Afternoon in August. Full details can be found in the Admissions section of our website.

Immediately after pupils receive their GCSE results in August they should make contact with the school that day to arrange an interview, as places in our Sixth Form fill up fast. Please scan the QR code to directly visit our Admissions section on our website:

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Belfast Royal Academy, Cliftonville Road, Belfast, BT14 6JL

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