Arctic Initiative Year in Review 2020

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Fellows and Staff Cristine Russell is

Fran Ulmer is a

interaction and links them to the scope

an Adjunct Lecturer

Non-Resident Senior

of environmental policy, strategic

in Public Policy and

Fellow at the Arctic

response, and mitigation of marine

Senior Fellow at the

Initiative. She is the

pollution. Besides her passion for

Environment and

former chair of the

fieldwork, a background in journalism

Natural Resources Program. She is an

U.S. Arctic Research Commission, where

and environmental education has fed Dr.

award-winning freelance journalist

she served since being appointed by

Dewey’s interest in science education,

who has covered science, environment,

President Obama in March 2011. In June

outreach, and the connection between

public health and STEM issues for

2010, President Obama appointed

geophysical research and policy.

more than three decades. Russell, a

her to the National Commission on

former national science reporter for The

the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Sarah Mackie is

Washington Post, has also written for

and Offshore Drilling. From 2007 to

a postdoctoral

news media outlets such as Scientific

2011, Ms. Ulmer was chancellor of

research fellow at

American, Columbia Journalism Review,

Alaska's largest public university, the

the Belfer Center’s

and The Atlantic. Russell is an Advisory

University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA).

Arctic Initiative. She

Board member and former Fellow at

Before that, she was a Distinguished

holds a law degree

HKS’ Shorenstein Center on Media,

Visiting Professor of Public Policy and

from the University of Cambridge and

Politics & Public Policy.

Director of the Institute of Social and

an LLM in environmental law from

Economic Research at UAA. She is a

Newcastle University. A qualified lawyer

Joel Clement is a

member of the Global Board of the

in England and Wales, she has worked

Senior Fellow at

Nature Conservancy and on the Board

as a Judicial Assistant for the Lord

the Arctic Initiative.

of the National Parks Conservation

Chief Justice of England and Wales.

Clement is a science

Association. Ms. Ulmer served as an

Dr. Mackie recently completed a PhD

and policy consultant with a background

elected official for 18 years as the mayor

on comparative environmental law in

in resilience and climate adaptation,

of Juneau, a state representative, and as

the Arctic, with a particular focus on

landscape-scale conservation and

Lieutenant Governor of Alaska.

endangered species protection across

management, and Arctic social-

Arctic jurisdictions. This research was

ecological systems. As Director of the

Sarah Dewey is a

conducted at a number of Arctic and

Department of Interior’s Policy Office,

postdoctoral research

other institutions including Newcastle

he led a team of policy analysts and

fellow with the

University, Harvard Law School,

economists, provided advice and

Belfer Center’s Arctic

Ilisimatusarfik (Greenland), the Arctic

analysis to White House leadership and

Initiative. She holds

Centre (University of Lapland, Finland)

two Secretaries of Interior, developed

a PhD and MS in Oceanography from

and the KG Jebsen Centre for the Law of

innovative policies to address landscape

the University of Washington and a

the Sea (University of Tromso, Norway).

conservation needs, and was the Interior

BS in Geology & Geophysics from Yale

Department’s appointed principal to the

University, and her field experience

U.S. Global Change Research Program.

centers on the use of aerial platforms

He also co-chaired the Arctic Council’s

to observe the western Arctic Ocean.

groundbreaking 2016 Arctic Resilience

Dr. Dewey’s current research quantifies


time and space scales of ice-ocean ARCTIC INITIATIVE 2020


Belfer Center for Science And International Affairs


December 2020


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