Arctic Initiative Year in Review 2020

Page 6


Resilience Study Groups:

Advancing the Arctic Resilience Framework in Collaboration with the Sustainable Development Working Group

Joel Clement speaks with Anders Oskal, Director of the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry and Professor Svein Mathiesen, UArctic EALÁT Institute, about challenges indigenious communities face when it comes to financing resilience during the Spring 2020 Study Group.

The Arctic Initiative has been working

for SDWG to help strengthen resilience

This effort is part of a larger collabo-

with the Sustainable Development

within these priority areas. In Fall

ration between the Arctic Initiative

Working Group (SDWG) of the

2020 the third study group in the series

and SDWG around resilience, the Fall

Arctic Council to build out the Arctic

will be focused on Arctic Knowledge

2020 ten-week virtual Arctic Resilience

Resilience Action Framework, an effort


Forum co-hosted by the Icelandic

to advance a coordinated, regional

Chairmanship of the Arctic Council.

approach to building resilience and

These study groups not only give

adapting to rapid change in the Arctic.

students opportunities to go deep

For more on the Study Groups,

on issues related to resilience, learn


In the Fall 0f 2019, Senior Fellow Joel

from Arctic experts, and develop their


Clement led a study group focused

network; it also lets them to hone their


on governance and identifying laws

communications skills in the course of

and policies that are barriers to or

writing reports targeted towards busy

accelerators of resilience. Then in the

policy makers. Papers from all study

Spring of 2020, he co-hosted a second

groups will be handed off to the SDWG

study group on Financing Arctic

at the conclusion of the series to aid in

Resilience with Graham Sinclair, an

their efforts to grow the community of

expert in sustainable finance.

practice around resilience.

These study group sessions brought

Jennifer Spence, Executive Secretary of

together students with Arctic leaders,

the Sustainable Development Working

policy experts, and people from industry

Group said of this effort, “It’s fantastic

to better understand the realities on the

to have so much student energy behind

ground in the Arctic, from governance

promoting resilience, and addressing

challenges to what it takes to get financ-

some of the priority issue areas high-

ing for a community driven project.

lighted in the Arctic Resilience Action

Students then worked collaboratively to


develop a report on recommendations ARCTIC INITIATIVE 2020


Belfer Center for Science And International Affairs


December 2020


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