Arctic Innovation Labs Each fall, the Arctic Initiative sends
This year, four students from Harvard
and the students got great feedback from
student delegates to the Arctic Circle
represented the Arctic Initiative at
the participating experts.
Assembly and collaborates on the Arctic
the annual Arctic Innovation Lab,
Innovation Lab there, which convenes
together with eleven students from
This spring, fifteen students were
young people from around the Arctic and
other universities. Students had the
selected from dozens of applicants to
the world to share their solutions for a
opportunity to network with peers
participate in the “Policy and Social
changing Arctic.
from around the globe to discuss their
Innovations for the Changing Arctic”
solutions to Arctic Challenges.
course. Selected students developed creative solutions to some of the most
The Harvard delegation had the op-
pressing Arctic challenges, and pitched
portunity to meet with experts such as
their ideas to Arctic experts and the
Ambassador David Balton to share their
greater Harvard community in a virtual
ideas in advance of the Innovation Lab.
Innovation Lab in April. Ideas ranged
The ideas presented ranged from a new
from inclusive community participation
naval policy of greater collaboration in
in mining development to increasing
the Arctic, to an indoor air quality sensor
online schooling access in remote
program for school children in Alaska,
Belfer Center for Science And International Affairs
December 2020