Membership Agreement Belfield FM
I. Broadcasting Philosophy and Community Ethos Belfield FM will aim to: 1.
Promote Community Development in the greater UCD Area,
Provide the locality with a high quality radio service, owned and managed by the students of UCD in the locality, dedicated to their needs,
Provide a variety of entertainment and informative platform programming with a strong emphasis on the community,
Create a forum, and give a voice to the richness and diversity of interests, skills and views of the Students in UCD,
Combat isolation and loneliness especially for 1 year students, the disabled, and foreign exchange students immigrants,
Incorporate the various languages spoken in UCD into the programming schedule, with particular reference to the Irish
language, 7.
Inform the Students of UCD the products and services and events available in UCD
Cater for a variety of different musical tastes,
Promote personal development through the utilisation of training and broadcasting opportunities.
II. The Rights & Responsibilities Of Belfield FM Members The Management of Belfield FM sets out the following rights and responsibilities of all our volunteers. A volunteer is defined as anybody or anyone who has any connection with the station regardless of what amount of work they do, position held or authority given. It is the right of every volunteer to, 1.
To work on this station, and present their own show, (as defined by the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland and the Amarc Community Charter For Europe) a.
Anybody, from any section of society or creed, connected to the locality can become a volunteer and request a show.
Provided their proposed show fills a need ,they have a right to be trained and then given a time slot, subject to clearance by Management
All Shows with a new concept or presenter, i.e. Pilot Shows must be submitted to Management
To be respected and appreciated, and have their work and efforts acknowledged.
The running of their own show, a.
Any topic is open for discussion once it is presented in a professional manner, and conforms to The Code of Programming Standards of Belfield FM set out below,
Nobody owns a slot or show, however volunteers have the right to continue presenting, their show every week if they wish, and in the event of a change of schedule all efforts will be made to accommodate said volunteer to continue presenting a show at some time.
As a Volunteer with Belfield FM you are obliged and committed to undertaking a number of responsibilities. Its is the responsibility of every volunteer to, 1.
Strive to produce shows of the highest quality, a.
This requires preparation, planning and thought,
Endeavour to reach the targets and quotas provided for in our licence with the BCI, a.
40% Talk-60% Music, (Station Average), with an aspiration for a 50%Talk -50% Music, Station Average
25% of Music to have an Irish connection, (Station Average)
Commit to completing all paperwork required which goes hand in hand with presenting shows, a.
Running Orders, Music and Artist Description,
Log Book and other records,
For insurance purposes all Volunteers must sign in each time they arrive at the station, for Broadcast, Recording etc.
Abide by the regulations and recommendation set out by The Code of Programming Standards, (below)
Be to prepared for every show and present at the studio at 15 min's before going on air,
Speak to and prepare to all guests before bringing them on air,
Never bring guests, on to a programme, who are not prepared and willing to abide by the Code of Programme Standards of Belfield FM, and all liable laws.
To hold all interviews in a fair and objective manner,
10. Treat all property and station equipment with the uppermost care, a.
Always report damage to one of the managers and or a member of the technical committee,
11. Clean up after one’s self and to leave the studio in an orderly manner, (even if it’s not your mess)!!! 12. Commit to participate in the daily running of the station, fund-raising, promotional events, in-house training, etc. a.
Broadcasting costs money, all Volunteers are expected to assist in fundraising where possible.
13. Attend all Programme Production meetings, for which you are involved. 14. Attend Training and to fulfil whatever duties/functions are agreed to. 15. Notify your executive Producer at least 3 days in advance of not being able to fill a granted time slot, 16. Inform the Management 4 weeks in advance of a cessation of a show or programme, 17. Respect all other volunteers of this station, 18. Not bring the station disrepute or to discuss internal problems or issues with unnecessary external parties. a.
Belfield FM is its Members and is therefore defined by their actions.
19. Adhere to decisions made by the Station Managers, Executive Producers and the Board of Directors.
I understand the above rights and responsibilities given to me on becoming a Member of Belfield FM and agree to commit to them. I understand that all Members, Paid Staff, and Executive Producer work under the direction of the Board of Directors. I agree to work and in hand with Management, as well as all other volunteers for the advance and improvement and growth of Belfield FM.
Membership Agreement Belfield FM III. Code of Programming Standards The Editorial Committee, in conjunction with the Board of Directors sets out the following regulations and recommendations for all volunteers; be they presenters and producers, researchers, managers, DJ’s etc. It is the aim of Programme Guidelines to aid the open development of programme content. The Management of Belfield FM strongly defends the right to free speech and expression of thought. And the following directions merely mean to solidify the notion that any topic is open for discussion once it is presented in a professional manner. Volunteers should & Programme Content should, 1.
Not offend commonly held standards acceptable in contemporary Irish society. a.
Acceptable standards in society may vary in accordance to the target audience.
Not cause undue offence or harm. a.
In the case of graphic issues or material that may potentially offend, prior warning should be given. i. Self-harm, Suicide, Sexual Violence etc.
Presenters should also provide relevant telephone helpline numbers,
Rape Crisis line, Childline, etc.
Not encourage or present as legal, sexual relationships between under-age youths or between and adult and a child.
Have due regard to the appropriateness and justification of coarse language.
This does not however prohibit the debate or of such issues, or the criticism and commentary of connected laws
Subject to acceptable standards in contemporary Irish society and the target audience.
Special attention should be taken when considering the inappropriate use of names considered sacred and holy.
Not condone or support discrimination in any shape or form. a.
Age, Gender, Marital Status, Membership of Travelling Community, Family Status, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Race or Religion.
b. 6.
Prevent undue offence to religious views, beliefs and images. a.
Special care should be taken in regard language used in describing peoples with disabilities. This is not intended to prevent the criticism and scrutiny of religion.
Refrain from the inclusion of graphic violence, strong sexual content, offensive course language during Children’s Programming. a.
Children’s Programming includes all programmes with a target audience over 50% of which is under the age of 18.
Not encourage the abuse of drugs/solvents or alcohol. a.
Nor present the abuse of drugs/solvents/alcohol by children/teenagers in a favourable light.
This does not however restrict the debate of such issues, or the criticism of laws and legalisation.
Not be afraid to criticise the status quo in Irish society, a.
Political parties, The Government, Its institutions, Clubs & Organisations Etc.
10. Never be controlled or restricted, because of fear or apprehension of being controversial, or outspoken. 11. Hold all interviews and discussion in a fair and balanced manner and present both sides of the story, and give each party involved a chance to speak, rebut, refute and reply.
Management states, that it has the responsibility and authority, as given by the Board of Directors, to reprimand volunteers for misconduct and breach of The Code of Programming Standards and that all complaints, queries and objections must follow proper procedure and go though it. Complaints about programme content will be taken seriously, and correct action will be taken to address the problematic issue(s)/person(s). Official complaints referring to quality and or “The Code of Standards” will result in, 1.
A full review of the particular show in question, and a resulting report on the decisions made by Management,
Further training in presentation and production skills being made available,
Additional resources and assistance being given, to aid volunteers in the production of quality programming material.
A breach of “The Code of Standards” may result in, 1.
A probation period, in which pre-recorded shows will be presented to Management,
Suspension of a programme,
The removal of a programme,
The suspension or removal of a presenter.
Management insists that the above actions will not be taken lightly, and will be a last and final resort; following the failure of all and every other channel(s) to rectify the situation. Parties will then have the option to appeal the decision directly to the Board of Directors. However, 1.
The Management can ignore complaints which are suspicious or unsubstantiated
Complaints will only be considered serious if they involve an infringement of the above Code of Standards.
Complaints will only be considered serious if presented to the Management in written from.
The Management will not consider a single complaint substantial for a full review unless said single complaint refers to a serious infringement of the above code of standards.
From time to time (usually once a fortnight) Management will conduct an Editorial Review will pick an aired show at random for review. Management commits to being as impartial as possible, and no decision made will be personal but only in the best interest of the station. I understand the above rules and regulations and agree to commit to them. I fully comprehend the results and ramification of non compliance with said terms and conditions which may lead to disciplinary proceedings, and agree to work and in hand with The Station Managers, and the Board of Directors and abide by its decisions for the betterment and development of Belfield FM Name of Volunteer Signature:
Signed: (By the Station Manager)