Belfry Bulletin Number 178

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No 178 December 1962

Monthly Journal Of The Bristol Exploration Club

B Vol. XVI No. 12

In accordance with tradition, an attempt each year to make the Christmas edition of the B.B. larger than normal. Equally in accordance with tradition, this page is written long before it is know whether or not we shall have succeeded. It only remains to hope that we have and to wish all club members and all readers:-

A Very Happy Christmas _______________________________________________________________________________________ The B.B. questionnaire was filled in and returned by a gratifyingly large number of members. The editor would like to thank all those who replied. In view of this, no apology is made for taking up an amount of space in this B.B. to explain what your views were; how they differed from what is published now, and what we are going to do about this in the future. _______________________________________________________________________________________ DON'T FORGET the removal of cutlery & crockery from the Belfry on January 1st. Also the removal of unwanted gear from the Belfry and site. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Questions Department. What is Priddy Round House? It is marked on the six inch O.S. map in the middle of a field to the left of and almost at the top of Nine Barrows Lane. N.G.R.532524. It is marked as a building and, as its name suggests, is circular in shape. If one visits the spot (or as near to it as can be judged from the map without taking measurements, there is a roughly circular patch of stinging nettles which may mark the spot. Perhaps some of our archeologically minded readers may know the answer? It certainly had me slightly intrigued when I saw it on the map, as I could not imagine the use to which a rather small round building could be put, sited in the middle of a field and apparently not connected with any other buildings. If anyone knows the answer we shall be pleased to print a reply in next month's B.B. as, even if it is unconnected with caving or archaeological activities, it is good to know as much as possible about the area in which we spend so much of our time. _______________________________________________________________________________________ A FUND IS BEING ORGANISED FOR JACK WADDON'S WIDOW, DOROTHY AND THE CHILDREN. SIMILAR FUNDS ARE BEING ORGANISED BY VARIOUS OTHER CAVING CLUBS AND THE AIM IS TO COLLECT A REALLY RESPECTABLE SUM OF MONEY. ALL DONATIONS SHOULD BE SENT OR GIVEN TO R.J. BAGSHAW, 699 WELLS ROAD, KNOWLE, BRISTOL 4. WE ARE SURE THAT MEMBERS OF THE CLUB WILL GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THIS FUND.

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December 1962

The Belfry Bulletin in 1963 As explained at the time, the B.B. Questionnaire was produced to give the editor a chance to find out whether the B.B differed from what the club wanted in the way of a magazine, and to stop him having constantly to refer to the B.B. in the B.B. Response was quite good, and much useful information was collected, for which the editor would like to thank all who filled in the forms. These forms have been studied and averages worked out. From this, it is possible to see what the majority of readers would like in future. Starting next month, the requests and suggestions made by the members who filled in the forms will be put into effect and it was felt, that readers might like to know what changes in the B.B. are contemplated. The Cover will remain as at present. When present stocks run out, the bat's face will be improved and the blocks redesigned for better registration. The date and serial number will not appear, as this proved wasteful and also expensive in the past. Only one member asked for them this time. It may be possible to include the odd 'special' cover from time to time as requested by some, if a suitable excuse arises. The Format will also remain unchanged. Members were unanimous on this point. It also saves stencils, and enables us to use easily available paper. Publication will remain monthly as at present. A few members preferred every other month, but in addition to pleasing the majority here, it was felt that as the B.B. is the only Mendip caving journal to appear monthly, it would be a good thing to continue the practice. It would not do to make every journal too similar. Contents. It is here that the changes will occur. The system of relying entirely on articles sent in by members is not working as well as it did. The new system is based on a number of 'features' which, we hope, will be collected by a number of volunteers and which will appear at different intervals - some nearly every month and some only now and again. These will form the 'backbone' of the B.B. to which articles will be added. It was interesting to compare the percentages of space which members wanted with the amount each subject regularly gets in the B.B. The biggest discrepancy was under the heading of club news. If we include all matter pertaining to the club, rather than to caving, climbing etc which appears in the B.B., we find that it has been as high as 41% of the entire year's contents (1951) and that it averages over the years at about 30%. In case it is felt that this percentage has been getting worse of late, it is interesting to find that the reverse is the case. Last year it was 27% and the year before 21%. The amount the club want is 9%. Part of the reason for this discrepancy is that it has been the policy since 1957 to produce a minimum size B.B. every month. If not enough articles are available, space has been filled up with 'padding' of various forms. By removing this padding, the percentage drops considerably. It will not be possible to get the amount down to what has been asked for, however, since one of the main functions of the B.B. is to distribute club news. In future, this will collected up into one 'feature' and notices will be tucked into odd spaces. In addition, all 'padding' will be dropped, and this should bring the total down considerably. The percentage of caving asked for was 26%. In the past, this figure has varied considerably, from a minimum of 8% in 1951 to the present record amount of 42% in 1961. By pruning the

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caving log, and restricting it to trips having an unusual feature or reporting work or a discovery, it should be possible to comply with members wishes and still include all the caving articles offered. A new subject put into the questionnaire was that of news of the activities of other clubs. The surprising answer obtained was that the club wanted 14% of the B.B. to be used on this subject nearly twice as much as was wanted of news of the B.E.C.! Again, this type of news will form the subject of a feature which will appear in most of the B.B.'s. Volunteers have already agreed to provide the material for such a feature. Normal articles will, of course, still be needed just as much as ever, as a guide to the subjects which are most popular, the club want more articles of a scientific or informative nature (18% is wanted as against 9% in 1961 and a maximum of 17.5% in I951). More articles on archaeology are wanted (6% as against a maximum of 4.5% in 1961). In contrast to this, the club are not keen on articles describing member’s travels or personal news of members. 3% on each of these subjects is considered by most members to be ample. Climbing has been erratically reported in the past. It has varied from 17% of the B.B. for 1951 to nil in a number of years. The amount required is 8%. Humour is in a similar position, with a maximum of 22% in 1952 and a minimum of 2.5% in 1961. The club want 6% but many members make the proviso that a really good humorous article will always be welcome. It is now down to the club humorists to see what they can produce in the way of really good stuff! As a result of further requests, an occasional feature commenting on some aspect of caving or club life will appear. It should be understood that any opinions in such articles may not necessarily be those of either the editor of the committee. Manuscripts for this feature should contain constructive comment and be designed to stimulate discussion rather than to ' stir' for the sake of stirring. All this may mean that the minimum size of the B.B. may occasionally be reduced. At present, it is never less than 8 pages, although sometimes this has only been achieved by the liberal use of 'padding'. However, we hope that the size may be kept up, and that it will be possible to print the odd 'special number' now and again - possibly with a special cover. The only minority which it has not been found possible to cater for are those few members who would like to see the B.B. come out much less often, and have the appearance of a “big" journal. Some of those members did make the point that they realized that the caving reports performed this function in the B.E.C. to some extent and we would like to emphasise that, while we are proposing to copy some of the ideas contained in other caving club journals, it is not intended to make the B.B. a carbon copy of any other journal. However, it may prove possible to go some way towards satisfying members who would like to see a large, less frequent B.B. without altering the B.B. as it stands. If this scheme proves workable, a suitable announcement will be made in a future B.B. It now remains to be seen whether the new layout of the B.B. proves popular in practice. Time will tell! _______________________________________________________________________________________

Notice of Jollification There will be a "bring your own bottle" party at the Belfry on Christmas day. All members and friends are welcome. The party will be held in the evening. Note; The Belfry has been specially enlarged for this function.

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December 1962

CAVING LOG (Trips of interest extracted from the B.E.C. Caving Log by Mike Luckwill.) On the 27th of June, John Cornwell led a trip of 11 people down Stoke Lane. This is a record for recent times. He reports, 'A nice wet trip with lots of brown things in the stream!' Also on the 27th, Mikes Palmer & Wheadon, with Albert Francis and John Swift investigated, ‘Lots of disappointing rifts in Victory Passage which we were rather optimistic about.’ They report the result of this investigation in September Series as being 'lots of loops'. Again on the 27th, John Ransom did a trip as a weegee to Kent's Cavern. He describes it as 'very interesting and colourful'. Mike Holland and three visitors report from Cuthbert’s on Whit Monday descended to Dining Room and out via Rat Run. On the way out of the Wire Rift, the wire finally gave way under the weight of El Grosso and was coiled up in a tangled mass at the top of the rift.’ On June 12th, Mike Baker, Mike Boon, John Cornwell plus two others did a photographic trip to Cascade Chamber, while Mike Boon investigated the sump. When lying full length in it, he couldn't get his boot upright. The Swildons Diving Op on the second of June consisted of divers Mike Thompson, Fred Davies, Mike Boon and Steve Wynn-Roberts with a support party of - Mike Holland, Bob Pyke, Ron Teagle, Jim Giles, B. Johnson, D. Turner and several M.N.R.C. types. The support party entered the cave and rigged the pitches and proceeded to sump IV. A second support party and the divers went to sump II when the divers continued downstream and were, met by the support party in Series IV. Marriott, Holland, Pyke and Turner assisted the divers to sump VI while the remainder left the cave. Holland and Marriott left shortly after leaving Pyke and Turner to operate the kitchen for the divers. The divers succeeded in passing sump VI and entering Series VII (with the exception of-Davies whose equipment snagged up in sump VI at a constriction). In Series VII, preliminary exploration was carried out and a rough survey made. Sump VII was inspected and reported to be 'tightish'. For further details see’ S.M.C.C. Journal. A working party in Priddy Green was held on the 19th of June and consisted of Mike Boon, D.A. "Grassy" Greenwood and B.T. Taylor. The party removed debris produced by Mike Thompson's recent banging. A Cuthbert's party of Jim Giles, Grassy Greenwood and D. Smith wrote 'Taking advantage of M. Boon's good work in clearing the duck, a further examination of the terminal sump was carried out. Conclusions reached: Sump and side passages very unpromising.’ J. Eatough's Maypole: Three sections moved to the bottom of the Entrance Rift while remaining section left at Kanchenjunga. Found the boulder wedged in top of rift to be an interesting addition to the sport of the ‘Entrance Rift’. On the First of July, a very large party went down G.B. on a photographic trip. J. Cornwell, A. Collins, T. Philpott, A. Sandall, J. Lamb, J. Wathen, Graham & Julie Robinson, Mike Baker, R. Jarman, G. Tilley, D. Smith, N. Petty, B. Robins, N. White, C. King, D. Ager, P. Board, T. Blanchard and four others. The aim was to take photographs for the photographic competition. On the 6th of July, Richard Roberts and R. Croft did a trip to the Maypole Series and Main Stream Passage in Cuthbert’s collecting water Samples and bugs. The next day, Mikes Wheadon and Palmer with Albert Francis and Dave Stevenson went dawn to Sugar Bowl Chamber after moving the boulder in the Entrance Rift. They report that they ‘managed to bring walls of Sugar Bowl Chamber down (literally) around our ears. There is no longer a hole in the floor but through ruckle leads back to Quarry Corner.’ The same day, Mike Luckwill, John Cornwell, Sally Featherstone did a tourist trip round Cascade, Fingers, Cerberus and Rat Run. John Cornwell reports shattered after early morning exercise with some athletic types. On the 11th of July, during a tourist trip to September Series, consisting of P.M. Giles, R. Williams and G. Bell, the telephone line between Kanchenjunga and Pillar Chamber was removed and left coiled at the entrance to Pillar Chamber. The same day a well in Flax Bourton was investigated by R. Bennett, N. Petty, K. & P. Franklyn and S. Tuck. The well proved to be some twenty feet deep with five feet of water in the bottom and no apparent way through. Ten feet down, a passage was revealed after removing deading. R. Bennett explored it for some fifteen to twenty feet. The air was bad and it ended in a tight rift. The first part of the passage appeared to be mined and not natural. On the 29th July, M. Baker, N. Petty, J. Cornwell and R. Bagshaw went down Cuthbert’s. M. Baker and J. Cornwell went digging in Cerberus Series in a small solutional passage and reported easy digging but an awful large amount of 'sand'. R. Bagshaw and N. Petty fixed up a new rawlbolt on the Water Chute to secure the chain.

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The September issue of "Cuba", which was sent to most of our members contained an article entitled "Estalagmitas de Geiser" written by Professor Antonio Nunez Jimenez and was accompanied by some excellent photographs and drawings. The article which follows attempts to provide a partial summary and report of Professor Jimenez's findings

GEYSER STALAGMITES (Translated by M. Luckwill) The Gran Caverna de Santo Thomas is situated in the Sierra de Quemado, in the province of Pinar del Rio and its ten and a half miles of passages make it the largest underground system in Latin America. In 1955, Professor Antonio Nunez Jimenez and his party were exploring the system when they came across an unusual formation ‘never before reported in the New World’. Over the rock floor they saw several stalagmites, conical in shape, and in whose tops appeared craters similar in shape to those of volcanoes. These were a notable discovery in the field of speleology for they were not at all like the solid structures formed from water drops falling from the roof and slowly building up a large deposit. At first they thought their discovery would have the following explanation: after the formation of a normal stalagmite by the drop process, the solution, having lost its carbonate content, would be acid and this acid solution, when dropping onto the stalagmite, would produce a hollow crater in them. However, this hypothesis was rejected for, of the 234 stalagmites studied, the immense majority had neither stalactites nor water drops above. Also a few of the formations had a crater, not at the top, but on the side the side of the stalagmite which clearly indicated that they had not been formed by any falling water. Their curiosity grew when they observed new characteristics in the formations which also compared with the big volcanoes on the earth's surface, a more careful examination of the stalagmites showed them that the edge of the little craters possessed marks which seemed to indicate that the force which made them came from the inside of the stalagmite and proceeded outwards. A microscopic analysis showed that the cones were formed from a porous mass of calcite very different in structure from that associated with the normal process of stalagmite construction. They also found together with the Calcite, intrusions of Limonite and clay impurities. It seemed, therefore, that the solution which had formed these deposits had been in the form of geysers and jets of water which had opened up fissures in the cave floor and left sediment of cones of calcite around the water vents, a process similar to that of volcanoes. A search of the caving literature of the world over a period of years verified that only in the Grotto of Arragonite in Zbrasov, Czechoslovakia had such formations been reported. There is no doubt that Cuba is the second country in the world to possess these geyser stalagmites. As in the Czechoslovakian caves, the geyser stalagmites are aligned above a clearly visible fissure in the passage floor known as the Salon y del Abono. The largest of them is nearly five feet in height, with an inner circumference of over a foot and a crater depth of some fifteen inches. All photographs and drawings which accompany Prof. Jimenez's article on these formations are well worth looking at. A copy may be seen in the club library. It is interesting to note that the carbonate occurs as Calcite. The idea of geysers usually brings to mind hot solutions and under these conditions one would have expected the carbonate to have been deposited as aragonite.

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December 1962

REPORT OF A NEW DISCOVERY IN CUTHBERT’S by R. Bennett & J.A. Eatough. On the 6th,May, 1962, Roy Bennett and I were making a thorough investigation into Coral Series, when we came to the conclusion that ...further passages probably lay above the then known limits of Coral Series, and so a systematic search was made. During this search, many, small holes were probed. In Long Chamber, I managed to find a way into a boulder ruckle, and pushed through into what was obviously a very large chamber. I immediately went back for Roy and together we made a preliminary investigation. This large chamber was found to lie along the fault which forms the western limit of the St. Cuthbert’s system, in a position between Curtain Chamber and Coral Series and thus fills a gap in the survey. We soon found that the chamber was of considerable size and in places was divided into smaller chambers by a tremendous confusion of boulders lying against the hanging wall of the fault as shown below....

We went into the boulders at the north end of the chamber into a further large chamber, then into more boulders which have so far halted progress to the north. We left a cairn at this point. Back in the second boulder ruckle we entered, we found a pile of stones which, after much discussion, we decided might be a cairn left by a previous party, but a very careful search revealed that no previous party had entered the system by the way that we had entered it. We decided that further investigations were required. On the way out of this chamber we had a quick look at the boulder ruckle at the south end of the chamber, noting a small passage which was not entered, but we did see a very fine nest of cave pearls and quite a lot of good formations. Following the discovery of this chamber I made two more trips to the area, this time accompanied by John Attwood and Kangy. During these trips, we pushed on in several directions and found quite a lot more passage including a finely formed and finely decorated solutional passage which ascended steeply to a stal barrier as shown below.....

This was some sixty feet up. While Kangy was having a look at the barrier and the chamber visible beyond, I managed to find a parallel passage and bypass the obstruction. After a flat out squeeze, I got into the richly decorated chamber. On my fourth trip, John Attwood and I took some photographs in this last discovery and of the pearls. On the 28th October 1962, a party of eight of us went down to push downwards through the boulders, in an effort to find a way on and solve the mystery of the cairn. We pushed on downwards, past the cairn and suddenly came to a large passage which was discovered to be Fracture Rift, above the way into Coral Series. Due to the extremely dangerous state of the boulders here, we did not push through into the passage, but left a lighted candle, then beat a hasty retreat and went to look for the candle from the Annexe Chamber end of the passage, from which the candle could be seen.

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This, then, is a preliminary description of the latest St. Cuthbert’s discovery, which can be safely said to be the most important since the discovery of September Series, and one which has added some five to six hundred feet to the total length of the cave. Much remains to be done here, but would be explorers are warned, of the extremely dangerous nature of the huge piles of boulders, many of which have no visible means of support. This is most certainly the diciest part of the cave system so far found. We have decided that the cairn was probably left, in the early Cuthbert’s days, by a party who climbed into the boulders from the Annexe Chamber end, noted the danger built a cairn and then left, having come within a hairs breadth of finding the new chamber, which is probably the second largest in the cave and may well prove to be the largest. We have named this chamber Upper Long Chamber provisionally. Exploration, photography and surveying are continuing. _______________________________________________________________________________________ All of which goes to show, amongst other things, the importance of WRITING UP trips where future exploration parties can read them and compare notes! Ed. _______________________________________________________________________________________

WEEKEND IN NORTH WALES (19th – 21st October, 1962) by Roy Bennett. In spite of last minute changes in plan, fifteen people ascended into the Peterborough and Wellingborough Mountaineering Clubs jointly owned hut at Yefnant near Bethesda. Difficulty was experienced by some in locating this, but the hut, which was comfortable and commodious, was worth the trouble and coped reasonably well with the influx plus about a half a dozen of the owner members. Saturday dawned clear, tempting some members out of bed at the unusual hour of eight am and eventually the entire expedition assembled in Ogwen for various purposes. Messrs Turner, Keys, Bater, Petty and Sybil went walking, Mike and Lourie ascending Tryfan and Crib Goch with intermediate motor transport, while the Tucks and Bennetts ascended Glyder Fawr via the (I can't read Roy's writing! Ed). Meanwhile, Messrs Marriott, Mossman, Sandall with Mrs's Bater and Sandall led by the invincible Anthony J. Dunn attacked chasm route on Glyder Fach. Some difficulty was experienced by some on a little obstacle known as the Vertical Vice, but after considerable effort all appeared on the summit. At this point Tony, Alan and Mo decided to walk back to the hut via Y Garn etc as the way appeared easy and the map distance insignificant. When the remainder of the party returned to the hut, an enquiry from one of the owner members indicated that darkness would fall ere they returned. Consternation almost reigned and it was wondered if the B.E.C. could stand the simultaneous loss of three committee members. The Tucks and Bennetts rapidly departed to the house of Stafford in case a rescue party should be required and John undertook to ring up the Mountain Rescue first thing Monday morning if necessary. However, all was well and the summit party returned to base under their own steam after traversing numerous bogs (vegetable) and other obstacles with consummate ease.

Sunday also proved rainless and was again spent in Cgwen. Some traversed Tryfan South to North and Sybil had a bad moment on the mountain. The climbers did various routes on Bochnydd Buttress of increasing difficulty but no one actually fell off and the assembled company made for home after a very enjoyable weekend.

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What happened to the Mammoth? by K.S. Gardner. Every one is acquainted with the hairy long tusked mammoth that was part of this country's fauna during the last Ice Age. A tooth of one was found in St. Cuthbert’s Swallet a few years ago by Jack Waddon. That the mammoth was contemporary with man we know from the lifelike representations on the walls of the French caves, paintings and engravings ten to twenty thousand years old. But what happened to this great beast when the polar front retreated from the British Isles to its present position? Of his contemporary companions many remain accepted as present day occupants of this earth; the reindeer the arctic fox and the lemming did not become extinct, they merely moved north, as must the mammoth have done initially. It is widely known that some years ago, a frozen carcase of a mammoth came into the hands of a scientific institution in Russia and that much was learned from its study. The general impression was that this was a stroke of luck - one mammoth preserved by chance and fortuitously delivered into the hands of science. This is not quite the case, however, for "superstitious peasants" and people who "must be mistaken" had been taking such happenings for common place for centuries previously. The word ‘mammoth’ is alleged to have been derived from ‘mammantu’ meaning ‘the underground giant’. Throughout all of Lapp and Siberian folklore are legends of a monstrous hairy beast who sleeps beneath the snow and slowly emerges when it melts. A more material form of evidence is the long established trade in ivory carried out by Siberian peasants. At the beginning of this century the province of Yakutsk is alleged to have exported 150 pairs of mammoth tusks per year. The trade is not new either; both pre-Christian Chinese chronicles and Pliny the elder refer to ivory being dug from the ground in Siberia. In 1611 in London a certain J. Logan exhibited a huge “elephant's Tusk” from Russia. In 1692 a Dutchman named Ides reported the discovery of carcases and the legends of burrowing elephants. In 1724, Peter the Great sent a representative to investigate and he found a putrefying carcase. In 1802, another was seen by Prof Adams and at last in 1901, the Imperial Academy of Science at St Petersburg announced the recovery for scientific study of an almost whole carcase. A study of the stomach contents revealed that, far from being a tundra beast, this hairy elephant fed on lush forest plants. Its remains were found when the forest had retreated - perhaps been stripped even by the vast hordes of mammoth, more and more of whom must have been slowly concentrating on N. Siberia ten thousand years ago. But did they all drop dead with no descendants, even though the Siberian environment of the time must have been ideal for them? Three million square miles of Siberia is covered with the world's largest and least known forest the Taiga. A forest which could hide Great Britain thirty times over, a forest almost the size of the U.S.A. Could it be logically possible that a few mammoth still survive? How old were the ice preserved corpses - ten thousand years? - a thousand years? - a hundred years? In 1580 a Don Cossack reported having seen a large hairy elephant beyond the Ural Mountains. In 1918 an illiterate Siberian hunter followed tracks into the Taiga for several weeks. His quarry eluded him but not before he had seen them. Shown pictures of the mammoth, he had no difficulty in identifying them! After the discovery of the so-called extinct coelacanth, who knows what other 'extinct' fauna may prove one day not to be so.

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The Ghosts of Rookham Hill by P.A.E. Stewart. It is the custom, my masters, on a winters evening when the lamps are trimmed, the wind is moaning in the chimney and the snow lies crisp outside that the talk turns to things supernatural and strange. As you sip your ale in the "Hunters" and read your Christmas B.B., here is a little tale for your entertainment. A true account of a rather weird experience on Mendip top (an experience which I hope never to have again!) and its interesting sequel. In the autumn of the year 1956, I had been to Wells for a meeting and was returning late at night by the old Bristol road in my ford popular car. I had taken a coffee at the museum - nothing stronger - and was quite cheerful, thinking of a future caving programme and the prospects for some digs that were in progress. I came round the bend at the bottom of Rookham Hill and had just changed down for the long slope up to the top when I felt a prickly feeling on the nape of my neck. This sensation gradually intruded itself on my thoughts until I became fully aware of it. My first thought was of a draught so I automatically felt for the side window and it was closed. This perplexed me rather and by this time the effect had become more intense - I realised that all my hair was standing on end! The next stage is difficult, to describe and consisted of: (a) Trying to control rising nervous tension. (b) Driving the car. (c) Looking for the cause of "all this ‘ere". The answer to part (c) was even worse. I realised that there was someone (or something) in the nearside back seat! By this time I had reached the top of the hill and was passing Bishop’s Lot Swallet on the run down to the Hunters. I don't quite know how if realised that there, was something in the back, but I was completely certain. By this time, things were beginning to get a bit tough and the over-riding impulse was to stop the car and get to heck cut of it! However, I realised that this would not solve any problems, as I would have to get back in again and drive on to Bristol, and that would be much harder. Mendip at 11 pm in the middle of the week is not particularly over populated. I was stuck with it! There was only one way to resolve this and this was to look in the rear view mirror and check the back seat. However I could not bring myself to do this as I knew it would only confirm the situation and most certainly would mean a crash stop with all anchors out. By this time I had my foot hard down and was going like the clappers past the Hunters, over the cross roads and up towards the Mineries. I was hoping that if I drove on whatever it was would eventually disappear. At the forestry houses I must have been touching 55 and at the last moment remembered the wicked right hander ahead. Brakes, two wheels, grass verge and I was round, but only just! Foot hard down again past Waldegrave Pool, the Miners and the Castle until just at Land Leer it wasn't there any more and the tension suddenly lifted. I coasted down to the top of Harptree Hill and mopped a dripping forehead. I quite happily looked in the back seat and of course there was nothing there. Everything was quite normal. The whole thing was not subjective, of that I am quite sure. I have been in worse situations without any trace of the "heebies" and I sincerely hope it never happens again. The nest day, I mentioned the episode to an acquaintance from Wells and he told me this story. A friend of his was in a combination and had just passed the Hunters going towards Wells. He saw what he took to be the weak headlights of a car at some distance. The sudden appearance of a coach with four black horses and two sidelights going towards the Hunters put him in the ditch. When you leave the Hunters these dark evenings, cast a glance towards the top of Rookham - you never know what you may see! That is just how it happened, my masters, anything in the car that night? I will never know.

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16 17


19 20 23








29 30

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33 36



34 38


As many Cuthbert’s names as possible have been incorporated in (ignoring all two letter words where they occur). The clues are in the form of a trip description which should prove very m simple to Cuthbert’s experts. The trip description starts below. THE TRIP. The entrance shaft goes straight down, not like a 34 down and leads to the entrance pitch. This doesn't require much CARE and you could make a 4 down of it. When you get to the 19 down go to the last part of it and down the ladder. You are now are 14 across 19 down pitch and should keep 21 across dry unless a lot of 9 across has fallen lately. On through the Wire Rift and down the 24 across to Upper Mud Hall. Past the 7 down to Quarry 10 across. From there to Upper Traverse Chamber to visit 18 down Series where 22 down Chamber is visited on the way to the 36 across. Back in Upper Traverse Chamber; go through a hole in the floor and past 8 down to Bypass Passage in the 14 across Series and on down the stream to Everest Passage. This stream is not the 18 across. From there, go through the 39 across to the 1

Number 178 Page 11 across Series and so into the Dining Room. Here, a meal can be cooked and the 17 down thrown into a hole which acts as a 3 down. Go on, when ready, through the 26 down 17 across taking care not to finish up in the 2 down by mistake or to get to Plantation Junction the hard way via 5 down. Now to the 32 across Hive Chamber, up the stal bank to see the 36 across. An impressive 31 down. On to the duck, where anyone wishing to go on would be advised to consider a 28 down suit. Coming back, 38 down the 26 down 17 across extension pass some mere 30 across on the way to Chain Chamber. Ahead is the 37 down 23 down from which no 12 down has been extracted! Coming up through Catgut, rather than down to see the 33 across flake you pass through the 38 across and have to 11 across in many places, sometimes on your 16 down! Finally, staggering out, you reflect, that you are suffering from 29 across 27 across and it seems a long time 15 across that the trip started. The Wire Rift and the Ledge Pitches prove 23 across but you take time at Arête Pitch to go and 6 down through the window and see 7 down pitch as well. Finally, come up the 40 across pitch in the last part of it in time for 13 across (especially the leader who has collected several 35 across!) What of 1 down and 20 across? They didn't fit into the trip but, if you want to finish the puzzle, 1 across was not a 20 across and 1 down without its middle letter comes from a 23 down. “Alfie” _______________________________________________________________________________________

Jug’s Journeyings by "Jug" Jones. During the few occasions that I attended Mendip, I did very little caving (whatever that is). However, recently I'm proud to say, I've done even less. Nevertheless, I've decided to contact you and let you know how I am wasting time and the taxpayer’s money in just travelling around. After finishing our refit period at Portsmouth we left for the Scilly Isles. Arriving there we found the seas too rough to allow the landing of a motor boat, so regrettably we had to leave. We were all very sorry about this as the flower picking season had just begun. For those who have never heard of this cult - let me explain - that English, French and possibly young ladies from other places of repute gather here to pick tulips: etc. As one may well imagine, this causes great festivities, being the only, place in the world where the foreman shouts "Come into the garden, Maud". However, we sadly slipped anchor and shot through to Portland Bill. Here we did our Working Up exercises for the beginning of the commission. This includes exercising every dingle piece of equipment and sailor (even me) on board. To give you some idea, I will list a few that come to mind. Firstly, landing parties (a mild form of assault party). Men were landed with 24 hour packs, weapons and shovels etc. and fought the Marines the possession of a cliff top. As the poem goes "Bootneck, Bootneck, can't catch me,” "Who can't?", "You can't!" EEEEEEEE! Then we took part in an exercise called "Aid to civil power". We practiced landing complete field kitchens and stores in anticipation of an earth quake or other such civil disaster (such big words!) We chased submarines. They chased us. We fired at aircraft and vice versa. We chased surface raiders and had star shell illumination at night until we were sick of the sound of gunfire. Abandon ship exercises followed and a team of wreckers joined the ship, throwing smoke bombs around and writing FLOOD on the bulkheads and generally making nuisances of themselves. My mate got DEAD chalked on his back twice, but still drew his tot of rum. We exercised with the French fleet (a cowardly bunch in my opinion) and sped on to Plymouth. We left, escorting a convoy to Scotland, where we were "sunk" by subs four times en route. We arrived at Rosyth and everyone enjoyed the break and took the chance to visit such notorious places as "The Thistle", "The Black Bull" and the infamous "Fairlies" in Edinburgh. Incidentally, I organised a caving trip (most foolish; to visit CHARLESTON LIME CAVES, but enough of caving! We visited Loch Glass where I chased and caught a lamb, but being a lamb and not a sheep, I let it go. We left here and went further north to the county of Sutherland. Here we practised bombarding the mainland with live ammunition (to the Englishmen’s delight). Durness was quite near, so I asked permission to go and have a look at SMOO cave. Permission was refused. As simple as that. Two of us then promised to do a caving trip during the middle watch and return on board at 1630, so help us, but permission was again refused. This time, we demanded a reason

Page 12 December 1962 (through the official channels and all that). The reason - "We are afraid you will use this expeditionary training period as a convenient excuse for a pub crawl" Our next port of call was Aarhus, Denmark. We found the cost of living quite high here. Beer was a half to one kroner per half pint bottle, but I averaged twenty bottles a night for the next four nights, then finally slipped into a Horrible state of suspended animation. (For non Biospeleologist this means a deep kip). Places of interest to visit in Aarhus are Folkes Park - a sort of glorified Belle Vue or Battersea and a tiny section called the Old City. Leaving Denmark, we passed on to Sweden (Sundsvall). Now, if the cost of living in Denmark was high, in Sweden it leapt to Skyscraper proportions. However, the girls who were tall and blonde, crowded around our ship for all of our four day stay (day and-night). I have seen the midnight sun before, up in the Arctic Circle, but this is the first time I have actually been ashore and found daylight for four days and nights. As a matter of interest, one finds one finds it very difficult to sleep, yet looking back on it, nobody seemed to feel tired! After a short break at home for pre-overseas leave we sailed for Gibraltar. Here, Hooray! Beer was approximately 6d a bottle. Viva España. We visited the bullring and I had my first glimpse of the "leetile Spanish donkee" (50cc) fully equipped with double pannier bags and smelly boy. After Gib and many adventures (did fail to visit St. Michaels mount or grotto) the ship headed for Ajaccio. This is about the largest town on the island of Corsica. What was it Corsicans were famous for? Anyway, all the bandits I met were ordinary bandits. The bandit’s wives (so a naval officer tells me) spend all day making lace. The place was generally filthy - the water had to be analysed before being shipped inboard - and the French were as filthy as ever! All the sewers were of the open disposal type (they just ran down on to the beaches). Italy seemed an improvement on France, but here again, the cost of living seemed to have risen considerably (sailor's wages remain stable). The port we put into was Rapello. This is a sort of toned down Monte Carlo and Geoff Duke lived here when he rode for M.V.’s. For my money, it was more like a glorified, souped-up, sunlit Southsea. The beaches however, were perfect and swimming was the order of the day (nothing more than a delicate paddle for yours truly!) I actually managed to pack my rucksack and get some leave here. For potential campers, the water is supposed to be dangerous for English stomachs, but I gulped gallons of it and remained O.K. Still, that doesn't prove anything, does it? The sunshine faded so did we, and the seas were once more crashing beneath our bows. Great schools of dolphins seemed to be racing us beneath the beautiful blue sky. The flying fish also entertained us with their graceful leaps from wave to wave. Trouble overtook us here. A sailor went down with appendix trouble. The doc decided not to operate, but make for port. Majorca was the nearest place, so the victim was landed here. No leave was granted, but from what I could see of the harbour, the Isle of Love is garbage. _______________________________________________________________________________________

The Education of H.M. Forces On Tuesday, 13th of November, a team of speleologists, all experts comprising of John Cornwell, Sybil Bowden-Lyle and myself, undertook the arduous journey into Wogland accompanied by stout hearts, unwavering devotion to duty and a good supply of cigarettes. The object of this expedition was to educate the uninitiated wogs (i.e. those stationed at Compton Bassett doing penance for the queen) in the arts of caving and the like. The ceremony was held in an establishment known as "The Tenants Club" which is in effect a luxurious type of N.A.A.F.I. A slide show and lecture were presented by John Cornwell and were received with great enthusiasm. The slides were of the highest possible standard whilst the lecture was most enlightening Sandwiches, and the always sought after beer were provided by our hosts afterwards. The expedition made a slight detour on the way home to partake of some of "Gaff" Fowler's coffee. Garth.

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Page 13

Annual List of Club Member’s’ Names and Addresses This list is the one currently used by the B.B. Postal Department and is the ‘official’ list of member’s addresses. If yours address is not correct, please get in touch with Bob Bagshaw or ‘Kangy’ as otherwise your B.B. is likely to be sent to the wrong address. 418 306 236 486 20 392 358 290 214 390 451 370 417 364 336 515 460 145 320 506 209 190 488 429 366 471 211 89 377 494 521 71 405 464 350 472 423 424 226 449 517 164 457 505 325 331 322 263 232 394 496

S.F. Alway T Andrews T. Attwood P.J. Badcock R.J. Bagshaw M.J. Baker D.J. Balcombe R. Bater R. Bennett J. Bennett D. Berry W.L. Beynon J. Binden P. Bird P.M. Blogg A. Bonner J.M. Boon P.J. Borchard Miss S. Bowden-Lyle N Brooks Miss R. Burnett P. Burt Mrs P. Burt M. Calvert R Casling B.R. Chamberlain D. Causer Mrs C. Coase S.J. Collins D. Cooke-Yarborough. J. Cornwell Miss M. Counsell A.J. Crawford F.G. Darbon J. Davey Mrs A. Davies R. Davies L. Dawes Mrs L. Dawes I Dear G. Dell J. Dennis K.C. Dobbs J. Downie D.P. Drew A.J. Dunn J.A. Etough B.M. Ellis D. England C. Falshaw Mrs C. Falshaw P.G. Faulkner

102 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 135 Danson Road, Bexley, Kent 4 Bridge Road, Shortwood, Nr. Mangotsfield, Bristol Sarnia House, Coronation Street, Barnstaple, Devon 699 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 Morello, Ash Lane, Wells, Somerset 58 Lebanon Road, Croydon, Surrey 108 Memorial Road, Hanam, Bristol 3 Russets Cottages, Backwell Common, Somerset. 3 Russets Cottages, Backwell Common, Somerset 1 York Place, St. Augustine’s , Brandon Hill, Bristol Bulimba Hostel, Brisbane Street, Bulimba, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Tyan, Victoria Roiad, Freshfiled, Nr. Liverpool City Museum, Queens Road, Bristol 1 Ridgeway Park, Ridgeway, Bristol 54 Lawson Street, Maryport, Cumberland 9 Landsdown Close, Garston, Watford, Herts 35 Hallstead Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire Garden Flat, 36 Lower Oldfield Park, Bath, Somerset Falloden, Pierrefondes Avenue, Farnborough, Hants 51 Bath Road, Brislington, Bristol 4 3 Manor House, Rothamsted, Harpendon, Herts 3 Manor House, Rothamsted, Harpendon, Herts 2 Eden Villas, Larkhill, Bath, Somerset 51 Oakdale Road, Downend, Bristol 102 Egerton Road, Bishopston, Bristol 7 19 Kenmore crescent, Filton Park, Bristol 7 Box 1, Eiffel Flats, Southern Rhodesia 33 Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8 The Beeches, St. Briavels, Lydney, Glos 26 Russell Road, Fishponds, Bristol 39 Hayford Avenue, Eastville, Bristol 5 3 Hillside, Harefield, Uxbridge, Middelsex 43 Arthur Henderson House, Fulham Road, Fulham, London, S.W.6 25 Hanson Lane, Halifax, Yorks 10 Bramley Road, Street, Somerset Icknell Way House, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Berkshire 223 Southwark Park Road, Bermondsey, London ES16 223 Southwark Park Road, Bermondsey, London ES16 Tudor Cottage, Vicarage Lane, Studdington, Hampshire 6 Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol 8 Hut 376 W, ‘A’ Sqdn, R.A.F. Compton Bassett, Calne, Wilts 85 Fox Road, Pinhoe, Exeter, Devon Dimlands, Llantwit Major, Glamorgan 24 Merynton Avenue, Cannon Hill, Coventry 63 Oakdale Road, Downend, Bristol 116 Newbridge Road, Brislington, Bristol 41 Fore Street, North Petherton, Somerset 7 Frome Way, Winterbourne, Bristol 57 Hallen Grange Crescent, Lodge Moor, Sheffield 10 57 Hallen Grange Crescent, Lodge Moor, Sheffield 10 251 Rowah Crescent, Langley, Middleton, Manchester

Page 14 371 A. Fincham 269 T. Fletcher 453 D.C. Ford 278 469 468 404 251 476 470 510 90 388 434 346 478 491 239 432 104 304 519 4 480 436 373 440 406 97 150 444 438 522 516 51 486 285 439 513 316 413 456 260 475 463 483 495 466 487 511 275 416 106 383 334 308

G.A. Fowler K. Franklin P. Franklin A. Francis K.S. Gardner M.C. Garton P.M. Giles A.P. Godfrey D. Gommo J.W. Goodwin D. Greenwood G.H. Griffiths S.H. Grime M.H. Grimes D. Gwinnel N.P. Hallett M. Hannam C.W. Harris R.P. Harte D. Hassell C.J. Hawkes J.W. Hill S.M. Hobbs M. Holland D.W. Hoskyns D. Hunt J. Ifold P. Ifold B.J. Isles M. Isles Miss P. Irwin R. Jarman V. Jewell A. Johnson R. Jones U. Jones W.F. Jones G.M. Joyner R.S. King R. Kitchen T. Knight J. Lamb B.T. Lane J.M. Lane A.G. Lee M. Luckwill B. Lynn P. Mack N. McSharry C.A. Marriott T.K. Marston E.J. Mason P.J. Miller D.W. Mitchell K. Murray

December 1962 Leeds University Union, Leeds 2 The Old Mill House, Parnack, Nr. Stamford, Lincs Department of Geography, Hamilton College, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 77 Kinshill Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 18 Clayton Street, Avonmouth, Bristol 18 Clayton Street, Avonmouth, Bristol 22 Hervey Road, Wells, Somerset Keedwell Cottage, Providence Lane, Long Ashton, Somerset The Grampains, Shepherd’s Bush Road, London H.M.S. Brave Swordsman, G.P.O., London Hut 350, ‘A; Sqdn, R.A.F. Compton Bassett, Calne, Wiltshire 21 Reynolds Close, Meadow Park, Keynsham, Bristol 11 Glenarm Walk, Brislington, Bristol 4 34 Oaklands Avenue, Northrowane, Halifax, Yorks 164 St. John’s Lane, Bristol 3 34 Dodworth Drive, Mettlethorpe, Wakefield, Yorkshire The Spinney, Rickman Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey 34 Gatehouse Close, Withywood, Bristol 3 13 Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset Myndeep, Westwood Drive, Pill, Somerset 14 Market Place, Wells, Somerset 23 Frobisher Road, Ashton, Bristol 3 ‘Hill House’, Moorlynch, Bridgwater, Somerset 147 Evington Lane, Leicester 29 Highbury Road, Horfield, Bristol 135 Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol 13 Lauriston Road, Preston Park, Brighton 6, Sussex 128 Woodland Gardens, Isleworth, Middlesex Apt 21, 1 Superior, Mimico, Toronto14, Ontario, Canada Leigh House, Nempnett, Chew Stoke, Somerset. Sunnyside, Rectory Lane, Compton Martin, Somerset 40 Richmond Street, Totterdown, Bristol 89 Broadwalk, Knowle, Bristol 4 50 Acacia Road, Bournville, Birmingham 30 ‘Jable’, Digby Road, Sherborne, Dorset 78 Winterstoke Road, Ashton, Bristol 3 Warren Cottage, Station Road, Flax Bourton, Somerset 38 Southdown Road, Emmer Green, Reading, Berkshire 3 Durham Street, Eslwich Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1a East Avenue, Cheadle, Cheshire 35 Stothard Avenue, Lockleaze, Bristol 7 22 Parkfield Rank, Pucklechurch, Bristol 1st Batt. 2 E. Anglican Reg., Mercer Barracks, Osnabruck, B.F.P.O. 36 61 Worton Way, Isleworth, Middlesex 365 Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol 7 12 St. Aubins Avenue, Broomhill, Brislington, Bristol 4 14 Willow View, Bairstow Lane, Sowerby Bridge, Yorks 7 Staff Cottages, Farleigh Hospital, Flax Bourton, Nr. Bristol 52 Clifton Down Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 8 Park Road, Lower Weston, Bath, Somerset 31 Cornwallis Crescent, Clifton, Bristol 8. C.S.D.F., R.A.F. Compton Bassett, Calne, Wiltshire 718 Muller Road, Eastville, Bristol 5 33 Greenbank Avenue, St. Judes, Plymouth, Devon 11 Kendon Drive Wellington Hill West, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol 130 Longmead Avenue, Bishopston, Bristol 7 2 Selwood Road, Frome, Somerset 17 Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W.7

386 A. Nash 329 T.W. Neil 330 Mrs T.W. Neil T.O’Flaherty 396 M.A. Palmer 496 Miss S.E. Paul 327 J. Pegram 22 L. Peters 160 N. Petty 499 A. Philpot 146 T. Pink 56 G. Platten 450 G. Pointing 337 B. Prewer 342 R.J. Price 458 L. Pritchard 484 J.M. Pullman 291 D. Quicke 481 Mrs D. Quicke 358 D. Radmore 452 J. Ransom 552 C.H.G. Rees 241 Mrs Rees 443 A.L.C.Rice 489 A. Rich 391 P.A. Richards 361 Mrs P.A. Richards 157 R.J. Roberts 240 Mrs Robinson 359 G. Robinson 237 Miss J.P. Rollason 482 A. Sandall 508 Mrs. A. Sandall 78 B.M. Scott P. Scott 482 G. Selby 533 A. Selway 78 R. Setterington 213 R. Setterington 425 J. Simonds 414 C. Smith 473 D. Smith 276 J. Stafford 38 Mrs. I. Stanbury 1 T.H. Stanbury 365 R. Stenner 381 Mrs. Stenner 60 P.A.E. Stewart 514 E.P. Tackle 284 A. Thomas D.M. Thomas 497 M. Thompson 479 J. Tierney G. Tilley 409 G.E. Todd 74 J. Tompsett 80 Mrs. D. Tompsett 326 E. Towler 512 N. Tuck

Number 178 Page 15 23714348 Pte A.G. (Int) H.Q. East African Command, B.F.P.O. 10 Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset Oldfield Park Lodge, Wells Road, Bath, Somerset Cathedral Coffee Tavern, 3 St. Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset Flat H, 21 Lovelace Road, Surbiton, Surrey 333, 5th S.E., Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada 21 Melbury Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 12 Bankside Road, Brislington, Bristol 3 Kings Drive, Bishopston, Bristol 53 Burnthwaite Road, Fulham, London SW6 ‘Rutherfield’, Fernhill Lane, New Milton, Hants. 10 Green Lane, Avonmouth, Bristol East View, West Horrington, Nr. Wells, Somerset 2 Weeks Road, Bishop Sutton, Somerset 58 Belper Road, Derby Badgers Wood, Brockley, Bristol Kingsway Caravan Park, Cuckoo Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol Kingsway Caravan Park, Cuckoo Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol 2 Dunkeld Road, Filton, Bristol 15 South View, Lenthay, Sherborne, Dorset 10 Clarence Road, Bristol 2 10 Clarence Road, Bristol 2 13 Wades Road, Filton, Bristol c/o Pox 126, Basham, Alberta, Canada 119 Welbeck Road, West Harrow, Middlesex 119 Welbeck Road, West Harrow, Middlesex 5 Bennett Street, Bath, Somerset 10 Linden Road, Redland, Bristol 6 10 Linden Road, Redland, Bristol 6 157 Pen Park Road, Redland, Bristol 6 43, Meadway Avenue, Nailsea, Somerset. 43, Meadway Avenue, Nailsea, Somerset 14 Devon Close, Tottenham, London N17 16 Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 38 Hawkers Lane, Wells, Somerset 59 Talbot Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 4 Galmington Lane, Taunton, Somerset 5 Moycullen Court. 96 Maida Vale, London W.9 31 Springfield Lane, Teddington, Middlesex 48 Windsor Road Leyton, London E10 3 Providence Place, Reading, Berks. Wern Isaf, Pethel, Cearns 74, Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. 6 Aubrey Road, Bristol 3 38 Paultow Road, Victoria Park, Bristol 3 38 Paultow Road, Victoria Park, Bristol 3 11 Fairhaven Road, Redland, Bristol 6 29 Haydon Gardens, Romey Gardens, Lockleaze, Bristol 7 Westhaven School, Uphill, Weston s Mare, Somerset 12 Clarence Road, Bristol 2 Ashen Hill Cottage, Priddy, Somerset Flat 3, 37 Hawley Sq., Margate, Kent Jable, Digby Road, Sherborne, Dorset Sundayshill Cottage, Falfield, Glos Mallins, Lodge Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex Mallins, Lodge Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex 11 St. Phillips Road, London E8 33 St. Arvans Road, Cwmbran, Monmouthshire

Page 16 382 S. Tuck 462 Mrs. S. Tuck Miss J. Wathen 79 R.M. Wallis 441 G.O. Weston 442 Mrs. G. Weston 397 M. Wheadon 520 C. Wildgoose 509 R. Wilmut 420 R. Winch 518 J.G. Wolff 341 R.A. Woodford 418 E.A. Woodwell 501 A.M. Wring 477 R.F. Wyncoll

December 1962 13 Hanbury Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 13 Hanbury Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 Theresa Cottage, Passage Road, Saul, Glos 55 Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Warrington, Lancs 126 Woodside Road, Beaumont Park, Huddersfield 126 Woodside Road, Beaumont Park, Huddersfield 2 Hubert Place, St. Thomas St., Wells, Somerset 18 Baileybrook Drive, Langley Mill, Notts 36 Rudthorpe Road, Horfield, Bristol 7 1 Stanley Villa, Crewkerne, Chard, Somerset 83 Newbridge Hill, Walk, Bath, Somerset 80 Torrington Road, Ruislip, Middlesex 127 Welsford Avenue, Wells, Somerset 11 Harrowden Ct., Harrowden Road, Luton, Beds 9 St. Christians Croft, Cheylesmore, Coventry


Excuses Reasons for Not Caving by Jug Jones. We shall deal first with the medical section, because it the first that springs to my mind, and this class of reason is almost always a good one. BROKEN ARM. Here, the crafty use of plaster of Paris is very helpful, or perhaps a sister, mother or daughter who is a trained nurse. Male nurses can be useful but cavers usually find more important work for these people to do. SEPTICAEMIA. This is always good for the indolents, as the failure to wash or bath will help nature considerably by breeding the necessary germs, e.g. "I've got a boil on my sitting down machine and I can't crawl very well!" (but note how these types always manage to crawl painlessly into someone's transport to get to the Hunters!) Another version of this is the sceptic thumb. This is cleverly bound in a variety of pink lints, white cotton wools, four 4" bandages and other more subtle forms of disguise such as little leather pockets, pouches or, even more clinical, a rubber glove. But here one must be careful not to get trapped for .a dig in Priddy Green by passing Shepton Malletiers. On one occasion, I used a simple sling, carefully knotted (St. John’s style) and claimed a sceptic elbow. Failing this, water on the joint is good but care must again be taken or one of the more aspiring docs of the B.E.C. may diagnose lack of exercise and prescribe a dry cave. PULLED MUSCLE. This one is excellent, as it invariably attracts sympathy from older members of club a strong smelling balsam or liniment is recommended, and the colours brown, green and purple give the best effects. SLIPPED JOINT. (Or dislocated bone – any will do!) Is to be acted on as for pulled muscle, but care must be taken NOT to let the phizziotherapists take charge of the limb in question (pun intended). Then we come to such other forms of bluff as “Internal” or '"Off colour" or “Overworked" (/weight) and some others that I can't write about as I intend to keep them for further use. TRANSPORT. This section is, of necessity, a brief one, as only lately have I had transport. To begin with, you must be careful that no one lives near you, or offers of help will begin pouring in: "Big ends gone" or "Chains snapped" or simply "No transport". A popular, but much overworked one, at the Belfry is “I pranged!" (Crafty use of R.A.F. jargon here makes it sound authentic, doesn’t it?) GEAR. This chapter too is rather short, but there are endless opportunities for types who like to get screaming shattered in the Hunters but who wish to avoid anything unpleasant connected with caving SUCH AS CAVES! Some good ones are "Lamps duff", -"Somebody's pinched my goon suit", "Lamp pox" "No lamp" etc. (sorry, no more room: Ed.) _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Belfry Bulletin. Secretary. R.J. Bagshaw, 699, Wells Rd, Knowle, Bristol. Editor, S.J. Collins, 33, Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8 Postal Dept. R.S. King, 22 Parkfield Rank, Pucklechurch, Nr. Bristol.

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