The Vine January 2018

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F R O M PA S TO R S E A N N “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” —Ma=hew 6:34 I told you all in worship a few weeks ago that I had officially turned in my “Harvey Card.” I'm done with 2017. It was very much the year in which I learned to appreciate the verse above from MaEhew’s gospel. Surprisingly, I found myself worrying about the future a lot less than usual, because today’s troubles oIen filled up the whole day. I’m glad that 2018 is here and that it brings with it a fresh set of opportuniLes and a new horizon. But to be fair, 2017 was a preEy wonderful year, despite Harvey’s best efforts. In our family, we watched our daughter begin to crawl and then walk. I insist that her first word was indeed “Dada,” even if others claim to have evidence that it wasn’t. Our son took up soccer and ballet as extracurriculars, and he’s the best Lego builder I know. Elizabeth and I experienced the wonders of God’s grace and reconnected with God’s call on a trip to Israel with several Bellaire UMC members. I’m glad that 2017 is in the rear view, but as we look toward the year ahead, I don’t want us to miss the chance to celebrate all that was good about the year behind. This newsleEer note will be a bit longer than usual as I will take the opportunity share several items that I think are worth noLng as we close up 2017 and prepare for the work God would have us do in 2018. It won’t be an exhausLve list of things we’ve done or will do here at Bellaire UMC, but it’s a start, and I invite you to make your own list from your life—at work, at church, at home, and beyond. What was good about 2017? What’s on the horizon for 2018? As people of faith, we know that all these memories and moments are places where God was present, is present, or will be present—someLmes palpably and powerfully, someLmes soIly, someLmes too subtly for our distracted selves to noLce. Whether you’ve turned in your Harvey Card, or not. And whether you’re looking forward to 2018 or not, we can thank God for this church and for the people it has brought into our lives. Here are just a few pieces of 2017 at Bellaire UMC that I want to make sure you know about: In November, our Student Ministry and Children’s Ministry joined together for combined worship in our new student worship space. Junior High and High School students led the service, and our elementary and pre-k students sang, shouted, and worshiped God. It was the brainchild of Jordan Payne, our Director of Student Ministry, and Kelly Vicente, our Director of Children’s Ministry. And it was a soul-feeding sight. The students plan to gather about once per month for this kind of combined worship, and it’s a great example of how young disciples are being formed at Bellaire UMC by connecLng with God and connecLng with others. The Bellaire UMC Board of Trustees worked hard on several projects designed to make some of our most public spaces more beauLful and more welcoming. They began by hiring a skilled outside team to clean the exterior limestone facades of our sanctuary and chapel. I hope you’ve noLced how bright and inviLng they are as you’ve walked down Newcastle or driven by on Bellaire Blvd. They have also refurbished the chancel area of the church to make it more useful when we lead worship music from the piano. I suspect you’ve also seen the new display boards in the ConnecLon Center that will be used throughout the year to communicate the great things God is doing at Bellaire UMC. Behind the scenes, the Trustees and a Master Planning Team have been working with local architects to make a plan for renewing even more of our campus. Our church remains commiEed to serving others and to building partnerships that make a difference in our city and beyond. This year, we gave $8,000 to support our partnership with 107 Rwandan orphans through ZOE ministry. And our Tree of Lights Christmas offering raised $10,000 for ChrisLan Community Service Center and nearly $6,000 to expand children's and youth ministry here at Bellaire UMC.

And here are some things we’re working on for 2018 that I want to make sure you know about: As a church, we are going to dig in to our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformaLon of the world. If you have been in worship over the past couple of weeks, you have heard me talk about “Worship + 2” as way that we’ll be thinking about making disciples in the year ahead. The gist is that if we want to be growing as disciples in 2018, we must commit ourselves to doing the things that we know help us encounter God’s grace. We must be in worship together as oIen as possible—every week, in fact. Plus, we must connect with the community of faith and the pracLces of the ChrisLan life in at least two other ways. There are countless ways that you can find your +2— small groups and Bible studies; service opportuniLes with CCSC, SEARCH, and UMArmy; ministry teams here at the church; daily bible reading and prayer. The list is too long for one newsleEer, and we’ll be highlighLng opportuniLes all through the year. In the meanLme, I encourage you to be creaLve and thoughiul about how you will find a +2 this year and make worship a weekly reality in your life. You might see some new faces around our School for LiEle Children this year. AIer many years of faithful service, our SLC AdministraLve Team is reLring, and we'll have to bid farewell to Rhonda Sampiere, Alice Clarke, and Cindy Haines. Hurricane Harvey upended each of their lives in different ways, and they’ll all move on to new chapters at the end of this school year. I know the year has just started, but Lent is right around the corner, and I’m excited for the opportuniLes it will bring for us to connect with God, with one another, and with service in new ways. Mark off Tuesday evenings during Lent and plan to spend Lme with your BUMC family as we join together for meals, bible study, and special Lmes of worship during this holy season. As I menLoned above, the Board of Trustees is making plans for the future of our faciliLes here at Bellaire UMC. Of course, both parsonages were flooded, and the senior pastor parsonage on Ariel Street is currently undergoing renovaLons that should be complete in early April. This was the second Lme that the Ferris Street parsonage flooded in three years, and the trustees have discerned that it would be unwise for us to simply repair that home. Instead, we will demolish that structure and Jim Love, our associate pastor, will begin receiving a housing allowance that allows him and his wife Karen some flexibility in locaLon while sLll remaining close to the church. On campus, we will begin preparing for a capital campaign to help us update and renew some of our major spaces including the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Our guiding principle throughout the year will be making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformaLon of the world. You are a part of that, and I encourage you to take seriously the truth of your bapLsm: God has called you. God has claimed you as one of God’s beloved children. And God has given you work to do right where you are. As always, if there is anything I can do to be helpful to you, please feel free to email or call at your convenience. In Christ, Pastor Seann

AHEAD IN WORSHIP January Sermon Series Research suggests that Americans are exposed to 5,000 or more markeLng messages per day. Many of these adverLsements communicate false messages about who we are and what our purpose is in the world. This series will engage that “False AdverLsing” and show us what the gospel has to say about our idenLty, our place in community, and our purpose as ChrisLans. If you missed a sermon, you can catch up at worship/sermon-audio.

Come + See — The Gospel According to John This spring, we will take an extended walk through the Gospel according to John. This journey, Come and See, will be broken into several smaller series that highlight some of the unique features of this gospel. Here’s what’s in store:

January 28-February 11 Come and See

February 18-March 4 I Am…

March 11-March 25 Now What?

April 8-May 6 The Next 40 Days

IniLal encounters with Jesus and how they shape our lives.

Learn who Jesus says he is and what that means for you.

How should we respond to Jesus' work in our lives?

We’ll see what happens aIer Easter when Jesus shows up.


Sunday, January 28 — 4:00-5:00pm Discover Bellaire is a one-session class the exists to engage guests and connect members for deeper discipleship. Get started on your Worship + 2 for 2018 and come to our first Discover Bellaire class on Sunday, January 28 from 4:00-5:00pm. For those considering joining Bellaire UMC, we’ll talk about what it means to be a United Methodist and a member of Bellaire UMC. For those who are already members and are looking to take the next step, we’ll help you find your place to connect and serve. Joining a team is a great way to connect with God, connect with others, and connect with service at Bellaire UMC. No experience is necessary to join a team, and leaders provide appropriate training for each opportunity. Greeter Team - Welcome others on Sunday mornings. Worship Team - Help lead worship by reading, ushering or serving communion. Audio/Visual Team - Work behind the scenes at 9:00am or 11:11am to make worship look and sound great. Care Team - Visit and/or provide meals for those in need. Social JusHce Team - Help our church engage with current social issues in ways that make a difference. Contact Pastor Seann at to sign up or to learn more.


HAVE A HEART FOR OTHERS DINNER + LIVE AUCTION Saturday, February 10 5:00-9:00pm The Have a Heart for Others Dinner + Live AucLon is a lively and entertaining evening that serves as one of our major missions fundraisers each year. The proceeds of this event go to BUMC Missions like the Community Outreach Group and UMArmy, and to BUMC Community Partners like ChrisLan Community Service Center, Amazing Place, and CanCare. Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 10 and come have a great Lme for a good cause! Childcare is available. Tickets are $12 per person and go on sale on Sunday, January 21. You can purchase yours (or a table of 10) in the ConnecLon Center on any Sunday. Do you have something you could donate to raise money at the aucLon? In previous years, individuals and Sunday school classes have donated a week at a vacaLon home, meals, date nights, giI cards, sports Lckets, theater or event Lckets, and much more. If you have something you could offer, please contact Fay Peters at or pick up a donaLon form in the church office prior to January 30. Do you have quesLons, or would you like to help? The HAHO team leader is Fay Peters and you can reach her at Dear Bellaire UMC, Your pastors and staff are incredibly grateful for your generosity in the ChristmasHme staff love offering. We so enjoy the work God has given us here in this congregaHon, and it is a privilege to be in ministry with you. Thank you for your ongoing support and for your deep generosity with us. In Christ, The BUMC Pastors and Staff

Many in our community experienced significant disrupLon in their homes and lives as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Over the next several months, many of our friends and neighbors will be moving back into newly-renovated homes. If you will be re-entering your home (or if you already have) and would like to have a home blessing by one of our pastors, please contact Pastor Seann at or (713) 666-2167. Feel free to extend this invitaLon to friends and neighbors. This is a significant moment for many families, and we want to join them in praying for God’s blessing and grace in their home and family.

MEALS TO GO The BUMC Food Ministry is offering meals-to-go that you can purchase and bring to others in need or who have a difficult Lme cooking nutriLous meals. You can order meals by contacLng Robbie Roach at or (713) 302-2691. Current offerings are pesto chicken and pasta ($5); American Goulash ($5); and spinach friEata ($4). Meals will be ready for pickup on Sunday, January 21.

JOIN THE BUMC FLOWER MINISTRY Flowers are a part of our everyday life from weddings to funerals, and birthdays to anniversaries. We just filled our church with beauLful poinsexas as a part of our celebraLon of the birth of Christ and Easter lilies will be an important part of our celebraLon of Christ's resurrecLon. The BUMC Flower Ministry needs help in maintaining the flowers that are a part of this church's celebraLon and praise of God. No previous experience is needed and you need only to commit two hours every six weeks to be part of this rewarding volunteer team. Contact Ellen Bell at if you are interested. And aEend our training sessions on Saturday, Jan 20 and/or Saturday, Jan 27th at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall kitchen.

LUNCH WITH THE BUMS The Bellaire United Methodist Seniors (BUMS) will head for lunch at Baytown Seafood Restaurant in Richmond on Friday, January 19th. Cost is $5 and lunch is on your own. Board the bus at 9:45am. Make your reservaLon or learn more by contacLng Tom Williams at (281) 974-2353. Come have a great Lme with great folks!



Add these important dates to your calendar to make sure you don’t miss these opportuniLes to connect with God, connect with people, and connect with service at Bellaire UMC. Discover Bellaire Sunday, January 28 — 4:00-5:00pm Have a Heart for Others Dinner + AucQon Saturday, February 10 — 5:00-9:00pm Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 14 Worship at 7:00am and 7:00pm Lent Dinners + Bible Study Tuesdays in Lent (February 19-March 26) 5:30-7:30pm Maundy Thursday Thursday, March 28 Worship at 7:00pm Good Friday Friday, March 29 Worship at 7:00pm Easter Sunday Worship at 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00am

Please join us in welcoming Angela Jiang and David Yang to the BUMC family of faith. They joined the church in the 9:00am contemporary service on Sunday, January 7th.

Financial Stewardship Update End of Year Financial Snapshot Income through December 31: Expenses through December 31: Difference:

$1,255,473 $1,164,244 $ 91,229

Thank you for your generosity and investment in the ministry that God has given to Bellaire United Methodist Church. Your faithfulness in giving helped us finish 2017 in a strong financial posiLon. We paid 100% of our connecLonal commitments (oIen called apporLonments), so we can celebrate our strong partnership with United Methodist ministries across the globe. We will carry a healthy cash balance and good momentum into 2018. Way to go, church! Of course, the work of ministry conLnues, and we will be grateful for your conLnued faithfulness and generosity in the year ahead. Your giI—no maEer the amount—really does make a difference. If you have quesLons about your giving or about how you can give to support the ministry and mission of Bellaire UMC, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Lloyd, the BUMC Business Administrator, or Pastor Seann at (713) 666-2167. Thank you! Have you considered giving online? It’s an easy, convenient, and secure way to make a one-Qme gi] or to set up recurring contribuQons. Learn more at

Funding Ministry in 2018

These are projected figures based on 2017 budget and ministry plans for 2018 and do not replace the tools used by our Finance Commi@ee. If you want to see a detailed line item statement of how ministry funds are used, come by the church office. Note: Staff salaries are divided among the ministry categories they support. Outreach + Evangelism

Our Finance Team and AdministraLve Council will finalize a 2018 Budget and Spending Plan in early February. Currently, we project that a budget of just over $1,200,000 will enable us to conLnue current ministries, expand our outreach efforts in the community, and build new programming for adults, youth, and children. Thank you for those who have turned in a 2018 EsLmate of Giving Card. It has helped us in our planning. If you haven’t yet filled out a card, you can pick one up in the church office or connecLon center.

Adult Discipleship $94,000


Service to Others $162,000

Student Ministry $91,000

Daily Ministry + Support $104,000

Children’s Ministry $141,000

Space for People + Ministry $320,000

Worship + Music $228,000

Service to Others Daily Ministry + Support Space for People + Ministry

Worship + Music Children's Ministry

Student Ministry Adult Discipleship Outreach + Evangelism

4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church

THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401

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