The Vine - January 2017

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F R O M T H E PA S TO R Dear BUMC Family, A new year always feels so full of promise to me. It’s not that we get to start everything over—a clean slate in life. We will carry forward into 2017 many of the hopes and hurts and disappointments and dreams that have been part of our lives up to this point. But a new year can remind us that ours is a God of new beginnings, a God who works in the midst of pain and grief and disappointment to lead God’s people forward into a new future that is full of hope. There’s a hymn we someKmes sing, This Is a Day of New Beginnings, that can help us begin this year with sure and certain trust that God is drawing us forward into a good future. Here’s how it goes: This is a day of new beginnings, 5me to remember and move on, 5me to believe what love is bringing, laying to rest the pain that’s gone. For by the life and death of Jesus, love’s mighty Spirit, now as then, can make for us a world of difference, as faith and hope are born again. Then let us, with the Spirit’s daring, step from the past and leave behind our disappointment, guilt and grieving, seeking new paths, and sure to find. Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do. This is a day of new beginnings—our God is making all things new. I love how the song ends: “Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do.” This new year is full of promise not because we will accomplish great things—though maybe we will. This new year is full of promise not because bad situaKons in life or in the world will get bePer—though maybe they will. This new year is full of promise because Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do. This month and next, we will dig in to that theme in worship and explore God’s greatest commandment: “You shall love…” By God’s grace, and with the Spirit’s help we will see what love can do here at BUMC. In Christ, Pastor Seann

Stay Connected!

Stewardship Note

We send out weekly email updates about what’s happening at the church. If you don’t already receive them but would like to, email Pastor Seann at to add your name to the list.

It’s the start of a new year, which is a great Kme to create new paPerns and habits that will help us grow in our faith. CulKvaKng a habit of regular and consistent generosity is a mark of a growing disciple. What paPern does your giving take? Is it regular? Occasional? IntenKonal? How will you grow in the pracKce of giving this year? Your gi]s not only support the work of the church, they also nourish your faith and your relaKonship with God.

Like us on Facebook to find out about special events and stay connected to your church family.

AHEAD IN WORSHIP On Sunday, January 15 we will begin a new worship series focused on what we o]en call “the greatest commandment.” A scribe once asked Jesus which is the first commandment, and Jesus replied, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” January 15 You Shall Love the Lord Your God January 22 With All Your Heart January 29 And With All Your Soul February 5 And With All Your Mind February 12 And With All Your Strength February 19 And Your Neighbor February 26 As Yourself

Lent 2017 March 1-April 16 This Lent, we will focus on verKcal habits, a framework that pairs relaKonal words like “I love you” with worship habits such as praise. This series will help us understand why we gather for worship and develop worship habits that will deepen our relaKonship with God.

Isn't it lovely that when Jesus wanted to focus in on what really maPers, he said, “You shall love the Lord.” Not “You must obey” or “You must be perfect” but instead “You shall love.” Over the course of seven weeks, we will take an in-depth look at this commandment and look at it through the lens of some other scripture stories to explore how we today can follow Jesus by learning to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbors as ourselves. We hope you will join us for this exciKng series! And if you know someone who has been wondering what the ChrisKan life is all about, we hope you will invite them to join you for worship one Sunday.

G E T C O N N E C T E D AT Grief Share

ConnecWng People

Tuesdays — 6:00-8:00pm — January 10-April 4 — BUMC Parlor

to People

GriefShare is a weekly support group for those dealing with grief a]er the loss of a loved one. We have a new group beginning Tuesday, January 10th from 6:00-8:00pm. Whether it was recent or long ago, if you have experienced loss and would like informaKon about this group, please contact Pastor Jim Love at or (713) 666-2167.

Bellaire Student Ministries Tuesdays + Wednesdays — 6:30-8:00pm

ConnecWng People

to God

ConnecWng People

to People

Bellaire Student Ministries starts up the spring semester on January 10. Senior High Bible Study meets on Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm. Junior High Bible Study meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm. Come join us for study, food, and fellowship. And mark your calendars for this year's UMARMY, which will be June 25-July 1.

Children’s Choir Wednesdays — 6:00-7:00pm

ConnecWng People

to God

ConnecWng People

to People

Children’s choir is back in session and would love for you to join them as they sing “Songs Around the World” and learn worship songs from countries across the globe. Please contact Jill Vaughan at for more informaKon.

Sanctuary Choir

Wednesdays — 7:00-9:00pm

ConnecWng People

to God

ConnecWng People

to People

January is a great Kme to try something new. As our sanctuary choir conKnues to grow, we invite you to join the fun in 2017—no experience required! If you like to sing, join us Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm in the Choir Room, or contact Marcus at for more informaKon.

Leadership Training Event

ConnecWng People

to People

ConnecWng People

to Service

Sunday, January 29 — 2:00-6:00pm — First UMC West Campus The Central South District will host its annual lay leadership training event on Sunday, January 29. The keynote speaker is the Rev. Larry James, the leader of CitySquare ministry in Dallas that is designing unique approaches to fight poverty, hunger, and homelessness in the city. Hearing him will be well worth your Kme. In addiKon, there are break-out workshop sessions of many varieKes. If you're on a church administraKve commiPee (Trustees, Finance, SPRC), there is a workshop for each of those. There are also workshops on grant-wriKng, legal assistance, ministry with the poor, children's ministry, discipleship, and tons more. You can see the whole schedule and resister at no cost at Contact Pastor Seann at for more informaKon.

BELLAIRE UMC Bellaire United Methodist Seniors (BUMS) Friday, January 20 — Houston Holocaust Museum

ConnecWng People

to People

The BUMS are going to step back into history and visit Houston’s Holocaust Museum. The museum’s mission is to make people aware of the dangers which prejudice, hatred and violence brought about during the Holocaust in WWII. The cost of admission to the museum is $10 each. The bus will depart from the west parking lot at 8:30am. Following our tour we will have lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. Sign up in your Sunday school classes, call Tom and Sandra Williams at 713-703-1153, or email us at Please have museum admission paid for by Sunday, January 15, 2017 in order to reserve your place.

Friday, February 3 — Sudie’s Catfish House Our ouKng this month is to Sudie’s Catfish House in Pasadena for lunch of catfish, shrimp, hush puppies, and all that good stuff. We will leave the church at 10:15am, have a relaxing meal, enjoy each others company and fellowship, and then return to the church.

Volunteer at CCSC Tuesday, January 24 — 2:00-4:00pm — 3434 Branard Street

ConnecWng People

to Service

Can you spare a couple of hours to help sort canned goods at the ChrisKan Community Service Center food bank? Join our Community Service Group to put your faith in acKon and connect with service here in our city. Contact Barbara at to learn more.

Methodist Hospital Auxiliary Monday, January 30 — 10:00am

ConnecWng People

to People

Want to learn more about the Houston Methodist Hospital Auxiliary? Auxiliary meeKngs are open to anyone who would like to aPend, and are a great place to meet new people. In addiKon to enjoying an interesKng presentaKon, members and guests receive complimentary valet parking and a complimentary lunch. If you need more informaKon, please contact Gabrielle at 713-441-8993.

Have a Heart for Others Dinner + AucWon

February 18 — 5:00-9:00pm — BUMC Fellowship Hall Save the date for this year’s Have a Heart for Others (HAHO) dinner and aucKon. It’s always a great evening, and this year’s theme is Mardi Gras. Come out and support this great event. All proceeds go to missions through Bellaire UMC and our community ministry partners. The cost is $12 per person. Items needed for aucKon. Do you have an item such as a vacaKon home, artwork, entertainment Kckets that you can donate to the HAHO aucKon? Contact Fay Peters at (713) 667-1832 with quesKons or to donate. Sunday School classes—your donaKons are always so creaKve and we can’t wait to see what you come up with! We will visit your class on January 22 to see about your donaKons and for Kcket sales. To volunteer contact Fay Peters at or (713) 667-1832.

MINISTRY NOTES Tree of Lights Offering

Master Planning Team

Thank you for making this year’s Tree of Lights Christmas offering a huge success! We were able to raise a total $13,706! Half will be invested in youth and children’s ministry here at Bellaire UMC and will make it possible for us to fund new programs throughout the year. The other half will sponsor a work group through ZOE ministry and empower orphans to break free from the cycle of poverty.

In 2016, the BUMC Trustees began a master planning project to create a comprehensive plan for the renewal and renovaKon of our faciliKes over the next several years. Our congregaKon has invested many hours in honing our mission (making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformaKon of the world), vision (being a church full of people who welcome, worship, grow, and serve), and discipleship strategy (connecKng people to God, connecKng people to people, connecKng people to service). This master plan project will help us to ensure that we have appropriate spaces to fulfill our mission, live into our vision, and help one another grow as disciples. Everyone will have the opportunity to give input during this process during town hall style meeKngs, so please be on the lookout for dates and Kmes to parKcipate.

Licle Free Library We’ve recently built a “LiPle Free Library” at Cunningham Elementary, and it is a huge hit. We currently need more children’s books (new or used) to keep it filled. If you have extra children’s books, you can donate them in the collecKon box in the Fellowship Hall.

What I Love About Bellaire UMC From Jackie Milhoan Recently, church members have been asked to share what it is they love most about our church. This past fall, I had the opportunity to experience firsthand Bellaire UMC’s Caring Ministry. Having had surgery, needing rides to therapy, and then being in the hospital for an addiKonal 6 weeks, I needed some extra help. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the prayers, cards, phone calls, visits, food, rides, and repairs at my house. But Margaret Miller, BUMC’s Director of CongregaKonal Care, will always have a special place in my heart. Margaret was with me when I visited the infecKous disease doctor and was told I would need to check into the hospital for six weeks to receive an anKbioKc drip to rid myself of an infecKon in my right knee. Naturally, I went through all the “I’ve got to do this-and-that first and arrange for the care of my dog, etc.” Margaret did exactly what I needed her to do at the Kme. She took over. She told me she would check me into the hospital, pack me a bag, contact people to care for my house and take care of my dog. Margaret, with her therapy dog Rufus, visits shut-ins and others in hospitals and nursing homes much to the delight of those whom she visits. I was a recipient of a few of those visits also. Nothing is quite as calming and loving as having a big old golden retriever jump into the bed with you and give you hugs and kisses when you are hurKng. If you would like to learn about Caring Ministries at Bellaire UMC, if you think Caring Ministries might be able to help you, or if you would like to serve others through Caring Ministries, please contact Margaret Miller at or (713) 666-2167.

HOW DO I…? Here are a few frequently asked quesKons that we hear around the church office. We hope these answers will be helpful to you as we start a new year of ministry here at Bellaire UMC! If you have addiKonal quesKons or would like more informaKon, please contact Elizabeth Lloyd at (713) 666-2167.

How do I reserve a room at the church for an event or meeWng? Contact Pastor Jim Love at or (713) 666-2167 to request or reserve a room during the week. Some days are quite busy in the building, so space may be limited. Make sure to indicate whether your group will require special room setup or audio-visual needs.

How do I publicize an event or ministry in the bulleWn, Vine, or weekly email? Send the details of your event at least three weeks in advance to Pastor Seann Duffin at or call at (713) 666-2167. The Vine is published monthly. The bulleKn and email are published weekly. We will make every effort to help get the word out, but because space is limited we are unable to accommodate all requests.

Where can I find the church calendar? You can access the church calendar anyKme online at A weekly calendar is included in the Sunday morning bulleKn, and you can get a paper copy in the church office.

Who should I contact to get more involved at BUMC? Any staff member can help you get more involved with ministry here at BUMC. Even if it’s not our focus area, we can point you in the right direcKon or connect you to the right person. It's our privilege to help you find a way to put your gi]s to use in ministry, so please don’t hesitate to email or call any BUMC staff member to learn how you can get involved.

Year-End Financial Update Income through December 31: $1,182,870 Expenses through December 31: $1,163,087 Difference: $ 19,783 We had a great year at Bellaire UMC, paying all or our apporKonments and staying current on all commitments. We begin the new year in a relaKvely strong financial posiKon. If you were in worship on Sunday, January 1, you heard some stories of lives that were changed in this church over the past year. If you missed it, you can check out the audio at God is changing hearts, minds, and lives through the ministry of this congregaKon, and your giving helps to make that possible. Each gi]—large or small—makes a difference. As we jump into 2017, you may want to consider managing your giving online. You can make a one-Kme gi] or set up recurring donaKons. Learn more at

4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church

THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401

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