The Vine - November 2016

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70TH ANNIVERSARY Dear BUMC Family, Even if the weather hasn’t yet turned crisp and cool, fall is here, and it will be a very exci@ng season at Bellaire UMC! On Sunday, November 13, we celebrate 70 years of ministry in the city of Bellaire. I hope that you will be able to join us for worship at 9:00am or 11:11am and a special recep@on in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00am. Over these past 70 years, countless individuals and families have had their lives changed because of the people and the ministry of this congrega@on. Come celebrate with us as we give thanks to God for the faithful servants who have come before us, for they have handed on to us both the faith and the facili@es that will enable us to con@nue serving Christ at the corner of Bellaire and Newcastle for years to come! In Christ, Pastor Seann

Sunday, November 13 Mark your calendars for Bellaire UMC’s 70th Anniversary Celebra<on. 9:00am Contemporary Worship 10:00am Anniversary Celebra>on in Fellowship Hall 11:11am Tradi>onal & Interna>onal Worship

Invite friends and family to come home for this special service!

NEW MEMBERS We are pleased to welcome the newest members of Bellaire UMC! Pictured from leT to right are Baktybek Tazhibaev, Aipeeri Misiralieva, and Lauren Harsany. Not pictured: Clinton and Kristen Bates.

C E L E B R AT I O N Below is the fourth in a series of ar>cles wriHen by Pam Young for the Archives CommiHee. In November 1996, the 1,858 members of Bellaire United Methodist Church celebrated their 50th Anniversary along with 400 returning alumni. As the millennium approached, members witnessed many changes in their community and in their church. The City of Bellaire was now home to an increasing number of large, two-story homes, young professional families, and interstate Loop 610, which ran right through the middle of the community. In 1992, Bellaire UMC became a Global Missions Partner. Bellaire OUTREACH had supported missionaries since the 1950’s, but this partnership (1992-2016) represented a larger commitment. Over the next few years Bellaire members traveled to Costa Rica and the Philippines on mission trips while working with St. Mary’s UMC under the Shalom Zone Partnership. MYF youth began acending UM Army, and the 6th to 8th graders went to BIG HOUSE. A number of former youth now served the Methodist Church and were recognized through the “Kids in Mission” program. The end of the 20th century saw an ever-growing and more diverse popula@on in the area, less space per person, and increasing issues of poverty and societal challenges. Bellaire UMC saw opportuni@es to reach out and minister to those in need. In 1992, the Fall Fun Fes@val distributed $14,000 to outreach ministries. Throughout that decade the Bellaire membership led an AIDS Support Group and an Alzheimer’s Support Group; partnered with the Chris@an Community Service Center serving the disadvantaged and Amazing Place serving those with demen@a; and ministered to cancer survivors through CANCARE. By 1999, Bellaire UMC sponsored 32 separate ministries including some within the church like Caring Ministries to assist church members, the Stephen Ministry to support families in crisis, and Power Camp for children. The predicted and feared Y2K computer glitch fizzled at the beginning of the year 2000, but economic ups and downs and apparent changes in weather pacerns created more opportuni@es for Bellaire UMC’s outreach to the broader community. During the first decade of the new century, members jumped in to help survivors of several major storms. The Family Life Center served as a Red Cross Shelter manned by BUMC members aTer Allison, and hundreds in the congrega@on worked at the Astrodome or George R. Brown Conven@on Center to assist refugees from Katrina. Volunteers followed up with a mission trip to New Orleans and later to Beaumont aTer Rita, and Galveston aTer Ike. In 2007, the church hosted a disaster relief fund drive aTer a typhoon devastated parts of the Philippines. In 2006 ,the Community Service Group, an outgrowth of UMW, volunteered or provided needed equipment at Cunningham School, the Women’s Jail, and Medical Bridges as well as sponsoring programs for children in the Child Protec@ve Service (CPS) system. In 2008, as child safety in the community rose to a priority level, Bellaire UMC launched Trunk or Treat as a safe Halloween ac@vity for children and hosted the first Bethlehem Village for families in December 2009. And do not forget the four-legged members of the community. Faithful Paws became part of the BUMC family in 1997, and in 2001, the church began the annual Blessing of the Animals, a hugely popular community event. Worship services also changed to accommodate change in the community. The year 2012 began with an addi@onal Contemporary Worship Service, while the en@re membership of the United Chris@an Fellowship of Filipino-Americans had joined the congrega@on in 2003. The Interna@onal Service occupies the Chapel each Sunday opposite the Tradi@onal Service in the Sanctuary. The used Army Chapel that stood at the corner of Bellaire Boulevard and Avenue A in 1950 would be quite inadequate to serve as the home of today’s Bellaire UMC congrega@on whose energy and commitment to Christ and community are immeasurable. Bellaire United Methodist Church celebrates its past, but embraces its future making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transforma@on of the world. Bellaire United Methodist Church remains steadfast at the corner of Bellaire Boulevard and Newcastle in the community of Bellaire.

IN WORSHIP NOVEMBER 6 All Saints’ Sunday Since the eighth century, Chris0ans have marked this day each year as a way to remember loved ones who have died in the Lord. As part of worship, we will read aloud the names of those from this church who have died in the previous twelve months. Our Departed Saints Becy Bussinger, Melba Carek, Walt Deakin, Virginia Forbes, Luke Henderson, Linda Hogan, Barbara Hurst, T.L. Kielman, Ernest Kubosh, Archie Mayes, Becy McClenny, Leslie Munson, Gloria Palmer, Pat Ryan, C.J. Scoc, Nancy Spencer, Johanna Tysor, Elaine Wagner, Andy Williams



70th Anniversary Celebra>on

Christ the King Sunday

Join us as we celebrate seven decades of ministry together. We’ll give thanks for those who began the work and for those who will con0nue it into the future.

On this final Sunday of the church calendar, we celebrate the reign of Christ, a king who rules his people with love, jus0ce, and grace.

Christmas Eve at Bellaire UMC Candlelight Worship Services

3:00pm Tradi@onal Worship 5:00pm Contemporary Worship 11:00pm Contempla@ve Worship November 27 Isaiah 2:1-5

December 4 Isaiah 11:1-10

December 11 Luke 1:46-55

December 18 Machew 1:18-25

Nursery care will be available at both 3:00pm and 5:00pm, and the 5:00pm worship service will feature a special interac0ve telling of the Christmas story for all children.

Christmas Day Sunday, December 25 One Service at 10:00am

New Year’s Day Sunday, January 1 One Service at 10:00am

We have had a great response to our Disciple’s Heart Stewardship Campaign! Thank you to those of you who have turned in 2017 Commitment Cards. If you have been out of town, or have yet to complete your card, please take a moment to do so this week. You can pick one up in the church office or in worship on Sunday.

MEMBERS IN MINISTRY THE GATHERING PLACE By Brad Jackson The BUMC Gathering is a setting where Care Team volunteers provide a loving, welcoming and fun environment for those in our community experiencing mild to moderate memory loss due to Alzheimer’s or dementia and do not require skilled care. We host the Gathering on the second Friday of each month from 10:00am until 1:30pm. There is no fee for the Gathering, which is part of a network of similar programs coordinated by Interfaith Care Partners and is supported by our congregation. Every Gathering combines entertainment, music, games, physical movement, crafts, socialization, and a delicious free lunch—all for the benefit of our participants suffering memory loss. The Gathering makes a huge impact on both participant guests and the Care Team volunteers. Participants experience warmth, understanding, and positive emotions together with much needed stimulation, exercise, and joy-filled fun. The Care Team volunteers often feel as though they have received greater blessings than the participants. Having breathed in the Spirit, the volunteers are joyous in breathing out the Spirit to those in need. We need your help to continue making The Gathering Place ministry a vital part of our life together. This once-per-month commitment lasts just 3.5 hours and is a service to the Lord that can fit into most any schedule. The BUMC Gathering is led by Scott Simpson and Marylyn Jackson, and if you are interested in volunteering, please contact them at (713) 557-7404 or

ISRAEL STUDY TOUR October 16-29, 2017 Next fall, Pastor Seann will lead a team from Bellaire UMC to Israel for a study tour and pilgrimage. If you are interested in learning more about this trip, join us for an informational meeting on Sunday, November 13 from 4:00-5:00pm in the Parlor. Contact Pastor Seann at for more information.

W H AT ’ S A H E A D SLC Book Fair Monday, November 14 — 5:30-7:30pm Come out and support the Bellaire UMC School for Licle Children (SLC) at their annual Book Fair at the Barnes & Noble on W. Holcombe. Make plans to eat at Chick-fil-A or Panera Bread in the same shopping center beforehand. A percentage of sales on Monday night will go to the SLC. The Book Fair at Barnes & Noble will include wonderful silent auc@on baskets, classroom art projects, and ac@vi@es for children. The SLC will receive a percentage of all sales the night of the fair and through Thursday of the following week. Let the cashier know that you are suppor@ng the School for Licle Children Book Fair. Or, shop online from November 14-23 using code 12006946.

Methodist Hospital Auxiliary Mee>ng Thursday, November 17 — 10:00am All year long, Auxiliary volunteers have been raising money to give back to Houston Methodist Hospital. At this month’s mee@ng, they will decide which departments to support with new medical equipment. Are you interested in volunteering? Mee@ngs are open to all, and they are a great place to meet new people. You will receive complimentary valet parking and lunch. Contact Gabrielle at (713) 441-8993 for more informa>on.

Advent Workshop Sunday, November 27 — 10:00am On Sunday, November 27 at 10:00am, we will have an Advent Workshop for all who would like to par@cipate. We will talk about the significance of the Advent wreath. Then we will build Advent wreaths together that you can take home along with resources for daily Advent devo@onals. This is a great ac@vity for families!

Advent Bible Study Tuesdays, November 29—December 20 — 7:00pm Mark your calendars for a special Advent Bible study led by Pastor Seann. We will meet on Tuesdays during Advent (November 29, December 6, 13, and 20) at 7:00pm in the Chapel. Contact Pastor Seann at to sign up.

Charge Conference Thursday, December 1 — 7:00pm All are invited to acend this annual connec@onal mee@ng at which our District Superintendent will deliver a hope-filled message for the future. At this mee@ng, we will also conduct some important business of the local church, including elec@on of church officers.

AT B U M C Holiday in the Park

Thursday, December 1 — 6:00-8:30pm Join us at the Bellaire city park on December 1 as we try to be good neighbors and bring joy to the community. Each year we hand out hundreds of cups of free hot chocolate, and we need your help to make it a success. If you can help, we can put you to work between 5:30 and 8:00pm. There will be sign up sheets in Sunday school folders and in the Connec>on Center. Or, you can contact Ellen Bell at to sign up.

Bethlehem Village Friday, December 2 & Saturday, December 3 Save the date! Bethlehem Village returns the first weekend in December. This is a great family-friendly event, and there are a number of volunteer opportuni@es. You can find out more in the Connec>on Center on Sundays, or contact Brad Jackson by email at for more informa>on.

Jingle Bell Express December 5-9 This December, Bellaire UMC will again be the host site for Chris@an Community Service Center’s Jingle Bell Express program, and it is a great way to put your faith in ac@on and make a difference in our community. In December 2015, holiday joy reached 830 families and their 2,537 children through Jingle Bell Express. Help is needed in every phase of the program from registering clients, organizing toys, setng up the ‘store’, and even helping parents select toys. Many churches, local companies and individuals donate goods and in-kind services for this tremendous undertaking, and CCSC can always use more contributors. For more informa>on, or to sign up to help, please contact Debbie Jameson at

Financial Update Income through September 30: $954,046 Expenses through September 30: $978,814 Difference: —$ 24,768 Thank you for your faithfulness in your financial support of Bellaire UMC! Each giT makes a difference, and it is because you give that we are able to do the work of ministry in this place. We are current on all of our commitments, including our connec@onal appor@onments. Giving slowed some in October, and we need a strong finish to 2016. I am confident you will come through, expressing your gra@tude to God and love for our church through your generous giving. If you have ques@ons, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Lloyd, the BUMC Business Administrator, or Pastor Seann at (713) 666-2167. Have you considered giving online? You can make a one-@me giT or set up recurring dona@ons. Learn more at

4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church

THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401

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