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1. What are the four key elements that "the right people" possess to meet Nestle's requirements? Accuracy/Precision Professionalism Team spirits Great people skills Accuracy: Nestle is one of the biggest food companies in the world and proudly provides the worlds with great products ranging from XX to XXX. Our products affect lives significantly, and precision is an important element to ensure the quality of our products, thus promoting our clients well beings with no mistakes. This is why Nestle requires the “highest standards are met throughout the organization.” 2. What are your key criteria in selecting a job? Long term growth orientation Great potential career track Opportunity to grow with the company 3. What do you think are the essential "qualities" in being successful in your career development? � Patience � Hardworking � Quick learning � Harmony with the society � Think long-term Experience :  Sep.2005—July.2007 establish Drama Associations with other students,and In charge of the Scenario Department. During this time,I participated in the original school drama competition, as director and screenwriter.  December.2006 Participate in Campus Fashion Culture Festival competition.  June.2007 Participat in the Moot Arbitration,as a claimant.  May.2008 Participate in "Challenge Cup" Bussiness Pioneering Design Competition.  Sep.2006—July.2007 as a member of Editer Department in ZIQIANG Students Associations,and take charge of the magazine editing.  2006 ~ 2008 Several articles were published on the university or school’s newspapers and magazines.  2006 ~ 2008 Have been attended many volunteer activities as a member of Youth Volunteer Association of CUFE Law School. 1.Why do you choose Nestle as your career starting point?what in nestle attracts you most? 虽然我的专业是法律,但是我一直对商业很感兴趣,在本科期间也学过一些经济类的课程,并 且 在 大 二 的 时 候 选 择 了 会 计 作 为 我 的 第 二 专 业 , 在 大 三 的 时 候 参 加 了 "Challenge Cup" Bussiness Design Competition.这些经历对我的职业选择有很大的影响。在得知此次Nestle的 Marketing Trainee and Sales Trainee 的培训计划之后,我便更加坚定地选择了 Nestle. Nestle的培训计划可以在短时间内让Trainee熟悉整个公司的流程,在各个部门轮岗的机会,

会通过各种渠道跟不同的客户接触,去接触今后工作当中不同的问题,这样的经历有助于我迅 速成长为一个优秀的管理者和营销人。

The reasons why I choose Nestle are as follows:The primary reason, I think, is the culture and history of Nestle.Secondly, I want to be an excellent marketingmanager.I’m interested in this career.When I have interested in something,I can devote my life to do it. The third reason, and also the most important issue is the prospect that Nestle can offer to me. I will have the Long term growth in the company.Although my major is law, but I have always been very interested in business, we have learned a lot of economic courses during the university.when I was a sophomorestudent I decided to learn accounting as my second major.I also have participated in the "Challenge Cup" Bussiness Design Competition. These experiences have a great impact on my career choices. After learning of the Nestle's Marketing Trainee and Sales Trainee Training Program, I will be more firm to choose Nestle.Nestle's training program can let trainees be familiar with the the company's processes in a short period.And trainees have the opportunities to contact different customer through various channels,such experiences will help me growing rapidly as a good marketing manager. 2.What do you think are the essential"qualities"in being successful in your career development? 我有志于在销售行业发展,这是一个繁复而又充满挑战的行业,第一,需要从业者要有足够的 耐心和勤奋, The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.要能够长时间专注地应对各种琐碎的问题。第二,要细心.因为所销售的生活中 常用品,小但是很重要,只有细心的人才能成功,在这个领域。第三,要有创新力和 open minded,以及很好的市场洞察力。这个职业需要我们比别人发现得更多,发现的更早,这样才 能抢先占领市场,在竞争中获胜。第四,要好很好的人际交往能力和表达能力, Initiative,independent and good communication skill.销售业是一个时刻要与各种客户交流的行 业,好的人际交往能力是争取客户所不可缺少的。第五,要有很好的适应能力和学习新事物的 能力。市场是在不断变化的,只有能够尽早地适应市场的变化才能最快地采取对策。最后,也是 最重要的,是团队协作精神,我们代表的是一个团体,团队的力量是强大的。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 强烈的自信心

I am interested in developing in marketing area.It is a complex and challenging job. Firstly, the employee needed to have enough patience and be hard-working. Secondly, we must be precision enough. Because the products we sale are often small but important, only those who is careful enough, can succeed in this area. Thirdly, we must be innovating and open-minded, and have a very good insight into the market. If we want to win in the competition, we must be more professional than others, and find more customers, discovered market earlier than others. Fourthly, to have good interpersonal and communication skills. Fifthly, there must be a very good ability to adapt the new environment and learn new things quickly. The market is changing as soon as possible.If we can adapt to the changes in the market quickly,we can act fastest.

Finally, and the most important is the spirit of teamwork, we represent a group, the team's strength is powerful. 3.Where do you see yourself 3-5 years from now and how do you evaluate yourself in terms of strength and weakness? 我的目标是在 3-5 年之内成为高级的销售人才。我将在工作中积累经验,不断学习相关的知识,了解市场 行情、行业趋势,在工作的理念、思路和方法上都更加专业,能从企业战略的高度来做销售,成为高级的销售人 才或经理人。 我的优势在于:首先,我具备良好的口头和书面表达能力,曾经作为法学院辩论队队员参加校级辩论赛, 并是学院学生会宣传部理事,还是学校自强社社刊的编辑,还在校、院级刊物上发表过多篇文章。 其次,我性格开朗,善于与人沟通。我乐于与他人交往,能够迅速融入新环境。 最后,团队意识强。我在团队中常常作为策划人,并能积极做好团队的组织和协调工作。在零售业中,能够与 他人很好的合作,是成功的重要因素。 我的不足是缺乏有关市场和销售的工作经验,刚刚走出校园,还需要更多的社会经验,进一步提高自己的人际 交往能力。

My goal is to become a senior marketing and sales manager in 3-5 years. I will accumulate work experiences and the relative knowledge, kown more about the market trends , more professional ideas and methods in this area.After 3 years,I can become a excellent senior marketing and sales manager. My advantage is: First of all, I have good oral and written skills.I have participated in the debate competition in my university as a member of Debate Team in Law School.I’m also a member of Editer Department in ZIQIANG Students Associations,and took charge of the magazine editing.Secondly, I have good communicating skills. I am happy to exchange ideas with others.I am able to integrate myself into a new environment quickly. Finally, I have the strong sense of team-working. It is the key factor to be successful. My disadvantage is:I lack the marketing and sales experience, and I need more social experience, and I am needed to improve my leadership skills furtherly. 4.When you choose from our open positions, what is your base for your priority setting and why? 第一,我会结合自身的性格特点和能力优势去考虑,这份工作是否适合我自己。我认为自己做 事认真负责,思维活跃,性格开朗,适合 open positions which I choose.第二,是我的兴趣爱好, it’s the love for what you do that helps you overcome obstacles, persist in the face of adversity ,and handle the inevitable ups and downs that come with an entrepreneurial venture. 最后,我选择了太原 和北京两个城市作为我发展的目标城市,首先,太原是我的家乡,我很熟悉这个城市,而且太 原是一个很有发展前景的城市,这里的经济欣欣向荣,市场也在不断地扩大。其次,北京是我 读书的地方,在这里工作,我将得到更大的发展空间。

Firstly, I considered if my personality and characteristics was suitable for this job. Secondly, if I was interested in this are.It’s the love for what you do that helps you overcome obstacles, persist in the face of adversity , and handle the inevitable ups and downs that come with an entrepreneurial venture. Finally, I chose Taiyuan and Beijing as my expected working location.There were several reasons.On one side, Taiyuan is my hometown which I am very familiar with,

Taiyuan is also a very promising city, where the economy is thriving, the market is expanding constantly. On the other, Beijing is the place where I studed, there would be more space to developed if I could work there. 5.Please describe your biggest non-academic achievement in the past years. What’s the critical obstacle you faced during the process and how did you solve it The experience that I leaded my classmate to participate in the college drama competition is unforgettable and proudest. When we receive the drama competition notice, there were only two weeks away from the competition time. At that time our team has not set up well, most people have no idea about drama. As a director and the screenwriter, I not only have to complete the script idea,but also like to tell the necessary knowledge of the drama to them.At that time,one of my Sister graduated and wented to mountainous area to teach students as a volunteer teacher. It touched me.I want to rehearsal a drama,which shows college students’values,and state of minds. However, some people object to me,they thought campus drama should be more relaxed and humorous. I explained my ideas carefully, I just want to reflect the real life of college students.Finally ,they agreed with me. Through the half month, our team worked together,and expressed opinions freely, finally,we completed the opera. Through the first round, we boarded the final stage. However, not everything is smooth.When we are performing, suddenly some problems came out.There are some problems with The actors’ microphone. The audience can not hear us clerely. In the vast hall, the actors almost shouted. Finally, we succeeded. Through this thing, I realized that one person must insist on his own ideas, however, we should also listen to others’ views.In my opinion,your love and insistence are powerful.It’s the love for what you do that helps you overcome obstacles,persist in the face of adversity,and handle the inevitable ups and downs. 6.Have you ever worked in a team where members have totally different points of view? What was your role at that time and how did you act? 在大学三年级,我组织同学参加挑战杯商业策划大赛,我们的 5 名团队成员就有 5 种不同的想 法。当时,我们的创意是建立一种能够自由录制自己音乐、挑选到自己喜欢音乐的主题酒吧。但 是,对于酒吧的主题、经营的模式、经营规模等基本问题,大家都无法达成一致。对于一些细节, 大家更是每个人都有自己的想法。 在这种情况下,作为主持人,首先,我让大家畅所欲言,然后讨论这种创意的利弊,如果还不 能得出结论,我们便进行一个小范围的市场调查,从实践中检验这种想法的可行性。我在其中 起到的是协调和组织的作用。我把大家的意见结合起来,进一步分析,并且结合我的想法,得 出最终的结论。这个时候,团队意识是最重要的,主持人必需从团队的角度来想问题,不能固 执己见,才能得出真正符合实际的方案。 In the third year at university, I have organized my classmates to participate into the "Challenge Cup" Bussiness Design Competition.We have 5 members who all had different ideas. At that time, our plan was to establish bar where you could record your own music freely and select your favorite music freely. However,we had different ideas about the theme of the bar and the operating mode of bar. Everyone also had their own ideas in the other details. We couldn’t not reach into agreement. In this case, as the moderator, first of all, I let everyone express their own minds, and then we discussed this idea.If we could not make a conclusion, we would conduct a small-scale market research to test the feasibility of this idea. I played the co-ordinating and the organizing role in this progress. I combined all the views, analysised furtherly, and made the final conclusion. At this time, Team spirits was the most important thing. It’s necessary to thinking about the team,and then we can really come up with a better plan.

在大学二年级的时候,学校开设双学位课程,我一直希望能够进一步学习有关经济学的知识, 因此,选择了会计专业。但是,当时我的法律的课程已经有很多,而且参加了很多校园活动, 因此,如何在有限的时间内,即能够学好会计学,又能够不耽误本专业的学习,便成为了一个 问题。在接下来的学习过程中,遇到的实际问题比想象的要多。在假期里,我还要坚持第二学位 的学习。平时更要合理地安排学生工作和学习的时间。最困难的是在接近期末考试的时候。在三 年级的一个学期,我同时遇到了会计考试和计算机二级考试,而且还有大量的课程。我先静下 心来来,根据这两门课程的特点,做好学习计划。接下来便是坚持和刻苦。最后,我既没有耽误 了本专业课程的学习,也成功地通过了这两科考试。我认为,当你确定了一个目标,首先要有 周密的考虑,虽然雄心壮志是必要的,但也要建立在理性的基础上。接下来就是不要放弃,当 遇到困难的时候不能慌张,要及时调整思路,善于从别人的示例中吸取经验教训。我觉得成功 的必要因素就是 first,passion,second,坚持,third,冷静的思考。 In the second year of university, the school seted up a double-degree program. I always wanted to learn further about the economics knowledge, therefore, I opted for the accounting.However, at that time I have a lot of courses, and participated in many campus activities.Therefore, how to learn so many courses well in a limited time became a problem. In fact, the practical problems were more than expected. It was necessary to arrange the working time and the learning time reasonably.And in the holidays, I have to insist on learning them. The most difficult time was when I closed to final exams. In the third year of university, I encountered the accounting examination and computer grade examination at the same time, and I also had a large number of courses.I would like to pause, maked a learning plan according to the characteristics of these two examinations The next was insistence and hardworking.Finally, I passed the two examinations successfully. I think when you set a goal, first of all ,you must have a well-considered, While ambition is necessary, but also need to establish a rational basic.Next, we should not give up, we can’t be nervous When we faced with difficulty.We also should good at learning from experiences.I think the essential elements are passion, insistence, and calmness to be successful.

What they need? A degree holder with good academic results and actively participating in extra curriculum activities at all levels; Able to interact with people from different background and possess excellent communication skills and high proficiency of English both written and oral. And if you have: The passion for the food and beverages industry and the enthusiasm to succeed in future long term career; The right attitude and willingness to learn and to contribute; The mobility and flexibility to move around and the sense of responsibility and teamwork to take new challenges.

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