JANUARY 2020 Subscribe to BELLEVILLE updates newsletter.
There are many great things happening in the City of Belleville and we continue to find ways to share this information with our community. The City publishes the BELLEVILLE magazine which is mailed to all Belleville residents and posted on the City website but we believe this newsletter may help to provide you with additional ongoing information. The newsletter will be posted on the city website and if you would like to subscribe to it, please click the link above and provide the requested information. Welcome to the first edition of Belleville updates!
Whether it’s determining the future of the Memorial Arena and Legion 99, updating our zoning bylaws or deciding how to develop the newly acquired Hillcrest School property – we want to know what you think. Check the City website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to ensure you don’t miss Public Information Centres and online survey opportunities. Currently: The City of Belleville is currently undergoing updates to the Zoning Bylaw and Affordable Rental Housing/Downtown Community Improvement Plan. Zoning Bylaw Due to the amalgamation with the Townships of Sidney and Thurlow, the City currently has three zoning bylaws: The City of Belleville Zoning By-Law no. 10245, The Corporation Of The Township of Thurlow Comprehensive Zoning by-law no. 3014 and The Township of Sidney Zoning By-Law no. 2076-80. This update will see the consolidation of these three bylaws and creation of a single city-wide zoning bylaw. In September 2019, Dillon Consulting was selected for the undertaking of the review and consolidation of the City of
Belleville’s three comprehensive zoning bylaws. The City identified some preliminary issues in the bylaws that needed to be addressed which were grouped into six categories: • Commercial Zones • Parking • Loyalist College • Home-Based Businesses • Accessory Uses • Legal Non-Conforming Uses Affordable Rental Housing A public information session was held in December 2019 to address any questions or concerns residents had with either project, and to gather feedback.
The January 2020 BELLEVILLE magazine has arrived. The City of Belleville publishes BELLEVILLE Magazine to enable residents to explore many of the outstanding aspects of the municipality. Learn more about ongoing City projects, various businesses in our community and exciting social events residents have been enjoying. The magazine is distributed to all households in Belleville through Canada Post, is available online at: and in an accessible format available upon request.
BELLEVILLE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS Marks 60th Anniversary in Style EXCITING PLANS FOR NEW Belleville Police Station
Some things you’ll find in this edition: • • • • •
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU: Memorial Arena & Legion Project Hillcrest Public School Zoning By-Laws
Updates on New Police Station Dr. Curran - Cardiologist Real-TimeTransit Tech Zoning Bylaw Review Proposals for Memorial Arena & Legion Downtown Belleville Business & Pleasure
Non-emergency problems can be reported directly to the appropriate City of Belleville Department by using the automated form at: If your problem does not fall under one of the categories listed below or you have a general inquiry about any of the services the City of Belleville offers please visit the contact us page on the City’s website for more information on contacting the City of Belleville. Please Note: Submissions made through this website are reviewed during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. excluding holidays) Environmental Services, and Transportation and Operation Services provide a 24-hour service. If you have any of the following concerns, please call 613-968-6481 (during business hours) and 613-968-6482 (after hours and weekends) • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sewer Problems Dead Animals on Roadway Garbage & Recycling Issues Tree Issues Winter Control – Sidewalks & Roadways Sign Maintenance Traffic Lights Leaf & Yard Waste Thurlow Landfill Road & Sidewalk Maintenance Street Cleaning Flooding
Winter parking restrictions are in effect until Apr. 14 and apply to all City streets between the hours of 1 and 6 a.m. Vehicles left on the street pose an obstacle to snow-clearing activities, making it dangerous for both maintenance crews and the public. The goal is to restore safe motorist and pedestrian travel and to facilitate Fire, Ambulance and Police Department responses to emergencies. Overnight parking is also not permitted in City-owned parking lots. Motorists parking on City streets, or in a City-owned parking lot, between 1 and 6 a.m. run a high risk of having their vehicle ticketed and possibly towed. The City’s parking enforcement staff and road crews, including staff operating road and sidewalk snow plows, wish to thank motorists for their co-operation in heeding parking restrictions.
Our community prides itself on strong, long running traditions. One of these traditions is getting our community engaged with what is going on at City Hall. We are pleased to provide our CivicWeb Portal. The portal increases transparency by enabling our citizens to learn about meetings, watch live streams of Council meetings, search for documents, view reports and more. Within our Portal, you can: • search for documents in our online library • subscribe to meetings that interest you • view upcoming and past meetings using the calendar • review agendas and minutes within the meeting area • submit requests and report concerns using our citizen engagement forms • view the attendance & voting patterns of elected officials The CivicWeb Portal can be accessed at:
In addition to services such as bylaw administration (zoning and site plan control), official plan and zoning bylaw amendment applications and heritage planning, you will find a wealth of information on the City’s website in this section. Learn about your zoning, planning resources, and development applications and fees. Discover the current planning projects and studies underway - read about the affordable housing initiatives currently in place such as the Second Units Policy. Sometimes referred to as accessory apartments, these units are now permitted in detached, semi-detached, townhouse dwellings or accessory buildings, subject to zoning requirements and restrictions. Details on how to build and register these units are available on the site.
The City of Belleville accepts electronic submissions through bids&tenders. This site allows potential bidders to create a bidding system vendor account. Bidders select commodity codes for goods and services and the bidding system will notify the vendor by email of bid opportunities matching their commodity code selection. Public tenders, bids and request for proposals are posted on Bidders are responsible for ensuring their vendor account information is current. For step-by-step instructions on how to create an account please refer to the Vendor Guide.
City positions are posted on the website at https://belleville. ca/employment Applications are accepted for advertised positions only. Unsolicited employment applications will not be kept on file. Economic and Strategic Initiatives has created the “Belleville Wants You” program in which they regularly collect resumes, provide contacts for employment resource centres, organize job fairs and contact local media on behalf of prospective companies to ensure there is available labour to support their immediate needs. An updated database of approximately 1500 resumes is maintained, categorized by skill set (i.e. accountant, travel agent, child care etc.) that will be provided to any employer in our community upon request. Local and potential employers are encouraged to contact us for free access to this database. This program has proven to be extremely effective in linking employers with willing and able workers.
The City prioritizes construction projects and these recommendations are presented to Council for approval. The projects encompass a broad spectrum of initiatives - projects such as intersection improvements, cycling networks, road widening and bridges. One of these projects is the widening of Bell Boulevard. Design work is currently nearing completion and construction of the new road is planned for spring 2020. Bell Boulevard will be widened from two to four lanes with turning lanes to accommodate traffic growth as development in the area proceeds. New traffic signals will be installed as part of this project at the Shorelines Casino entrance and Hanna Court intersection. Roadside ditches will be eliminated and a new storm sewer will be installed. A sidewalk on the north side and an active transportation path on the south side of Bell Boulevard are also planned. Construction is anticipated to first begin on the western section of the project limits (from Shorelines Casino westerly approximately one kilometre) in early spring 2020 to be ready for new businesses looking to open on Bell Boulevard. By summer 2020, the focus will be the reconstruction of the Bell Boulevard and Sidney Street intersection. The widening of Sidney Street between Tracey Street and Bell Boulevard will also be included in the project. The Sidney Street work will begin in 2020 with some work expected to be carried over into 2021.
WEBSITE REDESIGN Next Quinte Career Fair:
A new City of Belleville website is currently being developed. We’re excited to share the wonderful new design and the features which will make it much easier for you to use. We’ll keep you posted regarding the ‘Unveiling Date’!
upcoming activities
Friday, Jan. 31, 2020
7 pm - 7 am
Join us for- Sleep a Partnership Fundraiser with GracewillInnbeand CMHA-HPE Out 2020. Information held all night withhomelessness all Community whopods work to reduce in Partners our communities.
Pledge Sheets are available at CMHA-HPE or at Grace Inn. If you are unable to make the event and still want to help - call CMHA-HPE and we can have you pledge a participant who is sleeping out for the night.
Thank you to our our Gold Sponsor, Bell.