March 2017 newsletter

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Vol. 5 Issue 11 March 2017

Bellevue High School


Table of Contents  President’s




 Incoming President’s Letter


 Letter from Bulletin Editor


 Memories


 Precon Recap


 Upcoming Events


 Social Media


 Officer Information



President’s Letter Genuinely sorry if you wanted to read one cause he didn’t want to write me one In love and service, Andes Lee Bellevue Key Club President 2016-2017


Incoming President’s Letter - ̗ ̀Hi keyclubbers!!, ̖ ́I’m Ein and your new incoming president (& I’ll keep this short, like me lol). I like petting puppies, dinosaurs, making puns, sending texts with the confetti effect, and of course key club!. I’m so excited for the rest of this year and next! It’s March which means that DCON is soon (no joke, even though it’s on April Fools). If you’re going, please remember to attend next week’s mandatory meeting (and if you can’t make it then the makeup meeting on Wednesday morning at 8 on 5/15) to learn about more DCON. Also remember to pay Andes for the shirt/spirit pack. Our new date for the Blood Drive is March 30 (it got rescheduled because there was no school that day, but it’s snow big deal). If you’re interested in donating blood or volunteering for a shift, more information will be sent out on your school email/our fb page, so stay tuned. Relay for Life is coming up soon (June 17) so if you haven’t signed up on our team, please do! The link can be found on our fb page! It’s one of my favorite events because you get to fundraise with your friends + help make a huge difference. Our current project is making cards (we’re going to deliver them with car wash tickets) for teachers for appreciation day because they auto know they are the wheel deal! So if you want to help make one/need volunteer hours, just contact anyone on the board and we’ll give you a card (we still have around 30 more to go!). See you all at our next meeting + have a great Monday!! In love, service, and cheesy puns, Ein


Letter from Bulletin Editor Hello Key Clubbers I actually don’t even have anything to say but I’m writing this because I feel like something needs to be said after 12 newsletters. I’m also writing this really small because I want to see how many people actually see a long thing of writing and read it. Ok here we go. I dreaded the 5th of every month because I would never start these things ahead of time and always end up doing it super late on the day it was due. Oh well. Also, a little note to Peter, why did we need ten newsletters each month. I asked you this and you answered “because what else would the bulletin editors do”. So basically this position is useless and you only made these newsletters mandatory because we have nothing else to do. Thanks for the busy work buddy. I highly suggest to the incoming ltg, Heli, (if you read this) to assign each club a month and only one newsletter will be released per month. That way the members aren’t bombarded with the same info literally ten times. Just putting that out there. Side note: The only reason I tried to make mine even a little humorous was because I would get so bored while making these. Lol. Here’s some news not regarding key club, bhs drill made it to state so hit us up in Yakima in three weeks. hell yeahhhhhh (am I allowed to say hell in this?) I am also eating thin mints while typing this. There are also twelve hidden turtle emojis in this newsletter because that’s how many times I have wasted my life making these so if you find all of them, comment “proud of u reb” thanks guys :’) (I’m saying thanks ahead of time so don’t expect any replies if you do end up reading all of this, find all the turtles, and comment. This past year I have toned down the intensity of my captions to some pictures because I felt like people would get offended smh but since this is my last one ever, I’m going all out! Here are some thank you’s because I would not have managed to survive through 12 newsletters without my loyal fans. Thanks to ethan for understanding my hatred for making newsletters. Thanks to andes and peter for giving me quality content. Another thanks to andes for being rude to be when I was sick. Thanks to peter for secretly telling ein that precon is not really mandatory if you’ve already been to dcon. Thanks to the photographers for being the actual ones to give me quality content. Thanks to my reb.shinny followers for dealing with posts about me not wanting to make the newsletters. And last but not least, thanks to key club for giving me such a rewarding opportunity to sit at a computer every 5th of the month and insert pics, think of captions, copy and paste presidents letters, and express my sarcasm!! Jk who do you think I am, I’m not spending extra time hiding 12 turtle emojis in this. In love and service, Rebekah Shin


Memories Some of your outgoing board members’ favorite memories from this past year!! President: Andes Lee *Didn’t give a response :’) Vice President: Ethan Wong “My first DCON. As cliché as it is, it was eye opening to see how amazing and friendly these members are.” Treasurer: Ein Chang “Relay for Life” Secretary: Dylan Reynard “Making the Key Club ad for wake up” Bulletin Editor: Rebekah Shin “When I got food poisoning and strep and asked Andes to find me a replacement for the newsletter and he told me to go find my own!!” 7

Precon Recap

Peter: so what made key club so great

Well‌ I really enjo-

Peter: me? Oh I know thanks

Oh poor girl peter is trying to move on from me again



Peter: pls stop talking to people. They’re gonna start liking you more and I don’t need this in my life rn.

Andes: I am sad and teen anxt

But in all seriousness, thank you pete. You have brought d28 so much love and joy. You have truly been a wonderful leader and friend to us all.


Upcoming Events DCON: March 31- April 2 hype hype hypeee Precon #2: March 25 2-5pm @ Hazen High School Side note I did not modify this pic peter is just that tall and lanky

D27 STC: March 17 7:30-9:30pm @ Sno King Ice Arenas in Kirkland 10

Social Media @bellevuekeyclub

Bellevue HS Key Club 2015-2016

Bellevuehighschool.key Text 81010 to @bhskeyclub 11

Officer Information

President: Andes Lee


Vice President: Ethan Wong

Treasurer: Ein Chang

Secretary: Dylan Renard

Bulletin Editor: Rebekah Shin

You can also find all of us on facebook! 13

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