Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents, The Life Education Program will be visiting Bellfield College from the 8th - 17th of March in 2021. This program promotes student's physical, social and emotional health and wellbeing. It empowers children with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to make informed decisions about their health. For more information please visit All children enrolled at Bellfield College Junior School will participate in the program as it aligns to their learning in personal development and health (PDH). Life Education NSW is a not-for-profit organisation that relies on the support of the community to assist them in reaching their fundraising goals. Please find attached information from Life Education NSW regarding merchandise available for purchase. If your child would like to purchase merchandise, please send the correct money in an envelope on the day of your child’s visit.
Monday 8/3 KH, KB (Friendship) 4N (bCyberwsie)
Tuesday 9/3 1A, 1C (Ready Steady Go) 3S (All Systems Go) 4O (bCyberwsie)
Wednesday 10/3 1M (Ready Steady Go) 3A (All Systems Go) 4A (bCyberwsie)
Monday15/3 2A (Growing Good Friends) 5P (Relate Respect Connect)
Tuesday16/3 2M (Growing Good Friends) 5T (Relate Respect Connect) 6S (Relate Respect Connect)
Wednesday17/3 5/6A (Relate Respect Connect) 6B (Relate Respect Connect)
Kind regards Bellfield College Events Team