Tuesday 3rd August 2021 HSC Students Asalamu Alaykum Understandably there is significant anxiety in the community regarding the return to campus and about the HSC examinations in general. Since the outbreak we have been working closely with various authorities and maintained close contact with parents, and whilst there are no further details or changes at this stage, I would like to confirm the following HSC STUDENTS RETURN TO SCHOOL There is no confirmed information, however, it has been announced that HSC students may return to face-to-face learning from Monday, 16 August, with the Government finalising plans for the resumption of in-class study under strict COVID protocols. Students will not return on a full-time basis; however, students may have face to face support on days scheduled to attend school and online teaching may continue after August 16. The return will be dependent upon future health advice and further details will be provided as soon as received. RAPID ANTIGEN Testing The NSW Government is working with industry and the Department of Education to introduce Rapid Antigen Testing to mitigate against outbreaks in workplaces and schools. Rapid ANITGEN is currently not mandated and not required for when attending campus for the Trials examinations. We are unable to provide further details at this stage, however, we will pass on this information as soon as received. As for student vaccinations, at this stage there are no details about the rollout or any other requirements for schools. HSC NESA COVID-19 SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Special Provisions process allows for whole cohorts to apply for special consideration. We will be encouraging all our HSC students to apply for special provisions and will provide more details about the process and the likely provisions as soon as possible. HSC EXAMINATIONS As previously communicated the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) COVID-19 Response Committee announced additional changes to the 2021 HSC timetable to give students additional time to prepare for upcoming HSC exams. In recognition of the evolving COVID-19 situation and in line with health advice, NESA will: • Extend the hand in date for Visual Arts major projects by two weeks. • Reschedule the written exams to begin one week later on 19 October with HSC results out on 17 December. TRIALS EXAMINATIONS The Trials examinations will proceed as scheduled and will commence on August 9. Parents and students living within restricted local government areas (LGA) are permitted to leave home for the examinations. College staff are known as authorised workers and are also permitted to attend campus. The examinations on campus prior to August 16 are compliant with the current NSW Health Public Health order. In fact, a number of independent schools started trials last Monday and a number later in the week. Irrespective of whether the trials are run before or after the 16th – schools must comply with strict COVID safe practices. Details about the organisation and the pre campus covid safe measures are outlined in the Trials Information package along with other important information about the Trials Examination arrangements. The Trials information package was
emailed to parents, emailed to students, sent via watts app, and posted on the Stage 6 Year Advisor CANVAS classroom. HSC students met online and the details about the TRIALS were presented in a grade meet. TRIALS EXAMINATIONS protocols: • We will minimise contact between students • students will be appropriately spaced • exams will be conducted in well-ventilated open spaces • we have incorporated a communications protocol that notifies students about contingency plans including a secondary site for Trials examination arrangements in the emergency event of exams held off campus. • Students with a known illness, like hay fever, that have similar symptoms to the flu must: get a medical certificate from their doctor and provide a copy of the certificate before the exams. This allows students with existing conditions to meet exam day protocols without requiring a negative COVID test. • Students who are unable to attend an exam due to medical circumstances must contact the Head of Senior School prior to the exam on (02) 9606 2666 and provide medical documentation. • Students with flu-like symptoms or who have been advised to isolate by NSW Health on the day of an exam must: not attend the exam, contact the College immediately and get tested. • Before entering the exam room, students will be asked to confirm they do not have any flu-like symptoms and are not required by NSW Health to self-isolate. • Parents will be asked to pick up their child from school if they become unwell at an exam. Parents with questions about their child attending an exam should contact the Head of Senior School Ms Ramadan on 02 9606 2666. ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING Assessment and Reporting procedures for formal assessment tasks remain as per the Stage 6 Assessment and Reporting handbook. I have included some details from pages 5 and 6 for your reference. The full details are available through the School Website – Stage 6 Assessment and Reporting, CANVAS classroom, and your child’s subject folders. Absent for an assessment task If a student is absent for a task they must; • Communicate in writing with their teacher or Head of Department on the first day they return to online class and hand in a completed illness / misadventure form. Reasons for the absence must be stated, verified by a doctor, and have a medical certificate attached to the form. Absence from Trials Examinations must be supported by medical documentation and must be submitted directly to the Head of Senior School via email mouina.ramadan@bellfield.nsw.edu.au Failure to complete an assessment task – Zero mark • A zero mark is noted as a non-attempt. If zero marks have been given for tasks, which make up 50% or more of the total assessment marks in a course, a student is at risk of Non-completion of that course. The Principal is the final arbitrator. YEAR 12 ACADEMIC REPORTS Will be available through the Sentral Parent Portal from Tuesday 5th October 2021. CAREERS SUPPORT Student’s seeking careers advice or support including UAC schemes, university early offers, university pathways, subject choices, course application processes, scholarship, and general advice about post year 12 options may seek support through their CANVAS CAREERS.
God willing, we will continue working together to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community. Warm regards, Ms Mouina Ramadan Head of Senior School