Junior School Weekly for Term 3, Week 10

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Assalamu Alaykum Dear parents and carers Congratulations! We made it! A whole school term of remote learning! We could not have done it without the commitment and support of our families and hardworking staff.

Last Day Of Term 3 Friday 17 September

Term 4 The start of Term 4 will look very much the same as Bellfield continues with home learning until further notice. Families will receive their learning timetables in the second week of the school holidays. More information (about whether our students will be returning to school) will be communicated early next term, as it becomes available.

First Day Of Term 4 Tuesday 5 October (Online Learning)

NAPLAN 2021 As children progress through their school years, it is very important that checks are made along the way to see how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and mathematics – skills that will set them upon the path to success as adults. One of these checks is The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Years 3 & 5 completed their NAPLAN assessments last term, and results will be posted home to parents next week. I’m

pleased to report that junior school has managed to sustain an upward trajectory in student progress in most


areas assessed, and in some instances, we have performed above state averages. Very pleasing results given the disruption to learning students faced during last year’s lockdown. According to a recent media release, “the global COVID-19 pandemic has had no significant impact on students’ literacy and numeracy achievement at the national or state/territory level”. More information is available for parents at the following website https://www.acara.edu.au/

Term 4 Staffing changes Earlier this week, communication was sent to parents of students in 3S and 5/6A, informing them of changes to staffing. For those who may not be aware, Mrs Lina Saleh, Stage 2 coordinator and 3S class teacher is expecting…twins! She will be finishing up with us today to commence her Maternity Leave. We wish her well and will keep her in our prayers for the safe and smooth arrival of her twins! Miss Momena Akram was the successful applicant at securing the relieving role of Stage 2 coordinator (in Mrs Saleh’s absence) and will commence teaching 3S and leading stage 2 at the start of term 4. I am also pleased to announce that Mr Khriezat will be replacing Miss Akram and teaching 5/6A from the start of term 4. May you all have a peaceful and well deserved two week school holiday break. Stay safe.

Warm regards Miss Harold


Dear Junior School Parents, With the conclusion of Term 3, I would like to recognise the support, commitment and adaptability of all staff, students and families, and congratulate you on all you have achieved. Here are some of the skills our amazing students have learnt during remote learning: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to join my class on Google Meets How to be organised and follow my timetable How to send work to my teacher online How I concentrate much better when I have a break and burn energy outside 5. How I concentrate much better when I don’t do my school work in my pyjamas! 6. How to have fun without a screens 7. The importance of my Mum and Dad who do so much for me! These skills are called ‘soft skills’, they are not directly taught in our syllabus but they are a wonderful by-product of remote learning and they will be very useful for all students in the future. I wish everyone a happy, safe and restful holiday break, and I look forward to seeing you all during Term 4.

Kind regards, Mrs Natalie Stevenson


Salam Alaykum Peace be upon you all,

This week has marked 1 year of my time at Bellfield College, where I have been blessed with the opportunity to work alongside the IHSAN team. The mentoring opportunity at Bellfield has allowed me to thrive in my environment through my set tasks. Within each student that I have mentored, there is an inextinguishable flame of illuminous character that shines through. Every student comes forth with introspective thoughts in their young minds, as they seek answers to their curiosities.

In IHSAN, and specifically mentoring, we have learnt and studied the 24-character strengths which are evident in each and every personality. Within our mentoring sessions, we seek ways in which we can bring to the attention of the student their unique personality strengths. Whether that be the virtue of wisdom, courage or humanity, the students at Bellfield are able to expand upon their pre-existing traits and flourish into living a Nourishing Life. With mentoring, we believe, each student is able to shine bright when they are made aware of their embedded strengths, and to work upon these, with their mentors, teachers and parents.


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