Learning in Kindergarten

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Learning in Kindergarten All teachers follow NESA syllabus to develop creative and extensive teaching programs for each Key Learning Area. Here is an overview of the content covered in Kindergarten this term. For further information you can access the syllabus on the NESA website. https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k-10/years/kindergarten

Term Two 2021


InitiaLit: reading and writing single sounds Write simple sentences and narratives Develop fine motor skills Explore Fairytales with the class Speaking and Listening - News


Count forwards and backwards 0 - 30 Read and write numerals 0 - 20 Add & subtract to 10, Friends of 10 Share and make equal groups of objects Explore halves Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings Make closed shapes and describe the area of each shape Identify, represent & name circles, triangles, squares, rectangles Sort 3D objects by colour, size and shape



Science & Technology

The House that Kindy Built


The holy month of Ramadan The last Prophet Mohammad, his manners and his miracle

Qu’ran Visual Arts Music & Dance Personal Development & Health

Recognise, pronounce, read and write Arabic letters with Fatha vowels. Surat An Naas and Al Falaq. Me, Myself and I Cultural Songs Moving Me How can I look after myself?

Physical Education

Fundamental Movement Skills Ball skills and team games


K-2 Games and Sport rotations

Students in K-2 wear sports uniform to school on Tuesday and Thursday.

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