Parent Update from the Head of Senior School - Year 11-12

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Friday 9th July 2021 COVID-19 UPDATE 1 – HEAD of SENIOR SCHOOL After yesterday’s meeting with other Heads of Schools from the Association of Independent School (AIS), there are some things we know (as listed below) and many things will be updated as soon as possible. All updates will be emailed and sent through the College WhatsApp groups. What we know • School is in online learning mode for next week; Day 1 of Term 3 commences Monday 12th July and at this stage we will remain in online learning mode until Monday 19th July. Please refer to the attached day structure. Students will follow their daily timetable which can be found on student emails and the Sentral Parent Portal. • Essential workers children can attend school - they will follow their regular timetable by accessing CANVAS and should bring a device to school to enable this to happen. • Anyone on site should wear a mask- All students should bring a mask. • Same rules apply due to illness - if students are unwell, they should remain at home and get tested. • Social distancing and sanitising must be encouraged, please speak to your children about the importance of these due to the Delta strain. • Some staff will be available for minimum supervision. • Events in week one such as Hajj Camp, Year 8 Giants and Year 7 STEM Leadership programs are cancelled. • The latest information also outlines there is a return to no parents on campus. In relation to Year 11 and 12 (HSC) • HSC students will be able to come in to work on practical's (more details to come). • Masks must be worn when on campus. • HSC students will not be disadvantaged. • I will especially endeavour to find out about Trial examinations (we would like to stick to the current schedule where possible). Thank you for your patience as we re-navigate this space! Warm regards, Ms Mouina Ramadan Head of Senior School

BELLFIELD COLLEGE Year 11 and Year 12 Term 3 - Monday to Friday Period 1 - 8.30am to 9.30am

Period 2 - 9.30am to 10.30am

RECESS - 10.30am to 10.50am

Period 3 - 10.50am to 11.40am

Period 4 - 11.40am to 12.30pm

Period 1 Log on at 8.30am for teacher instruction as per timetabled class (Students should check their emails or contact their Year Advisor (via email) for their Term 3 timetable) Period 2 Log on at 9.30am for teacher instruction as per timetabled class


Period 3 Log on at 10.50am for teacher instruction as per timetabled class Period 4 Log on at 11.40am for teacher instruction as per timetabled class

Prayer time – 12.30pm to 1.00pm

Prayer time

Lunch – 1.00pm to 1.40pm


Period 5 – 1.40pm to 2.30pm

Period 6 – 2.30pm to 3.20pm

Period 5 Log on at 1.40pm for teacher instruction as per timetabled class Period 6 Log on at 2.30pm for teacher instruction as per timetabled class

BELLFIELD COLLEGE Senior School Online Learning Opportunities At Home Be Ready For The Day • • • •

Have breakfast before you start Try to be active before you start for the day Touch base with you friends, communicate with your family Check your timetable for the day – organise your learning materials

Your Learning Space • • • •

Turn off the TV – turn your phone to silent/vibrate Be considerate of other people if you are sharing a learning space Wear comfortable clothes Change from your pyjamas/sleeping attire

Your Learning Materials • • •

Ensure that your laptop/device is fully charged Have spare pens and writing paper if necessary Ensure that you have the necessary class codes for online platforms

For Parents/Carers • • • • • •

Encourage your child to work in a structured environment Define a learning space for your child Talk to your child regularly about their learning experience Encourage short breaks throughout the learning experiences be aware of the 10/15-minute breaks between periods Encourage social connections with your child’s friends but also monitor time spent on social media Follow conventional communication channels through the school – contact the office for any queries.

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