Science Week Experiment List
Salam Wonderful Students,
Next Wednesday we are participating in National Science Week. Our teachers will be conducting two experiments and we would love for you to join in from home. The ingredient and equipment list is below. Students in K-6 will be conducting the same experiments. I am looking forward to seeing all students get involved in doing the experiments on Wednesday with their teachers. Good Luck!
Miss Akram, Year Two Teacher
1st Morning Session
2nd Morning Session
½ cup cream
½ cup cream
Jar with lid
¼ teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)
1 tablespoon sugar
Empty bowl
1/3 cup salt 1 large zip lock bag 1 medium zip lock bag 3 cups of ice
K-6 Science Week Competition! (Homes of the future!) Calling all scientists! Our focus for National Science Week is Food Different By Design. Your mission: Design and create a self-sustainable home that you can live off. Have a think about what types of foods you can grow in and around your home. What animals can you keep? You will: Create a model using the resources you have at home to show what will be included in your self-sufficient home (inside and outside) that can help you grow food. Materials: empty boxes, rolls, art supplies, paper, glue, foil, Lego, toys, playdough etc When finished: take a photo and record yourself explaining the different areas and how they help you live and grow food. Send your photo and video to your teacher! ONE WINNER FROM EACH CLASS! This competition is optional!