Term 3 - Week 5 l August 2021
SENIOR SCHOOL WEEKLY HSC Trials – Wednesday 25th August to Thursday 2nd September 2021
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FIT@HOME COMMUNITY SPIRIT JELLYBEAN JUNCTION PRE SCHOOL CENTRE On Friday afternoon Mr Akil hosted an online fitness session for the Bellfield community. Bellfield exhibits incredible community spirit, and it was an opportunity for us to connect despite lockdown and do something that benefits our health, wellbeing and sense of connection with ourschool community. It was a great way to do something as a family unit in amongst the demands of online learning and we were also delighted to have Mr Akil’s 3 year old daughter join us in getting active.
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Sport @ Bellfield College Physical Activity @ home Have no fear everyone, although you won’t be experiencing practical lessons at school, we will provide you with sessions that are safe and easy to complete during school time. As you are aware, we have live lessons every Friday at 2:50pm. Watch out for communication with the link to join us.
Below are some exercises we will be going through on our live stream. Please be mindful that you will need to have some space or go to the nearest park with your family to complete these activities presented over the next few weeks. Have handy a stopwatch, water bottle and towel.
3……...2……...1……...BEGIN!!! 1. High knees (30 secs) Rest (30 secs) 2. Push-ups (30 secs) Rest (30 secs) 3. Lunges (30 secs) Rest (30 secs) 4. Jumping Jacks (30 secs) Rest (30 secs) 5. Hip raises (30 secs) Rest (30 secs) 6. Planks (30 secs) Rest (30 secs) Repeat all the above 3 times with a 2minutes rest between each set. Stay safe and Have Fun…. GOODLUCK!!!
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OPEN DAY AND KEY DATES It's been a tough term for those in the Greater Sydney region and in some of our regional areas of NSW. The shift to online learning, working and studying has thrown plans and dates out the window. Please assure your students that there are many pathways to university and that the ATAR is only one of them. At Macquarie, we believe all students are more than their ATAR and that is reflected in our variety of entry schemes and programs. Our flagship early entry scheme, the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers looks at a student's Year 11 marks and their extra-curricular activities. Eligible students will receive an early offer in September with applications closing 2pm, 20 August. Our virtual Open Day will go ahead this Saturday, 14 August, 10am - 4pm. Please join us from the comfort of your own home and check out our student-hosted centre stage and find out about entry, scholarships, pathway programs, campus life and much more. Come prepared with questions and enjoy one-on-one consultations with our student ambassadors and academics and watch on-demand videos from all our areas of study.
MACQUARIE LEADERS AND ACHIEVERS’ EARLY ENTRY SCHEME Applications close Friday 20 August, 2pm. Offers Students can only receive ONE offer through this Scheme. Offers released in September. Courses All courses are available except our Co-op degrees. Leadership activities/roles Students need to list at least two activities
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What to expect on the day Join us online at Open Day to find out more – all from the comfort of your own home. At any time throughout the day, you can check out our livestreaming student-hosted centre stage and find out about: Macquarie Entry • scholarships and adjustment factors • pathway programs • tailoring your degree and study program to suit your lifestyle • RPL (recognition of prior learning) • how to apply • campus life. You’ll also have the opportunity to: •
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speak one-to-one with our academics talk via live chat with our contact centre about all things Macquarie watch on-demand videos about our degrees and much more.
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Creative Arts, Languages and English Year 7 Arabic The Year 7 Arabic students have been studying the topic 'Eating and Drinking'. They are learning culture specific phrases used in Arabic that are associated with eating and drinking habits. They are exploring foods from different Arab cultures and also learning how to read a menu and order a meal from a restaurant. This term they will be creating a restaurant menu for their assessment which is due in Week 9. The grammar focus this term is on the sun and moon letters, the definite article 'the' and personal pronouns. Some of the culture specific phrases they are learning come from the two words: صحة وعافيةwhich both mean health. The way to say 'Enjoy your meal' varies across different dialects in the Arab world. The most common phrases used in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Palestine are:
بالصحة, صحتين,صحة بالعافية, والعافيةwhich mean may this food bring health to you. In Egypt it is common to say: بالهناء والشفاءwhich means with bliss and healing. In Week 6 they will start a new topic called 'My Health'. Students will be learning how to create healthy habits and how to lead a healthy lifestyle to fight off common diseases. Year 7 students have been committed to their online learning and they should be commended for their efforts. Well done Year 7! Mrs Chebli – Arabic Teacher
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Human Society & its Environment What’s Been Happening in the Online Classroom World of HSIE as we approach the halfway mark of Term 3!
Year 7: This term has started their journey learning the fundamentals of history. With the topic 'Investigating the Ancient Past'. By next week they will begin looking at Ancient Egypt. It is great to see some keeping the old traditions alive of using a 'pen' and 'paper' to conduct their online learning.
Year 8: Took a glimpse into the times of The Western and Islamic World in Medieval Europe. This included everyday life in those times by comparing the rich and poor.
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Year 9: This term has landed in the 18th century and are learning about the ‘Industrial Revolution’ to describe the period of rapid change that took place, initially in Britain, between about 1750 and 1850.
Year 9/10 Commerce: This term are learning to identify why consumers select particular products. This includes variations such as age, gender and location which sellers take into consideration when advertising a product to consumers. The 'Promoting and Selling' topic will enrich students with skills to become much more efficient shoppers themselves.
Year 10: This term year 10 have been hard and working to discover why Australia was involved in the Vietnam War, this brought upon a lot of subjective opinions. The student's showcased their opinions and skills through a newspaper article and here are some exemplary articles.
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Genetics Year 10 students are learning about the topic ‘Genetics’. Genetics is the study of genes and heredity. In this topic students learned about genes, traits, cell division, DNA structure and latest genetic technologies. Students developed better understanding of the DNA double helix structure by preparing DNA models, representing alternating deoxyribose sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base combinations in their models.
Students absolutely enjoyed this topic and were fascinated to learn about latest application of genetic technologies in improving crop production and disease resistant harvest.
Meena Rohani
Zaynab Al-Sudany
Shweta Sharma.
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Micro-habits to parent better everyday We’ve all received personal advice that makes us jump through hoops before we see any benefits. Get at up at 5.00am and run 10 kilometres to get fit. Fast two days a week to lose weight. Take your children on a two-week holiday to build better bonds. So much hard work to implement. The Japanese concept of Kaizen states that small habits are easy to do as they require no willpower. In time, they become a natural part of what you do, and you’re performing better, in this case parenting better, before you know it. Following are five micro-habits that will impact positively your relationship with your child. You are encouraged to create your own micro-habits, but this list will get you started.
Greet your child with a smile every day “Make a good first impression as first impressions count.” There’s incredible wisdom in this saying as your first interaction with someone will set the tone for all the interactions that follow. Make your first interaction with your child each day a happy, positive one by greeting them with a smile. Make your eyes light up and not only will you put yourself in a good mood, but you’ll establish an atmosphere of warmth for your child at the start of the day.
Point your feet toward your child when they have something important to tell you Next time you are standing with someone at a party, social or networking event, glance down to see where their feet are pointing. If they are pointed your way, then you have their full attention. If they are pointed elsewhere, then you’d better talk quickly as they’ll soon be heading in the direction that their feet are pointing. This principle applies doubly to family life. When you know your child has something to say, point your feet toward them and they’ll know that you’re giving them your full attention. If you are sitting and can’t swing your toes around, point your nose in their direction to achieve the same result.
When your child is upset, acknowledge their feelings first When a child is annoyed, angry, or visibly upset, focus on their feelings before their behaviour. Often, we parent down heavily on behaviour (“Stop that yelling!” “Sit down before you hurt someone.” “That’s an outside noise.”) as we are programmed to control or bring order to a situation. This focus is often ineffective as it’s meeting our needs rather than the immediate needs of the child.
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When we focus on feelings first, the behaviour will often improve because you’re meeting a child’s needs, or they finally feel understood. “I can see you’re angry at the moment.” “You seem very excited.” “I get it that your annoyed.”
Refer to good and bad behaviour as a choice The advocates of respectful relationships rightfully say that all behaviours are a matter of choice, and aren’t driven by others, the environment or substance abuse. (There’s a caveat here for people experiencing severe mental health disorders where choice for many is not a sound option.) Parents can reinforce the idea of choice by consistently referring to a child’s positive or negative behaviour as a choice. “Good choice, sharing your toys with your brother.” “You could make a better choice and come home on time when your visit a friend.”
Look away and breathe when you want to yell We’ve all experienced it. You’re at the end of your tether and you ask your child to clean up/help out/stop annoying a sibling and they flat out refuse. Before you know it, you’ve given your child some parenting advice that doesn’t come from any parenting books, only to regret it a few minutes later. Yes, you’ve just turned into a child yourself. When you are about to get upset with your child step back, look away (taking your senses away from the source of stress) take three or four deep belly breaths through your nose before you speak. These small steps will instantly relax, and help you think from your pre-frontal cortex (the thinking part of the brain), rather than the reactive lizard brain, which is responsible for the fight/flight response. The key is to practise this micro-habit in low or no stress situations, so it becomes automatic when you’re under stress.
In closing Behaviours become habits become patterns. You practise a behaviour once and it’s just that – a behaviour. Practise it repeatedly and it becomes a habit, which can easily be broken. Keep the habit up for long enough and it becomes a pattern that becomes an entrenched part of the way that you parent. Michael Gross
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Parent Communication - Sentral Parent Portal Bellfield’s Student portal is a one-stop shop for everything. Students can access the portal using their school logon, which gives them access to their timetable, assessment marks, attendance history and reports from anywhere at any time. In addition, the parent portal provides parents with 24/7 access to their child’s data. Parents can log in to access their child’s reports, attendance and welfare details as well as updating family contact details. Furthermore, if you are a parent and want to see your child’s records, contact the college and you will be given an access code for the parent portal, which you will use to access your child’s data. You can access the portal here: https://bellfield.sentral.com.au/portal
Please download the Sentral for Parents app from App Store or Google store. Enter the name of the college (Bellfield College) and Click ‘Next’
Parent Communication - WhatsApp Save the college mobile number:
0430 842 666
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Ms Mouina Ramadan Head of Senior School mouina.ramadan@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Mariam Bazzi HSIE/English mariam.bazzi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Zeinab Rammal HSIE/English zeinab.rammal@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Ayah Balloot Head of Department – CA.L.E ayah.balloot@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mohamed Mohamedali HSIE mohamed.mohamedali@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Chanel Jbarah English chanel.jbarah@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Wassim Hijazi Head of Department – HSIE wassim.hijazi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Ali Fawaz HSIE/English ali.fawaz@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Owen Gates Science and Mathematics owen.gates@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Hussein Akil Head of Department – PDHPE hussein.akil@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Monika Kumar HSIE/English monika.kumar@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Zahrah Shaddad PDHPE zahrah.shaddad@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Dr Abdi Ali Head of Department – STEM abdi.ali@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mahdi Hussain English mahdi.hussain@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mustapha Khalil Mathematics mustapha.khalil@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Javid Karimi Mathematics Coordinator javid.karimi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Riem Derbasi English and Learning Support riem.derbasi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Staphanie Laguna Science and Mathematics stephanie.laguna@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Moustafa Nehme Year 7 Year Advisor moustafa.nehme@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Maysaa Balhas Arabic and Languages maysaa.balhas@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Shweta Sharma Science and Mathematics shweta.sharma@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Chanel Jbarah Year 8 Year Advisor chanel.jbarah@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Sasha Hayes Visual Arts sasha.hayes@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Marwa Hijazi Science and Mathematics marwa.hijazi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mahdi Hussain Year 9 Year Advisor mahdi.hussain@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Matthew Kent PDHPE matthew.kent@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Rana Chebli IST / Arabic rana.chebli@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Zeinab Rammal Year 10 Year Advisor zeinab.rammal@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Andrew Smith Music Teacher andrew.smith@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mark Pardi Technology Teacher mark.pardi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Shweta Sharma Year 11/12 Year Advisor shweta.sharma@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Aspasia Zakos HSIE/English Teacher aspasia.zakos@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
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