Term 3 - Week 8 l September 2021
Parent Teacher PHONE Interviews – Monday 13th September 2021 4:15pm to 8:30pm (Bookings are now open)
Year 7 HSIE – Anicent Egypt
Pharaoh drawing buy – Parisa Hussaini
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Creative Arts, Languages and English Year 8 Arabic
السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته حضرة االهالي الكرام، قبل البدء بالحديث عن البرامج التي تم دراستها من قبل تالميذ الصف السابع والثامن أود أن أشكر جهودكم الدؤوبة والمستمرة لدعم التالميذ في هذه المرحلة الصعبة بحيث اضطررنا لالنتقال الى التعلم عن بعد. في االسابيع الماضية ،تالميذ الصف السابع قاموا بدراسة المفردات المتعلقة بالطعام والشراب باإلضافة الى العادات الصحية التي نتبعها في حياتنا اليومية .من خالل هذا البرنامج تمكن التالميذ من االطالع والتحدث عن األكالت العربية المفضلة لديهم والتي بموجبها سوف يتم تقييم التالميذ بحيث يتوجب عليهم تقديم قائمة طعام وشراب إلحدى المطاعم العربية مع صور تحاكي نوع الطبق المقدم .لقد انجز الطالب نماذج رائعة ويسرني بكل فخر ان اشارككم بعضها. برنامج تالميذ الصف الثامن قد تمحور حول دراسة المصطلحات والمفردات المتعلقة بالحيوانات األليفة والبرية والتي سعينا من خاللها الى اطالع التالميذ على أسماء الحيوانات وكيفية االعتناء بها من خالل نصوص عربية نهدف ايضًا من خاللها الى تمكين التالميذ من فهم هذه المفردات وحثهم على القراءة .وبناء عليه سيتم تقييم الطالب في األسبوع التاسع بحيث سيخضعون المتحان يهدف الختبار المستوى الفردي لتحليل المعلومات المتلقية باللغة العربية وكتابتها باللغة االنكليزية .نأمل منكم مساعدة الطالب للتحضير وحثهم على الدراسة والمتابعة. اخيرا ان أثني على جهود الطالب من خالل االلتزام الدائم بتقديم أود ً الواجب في الموعد المحدد والمثابرة لحضور الحصص المخصصة اون الين واسال المولى ان يديم عليكم الصحة والعافية في هذا الوقت الصعب ،ودمتم برعاية هللا. معلمة اللغة العربية، ميساء بلحص Maysaa Balhas Page | 2
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Human Society & its Environment Year 7- HSIE Map – Taskeen Ali This term students have been studying Ancient Egypt in year 7. Students have looked at topics such as the geography, the Pharaoh, the Nile River, social hierarchy and everyday life in ancient Egypt. When we looked at the geography of ancient Egypt in class students created a visual map. Students did this so that they could visualise the features of ancient Egypt as well as refer back to it when it comes to their assessment.
Additionally, to engage students’ creative side I incorporated another drawing activity so that students can further imagine the wonders of this civilisation. Students learnt about the Pharaoh and the intricacies of his royal dress code. Students were then asked to combine the knowledge they gained during the lesson to draw the Pharaoh. As you can see from these samples the Pharaohs came to life on the page.
Drawing the Paraoh – Zainab Zaidi Miss Monika Kumar HSIE Teacher
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) BIOLOGY - Eye dissection Dissection online How does your eye work? You see the world because light gets into your eyes. Your eye uses that light to make an image of the world inside your eye—just as a camera uses light to make a photograph.
Year 12 Biology students were able to share their experience of dissecting a cow eye to show how an eye functions, and to look at the parts that make up the eye; an experience they shared online.
Dissections offer memorable science experiences that can provide inspiration for students to learn more about mammalian anatomy. This was a practical opportunity to allow our students to see firsthand the different structures of an eye and relate to how technologies be used to assist people who experience visual disorders. Well done to the HSC Biology class, its great to see that they have all have a good eye for the subject!
Dr Abdi Ali STEM Teacher and Head of Department
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Year 10 Year Advisor Update Dear parents and Year 10, I hope you are all coping well under the current circumstances. Year 10 has been eager and looking forward to their camp all year, however, we are sad to mention that due to the current lockdown taking place, the Year 10 Camp has been cancelled until further notice. God willing, if there are any engaging activities that are possible for us to bring forward for our Year 10's in Term 4, we will try our best! On a brighter note, I am happy with the online progress Year 10 has been showing during our online lessons. They have demonstrated a sense of independence and maturity during our online time. Students are reminded to log in to their calls on time, engage with cameras on and ensure they are submitting their classwork on time. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to access Canvas and catch up on missing work. Wishing you all a blessed and happy week! Regards, Mrs Zeinab Rammal ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
FIT@HOME: every Friday afternoon at 2.50pm
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Sport @ Bellfield College Quiz week !!! As a community of Bellfield we have had to endure many challenges in the past several months. Years from 7-10 are completing online quizzes this week and as a department we can only congratulate the students on their resilience and motivation to continue to strive for their academic goals.
Students from all years have learnt the importance of communication and the positive effects that it can have on an individual.
Benefits of Positive communication:
Building trust. Effective communication fosters trust with others
Preventing or resolving problems
Providing clarity and direction
Creates better relationships
It is important for students, parents and teachers to involve themselves with positive communication during such time. Checking in on family, friends and work colleagues are an example of people within your life that can benefit from a friendly conversation.
Mr Kent PDHPE Teacher
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Advance human health As the worlds of medicine and science continue to advance, the need for well-trained healthcare professionals grows. Western’s health science programs in Public Health, Health Promotion, Health Services Management, Recreational Therapy, Clinical Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Science and Sport Development equip you for the important work of advancing human health. You can combine Health Promotion with Public Health or Health Services Management. Clinical Sciences prepares you for post graduate clinical health studies. Western offers the only Recreational Therapy course in Australia. We also offer degrees in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Podiatric Medicine, Paramedicine, Speech Pathology, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You’ll learn to solve complex problems by working across disciplines. And our close ties with community and industry mean plenty of hands-on experience, too. With a Bachelor of Health Science (HPE) - Pathway to Teaching (Secondary), you can explore challenging areas of personal development, like youth health issues, sexuality, drugs, psychology and risk-taking behaviours. Study general health science, like human biology, health systems, health promotion and research. When you graduate, you can go on to a Master of Teaching, and a career as an inspiring HPE teacher.
HSC True Reward Early Offer Program The HSC True Reward early offer program gives school leavers much needed peace of mind, providing an early offer into most courses at Western Sydney University based on Year 11 or Year 12 subject results. Applications are now open to receive an early offer to begin in 2022.
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Bachelor of Health Science (HPE) Pathway to Teaching (Secondary) As the worlds of medicine and science continue to advance, the need for well-trained healthcare professionals and teachers grows. Explore challenging areas of personal development, like youth health issues, sexuality, drugs, psychology and risk-taking behaviours. When you graduate, you can go on to a Master of Teaching, and a career as an inspiring Health and Physical Education teacher.
Study options
Start times
3 years
March (2022)
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Benefit mindset: Beyond a growth mindset The impact of the mindset work of Carol Dweck has been profound. Since she published her book ‘Mindset’ in 2006 there’s barely a school in the developed world that hasn’t been touched by its methodology. Parents now remind their children that they may not be good at maths, but with application they can be. Major corporations such as Microsoft, Google and NASA have made Growth mindset an integral part of company cultures.
What is a growth mindset? A growth mindset is the belief that ability and talents can be developed with effort. A fixed mindset is the belief that ability and talent is innate. With effort and a good strategy anyone can succeed at math says the growth mindset followers, while you’re either good at math or your not according to the fixed mindset brigade. At Parenting Ideas we believe firmly in the notion of developing a growth mindset in children and young people. That is, remove self-imposed limitations so kids can grow. While a growth mindset focuses on developing a child’s full potential there’s a place for developing a child’s leadership and community development potential as well. When children and young people recognise they can be of value to others they go beyond simply developing growth mindset to develop a benefit mindset as well.
So what does a benefit mindset look like in a child? The Benefit mindset is where ‘me’ meets ‘we’. A child with a benefit mindset is open to learning, but is also focused on how he can assist and help others. They don’t succeed at the cost of someone else’s success. They focus on the needs of their group, class or family. The challenge for parents is self-apparent. How do we develop a benefit mindset when children by their nature can be self-centred? We’re confident that with maturity and when surrounded by nurturing, community-minded people (i.e. family, school, peers) children can learn to focus more on the needs of others, than on just their own. Here are some simple every day ways to develop a benefit mindset in kids of all ages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Expect them to regularly help at home without being paid Encourage them to volunteer in some capacity within the community in age-related ways Share stories with children and young people of community, leadership and volunteering Give kids leadership opportunities (with accompanying responsibilities) among siblings and friends Conduct regular family meetings to enable kids to contribute positively to their family
A benefit mindset focuses on a child doing good, rather than being good. It also encourages kids to develop strengths within the context of contributing to the wellbeing of others in their families or communities rather than focusing on their own ends. That sounds a lot like leadership to us. Michael Gross Page | 10
Parent Communication - Sentral Parent Portal Bellfield’s Student portal is a one-stop shop for everything. Students can access the portal using their school logon, which gives them access to their timetable, assessment marks, attendance history and reports from anywhere at any time. In addition, the parent portal provides parents with 24/7 access to their child’s data. Parents can log in to access their child’s reports, attendance and welfare details as well as updating family contact details. Furthermore, if you are a parent and want to see your child’s records, contact the college and you will be given an access code for the parent portal, which you will use to access your child’s data. You can access the portal here: https://bellfield.sentral.com.au/portal
Please download the Sentral for Parents app from App Store or Google store. Enter the name of the college (Bellfield College) and Click ‘Next’
Parent Communication - WhatsApp Save the college mobile number:
0430 842 666
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Ms Mouina Ramadan Head of Senior School mouina.ramadan@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Mariam Bazzi HSIE/English mariam.bazzi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Zeinab Rammal HSIE/English zeinab.rammal@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Ayah Balloot Head of Department – CA.L.E ayah.balloot@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mohamed Mohamedali HSIE mohamed.mohamedali@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Chanel Jbarah HSIE/English chanel.jbarah@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Wassim Hijazi Head of Department – HSIE wassim.hijazi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Ali Fawaz HSIE/English ali.fawaz@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Owen Gates Science and Mathematics owen.gates@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Hussein Akil Head of Department – PDHPE hussein.akil@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Monika Kumar HSIE/English monika.kumar@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Zahrah Shaddad PDHPE zahrah.shaddad@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Dr Abdi Ali Head of Department – STEM abdi.ali@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mahdi Hussain English mahdi.hussain@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mustapha Khalil Mathematics mustapha.khalil@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Javid Karimi Mathematics Coordinator javid.karimi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Riem Derbasi English and Learning Support riem.derbasi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Staphanie Laguna Science and Mathematics stephanie.laguna@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Moustafa Nehme Year 7 Year Advisor moustafa.nehme@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Maysaa Balhas Arabic and Languages maysaa.balhas@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Shweta Sharma Science and Mathematics shweta.sharma@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Chanel Jbarah Year 8 Year Advisor chanel.jbarah@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Sasha Hayes Visual Arts sasha.hayes@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Marwa Hijazi Science and Mathematics marwa.hijazi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mahdi Hussain Year 9 Year Advisor mahdi.hussain@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Matthew Kent PDHPE matthew.kent@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Rana Chebli IST / Arabic Teacher rana.chebli@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Zeinab Rammal Year 10 Year Advisor zeinab.rammal@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Andrew Smith Music Teacher andrew.smith@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mark Pardi Technology Teacher mark.pardi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Shweta Sharma Year 11/12 Year Advisor shweta.sharma@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Aspasia Zakos HSIE/English aspasia.zakos@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Fatima Dirani Learning Support Teacher fatima.dirani@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Br Mohamed Wehby Director of IHSAN mohamed.wehby@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
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