Leap summer issue

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Joinus,aswetakeatourofthe BronxZoowithcameras


Understandinghowtoworkin lowkeyphotography



Understandingthetechniqueof incorporatingtherulesofthirds inphotography

Howtomakeanincredible cover

Editor's thoughts

One hot Summer

Although it was extremely hot summer due to nature, circumstance, our students happen to create some amazing photos All photos in this magazine are from students except for one This year the students had to work on mastering the laws of thirds Understanding low-key shooting, figuring out how to make the perfect portrait Put together an amazing cover for this magazine and last but not least take photos of the birds from the Bronx zoo The work in this magazine has been brought to you by 6th, 7th and eighth graders it is my proud duty to bring you their amazing achievements in photography they gave blood and more than that They gave sweat upon sweat upon sweat due to the fact of the heat in order to give you the images you see

the bronx zoo

In the heart of the Bronx, where the city’s pulse meets the whispers of nature, lies a haven for the feathered spirits of the world—the Bronx Zoo. Here, among the lush greenery and carefully crafted habitats, birds from every corner of the globe find refuge and enchant the souls of those who venture to witness their splendor. This is not merely a zoo; it is a symphony of wings, a ballet of beaks, a tapestry of avian wonder woven into the fabric of urban life.

The Noble Eagle

High above, where the trees reach for the sky, the eagle soars, a symbol of freedom and power. The Bald Eagle, with its white head and majestic wingspan, commands the air with a presence that is both awe-inspiring and humbling. Its keen eyes scan the world below, a master of the hunt and guardian of the skies. The eagle’s flight, a ballet of strength and grace, is a testament to the wild, untamed spirit that dwells within the heart of nature.

The Scarlet Macaw

As the sun ascends, the vibrant colors of the Scarlet Macaw burst forth like fireworks in a verdant sky. These flamboyant birds, with their feathers painted in the richest reds, yellows, and blues, bring the spirit of the tropical rainforests to the Bronx. They chatter and squawk, their voices a cacophony of joy and mischief, reminding visitors of the wild, untamed beauty of their native lands. Their beaks, strong and curved, are tools of survival, yet they handle the world with a curious gentleness, peeling fruits and preening each other’s feathers with affectionate care.

Photographing the King Vulture at the Bronx Zoo is a captivating experience. This majestic bird, with its striking white plumage and vividly colored head, offers a dramatic subject for any photographer. The vulture's keen eyes and imposing presence are best captured in the soft morning light, which highlights its unique features and regal demeanor. Patience is essential, as waiting for the bird to spread its impressive wings or fix its intense gaze on the lens can yield stunning results. The Bronx Zoo's carefully designed habitats provide a naturalistic backdrop, allowing photographers to capture the King Vulture in a setting that mirrors its wild environment.

The Exotic Hornbill Amidst the dense foliage of the zoo’s tropical section, the hornbill stands out with its impressive casque and striking plumage. The Rhinoceros Hornbill, with its bold black and white feathers and vivid orange casque, commands attention. Its calls, a series of loud, echoing honks, add a unique rhythm to the symphony of the forest. This bird, with its distinctive appearance and powerful presence, is a reminder of the rich biodiversity that thrives in the world’s rainforests.

Butterfly Garden at the Bronx Zoo is a mesmerizing experience. Amidst a lush, vibrant setting, countless butterflies flit and flutter, their delicate wings painted with a spectrum of dazzling colors. Capturing these moments requires patience and an eye for detail. Morning light bathes the garden in a soft glow, perfect for highlighting the intricate patterns on each butterfly's wings. Focus on flowers where butterflies often land, and use a macro lens to capture their fragile beauty up close. The garden's tranquil ambiance enhances the experience, making each photograph a testament to nature’s exquisite artistry.

The Graceful Crane Beside the tranquil waters of the zoo’s lakes, the cranes make their stately appearance. The Red-crowned Crane, a symbol of longevity and happiness in many cultures, moves with a dignified elegance, its snowy white feathers contrasting with the deep red of its crown. As they engage in their courtship dances, a ritual of bows and calls, they weave a story of love and devotion that transcends the boundaries of species and speaks to the universal language of the heart.



Heythere!So,totakealowkeyportrait,yougottastart byfindingadarkbackgroundanddimmingthelights. It'sallaboutcreatingcontrast,youknow?

Heythere!So,totakealowkey portrait,yougottastartby findingadarkbackgroundand dimmingthelights.It'sall aboutcreatingcontrast,you know?Then,positionthe subjectclosetoasinglelight source,likealampora flashlight.Makesurethere'sjust enoughlighttohighlightthe faceandmaybealittlebitofthe body.

Playwithshadowsandangles toadddrama.Oh,andusea tripodorsteadyyourcamera onsomethingtoavoid shaking.Itmighttakeafew tries,butit'sfun experimenting.Lowkey portraitsareallaboutmystery andmood,sogetcreative andhavefun!

Moodyphotosaresupercool! Theymakeyoufeelsomething, likeastoryorafeeling.It'slike magicinapicture!Moody photoshelpexpressemotions andsetamood.They'renot justpretty,they'repowerful. Theymakeyoustopandthink. It'sfuntotryandcapture differentmoodsinphotos. They'reawesome!



How to

The rule of thirds is a simple way to make photos look more interesting and balanced Imagine your photo divided into nine equal parts by two vertical and two horizontal lines This creates a grid with four intersection points These lines and points help you place the important parts of your photo in a way that makes it more engaging

First,let’stalkaboutthelines. Insteadofputtingyoursubject rightinthemiddle,tryplacingit alongoneofthelines.This couldbeatree,aperson,oreven thehorizon.Forexample,if you’retakingapictureofa beautifulsunset,placethe horizonalongthetoporbottom horizontalline,notinthecenter. Thismakesyourphotolook moredynamic.

Now,abouttheintersection points.Thesearewherethe linescrosseachother.These pointsarelikemagicspotsin yourphoto.Placing importantpartsofyour picture,likesomeone’seyes oracolorfulflower,atoneof thesepointsdrawspeople’s attentionrighttothem.This techniquecanmakeyour photomuchmoreinteresting.

Imagine you’re taking a picture of your friend holding a balloon. Instead of putting your friend in the center, move your camera so your friend stands along one of the vertical lines, and the balloon is near an intersection point. This way, your friend and the balloon will stand out more and make the picture look better.

Practicing the rule of thirds can be fun. Try moving around and looking at things from different angles. Use the grid on your camera if it has one, or imagine it in your head. Soon, you’ll start to see how using the rule of thirds makes your photos more exciting. It’s like a secret trick that helps you become a better photographer!




a great magazine cover

A great magazine cover captivates attention instantly It features a striking, high-quality image that resonates with the magazine's theme and audience, often using bold, vivid colors or a compelling composition The cover lines should be concise, engaging, and strategically placed to complement the visual without cluttering it Typography is crucial: a clean, readable font that aligns with the magazine's brand identity enhances the cover’s appeal

The masthead, or title, should be prominent and easily recognizable, maintaining brand consistency. Additionally, the cover should evoke curiosity, inviting readers to explore the content inside. Seasonal or topical relevance can add to its impact, making it timely and relatable. Balancing these elements with a touch of creativity ensures the cover not only stands out on the shelf but also effectively communicates the magazine's essence and entices potential readers.


Creativityinshootingstilllifeobjects thrivesonimaginationand experimentation.Beginbyselecting intriguingobjectswithvaryingtextures, colors,andshapestocreatevisualinterest. Playwithlighting—naturallightcanoffer asoft,organicfeel,whileartificial lightingallowsfordramaticshadowsand highlights.Experimentwithdifferent anglesandperspectivestofindunique compositions.Incorporateelementslike reflections,shadows,andnegativespace toadddepthanddimension.Propsand backgroundscantransformthenarrative, givinglifetoinanimateobjects.Consider thematicarrangementsorstorytelling setupstoevokeemotionsorconcepts. Lastly,don’tshyawayfrompostprocessing;adjustingcolors,contrast,and sharpnesscanenhancethemoodand artisticimpactofyourstilllife photography.


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